#oh no im getting all sappy :( gonna make myself cry like a fucking BABY ugh how embarrassing
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Your dad sounds like a beautiful person internally and externally.
my dad's the best guy in the world and im not exaggerating at all he is in fact a very cool dude and im lucky to call him my peepaw :)
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gayswithguitars · 2 years
Well, now that it’s been nearly 48 hours since I saw MCR, I should talk about it. This will likely be sappy and cheesy, I’m not apologizing.
The openers were hella fun, though I had to fill my mom in on what happened between Gabe Saporta and Mikey so that was fantastic.
Then this deafening static, the kind that shakes you to your teeth, it felt like ages but was probably only five minutes max.
Then they were there.
All four of them.
I can’t describe the rush of emotions that flooded me, shock, excitement, anticipation and most of all, pure joy.
If I could go back in time and tell my 12 year old self that one day I’d see MCR live, she’d burst into tears. If I told her that one day she’d see the whole emo trinity, she’d faint.
The Foundations of Decay starts, beautiful and haunting. I knew that night was going to be incredible when the stadium shook on the “So he gets to die a Saint but she will always be the whore!” part.
The song pulls to a close, and I’m shaking with happiness. Praying for my favorite songs to play.
BANG. THANK YOU FOR THE VEMON!!! This is easily my number one MCR song, it’s fast, it’s heavy, and seeing Mr. Toro rip it to shreds was absolutely wonderful.
So I’d think after these two fast, hard songs they’d play something slow, but iN COMES IM NOT OKAY. Again, my younger self would piss herself. God, it was so incredible.
Again, like a fool, I think a slower song will follow. Nope! Vampire Money! I started losing my voice around here. Oh! Gerard also sang “Get fucked in an airport bar.” So we had that going.
THIS IS HOW I DISAPPEAR!!!!! Beautiful, wonderful, served, I love her. Mwah.
Finally we get a little reprieve, Ah fuck, it’s Summertime. Look, don’t get me wrong, I love the song, but it’s about you know who. I’m gonna ignore that because G asked us to put our lights up, giggled and said it looked magical :)
Back to it! Cemetery Drive! Was there a tiny part of me praying Mikey would slip again? Maybe, you’ll never know.
Lights go off, it gets quiet. Gerard starts humming. “What are we? To him? To god? Our father, who art in heaven…”
BLAMO it’s Our Lady of Sorrows!!!!! Also I forgot to mention, Mikey was hella active with our section ugh He’s awesome.
Hang Em’ High starts! Gerard just wore a black shirt and pants but I wish him or Ray wore a cowboy outfit.
Boy Division starts, again, hearing a whole crowd together was awesome, especially the LA LA LA LA part.
Welcome To The Black Parade. What can I even say. Words can’t describe how moving it was to hear everyone singing together. This anthem. This banger. So beautiful.
Teenagers. Gerard said he didn’t like the song that much but they’ve got to play it I suppose. (Cough) though they could play MGATMK but that’s not my business.
I turn to my mom, smiling, this smile would quickly drop as I realized DESTROYA was starting. So yes, I had to watch Gerard Way moan with my mother. (Heavy sigh)
DEATHWISH!!!! How I love it, so fucking cool.
And from the heavens, my baby girl, Mama begins. Gerard literally pointed the mic at the crowd and told everyone to “Sing it!” at the gender part. I love them.
HOUSE OF WOLVES!!!! I had to delete my messages with my father to make room for storage here, do not regret it.
Na Na Na! My mom knew this one and said she really liked it live :) love you mom
Famous Last Words. I told myself I wouldn’t cry at this show. I was so SO wrong. They let the crowd sing the part after the guitar solo alone and I broke into tears, my makeup and I did not survive.
They left the stage as I sobbed, my mom staring at me wondering what the hell was wrong.
Ready for the encore? Good, buckle up.
Gerard announces the next song is for the king. Everyone says what the fuck. BOOM. VAMPIRES WILL NEVER HURT YOU. WHAAAAT.
Next up is Helena, so beautiful and perfect, I thought this would be the last song as it used to be.
Everyone left the stage except G, who was laying ass up on the stage.
My mom and I laughed, watching as he hopped up.
And then.
Every emotion I’ve felt in these rough few months came crashing down. I sobbed like a baby. Then it was over.
I am so thankful I got to see this show, it was genuinely life changing. I hope you all get to see them one day if you haven’t. It was just, wow, wow wow wow.
These guys saved my life, and I think they did it again last night. :)
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cryinggameff · 6 years
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Cayden and his friends were drinking and doing god knows what else while watching the game. I had agreed to let him host the party here, which i was kind of regretting because they were loud as hell and it made it hard to take my mid day naps. I had left for a bit to go and pick up some groceries so i could make some food for them to eat plus some snacks and such and now i was back home. I walked past going to put the stuff in the kitchen.
“Baby, you back?” Cayden said, getting up and coming to the kitchen.
“Yeah, just went to target,” I said, taking stuff out of the bag.
“How’s my baby?” He put his arms around me to grab my belly.
“Active. He’s been jumping around all day,” I sighed. He moved his hand around.
“That’s because he’s a little baller. Or maybe a gymnast if it’s a girl.”
“Mmhm,” i said, putting my hand over his. Somebody scored and the guys got all excited. We both looked over. I started taking stuff out the bags. Cayden removed his hands and started going back to the living area. I glanced at him and saw his jaw was locked and arms flexed. I was confused. He walked up to Rambo and smacked him on the back of the head.
“Damn man!” Rambo jumped. He turned around and Cayden grabbed the blunt that he must have just lit out of his mouth.
“I told your slow ass not to be smoking in my house when my wife is pregnant. Are you dumb?  That’s my kid you fucking with bruh,”
“My bad Cayden, I forgot,” he said quickly. “I’m sorry man,” he said. Everyone else looked to see what Cayden was gonna do. I already knew what he was planning to do and considering he was China’s man and what not i couldn’t have them falling out or that would make things awkward for all of us. I put the milk I was holding down. I reluctantly intervened.
“It’s ok baby,” i said to him from the kitchen. He looked up at me and I gave him a look to calm down and of course he listened and backed down. He just put the blunt out and came to throw it out in the kitchen. He came up behind me and wrapped an arm around me again.
“Sorry,” He said by my ear just so I could hear.
“It’s ok,” I said, leaning up to kiss him. I wasn’t mad, after all he was right, it was bad for the baby. Cayden had stopped smoking, around the house anyways, all together. It was cute how concerned he was about the baby. He kissed my shoulder and I giggled.
“She’s already pregnant dog, give it a break,” ty said as he came strolling in to the kitchen to open the fridge. I blushed but laughed.
“Hey! I just got those,” I complained. But nobody was listening. He was long gone and they had broken into a play fight, crashing on to the floor and rolling around like children. “You’re 26 years old,” I grumbled, picking my rolls off the floor.
I made some stuff for the guys and then took my food upstairs to eat and watch some shows.
I ended up falling asleep after eating, but woke up a few hours later with terrible heart burn. That was happening a lot now. I would take it over being nauseous 24/7 like in the beginning, but it was still very uncomfortable. I went downstairs to go find some tums and realised Cayden and his friends were gone. I looked at my phone real quick and Cayden had texted me saying he was gonna go in to work. I got some tums and some milk and went back to the bedroom. I decided to give Cole a call because i hadn't talked to him in a while.
"Hi Colebear,"
"Hey lil mama. How you doing?" he asked.
"Im ok, just tired and sick all the time," i complained.
"That sounds horrible," he said. "How much longer you got anyways? Tryna make sure im there when the baby gets here."
"Still have like 4 months. Im ready for it to be over, and i just wanna hold my baby already." I groaned in frustration.
"When we gon find out if its a boy or girl? How am i supposed to buy them some swag if i dont know?"
"I was supposed to find out a while ago but i kept missing my appointments. Im going in a few days, should find out then."
"Word? aight keep me posted."
"I will," i said, "so whats up with you and Ty. He came to my house a week ago and from what he said yall had some drama when he visited." I was being nosy as usual.
"Aint no drama," he mumbled.
"What did you do?" i asked in an accusing tone. He sighed.
"I may have iced him out a little."
"Why?" i asked, confused.
"Things were getting...intense."
"Thats how a relationship works Cole," i pointed out.
"I know," he said simply. I smiled a little bit.
"I get it. I was the same way when Cayden and i started getting serious. It terrified me. It's scary to love someone."
"So what did you do?" He asked.
"Well Cayden didn't really give me an option to run. He followed me every time, " i laughed. "Eventually i just got tired of trying to run away and i just dove in. Now i'm married to the fool and carrying his baby."
"Diving in sounds terrifying."
"It is," i bit my lip, thinking back to when Cayden and i were still dating. "But its worth it."
"Ugh. I cant with this sappy shit right now. Im bout to go to practice and i dont need to be in my feelings while tackling a bunch of dudes."
"Okay fine, ill drop it for now. But you need to just accept you love him and move on. Don't overthink it," i said seriously.
"okay mom."
"Oh God, can you imagine someone is gonna be calling me that soon," i said, more to myself.
"I can see you as a mom. You always taking care of people or helping them fix their lives, even when they didnt ask," he laughed.
"What can i say, i dont know how to mind my business," i shrugged.
"Lowkey im the same," he said. "But i gotta go."
"Okay babe, have a good practice. Ill talk to you later." He said bye and then i hung up.
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"Yo, How's the shipment going?" I asked him, referring to a deal i had going with Sean. He was organising the order while i handled the logistics and such.
"Man i don't think we have enough here. We gotta bring some from the other warehouse. I was gonna call Pat but i wanted to run it by you," he got up and i followed him out to the balcony looking down to the rest of the warehouse. It was busy with niggas at work like usual, organised by product.
"What he want?" i asked.
"Coke mostly, but he talking about he got some guy wants a bunch of crystal. We got 10, 20 pound max here," he said, nodding at the back of the room where the guys were breaking and weighing a fresh batch.
"Who the fuck wants to buy that much crystal?" My brows came together.
"Man who knows, thats your boy, ask him. Im just saying, thats pretty much all our supply from both warehouses, and we have one cook" he said. I nodded because he was right, but that wasn't my biggest concern. It was just weird to me that Sean was suddenly moving crystal when he had never before. I couldn't help think back to the time Randi asked if Sean could be trusted and wondered if she was on to something.
"Dont call Pat. Not yet anyways. Imma have a little meeting with Sean first," i decided.
"Got it," he nodded.
"By the way, thanks for checking on Randi while i was gone," i said. He shrugged.
"Uncle duties and what not," he smirked, "how she doing anyways? You weren't playing when you said she was emotional."
"She tired all the time, i feel bad. She go off on you?" I laughed.
"Nah, just crying and shit. I don't know how you do it."
"Ill take crying over when she gets angry."
"True," Ty nodded. I checked my watch.
"I gotta go find Keisha, i need her to get Sean here. I aint going to Cali, i just got back," i looked around a bit.
"She was here with Kassie earlier, training and what not. How you get her to come back anyways?" he raised a brow.
"I begged," i chuckled. " Why? you still got a crush on her? Thought you were all about the D now."
"Fuck you Cayden," he said, turning to go back to his office. I laughed and went off to find Keisha.
I ended up just calling Keisha from my office and she came up.
"Hey, sorry, Kassie was showing me around. She just left," she said.
"It's all good. I need you to do something for me though. 2 things actually."
"Sure, what is it?" she pulled out a pen and notepad.
"I need you to get Sean here. ASAP."
"Got it," she nodded.
"Also i need you to book me a trip, for 2. Jamaica, not business. Anytime in the next month or so," i looked up from my phone calendar.
"I'll get right on it..." she paused. "It's sweet. I mean, im assuming it's for your wife."
"Yeah it is. Gotta keep her happy," i shrugged. She smiled. Then she seemed to remember something and pulled out her phone
"Oh before i forget, the accountant is coming tomorrow. Just a reminder. Also, your calendar says its Ty's birthday soon, do you want me to arrange anything?"
"Remind me an hour before tomorrow. Get a gift for me, Randi is doing the rest. She throws unnecessary parties, its kind of her thing," i rolled my eyes.
"Okay then. Ill go start on this," she said, turning for the door.
"How was the training by the way?" i asked. Kassie had been here the whole time i was gone, showing her the ropes
"Good. She was really nice. She had a lot of great things to say about you. But i'm not surprised, you're a nice guy Cayden. I cant tell you how much this job means to me, my son too," she brushed her golden curls aside. "I mean i made decent money at the club, but...this is a lot better," she bit her lip. I nodded.
"You should have called me, I always cared about you Keisha," i smiled at her gently seeing her get emotional. She was all tough exterior, it was rare to see this side of her.
"I was embarrassed," she shrugged.
"You aint gotta be. How people make money is none of by business. Bur don't worry, i pay my assistants a lot. You gotta put up with my ass, just wait, you'll be sick of me soon." She laughed.
"Thanks Cayden," she smiled.
"You're welcome," i said simply. She left and closed the door behind her.
Once she was gone i called Randi to check on her.
Cayden called me just after id gotten off with Cole. He asked how i was and then he was telling me about what he was doing and when he would be home. Then i heard someone talking in the background, it wasn't a guy though, it was a female voice.
“Who is that” I said.
“Who’s who?” He asked. I sat up straighter in the bed chair.
“The chick talking in the back ground,” i said. I couldn't think of any reason for there to be a girl in his office at the warehouse. I knew there were a few girls who were involved in selling and what not but Cayden didn't spend time talking to pedlars or people lower in the chain, he handled all the big time stuff. I started to wonder if he wasn't really at the warehouse but i didn't see why he would lie.
“Keisha,” he said, as if that meant anything. “My assistant.”
“When did you get an assistant? You don’t like anyone, how’d you even pick someone.”
“I told you months ago that I needed an assistant baby,” he reminded me. This was true but still.
“Hm,” I said simply.
“So we good then? I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said.
“Okay,” i said, hanging up. I had been too annoyed to say bye or I love you.
Why would he get an assistant without telling me? If that even was his assistant. I knew there was always random girls walking around that definitely weren’t assistants, the business kind anyways. I wondered what this Keisha girl was assisting Cayden with and my blood started to boil. I tried to not be this person but pregnancy also had me a bit mentally unstable and I wasn’t particularly confident right now. Was Cayden fooling around with another girl because i was becoming the size of a whale? I panicked and started to get up off the bed and pulled on a sweater.
I wasn’t really sure what I was doing until i was driving for 20 minutes and leaving the city to go towards the warehouse. I never came here on my own and I started to second guess myself as I pulled up and security immediately posted up. I got out of the car and locked it. One of the guys looked familiar though and I was pretty sure I’d seen him before.
“Are you lost shawty?” Another guy said, licking his lips in a disgusting way and looking down at me. I was about to release all my fury on him when the familiar guy spoke up.
“That’s Cayden’s wife you idiot” he said. The previous guy shrunk back.
“My bad,” he said quickly, head down.
“Should i get Cayden for you?” The familiar guy asked. I shook my head.
“I know my way,” I said, motioning to the door. They paused but moved out of the way. I adjusted my cardigan and went in. People stared at me because i rarely came period let alone on my own. Also I was pretty pregnant now which drew attention. I went upstairs to the offices and stopped in front of Cay’s. I debated whether or not to knock then decided against it. I opened the door and walked in.
Cayden looked up and his face went very confused when he saw me. He was in the chair and a girl stood beside him, bent over and pointing to the computer screen.
“Randi? What the fuck are you doing here?” He said. My face must not have looked happy because he quickly got up. “I mean is everything ok? Is it the baby?” He came over and put a hand to my lower back. I immediately checked his hand for the wedding band which was there.
“The baby’s fine,” I said, looking him over for lipstick, makeup, anything.
“What’s going on then?” He asked. I looked up at the girl standing and starring at us. Cayden looked up. “Keisha can you give me a minute with my wife,” she stood for a minute looking which was strange but then she shuffled out. I was looking around his office looking for any signs of anything messy when Cayden put a hand to my cheek. “Baby, What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” I mumbled, feeling like the biggest fool.
“You drove all the way up here for nothing. Nah,” he shook his head. I choked up, I couldn’t say I came because I thought you were cheating.
“I don’t feel good,” I lied. I did feel sick to my stomach all of a sudden but more out of guilt. Guilty that I’d thought he’d do something like that and also because the way he looked worried now that he thought I was sick.
“Maybe I should take you to the hospital,” he said, feeling my forehead.
“No I’ll be okay,” I said quickly. “I think I just need to go home,”
“I’ll take you,” He said “someone will come pick me up after.” I agreed. He held me all the way out of his office and down the stairs. Once we got in the car I was still thinking about the fact that he got an assistant and didn’t tell me. That was still sketchy, cheating or not.
“How do you know her?” I asked.
“Keisha?” He asked. I waited for him to lie because honestly I already knew the truth. I was simply testing him.  “Being 100, we used to fuck but it was a long time ago, and we were actually friends.”
“So is that why you didn’t tell me?” I asked.
“This about to be a problem isn’t it?” He asked. “Wait? Is that why you drove all the way down here?” Well shit.
“Well I heard a girl in your office,” I said, defending myself. He turned to face me then.
“And you automatically assumed I was what? Cheating?” He looked upset. I was supposed to be the one angry. “You don’t even trust me huh? Still,” he shook his head. When he put it like that he made it sound bad.
“It’s not like that-“
“What’s it like? You came running, so that’s what you thought.”
“Well...” I started. “Normally I wouldn’t be scared but look at me,” i gestured at myself. “I don’t look tight and right at the moment. And don't eve play me like you didn't just hire a girl you used to sleep with and not tell your wife about it.”
“You’re insane Randi. You’ve lost your mind. I ain’t even gon fight you cause you carrying my kid.” I got frustrated and was fighting the urge to break into tears so i just glared out the window for the ride home.
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