#oh wait no it's america
ask-aph-axis · 1 year
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meanwhile, with the Allies…
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Watching a movie, called "Army of Thieves." I have not heard of this film before. Netflix suggested it based on my last watch (Mr. Right). The summary as presented on Netflix:
"A cool, crafty thief assembles a crew of Interpol's most-wanted criminals for an impossible heist. Her ace in the hole? A nerdy bank teller named Dieter."
Things the summary does not mention: This is a zombie apocalypse film. There are zombies on the news and in the halls. It is a prequel to Army of the Dead.
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loenas · 6 months
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Niina Petrõkina the first Estonian figure skater to win a Gran Prix medal 🇪🇪🥉
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thealogie · 8 months
Waiting for David Tennant at the stage door just to slip him a detailed 10 year plan of all the theatre he and Michael Sheen need to do both together and separately. I say “you’re welcome” and disappear into the night
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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caller / receiver
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wildflowerteas · 20 days
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chaoter 3 reactions. I am GOING to get her reading faster I need to but tonight it is unfortunately only chapter 3
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tals ( is that tals? ) responding to that bit about akutagawa made me laugh out loud because . . . hindsight. or whatever. really can't wait for the big tonal shift at chapter 6/7 . . . and the uh. thing. in 9 ( i'll gladly wait the weeks it will take for hella to get there ).
also how you and tals aren't beside yourselves with laughter knowing what's to come is truly beyond me. i'll also try to include more soukoku fluff ( shin-soukoku has been taking up all of its word-count real estate lately ) so long as it remains plot compatible :,)
ty guys.
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steveybucky · 1 month
history books probably: Captain Rogers was the embodiment of a perfect soldier
Steve Rogers actually: with all due respect sir go fuck yourself
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mister-anomaly · 1 year
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drew this a while back for valentines :] thought id throw it here hehe
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void-imp · 7 months
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at some point during the story jab gets a job at spirit halloween (he's a broke college student he needs money. no he's not gonna leech on his parents anymore he's a big boi who makes his own money) it's nice because people don't question his appearance but on a deeper level it still fucks him up because they think it's a costume
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moe-broey · 3 months
Having Stored In A Mobile Game Autism is so fucking hard I'm fighting for my life out here. There are so many mainseries FEs on consoles out there but noooooooo. Fire Emblem. Heroes
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ceasarslegion · 7 months
Some of the takes ive seen about the situation in israel/palestine right now tells me that a concerning amount of tumblr users would fall for terrorist groups if they were led by a queer person and that is not a good thing
Like if your first response to the bombing of civilians is "well they were citizens of a colonizing country so their deaths were justified" then you need to seriously think about if you actually give a shit about the wellbeing of people or winning an argument over where you lie on a false black and white dichotomy. Jesus christ guys
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chappellrroan · 6 months
this house is so fun when it's just us kids and no parents
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thewingedwolf · 8 months
Do you think Jared’s problem with America comes from him going for Cory instead of him even though he said he’s not into the Americas of the world? He sees her so much and it makes no sense and he hates her and Cory together a lot also. He talks about the two of them so negatively while also saying you know I love Cory and it doesn’t add up. How can you love him and be saying such nasty shit about the two of them? What is his deal?
i think he really wanted cory to play the little brother role and is badly adjusting to little brother being able to pull a baddie without his help. i really think it’s as simple as his ego taking a dent and bc he’s in the game, he can sit there and stew about it and turn what is 100% his ✨emotional reaction✨ into everyone else’s problem.
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capn-o-my-soul · 2 months
was trying to find an image for "the pledge of allegiance" to fill space on a slide presentation for school and found this reddit post 😭😭
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"this is bait" well at least they're self-aware 😭
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chikaalien · 11 months
Esto no es una entrada anti Sam, sino más bien un análisis muy breve sobre el pickme girl y como Sam es un gran ejemplo de eso
Por lo cual, no es halagador con ella
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Hay dos cosas que vi recientemente: Danny Phantom y el significado del término Pick me girl.
El término pick me girl hace referencia a la chica que dice "Elígeme" "no soy como las demás chicas". Es la chica que a diferencia de las chicas "tontas y superficiales" o "huecas e interesadas" es una chica que actúa diferente al resto, que es culta e interesante, que entiende de deportes y videojuegos, que no le importa comer las calorías de más de unas hamburguesas.
Y luego está Danny Phantom, una serie en transmisión del 2004 al 2007 en EEUU y la cual siendo sincera, no ha envejecido bien. Ni por su creador (es un narcisista cultista), ni por sus personajes.
Para empezar y sin ahondar mucho, estos son adolescentes escritos en los 2000s y muy influenciados por los 90s, y créanme hay muchas cosas de las que actualmente somos conscientes de lo mal que están; como por ejemplo Danny metiéndose al baño de chicas, Tucker cosificando a chicas y aprovechándose de su vulnerabilidad, y Sam oh Sam, ay Sam.
Cuando era una niña, amaba a Sam, adoraba a Sam, era tan cool tan oscura, a veces quería sonar igual de culta que ella, podrían gustarme Ember o Desirée, pero era Sam la chica adolescente a la que podía aspirar ser.
Pero (y por si acaso no ha quedado claro) lamento decir que mi querida y ex favorita Sam es nada más y nada menos que una pick me girl y a continuación explicaré porqué:
-Sam desprecia totalmente a todas las chicas, desde la superficial de Pauina hasta la bien intencionada Jazz, no hay ninguna chica a quién no considere indeseable, ni siquiera después de trabajar con Jazz llega a respetarla por completo -Es una genio de los videojuegos y una atleta impresionante, Sam no pierde el tiempo en maquillaje y música comercial, está muy ocupada siendo una chica que es muy pro en los videojuegos. -No tiene ninguna amigA y siendo sincera creo que es porque ninguna de las chicas aceptaría el ambiente hostil donde cada desición que tome no la complazca -Apuntando al punto anterior es una chica entre dos amigos varones, que son bastantes cuestionables en varios puntos pero sobre todo en su cosificación de las mujeres, tanto que Sam no era considerada como una como para que pudieran respetarla, aunque a veces ella reclamara esto no es tan seguido como quisiera
Hay otros puntos cuestionables que tengo con respecto a este personaje (que actualmente me parece más una whitexican "good vibes" que una activista vegana), pero eso es un tema para otro dia. ¿La sigo quieriendo? sí, pero por pura nostalgia, mi nueva favorita es Jazz. Tampoco busco crucificrla porque para mi el pick me girl es una fase que por la heteronormatividad y el amor romántico pasamos muchas, que conlleva una rivalidad que no debería existir, pero ya es decisión y la madurez de cada una el seguir ahí o admitir que realmente ser como las otras chicas no es malo y te aleja de una vida solitaria y hasta peligrosa.
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everiistence · 10 months
waaagh... fangirling over the oppenheimer movie but in the most embarrassing ways possible... scrolled through list of roles and saw feynman and fermi show up and audibly screamed...
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