#ok wish me luck or pray for me or whatever im gonna go check the entrance requirements
pulchrasilva · 1 year
They should invent exams that are easy and not scary or stressful and also ones that I can do
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– mod–
I’ll add to the comments as usual. Anon:
The DM ran photos of DK in the exact same outfit with the exact same shopping bags iSaturday – walking alone. Check it out. No way she wore the identical outfit and had the same bags yesterday. The story conveniently tags them as yesterday when it was known N was back in NYC. The “getaway” makes for a much better story than 2 friends hanging out like he’s done with several female friends in the past few weeks (Ira, Jarah, Liz) – and been photographed with them too. These pics were set up.
what is everyone talking about with norman and what did this DK woman do? i’m late and curious because i really don’t want to find a way to dislike norman
grooooooooossssssssssssss. well if the other rumours are true, she wants a baby w him.
I honestly am surprised about Norman and Diane. And to the person that said Norman is a horrible person, you’re wrong. Norman liked Diane and I believe that Norman can do whatever he wants to do with his life. If Norman wants to date Diane, that’s fine.
So he is w a disgusting famewhoere. completely changes the way i see him. bye bye norman, no longer your fan (and im a lesbian, so this isn’t butthurt shit here)
Anon: If this is true, I don’t want to go to WSC London now. I don’t feel like meeting him if he has been lying to us this whole time.
Anon: Norman has to address this. He’s getting so much hate. I hope he shuts it down. Please Norman say it’s not true.
I can’t believe he lied to us. If this really is true, then everything he says is bullshit.
Anon: Mod, I am at a loss how this whole narrative in the NR fandom went from “DK is vile, they’re not friends ” to “DK is vile they’re definitely not dating cuz NR is sweet and great” to “They’re dating! They’re both vile!”…. Like, where is this coming from? Norman’s own fans would rather believe he’s some sort of vile scumbag than the alternative that maybe, just maybe 1) NR and DK are both decent people? And 2) none of us knows the private details of when/how they got together?
Anon: Mod in your opinion do you think he would have done that? He did things that made us believe he was single so do you think he was really lying to us the whole time? I want to cry if he was. I thought he was different. Do you think there’s a chance that he is just friends with her?
Anon: Just friends my ass. They’ve been together off and on for over a year. Time for fans to take off the delusional glasses and accept it. He’s a good ACTOR, isn’t he?
Anon: II thought that if this happened I would feel angry and sad and disappointed. But I feel relaxed and calm and I wish Norman finally have found the woman that will stay with him till the end. I feel really happy for him.
Anon: I hope that Norman realizes that Diane probably called the paparazzi and set that whole thing up so they would finally be outed as a couple. She is a real piece of work.
Anon: A few choice words like unwise, irresponsible, childish, selfish, asinine, and dishonest, as well as many more like them are all coming to mind right now.
Anon: I know it’s his life but I think he needs to say or do something for his fans now. Just like when he shut down the EK rumor. Btw, TMZ also reported that as official too, if I recall and that was never true either. Please say something about the truth of this, Norman
Anon: In the midst of this DK stuff, someone on Facebook who works at LaGuardia airport says she talked to Norman at work today. Do you know if he’s heading somewhere?
Anon: What had Diane done and why does everyone hate her?
Anon: I am an extremely disappointed… I was gonna say fan, but I can no longer even bring myself to write that much less say it. What an effing nightmare. Seriously, I’m not sure if Norman could make a more foolish decision.
Anon: I want to be clear this is not a DK hate (or even dislike) post. I have to say I find it a bit ironic of NR fans blaming the trash mags for NR not being able to “live his personal life”. If I’m not mistaken didn’t the pap pics originate in daily mail? Doesn’t DK and her people have a deal with them and they set up pics all the time? So I’m assuming DK or both of them are courting this attention, yes? I think we need PR wife again, lol.
Anon: Ok wait, it doesn’t have to mean they are together. She could have been hanging with him like he does with a lot of his female friends. And I stil think the pics are only one day. Not a “weekend getaway” I really hope he says something now, though. This back and forth is too much. I pray it’s friendship and nothing more because I don’t want to have to stop supporting him. Say something Norman.
I cannot think of a single nice thing to say about Norman right now and I’m not sure I will ever be able to again. Anon: Dont you think that this is kinda ridicilous , this whole dk / nr is going on since 2015 , if they were together , they would already admit that and dont forget joshua and diane broke up a long time ago , so nr and her had a long time chance to admit it 🙄(sorry my english is not very good ) 

Susa206: Everybody should calm down! In my opinion it´s obviously, that they are a couple. I think we don´t have the right to judge about his or her life! Nobody knows what really happened between DK and her former boyfriend….. I never liked her … but the most important thing, is that he is happy…. and we have to accept his choice…. ( sorry again for my bad english)
Anon: So are we to believe they have been so careful to not be seen out together in more than a year and now they are caught in his parking garage? Set up
Anon: she is just so unlikeable. ive read her interviews and seen her interviews. she is not likeable. this is bad new for his brand, but its his life. i know i won’t tune into anything he does if she is accompanying him or being mentioned. i know celebs are humans, but i also consider them brands that i choose to consume. ive no interest in using my money & attention to help her brand, and won’t consume anything she is attached to. sorry normski, not interested if you come w her as an add on
Anon: But hold on remember when he was photographed with Elsa Hosk? and they aren’t together. I know because of DK, it’s strange but I don’t think it proves it yet. Until Norman comes out and says it.
Anon: Mod , i would like to help you a bit. I also dont believe that they are together , in fact i do believe Diane might have a crush on Norman (who not) and im sure Norman knows that , but it seems he is enjoying his single life and told her that , and still wants to hang out as friends with her , because why not? Maybe they were out having dinner , maybe he or she made dinner at their homes! 😊( just what i think about the whole dk/n thing)
Anon: this norman stuff with TMZ, is utter bullshit. they are probably just friends and so what if they are dating, they should be happy that they are happy.
Anon: Mod , it seems you doubt about if they are friends or not ….
Anon: Mod, do you think they really are together or do you think the friends theory is possible? I just want to cry if it’s true. It’s not that he’s with someone but that it could be her! I hate her. She is nothing like him she is so full of herself and now he looks like a cheater and a liar. I didn’t think he was anything like that but now he looks like such a fake person. Not who he said he was to his fans. I’m so sad. What do you think Mod??
Anon: If them unloading a car together is the smoking gun on their relationship… damn! I am in a relationship with a bunch of cab drivers! Dammit… and here I am thinking I’m single! 

Rebellacycle: I’m sorry I’m laughing at a lot of this this man can’t be any where near a woman or his female fan loose their shit “ oh he’s with her no ” if he is dating her at least she is close to his age if she slept with him I’d hi- five her good for you Diane 😂🤣💪🏹 let him live his life I don’t know her we really as fans don’t know the both of them it’s his and her business if they are dating or not what ever and I would love to be at his next convention to see if these “ fans ” ask him about it
Anon: Sorry!! I meant good luck to HIM. I want the man to be happt but she is just YUCK. My bad. You always rule. I’m going to drink whiskey til I puke this weekend. Why do I care? I have no clue but am just disappointed.
Anon: Can someone post the pics of DK that are supposedly from Saturday, please. Also, are those pics on tmz from yesterday or Thursday. I’m confused!
Sooooooo are they together or were they just carpooling to like Whole Foods and Best Buy or something?
I’m done with NR. Cannot support this disgraceful behaviour whatsoever. More to the point how can he be okay with a supposed partner calling the paps on them? Entire thing is a mess. he is not who he pretends he was.
NR and DK kept their relationship hidden this long because they knew people would never forget about how their relationship got started (cheating) and they knew if they went public they would be one of the most hated couples in Hollywood. I seriously want to throw up she is such a horrid human being. N has developed really shit taste in women.
Here it goes. Seems like we finally got our proof and Norman and DK came out and made it public finally. They are together. You can’t tell me she’s just a friend cruising around with him and unloading his car. Not after all. I’m so disgusted, I almost vomited. I can’t believe Norman fell for this woman. I’m SO SO disappointed and disgusted! 😞
Those two horrible people deserve each other. And they deserve every ounce of hate that they get as long as they are together.
Isn’t there a simple way to clear it up? One or both of their reps will confirm or deny the rumors, right? NR had to do that with the EK thing. Plus I think isn’t DK going to LA for Oscar weekend stuff? If she gives any interviews I’m sure they’d ask about this, right?
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thegeminisage · 8 years
today’s zeldablogging, big big huge very much spoilers everywhere:
WHERE DO I EVEN GO FIRST there is. so Much
out towards the ocean, i suppose...i see a shrine, and something else glowing that could be a settlement or lava or even a great fairy, and there are those islands to think about
GOD IT'S A COMBAT SHRINE a minor test of strenth okay okay i can do this
oh pffft that was easy
and i got...a giant ancient core, which sounds nice but probably won't let me upgrade my rune
how come the bokoblins can use bomb arrows in the rain and i can't?!
first skeleton bokoblins, then skeleton lizalfos, and now skeleton moblins?!?!
wish i had marked that other glowing thing with a pin...i can't find it now lol
and i am at the islands!! man these bridges sure are tiny and high up
all this climbing i want to do and its about to rain :/
oh good. more flying guardians :|im trapped on top of this island in the middle of a lightning storm in the night besieged by moblin skeletons and keese swarms and my only non-metallic weapon is a korok leaf smh
mkay i am All Done with the islands im gonna warp back to the tower and mark the glowy thing this time
oh they just look like mushrooms?? well i'll go pick them i guess
only 500...but i know it gets worse :| im saving up
oh this one is blue!! how pretty
haha i still think they look more like mermaids...can't see their legs and they pop up outta water :3
so far away ;u;
i can't even take a good picture!!!!
oh no
oh NO
skeleton moblins...and now a skeleton hinox ;___;
...skeletons only take two hits. im gonna go fight it
omg the hinox fight music plays nooooo rip m having eventide flashbacks
oh my god! wow! okay! this one takes more than two hits!!
it's lightning too i can't even use my bomb arrows what did i get myself into........
oh the lightning is a hinox thing. Great i only have metal weapons rn
aaaand he ran away with the dawn. ok
oh dude this shrine is cool you have to like play putt putt golf hahaha
i found another memory and it's of zelda saying she's prayed all her life like her father wanted and she still can't make the gods hear her......im so sad for her
there's nothing wrong with you my sweet daughter!!!!
this is cool tho the talk of her father and mother and grandmother and link's father
they have families and lives, it's so neat, i wish i knew more about them
tho ofc almost everyone who knew and loved link is long dead now......
ah. i paraglided her, but
to get out i have to bypass all these flying guardians. Great
so its laser grazed me and only took one heart and i was like thats it?! i'll fight you!!
then i got hit directly and it nearly killed me so now im running
god and a blue hinox in the way too Why
omg i unlocked a monster shop lskjghf now i will see him in villages at night!!!
ah the shrine is on top of this huge rock pillar, how do i...?
maybe i can glide from a nearby cliff!!
okay...okay...it's not sheer rock, there must be resting places, if i glide form here maybe i can do it
i can't glide from where i'd like bc of the hinox (:
they better not make me solve a fucking puzzle too
ah good they didn;t
FLAMEBLADE thats so badass
oh god another blue lynel
maybe it's even the same one
my dude i just wanna travel....i promise, i promise
FINALLY the akkala research lab!!!
dude better have some sick duds or something for me i swear to god
the music in here is lit i love it
there's a...blue glowing statue
looks like something out of the tower of the gods awww
haha it's damaged! poor thing
this old man like "show me the wounds on your body you suffered" bro are you asking me to strip
oh my gOD his electric guitar pose thing
jesus chrkjrgh
im doing a quest where you have to carry fire
this game has made me LOATHE rain! i thought that was impossible and yet!!!!!
im running out of map stamps :/ why would you give me a world this big and limit me to only 100...?
aaaand it's raining
and my ONLY TORCH BROKE god i keep accidentally using it to hit things!!!
FINALLY i did it!!!!! god that was so tedious
oh my god this guy could make me such amazing gear, but i don't have the materials </3
now to check out this maze building it looks super weird and i can see a shrine in it......
how the fuck are you even supposed to get there i hope my glider can take me
lovely. the wind's blowing against me and i see flying guardians from here
noooo they're EVERYWHERE and i have to do a MAZE oh my god
i can solve it on my map and mark the dead end routes, fortunately
i still kind of want to explore those routes lol
oh they're so bare......maybe not
if i miss something like a korok seed or whatever a guide will direct me back here later
or...maybe not
i mean im next to the shrine but it's surrouned on all sides by wall?
bet it's too tall to climb even with potions and my gear
ooh or if it isn't those lfying guardians will fuck me up in a snap
YES i got lucky and found my way in from the top
or no i found...a sword, great, how do i get into the SHRINE
YES here it is
dude i got an ATK+ helmet!! i got GEAR!!!! YES
nope fuck this im fast traveling. goodbye forever, maze island
geez i guess that must be nearly it for this province then i got one shrine left i think and then i could........go to death mountain?
tbh kinda tempted to go back down to lake hylia but i'll pass for now, i want more Plot
i suppose i didn't do akkala beach but it's small and remote so i'm ok with that for now - i can clean up the endgame stuff later when better guides are out
there's a stable next to this shrine!! yay!!!!!!
omg there's a goron here!!!!! hi!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally hit 10k rupees
ooh this guy is talking about a legendary sword...GIMME MY MASTER SWORD
tbh i'll be disappointed if there's no special quest to get it tho like you just...find it? kinda weak
AAAH I CAN CHANGE MANES HERE........jemma has a floral mane now ;w;
too bad i didn't find this before, i can't ride her up death mountain, unfortunately - it's so much faster to fast travel, and she might get hurt, and i'll have to get on and off of her so much... ):
oh wait, i haven't explored the lake yet! i forgot! i can take her there <3
all the guardians here scared the shit out of me but they arent functional, thank god
omg no i see TWO of them
if it was just one i might try my luck, but...no way
i'm sure in the future i'll be able to get more guardian arrows but right now i have, like, 4? so i can't waste them
and when i have the guardian armor that'll help too but. not Now
aaah i found somsone whose ancestors died at that tower...apparently the last stand was made there at what used to be the fortress after the castle fell ;_; and he wanted to pray there but it's too dangerous and i am AD oh my god
i can see the death mountain tower and a shrine from the akkala tower, but i can only reach the shrine by gliding. the tower is surrounded by (UGH) snow
lol the shrine is by a stable too
AAAH kass is here!!!!!!
AWWW he said the song he's playing was used by the ancient hero to call his horse!! gonna cry omg
bro lmao there's an ostrich running around here what kinda shenanigans
oh my god this dried lava under the tower is SO COOL it's so BIG and i feel so SMALL
ah, eldin tower - so this is the eldin province
wow the first stops are quite a ways up on this one! lucky i have so much stamina
ooooh my gosh the eldin map is HUGE and FULL OF LAVA im not sure im Prepared for this!!!
lol in a fun twist the temperature gets HOTTER as i gain altitude. ohhh man
i guess...i wanna do plot. i'll try to make it to goron city, and come back and explore later
when i have more fireproof elixirs lol rn my inventory is packed so i could only buy 3
oh my god i can't use wooden weapons, my arrows turn into fire arrows as soon as i get them out, even the loot will catch fire if you leave it too long, this is Intense
okay this is cool i wish i hadn't waited so long
lmao i accidentally drank a defense elixir and erased my fireproofness early OOPS
omg you can't use bomb arrows either dkgjhdfg the heat makes them explode instantly
unfortunately the only thing that makes a dent is ice arrows and i just don't have enough rn....BUT I WILL RETURN god that is so cool okay anyway
all right......i really like this region. normally i'm a water person, ESPECIALLY in zelda games, but rain and lightning have been nothing but a pain in my ass since i started playing. maybe i was ready for some #Heat
HA there's the fucking blood moon good thing i DIDN'T kill him it would have been erased right after
the blood moon looks kinda cool when the air is already like this tbh but i still hate it
like on a gameplay/story integration level it's a cool way to explain monsters coming back
but also im angry on behalf of hylians and everyone else like
no matter how hard they fight every month it comes back, it's all in vain
the music here is super cool, also
omg i found a little camp of gorons!!
ooh, a hylian...and he'll give me fireproof armor for lizards OOOO:
hahahaha...they can't dig up ore because of a lizard monster
my heart twisted, fondly
geez i wish i had time to catch some lizards...........
i caught a few but not 10, and i only have one elixir left, since i used one early. i guess if it comes to it i could try to make another but
YES okay i did it!! good
and armor i now have!!
altho i hope i don't run out of armor inventory space that would SUCK what with all the work that goes into collecting and upgrading it tbh
LOL i hit an emu or ostrich or whatever it is and the meat it dropped immediately became roasted oh my god
running for cover!!!! almost dying!!!!!!!!! good times im so happy
it's like getting to do it the very first time all over again
oh my god i just got a divine beast cutscene as i got to goron city i am quaking in my boots it is SO BIG
and now i'm out almost 3k rupees but i have full fireproof armor!
oh my god you can get a goron massage at the inn
"it doesn't hurt a bit" yeah i bet
[cue lots of screaming]
omg theres a gerudo lady sleeping here!! are you not on fire?!?!
omg they must have elixirs ldfjkgh
"abandoned mine - do not stray from path! both literally and figuratively" slkdfjgh what does that MEAN...
aw, they sleep on beds of hoat coals
man this shrine im doing is so complex!! like many multiple rooms, it's neat
i got like 9 orbs now i need to find somehwere to trade them in
omg so im lookin for the goron who went to get the stuff out of the vault and HE'S TALKING IT'S SO WEIRD it still always shocks me
how do i..? my bombs don;t work, so
OH OMG I CAN USE THE CANONS i thought maybe you had to wait for permission lol
poor goron he's scared and trembling...haha just like the ones in the fire temple. bye
yunobo! aww he's precious i love him
i suspect this is the area where i'll have to get inside the divine beast tbh bc of all the cannons
lol almost yped it with one n. shh
the embers here are so pretty...next time i paint hotland i'll remember them
i wanna paint THIS, tbh
like, anything. from this game. god Damn
ooooh a daruk statue
oh my god he had the same kind of barrier that yunobo put up around himself are they related!!!! im gonna cry i love them so much
yep hahahaha the next words out of boss's mouth!
oooh he has the blessing, that's what the barrier is
yunobo's at eldin bridge...? that's MILES away
OH!!! omg my brother reminded me there are two in tp hahahaha so i guess i got them mixed up
so where is eldin's bridge actually......
too bad i cant swim up lavafalls lol
i found a minecart and put it on the track but bombs dont make it go and i can't magnesis it when its under my feet??
okay that was super fun but i hate beating up my weapons like that
there's a shrine here but the glowing orange blends right in with this lava, i nearly missed it
AWWW yunobo's gonna be the canonball! bless him
omg is he gonna follow me!!!! I HAVE A FRIEND
oh god okay here we go i guess??? im so scared
like. its so big.i cant impress upon anyone who hasnt played it. how big it is. and the mountain is so much bigger and i am so small. i keep saying that but i'm like. DWARFED by this thing, it's truly incredible
ohhhhh an escort mission.......and stealth, which im Bad at. man, the elephant was a lot cooler so far
AWW omg we snuck past the first one and he went "hee hee!" and it was so cute i love him so much
he stands at attention so quick when i do the stop whistle please please i love him
also i feel like i recognize SO many voices in this...i gotta imdb it later
the voice acting isn't even anything extraordinary, it's like, not awful but nothing jaw dropping
but the fact that they speak blows my mind every time
i used to fantasize about that in a "fff yeah right the day after never" kinda way and here we are.....
omg i got stuck and talked to him and it's like. what he said was completely useless but it's like having a companion!!! oh god i've been so lonely
oh god i looked up too far and saw the beast and it is. so big. i know i keep saying this but it is gargantuan. it's HUGE. i can't believe how big it is
lol i couldnt figure out why the trail ended and spent half an hour wondering what i was supposed to do
turns out i should have been firing at the divine beast this entire time so i gotta go back and start over and walk up the trail again LMAO
at least you only have to clear the sentries once
ah FINALLY im inside!
HE ALWAYS KNEW LINK WOULD BE BACK im so sad. i feel human emotion
oooh it's all dark in here
and blue flame!!
ohhhhh man i love these 3D maps
it's so big. oh my god
wait it isn't hot in here! i can use any item i want!
god i forgot how the music becomes creepier the closer you get
i can't believe this...turning the whole dungeon...some stone tower temple shit
ooh okay still hot OUTSIDE of the divine beast...too bad
noooo i found the cockpit pod thingy...like are their skeletons just decaying in there or
ooh boy oooookay last one here we GOOOO...
omg daruk cheering me on as i fight ;______;
awww that wasnt too bad ive fought WAY worse enemies just roaming around on the map
oh ew GROSS
me after daruk sent link away: aaaww i love him but that wasn't as gut-wrenching as mipha's
me after daruk saw yunobo from a distance and they waved at each other: literally actually crying, there are tears really on my face
if it doesn't happen i swear to god i will draw it if i have to
oooh boss is talkin about the master sword
it's in a forest - that's gotta be the lost woods or i'll eat my pointy green hat
but i mean. if you just find it. there's gotta be some kinda quest or build up
wow, i'm finally at the tippy-top opf death mountain...i feel like i could go anywhere from here
omg i flew to a shrine and i have to complete a training thing to get in??? oh my god
oh no. i have to climb the thing. #why
aww that wasn't too bad. did it on the first try
i found the end of the map on "land" ... it's a deep gorge and you die if you go too far down, probably even if you're on foot
but there's land beyond that, even on the map, so it doesn't feel as freaky as just MEGA WIND on the ocean
why is there a hinox EVERYWHERE i try to go. why.
dude theres a giant skeleton of some sort on my map...omg
probs a hinox there too tbh
...wait a second.
i'm at a HOT SPRING
i recover hearts by swimming, so maybe i could fight this hinox...
AND i have daruk's protection, three whole charges, two fairies, my hearty radish food, and mipha's grace.........i can do it!!
wow okay and i just used up the grace and one fairy on this bokoblin camp so nevermind
tbh i don't even like fighting them...i suck at combat and the rewards are almost never worth the fight
okay but i literally could get anywhere from death mountain i think and i do mean LITERALLY that isn't hyperbole, assuming i had infinite stamina. damn. thats a Big Mountain
gonna go investigate the skeleton
there's monsters under it! i am standing above them on the ribcage and cheesing it with bombs
also it says eldin great skeleton was this a dragon.........
was this in the trailers or was it somewhere else?
standing inside the skull of this thing 
i realize just how BIG the dragons are
like. damn
everything in this game makes me feel like an ant
lol this is the First Ever shrine i'll have to come back to not bc i can't figure it out but bc i ran out of fucking arrows. incredible
the problem is i can't really explore here bc my fire armor hasnt been improved at all, my defense SUCKS
i just died bc i found a talus lol and it two-shotted me and like. i have a pretty good amt of hearts, here
also next time im exploring first i feel like i'll never know if ive seen everything or not bc i'm all lost and don't know what i looked at and what i didn't :/
i hate to like, leave it and say i'll come back to it bc i know i probably won't, but games are supposed to be fun! and attempting to explore this area with all my armor at 3 defense is like. not fun. dying over and over: Not Fun
i feel like seeing or doing something new!!
what i need is my own copy of the map on the computer so i can just mark off the areas i wanna explore later
oooh i found an interactive map!! which i can't. screencap and annotate for myself, but
oh well, it's too much trouble to find one, and ps would be really slow rn anyway since i havent used it in awhile
however this map DOES have memory locations, so i'm gonna grab a few of those
okay NOW i found a shrine idk how to do. tbh i can't be fucked rn, i wanna go get memories
holy fuck the first memory i unlocked had like a PILE of dead monsters link just fucked up, including a silver maned lynel, which my ass has NOT killed yet, holy shit
HOLY SHIT the one i just got was in the trailers!! zelda crying on link ;_;
i'm glad tbh bc i was lowkey like...well i know you get her out of the castle bc she cries on you later
but no!!!!
also he strains of zelda's lullaby, them being covered in mud, and link's master sword! MAN
i can't get to anymore atm so i guess i decide where i go next...
tbh i wanna do gerudo next like my brother which means going thru lake hylia!! so it will be a long time before more plot, i guess
ah! the blood moon! gonna warp to the stable and watch it with that guy
lol he's all beautiful moon tonight, eh, finally the blood moon
and he acted totally normal after!
"oh you were researching the blood moon too?" WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM YOU FREAK
yep goodbye im leaving
upgraded my armor as much as i could with the fairy, STILL can't afford anti-guardian tech, am actively dying without it, will attempt gerudo and/or lake hylia tomorrow
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