#ok time to go a mimir now night night
futabahacks · 1 year
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ik its been a while. im so so srry askdjfhalksdj. i was busy helpin @tricksterren move into the house we found behind leblanc! (for tumblr peeps i. defo need to repost that memory. its a doozy. but yes ren moved out the attic and now has his own place! i still need to convince sojiro to live here fulltime tho >:((( )
on another note ive seen the word nitori so much the past month its. its just. not registering anymore. also nitori is just jp ikea
anywayz ik theres tons of askbox qs i havent answered. will try answering like... tmrw? no guarantees tho cuz i eepy taba.
okay time for me to go mimir now nightttt
(ps ren also would say hi but hes completely drained himself lololol look at my husb sleeping soundly)
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kazumasougi · 1 year
some final thoughts before i stop liveblogging for the night
just absolutely inconsolable about what happened with sindri. i cannot believe how they handled his character (and honestly not even in a bad way). he actually had a pretty reasonable reaction given the grief and it was fairly realistic (but fucking gut wrenching. the scene where broks body is just laying on the table while sindris screaming at atreus is horrifying. i keep thinking abt it). i miss him so so fucking bad and if the next game rly is an atreus spinoff then im. kind of wondering what theyre gonna do with him considering he just kind of fucks off at the end (ill check his house tomorrow……. rip brok i miss u every day)
i get that they killed freyr because this IS what actually happens in the actual mythology but im gonna be honest i kinda wish they didnt just off him at what felt like random. like that was just. it felt very instant and overshadowed by everything happening at the time. he almost dies at one point and its this huge deal but all of a sudden he dies and you get nothing further on that. um. idk what to say tho the war wasnt abt him LMFAO. sorry rip king
freya………… honestly it was rly cool seeing how her dynamics with everyone evolved between 2018 and ragnarok all things considered. im still blowing up a little over her holding atreus and calling him the family she chose and then atreus just leaves without saying goodbye to her. but like ok its fine 💢💢💢 i know why but also WHAT THE HELL!!!
mimir and sigrun are cute i dont know what else to say here. also im so sorry to say this cause i know they treat mimir like an entire person with full autonomy even though hes just a head tied to kratos’ belt but every time kratos talked about how mimir seeking revenge was bad i kind of lost it. King he cannot seek revenge he is a severed head. he goes where you go. he does not have a choice in the matterfjndlfm
kratos’ development between 2018 and ragnarok really shows i auhghgauooo….. hes so much kinder to the people around him. so much more trusting…. :) now he says please and thank you. also the ending parts where he tells atreus to open his heart to everything makes me fucking crazy considering that was the part in 2018 where i was like Why did he never tell him not to do that. thank you kratos
why did cory barlog call brok gay
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
Hi! I was curious, since my bestie is missing the boys night out swamp edition, how would Halek be doing if he was part of the squad in chapter 7
Funnily enough, Halek chooses the funniest times to suddenly be like, okay with adversity lmao? Sometimes someone's like "can you go and fetch water from the well" and he's like what a pain in the ass, I'm gonna do it and then take a three hour nap afterwards and other times they'll be like "hey we're gonna need you to do a several day trek through a terrifying horrible swamp" and he's just like "ok" *completely unfazed*. So he'd be quite chill about it in general and would be a calming presence for the group, very uncomplaining and steady, though of course he'd be going a bit berserk around the Asag, so that'd probably pose a lot of issues unless he was wearing his special collar... I think the group in general would feel more secure with him around because he'd definitely sense if a demon was nearby, kind of like a reliable watchdog, though he'd also be a bit hen-pecked because both Chase and Red like to hassle him (it'd be like him and Blade 🤝 versus the world). So in general, he'd have been a very valuable addition to the group, a balancing presence that would reduce the tension and the bickering, and he's probably being sorely missed right now!
Funnily enough, though, he'd have HATED Mimir. I think he was originally going to be part of the group that first met her (Mimir originally wasn't going to be in Chapter 7/the swamp, she was actually going to be in Lavinet's chapter... the game has changed a lot since the first draft!) and her whole 'prophecy/future-telling' shtick would not have sat well with him at all, for probably obvious reasons! While it's not really personal, he would not have been happy to have her join the group!
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