#ok last post guten night
brbabcseu · 1 year
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Ximena Salamanca (born July 1979)
"I did the whole ignorance thing. Got old. So if you think I'm buying the 'old workplace buddy' crap, you must really take me for an idiot."
fc Gina Rodriguez
You can't pull the wool over Ximena Salamanca's eyes anymore (she's perfectly adequate of doing that to herself). Lead cartographer for the UN and living the single life. It's hard to move on when you're a widow. It's ten times harder when you're also fatherless, motherless, brotherless, and cousinless. Basically almost every relative-less.
Can't shake that gentle, cautious optimism and quiet hope despite herself. For all that life's taken from her, being on her own has afforded her a greater confidence and harder shell. She's almost content having her weekends in, making bad pasta and listening to Italian disco (she's not quite as fluent in the language as she was back in college, but she can definitely tell you what most of the lyrics mean. She knows you didn't ask, but she's going to tell you anyway).
She's ready to welcome joy back into her life with open arms. Whenever it's ready to find her.
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Guten Abend! Sorry for not posting much today, I have been busy watching some episodes of One Piece and Sasaki and Miyano (Mainly One Piece!) Anyway, to celebrate my diving into One Piece again after YEARS, here are a couple of pics of my two OP Ships: ZoLu and LawLu!!! Below are the links to the pages on Pinterest where I found these gems!
NOTE: The ZoLu image comes from choppae95 on X/Twitter. Here is a link to their page...
Give them some love, everybody! The LawLu image has no identifying marks or names.
Anyway, this might be my last post tonight, so until tomorrow...
Good Night, Everybody!
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chrsitophwaltz · 5 years
for the entire houston clownery experience click here
psa: excuse my face and the pic qualities. up until this happened i haven’t really taken pictures of myself (less than 10 in the past two years for family and work purposes and NEVER selfies) and when you meet people you’ve only seen on TV in a very unexpected circumstance, then don’t expect your brain and motor functions to work 100%.
in the meantime, The Queen kathleen krüger showed up dragging a little carry on-sized bag. i really wanted a pic but i knew she always likes to be in the background so i just settled for a cheery greeting. she was shy-ish but super nice!
me: *trying to speak german again after 5 years* guten morgen!”
kathleen: *surprised that i recognized her but was super nice* morgen! wie geht’s?
me: sehr gut, danke. und dir? ( i used dir since she used informal and she didn’t look like it offended her or anything dsjfsdjf)
kathleen: oh, sehr gut auch. tschüss!
bless her heart! too bad she might lock niko up and issue a restraining order against me when we see each other next though sndmfbdsmnfbsnmdf
shortly after javi and kathleen left, thiago was next. it took a little while for him to get to me since other people also asked for pics and autographs. when he finally got to me and was signing my shirt, i really just had to tell him “hey thiago, you’re so good! you make it look so easy!” he laughed at that and said thanks. so nice and such a 🐐
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i heard a distinct chuckle and Mr. Bayern himself came out. he was doing his usual thomas müller thing (it’s hard to describe but y’all prolly know what i mean) and was gamely eating a big banana when i asked for another autograph and picture (i got his autograph and picture at the hotel reception on friday already; this is the second time).
me: “hi thomas! could we take a picture again and have you sign my shirt?”
thomas: “ofhrjhf sjdjshfueh” (i’m positive he said “oh sure” or something, but with a mouth full of banana)
so nice! (and he didn’t show his usual cheeky müller grin, incisors and all, because, well........banana)
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okay, here’s a tricky part. sven and leon came out almost simultaneously. sven was slightly first and i asked for the usual combo, and we were both already posed for the picture when i saw leon trying to zip by. greedy binch that i am, my intention was to get both of them in the frame. two birds, one stone. so i said “leon!” to call him over. B U T sven probably thought i was ignoring him and didn’t want his pic at all!!!!!!!!!! he mumbled “oh.....leon” and walked away (i think he probably meant “oh you wanted leon...”) NO SVEN!!!!! I WANTED YOU BOTH COME BACK!!!!! he was gone though and while i was excited to see leon and his beautiful curly hair again (idk if he recognized me but he had this look like “hmmmm...?” and he retweeted me just the night before sdbdmnbnd), i was panicking about the sven incident. it was bittersweet and i decided to really go to that t-mobile thing later on in the day so i could apologize to sven.
this is also prolly why i had this fugly half-assed smile (S VE N!!!!! ;__;)
(also note that leon is wearing lewy’s training shirt sjfbanmfbsahdfd idk why i didn’t ask)
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O K A Y.
around this time was the part where i met niko. but since that whole shebang is a whole other experience in itself, i’m dedicating the entirety of part 4 to it. maybe it’s for the best too since it was just........g o d!!!!!! (kathleen krüger, i really hope you aren’t ever gonna see this blog, but in the off chance that you do, i’m sorry you had to see all that sdnfbndmfabnmfnd s o r r y)
anyway, that niko incident led me to run out of the hotel like it was on fire (told y’all, long story) so it was outside that i got to meet The Chef! he still looked kinda sleepy and was nursing a cup of coffee but was still nice enough to indulge me with a pic and autograph! 
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okay. so, after serge got up on the bus, and while i was studiously avoiding kathleen’s stare (huehue s o r r y), manu came out. a lot of fans had already gathered behind the barriers outside and manu was a crowd favorite so everybody was screaming for him. i was still near the bus entrance and was standing in front of the barrier and two guys behind me were jumping and asking manu to autograph their replica world cup trophy. manu got to them first and stupid lil me was trying to take a pic with him while he was doing his thing. this giant man is about 6′4, and me a ruler and an inch shorter, so when he reached for the trophy, he nearly knocked me out gonzalo-higuain-in-the-2014-world-cup-final style.
(below is me before i nearly died a sweet, happy death c/o manu’s huge ass fists)
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manu, teddy bear that he is, was like “oh no, sorry!” i didn’t mind at all sjdfhsdfsdj (i would’ve gladly let him knock me tf out lmao) so i said “it’s okay!” as an apology, he gamely signed my shirt and we finally took a decent, safe photo dsfbjksdfbsfnsbdns
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*kill bill sirens* WEW! then The Polish Hitman, Mr. 5-in-9, The B O D Y himself, robert lewandowski came out. he was sporting that cursed beard again (sorry lewy, but in this very rare case, i say no stubble for you lmao). he still looked hot af tho and signed my shirt. and took this photo! (thank you to my phone for magically making this HDR)
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there wasn’t anyone after him for a while and the team bus left already so i went back inside (thank you hotel A/C! it was hot as hell and i was shaking and overheating from being so close to them.... and embarrassing myself in front of all those people and Queen Kathleen lmao).
then, coco came out! i guess he’s gonna do individual training since he didn’t go with the team bus. he also did this lil massage thing on my left shoulder sdhbjdfsdn thanks for scoring our first goal the night before, coco! (he was hella cute too)
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i think all the players were gone since the only ones left for the next 15 minutes were the entourage and media people. but one last parting gift! loddar himself came out. took a while for him to get out since he chatted with someone else for a few minutes so i settled for videoing him for my instagram story. then he finally got up and walked to the exit and that’s where i got him.
me: hi lothar, can we take a picture? (only a pic since he looked like he was in a hurry)
loddar: *with that perennial cranky look on his face but was still nice lmao* “ok sure!”
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had to leave shortly after this to go to the mall since @simplyirenic messaged me that there were only 100 tickets for the adidas meet-and-greet, but hey! almost a full haul!
here’s 75% of the total spoils:
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(i’ve maxed out my 10 photo per post limit again so stay tuned for part 3: the mall meet-and-greet with josh, sven (there’s a redemption arc! i’m not a total bitch!), benji (a surprise addition to the lineup), manu 2.0, and thomas 3.0!)
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gostish · 4 years
knowledge consolidation 1
Sessions 1-6 shall be consolidated within this post.
Mädchen - girl (pl: Mädchen)
Junge - boy (pl. Jungen)
Kind - child (pl. Kinder)
Mann - man (pl: Männer)
Frau - woman (pl: Frauen)
Menschen - humans/people/human beings
Brot - bread
Wasser - water
Milch - milk
der Apfel - the apple
die Suppe - the soup
das Essen - the food
der Fisch - the fish
Eis - ice/icecream
Pizza - pizza
der Kaffee - the coffee
das Bier - the beer
der Tee - the tea
der Wein - the wine
das Obst - the fruit
die Banane - the banana (pl: die Bananen)
die Orange - the orange (pl: die Orangen)
der Saft - the juice
das Äpfel - the apple (pl: die Äpfel)
Apfelsaft - apple juice
Orangensaft - orange juice
das Fleisch - the meat
der Käse - the cheese
Gemüse - vegetables
die Kartoffel - the potato (pl: die Kartoffeln)
Ei - egg (pl: die Eier)
eine Erdbeere - a strawberry (pl: die Erdbeeren)
der Zucker - the sugar
die Schokolade- the chocolate
der Reis - the rice
das Öl - the oil
das Salz - the salt
Nudeln - pasta/noodles
die Tomaten - the tomatoes
die Zeitung - the newspaper (pl: die Zeitungen)
das Buch - the book (pl: die Bücher)
Italien - Italy
Deustchland - Germany
England - England
Frankreich- France
Österreich - Austria
Spanien - Spain
Amerika - America
Bayern - Bavaria
Englisch - English (language)
Deutsch - German (language)
der Hund - the dog (pl: die Hunde)
die Maus - the mouse (pl: die Mäuse)
der Bär - the bear (pl: die Bären)
die Katze - the cat (pl: die Katzen)
das Tier - the animal (pl: die Tiere)
der Vogel - the bird (pl: die Vögel)
das Pferd - the horse (pl: die Pferde)
die Ente - the duck (pl: die Enten)
das Haustier - the pet; lit: the house-animal
die Kuh - the cow (pl: die Kuhe)
das Schwein - the pig (pl: die Scheweine)
die Spinne - the spider (pl: die Spinnen)
eine Fliege - a fly (pl: die Fliegen)
eine Biene - a bee
ein Insekt - an insect (pl: die Insekten)
der Käfer - the beetle (pl: die Käfer)
die Fische - the fish (plural)
ich - I
du - you
es - it
er - he
sie - she/they
Sie - formal you
wir - we
ihr - you/you all (/your?)
und - and
Ja - yes
Nein - no
Adjectives (?*):
genau - exactly
leider - unfortunately/sadly
gut - good/fine/well
süß - sweet
frisch - fresh
Verbs (all in Präsens tense):
‘sein’ (to be): ich bin, du bist, er/sie/es ist, wir sind, ihr seid, sie sind
‘trinken’ (to drink): ich trinke, du trinkst, er/sie/es trinkt, wir trinken, ihr trinkt, sie trinken
‘lesen’ (to read) - ich lese, du liest, er/sie/es liest, wir lesen, ihr lest, sie lesen
‘haben’ - ich habe, du hast, er/sie/es hat, ihr habt, wir haben, sie haben (have)
‘essen’ (to eat) - ich esse, du isst, er/sie/es isst, wir essen, ihr esst, sie essen
‘heißen’ (to be called) - ich heiße, du heißst, er/sie/es heißt, wir heißen
‘kommen’ (to come) - ich komme, du kommst, er/sie/es kommt, ihr kommen, wir kommen, sie kommen
‘sprechen’  (to speak) - ich spreche, du sprichst, er/sie/es spricht, wir sprechen, ihr sprecht, sie sprechen
‘verstehen’ (to understand) - ich verstehe, du verstehst, er/sie/es versteht, wir verstehen, ihr versteht, sie verstehen
‘schmecken’ (to taste) - ich schemecke, du schmeckst, er/sie/es schmeckt, wir schmecken, ihr schmeckt, sie schemecken
‘fressen’ (to eat - animal) - ich fresse, du frisst, er/sie/es frisst, wir fressen, ihr fresst, sie fressen
‘geht’s’ - (does it go) [no further conjugations provided]
Irregulars so far: sein, sprechen, lesen. Maybe also ‘geht’s’ ?
Gern geschehen - you’re welcome
Guten Morgen - good morning
Guten Tag - good day/afternoon
Guren Abend - good evening
Gute Nacht - good night
bitte - please
Willkommen - welcome
auf wiedersehen - goodbye
bis morgen - until tomorrow
bis bald - see you soon
danke - thank you
tschüss - bye
bis später - see you later
Entshuldigung - i am sorry/excuse me
Es tut mir leid - i am sorry
In Ordnung - alright
Keine Ahnung - no idea
mir geht’s gut - I am doing well / I am fine
Wie geht’s - how’s it going?
Alles klar - all right ; do you understand ; is everything ok?
Schon gut - all right
Wie laüfts - how’s it going?
Ich heiße [Name] - I am called [Name] (ß can also be written ‘ss’)
Ich komme aus [Place] - I am from [Place]
haben Hunger - they are hungry; lit: they have hunger
ich habe Durst -  i am thristy; lit: i have thirst
das schmeckt gut - that tastes good
Hast du Durst? - are you hungry?; lit: have you hunger?
ist lecker - tastes good (alt: delicious/tasty/yummy)
sind das [Noun]? - are those [nouns]? (sind das= are those)
ich verstehe nicht - I don’t understand
Verb Information:
Verb endings, Präsens:
ich trinke                 wir trinken
i drink                      we drink
du trinkst                 ihr trinkt
you drink                 you all drink
er/sie/es trinkt         sie trinken
he/she/it drinks        they drink
So: ich - e, wir - en, du - st, ihr - t, er/sie/es - t, sie - en.
For sentences that answer the questions ‘What do you have?’ or ‘What do you like’, use the accusative case. In this case, only masculine words change form, while neuter and female nouns remain the same. So,  der -> den, ein -> einen in the accusative case.
It’s allowable to place the pronoun after the verb. Ex: Trinkst du?: are you drinking?
There is no progressive aspect in German. So ‘ich lese’ can mean both ‘i am reading’ and ‘i read’, depending on the context. If one must specify a verb as continuous/ongoing, follow it with ‘gerade’, meaning ‘just’ or ‘straight’.
Gender Information:
ein/eine - the
die/der/das/den - that/those
Masculine: der, ein
Feminine: die, eine
Neuter: das, ein
Noun Information:
Nouns are combinable in German. When combining words, the gender of the created word will always be whatever the last word in the combined word is. For example: die Orange + der Saft = der Orangensaft.
* Still not sure whether these are adjectives or pieces of phrasal verbs. Either way, they seem to function adjectivally, so I’m leaving them in that category for now.
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