#oh my gosh oh my goodness gracious oh my good golly gee
skysteppe · 1 year
SHADOW THEE HEDGEHOG today at xx:xx pm class is basically over so im back SHADOW THEE HEDGEHOG today at xx:xx pm 🤧 i may have been gone for 15 mins but... i did my best... anyways here SHADOW THEE HEDGEHOG today at xx:xx pm verycoolhorsepics.png
A piece of digital art clearly done on a default app of some kind. Regardless, it was unnecessarily nice. A landscape, a bit impressionistic but most likely hindered by the medium. It's best to be impressionistic, just cohesive enough to be a detailed landscape but abstract enough for mistakes to hardly be mistakes. Although, it appeared he had given up halfway through and the right side of the piece was unfinished with just a few lines and instead was a poorly drawn horse to fill the void.
Davaa was well slumped in his seat, the lecture having gone on long; or at least felt that way. You know, the type of professor who gets derailed all too easily and starts a never ending anecdote about their life. Unrelated to the actual lesson of course! Class is basically over so time to shoot the shit with his brother in clout. / @s-essha
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fearandhatred · 3 months
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Alright thats it I'm going to see why people like Lawrence so much when Ren exists I'll post this once I'm done
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scoutandvioletfan · 3 months
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I'm grouchy. My gorgeous gooey gum is getting stuck all over the place. Gooey, gummy, I am My Name Is Gabby. Golly, my gooey gum got stuck on the garden gate. (POP) Good, now I can go again. Goodness, gracious, My Name Is Gabby. Oh grasshoppers, my gooey gum just got stuck in the green grass. (POP)Good, now I can go again. Great Scott, grapefruit, I am My Name Is Gabby. Oh goose feathers, my gooey gum just got stuck in the garbage can by the garage. (POP) Good, now I can go again. Gooey, gummy, goodness, gracious, Great Scott, grapefruit, gee. I got stuck again. (POP) My Name's Gabby, I've got gooey gum all over me.
Gooey gum, I've got gooey gum. I'm Gabby. I've got gooey gum. Gubble, bubble! I'm in trouble! I keep goofing with my gooey gum. Gooey gum, I've got gooey gum. I'm Gabby. I've got gooey gum. Gubble, bubble! I'm in trouble! I keep goofing with my gooey gum.I took my gooey gum out of my mouth And I laid it down on my bed. When I went to sleep, My gooey gum got stuck to the back of my head. Gooey gum, I've got gooey gum. I'm Gabby. I've got gooey gum. Gubble, bubble! I'm in trouble! I keep goofing with my gooey gum. When I stopped chewing my gooey gum, I stuck it on my puppy. My puppy jumped into the guppy bowl. Now my puppy is stuck to my guppy. Gooey gum, I've got gooey gum. I'm Gabby. I've got gooey gum. Gubble, bubble! I'm in trouble!I keep goofing with my gooey gum. I stuck it on my guitar string. Gosh, was that a goofy thing!I stuck it on the garden gate. Is that good? I know ... wait!I goofed! No good! There's got to be a better way. I goofed! No good!I guess I'll try another way. I've got it! I've got it! I'll keep my gooey gum in my mouth Until the flavor's gone. Then I'll drop it in the garbage can And put the cover on. I'll have no more goofing, No more gubble, bubble! No more trouble. No more goofing with my gooey gum. No more goofing, I'll be proud of me, I'm Gabby. No more goofing with my gooey gum. Gooey gum, gooey gum. Gooey gum, gooey gum. Gooey gum, gooey gum. Gooey gum, gooey gum.
[Spoken] Gabby: *Quietly repeating the soft G sound* Alfred and Duchess: Hey listen everybody. Do you hear a strange sound? Little Miss Cassie: Hey Gabby, what is that sound you are making? Gabby: Hi Little Miss Cassie, I'm making the sound of the next letter of the alphabet, the letter "G". Yeah, my name begins with the letter "G" and it makes that sound. G-g-george Little Miss Cassie: B-b-but my name begins with "G" too but it sounds like this, G-g-grover
Little Miss Cassie: "G", Grover Gabby: No. "G", Little Miss Cassie: Uh-uh, "G", garden Gabby: No no, "G", giant Little Miss Cassie: "G", gallop Gabby: "G", giraffe Little Miss Cassie: No, no I think this is right Georgie "G", golden Gabby: And "G", gentle Hey, Grover! Little Miss Cassie: What, Georgie? George: There are two "G" sounds Little Miss Cassie: I must agree There is "G", good guy Gabby: And "G", genius Little Miss Cassie: One sound for you And one sound for me Little Miss Cassie: "G", Grover Gabby: "G", George "G", Grover Little Miss Cassie: "G", George "G", George Gabby:"G"
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cubicpeebles · 2 years
Oh my goodness gracious golly gosh gee willikers I have an idea! What if you guys send me images of sea slugs using asks, and I make them into Slugcats!! They'd be so funky!
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Blue-Green Bruises
Remus gets into a fight, and Patton deals with the guilt.
Pairing: romantic intruality, platonic DLAMPR
Word count: 1552
Warnings: off-screen violence, bullying
Notes: a commission for @wanteddeadoreli, I hope you like it!
and thank you to my beta-reader, @trivia-goddess
Patton knew something was wrong the moment he approached their lunch table. Virgil was shifty-eyed and nervous-looking, while Roman was twiddling his thumbs and looking around the room in what he probably thought was a totally nonchalant way that Patton didn’t buy at all. Logan and Janus, of course, gave away absolutely nothing with their expressions, but that didn’t mean much.
Remus, glaringly, was nowhere to be found.
“Hey y'all!” said Patton, sliding in next to Roman and hip checking him to move down the bench and make room, “Why do you look super guilty and sneaky?”
Virgil yanked his hood up and turned up the volume on his music player with a furious blush, and Roman smiled nervously.
“No idea what you mean, Padre!”
“Remus got suspended,”
“Patton and Remus share seventh-period math, it is not as if he wouldn’t have figured it out in an hour and a half,” said Logan rolling his eyes.
“Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Patton, “What happened, is he okay? How long is he suspended? You don’t think they’ll try to expel him, this is the second time this year after he pulled that prank on the football team-”
“Easy, easy, Pat, take a breath,” said Roman, “He’s a little banged up, but he didn’t even need stitches.”
“He’s hurt!?”
“Smooth, Princey,” said Virgil with a wince.
“What happened?” Patton repeated hysterically.
“So...” said Virgil, looking pained, “He may, kind of, have possibly... started a fistfight with some guys who misgendered you, and then, uh- got his ass kicked.”
“Oh my goodness, oh my gracious, oh my golly gosh gee, I- I have to go, I have to go check on him-” said Patton hysterically, launching up out of his seat and already moving for the cafeteria door.
“Hey, hey, Sugar King, calm down!” said Roman, grabbing him by the wrist, “It won’t do anyone any good for you to get suspended too for ditching class. He took my car home, you can give me a ride to our house and see him as soon as the last period lets out, okay?”
“But he’s hurt!” wailed Patton.
“He’s just a little banged up,” Roman tried to soothe.
“Which is what he gets for starting a fistfight with three seniors twice his size, regardless of how much they deserved it,” snarked Logan.
“True, he should have brought a knife,” said Janus.
“You two are not helping,” hissed Roman.
Fretting his hands, Patton nippled on his lip, vibrating with worry.
“You’re sure he’ll be okay until school lets out?” he pressed.
“One hundred percent certain, Patton,” said Roman softly, “He spent maybe five minutes in the nurse's office and walked out with some bandaids. He’s fine. He’ll be okay if you sit through the rest of the school day.”
Patton pressed his fists to his mouth anxiously.
The rest of lunch was agony, and it was nothing compared to the rest of the school day. Patton couldn’t focus on anything, couldn’t take notes or doodle or do anything but anxiously watch the clock with bated breath waiting for school to let out so he could see for himself that Remus was okay, that he wasn’t hurt too bad, that he wasn’t in horrible pain and it was all Patton’s fault-
Remus would argue that, Patton was sure, but Patton was also sure that the main reason Remus had been so angry about the misgendering was because he caught Patton crying about it last week like a great big baby. If Patton had just bucked up instead of getting all weepy, Remus probably would have ignored them.
He was practically vibrating by the time class let out, rushing to his locker and cramming his homework – what little he remembered of it, having not been paying attention for half the day – haphazardly into his bag and sprinting into the parking lot.
Jingling his keys as he waited for Roman, Patton bounced on his toes and intensely scanned the crowd of students leaving looking for that shock of platinum-blonde hair. When he finally saw Roman break through the crowd, he scrambled into the car to start it, pulling out of the parking space practically before Roman had shut the door.
“Easy Speed Racer, the last thing we need is you to get a ticket in your haste to kiss your boyfriend's boo-boos.”
“I- Wh- He’s not my boyfriend!” sputtered Patton shrilly.
“Right, that’s why we’re breaking every traffic law in the city.”
Grumbling in embarrassment, Patton did try to slow down, lest Roman accuse him of more mortifying things.
Well. He slowed down a little.
Pulling into the twins' driveway, Patton killed the engine and practically leapt out of the car, not even grabbing his bag in his hurry. Pushing through the door without knocking – they always told him he could, but this was the first time Patton had ever taken advantage of it – he bounded up the stairs and finally through the open the door to Remus’s bedroom, panting from exertion.
Remus had been staring morosely at his homework on the desk when Patton entered, but as soon as he looked up his face cleaved into a brilliant smile and he scrambled to stand.
“I’m so sorry!” wailed Patton.
Remus’s smile went out like a candle doused in a whole bucket of water.
“Sorry?” he said incredulously, “I- why on earth are you sorry, you didn’t do anything.”
“I got you in trouble!”
“One, I got me in trouble,” said Remus, “I was fully under my own power when I decked Jake Beckham in the nose and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Would have kept doing it if his lackeys hadn’t pulled me off.”
“But you got hurt because of me!”
And Remus was hurt – it wasn’t as bad as Patton had been fearing, but it still wasn’t good. Remus’s eye was ringed in a dark black bruise that spread halfway down his cheek; he had a cut on his chin, and a nasty-looking scrape on his bicep that looked like road rash.
“I’m fine,” said Remus, even though Patton could see with his very own two eyes that he was very much super not fine, “And the only person who’s fault it is is those bastards. If they didn’t want a fist in the mouth they shouldn’t have been pricks.”
“It doesn’t bother me that much,” Patton lied, “You shouldn’t get into fights over it.”
“Bullshit,” said Remus, “Jake Beckham made you cry last week. That’s like, basically unforgivable. It’s like kicking a puppy. He deserved it and if he does it again I’ll punch him again, I don’t care how much they suspend me. They can expel me for all I care, he’s not getting away with it.”
“But I’m not worth all that-”
“You,” said Remus vehemently, “Are worth fucking everything.”
The silence stretched, thick and heavy with the weight of Remus’s words. He flushed faintly across the nose, reaching up to rub the back of his neck, but he didn’t take them back.
“I- I’m not,” said Patton softly.
“You are,” said Remus, staring firmly at the wall, his voice softer than Patton had ever heard it, “We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree, Cupcake.”
Flushing, Patton fidgeted a little.
“Let me see your cuts,” he blurted, coming over and herding Remus carefully back onto the bed. Remus went without protest, which was very unlike him, and Patton reached into his coat pocket and pulled out some band-aids and neosporin.
He worked in silence, focusing on the cuts and not the intensity of Remus’s eyes on his face. Patton dabbed neosporin onto the cut and peeled open the smaller bandage, sticking it over Remus’s chin. He did the scrape next, carefully since it looked tender and raw, and placed the bigger bandage over it before folding his hands nervously in his lap.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
“You’re the one who patched me up.”
“I meant for defending me,” said Patton, “I mean- I know I said you shouldn’t have done that, and you shouldn’t, because I really don’t want you getting in trouble and definitely not getting hurt for little old me, but- it. It means a lot to me, that you care about. About people being mean to me.”
“Of course I care,” said Remus incredulously, “Patton, you’re- you’re like the best person ever.”
“I- oh, stop,” muttered Patton, flustered.
“You are, you’re like- you’re like glitter, getting all over the place into cracks until it's impossible to get rid of and it makes every inch of your house and clothes and stuff happier and cooler.”
“Most people don’t like that about glitter.”
“Most people are idiots,” said Remus firmly, “About glitter and about you. You’re- you’re fucking wonderful Patton.”
Nibbling on his lip, Patton searched Remus’s expression for any kind of hesitance, any hint of a laugh. But Remus just looked back, defiant, his expression unwavering and his eyes shining with honesty.
“... I think you’re wonderful, too,” said Patton quietly.
Remus flushed a deep pink, laughing nervously.
“... Yeah?”
“Yeah,” said Patton, and he leaned in to kiss him.
Remus’s mouth was warm and candy-sweet, and when he cupped Patton’s face in his hands to return it, Patton felt like he really was made of glitter.
If you like this fic, and you feel like shooting me a little tip or present, I have a ko-fi and a wishlist! I also have a patreon where you can get prioritized Q&As, previews, voting power on the next fics I work on, and at higher tiers early access to rough drafts or guaranteed prompts!
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cotccotc · 3 years
oh pls oh pls oh pls oh pls oh PLS oh my goodness gracious gosh golly gee PLS look at this oh my
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ohhaveyouseenme · 3 years
Me: *thinks I am a total badass*
Also me: “golly!” “gee wizz!” “gosh!” “oh my!” “goodness gracious!”
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princessparfaiti · 2 years
I challenge you to be a good little subject and replace all of your curse words with alternatives like these!
Goodness gracious
My goodness
Golly gee
Oh my gosh
What in the world?
Heavens above!
Heavens to Betsy!
Pete's sake!
Oh brother...
Jeez Louise!
Oh dear...
I swear on my VHS copy of the third season of the Andy Griffith Show!
What in tarnation?
Suggest more below~
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froggiespit · 6 years
Are you lost ma’am? Because heaven is a long way from here!! Hope you have a wonderful day 💛
Oh my heart oh goodness gracious gosh golly gee 😍❤️
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