veikkoalen · 3 months
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that one sitcom game
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itsaaudraw · 11 months
Do you have any fav youtubers?? Mine are Dashiegaming and CoreyXkenshin. What your fav holidays?
LS mark (who i had the honor of doing a youtube thumbnail for an upcoming video), pixelbush entertainment (good friend of mine), ohtofu, izzzyzzz, ashens, brutalmoose, cinemassacre, ryan hollinger, PBG and schafrillas
i don’t really have one but i guess halloween 🎃
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
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bladeofmarseille · 2 years
im playing in ohtofu scrims tonight and we might have to play against a knight 😭😭
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pattoyourkatto · 3 years
My PoV and OhTofu’s PoV in that one match I had
I find it funny he called me a pussy bitch, a motherfucker, and toxic xD
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questionedturkey · 3 years
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Ohtofu just kicked my ass >:(
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What a lucly night tho-
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twitchclips · 4 years
OhTofu and deer catching in Among Us
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New Series to bring out. Not a new idea since I kind of got it from OhTofu. We're going to show off Vigil and Botany Knowledge from the Shrine of Secrets! https://youtu.be/S6mpkptBCqQ
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trashyslashers · 5 years
do you have any tips on how to get better at playing??? I'm such a noob and always the first one to get hooked lol
Yeah I’ve got a few!
This is mainly for... non-stealth gameplay though because I kinda abdoned stealth awhile ago, so I apologize if that’s what you were looking for!! 
Also I say “tile” a lot through this - it might be very general video game lingo, but in the chance that anyone reading this doesnt know wtf a tile is - a tile is pretty much a plot of the map where things can spawn (buildings, walls, rocks, trees, pallets, etc). 
Biggest one is honestly just…. play as much as you can. You’ll only get better with experience - and most tips anyone will offer you are things that’ll require some time to learn. By no means am I an amazing DBD player, but I’m much better now at almost 730 hours than I was at only 200.
This one may take some time, but map awareness is key! Learning the maps, knowing roughly where you are on the map, knowing where dead zones are (areas where there’s little to no pallets, windows, nothing at all to help you), what tiles are around, etc, is a HUGE help. While in a chase, being able to plot the route you’ll take helps immensely because you won’t be running around aimlessly.
Speaking of route plotting: whenever you’re on a gen, do that. Keep note of any pallet or window that’s close to you, and figure out where you’ll run to when/if the Killer comes.
This is one that’ll take some practice, but being able to look behind you every now and then while in chase makes a huge difference. Just pivoting your camera back behind you every few seconds or so so you can keep an eye on the Killer and see what they’re doing, where they are, etc, is really important and pretty much the baseline for most chase gameplay.
You gotta kinda balance chases so they’re 50% reaction and 50% prediction. Killers, especially at higher ranks, will try to mindgame, trick you, etc, so learning what common mindgames there are and keeping an eye out for them can prolong chases. 
Figuring out what the Killer does and basing your gameplay after that helps as well. Do they respect pallets? Do they even try to mindgame and cut you off or do they just… hold W and follow right after you? Figuring out what they do and using that to your advantage can help. 
Learning the different structures and tiles and how to run them is essential. There are maze tiles, jungle gyms, T walls, L walls, the shack - all have different layouts and are supposed to be ran in a different way, and running them the right way will prolong chases, while the wrong way can end them quicker.
I won’t say there are any perks that you HAVE to use, but certain ones can definitely help. No perk in specific is required to do well. I personally use Bond, Borrowed Time, Dark Sense, and Spine Chill. 
Also, playing both sides helps a lot. You’ll be able to get into the mind of the Killer which helps you know what to look out for because you’ll know what they’ll be looking out for. 
Something that’s helped me get much better has been watching other, better players, and then copying what they do. There are some amazing DBD players on Twitch and Youtube; my personal favorite is OhTofu. He’s been playing DBD for as long as it’s been out, and he’s one of the best players imo. He’s really nice, and incredibly helpful (he’s met the mcfreakin devs??). He’s mainly on Twitch, but he also has a YouTube channel and has an ongoing series where he reviews game footage. He’s also put out videos on general Survivor tips,  how to run certain tiles, how to play pallets (this is a mix of Killer and Survivor), and even some on different map layouts. Some others include Tru3ta1ent (Twitch & YT), No0b3 (mainly YT), Monto (YT), CrunchyEggrollzz (Twitch), and Puppers (Twitch).
But again, this all comes with practice! If you’re super, super new to the game then honestly don’t stress about it right now and just focus on getting a feel for the game. DBD really isn’t competitive, and in my opinion it’s much more fun to play with the goal of just having fun, as opposed to playing just to do well.   
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javisfreckles · 3 years
i got fucking randomly paired against ohtofu btw so that was embarrassing :)
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studiousbotanist · 1 year
ohtofu i love you but the plague gamepla yhurts soo sosososo bad so bad so bad soososbad it makes me want to load up dbd and play her to redeem adiris
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provokedgoalie · 4 years
Gameplay for Dead by daylight!
Ardetha, OhTofu, and NotOtzdarva are pretty good to watch!
I literally haven't seen how the game goes, so I've been curious about who to watch. Thanks! ❤️
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aderyncarn · 5 years
Are there any DBD YouTubers that you watch, or would suggest ?
They are many Not otzdarva is my favorite, I love his varied content and advice has helped me a lot to improve as a killer. I highly recommend the video about the Monstrous Shrine. Ardetha and TrU3ta1ent are veterans in the game and the first helps me a lot to improve as a nurse. Ohtofu is very good too and I love his crazy builds and his reviews to other players. And farmer john and his shitpost content is 10/10 then I follow Spanish-speaking youtubers like the last gamer, genuine993 and menos trece
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thatrasmur · 6 years
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Awesome streamer OhTofu is going to do epic SUBATHON on Saturday 28th! Join the fun at Twitch.tv/ohtofu
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pattoyourkatto · 3 years
My second chase with OhTofu! Lol the chains ruin my life
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