#ohanrahan fallout
number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
I love Fallout: New Vegas and I actually have ocs for the game that aren’t the Courier and that relate to side characters cuz that’s much more fun than main character bs:
Nero - Champion of Flagstaff
A Centurion from the 47th tribe inducted into Caesar’s Legion, The Pale Eyes, a small tribe from the ruins of Española, New Mexico
He is the oldest child of his father, a former chieftain of The Pale Eyes, Silenus, and his younger brother, Ex Legionary-in-training Lucretius aka NCR Private Poindexter
He is proud of his legion rank and status but he does not fully believe in the Legion, he is only truely aligned with Lucius and will do what he asks without quarry
Nero is feared by his men within Flagstaff, he gained his rank of Centurion when he impressed Praetorian Guard Lucius (Before he became the Commander of the Guard) when he fought in the Flagstaff Arena when he was a Prime Decanus at 19
Lucius thought Nero’s name (Sharing a name with Roman Emperor Nero) would possibly gain favor among the upper ranks of the Legion and even Caesar himself, though Caesar never cared for the prodigy of his Commander, many in the Legion, including Vulpes Inculta and members of the Legion’s government, do
Level 23
SPECIAL 5 ST, 5 PE, 5 EN, 9 CH, 6 IN, 5 AG, 6 LK
Tagged Skills Melee - 80, Speech - 85, Guns - 79
Karma Level Neutral - Egocentric
An older man (a little older than Lucius) and a former chieftain of the Pale Eyes, the father of Centurion Nero and NCR Private Poindexter, though he only sees one as his son
The only reason why his tribe was spared from total destruction was by having a woman of The Pale Eyes, A blind Chieftain named Dusorri, and a young Nero offered Malpais Legate, the man who was attacking them, and his men a plan of surrender
Silenus and his tribe was spared total destruction (though without keeping their independence), bringing back Chieftain Dusorri and Nero with soon being returned by The Malpais Legate himself, honoring their deal of surrender on one condition. The Malpais Legate and his men get to crucify all the adult women and enslave the young girls
Silenus agreed
Silenus isn’t his given name, like how Nero’s actual name isn’t Nero. He doesn’t care for his tribe anymore, refusing to call Poindexter his son after he ran away from Flagstaff at 13, though Nero still calls him kin
Like his name, and his status as a chieftain, he understands how to play many musical instruments, which he and his sons used to play for the neighbors that lived around them in Flagstaff
Level 5
SPECIAL 3 ST, 10 PE, 2 EN, 5 CH, 7 IN, 2 AG, 7 LK
Tagged Skills Barter - 90, Speech - 85, Explosives - 82
Karma Level Evil - Fat Cat
Ranger Johnson “Codiac” DuBoise
An older Ex-Ranger from Oak Creek in the New California Republic who was discharged from Ranger service after he and the rest of his squad was attacked by the 80s in Utah, taking his right eye and killing his squad mates
Ranger Codiac was sent out back into Utah by Chief Hanlon, a old friend of his, on a “recon” mission in case any of the tribes come to attack NCR caravans but instead found a 13 year old Poindexter stuck, in a bear trap he’d set up, one night while hunting
He kept the young boy, raising him and teaching him about the West. He was tough on Poindexter, giving him his “know-it-all, self-serving” prick we know him as in the game
His personality switches between a understanding father figure and a soldier hardened by warm and the problems that come with it which axe it hard for himself to relate to Poindexter when the boy ran off and got in trouble with the New Canaanites that lived close to their small ranger station
Level 10
SPECIAL 8 ST, 4 PE, 5 EN, 6 CH, 7 IN, 5 AG, 2 LK
Tagged Skills Barter - 90, Speech - 85, Explosives - 82
Karma Level Neutral - Observer
The Dunlap Family (O’Hanrahan’s Family)
Robert Dunlap (47), a graduate from Angel's Boneyard Medical University, Juniper Dunlap (46), a painter and farmer from Baja, and little sisters, Brice (12) and Riley Dunlap (13). They’re from Anza-Borrego, California (Outside of the Boneyard)
They are very proud of their brother and son. Juniper is especially proud of her son and is very glad when she gets a letter from her boy ever few months
Mags’ Moms + Aunties (Mags’ Family)
Former prostitutes from the Cat’s, located in New Reno on Virgin Street, Laffy (42) and Taffy Smithe (43) along with Juno (39), Brenda (50), and Lyra (36) raised Mags with the up most care, like any good moms would
All are so proud of their daughter and niece and are extremely thankful that she went for her dreams instead of becoming a prostitute like themselves
Razz’s Fiends Crew (Razz’s “family”)
Razz’s (when they were 16-19) fiend crew consisted of:
Denver (23-26), a former NCR recruit that got discarded after it came out he were selling illegal Jet on base
Tabs (18-21) a former crier from Junktown who was caught selling illegal Jet
And Jumper-Cables (17-20) a New Vegas Local who, sadly, got addicted to Med-X after getting attacked by Cazadores
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lesvegas · 3 years
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my opinions are objectively correct (insp) \ alternate under the cut
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mojave-musing · 4 years
25, 1, 2, 5, and 8 please?
25. I actually do want to hear about your fallout OCS! PLEASE give me a fun fact about each one you have!
DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUVE DONE lmao I have a lot of ocs like too fucking many so I’m gonna limit it lol
Edgar the plague doctor has vitiligo
Ian the overboss wouldn’t have remembered his name if it wasn’t written on the inside of his jacket
When I first made bartholomew he was supposed to be a stinky nasty boi but now he’s a loving husband
1. Whats a NPC from your favourite fallout game you woulda liked to have had as a companion?
So New Vegas is my first love and I’ll have to say Private OHanrahan. I would love to have us be ambushed by a legion assassins party and him say “Oh darn those legion fellers almost got us!”
2. What biome/state are you hoping gets a Fallout game next?
I’m biased so I’m gonna say Montana/Wyoming because Montana is my home and I love Wyoming but I also have such high expectations like Far Cry 5 and New Dawn did a beautiful job with Montana and idk if Bethesda can match that lol
5. Do you have a favourite quest/questline?
Oh boy uhh I haven’t played enough of three to judge any of those
New Vegas I don’t really have a favorite if I’m being honest
4 and 76 tho...The Silver Shroud and the Mistress of Mystery!
8. Which fallout tyrant/antagonist/bad guy do you MOST want to see get guillatined?
she’s not an antagonist but I hate Cassandra Moore like she gets pissed at you if you don’t go commit genocide against the khans and even convince them to work with the NCR like every time you come back all hey I got help she’s like id rather you killed them I hate her so much
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