#oitnb: 5x09
aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Piper & Alex | Orange is the New Black 5x09
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vausemania · 2 years
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eivorswolfkissed · 7 years
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lauraslittlespoon · 7 years
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smoakedpirate · 7 years
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Vauseman + shower
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cloveroctobers · 7 years
Lmaooo she yelled out "sexual harassment!"
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rodpower78 · 7 years
All you had to do was be an equally bad mother. Now you're a 100,000 times fucking worse.
Aleida Diaz
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... Orange is the New Black (S05E09) The Tightening Airdate: June 9, 2017 @oitnb Ratings: @netflix original Score: 8.5/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** And suddenly #OITNB5 becomes a horror film in 'The Tightening'. It's a fitting name and it certainly sounds like either a horror film or some sort of off-brand porno you might find in someone else's secret stash that makes you question just exactly what they're into. However, the latter is definitely not the feeling 'The Tightening' evokes. The opening scene even plays to horror roots with shaky camera work and first person perspective as Piscatella (Brad William Henke) watches the inmates and makes his cat-like moves (as an oversized bear) amongst the darkness along the hallways and corridors of Litchfield Prison. The music, the editing, the slamming of the cage door as he takes Blanca (Laura Gomez) as his first victim... It's all very 'Halloween or 'Friday The 13th', most definitely in the key of a psycho-slasher film in the late 70's and 80's. He even delivers a one-liner that most likely sounds like 'Judge Dredd' in his head. Blanca slowly turns around and I immediately think of Bruce Campbell in 'Maniac Cop'. Bare with me, the horror references are going to be real with this one. The music highlights the horror homages that are running rampant throughout 'The Tightening' and only elevates the terror in our first abduction of the episode. Piscatella has fn' lost it and we all should be terrified. Red (Kate Mulgrew) looks a bit out of her mind... She's certainly doing better than she was when Nichols (Natasha Lyonne) found her with a pencil with human flesh stuck to the end of it, a crowning moment of S5 for sure, but I definitely see why people would have a hard time believing anything that spawns from her brain and connects to words that escape her mouth in the state that she's in for most of the episode. People are going missing and trust me, even in a half revved up/half crashing state, clues are everywhere (whether they're truly there or not)... And if there's actually something to really follow those clues to, the whole hunt can become even more intense than it already is. But who's going to believe the old woman who's out of her mind for the first time ever in her life? A hard boiled Russian who's always had control, or at least always grasped for it in impossible situations as we see in her flashback. Suddenly, she looks like she's slipping from any real state of reality... Out of all people tho, I can't understand why Nichols wouldn't at least act as Red's play-along 'Shaman Guide'. I would think she at least owes her that. Nichols feeds her a 'I'll be right back' line... OMG, they are really going for Horror Tropes in every way they possibly can and I absolutely love it. This is a dream come true for me... A women's prison dramedy turns total Horror Slasher. Somebody pinch me, it's all my favorite genres melted into a hodgepodge of totally off-kilter episode. Piscatella has spent 8 episodes being emasculated and dismissed. His plan may seem half baked, and it totally is, but it does seem like a logical plan (or at least next step) for someone who has control issues. Parallels to that theme with Red can be traced and drawn to multiple points throughout the series, but this isn't the same kind of control. Red has shown that she adapts and makes the best of her situation, always moving, always finding a way to either stay on top... Or as we've seen in previous seasons and as we see in this very flashback, she finds ways to bide her time until a real, honest to God, time to strike comes along. Piscatella is basically having his male ego crushed in a trash compactor, an extremely fragile male ego that already he already intensely struggles with juggling and maintaining his own masculinity due to his sexuality and position of power... A power he clearly no longer has. However, Piscatella is still very much also like Red, in the sense that he's looking for the right time to strike, and that right time is now. Due to this very situation being the closest thing a man like Piscatella can come to 'Ego Death' brushing his shoulders (because he sure as shit isn't smoking DMT anytime soon), he recognizes his opportunity and he seizes his moment, barreling into the prison strapped, complete with riot gear and a full arsenal of weapons. He believes he's acting as a hero, but really he's the 'Michael Meyers' of Litchfield... And let's not forget, he's still under the umbrella of MCC. So whatever happens in there, it could possibly hurt MCC in the end, or at least work against them in some fashion. I personally refuse to believe this show will allow Piscatella to penetrate the walls of this prison during a full on 'Hostile Takeover' and walkout unscathed. Unlike Michael Meyers, or other ghoulish 'Horror Icons' Piscatella is mirroring at the moment, he's still human, he can still be hurt. He can still be killed. He's rogue, and the horror is being played to a beautiful key of irony, but in the end Piscatella is just a man... One man against a hundreds and hundreds of some of the most ruthless women around. I would say, 'Good Luck, Piscatella' just out of habit... But I want to see this mother fucker burn! I'd love to close there, because honestly this is exciting, uncharted territory for OITNB to explore, but unfortunately with this series... Even as great as it is, it can never leave well enough alone. The whole 'Slasher Homage' is a huge plus and for me a great way to keep it fresh and new for the series. Unlike most, I've also been enjoying Angie (Julie Lake) & Leanne (Emma Myles) play 'White Trash Villains Let Loose in Litchfield', they harness the same brand of evil that cartoon Siamese Cats would. Essentially they're just dicks, they are relatively harmless because of their daft intellect, but their wicked enough to cause mayhem and push all the right buttons. While the show means for there to be a layer of comedy protecting the duo in cade of a future face turn, it was straight heartbreaking to see anyone mess with Suzanne (Uzo Aduba) the way they did. Unfortunately for them, they are literally decaying via their own stupidity and consequences as the season charges on. Everyone hates them, but that's exactly what makes them two of the best handled characters of S5 so far. Even Lorna's (Yael Stone) exchange with Suzanne in this episode, as reckless as it was, is a true shot at brilliance as two beautiful mentally ill women empower each other... Just in the worst way possible. Surprisingly, It's Gloria's (Selenis Leyva) storyline I have the most trouble with. I know she's in a bad way right now, and I did appreciate her back and forth with Aleida (Elizabeth Rodriguez), who even in her total bitch mode maintained a level of heart and family values... Like, 'piss on you but good health to your kids' kind of way. Ending the conversation with, "I'm sick of being right about people," was fucking masterful. I just don't buy Gloria potentially risking everything for something she has to know in her heart is never going to happen. There are factors like Linda Ferguson (Beth Dover) leaving Litchfield with a change of heart and Piscatella's 'Jason Voorhees at Camp Crystal Lake' style rampage that act as variables that could create seriously unexpected results, but when I think of OITNB, I just don't think of happy endings... And Gloria is an OG. No matter how desperate she is, would she really risk it all just to be reminded the heavy truth of her situation? Just to have a tall, cold glass, of cold hard reality be thrown directly into her face? I just don't think so... Not Gloria... It just can't be.
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oitnbmusic · 7 years
OITNB music - s5 episodes 5-9
Season 5 playlists: Spotify | Deezer
End Credits playlists: Spotify | Deezer
*** 5x05 Sing It, White Effie ***
Jesus Alejandro El Niño - Colorin Colorao // Radio wakes everyone up
School girls singing Dreamgirls // Credits
*** 5x06 Flaming Hot Cheetos, Literally ***
Theme From Law & Order // Boo defending Pensatucky
Saul Williams - List of Demands // Credits
*** 5x07 Full Bush, Half Snickers ***
Haley Bonar - Silver Zephyrs // Prison coffee shop
Petula Clark - My Love // Credits
*** 5x08 Tied to the Traintracks ***
Calle 13 - Atrevete te te // Flashback - Young Daya at the club
Low - Especially Me // Credits
*** 5x09 The Tightening ***
Declan Flynn - Come Down // Flashback - Young Red and friend go to the party
Berry Lipman & His Orchestra - Beach Girl // Flashback - Young Red breaks up with Pavel
Mumiy Troll - California Dreaming // Credits
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fleabaged · 4 years
i'm the anon who started the psychopathy discourse and you can tell us apart by the fact that i don't capitalize my "i"s lol. but anyway, watch the show, but if you find yourself getting too attached to shoot, stop at 5x09. especially if you prefer character journeys over the plot, cuz boy, they picked a wrong horse to prioritize. while 90% of wlw in fandoms were fucked up over cl*xa, i was fucked up over shoot, it was a dark time for my psyche lol, so i only think it's fair to extend a warning.
I never fucked with clexa because I don’t watch CW shows, but I did watch it peripherally (through the dash, you know how it is with some shows lol) and that night was absolutely crazy... and then poussey on oitnb (a show I do watch) died a few weeks later... that was def a heartbreaking time for fandom damn
lol i’ve gathered the ending is bad NO SPOILERS ill sort it out for myself :P
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thymefortea · 7 years
Yo, instead of me checkin’ the children, how ‘bout you check yo’ damn self!
Black Cindy, putting the meth-heads in their place, OITNB 5x09
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aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Nicky Nichols | Orange is the New Black 5x09
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vausemania · 5 years
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Their most underrated kiss ❤️❤️
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vausemania · 5 years
Are you happy with the way piper and alex’s relationship was developed up till season 6?
Yes and no. I truly believe love was never a problem--they never stopped loving each other--but they needed to mature as individuals before their relationship could progress beyond the point at which it was left in Paris (when they broke up for the first time)…and to a large degree the series showed that—by the end of s5, Alex had finally let go of wanting the thrill of being involved in a dangerous profession, and Piper had finally let go of living her life the way her parents and society expected of her. Also, they’d finally come to an important understanding (which we saw in the 5x09 outdoor scene, with the “red-state/blue-state” couple analogy) about accepting their differing opinions… and more generally, accepting their innate personality differences. The only problem with this character development in seasons 1 through 5 was (of course) season 3, when Piper turned into Dark!Piper, and her character development came to a dead halt. Aside from that blip (ha!), I’m very happy with how their relationship was developed. I know that’s a short answer to a question that deserves a very long, involved answer but I hope it suffices :). Thanks for the ‘ask’!
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vausemania · 5 years
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vausemania · 5 years
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