graegrape · 2 years
Hi! Your Young Oz Illuminati AU is very intriguing! Query: what did OJQG stand for? Also, do you plan on making more of this AU? I would like to know how their first meeting and pairing happen here in this AU, also Ozpin and the previous Oz's relationship
oh wow i didnt know those posts were still going around haha!! unfortunately i probably wont be making any like. proper content of the au anymore since ive lost interest in rwby as a whole but i might revisit it someday for nostalgia :-)
ojqg stands for nothing LOL its just a random mishmash. i later changed it to sgbi which is roughly equal to 'songbird' but mashing up the names of these 4 characters is incredibly hard so i never got anything better than that
i was going for, if i remember correctly, ironqrow and a bit of ozglyn, maybe even glynda with some of the other girls. im not too sure now
thank you for the ask!! <3
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graegrape · 4 years
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tfw you and your teen colleagues have to stop your immortal evil ex wife <\3
finally finished more content for my ojqg au!! (reblogs very appreciated :]])
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graegrape · 4 years
A closer look at Team OJQG
Hey!! It’s been a while since I last updated the info on my RWBY AU regarding Ozpin’s inner circle, so I thought I’d dump the profiles I’ve written so far here. I’m currently working on the general storyline and the side characters including Team SKRW (Summer, Kali, Raven, Willow), so stay tuned for that!! :]
- Ozpin is the son of a middle class family, the Smaragdines, from Vale, and is sent to Beacon in order to become a freelance huntsman. He himself also wants to attend Beacon in order to find out more about himself and his recent fusion with Ozma's and thus the late King of Vale's soul.
- He's often a quiet, smart young man - and a chaos enabler at the same time. He only acts all wise and cool, though a piece of it still remains. He wants to help people.
- He hasn't been able to regain all of the King of Vale's memories and struggles with the fact that he's just another life of Ozma's.
- He distances himself from his teammates in order to not involve them with whatever is happening to Ozma - he later on learns that he can't carry all of this on his own.
- Glynda Goodwitch: Ozpin and Glynda used to be childhood friends, but lost sight of each other. Reuniting at Beacon, the two of them start to reconnect - Glynda is worried about Ozpin, though. He's changed a lot, and Ozpin is aware.
- James Ironwood: Ozpin is sceptical of James's decisions and brute force solutions at first. He slowly warms up to him after the big confrontation in V2, however. He enjoys his company, even if the two may not see eye-to-eye sometimes.
- Qrow Branwen: Ozpin isn't sure how to feel about Qrow. With time, though, the two really hit it off and Ozpin finds secret enjoyment in Qrow's schemes.
- Summer Rose: Oz and Summer don't interact much. They're pretty good friends, Summer can open up to Oz and occasionally worries for him. Big brother/younger sister relationship?
- Raven Branwen: Oz is mostly neutral on Raven. Their relationship only develops after V4, and they're a bit hostile towards each other. Ultimately, the two of them become allies - not friends, though they do open up to each other from time to time.
- Kali Belladonna: Kali and Oz share similar views and get along pretty well with each other. Good buds!
- Willow Schnee: Oz slightly worries for Willow due to her quiet nature, even if they aren’t good friends. They’re allies.
- Glynda is an ambitious young woman from Vale, and aims to become a famous huntress. Her semblance manifested very early on and set great expectations for her due to its power. She attends beacon in order to not let her family down.
- She's rather stern and doesn't like unproductivity. Even though she may seem like she has a stick up her ass, she does sometimes find pranks and the like funny. She rolls her eyes at a lot of Qrow's mischief, then lets it slide.
- Over the course of the story, more and more pressure is put onto her, plus additionally having to worry about everything, until she snaps. She realizes that she's grown similar to Ozpin before his development and deals with this in V4.
- Ozpin Smaragdine: Ozpin and Glynda used to be childhood friends, but lost sight of each other. Reuniting at Beacon, the two of them start to reconnect - Glynda is worried about Ozpin, though. He's changed a lot. What could he be hiding?
- James Ironwood: Glynda isn't fond of James's methods. She's on a similar wavelength to him about mischief, the only difference is that James is way more vocal about his dislikes. She sometimes ends up seeing him as a child as a result.
- Qrow Branwen: Glynda rolls her eyes at Qrow's schemes occasionally. She thinks his snarky and uncaring attitude could definitely be dropped, and so could his constant fights with Ironwood.
- Summer Rose: Glynda gets along pretty well with Summer. Good friends!
- Raven Branwen: Glynda doesn't really like Raven. Mutual respect is the result.
- Kali Belladonna: Glynda likes Kali's upbeat attitude and doesn't mind spending time with her!
- Willow Schnee: Glynda gets on really well with Willow. Her quiet nature allows her to be a lot more laid-back in conversation, and Glynda values that.
- Qrow is a scheming young man from the Branwen tribe who was sent to the academy with his sister, Raven, to learn to kill the huntsmen the tribe hates so much.
- He's foul-mouthed, playful and likes to ignore every single rule presented to him. He doesn't care about people who are up their own ass about their ideas of what's just and what isn't, instead relying on his own sense of 'just do what's good enough for yourself.'
- His arc revolves learning that he needs to care about other people, as well. He needs to accept that not everyone will share his views and the views that the tribe has forced on him. His team helps him grow as both a person and a fighter.
- ADDITIONAL: In this AU, the Branwen family has the inherited ability to turn into Ravens. It’s similar to the Schnee-inherited semblance, but it’s not.. a semblance in that sense. It’s complicated.   
- Ozpin Smaragdine: Ozpin and Qrow get along fairly well after a rocky start. Qrow trusts Ozpin to not be as stuck-up as any others and thinks he's a nice guy.
- Glynda Goodwitch: Qrow thinks that Glynda is a bit too strict and enjoy teasing her, but overall the two get along.
- James Ironwood: Oh boy, do these two fucking despise each other. Qrow hates James's attitude and basically everything he stands for. The two fight a lot, even with weapons. Their relationships comes to a climax in V3 and they slowly work past their differences.
- Summer Rose: Qrow likes Summer a whole lot. She's a bit of a brat, and that's what makes it fun to him!
- Raven Branwen: Qrow and his sister aren't close. Their views of their past grow to be different. Qrow values emotional bonds to his now-friends more and sometimes even sees Raven as a coward due to her actions.
- Kali Belladonna: Enjoys her upbeat troublemaker personality and likes hanging out with her, doing foodfights and the like when the oppurtunity presents itself.
- Willow Schnee: He does not like Willow, but they don't interact much. To Qrow, she's just another Atlas brat.
- James is the son of an upper class Atlas politician and is sent to attend Beacon because his father wants to make it clear that he, in fact, 'cares about the other kingdoms as he should.' In reality, his father couldn't care less. James is there to boost his public image.
- James is uptight and headstrong, often resorting to solve problems with brute force and power. He's cold, analytical, and values rules over all. Despite everything, he tries his very best - he does enjoy interacting with other people, even if he isn't great at it.
- In his arc, he comes to terms with his privilege, battles with prejudice against lower class citizens and Faunus and confronts his beliefs about his father's true intentions.
- ADDITIONAL: James, at the start of the show, has one metal leg, due to his fathers extremely painful training. 
- Ozpin Smaragdine: The two of them don't bond very well until V2, after which they start to enjoy each others' company more.
- Glynda Goodwitch: To James, Glynda is one of the few people who shares similar views with him... which isn't exactly right. He sees her as mature and, even if she may express her dislike at times, they ultimately still care for each other.
- Qrow Branwen: Mutual hatred for each other. James hates everything about Qrow. His uncaring nature, his attitude towards rules and order, you name it. To James, Qrow is just another runt. Their relationship comes to a climax in V3 and they slowly work past their differences.
- Summer Rose: He isn't exactly fond of her, but doesn't mind her.
- Raven Branwen: James and Raven do not get along, end of story. Put them in a room and you'll end up with a very long speech or a dead body.
- Kali Belladonna: Not sure what to think of her. Doesn't mind her.
- Willow Schnee: James relates to her, considering the whole 'way too high expectations' stuff. He empathizes with her and sees her struggles. The two of them bond, although they aren't really friends.
Annnnd that’s it! Reblogs are very appreciated as always, and thank you for reading. If you have any questions/want to share ideas, don’t be scared to send me an ask!!! :]
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graegrape · 4 years
OJGQ? 👀👀 anything and everything please
theres not a whole lot planned out world-building wise ill be honest, i was working more on characters, but here's what i got:
- salem grows stronger a generation earlier and builds up power > the fall of beacon happens way earlier!
- team ojqg essentially replaces team rwby in a narrative sense. theres also team skrw (summer, kali, raven, willow) who are the "replacements" for team jnpr. ill probably make a seperate post about them
about the characters:
- Ozpin is the son of a middle class family from Vale and attends Beacon in hopes of reaching higher education and making money as a freelance huntsman. He's a bit of an oddball among the students, always up to some mischief or reciting entire paragraphs of weapon manuals to his peers. He acts like an old man already. Wonder why that is!
- Ozma's spirit was reincarnated into him just a few months before the plot starts. He's currently struggling with adjusting to it, because he really doesn't just want to be assimilated for Ozma's cause - but what can you do?
- This sets up his arc: Coming to terms with not being able to be his own person ever again. This, however, includes that he needs to focus on people on the outside, as well. Basically, an arc about becoming more selfless as a person and a team leader.
- Glynda is from Vale as well and wants to become a huntsman to save citizens who can't save themselves. Her semblance manifested very early on, and due to its extreme power, Glynda was basically destined to become a huntress.
- Glynda is the stable, stern one of the team. She takes school very seriously - but doesn't mind some jokes. Sure, she'll roll her eyes at Qrow occasionally, but she does secretly think its kind of funny.
- Her arc is about learning that she can't always be the one who takes responsibility. It peaks during one of Qrow and Ironwoods fights where they seriously endanger themselves and people around them. She has a breakdown, tells them to get their shit together, then storms off.
- Ironwood is the son of a big politician in Atlas. He was sent to Beacon in order to improve his father's reputation in Remnant, to assert authority and prove how much of a 'good person' he is, wanting to send his son to this 'wonderful school' instead of Atlas. And while he isn't Jacques Schnee in terms of being awful, his father isn't.. the best person.
- James is just as serious as Glynda is when it comes to studying subjects, just more.. extreme. He can't stand Qrow's stupid pranks and would rather call him out in front of the entire class than sit around and watch. He's not selfish, more just strict and has a rather narrow view of the world. Thanks Dad
- His arc mostly revolves around his frequent verbal and physical fights (yes, they fight with their weapons. great idea guys) with Qrow and coming to terms with his previous prejudice against Faunus and lower class citizens.
- Qrow's backstory is the same! Same old Branwen tribe shtick. Raven's still his sister.
- Qrow is a playful student who doesn't like paying attention or really wants to be at Beacon (But he still has to. Thanks Branwen tribe!). He loves messing around with people, calling them names... you name it(haha). Thus, he frequently fights with Ironwood.
- His arc is about him getting over his prejudice against the upper class through his fights with good ol' Ironwood! It's not exactly as apparent as Ironwood's arc, because Qrow's kind of in the right.
and that's all i've got so far!! im glad ur enjoying this au aaa
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graegrape · 4 years
Hey, so I saw your recent Rwby AU and I think it’s pretty awesome! So I was wondering . . . Do you have any headcanons for Ironwood in that AU? I’m kinda curious of what young tin can is like, being a teenager and all.
mmm. the tin man himself... ive been thinking so heres some of the stuff hes got going on:
- As mentioned in my previous post, Ironwood is from Atlas' upper class. His father (Carter Ironwood), a politician, has raised him not really out of love, but to appeal to the citizens and strategically make everyone think he "has a big heart." tldr; his dad is a little bitch.
- Personal headcanon; At the start of the story, he already has the prosthetic leg. Why? In short: Pressuring your child to go to intense training and making him break his leg in the process isn't the best idea.
- Most of his time at Beacon is spent being what essentially amounts to V1-3 Weiss with less of the spoiled brat angle. He's still very focused on studies and fighting, though he does enjoy having some time for himself, occasionally.
- Ironwood is kind of an awkward person, like in canon RWBY. Other things that carry over from canon are his tendency to solve problems with unnessecary force, trust issues (woo!) and him being fucking tired.
- He gets along pretty well with Ozpin! They respect each other and their interests and love to engage in conversations about Remnant's history and battle strategy.
- Glynda and Ironwood keep a similar relationship. Glynda is the functional, stable one who grounds him. She worries for him a lot, even if he can be an asshole sometimes.
- His relationship with Qrow is his driving arc in the first few volumes. They fight a lot, as stated in my previous post, Qrow teases him about his origins and attitude very openly, cycle repeat. Ironwood thinks of Qrow as a non-attentive lowlife. They develop past this after V3, but I'd need a whole other post to explain and i do not want to push my agenda hee hee/j
- More of a story beat than a character thing; in Volume 3 of this AU, he gets into a big fight with Qrow (as usual) where his arm is injured rather severely, but he keeps pushing on - in the Fall of Beacon, he loses his entire arm, mirroring Yang's loss in canon RWBY.
yup! that's all i got. i'm really glad u guys like this au so much because it honestly gives me a lot of motivation to get off my ass and work on something again :]
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graegrape · 4 years
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wanted to draw ozpins inner circle. also wanted to draw team rwby, so my brain just had the fantastic idea of "what if ozpins inner circle was a team at beacon academy, ozma was only recently reincarnated into ozpin, and the fall of beacon happened one generation before team rwby?"
im dubbing this au ojqg for now (i cant come up with a team name for the life of me)!! ill probably make some more posts regarding other teams and further story ideas so stay tuned 4 that
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graegrape · 4 years
mmm *thinks about inserting the ace ops into my young-ozpin-and-friends-fuck-around-and-try-to-find-the-maidens au*
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