#ok thats enough rambling time for normal tags
catgirlkirigiri · 5 months
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Hey guys is it cool to draw your webkinz as furries. Doesn't matter I'm doing it anyway
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silly guys that make me lose followers on tumblr dot com
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voltrixz · 1 year
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talentlesshuman · 2 years
Can I ask how you design your ocs? Your designs are so pretty and show so much of their personality! I would love to know the thoughts behind how you design your ocs if not thats totally ok!
Thanks so much for the love!! I actually talked about this in my server recently even though no one asked for it LOL
I accidentally answered this question as if you asked about adopts instead of my OCs! Things are mostly the same except I decide certain things about the character BEFORE I go forth to design their appearance :P
anyway, under the cut is a big long ramble about how I design my adopts LOL
First thing I do is consider different themes or combinations of themes. These are normally objects (eg: candle, mushroom, bear+honey), but they can also be concepts (eg: lovecore)
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In this set of adopts, I used emojis as the themes!
Second is I decide the bodytype and skintone. It's important to me that there are more diversity in the community around me, so I try my best to have an even amount of light-skinned vs dark-skinned designs and light vs heavy set designs. Here's the message I sent to myself when planning the most recent set of adopts :)
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I don't consider gender or nationality- my drawings aren't particularly detailed enough to portray meaningful ethnic features, so that is something that writers have the freedom to decide on their own. As for gender, even though I normally draw feminine bodytypes/fashion, appearance doesn't have bearing on gender or sex, so that is also for the writer to determine.
Sometimes I will also pre-plan the fashion style of the design, but more often than not I just make it up as I go along. For inspiration, I may look at google or refer to some tags I keep on my main blog: https://talentlessmainblog.tumblr.com/tagged/fashion, https://talentlessmainblog.tumblr.com/tagged/g .
Inspiration is always always always good! But it's not a good idea to lift an entire outfit from pinterest when you're selling a design. When I find something I really like, I try to add the aspect I like as a part of the design. Instead of taking a whole dress, maybe I will just take the collar, or maybe the style of the folds, changing colors and themes- taking aspects from many different sources to make something new!
The final steps are to draw the designs and color them. I try to make their silhouettes interesting, which is easy to do with feminine designs with long hair and dresses, but more difficult with masculine designs. I may end up swapping around some of the pre-planned details depending on what I feel like is working or not. Often I will reach out to friends for a second opinion when I'm struggling with color palettes. When designing the hair I keep in mind different hair textures, especially for darker skinned designs. Growing up on anime, it's easy to forget about coiled hairstyles!
To me, designs are more successful when you are able to abbreviate them to a very basic form. This is why I choose simple concepts to base my designs off of, and why I try to minimize the number of colors used.
I try to keep a maximum of 3 colors in the palette (omitting skin tone, black/white, and similar values of the same hue). There are different coloring rules, but one that I remember is the 60-30-10 rule and the 70-30 rule. Both of these rules basically say that you should keep this ratio for your main color, supporting color, and accent color in a design. (They're called rules, but they're more like suggestions; you can see me breaking them all the time).
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These two designs are good examples, where the main colors (brown/beige) take up a majority of the design and the accent color (blue/gold) take up about 10% of the design.
I normally try to keep a nice variety of colors, but you don't have to :3 For this valentines set from last year, I kept an all-pink bear theme!
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And that's how I go about designing characters! Hope this was helpful/interesting! Keep in mind there's no wrong way to do this, and the first rule is to have fun :)
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starsambrosia · 9 months
So i stop flooding peoples dash im gonna just make this a group, the tag is #livechatter
Im rambling about my life because i feel like it
mean in all reality they have saved me from a lot of bad people and bad things i just i dunno if i can belive that every single person i meet is some kind of malicous creature or person with bad intentions...its been years and im outgoing i like people but ive had to cut off most people because the gods told me some shit about them that was scary or my divination read something was up
I just dont know but i dont want to risk it...
But like, how many demons can one person come across and how many just so happen to be bad news for me
3 confirmed and funny thing is one of them actually scarred me both physically and astrally /wild/ one was my childhood friend who had a crush on me and also decided to get into a pact with a demon for ...funzies... but i cant recall if she had the bloodline or not because the last one who was actually super chill was following a family tradition
so yeah when the gods say "hey psst beckys a demon" im gonna be like "well golly gee 3 out of 3 demons the gods told me about were demons i wonder if this person is in a pact with a demon
and typically /usually/ me and demons dont get along, they find my energy tasty ig. Like demons are fine they are but like they just want to eat me usually or theyr mad at me on sight :")
But in any case im gonna belive it, its just...really?? I know im a beacon but seriously? Every person i meet is some mischievous or negative entity. I get out here fae are more common but /everyone?/ really? I dunno man i cant just be running into every non human on the planet both online and irl or if theyr normal theyr just the most shit person you can be to an almost cartoonish extent.
/idk man/
But i stare at my pendulum the one i warded clensed banished shit on and used rituals to invoke a gods name and boom its just "yup this ones no good"
Like...OK??? THEN WHO IS??? And theyll set me up with people and it never goes well like it always falls through because the people i click with just arent good enough??? Or they just all want me dead?
Am i the problem? Like its me or its them and theyr gods like idk idk man im lost im so lost, how can nobody be ok how can so many people just want to hurt me on sight am i seriously that pathetic looking?? Or are they playing some kind of protective roll? Thats kind assuming a lot about them
What are the fucking odds theyd just be over protective
Im kinda whirlling right now because i think i figured it out, Apollo always expressed guilt over the whole imprisonment thing even though that was literally my fault for directly disobeying his very clear instructions for some guy, yeah thats an embaressment ill never live down
Im wondering if Apollo felt bad and now hes just being really harsh on anyone who comes near me, i only wonder this because he had been around for a really long time before he helped me escape my home/cult
But like ive asked others too
In the same pantheon
That was responsible for a lot of fucking trauma
Who like most of them have a reason to be harsh on people
I just wonder what would happen if i asked maybe Zeus instead of literally anyone else besides maybe some of the goddesses.
Oh godsssss i think ive just deadass been asking the wrong people because everyone else is bias and angry at people
Jesus christ i knew it was my fault if i had just thought about it for a second and got my head out of the ground i wouldve seen it
But still i could be wrong so i need to go ask Zeus with my pendulum and see whats going on before i go removing anything...im also wondering what other people have to say about this because im honestly so tired of shutting up about my weird ass life
Pendulum with Zeus:
Is the reason i keep getting a no on my friends because everyone else is bias and angry at people
Will you give me non bias direct answers if i contact you?
I get so specific with my questions because if it can only say yes no or maybe i want to narrow it down as much as possible, questions are phrased intuitively or auto written but some times intentional, more gently guided though.
So i figured it out by live journaling basically...nice, ok so this is weird...but when is it ever not hhh
Thats sweet honestly, if it weren't so suffocating...i cant belive this this has taken me literally 3 and a half years to figure out and i just had to talk to Lord Zeus??? Hhhhhhh oh my gods
Going to him more often now honestly
I wouldve never guessed that i think i think too lowly of myself if it took 3 and a half years to realize they care enough to be mad at people who caused me like, irreparable damadge hahaaaa
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auspex · 1 year
I wanted to send in an ask for the in-character ask meme for mark but i couldnt think of anything, so instead i ask you to ramble about one of the things regarding mark that makes you lose it! Stuff you're totally so Normal about in a Lying way!! It's so fun hearing about that stuff as well as WHY it makes you lose it, yknow?? does this make sense??? hope it does lmao
k im breaking out this ask cause im doin bad. if you dont know or care about mark dont bother reading htis - i found that sometimes my mark tag shows in the general vtm tag and im sorry.
im so normal about how vampires live forever but also live in constant danger (usually)
on the one hand Mark knows he has eternity
on the other hand he knows that in a few nights it could be his last
but the man lives off denial and so he focuses on the first one.
this intersects w some of his... motivations in interesting ways
for example a main one is who he considers it his responsibility to protect sampson. but ok 1: he is a ghoul, so he'll live forever but does he want to? 2: its a dangerous world so protecting him is a big task and can he do that forever? and 3: what happens if sampson does want to live longer but turns against him either emotionally or in a deeper way? what then.
like basically the situation he's in... can it last forever? probably not. will mark grapple with that fact? No <3 its fine for now cause he isn't even a year in yet but it will be a problem at some point...
another one is serving Julius. so far julius has not asked anything too heinous of him but if there truly is eternity that's not gonna last forever. also, mark doesnt know this, but I Do, that when the pyramid falls, the blood bond may traumatically break but that does NOT mean Julius is gonna let go - only become more coercive, with mark more aware of the shit spot he is in. i am going to go absolutely insane when that happens. mark is gonna have a mc'freakin breakdown and if sampson isnt his friend at this point idk what he will do cause thats the only person in his life who could possibly understand.
Ok and finally just how literally like. ok so. mark struggles against the beast like every kindred does and GENRALLY does well because of a promise to himself after he murdered a guy in hunger frenzy, that once he gets That Hungry (mechanically hunger 4) his top goal will be reducing it and at hunger 3 its one of his highest goals. Like he has to believe he can keep it in check. but with eternity... mistakes happen. like there isnt any way he could prevent himself from ever making a mistake like that again. he is in such denial about it though. and when he fucks up again he'll be forced to accept that it will happen Another time, and Again. itll be so delicious <3 (like the blood i mean what)
mark believes he is taking a long view of things but he truly is NOT. he's just using that idea to Cope. he tells himself he has to settle things in his territory, w sampson, w such and such julius task, then he can sit down, study like he wants to, keep things in check ; but here is the thing. vampire society isnt like that. things are gonna shake up eventually. because you either die fast in one of those shake ups, or you live forever always long enough to see another one.
he is telling himself to just go a little longer, push a little harder, and then he can rest. then itll be ok.
but that might not ever come.
he has to learn some coping mechanisms soon... or have friends. hes not in a place where he could actually step away and get a break.
he's getting there on the friends bit w his coterie mate rose cause she agreed to stop dating Lucky (LOTS OF CONTEXT NEEDED WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT BUT IT IS ) and that meant a lot to him and he'll be more willing to open up to her in the future- but i think that will still require some sort of come-to-jesus moment where hes like. Oh shit im doing really bad actually.
which he is
but if you ask him, he will just say theres a lot going on and he's somewhat stressed <3 omg
anyway thanks @eric-the-bmo for my life
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Ok so I came up with an idea. Definitely can tell I'm still trying to figure out a good flow for me with getting my reading done since I've been working, cause I'm all over the damn place still... 😆🙈
I'm gonna tag all my people that I read their work on a regular basis. So you guys know too, why I'm only using tags and not reblogging normal, and using my wonky account I made.. 😆 ( I'll tag at the end of my ramble. Also, if you'd like updates with me but don't necessarily wanna follow, I have a tag " lil life updates 💞 " I put the 💞 so it could just be my posts, and won't get mixed in with other peoples posts, lol. 😊)
So I'm gonna use my account thats linked up with this one.. Since it's just sitting there, lol.
I'm gonna use it as kind of a bookmark blog. Yes I know I could do it on here, I see lots of people do it. 💞 but since I made that account, I figured I'd use it for something instead of leaving it alone. And since I post/reblog random stuff on here.. Kinda give me some santy of what I need to read.. 🤣
And of course to help boost you're guy's work double time.. Not just me reblogging normal on here. 💞
I'll bookmark the ones I get tagged in too, not just the non ones... Cause I wanna show love still and my goofiness.. Because ya know I'm gonna end up being a dork... 😆😆 And just to say heyyy I see you sharing a masterpiece!! 👀🤗
I will make a master post of what each tag I use means in the next few days. Example-- tbr, currently reading, new find.. Stuff like that.
I think I'll start doing this tonight or tomorrow... I have not decided yet. I got some tagged things I need to read that I'm super excited aboutttt.. Then I'm gonna start tackling the non ones.. Probably will go through everyone's page after I get the tagged ones out of the way, so I can have an idea of what everyone has beautifully created. 🤗💞
I love you guyssss so much!! I apologize for being all over the place and rambling on so much about what I wanna do... But it gives me ease sharing my ideas with the people I care about and interact with. And I know I'm not the only one that has a job and a huge tbr list.. But before I got a job I was highlyyy active on everything, and I've just fallen off the face of the earth pretty much.. 😆
Anyway!! After my rambleeee about nonsense... 🤣 I hope you all are doing well. Always sending infinite love your way. 😘 And be aware for my attacking of reblogging for my bookmarks.. 😆💞 And reading in general, cause I can't waitttt!!
And I feel like it's nice to give updates for the reason I'm gone cause I care about all the people on here I interact with ( I call you all my friends/family) on here and when y'all give updates it makes me smile seeing ya after being away for whatever you need. The mom in me always wants to come check in but I know I'm not super duper close with a lot of you, so I don't wanna bother ya. So getting updates is always nice. And always always take you're time when you need it, having breaks from doing things is so so important.💞 ( and not pressuring you guys into doing them.. Just making a comment that it's nice.. Never have to do them if ya don't want to. 💞😘 )
How this idea even same about was I was scrolling through my feed on here.. Yes I had time to read, but I was not in a quiet enough place to do so... So my longgg list of my tagged tbr was just sitting there.. So I figured I'd do this so ya guys know I'm not ignoring you and such. 💞
Taglist that I was talking about:
( don't have to interact with this at all or my other account.. Completely up to you if ya want to. 💞 )
@guess-my-next-obsession @supernaturalgirl20 @grogusmum @stxrrylunatic @prolix-yuy @astroboots @mandoblowmybackout @ezrasbirdie @fuckyeahdindjarin @light-yaers @icanbeyourjedi-writes @kteague
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livecharliereaction · 10 months
longer ramble (post tsumihoroboshi part 5)
enough higuing today OK: im rly liking the different protags btw meakashi shion pov and now the rena bits it works VERY WELL! But it also rly makes sense that the first 3 had to be keiichi because to understand renas/shions/rly anyone elses thoughts you have to understand some things about hinamizawa itself so making us play from the pov of a guy who just got here? its kinda the only option. I think those last tips r from the "evil rika" by the way so like demon allegations never stop with her + sonozakis. which of course makes SENSE three families n all that. i think satokos outbursts seem sort of normal for a traumatized child and as i said before; rena can do ANYTHING and ill forever just be able to brush it off with a "ohh shes a weird girl i guess :P" and now that she killed 2 people again i am not changing this statement in the slightest. She can just do that. Let her do whatever the hell she wants ETC. But clearly not a demon from three families with how she describes it all.
In shion pov she did actually call this "evil rika" a demon too so calling her that suffices for now. They do keep saying that the elderly think of rika as a reincarnation of oyashiro. i mean i dont think id be too off the mark to just call that "evil rika" oyashiro but i think its a term made up by the villagers instead of her REAL name so im just gonna call her "evil rika" until they provide me a better way to call her.
I also think that she will be the way this ties into umineko. I know a few facts... 1. theres a character with the same voice casting i dont remembr her name but u know the one who kinda looks like her anyways 2. the playing order should be higurashi first if at all and then umineko because theres characters who will refer to something that happened in higurashi/something youll understand if you have played higurashi... But like even aside from this kinda meta information i know theres a girl who looks like rika a lil too much. OH IDEA? Its just another oyashiro reincarnation 8 generations before or 8 generations after higurashi. Ok that might be jumping to conclusions a little but just something to state so itll be funny to look back at either if that happens OR its actually super false as hell
...as a matter of fact I used to think the other umineko character looked a LOT like satoko but i saw her on the tl the other day i think n i dont think so anymore. Color palettes more similar to miyo takano if i HAD to choose n that seems like a stretch too. OK but i need to mute the wtc tags though because were in peak spoiler territory i feel... Ok.
Also last thing: that time of rena stating she wants to go back in time immediately cut to all of the guys having a nice time without a single mention of the people rena killed (ofc - keiichi pov) but in a way RIGHT NOW? its kinda out in the open if that DID happen until we get rena pov again which i find a little fun.
Oh but one thing does still bother me to no end... Renas mentions of seeing oyashiro before makes literally no sense with the information we have so far. BUT ONCE AGAIN. renas just kinda weird. Maybe thats a conclusion she made because well shes a little weird and also mentioned to be like actually mentally ill. Man how did they write a character like that where shes my absolute #1 favorite no shot but then i trust literally nothing she says??? So funny. Love her
stopping for today though i mean i want to continue but we have to have SOME self discipline left so it all doesnt end in like a week:P ok bye
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aghostsdestiny · 3 years
An "about" me & my blog in regards to people's opinions
Ive wanted to say something in the tag for some time but didnt want to risk coming off wrong when im still recovering from some medical issues that effect my filters. I dont want to be unfair or make anyone feel unwelcome from any of the positivity messages Ive posted and plan to post (next idea is Destiny themed suicide prevention fanart - NO ONE should unalive themselves, not even assholes; dont get dead, get better! Just keep trying), but a big point is that I been too scared of past bullying to speak up much or even follow anyone so y'all dont really know me yet.
In the name of fairness, as I've mentioned my filters... well, like everyone else I too have the unfortunate habit of thinking "... did we really read the same lore? And THAT was your takeaway??" but thats needlessly hurtful and calling people stupid when they arent; they could have been distracted at the time they read the lore or they just see things differently. Or maybe... it just means too much to them to see it any other way. Maybe they NEED for it to mean something that saves them. Thats NOT "stupid." Thats survival. They found what helps them, thats wonderful!
Maybe theyre wrong about lore meaning, but maybe IM wrong. Yes, i do think they're wrong but they think im wrong and im ok with that, theres no harm in it. Been keeping it to my own lane & mind my own business. Im trying to get better with my filters as well as unlearn some habits, but yes I have months ago made at least one comment here to the effect "uhh... people think THIS about the lore??" and im ashamed of that because its not who i want to be. I prefer to celebrate people not being some robot copy of me. Yes! Please! Have a different thought from me! Just be nice to me about it, is all i ask, and if you're not... well thats saddening, but i hope we can be friendly some day soon.
Thats far from to say im perfect or am trying to be; Im trying to be what makes me happiest, use my creativity in combination with my psychology knowledge to be more gentle with people, and thats not for everyone. Maybe some other people are in a place right now where they have to figuratively beat each other's brains in online to decide if thats who they want to be (as long as everyones a willing participant, etc). While ive always tried to do the right thing, I used to be a bit more abrasive with my opinion years ago in perceived self defense and... maybe i needed to be to get where i am now.
Im at the point in my life where Ive seen enough drama, known irl horrors & experienced legit crippling mental illnesses/disorders that taught me how frail humans can really be; all of which makes me see it as anyone could be gone anyday and if this were my last month alive then i want to be kind before i die. I want to leave good behind. 30 years ago I was a Mr Roger's kid, i grew up & i wanna be "a helper" now, however much by my limited means of small-scale caring without hurting others. I wont save the world or be a firefighter, I'll never be perfect & i dont want to be, but you dont have to be perfect to be kind. Nor do you have to be a doormat (reminder: Mr Rogers legally sued the KKK. And won), but im not sure how to balance that yet so im shrugging issues off for now.
I know Ive rambled, & i apologize. I wont use the read more line because in the past its deleted things. I took time away to give a long thought about the fighting & assess how i really feel, what i really want to put out there & i dont want it glitching out. I... really want people to be nicer to each other in the fandom, its just... im not their parent, babysitter, keeper, nurse or doctor, & i dont know what they need right now. Im not going to tell anyone what to do, regardless of whether theyd listen or not. Its their free will to live how they see fit. I'll tend my lane & they can tend theirs.
But hey. Hey you. You heated people, if youre even reading this... i wish as much good for you as anyone else. Being assertive is tiring (as i well remember lol). Any friendly thing i post is also for you. Take care of yourself, hydrate, do whatever kindnesses you feel inclined to, & best wishes with your life. The positivity isnt JUST for cinnamon rolls, people who dont complain, people with empty block lists, or never been in an argument, etc. Its for you too. Even if you dont care right now, possibly in some "i dont need your stinkin posts" mentality. That might change. Dont ever look at my positivity posts & think that you're excluded. Ever. Everyone on Earth is trying to get better together, & thats our Destiny.
(Yes this is how corny it is in my head, lol, arent you glad i dont normally talk much XD)
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daymoony · 3 years
full-on rambling about iyowa let me have this:
ok so,,,, i need to start this by saying that i cant usually tell why i like a song,,,, like if i was to explain it to you, the only words that would come out of my mouth are “makes my brain go happy and my toes happy-wiggle” and thats it,,,, so now,,, being able to finally talk about why i like iyowa’s songs is a blessing for me and i feel really happy about it so let me have this moment
ok so,,, i realized why i like iyowa’s songs in a car ride going to a movie theater, so i started thinking it through and stuff while having their songs in the background and i arranged my thoughts on my head for this post lmao
i think the reason why i like their songs is bcs of how they add random instruments, beats and/or synths at random times in the song,,,, at first it may sound weird bcs “wtf ny if you’re saying this then it means that it sounds bad” nononononooooo,,,, iyowa somehow makes the song sound good even when they add those random things at random times in their songs
take as an example golden number, on min 00:20 where the intro of the song plays (instrumental that also plays after the chorus) and you can notice how the beat and the piano sound a TINY bit off,, but it somehow works,,, why??? idk i wish i knew lmao 
anyways i think i should also mention that when you see iyowa’s profile on vocadb,, they’re under the “rebellion against aesthetics” theme tag, meaning they rebel against normal music sense and/or use experimental styles,,, which is how i would honestly describe iyowa’s songs and general vibe lmao
anyways this is my rant lmao,,, warning that i honestly dont know much about music and this is just me rambling about one of my fave vocaloid producers lmao dont take it too seriously hahaha
ive rambled enough im gonna shut up now 
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Thoughts I had while watching TGD 3x08 “Moonshot” aka this has been sitting in my notes forever everything just seems like too much effort I’m sorry 😭 please love me still
Ok so idk if anybody missed me but I did miss you all and im baaaack baby!!! So i was planning on just summarizing my thought after watching the ep because i wanted to eat while doing it lmao but i couldnt RESIST and already had so many things running thru my head. I’m sorry I’ve been so MIA everything these days just seemed like too much effort y’know, life and work and everything else but now i am forcing myself to starting this up again because I enjoy doing this and sharing my unimportant and mindless thoughts with you guys. THank you to everyone who asked about me sorry i haven’t replied (that depression kicked in) but I will go thru and respond, i love you guys!! Okay enough rambling (but would it really be me if i didn’t) and lets get onto the show
Sharly moment was going too cute and going too well why do i feel like by the end of this ep they’re going break up or something 😩
#buildupforabreakup with melendez god bless but i still don’t like neil fucking telling audrey she needs to take some of the blame 🙄🙄
So I already knew melendaire was going to work together and have a cute moment thanks to the lovely @gilbxrt-blythe but I DIDNT FREAKIN KNOW THAT IT WOULD JUST BE THE TWO OF THEM
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And yay morgan finally gets her first lead surgery but I’ve seen the promo pics and she has glassman check her out so i swear to god if my bby has carpel tunnel or arthritis imma SUE
Side note still eating while i watch so we’ll see how well this goes lmao
Wow i feel like its been freaking forever since I’ve seen melendaire one on one with each other how beautiful 😭 and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them along together in the autopsy room
My food is geting cold but IDGAF with this blessed melendaire content I’m getting omg soooo cute talking about what they wanted to be when they were little I caaaant
Claire looked impressed by melendez’s idea 👀
And who would’ve thought you guys dating while she’s your boss would affect your judgement certainly not the hr lady or anyone else god help us
Is a l*mlendez breakup finally on the horizon
Uh oh is shaun going to breakup with carly because he considers her a “distraction”
I’m glad morgan finally has someone who believes in her and showers her with compliments
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But i dont like that its asshole andrews ngl
Melendez not being confident is just weird he’s second guessing EVERYTHING
Who knew sharly working themselves up to sex would be cute
Why do i feel like once i go thru the tag I’m about to see a bunch of carly hate and people being like i told you so. I get where carly is coming from she just want shaun to be happy and comfortable and tries continuously to make sure that happens and make it work but like she said shaun gives up but i don’t like the mindset either that what she does is a chore and that she wouldn’t have to go thru this with someone who is neurotypical like her and i don’t like the pressuring of shaun having sex because yes he wants too but its not just a black and white situation and I’m tooooorn
Park being so worried shaun only lasted 8 seconds before he came is too fucking much 😂
Park being encouraging to shaun is pure but I still miss jared man plz bring him back
Lmaooo the place where l*mlendez is having their fight is where claire flirted with melendez
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Keep up with the #buildupforabreakup PLEAAAASE they’re trying to hide their relationship but are publically fighting and raising their voices at each other SUBTLE
I really wish it was claire giving shaun these heart to hearts the lack of shaire content is desgustang
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like the writers act like they ain’t even fucking friends
Of course why can nothing ever go well for anyone so I was right and morgan has arthritis 🙃
So one of y’all are really thinking of leaving to stay together PULEAAZE yall are not that serious so heres a wild idea BREAKUP
Wow what the fuck got my hopes up for a l*mlendez breakup and melendez tells her he loves her 🙄🙄 ON THE MELENDAIRE BALCONY NOW ITS TAINTED but she didnt say it back so 👀
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She realizes she just told the president of the hospital she has arthritis right like what’d she think was going to happen
Wow negligence left and right at st. bonaventures
And now lim and melendez are having a moment ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
And that scene with the leukemia doctor hit a little too close to home for me
Yes yes yes it looks like lim is gonna break up with melendez god bless 🙌🏼🙌🏼
So on one hand lim said she loves him but on the other hand she said its not enough 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Ngl tho had the an inkling this would happen because I saw on twitter that christina chang replied to the tgd writers account when they posted a “💔 l*mlendez” and said there the ones who could change their fate so i have hope they will not get back together and if they do they won’t last because neither of them can be objective and oh yeah DON’T MAKE SENSE and have no chemistry
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Yay sharly is still alive and kicking
And oh no morgan bby are you still in pain 😩
Oh my god carly and shaun are air holding hands again while lying in bed
Hmm wow okay I knew claire would still be having drama because I saw the promo pics but i did not really expect this, melendaire group chat speculated on that first guy she slept with being worried him being married would come back to bite her but i did not think she would make it a pattern and not care about the consequences of sleeping with someone who’s married. Yes it takes two to tango but we all know this isn’t normal for claire to act like this and self deestructive so is this finally going to be her wakeup call or will she keep spiraling and we’ll get a cliffhanger in the mid season finale involving her and her actions/choices ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ only time will tell
Okay guys thats it long af as usual but lemme know what you thought and what you think is going to happen to claire, melendaire and l*mlendez!!! 💕💕 I’m still hoping for a freakin melendaire heart to heart oh my goddddd why hasn’t it happened yet
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After watching the new new promo I def feel the #buildupforabreakup coming on between l*mlendez and a melendaire heart to heart
And Katie brought up a good point I like how shaun has the potential to be fired after one complaint and yet coyle got to keep his after SEXUALLY HARASSING MORE THEN ONE PERSON wow #consistency
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On this show
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03713 · 6 years
good things that happened today:
i got out of bed on my own and got ready for school w/o too much difficulty!!
even so my brother was still nice enough to check up on me a couple times to make sure i was doing ok, and later drove me to school :D he ruffled my hair when we got there and told me to have a good day
i really really tried hard to understand what the ufck i was reading (since im taking classes on the computer) w/o getting distracted, and i was able to focus today and actually learn and comprehend some GEOMETRY shit today
i only have one more thing to do with that same geometry class before im done with it!! granted the next class is geometry B .. but still!!
they’re letting us have a break class in third period again, so we can have art classes again!!!
today was like the third day of it bein back, and my instructor complimented my work on the assignment a lot!! i think he noticed i was a little nervous about being slower and more precise than the other kids, and went out of his way to reassure me by saying my art technique was similar to artists in the renaissance period- “you keep building and building and building on something, focusing on all the little details to make something perfect” and i was like oh man... thank u..??!! i was genuinely moved asdfhjfk
our school was basically like fuck it and faked that fire drill i mentioned before jsut so we could get out for the weekend a whole hour early.....
it really was honestly so pretty out while i was waitin for my dad to come pick me up, like i rambled about it in the tags of that post but it was such a nice day out.. there was just the right amount of wind and it was refreshingly cool and breezy, and it was easy to tell that flowers were poppin back up and everythin was like .. fillin up with life almost, it made me realize how different things have been over the past year or two and how yes, i really am alive and standing here, at my school where i have good grades and the ideal schedule and i have no reason to panic about it anymore, and how im going home to a supportive family and good friends and a safe corner of the world meant for me and my family, how just. wonderful it is to be here right in that moment and to have made it from the darkest period of my life. it was an amazing feeling!! like its hard to describe it... i was just proud of myself for being able to recognize how much things have changed for the better and how i made it, how im still alive. it was so so nice
plus my dad bought me celebratory raising cane’s on the way home from school!!!!!!!!!!!
there’s a website that is an ongoing developing project managed by partners of the seoul dynasty that works as a kind of VOD reviewer (for overwatch obvi!!) that im a beta user of! they have a discord server im a part of too, and the other day they made an announcement that they released all these brand new features a lot of us users have been lookin forward to for awhile, and today i got to see them for myself!!! its quite impressive!!
i got sleepy after eating the food my dad bought for me, like im talkin my eyes were gettin too heavy and i was starting to doze off in my chair, and for a moment i was worried that if i went to bed now my schedule would be all messed up for tomorrow, but then i realized i dont have school tomorrow so i said fuck it nd wen to bed!!!!!!!!!
i curled up with my cat on my bed and i kind of haphazardly took off my glasses and placed them somewhere on the bed.. before i was out like a LIGHT
i was sleepin in a weird position (like quite literally curled up right beside my kitty and right on the edge of the bed) and my brother actually poked his head in and asked me if i was ok hshfgh.. he was reassured when i told him ya .. im just out here sleepin..
i woke up a couple times in the night but it was just to make sure i wasnt disturbing friday too much with my presence, and each time i gave her a lil smooch she would chirp instinctively and start to purr
i woke up just now for the same reason but also so that i could finish writing all this down because while it may not seem like much i felt absolutely compelled to do this today .. i think ill brush my teeth nd wash my face real fast before hittin the hay again
i felt and still feel very grateful for all that i have right now .. like all the basic stuff people tend to take for granted, like food and water and a place to sleep. but i know im especially lucky in that i have a good relationship with my family and friends, i have an education and a future, i have clothes and shoes and even bits and pieces of jewelry, i dont have any medical conditions or injuries, i can see and hear and smell and touch, im safe and happy with everything in my life right now and im very conscious of that fact pretty much daily.. sometimes it feels like i disassociate almost, because very often i take everything in and i stare at everything and all the details. like..
these are my hands, those are mine, that door looks like its made of wood and you remember when they worked on the transition right there from tile to wood, you have a cat in front of you right now that had a whole nother life before she came here, but everything aligned just right so that now shes here in front of you and just about as blissful of her ability to take a cozy nap right now as you are, like its really all sinking in on a daily basis and has been for as long as i can remember, except its not the typical dysphoric-like disassociation people normally experience, i think.. its like a good thing! 
and on that note im grateful that im grateful, if that makes sense.. im glad i can realize i have all this and that i can appreciate it for what it is because the ability to do that is typically missing from most peoples lives until they lose what they have and its too late.. maybe im talking too much about it but the best way i can describe it is like being aware of your consciousness and your presence, plus the presence of every little thing around you so that you realize you are here, but in a way that isnt overwhelming and more fascinating and wonderful. i like it a lot 
im still here! im still kickin!!! and chances are i will be tomorrow too, and the day after that and so on so forth .. i recognize ill have bad days and days in between but im still alive and right now i think thats enough
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