futabahacks · 1 year
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ik its been a while. im so so srry askdjfhalksdj. i was busy helpin @tricksterren move into the house we found behind leblanc! (for tumblr peeps i. defo need to repost that memory. its a doozy. but yes ren moved out the attic and now has his own place! i still need to convince sojiro to live here fulltime tho >:((( )
on another note ive seen the word nitori so much the past month its. its just. not registering anymore. also nitori is just jp ikea
anywayz ik theres tons of askbox qs i havent answered. will try answering like... tmrw? no guarantees tho cuz i eepy taba.
okay time for me to go mimir now nightttt
(ps ren also would say hi but hes completely drained himself lololol look at my husb sleeping soundly)
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tricksterren · 1 year
man, your confidence is infuriating, taba is right
and for that alone i am 100% on your side in this whole thing, smart folks place their bet on the obvious winner -w-)b
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I forfeit. @futabahacks wins.
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naviclenek0 · 1 year
I'm just gonna go on a small rant about how the P5 community treats Shutaba and how it's genuinely kinda dumb in a way.
It really tires me how when anyone sees a fan who is playing or just discovering Persona 5 for the very first time and realizes the chemistry behind Futaba and Ren (Joker) and ultimately starts shipping them, gets bashed on by anyone with saying "omg they're literally brother and sister that's gross ew, Futaba is a child, nasty ass proshipper"
It happened to me, I discovered P5 not that that long ago and I tried joining fandom spaces and it was.. hell.
So I'm hoping that this could hopefully help someone and maybe stop those toxic people who literally start crying and labeling stuff with extreme terms.
First of all, Ren is NOT Sojiro's adopted son. He's more like his protégé, his student in the coffee, curry, café, womanizing (lol), ect spaces. He only "took him in" because he's the only one who said yes to taking in a guy on probation. Yes, I am not doubting the bond they have, but it's like a sensei and his student. Dazai and Atsushi from BSD basically.
And I see many many MANY people try to argument against this with parts of the games where characters mention that she's like a little sister.
Wanna know the fun part about Persona?
You get to CHOOSE if you want Futaba as your silly sister or gremlin girlfriend, OMG amazing right???
And there's even parts where you yourself can make remarks about being family and she'll just be there like: "Are you fr?? Weirdo"
I'm not here to bash on anyone who likes them as the coffee/curry sibs, it's not my cup of tea because the fact that they're so touchy and close disturbs me when thinking of them as sibs, but if you like it, go for it! It's cute tbh
But just because you see them as sibs, doesn't mean you have the right to call someone a proshipper for liking them as a couple, Futaba deserves to be with the man who saved her life and fans get to do as they please, that's the magic of having freedom and being able to CHOOSE.
Now the Futaba being a child/mentally a child part. 1. She's the same age as Yoshizawa, infact OLDER than her by a few months. Y'all ship Yoshizawa with Ren just fine. 2. Futaba is clearly autistic coded. As an adult with autism, I get told I act like a child frecuently. The infantilization of Autism is outrages and needs to stop, Futaba is incredibly smart and isn't a little baby. Have you not seen the things she says to Ann??
It now scares me to interact with the fandom because of how many times I've been attacked to the point I just gotta shut off the pc and let the anxiety flood away, I can't even make friends with ppl with the same interest, in the english P5 fandom because of that.
Good thing is that (most) of the spanish speaking Persona community is chill and knows that drama about said ship is honestly stupid.
Basically just, let people do as they please, go touch grass and if you don't like the path someone took in game, then just block or don't interact with that thing.
IRL you can't block people but online you can, so you shouldn't rage or seeth about it, especially about a game.
Saying someone is a proshipper by shipping Shutaba is like saying someone is a criminal and a violent person for playing Fortnite or that horror artists are sick and twisted people just because of their stories.
Instead, actually go after those who are problomatic like those who genuinely ship Kotone/FeMC with Ken.
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persona5guys · 8 months
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Hello! My name is Jack! You can call me Jack, Jackie, Jackets or anything similar to that, I go by He/She pronouns. I'm 18, but I won't be posting any 18+ content on this page!
Basic DNI criteria. Don't be bigoted or an asshole! I DO NOT fw Shutaba and will not interact with any content of it! No proship! NO AI GENERATED CONTENT! IF I INTERACT WITH AI CONTENT PLEASE LET ME KNOW, AI ART IS THEFT!
My main acc is @thejacketscloset ! I mainly post COD, GOW, and mess around n talk with my mutuals.
My ask box is open! Feel free to ask abt hcs, drabble requests, or whatever comes to mind. I may doodle a little Ren to go along with some answers from time to time
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《《 Enjoy your stay 》》
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takamakiswife · 2 years
futaba, walking into the bathroom to brush her teeth: why.
akira, in the bathtub, wearing a cowboy hat and drinking milk straight from the gallon: don't eat the brownies on the counter
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townslore · 2 years
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meow. meow [shutaba fans do not interact]
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strawberryjamsara · 2 years
Thoughts on all Joker het ships (besides the adult confidants) let’s go!
Shuann: So I see Ann as a big fat lesbian, but their confidant interactions are really cute. I have seen the romance route though and it’s kinda… forced? Anyways my headcanon is that they dated for a while before discovering Ann’s lesbianism.
Shumako: I’ve seen this one get a lot of hate that I really don’t understand? Like let’s get it out of the way, rank 10 sucks, but so does Atlus and Makoto is my character now. Anyways, they have some cute interactions in and out of confidant. Like fake dating, sleuth work, c’mon if this was an ao3 fic between two dudes people would be eating it up. Plus you can piss off Sae. Bonus! I did this one on my first play through.
Whatever the ship name for him and Hifumi is: You know what? I can see it. They have a pleasant confidant. Hifumi is a good character. Let them be friends.
Shutaba: (tour guide voice) and to your left, theres Atlus letting you romance your sister because they knew gamer dudes would like to marry a gamer girl
Shuharu: I’m gonna be honest. In my first play through I did none of Haru’s social link because I was so burned out by her bad writing in particular and didn’t want more comments about her dad being a saint or something so I did not see a lick of them solo. My bad.
Shusumi: So there’s nothing wrong with this one it’s entirely inoffensive but. You know when people talk about how shounen writers push a romance with a female character so hard, like so bad that it’s obvious but right next to her is the male protagonists rival who he has way more chemistry and romantic tension with? That’s shusumi.
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nero-belladonna · 3 years
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meteor-cities · 4 years
Margaret is wrong but no one calls out all the abusive content in Shuake fandom that is normalized as "jokes". Every joke is about crazy killer Akechi trying to murder Akira in his sleep even if they're dating, it's not funny when intimate partner violence and murder is a serious issue, it's not different just because it's two boys and it's now "funny hatesex". People only have themselves to blame for Shuake being abusive now. Don't come for haters when that ship has the most r*pe fics.
there are definitely horrible headcanons and horrible people who ship shuake. there's no doubt about that. i knew a person who shipped shuake who turned out to be a vile human being.
however, the thing here is, people who don't play royal and haven't really had much experience with deeper aspects of character relationships label shuake as abusive and hateful and maybe that's their opinion, but shuake never hated each other. even if you didn't play royal or don't tend to look deeper into character dynamics, it's easy to see that. akechi himself is a hugely complex character. akira is the first person he could've considered a friend (hell, most of the PT were, and also kasumi/sumire). certain actions akechi has partaken in (like wakaba's death, okumura's death, etc) are definitely not something i would ever condone, but people fail to realize he's been under the control of a narcissistic father figure for a long time before he could learn what a healthy friendship (and relationship) is.
there would be no issue with margaret being against shuake IF she didn't actively seek out and stalk my friends' pages (mainly minors) and say countless homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and many other bigoted things simply because they ship shuake. i can understand disliking a fandom (in fact, i largely dislike the aot fandom), but there is a HARD limit to things that should be said to anybody in any fandom.
every fandom is toxic. that much is understood. what margaret fails to understand is that sending death threats to people and their PETS, and then saying "akechi said it, not me" is vile. she doesn't want an adult conversation. numerous adults and people who are 17+ have tried to be civil, until it got to an extent where there was no more being civil. she will go after anybody <17, and she's 21 years old, and will even tell minors not to interact with her when she actively attacks minors as young as 13.
you mentioned r^pe fics, and i get that. that's absolutely horrendous that anybody, ANYBODY would write them. but there are ALWAYS bad apples in terms of shippers. again, shitty people aren't a valid reason to be blatantly homophobic, and deny gay coding, towards a ship. it also doesn't give any validity to attacking people who are otherwise very civil people and have very healthy headcanons towards a ship.
honestly, unless you ship shutaba, akesumi, marushu, aketaba, and/or marusumi (plus any additional age gap + p5mc x adult confidant ship), there's no reason to be so hugely against people for having a ship. there's no reason to break several of twitter's community guidelines simply because you dislike a ship. margaret's original account (akecholic) on twitter got suspended because i reported her after she said that "if you ship shuake goro akechi will kill your pets" and twitter believed that that went against the comm. guidelines regarding abuse and harrassment. monty, margaret's friend, got suspended after telling me he hopes i get hit by a car, even though nobody reported him, which is evidence that he was already being monitored by twitter.
the bottom line is this: shuake isn't canon and that's on atlus. shuake is a ship. is atlus notoriously bigoted? absolutely! however, that doesn't deny inclusive coding within characters (ex: akechi being gay coded, ann being lesbian coded, futaba, yusuke, + ryuji being autism coded) because, no matter how atlus as a company is notorious for being homophobic and bigoted, that doesn't stop writers and artists and even voice actors from putting even the most subtle kinds of coding regarding a minority.
thank you for the ask though! i hope this was a bit insightful.
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takamakisu · 4 years
Since I've gotten an influx of followers lately, I am once again putting out the things I wish to have tagged.
If you wish to interact with me, I kindly ask you tag your
•kasumi herself (just in case you don't read the tags i have actual emotional trauma associated with kasumi. it's not to due to her "stealing" a role or anything, i've just had very bad experience related to her and the ship; please understand. thank you. ♥)
•joker x mona (is this even a big thing???? idk but...just to be safe i suppose..)
•any joker x adult romance content
As these things make me uncomfy.
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope to get along with all you guys! ♡
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futabahacks · 1 year
feeling accomplished, futaba?
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i guess i won...
but now i know the consequences of winning @~@
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tricksterren · 1 year
Me, talking to our friends about Futaba being a prophet sent by god: In the name of the Navi, the Oracle, and the Holy Taba Futaba: WHEN WAS I A RELIGION? Me: Always have been. Futaba: W H Y? Me: Because I worship you.
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kingjinxii · 5 years
Any numbers you want for the shipping question thing
I’ll do the first 10!
1. What was your first OTP?
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Shadamy from Sonic comes to mind immediately. Sonic was my first foray into fandom culture as a whole. I was around 10-11.
I’m not in the Sonic fandom anymore, but I still have a soft spot for them.
2. What is your current OTP?
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Oof, I have a bunch for a whole bunch of fandoms. For Persona 5, it’s ShuAke, for P4 it’s NaoSouYo, for P3 it’s AkiMina (male protag, NOT female), for Fire Emblem it’s DimiAshe, and, like most Promare fans, I adore GaloLio.
I’m also CEO of RyoToma.
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites?
I have a whole bunch! The ones I’ve been most excited about recently are Galo/Lio/Guiera/Meis (I call them the Fire OT4), Goro + Akira, Ryuji and Yusuke (aka Goro and his himbo harem), and NaoSouYo, which is my P4 OTP.
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
Moody twink/femboy + Himbo
Those are the two big ones.
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Uh, I’m not a big fan of big guy/big guy (Dimidue comes to mind). Mainly because a lot of my shipping is projection and I relate more to smaller characters as a tiny person myself.
No hate to those shippers though! You do you.
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you’re more attracted to?
I’m a simple femboi, give me a tiny boy falling for a huge guy and I swoon.
7. Are most of your ships “pure” or “problematic”?
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It varies. I mean, listing my OTPs above.
ShuAke - One tried to kill the other, but they’re both equals/same age group.
NaoSouYo - Literally equals all around.
AkiMina - Technically equals but the AUs I may play up Minato’s dickishness a lot.
DimiAshe - Unequal because of nobility/commoners, but respect each other. Basically only as problematic as the weight you put into Dimitri’s breakdown.
GaloLio - Opposite equals, practically canon anyways.
RyoToma - Inc*st and age gap, but I usually portray them as trying to strike a balance.
And then I ship things like AdaSou, AdaHana (Persona 4), Sterk/Rorona (Atelier), Cormilla, and CorKumi (Fire Emblem Fates) which are considered “problematic”, but I also ship SouYuki (P4), ShuSumi, ShuTaba, and AnnGoro (P5), which are relatively pure. I definitely lean problematic, but I have my” pure” ships too.
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of?
Goro. I ship him with Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Yu, Minato, Ann, Shinjiro, and Sumi.
9. Are there any fandoms you don’t have any ships for?
Impossible. I love shipping too much. If there are no ships, I will create them.
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them?
Not necessarily but it is bonus points.
Ask me shipping questions!
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glaciemdraco · 6 years
Sorry to rant about this to you, but I hate what fandom has done to Futaba for me?? I know you’ve had issues with Shutaba fans but for me it’s Yutaba, and it’s like they only have Futaba there because she’s Yusuke’s straight ship. And memes, but there’s more to both Futaba and Yusuke as characters but their fans don’t elaborate on this at all. Now I can’t stand seeing Yusuke next to Futaba and i hate it. lol
Lowkey the same, anon.
It’s another reason why I’m not too fond of her character anymore, her fandom really managed to make me dislike her character and any ships with her character (I was starting to like ann//taba, so yeah) just because it didn’t happen to be shu//taba or something - and I thought shu//mako fans were bad, guess I was proven wrong now since I never had such interactions with Makoto and/or shu//mako fans. Sure, we didn’t always agree on everything but they didn’t make me hate the mere sight of Makoto or any ships with her?
Also, don’t be sorry for ranting, this is a fandom blog so feel free to discuss opinions like this with me if you want to! My intention was for this blog to be a nice place for the Persona fandom but also opinions a lot of fans would deem ‘unpopular’, if that makes sense? So I’m completely fine with you ‘ranting’ to me about this ^_^
But yes, some Yusuke fans (from my experience, yu//taba fans like with you) are… yeah. I’m sad it ruined Yusuke for you but I hope the shippers leave you alone, at least? I mean, Yusuke has other straight ships as well but it seems to be mostly yu//taba (and to a very much lesser extent kitann(e) and kitaharu). For example, I dislike the ship of ai//koto from Persona 3 but I never had such a bad fandom experience with them as I’ve had with any shipper of a Futaba ship... so yeah, that’s my experience with her character and ships :/ (I had good yu//taba fandom experiences too but not as many, unfortunately)
I’m happy you wanted to talk to me about this, though. Hope your fandom experience is better now :D
(though, if at all possible, please write out shu//taba like this in any potential future asks because I have the ship tag blocked and thus it ends up blocking my answer to your ask XD)
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futabahacks · 1 year
Hey Futaba, what the hell is your husband doing-? Is he... bickering with a cat? A... dog?
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im just kinda… lettin it happen
and grabbin popcorn
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futabahacks · 1 year
i'll just
//chucks concealer in your general direction
you go, girlie uwu)b
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imma just
*takes concealer* thx anon
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