#Louis phone debate
kinda-super-hot · 18 days
I Want More. (3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, more coming soon
Pairing: Harvey Specter x F!Lawyer!Reader - friends to enemies to lovers <3
Part 3 Summary: Y/n joins Mike and Harvey when they go to see a client. The client flirts with Y/n, and she makes the best of it, hopefully landing some clients. Harvey is not happy.
Warnings: Reflecting on past relationship, some yelling
Word Count: 2570
A/N: Thank ya'll so much for the support! The more you comment and like, the faster I write. Love ya'll enjoy!
I’m typing away an email when my intercom goes off. “(Y/n), Harvey needs you in his office.” Donna’s voice rings out and I feel nauseous.
               “Ok, thanks, Donna.” Wait. “Donna?”
               “What’s up?” She asks in a sing-song voice, and I can hear her fingers click-clacking against her keyboard.
               “How long has the intercom been on?” The click-clacking stops. I let out an incredulous laugh, “Have you been listening this whole time?” The intercom beeps and I know it’s been shut off, probably for the first time since I’ve been here.
               I smile and stand from my desk, throwing on the black blazer that was previously sitting on the back of my chair. There’s a pastel pink handkerchief tucked in the breast pocket that matches my blouse.. that also matches Harvey’s tie. What a weird coincidence.
               I walk the short distance from my office to Donna’s desk. “Good morning!” She hums all too happily at me. I give her a raised brow and cross my arms. “It’s nothing personal, I hear all around here. That’s why I’m so good at what I do. I’m Donna.” She flicks her hands in the air with flair.
               “Of course.” I smile at her mischievously. “If you hear all around here, Donna, what have people been saying about me?” I’ve been wondering, but had no way of finding out, until now.
               “Well, obviously I’ve heard the she’s smoking comment more times than I can count.” She laughs. “Louis thinks your one joke away from going to dinner with him.”
               “Shoot, I don’t want to give him the wrong impression.” I scold myself and bite my lip.
               “What, you don’t date anyone in the office?” She questions, but it’s off. Her tone, something about it… I lift my eyes to meet hers and she has a devious smile.
               “You know.” I exhale and lean on the desk. “God, does everyone know?!” I whisper yell at her. I do a quick scan of my surroundings, and I don’t see anyone looking. I hesitantly take a quick peek into Harvey’s office.
I pause my frantic behavior when I see him. He’s sitting at his desk on the phone and Mike is on the couch. I can tell he’s charming whoever is on the other side of the phone, because even though they can’t see him, he has his prince-like smile on him. My heart swells for him.
“That’s how I know,” Donna whispers in my ear. I jump, I didn’t even see her get up. She gives me a pointed look. “Yesterday, I saw you look at him when you two were first ‘meeting’” she gives air quotes, “and I could see the way you look at him. You couldn’t keep your eyes off-”
“His puppy dog eyes.” I cut her off, but my eyes are still strained on him. I have to tear my eyes away from him to bashfully look at Donna.
She nods with a smile, “The rest I’ve put together from bits and pieces of everyone’s conversations.” She shrugs cockily. “You know,” She stops herself; I can tell she’s debating whether or not to say what she’s about to say, “This isn’t my first time hearing about you.”
My heart flips. I want to question her further, and I’m about to until I smell expensive cologne and a familiar musk. I turn my head to see Harvey just leaving his office with Mike in tow. He sees me and smiles, trying to charm me. Oh god, he’s trying to play me!
Back in the day, I knew Harvey better than I knew myself. So now I know he’s trying to get back in my good graces, what I don’t know is his end goal.
“G’morning, Donna,” He greets Donna and then his eyes slowly trail to mine. “(Y/n).” He has a close-lipped smirk on his face, one he knew made my knees weak in law school. This may be harder than I thought.
I give him a polite nod but don’t give him any more attention. He may still give me butterflies, but I’m still pissed. I turn my attention to the younger man beside him. “Mike.” I greet him with a smile but there’s some tension exuding from me. I haven’t forgotten what he said to me the other day. “Y’know, our conversation the other day inspired me,” I put my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it. “I think my next vacation might be in Paris…France.” I say bluntly and drop the smile I was faking as I side-eyed Harvey.
His eyes dart from my face to Mike accusingly. “Yeah, ha-ha,” Mike laughs nervously. “It’s a beautiful place. The architecture, the landscape-“
“The people?” I question in a demeaning way with a smile on my face. I see Harvey tense and he licks his lips. He’s uncomfortable. Good. Harvey’s hand goes to Mike’s back, and I can tell he’s probably giving him a hidden pinch. Ooh, I know that hurts.
There’s an awkward beat of silence. “Well.” Donna clears her throat, “You all should probably get going. Marshall is expecting you.” She urges.
“Ok, thank you, Donna.” I answer chipperly and turn in the direction of the elevators. In the reflection of one of the associate's monitors, I see Donna mouthing something demanding at Harvey. He mouths back something along the lines of ‘I know, I know!’.
I walk briskly to the elevators and press the button; I don’t even check if the boys are behind me. “So, where are we headed?” I ask, but I keep my head straight, facing the closed elevator doors.
They say nothing until I hear what I’m assuming is Mike giving Harvey a little arm shove. “Downtown-” Harvey starts, then clears his throat. I hear Mike stifle a chuckle. “-we’re meeting Donald Marshall. He’s the company lead for Shilton Suites.”
There’s a ding as the elevator doors open. I step onto the lift and stand close to the buttons. Both boys hesitate to enter. “Are you guys… coming?” They are being so awkward, ugh, boys.
Harvey shoves Mike into the elevator before him, he gets pushed into the wall. Harvey stands shoulder to shoulder with me. “How did you like your coffee?”
I think I’ve imagined his voice; he doesn’t move his torso to face me or even glance my way. I don’t answer right away, trying to process that Harvey is actually talking to me-not just a good morning. “It’s the best around.” He hums in a positive tone, and I see a small smile creep onto his face.
I hope he doesn’t think we’re going to be besties after apology coffee, but I might as well throw him a bone. “Louis wanted to go buy me one from Roaster Roos.”
“Roaster Roos?” Harvey finally turns his body to me and has an offended look on his face. My heart flutters and I wish I could beat it down with a hammer. “God, he has no idea what good coffee is.” He turns back to face the elevator doors, and I crave his gaze on me again.
I feel like I’m running out of time to talk to him away from prying eyes. The dinging of the elevator as we steadily drop feels like a doomsday clock. “He wants to take me to dinner.” I don’t know why I said that.
Harvey stops next to me, and I hear Mike’s strained breathing behind me. I forgot he was here. Once again, it’s quiet until he asks, “How would your boyfriend feel about that?” He’s playing the game- he wants to know if I’m seeing anybody. Touche Mr. Douchebag.
How do I tell him I’m single without being pathetic? “Let’s just say, Louis might have a fighting chance.” I shrug. “Why? Did Louis not ask you to dinner when you first came to the firm?” I tease with a smirk.
His demeanor changes and he has a playful smile on his face, just like the good old days. “Oh, please, Louis wishes he could handle all this.” He motions to himself. He still won’t look at me. I need him to look at me.
I smirk and eye him up and down till my gaze catches on his tie. It’s crooked, I notice. A quick fit of confidence comes over me and I reach for it. At first, both hands are on the knot, but then the other lays flat on his chest while the other straightens the tie out.
It’s just like it was in law school when I would get him ready for mock trials. Something so normal, so domestic, about fixing his tie. Finally, finally, he looks down at me. We’re all but inches apart. I look up into his dark eyes and I feel… odd. His warm breath fans my face and I have to force myself away.
Harvey’s eyes stay on me this time. I can sense Mike looking between the two of us and there’s another layer of awkwardness added to the lift again. “Sorry, I-”
“-Hate a crooked tie.” He finishes my sentence. Of course, he does. I can’t stop myself from looking up, and I know it’s a dumb thing to do before I even do it. Harvey is already looking down at me calmly with half-lidded eyes. I take a brisk look over the rest of his face (pause a little too long on his lips) and back up.
I move just a tad further away from him than I was when we first got in. What is wrong with me? I look towards the elevator buttons and keep my eyes strained there. My chest is rising up and down as I think about what I’ve done.
There’s a ding and the elevator doors open. I wait for him to step out so that I can collect myself, but he doesn’t budge. I side-eye him and motion towards the door, “Go ahead.”
I can feel him looking at me, “Ladies first.” He says and his voice makes my heart flutter. I look at him and he’s looking at me like I’m a sick dog on the side of the street that he feels bad for. I bite my cheek and step out.
The whole way to the meeting spot for the client, I’m a pace or two behind Harvey and Mike. Not just because they’re tall and have long legs, either. At one point, I could tell Harvey had slowed his walking pace so I wouldn’t be so far behind, but I resisted being any closer to him by slowing my pace as well.
I need to think. I’ve detested Harvey since we ‘broke up’, but I’m within his vicinity for TWO DAYS, and I can’t keep it in my pants! I watch his back as he walks and can picture the smooth skin beneath. That gets me thinking about his chest… the scratches I left on both… I shake my head, there is something seriously wrong with me.
We arrive at a parking garage and elevator up to the fifth floor. Luckily, this time I keep my mouth shut and my eyes far from his. The client is waiting for us on a fancy, cherry-red car.
“Harvey!” He shouts joyously. The guy is older with white hair, but he seems active and in good spirits. His gaze slides over to me and I feel like an object. My pace slows and I try to fade into the background despite his hungry eyes. “And who is this?” He looks his lips and I pray that it’s an unconscious habit.
“I’m Mike Ross.” Mike steps in the man’s line of sight. “I’m Harvey’s personal associate.” Thank God for Mike Ross.
But this guy’s determined. He nods boredly at Mike before motioning him to step to the side. Mike moves in stuttered motions and his eyes flicker between me and the client. I give him a face that says ‘What the fuck?’, and he gives me one back that says, ‘I don’t know!’
“You.” I look at the man and freeze. He smiles at me and goes back to leaning on his car, “What are you doing with this guy?” He nods his head to Harvey. I see his jaw clench out of the corner of my eye but otherwise doesn’t move a muscle. “With a face like yours, you could be on anyone’s arm.” The implication is clear.
Just as Harvey opens his mouth, I say, “He’s my boss.” I nod with a tight smile.
An idea floods into my brain and my previously uncomfortable posture straightens until it becomes arched. “Yep!” I pop my lips and sway my hips as I get closer to the car. “Until I get a client of my own, I’m gonna be stuck with this guy.” I point with my thumb to Harvey. “You wouldn’t know a guy who’d want to be my client… would you?” I bat my lashes down at him.
He's quiet for a second and I can feel him about to say something, but I want to make sure my answer is a yes. I slide onto the shiny hood of the car and partially lay on my hip. “Cool car by the way.” I bat my lashes once more, but now I’m looking up at him and I can tell he’s hooked.
“Love, I’m sure people would get in legal trouble just to work with you.” He flirts and scoots closer to me on the car. Play it cool.
“Y/n.” I hear Harvey’s stern voice behind me and slide off of the car.
The rest of the meeting goes without a hitch. The client, Donald Marshall, would occasionally throw in the flirty comment or look but Harvey would quickly interject. As soon as we got what we needed we headed out of the lot… Not fast enough to prevent Mr. Marshall from kissing my hand on the way out.
“What the hell was that?” Harvey asks as soon as we’re on the sidewalk. He puts his hands on his hips and appears to be fuming. “You’re gonna flirt with my client- in front of me? I should write you up.”
“Call it what you want, I’m going to have clients begging to have me represent them by the end of the week.” I pull out my cell to look up the nearest Ikea. I try to look unbothered, but my heart is racing.
“You can’t just flaunt yourself to get clients-“
I get in his face and shove my finger into his chest. “I can and I will do whatever I want to get me as far away from you as possible!” My words are laced with venom.
I hate him. Just because he still has those puppy dog eyes and sugary words doesn’t mean he didn’t lead me on and then tell me I was stupid to think there was something between us.
I breathe heavily and he does in return. There is fire in his eyes, and I don’t want him to look at me like that- but I know I’m looking at him the exact same way. “As soon as I get my first client I won’t have to look at your sorry face and I can pretend you’re not even there.” I turn on my heels to the street and raise my hand to signal a cab.
I am so over Harvey Specter.
Taglist: @technicallykawaiisoul @malfoys-demigod @notarobotipromise
If you want to be added, just let me know!
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daisyblog · 2 months
You, Me and Baby
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Young Love Masterlist Summary: Louis and YN discover they’re going to have a baby, but YN’s parents are far from pleased.
warning: highly sensitive topics, positive pregnancy test, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, emotional abuse, swearing, arguing, shouting
The bright shining sun teased her through the window as she waited patiently for the time to be up. YN’s heart thumped against her chest, as her eyes stared at the plastic stick sat on her bedside table.
Her period was 7 days late, and as much as she blamed hormones, stress and “it’ll come tomorrow”, YN knew she needed to take a pregnancy test just to rule out one of the main reasons her period still hadn’t made an appearance.
YN felt her chest take a deep breath as she prepared herself to turn over the test, the weight felt heavy on her shoulders. She debated if she should have told Louis but after arguing with herself, she decided she to do it by herself.
The shaky fingers reached for the white plastic that determined her future. She closed her eyes as she turned it over. Waiting for her breath to calm, she opened her eyes with force and there sat the answer.
Two pink lines.
YN feels her chest tighten as her heart beats against hit with a thud. Of course she had considered the possibility of her being pregnant but part of her believed her period was just late.
She wasn’t sure how long she had been staring at the two lines, her phone had been pinging next to her. She knew it was Louis and her friends. They had planned to hang out that afternoon. Knowing they were probably waiting for her, she placed the test and box in her bedroom bin and decided she would hide it later on before her parents got home.
YN tried to put a smile on her face throughout the afternoon as they all went to grab some lunch, before heading over to Ella’s house. But Louis knew YN better than she realised, he noticed how much quieter she was. He saw when she pushed the food around her plate, hardly eating anything. He knew she was faking her smile as she chatted to Ella and Hannah from across the table. Louis quickly made up an excuse that he needed to go home and help with his sisters, YN giving him a grateful smile knowing it was her way out of the gathering too,
Trying to find a quiet moment to tell Louis, was very hard to come by in the Tomlinson house. YN loved spending time at Louis, the chaos and the love was enough to warm her heart. She loved that although Louis was seventeen, he would still play the childish games with his sisters and watching as he helped Phoebe and Daisy with their building blocks, she couldn’t help but think that the baby she was currently carrying inside her may be luckiest little one to have such a loving father.
YN tried to pluck up the courage, knowing she had to tell Louis soon because she could feel it threaten to spill at any moment. “Lou…can we-“.
“Louis..YN…come and have a look at our dance show!”. Lottie ran into the lounge, interrupting the teenagers. But how could they say no.
Time was nearing where YN had to leave to go back home. She still hadn’t got the chance to tell Louis but the longer it was going on, the harder it was to start the conversation.
The sound of knocking could be heard from the living area but neither thought anything of it as Jay went to answer it.
“Where is he? Did you know about this?”. The sound of her father’s voice bellowing caught YN’s ears.
Without thought Louis and YN went into the hallway to see what the shouting was about. “Carl…if you’ll calm down…whatever is going on we can talk about this”. Jay’s motherly voice was a comfort to YN when she could see the anger covering her father’s face.
“Me calm down? I’m not fucking calming down! Do you know how angry me and Emma are right now? I’ll tell you how angry…fucking furious!”. Carl’s voice and anger continued to escalate.
YN stood slightly behind Louis, embarrassed at the show her father was putting on right now. “Dad! Please!”. She gulped down the nerves, knowing how silly she had been leaving the pregnancy test in clear view.
His angry eyes snapped to see YN and Louis stood there. “You!” He pointed at Louis, trying to take a step forward only for Jay to place her arm to stop him. “You…you’ve ruined our lives! You-”. Louis protectively stood in front of YN, have stood behind him, their hands still secured in each others.
Jay had been calm since the moment Carl had began shouting but when it came to her children, she would not tolerate it. “Excuse me! You don’t talk to anyone like that…especially my son! That’s my son you’re talking to and I will not have it!”.
Carl let out a sarcastic breath with a fake chuckle. “Well I hate to break it to you darling but your precious little son has got my daughter pregnant!”.
YN could feel Louis tense as her father revealed what she had been hiding. She knew this was the moment that she was left just her and the little baby they had created. She could feel the tears burn her eyes, her heart thumped deep in her body.
“I’m sorry”. YN whispered for Louis to hear as she rested her head against his tense back. He remained still in his spot, silent as the words sunk in but his fingers rubbing her hand was the tiny bit of reassurance she needed in that moment.
“You are a vile and disgusting man!”. Jay spoke up, breaking the silence that surrounded the four of them. “You come to my house…shout, swear and scream when I have four young children sleeping upstairs…you threaten my son and humiliate your own daughter…you should be ashamed of yourself!”.
Louis and YN still stood in the exact same spot, watching the scene in front of them unfold. YN had been hurt by her parents for as long as she could remember but the next few words her father spoke stung.
“I’m ashamed that she is my daughter and got knocked up at seventeen…she’s humiliated us!”. His voice was full of hatred and the look of disgust on his face said a million words. “You get rid of that baby or you’re out on the streets!”.
“Get out of my house now before I call the police!”. Jay’s motherly instincts when into overdrive. “You don’t deserve a daughter like YN…and don’t come near my son and YN again!”. Jay slammed the front door shut, before turning to look at Louis and YN. “Cup of tea anyone?”.
With cups of tea in each of their hands, the three of them sat in the lounge area. YN couldn’t think properly at the moment. From finding out she was pregnant this morning, to not having a home anymore was a lot to process.
“I’m really sorry you had to find out that way”. YN didn’t look up from her hands that held the beige mug. “I’ve tried to find a way all day to tell you”.
“You don’t have to be sorry babe, I’m just shocked…I wasn’t expecting it”. Louis gently spoke from next to her. Jay listened from her seat, feeling so proud at how mature her son was being and it was in that moment that she knew she had raised him well. “We’re in this together, yeah?”.
YN couldn’t find the words but a small nodded was all she could manage as she looked up at Louis.
“YN?”. Her eyes followed Jay’s voice. “You have a home here and I’m with you both every step of the way…you’re part of this family!”.
@ell0ra-br3kk3r @slaymybreathaway @wh0s-nadii
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Stalag 13 Coffee Shop AU
Hogan is the assistant manager who takes better control than the actual head of the shop, much to his annoyance. He specializes in predicting what people will like when they ask for a surprise order as well as brewing the perfect black coffee.
Newkirk is the tea guy, insisting it’s waaaay better than coffee, thank you. Makes the best London Fog you’ve ever had and scoffs at everyone else brewing their tea too long or too short. Gets in debates with LeBeau about what the best drink is like it’s not a matter of taste. One of the better baristas to have working the register because he’s really friendly and flattering, but he also flirts with the guests a lot and some people love it, some people not so much.
LeBeau always calls out ‘un café’, giving the shop that much more upscale and legitimate appeal. Makes a mean espresso and always bakes all the pastries labeled ‘handmade’ in the case. Is convinced he can get Newkirk on the coffee side like his coworkers isn’t literally British. Also flirts with customers sometimes, but he’s less forward and more cute about it. Also the only one who knows how to work the pourover machine.
Carter is the one they have to pull off register because he’s too friendly, talking for so long it’s good for customers but bad for business. He takes people their orders by hand and strikes up even more conversation. Little old ladies love him and some of the female guests actually prefer him just because he’s the only one that doesn’t make moves on them and just treats them like people. Carter’s the only barista there that knows how to fix all the various machine ailments and he also has a near-magic touch with the latte steamer. Newkirk’s only latte rival for real.
Kinch is the other one that makes the guests feel safe, being so polite and respectful to them but always managing to slip a joke in that brightens their day. The one who usually works the phone to schedule supply orders or just to help customers and pickup services. Then they proceed to come in and tell him how nice the guy on the phone was and he can’t help smiling. Kinch’s specialty beside service is all the blended drinks.
Klink is the actual manager but he knows nothing about running a shop, just everything in the paperwork and employee handbook which he tried to cite frequently. Couldn’t do it without Hogan which he has occasionally, very sparingly, admitted. It’s a running joke how every drink Klink makes besides his Americanos are terrible but hey, when someone orders one it’s his chance to shine. The name was his idea because it sounds EdGy. He made the playlist for the shop too and is incredibly proud of that fact.
Schultz isn’t a barista, just the security guard who stands outside the shop. Always, of course, managing to finagle a free pastry and maybe a drink from the baristas. It’s part of his payment and all, you know. He keeps them safe. Also helps taste test when our dear Louis is experimenting with some new baked goods to try selling.
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happilysmythe · 5 months
❥ 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪
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trent frederic.
word count: 1.6k
no warnings
"i think i wanna marry you" — bruno mars
A/N: requested by the showstopping @ahockeywrites — a soft trent fic including a picnic and possibly a proposal, so here i am to deliver. thank u pookie and i hope everyone enjoys this short n sweet trent blurb to hold you over! happy reading :)
- - -
Not a day went by where Trent wasn’t heckled by his teammates, formers, buddies, and even family members for how positively whipped he was for you. And although he hated it on the outside, he wasn’t afraid to show it behind closed doors.
The man loved you—he’d never deny that.
You and Trent had been dancing around the idea of marriage for months. You’d been together for almost three years. It was only natural that the subject would eventually come about. The two of you, however, had received a plethora of comments from your peers about it but never discussed it on your own. At least, not nearly to the extent that you needed to.
You finally made the move from St. Louis to Boston nearly a year prior, so it didn’t come as a surprise to you that the other wives and girlfriends began pressing you about it. 
“So you’ve still never once talked about it,” Kiley, your best friend, would say.
And the others would give you mixtures of “Why not?” and “Aren’t you going to?”, usually to no avail.
You’d often mention the interactions to Trent, and he’d typically wave them off, telling you that they were simply being pests. He’d tell you to ignore them. But the last few times you’d mentioned it to him, he’d smile, sometimes letting out a laugh, and even sometimes tell you it was “nice” or “cute”, much to your confusion.
That being said, you really didn’t put as much thought into it as you probably should of.
Because Trent was subtly trying to hint to you that he had other plans; that he might have started to take the girls’ advice.
“How about a picnic?” he suggested, his finger twirling a strand of your hair around as your head comfortably rested in his lap, legs sprawled across the couch cushions. You’d been debating with him on what you wanted to do that night, as he’d just gotten home from a road trip with the team the day prior. “The weather should be nice.”
Your eyes lit up at the idea, teeth on display as you smiled up at him. “That actually sounds great.”
“Well, then.”
“Great. Then it’s settled—we’ll have a picnic,” you sat up, palm flat on the cushion as your arm supported your weight.
“You packing?” he teased.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, giggling softly as you stood up. “Yes. I am. Because I don’t particularly trust you,” you told him, walking into the kitchen. “But only because of that.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” he shouted from the couch.
You whipped up a few sandwiches and stored them neatly in a basket, followed by the remainder of the strawberries you had in your fridge and a few other snacks. You put some napkins and drinks inside, then folded a blanket over the food and shut the basket, leaving it on the kitchen counter to grab when you left.
Then, you got ready, slipping on a pink and white floral-patterned babydoll dress and sandals. You matched a white bow to the white in the dress and clipped it into your hair, then picked out a few pieces of jewelry to top it off. You’d just gotten your nails done a few days before, courtesy of Kiley, and you decided on a French manicure that ultimately tied the look together, in your not-so-humble opinion.
You waited by the door for Trent, basket in hand as you scrolled through your phone, then looked up when you heard his footsteps coming toward you.
“Wow,” he nodded, stopping in front of you. “Outdid yourself, eh?”
“Well, if I’m going to go on a spring picnic. I might as well look the part, right?” you noted, stepping up to him and planting a kiss on the tip of his nose. “And besides—I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a white polo with…Khakis.”
He looked around the room bashfully, a guilty expression lining his face. “Well,” he shrugged, lips pressing into a flat line. “I guess you’re right.”
You giggled and gently kissed him once more, and then the two of you set off.
You decided on a quaint, meadowy area that sat just near a local river, which ultimately was the perfect location for your little outing. He and you sat atop the blanket, basking in the sunlight as you ate. 
“You have chocolate on your face,” you giggled, bringing your thumb up to the corner of his mouth and carefully wiping it. You licked it off and dried your thumb with a napkin, taking notice of how Trent’s eyes seemed to be completely trained on you.
“Nothing, just,” he paused, taking a breath. “You look really pretty.”
A smile spread across your face as your head tilted to the side at the unexpected compliment. “Thank you,” you bashfully replied.
“I think the sun’s about to set,” you noted, wiping your lips with the same napkin and setting it back down on the blanket. He and you finally finished your food, and you turned to face him.
“You wanna watch it?” he asked.
You nodded in response and he moved the basket to the side, lying on his back and extending his arm out. You nuzzled into him, resting your head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around your waist, letting his hand rest flat on your hip.
You sighed gently, letting your eyes close for just a moment as you relaxed into him. There you sat for the next ten minutes, the two of you not speaking a word as you watched the sunset hit its peak. It was then that he finally spoke, catching your attention immediately.
“Hey,” he cooed, looking down as you sat up slightly and turned to face him.
“You mind if we stand up for a second?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, then rose to your feet, looking up at him as he stood in front of you. “What is it?”
He took your hands in his, rubbing the backs gently with his thumbs, then took a deep breath.
“Remember the first time you told me about the girls teasing you?”
“Sort of,” you replied confusedly. “Why?”
“You remember what I said?”
“To ignore them?”
“Yeah. And I kept telling you that; that it was stupid, or that they were just being annoying,” he started softly. “But even if they were being completely out of line doing it, they were right. They just didn’t know that I already had my own plans.”
You tilted your head, brows furrowing together as you tried to make sense of what he was saying.
“I’d already made my choice, but I kept shrugging you off because I was scared.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, what I’m getting at is…I should’ve done this a long time ago.” 
Then it started to come to you, everything slowly beginning to piece itself together in your head. For the past few weeks, you’d received less heckling from Kiley and the others. Of course, you didn’t think anything of it before. Then, she took you to get your nails done out of the blue. And later that day, she took you shopping for the exact dress you were wearing. Because she knew.
And when Trent got down on one knee, you knew, too.
You gasped quietly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box, holding it with one hand, the other still holding one of yours.
“I bought this a month after you moved in,” he finally spoke, holding it up. “I’ve just been trying to figure out when and how to do this.”
“Oh—oh my god.”
He took another deep, long breath. “I love you. So much. And there’s nobody I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. So…” He spoke your name softly, prying the box open with his hand to reveal the diamond ring inside.
“Will you marry me?”
Tears pricked at your eyes, your free hand covering your mouth as you finally processed it all. He was doing exactly what you thought he wasn’t going to do anytime soon. And only a few moments passed before you were nodding your head sharply as your hand fell down to your side.
“Yes,” you replied with conviction.
So he took the ring from its resting place and raised your hand, slipping it snugly onto your finger, marveling at how perfectly it fit for just a moment. He tossed the box to the ground and slowly stood up, thumb brushing over the ring on your finger as he held it between you.
You quickly threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. He quickly reciprocated, hoisting you up and holding you tight as your legs wrapped around his waist.
The warm hue of the falling sunset illuminated your surroundings, the scene topped off by the faint noise of crickets as he and you shared one of the most intimate moments of your lives. And he couldn’t have planned it out more perfectly.
A small tear ran down your cheek as you pulled away, smiling gently as you looked down at him. He quickly leaned up and kissed it away. Affection laced his expression when he pulled back to look up at you, unable to contain his smile as he felt the cold surface of your ring grazing the skin on the back of his neck.
“I love you, T,” you whispered to him.
“I love you, too,” he echoed softly, hand brushing a strand of hair behind your ear just before adding,
“Mrs. Frederic.”
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enchantedlandcoffee · 8 months
Hold On I Still Need You by @enchantedlandcoffee
Teen and Up Audiences | 1.3k | Angst, Open-Ending
It had been four days. Four days since he had heard from him. Four days since he'd woken up to an empty bed. Four days since- No. No, he couldn't, wouldn't, think of that. He needed to be strong. If not for himself, then for Louis. He paused his pacing and stared at the phone on his bed, the blank screen almost mocking him as he debated his next move.
OR The one where Louis goes missing and Harry desperately tries to find him.
Read on AO3 here
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xtramaletf · 2 years
Your Friend’s Swapping Spree
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Apparently, your friend Teddy had something incredible to show you and wouldn't stop texting you during class. Of course, you had to ignore it, he may have been content doing whatever, but even if he was your best friend, you guys were locked in a tight competition for class valedictorian, and you couldn't lose focus.
 Finally, when the bell rang, you got out your phone. Maybe his fav game just got a new DLC announcement or something, but normally Teddy knew better than to text in class. When you opened your texts, however you were stunned to see some blonde-haired blue-eyed jock showing his abs in the school bathroom mirror.
 Wtf why would Teddy send this, but wait why did this guy have Teddy's gaming headset he used as headphones? And wasn't that Teddy's favorite blue sweater and the blue phone case they picked out on amazon last month? Did this guy bully and steal Teddy's stuff? He didn't look like anyone at your school, far too...cute? But wait, his face it's familiar, he kinda looks like...like teddy? No, it can't be the eye color, and hair and features are all wrong.
 At this point you started scrolling up, more and more photos in similar positions all a few minutes apart and each time the guy was a little different. Then it hit you. The hair, that was the basketball captain Blake's signature blonde locks! And ya know you're pretty sure yesterday it was Sonia Abnegale's big baby blue eyes. Heck is that Chase Marquez's jawline?
 "Ha guess you figured it out!" you looked up from your desk to see the new and improved Teddy standing before you. He may have looked different, but you were somehow relieved to see your friend's goofy smile.
"Ted..Teddy how's this even possible?!"
"Oh dude, I don't know either, some app just appeared on my phone it's got tons of settings for swapping things and crap"
Before you could utter your disbelief or shock at how he spoke he interjected
"It's only Chronivac Lite so like it's all one way. I switched like speech style n' shit with Louis"
 "Alright. I guess" you replied, but then, thinking back to the photo your cheeks heated up a bit
"So umm who's uhh abs are those?" you asked sheepishly, as you guys made your way down the hall.
"Ron Fuentes, that baseball kid" Teddy smirked "I got the legs of some rando on the dance team too"
"oh oh wow" you felt a little…aroused. Something about all this was turning you on.
“ Bro I thought you’d be less surprised with all the changes I made to you and shit”
“Huh what?”
“Seriously?! Oh man the setting musta been off. I made the football captain into a beanpole and you don’t even know? You didn’t notice Abby Leung’s smooth skin? Hell yesterday you weren’t even ga—“
Teddy seemed to have cut himself off. It didn’t matter you guys were at the gym anyway: the place you guys spent all your free time aside from studying and debate and science team. Man it was hard staying in shape.
“Well after school let’s practice for the Scibowl scrimmage, your place okay?” You took off your shirt, revealing the tank top underneath, lifting it up to admire your hard-earned abs.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
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Approaching the finish line with Beck 5+1. I think I’ve shared about all I’m willing to share, so here’s one short teaser and then I’m probably going dark on this one til it’s posted.
Thanks for the tags lovelies: @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @birdclowns @thisbuildinghasfeelings & @welcometololaland who personally attacked me twice last night once with a Wip request and once with pornstash Rafa
He’d held the phone away from his head and chuckled in amusement as his mom bickered with Tía Lucy like he wasn’t still on the line. Lucy listed off a bunch of crazy last minute things they needed to do: finding Carlos something borrowed and blue, rearranging the seating chart so Tío Luis wasn’t sitting near Tío Nico lest they get into another heated debate over fútbol — Luis is Club América supporter while Nico is Chivas til he dies — until his mom abruptly cut her off.
“Basta! Lucy! No. We are not doing any of that shit.”
Tagging @chicgeekgirl89 @ladytessa74 @heartstringsduet @wandering-night19 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @ambiguouspenny @basilsunrise @freneticfloetry @liminalmemories21 @kiloskywalker @lightningboltreader @chaotictarlos @never-blooms @rosedavid @theghostofashton @thebumblecee @rmd-writes @apothecarose & @iboatedhere and OPEN TAG 🏷️ for anyone else that has something they’d like to share
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artzychic27 · 7 months
I like this au.
Kimani: Nah.
Chavonne: C’mon, Kimani! Why won’t you do it?
Kimani: Debate team’s just not my thing, Chavonne.
Chavonne: What about you, Kamilah?
Kamilah: I’ve got a fencing tournament and three papers to do.
Chavonne: Marquita? Come on, don’t let me down!
Marquita: I don’t think so, Chavonne. I got a commission to do. You can take your model minority myth somewhere else.
Chavonne: ‘Model minority myth’? What does that mean?
Safiya: I think she just called you racist.
Chavonne: Since when can black people be racist?!
Zora: Anyone can be racist. It ain’t just power plus privilege these days.
Nangwaya: Hey, blonde Jimmy Neutron, I bet you only cost two packs of cigarettes in jail.
Alijah: Hey, Powder, how's that cadaver modeling going for you?
Nangwaya: Oh, you so white, you the light that people see before they die.
Alijah: You so white, Wayne Brady's jealous.
Nangwaya: You so white, you thought Malcolm X was an r-rated film.
Alijah: You so white, ghosts are scared of you.
Nangwaya: *Whispers* I see pale people.
Louis: … Hey, is... is that the phone in the other room ringing? I think it is. I got to go. I got to leave right now. *Leaves the room*
Damocles: *Chuckles*
Alijah: Oh, Damocles, you laughing pretty hard for someone who looks like they should be sitting in a tub in a Cialis commercial.
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desertfangs · 1 year
Happy birthday!!! 🥳 hope you're having a great weekend
Taking this opportunity to ask if you have any vc birthday headcanons?
Thank you so much! I had a really fun birthday yesterday and now I get a whole extra day off work to work some of my fanfic (among other errands and chores, of course! Adulting!) so I can't complain!
As a matter of fact, I do have a few VC birthday headcanons, thank you for asking:
When Daniel was mortal, his birthday could be a volatile time when he was focused on his mortality and eventual death, so after the first few years they were together, Armand largely avoided throwing Daniel parties and instead opted to find activities or trips that would distract him. Sometimes it worked better than others.
In the late 80s, Armand, with the help of Daniel and Louis, attempted to throw surprise party for Lestat in New Orleans, inviting most of the Coven to a house Louis owned. Lestat, however, noticed the phone calls Louis was making to Armand, and sensed Daniel’s presence when he was sent to the city to set things up and got suspicious. Lestat cornered Daniel and forced him to admit what was going on. The party was still fun but Armand was pissed that Lestat ruined the surprise, and also that he sort of jumped Daniel (and not in a sexy way). It ended up being a damn good party anyway, but it’ll probably be a while before they try another surprise party in the Coven. 
Daniel definitely had at least one roller rink birthday party as a kid and, after explaining how those worked to Armand, definitely took him a roller rink, possibly to crash someone else’s party. 
Daniel spent a long time trying to figure out Armand’s birthday or if he even knew it. In true Armand fashion, Armand finally revealed it to him in the most casual way possible one year. While demanding he go to some show or function that Daniel was reluctant or too tired to attend, he said, “Daniel, this is my one request on my birthday.” Daniel: “It’s your birthday? Why the hell didn’t you say anything?” Armand: “I just did.” Absolutely infuriating! 
Armand and Daniel have had the following birthday debates and yet these topics still come up at birthday celebrations where they now drag other people into the debate: “What is the actual significance of one’s birthday, is it celebration of one as a person or a celebration that they survived another year?” “Should your first birthday count as birthday # 0 or 1?” “Why can’t you tell anyone your wish when you blow out the candles on your cake?” 
Thanks again!
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 1 year
62 for the drabbles
hello and welcome to what is definitively the dumbest thing i've ever written--hope you needed a laugh, anon
"I warned you, he warned you--" Benji points to Marius emphatically, "even your freaking mother warned you!"
"He listens to no one." Gabrielle mutters, mud-caked sole of her boot propped carelessly on the top of the meeting table. All decorum is gone from the room--there's no further need for pretense.
"I'd just love to know," Pandora interjects, "Why you're making such a big deal of it."
"Because it is theft!" Lestat spits angrily.
"Have you not enough money? What does it matter to you?" Marius looks to be on the verge of a migraine despite his body's inability to be anything other but infallible.
"It is the principal of the thing!" Lestat advocates for himself. "I've been robbed--"
"Of all dignity." Armand quips, earning titters from the room.
"--electronically robbed!"
"I don't think you can truly claim that when it was you who lost all track of your phone." Sevraine debates.
"Is there nothing to be done?" Louis pipes up.
"I've already called the credit card company on Lestat's behalf." Benji rolls his eyes and mutters, "You're all worse than a bunch of Boomers."
"I quite like that term. Boomer." Gregory muses. "I think that's what those DJs should be called."
"Which DJs?" Benji's brow furrows as he pulls his own phone from his pocket in response to its buzzing.
"Those ones, you know...They play that music that is all bleeps and then gets quiet and then starts booming."
"Are you talking about Dubstep? When the hell have you heard dub--" Benji's question dies on his tongue. He glares at his phone for so long that the whole room pauses, turning to look at him one by one.
"What is it?" Louis inquires.
"My liege," Benji says sarcastically, his gaze locking onto Lestat, "Seems as though you have bigger fish to fry than simple credit card fraud."
"Oh, what now?!" Lestat slams his fist onto the table, dislodging some dry mud from the bottom of his mother's boot.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that whoever stole your phone has now leaked your nudes."
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blueskiesrry · 5 months
alexa play "unknown (to you)" by jacob banks
@petitommo and @cc-horan28 tagged me to post another snippet. so here's another thing from abe. ignoring all other tags (from li) for the near future <3
When Louis wakes up again, it’s to a pounding headache and a ringing phone. He debates not answering, letting it ring through, but just as the call is about to end, he answers.  “Honey?” It’s his mum. Louis sighs, rolling onto his back. “Hi.” “Happy birthday, my love.” Rubbing his eyes before letting them fall open, he murmurs, “Thanks.” “When’s your train leave today?” she asks, voice soft, wrapping him in a blanket of honey. “Not until this afternoon. I have a few things to check on for work first.” Savannah hums. “Has Harry left yet?” Swallowing thickly, Louis’ mind spins with buffalo chicken and kitchen dance floors and soft moans and bubble baths. “Yeah.” His voice comes out raspier than he’d hoped for, displaying his emotions far and wide. “Did you two have a good time?” Harry in his bathroom brushing his teeth with frizzy hair and tired eyes. Harry on the couch cuddled up with Posy, cradling her in the crook of his elbow, humming a soft song. Harry laughing with his friends in a pub on a Friday night, a flower field in his eyes. Harry in his bed tucked under the covers, naked against fresh white sheets. “Yeah,” he says. “We did.” Savannah doesn’t keep him on the phone for long. When she makes some excuse to let him go, it feels like the result of a mother’s sixth sense, like she knows he’s not quite there. Posy is sitting by his closed bedroom door when Louis finally heaves himself out of bed. It’s nearing half-nine, but he’s sure Harry left far earlier. He opens the door to let Posy slip out before heading to the shower to wash himself clean. What a way to turn 28. 
whoever wants to do it can go for it. i don't feel like tagging anyone rn [floor punch harry]
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nattyontherun · 15 days
Okay. Okay fine! I'll explain (some!) of the YOI IWTV AU :] (no one asked. The one person who asked has been crying and served me divorce papers already. That's alright, I'll win them back. @sugarbunbie haha takemebackplsibegimnothingwithoutyo-- EHM EHM ANYWAYS!!)
So I've been having brainworms. Brainworms in proportions hitherto undreamth of. And those brainworms begin and end with Viktor as Lestat!
Haha. I'm not joking.
If you follow me on AO3, or at least read a few of my latest (very short) fics, you'll be well aware that the reason I've slowed down writing is because my laptop is busted and I've been using my phone to update stuff. Very sad, I know. What I did NOT account for, however, is the utter lack of decorum watching s2 of IWTV would give me, let alone the grand ol' idea of making a YOI AU out of it.
I'm still kinda stuck at the stage where haha, Viktor!Stat.
Anyways seeing as updates are slow and, very likely, I won't dive beyond IWTV s1-2 in terms of plot points (and since it's not a 1:1, at all, I say that with a lot of caveats. Character journey, perchance? Emotionally, rather than physically and actually. Smth smth self actualization for our LouClaudia characters, ehm. As I was saying!!) so I figured I'd make a small Tumblr post the way I did for my NRT threesome AU series ( - which I HAVE NOT DROPPED BTW!!! It's just really long and plotty, and I need an actual writing-specific device to work on it since I need to do more research!!!), just explain a few things that may be lost to the crevices of the AU series.
1. I described the first part of the series, seek me with dead eyes (embody me) as kind of a stand-in for the San Francisco fiasco in 1973, because it's not a proper "interview". I'm debating on keeping it that way for the sake of a more compact story, particularly because I don't plan to delve more into the "DM" of this AU,,,, but I will confirm that the interview with Georgi is the basis for many of the fics that follow, even if Georgi doesn't feature predominantly/at all.
2. Yes, there will be Yuuri and Viktor-centric fics to come. Yuuri's will probably be the last one of the series, and the Viktor fic will be a gift. I'm honestly excited to write it, he's the whole reason I bothered to drag my fingers over my phone keyboard and WORK at this au!!
3. Reiterating that Yuri and Yuuri share the burden of being both Louis and Claudia, for the reason that neither of them could EVER be a 1:1 of either of those characters and to put them in such boxes would be a disservice to all four characters involved lmao.
It's particularly for this reason, plus the fact that I'm not framing Yuri as a "son" for Viktuuri, that the focus of the series has morphed. I still think and want to ensure that the AU remains very much about grief, loss and loneliness - but the heart of it will not be about the horrible death of a child.
Will the fic series be less devastating to account for these changes? Maybe? I'm very inclined towards horror myself, if you've looked into my catalogue more, so I'm not shy about introducing some of the more grotesque, vile shit that happens in IWTV, but I figure if it doesn't serve a purpose in the narrative I'm building, I won't bother with writing it out because, again, I'm using my phone and I have wrist problems djsjsjjdjd.
4. Speaking of: there are plenty more characters in the AU, from YOI, that serve as an amalgam of IWTV characters too! Unlike YuuYu however, they have no counterpart to 'shoulder the burden' so to speak. You'll probably know them when you see them, as they crop up over time. It's especially relevant for Viktor's half of the enfolding story!!
5. I'm honestly just making this Tumblr post because I'm a. Bored and b. Driving myself up the wall with each new revelation I'm making out of this AU. None of which I've put on here, I think, thankfully. Very spoiler-y, that. Hahahahahaha. I wrote much of the very first fic in a mad haze and now I'm rethreading it to write out the plot more, beyond that burst of sudden all encompassing inspiration - and I am absolutely insane. I really am. Feel free to DM me here or on Discord or utilize asks if you're intrigued or wanna toss questions - I will absolutely answer because it's all I'm yapping about for the next forever and ever.
K thanks bye!!!
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soothsayerclub · 3 months
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haiiiiiii X3 my name is Fairyfly, but you can also call me Wander, Fink, or really anything that’s polite XD I'm 23, I'm an artist, programmer, and explorer from St. Louis, Missouri. I'm ALSO a member of an endangered speciez - the scemo :o I'm trying to find more scene, emo, goth, or generally alt ppl to hang out with, who are also 21 or older!! ★
( -w•)╦̵̵̿╤─ --💥💥 I'm making this page 2 try to find other creeps and freakz in the area!! I'll be posting about what I'm up 2 when I'm out and about in public spacez or in a hangout spot online, so you can have teh opportunity to join meh!!! And hopefully I won't get killed along the way X3
I hope this place can be a bit of a local network one day!! I don't know where 2 find other scene or emo ppl IRL. I even went to a "goth bar" recently, and it looked like everyone was cosplaying characters from The Office @_@ It waz all normies. People were wearing fucking KHAKIS. It'd be nice if we could find each other, so maybe other ppl could go 2 this blawg 2 find out where to meet ppl like them :3
Like I said, my name is Fairyfly/Fink/Wander/whatever!! I use primarily she/her pronounz in public 2 not get hatecrimed X3 I'm 23 yearz old, mah birthday is in October. I'm plural but we prolly won't talk about that :P I don't drink, but I don't mind when otherz do! I don't drive, but I'm a proficient bus uzer!! I'm scemo. I am tired of NOBODY MAKING ANY FUCKING WEIRD LIFESTYLE CHOICES ANYMORE Xx.
Nobody I run into is weird or cringe or has ANY convictions - I mean, ppl SAY cringe culture iz dead, but then they're wayyyy too plugged in to mean it. SO I guess I'm anti social media. I dont really wanna hang out if u use tiktok.
I work nights Monday thru Friday, and am nocturnal O_o
WHAT I BELIEVE: Queer rights are human rights. Black lives matter. Be a decent fucking person to homeless people, even if you can't give them anything. I will address u by whatever name and pronounz u choose, unless you're like trying to pull some genie logic shit and pick something rude. I'm fine with watever u are or wanna label urself, including contradictory labelz. I am pro furries, therianz, kin of any kind, and people who are plural for any reason. PIRATE MUSIC. Shoplift CAREFULLY ^_^ FUCK COPS. Don't start fights u can't survive tho LOL. Fat people don't need to be hot to deserve ur respect, but ALSO fat people are hot.
THINGS I LIKE: Making kandi, playing DDR, Jhonen Vasquez's works, the bus, flip phones, weird pedantic people, obsessives, music that sounds bad, underground bands, local concerts, St. Louis, bugs, amphibians, pigs, scene culture, emos and goths, debate, MP3 players (I LOVE MINE I'm so sad it broke LOL I'm buying a new one SOON tho), people with uneven eye makeup and no lipstick, lazy eyes, rainbows, thrifting, oddities, antique malls, sushi, meeting new people, trying new things, urban exploring, ZOMBIES, horror.
THINGS I HATE: People more interested in the optics of discourse and using the Right Terms to be an asshole 2 u than they are actually investing or acting on social justice or basic kindness. Advertisements and being advertised to. Hot people, social media, fandom. Has anyone noticed they don't let ugly people be in movies anymore? Even background characters have faces acceptable for Instagram, like weirdly smoothed out. EVEN the kids and the elderly are like. Macy's ad kids and old people. I HATE that. I don't like anime, sorry. If you try to show me a short form video on YouTube or Tiktok I'll throw up on us both. Oh and if you use algospeak (sewerslide, unalived, are you restarted, r/a/p/e, etc.) to my face I will peel yours off.
Errr IDK I'll add more later XD
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
1. Free legal advice phone line available from 13 April
Citizens with legal queries about issues such as neighbourhood disputes or employment contracts will be able to call a free phone line for guidance from 13 April, between 09:00 and 16:00. Read more.
2. Can Brussels turn the Toison d’Or into a Champs-Élysées?
The short shopping stretch from the Porte de Namur to Place Louise, known as the Toison d’Or, is essentially two distinct sections bisected by a busy highway and tunnels. The city has new plans to make the zone more user-friendly. Read more.
3. Brussels Porn Film Festival returns to Belgian capital next month
Inspired by thriving festivals in other European capitals and the success of its two previous editions, the Brussels Porn Film Festival (BxlPFF) is returning to independent cinemas in the Belgian capital next month to offer "a window into contemporary alternative pornography." Read more.
4. Bouchez-Hedebouw debate: PTB and MR disagree on everything, except tax reform
After last week's clash between Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) and Paul Magnette (PS), Wednesday's televised debate pitted the leaders of the Francophone liberal MR Georges-Louis Bouchez and the radical left Belgian Workers' Party (PTB-PVDA) Raoul Hedebouw against each other. Read more.
5. Cycling in the EU: Road safety key for boosting cycling across Europe
The EU institutions adopted on Wednesday the European Declaration on Cycling to reduce pollution, promote good health and transform urban transport.  Read more.
6. Go for Palmerston, not Ambiorix, says Pope Francis
History does not repeat itself. But there is nothing else we can learn from. The names given to two parks in Brussels’ European Quarter remind us of two ways in which a war can end, 2000 and 200 years ago but also today. One of them enjoys the Pope’s preference. Mine too. Read more.
7. Proportional representation in Belgium: How does it work?
Expats are eligible to vote in two of the five elections taking place in Belgium this year. But understanding how the electoral system works – especially how it differs from your home country – will have practical and democratic repercussions. Read more.
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hopetorun · 2 years
perspective flip: any of the baseball scenes from rat novel
oh gosh this was fun! sorry it's the one where they don't actually interact lol
under a cut for obvious reasons
Leon’s at a baseball game. He’s at a baseball game in St. Louis, with a crisp Cardinals cap shoved onto his head—and then yanked right off to get the tag off, and then shoved back on.
He’s never been to a baseball game before. Watched it, obviously, mostly in bars or on Connor’s couch. 
The memory stings more than he anticipated.
The trade wasn’t a surprise. Another embarrassing playoff showing, and this time he was just enough of a problem for the critics to win out. Would’ve been nice to get it done before draft day, but oh well.
The destination—that was a surprise.
He gamed it out with his agent, how to populate his trade list with teams the front office wouldn’t be willing to cut a deal with. Divisional rivals. Calgary was on Leon’s official trade list. And St. Louis—“They’re gonna make a move on Tkachuk, they’ll want to keep plenty of cap available,” his agent said, “might even trade for his rights rather than let him hit the market”—well, apparently they wanted Leon enough to risk it.
Leon wanted New York, maybe. To slip into the anonymity of somewhere new, the opposite of Edmonton. He remembers debating the contract options. Maybe if they’d dropped their AAV ask a bit more, he could’ve gotten a full no trade, picked his new team. He can just see the reactions—his agent, appalled by the low number. The Oilers, thrilled to get him at a bargain. Easier to move, if need be.
Well, they managed it as is.
Leon mostly tried not to get his hopes up for anything too specific, and St. Louis is a far cry from Edmonton. The constant beating heat is a reminder of that. And the baseball.
Most of Leon’s associations with St. Louis are hockey. He’s played a lot of games here, good and bad. Came to an all-star game here, though he tries not to dwell on that. Mostly, he tries not to think about anything to do with St. Louis that isn’t the arena, because there’s too many pockets of stray memories to stumble on.
He hasn’t thought about Matthew in a long time, not as anything other than a nightmare in red and black on the ice. He doesn’t need to start now, even with Cardinals logos all around him. Matthew’s dad now a colleague. The knowledge that Matthew is somewhere in this same city, or the suburbs.
He can’t catch himself in time, wonders if Matthew is in the crowd somewhere, watching him wave awkwardly at the camera from one of the luxury boxes, a smile on his face that isn’t quite comfortable. 
It’ll be a fresh start regardless. A new team, a new chance to make a place for himself. A new set of reporters to infuriate. A new area to learn. A lot of guys do this every few years; Leon’s been lucky to spend more than a decade in the same place. 
There’s a sharp crack of wood, a roar from the crowd, a player dashing around the bases when Leon looks. Maybe in St. Louis he’ll become someone who watches baseball. Or maybe it’ll remind him too much of the last time he sat on Connor’s couch, the Jays losing quietly in the background, and pretended this wasn’t going to be the last time.
He can’t think about this now. He closes his eyes, breathes in and out slowly. When he opens them, well—
It’s been more than six years since Leon touched Matthew in any way that matters, and there's no reason for his heart to lurch when the video board shows him in the stands, drink in hand, scowling at his phone until someone gets his attention. Then he laughs, waves for the crowd, puts on a good show. The stuff that makes everyone like him off the ice.
The stuff that made Leon think he liked him.
Yesterday, his agent told him that the Blues were still clearing cap. “They might still make Tkachuk an offer.”
“He might take a discount,” Leon said. That’s a normal thing to know. Everyone knows he’s from St. Louis.
“Is that gonna be a problem for you?”
Leon shook his head, hoping it was the truth. Doesn’t let himself hope for anything at all now.
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Hold On I Still Need You • Part One
Okay, angst warning! There is an injury (not graphic) but it does get very emotional. I do promise though that nobody dies.
Mood board by me (it does have audio so please brace yourself)
"Please pick up. Please, please, please..." Harry muttered, biting the tip of his thumb as he listened to the phone ring.
You have reached the voicemail of-
"Fuck!" Harry's phone dropped to his bed as he began pacing his room, mumbling to himself as he tugged at his hair.
It had been four days. Four days since he had heard from him. Four days since he'd woken up to an empty bed. Four days since- No. No, he couldn't, wouldn't, think of that. He needed to be strong. If not for himself, then for Louis.
He paused his pacing and stared at the phone on his bed, the blank screen almost mocking him as he debated his next move.
He'd already messaged and called everyone that Louis would go to, desperate for a sign that he was okay. When that failed, he'd run around their town, visiting Louis' favourite places to go.
There was one place Harry hadn't searched, that he couldn't bring himself to search just yet.
Maybe it was the fear of not finding Louis there, or worse, finding Louis there of all places. There with all the memories he'd tried so hard to forget.
He couldn't even ask one of his friends or family to go there. Not after what happened last time. Not after he'd almost lost him.
"Louis, get down from there," Harry called as Louis grabbed hold of a precariously balanced plank of wood, ignoring the younger boy's pleas, "Louis, please!"
"Come on, Haz, it's perfectly safe, look." Louis chuckled, as he moved his foot from the tree trunk to a branch close to him.
The crack that followed would haunt Harry for the rest of his life, as would the scream that escaped his own mouth as Louis fell to the ground.
It was like Harry's body had froze, a helpless feeling filling him as he stared at Louis on the ground, limbs at an odd angle and barely moving.
A weak groan from the fallen boy made Harry spring into motion, rushing to Louis' side and falling down to his knees.
"Lou?!" Harry called, hands hovering over Louis' body, hesitant to touch him. "Lou, can you hear me?"
A pained whimper came from Louis' mouth, his hand moving as if it was searching for something. Harry cautiously placed his hand near Louis', nearly crying when the boy grabbed hold of it tightly.
"I'm here, Lou. I got you." Harry whispered as he used his free hand to pull out his phone, shakily dialling emergency services and placing the phone on speaker.
"Emergency services, which service do you require?"
"Um...ambulance, please." Harry answered, voice shaky as he gripped Louis' hand tightly.
"Putting you through now, love."
"Stay with me, Lou," Harry whispered, shuffling forward and bringing Louis' hand to his chest, "Stay with me."
Please let me know your thoughts (if you need to yell at me, that is absolutely fine). Part Two should be out sometimes soon (let me know if you'd like to be tagged)
~ Ash <3
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