#⏳ .•* ||ASK|| *•.
diiviner · 3 years
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@manenimittliv​ asked:  “talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.”
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Bruno doesn't want to talk about it. To.. discuss his feelings about his mother's death. That just isn't a conversation he's ready for. All he's been able to manage around the family is the comforter position. He sits with them, let's them talk about it and cry if they need to. But Bruno himself… He has a hard time really expressing his grief around other people. Pepa asked if he even cared– called him a monster. He.. knows she's just going through it right now. She tends to say things she doesn't mean when she's like this… 
 All of this culminated in him just.. withdrawing even further. He only leaves his room to eat, or when someone specifically asks for him. And that seemed to be the case here. "I don't wanna talk about it." Was his immediate answer. And he winces a little at how harsh his tone was. That.. wasn't on purpose… Bruno squeezes his arm nervously, sighing. 
"Sorry sorry–... I just… I'm fine."
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.Bruno Madrigal.
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diiviner · 2 years
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@heartsetting​ asked:
“You have every right to be upset.” from silco to bruno :)
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‘You have every right to be upset.’
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He’s never been told that before. Every time he’d get angry or defensive, his family would label him as ‘acting out’. His feelings were hardly taken seriously anymore... But... to be validated like this, to be told that he was allowed to be mad, and that he was right to be mad... It feels good.
“Y.. Yeah.. Yeah, you’re right. They.. They used me for my visions and then tossed me away when.. wh-when I stopped giving them what they wanted. I don’t.. I don’t need to forgive them. They.. They don’t deserve my forgiveness..!”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@ohtragedy​ asked:
“I tried my best.” To bruno from alejandro
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“I know, hombrecito...” 
Bruno ruffles the child’s hair, crouched down next to him.
“I think it looks pretty great, honestly. You’re a really good artist, kid.” 
Alejandro is still so young, and yet he’s able to paint entire portraits.
“I think you got my good side, yeah?” 
He says playfully, rubbing his chin as he examines the painting. He’s almost envious, honestly. Bruno’s always been a bit of an artist, but he could never make something like this... It’s seriously very impressive.
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diiviner · 3 years
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@forgottenluck​ asked:  "💭"
Send a "💭" to hear what My Muse is currently thinking about.
“Mirrors are freaky.”
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“I haven’t been in front of one in 10 years, and now that I can just walk around the house freely, I’m... Running into them. Seeing myself is weird. Looking into a mirror when it’s dark is even worse.”
“I’m always either ‘Do I really look like that?’ or ‘My reflection is me from another dimension and some day he’s gonna climb out and try to replace me’.... Ya know?”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@visionesverde​ asked: 💭 
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“I’m.. Envious of Mirabel.”
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“She doesn’t have a Gift. And I see that as a blessing. These Gifts-- Curses-- have only led to trouble. Even when I was a kid, and my visions all turned out bad, I... didn’t want my Gift. I could even say I hate my Gift... The only ever good vision I’ve had was because of Mirabel...”
“I know we had a whole song about how ‘you’re the gift, not your power’ and yadayada-- But... I still don’t like doing visions. I still don’t like my Gift. I don’t want it...”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@manenimittliv​ asked: 💭 tell me what's on the rat man's mind
Send a "💭" to hear what My Muse is currently thinking about.
“What’s outside the Encanto...?”
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“Hearing the stories, it sounds... Awful. What if the people that killed my padre are still out there? With the mountains split, I... worry. I worry a lot. What if someone finds us? We’re not completely locked in anymore, and that’s... nice and all, but... I worry somethin’s gonna hurt us...”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@makcaw​ asked:  "💭"
Send a "💭" to hear what My Muse is currently thinking about.
“I wonder how I’m gonna die...”
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“I could definitely have a vision about it, but if I’m being honest, I’d rather not... At least not willingly. It would freak me out too much... It would probably be better to never tell.. anyone how they’re going to die.”
“The paranoia that would stem from it would be insane...”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@ohtragedy​ asked:
Dear Esma
Dear Esmerelda,
I’ve never been good with words. I don’t think I’ll ever figure it out either. Feelings are hard to talk about, especially when I’ve never felt this way before. You’re the first person to really treat me like I’m not a villain. Except my niece, Mirabel... Which is kinda sad, now that I think about it.
You’ve done so much for me, and I just can’t express how much I appreciate you. You didn’t erase all my pain. Or offer to solve all my problems. You didn’t fix everything that was broken. But that’s not what I needed anyway. What mattered most is that.. You stayed. You didn’t avoid me, even when you knew of my reputation. You weren’t wary of me when the people in town warned you about me. You stuck by me, despite all my issues.
You make me feels things I’ve never experienced before. I catch myself thinking about you all the time. Feeling butterflies when I see you. My heart skipping a beat when you say my name.
This sounds super cliché, but... If this is what falling in love feels like, I don’t want this feeling to end.
This is... The last of countless letters he’s failed to write. They either sounded weird, or had too many mistakes. But.. He likes this one. It feels good this time. This one for sure... will.. Maybe get to Esma.... Maybe.......
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diiviner · 3 years
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@miraclestitch​ asked:  
 surprise hug from his favorite niece
The sudden feeling of arms around him causes Bruno to jolt a little, eyes wide for a second. Blinking, he huffs out a short laugh, a hand lightly patting the girl’s back. She’s not his favorite-- Who said she’s his favorite--?? That’s ridiculous, he shouldn’t doesn’t play favorites...
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“Hey, Mira.. What’s the occasion, eh?”
He’s still not used to all this positive attention, sorry Mirabel.
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diiviner · 3 years
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@miraclestitch​ asked:  
"tioooo!" There she goes, running up to him to give him a big ol' hug. "Happy valentines!" she exclaims. "I made y'something!" She pulls out a little box, cutely decorated with green rats. Inside the box was a necklace -- golden chain that in the center connected to an emerald jewel. "Read the back of it." On the back of the jewel -- ' for one of my best friends, and best rat novela writer! '
Hearing the girl call out to him, Bruno turns around just in time to have her collide with his front. He lets out an ‘oof’, and a rat squeaks in surprise, jumping out from under his ruana to scurry off. Bruno blinks.
“Valentines day...?”
Is.. Is that today..? Did he completely forget an entire holiday? Maybe. Can’t really blame him, he never celebrated it, even before his.. disappearance. A little, awkward chuckle leaves him, green eyes looking between Mirabel and the little box in her hands. He takes it, hesitant to open it at first. She really made something for him? He feels a little bad. Forgetting today was a holiday means he didn’t get her anything... But eventually, he does open it. A necklace..? It’s.. Pretty. 
Glancing at the girl before turning it around and reading the back, his expression softens. Another chuckle leaves him, but it’s more genuine this time-- A sweeter sound.
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“Mirabel, you.. didn’t have to do this...”
Looking down at it, he feels... Warm. Happy. It’s such a nice gift. Putting the box away under is ruana, he raises the necklace up to put it around his neck. It takes a few tries, but he gets it clasped, a smile on his face as he fiddles with it a little.
“Thanks.. I love it.”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@scnrisa​ asked:
❝ my mom says she’s scared. ❞ dulce says, hands wringing on her skirt, she looks like she’s been crying… ❝ that, i — shouldnt be seeing you anymore. that youre going to bring me bad luck. ❞ and like most, her parents were superstitious. someone like bruno frightened them, even if he was a madrigal. a hand comes up to wipe her face as she looks downwards at the ground. / uwu
As the days and the weeks go on, Bruno is seen less like the golden child he used to be, and more like a mischief-maker. A boy set on making people’s lives worse. Bad luck. Mala Suerte Bruno. It’s confusing. Frustrating. It’s not his fault the people want to see their futures. It’s not his fault that their futures aren’t all sunshine and rainbows...
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Bruno lets out a frustrated sigh, and he steps closer to the girl to wrap his arms around her. She’s the only one other than his sisters that he’d so willingly touch like this. He’s a reckless boy. Accident prone and always getting into something. But with Dulce.. Something about her just makes him so soft. Gentle. So, those rough hands of his carefully hold her, one smoothing down her hair. He hates seeing her cry...
“That’s.. That’s not fair...”
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diiviner · 3 years
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Anonymous asked :  You're no good, Bruno. You're shit. You're just like your father!
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"Don't talk about my papá like that!"
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diiviner · 3 years
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more random dialogue prompts ,
@warraigoe​ asked : “no, i don’t hate you.” / from pepa !
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That makes him stop. Frozen and unable to come up with a response. So, within his rambling, she caught that, huh... Right after he’d said it, he hoped she wouldn’t. But things never seem to go his way. So now he’s staring at his sister, quiet as his mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to find the words. Trying to come up with anything he can say to her. And eventually, he just sighs.
“Are you sure...?”
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diiviner · 3 years
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@lunaerising​ asked:  [ BACK ]:          sender rests a gentle hand against the receiver’s back, silently checking in on them. ( pepa to bruno :> )
Bruno’s been quiet today. While he usually tries to stay upbeat around the family, today he just... He’s not feeling it. He supposed he should’ve expected someone to notice that he’s acting off, but he’s,, still surprised when reassurance is actually given.
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Turning his head to look up at Pepa, he’s quiet for a moment, before he looks back down at his hands. Fingers fidget, feeling a little restless. His leg would be bouncing if he wasn’t suppressing it...
“I’m ok...”
He’s not. Not really. But he’s not awful, either. Just... Tired. Tired of putting on the ‘everything is ok’ act when he still feels like the world is slowly crumbling down around him...
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diiviner · 3 years
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@diamcnddcgs​ asked:  “ let’s go for a walk. staying here is the worst thing we can do, right? “ for Bruno from.... Bruno? 
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A small sigh escapes him. Being in the house has been... Stressful lately. And he supposed the other could feel it too. Maybe he did need to get out for a bit. Maybe it would help... Nodding, Bruno stands up. 
“Yeah... Yeah, let’s get outta here...”
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