#okay i have just been informed by the brain going back to esoteric studies that there IS another queen of demons
will-o-the-witch · 2 years
I'm part of several magic geared discords run by popular youtube practitioners (tried smaller ones but they were somehow more awkward) and when I first started getting into magic 8 or so months ago they felt like such a boon. So many books to look into, so many resources for who to avoid, so many people to learn from. But as time went by I started to feel really awkward and couldn't put my finger on it.
Recently though I've started to realize that there's a lot of performative activism in the groups. Lots of Heathens will make giant posts, cut people out(nike and georgina rose), make podcast episodes about how horrible white nationalism and na*is are, but then when someone pops on to ask about Lilith, these same people talk about how she's so powerful to work with and all this (legit one of the mods across 3! severs is a host for a heathen podcast and said she grew up in a Jewish household and she doesn't care if people worship Lilith because no one she knew ever cared). People go out of their way to be respectful to Indigenous practices (mostly in regards to land spirits and white sage) but there's not a lot there to help bring attention to the rampant anti-Semitism in magic spaces.
They constantly publicly shame people who share their UPG while also suggesting books that are by and large just the authors UPG. (Or low key really appropriative but somehow it's okay because they are so popular *cough Jason Miller cough*) The same mod as I mentioned above has gone on long tirades about how if you say something is part of your practice you NEED to have *facts* that back it up, but the facts she wants are like random correspondences from a book she "trusts" (honestly, if we're not talking 100% historic stuff what facts are there most of the time? (and even then history isn't static and changes based on new information))
My question is how would I even start a conversation (if I choose to, which tbh probably won't but it'd be nice to know what to do about it in the future) with people like this? These people think anything not in a published book aren't worth looking in to. Anyone from tumblr/tik-tok/instagram is considered a joke regardless of how good their information is (which is hilarious because these people mod on discords for youtube witches). I'm starting to realize this is just a really common thing and I don't know what to do. You seem to have a lot of (probably unwanted) experience with this kind of stuff and I don't want to leave the discords because there is some good information if I dig. It's just getting harder and harder not to say anything when people do icky stuff.
This is a great question!! Unfortunately performative activitism and anti-intellectualism can worm their way into any community space, but I think the latter tends to hold firmer in magic/mysticism spaces because it's been used to try and justify SO much pseudoscience(which feeds back into it) and magic work is so esoteric and subjective anyway that so much information can't ever be formally verified.
I think the best thing you can honestly do is just rise above it. Be picky about your sources (I usually don't touch a book on magic with less than 3 pages of works cited,) study your history and science, read original sources when you can, etc. Not only will it help you out personally but you'll be better equipped to point out WHY something is bullshit if you need to. (And reminding people that Llewellyn and other publishing companies don't necessarily have a quality standard, it's about whether they think a book will sell enough copies.)
Leading by example and speaking with confidence is good, but you also don't have to rot your brain trying to change every mind. Some people aren't interested in being corrected, and you don't have to make them their problem. If a group is frustrating and draining to you, just leave! Find your tribe of like-minded folks who have the same values as you. They're out there, sometimes it just takes hunting!
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docfuture · 7 years
The Maker’s Ark - Chapter 42
     [This is a chapter from my latest novel, a sequel to The Fall of Doc Future and Skybreaker’s Call.  The start is here, and links to my other work here.  It can be read on its own, but contains spoilers for those two books.  I try to post something new about every two weeks, with short stories and vignettes if I don’t have a new chapter ready.  The next update is planned for the week of February 26th.]
Previous:  Chapter 41
      "It isn't a particularly good time," said Stella.  "But there was never going to be one."       "Agreed," said Doc, thinking about what his self-analysis had uncovered.       They had moved to a secure room, with mind screens and assorted other esoteric anti-surveillance countermeasures active.  Stella leaned back in her chair.       "We have a lot to go over, but we keep getting interrupted, and I have a serious personal problem.  You did something supremely arrogant that has caused me a number of difficulties.  Some are short term, others aren't fixable for the foreseeable future.  And you appear to be unaware of how angry I still am about it, and why.  Our options are restricted because of potential political consequences."       Stella raised an eyebrow. "Finding a way to for us to continue to coexist professionally is necessary, and you really don't know enough about me.  It's not the only reason you keep making assumptions about me that are wrong, but it isn't helping.  And my old identity is likely to be uncovered eventually.  I don't want you to get blindsided."       Doc looked down at his hands.  "Your brain was viable.  If you didn't want me to try, it would have been useful to let me know beforehand.  Survival of self was your priority when I stood watch for your patch replacement."       "It most certainly was not.  And I gave no affirmative consent.  Margie was right to object.  You of all people should understand how bringing someone back can be a threat."       "DASI said you were changing, and that was--"       "DASI was operating on a secondary node, with a slightly out of date backup, and her protections from outside influence were disrupted.  So she chose to obey your override orders, despite the fact they were seriously outdated, rather than withhold information from you. We've dealt with those problems, but I'm still stuck with the result.  The changes she saw were those Three required to adjust to living in a new set of bodies.  A lot like some of the changes I've had to make for this damned--"       Stella clenched her fist, then unclenched it.  "This fine body, skillfully optimized for many things other than being me.  By far the most relevant problem with it is that it still has a human brain."       "No point in bringing you back at all without that.  I put in as much capability for you to shapeshift and adjust to the rest as I could," said Doc.       "Yes.  But even if we take a humanoid body as a given, this one would have suited me much better when I was seventeen and hunting full time.  I'm thirty, and my main job is to act as an auditor and figurehead for the effective caretakers of Earth--DASI and Three.  The adjustment capability is the only reason I'm still marginally sane."  Stella smiled wryly.  "Though that point is arguable."       "I based the snakes on your own telepathic self-image."       "Those snakes on a humanoid bio-remote I could inhabit when I chose would have been a wonderful indulgence.  They are indeed marvels of function and form.  But Stella Three is much happier than me, despite not having any--because she was able to retain continuity of identity as the person I wanted to be."       "She agreed.  And Yiskah didn't object."       "Yiskah had good and sufficient reason to pass on the call.  She shouldn't even have been conscious, let alone trying to make life or death judgements.  Three was who I wished to become and stay.  Not who I am now.  We could spend all day just on her decision tree.  She couldn't rule out the possibility that all your reasoning was wrong, your motivation rationalized--but your actions were still a time-loop driven necessity for this worldline to escape an existential trap.  She decided that agreeing was the least bad choice.  Among other things, Flicker was inconveniently witnessing your argument and was enthralled by the same mythological scenario as you, which may be relevant soon.  And Three knew she'd get to stay in the ships, no matter what happened to me."       Doc stared at the surveillance screen status monitor.  "Wrong but still necessary.  Definitely possible.  So you disagreed with my assessment of the risks inherent in giving up a biological body deliberately?"       "You had an applicable nightmare about yourself, correct?"       "Yes."       "You overgeneralized.  The Grs'thnk found considerable individual variation in biogestalt cohesion.  I augmented with a specific goal of identity stability.  You did not.  You were on the unstable end even before you augmented, and many of your adaptions match categories that make Grs'thnk more vulnerable to biogestalt problems."       "Not a coincidence.  I knew I wasn't going to go down the cybernetic route, so I optimized for other methods.  That's why I stay away from neural interfaces.  Your way does seem more robust."  Doc took a deep breath.  "But Three sure acts like she thinks of humans as amusing pets."       "She does.  Including me.  But so do I, and have for a long time.  Less amusing now that I lost what was probably my last chance to personally escape."       "There were others?" said Doc.       "To break free of the limitations of my first body, my first brain?  Oh, yes.  Didn't it bother you a bit that my little adventure in Milan turned out so messily, despite all my preparation?"       "Yiskah's original personality--"       "Was unexpected, but not an insurmountable problem, as Yiskah currently demonstrates.  I could have coexisted with her.  But I told you the day we met that I didn't want more than one body at a time, and I wanted hers.  What did you think I planned to do with my old one?"       Doc winced.  "You must have figured out Flicker was watching while you were still in the room."       "I did.  There was an extra mind nearby that Yiskah could detect but not localize.  And Flicker was absolutely not going to watch idly while my old body died in a hail of gunfire to cover my transfer.  No matter what I might say.  So I had to adjust my plan on the fly and accept a number of compromises, some of which wouldn't stay tenable for long."       "Is that why you needed my help with your patch?"       "Yes.  I hadn't planned on still having my old body.  And if I'd botched it, I would have lost a big chunk of continuity and seriously disrupted Yiskah."       "Okay.  This seems obvious now.  Why wasn't it before?"       "Yiskah thinks your initial analysis memories were in the small area that got wiped when I stopped the anti-tamper trap on your mind block from killing you.  You could have revisited it, but you never did.  You already trusted me, so why bother?  That's a problem."       "Accepting that you'd tell me anything relevant is a problem?"       "It sure is if you don't make time to listen.  And Flicker wasn't respecting your privacy, so there were things I could not push until I was sure she was stable or we had a truly secure privacy setup.  Preferably both.  I also wasn't sure how much you were still being influenced by Golden Valkyrie.  And there's a distinction between acceptance and not caring enough to learn, and you've been on the wrong side of that line for quite a while."       Stella closed her eyes for a moment and took a breath.  "Okay.  Scratch that.  This isn't about blame, but I'm not willing to hide my anger any longer.  Do you understand that we do have a problem?  And that doing something constructive about it should be a higher priority than refining models, whatever our personal inclinations?"       Doc nodded. "Yes.  Still listening."       "Good.  Let's talk about how I got the way I am--the parts you don't know, or have wrong."       *****       Journeyman had good reason to keep his front door closed, and Flicker was trying to learn to respect that.  She closed it after coming inside, then went to his study.       She slowed back down next to Journeyman, who was sitting on the couch staring at his phone.       "Hi," she said.  "Greta is handling things in the Nine Worlds--the pool will be ready if I come back in bad shape.  But I stopped to talk with Ashil, and she has a really solid idea that I think we--"       Flicker stopped as she belatedly started paying attention to body language and other cues.       "You don't look okay.  What's wrong?"       He looked up and smiled weakly.  "Too many things happening at once.  I needed a break from black hole physics, and it looks like I might get the physics part.  The break part--not so much.  I have a hypothetical question for you, forwarded by Three from Learning.  Could you psychologically cope with 24 hours of deep space travel on board Learning if you had to, with support from his biogestalt team and me?  If not, how about 16 hours?  Or how about if Donner came along?"       Distance, time and acceleration were life and breath to Flicker.  She didn't have to calculate; the numbers were just there. "Sixteen hours to Europa?  Learning can pull a hundred g's?"       "Hypothetically, his maximum acceleration might be a Grs'thnk military secret, not to be revealed casually to Earthlings except in an emergency.  Which this isn't.  Yet."       "Okay.  Um.  Sixteen probably, a full day maybe.  It would be rough, and I'm not sure what kind of shape I'd be in when we got there.  I don't think I'd even dare try to sleep, because if I turned on my inertial damping by reflex, it might blow Learning's inertial compensators and everyone else would get flattened.  If I panicked and tried a momentum transfer to local mass, it might blow his main drive."       "His safeties would cut acceleration before anyone else got hurt.  And what if there were a special room with no inertial compensation?"       "That would make things easier.  But why can't you just port us?  That worked fine last time."       "Not... exactly.  The Floaters object to the 'No, you really don't want to time-travel--oops, too late' club.  Strenuously, and for what appear to be good reasons.  Enough that their top communications priority is making sure I don't do it again.  They only have one guy talking now, and he's been patiently scaring the hell out of me.  From the other end of a long lag communications channel and across a nasty translation barrier."       "Is he a magician?"       "We don't think so.  As near as we can translate--and by we, I mean DASI, Three, and Learning--he's a safety physicist.  And he's scaring me with the questions he's asking.  Way too many of my answers are 'I don't know', 'We didn't think of that', or 'We did think of that, but had no reliable way to measure, so I just had to try and see'.  I feel like a fourteen-year-old with a fission pile in his basement trying to explain that criticality incident was no big deal because his friend is really fast with the control rods.  Even I don't believe it."       Flicker frowned.  "If it was so dangerous, why didn't the Grs'thnk warn us?"       "Learning did.  But they've mostly been following a policy that they don't know enough about Earth yet, so they're watching and documenting disasters before they object too much to anything specific.  They don't have some of the sensors and theory the Floaters do, and have translation problems of their own."       He smiled mordantly.  "But I have some good news--you're off the hook for 'Doomed us all'."       "They accepted that I had to do what I did?"       "Apparently, but that's not why.  We made a wrong assumption during the first try at translation.  Doomsayer was referring to our stupid portal tricks mishap, not your ballet for five million rocks and a universal reset button during the Xelian invasion.  And they weren't talking about you; they were talking about me."       *****       "...realized I wasn't even making a dent," said Stella.  "Eleven targets in almost two years?  That was down in the noise--and wouldn't make any long term difference, because they weren't getting caught; they were just dying.  But I did learn a lot about poisons, psychology, social engineering, and cultural assumptions.  And I didn't get caught, or even suspected, which I found increasingly puzzling, despite all my precautions.  I'd assumed I'd eventually get unlucky, or miss something because of inexperience."       "That was an entirely reasonable assumption," said Doc.       He was acutely uncomfortable with what he was hearing--but that was irrelevant.  Emotional distancing was not an option.  She was his partner.  He would listen.       "Another reason to stop was my age."       "Your age?  But--"       "There was an interesting legal loophole; if I managed to make it to 18 without dying or getting caught--which was starting to look possible--I couldn't be charged as a juvenile because I wouldn't be one anymore, and couldn't be charged as an adult because I was too young when the acts were committed.  Even for crimes without a statute of limitations, like murder.  I was still naive enough to think that mattered.  But that protection went away when I turned 13.  So I quit.  For then."       "I see."       "I had a number of new options open up, because my parent's divorce battle turned nasty enough I was able to get my legal guardian changed to my aunt.  She had a minor drinking problem, but was quite canny, had a good idea what my home life had been like, and was willing to cover for me as long as I remembered to eat and excelled enough at my home schooling that she could overwhelm the child welfare people with true stories of my academic performance.  Which I did."       "Ah."       "That's when I started studying you and planning my augmentation.  I was also finally beginning to suspect my sexual orientation might be something more complex than 'serial killer'..."       *****       Flicker studied the summaries projected on her visor.  She'd expected them to become clearer, with better defined probabilities, after everyone had time to analyze the data from the portal test mishap.  That hadn't happened.  DASI was now refusing to even give numerical estimates for some things, noting that they would be misleading.  And the error bars on the rest...       She slowed back down.       "DASI thinks your Floater safety guy has a very good point.  We've been focusing on what happened with the portal, without considering that it might be inseparable from what happened on the port home."       Journeyman leaned back on the couch and sighed. "Heh.  Maybe.  He's made clear that he doesn't know what happened, neither do we, that's a big problem, and we don't even know how big."       "The local and global causal disconnection scenarios are pretty scary."  Flicker pulled the Skystone out of her carrying pouch.  "Could you refasten this?  I took it off last night, but DASI thinks it might have been crucial that I didn't take it off for the first time until we were back together in Doc's med center, and I'm feeling uneasy about it now."       He looked at her for a moment, his expression hard to read. "Okay," he said.       As he fastened the clasp of the necklace, Flicker felt her sense of his presence and well-being snap back into place.  He seemed to be fine physically, but...       "You're pretty upset," she said.       He met her eyes.  "Yeah.  Personal stuff piling on top of everything else."       Flicker struggled with conflicting emotions.  "How bad?  Is it anything that telling me about would help?  I know your magical message drop system got accidentally DDOSed yesterday--did you miss something important?"       "I don't think so.  But a bunch of magicians found out the hard way that most chain-contagion assassination deterrent spells depend on the ultimate target being biological. They backfire badly if the chain ends with Black Swan.  From what I've heard so far, only a few really sloppy or reckless casters died, but it put quite a few others in tight spots.  Some of their former employers left standing orders to kill the magician if they died and their spell failed.  Occupational hazard of working for mobsters.  Everyone wanted to make sure I knew about it, though, and the messages piled up.  I checked with Reveka for more details and she gave me an earful."       "You still... talk to her?"       Journeyman gave her a look over the top of his glasses.  "I did learn enough tradecraft to stop taking a phone with me.  She hears a lot about what goes on in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, and we swap gossip regularly.  She personally was careful, but she has a deserved rep as one of the best, so she had a lot of clients.  Three of them died within five minutes of each other.  That's a lot of backlash.  Fortunately she's very good at life magic.  I brought a useful potion for her and helped with a few things.  When I left, she was marginally less angry with me."       "Why was she mad at you?"       "Because I didn't warn her.  Nothing I could do; I wasn't anywhere near Earth, and Black Swan didn't warn me.  Besides the personal inconvenience, Reveka's professional rep is going to take a hit, because her former clients are dead and Black Swan is still flying around.  But she'll cope--she's been rolling with change since before the First World War."       Journeyman took off his hat and ran his hand through his hair, still looking upset and distracted.  Flicker changed her mind about the question she'd been about to ask.       "I'm glad you were able to help her," she said instead.  "Was this after you talked to the Floater safety physicist?"       "After the first round of translation and clarification requests, before the second.  Then I ported around a bit reassuring some of my contacts who don't trust UPPfones yet, let alone the garbled news reports.  Took a while.  Hearing things through the grapevine can be exhausting when you're the one that has to move the grapes."       "Yeah."       "Then I got the third round of translations, along with that helpful scenario from Learning."       "He's been right about a lot."       "I know."  Journeyman stared down at his hat.  "But that didn't exactly make it any more reassuring to find out that time travel was only the second scariest thing we might have done that day, trying to get back home before your hand exploded.  When I thought about it."       Flicker frowned.  "How so?  Time travel is scary enough.  But I don't blame you.  We ported so quick I didn't have time to stop pushing with probability manipulation, so it might have been my fault."       "And it might not.  You were pushing for survival with data at the test portal.  I pushed safe and fast for our port home.  Hard as I've ever pushed a port.  And holy shit did we get fast.  We got forty million miles in negative seventeen seconds fast.  And yeah, that's scary, even with Novikov self-consistency."       "There are a lot of--"       Journeyman looked up and interrupted her.  "But you want to know what's scarier?  It seems like I jumped us back in time.  But I could have jumped us sideways too.  Not safe to safe.  Dying to not dying.  I asked DASI how we verify that we arrived in the same universe we left, and... we don't.  We just don't."       He waved his arm.  "Then Novikov goes out the window, there's no telling how different our past is from everyone and everything else, and for the rest of our lives we could be finding holes where there should be things that only the two of us remember, because they never happened here."       "Um..."       Flicker sped up.  "DASI?  Is this possible?"       "Please do not become alarmed.  Yes."       She slowed back down, still thinking.  "Okay.  So we can't rule it out.  Is there any evidence for it?  You've been porting around for a long time without anything like that happening."       "That we know of.  But that whole time, Golden Valkyrie has been around.  We all know she can do more than predict the future--she can change it.  Shape it.  But we've never been sure exactly how.  What's the mechanism?  Too many possibilities."       "Here's the one that's been bugging me.  I think it was number seven on Doc's old list."  Journeyman waved his arm again.  "Quantum many worlds, right?  Lots of copies of everything.  How many?  Don't know, so use Doc's measure scale.  Only relative measure matters.  Now Golden Valkyrie decides what she wants in some collection of worlds.  She portals out, to somewhere not causally connected to home.  Takes a look with her Sight.  Then comes back... But only to worlds where the thing she wanted happened."       Flicker frowned.  "What keeps her from appearing multiple times in the same worldline?"       "That weird quantum amplitude addition thing that Doc likes to go on about when he talks about cross-world interference.  She doesn't come back more times, she comes back more likely.  Probability over one?  That just forces the whole worldline to become more likely compared to others.  And there's Doc's measure transfer, which is another thing we don't know the mechanism for."       Flicker stared at the window.  "Shit.  There is some potential evidence now.  I don't know where she was most of the time when I was hunting the Wanderer.  And she was off rescuing The Volunteer during the Xelian attack.  She could have chosen to only come back to where we'd won, both times."       "Yup.  And remember what a big deal she made about me being the one to fasten the Skystone?  Like, maybe, to make sure we could find our way back to the same universe if we got separated?  There's some global causal disconnection for you.  And one hell of a problem if there's more than one driver at a time, and they overlap.  But the Wanderer is dead, Doc has stopped watching Apocalyptic Nightmare Prophecy Theatre, and Golden Valkyrie herself is gone.  So it's at least possible that someone else could manage a shaping without hosing our worldline."       He took a deep breath.  "If I haven't already botched it."       *****       "You weren't tempted to look, after Flicker's Database search for a potential friend and mentor found me?" asked Stella.       "No, I wasn't," said Doc.  "Flicker asked me not to go beyond the minimum needed to make sure you weren't spoofing the Database safety metrics."       "I was spoofing your metrics, and had been for years."       "Not the safety metrics.  DASI could tell you'd done something, but it wasn't her job to find out what.  There were plenty of others who went to extreme lengths to protect family and friends during the Lost Years.  Many of them had no compelling reason to trust me.  And my superhero family safety program started out rough enough even for those who did.  Not respecting your own efforts would have been rude as well as dangerous."       "Unless I was a threat."       "Yes.  And your threat index was negative.  Whoever or whatever you actually were was irrelevant.  You were making things better, not worse.  I was more worried that you'd react badly to Flicker finding you, so I insisted that she respect your privacy and listen if you said no."       "She worried that she was making me more of a target.  When she was inconveniencing me for entirely different reasons."  Stella shook her head.       "So what did happen to the original Stella Reinhart?"       "She died on that boat off the coast of Honduras, along with her parents.  I tracked down the saboteurs because that was what she would have done if she had become anything like the person I intended to be.  All the supernatural overtones were misdirection.  At least at first."       Doc nodded.  "You fit the supernatural vigilante or avatar profile very well.  But I'm curious about something.  The similarities required to make the swap possible made it tremendously unlikely.  If you did enough research to understand the superhero probability distortion effect, you must have also discovered how it can snap if pushed too far.  What was worth that risk?"       "Family.  It was still the Lost Years, and not all of my relatives were evil sociopaths.  Both my aunt and the cousin who trusted me had been through far too much already."       "Why keep the same first name, then?"       A humorless smile.  "I didn't, quite.  My original full first name was Estella.  My mother named me after the character in Great Expectations.  A big clue about several of her issues.  I was happy to stick with Stella because it let me spoof both database reconciliation and naming magic attempts to uncover my original identity."       Doc frowned.  "One-eyed Jack warned me that naming magic was probably used to uncover several people in my program.  But how did keeping a similar first name protect against it?"       "The only version most magicians know implicitly requires the form of name change to be uncommon.  Marriage name changes swamp the signal from mine.  And DASI can tell you all about my database spoofing legwork.  That was what convinced her I was suitably competent.  Didn't make me any happier about being drafted the way I was, but at least she warned me."       "Wait, what?  When was this?"       "She didn't use her name, but she was allowed to contact me under your privacy protocols as soon as I became a potential target for Flicker's search.  And she did.  She didn't tell you because--"       "You weren't a threat.  I see.  Would this be part of the 'relevant but non-urgent background' that she's been dutifully reminding me about for a while?"       "Barely scratches the surface.  But we aren't done with my relevant background yet, which is urgent."       *****       "Mike, it doesn't matter," said Flicker.  "We're still here, there isn't anything you can do about it now, and everyone is still talking reasonably, even if we don't know exactly what they're saying.  And we won't do any more deep space ports together unless it's life or death."       She smiled at him as he looked back up.  "And obsessing over accidentally ending the world is my thing, not yours.  I've got way more experience at it.  So trust me, okay?"       Journeyman snorted a laugh.  "Okay.  What was the good news you wanted to share?"       "Oh!  Ashil thinks she's found a way for me to catalyze the black hole without ever having to physically enter the construction space, based on some of the earlier test data."       "What?  How would that work?"       "Um.  It's easier to explain with a holoprojecter. Science room three at Doc's?"       "K.  I'll meet you there in a sec."
      Flicker ended up mostly listening, because Ashil had been practically bouncing with eagerness to explain.       "Yeah, I can put the active portal area right on the subspace boundary without reopening the portal," said Journeyman, slouching in one of the chairs.  "That's actually easy.  And yeah, I can make it time variant with increasing tension.  But nothing can get through if I don't open it.  I may not know a lot of physics, but I don't see how the subspace gets any smaller after it reaches thermal equilibrium.  There's no way for heat to escape."       "Is way," said Ashil triumphantly.  "Can push on boundary, this side, affect quantum interactions both sides.  Subtract entropy inside.  So boundary can shrink, because of tension.  Lots of energy, entropy outside, but we handle."       "It's like an interdimensional equivalent of Hawking radiation," said Flicker.       Journeyman frowned.  "Wouldn't that be a tiny effect?  And if it isn't, you'd have to have really fine control to keep anything from propagating to the portal edge and collapsing it on this side."       Flicker held up her hand and wiggled her fingers.  "Fine control right here.  And the effect increases with pressure.  Want to know how hard I can safely press on something that isn't made out of matter and doesn't interact with the strong nuclear force?  Really, really hard.  Yes, my hand will heat up, but we'll still be in orbit, so I'll have all of Europa as an entropy sink."
      Half an hour later, Journeyman was still scowling at the technical details of the subspaces he would have to create.  But it was the scowl he got when he was thinking through everything that might go wrong with something he was seriously planning to do.       "Okay.  I'll need to test that and that," he said, pointing at the display.  "And retest that.  And no offense to you and DASI, Ashil, but I'm not willing to say go until Doc at least gives this a once over.  But yeah, there's nothing here that looks impossible."       Flicker let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and found she was blinking back tears.  Not impossible after all.  She hugged Ashil, then Journeyman.       "Thank you.  Both of you.  For figuring out how to make Skybreaker's Forge."
Next:  Chapter 43
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
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PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
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These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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nymphaea-nouchali-x · 4 years
Magic for the Skeptic
[NB: This is just me squeeing about the book Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin (see end for link to online version)]
If ever there was a book to convince a long-time skeptic about whether magic or psychic phenomena were real, then this is it! I had seen reviews of it complaining about the statistical data that Radin goes into in the book and, honestly, that is probably what convinced me to pick it up and read.
With three Masters degrees and about fifteen years of being an active member in the medical and food science community, shaking off that skepticism and unlearning certain ‘principles’ of mainstream science was, is, and always has been extremely difficult. To add to that, I come from a Theravada Buddhist family, and if anybody guessed that the Theravada sect of Buddhism was the Protestantism of Buddhism, they would be correct. No other combination of science and religion would pooh-pooh concepts such as magic or psychic phenomena as hard as this. Although Theravada Buddhism does delve into the existence of nonphysical entities, as well as ‘miracle’ work by the Buddha himself and some of his closest followers, this ‘magical work’ has always been taught in the context of issuing a warning to those wanting to dabble in it. That is, one is only allowed to learn it in the context of Theravada Buddhism. As tolerant a religion as it posits itself, it still manages to come across as quite the opposite. At least that is what it seems like here, in Sri Lanka, where religion is politicized. Someday I will find a politically-neutral teacher from the Theravada school to help me with my questions, but until then, self-study would have to do.
So, finding a book that discussed parapsychology and psi phenomena from a scientific point of view, statistics and data and all that included—I clearly had to have it.
And it did not disappoint.
In the book, Radin explores two things:
Whether psi phenomena (telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, etc.) is ‘real’ (that is, is it reproducible as well as deliberate)
The extent of how much we do not know about reality, apart from the materialist and reductivist worldview of mainstream science that has consistently refused to acknowledge psi simply because it defies existing laws of Physics
Radin stresses the importance of not discounting the many mentions of magic throughout human history. And this is quite important, considering how different forms of magic are part of human culture, and has been since prehistoric times. It plays such a crucial role in understanding the threads of society and how they operated back in the day that separating magic from it means refusing to acknowledge a major chunk of what you’re studying. According to Radin, real magic, unlike the sensationalized Hollywood version, the Harry Potter version, or even the stage illusionist version, can be broadly classified into three categories:
Mental influence of the physical world = force of will (associated with spell casting and other techniques seen throughout history that could influence events or actions)
Perception of events distant in space or time = divination (tarot reading, scrying, etc.)
Interactions with non-physical entities = theurgy (methods of evoking and communicating with spirits, where Radin also includes near death experiences of proof of there being the ability to exist and maintain a sense of self outside a ‘physical’ body)
The book goes on to elaborate that the essence of magic comprises two major mental skills, namely, attention and intention. Furthermore, the strength of a magical outcome is determined by four factors:
In other words, the stronger the combination of these four factors, the better the outcome of what one intends to do or make happen.
There is much focus on the mind and consciousness throughout the book as well, where Radin identifies the mind and consciousness as not being limited to the physical meat-suit component that is the brain. The analytical mind and the tendency to merely get a glimpse of something and immediately fill in the blanks with related information instead of seeing something for what it truly is seems to be an evolutionary trait—act first and think later seems to have helped us throughout history. But clinging to familiarity and depending merely on the five senses and the physical world to explain away events might be setting us back by a lot, particularly when we are beginning to see that the laws of nature, as defined by us, might not follow the same mathematical formulae we once thought they should.
It is also because our ancestors understood this—that the mind and consciousness are not limited to the physical vessel that we call the body—that we have many religions, particularly Eastern esoteric ones, that dedicate a good portion to teaching practices such as meditation. In some of the experiments described in the book, Radin explains how participants were able to obtain statistically more positive results if they first entered a state of gnosis (an altered consciousness where the mind is focused on only one thought or goal and all other thoughts are pushed away).  According to Radin:
“The bottom line: If you want to perform magic effectively, maintain a disciplined meditation practice. Learn to quiet your mind. See the world as it is, not as it appears to be when viewed through multiple layers of cultural conditioning.”
That right there—cultural conditioning—is what most of us, myself included, need to unlearn to giving ourselves a chance to learn from within without religious or scientific dogma limiting us. Having being able to achieve this state of gnosis would, thereafter, help with the ‘attention’ part of magical practice.  
It is also perhaps this awareness that arises from a still mind free from the tendency to ‘act first, think later’ that enables one to understand reality as it is. Reality, according to quantum physics, is still a mystery. Research in the area tends to lean away from the idea that we are entirely separate from one another and the universe itself, and theories about how the personal consciousness is actually a part of the universal consciousness seem to be looking more and more like a possibility.
Another interesting topic that the book addresses is the question of why we cannot make huge changes in the world—such as immediately bring about world peace and entirely change the weather. Radin identifies three factors that may be working against a magician who attempts such a thing:
Reality inertia, which refers to the theory that reality, though seemingly highly receptive to intention (a statement made as a result of decades of study that has produced significant results supporting this), is also elastic and interconnected. So while force of will causes a distortion in the fabric of reality in one direction, because it is interconnected, something or someone who does not like the way it is going can warp it in the opposite direction, effectively nullifying the effect or maintaining a balance or statistical equilibrium. The fabric of reality seems to prefer stability over chaos and hence is adept at repairing itself.
Lack of talent – This might sound a bit harsh, but it does make sense as the process involves getting into a state of gnosis, which might take practice, but not everyone may have the talent for it
The unconscious – While desiring something at the conscious level, it may not be so at the unconscious level. Self-deprecating views are part of this, and can even reverse or neutralize magical effects. This is likely where shadow work comes in (which will be a whole other topic I will discuss one day).
Overall, Real Magic was a great read for a skeptic like me. It’s like that pat on one’s shoulder telling you that it is okay to believe in a world outside of the physical realm. It certainly has worked to dial down those feelings of shame or stupidity when dealing with parapsychology or the paranormal.
Here’s an online version if anyone wants to give it a read, though I suggest buying it if it’s something you’re interested in in the long run. 
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An Incredible New Weight Loss Product: Your Brain!
An Incredible New Weight Loss Product: Your Brain!
An Incredible New Weight Loss Product: Your Brain!
I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain...    A Bit of History I discovered a very unique mental technique for weight loss many, many years ago from a great New Thought teacher, Dr. Joseph Murphy. When I posted it on my business forum a few years ago, members publicly thanked me for their weight loss a short time later. In 2005, I decided to conduct a formal test of the technique with a group of volunteer participants to prove the effectiveness of this method, which had not been revealed to the mainstream, for the purpose of potentially adding it to my library of prosperity programs. But first, I wanted to see enough positive results from the general public to support it. I added my own enhancements to the technique based on my extensive knowledge of the subconscious mind and the results from that challenge proved the value of the process. The experience supported my conviction that to achieve success in any area of our life, we must first create the inner foundation - the mindset. Our bodies are the mirror of our mental, emotional and spiritual states. And the good news is that we can change that reflection! I believe that whether most people realize it or not, there is a profound hunger for this knowledge (okay, pun possibly intended) - the missing link and shift in consciousness that will produce fast solutions in all areas of life, including what I refer to as "body prosperity." Everyone is focusing on the outer solutions without attending to that vitally important foundation that will ensure their progress and results - the inner solution.   And Current Views Using mental laws, you can lose weight in a natural, effortless way - by gently shifting the dominant thought in your subconscious mind and no longer thinking of yourself as having to lose weight. You change the focus of your consciousness to what you do want instead of what you don't want. As long as you keep thinking of what you don't want, you will continue to manifest more of what you don't want. That is the nature of the subconscious mind and the foundation of mental law. You must eliminate any belief in being a "dieter" or having to "lose weight" and instead create a new dominant thought in the mind of a fit, healthy body. Your subconscious mind will accept your new belief and will compulsively guide you to do everything necessary to accomplish that result. A sculptor does not think at all about chipping away at stone or marble or clay... I believe he (or she) sees in the mind's eye the image of what they want to create - the vision of the end result. And that's what you are going to be doing with your body. You will no longer be concentrating on "chipping away" anything. You will be focused on the desired result. You will be creating the body that you want instead of bemoaning the body that you don't want. You may have to lose a large amount of weight or perhaps you need to lose minimally. You are not alone in any category and many others share your challenge. That's what makes this process so interesting. A great teacher once said, "The law is no respecter of persons." This means that the mental and spiritual laws work the same for everyone, no matter who you are and what your situation is. We are all made of the same mind stuff and spirit. Just as gravity will work for all alike, so will these mental laws, if you align yourself with them. By instilling new seed thoughts in the subconscious, you will be creating a new set of core beliefs, and those beliefs will in turn create healing and a new physical condition.   Magic Pill What is fascinating is that there is an ever-increasing number of diet books on the market, there is more knowledge available to us than ever before about nutrition and health, there are probably more gyms and fitness centers in our nation than at any other time. Yet our nation is "fatter" than it has ever been (and we need to stop blaming it all on sitting at computers). The proliferation of weight loss programs and equipment marketed on the Internet, in all traditional media, and specifically on television, speaks volumes to the public's search for a new and better magic pill. Something does not make sense here. My opinion is that we are attempting to solve the problem from the outside when what we really need to do is establish a foundation on the inside as well. All of the books, knowledge, diets and equipment in the world will not result in your "body" prosperity unless you first have the mindset for a fit, healthy body. Only then will those other tools help you. If you don't have the mindset, then you will automatically keep reverting back to the tangible evidence of your core belief. Thus, the all too familiar "yo-yo." Applying the laws of mind and spirit is the closest thing you will ever find to a magic pill - it addresses the problem and provides the solution at the core level of belief which is the foundation for anything that we wish to create in life. And what is unique and refreshing is that this process does not promote any specific diet or exercise - you make the conscious effort to do your part and your subconscious mind will do the rest. Any changes in your habits or routine will be inspired from the inside out...naturally...not from will power or forced action. The whole point of subconscious conditioning is to bring our consciousness to the point of acceptance that we already are where we want to be. Then the subconscious is compulsive and will intuitively guide us to the right foods, exercise, or whatever it takes to fulfill that vision. But we must instill the right message in our mind at the core level. Using mental techniques does not "replace" healthy eating habits. It creates them! That's the whole idea. The subconscious is the seat of habit. And of intuition. With the right mindset, your habits will become just that - healthy habits - instead of the compulsively unhealthy ones. If your weight situation is not the result of wrong eating habits, then your subconscious knows the answer and is capable of creating the adjustments that are necessary for you to achieve your goals. There is that Universal Storehouse of Knowledge that is All Wisdom and knows all answers - all we need to do is tell it what we want by aligning ourselves with the laws - and it knows how to get us there. So again, we use our minds to accept the idea, thought and picture of a fit, healthy person at his/her ideal weight. Once that idea is instilled in the mind, you will automatically be guided and directed to all that is necessary for you to fulfill that vision. You will intuitively want the right foods and pass on the wrong ones. You will adopt the proper exercise habits. You will be guided to the right coach or nutritional information to manifest your subconscious idea. It must happen because that is the law - the nature of mind. Mind will always create according to the seed thought.   When the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins. - Emile Coue   Mindset of Being a 'Dieter' Here is something that I want you to think about carefully. I want you to consider this and keep considering it until you grasp it fully. It will be a very important factor in your solution. If you have the mindset of being a dieter, of having to lose weight, if that is what you consistently feel like, then your subconscious keeps adjusting your habits to conform to that idea. It keeps you being "a dieter" or "on a diet.". The subconscious does not think or reason, it just takes orders. Those orders are your thoughts and feelings. In other words, when you do manage to lose some weight, your core belief of being a dieter will have you gain weight again so that you can continue being a dieter because that is what your subconscious mind thinks you are and thinks you want. When you are constantly criticizing and condemning your body for its weight, you are reinforcing the very thing you don't want. Your mind will perpetuate the condition because your mind thinks that's what you want. Do you get this? You now have conflict between what you desire on a conscious level and what your subconscious mind thinks you want - opposing ideas. That great teacher Dr. Murphy said that if you tell a taxi driver to go to two different addresses, you will never get to your destination.   Am I qualified to make such claims about this mental process? I will let you decide. But the photos of me that appear online were taken within the past couple of years and with minor fluctuation, I have maintained this body for most of my life. I am healthy, trim, fit and look 20 years younger than my years. However, I come from a "fat" family. My mother wasn't just overweight...she was obese, and when she died in the 80s, she was younger than I am now. My younger sister is gone too. But don't think I can't gain weight easily. Oh, yes I can, but my mind won't let me. I have mentally conditioned my subconscious to it to never let me go beyond a specific weight and to keep me fit and healthy. I don't think about what I have to do to maintain it, my mind does it for me - I lift weights, I eat healthy foods and I can indulge in fattening foods sporadically without repercussions. Automatic pilot. Will the mental technique work for you? I say...what have you got to LOSE? Body back guarantee. Forget the word "diet." This is the natural way we are created to use our minds - constructively and in alignment with Universal laws.   Footnote As a teacher of mental and spiritual laws, I learned these universal laws and prosperity principles from the most brilliant New Thought teachers, far ahead of their time. It is time for this valuable esoteric knowledge to become more mainstream. Are you ready to become your own case study? How's this for a marketing idea: Mental weight loss clinics called "Brain Watchers International." You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, as long as the following text is included and the article appears in its entirety and unchanged. © Copyright 2003-2017 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper® All rights reserved. Marilyn Jenett, renowned prosperity mentor and accomplished entrepreneur, founded the Feel Free to Prosper® program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. For more information and her free gift, visit http://bit.ly/2AjgOMg. Her book, "Feel Free to Prosper - Two Weeks to Unexpected Income with the Simplest Prosperity Laws Available", is available from Penguin Random House at booksellers worldwide. http://bit.ly/2iADQb4 Article Source: http://bit.ly/2AjgQDS
An Incredible New Weight Loss Product: Your Brain! An Incredible New, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Clinic, Weight Loss Pills, Weight Loss Product, Your Brain from 10bestof4 http://bit.ly/2BscCad
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What are the best techniques to overcome HOCD? This question previously had question details. You can find them in the question comments. AnswerRequest Follow14 Have this question too? Request Answers: Request From Quora We will distribute this question to writers, and notify you about new answers. Erez Seyger Erez Seyger 14 Answers in LGBTQI Dylan Boschert Dylan Boschert 3 Answers in LGBTQI Dani Lamothe Dani Lamothe, Part-Time Student, Full-Time Dork 9 Answers in LGBTQI Luna SunnyChantal PetitpasMegan ThomasView More or Search 5 ANSWERS Quora User Anonymous Answered Dec 25, 2014 I had suffered for 7 years with OCD, and only just now learned that it was actually HOCD. Thank you for enlightening me. During my long struggle with that crippling anxiety, I severed connections with friends, family, education, and recreation. My entire waking (and oftentimes, inexplicably sleeping) life was devoted to curing myself of OCD. My days were spent chanting my way through the corridors of my house, muttering phrases under my breath while I walked through doors and turned on faucets, and washed my body. Everything I put near my mouth or held in my hand was transformed into something sexual. I kept these thoughts at bay by combating them with similar yet opposing heterosexual thoughts. I imagined a force field around myself when in the company of others, suppressing the sexually intrusive thoughts about the people around me. They manifested into actual physical discomfort. I could not concentrate in my classes because I was preoccupied with repulsing uncomfortable sexual thoughts. If someone of the same gender sat behind me in class, I could forget about retaining any of the information shared there. I failed my way through high school, in the end. I cried every night into my pillow about how I did not want to be gay, and questioning why these thoughts would not stop. Most puzzling of all was that I was not aroused by them. I protested, much to my embarrassment, to my parents that I was not gay, and promised them I never would be. Both of them were extremely kind and loving, and would have loved me just as much if I were gay. They were left perplexed, and fearful for my health. From morning until night, and sometimes even in my dreams, I was never free. I waged wars in my head. I hurt myself physically, assuming that whatever was doing this inside of my head was sentient, and would thus "share pain" with me, like some kind of parasite. I made a death pact with myself, saying that if I wasn't "cured" by 20 years old, I would commit suicide, because I would rather end things than continue living this kind of life forever. Psychiatrists hawking their antidepressants were quick to assure me that this was a lifelong issue--"you have a chemical imbalance, and like a diabetic requires insulin, you need to regulate it." Then things changed. The key was so obvious, so simple. I imagined the "cure" for this predicament I was in would be something complex, bordering on the esoteric, some kind of exorcism or invasive surgery-- but it was laughably simple: I was pushing, where I should have been pulling. I attended several cognitive behavioral therapy sessions with a specialist in the field of OCD. My psychologist taught me simple skills for dealing with these thoughts. Essentially, she told me to pull them out, instead of push them away. Bring them into focus when they come in. Welcome them. Let them know you're not afraid of them. "When they come into your head, you tell them: bring it on" were her words. She had me sit down for an hour a day, close my eyes, and remove all distractions from my room (television, radio, music, raucous family). She told me to seek out those thoughts that were plaguing me all day (not difficult, as I was well acquainted with every last one of them), and as uncomfortable as it may seem initially, to hold them into focus for as long as I could without pushing them away. She told me to do this for an hour a day. Immediately I could feel the difference. It was like a 7-year-burden being lifted off of my shoulders. My mind had instantly become accustomed to them. I could walk through a doorway without pause, hold a pencil and draw again, and turn on a faucet with no problems. I began to push past the 1 hour mark, and would even perform this exercise while out and about. I turned the intrusive thoughts into comedy, and often thought up outlandish sexual scenarios that made me laugh out loud! I became a master of that which had previously plagued me. And almost explosively, the spring I had suppressed with all of my energy all of those years, had become uncoiled. Like seeing a scary movie for the seventh time, its power of me had diminished. Within a month or so of these daily exercises, my life had noticeably changed. After two months, I was a different person. After three months, I found I had more free time than I knew what to do with, and devoted it to diet, exercise, study and self-improvement. I body build now, am fluent in three languages, and graduated from college with honors. Math, which was especially hard in my high school years, became enjoyable. I've traveled all over the world, and am just married to my beautiful wife, while working in an interesting field. Sometimes I feel pangs of anxiety reminiscent of these times- it comes back now and then. But I quickly meet them with the meditative exercise of bringing them into the light, and they are just as quickly disappeared. I used to think I was the only one with this affliction. I thought there was no one I could talk to about it. It was very disheartening. If I could go back in time and let myself know one thing, it would be that there is hope, that this was not the life-long affliction it was touted to be. I hope I am able to do the same for anyone who reads this. 29.3k Views 23 others upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Shivam Kuchhal Shivam Kuchhal Hello, I just turned 20 two days back and I also have been seeing a psychiatrist who said I have ... Quora User Anonymous Answered Jan 29, 2015 Thank you! I've had HOCD for almost a month now but I can't bear it any longer. The first days of it were extremely terrifying for me with non stop anxiety, then those horrible thoughts and the fear remained, but I didn't had anxiety anymore. Now I feel like I went back to were I started again without explanation, it's just hard to get it out of your mind... This will help me so much! Can't believe you struggled with this for so long... I wish you the best! 11.3k Views 6 others upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Quora User Anonymous Answered Jul 25, 2016 Hello, I used to struggle with this for several months and cognitive behavior therapy helped me the most. Have you considered writing a thought diary? There are many apps that can help you do this with rating yourself at the end. Challenge your thoughts and provide logic to your worried mind. This can be a condition that is extremely difficult to deal with and makes you question everything you’ve known about yourself which raises so many doubts. But don’t make the problem seem really big or scary. Make it look small and insignificant in your mind and try to also be OK with the possibility of actually going down that path - expose yourself to that and you’ll realize that it’s not as big a deal as your brain is making it out to be. I realize that I’m writing this very casually but I know how difficult it is to deal with when you’re going through it. Just hang in there and take a few deep breaths and write it all out. And the thing with HOCD is that it’s another manifestation of OCD. So there can be just about anything that can make you thinking and cause this. Write the thought diary for every worrisome thought that you come by - however small it may be. Eventually, they will all become insignificant thoughts. Hope you’re doing better! 6.6k Views Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Ricky Bobby Ricky Bobby Answered Aug 20 Mine is very similar to the previous story but it’ll help you. So relax dude, you’re not gay, trust me. This is just a hurdle you’re going to conquer. I did it and you definitely can too. So I had this HOCD for like, I don’t know, 5–10 years!!!…It was horrid!..I even went to a ‘coming out’ group but was asking ‘how do I really know if I’m really gay?…This one gay guy was like if you look at another man’s ass and are like yeah…check that out.. But I was like, well that doesn’t do it for me but I’m still stressing out. I even made myself look at gay porn but still was not with it. I was seeing dicks everywhere at times, I was like Jonah Hill in the movie Superbad, it was not fun at all. Kind of funny now though. I mean we can condition ourselves to like fuking anything really if we wanted to right? I’ve slept with many women since an early age so if anything I was like I could be possibly bi but it just didn’t seem genuine. I’m kind of an artist and my dad wasn’t around so much when I was younger so the mind tends to look for reasons and connections to tie into especially about everything you’re scared of. I went to multiple therapists, took self-improvement seminars…I wanted to be done with it!! Until I finally came to something that worked!! Here it is my lucky friends. Hope this frees you!!!! FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST…Try this shit out and welcome aboard of leaving that nonsense behind you… I finally came across a CBT therapist where we did ‘Exposure Therapy’ (as mentioned in the other write-up) and this was indeed the cure! This is what specifically worked for me and still does to this day (it’s been like 10 years!). Whenever I feel a trigger like anything gayed up or other & feeling anxious (I hardly do anymore), I will just imagine or pretend that I am gay for like a few minutes in my mind..Just tell yourself ‘okay I guess I will be gay for a day’ and just IMAGINE it but make it comical…At first I think I did it for like 20–30 minutes or it could’ve been longer (I don’t remember) just at my house…Just be like (say to yourself) ‘HEY… let’s go shoe shopping’ (with a lisp)…make it funny man… And once you kind of try it on and don’t resist it …it let’s go and it’ll fade out. Embrace it here and there (but you still know that you’re not) but you’re just imagining it / pretending as like an exercise like you’re an actor. Try a CBT therapist for guided exposure therapy if you don’t get relief after a while, it’s painless and confidential so don’t worry about going. It’s the fearful association that keeps the attachment to it. I think every guy goes through this at some time. Why wouldn’t we, it’s scary shit once we see it’s a possibility or are around it at some point..haa but it’s like a growing pain that can happen really at any time in your life. The mind needs to hash it out. It’s surfacing for you to be healed friend. If you were gay, you wouldn’t be here stressing about it, you’d probably be wondering how to connect with other gay men instead. Our mind finds shit that’s scary and dwells on it until it’s boring then looks for something else…There’s a few TV shows & movies that made me feel better too: I remember George in Seinfeld got a massage from a guy and his dik moved and so he got all freaked out that maybe he was secretly gay. In Everybody loves Raymond, he was questioning his heterosexuality on one episode which was really funny (maybe search on youtube) and then there’s the movie, 40 yr old virgin, the scene, “ You know how I know your gay..” … which makes light of this problem and proves most guys go through this at some point. Hope this helps. Best~ 415 Views 1 other upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Fred LaFlare Fred LaFlare Answered May 6 Find another bad habit like smoking and drinking and break it.This will empower you. 661 Views
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Welcome back to the madhouse.Last time on Hawkins Book Club, we learned that Nichols was personally watched over by God, UFO stealth systems can be foiled by college students, aliens can’t design a functional user interface for shit, the Star Wars galaxy is real, furry aliens exist, there’s an intergalactic empire trying to take over Earth, the majority of alien abductions are actually carried out by the government, a floppy disk can contain enough data to reprogram the human brain, there’s a whole bunch of souls of abused kids just floating around and swapping bodies with each other, the CIA is really bad at assassinations, you can find your destination by bleeding all over a map, you can buy your own isolation tank from a commercial supplier, Eleven was a complete pansy who should have punched out the Demogorgon (according to Moon), UFOs were intentionally designed to look like a 3D vagina, aliens are avid gamers, Nichols lives within driving distance of me and God is a Stranger Things fan.That said, we are now at the 1997 book The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection. The Order of the Black Sun, as you may recall, was the magical cult in which high-ranking Nazis tried to time travel by screwing each other in a mass orgy while this guy watched, so prepare yourself.Once again, the Prelude is back, and basically recaps the previous books, but with one addition;“In the wake of all this, Long Island experience the horrible tragedy of TWA Flight 800 where hundreds of individuals died as the result of an unexplained in-flight mishap. Although many theories have been put forward, the media refuses to seriously investigate the most probable cause of the situation;Structural failure?“a particle beam emitted from a Brookhaven Labs facility which activated a nuclear missile.…That works too, I guess. So basically those books is going to be all about those dastardly Nazis.The Introduction finally explains what “Synchronicity” is;“Synchronicity is called the fabric of time because it is the principle by which we recognize or know the phenomenon of time. If different actions are aligned and intercede within one frame of reference, they are said to synchronize… What is not so obvious is that people, places and things can also manifest beyond the laws of probability. Synchronicity, but its very nature, enables us to make associations that we might otherwise pass by.”This is genuinely kind of an interesting idea. Moon then reaffirms that the Nazis will be the focus.Chapter 1 retells the story of how a Nazi U-boat landed at Montauk with significant amount of treasure to bury, and how the crew went on to become barbers in Queens. Prior to that, a significant amount of U-boats were spotted by Montauk residents in the water that the US military never fired upon. Moon concludes that his meant the Nazis had access to Camp Hero through an underground dock. He goes on to talk about the German Bund Nazi supporters that had a large camp right next door to the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Apparently these Nazis also conducted “Bon meetings”, which connected to an ancient Tibetan animistic religion which were closely monitored by the FBI.Chapter 2 begins with a woman named Cindy contacting Nichols and Moon, claiming that her husband worked at Camp Hero. She showed them blueprints of the base’s underground and told them that the base was still being used. Specifically, Cindy’s husband was once of three mechanics working at the Camp… to maintain the lawn mowers. I guess even time-traveling Neo-Nazis want to make sure their grass is perfectly mowed in front of their secret base. Immediately after that conversation, her husband was fired the next day. A bit later, Cindy also told the duo about several Bigfoot sightings around Montauk, which Moon interprets as being another connection to Tibet via the Yeti. Soon after that, Cindy’s father called and revealed the following information;“He can stick his finger into a live electric circuit and feel no shock. An hour later, he could shake someone’s hand and they are liable to receive the shock. I decided to meet the man.”Well, with info like that, who wouldn’t? “Max” then reveals that he was fascinated with UFOs since he was a boy, and in fact literally built his own working flying saucer.“Max claims to have travelled around the United States in his home built UFO with eight women. They would travel the countryside looking for luminous spots on mountains where they hoped to find gold. Some of these spots proved to be false leads, but many precious metals were found, processed and sold for a considerable profit. The money was split between him and the eight women.”….Yeah…..This book…..So because of this, the military hired Max and he was stationed at Camp Hero to serve as a courier. He reveals that the Nazis did indeed visit the base several times. He also states that when a UFO crashed in Amagansett in 1995, the military approached him and asked if he wanted it. When he declined, they took it away themselves. He also attended the Bon meetings, which “were held to tell people what they could say and couldn’t say or tell people what they could and could not do.”“Obviously the people at these meetings were tied into a completely different reality… It sounds like an Aryan race outpost that was halfway between this dimension and another.”Moving on.Chapter 3 kicks off with a discussion of the infamous “Birth of a Nation,” you know the film that portrayed the Ku Klux Klan as the saviors of the white race. Well, this film reveals that founder of the KKK was a man named (big shock) Ben Cameron, and the film was semi-endorsed by President Woodrow Wilson. Moon also states that the Klan’s emblem was identical to a symbol revered by both the Montauketts and Crowley’s gang.“The book I read further stated that the Klan decided to put ‘meaningless occult symbols’ on their garments. This is a whitewash if ever their[sic] was one. One has to wonder if the writer was personally deluded, deliberately misleading or just making up his own mind.”Pot, meet kettle. I’m sure you’ll get along nicely.“The Klan was obviously using magic for its own purposes. The inner meanings were for initiates only.”Obviously. The name synchronicities continue;“All of this took on an even more profound meaning when I received a letter from a woman who said that her mother knew both Ewen Cameron, once the head of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control project, and also Alexander Duncan Cameron Sr., the father of the same Duncan Cameron featured in ‘The Montauk Project’.Well, well, we finally have a link between the Montauk Project and MKUltra. So it turns out that my previous hypothesis was incorrect, and in reality Ewen Cameron is Martin Brenner.“Ewen Cameron has been written up in several un-biased books as one of the most evil monsters to inhabit the corridors of the noble profession of psychiatry. His systematic torture of patients through what he called ‘psychic driving’ is well documented. It is well documented. It is a system whereby one’s own words, particularly of a traumatic content, are repeated over and over on a tape loop which plays continuously on a tape recorder. Combined with various forms of mental stress and deprivation, psychic driving is designed to make one totally lose one’s marbles. This aspect of Cameron’s work was done in conjunction with the CIA. Most of it took place at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada, where he employed many former Nazis. The CIA settled out of court with several people who were tortured by Cameron while he was working under the auspices of the agency.”Fascinating, but then the woman who’s giving Moon all of this information drops a massive bombshell on us;“She also told me that her mother had very esoteric understandings about time travel and had mothered a child with Ewen Cameron.”Oh yeah, Season 2 theorists rejoice. You might want to hedge your bets on this side. Moon comes into contact with this woman who is described as lucid, but suffering from PTSD. She reveals the following;“Her birth was carefully planned, and she was considered to be reincarnation of Innana, the Sumerian goddess…. Anna’s family is of pure Aryan lineage and is traceable beyond Germany.”….Okay. So apparently the ancient Sumerian Aryans were “enlightened and positive”, but became corrupt, and infiltrated every secret organization on Earth; the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, the Freemasons and everything else. These people are called “the Controllers”. Cameron was one of these people and believed that she was the incarnation of Innana, whose energy he could harness as power. To guarantee this, the Cameron lineage was kept pure since the beginning of time all in order to establish a New World Order composed of Aryans. He may have also been involved with sending Rudolf Hess traveling through time and met with John F. Kennedy’s parents.“At affairs like these, Ewen would put on a show. Women from various programs would attend to the men’s sexual desires. Ewen would arrange sexual partners and engage in what could perhaps be best described as the perverted occultism of the rich and powerful.”Well, now we know where Jack got the urge to go on his infamous sexual endeavors from.“Anna was personally quite traumatized by her association with Ewen Cameron. Consequently she began to study psychology to understand his pathology. She says he was overtly homophobic but also a latent homosexual. He amused himself by brutalizing young men as well as women. Ewen was well aware that Anna hated him, but he was gleeful about this because he knew no one would ever believe her over him.”Charming. Anna then describes that the intent of these Controllers was to afflict their subjects with Multiple Personality Disorder, with one personality serving as the blank, programmable one and the other acting as a cover.“Studies on MPD show that these individuals have an IQ above the normal range, a great amount of creativity and above average psychic abilities. It is also true that if you split a personality, the pineal gland will activate and the person can become psychic. The element of possession also comes into play as one is prone to pulling in exterior forces when being tortured. These forces will usually manifest as a beast of demon. Once MPD is achieved, further programming can be achieved by what is now known as Stockholm syndrome. This is when a victim bonds with his or her captor or controller.”That explains why the Demogorgon was attracted to Eleven. Anna also participated in out-of-body experiences and time travel as well. She also has scars on her lungs identical to that of Duncan Cameron, and the chapter ends claiming that Ewen Cameron’s death was faked and he worked for a foreign intelligence agency and Hubbard was a goddamn hero for calling him out on his horribleness and of course, lots of sex magick was involved.In Chapter 4… wait a minute.I just realized that Moon completely forgot to actually talk about the child in question. Seriously, he mentioned her (I’m going to assume she’s a girl for obvious reasons) twice and then never spoke of her again, instead electing to focus on her mother and his favorite subject; sex magick. Maybe Chapter 4 will explain this?Eh… not really. It basically states that the Camerons’ genetics give them a greater ability to travel between dimensions. Moon speaks with two Celtic shamans named Cameron who elaborate on this.Chapter 5 talks about the “Kennedy Connection”. A friend of Moon’s named Claudette says that she was raped by a German scientist who was connected to the Nazis in the 1950s, and ended up marrying him due to the social mores against giving birth while unwed. He frequently disappeared when they went to Montauk on vacation. Also;“The most bizarre story she had to tell was this German scientist’s dealings with the late Robert F. Kennedy. She said that while Kennedy was Attorney General, he would sometimes visit their house Queens. He always showed up in a limousine. The driver would wait outside while Booby came in the house. These visits were typified by her husband retrieving LSD sugar cubes from the refrigerator which he and Booby would consume and go ‘tripping’.Ah, the good old days, when the Attorney General could go off to trip out with a Nazi rapist and no one would care. Now it’s all “Russian collaboration” this and “Election hacking” that.Moon then goes off on a bizarre tangent when he claims that JFK Jr. was bisexual. He spends a large amount of writing trying to prove this and comes to the conclusion that the only thing that connects this to the Project is that JFK Jr. rented a house next to Camp Hero. Also;“Arnold Schwarzenegger, the poster boy of Aryan genetics also married into the Kennedy clan. He is the star of ‘Total Recall’, a movie that used a device similar to the Montauk Chair as its main theme. His psychic signature has literally been blasted over America’s air waves by nature of his tremendous stardom.”Uh-huh. I have no idea why Moon is so obsessed with linking Total Recall to Montauk, but let's just move on. Moon then describes how Joseph Kennedy Sr. had pro-Nazi leanings in the 1930s and appointed a Nazi sympathizer named Tyler Kent to manage confidential telegrams between Churchill, Kennedy and Roosevelt. Scotland Yard ultimately arrested Kent when they found that he was hiding telegrams in his apartment and Kennedy disavowed connection to him. Finally, a Scottish genealogy book ended up genetically linking the Kennedys to the Camerons.“This book said that both families trace their roots to the Scottish Isle of Skye, the isle of witches. Perhaps the Kennedy mystique of Camelot is real magick at work and not just a media illusion. All of you know that if JFK Jr. was ever nominated for president, he would be elected on the female vote alone. There is also a frenzy people feel about electing a Kennedy. It is magick.”This book….Chapter 6 discusses the Teutonics. It essentially claims that the Teutonics were involved with Egypt due to similarities between Norse and Egyptian mythology. The Vikings tapped into magical powers via runes as well, and the Nazis continued this belief. This is because the Celtic and German people have a sort of sacredness in their blood. Hitler was able to harness this old pagan power that was suppressed by the “ruling clergy” to convince the country to go to war.Chapter 7 talks about Lion Gardiner. He was a part of the Dutch “House of Orange” and had “royal blood”. In addition, every European king traced back to the Sumerian “gods” (aka aliens) who mated with human women, hence their special bloodline. There’s a brief history about the House of Orange that I’ll skip over for the sake of brevity.Chapter 8 covers some of Gardiner’s escapades on Long Island. In 1658 a guy named Samuel Parsons visited his friend’s wife Elizabeth Howell. She handed her newborn baby over to Parsons, started singing a Psalm, and started screaming about a witch, as one does. When her dad Gardiner came over she stated that she saw a “black thing” at the foot of her bed. She clarified that this thing was a shadow or something conjured by the Gardiners’ servant Goody Garlick. Over time, Elizabeth began to fall seriously ill and continued to claim that Garlick was bewitching her with pins. Eventually she died, and Garlick was put on trial for witchcraft. The “evidence” was that she dispensed herbs, owned a black cat, acted as a wet nurse for children and used “counter-magic” to help Gardiner with his animals. She was defended by her husband and Gardiner himself, and managed to get her off. This apparently heralded in “an era of black magic practices on Long Island which still exist to the present day.”Chapter 7 is titled “Project Paperclip and the Hamills”. The former was an Allied plan to save Nazi scientists and war criminals for their own use, and the latter was the family of a Muppet Show guest.“Since I have known Preston, people close to him have disputed his contention that he even knew Mark Hamill. I have asked Preston’s father about this. He remembers Mark as a young boy who cleaned up leaves from their backyard.”…..No, I’m still not convinced; you’re going to need more than that. Regardless, multiple people claiming to have a connection to Hamill have contacted Moon, but most of them disappeared shortly thereafter. In 1992, Nichols ran into Hamill in a Long Island mall, and that actor mentioned that he was prohibited from speaking to Moon. He also said that he was working on a sequel to the Philadelphia Experiment movie that was backed by the government.“When the movie was released, Doug Curtis was listed on the credits and, lo and behold, the Executive Producer was a man by the name of Mark Levinson. This seems to be an obvious play on the name ‘Mark’ and the ‘Levinson time equations’ mentioned in ‘The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time’. It was as if Mark was rubbing it in our faces.”Okay, this I can believe.“Shortly after this time period, it was reported on ‘CBS This Morning’ that when virtually all the homes in a section of Malibu burned during the brush fires, Mark Hamill’s house was miraculously saved. He appeared for a brief minute or two and said he did an occult Indian ritual which preserved his house.”Alrighty then. Also, seeing as how Hamill looked rather different in later years due to plastic surgery from a car accident, Moon begins to speculate that the Mark hanging around now is actually a body double. Moon points out that this accident did occur while the Montauk Project was in full swing. He then starts saying that Mark’s father was a Lt. Col. James Hamill who was an integral part of Operation Paperclip, specifically the acquisition of the V-2 rocket team. The “evidence” for this is that Mark’s father was stated to work in Navy intelligence and the Lt. Col. Hamill looked much like him and was old enough to be his father. This segways into the next chapter.So Moon was contacted by the German publisher of his books, Jan von Helsing. Von Helsing claimed that he was born psychic “from a mother who could read spirits” and his father was involved in psychic research. Despite this, he didn’t care much for the paranormal and became involved with the “punk rock music scene”, until a skinhead of all people told him that he saw Helsing’s aura and that his “crown chakra was not function properly”. This bizarrely helpful skinhead convinced Helsing to stop taking drugs alcohol and, um… meat, which somehow resulted in him falling into a one and a half week coma, during which he saw visions of “pyramids and domed houses.” Later, he met an aura reader, who claimed that Helsing was involved in time travel, and a part of his soul is stuck in another time. He then went on to meet Cameron’s half-brother Al Bielek who informed him that he was one of only eighteen people on the planet who had a “triple aura”, all of whom came from another universe as it was being destroyed. Their souls or whatever emerged to begin a rebirth and rebuilding process. According to Helsing, himself, Bielek, Cameron, Nichols, Moon and of course Mark Hamill are part of this special group. Cameron added that people have seven layers of information that manifest in a double lattice structure. People with triple auras have three of these things. Anyway;“The idea that triple aura individuals come from another universe is paralleled in Duncan’s own readings. Duncan sometimes referred to 637 people who came in from the Old Universe. There is an even further synchronicity at work here because Duncan’s psychic memories parallel the Star Wars movies almost to a tee.”Oh, we’re back to this.“There is a lot more information yet to come forth with regard to the whole subject of Star Wars. Preston Nichols was involved with the sound production and has publicly claimed in lectures that psychics were used to project into the filming so that people would come and see the movie several times.”………….….“The Star Wars series itself was based upon George Lucas’s ‘Journal of the Will’. Although it has not been publically released, this journal contained the dreams and inspirations of Lucas, a man who is reported to have lived at Montauk. The use of the word ‘will’ is a distinct parallel to Aleister Crowley’s concept of the will. When one unleashes the will, whether is through George Lucas or any other individual, the truth has a way of coming forth. The truth we are concerned about, lest anybody wonder, is unlocking the secrets of time.”……………………..“It seems clear that both Duncan and George Lucas were pulling from the same source. When we consider that Mark Hamill was once a roommate of Duncan, a childhood friend of Preston, and eventually became the brother-in-law of George Lucas, there is less room for speculation. There was an active but unseen influence working on all of them. It seems that Hamill, Lucas and Preston (who worked as a sound engineer for these movies) all contributed to remind the population at large of its ancient legacy and predicament.”I….I’m at a complete loss for words right now, so let’s just move on. Chapter 11 is just a long description about how secret societies and the government are suppressing Helsing’s work which has something to do with the Aryans and the Jews and I don’t know let’s keep moving.Chapter 12 starts off by claiming that Steven Spielberg is involved in this whole mess too due to making Raiders of the Lost Ark and Close Encounters of the Third Kind which revealed some of the truth about Nazis and aliens, respectively. Apparently a couple of people gave him copies of the first book. What follows is a colossal amount of horseshit over the course of several chapters that will try to break down here;*Dr. Felix Kersten was the personal doctor of SS commander Heinrich Himmler, who in fact did not want to actually murder every single Jewish person on Earth, and is essentially portrayed as a somewhat sympathetic figure instead of the utter fucking monster he was.*Hitler suffered from syphilis and his mental state was decaying rapidly, and was constantly being shot up with drugs by a “Dr. Morell”.*There was an art dealer who looked exactly like Hitler who was involved with Montauk in the 1960s and the Soviets might have covered up his escape. Also, Hitler might have had literal clones made of him.*Otto Skorzeny was a complete badass and managed to find a hidden Cathar treasure and later went on his own adventures after the war.*The Kaaba in Mecca was part of the Great Pyramid’s original capstone and was given to Abraham by Tahuti, Muhammad derived his “power” from the Great Pyramid as a result and was nurtured and supported by “the Goddess”, Allah is apparently more feminine than masculine in reality.*The Cameron family is literally the lineage of Christ. Also, Montauk was part of Thule, which was the capital of the mythical land of Hyperborea (“That’s what the Greeks called Iceland, you know”). Thule itself was the source of all life on Earth. Seeing as how the Earth geometrically forms out a void, Thule is the center of this void and is thus the titular “Black Sun”. Also, “SS” does not stand for Schutzstaffel, but instead it stands for Schwarze Sonne, meaning “Black Sun”. Thulium is also a “psychic gas”, which aliens require in order to survive on Earth. A whole bunch of “Thulists” met at an Artic base called Point 103 in 1945 to get in telepathic contact with a mystical source “at the center of positive forces on the planets”, called the “Manisolas” which are bio-machines that are manifestations of the morphogenetic grid.*Vrihl is still in play and is described as a magical force “set in motion by orgasm for the purpose of invoking beings from the ‘Outside’”. These beings are called the “Onoma”, the “deepest archetypes of the subconscious and are said to be the keys to evoking the Elder Gods or Forgotten Ones”, which in turn inspired H. P. Lovecraft. The Nazis tried to use it for this purpose meaning that this book is seriously claiming that the Third Reich tried to summon the Demogorgon from the Upside-Down. I’m not quite sure what to feel about that. Also, they used Vril to make flying saucersPutting the brakes on, we arrive at Chapter 22. So the guy in charge of the Nazi Vril project, Dr. Viktor Schauberger, fled to America after the war and was recruited by Brookhaven National Laboratory. There, he created the Cosmotron, a large particle accelerator. However, when he found out that his supervisors were planning on using it to manipulate the grid, he managed to break out of his contract and returned to Germany, where he died a few days later.Speaking of which, Chapter 23 goes into more detail about the Nazi flight from Germany after the war. So essentially the I.G. Farben Corporation worked to move scientists, equipment and money to neutral countries. Farben was responsible for providing the Zyklon B gas for the concentration camps and future Pope John Paul II sold it for them in his youth. The United States government gave them support before the war in exchange for chemical warfare research, but they were investigated after the war. One of the members of Farben was a man named Leo T. Crowley who also running the FDIC and was in charge of all enemy property confiscated during the war. Regardless, the investigation ruined Farber.“Today, I. G. Farben exists but only as a shadow of its former self. That it survives at all is puzzling. I can only guess that it is some sort of weird PR ploy whereby holocaust victims can make claims against it. Perhaps the real goal is to simply haunt the Jews. On the other hand, there may be latent hopes to rekindle the company under the rise of a new Reich.”…..Sure. Oh, and also an SS General named Reinhard Gehlen helped form the CIA and staffed it with some former SS agents.Chapter 24 talks about the Nazi shenanigans in Antarctica. So apparently Hitler decided that Antarctic would be a great place for a secret base called “Neuschwabenland” and sent a navy detachment down there in 1938. This is where the Spear of Destiny was hidden after the war and there might be a Nazi UFO base down there guarding the entrance to the Hollow Earth.Chapter 25 continues an investigation of the National Archives, which revealed that the OSS went to Tibet for reconnaissance purposes that ended up with the agents giving the Tibetans a large radio transmitter. Apparently the trip was actually meant to find traces of the prior Nazi expedition, which segways into Chapter 26. These expeditions were led by a Dr. Ernst Schafer of the Ahnenerbe for studying the Tibetan political and religious practices, specifically their sexual practices.“On his expeditions, Tibetans were filmed having intimate sex in public, the pictures of which included a fifteen year old girl masturbating in public on a bridge beam.”And you thought Jonathan Byers was a mildly creepy voyeur. Anyway, the Tibetans handed over their 108-volume sacred script to the Nazis, which were later taken by the Soviets. Chapter 27 then claims that five days before Hitler “allegedly” shot himself, the Soviets found six Tibetans lying dead in a ritual circle in the cellar of a Berlin building, one of which was wearing green gloves. Apparently this guy advised Hitler for whatever reason, along with a whole bunch of other occultists. Chapter 28 expands on this by stating that the Bon religion is based on the Black Sun and the mysterious “Goddess”. Moon then proceeds to bash Buddhism for a bit, claiming that it was based upon a patriarchal system. Also, Shangri La is a real thing. There’s a whole discussion about the Bon magick that continues through Chapter 29. Chapter 30 discusses the Shensi Pyramids again, and the Nazi expeditions to Tibet to retrieve magical tablets that would teach them how to obtain a “powerful consciousness”, and had a mining operation meant to dig up a substance vital to this goal. Chapter 31 confirms that the Nazis did indeed go looking for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, just like in Indiana Jones. The Romans seized them at first from the Middle East, before the Visigoths took them in the Sack of Rome, and taken to a cave where they were rediscovered by Otto Skorzeny’s commandos. Some of the treasure was dumped in a salt mine and the rest went to Himmler. Somehow the Ark ended up in Ethopia. Chapter 32 talks a bit about magical “White Gold and Occultum”, which was contained in the Ark.Chapter 33 expands on this by claiming that an alien “Blue Race” produced royal bloodlines. Chapter 34 describes Napoleon’s life a bit and states that he used Occultum, which was found in mummies. Chapter 35 talks about Crowley some more and his contact with an entity called LAM, which is linked to the blueprint room Moon mentioned in the previous book.“Magicians in the past have referred to that blueprint room as R’lyeh, a region which contains the sleeping or hidden god Cthulu… All of the gods within R’lyeh are known as the Forgotten Ones which is another name for the Elder Gods or Elder Race. This can be extended as well to the Blue Race.”So Lovecraft was right all along, who knew? Also, Atlantis relied upon an addiction to a phosphorus substance called “Zro”, which allowed them to achieve a higher state of being.Finally, we reach the Epilogue which matter-of-factly states that Prescott Bush, (the father of President George Bush Sr.) literally stole Geronimo’s skull with the Skull and Bones society. Why? So they could eat the residual Occultum residing in the bones of course! This practice apparently continued at Montauk. Moon ends the book with one final exclamation that the Black Sun is the source of creation;“Today, it has come into full view for the world to see. The powers of creation can be accessed by any free soul who wishes to reach for them. The Black Sun is alive and kicking and is no longer reserved for those who would perpetrate evil against man or life. It breathes the fire of life and love. It is the hidden god, Mon, talking. In this sense, it is also the ultimate synchronicity in terms of puns. It is MON-TALK!”And with that God-awful pun out of the way, Moon presents one final Author’s Note warning the readers to stay away from people claiming to sell white gold, with one guy in particular managing to scam a whopping ten thousand idiots.“New Age people are now being targeted for all sorts of scams, particularly in the financial arena. As the Romans used to say ‘Caveat emptor’(buyer beware).“But you can totally trust me guys! Buy my next book!”And with that, we finish Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection. What did we learn? Well, we learned that there’s a pretty good chance that Brenner may be Eleven’s actual father if we go upon this. Also, we never found out about the child herself in all of this by the way. I guess that’s something to look forward to, right? Also, both the Cthulu Mythos and the Star Wars galaxy are real.Join me next week on Hawkins Book Club and we’ll take a look at Montauk: The Alien Connection.Thanks for reading, and Stay Strange.The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time OverviewMontauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity OverviewPyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness OverviewEncounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs Overview via /r/StrangerThings
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chroniclesofedward · 7 years
Left on the floor #4
Superspeed (Mid April of 2017)
Hey viewers, so a few months ago, I had been in this tranquil state of mind, when I can lay on my bed reading a book for hours, and as dusk comes I felt so happy to be able to see the lovely bronze that the setting sun casts over everything. I was able to enjoy watching the raindrops hit the window of the car and the pervading gray stillness projected by the rainclouds. It’s as if for the first time i’m seeing the world. Also I can feel the tranquility that were captured in these oil paintings. I was in this state of mind when i’m able to be contented by the things I couldn’t help but to overlook. Contemplation about intellectual topics, was a constant process in my mind. I’ll refer to this period of time as my Internet Sabbath.
This isn’t because i’m always glued to my phone when i’m outside, even before I attained this profound awareness of my surrounding, at the end of each day, my phone battery would usually have 70% remaining energy.
I was constantly scrutinizing the world and my thoughts, I felt so untangled, I was reading wikipedia about Diogenes and Friedrich Nietzsche and Plato and Terra Nova expedition. I was reading books, I was able to arrive at a logical explanation to my peculiar fondness of rain, I had a taste of profound clarity. I was listening to soundtracks from the movie HER which were just calming ambience. I stopped watching youtube, and even if was on youtube it was because I was having dinner, and to keep myself preoccupied I watched ted talks.
This period of serenity ended, on the 26th of February when I decided to devote all my waking hours for studying for my exams, and abstain from all recreational activity, until my exams are over, hence I gave up reading about esoteric subjects. And on dinner, this was the main cause to my loss of serenity, to keep me preoccupied, I watching other kinds of youtube videos, like dog videos for instance, and youtube slowly edged it’s way back into my schedule, and it carved a big hole for itself, now it has become a daily requirement, a daily fix of youtube videos. From only watching 1 or 2 videos a day, the number gradually increased, it steals my time a way from me, but I can’t stop. But social medias, and that includes youtube, are designed to draw you in and captivate your attention for long periods of time, and I fell victim to it.
And this causes another problem to me, because even with my craving to watch videos, I found that I can easily abstain from accessing youtube, but i’ll only replace it with watching pirate TV shows, after having known how liberating life would be when you’re not captivated by watching TV shows and youtube videos, relapsing into revolving around TV shows and youtube again, makes me feel somehow shackled.
But this hasn’t been the worst i’ve been, there was a time, when I would watch tens of youtube videos a day, without finishing any one of them, i’d click on a video watch for a minute or two and get bored and then click on a new video. My attention span was severely shortened. I don’t know if the problem is independent to my brain, or it’s youtube’s algorithm that acclimated my brain to have that short of an attention span.
In this book that I read when I was on my internet sabbath, titled Quiet: The power of introvert in a world that can’t stop talking, by Susan Cain. She talked about how different people have different degrees of sensitivity to each stimuli they are exposed to. This has a lot to do about Introversion and Extroversion, but we’re not talking about that in this video, there is an exposition in this book about a research on the brainstem, and how it functions as a channel, to how much of the information you perceive with your senses, gets to travels to the brain, to be processed. It controls how much of the physical experience, is perceived by the brain. In short it acts as a floodgate. It’s called the Ascending Reticular Activating System of ARAS for short. Highly excitable people have widely open floodgates, their brain stem lets in a lot of stimuli that is perceived with their senses, into their brain, hence they are easily stimulated. Hence they are excited by smaller experiences. While the opposite goes for people that are not so easily excitable.
And I am suspecting that, my ARAS is gradually closing up, resulting in reduced sensitivity and excitability by the more subtle stimuli like books and articles. Diverting my attention to more intense forms of stimuli, like hectic youtube videos. If it is, then this is all to the credit of youtube. It is not mentioned in the book, whether the ARAS malleable like this, but this is my guess.
This is supported by the popular remark that people now are losing more and more of their attention span. People used to be able to be immensely amazed by looking at paintings, back in the old times, classical music was popular because it’s adequately stimulating, whereas now if you ask anybody on the street, if they’d rather go to watch the newest marvel movie, or go to an art gallery, they would most likely pick the former. Is mankind evolving to have less and less brain reactivity? And is social media a big factor, by being an excessive feeder of content?
Some scientist out there, if you’re watching, take on my question and find the answer to it, and then find a way to counteract it. This is important because if this indeed is the case, this problem will permeate to many fields, one of the most evident proof can be seen in the music industry, the quieter type of songs are starting to lose their audience, because people are more interested in listening to -insert clip- and social networks, remember Vine, the 6 seconds only videos. What if people stopped valuing things that are actually substantial in exchange for highly condensed stimuli? Literature isn’t as popular as it used to be, but that department is doing okay I guess, but what will happen if this deterioration finally goes to full effect? Probably movies won’t even be popular anymore. People would probably stop valuing intellectuality in expense of more frantic forms of entertainment.
Anyway back to my petty predicament, I remembered a quote from the movie HER that I think fits so well: “It's like I'm reading a book... and it's a book I deeply love. But I'm reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. As much as I want to, I can't live in your book any more” What I take out from this quote is that, when she said “The spaces in between are almost infinite” I am concluding that it’s difficult to get from one word to another, let alone from one page to another, it’s too long a journey for her to traverse, she’d sooner turn to something more of her speed. Reading a book probably now feels to me like, i’m looking at a picture, but the picture is zoomed in to this particular segment, and I have to keep panning, panning until i’ve covered the whole picture, with my zoomed in vision, in order to cover the whole picture. When I am fully capable of looking at the whole big picture without zooming in. I don’t know if there is a word or phrase for it, but for the time being, to address this feeling, i’d refer to it by the term “Under-stimulated”
But I want to be able to enjoy reading again, I want to be able to enjoy the quieter forms of content, the more subtle stimuli.
Well that’s it for today’s blog goodbye.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Worksheet
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Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Workbook
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Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Worksheet
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Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Worksheet
PDF Cheklist
Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Worksheet
PDF Cheklist
Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
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PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
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Writable PDF Workbook
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Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Worksheet
PDF Cheklist
Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Worksheet
PDF Cheklist
Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
It’s Easy To Order Just Click On The “Add To Cart” Button Below
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Affirmations Software - Sculptor3
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    “Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life…
  …then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true”
 That’s right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day – I’ll show you the secret to living the life of your dreams! 
Dear Success-Seeking Friend
Professional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation — and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They’re masters of illusion and sleight of hand.
Now, I’m about to tell you about a different kind of magic that’s even more amazing because it’s not about illusion — but rather, something deeply rooted in science.
But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now — examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.
 (Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)  Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
What if I told you that there’s a way that you can achieve those 3 things — and anything else you desire — by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.
Would you want to know more? Of course you would, who wouldn’t…
…Well read on because in the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web — or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page — and I don’t want you to miss it.
Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers
“”Well, well, well… I purchased the Sculptor Method in January of this year”
“I love the Sculptor Method and has it worked for me? HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our “perfect home” in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorporated this into the daily affirmations….
We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for—including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home “to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all”. The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks–no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new “perfect” home in less than 2 weeks.
Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations.
Many blessings and many thanks,
— Dhulkti Bartoloni“
“”Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With the Sculptor Method, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it’s easy to use.”
— Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of “The Initiation”
… best decision I ever made””I purchased the Sculptor Method several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of “self help” books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing–a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen.”
— Debra Craig
Everything You Want AppearsSeemingly Out Of Thin Air
There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it’s actually a science like physics or algebra.
There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied, anyone can make their dreams a reality — with absolute certainty.
Does this sound far-fetched? If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you — this will be positively electrifying.
Émile Coué, 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist
Emile Coué, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques — curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.“
Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.
Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That’s because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real — and goes about using its powerful creative ability — and that of the nervous system — to actualize those affirmations.
For this reason, people from all walks of life — from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations are powerful in and of themselves. But now… imagine multiplying the power of affirmations exponentially so that the results would not only be more dramatic — but would also manifest your desires in record speed.
How is that possible, you ask?
Through the computer-assisted affirmation technology available only in the Sculptor Method program. The Sculptor Method is a set of revolutionary self-help tools that uses computerization to amplify the power of affirmations to facilitate the manifestation of your desires.
Desires Materialize Literally Overnight For Sculptor Method Users
My name is Jeff Staniforth, the creator of the Sculptor Method. I’ve been involved in metaphysics for over 15 years. I have spent years developing a proprietary technology that I’ve named the Sculptor Method, which shows you a technologically advanced way of manifesting your desires.
I’ve had the chance to prove over and over again that the Sculptor Method works. For example, several years ago, I used the Sculptor Method for just 10 days — and manifested half ownership in an apartment. That was at a time when I had absolutely no money — but within 10 days, I entered into a partnership and jointly purchased an apartment in Sydney’s desirable upper north shore. All it took was 10 minutes a day using the Sculptor Method.
Long before I started the AffirmWare company, I had the opportunity to use the Sculptor Method to get a new job — and I doubled my salary in 12 months. The beauty of the Sculptor Method is that it’s not just me. I guarantee that you — and anyone who applies the powerful principles presented in my Sculptor Method — can manifest positive changes in your life, too!
Among other things, I’ve used the Sculptor Method to meet a beautiful partner, start my own business, attract happiness, and eliminate all manner of ailments from my body.
Once you see your desires manifesting before your very eyes, you’ll never want to go back to letting life JUST happen. Allowing life to control you is a powerless scenario that you wouldn’t want for yourself, would you? of course not… So instead of just letting yourself get tossed by the uncertainty of circumstances, take control of your life and your destiny with the Sculptor Method.
“”I was blown away…”
“I have used your Sculptor Method and was awestruck at its beauty, simplicity and utility. It’s a very practical, wonderful tool. I was blown away by its practicality, I just love it.”
— John Harricharan, Best-selling Author “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” – http://www.powerpause.com
Here’s Why Using the Sculptor Method Works
The Sculptor Method is the only PC program (sorry, not available for MAC) available anywhere that combines 7 of the best results-amplifying technologies that are tested and proven to increase the power and speed of manifestation. Here they are:
Alpha sound technology (to induce highly receptive meditative states)
Subliminal technology
Sentence completion
Assignment writing/goal setting
Whole brain synchronization (utilizing thought, intuition, sensation and emotion)
Only Sculptor Method seamlessly integrates all 7 technologies to create the most powerful manifesting mechanism ever conceived. So while you sit in front of your computer for 10 minutes, you are literally soaking yourself in 7 powerful technologies that have been synergistically combined to produce incredible results.
The Sculptor Method is loaded with new features, all designed to help you live a more fulfilling life.
Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on “Steroids”
In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, “EAT POPCORN” and “DRINK COKE” within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn’t consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.
Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious — beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It’s like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed. I’ll give you this program as a FREE gift with the SculptorMethod. Read on for details.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.
How to Bypass the Conscious Mind to Get the Results You Want with Minimum Conscious Effort
In and of themselves, affirmations are a powerful tool for manifesting. But when you practice affirmations from a deep, meditative state of consciousness (such as that induced by the brain wave player in the Sculptor Method), you increase their manifesting power up to a hundred fold.
That’s because meditation enables you to effortlessly bypass the conscious mind, and imprint affirmations into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, in turn, impinges upon the nervous system to bring about your desired results.
Imagine This Scenario:
“It’s 7 O’clock Monday morning. You’re not really looking forward to another grueling week of work, and you need something to get you going. You turn on your PC and the Sculptor Method automatically launches itself. The brain wave player starts to play a soothing tone that puts you in a very relaxed state. Carefully scripted subliminal messages are being displayed. You sit back and enjoy your affirmation experience as the Sculptor Method springs into action (see screen shot below):
The time it takes to brew your morning coffee, you’re done. the Sculptor Method has done its job in 10 minutes flat.
It’s now 7:15 AM, and you’re feeling unstoppable and positively empowered because of the high-octane affirmation session that got you charged up with everything you need to face the day.
The next moment, you’re out the door. You go about your day with the greatest of ease, feeling confident that the universe is conspiring to make your desires happen with no struggle on your part. Your day is filled with success after success because you’re in peak condition. This goes on all day long, and you surprisingly find yourself smiling all the time. Gone are the stress and fear that you used to have – but in their place, a deep-seated peace and confidence that you can achieve all your goals and overcome all obstacles in your path. It’s never been this easy!
For the next 12 days, you continue using the Sculptor Method for 10 minutes every morning or evening. Towards the end of the week, you’re amazed to see that positive things are beginning to happen — things that are getting you closer to your desires and dreams. Every door opens for you and everyone you meet is happy to be with you or do business with you. Money begins to come easily, and you’re feeling vibrant and healthy. You’re on top of the world.
As the days go by, you find that everything you’ve ever wanted in life have all begun to manifest in your life. You’re living the life of your dreams.
But Can It Really Be This Simple?
Absolutely! Using the Sculptor Method for PC can get you started manifesting your desires and dreams immediately. There’s no learning curve involved because the software program is intuitive — so easy to use.
If you can type on a computer, I guarantee that you can make the Sculptor Method work for you!
Here’s What One User Had To Say About The Sculptor Method
 “All desire to drink or smoke magically disappeared…”
I used your Sculptor Method in January this year to help me with an addiction to alcohol and tobacco. I had one session where I affirmed that I was healthy. Prior to that day, I struggled with being unable to stop using the substances for many years. Since that day, all desire to drink or smoke has magically disappeared. I now exercise regularly and I am taking back my life. — Thank you so very much for your wonderful work.
— Carmen
So What Do You Want in Life And When Do You Want It?
Earlier on, I asked you to name 3 things that you want in your life. Now that you’ve done that — and maybe even identified many other things you desire — the only question left to answer is when do you want to have them?
I’ve shown you how the Sculptor Method can immerse you in 7 of the top manifesting technologies simultaneously — and materialize your desires faster than you ever thought possible. Now, it’s time for you to act on this.
How Much Is All This Worth To You?
What is the value of getting your hands on this state-of-the-art manifesting PC software program that’s not available anywhere else? What is it worth to have the best possible tool for manifesting your desires? Can you even put a price tag on living your dreams?
I ask you, how much are you willing to invest to create your ideal life? $10,000? $5,000? $1,000? How about $500?
Well, the good news is that you can own Sculptor 3 for less than $100! Yes, that’s right. Valuable as it is, Sculptor 3 can be yours for a one-time investment of just $97.00 (USD). If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait to get started, click here to experience Sculptor 3 now.
Here’s A Snapshot Of What You Get When You Order The Sculptor Method Today:
The Powerful Affirmation Program — Takes you step-by-step through a personalized 12-Day Plan for Success. You will learn how to easily create powerful affirmations customized to your own needs and desires. (Note: You can repeat the 12-day plan as often as you like.)
Subliminal Messaging Program — The Sculptor Method uses a powerful Subliminal Messaging feature which displays subliminally on your computer monitor while you practice your affirmations. You have complete control over these messages, you can add, modify, and delete them. You also have control over frequency and duration. These work magically to effortlessly program your unconscious mind.
The Stunning Brain Wave Player Feature — offers a selection of Alpha, Beta, and Theta brain files that can be played while using the Sculptor Method. By using the Brain Wave files, your mind will become more receptive to your affirmations and visual imagery, increasing their effectiveness instantly!
Autopilot Mode — An automatic mode, useful for situations where you are involved with other tasks (ideal for effortless subconscious programming).
Visual Programming Feature — The Sculptor Method comes with an extremely valuable “visualization aid” to assist you in improving your visualization skills. This is an absolute MUST if you want your manifestation to reach new heights!
A Personal Response Database — When using the affirmation program you will be asked to type in a response to your affirmation. These responses are saved to the Sculptor Method Database so you can view these responses at any time. These responses will prove invaluable when it comes to understanding and overcoming any inner resistance you might have towards obtaining your desired outcome.
The Amazing Sentence Completion Feature — Sentence Completion is the art of repeatedly (12 times recommended) answering a single question called a stem, and answering it as many times as you feel comfortable with. This is a powerful technique — with step-by-step instructions provided by Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D.
The Mission Statement — This option is for users who would like to create a mission statement and have it replace the default backdrop image used in the Sculptor Method. By having your mission statement as a backdrop, you are constantly being reminded of what is important to you, in your life. And by doing this, you’re working some powerful magic on your mind that actually gets you in the mindset to get what you want.
Your Own Power Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select a power symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. This power symbol empowers your affirmation practice because it holds a special significance to you. Most of the symbols represent various religious denominations, though some are neutral. This is so powerful — you won’t know how well this works until you try it!
Gender-Specific Library Choices — The Sculptor Method includes separate HIS and HER libraries. Both of these libraries come with illustrations and stories — one for each day of the 12-Day program, plus sample affirmations. This helps you customize the program to your gender … very important!
Daily Quotes To Help You Reach Success — The Sculptor Method displays a selection of powerful Quotes each time you start the program. You can add, delete and modify these quotes to suit your desires.
Your Own Associative Trigger Symbol — The Sculptor Method allows you to select to have a trigger symbol displayed on-screen while you are engaged in your affirmation practice. What you want to do with this trigger symbol is to create an association between the trigger symbol and your affirmation so it automatically increases the power (and effectiveness) of your affirmations!
Customizable Set Up Program — The Sculptor Method includes a Setup Program for defining your affirmation, affirmation speed, colors, symbols, illustrations, fonts, libraries, and much, much more. This makes it easy to start using it right away for maximum benefit.
Easy-To-Use Complete Instructions — Quick Guide, User’s Guide & Tutorial which shows you all you need to know to use the Sculptor Method. The Tutorial is graphical based, and outlines all the Sculptor Method features so you can get the most from it!
Exclusive Access to the Sculptor Method Private Web site — This site is available for all registered Sculptor Method users. You will find sample affirmations, articles, additional background images, and much more to enhance your manifesting experience.
You Risk Absolutely Nothing
I’m so confident that you will be thrilled with the Sculptor Method that I’m willing to make this unprecedented guarantee. Get the Sculptor Method today and take it for a trial spin. Take as long as 60 Days to see if it really does for you what I say it will.
Once you experience how enjoyable it is to use, and how easily you are able to manifest your desires, I’m betting I couldn’t pry it out of your hands if I tried. But if, for any reason, it doesn’t give you major breakthroughs, or you simply aren’t satisfied with the results you’re getting, let me know within 60 Days and I’ll be happy to give you 100% of your money back.
So you have nothing to lose when you give it a try today. Within minutes, you will get download instructions, and you can start enjoying the benefits of the Sculptor Method immediately.
“Okay, Heads Up!” Grab Instant Access To The “Sculptor Method” Today
Regular Price $127.00 Today $97.00
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Instant Digital Download Available 24 Hours Per Day
Did You Know… ?
Affirmation experts agree that in order to maximize the power of affirmations, they should not just be repeated mindlessly. They need to be fueled by emotion.
The Sculptor Method uses trigger symbols, storytelling visuals, power symbols and other stimuli that effectively set your affirmation on fire — and therefore makes it infinitely more powerful. These elements not only add emotion but a spiritual dimension to your affirmation practice, and they’ve been proven to enhance manifestation by up to 500%!
To Give You An Even Better Value On Your Investment. When you order today you’ll also receive the following bonuses.
(valued at $295.95 – Yours FREE!) 
How To Attract True Love – Love – that elusive emotion that captures our hearts, minds, and imagination! We all want it, but the big question that plagues many of us is, “How do I get it?”
This guide answers that all-important question and will set you on the road to welcoming love into your life, whether you want it for the first time, had it and lost it, or just want to feel more of it in your current relationship. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
PDF Self Reflection Guide
How To Overcome Challenge – Throughout our lives we face challenges in many types of situations. Do you sometimes freeze up when faced with obstacles? If so, opportunities may pass you by. The strategies you will learn here can help. If you take advantage of these techniques, you’ll discover within yourself a much stronger person capable of anything. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Worksheet
PDF Cheklist
Self Motivation – This little book will show you how to use the power of your mind to motivate yourself to pursue your goals to fulfillment, regardless of the challenges life throws your way. It will also give you expert advice on staying motivated throughout your life. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guidebook
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheklist
Setting Personal Goals – If you’ve ever dreamed of the perfect life, this Guide, Workbook and Flowchart is for you. You’ll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you’ve always wanted – and deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
SMART Goal Setting Flow Chart
Importance of Conquering Fears – In this eBook, the topic of fear will be discussed in depth. We’ll delve into fear from all angles, including: “How fear can negatively affect your life”, “The nature of fear” and “The difference between a fear and a phobia”. You’ll also find some tips and techniques to help you overcome your fears, as well as discover the positive results that come from facing your fears head on. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF eBook
PDF Checklist
Writable PDF Worksheet
Science of Getting Rich – Audio – W. D. Wattles. Born shortly after the Civil War, Wattles experienced a life of failure after failure, until in his latter years, after tireless study he formulated the principles laid out in The Science of Getting Rich. Time less wisdom and a step-by-step prosperity program. $27 Value – Yours Free!
Audio book
20 Affirmation Posters – 20 (dimensions 2560×1600) Affirmation Posters. Print them and hang them where you will see them often. Affirmation Posters sell from $5.95 to $27 elsewhere on the Internet… yours FREE when you invest in Sculptor 3 today. $119 Value – Yours Free!
20 Affirmation Posters
Breaking Free of Negative Emotions – Painful situations are a part of life, but your perception makes all the difference. If you’re holding onto painful memories and feelings, these are very likely keeping you from leading a happy life. This Guide, Workbook and Cheatsheet will help teach you how to let go of the past and live the life you deserve. $27 Value – Yours Free!
PDF Guide
Writable PDF Workbook
PDF Cheatsheet
These bonuses alone are worth many times the cost of the whole thing. But remember, even if you later decide that the Sculptor Method is not for you (which I strongly doubt), you still get to keep these bonuses as my “Thank You” for giving the Sculptor Method a try. So give it a try risk-free today.
There’s Nothing to Learn! The Sculptor Method Does All The Work For You
Make no mistake — this is NOT just another book or CD program that talks about manifestation techniques. The Sculptor Method is a powerful software program that makes things happen…
If you’ve tried books or CD’s on the subject before, then you’ve probably already discovered that oftentimes, they’re just a pleasant read. I’ve been there myself — curled up with a book, feeling hopeful of a bright future. But, did anything change? Getting results is the acid test.
With the Sculptor Method, you don’t have to learn anything. Instead, it will do all the work for you — making it easy to apply manifesting principles to your life and helping you get what you want the easy and effective way. Get started now.
“What an incredible product… I am absolutely amazed that there is something finally so wonderful on the market”.
— Editor/Publisher, Power of One, Metaphysical Magazine
“… success already beginning!
You are providing an amazing service. I held off using because of the cost… foolish idea. I started this AM using the Sculptor Method and can feel the desires in my mind and heart for hope and success already beginning to increase.
Thank you,
— John Gray
Invest in the Sculptor Method Today!
The Single Most Important Skill
If you were to ask me what the single most important skill is, that if you possessed it would dramatically change your life for the better, I would tell you, without a doubt — it’s the ability to manifest your desires. The Sculptor Method can give you that ability — guaranteed.
You will NOT find this program in bookstores anywhere. It is totally unique and sold exclusively on the web.
Listen, here’s the thing: I sell this package through Clickbank, which means I play by their rules. And their rules state that I’ve got to give you an 8-week, money back guarantee. I’m fine with that. I stand by my product completely and know you’ll be completely thrilled with it, and more importantly, the results.
So, use the The Sculptor Method to manifest your desires. However, for your peace of mind, know that a refund is available anytime within the next 8 weeks by simply e-mailing me or Clickbank.
Now who’s taking all the risk?
“ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.”
Imagine this… in as little as a few days, you could be on you way to manifesting the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine becoming debt-free, enjoying improved health… having happy and loving relationships… finding your dream home… all because you decided to say “YES” today.
This is the ONE program that can give you the life you desire. In just 10 minutes a day, the Sculptor Method, can put you on course to creating your ideal life sooner than you ever thought possible.
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To your success.
Jeff Staniforth CEO and Founder AffirmWare.com.au
P.S. I’m so confident in the Sculptor Method, I’ll stake my reputation by saying that even if you’ve lived with a “less-than” attitude of limiting beliefs for years, you can turn your life around using the Sculptor Method for just 10 minutes a day. You, too, can start living with the passion and joy that go with being an in control person. I invite you to take the first step to this life-changing opportunity.
Remember: If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the program, just let me know within 60 Days and I’ll refund every cent. No questions asked.
( NOTE: Your purchase may be tax-deductible as a training expense. Consult your tax advisor) Attention Web masters: If you have a Personal Empowerment web site or blog, check out our affiliate program at www.AffiliateCommandCenter.com
P.P.S. With love and light, thank you for allowing me to present you the Sculptor Method. Bless you… one spark of light to another.
Address details: 30/116 Shirley Rd Wollstonecraft NSW 2065 Sydney, Australia Ph: 612-9460-8098
DISCLAIMER: Information on this site and in our products is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for advice of your own health care professional. Please do not use the information supplied by AffirmWare to diagnose, treat, any health problem or disease. If you suspect that you have a medical issue please consult your health care professional. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We make no claim regarding income guarantees or results from using our products.
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