#I definitely didn’t replay fallout new vegas
My thoughts on Fallout New Vegas
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Fallout New Vegas was released on October 19th, 2010 for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks. I bought Fallout New Vegas in 2017 for the PC but was unable to play the game until 2021. When I finally did get around to playing the game, my expectations for it weren’t too high. The previous Fallout game I had played up until that point was Fallout 4 and I wasn’t too fond of the title. One of my friends who also owns the game highly recommended the game to me because it was unlike any other Fallout game released. Once I began playing the game, it was nearly impossible to pull me away from it. The only things that could stop from playing the game were my classes, schoolwork, and my dates with my girlfriend. I spent hours upon hours everyday playing the game until I finally completed everything there was to do in my playthrough. Despite being able to accomplish everything in my playthrough, I had not completed everything the game had to offer. One of the best things about Fallout New Vegas is the fact you can choose to do whatever you want with any quest in the game. Although I completed all of the game's quests, I didn’t explore each individual path. Whenever I have the time to do so, I plan on doing multiple playthroughs of Fallout New Vegas to see each individual path. Another aspect of Fallout New Vegas that adds to its replay value is the fact that you can create whatever character build you’d like. In my first playthrough, I played a stealthy sniper character, but there’s many more types you can play. You can play an explosives expert, machine gun specialist, fist fighter, and a swordsman. Whatever combat style you desire, you can have in Fallout New Vegas. If you’re looking for a fun post apocalyptic open world role playing game, Fallout New Vegas is definitely a fit for you. Don’t forget to turn on your in game pip boy radio, you’re going to love the tracks that play as you wander the Mojave Desert.
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that-stone-butch · 3 years
3, 4 and 5 for the video game asks
3. best game you've ever played?
ooooh i guess it depends? i could go for the easy one and say fallout: new vegas (2010) and while it's still a refreshingly fleshed-out RPG over a decade later, it's definitely aged and a lot of the visceral gameplay or aesthetics are best modded for a reason. so if i had to pick best? borderlands 2. there's a reason it has a dedicated community so many years later, the developers put an amount of work into the game that it has so much replay value as a game you intend to run through 3.5 times per character, and so many fun mechanical interactions. if i could only spend money on one game to enjoy for an entire year, it would be bl2 for the sheer replay value they jammed into 22gb of game.
4. worst game you've ever played?
bioshock infinite. somewhere between the mishmash of obscenely Twist!-based storytelling, prequelitic worldbuilding, oddly frustrating faux-RPG gameplay, advertising and teaser content that feels 'off' from the actual product, and just about the most tone-deaf and 'both-sidesy' depiction of anti-racist activism since Legend of Korra and RWBY, you can find just about the most garbage game i've ever played. the ending was a big 'woah' moment for about five seconds, but after that it just felt hollow. bioshock infinite started and ended with a payout of hype, and i didn't much care for what we got.
the first bioshock said more of value in one line with 'They come to Rapture thinking they're gonna be captains of industry, but they all forget that somebody's gotta scrub the toilets' than infinite could with hours of some of the most in-your-face, shock-value content i've ever seen.
5. a popular series/game you just can't get into no matter how much you try?
how about a genre? rogue-likes. idk they stress me out too much to have fun with them, really. i enjoy hades because it at least has story progression between runs, and is interesting on its own merits. but something like enter the gungeon? i feel like i'm either making progress or wasting my time, because that's literally what the game is. if i wanted to feel a sense of pressure or deadline over my shoulder, i wouldn't be sitting down to enjoy a video game i would be engaging in the rest of my life 😂
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fereldanwench · 4 years
i just finished my first run of fallout new vegas!!!!
i did decide on the independent vegas route. shutting down mr. house made me a little sadder than i expected (i feel like there is something to be said for a life that long and all the knowledge that comes with it, even if he was an asshole), but i LOVED outplaying legion and then NCR. i had already talked the boomers into helping me out, and i enlisted the help of the enclave per arcade’s suggestion--having them follow me down hoover dam was delightful. i also asked the followers to help support new vegas.
the only thing i was a little iffy on is what happened with the brotherhood and the white glove society. i was trying to get the brotherhood on my side, like i did with the boomers, but i played around with a few options (like getting hardin the elder rank, bc he said he’d owe me a favor) to get some kind of boon from them, but nada. after wasting too much time reloading and resaving, i just eventually left the save state in which i joined them (bleh) and told yes-man to ignore them. i didn’t have a BoS endgame slide so idk what that means, if anything.
and i was almost positive the white glove society were cannibals--i found some human skulls in their kitchen when i was sneaking around--and i eventually looked it up, and it turns out that was a thing. i never triggered the quest that turns up that info, so i had to ignore them as well, but i think with that knowledge, valerie would have taken some kind of action against them.
i did also finish old world blues a few days ago--robo-scorpions can get fucked, but i LOVED the writing of the think tank and mobius. when folks bring up the similarities between the outer worlds and new vegas, that’s definitely where i saw it the most. OH! and i love the stealth suit and she’s my best friend forever too
i really enjoyed the build i went with for valerie. i dumped most of the stats in science, speech, and guns, with some barter, lockpick, medicine, and sneak coming up next. i felt like i had a lot of options when it came to solving problems, which i really liked.
deciding to play this game was a super capricious move for me--i actually initially wanted to finish horizon zero dawn before i get assassin’s creed valhalla this tuesday--but after doing the peril on gorgon dlc in outer worlds, i was just craving more of that vibe, and new vegas scratched a very similar itch.
i did rush the end a little since i was on a bit of a deadline, and i would like to finish fully exploring the map and doing the rest of the dlc at some point, maybe after I finish valhalla. i anticipate next year being pretty slow for me on new releases--at this point the next outer worlds DLC and the mass effect remaster are all i can think of that i’m interested in, but bioware games just aren’t hitting the same for me these days, so i’ll probably wait on that--so a replay might be in my future.
but yeah! new vegas has definitely joined the ranks of my favorite games, and it’s warmed me up a lot to the fallout series, which i was a little lukewarm on before having only played fo4. i can really appreciate why fans what a remaster or a sequel or both. it’s Good Shit™ and i would like more.
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radramblog · 4 years
Game of the Year 2020...?
Ive scrolled the list of games that came out this year to see what my GOTY ended up being, but turns out the only game I played in 2020 that released that year was, uh…….
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Fucking good game but like I’m not gonna hand it GOTY by default (That goes to Hades, based solely impressions from other people). Actually, I’m not handing out any awards, really. So I guess I’m just gonna go over a bunch of the other games I did play last year, regardless of whether or not they came out then.
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Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
A mate got me this for my birthday in December 2019, and unlike the other games I got then (Kirby Star Allies which I burned through that month and Octopath which I still haven’t played) I spent a fair few hours playing it last year. This was before the sequel was announced, and also a little bit after the fact- figured I should try and finish one before playing the other. Unfortunately, I have yet to purchase Age of Calamity nor finish Definitive Edition, because the former is expensive and the latter is expansive. Holy shit there’s so much fucking content in this game. I don’t think I ever will finish it to be honest, though despite the repetitiveness it never really felt boring to me. It’s the only Warriors/Musou game I’ve played, and I’d be interested in trying others based on the experience.
(I’m not playing Fire Emblem Warriors though fuck that)
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Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC: The Isle of Armor and the Crown Tundra
Sword and Shield felt somewhat lacking on release, and while the DLCs released this year did much to try and fix this its still a bit shit that it required an extra paycheck out of you to get the full game- outside of outsourced mobile games like Go and Shuffle, or services such as Bank or Home, Pokemon has never actually had DLC/microtransactions, so this was a little disappointing. I’d argue that it absolutely wasn’t worth it when Isle was released, as fun as the content was it was again, lacking. Crown Tundra I would argue exceeded my (admittedly low) expectations, however- the new and returning mons are cool and welcome (I despised Calyrex’s design on first reveal but their behaviour in story redeemed it more than enough), and the Max Lair Adventure offered a surprisingly replayable romp that has been great to just try and grind out with friends. I can’t say I’d recommend the DLC pack though- only if because you’ve probably made up your mind already as to whether or not you’re getting it, or this doesn’t apply to you at all. I could also put basically every main series Pokemon game on here, seeing as I’m pretty sure I nuzlocked every region at some point during the year, but I don’t want to make this *that* long. 
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Super Smash Bros Ultimate Expansion Pass
Smash is still Smash. I don’t find myself playing it much on my own, and even in Perth get-togethers weren’t super common last year. As neat as the DLC characters released this year are for the franchise as a whole, none of them convinced me to play significantly more than usual, and I can’t wrap my head around half of them, so.
Also, I’m still salty about Byleth, and I actually really liked Three Houses, it was my first FE game. Why the fuck wasn’t it Claude????
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Rivals of Aether
On the other hand, in the last few months I’ve found myself grinding match after match of Rivals with one of my best mates and the game is a fucking blast, holy shit. I still haven’t bought it for myself, but its basically 100% of the reason I have played 0 smash for the last few months since we’re too busy mashing Orcane vs Ranno over and over and not really getting tired of it. It requires a specific type of person to get into it, but if you’re in that group then its just an excellent game.
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VA-11 Hall-A
I first played VA-11 Hall-A (Vallhalla, since typing that is a pain) by pirating it and playing it on my laptop in the dead of night.
It quickly became one of my favourite games of all time.
When the Switch port dropped, I felt obliged to actually pay for it this time around, since the developers had more than earned my money. And then I replayed it again, playing it on my switch in the dead of night (At least this time I had the excuse of being a nightshift worker). With the sequel unfortunately delayed into 2021, it might be time to run it back once more or drag more of my mates into Glitch City since I already forcibly exposed a few of em to it.
The post-credits title screen is still my phone background.
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Fallout: New Vegas
I don’t really have much to say about FNV that hasn’t been said already, especially considering HBomberguy’s recently released video, but it is also on my top 5 list and I only got around to playing Lonesome Road and Dead Money this year. Also went out of my way to 100% achievement complete the game on Steam, which I believe is the first time I’ve done that for a game.
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Zero Escape Series (Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors, Virtue’s Last Reward, Zero Time Dilemma)
The Danganronpa series’ less colourful sibling, Zero Escape was a series I finally got around to finishing after having borrowed a friend’s copy of VLR back in high school and playing it wrong due to not deleting his save file (oops,). I think VLR remains my favourite, and I really hope the series continues at some point (unlikely as it seems now) considering how ZTD missed the mark pretty hard. The first 2 games are still excellent mystery games and a lot of fun, though you do need somewhat of a tolerance for words.
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A Hat in Time
Oh god this game is so fucking cute. Also, just an excellent platformer. Is the DLC still on sale? I should buy that.
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Fallout 4
Its just not New Vegas. It just isn’t. I really tried with this game, I really did. The gunplay is great, modding and building shit is fun, but its just not the same.
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
A couple years ago I bought a SNES Mini, but until 2020 I didn’t really have a convenient way of playing it seeing as my monitor didn’t have an HDMI port. But now I do have one with one, so I got to start playing this classic! And then stopped because of uni. Should finish that, probably.
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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Shit Keara I still have your copy sorry I’ll get back to it :<
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Pokemon Stadium
I also managed to get my N64 up and running, and despite being the wrong region for most of the games available in local shops, I somehow managed to get Stadium for a great price. Got to dig out my old Red cartridge and anything. Fuck me though, this game is brutal. Seriously, Gen 1 battle mechanics are tough to deal with at the best of times, having to do battle after battle with said mechanics without losing is just nuts. I still haven’t managed to get Round 2 unlocked.
God, fuck you Blaine. Goddamn fire spin Rapidash motherfucker.
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Super Mario 64 Speaking of, I managed to pick up a Japanese cartridge of SM64, complete with BLJ glitches and 3 entire save files. After much effort, I managed to actually get it working, and spent most of the night of Christmas getting smashed and trying to beat Bowser in the Fire Sea. I played a lot of the DS remake as a kid, and I feel like an idiot for struggling as much I did with the original.
This is all of course a buildup to the fact that I was lying about not assigning a GOTY. Because there is only one N64 game in my small collection deserving of Game of the Year, because its deserving of Game of the Year every year since its 1999 release.
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ozzdog12 · 5 years
2019- Top 7 (And 1)
  Another year has come to an end and thus the hotly anticipated Top 7 (And 1) from your ‘average at best’ Ozzdog12 is here for you to feast your eyes upon. 2019 was an extremely odd year for me, gaming wise. As parenthood has taken the full brunt of my time, my gaming time and the choices of what games I decided to play, have changed. I played several games this year that, under any previous year I may have stuck with longer or tried again, but as time for gaming has become more and more thin, I now have less ‘patience’ to stick with a BIG RPG (Disco Elysium, one day I’ll get to you). Now I’m going to contradict my previous sentence with this next sentence. I was unemployed for a stretch of 5 weeks and in between looking for jobs I also found myself with a decent amount of time to play some games. What I did with that time is played 2 games that ultimately made the list, for two very different reasons. I also cleared out a chunk of backlog games (Finally beating Diablo 3 for one, thank you Switch) and played several, shorter smaller games in the process. If interested in my previous Top 7 (And 1) 2017 & 2018.
And now on to the And 1 this year
Favorite game that came out in 2019 that actually came out 20+ years ago: Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (Switch)
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This one was actually a hard one to decide as Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition also released this year. AOE2 is the one game I may have put the most time into ever, cumulatively. But I’m giving the nod to Link’s Awakening simply because its BRAND NEW to me. I did not play the original release and this has been an absolute joy to play and is by far, the best Zelda available on Switch. The updated graphics are gorgeous and the art style is great. I haven’t completed the game yet, but I’m slowly chipping away at it at night. It feels and plays like a Zelda game but updated properly to a modern console to make it feel like a brand new game released in 2019 and not just a reskin/up-resed re-release. The game is also structured in a way that appeals to me more than Breath of the Wild was (see 2017 And One for reference). The world feels big, but is contained in a clever way to make it FEEL bigger than it actually is.
Number  7: Rage 2 (PS4)
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Rage 2 is a very weird game. I don’t mean it’s weird in the sense that nothing clicks or that its bad. In fact, it’s a joy to play (especially is you love iD shooters). It’s weird because outside of the gameplay mechanics, it’s fairly barren (intentional or not). And I mean that in terms of both story, things to do and the world itself. Having very little to do with the previous Rage (which I really enjoyed on the 360), Rage 2 starts off quick and with a bang. You choose which version of the character you want to be, learn the mechanics and then are eventually sent to a town. There are a total of 6 ‘story’ missions that are stretched out by requiring you to complete tasks for one of the 3 town leaders who you’ve enlisted for help to take down the General. Once you do this, you fight the General and that’s kind’ve it. Now along the way, you will kill a bunch of mutants and humans alike. There are 3 factions (4 if you count the Ghosts in the DLC) that are in an ever engaging gauntlet to the death and you get to play janitor by spilling more guts and blood, but none of it really matters, the Factions I mean. There are a few Crusher Mutants (BIG MUTANTS) to also fight, but they are essentially extra heavy bullet sponges. Now, I know I haven’t really sold you on it, but here’s the thing. I REALLY enjoyed RAGE 2. It was the perfect game to play during the summer. Due to a personal situation I was dealing with (the looming unemployment) it was nice to just sit down at night, turned my brain off and just kill things. It reminded me of a simpler time in my youth playing games like Doom. Same vibe honestly. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more of a story and narrative driven player, but Rage 2 scratched a nostalgia itch for me at the perfect time. 
Number 6: Concrete Genie (PS4)
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Concrete Genie is a game that is honestly out of left field for me these days. Not that I don’t like these types of games, it’s just as previous stated, time is somewhat of a precious commodity and had Concrete Genie come out in any other year, I probably would’ve skipped it entirely. However, it didn’t and I’m glad I picked this up for $20. It also scratched a nostalgia itch and reminded me very much of the PS2 era of games like Sly Cooper and Jax and Daxter. You play a kid who is bullied (something I am familiar with first hand, sadly) for being a loner and an artist. His creature drawings come to life with the help of a magic paint brush and your objective to put color back into an abandon town and bring it back to life. There is a VR component I wasn’t able to play because I don’t have a PSVR. The game is fairly simply and doesn’t deviate far from that formula. There is very little combat and just enough variety in the monster’s you can make to keep you going. It’s also fairly short. I was able to complete and collect everything in around 7-8 hours. Having a complete game in a bite size package is something I long for these days. 
Number 5: The Outer Worlds (PS4)
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This game should be higher on the list but I put it here simply because while I have played it a fair amount, I haven’t played it enough to warrant it being higher. I’m maybe halfway through? I love Bethesda Fallouts (And Obsidian’s New Vegas) and this is an improved New Vegas in space with a more cheeky approach. The Outer Worlds never takes itself too seriously and revels in its sarcasm. The companions are all mostly likeable enough and each planet has felt distinctive enough to entice me to keep exploring. The mechanics are improved and the overall gameplay is better than New Vegas.  Its structured just like a Fallout game, so there is a lot of comfort there. However,  just like any open world RPG, sitting down for less than an hour and trying to accomplish anything is hard. The Outer Worlds is best played in big chunks. It’s at the top of my list to finish in 2020. 
Number 4: A Plague Tale (PS4)
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A Plague Tale was THAT game that was on everyone’s ‘Hidden Gems’ list. I had seen a trailer around E3 and it intrigued me enough to check it out. I completed it over a whole weekend, a rarity. The game isn’t perfect, but everything is serviceable enough to work within the confines of what it’s trying to accomplish. It has some technical flaws and the occasional hiccup, but I’m a sucker for 3rd person action adventure games. The game is mostly centered around stealth with combat as a mostly secondary option. The game takes place in France in 1348 during the rat plague. You play as the daughter of an alchemist and your brother has been sick since birth. Once your village has been raided by the Inquisition, you are cast out to find help. The plague has taken over the majority of the country, but it isn’t until later in the game where the game takes a turn into the fantasy in a major way. You meet up with some really likeable characters with different personality traits along the way that really kept the story moving in an interesting way. The story was really grim at times, but honestly kept me hooked until the final chapter. The boss battle was extremely frustrating. With a sequel being announced, I am extremely interested in where they take the next chapter. 
Number 3: Katana ZERO (Switch)
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Katana ZERO rules. There is a fine line where a game is challenging and when a game is unfair. I like a challenge, but I don’t want to work (games like Dark Souls are work). KZ is very similar in style, gameplay, tone, and even music to Hotline Miami. The difference being KZ is a side scroller instead of top down. You play a samurai in a quasi-dystopian future after a war. You are programmed killing machine…or are you? The story is fairly heavy and can bring up some tough subjects. KZ is pretty challenging, especially later in the game, but never once did I feel the game was cheap or unfair. Every time I died (MANY, MANY TIMES) it was always my fault. Either I didn’t plan my attack correctly, I hit the wrong button, took the wrong path, or didn’t time it right. The game has a nifty way of dealing with ‘deaths’ in the game using a neat rewind feature. When you complete a level, it shows you a replay in ‘real time’ giving you a nice recap of your work. Every time I completed a level, I felt a sense of accomplishment. My Switch says I put around 5 hours or more into it once I completed the final level, but it honestly felt longer than that, in a good way. KZ is an absolute blast to play and you should go play it right now!
Number 2: Gears 5 (Xbox One)
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I’m a fan of the Gears of War series. The first Gears of War still being my favorite of the series. As time has passed, I’ve become less interested in the series as a whole but still interested enough to play every entry. I thought Gears 4 was the Force Awakens of the series. Essentially a retelling of the same story, with a new coat of paint and new characters with the old ones sprinkled in. Gears 4 was ultimately, fine. So I was actually excited for Gears 5 was going to go and to see how they built upon 4 with a focus on Kait instead of a Fenix. Halfway through the story, the group is divided and it starts to take a different tone. Gears 5 experiments with a first of the series, a semi-open world. I thought it broke up the monotony of wall hug, shoot, reload, repeat. I finished the story in a few days and had a good time with it, though once again, the ending being kind’ve abrupt. The series has a knack for being sort’ve slow, then suddenly turning it to 11, then ending.  I wished the campaign was longer, but it’s still solid. Gears 5 introduced a new mode called Escape, where you and two other players plant a bomb and try to escape a level with limited ammo. There is weekly a revolving door of new levels, which is nice, but each level is just reusing assets. I suspect with time and each new Operation (Season) that will be expanded. Horde mode is back and the character classes are fun. New characters have been added and will continue to be added, but they are an absolute grind to unlock (But you can always pay for them!) The reason Gears 5 is this high is mostly due to the amount of time I spent playing multiplayer. As stated, I loved the original Gears of War and put an insane amount of time into the multiplayer. That was in 2007 and the older I’ve gotten, my desire to invest into multiplayer has waned, almost completely. Once again though, right time, right place. I spent almost the entire month of October, logging on every night, completing challenging and playing online. Something I haven’t done since I was a freshman in college. I had an absolute blast. While I don’t delve into online as feverishly as I did in October, I still occasionally dabble when I get the chance.
Number 1: Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4)
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As if this was going to be anything else. I’m a Mortal Kombat mark, plain and simple. I’ve loved the series my entire life. I love the lore, I love how ridiculously violent it is, how goofy and bat shit insane the story has evolved. I love it all. But its not all gore and lore, Mortal Kombat is a supreme fighting game. It’s not a nuanced as the likes of Street Fighter, but its infinitely deeper than a game like Smash Bros. Mortal Kombat is in a good sweet spot for both casuals and hardcore fighting fans. MK11 has maybe the greatest in-depth tutorial that has ever been made in any fighting game. It not only teaches you how to play, it teaches you the terminology. The story picks up right after MKX, with Raiden upset with everyone and taking matters into his own hands by torturing Shinnok. Liu Kang and Kitana rule the Netherrealm. Raiden plans an attack where he is essentially the Trojan Horse. All goes according to plan, until Kronika, The Time Keeper, decides she doesn’t like this anymore and eventually brings back some old friends to help her change time (again) and finally eliminate Raiden from existence. In doing this, Kronika has made all those mirror matches from previous games cannon. The production level and story mode in Netherealm games are on another level compared to other fighting games and they continue that trend in MK11. They implement the gear system from Injustice 2 into MK11 and its fine. The Krypt is amazing and is full of secrets. The Living Towers have returned, this time in the form of the ever changing “Towers of Time”. The roster, which is what everyone really cares about isn’t the worst but isn’t the best. None of the new characters are all that fun (Cetrion, Geras, & Kollector) and the returning roster was missing some notable characters. The DLC thus far has been fairly underwhelming compared to MKX. It was nice to see Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, & Sindel return (all 3 should’ve been in the main roster) but Terminator is lame. MKX had the likes of Tremor, Tanya, & Predator. MK11 seems to break what was a fun tradition in DLC having new, MK characters (Skarlett and Tremor, respectively). While I do think there is another set coming after Spawn, if the leak is true, then it seems underwhelming. I played MK11 pretty religiously for almost 2 months and still play at least once or twice a week. I love MK!
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mactiir · 5 years
What are some of your favorite videogames?
I’m super bad at making decisions so here’s an essay about this ask. If you just wanted a list I put the relevant games in bold.
I’m a sucker for a good strategy game and have loads of hours logged in Paradox grand strategy games (Crusader Kings 2 and Stellaris mostly, I keep meaning to learn EU4 but somehow always end up murdering my CK2 second cousins instead). I like the Total War franchise a lot (some more than others – Attila is my fave) but I do get tired of them pretty quick, I have to take them in small doses. And of course there’s Civ V (VI is aesthetic goals but the diplo sucks). I like squad strategy games like XCOM as well (I still log into XCOM 2 occasionally to attempt their dailies). I used to go NUTS for Soulsborne games but kinda got burnt out after DSIII – I have yet to decide if I wanna play Sekiro or not. Dark Souls 1 is definitely still my favorite of these, with Bloodborne close behind it. 
I love Mortal Kombat just for the gratuitous violence (It’s WWE with gore, what’s not to love?) and can’t really rank these – though I was really fond of 9.But my first and last love is character-driven western RPGs, which are unfortunately few and far between these days with Bioware getting gutted. Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is one of my favorites of all time, and I don’t even want to know how many hours I have in various playthroughs. I replay Dragon Age Origins once a year or so (though I’m not as fond of the other installments in the franchise). Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn is an oldie but a goodie, and it’s worth a play if you can get past the fact that it was made in like 2002 and controls like asscakes. I like Obsidian RPGs a lot, but seeing as I’m a sappy romantic at heart, I really hate that you can’t romance anyone in their games (I’m still sour that Fallout: New Vegas didn’t let me date Veronica). I’m hesitant to name Kingdom Come Deliverance, because even though I was in love with that game when it came out, it’s been soured for me by the monumentally bad takes its head developer decides to fart out on a regular basis. Also faves, and in no particular order: Portal 1 and 2, Half-Life 2 + Episodes, Okami, Horizon: Zero Dawn, the reboot Tomb Raider series (I know, they’re trash, but I love them), The Sims franchise (guilty pleasure), Titanfall 2, Dishonored 1, Shadow of Mordor, the Mass Effect series, Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice, Pokemon games, Fire Emblem games, the Metroid series– and probably a lot more that are slipping my mind at the moment. 
You’ll notice almost none of these are multiplayer games. That’s because I am uncontrollably competitive and multiplayer games make me cause property damage, so I have cut myself off from them because they are bad for my: controllers, blood pressure, headsets, television, interior walls, and marriage. That said, I do still attempt them. I have been known to break things for Apex Legends from time to time. Back in days of yore, I was pretty handy at the original Titanfall. I loved Evolve when it first came out, before DLC and microtransactions ripped it to shreds, and went through a really intense Overwatch phase that ended when Sombra was released because I was too impatient to learn a new hero. Usually you’ll only find me playing these sorts of games for about a month before I get burned out on rage and go back to murdering people to gain the throne of England. 
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i need to actually get my verses page up again because i’m lazy and didn’t save it when i made a new theme so the list is as follows:
canon verses: + pre-canon - from the time he ran away from home at 13 until his ship the Cobra is sunk by rogue pirates. + pre-film - price of freedom through the legends of the brethren court books. + cursed - what it says on the tin, during the curse.  highly selective with this one due to content. + dead man’s chest - hector is alive during dead man’s chest, breaks canon because he’s the only one that would recognize jack in a panic. + at world’s end - what it says on the tin both during and post awe.  main verse for canon. + on stranger tides - selective with this one, will be where i break canon completely. ** there will be no dead men tell no tales / salazar’s revenge verse, don’t ask, it’s not happening, i’ve stated my peace on this.
canon au verses: + immortal - immortality is a thing, hector’s still alive in the present day, still doing shady shit and doing as he do.  fc for the verse is pablo schreiber as mad sweeney.
fallout verses: + new vegas companion - what it says on the tin.  closed to @changing-roads as a courier, open to any new vegas npcs, ocs that aren’t a courier.  immortal verse split. + new vegas npc - what it says on the tin.  practically the same as the companion verse, but no companion option. + new vegas courier six - another immortal split, hector as the courier.  not amnesiatic thanks to immortality.  yes man aligned. + fallout 4 companion - assume all fallout verses are immortal splits - what it says on the tin, a companion option for sosus.  dislikes the institute and bos.  perk is give no quarter.  max affinity hard to reach. + non sosu vault survivor - same as it says on the tin, survives the vault, is most definitely not the sosu.  no alliances, scavver, might have dealings with the raiders in nuka world but will never tell. + sole survivor - survivor of vault 111, railroad aligned, minutemen general, bos destroyed, institute destroyed, nuka world raiders led for a while and then destroyed and park turned over to the minutemen.
elder scrolls verses: + morrowind - replay pending, not yet available. + oblivion - replay pending, dark brotherhood speaker, not yet available. + skyrim au - dark brotherhood silencer, imperial from cyrodiil, traveled to falkreath with cicero, contains split where hector is the listener.  alliances with thieves guild, silver-bloods, the Forsworn, and a witch in a tower practicing necromancy. + dragonborn - based on the idea that the hero of tamriel doesn’t exist until needed...hector barbossa, pirate lord of the caspian sea, given the power of the thu’um which he does not need.  neutral in civil war.  dawnguard.  miraak defeated. + elder scrolls online - imperial from anvil, vestige.  main quest completed.  cadwell’s silver and gold completed.  dark brotherhood dlc completed.  thieves guild dlc in progress.  clockwork city completed.  vvardenfell in progress.  ebonheart pact.  all other dlcs pending.
other verses: + modern au - hitman for hire living in the states, depending either shares an apartment with jack sparrow or lives with elizabeth swann.  has a cat named asshole. + winter’s end - closed version of the above with a small group, based on the fallout 4 quest long time coming.
if you, too, would like to see a verse here, hmu and let me know.  if it’s something i’m familiar enough with and would feel comfortable building a verse for, i’ll probably do it.  please note, i know nothing about got/asoiaf, pacific rim, hunger games, overwatch.  and given time constraints i probably won’t get around to actually being able to spend time with any of them for a while (except overwatch, i don’t support blizzard games).
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feeshies · 7 years
Okay, just lend me your earballs for a minute.
Fallout New Vegas is my favorite in the series.
An overwhelming majority of the fan art/fanfiction I’ve created for Fallout is based on this game specifically.
I don’t think I would be the same as a writer or as an artist if Fallout New Vegas didn’t exist.
Even on replay, I can still feel the same emotions I felt the first time I started playing.
And I know a lot of people on here feel the same way.
Can the FNV fandom back off when someone says they enjoy the other games (specifically fo3 and fo4 more)?
I’m not saying no one can complain about their issues with the games (I made plenty of my own posts and I browse through the fo4 crit tag quite a bit).  But seeing people in the fnv fandom derail someone else’s post makes my soul shrivel and it’s definitely not doing us any favors.
The sound of spurs jingle-jangling-jingling should bring about happy emotions.  Not dread.
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