#oc salamanca tree
brbabcseu · 1 year
idk if uve said this anywhere but is hector the oldest youngest middle child etc like whats the dynamic here
Ohhhhhh boy u don't know what u have just strapped urself into
SO! Hector is the oldest of his 4 siblings. In order, it's: Hector (born in 1939), Eduardo (born in '40 or '41 I haven't decided yet), Ricky Jr. (1945), and Alaina & Alberto (twins, born in '47). They're pictured below in order
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Hector is an oldest sibling to a T. However, he didn't get to exert that for long in his child and teenhood. He's put away in '56 and so his youngest siblings grow up mostly without him, leaving Ed as the default oldest. And Ed is more than happy to abuse that title. He's always touting that "he's the oldest, what he says goes". He's the one who heads the business (more aptly the seedlings of a future crime organization) and he often calls the shots. Ricky is his right hand man of sorts and effective co-leader but Eduardo is an extreme narcopath; at the end of the day, he needs to be recognized as the boss.
Like I said, too, Hector's away for nearly two decades. So his dynamic with the siblings is incredibly... vacant. And not long after he's released, it's replaced with fear. And they thought Ed was a handful to deal with.
Hector loves his family the way Logan Roy loves his children. And that's something that he and Ed, for all their problems, had in common. They like their family the best when they're in their designated roles and when they themselves are in their set place (above everyone).
Since we're talking specifically about Hector's dynamic with the sibs, I'll keep it brief and give an overview:
Hector and Eduardo: Two children fighting over one toy. One's solution is to steal it away and the other's is to break, because if he can't have it, no one can.
Hector and Ricky: Ricky's a bastard but he's a bastard who's loyal to the family's needs. The "yes" man.
Hector and Alberto: Alberto gets a pass for being weak on account of his piety. He does what Hector says and that's what matters. On account of him being the babiest brother, there is more affection for him, but again, Berto is good at keeping his head down
Hector and Alaina: Alaina may as well not exist to Hector. She was already gone after he got out, so that's the truth.
There's a lot, lot, lot, LOT of history with these siblings. The many different dynamics btwn different sibs and sib groupings say a lot about them and their upbringing. And by 2002, all Hector's brothers and his sister have been out of the picture for various reasons. The man who pushed and pushed and pushed them wonders why he feels a little more hollow.
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jezabatlovesbats · 9 months
In this post, I'm gonna talk about my weird, old Teen Titans OCs and headcanons from years ago. To this day, Scorpion, Melodea and Cadenza are the only ones I kept, but here are the rest.
Melodea was originally gonna be part of this team called the X Geodes. And let me tell you- my TT characters were racially/ethnically diverse, but the problem is that I didn't put enough thought into their backgrounds and wrote them poorly.
It was led by Xander, aka Mayor X, who was the son of the mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. He was a non-superpowered demolitions expert with a hankering for violence. His whole theming/aesthetic was pretty much a Red X ripoff with added dynamite.
There was also Timberboy, aka Timothy, a health-knowledgeable nature hero whose powers were similar to Poison Ivy's. He could grow different types of trees and wild plants (not domestic ones), and they came from a green crystal he wore around his neck. He had a pet snail named Rex. He was Filipino-American and was from California.
MysTerry, aka Terry Lake, who had slate gray skin and black and white hair (one on each side). He was a young wizard. His magic worked in an opposite way to Jinx's, because his main thing was casting good luck charms. He could also change people's clothing. He was British-American and from New York.
Papergirl, aka Pippa Vazquez, the youngest member. Her suit gave her the ability to fold herself into any paper shape. She could also draw things on her suit and make them come to life. She was Mexican-American and from Texas.
I also gave Scorpion a cousin.
Her name was Zephyr, aka Isa Doyle. Scorpion is of French descent, but Isa is, like, half-French, half-Irish. Scorpion is from Arizona while Zephyr is from Galway. Basically, she could control wind. While Scorpion got her powers after being stung by a scorpion, Zephyr was born with hers. She was the Princess Daisy to Scorpion's Princess Peach, in terms of their personalities.
Also, there were Chime and Gong.
Chime, aka Brian Zhong, and Gong, aka Lucy Zhong, were a pair of Chinese-American twins who liked to watch TV together. I forgot what US state they were from. Their powers involved making things happen by playing bianzhong and a gong. Control Freak gave them their powers. He transported them into a show they liked where two characters did that same thing.
I made FIVE characters based on how weirdly obsessed I was with See-More. I absolutely would have denied it back then, but I think that was because I had a crush on him. (I even had Scorpion date him in Season 3, but they broke up during Season 4 or 5. We don't talk when I did that.) I gave him a cousin and also made four characters based on the other four senses.
His cousin was named Salome, aka Exci D. She was Haitian because I headcanoned See-More to be of Haitian descent for some reason. She had one eye. Her powers involved her making things fall apart when she touched them. She was born with those powers. Unlike her cousin, she wasn't a villain and was an Honorary Titan. She was a big fan of C-Pop, J-Pop and K-Pop, so her outfit made her look like an idol.
As for the other sense-based characters, the one based on hearing was Audiosa, aka Gloriosa Rivera. Her ears were really big, and she had the power of supersonic hearing. She was from Salamanca, Spain. She can be compared to Dolores because she's also a Hispanic girl with super hearing, but Encanto wasn't known yet at the time of Audiosa's creation. Also, she was bi.
Tastebud, aka Rosalie Shirinova, was based on taste. She was Aleutian. She had highly developed taste buds, and I think she was armed with food-themed weapons. She was also a lesbian.
Tochit, aka Sentry Kakoso, was based on touch. He was Tanzanian. He could feel things without directly touching them and had telekinesis. He wore these gauntlets on his hands. Also, for some reason, he had three eyes.
Whiffer, aka Dani Shamoun, was based on smell. He was from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He had these pads on his nose that he built himself, allowing him to absorb smells and release them.
I just made my characters' heritage come from random places for no reason. Padparadscha, aka Padma Kumar, might be the most egregious example of this.
Padparadscha's whole thing was her being half-angel and half-demon, but I tried SO HARD to make her some kind of Hindu mythology equivalent of that. She was raised by an Indian family in Sri Lanka. She, Zephyr and Exci D were good pals.
The worst part about all of this is that she was my PERSONA character (the OC representing me). I have no idea why I chose to do that. If I make a new Teen Titans persona one day, she's gonna be white like me.
Also, I once headcanoned that the HIVE Academy had a band class. Here's what everyone, including my old characters, played:
Gizmo- Violin
Jinx- Viola
Mammoth- Cello
Timberboy- Bass
Angel- Harp
Private HIVE- Trumpet
I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R.- Tuba
Wrestling Star- French Horn
XL Terrestrial- Trombone
Whiffer- Sousaphone
Bumblebee- Flute
Melodea- Piccolo
Stone/Cyborg- Saxophone
Scorpion- Clarinet
Mayor X- Oboe
Papergirl- Bassoon
Billy Numerous- Percussion (He cloned himself to play multiple drums and cymbals)
Audiosa- Tambourine
Tastebud- Castanets
Chime- Bell chimes (not the powered ones he used)
Gong- Gong (not the powered one she used)
See-More- Piano
Kyd Wykkyd- Guitar
Tochit- Accordion
Padparadscha- Ukulele
TL;DR: My Teen Titans hyperfixation in 2019 was a time of my life I will never get back because of how badly written my OCs were. I also gave the HIVE Academy a band class.
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belorage · 3 years
PART TWO of the OC names tag game. All FC5-related children can be found HERE.
NIKOLAOS DIAMANTIS ROSSI Nikolaos: Greek origin, meaning “victor of the people.” The name is apt in the context of a pyrrhic victory if you consider the way the Uncharted 4 timeline ends for him, but it was initially chosen because I wanted to steal the name “Niko” from a defunct Star Wars OC of mine that will never again see the light of day. (And because I wanted him to be Greek on his father’s side. In-universe, he is named for his father’s father.) Diamantis: Greek origin, meaning “diamond.” Chosen sonically, but the meaning is apt enough owing to his wealth and the treasure vibes of the Uncharted franchise in general. Rossi: Italian origin, meaning “red-haired.” Only my choice in the sense that I decided to make him a part of the canonical Rossi family (the “Mrs. Rossi” mentioned in passing by the floor manager in the Rossi Estate is his mother). GIOVANNA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Giovanna: Italian origin, meaning “God is gracious.” She was originally a Gianna, but this presented an unfortunate conflict with her younger sister’s name, so I changed it. In-universe, she is named for her mother’s father (Giovanni). TALIA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Talia: Hebrew origin, meaning “dew of God.” I was considering the Greek name Thalia, but realized there was an Italian-friendly alternative, as Talia is the name of a character in an Italian fairy tale. Since the sisters are more immediately associated with their mother’s side of the whole Diamantis/Rossi business model, that’s the one that stuck.
LEON VALERO Leon: Greek origin, meaning “lion.” Flop reasoning on my part. He’s a Leo and it suits him. That’s literally it. However, there’s a quest in-game where V is dubbed “the furious lion” by an NPC, which was a funny but unexpected nod. Valero: Spanish origin, a place name derived from Valero, in Salamanca province, Spain. No reason for this choice other than I needed a “V” name of Spanish origin. (He is mixed—primarily Mexican and Japanese, some Russian—but his mother specifically was a Valero, before he was raised as one of Padre’s boys.) TOBIAS LYNCH Tobias: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is good.” I like how it sounds. End reasoning. Lynch: Irish origin, meaning “hill.” No specific purpose. I knew I wanted a name of Irish origin and it flowed well with the siblings’ first names. SAOIRSE LYNCH Saoirse: Irish origin, meaning “liberty.” Again, no purpose, only sound.
GAVIN COUSLAND Gavin: Scottish origin, derived from Gawain, meaning “white hawk.” I just liked the sound and the Arthurian vibes. Cousland: Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic form of Absolom, meaning “father of peace.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble. CAIUS TREVELYAN Caius: Latin origin, meaning “rejoice.” In-universe, his name was plucked straight from the family tree (the Tevinter relative from way, way back—hilarious). Trevelyan: Welsh and Cornish origin, meaning “homestead on the hill.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble (again).
GABRIEL SHEPARD Gabriel: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.” Chosen because I love that biblical shit; you already know. Specifically, I thought it would be funny if he was named after the messenger, because no one listens to him when he says the Reapers are coming. It’s funny. Hush. Unintentional, but it also allowed for an in-universe reference to Garrus’s vigilante moniker (Archangel), one he chose—in my personal canon anyway—as a way to honor his human friend (and known proponent of vigilante justice!) whom he thought to be dead. Shepard: English origin, meaning “sheep herder.” Not my choice, canon default. (He sure does herd sheep though, boy howdy.)
LEVI XIAO Levi: Hebrew origin, meaning “joined together” or “joined in harmony.” It’s also meant to be evocative of “Leviathan,” because his father is NOT dead, actually; he’s a god-creature from the Echo World, currently in horror-stasis at the Agency headquarters for his Crimes™, which is much better than being dead. Surely. Absolutely. The Hebrew origin is relevant because his mother’s side of the family is Jewish. Xiao: Chinese origin, written as 蕭, meaning “mournful” or “desolate.” His father’s chosen surname for passing in the human world. His father is not actually Chinese (obviously), but China was his place of origin in terms of his initial entry into the Right-Side-Up and the physical features of his human form are all reflective of this.
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brbabcseu · 1 year
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Lalo's parents got married kick-started the beginnings of the cartel served cunt then fucking died. frankly what other vibes could Lalo Salamanca's folks have had
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brbabcseu · 1 year
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Ximena Salamanca (born July 1979)
"I did the whole ignorance thing. Got old. So if you think I'm buying the 'old workplace buddy' crap, you must really take me for an idiot."
fc Gina Rodriguez
You can't pull the wool over Ximena Salamanca's eyes anymore (she's perfectly adequate of doing that to herself). Lead cartographer for the UN and living the single life. It's hard to move on when you're a widow. It's ten times harder when you're also fatherless, motherless, brotherless, and cousinless. Basically almost every relative-less.
Can't shake that gentle, cautious optimism and quiet hope despite herself. For all that life's taken from her, being on her own has afforded her a greater confidence and harder shell. She's almost content having her weekends in, making bad pasta and listening to Italian disco (she's not quite as fluent in the language as she was back in college, but she can definitely tell you what most of the lyrics mean. She knows you didn't ask, but she's going to tell you anyway).
She's ready to welcome joy back into her life with open arms. Whenever it's ready to find her.
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brbabcseu · 1 year
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Penelope "Penny" Vidal (born Oct. 1990)
"I'm a Libra, bitch!"
fc Ariela Barer
Youngest daughter of all time. Never quite understood the girls who hated their sisters. Pen (aka Penny aka Lupe if you asked her mom) wouldn't know what she would do without Marci and the giant stick up her ass. Stood by her in the aftermath of her coming out. Pen's glad everything's cool now-- in all facets of life she's got some damn strong opinions, but when it comes to family it's hard to choose sides.
Will get offended if you ask if she works at a Hot Topic. She works at Spencer's, thank you very much. Not for long though-- she's been thinking about getting into the tattoo biz... (God help her mother and fathers' faint hearts)
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brbabcseu · 1 year
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Marcia "Marci" Vidal (born Sept. 1988)
"Saying that we came out the most normal is still a country mile distance from actual normal. But, hey. Count your blessings and all that."
fc Michelle Veintimilla
Previously held the Salamanca name; upon moving to the East Coast, her father Alberto made the decision to change it to Leandra's-- her mother's-- maiden name. Is told her late older brothers Marco and Leonel were caught up in some bad stuff; all she remembers is the two picking dandelions with her on her birthday and making wishes on them.
Nowadays, she arranges flowers and relies on practicality instead of wishes. Fun fact: don't get in an argument with her. You will lose.
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