rockheadcd · 2 years
anon said: Steven, tell us what you think about Wallace / do you have any idea what you’re asking for at 10 in the fucking morning. @ohtragedy​ come get your food. | accepting.
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Oh, Wallace, huh. The name automatically brings a smile to his lips before a hand dips behind to his belt, procuring a pokeball and allowing it to open. Out comes Metagross, another creature that had a long, long history with Sootopolis’ most revered resident, and Steven plops right on top of them. A throne, so to speak, but, no, he was aware he’d be here awhile, considering there’s about ten different answers that try to take control of his speech at once. It’s enough to make him laugh softly, legs folding one over the other gracefully. “I hope you’re ready for an impromptu history lesson, while you’re at it,” he beams, to which even Metagross makes a sound ( something along the lines of ‘oh, here we fucking go’ ).
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“--For a brief start, I’ve never known someone who could do it all like he does. It’s amazing, really. I envy him, if you can believe it. There’s literally nothing he can’t do. He can adapt to anything---he’s really like water.. fits in anything and everything like a glove; he’s important no matter where he is or what he’s doing.” If anything, Steven had learned his flexibilities from Wallace specifically--maturing alongside him meant that, inevitably, they had rubbed off on one another---the good habits and the bad habits.
“I envy him in that, but.. I respect him a lot more than I lead on,” Steven admits fondly--which is silly coming from him, seeing as he’s so domestic when Wallace is around. “I think he’s the only person that knows me better than I know myself.” It’s a very simple way of describing the kind of knowledge Wallace has of him. Steven knows well that the other could so easily bring out different sides of him, maybe as far as to call them personalities depending on the context. Steven wanted nothing more than to give his all and Wallace knew exactly how to bring that out of him. No one else had him on strings like that, and he was aware that it was the same vice versa. Steven could ask anything of Wallace and he’d do it, with or without hesitation. And he had asked some incredibly challenging things of him before. That being said..
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“I trust him with my life. I’d trust him with anything, really.” His voice loses the air of bemusement because he’s thinking about it, just how far he’d actually go for this one, singular soul. What kind of person would he be now if he wasn’t there--or as integrated into his life as he was now? It was literal years of history between them, between history buffs and gym challenges, to travels and duties and title matches. The answer looms it’s shadow, stretching farther and farther, causing Steven to momentarily rest a hand over his temple with a small half-humored laugh. The more he thought about it, the more he understands, there’s no healthy explanation for the way these two look at one another anymore. There had been a point where innocence was lost, but that was the sacrifice of growing up. Steven may not have lost his wonder, but he had certainly lost his innocence.
“I think--no, I’m pretty sure I value him more than I value myself. We’ve lived through so much together it’s.. I don’t know how else to describe what I think. I think a lot of things when it comes to him even if I’m not aware of it at the time. I can be shallow and say I think he’s elegant and the most beautiful creature to ever exist. That’s easy. He already knows that, anyway, but no one is above enjoying a little flattery.” His hands come together, lacing fingers as he presses his chin into the dip above overlapping thumbs. Even Metagross looks up at him curiously. There’s a hanging pause and Steven finds a string of words that make sense to him ( at least, to describe the feelings and opinions that aren’t so obvious ).
“..Don’t get me wrong. I don’t worship him. I revere him, but he’s not my god. I think of him as my absolute equal. However. The world would be my collateral if something ever happened to him.”
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cosmicblooded · 2 years
@ohtragedy​ has arrived.
“You are in for such a treat, Wallace.”
The researcher spoke colorfully, a flare as they tied their hair into a long braid. The disposition didn’t quite match the scenario the man had found himself in. At some point in his arrival, his clothes had been removed for a large dual gold and white smock. A symbol presented on it like a badge.
But that wasn’t the most immediately concerning detail. Not when Wallace was strapped into a tank of cool water at an angle. His head was clear of the water, no urgent threat of drowning, but the thick leather straps were worrying with how his head was the only part of him that was free to swivel.
“We found a rather interesting specimen a few days ago.”
The completed braid was finished with a flare as it was thrown over her shoulder. She hummed as she turned on her heel to wash her hands at the nearby sink. Only then was the metal wheeled tray of various instruments and tools had become another point of interest. Scalpels, needles, and syringes were among them
“I’m sure someone like you can appreciate the effort it is to find the perfect and healthy Pokemon for this project. Something so beautiful and majestic and... powerful.”
The world was nearly purred as they dried their hands and slipped on a pair of white gloves.
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“How excited are you to face the future as the first Perfected Generation?”
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
from here //
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thing was; with spider-man, there was always a consistent moral compass. unless harry had particularly pissed them off, he could take moments like this, as he wrapped his arm around his  torso. just by asking. to be fair; he was in a lot of pain too. he still let out a laugh at his words. 
“    right. because talking is your weapon of choice, isn’t it ??   ”   it didn’t matter who was behind the mask (although he was pretty sure it was peter). they all had the same techniques.
// @ohtragedy​
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soardived · 3 years
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“ i would be NICER to clair if she hadn’t made such a FUSS when she lost ! had to go all the way to that cavern an’ stuff  an’ she really YELLED at me -- ”
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stcries · 2 years
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200 random dialogue prompts,  accepting!
@ohtragedy​ wrote:   ❛ i’m not sorry. ❜ ( clair to Lance )
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          he’s taken aback by her words for a moment,  throat running dry despite his expression seeming stoic on the outside.   to think back on how close they used to be in their days of youth,  having someone you saw as your own sibling say things like that?   to say it stung would be an understatement.
yet feet remain firm against the ground,  eyes closing momentarily to allow a deep breath to enter his body before he finally spoke.
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“   ...   i know,  and i don’t expect you to be.”   god,  it hurt to even say that.   but lance knew he wouldn’t be able to change her mind,  not with a single uttering.
the champion’s fists balled for a moment,  head lifting so grey hues focused on sky blue hair.   “i can’t control your feelings towards me,  but that doesn’t mean i won’t stop trying to rekindle what we once had.”
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glowiiingup · 3 years
@ohtragedy​ continued from HERE { && dolores }
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Being by himself was one thing, but running away was another. Dolores frowned a bit deeper at the youngers words, but she didn’t force herself into his personal space. She of all people knew how important boundaries were when one was upset.
“Running away from home isn’t needing time to your, hermano.” she replied, tone soft. “...talk to me? Por favor?”
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stcries-a · 3 years
‘  i’m  not  okay  !  i’m  bored  !  ’ (Emmett to Ingo)
misc sentence starters,  accepting!
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   his head was quick to turn towards his brother, staring blankly for a couple seconds before eyebrows gently knotted.  “well, what do you want me to do about it?”  sometimes waiting for challengers on their subway stadium took a while, the brothers having already having exhausted their ideas for the evening.
with excadrill sitting by his side, a single gloved hand reached over to pet atop his head, humming gently as he thought.  “how’s about if nobody shows within the next five minutes, we go and grab some food?”
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evisconti · 3 years
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@ohtragedy​ said  :   “Had   it   coming!?   You   think   I   deserved   this!?”   (   from   camilo   )
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         ❝      HOW   MANY   TIMES   do   i   have   to   say   it   ?      YES   !!!      ❞         he   shouts   ,      EXASPERATED.      hands   flail   in   the   air   ,      brows   FURROWING   at   the   boy.         ❝      what   do   you   think      HAPPENS      when   you   go   through   people’s   things   ?      YOU   made   HER   mad   ,      number   one.      and   number   two   ,      YOU   started   all   of   this   !      have   you   never   had   an      ARGUMENT      before   ,      boy   ??      ❞         last   question   rhetorical   ,      he   ROLLS   his   eyes.      this   is   how   ERCOLE   understood   all   of   it   ――   and   as   he   saw   it   ,      there   would   ALWAYS   be   someone   PURELY   in   the   wrong   ,      and   that   someone   should   have      HELL      to   pay   for   it.         ❝      stop   feeling   so   BAD   for   yourself   when   you   should   be   APOLOGIZING   to   her   !      capito   ??      ❞         a   finger   JABS   at   camilo’s   chest   ,      unimpressed   with   what   ERCOLE   viewed   as   self   -   pity.
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stigmatvm · 3 years
@ohtragedy liked this for a Monoma starter (+Kaminari)
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"So what if I am good at screaming? Why should I help a band full of Class A members, of all things?"
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rockheadcd · 2 years
@ohtragedy​ said: There’s a soft splash of water that can be heard near the rocks in the cavern; water dripping from stalactites and echoing off the rock. There’s movement; another splash. Breathing; and the sound of something swimming. Malachite gaze, the colour bright against black sclera, peers from behind a rock formation at the edge of the waters. “—Steven?” A familiar waterfall of hair pools over his shoulders, most of his body hidden in the water; though a few scales seem to litter his body; his shoulders and forearms most notable, clawed hand lightly scratching at the rock he peered from behind.
Oh, how Wallace didn’t want the other to see him this way. / :_) WALLACE........... | accepting.
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Caverns like this were possibly the most dangerous to be---but at this point, Steven was seeking out the danger in hidden gems, in places where he couldn’t be found, places he’d have difficulty escaping from. A hand rested on his chest, the shortness of breath becoming more and more prominent as the weeks had drawn on ( or maybe it was just being so far underground messing with his state of mind ), stressed, desperate, and most agonizingly---lonely.
Wallace had simply... disappeared into thin air, plucked one day and there was no trace of him. Anywhere. Nowhere. Even thinking about it now had left his stomach in knots.
He forces his hands to press against the cavern’s numerous stalagmites, forces himself to perceive the stray drops that speckle like glimmer in his hair ( get it together, steven... get it together ). Doing so makes him realize just how cold it is, as fingertips tremble---but he has to persevere. 
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He has to be there when Wallace comes back.
Yet, his composure almost immediately shatters when the ghost of a voice he knows calls his name, and it hurts to whip around so quickly, staring in the direction of the sound, the running waters jostle in the presence of another. He’d seen his face in so many passerby’s that he didn’t quite believe what he settled his eyes upon, celestite dampened by the dimness of their surroundings. Steven looks as if he’s seen a ghost, torn between panic and the verge of a breakdown.
“...Wallace?” he murmurs carefully, having been fooled many, many times over these long, stretching moons. Carefully, he pushes himself away, his eyes adjusting to see the outline of a familiar shape, disturbed by a faint shimmer, a difference in texture. His hair..the same color as it always had been, such a cool, vibrant turquoise only belonging to those native to Sootopolis. When his gaze reaches malachite, he tilts his head some.
( his sclera... ) Steven approaches, and more and more details come to fruition--that was his Wallace.. but something...? "--Wallace!!” That can wait, clearly, as he rushes over, and pulls on the other man’s arm into a desperate hug, confirming that what he had seen and heard was real. Instincts certainly had a way of keeping him appearing functional, but it was simply not the case otherwise. When he finally calms from his sudden overload, Steven observes the texture of his skin is different in places...were they... scales? Untangling himself from waterfall locks allows him to actually take in the sight--no...something happened to him. Transformative... Steven hadn’t made out the shapes beneath the water’s surface, disturbed by their movements and the constant trickle from overhead. 
But... Yes.. this was him. Oh, thank Arceus...
“..What.. what happened?” It’s all he can ask. It’s all he has been asking this whole time. Maybe, he’ll finally get a real answer.
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cosmicblooded · 2 years
I’m still waiting on a ‘thank you’. :/
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ordinariums-a · 3 years
from here //
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the voice drew peter out of his mind immediately, and his eyes flickered up. he’s just a kid, but he was beginning to see why he became spider-man at such a young age. caring. and inquisitive as hell.        “    i mean, i’m good. all good.    ”    was he a good liar ?? he had no idea.    “    nothing’s up, thanks though. ---- what’s going on with you ??    ” 
// @ohtragedy​
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stcries · 2 years
          feet stood at the beach’s edge,  gaze staring out across the horizon as waves came crashing in and out.   it was a rare moment of silence for team aqua’s leader,  simply enjoying the familiar and comforting salty smell within the air   ...   that was until he felt something bump into his leg.
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head was quick to turn,  glancing down to find a milotic?   ...   it was surprising at first,  but not unwelcome.  judging from how he hadn’t been sprayed with water yet,  archie all too quickly realized that this one was tame.
but who his eyes caught next?   oh it couldn’t help but make him chuckle.   “haha,  slipped free of your grip,  did she?   clever girl,  wonder where she gets it from, hmm.”
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@ohtragedy,  starter call.
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ofoni · 2 years
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“ You never request me, Sara! Did I do something wrong--- is this way way to put me in jail. because you know I like you a lot, you can’t just use that against me!” 
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diiviner · 3 years
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@ohtragedy​ asked:
“I tried my best.” To bruno from alejandro
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“I know, hombrecito...” 
Bruno ruffles the child’s hair, crouched down next to him.
“I think it looks pretty great, honestly. You’re a really good artist, kid.” 
Alejandro is still so young, and yet he’s able to paint entire portraits.
“I think you got my good side, yeah?” 
He says playfully, rubbing his chin as he examines the painting. He’s almost envious, honestly. Bruno’s always been a bit of an artist, but he could never make something like this... It’s seriously very impressive.
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recuerdames · 3 years
“you’re all i have.” From imelda!
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 .
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⸻ imelda's desperate plea from the doorway of their bedroom pierces wavering composure & a heavy heart . sigh deflates hector's tenseshoulders with eyes closed in preparation to face her -- brows knitted . atop folded clothes , train ticket stares up at him ; it holds his future , ernesto's future -- imelda & coco's , too . to give up on the journey ahead would mean giving up on all of them . in an act of finality , he brings battered suitcase to a close , locks penitent eyes with his wife . strides carry him to where she stands . golden afternoon sun has caught her features -- reminds him of the beauty he's leaving behind ( reminds him he must go ) . hector draws a steadying breath & guitarist's hands take hers in a tender grasp , rubbing warmth into them .
❝ imelda -- escúchame , por favor . i'm doing this for us , mi vada . y coco , too . ❞ at first , there's a hesitance to his touch for fear she'll pull away . but these will be their final moments together for a long time & he intends to cherish them for all they're worth . he caresses the hill of her cheek & a torn heart throbs with the hurt he knows damn well he's wrought . through his bangs , he looks at his beloved with a sad sincerity . ❝ the money we make from this ? it's going to ensure that you never have to work yourself to the bone again , amor . coco will have the chance to grow up with what i never could . you have her . she has you . i will think of you every day . . . ❞ the sun highlights flecks of caramel in her irises & it's all too easy to become lost in them as he has for years . closure he's lured by their magnetic spell -- chest to chest , palm at her lower back -- cupping her face & committing each facial facet to memory . lips part , mere inches from hers , aching inside to think just how deprived of her he's going to be .
❝ oh , i'm going to miss you , quierda . . . ❞ finally , he does catch her lips with a growing need -- but one kiss isn't enough ; this one is deepened , mind growing hazy . he strays now to the corner of her mouth , lingering as tender kisses make their way down the curve of her jaw -- & pauses . ❝ so much . . . but i have to go . i will write to you whenever i can . . . ❞ one last look between four brown eyes , raising his chin to kiss the center of her forehead with a hand behind her neck . again , his eyes squeeze shut for a fraction of a second -- considers walking out on this plan . but then , he grabs his suitcase & guitar . ❝ te amo , imelda . i'll be back before you know i'm gone . ❞
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