#oh to be the one Giyuu chases after an argument
kakushino · 4 months
hello can i get a giyuu x reader angst , like where giyuu had an argument with the reader , but it turns out the reader is pregnant? you can add any other plot twist cus i love plot twists thank you !<3
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Tomioka Giyuu x Fem! Reader
He had lost a lot of people in his life by his own making. He refused to lose you too.
Tags: pregnancy, arguments, blood mention, abortion mention (no actual abortion), hurt/comfort Word count: 2k
AN: Hope you enjoy it! I actually had a WIP of an argument + making up before, so I got to revisit it and add the pregnancy spice you asked for hehe~ Huge thanks to my dearest beta reader @glitchtricks94 for helping me clear it up (o゜▽゜)o☆ another huge thanks to @starrierknight for brainstorming with me
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Giyuu’s injuries weren’t worse than normal, but that didn’t stop you from fretting over him – especially when he had a gash on his cheek, the same cheek you kissed a week ago when he was leaving for his mission. It made your chest feel tight to see his pretty face marred by demons. Your grandmother was surely rolling in her grave that such a classical beauty was hurt, the thought spurred you on to care for him.
No detail went unnoticed under your eye. He seemed tired, as usual, and a little stressed, as usual too - just a regular morning after slaying demons.
You sat him down at a western style dining table with a medical kit and supplies to clean the cuts with next to you. Your hands shook slightly when the damp cloth wiped away grime and blood, your lips pressed together when a fresh drop of blood oozed from the wound.
“You need to be more careful,” you murmured as you worked, the statement automatic, thoughtless.
Giyuu’s whole body stiffened. “Or what?”
You froze in place, your hand dipping the cloth in warm water. This was a new tone of his – a new way words could cut you if he wanted you to hurt: it was rough, serrated, mean. “What?”
He rolled his shoulders back a little, rearing for a fight. “You heard me the first time.”
You clenched your hand, leaving the rag in the water, and turned to fully face him. “Why are you so defensive? I meant no harm,” you replied, trying to calm the storm before it fully set in.
He stood abruptly, nearly knocking the chair he had sat in over. The look he shot you sent your heart galloping in your chest, from fear or indignation, you didn’t know. “You’ve done enough. Leave me be.”
Did he like you like this? Was the hurt in your eyes enough? That was – did he like the way it glinted, the way it caught the light? Hours upon hours spent on making your suffering pretty, and perhaps now it would pay off. He could cut you down into something pretty if he wanted to, and maybe you would let him.
Before he could walk away, before he could twist the rusty blade, you rose from your seat, “I have done nothing to warrant this tone with me, Tomioka Giyuu. Now tell me-“
"Stop bothering me," he cut you off, heading towards the door.
A violent whirlpool of emotion threatened to drown you, and for once, you let go. “You- you oaf! I can’t stand you being like this! What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect,” he snapped, voice like a viper and words just as stinging. “Or at least it would be if I didn’t have you nagging me every time. I’ve been through this enough to know what to do with myself. Unlike you who sits here all pretty and safe and fat, ready to wrap a bandage and call it a day.”
You flinched, for the first time in your husband’s presence, tears springing from your eyes, which you rapidly blinked away. What have I ever done to deserve this? You had waited on your hands and knees for this man every time he’d come home battered and bruised and broken and put him back together, without complaining, with love. This was what you got in return for your devotion? Pretty and useless. That’s what he basically called you.
Your throat tightened. You hardly had the energy to respond so you turned away and just… left. You couldn’t continue listening to Giyuu when he sounded so much like… like Shinazugawa. Whatever was bothering him best be left alone to cool off before you could talk about it.
You nodded to yourself as you packed an overnight bag. Some time apart would be good for you both. You knew he wouldn’t be sent out on a mission for a few days again, since he just returned from a longer stint, so you would come back tomorrow and try to resolve it then.
It was time for a check-up with a midwife anyway.
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He had really said all that.
And you left.
Your eyes filled with tears, and you left, as you should. He had treated you like garbage.
There was no going back, no taking back his idiocy, no swallowing back his words.
‘Let's stop fighting’ was at the tip of his tongue. ‘Come here and let me hug you’ nearly spilled from his lips. ‘I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry’ choked him up as you walked away.
He knew you were right. You did nothing wrong.
He felt nothing.
He was worth nothing.
Giyuu picked up the shards of his heart up and finished cleaning up his wounds. A short bath later, he walked into the kitchen to find food already made for him, now long gone cold. It just reminded him how much he butchered his relationship by what – stress and tiredness? A demon taunting him right before its death? If so little shook him up, did he even deserve to be with you?
A sharp pain pierced his heart at the thought of leaving you. His selfishness truly knew no bounds, hurting you and putting you in danger for being a Hashira’s partner yet wanting you to remain by his side.
After eating his portion, he made tea and waited to see if you would join him. There was no movement in the house at all; were you in your shared bedroom, laying in bed as you were used to when upset? He would give you time to cool off, give himself time to breathe, and then he would approach you with a clearer head. He needed to apologize.
One hour. Two hours.
Had he angered you so much that you wouldn’t come out? Your spats had never lasted this long.
The tea had long grown cold, but Giyuu couldn’t bring himself to make more. There were no sounds coming from the house.
Were you even here?
The thought jolted him from his seat, quickly walking to your shared bedroom.
“I’m coming in.”
He somehow expected it, though he’d hoped against it. You weren’t there.
Already turning to check all other rooms, he called out your name. His pace was brisk, his throat starting to clog up with a familiar emotion. Claws of anxiety sunk into his stomach, his heart beat like a drum, his lungs struggled to take in air. You weren’t there.
Where were you?
He ran through the whole estate and back two times but came up with no clue as to where you were. Panic mounted, crawling up his spine like a spider he couldn’t shake away.
Giyuu slammed the gate of his home open, very nearly running into his elderly neighbour.
She was hardly phased, though confused by his frazzled visage. “Tomioka-san? What’s got you in such a hurry, young boy?”
“Have you seen my wife?!” he’d never been as rude as he was now, but you were gone so what was he supposed to do?
“Your wife? Oh, that’s right, I saw her. If I recall, she was on her visit… hmm, who was she going to visit?” his neighbour mused. Giyuu waited with all the patience Urokodaki beat into him, that was – quite impatiently. “Oh right! A midwife! I was very surprised when-“
He stopped listening, or rather, he stopped hearing anything going on around him. A midwife? A midwife was a profession with a very specific set of skills for a very specific group of people… Did that mean-?
“Isotani-san,” Giyuu interrupted, breathless, eyes wide with surprise. “Are you saying my wife is pregnant?”
She squinted at him, “You didn’t know?”
It felt as if lightning came from clear skies and struck him. Every nerve itched with some kind of energy telling him to move.
He later vaguely remembered asking his neighbour for the direction you left in, but at the time, he saw nothing, and felt everything all at once.
Were you going to… terminate it? Were you going to tell the midwife, and would she terminate it? Was the midwife going to terminate it and help you move on? Would you move on without him?
Thoughts racing, heart galloping, Giyuu felt feverish. He stumbled back, deaf to his neighbour’s concerned questions as he turned the way you had left just hours ago. One foot in front of the other, a step by step, getting faster with each meter he passed until he was running nearly as fast as Uzui, desperation spurring him on.
Kanzaburo flew overhead, and when he cleared the village bounds, he called out to get the crow to lead him to you.
Time was of the essence. He may have botched his life, but he was too selfish to let go of you. He wanted, no- needed to get you back. You were his love, his soul, his home. He wouldn’t be able to go on if you left.
He felt crazed, desperate, as he ran.
Giyuu would have been faster had he not have to follow Kanzaburo but he wouldn’t be able to find you alone. He felt as if he was racing against the time. Any minute now, you would be in a the midwife’s home, waiting for the release from his clutches; any second now, you would sever the only tactile link you had to him – your baby.
His baby.
He swore, his mind supplementing him with your argument. It had been all his fault, he’d just lashed out because of nothing, like a toddler throwing a tantrum. How childish he’d been – and he was supposed to be a father? No, he wanted to be a father. He’d fix himself and he’d support you and he’d even carry you your whole pregnancy, so you didn’t have to walk. He’d learn to cook more than the basics to feed you and your baby.
Please, let me be in time.
Then he saw you.
The whole world seemingly froze, grey and empty save for you.
You were a pearl amongst rocks, still as beautiful as the first day he saw you, as beautiful as you were on your wedding day.
Giyuu didn’t stop, even as you turned to him in surprise when he called your name. He didn’t stop until he had you in a soul-crushing hug, tight and near bruising – one he immediately eased up on, since he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Calm down, Giyuu! What’s going on?”
“D-don’t-“ he stumbled over his words, still frantic and breathing heavily, “don’t get rid of it!”
You were confused, “Get rid of what?”
His hands were heavy clutching onto your clothes, his frame nearly hanging onto you. “Our – our child,” he gasped out. “Isotani-san told me you were- she told me you were pregnant.” His words came out in a rush, eyes wide as he stared at you, his pupils darted all over your face for a sign of – of anything, be it forgiveness, anger, sadness, anything.
Looking at him in such a state, near quivering in his spot, you felt powerful. Giyuu was at your mercy for once. You could topple him as easily as a sandcastle, crush him under your boot and grind down to juice him of all that made him who he was. It made you realize you held just as much power over him as he did over you. Oddly, you felt reassured - of his love, of your love, of the relationship. 
Heart hammering in your chest, cheeks filling with warmth, the adoration you carried in your heart spilled over and pooled in your stomach. You hungered for more of this power, positively starved to sink your teeth into him and drain him.
But that could wait.
“I am indeed pregnant,” you confirmed, your hands resting on his arms, thumbs stroking soothing lines over his muscles. You paused, letting the seconds painfully stretch out, “I’m not terminating the pregnancy.”
His whole being sagged with relief. Giyuu fell to his knees in slow motion, his hands sliding down your yukata to rest over your hips, now clutching the fabric there with a weak grip. “Thank gods…” he rasped out, his breathing stuttered as if holding back sobs. “Please, love, let’s not- I apologize – I apologize for everything. I shouldn’t have lashed out. I was wrong…”
His impossibly blue eyes met yours, the surface glistening with unshed tears, his guilt bitter but his plea tasting sweet on your tongue. Saliva gathered in your mouth, wanting more.
Did that make you a bad person?
“You dismissed my concern,” you stated, fighting back any expression wanting to take over your face. “You said I nag you. You called me useless.” And pretty, your mind supplied. He’d also called you fat, so there was that. “I didn’t deserve that.”
Giyuu’s lips were downturned, “You didn’t. I was an oaf.” His admission did nothing to soothe the ache he’d given you. “I’m willing to take whatever punishment you deem worthy of my misdeeds.” He let go of your yukata, smoothing over the wrinkles he made. He didn’t know what to do with himself, trying not to fidget as you rolled his actions and words in your mind.
“There will be no punishment,” you told him. If possible, he became even more tense, the need for absolution great. Perhaps no punishment would be a punishment of itself. “But don’t think you’re entirely forgiven. I accept your apology; you however have to make up for it your own way.” You studied his earnest expression, brows slightly furrowed as he started thinking about ways to win you back. It shouldn’t be too hard. He did it once, he could do it again.
Giyuu slowly stood up, taking your hands in his. “I won’t disappoint you, love,” he said resolutely, kissing your fingertips softly. He adored you, with his whole heart, mind and body.
Everything would work out – just like the ice always melts and clouds disperse, a typhoon passes and the sea calms.
“If you pull this act again, I’m leaving.” You glared at him for a second to get your point across. Giyuu nodded and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
He almost lost you and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
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Thanks for reading! Reblog or comment if you liked it :3
Networks: @enchantedforest-network @themovingcastlez
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imraespace · 2 months
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Today's stream is quite different.
Instead of in your room, playing a video game, you are right now streaming as you made your way to your friend's cafe.
"We're here!" You said as you turned your camera towards the building then made your way inside.
The smile of your friend was the first thing your fans saw as you enter the cafe.
"Oh you're here!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she saw you entered with your camera pointed towards her.
In the cafe, Mitsuri had already set up a small station for you all to stream at, and actually that's where everyone is right now. Minus Mitsuri.
You nodded as you both made your way in the kitchen.
What are you all about to do?!
The whole point of turning your friends into streamers was to help out with the cafe so you had the perfect idea to bake in the cafe! On stream of course.
As soon as the both of you entered the kitchen, that's when the magic started to happen.
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After setting up the camera and a lot of talking, everyone was ready.
"What are we even making?" The boy beside you asked as he stared at the items on the table.
"A cake!" Mitsuri answered Muichiro.
"A what.." He answered back.
"We are all making a cake..?" You asked.
You thought that it were going to be something simple like cookies.
"Yep!" She said with a bright smile.
"That's gonna be alot of cake." You said to yourself.
"It will be the cafe's special when the fans visit." She said.
It was going smoothly, everyone followed Mitsuri's instructions until Sanemi had something to say.
"Obanai, you took my food coloring." He said as he stared at the man next to him.
"Why would I take your food coloring.." Obanai mumbled as he looked for this food coloring Sanemi claimed he stole.
"Because you're next to me and it's not here."
"..So..?" Obanai eyebrow raised a bit.
They both stared at each other for a bit. It looked like a fight in the wild west was about to start.
"Sanemi is your food coloring that one on the floor?" Shinobu entered the conversation.
"..It is." He mumbled as he picked it up but in doing so he accidentally knocked off Obanai's cake mixture and it fell on the table.
"Oh god.." You mumbled as you stopped stirring to witness the mess.
Obanai was obviously pissed and Sanemi was pissed for some odd reason when he was the one who knocked it down..
"Can your bowl watch where it's going?"
"Haha bend down somewhere else-"
Your words were silenced by the random shouting of words from both parties that deafen everyone else.
The whole argument had everyone giggling and Mitsuri tried to break it up.
Your eyes made it to the chat on your phone and saw that they were entertained by the comedy fest that's happening so you threw flour at them. For fun.
Sanemi shouted as the flour hit his face and got into his eyes as he ran towards you but your best friend ever Muichiro! Wasn't having it and threw flour on the floor, causing him to slip but pulled you down with him.
Instead you shoved it in his throat! I'm kidding, you didn't.
No one can see it but you both are now on the floor fighting each other as Muichiro debated if he should dump his cake mixture on Sanemi to save you or save it.
He decided to dump a bit on him, the cold mixture made him let out a surprised noise as you pushed him off.
"LET ME FINISH BAKE MY CAKE." You shouted as he chased you around.
Muichiro gave up and decided to use your mixture and made the cake.
Alongside Shinobu and Giyuu who wasn't in the mess, Gyomei was behind them as Tengen watched the show.
Sadly, poor Mitsuri was now chasing behind you both as Obanai cleaned up his mess.
Wonderful stream!
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The commotion has died down and you were now helping Muichiro bake your cake.
Before you both began to bake, you had spilt the mixture and added teal and F/C food coloring in each and baked them.
Now the cake has two layers and covered in white frosting.
"What can we add on this cake?" You asked Muichiro as he gave you candy.
"Add these." He said.
"..Candy on cake?"
"Okay don't add them." He said as he ate some.
"WAIT NO! I want some as well." You said as you snatch the piece out of his hand and ate it.
You both decided to add more decorations on the cake and added sprinkles and boom it's finished.
For the others, Sanemi gave up and Obanai joined in with Mitsuri to bake a cake together.
Shinobu, Giyuu and Tengen already had their cakes made.
Gyomei was here for moral support!
So in the end there was five cakes added as specials for that week and after that, the cakes were going to be added to the Cafe's menu!
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