#ok the tiktok im basing this on actually had a character who killed a lot more but hes still tame??
tiktok is fun because youll see takes like "you cant like this character because they committed crimes" and then the character in question murdered maybe like. 3 people at best
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hey look i finished those ocs! i might still add more to the roster, and i still need to draw Montgomery's unicorn and Lillith's dragon, but for now here they are!
I'm gonna ramble about them and the process of making them under the cut, and at the end of it I'll be putting the individual designs so you can see them better :)
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ok so for one, theres a lot of red and purple? I didn't actually mean to do that, but it looks kinda nice, so i'm not complaining?? but idk! its just funny that one of the two colors can be found in every design if not both. kinda ties them together tho? idk im vibing w/ it i think
uh, anyway, the names! @danzoid07 helped with them a lot, but i did switch around a couple. at first Montgomery and Mortimer's names were switched but i changed 'em because ''Morty'' sounds more like... sleazy?? that isnt the right word but Montgomery came from Ricky Montgomery and his music is very NOT the energy i wanted the salesman to give off. (its not really what i wanted the wizard to give off either- more atlas or laurence than anyone, but Morty sounded closer to the salesman then the wizard.)
speaking of atlas, originally their name was Kelton- which whent to Kelly- and i really liked that but later i found the name Atlas in a tiktok and thought it fit better
character wise, i have some plans for like, back story and stuff? what i know right now is that Lillith and Laurence were a prince and princess of neighboring kingdoms and were meant to be wed to join the two kingdoms, yknow the drill, but they were childhood best friends and both of them are very gay plus Lillith really wanted to be a knight (which she'd been training for in secret for like. most of her life?) but yeah! so the two ran away together :) the other version of their story would've been just about the same except Lillith would've been like, a guard or something, who was supposed to protect Laurence's room and they just ended up being friends or something, but i think i like the other one better idk
Morty and Monty are twins, Morty is a traveling salesman who has a big cart and probably over prices things at least a little bit, he can be an asshole sometimes but yknow, not totally malicious, first example being Erica :) shes an assassin or hitman or something like that, with robin hood vibes who kills off like, shitty people- usually like abusers or otherwise shitty people but yeah Monty became kind of her... home base? in a way? idk if its necessarily like a dad or an uncle or whatever else, but some kinda of similar role idk but they have matching coats :)
uhhh and then Montgomery! hes a wizard, grumpy ass old mans who doesn't much like people :) hes the type who will act like an ass to those around him but will cry at any show of affection from those he cares about, etc. think Stanley from Gravity Falls? something like that. he has a unicorn! his unicorn's name is Quincy, and i dont know much about them yet but originally they were supposed to be the one that Lillith and Laurence ran away on, but then i switched it so Lillith could get a baby dragon (which has not been named yet lol)
anyway i'm gonna finish it all off with talking abt Atlas and Laurence and then Lillith and Erica because of course. so Atlas is the vagabond of course and i think he found Lillith and Laurence first while they were in a little bit of trouble and he took the two and gave them a place to stay (probably at Monty's? i assume they're friends) but anyway point is Atlas and Laurence are pining, 100%, and they're both so shy about it and i love them. Lillith and Erica when they met i think they kind of had a rivalry? i mean, a hitman and a knight, they'd totally butt heads, until of course they had some kind of heart to heart and found common ground in wants to help and protect people, and all that, and then they're pining too, except Erica is probably got enough of a fuckin head on her shoulders that she'd just say fuck it so they could stop dancing around eachother lmao
anyway! yeah :) that was a lot. but i'm gonna do those individual pics now
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hakuryuu · 4 years
All numbers for iro!! also dotty if you’re feeling up to it 🥺
1. How would you (or they) describe their gender, without using standard binary terms?: iro’s gender is stubbornness 2. Are they religious?: i think that she’s religious in that she feels reverence for the gods, but she also doesn’t.....like them. i think in her own way she worships maetra truly though 3. What social media platforms would they use (if in a world where those existed) and what would they use them for? Bonus: What would they get cancelled for?: she and thrip both have tiktok i think 4. Do they have any weird scars, and how did they get them?: she’s got a bunch of little sharp-grass scars on her legs and arms from spending part of her childhood in the desert rising plains 5. What crime are they most likely to be arrested for?: accessory to murder U__U 6. Ok, what crime are they most likely to have actually committed?: accessory to murder U__U 7. If the one prison phone call thing was real, who would they call?: her mom i think ;__; 8. Do they collect anything? What do they collect?: iro isn’t really much for collecting things i think....the most she does in the way of collections is that she has like one very sturdy and good version of each thing she needs 9. Who would they platonically marry for tax benefits?: fog but she’d feel weird about it (because of it being fog, not because of it being ““tax fraud”“) 10. What superstition/paranormal entity/conspiracy theory do they believe is 100% real, whether or not they admit it?: she believes that melibe is still with her somehow, even though he died a really long time ago 11. What’s something embarrassing they did as a child/teenager?: saw of picture of maetra as a child before she was brought in on the silk fort plan and announced that when she grew up she was going to marry that pretty lady 12. What’s something embarrassing they probably did yesterday?: responded “yeah?” without thinking when thrip accidentally called her “mom” 13. What hobby did they try once and give up on? Why?: knitting....she doesnt have the patience for it at all but she wanted to pick it up because it’s so cold in the mountains 14. What niche topic do they get incredibly pedantic about?: freely/entaugh/vain history.... :( 15. What’s their favorite food to make?: she loves a good soup!! a broth with some vegetables in it is her favorite because it’s relatively easy to make 16. What do you think this character’s worst decision was? What does this character think their worst decision was?: from a meta point of view i know that probably her worst decision was to leave the silk fort without resting sufficiently. she thinks her worst decision was bringing thrip and fog along with her for the second half of the journey 17. Is there anything you wish the writers had done differently with this character? Why?: SURE WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL IF THE WRITER HAD FINISHED THE BOOK SHE’S IN, 18. What character from another work do you think they’d get along really well with?: SHE WOULD GET ALONG REALLY WELL WITH NOV FROM CD ACTUALLY I THINK........MUCH TO THINK ABOUT. 19. What character from another work would be their mortal enemy?: despite or maybe because of their similarities i think chine and iro would NOT get along. also i think she would probably hate noonday sdjgkslfj she would also probably dislike emery for similar reasons 20. What’s a headcanon you’ve always wanted to share but none of these ask memes ever ask you about it?: iro almost never remembers her dreams
1. How would you (or they) describe their gender, without using standard binary terms?: the gender feelings you get from looking at pictures of joan of arc 2. Are they religious?: only in like a practical way sdjgklsfj 3. What social media platforms would they use (if in a world where those existed) and what would they use them for? Bonus: What would they get cancelled for?: MOST LIKELY TO HAVE A TUMBLR I THINK..... 4. Do they have any weird scars, and how did they get them?: she has a scar on her throat from when huma tries to kill her post-novel :) 5. What crime are they most likely to be arrested for?: blasphemy :( 6. Ok, what crime are they most likely to have actually committed?: trespassing and destruction of property 7. If the one prison phone call thing was real, who would they call?: olive (matty is in prison with her) 8. Do they collect anything? What do they collect?: i think she collects little things that her friends might like 9. Who would they platonically marry for tax benefits?: MATTY, NO QUESTION 10. What superstition/paranormal entity/conspiracy theory do they believe is 100% real, whether or not they admit it?: she believes that flickerfish send messages to the gods’ realm 11. What’s something embarrassing they did as a child/teenager?: joined what now that im thinking about it might have been like a military school???? 12. What’s something embarrassing they probably did yesterday?: lost to mateo in a contest of how many marshmallows they could stuff into their mouths at once 13. What hobby did they try once and give up on? Why?: cooking sdgslkfj she sucks at it 14. What niche topic do they get incredibly pedantic about?: GHOSTS, she chats with the ghosts of her family members a lot so she knows a lot about what their ‘lives’ are like and how to talk to them, etc 15. What’s their favorite food to make?: can’t go wrong with cinnamon-sugar toast 16. What do you think this character’s worst decision was? What does this character think their worst decision was?: i don’t think she regrets any of her decisions, except maybe not keeping olive closer 17. Is there anything you wish the writers had done differently with this character? Why?: lamsm rewrite when..........honestly lamsm was kind of like the cornerstone of the elise fantasy universe reboot so a LOT of my current lore is based on it and i dont know how much i would necessarily do DIFFERENT 18. What character from another work do you think they’d get along really well with?: loving to think about her interacting with paz (similar enough to matty that she feels kind of at home around her). also aaa........noe.......i’d love to see them hang out 19. What character from another work would be their mortal enemy?: if she ever sees any of the silk fort family members its on sight. THE GOD/MORTAL PLAN BOUNDARY HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE 20. What’s a headcanon you’ve always wanted to share but none of these ask memes ever ask you about it?: she/they icon.....
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