#ohmygod that's so kinky :skull:
rykno-j · 11 months
thinking about the (possible) first time G/ojo wore a blindfold:
"S/atoru- what are you wearing?"
"Hm? Ah.. I couldn't find my glasses this morning, so these would suffice for now.. besides the sun has been really bright these few days, and this covers my eyes more."
Gojo reaches out to trace his fingers over the cloth covering his eyes. The truth was, he hadn't been able to sleep for the past couple of days, and his eyebags were getting more and more obvious. He knew Geto would be worried if he saw them, so he opted to wear something that covered his eyes entirely.
It wasn't as if he couldn't see anymore with that thing over his eyes, so he figured it would be a good cover-up.
The problem was finding the cloth. Gojo has rummaged through his room the entire morning, only to come out empty handed. Eventually he found a blindfold in the storeroom behind his class. It was supposedly used for training, or something along the lines of that. Not thinking much of it, he wrapped it around his head.
Ever since he had put it on, however, a mild buzz had settled itself into the back of his nose. It was probably just due to the lack of sleep, probably. Was what he told himself.
"Bless you. Where did you get that blindfold from anyway?"
"..The storeroom."
"The one behind our class?"
Gojo simply nodded in reply, suddenly being overwhelmed by another urge to sneze.
"..You know how dusty the things in there are, right?"
At this point, Gojo was barely listening to what Geto was saying. In fact, he had completely stopped in his tracks, breath held in anticipation.
And just like that, the feeling passed.
"snff- Sorry, you were saying?"
"Dust. See, there's even some on the blindfold."
Gojo watched as Geto brought a finger up to his face, tracing the edge of the blindfold resting just above his nose.
"Especially here."
Ah. That was probably the reason his nose seemed to be complaining for minutes on end.
Gojo attempted to laugh off the matter, but every inhale, no matter how small, served only to aggravate the burn in his sinuses.
"It's f'hH!! ..fine"
Geto watched, unasmused by Gojo's stubbornness, "Really?"
"R-Really.. hH'!! h'tchh!! hah'zZtchh!!"
At this point, Gojo was bent over, facing away from Geto with a fist raised against his nose. He felt a single tear slip out of his eye, only to be absorbed by the blindfold.
Geto sighed once the fit seemed to die down. "For someone self-proclaimed as the strongest, you really are quite stubborn sometimes."
Gojo flinches as Geto reaches out to pull up the blindfold.
"Take it off, for your sake. We can go buy another pair of sunglasses later."
When Gojo doesn't reply, Geto reaches out a thumb to wipe away the stay tear below his eye.
"Ah- right.. yeah, I probably should.." Gojo held Geto's stare for a moment, before the other pulled away.
"Satoru, have you been sleeping alright? You look really tired."
Gojo sighed inwardly. Trust Geto to pick up on that after mere seconds of staring at his uncovered eyes. There's no way he can lie his way out of this one, not anymore.
"..Maybe not"
Gojo adverts his gaze, expecting a lecture of some sort. "Maybe cut down on the video games", "Stop staying up so late," words of that sort. What he was not expecting instead, was:
"Want me to come over tonight?"
"Yeah, yeah I got it- ..wait, what?" did he hear that right?
Geto cleared his throat softly, "..Don't make me repeat that, Satoru."
"Ah- right, Mm, yes.. actually, I'd love to have you over. Maybe, probably."
"Which one is it?"
A stray blindfold hit the side of Geto's arm. "Yes, it's yes.. of course it's a yes. What do you think..?"
Geto laughs softly in reply. "I'll bring some tea."
"With sugar?"
"Of course."
thats it, just my thoughts on them
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gothic-thoughts · 5 months
Who Is She?
(a/n): now as a black person... I wouldn't let this slip nor slide 🤣😂
Geto Suguru x Black GN Reader Fluff
Bimbo!Reader, Meetcute(ugly), Drabble
CW: Geto saying monkey (cuz 🙄), Suguru slowly falling for your empty headedness
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While in the plaza, I feel someone bump into my back, I turn around in disgust to see a short person sitting on their butt from the force of the fall. They were wearing leather knee-high boots and a short skirt that no doubt came down mid-thigh. A black low-cut crop top hugged their chest as well as revealed a chubby stomach.
“Of course, it's a monkey.” I scoff, “Choose your next words wisely, non-sorcerer.”
They struggle to stand back up on their platform boots and then wobble before steading when they stand. I continue to coldly look down on them.
“Ohmygod, I'm so sorry.”
“Be more careful with your movements and know your place. You may only address me respectfully since I have allowed you that much.”
“You're right, cute guy.” They giggle, “Ion even know why I was running so fast in these fuckin’ heels.”
My eyebrow raises as I register their words. “What the hell did you just call me?”
“Uh, yah. Ion your name so I just went by your face. I mean I guess I coulda said ‘tall guy’ but I'm 5'2" so...”
I try to calm myself down. “You are calling me 'cute' simply because you don't know my name? That's the most foolish excuse I have ever heard.”
“Fine then, ‘cute guy’. What's your name so I can call you that instead.”
“I am Geto Suguru, the special grade sorcerer and the leader of the Curse User Organization, monkey. And you will address me as 'Lord Geto' from now on.”
“Ooou, that sounds important. Suguru is a cute name, by the way.”
Nobody's ever found my surname cute, or even said so, so their words instantly throw me for a loop.
“I love your name, it's fun to say. Suguru rolls off the tongue.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I mean, I could start. I did say you were cute. I'm Amber by the way~”
It was strange, they're annoying, but I don't even think it's on purpose. It's almost cute, the way that every time those glossed lips opened it was to let out a sweet voice saying something idiotic.
“A human like you has the guts to flirt with THE Suguru?”
Why?” They tilt their head dumbly, “You famous or something?”
“Famous? Me? Oh ho, yes.” I smirk at the naive human before me, “Not only am I world-renowned, but I am also feared by many and have quite the reputation for doing some heinous things. I don’t think you comprehend how dangerous I am.”
“Ohhhh.” They lean in and whisper under the noise of the plaza, “Are you a yakuza boss? I won't tell.”
Oh, they're adorable. I’m gonna have fun with them. A smirk spread across my face, making the decision to play along with the idiotic thing. 
“Why, yes I am. My empire is the most powerful in the entire world. And if you tell anyone about this, you will never see the light of day again.”
“I won't, I swear. I am so good at keeping secrets.”
“I bet. Something tells me your skull doesn’t quite have the capacity.” I touch the tip of their nose with his index finger, “You are quite the interesting thing, aren’t you?”
“So you like me too?”
They’re so dumb, I can’t even tell if they know I’m flirting. Or does that make them clever? This enigma alone makes me want them even more mysterious and I love it. I don’t even think they know how mysterious they are
“In fact, I think I do. And since you know about my um... secret business, I might have to make you mine.”
They gasp. “Really? That was fast.”
“I just know when I see potential in someone, and you? You have that potential.”
“A mafia boss likes me? It’s like a fanfiction.”
“Yeah, exactly; just like fanfiction. I don’t know what else it is about you but,” I grab their chin and pull them so our gazes meet, “You just keep entertaining me with that smooth brain of yours, and I think I want to own you.”
“Ooh, kinky~”
I chuckle and roll my eyes at their oblivious yet flirty reply despite it enticing me further. I lean in closer, lips just an inch away from theirs.
“Kinky, indeed.”
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sinsandsuccubus · 2 years
Slutty and kinky sex with Urban on the tour bus
Riding the Magic Tour Bus - Urban Wyatt
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Context: You're in for a magical ride...
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1.2k
Pairings: Urban Wyatt x Fem!Reader
Warning: 18+! , sexual activity
A/N: I want Urban to fuck me silly. Okay, that is all.
Please DO NOT ENGAGE if not 18+. Reader's discretion is advised. I am not responsible if YOU CHOOSE to continue.
Masterlist ☽☾
                                          ☽ ☾
The tinted windows did nothing to hide the beauty outside the bus that you were seeing. Archways, tall stone buildings, clever fashion “models” waking amongst the street.
If it had not been for your family, you would have moved to this city in a heartbeat.
Jack was on tour in another beautiful city; and despite the number of times you’d taken walks and tours around it, you couldn’t get enough.
Even the photos your boyfriend had too wouldn’t suffice.
Urban currently had his head in your lap, your manicured nails rubbing against his scalp as he hummed, goosebumps littering his skin.
“That feels so good baby.”
“I knew you had a thing for people touching your head.”
“Yeah, but you’re the only one who can touch my head.”
It took you a moment to catch what Urban was speaking of, because you smacked him against the skull, giggling as he sat up to rub the area.
“Ouch Y/N!”
“You’re so perverted, ohmygod!”
“Hey you two love birds!” You heard Jack call from the front, the two of you leaning to the side down the alley to catch his glance.
“Neelam and I are gonna go and do this appearance real quick, it shouldn’t take that long since it’s a pop-up. Don’t get into any shit while you’re on this bus.” Jack scolded as the both of you saluted the man, watching as his lengthy figure follow behind the shorter woman off the bus, leaving only the two of you.
You both looked at each other before smirking.
“Wanna fuck?”
“Of course I do.” You laughed, standing up from your seat before moving to the cabin in the back. Urban took to smacking your ass, you yelping with a little jump as he followed you.
“Fuck, Urban!”
“I know you can take harder than that. Besides, it’s revenge for smacking me upside the head.”
“Yeah well, you deserved it for that damn joke.”
“And you deserve this pipe I’m about to give you.” He slammed the door shut before pushing you down on the bed, swiftly removing himself from his clothes and confines.
You followed the same, your bra the last thing to take off, massaging your tits once the fabric had been removed.
“Mmm, you look good baby. So good I could eat you.”
“Then do it.” You muttered softly, to which Urban took your legs over his shoulders, placing his face between your thighs. He blew onto your unclothed pussy, shivers littering down your spine.
“Fuck, Urban please..”
“Please what?”
“Please touch me.”
“Touch you where?” You whined at his obvious obliviousness, which earned you a slap on your clit, body jolting.
“Talk to me.”
“I want you to touch my pussy Urban, please fuck me with your tongue and fingers.”
“Good girl.” He cooed before engulfing your clit into his mouth, sucking on the bud. You moaned out and arched up into the sheets, Urban pressing firmly on your hips to keep your down on the bed.
“Mm, keep still baby girl, or I’ll have to stop.” He spoke out into the air before diving back in, paying close attention to your folds.
The sound of your arousal and his tongue working mercilessly on your pussy echoed throughout the room, your hands moving to grip his hair.
“Urban, fuck.” You moaned out, breath hitched.
“Fuck ma, you taste like heaven.” He announced, now using his fingers to prod at your entrance. He scooped some of your slick up before placing it on his tongue.
“Mm, yeah, baby girl. I need the full thing.” And he dove into your pussy once more, using his fingers in a scissoring motion while he lapped at your clit.
Your body began to shake with pleasure as you were brought closer and closer to the edge, the sinful sounds getting louder and louder.
“Mm, you gonna cum for me ma? You gonna cum all over my tongue?”
“Fuck, yes Urban yes, m’gonna cum.” You declared before you fell short, Urban withdrawing from you.
“The only place you’re cumming is on my dick.” He spoke before thrusting into you smoothly, automatically hitting that spot that made you squeal.
Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands planting on the bed beside you as he thrust up into you at a rapid pace.
“UrbanUrbanUrbanUrbanUrbanUrban.” You chanted his name like a mantra, moving back and forth from a grip on his arms to a grip on the sheets.
“Yes baby, fuck you feel so good. Such a good girl.” You moaned out at his compliments, your legs shaking with pleasure.
“Urb…” You panted, looking up at him with hooded eyes.
That’s when Urban got the brilliant idea to fuck you against the bus window, his cock still sheathed within you as he maneuvered both your bodies, your hands braced against the glass.
He began thrusting up into you once more, your tits pressing up against the cool surface, eyes fluttering shut.
It was then that Urban pulled your head down by your hair, forcing you to look up at him, back arched.
“Keep your eyes open when I fuck you. You understand?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Good girl.” He groaned before letting go of your hair, your head jerking forward as he landed a smack to your ass.
“Shit baby, your ass looks so good. Push back into me. Be a good little slut and push back into me.” He commanded, and you followed his order, thrusting back into him as he pushed you closer to the edge.
Dipping his fingers into your mouth, which he demanded you sucked on, he applied the damp digits to your clit, making you yell out in pleasure.
“Fuck daddy please, please please please.”
“Please what?”
“Please let me cum.”
He pondered the action before moaning “cum for me” into your ear, your body thrashing as you came all over him.
However, Urban didn’t let up.
“Daddy, daddy…”
“Shh, you can give me one more. You’re daddy’s little cock slut aren’t ya? You can give me another.”
It wasn’t long before you came around him again, squirting against the wall of the cabin as Urban came with you, his warm seed shooting up deep inside you.
“Fuck that was good. You okay baby?”
“Yes Urby, I’m fine.” He pulled out of you, spinning you around and kissing your lips softly and sensually.
“Let’s get cleaned up before Jack comes back hmm?”
“Yeah, or we’ll have our asses handed to us.” You both chuckled, freezing when you heard Jack’s voice from the front of the bus.
“I’ll have your asses right now then.”
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slutforsans · 3 years
What about., a short story with.. Bleu.. where his mate is actually the handsy one..
Blue was training with Alphys as usual, feeling extremely tired while sweat dripped of his body. His shirt was damp and his skull had a blue hue due to the strenght he had to use at the fights, and his light blue scarf was hanging from his right hand.
He suddenly felt something where his ears should be, something like a small tickle. It distracted him, causing Alphys to hit him right in the ribs. 
A small whimper escaped from his mouth, and he was now on the floor.
— Hey, dude...Are you okay? Stop thinking about your pretty mate and fight!  — Alphys screamed to him.  —Y-YEAH, SORRY ABOUT THA-AUGH!  —Alphys hit him again.  — DO YOU APOLOGIZE TO YOUR ENEMY?!  — And with that, we move to you.
You were in Blue’s room, looking around hoping to find something to entretain yourself.
Let’s see...action figures? Nah, books about dates? Nope, what about that computer? 
You turned the PC on and entered easily, his password was SANSTHEMAGNIFICENT, and his desk wallpaper was a picture of you sleeping only in blue underwear. He had a lot of games and random folders, everything spilled right in his desk, completely disorganized. 
A folder under the name of “(y/n) pics <3<3″ caught your attention, and you tried to click to open it and see it’s content. A window randomly popped up, asking for a password. Your fingers hit the keys, you were determined to guess his password.
Let’s see...”ILY(Y/N)”? nope, “BLUEISAMAZING”? no, “DONTLOOK”, no, crap.
You groaned, what could it be?
Now typing random things, you wrote “Master”. It entered.
—Oh, kinky. — you laughed a bit, still not believing the fact that his password for a folder with things about you was “Master”.
You saw another things inside the folder, one of them was a video that lasted half an hour, and a Word archive literally named “Things they do that turn me on so fucking bad”, you continued to laugh.
You opened the text archive only to find a lot of appreciation phrases that he wrote to you. You checked the date of the file to see when was it written, and you realized this was written months before you started dating him.
A lot of things he wanted you to do were there, and you decided to read every single one of them to suprise him.
Blue came back from his intense training, still wet in sweat, and walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink. You heard his not-so-silent boots walking downstairs, and you prepared yourself: He never knocked the door to enter the room, and he expressed he would love to walk in on you changing.
You took your shirt off and stayed in your unhooked bra (or binder, or just a tank top) and with your panties on. 
His steps grew closer to the door, and your excitement showed in your actions. The sound of his boots stopped right in front of the room, and you heard two knocks. Are you serious?
Oh, you weren’t letting this happen.  —Come in!  — you announced.
He opened the door, only to find the room kind of dark, the only thing emitting light was his pc, with your picture in it. “ —Oh no.  — “ he thought.
— (y/n), where are you, I can’t see you anywhe-OH MY STARS!  — You appeared behind him and closed the door, he saw you half naked and his face had a shiny blue blush, the one that you loved so much.
— How was your training, dear?  — you asked innocently. His face had a clear hint of shock, and you took this to your advantage.
— O-Oh...are you...mad? Tired? Do you...need something, master?  — he continued to stare at your face, now watching your lips pronounce the word “master”. He had a visible boner.
You touched his ribs, just like he liked, and you started to press yourself against his now hot body, moving your hips closer to his. He just gasped, as his hands made their way to your butt, only to be slapped down by you.  His pupils glowed a bright skyblue color, and a growl escaped from his mouth, you just laughed playfully.
You pushed him softly to the brim of the bed and you kneeled down in front of him, your hands were now caressing his hipbone and your face was now being illuminated by his magic erection. He was a panting mess, and the look in your eyes drove him crazy.
He tried to touch you again, but you quickly got up and pushed him down. Now you were straddling his hips, rolling yours back and forward, earning loud growls and moans from him. His magical tonge rolled out of his mouth, and sweat started to fall from his forehead, just like you.
You kept caressing his ribs, and you let his hands grab your butt. Blue was blushing madly, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
His left eye glowed and now you were under him, your legs were above his shoulders and his hands were now roaming every inch of your body.
His growls grew louder, he sounded extremely hungry, and needy: you loved this wild side.
A sound made both of you stop. The door was open.
—Hey, bro, are you OHMYGOD-...  — Papyrus saw your breasts and his brother’s horny face. He closed the door and you heard him cursing loudly. Your heart seemed to stop for a moment, and your breath was trapped in your chest.
Your eyes were staring at the door, still shocked and amused. A loud laugh invaded your ears as you were now looking at your handsome boyfriend, who was now grabbing where his belly would be if he had one while laughing.
You soon joined him into this fit of laughter, still kind of naked. The moment was totally ruined and you started to dress up, Blue was still recovering from the moment and his boner was no longer there. Unlucky you.
When he stopped, he hugged your now clothed form, and whispered sweet nothings in your ear making you blush once more. You both went to bed, had a little chat still remembering the accident, making fun of Papyrus face and acting it out just to make it funnier, and finally fell asleep cuddling together.
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