#okaaay girl that... tells us nothing... but ok
1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
📖 Wed 5 Feb 🎥
Louis tried to do an insta live and failed, well, not really but you couldn't really hear him and then he gave up and never came back and instead he posted a bts from the Walls video shoot in the desert right after. This did pretty much distract everyone from making fun of him, by offering excellent content with lots of banter and Louis flipping us off like three times. He knows what we like! Everyone (including Louis) is worked up about what kind of phone he uses, either with brand loyalty or because it might prove who's tweeting what (theory: he uses the android so you can tell which tweets are him vs LTHQ using iPhones). I hate brands and it doesn't tell us anything, I will give you that it's getting noticable how much this has been talked about by Louis but chances are that's just about it being something impersonal and thus harmless to banter about. We did learn that his label releasing the lyric video took his team by surprise though which is an interesting glimpse at behind the scenes action. Anyway the fan pushes to buy UK albums are at fever pitch with hard copies being gifted to every random address in the UK it seems, from the queen to various organizations. I just hope someone is also organizing to send packages full to Latin America and other places where pricing/shipping fees make it impossible for so many fans to buy merch! Anyway another day another signing, lots of cute fan pics (today- bizarre lighting but a high table to spare Louis' poor neck), plus an LTHQ streaming push and Niall joined in and said we should stream (no no it's not what you're thinking wait for it) ...Walls! Everyone was relieved he didn't say NTMY but don't worry 'presave No Judgement' is the new 'stream NTMY' anyway, for another day at least.
No Judgement is out midnight EST tomorrow and yes that's right, Niall's still busily promoting himself as well. He's posting daily teases with lyric bits for the new song (so far we've got "you can just be yourself" and "you can be whoever you like") and he tells us he "had an unbelievable day shooting something very fun" but that's it's NOT a music video and today we saw a clip of him in white tie!! What the hell is it NO ONE KNOWS. No Judgement though heh! Sorry I just can't stop laughing about how he's releasing another song that everyone's gonna say the title to him in interviews like 'hur hur pretty funny huh??' and he's gonna be so annoyed every time but like... did u learn nothing from Nice To Meet Ya??! You are bringing this on yourself Nialler.
Harry took a couple fan pics (with dude fans! his audience really has opened up to the GP have you guys noticed?) outside a theater in London. His book is visible in his pocket; he's reading an older novel about a gay man's closeting.
An Australian show aired a Liam interview covering the miserable Live Forever video shoot, fatherhood, weight loss, and band reunion talk, so uh not really what the fans are looking for there. His horse finally got to go to a competition the other day after a long period of inactivity to keep him safe from some kind of horse flu epidemic! Why doesn't someone ask him about that? Yes, that's correct, I would rather hear talk about horse flu than the average question poor Liam gets asked, those journalists should be ashamed.
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ejzah · 2 years
Please me tell you’ll be writing a part 2 for spying eyes where everyone spies on Deeks.
A/N: I’ve written similar stories to this in the past, so I’m going to try and make it a little different, but I might not be entirely successful.
This is also set when Kensi way of dealing with her emotions was less healthy and tended to lean towards violence.
Spying Eyes, Part 2
Deeks walked in on Monday morning to find the bullpen empty. He searched around until he found Kensi punching away at a bag, her fists making a sharp smack with every impact.
“Hey Partner, good weekend?” Deeks drawled, settling against the doorway with his ankles crossed.
“What do you want, Deeks?” she panted without turning to look at him. Her rhythm didn’t falter at all.
“Nothing. Just admiring your form.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are.” She muttered something else under her breath he didn’t catch. “Well, if you’re here, you might as well make yourself useful. Grab some gloves.”
“Okaaay.” He wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to get any lingering anger out early on in the day. He quickly shoved on some thin gloves and tossed his jacket to the side. “Just go easy on me. I’m a little sore after the weekend.”
“Another bikini girl?” she guessed. “Well, you’re not as young as you used to be.”
“Meow,” he commented with a grin, stretching his shoulders to loosen up a little. He wasn’t exactly in ideal sparring attire, but he’d could manage. “You know, if you want to know where I was this weekend, all you have to do is ask.”
“Deeks, I don’t care if you spent the weekend swinging around a pole with one of your dancing friends or schmoozing some socialite you met lying your way into a club.”
“Ok, that’s oddly specific.” Deeks raised an eyebrow, settling a hand on his hip as he grinned at her again. He didn’t get so much as a smile back. Ok then, she was in a particularly bad mood. “However, I wasn’t with a socialite or any of the many lovely exotic dancers I know,” he told her. “So guess again.
He walked onto the mat in the center of the gym, settling into a fighting stance. Kensi attacked immediately, setting a ruthless pace. He was use to Kensi’s aggression when they sparred-her competitive nature wouldn’t allow for anything else-but this was different.
“C’mon Deeks, was your girlfriend really that hard on you?” Kensi goaded, lashing out with her fists as they danced around one another. A bead of sweat slid down her nose and her was pasted back against her temples. “You can hit harder than that.”
Deeks frowned, easily blocking her next jab, and skipped back a couple steps.
“Somebody woke up cranky,” he observed a little breathlessly. “And why are you so hung on me being with a woman?” Kensi just glared at him, tossing her back as she advanced on him. She hadn’t always responded positively to his dates in the past, jealously he liked to think, but she’d never been so open about it.
“Or is this just because you had another bad date yourself?” Kensi’s eyes narrowed again, telling him he’d hit on a sore spot, so he pushed it a little further. “I told you, you gotta stop picking up guys at the-”
Kensi clipped him in the chin, his head snapping back with the force of her punch before he managed to step back out of reach.
“What the hell?” he gasped, wiggling his jaw. “Did I do something to offend you? Like I don’t know, eat the last donut, run over your dog?”
Kensi busied herself with fixing her hand wraps and completely avoided his gaze.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said finally. She smacked her hands together, bouncing lightly on her feet. “I’m just trying to practice and that’s one point to me. Let’s go again.”
“No, thanks.” Deeks shook his head, stepping a few feet away. “I think I’ve been beaten up enough for the day.”
“Seriously? I barely touched you,” Kensi scoffed. “Maybe it’s good you didn’t come with yesterday after all.”
“Kensi, is that what this is about?” he asked, honestly surprised that she would react this strongly to him skipping out on a group outing. It wasn’t the first time he’d bowed out and she’d never acted like this. “I told you I had a meeting.”
“Right, because you take all of your business meetings to fancy French restaurants,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. She seemed to realize what she’d revealed at the same time as he raised an eyebrow, fixing her with a questioning gaze.
“Kensi, did you follow me?”
“No!” she protested, though the flush in her cheeks would say otherwise. Deeks was caught between annoyance and amusement. Her shoulders twitched with her discomfort and she folded her arms, and reluctantly admitted, “After we got done at the gym, Callen, Sam, and I decided to grab some lunch. While we were looking for a place, we happened to see you on your date.”
Deeks chuckled softly, looking towards ceiling as he shook his head. He still wasn’t sure he completely believed her, but at least he had an explanation for her bizarre behavior.
“Kens, I was definitely not on a date. The woman you saw me with is a former classmate, now an extremely successful corporate lawyer, who wanted my advice,” he explained patiently.
“You’re telling me you took her to a place that serves champagne and caviar for a meeting,” she said, though her confidence was starting to falter a touch.
“What can I say?” Deeks shrugged. “Vanessa likes likes to impress and has the money to do it. When I said she’s successful, I meant it. She just hasn’t tried a lot of Class B Felonies and needed some hypothetical guidance.”
“Oh,” Kensi murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She suddenly looked exceedingly guilty.
“I can show you our texts if you like.” It was a little mean, but his jaw was sore.
“No, that’s ok.” Kensi pressed her lips together, rocking back and forth on her heels a couple times. “I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “It wasn’t any of my business and I should have trusted you. And for hitting you.” She winced, making him wonder how bad it was. She could certainly pack a nasty punch.
“All forgiven,” Deeks said after a moment. “Provided you buy me dinner.”
“Of course, whatever you want,” Kensi agreed quickly.
“And dessert, maybe a couple craft brews,” he added, grinning when Kensi made an exasperated sound. She didn’t protest though, just nodding.
“I’ll stop by the store after work.” She started peeling off her hand wraps, then glanced up again, that slightly guilty look back. “I am really sorry, Deeks.”
“I know.” He nudged her shoulder, silently assuring her he didn’t hold a grudge. If he was being honest, he’d probably forgive just about anything Kensi Blye did.
Thanks for the prompt!
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Between Us: 02
Paul Lahote x Reader
Part 1: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190330049114/between-us-01
Warning: Soft smut
A ray of sunshine woke you up the next morning. You stretched your arms and legs before you had flashbacks of last night. A smile appeared on your face as you closed your eyes. It was definitely a night to remember. No words were able to describe how good it was, how good it made you feel. You knew that now, it was going to be hard to keep your hands off him whenever you would see him.
You wanted to text him, but what were you going to say? This was new to you and you weren't in a relationship with Paul, so you really had no idea of what was 'acceptable' to do and what wasn't. You turned around, laying on your stomach and grabbed your phone that was on your night stand. You unlocked your phone and pressed Paul's name on your contact list.
'Should I call him or text him? Or should I just do nothing at all?' you asked yourself. You let out a sigh and locked your phone screen. A second later, you received a notification. You took your phone again and smiled once you saw who it was from.
Last night was amazing. Hope you slept well... I sure did hahah -Paul
You chuckled to yourself and sat down, indian style. You tried to think about something to reply, when you got another message from him.
Oh and good morning beautiful -Paul
After reading it, you dropped your phone on your bed, between your legs and hit the 'woah' while sticking your tongue out.
The feeling is reciprocal and I did sleep well too hahah -me
Oh and good morning to you too -me
You happily got out of bed, took a shower, ate your breakfast and went over to your best friend's house.
Once you arrived over her house and knocked on the wooden door, Y/B/N abruptly opened the door.
''Why would you wake me up at 12? The reason better be good Y/N! You know you can't mess with my sleep.'', she said while crossing her arms.
You laughed and got in the house. Y/B/N closed the door behind you and walked to her bedroom with you next to her.
''Okay, I closed and even locked the door. We are sitting down on my comfy bed and I might be a little grumpy because I need some sleep, but I'm all ears. What's up?'', she asked you.
You were biting your index nail wondering if it was a good idea to tell her. There was no reason to not tell her, it's just that, this was just between you and Paul. It was your little something special between you too. A part of you didn't want to share it with no one, but the other part, wanted to scream it so you could get excited with your best friend.
'Well, Paul is probably going to tell Jared so...' you told yourself.
Y/B/N snapped her fingers in front of your face so you could pay attention to her and not your thoughts.
''Um hello here?'' she said with sassiness in her voice, ''You woke me up just to get lost in your thoughts?''
You laughed again. That's why you loved her.
''Ok, okaaay sorry.'' you cleared your throat and looked at her straight in the eyes ''Something happened last night with Paul.''
Her eyes widened and she immediately grabbed your hands.
''No freaking way! Please tell me you and Paul started dating!?!'' she excitedly asked you. Y/B/N has always wanted for you and Paul to end up together. She thought you guys complemented each other perfectly... In a weird way.
You shook your head no, making her excitement fade away.
''Then what happened?''
''Pinky promise me you won't tell anybody, though.'' you said taking out your pinky.
Y/B/N dropped your hands and rolled her eyes.
''Bish, I don't talk with everybody on the res. I mean, yeah I got some friends, but I ain't got them like I got you.'' she then pinky promised you.
''I know, it's just...'' you paused ''Whatever. Um...We had sex''
Her eyes widened so much, you thought her eyes were going to fall off. She let out a huge gasp and jumped on her bed.
''Stop! You're kidding?!'' When she saw you say no, she got off her bed and started screaming. ''I can't believe this! Ohmygosh yes! This could be start of something.''
You let out a dry laugh and stood up from her bed.
''Ehhh, let's not go this far okay? Okay!''
''Well, what are you then?''
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
''I don't know. I didn't ask him and he didn't ask me...'' you paused, ''We haven't really talked about this.'' you told her now wondering what you guys were.
''Well ask him, duuh!'' she said in return. You stayed in silence for a few seconds before she smiled again.
''Ok, but how was it? Is he as good as the girls at school make him out to be? Are you gonna do it again?''
''Without giving you too many details; It was more than wonderful okay!? I do get why girls act like that with him.'' you said as you got flashbacks from last night, remembering every single detail and how good he made you feel.
Your best friend looked at you with a smile on her face, nodding her head to let you know you could continue.
You got out of your thoughts and stared at her.
''What?'' you asked her.
''Are you gonna do it again? You didn't answer that question.''
''That is my business.'' you said walking out of her door after unlocking and opening it.
''Well, if I ever see you walking with a huge smile on your face, I'll know it's because you got some dick .'' she said as you were about to open the door, making both of you laugh.
Like every morning, you were supposed to walk to school with your best friend, but today, Paul asked you if you wanted a lift. You told Y/B/N about it and she told you to go for it.
You got into his car and greeted him with a kiss on the corner of his lips. Paul raised his left eyebrow, with a smirk on his face.
''That's all I get?''
It was now your turn to smirk.
''For now yes.''
Paul smiled and started to drive to school. The ride was silent, but the sexual tension was high. He kept tightening his grip on the steering wheel. You gently placed your hand on his thigh and slowly caressed it.
''You're good?'', you asked him. You were acting all innocent and it was getting him hot. He just sighed and looked at you for a few seconds before he had to focus again on the road.
Once you arrived at school and got out of his car. Girls kept looking at you and Paul, obviously. They were giving you nasty stares, like always and looking at him with hearts in their eyes. You first got to his locker and said hi to Kim and Jared.
''I'll see you later?'' you told him, he just nodded at you.
You went to your locker and realized you only had a minute left. You accepted that you were going to be late. The bell rung, making you the only one left. Well, that's what you thought. When you closed your locker, Paul was standing right next to you.
''What are you doing?'', you asked him.
For a split second you didn't understand what he meant, but as soon as you did, you bite down on your lips. You got closer to him so you could whisper in his ear.
''Lead the way.''
He grabbed your hand and walked to the... auditorium.
''Here?'' you asked.
He eagerly nodded
''Yes. Come with me.'' you walked behind the stage and walked past a door frame.
''Are you sure we are alone here?'' you said following him. He was going up the stairs to a door that you had never seen before.
''The ones having theater this morning are freshmen, but they don't use it. They stay in a classroom.''
He opened the door for you to come in first. As soon as you did, he closed the door behind him, took your books from your hands and threw them away with his on the floor. He then pushed you against a wall and started a heated make out session.
You didn't know how, but in less than five minutes, both of your clothes were off. You were in your underwear and him in his boxers.
He was leaving kisses all over you chest and neck, when he abruptly stopped. You opened your eyes and looked at him with confusion written all over you face.
He smirked and kneeled down, as he slowly slid down your panties.
'Ohhhh it's going down!' you said to yourself.
He looked up at you, the smirk still on his face.
''I didn't eat breakfast this morning, so I guess I'm getting it now.''
You mouth dropped at his comment. You slightly nodded before he went in, making your mouth drop even lower; You didn't know that was possible. Your hands were running through his hair as Paul was getting 'fed'.
Moans came out of your mouth so many times and were getting louder by the second. You were about to come, when Paul stopped and put himself inside you.
After that, the only thing you could see were stars and fireworks.
You put your clothes back on and walked over to Paul who was sitting down on a bean chair. He tapped on his leg to let you know you could sit on his lap. Once you did, you laid your head on his shoulder. You just sat there, enjoying each other's company. He was playing with your hair with one hand, and the other one was caressing your thigh.
After a moment, you sat up- still on his lap, but facing him. You put a hand on the back of his neck, slowly caressing him.
''Paul, what are we?'' you asked him.
You didn't realize it first, but then you noticed that it sounded like you wanted a relationship, which wasn't the case.
''By that, I don't mean as in a 'are we in a relationship thing'...'' you paused, ''Unless if that's what you want but... what is this thing... between us?'' you asked looking at his eyes.
His hands went up from your thighs to your waist.
''What about special friends?'' he asked ''Unless you want to be in a relationship?!'' he paused and spoke again. ''We are special friends. We are friends, just like we've always been, but also do some other stuff together.''
''Isn't that friends with benefits?'' you asked.
''Meh, not really because you know our friendship is like no other.'' he said tightening his grip around your waist. You smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
Unlike the other kisses, this one was slow and gentle and no lust was attached to it.
After you pulled away, you showed him your pinky promise finger.
He laughed at you.
''Really Y/N?'' he asked.
''Yes! You know how I am with these!''
He chuckled and whispered 'You're adorable' under his breath. He thought you wouldn't listen, but you did. It kind of made your heart melt, even if you didn't want to admit it. You were getting lost in his eyes before you brought yourself back to reality.
''You have to pinky promise me that this special friend thing, is going to stay between us.'' you said after clearing your throat.
You intertwined your pinky together, ready to make the promise.
''I pinky promise you that I won't-'' he stopped before leaning in closer to you, ''Wait, so you're telling me you didn't tell Y/B/N?''
'Oops! Okay except her!' you told yourself. You were going to lie, but you knew he'd find out the truth just by looking at your eyes.
''Okay, I might have told her.'' you said semi- whispering.
''Okay, well just because I said it to her, you can tell Jared- but only Jared!''
Paul chuckled.
''Thank you, I'll keep it in mind if I ever decide to tell him. But for now, I won't. This will be a secret between us... and Y/B/N.'' he paused as you both stared into each other's eyes, ''I pinky promise.''
You chuckled at him, then he pecked your lips. It resulted in another slow and gentle kiss.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Part 3 will be up soon!
Part 3: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190524122999/between-us-03
Part 4: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190574549809/between-us-04
Part 5: https://je-suis-la-wolf-girl.tumblr.com/post/190708587379/between-us-05
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
One Handsome Devil (TRR)
Chapter 50 : Part 2
Tumblr media
Kate opens her eyes to a world of grey, feeling groggy and disoriented. The oxygen mask hissed as she breathed, the rubber bands that hooked it behind her ears pinched her skin. As her eyes focused she realized she was in a hospital room. The soft beep of her heart monitor filtered in as her other senses came awake. Lifting her right hand she sees the IV tube in the back of her hand and the electronic sensor clamped to her finger. When she tried to move her other arm it wouldn't budge. Oh my God, what's happening? Why does my shoulder ache so much?
The monitor attached to her finger starts to beep rapidly, registering her growing panic and the thumping of her heart. Her warm breath clouds the mask as she gulps at the cool air filling her lungs, her tears sting her eyes and her cheeks.
She hears the hurried footsteps of someone approaching and then the curtain surrounding her bed is ripped aside. The kind sympathetic face of a young female intern swims into view.
"Easy there Miss Darling, everything is going to be ok." She says, soothingly.
Adjusting the bed and pillows so Kate can sit up, she gently pulls the mask off her face and then dabs at her face with the corner of the bedsheet.
Kate gives her a weak smile of gratitude as she looks up at her nametag.  "Th-..thankyou...Dr. Maloney." she whispers.
Kate's head was full of questions, Where am I? Where is Drake?  Is he Ok?  What happened to me in the accident?
"Where am I?" She asks as she looks at the sling on her left shoulder and the cast on her arm.
Dr. Maloney smiles, "You're at Portavira General Hospital."
Kate frowns, looking around for anyone familiar, suddenly feeling very alone. "Portavira?" where the hell is that?  "I'm not in the Capital?"
The intern shakes her head, picking up her chart. "You were brought here by helicopter."
Kate has a vague memory of being strapped to a stretcher and being lifted. Then the airsick woozy feeling of being moved around randomly like a bad amusement ride.
Sliding her hand over her belly, it feels bloated and there are bandages that scrape against her hospital gown.
"What..what were my injuries?" Kate asks nervously, scared of the answer.
The doctor reads her chart out loud, bypassing the medical jargon and putting things in words Kate would understand, "Uh let's see, a dislocated shoulder, a fracture to the forearm, and a minor tearing of the uterine wall from blunt trauma. You were bleeding out pretty badly, but with a minor surgery they were able to stitch you up and stop the bleeding."
Kate gasps, "A tearing of my what?" 
Terrifying thoughts of future infertility and miscarriage race through her mind, causing a deep feeling of dread. She and Drake had just talked about how much they wanted children.
Dr. Maloney looked up from the chart, noticing that Kate has gotten a little paler, and her eyes were wide with worry. "Don't worry, the womb is very resilient. It takes a beating from the inside for several months while it holds onto a fetus. You'll heal just fine and be able to try for another baby in a few weeks."
Kate grips the sheet over her belly, scoffing with denial, "Another baby? I wasn't pregnant."
Sure I was late, but that was nothing new. But then again the last time I was late I didn't have a boyfriend. Oh my God no..
"According to your bloodwork and a urine sample there was a slight elevation in your hormone levels, and the presence of HCG. But there was only a trace amount so we can't be totally sure at this point. I'm sorry to alarm you. The nature of your bleeding prompted us to assume a miscarriage, and we tested for signs of pregnancy in your bloodwork. Were you and your husband trying to conceive?"
Kate shakes her head trying to swallow, her throat was dry from the oxygen she had been administered. "Can..can I get a drink of water please?" She whispers.
The doctor lays the clipboard on the foot of the bed, "Oh sure, sorry about that. I know this is a lot to take in all at once."
Dr. Maloney pours her a cup of water from a nearby pitcher. Kate accepts it, her hand shaking slightly as she sips. "Thanks."
Picking up her chart again, Dr Maloney looks over her information. "You're a mystery  'Kate Darling, 25'  We have a lot of gaps to fill in. When you arrived we only had your name and age."
Kate takes another sip of water. "I was wondering how you knew my name. I don't remember telling anyone."
"I'm not sure who identified you, that's just what they were calling you when you were wheeled in."
Pulling over a chair, Dr. Maloney clicks her pen and then sits down with her chart. "Ok let's fill in the blanks. Your birthdate?"
"December 17th, 1992." Kate says, guessing that the fresh faced intern was around the same age based on the slight turning up of the corners of her mouth.
"Your address?"
Kate gnaws on her lip, "That's a good question, because I really don't know. I live at the Royal Palace with King Nicholas."
Dr. Maloney chuckles, "Yeah right. Seriously where do you live?"
"I'm not kidding. I live at the Royal Palace with the King and I'm engaged to his best friend." Kate insists, knowing that her story sounded crazy to the average person.
"Okaaay, we'll leave that space blank for now." The doctor says, raising her eyebrows and shaking her head. Seriously how hard did this girl hit her head?
"Who do I list as your next of kin?"
"Umm, well my parents live in the U.S. and Brazil so there's no point in listing them. I should probably say King Nicholas, where he's technically responsible for me being in the country, but there's no way I'm allowed to give out his personal phone number. If I told you any other name than my fiance he'd probably be mad, so list Drake Walker as my next of kin."
The Doctor scribbles his name on the form. "And his phone number?"
"He doesn't have a home phone, just a cell, is that Ok?"
The Doctor nods, waiting.
Kate rhymes off Drake's phone number. Damn I wish I could talk to him, tell him I'm Ok. Looking around the unfamiliar recovery room again, Kate feels incredibly lonely. She could really use a familiar face or voice right now.
"Before we can admit you we need to contact Mr. Walker to let him know where you are. As your next of kin he should know your condition as well."
Kate gives the doctor a grateful smile, "Is there any way I can talk to him? I don't have my phone with me."
Dr. Maloney nods, "Your condition is pretty stable. I'll go get you a wheel chair, and then I'll take you out to the nurse's station to call..." she looks down at the paper again to find his name.
"Drake." Kate replies, smiling.
"Yes, thanks." Dr. Maloney gets up from the chair. "Be right back."
Kate settles back against her pillows, looking down at her arm in its cast and sling, she smooths the blanket over her bandaged sore belly. Did we really have a baby in there? It's only been a few days, probably not. I was just late that's all. I hope the surgery doesn't leave a big scar.
She sees the Doctor coming back with the wheel chair. "Ok Miss Daisy, your chariot awaits."
Dr. Maloney drops the side of her hospital bed, disconnecting her pulse monitor from her finger and switching off the machine when the alarm goes off. Placing an arm around her back, and scooping her arm under her knees she carefully helps Kate turn to sit up on the side of the bed. "You're stronger than you look, Dr. Maloney." Kate laughs.
"I've had plenty of practice. Compared to moving a full grown man, you're light as a feather." She says, blushing at the compliment.
Kate eyes the smooth vinyl seat of the wheelchair and then looks down at her bare legs. "I'm guessing my fancy chariot doesn't have heated leather seat cushions."
Pulling the thermal blanket off the bed, Dr. Maloney folds it in half on the diagonal and lays it across the seat and back of the wheelchair. "That should help. Once you're aboard we can wrap the extra blanket around you like a shawl to keep you covered and preserve a little dignity."
"Awww, thanks Doc, that'll be perfect." Kate says with a grateful sigh of relief.
Once Kate is bundled up in her wheelchair, she wheels her IV pole along while Dr. Maloney pushes the chair. "What's your first name Doctor? If you don't mind me asking? You've been so nice to me I'd feel better if I could refer to you by your first name."
"Denise." She says, navigating Kate out to the nurses station.
Kate cuddles her blanket around herself as Denise talks to the nurse behind the counter. After they update her file in the computer the nurse picks up the receiver on the phone.
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chicklette · 6 years
I’ll pick you up (so you can fall)
Title/Link: I’ll pick you up (so you can fall)
Square Filled: SamBucky
Ship: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Words: 4560
Rating: M for language, themes//No explicit sex
Major Tags: terrible pick up lines, Post CW; Not Infinity War compliant, mentions of Steve/Tony, Steve Rogers is a good bro,
Summary: Bucky asks for Sam’s help with some pick up lines.  Sam wonders who exactly Bucky’s trying to pick up.
Created for @mcukinkbingo
Sam’s sitting on the couch in the living room at Avenger’s tower, flipping through TV channels and periodically checking his phone.  They all have their own private spaces, and he could be doing nothing there, but whether he’s willing to acknowledge it or not, he’s…waiting.
He looks up from his phone when Bucky walks in the door.  “Well?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.  “How’d it go?”  A year after coming home from Wakanda (and getting the okay from his therapist), and Bucky’s been dipping his toes back into the dating pool.  Steve’s been relentless in suggesting various men for Bucky to date, and Natasha’s been relentless in vetting them.  Still, nothing’s clicked so far.
Bucky groans as his lip curls into a snarl.  “Don’t ask.  Can you believe I used to be good at this shit?”
“Actually, no, but if you say so, man.”
“Oh, fuck off, Wilson.”
Sam has to fight to hold back his smirk.  Bucky’s only serious when he calls Sam by his given name.  Wilson out of Bucky’s mouth means everything A-Ok.
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Sam replies.
Bucky gives him a deadpan look.  “The waiter dropped a stack of plates and I pushed my date down onto the floor and covered him with my body.”
“Ouch,” Sam hisses.  “Still, at least he knows you’ll protect him if shit gets weird.”
“Yeah…he did not see the chivalry aspect of that particular move.  It probably didn’t help that I’d already insulted his mustache.”
Sam’s lip curls.  “He had a mustache?”
“What’s that look?  You have a mustache.”
Quirking his lips and raising one brow, Sam says, “Yeah, but I look good.”
Bucky heaves a sigh as he falls into the armchair next to the couch.  “Why did I think I could do this?” he asks the ceiling.
“Look, aside from that whole brain-washed assassin vibe you’ve got going on, I don’t see the problem.  You clean up okay, and I hear man-buns are in.”
Without taking his eyes from the ceiling, Bucky flips Sam off.
Letting out a chuckle, Sam leans forward.  “Seriously though,” Sam begins, and then startles when he realizes he’s about to make a sincere offer of help. Breathing deep, he forges ahead. “What’s the objective?  You just trying to get laid, or are you looking for Twu Wuv?”
“You think you’re hilarious, but you’re not.  So sad.”
“Hey, at least I haven’t been dating my right hand for the last seventy years.”
“Not just the right one,” Bucky says with a smirk, and Sam can’t help the chuckle that it pulls from him, even as he rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah.  Well, you want any pointers, you let me know.”
“Yeah, full offense, but isn’t the reason you’re hanging out at home on a Friday night is because you struck out with that girl from HR?”
“Excuse you, I did not strike out.  She thought it would be awkward to date since we work together.  I respected her decision.”
“Hey, man, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Sam smiles, but he hears the hidden commiseration.  It’s not hard at all finding someone who wants to date the Winter Soldier or the Falcon.  However, it’s turned out to be harder than expected to find someone who wants to date Sam Wilson, or Bucky Barnes.
“Of the three of us, how is it that Steve is the one in a successful relationship?” Sam asks.
“I think it’s that whole ‘shared life experiences’ thing,” Bucky replies.
Steve and Tony had quietly started dating a few months after Bucky came out of cryo for the last time.   They still bicker endlessly, but there’s an affection there that makes everyone who watches them smile.  When Sam had asked why Steve and Bucky never got together, their responses were equally horrified.
“Whaaaat?” Steve asked, his face a study of “Do Not Want.”
“Gross,” Bucky replied, looking so distraught that Sam dropped the subject and never asked again.
“Seriously though,” Sam says.  “What’s your best line?  Lay it on me.”
“Line?” There’s a little crease of confusion between Bucky’s brows and it’s definitely not adorable.
“Yeah, like, “If looks could kill, baby, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction.”
Bucky blinks at him.  “I am a weapon of mass destruction.”
Sam glares at him until he starts to look sheepish.  “Sorry,” he says, running his hand over the scruff at his jaw.  “I’m a man, not a weapon.”
Sam gives him a look that says ‘you’re damned right,” before taking another pull from his beer.  “Anyway,” Sam says.  “Sorry ‘bout your date.”
Bucky shrugs.  “Wanna order a pizza?” he asks.
“Didn’t you just eat?”
“And?” Bucky asks, looking confused.
“Yeah, alright.  No mushrooms.”
“You got no taste, Wilson,” Bucky says, and pulls out his phone to place the order and let security know about the incoming delivery.
Later, once they’ve demolished a couple of pizzas, a side of breadsticks, and a family sized salad, the two of them hang out on the couch, watching TV, engaging in a little gentle ribbing.  It’s not until Sam’s in bed and about to drift off to sleep that he realizes it’s one of the best nights he’s had in a long time.  He tries not to examine it too much.  It’s one thing to be bi.  It’s another to be kind of gay for a hundred-year-old former world’s-deadliest-assassin.  He rolls his eyes at himself and turns over to go to sleep.
The next morning, Bucky sidles up to him while they’re making coffee in the main kitchen.  Sam’s been for his morning run with Steve, and from the looks of things, Bucky’s just rolled out of bed.
“Hey,” Bucky mumbles.
“Hey,” Sam replies.  He might hate running, but at least it’s the kick in the ass he needs to get his day going.  He’s got a group to lead at the VA in about an hour, and he’s supposed to do some training with Wanda in the afternoon.  Avenging’s a good life.  He could be doing a lot worse.
“Wilson,” Bucky says, and Sam snaps out of his reverie, realizing that Bucky’s been trying to get his attention.
“What’s up?”
Bucky opens his mouth to say something, then closes it and looks away.  “Nothing.  ‘Morning.”
Sam arches an eyebrow.  “Okaaay.”
“Just, uhm, you know how you said you would help me?”  
Looking Bucky over, Sam sees the way that Bucky’s shoulders are hunching, a sure sign of his discomfit, and Sam considers himself lucky to be seeing it.  Lucky that Bucky trusts him enough to show his anxiety, rather than hiding behind the façade he wears like a second skin.
A quip is on the tip of Sam’s tongue, but he can’t be sure how Bucky’ll take it, so he holds his tongue and nods.  “What’d you have in mind?” he asks.
“IreadthisthingontheinternetandIwantedtopracticeonyou, he says, all in one breath.
“You what now?”
“I read this thing on the internet,” Bucky says again, “and I wondered if I could practice on you?”
Sam smiles, slow and easy.  “And what’s this thing you read?”
“It’s a – uhm, line?”
“You want to try a pick up line on me?”
“Forget it,” Bucky says, and turns away.
“Hey,” Sam says, and reaches out for Bucky’s arm before he can get too far.  There was a time when Sam was acutely aware of touching the metal arm.  Now, though, it’s just another part of Bucky Barnes.  He’s not even aware of the difference most of the time.
“Come on,” Sam says, when Bucky finally turns around.  “Lay it on me.”
“Just, um.”  Bucky walks over to the dish rack and pulls out a bunch of forks and knives, then walks back to Sam. “I – I have all.”  He stops himself and looks down, face pinking.  Taking a deep breath, Bucky looks Sam in the eye and starts over.  “I have all these forks and knives, baby, but what I need is a little spoon.”
Sam stares for a moment, slack jawed, before busting out in the biggest grin.  “That was fucking terrible,” he says, a giggle rising in his throat.  As he stands there, he’s sure that the response he’s having – heart beating fast, warmth creeping into his face – has nothing to do with the way Bucky’s looking at him, eyes wide and hopeful, a light blush across his cheeks, and his lips curving into one of the most sincere smiles Sam has ever seen.  No, his response has to do with the absolute awfulness of that pick up line.
As he gives in to the giggle, Bucky starts to grin.  “Hey,” he says, raising his eyebrows.  “Made ya laugh at least.”
“Yeah, you keep working on that,” he says, turning toward his coffee.   He looks back up just in time to see Bucky give a mock salute.
“Sir, yessir!” he says, and walks away.
Looking back, Sam can say one thing for sure:  He has no idea that he’s just unleashed a monster.
A few days later, Sam’s heading down to the training room and Bucky, soaked in sweat and red-cheeked, seems to be coming back from there.  They’re about to pass one another on the stairs when Bucky pauses, and bends to look at Sam’s pants.
“What…?” Sam asks.
“Are…are those mirrors on your pants, Wilson?”
Sam hardly has time to process the words before Bucky’s standing upright again, and right in Sam’s space.  “Cause I sure can see myself in them,” Bucky finishes and continues his trek upstairs, leaving a baffled Sam in his wake.
About a week later, there have been no additional forays into the world of pickup lines, and Sam starts letting his guard down.  It’s another quiet Friday night:  Steve and Tony are trying out a new sushi place, Nat and Clint are doing recon in one of the countries that end in stan, and Wanda is in California, visiting Scott and Luis.  Sam’s not exactly sure where the world’s deadliest assassin is spending the evening, and he tells himself that he doesn’t care.
Still, when the elevator pings and Bucky steps into the shared space, Sam can’t help but feel a little bit more at ease.  They choose a movie, Bucky orders Thai food, and the two of them settle into a comfortable silence, punctuated by quips aimed both at one another and the film.
Bucky and Sam are in the training room, going over the latest set of simulations.  Sam swoops down, picks Bucky up, and then drops him down onto a platform, where he rolls and comes up firing.  At least, that’s how it’s meant to go in theory.  In reality, Sam drops Bucky, Bucky rolls…and rolls himself right off of the platform, falling about two stories onto the padded mats below.
“Shit,” Sam swears as he comes to land next to Bucky.  “Shit.  You okay?”
Groaning, Bucky rolls onto his back.  “My appendix,” he moans, and Sam’s eyes widen.
“I think…I think you’re my appendix,” Bucky says, his face lighting into a grin.  “I’m not sure what you do, but I’m pretty sure I should take you out.”
“Man, fuck you,” Sam says, turning away to hide his grin.  “I thought you were really hurt.”
“Aw, were you worried about me Sammy?”
“Aw, you were, weren’t you?  That’s so sweet,” Bucky says, rolling up to his feet and shaking off the fall.  “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Sam says.  “They made sure I’m damn near indestructible.”
“Yeah,” Sam says.  “Alright.”
It shouldn’t be a surprise when Sam walks into the common room a few days later and Bucky looks at him and winces.  It shouldn’t be, but….
“Did it hurt?” Bucky asks, when Sam gives him a questioning look.
“Did it hurt?” Bucky asks, getting up and stalking toward Sam, and damn.  He looks really fucking good in black jeans and a dark blue Henley.  Really fucking good. His hair’s up in a loose bun, but strands of it are falling down around his face, and his cheekbones, Jesus.  No one should have cheekbones like that.  It’s just not fair.
“When you fell from heaven, sweetheart,” Bucky says, getting close enough for Sam to smell him, clean and a little earthy, warm.  “Did it hurt?”
“I will fucking end you,” Sam says, but there’s no bite to the words.  In fact, if he’s being honest (he’s not), they come out maybe just a little bit breathy.
“Promises, promises,” Bucky says, then walks away, all fluid grace and swagger.
Sam lets out a heavy sigh and leans against the wall.  “That fuckin’ guy,” he mutters to himself.
It’s gotten to the point that Sam starts dreading being alone with Bucky, in part because he never pulls that flirty shit when any of the team are around, and in part because…because…because Sam’s maybe, kind of, just a little bit falling for it.  Maybe.
It’s just…Bucky’s really attractive.  It’s those high cheekbones and all that hair, the way his lips curve at the corners, and how he lights up when he’s happy.  Sam never thought he’d be looking at Bucky with anything like want, but, here they are.
He’s not entirely sure what to do with his crush.  For the time being, he decides to let it sit.  After all, Barnes probably doesn’t mean anything by it.  No sense in letting a dumb crush come between them.
And if he lets himself hope a little, well, that’s just his business.
Still, that sliver of hope that he’s allowed himself crumbles a few days later when he’s running with Steve.
“Hey,” Steve says, slowing up his regular triple time pace to keep pace with Sam.   “How’s the project going?”
“Project?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, Buck said you were helping him out with something.  He was really excited about it, but now he won’t say a word.”
“Oh,” Sam says.  “Yeah.”
“You’re gonna laugh,” Sam says, feeling protective of Bucky, and hey, that’s new.
“I won’t.”
“It’s – it’s ridiculous,” Sam pants.  “He asked me to help him learn how to flirt.”
Steve coughs out a laugh, then stops jogging when the laugh overtakes him.  He’s doubled over his knees laughing when Sam’s about had enough.
“It’s not that funny,” he says.  “I do have some game.”
“No,” Steve laughs, holding a placating hand up.  “No, it’s not that that – it’s just – Sam, Bucky’s the biggest flirt I know.  Always has been.  He said he learned growing up with three sisters, but man, he could charm the socks off of anyone back in the day.  Still can, from what I’ve seen.”
Sam shrugs, feeling…hurt?  Defensive?  He’s not sure.
“Well I don’t know what he’s playing at, then,” Sam says, and Steve straightens at his tone.
“Hey,” he says.  “Come on.  If he asked you for help, he must need it.  I think he still thinks you don’t like him, Sam.”
“What?” Sam’s thinking of all the Friday night’s they’ve spent together, how Bucky knows his orders for Thai, Sushi, Chinese, Japanese, and pizza, and how he knows that it’s Star Wars and not Star Trek, thank you very much, Tony Stark.
Steve shrugs. “Anyway, I do know there’s someone he’s been wanting to ask out for a while now, so maybe it’s just nerves.  Either way, thank you, Sam.  I know you didn’t get along at first, but I’m grateful that you’re willing to help him now.”
“Pfft,” Sam says.  “He is my friend, too, you know.  It’s not like this is some big favor.”
Steve smiles, then starts jogging in place.  “Last one to Harold’s buys the donuts,” he says.
“Oh,” Sam says, making a face.  “I better put in my best effort.  Maybe today’s the day I beat you.”  His tone is dry and flat.
“This is why you never beat me,” Steve yells over his shoulder.  “Too much yapping.”
“I hate you,” Sam yells, but picks up the pace nonetheless.
That evening Sam’s mulling over his delivery choices in the common room when Bucky gets off of the elevator.  He’s clean shaven and his hair is pulled back, off his face and in a neat bun at the base of his neck.  He’s wearing dark jeans and a soft blue Henley, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.  He looks – he looks good, and Sam has to remind himself not to stare.
“Hey man,” he says, and tries to keep it casual.  He feels ready for whatever Barnes is going to throw him.
“Hey,” Bucky says.  He walks to the fridge and grabs a couple of beers out, handing one to Sam.
“So,” Bucky says.  “Chinese?  Italian?  What’re we doing tonight?”
“We?” Sam answers.  “And here I thought you had a date, looking like that.”
Bucky colors slightly.  “Nah,” he says, and goes for his hair, pulling out the tie that’s holding it in place.  It falls around his face and Sam suppresses a groan.  His long, wavy hair throws the sharpness of his jawline and cheekbones into sharp contrast.
“Oh,” Sam finally says.  “You looked nice.”
Coloring further, Bucky moves to wrap his hair back up, but Sam stays him.
“Hey,” he says.  “Whatever makes you comfortable.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, but slips the hair tie around his wrist.  He comes around to stand next to Sam, looking over his shoulder at the take out menus.
“We could go out,” Bucky says.  “There’s a new steakhouse that Steve was talking up the other day….”  Bucky trails off and kind of shrugs.
Sam feels like he’s losing his equilibrium.  He can’t help but feel that he’s missing something, and something big, but he’s not sure what it is.
“A steakhouse?” he says, and Bucky brightens, smiles.
Sam’s starting to feel like he’s in pretty big trouble here, because he finds himself agreeing just so Bucky won’t lose that look on his face.
“Okay,” he says.  “Just let me get changed.”
Bucky shrugs and smiles and waits.
By the time they get back to the tower, they’re both stuffed to the gills.  The steakhouse was excellent.  They’d both ordered the tomahawk cut rib-eyes, with a bevy of sides to go with.  When the bill came, Bucky insisted on paying, and once or twice, he’d put his hand at the small of Sam’s back when they were walking.  It gave Sam that feeling of everything being off kilter, like a room where all the furniture’s been moved just a couple of inches to the left.  
“Now what?” Sam asks, and all but throws himself on the couch.  He’s giving serious thought to going upstairs to change into sweats, but thinks he can probably get away with just unbuttoning the top button of his jeans instead.  
Bucky comes to sit beside him for a moment, before he jumps back up and grabs a couple of beers.
“I don’t know where you think I’m gonna put that,” Sam says, wondering if he can get away with undoing that button without Bucky noticing.
Shrugging, Bucky sets Sam’s beer down on the table, and perches at the edge of the couch.  Sam’s just about to ask him what’s up, when he turns and looks at Sam and it’s - it’s devastating.  
Bucky looks young and innocent, and absolutely breathtaking.  Whatever Sam was about to say catches in his throat as Bucky looks at him, licks his lips then bites his bottom lip.  Sam can’t tell if it’s a nervous tick or something he’s doing for show, but whatever it is, it looks good.
“I need some advice, Sam.”
“Alright, whatcha got?”
“There’s this guy.  He’s gorgeous, smart, funny.  He’s maybe the best person I know,” Bucky says and thats - that’s saying a lot.  “He’s probably way out of my league, but…” and Bucky hunches his shoulders.  “I don’t know what to say to him, and none of my lines have worked so far.”
Oh, Sam thinks, as he tamps down the hurt.  Oh.  Whoever this guy is, Bucky’s pretty clearly…pretty clearly in love with him.  Oh.
“You know,” Sam says, and suddenly he wants to be anywhere but here.  “Just, you know, walk up to him, introduce yourself, tell him you’d like to take him out.  Can’t win if you don’t try,” Sam says.
“Okay,” Bucky says.  “So….”  He stands and comes around to the side of the table where Sam is.  “Hi.  I’m Bucky,” he says, putting his hand out.  “I think you’re so great,” he says, and there’s this gorgeous earnestness in Bucky’s eyes.  Sam’s heart keens a little at that.  “I was just hoping...would you let me take you out sometime?”
Sam smiles, but it feels like a fraud on his face.  “That’s good, Barnes.  Just like that, and he’ll be putty in your hands.”
Bucky looks startled for a moment, before he blinks and takes his hand back.  That beatific smile from a moment ago is gone, and Sam can’t help but feel jealous of the guy that Bucky’s gonna aim it at next.
“Okay,” Bucky says, taking a deep breath.  “Okay.  I gotta - I’m going to bed,” he says, and quicks as that, disappears.
In the weeks that come, Sam hardly sees Bucky outside of their schedules sparring sessions and missions.  There’s a group movie night, but Bucky sticks to Steve like glue, offering Sam nothing more than a smile from across the room.  Sam smiles back - he’s genuinely starting to miss the guy, but he figures that whoever Bucky was working up to asking out must have said yes, because he’s been scarce at the tower.  Sam might have dropped by his rooms once or twice on a Friday night, but his knocks went unanswered, and Jarvis was mum on the subject of Bucky’s whereabouts when asked.
He finally can’t take it anymore, so the next time he and Steve are running, he brings it up.
“So,” Sam says.  “Barnes.”
“Guess it’s going good with that guy he was trying to ask out?  Haven’t seen him around much.”
“Huh?” Steve says, and that asshole isn’t even out of breath.
“Have you met him at least?” Sam asks.  
Steve stops jogging and drops down onto a grassy patch next to their usual path.  “I don’t - Sam,” he says, and he’s got this look on his face, like he’s trying to figure out what to say.
“What is it?” Sam asks.  As close as he and Barnes have gotten, he still counts Steve as his best friend.  
Steve gives Sam a long, speculative look.  “Bucky did ask someone out.  Someone he really likes and admires.  Someone he’d been getting close to.  But the guy didn’t take him seriously,” Steve says, and he gives Sam a hard look.  “So Bucky retreated.”  
At that, Steve stands up and stretches an elbow up over his head.  “I”m gonna head back to the tower.  I’ll...see you later.”
Sam blinks and watches as Steve stretches the other arm.  Is he...did he just…?
“Steve,” Sam says, because he feels like he’s finally getting a clue.
“See ya, Sam.” Steve turns and begins to jog away.
“Steve!”  He watches as Captain Tiny Ass jogs away, leaving him on the grass to think.  
He goes over the last few months in his head, how Bucky was at turns awkward and suave, how he always seemed to have time for Sam, until he didn’t have any time for Sam.  Their dinner out.  The way he’d put his hand on the small of Sam’s back to steer him.  His earnest smile when he’d asked Sam out.
“Aw, fuck me,” Sam groans and flops back onto the grass.  He gives himself a full minute to wallow in his own dumbassery, before pulling out his phone.
A couple of hours and one bodega stop later, Sam is haunting the common room when he’s supposed to be in the training room.  He hopes that Bucky come down, thinking that Sam won’t be there.  He hopes that what he’s doing will be enough.  
He hopes.
The elevator pings and the doors slide open and Bucky steps out.  He only takes a step before he notices Sam, and Sam watches as his posture goes rigid.  Sam comes from around the counter, his arms full of limes, and takes two steps toward Bucky before the limes start to fall, cascading onto the floor and rolling everywhich way.
“Shit,” he says, and bends to retrieve them.  Bucky joins, chasing a few down before returning to hand them over to Sam.
Sam looks up at him, gives Bucky his very best grin, and says “Hey, thanks, man.  I guess I’m really bad at pick up limes.”
Bucky stares at him a moment, eyes wide and unblinking.  Sam stands resolutely in place, smile fixed on his face.
“You…” Bucky starts, but trails off.
Sam’s grin deepens.
“Holy shit, sweetheart,” Bucky finally says, a wide grin splitting his face.  “That was the worst!”  It’s followed by a disbelieving chuckle and Sam’s pretty sure he’s more than halfway home.
“Did it work?” Sam asks, with a slow blink.
“Goddamn,” Bucky says, dropping his limes and sliding an arm around Sam’s waist.  “It took you long enough.”
Sam drops his limes and steps into Bucky’s embrace.  “Well, you know I’m not as fast as you.”
“That’s okay, sweetheart,” Bucky says, and presses a small, soft kiss right behind Sam’s ear.  “I’ll wait up.”
Sam nearly melts then, because Bucky’s pressing a line of kisses along his jaw, and calling him sweetheart, and holding him like he’s afraid Sam will fly away.
“I’m sorry,” Sam says, and then: “I’ve missed you.”
Bucky snuffles something into Sam’s neck, then holds him tighter.  
“Sorry I made you wait so long,” Sam says, and presses a kiss against Bucky’s cheek.  
Bucky pulls back to look at him.  His eyes are clear and bright, that blue-gray shade that he’s missed so much, and Sam’s fingers tighten on Bucky’s shirt because this is - he gets to have this.  
“Worth it,” Bucky says, and leans in to brush the softest kiss against Sam’s lip.  “Totally worth it.”
As the afternoon slips into the evening, their kisses grow for frequent, then more lingering, then more heated.  When Sam takes Bucky by the hand to lead him to his rooms, he pauses and asks, “Is this okay?”
“More than,” Bucky says, and kisses him long, and deep, and hot.  “Besides, I gotta show you all the other tricks I’ve learned from the internet.”
Sam only has a moment to worry before Bucky’s manhandled him into the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him.
“Should I be worried?” Sam asks, tugging his t-shirt off and tossing it near the hamper.  
“Oh, sweetheart,” Bucky says, and Sam thinks that that particular endearment will never get old.  “You have no idea.”
As it turns out, Bucky’s right.  
And as it turns out, Sam doesn’t mind in the least.  
AN: shoutout to @jinojiboundagain for the inspiration and @rainbowwisher for being the best ever.
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