#ok good night i need to fold towels and dry my hair and mentally prepare myself for all of the emails i'm going to have to send this week u
tirednotflirting · 5 months
the way i could only eat like half my dinner bc i still have insane leftover anxiety from watching the last like 15 laps of that race lowkey holding my breath and pacing my apartment watching lando get seven seconds ahead of max and theN WIN THE FUCKING RACE oh mY GOD
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sheerbeautyreigns · 4 years
Part 19
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The faint sound of the shower came into play as Joe entered the suite. It was nicely lit and he could already see that they had a great view if Atlanta City. He set his bag aside and took off his hoodie along with his Nikes. It looked like Paul had been here for a while working on his laptop. Joe folded his arms and took in the night lights from the floor to ceiling window.
“Hey,” Paul said approaching him from behind wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist. Joe smiled turning to face him. Paul pulled him close and kissed him passionately, hands placed on his jaw. “I missed you.” He said lowly, looking into his lovers eyes.
“Missed you too.” The feeling in Joe stomach had left him now that he was here. “Take off your clothes.”
Once he had undressed, Paul got on his knees before him, grabbing his cock, which surprised Joe. He was usually the one on his knees. Paul took his length in his mouth, massaging the undershaft with his tongue. Joe stood with his slightly spread legs, hands on Paul’s muscular shoulders, loving every second of it. He watched as Paul focused hard on building him up.
“Aah Jesus, that’s it-” Joe groaned lowly from above. “I, I’m gonna come-” he announced steadying himself as Paul sucked harder, but slower now, taking in the whole length. The load filled his awaiting mouth. Joe shuddered placing his hands on Paul’s temples, watching attentively as he swallowed his load.
Eventually the older man pulled away, a smirk on his handsome face as he got to his feet again. Joe smiled at him expectedly. “I wasn’t expecting that,”
“I wanted to surprise you baby.” Paul said, grabbing him by the pelvis and pulling him in for another kiss. “Do you want a drink?”
“Sure,” A drink sounded perfect after how he’d felt this evening. Paul was doing a good job at distracting him. They lowered to the light grey corner sofa nearby and handed him a glass of white wine.
“I spoke with Colby,” Paul didn’t want to bring it up but he knew Joe was going to ask. “Well it can’t have been good because he’s pretty pissed.” Joe told him.
“Yeah, seems to have a real attitude but he’s always been like that.” Paul observed before taking another sip.
“What happened?” Joe asked nervously. Paul shifted in his seat a little, placing one arm around Joe broad shoulders.
“Basically, I told him that I didn’t trust him with you and asked him to keep his distance. That’s all.” Joe shifted looking a little uncomfortable. “What’s the matter?” Joe eyes met Paul’s.
“I just hate this whole thing. It feels like I’m being asked to choose sides or something.” He sounded deflated. “I don’t want to lose my friend.” He started. “But I don’t want to lose you either.”
“You won’t.” Paul assured him, growing closer. “You won’t lose Colby either. This whole thing just needs some time to blow over. I can arrange for you to have some time off if that helps matters?”
“You would do that? What about Vince?” Joe checked. “He trusts me. I actually have some time off in a couple of weeks. Maybe you could come and spend some time at my place in Connecticut?” The thought warmed Joe. Planning ahead, staying at his place and not another hotel suite. Not that he was complaining. This was a really nice suite. Paul had good taste.
“I’d like that,” he said taking his hand and raising it to his lips. He kissed it gently leading Paul to smile tenderly. Joe eyes met his and before he knew it, the older man took the glass off his hand and set it on the coffee table in front of them. He mounted Joe, straddling his lap, hands on his neck and kissed him hard. Joe wrapped his strong arms around Paul’s lower back, grabbing his buttocks, causing Paul to moan into his mouth. “Fuck me…” Joe breathed in between kisses. “You ready for me baby?” Paul pulled away looking down on him.
“I don’t care, I just want you.” Joe searched his eyes. “Turn around, up on your knees,” Paul stood, watching as Joe kneeled on the sofa in front of him. What a sight to behold, 6”3 and 265lbs of Samoan muscle. Without permission, Paul undid Joe top knot, allowing his flowing locks to cascade down his back. He ran his fingers through it, a small smile creeping across his face as Joe glanced over his right shoulder. Paul moved away momentarily and came back with a bottle of lube. Joe spread his legs a little more as Paul grew closer. “Oooh that’s cold,” He commented as Paul dripped it into his opening. “You’re feeling sensitive tonight huh? We’ll soon see about that.”
Effortlessly, Paul slid his fingers into Joe opening. Instinctively, his muscles tightened around his fingers. He loved to hear the young man groan as he prepared him. “You feeling good baby?”
“So good-” he smiled, glancing at Paul over his shoulder. “I’ve been waiting to fuck you all day.” Paul told him, continuing to massage his prostate. “I want your cock.” Joe looked over his shoulder, lust in his eyes.
Paul was only too willing to oblige. He removed his fingers and lined his already hard cock up to meet Joe opening. The young man inhaled as Paul gently forced his way in, thanks to a little extra lube.
Paul moaned aloud as Joe muscles closed in around him. He placed his hands on Joe pelvis, steadying him on the sofa as they both began to rock their bodies in unison. Joe breathed heavily as Paul slammed into him repeatedly. “Aah fuck, fuck-”
“That’s it,” Paul let out “Oh yeah-” he reached forward with both hands and grabbed Joe arms. The younger man slammed against the back of the sofa, supporting himself with his head before Paul hoisted him up again, forcing both arms behind his back. He had nowhere to go. He struggled against the older man, helplessly which only made Paul want to fuck him even harder.
“All this struggling is making me even harder baby. Don’t fight it. You know you want it.” He held a firm grip of his arms.
“Yes-” Joe hissed. “Yes what?” Paul asked.
“Yes Sir. I want it. Fuck me hard.” Joe growled this time, his head lowered, hair cascading over his shoulders.
“You’re damn right I will.” Paul pummeled into him until he finally came. Their moans filled the room as Paul’s seed filled Joe hole. When he was fully satisfied, he let go of his arms and withdrew. Joe fell to his side on the sofa, wrecked. Paul lowered next to him breathlessly. “I fucking love fucking you”.
It had just gone 9am when Joe stirred awake. It was the first time that week that he had slept the whole night through. It could have also been something to do with the few glasses of wine that Paul had poured him. They had stayed up until about 1:30am watching TV and cuddling on the sofa. He felt more content than ever with Paul. He could feel something different in the way they had fucked last night. Joe had wanted it and he wanted it hard. He just had to let himself go and let Paul take care of the rest. It was what he did best.
He turned his head to the side and took in the older man”s features. The lines on his forehead always made him look angry but there was also a softness around his eyes. He just lay there for a for a few moments, taking in every curve on his handsome face. Joe turned on his back and stretched before pulling his covers off. As he slid out of bed, Paul stirred awake, grabbing for his right forearm.
“Sleep OK babe?” He asked, sounding groggy. Joe smiled “Like a rock. You OK?” he lay on his stomach close to Paul’s chest. The older man placed his hand on Joe cheek tenderly, a smile creeping across his face.
“I’m so glad we both have the day off. I get to take advantage of you some more.” Paul motioned him forward and kissed him on the lips. “Can’t wait,” Joe eyes sparkled. “Mind if I shower first?”
“Knock yourself out,” Paul rolled onto his back groaning as Joe went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, sliding the door behind him. He lay in silence for a couple of moments before he was distracted by the vibration of Joe phone on the bedside locker. Someone was calling him. Paul sat up and leaned over to see. A scowl crossed his face when he saw that it was Colby. He got out of the bed, sliding into his black briefs and grabbed a grey tank top from the wardrobe. Eventually, the phone stopped ringing. It then pinged, notifying of a voicemail. Paul sighed putting the tank top on.
He thought he had made himself perfectly clear in their meeting. As if Colby would be one to follow orders. This was the last thing Paul needed. Things with Joe were in a good place and Paul felt that he was starting to trust him much more than he had before. He made himself a coffee and opened his laptop.
No doubt there would be some admin to catch up on and it was a good way to distract himself from the Colby issue.
About 15 minutes later, Joe emerged from the steamy bathroom wearing a white bathrobe. “Ugh, I needed that,” he said drying off his long locks with a towel walking towards the bed. Paul eyed him from behind the laptop as he lifted his phone. He could see the smile fade from Joe face as he saw the notification from Colby.
“Why don’t you check that.” He said sternly. Joe eyed him. He could tell instantly that he was pissed off that Colby was trying to reach him. Sighing heavily, he selected the option to listen.
“Hey it’s me. I think we need to talk about this. I’m around until about 2pm if you want to catch up. Call me.” Joe lowered the phone to his lap.
“Well?” Paul asked, looking at him attentively across the room. He hesitated before answering.
“He wants to meet up and talk.” Joe said rising to his feet, tucking his hair behind his ear and padding towards Paul.
“I fucking knew it.” Paul raised his voice “I told him to keep his distance-” he slammed the screen of the laptop closed causing Joe to stop, dead in his tracks. He swallowed. He hated when Paul was in a bad mood. He made a mental note to keep his phone on silent and out of sight from now on.
“Paul, look, I’m not going anywhere-” Joe said calmly until the older man rose out of his seat. He cut an intimidating figure. Joe was taken aback. “Oh yes you are.”
“What do you mean? You told him to keep his distance.” Joe said wide eyed.
“He clearly isn’t getting the hint. I want you to tell him yourself. It’s the only way he’ll accept it.” Paul said placing his hands squarely on Joe biceps, squeezing them. The younger man gritted his teeth, seething. Paul’s face softened, when he saw that he was hurting Joe. “I can’t lose you. I wont.”
“You…won’t.” Joe answered looking into his Hazel eyes as his grip loosened. Paul cupped his stubbled jaw and kissed him passionately, hands running through his damp hair before pulling away. “You best call him back.”
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Four
Previous Chapter HERE
Warning: Not explicit (yet); some mild language.
Summary: 29-year-old nurse Sarah Bernette has worked hard to get where she is. Moving to Boston from a nowhere dump of a town, she’s studied hard and is grateful her stress is finally paying off. Despite being fostered repeatedly throughout her childhood, she’s since found some comfort in the form of her adopted parents, Jocelyn and Noah, and a pseudo-adoptive family of sorts in form of the Evans clan who have treated her as one of her own ever since she moved in with best friend, Shanna. Valuing them above all else, she appreciates their support even more when her long lost birth mother decides to reappear in her life after so many years, and is surprised to find out just how supportive Chris is in particular. As she struggles to maintain a firm grip on both her professional and private lives, she finds an ill-advised solace in her growing mutual attraction with him but how long before everything unravels and threatens to pull the rug out from underneath her?
Note: I apologise for my spelling/grammar errors.
Sarah had something of a reprieve from her unplanned-planned date night/tennis match/whatever with Greg when Shan kindly called her to say she couldn’t stop vomiting and had to be sent home from work. As always, Sarah was her first port of call but she sounded absolutely terrible over the phone, and Sarah felt bad leaving her to fend for herself. Scott would often run a mile at the first sign of someone being ill, so scared was he of being even marginally unwell and Chris would, well, he was just absolutely useless with a crying woman.
She had managed to catch Greg on her way out and apologised for cancelling at short notice. He seemed disappointed but was quick to suggest another catch-up when things had calmed down. She had realised that he might have thought she was blowing him off with a lame excuse and made a note to speak to him the next time she saw him. Audrey mentally fired darts at Sarah’s head as she waved her a goodbye, deliberately avoiding a lecture.
“My stomach really hurts. I think I might be dying,” Shan over-exaggerated.
“You’re not dying, OK? You’ve probably got some food poisoning, though. Did you eat or drink anything weird in the last 48 hours?” Sarah asked over the phone as she got ten minutes away from their apartment.
“No just that tequila. I don’t think it’s that, though, and...oh wait...” she stopped herself. “I ate sushi.”
“What the fuck, Shanna? You’re practically allergic to sushi?” Sarah exclaimed over the phone to the surprise of a runner who’d just overtaken her as she crossed through the park. “Why did you eat that? You know what? Doesn’t matter. Just keep drinking water and stay close to the bathroom for a little while. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Chris was hanging in the hallway outside their front door when she finally arrived home. She knew it must be bad for him to risk being spotted by her overly enthusiastic neighbour, and he looked like he had been emotionally scarred for life.
“How’s she doing?” Sarah dared to ask.
“There are sounds coming from her that I have never heard made by another human being before.” He hung his head low. “I don’t know how you do it.”
Sarah chuckled and place a comforting hand on his shoulder before brushing past him and walking inside. Sure enough, she found her on the floor of their bathroom, leaning by the toilet bowl. For some reason, all the towels were on the floor and the window was wide open which was, she figured, Chris’ way of dealing with things.
“He’s been rubbing my back but that just made it worse.” Shan said before retching again. She looked pitiful curled up on the floor like this, the last of her mascara making unflattering tracks down her cheeks. Her curly hair was unruly most of the time as it was but now it looked even more like a bird’s nest.
Sarah dumped her bag and sat down beside her. Back-rubbing never worked, she knew this all too well but still thought it was cute of Chris to at least try it. Seriously, what was it with people throwing up near her lately? Instead, she moved the strands of hair sticking to her forehead and gently ran her hand over the back of her head and neck in circular massaging motions to ease some of her strain.
“Do you think you could eat some dry toast? Or a banana maybe?” Sarah suggested. “You need to keep your stomach active.”
“i just want this to end...”
“I know you do. I think it’s just a case of waiting this out now.” Sarah kept her voice as soothing as possible and continued to gently run her hand over her hair, attempting to lightly detangle knots as she found them. Shan would thank her for that later.
Chris was perched on a stool against the breakfast table eating a banana when Sarah walked back in. “Did she tell you?” he asked, mild irritation showing in his voice.
“Yep. why sushi of all things?” Sarah questioned him as if he might know something. “I bought that for her by the way, Potassium is good for the body after food poisoning.”
“No idea. But I bet that Ben has something to do with it. Did you know he was back in town?” He quizzed her somewhat accusatorially. Sarah held her hands up, silently remonstrating her lack of knowledge.
Ben was someone Shanna had gone to High School with and met again in college. They had dated on and off, usually when Ben dictated, until he’d left Boston to join his Uncle’s political campaign in Chicago. Sarah had only met him twice but once was enough to know he was trouble and the somewhat nauseating kind, not the entertaining kind. A few years back, Ben had been responsible for Shan getting points on her licence when he’d been caught speeding after admitting to her his licence had been revoked following his DUI charge. It was the first real experience Sarah had had of an Irish family arguing and they failed to notice she had snuck out to a hotel for the night to avoid the conflict. Lisa didn’t speak to Shanna for weeks afterwards and Chris flew back to LA to avoid hitting him with a baseball bat.
“I swear to God, if he even so much as shows his face round here, I’ll tie him to the heaviest boulder and shove him off Longfellow.” He always spoke in hyperbole when he got aggravated, like his brain couldn’t comprehend how someone could be so stupid. It was the same attitude he displayed when he watched Trump get inaugurated. Shan wasn’t stupid but Sarah had to admit she harboured a blind spot where Ben was concerned.
“You don’t know it was him this time. Let’s not jump to conclusions here. There could be a harmless explanation.”
Chris looked her dead in the eye before awkwardly shifting his attention elsewhere. She watched as he clumsily tried to straighten up in front of her.
“Chris? We don’t know it’s because of him, do we?”
Chris took a breath and pursed his lips. He looked like he had forgotten how to speak. “I spoke to Matt and he looked him up for me. Turns out he got some drug charges dropped and was thrown off the campaign last month and now he’s back home with his mom.” Sarah looked stunned at the information.
“Look, who else would it be? She was probably trying to impress him or something stupid. It’s not like she doesn’t have previous here, is it? What is so great about this guy?”
“Search me. He’s not my type whatsoever.”
“Yeh, well, you’re sensible. It’s only because of you that she’s at least able to hold down a job for longer than six months without getting distracted.” He launched the banana skin into the bin like he was shooting hoops. “I really wanna punch him. Just once. Can I, please?”
“Mate, don’t look at me. I’m not your PR Manager.”
“Well, I’m like 90% sure Matt won’t let me...” He leaned against the counter in front of her, arms folded, resigned to the fact that he was helpless. “I could sneak into this house and tie all his shoelaces together? Can’t get arrested for that, can I?”
Sarah laughed at the sheer daftness of the thought. “You could take all the stuffing out of his pillows?”
Chris shot her a look of disbelief. “OK, now you’re taking this too far. Whatever you want to do on your own time is up to you.”
“Oh, good, you’ve told him.” Shan croaked as she made her way gingerly through the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. She’d managed to remove her sweat-soaked clothes and changed into her pyjamas and a dressing gown that Sarah recognised as her own that was previously hanging up in the bathroom.
“Told me what?” Chris asked, his jovial expression suddenly changing to one of concern and increasingly so as his eyes flicked between Sarah and Shanna, neither of them making much of an effort to talk. Sarah knew it was on her to break the silence.
“Just...it’s nothing really. Honestly. It’s just my...my mom wants to meet me and...stuff.” As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. She sounded like a teenager who had just been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Chris was probably regretting telling her she was the sensible one now. For some reason, she decided to carry on talking to fill the silence. “So, I thought I might let her see me and...stuff. Maybe.”
Chris was quiet for what felt like a long time. He was clearly vetting his words carefully before saying anything, never taking his eyes off Sarah. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times preparing to speak before quickly changing his mind. This one really seemed to stump him.
“I told you it was a bad idea, hun.” And with that, Shan left the kitchen and Sarah to her fate. How was it that in less than ten minutes she had managed to shift Chris’ frustration squarely on to her?
“Your biological mom? I thought you didn’t want to see her?” He asked albeir in a far too monotonous tone for her liking.
“I don’t. I didn’t. But they sent me a letter, and-”
“Who’s “they”?” he interrupted.
“The Adoption agency back in Flint.” Sarah quickly responded but then couldn’t think of anything else to add to ease the tense atmosphere growing around them. He pondered her response for a second not looking away from her. She must have looked about twelve now.
“Why does she have the courts intervening on her behalf?” It was a good question and one Sarah was all too aware she didn’t have the answer for. It did look a little desperate on her mom’s behalf, too. Chris still had his arms folded and from this angle they looked even bigger than usual. He had a very unapproachable manner when he was built like this and he would often use it to his advantage, not that there was ever a possibility of missing him in a room full of people, for one reason or another. “What’s her angle here?”
“I figured it was to make sure I got her letter. I don’t exactly know why which is why I was thinking of meeting her.” She shrugged and tried to move her feet from the spot she’d been frozen to. Chris clocked his disapproving stance and moved in a bid to equal her posture.
“Come off it, Sarah. You’re not thinking about it. You’ve clearly made your mind up. Why now, though? I thought you were happy with everything and with where you are?” He unfolded his arms and looked like he was about to take a step towards her but changed his mind and leaned on the kitchen island instead. “Is it not longer enough?”
She didn’t appreciate the tone. “Obviously, I am happy enough here. It’s nothing to do with me feeling like there’s something missing. I just, I thought it might be healthy to put some closure on some things is all. I really didn’t think what I chose to do would be this big of a deal to everyone.”
“I take it Shanna supports this crazy idea?”
“It’s not crazy and if you have to now, then no she doesn’t Not entirely anyway but she at least gets that it’s my decision.”
“I just worry about you sometimes. I don’t think you look out for yourself as much as you’re allowed to.”
She didn’t know how to take that. “I can look after myself.”
“I know you can but you shouldn’t have to is what I’m saying, not all the time. Other people can help, y’know? You might not realise it but you’re a big part of my family and regardless of what I say here and now, you know full well my mom is gonna be a hell of a lot worse.”
Thankfully, they both laughed. That was certainly going to be true. She contemplated making some kind of pact with him so that Lisa didn’t find out until was absolutely necessary but figured now wasn’t the time to ask him. Instead she opted to bring him in for a hug and she felt him physically calm in her arms, no doubt at Shan’s predicament as well.
“i appreciate you concern, I really do, but I need to figure this out myself.” She fixed him with as big a grin as she could manage. It might help her believe it, too.
Chris wasn’t so convinced.
Thankfully, Shan made it through the night without swallowing her tongue. Sarah could only manage a couple of hours sleep in the end and would keep waking at random intervals to check on her. At one point, she thought she could hear Chris moving around in their lounge but decided against checking to see if he was OK. The rule of thumb for living with the Evanses, according to Carly, dictated you could only attainably deal with one of them at a time.
She left for work an hour earlier than usual in a bit to avoid the uncomfortable atmosphere at home, both Shanna and Chris being as stubborn as each other.
“I’ve decided that I will let you buy me a coffee.” Greg said confidently as he walked up to stand beside her at the triage desk. “If you’re not busy. Lunchtime, maybe?”
“Oh, um,” She thought about letting him down a second time until she caught Audrey’s death stare on the other side of the corridor, coming towards them both like Jaws. “Yeh, er, lunchtime would work. No problem.”
“Great! That’s a date then!”
“Awesome, you guys managed to figure it out!” Audrey moved into Greg’s eyeline now, beaming at them both. “If you want to go a little earlier, feel free. It’s pretty quiet here and I don’t mind covering for a while?”
“Sure, that would be fantastic, thank you. Sarah, shall I meet you outside in 5?” Greg asked, his tone a little less than that of a giddy child being told he could eat candy for dinner. 
“OK, yeh. I’ll just go grab my jacket.”
Sarah waited for Greg to leave the desk before scolding Audrey or at least attempting to. She could never win an argument with her no matter how hard she tried. Truly, it was futile. Audrey was like some kind of wizard, which made sense given her history with her alma mater’s debate team. (side note: she was kicked out of the group after arguing with an adjudicator).
“It’s just coffee. I don’t know what you’re so bothered about. He’s nice and he likes you. Just...don’t bum him out.”
It was a quiet walk to Joe’s. Sarah wasn’t entirely sure what to talk about and figured talking shop might not be the way to go. He ordered for them both, just a couple of decaf lattes, and they took a booth towards the back so as to avoid any potentially nosy co-workers popping by. Not that she was bothered too much, she liked the people that she worked with; it was more that she didn’t enjoy the questions that came with potentially dating a colleague and it would also force her to calculate how long it had been since she had had a proper date. Was Chris right? Was Daniel her last known interest?” Oh god, how depressing.
“I really hope we get that game in some time soon. I reckon I could show you a thing or two,”
Greg managed to snap her out of her head.
“Oh, yeh, it wouldn’t be too hard. I’ve played maybe two games my whole life.” She saw Greg look confused. “Audrey bent the truth somewhat the other day.”
“He bobbed his head in understanding but couldn’t hide the hint of disappointment. “She’s been keen to set us up I bet?”
Sarah nodded. “She’s a good mate. She looks out for me a lot. I’ve known her almost as long as I’ve been in Boston now.”
“Oh yeh? Yeh, she seems nice.” He played with his cup for a second before speaking again. “I hope you don’t feel under pressure to come out with me. Honestly, if you’d rather not, I completely understand. I don’t wanna make you feel awkward or anything.”
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I’ve liked working with you. You seem nice and you’re clearly very talented.” She smiled at him and for the first time she realised how nervous he seemed. He held himself in the hospital with such confidence and stature, it almost didn’t seem like she was sat across from the same person.
“Thank you. I like you, too. You’re very...unassuming.” He offered in return. She wasn’t sure how to take that and he must have seen a look of perplexity cross her face or something because he felt the need to quickly backtrack. “Not that, I mean. I mean that you don’t chase the limelight. You just do your job, very well, and you don’t expect any thanks for it. That’s refreshing. Where I come from, people are always vying for the limelight. It’s hard to mark yourself out as anything special.”
Sarah hadn’t thought of the medical profession as a competition before. She’d never thought she had to best anyone or prove she was better than anyone else. Surely everyone just had the same goal? Maybe it was different as a Physician.
Suddenly Greg made sense to her. She couldn’t quite believe it but she felt sorry for him.
He put his cup back on the table and looked at her, his eyes smiling. “So, that tennis match. Do you fancy rescheduling?”
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