asaltysquid · 1 year
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Just musings on my OCD and the idea of being ripped away from yourself by your brain.
All people with ocd have my love but a special shout out to my fellow queer ocd havers whose brain decided to be an obsessive fundamentalist Christian about it.
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khizuo · 1 year
shoutout to people with taboo OCD thoughts who experience arousal from your taboo fears in dreams. yes, even if during the dream it feels like you "like it", since weird emotions are just another shitty ingredient of the brain soup that is your dream. your dreams do not mean anything and neither does your bodily response to them. this is not an indication of your "true feelings". i know that this can be one of the hardest things to deal with in terms of intrusive thoughts, and it can be tough not to internalize them. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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crippleculture · 8 months
Friendly reminder that you can't tell if someone does or doesn't have OCD just based on their outward behavior, pure-o OCD exists and you can even have it without realizing it
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susiephone · 2 years
can we put “intrusive thoughts” on the ever-crowded shelf of “words the internet can’t use until they learn what they actually mean” please? because it is genuinely INFURIATING to see tiktokkers be like “oop shaved my head, the intrusive thoughts won!!” or “my intrusive thoughts are telling me to call my ex a cunt and tbh they a point”
but then when people talk about intrusive thoughts that involve violence to themselves or others, sexual assault, bigotry, animal cruelty, abuse, or any other genuinely horrifying thing, then suddenly it’s all “omg if you even have that thought you’re disgusting!” and “you wouldn’t think it if you didn’t mean it on some level!” and “ok FINE maybe you can’t help THINKING it but do you HAVE to post about it?” (and i’ve seen that last one commented on videos where people simply mentioned HAVING intrusive thoughts about the topics i just listed. not describing the thoughts in detail or saying what they entailed! just mentioning “i have intrusive thoughts about [x topic]” and suddenly everyone in their comment is jumping down their throat for making them uncomfortable.)
the point of intrusive thoughts is that they are thoughts you do not like, do not want to have, and do not believe in your logical, thinking brain. “swerve into traffic” “you could stab them” “what if you poisoned the coffee you just gave them and somehow repressed the memory” “what if you secretly want to hurt them, so secretly even YOU don’t know it” “what if you ran someone over and didn’t notice” “what if you don’t actually love your mom you’ve just fooled yourself into thinking you’re capable of love but really you’re just faking it”
intrusive thoughts are upsetting, scary, and often objectively ridiculous.
they’re not fun.
(on a similar note, it is genuinely creepy to realize how many people believe in thoughtcrime, even if they don’t realize it.)
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Its not easy to do but a really good way once you develop the skill with OCD is when you get a really uncomfortable gross intrusive thought or image that might result in a POCD, HOCD, or ROCD reaction, just do a double take at it, blink at tour brain and go "Aight thanks for the delightful and totally wanted, totally needed image ugh /s" andleave it at that. Give it little more creedance than a "ugh" like you saw a cursed post on tumblr and moooove on.
Its easier said than done but so helpful these days
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What's past is past. Time to move on.
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How Do I Stop Carrying Everything That Has Ever Happened to Me?
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It's Funny How You Forget The Things In Life That Make You Happy.
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Real Event OCD / Pure OCD
-- . A person with Real Event OCD may excessively ruminate about what they did or did not do in the past, which causes them excessive guilt, shame, and anxiety. They may become fixated on the event and concerned about their character, morality, and goodness. As a response, a person typically engages in compulsions that involve spending extensive time playing the event repeatedly in their minds to answer questions, gain reassurance, and find validation for their actions.
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bl0w-m3 · 3 months
The thoughts in my head make me wanna vomit
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tw // suicide mention and HOCD/POCD/etc mention
Saw someone say "if you have HOCD or POCD, or OCD about racism/sexism/etc you should never share that publically!!! There's no reason to!!! It's disgusting and triggering for victims/POC/women!!!"
So all the people with taboo OCD themes who kill themselves because they think they're the only person in the world who has ever experienced those thoughts and it must mean they're a terrible person aren't a good enough reason?
You're allowed to be uncomfortable during those discussions, you're allowed to not want to be around for them, especially if the topic concerns you directly (for example CSA survivors with POCD, women with misogyny OCD). But you DO NOT get to tell a group of mentally ill people with a high rate of suicide that they're not allowed to spread awareness about their disorder.
Discussions about POCD does not encourage people to harm children. Discussions about sexism/racism/homophobia OCD does not encourage sexism/racism/homophobia. But they shit y'all are saying encourages ableism against OCD, and it's fucking deadly.
People die from the shit you spread about OCD, and you don't want people with OCD to correct that information? Do you want us dead or something?
Your comfort does not come above people's lives. OCD awareness is suicide prevention.
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gayandloveableperidot · 10 months
OCD and anxiety together is fun cuz sometimes you have to sit there trying to figure out if you’re genuinely about to die or if let’s just your brain or if maybe you’re slowly losing your mind actually and then that leads to more anxiety anyway the bus stop was fun today
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cryptid-aac · 2 months
...I have just realized that me arguing with people on the internet is literally my OCD I'm killing
BC first it's like "you have to check the comments bc otherwise you're missing out and you don't want to miss out because then everyone will know you missed out and you will never live it down."
Then I see a misinformed/hateful comment and then it's like "If you don't reply then you are literally worse than the person because you're just letting it happen with no consequence. You're a bigoted misinformed fuck if you don't reply to correct them/argue with them."
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bpdcodone · 8 months
I’m disgusted in myself
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k4ndizz · 1 year
i don't know if this is just me but every time I draw my oc's, my brain sends me thoughts like "hey, they look like your niblings", "hey, they look like kids", and it's very annoying because I didn't create them with that intention, and their characteristics don't look anything like my nephews. my style of drawing faces was always very "adorable", but not to make them look like children. also, my oc's are 19 years old, and now i'm having a lot of doubt, i'm so scared, i feel so bad because i feel like i'm a creep :(
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ephialtea · 2 years
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Welcome to watch mojo, and today we are counting down how many obsessive thoughts does it take to make me suffer for my entire life.
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*something good happens in my life*
my ocd: "I Must Turn This Into The Most Horrendous And Disturbing String Of Intrusive Thoughts, Immediately."
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devilshills · 2 years
Wishing that more people knew how hard living with OCD can be and I wish that more people learned about the reality of OCD instead of straight up refusing to learn and being ableist. I healed a lot, and yet I still have a lot to heal and I hope the healing process goes well for others with OCD. Healing is not linear and it’s okay to have bad days. You are not your intrusive thoughts. You are not a bad person. You can’t control having OCD, it’s not your fault. You got this💗
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Pure O, also known as purely obsessional OCD, is a form of OCD marked by intrusive, unwanted, and uncontrollable thoughts (or obsessions). While someone experiencing Pure O may not engage in obvious behaviors related to their intrusive thoughts, such as counting, arranging, or hand-washing, the disorder is instead accompanied by hidden mental rituals.
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