#ok listen i wasnt trying to match but uhhh
shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, sorry its been like 2 days since I last submitted something! I've been busy and whenever I finally had time to sit down and write this all its like 1 in the morning. I hope its still ok for me to send these.
🌹 anon ima respond to you first, your The Deal au could be the reason why and how Ranboos and Dreams soul got mixed and linked together. But then a problem is how did it pass to Ranbob? In my au, each person has their own soul basically. And while certain attributes like DNA can be passed through bloodlines, souls can't, as their unique to their person. 
What left Ranbob vulnerable to Dream is that he was seen as the star student. The apprentice everyone wanted. He always got perfect grades and was seen as the smartest in the City. This did not go well. As Ranbob was put under a ton of pressure to always stay perfect and get everything right. When his grades started to slip and his chosen mentor started to put even more work on him, his mentality started to suffer. With him losing sleep and starting to not care for himself or do the basic necessities like eating or drinking, all in an effort to be "perfect". Its through this need, and weakened state over all, Dream's presence was able to slip in and convince him to let him help.
Benjamin is 30, Isaac 29, Cletus is 24, and Charles is 27. 
When Ranbob first told Ran about the Dream mask and how he wasnt himself, Ran did not believe him at all. And kept saying that he needs to stop lying and fess up to what he did and pay for it. Others tried to convince him that his brother really wasn't in control of himself, but was met with strong skepticism, scoffs, and disbelief. With Ran not beliving that was the truth at all.
Watson was very shocked but quickly reorganized himself cause he had to calm Jackie, and its only after Jackie fell asleep he was like "Oh fuck. I really am the dad huh?" Jackie was embarrassed at first but after some prodding did say how he truly saw Watson as a dad figure in his life. And everyone had different reactions to Watson suddenly accepting and fitting into the dad role. Jackie was excited and immediately started calling him dad and asking him awkward dad questions "Dad whats puberty?" "Uhhh-" "Dad where do babies come from?" "Ask your dad about that!" "But you are my dad!" Ran seemed indifferent about it but Watson can tell he's revealed to have someone to talk too, and someone to go to if things get to much. Grievous keeps sating he doesn't need a dad but he's the one that goes to Watson the most for things like hugs, comfort, and advice. 
Jackie and Grievous do everything. They rig the battle field so if someone steps in a certain area water will shoot up into their face, Grievous usually taunts and distracts opponents so Jackie can sneak up behind them and just latch onto them and cover their eyes while giggling like a madman as the opponent screams and runs around trying to get him off. Jackie regularly pulls peoples seat out from under them, while Grievous scares them and makes them choke or drop something. But they do know peoples limits. Like for Ran, no water related pranks (there was an incident where Grievous spilled a whole bucket of water on him and Ran got severe burns and had to stay in the hospital ward for a few days), for Watson don't mess with his bow or arrows, he will stab you. And for eachother, Jackie, no pranks that leave him alone for extended periods of time or makes it seems like everyone is gone/left. For Grievous no pranks centered around food or drinks (like putting toothpaste in his sandwich or putting pepper in his beer). 
Ran and Jackie have a 50/50 win if that makes sense. They both win and lose pretty often. They play games like Spoons, Go Fish, Dart Throwing (Watson needs to be present for this one), something similar to Cards Against Humanity, Poker (everyone plays during this one), and Tic Tac Toe. 
Sometimes Jackie loves being the smallest and other times hates it. He hates it when Ran steals something of his and holds it above his head, he sometimes resorts to aggressively climbing Ran to get it but Ran tends to just pluck him off, and people make fun of him in a mean natured way (he's fine with light teasing). But he loves it when he rides Ran's shoulders or can duck under peoples legs and trip em. Because he's also small and fast he's hard to catch and that definitely comes in handy during fights. No ones particularly protective of eachother (excluding Ran who's protective of everyone), because they know none of them like being babied and they can all hold their own, though they will quickly flock to help eachother if they need it. Ran definitely flaunts it whenever their in a agurement. 
There is a area under the fighting arena of the pit where they stay. Theres separate rooms for everyone, training areas, dinning areas, and just chilling areas. Theres even extra rooms meant for often visiting friends (Like Genevieve) and some for storage of weapons which also holds things to sharpen them or get new ones. The Pit itself is in the middle of a gaint city, so there are tons of stores and food areas around. And because of a high salary the King gives them they go out quite often, often eating out and browsing stores when their not training or sleeping. 
If by other combinations you mean like Ran-Jackie, Ran-Grievous, Watson-Jackie, and Watson-Grievous then it highly varies. Watson and Jackie are by far the worst team, their styles just don't match and constantly but heads during battles. Watson and Grievous are probably the best out of the 4 teams because Grievous can be serious and works well with Watson as he's much more willing to change his fighting style to accommodate whats needed. Ran and Jackie are like Jackie and Grievous, but they aren't nearly as insane. Rather Ran provides distractions while fighting to give Jackie time to sneak up behind them. Ran also is the only one able to actually throw Jackie, which they sometimes do during battles. And Ran and Grievous work well together, but not as much as Watson and Grievous, its just a few things of both their styles don't match or could potentially cause problems.
He's clumsy flat out, he isn't used to having full control and needs to get used to certain things like walking or talking again. He is also severely dehydrated and malnutritished because Dream didn't care enough to drink or eat. He's also incredibly skittish and scared easily. He and Cletus's relationship isn't solved fast at all, it takes months and the work of everyone to get the two comfortable around eachother. They start by putting Cletus on watching duty, where he watches over Ranbob to make sure he's eating and drinking and resting while not tiring himself out. Then after a month or 2 Isaac, Benjamin, and Charles start purposely leaving the two in a room alone toghere to get them to talk stuff out. It takes 3 months until their comfortable enough with eachother to willingly talk and hang out. Oh the house building attempts went aboustely awful. They sometimes fell on Ranbob! And when they didn't they just collapsed or got blown away by the wind, but Isaac did ofter help a few times and showed him multiple different ways to make sure the walls stay up and keep the cold out. 
Ran is very unhappy with Ranbobs haunting, he thinks their kind of like Ranbob in which they've all killed people and considers them a threat at first, but when he sees how his haunting likes and interacts with Ranbob's, he losens up a bit, his group trusts them, so he has to trust them a little bit. But he doesn't trust them or like them nearly as much as he trusts and likes his haunting. 
Im guessing you mean who from the two groups get along the easiest. Most of them take a while to get to know eachother, like a few hours. But after that their all really close. Charles and Jackie, Cletus and Grievous, and Benjamin, Isaac, and Watson are the groups that get along really well really fast. 
Im honestly probably am going to go for them adventuring outside the City to try to get the brothers to get along again. Mostly cause I thought of the idea that what if Watson, Jackie, and Grievous all lie to Ran, and while they are actually going on an adventure, they lie to him that his brother and his group isn't coming. Then when its much to late for Ran to back out, Watson just goes "Oh yeah! Your brother and his group are traveling with us. And you can't do anything about it." And Ran just sits there shocked. 
Ran and Ranbob are both subtle protective of their group. With Ranbob never really getting aggressive or going into overbearing. But for Ran, if someone in his group is injured badly enough or if there's a big enough threat he does get overbearing and extremely aggressive towards whatever/whoever the threat is *cough cough Ranbob cough*. Ranbob tends to be very physical, listening more to a certain instincts that tell him to constantly have a view on or hold his family, as if he doesnt see or touch them for a long time he gets very anxious and panicky, thinking his family is dead and that he's all alone again. His group understands this and so tends to not stray to far away from Ranbob. He will also follow his group like a lost puppy at times. Ran while listens more to the instinct that tells him at random times to make sure his family is ok and to bond with them. The bonding leads to him randomly grabbing them and just sitting down with them, most likely playing games. While the random urge to check on them has led to him waking them up during the middle of the night or interrupting his own conversation or others conversations just to ask if their ok. His took a while to understand why he does it, but now if he wakes them up or drags them somewhere, they know to go along with it and comfort him during those times. 
Hybrids are rare! Especially aggressive or netural type mobs like Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius are. Their actually seen as monsters and are chased out or hunted in other city's because people aren't accepting of them. Theres very few city's like Subbin that fully welcome and are even led by hybrids. So there are more hybrids in Subbin, than there is anywhere else. 
Sorry this is so long ':)
Asks are always welcome here, and don’t worry about taking a bit or anything. The questions aren’t going anywhere, there’s plenty of time. 
Here’s that for you,🌹anon.
1: Wow, Ranbob’s really going through it, huh? Does he ever start to fall back on that need to be ‘perfect’ while with the others? If so, how do they deal with that? And how is he with others offering to help him? If he even can really recall falling under Dream’s thrall, by accepting such an offer, how does he react to others doing the same, even if their intentions are far different?
2: So we’ve settled all the ages down, nice. You figure out anything for their backstory yet? And how do their ages affect their relationships with one another? Does Benjamin take the lead a lot? Or is he more of a follower that still has a lot of say? Who met who first?
3: So Ran’s obviously going to be awhile before he believes what went down. Still, I can’t imagine he’d have been as willing to go along with his hauntings little roadtrip plan if he wasn’t swayed at least a bit, since I can’t imagine he wouldn’t have put his foot down if he truly though Ranbob had done what he did. Why exactly does he go along with it? Does some small part of him want to give his brother a chance? Is he just confident he can overpower him, and looking for an opportunity to settle the score? Does he see something that makes him hope a bit? What’s going down there, anon?
4: On one hand, very adorable. One the other hand, poor Watson. Does Jackie actually not know that stuff, or does he do that just to mess with his new father figure? It seems like they all take to it pretty well overall though.
5: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Two people to truly fear. How many people straight up forfeit when faced with this combination? It seems like they’ve had some interesting times, good and bad. How’d those play out? As for those last two, I’m sensing a bit of a backstory. Why does Grievous not like stuff being put into his food? And why’s Jackie not good with being left?
6: So it’s fifty/fifty, huh? Who wins the most at what games? And uh, Watson has to be present for Dart Throwing. What happened there? How’s everyone’s poker faces? Who’s got the best luck in games of chance?
7: A love/hate relationship with height. I feel ya, Jackie. Very funny to imagine though, Jackie just, physically climbing up Ran. How tall even is this guy?? How do they deal with meaner teasing, not just from the gladiators, but from general bullies? Not everybody’s as friendly as some of the Pit fighters, after all. And how do the fishermen react with their fighting skills? Obviously, they must know how to fight somewhat, to have entered the Pit, but the gladiators do this for a living. How much is the difference in skill level? And does the gang ever get to show off just how skilled they are? 
8: Their home sounds very nice, honestly, I wished I could live there, minus the people. What’s everyone’s rooms look like? How have they personalized them? Which brings up another question-what kind of interests and hobbies do they have? What kind of things do they do that aren’t fighting and related to such? And they must be pretty well known, to have such high pay. Any of them have an arena title, or some sort of stage name? How many people can recognize the city’s top gladiators on sight? And how do they get around that, when they don’t want to be seen? How do people feel about them in general?
9: All these team ups sound terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to be facing them. How do they deal with it when they get a bad match up? Do they just stay out of each other’s way? Try to take their opponents out quick? Make it one on one? Ran and Jackie have to be my favorite team up, solely for the fact that you’ve said Ran straight up throws him. Like?? Imagine coming to the King’s Pit, a well known, popular place, hoping to prove yourself, and then getting taking out by a flying midget, just tossed at you by a ridiculously tall endermen hybrid. How would you feel?? 
10: Ranbob is just really going through the ringer here. How many times does he just drop stuff, or trip over his feet? Does he ever get better, or does he still retain a clumsy streak? If so, how does Ran react to that? It’s very good he and Cletus bond! Are they just as close as the others, or is there still a bit of distance? How often does Ranbob forget to eat or drink, or really just take a break? How long does it take to get him to start remembering to do that stuff again? 
Does he ever slip up while with the gladiators? Also, in a room? Do the fisherman expand their house more, or do they just leave them in the house? Does Ranbob ever get his own house up? If so, does he use it at all, or is it more for storage? And how many times did he fall asleep out there, get injured, or not realize it was about to rain? How long did it take before Benjamin or Charles put their foot down and make him stay in for a bit?
Has Ranbob ever even dealt with rain before, or a storm above water? If not, how’d he react to it? 
11: Oh, boy, Ran. Your concerns are understandable, but definitely going to lead to some angst. Is he just on edge the whole time? How many times does he just glare at them, or straight up steal one of his haunting back a few feet away from Ranbob’s? Are the fishermen ever worried he might hurt them?
12: How do both hybrids deal with their groups bonding? I imagine Ranbob’s pretty happy with it, but how about Ran? As you said, he doesn’t seem to be the biggest fan of these guys. 
13: Roadtrip! Gotta love a roadtrip! What kind of places do they head? Any transportation, or is it just walking, enjoying nature? Do they go on an adventure to look for something cool? What’re they getting up to?
14: So Ran and Ranbob both act on their instincts in different ways. How do they feel about seeing how the other acts? What happens if any of the fishermen stray too far, or get separated from Ranbob? Same question to Ran. Ran just...like...picks up members of his haunting? Do people just see him walk around with them dangling in his arms? He must be pretty strong. How often does he do this? How else do their instincts lead to them acting? Cuddle piles, picking up blocks, keeping their groups close together, ect?
15: So Subbin’s pretty much a safe space for hybrids? Interesting. But since the groups are heading out, does this mean they run into some trouble outside of the city? And is there ever trouble within it? 
Other questions: Does Karl play any further part in this, or has he already played his role for good? Does the gang ever end up back at Mizu? Do any of the group have a pet or something similar? With there be any sort of connection to other Tales, even if only slightly, or will they be solely focused on these two? Does Ranbob pick up his studies of Ranboo as best he can once he’s free, or does he leave it all behind entirely?
Thanks for the ask, this AU’s become quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where it goes!
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fabledtactician · 8 years
got tagged by @norwidki that asshole im supposed to study but lbr ill do anything to avoid it B^)
[Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!]
1. Are you named after someone? 
nope im named after marzipan lol
2. When was the last time you cried? 
3. Do you like your handwriting? 
when i try it looks kinds nice but my letters always slip up and down i cant write in a nice straight line, also the thing is, i rarely even try so usually its just an ugly mess
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? 
what the fuck is lunch meat anyway my fav meat is chicken
5. Do you have kids? 
yes i have a cat her name is seven and shes a lil shit but i LOVE her
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? 
see thats a tricky question bc on one hand WOW finally someone who understands me almost 100% but on the other hand. im a shit friend as is and im p sure i would annoy the living shit out of me so. probably not
7. Do you use sarcasm? 
BOY DO I :) even my mom keeps calling me out on that
8. Do you still have your tonsils? 
uhhhhh yeah
9. Would you bungee jump? 
probably not, if it wasnt upside down id consider it but im too poor anyway
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? 
corn flakes
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
NEVER unless theyre like tight ass sneakers that wont come off if i dont, but usually i wear big comfy shoes that just slide right off, or zipped boots so no problem with laces here
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? 
lmao no, neither physically nor emotionally nor any other way tbh im a limp noodle and my heart is glass
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 
vanilla or chocolate chip
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? 
hair and sometimes overall aesthetic or shape idk if it makes sense??? anyway i dont remember faces until ive met a person 10+ times so i usually go by hair which is. hell
15. Red or pink? 
ehhhhhhh both are okay but not rly my faves
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? 
i think my face doesnt rly match the rest of my body like i look in the mirror and its just my face? NICE when its everything but my face? DAMN NIIICE but combined?? it looks weird its kinda like a mismatched dressup doll
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? 
my cool ass edgy grey pants and big beige fluffy xmas slippers, theyre so warm and comfy, ideal for this shit winter
18. What was the last thing you ate? 
scrambled eggs with sausage and a sandwich, finally a fancy breakfast on saturday
19. What are your listening to right now? 
20. If you were a crayon what color would you be? 
21. Favorite smell? 
fresh laundry and pool chlorine
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? 
my dad called yesterday
23. Favorite sport to watch? 
figure skating obviously, the only sport i actually watch
24. Hair color? 
brown, i still have a greenish tuft on the side from the time i dyed my hair
25. Eye color? 
26. Do you wear contacts? 
i wear glasses tho i can still see p well without them
27. Favorite food to eat? 
noodles, chicken, fried veggies, some cool sauce, lots of spices
28. Scary movies or comedy? 
i dont like either, i mean i sure like to laugh but most of comedies are.... uhhhhh not rly funny theyre embarrassing to watch
tho i gotta say i watched the shining with friends on halloween and it was hilarious so yeah scary movies sure are fun
29. Last movie you watched? 
........barbie fairytopia trilogy, dont even ask
30. What color shirt are you wearing? 
i think its some greenish brown, im not sure, what am i, an art student? NOT ANYMORE HA
31. Summer or winter? 
32. Hugs or kisses? 
uhhh hugs, and even that has to be very specific, like, a hello or goodbye hug is VERY GOOD, excited tight hug is GREAT, huggin while lying down is nice but very uncomfy for longer then a few minutes, rest is kinda ehh
33. What book are you currently reading? 
me? BOOKS? lol
34. Who do you miss right now? 
ehh no one really
35. What is on your mouse pad? 
i have a shitty bootleg star wars mousepad that i won on some convention, my mom stole my nice one with a turtle
36. What is the last TV program you watched? 
i dont remember, i think we watched some music channel on new years? AND THERE WAS RICKROLL
37. What is the best sound? 
ENTIRE ORCHESTRA PLAYING SOME LIT TRACK and well a sound of a cat chewing on wet food is oddly satisfying
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? 
beatles, theyre fun to sing along to, especially when youre studying and want to die
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? 
madrid on a school trip, ill prolly never travel any further bc im broke and i hate moving my ass someplace i dont know
40. Do you have a special talent? 
uhhhh idk i draw fast???? doesnt mean its good quality but. well fast
41. Where were you born? 
cracow a pretty city, tho polluted beyond measures, literally
ok that it idk who do tag JUST DO IT
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transtrendhumanity · 7 years
hello, time for another roll call. i’m not even going to look at how late we are this time, we’re terrible at staying in habits like this tbh.
front today feels like callon and also nero, with elster backseat driving. elster picked up a new kintype (leon) and is now even more gay than before. i can appreciate that
ok sooooo
up in the treehouse, kitt has slowly been picking up the rules of ygo despite never playing a match in is life. yacinthe & vite have been playing all the time, i humour them too sometimes. i mean they play fucking mario kart with me so its fair. kayden plays both games as well and also fucking sucks at them. kei is a bit standoffish most of the time but like they have their own issues so thats fine.
oh yeah and casey’s up here with us too. she’s like freakishly good at games, it’s kind of unfair. she can’t consistently beat vite at dueling yet but considering she only just recently picked up the game it’s ridiculous how well she does. sometimes ceren comes up here but a lot of the time fae is being gay over at azdien’s mansion.
you shoulda seen the other day, some song nitexx likes came on the radio and ze managed to drag ceren on stage at our treehouse, along with kayden, and the three of them put on a show together, it was incredible. basically everyone turned up, except i guess callon, who was too busy with fire emblem to give us the time of day.
i feel like i should be talkin about what people are up to now instead of what they been up to but idk how connected we are so ill just keep dishing gossip until people feel like showing themselves.
ceren and azdien are like ridiculously horny, which i guess is fine. ceren is probably starting to surpass kayden in that regard, and yall know thats saying something.
corian is almost definitely kin of yellow diamond, even if callon’s been reluctant to kinfirm, partly because ey’s like “oh we need to do a reading every time we kinfirm, reading it 3+ times wasnt enough” and partly because ey gets embarrassed about having too many from the same canon.
likewise, haze is just about definitely kin of cinnabar, which sucks but not as much as callon would have you believe. ey just doesn’t like them, which i guess is understandable but like, get over it. anyway haze has some theories about hnk endgame that are not too pleasant but i guess we’ll see what happens.
who was the other one, cilla? cilla and callon’s relationship isn’t unlike gq and cairn’s, even if its a bit inversed. with callon being the main fronter and cilla taking over when things get rough. theyre really close in a way that i think is specific to headmates. its good for them. cilla is still very much in the form of an espeon so i think it’s a minor kintype for her, but it’s probably there.
ethan is mia like most of the time. i wouldn’t say theyve left system but theyre just so different from the rest of us its hard to keep track of them.
ok so. uhhhh actually time to go on a tour. yacinthe and casey are dueling while kitt watches, it seems like casey is winning. kei is picking their nails with a fucking knife in the corner. vite’s playing some video game. idk where kayden is, maybe he’s visiting the main house today.
in corian’s cabin, elster totally looks like leon right now, but i’d imagine ze’ll settle on a blended form eventually. ze’s drinking tea, served by corian, and corian’s listening to hir boy troubles. nine’s in there as well but not particularly interested in the conversation. who else. nika i think. nika’s downstairs for once, even though sie kind of hates corian’s taste in decor.
i think i can see ethan upstairs in nika’s space, but it’s kind of hard to tell.
in azdien’s mansion... or? yeah, in the mansion, in the little greenhouse corner of the library, kestrel and tobias are playing chess. they’re pretty into it. ailecent is on the roof of corian’s cabin if anyone was wondering, taking a nap in the afternoon sun like a cat.
xykiel’s aura has been floating around a lot lately, idk what’s up with caer but maybe one of these days cae will manifest fully again. speaking of lurkers, cyrren’s ship is still visible on the horizon, through i can’t imagine what ae’d gain by coming back.
also by the coastline, raliel is out by the cliffs again, staring wistfully out to sea like wav does like half the time. i’ve half a mind to push wav in but i guess that would be rude.
nessie is.. hang on. ok nessie was talking to elster a while ago but now she’s in riley’s bedroom again, talking to riley and nitexx about how basically all boy problems can be solved with murder. im really not convinced that applies to elster’s situation, but i guess thats what shes passionate about. nitexx seems to be agreeing mostly, but i think ze just likes murder, as a concept. riley has given up on being the voice of reason and is now only half listening.
further upstairs, ceren is in the attic practicing ballet. fae gets a bit upset when fae notices im there but like im sure fae will relax about it eventually.
haze is in er room, Brooding, like e does.
remm is also in vir room, doing vir makeup like ve’s going downtown.
kayden is downstairs after all, like i thought. he’s sitting backwards on ethan’s chair talking excitedly about something, but im not too sure what. amelia and floret are kind of listening but mostly cuddling. perien is actually paying attention.
im not sure if echo is here and hiding or if her and casey have finally fused. wait no, she doesn’t like me saying that so she’s around here somewhere. even though her spot on the chair is free, cilla is still loafed on the floor beneath it.
gabbi is kneeling by the aquarium chatting with rayn. rayn seems a little down, fsr, but idk whats up.
iiiin the next room over. vex seems dead tired but like brought back from the dead by the need to produce. jace is trying to get eir to go to sleep, to little effect.
uhhh venic. venic is actually at the mansion today. kye’s in micah’s room, they’re talking about something sinister probably. i don’t feel like checking on drohen but i assume theyre the same as always.
azdien is like weirdly soft and gay lately and tbh its a bit disappointing. like vae’s still very firmly in charge around here but. idk
thats not really everyone but i dont feel like wandering around in here any more so. bye
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