#old hunter vitus
rubia-peregrinart · 30 days
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good hunter's emergency contacts summons fieldguide
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Hi! Can we get some headcanons or theories on Old Hunter Vitus?
HEY who is pulling that prank where people act like they want to hear my thoughts all day again?! xd /j
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🧭 Okay, first things first - he was one of the less strong Old Hunters, that I am basing on the fact that his right-hand weapon requires Strength first of all but this is his lower stat (along with Arcane). He also has average build of the body; sliders are all on 128- I mean, Henryk whom I often see perceived as smaller has larger body according to sliders! Also both of his weapons are upgraded to full +10. Basically, he had to rely on agility, skill and upgrading weapons with Old Hunters' gimmics (with blood gems).
🧭 He is also a bit stuck-up and would not trade his weapon for anything else even after better ones were invented, despite Beast Cutter being far from perfect, especially for him. He is the type to latch onto the first thing he obtains until its end that can't and won't experiment.
🧭 It was @val-of-the-north's idea that the Chalice Dungeons go under ocean's level at some point, that might be further supported by the skeleton of a whale you see in Fishing Hamlet found in the dungeons too, and them being wet in general. We headcanon that Vitus is one of the 'still alive' cooperators, and he ventured down in the dungeons to try and find the exit in the 'real' world approximately in New Loran (or at least 'real' Yharnam) despite the long way. He's been looking for the exit for many years and has the most elaborate (and even semi-useful!) maps of the dungeons. Honestly, absolutely insane idea, but at the same time it might work. Eventually.
🧭 Him being slightly rigid and non-adaptive to new ideas played a very good role in keeping him sane and focused despite spending years in the dungeons. In communications and relationships with other people, though, he is like that one grumpy grandpa who thinks only his generation knew shit and younger people are too spoiled, though would offer advice and listening ear in good faith. Think of Narrow-minded Man but quite skilled and educated, and not shaming any category of people in particular.
🧭 He has Fire Paper, so I presume he has been there when Old Yharnam was burnt:
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🧭 So, he left on his journey under assumption that Healing Church had it together and didn't need Old Hunters' help anymore- heck, he thought burning Old Yharnam was able to seriously hinder the beasthood spreading! But more importantly, he felt severely demotivated to stay after Gehrman's disappearance. He knows he is a dunce and needs an authority figure, that he simply didn't acknowledge in Ludwig. Like I said, he hardly can adapt to a change. Just eternally cursed with the duckling effect.
🧭 For this reason, he had many good, decades-long friends in his life that he still feels are bond to him despite their departure (or even death), but never was able to find a couple. He'd not venture unless he could find absolute commitment, but he was getting all too serious about living whole life and working together too soon, that'd push women he met away - sometimes it felt like 'rushing it', other times he just felt like the most boring guy ever. He just lacks this 'romantic' and emotional aspect, and quite basically just looking for a companion.
🧭 He knows a lot of stories, both his own and ones his friends told him, and could tell them in precise detail, down to year, month, day and hour like it happened today. Really good person to sit at the fire with.
🧭 Earlier, he used to run into other roaming hunters or Tomb Prospectors though, and would give them really cool items he found in the dungeons, to deliver to the surface. Currently, in his loneliness, he even learned to speak with Loran Clerics that would have the braincell to not attack him. From the audio files @val-of-the-north sent to me, Pthumerians have an unusual "language".. and I swear, Vitus is dangerously close to be able to teach it :') He tried to write a book of sorts on it, but it was unfinished and abandoned in one of his nooks. He doesn't stay in the same place for too long, and he tries to not carry too much unnecessary stuff with him.
🧭 In Loran Dungeons, there are a few followers of Irreverent Izzy that seek "enlightenment" she (or he, either works) found there once, by trying to communicate with its ancient beasts. Like Josef! They wear Charred Hunter set not because they once were those hunters, but because Charred Hunters were once chasing them with murderous intent, then killed and robbed of clothes for its incredible protection against the fire. They know to be scared of Vitus, since he doesn't spare them. He doesn't aspire to kill them, but will attack on the spot, it is 'you can live if you can run fast enough' attitude.
🧭 He read every book in the Old Hunters' workshop. That was his normal hobby outside of the hunt. By the time of the game's events, he'd need reading glasses though, since old age and spending too much time in hardly-lit areas reduced his eyesight a lot. The adventurous stories going into further detail about tech or nature or history were his favourite! I think his favourite author would be Jules Verne.
🧭 He was one of the people telling Maria to 'just drop the pretend and be herself' when she joined the Old Hunters, presuming that there was no way an aristocratic, noble woman from Cainhurst would willingly look modest and even masculine like other Old Hunters. He believed the nobles to be "all the same", but kind of overcame his doubts about her after the day of seeing her all bloodied and dirty, dragging Gehrman that just lost his leg all by herself and showing quite the leader skills growling at the others to get their shit together. It is just one of the examples of where he'd only drop a stereotype when something jaw-dropping happens. It is also one of the examples where he obtains a respect to a person that doesn't fade through years; if you show yourself to be very worthy and strong to him once, this effect will linger probably forever, even if you fall from grace afterwards.
🧭 Yeahhhhh I know I am making the 'quite rigid mind and if he remembers something fondly it is forever and also eager to learn' his whole personality, but I think he is understandable by now! I do not have much complexity for him, he is just another old man! ...well, he was middle-aged man in Old Hunters' prime, but you get my point!
Thank you for the ask! Some of the points I've made existed for a while now and just were forgotten, so it was nice to blow the dust off the old ideas.. Honestly, other Chalice Dungeons summons could use my attention too at this point.
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katyahina · 1 year
About the chalice next to Lady Maria
Hey guys, remember how I said that it appears to be really low-res Pthumeru Chalice?
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So when I brought that up, Mico revealed to me that there was a figure of Lady Maria by Prime 1 Studio that I didn't know about (actually I never know about any merch, don't judge me..), which features the table too ( x ). He also found some rather good photos that got published on nsfw website of all things for some weird reason ( ( x ), don't worry the photos are... just photos of this figure? nothing weird)
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And here is also a video that goes in detail aboit everything:
(From 10:41 it goes about the Chalice and shows it well, too)
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To be honest, the details are not exact, yet at the same time the shape and logic in patterns is so eerly similar that it is not THAT different either? I'd say it MUST be this chalice, because it is as detailed as a figure physically could get with repeating such complex pattern, full of tiny details! And it just does make a lot of sense that the thing next to Maria in a place that functions like Hell should be something significant, and not just a random goblet.
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The Chalice that Gehrman is point us towards is this one, Pthumeru Chalice... Perhaps, the implication of it being next to Maria all the time (and covered in blood, too, implying having been used in a ritual) is that it is something that haunts her! I am really sure at this rate that she used to raid the tombs with Gehrman too; Gehrman's dialogue and a summon such as Vitus imply that Old Hunters were going in the Chalice Dungeons too, perhaps even before Tomb Prospectors became a thing.
And the picture that is 99% the one from Old Hunters Workshop is probably not a good sign, either; it is just extension of Maria being tormented by her past as part of Gehrman's hunters. Hell is supposed to make you feel bad! Maybe she was the one to smash that picture, even.
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axratsffxivwrite · 7 days
FFXIV Write Day 16 - Third-Rate (Fractured Iron)
Dinner at the Ferrum estate tended to be a tense affair when Marcellus was home. Cassius, of course, was overjoyed; he demanded his sons and their families gather at the banquet table, the servants bring out the best dishware and use the best seasonings. It was rare, after all, for the old man to have his entire family under one roof.
Cassius sat proudly at the head of the table, his posture impeccable even at his age. His hair had long since greyed, and the Dalmascan sun had aged him an extra several years, but retirement had certainly seemed kind to him.
Adrius and Lydus, the elder two of the Ferrum boys, each twenty-and-some summers Marcellus's elder, sat closest to Cassius. Their wives sat next to them. Marcellus sat between Lydus's wife, Caia, and their daughter, Marina.
Marina was only two summers younger than Marcellus, despite being his niece. Raised beneath the same roof, Marcellus had always seen her more like a sister than a niece, and he happily took to talking to her even as her husband side-eyed him from her far side.
His nephew, Salvius, sat across from him, equally soured. The only three people at the table who seemed pleased to see him were Cassius, Marina, and Marina's young son, Vitus.
As they begun to dig into their meals, Cassius spoke.
"It's not often you grace us with your presence, Marcellus." He remarked, unable to wipe the smile from his face. "But it is always a welcome gift to see you home."
"It's good to be home, father." Marcellus replied, a diplomatic smile offered in return.
"Perhaps," Adrius interjected derisively, "if he spent less time running around with those third-rate aan hunters and joined the legion or did something meaningful with his time, he might deign to appear more often."
Cassius frowned and affixed Adrius with a firm stare. "Let's not start this. Your brother is home. Let us enjoy this time as a family."
Marcellus waved it off. "It's quite alright. Adrius is simply jealous that I make more coin than him without the need to march to the beat of someone else's drum."
Lydus exchanged an incredulous glance with his elder brother and scoffed.
"Jealous?" He questioned. "Your life has no meaning, no purpose, you dance to the whims of your clients for cheap thrills. Makes sense, you must get it from your—"
"Enough!" Cassius roared, silencing Adrius in an instant. Despite Cassius's age, all three of his grown sons physically recoiled back into their seats in shock.
No one dared move, not even to take so much as a bite. Marcellus's eyes remained fixed on a blemish in the table's surface.
Cassius cast his ireful gaze across the table, his hand trembling as he spoke, "I will not have my sons bickering at my own damn table, and I will not have you insult sweet Adi in my presence. This is all I ask, that you three do not fight in my house, and yet we can barely get five bites into our dinner before you are making jabs at one another."
Marcellus swallowed. While Adrius and Lydus stewed in silent anger, he found his voice.
"I apologize, father." He forced himself to look his father in the eyes. "I did not mean to provoke, I am simply proud of my work."
"I know." Cassius' eyes darted between Adrius and Lydus. "That you should come home after so many moons to be treated with such derision is shameful."
Marcellus saw Lydus shoot Adrius an exasperated glance. Adrius stared back at him, a cold, knowing anger behind his dark eyes. If Cassius saw it, he did not react to it.
"Now," Cassius implored, "may we please enjoy our meal without bickering? You are brothers. Furthermore, you are grown men, not children. Act like it."
Reluctant mumbles of assent echoed around the table as they each refocused on their food. They shared little in the way of conversation, though Marcellus did strike up a conversation with Marina about her art. Adrius and Lydus were quick to excuse themselves once they had finished, their wives not far behind. Salvius did not offer so much as an acknowledgment in Marcellus's direction before he left, and inevitably Marina departed with her family soon after.
Cassius remained as Marcellus sat alone, halfway down the table, and stared at his empty plates.
"Third-rate," Cassius grumbled. "As if half the North End has not hired your hunters people to clear the roads when the Legion deems it a non-priority. Sometimes I wonder where I went wrong, why you hardly visit me, why you left, and then inevitably I am reminded that the problem exists right under my own damn nose."
Marcellus reluctantly turned his gaze to meet Cassius's stare, careful to maintain an impassive composure.
"You cannot control the actions of grown men." Marcellus pointed out gently.
"No, but I can acknowledge the poisoned seeds I planted." Cassius sighed. "They are my sons, too, Marcellus. Behind the prejudice, they are men doing what they believe is right for their people."
He fixed Marcellus with a pointed stare, one that seemed to bore through to his very soul.
"As are you, I'm sure." Cassius stated evenly. "Regardless of what others may think of you for it. I only hope you can live with your decisions as they do. Free of regret and remorse."
"No man is free of regret," Marcellus replied, "but I find the path I walk suits me far better than the armor of a soldier. I was never particularly fond of taking orders."
Cassius chuckled, a smile on his face. "No… no, you were not. Though you tolerated it to a point. Until you left, of course."
"Until I left." He echoed. "I hope one day you'll forgive me for that. My brothers are not the best at making these walls feel like home."
"Are you happy, where you are now?"
With no hesitation, he replied, "yes."
Cassius waved him off. "Then forgiveness is not necessary. It is what every father should hope for; that his children find happy, fulfilling lives. Should you ever have children of your own, I hope you understand that."
Marcellus chuckled softly. "I will certainly try to."
Cassius planted his hands atop the table and pushed himself up to his feet. Once standing, he retrieved his cane and leaned his weight against it instead.
"The hour grows late," he stated, "though you are always welcome to stay the night, should you intend to return to the east end, you best do it quickly. The last thing we need is some overzealous legionarius thinking you were up to no good because you were out too late."
Marcellus rose from his seat and inclined his head deferentially. "While I appreciate the offer as always, I should make sure the aan aren't causing trouble themselves in my absence."
"A fair point. Make sure you say goodbye to your mother before you go."
"Of course." He replied, almost insulted by the implication that he wouldn't do so. "Have a good evening, father."
"You, as well, my son."
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zweicurious · 11 months
i do think it's funny that the hamlet really does rile Sanguine up about being "presentable" for the Vitus estate (because the townspeople are nervous about sending him up to the margrave) to the point that he just anticipates what he went through with the hunters (read: proving himself to a bunch of men through physical prowess and masculinity) and then he meets Imre and is like. oh he's an old queen. and it disarms him so much that the necromancy stuff totally goes over his head for awhile
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cardest · 4 years
Halloween playlist
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Halloween playlist By Cardest October is my favorite time of the year! Here is 300 songs or so I put together I think will make your Halloween rock! 001 The Misfits - Scream! 002 Alice Cooper - The Nightmare Returns 003 Acid Witch - I'm Back (Sorcery cover) 004 John Carpenter\Alan Howarth -  Halloween Theme 005 King Diamond -  Halloween 006 Ghost - Mummy Dust 007 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 008 Fantomas - Der Golem 009 Doyle -  Cemeterysexxx 010 Mastodon -  Halloween  (Instrumental) 011 Cramps -  Human Fly 012 Fright Night Soundtrack - Armies Of The Night 013 Shooting Guns - [Wolfcop Soundtrack - Wulver 014 Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party 015 Type O Negative -  Halloween In Heaven 016 Phantasm  OST - Funeral organ-dwarf in hearse 017 Grave Robber -  Skeletons 018 John Carpenter -  Theme from "The Fog" 019 45 Grave -  Night Of The Demons 020 The Birthday Massacre -  Horror Show 021 Bernard Herrmann - Psycho (theme) 022 The Misfits - Friday the 13th 023 Blood Ceremony -  Coven Tree 024 Goblin - Profondo Rosso 025 October 31 - The House Where Evil Dwells 026 Michael Jackson -  Thriller 027 Bobby 'Boris' Pickett & The Crypt Kickers - Monster Mash 028 Ministry -  Every Day Is Halloween 029 Sleepy Hollow movie Theme 030 The Damned - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 031 October 31 - The house where evil dwells 032 Rigor Mortis - poltergeist 033 Necrophagia -  Reborn through Black Mass 034 Fantomas - Rosemary's Baby 035 Pseudo Echo - His Eyes (from the Friday the 13th V OST) 036 Misfits -  Dig Up Her Bones 037 Sigh -  Graveward 038 Christian Death - Church of no return 039 The Rocky Horror Picture Show -  Over At The Frankenstein Place 040 With The Dead -  Nephthys 041 David Bowie- Scary Monsters (And super creeps) 042 Early Man - Creature From The Black Lagoon 043 Hellbound Hellraiser 2 Theme 044 Rob Zombie - Dragula 045 Misfits - Night of the Living dead 046 Ramones - Pet Semetary 047 Roky Erickson - I walked with a zombie 048 Blue Oyster Cult -  Don't (fear the reaper) 049 The Munsters TV show theme 050 Slayer -  Necrophobic 051 Type O Negative - Wolf Moon (Including Zoanthropic Paranoia) 052 The 69 Eyes -  Lost Boys 053 The Vision Bleak -  The Night Of The Living Dead 054 The Devil's Blood -  I'll Be Your Ghost 055 Ghost B.C. -  Ghuleh / Zombie Queen 056 Voltaire -  Brains! 057 The Shrine -  Tripping Corpse 058 Zig Zags -  The Fog 059 Doyle -  Land of the Dead 060 Danzig - On A Wicked Night 061 Fantomas - One Step Beyond 062 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Dear Prudence 063 The Misfits -  Nightmare on Elm Street 064 Warren Zevon -  Werewolves Of London 065 The Cramps - Creature From The Black Leather Lagoon 066 King Diamond -  Trick Or Treat 067 Arcturus -  To Thou Who Dwellest in the Night 068 Deicide - Dead But Dreaming 069 Zombie Ghost Train - R.I.P 070 American Horror Story - Theme Song 071 Antonius Rex - Necromancer 072 THE WOLFGANGS - Cannibal Family 073 THE TWILIGHT ZONE THEME 074 Queens Of The Stone Age -  Burn The Witch 075 The Hellfreaks - Boogieman 076 Ghoultown - Drink With The Living Dead 077 Fantomas - Experiment In Terror 078 Coil - Main Title (Unreleased Hellraiser Theme) 079 Autopsy -  Skull Grinder 080 Beastmaker - Eyes Are Watching 081 S.O.D. - Freddy Krueger 082 Christopher Lennertz - And So It Begins Supernatural OST 083 Xandria -Vampire 084 Slayer -  Ghosts Of War085 085 With The Dead -  Living With The Dead 086 Devil Master -  Listen, Sweet Demons... 087 G Tom Mac - Cry LIttle Sister 088 Celtic Frost - The Usurper 089 The Moving Sidewalks - Crimson Witch 090 Electric Wizard - Black Mass 091 Return Of The Living Dead Theme 092 Carcass - The Master Butcher's Apron 093 Cedell Davis - She's Got the Devil in Her 094 Zombi OST  - Zombie Vs Shark 095 Rob Zombie -  House of 1000 Corpses 096 Calabrese - Vampires Don't Exist 097 Dario Argento's LA TERZA MADRE - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 098 The Damned - Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 099 Danzig -  Bodies 100 Slayer - Postmortem 101 Fantomas -  The Omen (Ave Satani) 102 Cannibal Corpse - The Cryptic Stench 103 The Vampires of Dartmoore - Hallo, mister Hitchcock 104 45 Grave -  Party Time 105 Coffins -  Decapitated Crawl 106 The Misfits -  Them 107 Talking Heads - Psycho Killer 108 Denial Of God - The Curse Of The Witch 109 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme 110 Anthrax - Bordello Of Blood (Tales From The Crypt) 111 Iron Maiden - Phantom Of The Opera 112 The Exorcist Theme 113 Demented Are Go -  Hotrod Vampires 114 The Creepshow - Zombies Ate Her Brain 115 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 116 Voltaire - Zombie Prostitute 117 HorrorPops - [Bring It On! #09] Walk Like A Zombie 118 Death  - Open Casket 119 Friday The 13th Original Theme Song 120 Wesley Willis - Vampire Bat 121 The Cult - The Witch 122 Dracula (1931) Theme Bela Lugosi 123 Slayer - Live Undead 124 Re-Animator Theme 125 Ray Parker Jnr - Ghostbusters 126 Megadeth - The Conjuring 127 Santana - Black Magic Woman 128 The Who - Boris The Spider 129 Entombed -  Evilyn 130 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds -  Red Right Hand 131 Twisted Sister -  Burn In Hell 132 The Edgar Winter Group - Frankenstein 133 Electric Wizard -  Dunwich 134 Danzig - Skin Carver 135 King Diamond - Them 136 Salems Lot Theme 137 Dio -  Dream Evil 138 Tenacious D -  Beelzeboss 139 Dokken -  dream warrior 140 The Doors -  The Ghost Song 141 Saint Vitus - White Magic/Black Magic 142 The Vampires of Dartmoore -  Crime and Horror 143 Fantomas -  Spider Baby 144 Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me 145 Samhain -  Halloween II 146 Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla 147 The Five Blobs - The Blob 148 Rob Zombie - Superbeast 149 The Cramps - Big Black Witchcraft Rock 150 Phantasm Theme Song 151 The Addams Family TV theme song 152 Slayer - Black Magic 153 Necrophagia -  Rue Morgue Disciple 154 Bastard Priest -  Ghouls Of The Endless Night 155 Ennio Morricone - The Thing (theme) 156 The Vision Bleak - The Wood Hag 157 Soulfly -  Cannibal Holocaust 158 Creepshow 2  - Original Theme Music 159 Dracula theme - Bram Stoker's Dracula theme 160 Monster Magnet -  19 Witches 161 Blood Ceremony -  My Demon Brother 162 Janet Jackson - Black Cat 163 Cramps -  I Was A Teenage Werewolf 164 Nosferatu - A Symphony of Horror 165 The Evil Dead - Pencil It In 166 White Zombie - Cosmic Monsters Inc. 167 Fred Schneider - Monster 168 Men At Work - Dr. Heckyll & Mr. Jive 169 Cathedral -  Hopkins (The Witchfinder General) 170 Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science 171 A Nightmare on Elm Street - Theme Song 172 The Misfits -  Halloween II 173 The Guess Who - Clap for the Wolfman 174 Inter Arma -  Scarecrow 175 Royal Thunder -  Sleeping Witch 176 Slayer - Spirit in Black 177 Yoga -  Flying Witch 178 Down - Witchtripper 179 Witchcraft -  Ghosts House 180 Serge Gainsbourg -  Docteur Jekyll et monsieur Hyde 181 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Into The Woods (The Witch) 182 Deicide - Dead by Dawn 183 Elm Street - Elm St's Children 184 Acid Witch -  Trick or Treat 185 Satyricon -  Black Crow On A Tombstone 186 Possessed - The excorcist 187 Electric Wizard - Satanic Rites Of Dracula 188 Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) 189 Predator Soundtrack - Main Title 190 Kryst The Conqueror - Doctor Phibes Rises Again 191 Ministry -  Every Day is Halloween (remix) 192 Megadeth - Devils Island 193 The Misfits - From Hell They Came 194 Devil Master - Black Flame Candle 195 Soiuxee and the Banshees - Fear (Of The Unknown) 196 Cradle of Filth -  Her Ghost in the Fog 197 Goblin - Witch (Suspiria Soundtrack) 198 Cliff Richard - Devil Woman 199 NIN - Dead Souls (From The Crow Soundtrack) 200 Alice Cooper - Teenage Frankenstein 201 Misfits -  Cold in Hell 202 John Carpenter - Halloween 2019 Theme (Main Title) 203 The Damned - Grimly feindish 204 Slayer -  At Dawn They Sleep 205 Atrium - Doctor Jekyll 206 Serge Gainsbourg - Docteur Jekyll et monsieur Hyde 207 Darkthrone -  Graveyard Slut 208 Faith No More -  Zombie Eaters 209 Candlemass - Demons Gate 210 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 211 Rigor Mortis -  Vampire 212 Rob Zombie -  In The Age Of The Consegrated Vampire We All Get High 213 BLOODY HAMMERS -  Witch Of Endor 214 Ghost -  Spirit 215 Autopsy -  Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves 216 Alice Cooper - Keepin' Halloween Alive 217 Old Man's Child - Return Of The Night Creatures 218 Black Sabbath -  Black Moon 219 The Misfits - Walk Among Us 220 Early Man -  Frankenstein: I'm Dead Alive 221 Ghoul - Dungeon Bastards 222 Slayer -  Spill The Blood 223 Carcass -  Corporal Jigsore Quandary 224 Over Kill - playing with spiders/ skullcrusher 225 Frankie Stein And His Ghouls - Elbow Twist 226 Mercyful Fate -  Black Masses 227 The Elm Street Group - Do The Freddy 228 Instant Funk - Witch Doctor 229 Cathedral -  Tombs Of The Blind Dead 230 Celtic Frost - Necromantical Screams 231 Grave Digger -  Witch Hunter 232 Basil Kirchin - Dr Phibes' Theme 233 Necrophagia -  Coffins 234 The Misfits -  Monster Mash 235 The Vision Bleak - Witching Hour 236 The Vision Bleak -  A Witch Is Born 237 Megadeth - Last rites/loved to death 238 Overkill -  Frankenstein 239 Dave Edmunds - The Creature from the Black Lagoon 240 Death - Zombie Ritual 241 John Fogerty - Eye Of The Zombie 242 Nunslaughter - Ouija 243 Main Title (Stephen King's IT) 244 Goblin -  Zombi 245 White Zombie -  I, zombie 246 XTC - Ballad Of Peter Pumpkinhead 247 Misfits -  Green Hell 248 Autopsy - Embalmed 249 Slayer - Haunting The Chapel 250 The Devin Townsend Band -  Vampira 251 The Frantics - Werewolf 252 Black Sabbath OST by Les Baxter - Main theme 253 Slasher Dave - Moldy coffins 254 Morricone Youth's Night of the Living Dead - Driveway to the cemetary 255 Bob McFadden - The Mummy 256 Screaming Jay Hawkins - I put a spell on you 257 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams 258 Buddy Haydock & The Boppers - The Raven 259 Helloween - Halloween 260 The Ghastly Ones -  Draculon (with intro) 261 Echo & the Bunnymen - People are strange 262 Exhumed - Slaughter maniac 263 Nightmare Before Christmas OST - This is Halloween 264 Cerrone - Supernature 265 The Specials - Ghost town 266 The Cramps - Surfin' dead 267 David Bowie's Labyrinth OST - Magic dance 268 Lalo Schifrin Abominable OST - maine title 269 The Castle Kings - You can get him Frankenstein 270 Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the moon 271 The Grave Mistakes -  Dig your own grave 272 Demons 2 OST -  Videomix 273 Wolfmen of Mars -  Mouth like Piranha 274 Entrails - The cemetary horrors 275 Obituary - Blood soaked 276 Cannibis Corpse - Mummified in bong water 277 Dawn of the Dead OST -  theme song 278 Exodus - Piranha 279 Danny Elfmann's Nightbreed OST - end credits 280 Rigor Mortis - Wizard of gore 281 Ancient Order of the Droids -  Torus 282 The Damned - Black is the night 283 Angry Birds Seasons Halloween - Haunted Hogs Theme 284 Dunwich Horror OST by Les Baxter - Black mass 285 Chopping Mall OST -  movie theme 286 The Simpsons Tree House of Horror - Halloween Special theme 287 The B-52's  - Devil in my car 288 Cannibal Corpse - Beyond the cemetary 289 Sturgil Simpson - The Dead Don't Die 290 Chained to the Dead - Beheaded by Berrymen 291 Sisters of Mercy - This corrosion 292 Exhumed - Defenders of the grave 293 The Cure - The forest 294 Book of Love - Witchcraft 295 Alice Cooper - Welcome to my Nightmare 296 TSOL - Wash away 297 Death  - Born Dead 298 Scooby Dooby Do  TV Show - theme song 299 Dead Vampires - The Day after Halloween 300 Danny Elfmann's Beetlejuice - main title 666 ACID WITCH -  I Hate Halloween 999 Misfits - Halloween 
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deancaspinefest · 5 years
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When I Walk in a Dream (Dream No More) | Posting on April 17 Fic by Hectatess Art by AngelTortured
You can't control what you dream, and others don’t know what you’d Dean unless you tell them, right? So when Dean starts dreaming about dating Cas, he keeps his mouth shut, and his secret safe… He thinks. As an angel, Castiel has the ability to dream walk without the aid of African dream root. He’d started as just a way to communicate with the Winchesters, but then he saw opportunity to stop Dean being disturbed by dreams of his time in Hell. Castiel used Dean’s latent longing for a normal date, to stop those dreams. Then the Leviathans get released and Cas disappears. Dean promptly stops dreaming of dating Cas.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
It started relatively simple. Dean had a quiet dream, fishing on a dock, when the angel popped in. Ignoring his increased pulse, Dean tried to stay aloof. He hadn’t heard any wings flapping, so he drew a quick conclusion. “I’m dreaming, aren’t I?” he asked, carefully keeping his tone neutral.
Castiel confirmed it, and asked Dean to meet him, slipping him an address on a folded note. Dean had awoken with a start and then wondered; had Cas shaped the dream, or had he just walked in, like one walks into a room?
Of course they lost Castiel for a while that day, what with the God Squad yanking him out of Jimmy and back up to Heaven, and the whole ‘Angel in my dream’ bit got sidelined. Losing sight of the angel had Dean in a state he rarely experienced. Worried so bad that he felt sick. Usually he only felt this way with Sam, but apparently, Cas made him worry as well. That worry got worse when Castiel returned and was strangely aloof and distant, like he was when they first met.
After a while, that strange attitude change evaporated, and the angel grew closer once again, only this time, Dean wanted to be closer still. He started fantasising about Cas’ lips, his eyes, his surprisingly muscled body. (Yeah, ok. He’d stared when Cas had started to strip outside that warehouse in Van Nuys, but who wouldn’t if an actual angel started to undress? He at least wanted to know if there were wings.) oooOooo He knew he had to stop it. He was so well aware of that, but... he couldn’t. Not anymore, and if he was being brutally honest with himself, he doubted he ever could have. “Cas, Honeybee, what’s wrong?” Cas closed his eyes. The Dreamscape Dean had made this time, was Bobby Singer’s scrap yard, but a remote, rarely visited spot where the carcasses of old vehicles and household equipment were bordering a small creek and had gotten overgrown with Vitus Vulpina, Daphne Cneorum and even a few Celastrus Scandens. Or as Sam might call them; Riverbank grape, Rose Daphne and American bittersweet. Dean would call them tangly, tripwire weeds. Their blossoms and young fruit indicated Dean placed the dream in late summertime. “Nothing is wrong, Dean. I just never would have thought this beautiful spot could be so close to Mr. Singer’s scraps.” Oh father. He was getting better and better at deceiving, and he hated it. The clear, unashamed laughter Dean let free, soured his stomach more. In his dreams, the green-eyed Hunter was never very shy anymore. He felt free to be himself here, and it was a complete unsolicited side-effect of Cas’ meddling with his brain.
(Continue reading on Friday April 17)
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engelspolitics · 3 years
Why Russia Sold Alaska
1867 Americans not sure why they should buy Alaska from Russia as it was only ice and 50.000 indigenous people
Russia/Alaska relations began in 1581, when Russia annexed a Siberian territory from one of Genghis Khan's grandsons → started hunting fur and converting natives to Russian Orthodox Christianity.
By early 1700s they looked beyond Siberia across the Bering Strait (named for Vitus Bering, Russian who first crossed it in 1741); expeditions brought home hundreds of seal, sea otter, and fox pelts → fur hunters went to Alaska and clashed with natives.
In 1799 the Russians traded products to the Tlingit people in exchange for a piece of land but Tlingits later found out the deal included free Tlingit labour and allegiance to the Russian tsar
Tlingits attacked a Russian outpost, and in 1804 the Russians bombed them into submission
1804 battle was the last major conflict between the Russians and native Alaskans, but old fiendship never went away.
Leadership of Russian-American Company in Alaska did great at first in 1790; building of schools, growing of crops, building of industries and factories
However later leadership was replaced by military officers which paid themselves so much they had to cut prices of products and killed off businesses → bankrupting the company
First to go was fur industry → cut of prices for fur meant that locals had to bring in more fur to make same amount of money; overhunting
End of fur trade made Alaska look lot less profitable
Russians sent people to California in 1811 to try out architecture in a better climate with the plan to send the produce back but the plans failed → settlers didn't understand basic farming concepts like crop rotation (mostly native Alaskans who relied on fishing/reindeers)
By 1839 the Russian-American Company called all the settlers back to Alaska
Russian settlers in Alaska were thousands of miles away from the motherland; never more than 800 settlers living there at any given time but these 800 people had to be provided for → logistic problem
Russians feared an Alaskan gold rush that might overwhelm the few Russian settlers → one of the driving forces behind the tsar's decision to sell the territory to the United States.
Actual gold rush just a couple of decades later did happen in Alaska but it indeed was a mess as the Tsar predicted
Russia fought many wars after 1850s; Crimean War raged for three years and cost 500,000 troops and its economy was in ruins.
Possession of Alaska made was too expensive → defence and supplies too expensive
Alaska wasn’t sold to Canada because Canada did not exist yet; still part of Britain, with which Russia was continually at war
Russia was on good terms with America, whose press came out in support of Russia during the Crimean War, and sent weapons and supplies to Russian troops
Selling Alaska to USA would be good for diplomatic ties with America and poke fun at Britain
America wanted to have Alaska because it was in the midst of a land grab → just annexed Texas, won California in a war, and was in pursuit of Oregon → idea of manifest destiny (as many people as possible should be white Christian Americans)
1867 Treaty of Cession, which gave the entire Alaskan territory over to the United States for $7.2 million (roughly 2 cents an acre)
50 years after the purchase when the Klondike gold rush sent 100,000 settlers to Alaska and brought $1 billion to the American economy
Today, Alaska is one of the richest states in America, with prosperous fishing and tourism industries and an even more prosperous petroleum industry since 1960s
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architectnews · 3 years
Ten projects from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts propose solutions for a sustainable future
A project that explores what the British Museum would look like after returning its artefacts to their countries of origin and a carbon-neutral school made from rammed earth are included in our latest school show by students at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.
The projects aim to create a more sustainable, environmentally friendly and democratic society by focusing on the United Nation's sustainable development goals.
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
School: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Course: Architecture and Design
School statement:
"Students at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts address the most significant challenges we face as a global community today. The curriculum is rooted in research, practice and artistic development. For the past five years, the academy has added a strategic focus on the 17 UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).
"We believe that the SDGs can inspire our students to consider how we should design and build in the future, using a holistic perspective to provide new, original and necessary global solutions to these pressing concerns.
"The work of our students demonstrates how architecture and design can create visions, new knowledge and solutions to complex problems in compelling and attractive designs. Future generations of architects and designers, like those we educate at the Royal Danish Academy, must be capable of releasing this vast potential."
The Silo Island by Mia Baltzer Nielsen and Vitus Karsten Bjerre
"Silos are tall towers that are used to store grain. This project is based on an old industrial area in the Port of Odense, known as the Silo Island. The buildings here are scheduled to be demolished to make room for the construction of new blocks of flats.
"By involving the buildings' distinctive character, the graduates create spaces that utilise the silos' potential in terms of material usage, space allocation and scale.
"The students have developed a master plan for the area and base their project on transforming a specific silo, which they convert into spaces for the city's citizens and The Royal Danish Theatre Ballet School."
Students: Mia Baltzer Nielsen and Vitus Karsten Bjerre Course: MA Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Transformation and Restoration Tutors: Christoffer Harlang Email: mia_baltzer[at]hotmail.com and vituskarsten[at]gmail.com
The Collector by Therese Sirenius
"The Collector is a personal, artistic project that materialises time through the art of weaving. Using the experiences and topics that have filled the recent months of Sirenius' life, she philosophises about the concept of time in her textile tapestries. This includes the time in which we exist, the time that passes and the time spent performing the craft.
"The depictions rendered in this tapestry include excerpts from a newspaper and illustrate the contrast of our time between nature and human indolence."
Students: Therese Sirenius Course:  MA Design, Textile Design Tutors: Kjetil Aas Email: sireniustherese[at]gmail.com
NeoAtlantis by Mikkel Møller Rosendal
"Through his project, Rosendal explores the interface between the digital and physical worlds. He examines how we can understand and cope with the simultaneous presence of two spatial entities.
"How do digital spaces affect the way we perceive the world, and how do we translate conditions from the digital space into the physical: weightlessness, space without gravity, surfaces without a body?
"Rosendal examines these questions through his artistic models and drawings that arise where the two worlds converge, which he entitles NeoAtlantis."
Student: Mikkel Møller Rosendal Course: MA Architecture, Architecture, Space and Time Tutors: Kristine Annabell Torp Email: m.m.roesdahl[at]gmail.com
The Empty Museum by Rotem Yitzhak Soaye
"What would the decolonised British Museum look like after returning all the objects in its collection to their countries of origin?
"This project speculates on a future scenario, where the exhibition halls contain only black holes on yellow backgrounds.
"Each black hole represents a void in the heart of a looted culture, as well as the museum's missing artefacts. Instead of physical objects, the visitor experiences the cultural artefacts in augmented reality when scanning the black holes. This scenario is a far cry from today: the British Museum has around eight million objects, of which only one per cent are on display."
Student: Rotem Yitzhak Soaye Course: MA Design, Graphic Communication Design Tutors: Nikolaj Knop Email: rotem.soaye[at]gmail.com
On Civic Grounds by Daniel Rea Kragskov
"The project uses an old industrial zone in Herlev – a suburb in Copenhagen suburb – as its point of departure where industrial buildings are to be demolished to make room for new housing development.
"Kragskov proposes a new creative programme that transforms an old asphalt factory into a civic space with open areas and whose architecture can support civic activities. He aims to create a captivating environment in which to build social meeting spaces.
"Kragskov seeks to depart from academic austerity by developing a personal style that goes well with the multicoloured diversity and imperfection found in civic activities where the colour red depicts the social community."
Student: Daniel Rea Kragskov Course: MA Architecture, Urbanism and Societal Change Tutors: Tamara Kalantajevska Email: danielkragskov[at]gmail.com
Community by Julie Hendel Hunter Astrup
"What do you carry in your everyday bag? What is your favourite colour combinations? Which of these materials do you prefer?
"All of Astrup's designs emanate from her democratic way of working. She uses her community – family, friends, business partners – as sources of inspiration in developing her work.
"Her bags are made of second-hand, surplus materials. Recycled materials often produce a rough expression which she combines with a sophisticated design. For instance, she has made a bag from used lorry covers, inspired by the woven pattern of French bistro chairs."
Student: Julie Hendel Hunter Astrup Course: MA Design, Fashion Design Tutors: Ann Merete Ohrt Email:julie_hendel[at]hotmail.com
School of Ecological Crafts by Jonatan Møller Larsen, Christoffer Bo Haaning and Simon McNair
"This project proposes a School of Ecological Crafts where it is possible to study eco-friendly building techniques. The building in the Nordhavn district of Copenhagen embodies ecological building solutions. The graduates have developed a carbon-neutral building that uses nothing but rammed earth and wood for its walls and structural components.
"The soil they use is taken from the vast earthworks found in the local Nordhavn harbour area, deposited there from the excavation works for the construction of Copenhagen's metro system. The school showcases experiments exploring building techniques and how to bridge the gap between the tradition and the potential."
Student: Jonatan Møller Larsen, Christoffer Bo Haaning and Simon McNair Course:MA Architecture, Settlement, Ecology and Tectonics Tutors: Anne Beim Email: jonatanmoellerlarsen[at]gmail.com, c.haaning[at]hotmail.com and barton.mcnair[at]gmail.com
Energy Islands as Hybrid Landscapes by Christian Kamp Iversen
"This project asks: how can power production infrastructure become natural environments? This project proposes constructing an 'energy island' – a power substation to convert and distribute energy from offshore wind farms.
"A natural environment is established on the 'skin' of the island, inspired by the surrounding typologies of coastal dunes and cliffs: the island has flat areas on which sand and vegetation can be deposited, growing into shrubs, plants and trees and enabling the areas to be used for recreational purposes. It also has steep walls suitable for birdlife. New offshore wind farms are a crucial element in Denmark's current climate act."
Student: Christian Kamp Iversen Course: MA Architecture, Landscape Tutors: Kristine Jensen Email: ckampiversen[at]gmail.com
Remote Futures by Elena Bauer and Lunia D'Ambrosio
"The pandemic has accelerated remote working worldwide and blurred the lines between the home and office. The question now is: how will remote work shape our work life in the near future?
"This design project envisions four personas in different work-life scenarios in 2030. Their workers' rights, level of competitiveness and work-life balance vary greatly from one to the next. Each persona is accompanied by speculative artefacts of the future that make their lives and conditions easier to imagine.
"The project is based on extensive research and interviews with professionals who are already working remotely today."
Student: Elena Bauer and Lunia D'Ambrosio Course: MA Design, Graphic Communication Design Tutors: Rasmus Spanggaard Troelsen and Nikolaj Knop Email: hej[at]elenabauer.de and luniadambrosio[at]gmail.com
Copenhagen Light Rail by Stefan Perriard
"Copenhagen Light Rail is a retake of Copenhagen's future light rail system.
"The project presents proposals for how an electric light rail system can be integrated into the car-free streets, enhance the aesthetic qualities of local areas and make train interiors feel inclusive for all passengers.
"The design creates a new type of social and cultural infrastructure. The individual carriages can be converted into mobile healthcare clinics and libraries travelling between the districts. The carriages can also be used as pop-up shops or exhibition spaces. The train is designed as a modular system, with a rough yet local urban look."
Student: Stefan Perriard Course: MA Design, Industrial Design Tutors: Karina Mose Email: stefan.perriard[at]gmail.com
Partnership content
This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
The post Ten projects from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts propose solutions for a sustainable future appeared first on Dezeen.
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katyspersonal · 5 months
who do you think fucked up worse…gehrman or maria?
This is an interesting question, and I kind of didn't think of it before! Time to take a closer look at their crimes I guess. Some of these will be held on the possibilities and 'safe assumptions' though and addressed for the full picture!
1) Both were involved in Fishing Hamlet massacre!
With Maria, we can conclude as much because she discarded her weapons in the well at the place specifically. Her version in the Nightmare realm, a Hunter again, is supposed to be what punishes her, and she is focused on keeping Kos/OoK away from rummaging through. Considering the nature of the Nightmare, as well as the Doll who has spiritual connection with her, it should come from her guilt and regrets rather than.. I dunno, discarding the hunt over natural 'character development' and just picking a cool place to forsaken her past!
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Gehrman sleeps better according to the dialogue Doll has after you kill OoK and free it's soul, so if it tortured him so, I think it is safe to say he had to be personally involved too rather than stay back while his students did the job:
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They both were involved with Byrgenwerth, following their quest for obtaining the eyes of the dwellers from their skulls, and I suppose cord of OoK?
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The thing about this point is that the description is written as though it was Gehrman's curiosity which ruined Maria's "idealisation" of him, or WOULD ruin it had she learned of it! This makes me wonder whether she was really involved in Byrgenwerth all that much, or whether she was aware of the real purpose of Fishing Hamlet massacre beforehand? Her goal, within the Nightmare, is stated to mercy-kill us so we don't allow that curiousity corrupt us to the point of "rummaging through corpse" and similar things, further supported by her visceral attack being an embrace if it is lethal!
I am just saying that here the balance might slightly shift towards making Gehrman 'worse' than her. Maybe she was not aware that it all was not just killing "monsters" but also a pregnant mother with her divine baby, but "well you didn't ask :/". Maybe Gehrman deceived her to use her aid. Maybe he didn't think it would be a big deal for her seeing that Maria was also interested in evolution through talking with Great Ones, and assumed she'd be just as callous about which means to accomplish the goals with?
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2) Both were grave-robbing, or at least okay with that!
This one is a little less obvious, but Tomb Prospectors were not the first to go to the Chalice Dungeons! ...It were actually Willem, Dores and Gatekeeper lol:
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BUT ALSO it were Old Hunters! We can see the remnants of it by Old Hunter Vitus being one the summons in Chalice Dungeons, hear Gehrman encourage us to go into the Chalice Dungeons to become stronger as via "tradition" of the Old Hunters,
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and the fact that one of the things that torture Maria (again, remember that Nightmare Realm is Hell that punishes) is a Chalice:
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(A video ( x ) for a better look at the Chalice from a figure)
I'd say that it is not very nice to disturb the undead Pthumerians just struggling in remains of their civilisation! Interesting thing: we can conclude they are even staying there to protect the Great Ones or their remains!
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There has been some sort of civil war between ancient great-ones-respecting Pthumerians and who late became Cainhurst nobles! Maria, ironically, fell onto the side of "entitled guys" descendants! But yes, I could see why bullying zombie guys to get more history and archeology relics from them might not seem like much for her at start. Experience in the Fishing Hamlet likely retroactively ruined this period of her life for her: delving into Chalice Dungeons was likewise 'not leaving the corpse alone'. The remaining Pthumerians were right having some honour and dignity. So, that came to haunt her in the form of Pthumeru Chalice. Gehrman is.. well he's here too I guess dfshfdhs
3) Both knew a little too much about Laurence's shady business and did nothing?
Old Hunters used to be friends with Healing Church's Hunters and even had their workshops located close to one another! Gehrman was friends with Laurence and Ludwig, who are both quite strongly involved with Moon Presence (Ludwig's sword and guidance, Laurence's affiliation being known since Byrgenwerth times), as well as the key figure in creation of Hunter's Dream:
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This was most likely a bait-and-switch, seeing how the cord itself is still in the real Workshop, and not in the grasp of Moon Presence (unlike, say, Wet Nurse taking Mergo's cord)! I think the purpose of creation of the Hunter's Dream was to "buy time" for the research conceived by the scientists! Remember: Gehrman was known to have "madness of curiosity" that Maria resented, or at least would resent had she known! He might have been fully aware of what Laurence wanted to do and support it! My point here, that with such proximity, he must have known of all Laurence's crimes and agreed with them!
Maria was at least overseer of the Clocktower's Research Hall, which, again, was just beta!Choir.
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This last line IS a bit confusing, because it makes it sound as though the nerds looking for the Eyes Inside and the Blood Ministers got split. Laurence and Ludwig make it weird, as Moon Presence is also an Eldrich creature and Ludwig is for sure full of eyes! What also makes it strange is that Choir, and then School of Mensis, are both upper echelons of the Healing Church, but Laurence is supposed to be above both of them.
I think this can be worked with! Let's say what if Choir formed after Laurence's death, which also happened after Maria's death, and Vicars after him were somewhat "powerless" and walked over by Choir and Mensis, only leaders in the name! But that still leaves the bit that the mentioned "division" happened after Choir was formed! Maria and Adeline, however, are locked to the existence of the Research Hall, so, the timeframe when doctors and blood ministers were 100% working together! We find the Eye Pendant that opens the access to the Research Hall in Laurence's hand, and human Skull of Laurence on the platform that hides the secret elevator to that Research Hall. Again, by the Nightmare Logic, they must be connected with Laurence's sins: he started this research, or sponsored it, or was overseeing it, and so on.
This point is not an absolute thing though, because one or both of them might be freed from guilt here. Maybe Gehrman was not as informed and agreeable as we could assume and Laurence did lead him around? Maybe Maria wanted but could not do anything being caught in the web of complicated connections, blackmail and risks for the people she cared about?
4) Both are willingly involved in questionable practices (Maria with research, Gehrman with the cycle of Dream and Hunt)
This point I feel like transcends the morality a little bit, as it touches the matter of 'it is bad if you do it, but it is also bad if you DON'T do it'. I really love Soulsborne universes for having guts to say "you can't win, just pick your poison", but I think it is still worth addressing!
It is up to interpretation in which quantity Maria is involved with the Research Hall! Nothing states whether she founded it, joined in the research later, stepped in and turned the tides (ba dum tss) of the research, or simply was a caretaker/nurse/etc of the broken mess while Research Hall was getting ready for a bit of rebranding. She can be very guilty, or she can be barely guilty but in either case if that was her "redemption arc" that was a pretty bad way to go about it. ...or was it?
Fauxsefka turns people into Celestial Emissaries so they physically can't become beasts instead, and is even stated to be a hero / heroic researcher by Miyazaki:
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First, I don't do Death of the Author (in terms of interpreting media I mean, not in terms of a style of writing)! Like, nope. Never. It is just not for me. Creator's word is the final for me; Fauxsefka is the good guy in the story, apparently, and it makes sense considering the fundamentally broken place characters are in! Maria has similarities with Fauxsefka: not only both of them have Cainhurst roots, but also both of them seem to favour 'Stars' line of evolution for humans!
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Whereas other patients are afraid of the horrors of the Deep Sea, a concept Miyazaki could not get over well into DS3, Adeline desires them! Other patients seems to have gotten it right, and you can see one of them also clings to Maria mentally to "not drown"; Adeline "didn't understand"! The balcony that Maria wants Adeline to go to so she can forsaken the Deep Sea and seek something "happier" holds unique kind of patients who can shoot cosmic arcane spells:
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Herself, Maria is associated with these lumenflowers: their petals are all over her boss arena, and the way to her lays through a much bigger batch of flowers, where Living Failures, other 'Stars' Kin are, whose song lyrics also feature lines 'ave stellar' and 'ave Maria'!
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So, how this is different from what Fauxsefka is doing, who is stated to be as much of a good person as possible within this context and with the burden of her knowledge? Fauxsefka was doing more or less rinse-and-repeat practice, with maybe a few patients not surviving the procedure but we don't know what happened: maybe that person was already at the brink of death and she tried to make them live like this.
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^ This guy I mean. Maria, on the other hand, is in the time period where the doctors and scientists were only testing the waters (BA DUM TSSS) (ok I will stop) and it was not SO certain what was at the stake, what were the alternatives, what was awaiting the humanity. It is even possible that the beasts problem was not yet bad to the point of "you'll either become a beast, be eaten by a beast or become a Kin, humanity is DONE for!" ! This was an unethical research at the cost of real people! The weight of Maria's sin here really depends on the interpretation, though
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As for the cycle of Dream and Hunt, this is complicated and lingers on one's interpretation of what the purpose of the Dream even IS! Its existence provides two things: 1) a hunter who is immortal for the night, thus can sustain the beasts with efficiency like no other, but also effect the continuity of the night ( x ) and 2) supposed sustenance to the Great One Flora of the Moon, who holds the hunt as a concept!
I used to be a bit more set on the idea that if beasts are not sustained and hunted, they will simply overpower those who are yet humans and eat them! It is a self-feeding cycle of people needing to self-defend from beasts, thus having to consume the blood as urgent means of healing and power-up since beasts are too strong, thus risking to become beasts themselves because the blood they consumed during that hunt corrupts them. So, the Hunter's Dream would be a good thing, as it'd help to 'buy time' during nights of the hunt in which not only beasts are more active but Great Ones too! While the Dreaming Hunter holds everything together, the greatest minds of the Healing Church can efficiently study the ways to end beasthood, or ANY problem of humanity, once and for all! It is just better to throw the hunting resources on the Dream, so the scientists don't worry about the beasts and can focus on research. However, I almost forgot that:
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This implies that had there not been Mensis Ritual ongoing, people WOULD have the chance to simply 'wait away' the beasthood problem. That, since Rom is not stopping Mensis Ritual but just conceals it, what really makes the inner beast within everyone who consumed the blood inevitably come out is Mergo's cry that draws the Bloodmoon close!
So yeah, the point about Hunter's Dream being helpful for the research of evolution still stands, especially under assumption that the deal with Moon Presence helped to bring more Eldrich Arcane close for "feeding" her. The point about how if the beasts are not hunted they'll simply eat everyone, though, is vague. It is safer to assume that the Hunter's Dream and Research Hall both are both example of hubris of man even if approached differently. Attempts to draw in something dangerous and horrifying, but it is "justified risk" because if you manage to 'tame' arcane/blood, sure, humanity will prosper!
Like... yeah, sure, there IS dangerous and undesireable nature of man that ruins everything and might or might not still linger in humanoids' genes after Loran. But did humanity ASK any of you guys to keep trying to fix it with so many victims and sacrifices? Like, was it WORTH it?
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This point is closely tied to 'knowing Laurence's bad antics and doing nothing', yeah. Maria didn't seem to like blood ministration very much, as she disapproved of Adeline becoming a Blood Saint, but she also didn't even approve of blood antics of her own clan! I am not sure what would be her opinion on the Hunter's Dream had she lived to the point when it was created, just that she herself is not willing to ever hunt, so I am leaving this point aside. Is this just blood ministration that she opposes but proximity with a Great One Moon Presence would be something she can see the potential of? Or would she and Gehrman have a pointless cat fight about whose methods are better when they are both hubris of man? In both versions they are 'guilty'! Besides:
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In the end none of THIS matters either and everyone was fooled ( x ). The blood offering is a blood offering in any way; whether it is through spilling blood violently during the hunt, or offering the blood's 'red' with how celestial Kin all bleed red. Moon doesn't care what paints it red, in the end.
My conclusion is: both of these characters fucked up almost equally! I think the balance shifts just a little bit and Maria is slightly better than Gehrman since she had some limitations set on how far she was willing to go. Her motivation was not in "curiosity" but strictly in helping humanity, even if in unfair ways, which is apparently not the case for Gehrman?
I'll say this though, NOW I am hooked on the idea of Maria and Gehrman being petty "rivals" ideologically (for as long as they could before Maria's own demons caught up with her). Especially since neither approach is better than the other and they are both cringe loosers! Again, lost comedy gold over Fromsoft making Gehrman's tender and warm feelings for her before and after her death plain. What is not lost, however, is the fact that the two should just kick Laurence and go home :pensive:
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katyahina · 2 years
A compillation of Bloodborne characters data and model bits
I just decided to put as many bits about Bloodborne chaarcters as possible in one post, so to not have to check multiple folders every time I want to draw a character, but I thought it could be handy for other artists/writers! The following references feature the data mostly gathered by awesome Zullie the Witch but maybe also some others. I use the NPC data for the characters but also some model references, all put in one post.
1) Here are all the exact colors from NPC data gathered on one image.
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They are gathered from this ( x ) sliders page, all in one image for the convenience. The white hovering effect over eyes color means ‘clouded’ eyes effect that the player cannot access in normal character creation, and the X mean that hair is missing (I did not count ‘bald’ eyelashes variant as one though).
1.1)  Almost all characters with brown skin have strange ‘reddish grey’ eye colors. Such characters are Henryk, Djura’s Ally, Yahar’gul hunter with Cannon and Ludwig’s Riffle, Yahar’gul character with Threaded Cane that uses Tiny Tonitrus (and ambushes you from the corner like a rat lol), Olek, Simon, Djura’s Apprentice and Yahar’gul hunter that’s trapped in Church’s chambers.
Exceptions are Afflicted Beggar who instead has hazel eyes and Yahar’gul Hunters that use Tonitrus (in Cathedral Ward) and one that uses Beast’s Claw, who instead have simply grey eyes (and share face data).  Interestingly, this red-grey color appears to be exclusive for characters with brown skin.
1.2) Adella’s hair is dark brown, not black. It is hard to see even on this image.
1.3) Tomb Prospectors have strange skin tones. Josef and Forgotten Madman have more purpl-ish skin tone, with his escord having it too but closer to blue on the color spectrum, Vitus and Queen Killer have greenish skin, Wallar has bluish skin. Olek seems to be the only one with realistic skin tone, it is simply dark olive / brown.
1.4) Plenty of characters have no eyebrows. So yeah, this might disqualify some of the above. These characters are: Djura, Djura’s Ally, Yahar’gul Hunters that use Claw and Tonitrus (idential), Micolash, Hunter of Despair (Black Church one), Edgar, Olek, Josef, Queen Killer, Afflicted Beggar, Unused Vileblood, Valtr, Brador, Damian, Yahar’gul hunter in Nightmare, Doctor in Research Hall, Antal, Vitus and Wallar. I have no idea what they all had to smoke to get their eyebrows fall out, lmao
2) Arianna’s hair lose color after she births a child, and her eyes are dark pink. Arianna has three face data - normal, after Bloodmoon, and after birth. In the Bloodmoon she just gets slightly paler, more sickly colored skin and lips and loses her blush, but after birth her skin gets MUCH paler, hair loses color and eyes get ‘clouded’ effect.
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This eye color is not the same as reddish grey one from previous example, it is more saturated.
3) The most buff character is a Yahar’gul hunter with Cannon+Rifle. He is the only NPC of all who has all body scale stats (except for ‘head’) set to maximum 255. Queen Killer has only ‘chest’ and ‘abdomen’ set to 255, and Alfred has ‘abdomen’ on 255 but ‘chest’ only on 212. Yes, random hunters have way more of a male tiddy than Alfred.
4) Arianna is more flat than Adella. Yeah, it is a bit goofy remark, since ‘chest’ slider for Bloodborne NPCs is just chest width and not breasts size, but it could be interpreted as such. There are generally two types of ‘chest’ slider for female characters: the smallest 0 (Iosefka+Imposter, Arianna, Yurie) and the middle meaning 128 (Adella, Black Church Hunter, White Church Hunter, Henriett). Lonely Old Dear is a special case and has slider set to 192 (the largest).
5) Simon might actually lack eyes. MIGHT. Simon’s face data has two vertical stripes both going through where his eyes are. Djura is strongly implied to miss an eye where his face data has a scar going through where his eye is covered with bandages. It seems like developers can distort characters’ faces but not remove eyes, as you can see that despite implications, Djura’s data has both eyes. In either case, Simon has those strange scars for some reason.
6) Henryk and Afflicted Beggar share absolutely identical mole on the right side of their nose.
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7) Edgar’s glasses are supposed to be round. But because his forehead/brows lean so strongly down, it causes glasses model to bend to avoid clipping, so it is a bit flattened at the top. Sure, it provides for a more unique glasses shapes, but... from technical standpoint bro frowned SO hard that his glasses frown too. xD
8) The ridge of Yamamura’s glasses is dark red.
9) Besides the eye colors shown in NPC data, there is some more. Willem’s eyes are grey, Maria’s eyes are greyish green and very pale, Gehrman has emerald eyes, and older daughter of Gascoigne and Viola seems to have greyish green eyes too. Ludwig appears to have his right eye blind and his left eye having its pupil so enlarged that it obscures the iris.
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(Sources for models are Sinclair vid ( x ) and datamined corpses page ( x ))
9.1) Micolash has brown eyes in NPC data, but blue in cutscene model.
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10) Some characters have interesting unused items equipped. Simon has Fist of Gratia and throwing knives equipped both of which he never uses, Yamamura has throwing knives that he never uses, Crow of Cainhurst has Hunter’s Bone (heavily implied to be Maria’s) and Executioner’s Glove that he never uses.
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10.1) Simon only has throwing knives in Fishing Hamlet. Within lore, they are associated with Henryk. I personally do not see any other reasons for the developers to add them in this specific condition to the character that won’t even fight you, besides for the dataminers to conclude Henryk was likely participating in Fishing Hamlet massacre too. But heeey it is just a the-
11) Some interesting stats as NPCs. I am going to list every stat from the highest to lowest in order. Some characters have different stats depending on their questline and/or summoning location though; for such cases I only used the highest stat possible.
Blood Level (murder level??):  #1: Bestial hunter (234) #2: Olek (176) #3: Queen Killer (174) #4: Wallar (170) #5: Yamamura + Brador (162) #6: Yahar’gul hunter in Nightmare (157) #7: Gremia, Damian and Vitus (150) #8: Josef (146) #9 Djura’s apprentice and White Church doctor lady (145) #10: Black Church female hunter (143) #11: Black church doctor (121) #12 Simon (116) #13: Valtr (90) #14: Crow (88) #15: Henryk (81) #16: Madaras Twin (80) #17: Henriett (75) #18: Antal (72) #19: Edgar (68) #20: Alfred and Eileen (65) #21: Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you (60) #22: Micolash and Yurie (50) #23: two Hunters of Despair and Imposter Iosefka (46) #24: Suspicious Beggar (42) #25: Yahar’gul hunters that guard the entrance to Yahar’gul chapel (40) #26: Djura (30) #27: Djura’s ally (18) #28: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash Hunter, Hostile Executioner, Unused Vileblood (10) #29: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical Man, Lonely Old Dear, Arianna, Adella (1)
Vitality: #1: Olek (65) #2: Wallar (63) #3: Queen Killer (55) #4: Vitus (53) #5: Damian, Simon, Crow and Micolash (50) #5: Gremia and Brador (49) #6: Valtr (48) #7: Josef (47) #8: Black Church female hunter (45) #9: Yamamura and Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (44) #10: Djura’s apprentice and Antal (42) #Edgar (41) #12: Henriett, Alfred, Eileen and Bestial Hunter (40) #13: Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you (37) #14 Black Church doctor lady (36) #15: Yurie (33) #16: Imposter Iosefka (32) #17: Suspicious Beggar (31) #18: Henryk and Madaras Twin (30) #19: Djura (26) #20: White Church Doctor lady 25) #21 Unused Vileblood and Yahar’gul hunter in Cathedral Ward that uses Tonitrus (20) #22: Djura’s ally (19) #23: Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (15) #24: Two hunters of Despair (13) #25: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Hostile Executioner (10)
Stamina: #1: Bestial hunter (80) #2: White Church Doctor lady (50) #3: Wallar and Brador (45) #4: Queen Killer and Josef (43) #5: Olek (41) #6: Damian (38) #7: Gremia (35) #8: Djura’s Apprentice (34) #9: Vitus (33) #10: Black Church doctior (30) #11: Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (29) #12: Valtr (24) #13: Simon and Crow (21) #14: Henriett (20) #15: Black church hunter lady, Yamamura, Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you, Micolash, Edgar, Yurie, Eileen and Alfred (19) #16: Imposter Iosefka, Henryk, Two hunters of despair, Madaras Twin and Antal (18) #17: Suspicious beggar, Djura and two Yahar’gul hunters at the Cathedral ward (17) #18: Djura’s ally (16) #19: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused vileblood and Hostile executioner (15) #20: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna and Adella (12)
Strengtht:  #1: Bestial Hunter (60), #2: Micolash and Crow (50), #3: Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Brador and Yamamura (45), #4: Edgar (42) #5: Alfred (40) #6: Yahar’gul hunter withe the claw (38) #7: Valtr (36), #8: Djura’s apprentice, Queen Killer, Madaras Twin and Black Church female hunter (35) #9: Henryk, Olek, Josef and Yharnam Hunter of despair (31) #10: Black Church Doctor (30) #11: Suspicious Beggar (29) #12: Henriett and Yahar’gul hunter in CW with Tonitrus (28), #13: Gremia (27) #14: Djura (24) #15: Hostile executioner, Vitus and Wallar (25) #16: Damian (21) #17: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter and nameless vileblood (20), #18: White Church doctor lady (15), #19: Eileen and Yahar’gul hunter with the cane and tiny Tonitrus (the rat behind the wall one) (14), #20: Imposter Iosefka,Yurie and Hunter of Despair from Black Church (13) #21: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella, Antal and Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (12) #22: Djura’s ally #23: Simon
Skill:  #1: Micolash (50), #2: Bestial Hunter, Yamamura and Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (45), #3: Eileen and Black Church female hunter (40), #4: Yahar’gul Hunter with the cannon and Yahar’gul hunter with the cane (the FUCKIN rat one!) (38) #5: Simon (35), #6: Yurie and Vitus (33), #7: Imposter Iosefka, Black Church hunter of despair and Gremia (31), #8: Brador, White Church doctor lady, Black Church doctor and Djura’s disciple (30),#9: Josef and Olek (29), #10: Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (28), #11: Madaras twin and Wallar (27), #12: Antal (26), #13: Queen Killer (25), #14: Djura’s ally, Damian, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused Vileblood and hostile executioner (20), #15: Crow (15), #16: Alfred, Edgar and Yahar’gul hunter with the claw (14), #17: Suspicious beggar, Henryk, Yharnam Hunter of despair and Valtr (13), #18: Yahar’gul hunter with Tonitrus (12), #19: Djura (11), #20: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical Man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella and Henriett (10)
Bloodtinge:  #1: Micolash and Crow (50), #2: Yamamura and Bestial Hunter (45), #3: Edgar (42), #4: Eileen, Black Church female hunter and Djura’s Apprentice (40), #5: The trio that ambushes you in Yahar’gul (38), #6: Brador, Simon and Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (35), #7: Yurie (33), #8: Imposter Iosefka, Henryk, Two hunters of despair, Olek, Queen Killer and Vitus (31), #9: White church doctor lady, Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Black Church doctor and unused vileblood (30), #10: Wallar (29), #11: Gremia (25), #12: Djura (24), #13: Josef (23), #14: Damian (21), #15: Djura’s Ally, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Hostile Executioner (20), #15: Henriett (14), #16: Madaras Twin (12), #17: Antal (10), #18: Alfred and Yahar’gul hunter with Tonitrus (9), #19: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Suspicious beggar, Arianna and Adella (6), #20: Valtr (5)
Arcane:  #1: Micolash and Damian (50), #2: White Church Doctor lady (45), #3: Edgar (42), #4: Imposter Iosefka and Alfred (40), #5: Yahar’gul hunter with the cane (he IS a rat tho) (38), #6: Queen Killer (35), #7: Yurie and Wallar (33), Gremia and Both Hunters of despair (31), #8: Olek (29), #9: Vitus (25), #10: Josef (23), #11: Hostile Tomb prospectors, Izzy’s admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused vileblood and hostile executioner (20) #12: Simon and Black Church doctor (15), #13: Yahar’gul hunter with the claw, Valtr, Beastial Hunter, Black Church female hunter, Yamamura, Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Antal and Djura’s apprentice (14); #14: Henriett (13), #15: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Suspicious beggar, Arianna, Adella, Eileen, Djura, Djura’s ally, Yahar’gul hunter with the cannon, Henryk, Crow, the two Yahar’ful hunters in CW, Brador and Madaras Twin (8)
(All stats are from this ( x ) page)
11.1) Micolash has all stats at the decent 50, except for the stamina that he only has at 19. Ironic for someone whose entire battle is running...
11.2) Bestial hunter ABSOLUTELY kicks ass as you can tell.
12) Some summons were canned. Such as: Djura (unknown boss), Yamamura (against Ludwig), Antal (unknown) and Bone Ash Hunter Carla (unknown).
11.3) You were supposed to find Henriett dead. Guess that was a way to explain her appearing in the Nightmare. Also, there is a secret catherdal ward NPC that you were supposed to find dying.
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12) Some characters drastically change stats when you don’t see them. Such characters are: Alfred (from 33 to 65 blood level), Eileen (30 to 65) and Simon (97 to 116). Basically they were killing while being left to do their own ways, I just step in here to appreciate the attention to the details.
That’s all yet, I think! I might have made some mistakes (especially at the point 11) so if you spot any you guys tell me! But uhhh I think I actually gave my strongest attention span to all these numbers, so it must work :pensive:
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bellringermal · 8 years
Oo, do you recall any of the NPC hunters' names offhand? Antal, Damien, Henriett, Yamamura?
Beastclaw Jozef (or was it Joseph?), Old Hunter Vitus, Madman Wallar, Old Prospectors Olek and Gremia, Damian of Mensis, Queenkiller...
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tainted-crown · 8 years
today i was playing in lower loran dungeon (not root, just standard) and i died laughing because next to the summon for Old Hunter Vitus was a note that said “time for dullards”
....insulting npc ai is my fave
0 notes
preoccupiedpens · 5 years
Dream Hunters Chapter 16: 98th
COLOSSEUM EMPIRE IS ALMOST shaped in a circular pattern. It is one of many independent nations that does not rely on United Alliance.
           On the borders of Colosseum Empire are twelve villages called Traeux, each in the position of an analog clock, and each named with numbers --- Traeux I to Traeux XII in clockwise order. The Traeux villages serves as the first line of defense of Colosseum Empire. They are to hold the enemies as long as they can and wait for the reinforcements.
           The reinforcements are in the larger villages called Lagaian. Like Traeux, there are twelve Lagaian villages and are in the same position, and named with same numbers --- Lagaian I to XII. Unlike Traeux though, Lagaian have larger number of army, each having a single legion of army, enough to invade a small country. And having twelve legions, Colosseum Empire is an empire that no other countries dare to invade. Except some few barbaric community that tries to steal land, women, cattle, and any valuables.
           At the center of Colosseum Empire is the Capital where six more legions reside, important families live, and important structures are built. It is where the senates are, the emperor, nobles, royalties, and the most well-known arena in the world, the Colosseum Arena. There are many commoners in the Capital as well, mostly are servants and laborers.
           “This is where the arena is located. It’s at the center of the Capital. That’s where you can see the gladiators fight.” Said Faustus while pointing at a map. “So whether you join or fight, that’s up to you guys.”
           Daisuke looked at Riku and Jack. “Come on guys. We’re already low on money anyway. So why not join?”
           “You don’t even know how to use a sword, spear, or shield. Powers and magic are prohibited.” Said Jack.
           “Oh how hard can it be? I may not be able to land a clean hit, but at least I can dodge. I’m confident with my reflexes and speed.” Daisuke insisted.
           “Daisuke, most defeated gladiators die during battle. Can you even kill for entertainment?” asked Faustus.
           “Wait what?”
           “Hey guys. Here are your imperial passes.” Julius handed Riku four papers. “This proves that you have been processed here in Traeux XII and that we allow you to stay in Colosseum Empire for fourteen days.”
           “Thank you, Julius.” Said Riku. “Fourteen days are enough for us to keep our supplies topped and continue our journey.”
           “Be sure to always show that whenever you’re asked and surrender it before leaving the empire.” Faustus reminded.
           “Thank you guys. We’ll be on our way then.” Said Raijin.
           “We should be the one thanking you guys.” Faustus said. “If ever, please do visit us again.”
           The quartet bid farewell as they continued to travel to Colosseum Arena.
           Faustus then looked around. “Hey, has anyone seen Emilia?”
 At the Capital’s market, the people are talking about the upcoming fight of the gladiator that came six months ago. An outsider was caught, managing to defeat at least three cohorts all by himself. It is said that he came from Dragonheim, a continent near the south pole of Laniagaea and a very unforgiving land.
           “Come on, guys! The fight is about to start!” said one kid.
           The other kid tried to run faster. “I’m trying *huff* *huff* I’m trying.” Said another.
           The kids managed to pass through all the people at the street. Then they went to a certain alley, and opened a pot hole. As they went down the sewers, they navigated with a torch to see their way. And when they finally reached a ladder, they went up discretely, and got inside the Colosseum Arena’s old male comfort room.
           The kids walked outside the room, and blend in the crowd as if they have paid to get inside. Soon, they are at the viewing deck for the commoners and are just in time to watch the main event.
           “Ladies and gentlemen. For today’s main event, our challenger is a long time gladiator. A veteran from Lagaian II. Once a great soldier, now a gladiator to serve his sentence. I give you, Silvanus!”
           The audience cheered Silvanus’s name. Many has bet that Silvanus is able to win any battle.
           Silvanus raised his spear and shield as he cheered the crowd. He is wearing a full body armor and a helmet that covers his face.
           “And now. On the opposite side of the arena. The undefeated barbarian. The man who defeated three cohorts. The man who claims to be a personal bodyguard of a crown princess. I give you, Siegfried!”
           Siegfried is quite shorter compared to Silvanus. Unlike Silvanus, his armor is made of leather and fur. His helmet covers his eyes and nose and ears, but revealing lower face. He’s got one arm guard, on his left arm, which has neck protection. His body have chain mail, and wears fur boots.
           The audience booed him.
           Today marks his ninety-eighth fight. The emperor, Augustus Severus Tiberius, promised him his freedom if he manages to win one hundred consecutive times. Not only him, but also the girl he is with.
           “I am sorry, Siegfried, but today, you will perish!” Silvanus taunted.
           Siegfried unsheathed his swords. Just like what the people at Traeux XII said, he wields the sword reversely. The blade of the swords are at his back. The hilt of the swords resembles a head of a raven.
           On the mark of the emperor, the battle begun.
           Silvanus was the first to attack. He run towards Siegfried and threw his spear. Before the spear could hit Siegfried, Siegfried jumped and somersaulted. As he landed, Silvanus greeted Siegfried with his dagger, which Siegfried deflected with the sword.
           As they exchange blows, Silvanus taunted Siegfried even more.
           “Hey! Why don’t you just escape from here? Didn’t you defeated three cohorts?”
           “You speak too much.” Siegfried lunged towards Silvanus and tried to slit the throat, but Silvanus managed to dodge.
           “Ho-ho. That attack just now was filled with killing intent. But your style of fighting is full of opening!”
           Silvanus attacked again with his dagger. Siegfried blocked Silvanus’s first slash, but it exposed his side, which Silvanus tried to take advantage. With another dagger, Silvanus stabs Siegfried. But to his surprise, Siegfried managed to quickly deflect the dagger.
           “You were saying?”
           Silvanus attacked even more. Siegfried simply parries every slash of Silvanus while stepping back. Silvanus kept on charging until he is near the spear he threw. He grabbed the spear and tried to stab Siegfried, but Siegfried countered by jumping and rotating midair.
           Siegfried cut the spear several times until he land behind Silvanus. Then, he slashed his back in a cross pattern.
           The crowd cheered to the fight that ensued. Everyone is now had their thumbs downward.
           Siegfried looked at the emperor. The emperor stood while holding his goblet of wine. Then, he raised the goblet with the thumb on it, then turned it upside down.
           The crowd went wild. And at that moment, Siegfried stabbed Silvanus.
  The quartet has now reached Lagaian XII. They were met by the optio of the century that went to Traeux XII.
           “Welcome to Lagaian XII. We received a crow from Traeux XII saying that the group who helped them are passing through here.” Said Vitus.
           “Thank you, Vitus. We’re just here to spend the night and be on our way on the first light.” Said Riku.
           “Well, it is still early. Have you guys eaten lunch yet?”
           “No, not yet. We were thinking of we could set up a camp somewhere so we could cook something.” Raijin answered.
           “Nonsense. My legatus would like to meet you. So please, eat lunch with us.”
           The quartet followed Vitus to the camp of Cohort II. The eyes of the soldiers followed them as they walk to the main camp. As they reached the main camp, they were greeted by the legatus.
           “Ah, Vitus. So these must be the foreigners you are talking about.”
           “Yes, Legatus Aurelius. These are Daisuke, Riku, and Jack, the elves. And this is Raijin, their guide here in Aria.”
           “I am Aurelius, the legatus of Lagaian XII and centurion of Cohort I.”
           “Nice to meet you, legatus.” Said Raijin
           “Thank you for having us.” Jack added.
           “Well, I hope you are all hungry. We have a lot of food today. This is our way of saying thanks to you. We would have lost many innocent lives in Trauex XII if not for you four. Having a feast is the least that we could do.”
           The group was led by Aurelius as they walk to the dining camp of Cohort I. On their way, they see hundreds, maybe thousands of soldiers
           “Wow. I have never seen this many soldiers before.” Said Raijin in awe. “Even the United Alliance in Port Royale only have a few hundred enough for three warships.”
           “Hahaha. Well, the empire’s land is wide. Having all the soldiers we have counts.”
           The soldiers of Cohort I assembled at the dining camp There, the quartet is introduced by Aurelius. It is not every day that Colossans have elven guests, so they all had many questions to them. After the meal, Cohort I assembled outside as it is their turn to patrol the nearby lands.
           “Well, we have to accompany our men in patrolling. Feel free to go around the village.” Said Aurelius.
           “Thank you again for the meal.” Said Daisuke.
           As soon as Aurelius left, the quartet went around the village to see what Lagaian villages have.
           Most of the outskirts of the village are the camps for the soldiers. Cattles and farms are also found on the outskirts. The family of the soldiers live in the middle part of the village. This is where the commoners live as well. The market, plaza, and other buildings are located there also. And at the inner most part of the village are some of the wealthy families. They mostly own most of the land and employs the commoners.
           “Hey, isn’t that Emilia?” asked Daisuke.
           “Where?” asked Riku.
           “Over there, the one with the robe near the tower.”
           “Emilia!” shouted Raijin.
           At the center of the Lagaian villages is the Eagle Tower. It is the tallest structure in the village and has a giant eagle statue on top. Only the royalties and select nobles, senators, and soldiers may enter the towers. The quartet ran towards the tower.
           “H-Hey guys. How’s it going?” asked Emilia.
           “Great. The legatus asked us to join him for lunch earlier.” Said Daisuke
           “What are you doing here, Emilia?” asked Jack.
           “Oh, Umm…I-I’m just here for an official business.”
           “I’ve read about these towers before.” said Daisuke.
           “Really?” asked Emilia.          
           “The eagle is the symbol of Colosseum Empire. It symbolizes military strength and protection. And on the event that a catastrophe occurs, an event that not even the greatest military could stop, those towers will protect the empire.”
           Everyone backed up to see the giant eagle statue at the top of the tower. Then, everyone was startled when three giant eagles flew past them.
           “Woah! Those are live giant eagles!” said Riku.
           “Look! There are people riding those eagles!” said Jack.
           “So those are the famed Eagle Riders. Of course, the forest here on Colosseum Empire is home to the giant eagles.” Raijin added.
            The eagles made a U-turn and headed towards the quartet. The eagles got closer, then roosted on the metal poles protruding on the tower. At that distance, they saw just how big giant eagles are.
           Then, on the golden-feathered eagle came down a man with an armor and a robe. Two other men who are wearing black armors landed as well and walked side by side the first one.
           The people around the area kneeled.
           “Emilia.” Said the man from the golden eagle.
           Emilia kneeled. “Emperor.”    
“You four! Kneel!” said one of the black armored rider. “You are before the great emperor of Colosseum Empire!”
           The quartet kneeled as well.
           “Hahahaha! Please, do not scare them. I heard they helped our people at Traeux XII.” Said the emperor. “At ease. You may stand up.”
           “T-thank you, sir.” Said Riku.
           Soldiers arrived in the area with Aurelius.
           “Emperor. To what do we owe your visit.” Asked Aurelius.
           “Aurelius. It’s nice to see you again. I am just here to invite these four brave warriors to the Capital. After all, the reports I received said that we would have lost hundreds of men if not for them.”
           “Very well. We will prepare a carriage to escort them to the Capital.”
           “That won’t be necessary, Aurelius. They’ll be riding the eagles with us. Including Emilia.”
           “Pardon me, my lord, but these are elves. Are we really taking them to the Capital?” said one of the black armored rider.
           “I wanted to thank them personally, Aries.” Said the emperor.
           “There’s really no need for that, sir.” Said Raijin. “We just so happened to be there.”
           “Other people would have taken advantage of that situation. Besides, not only you four saved my people. You saved my sister Emilia.”
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vanceencounter-blog · 6 years
Tracking Down the Winning List
Recently Blizzard released the new Monster Hunt mode for Hearthstone. It is very similar to Dungeon Run, a single player mode released with the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion. You face a series of bosses each more difficult than the last. Luckily every time you beat a boss you will get to pick one of three “buckets” of cards. These buckets contain cards in a similar vein like “Professional”, which focuses on things that get your opponent’s creatures dead. Periodically you will receive Treasures as well. Treasures are very powerful and come in the form of playable cards or passive abilities.
Monster Hunt does away with the classic 9 heroes available in Hearthstone, in favor of four new ones. The new kids on the block are Cannoneer, Tracker, Houndmaster and Time-Tinkerer. I thoroughly enjoyed Dungeon Run before and wanted to give you a look into the incremental deck building process. This won`t be a boss guide but more of a reason why I took the buckets I did and how the final list turned out. I started with Tess Greymane (The Tracker) and liked her quite a bit.
The reason Tess is so interesting is her hero power, scavenge. The activation cost of scavenge is 2 mana, which allows you to discover a class spell that has been played this game. Miss Greymane has access to hunter and rogue spells, giving her access to plenty of traps, direct damage and kill spells amongst other goodies. This ability doesn’t just work on cards you’ve cast but also your opponent. This is basically the warlock hero power on steroids! Having a selection of 3 cards over drawing a random one, was much better and added an insane level of consistency to the deck. I don’t know if Tess is better than the other heroes but it only took me two tries to beat the dungeon with her. The winning run went like this:
The first beast to be slain was Gobbles. This unpleasant pheasant had a passive ability which drew them a card whenever a beast died. There wasn’t much to this fight as they only had 10 life and the tracker base deck is very low to the ground and aggressive.
Deck Pre-Gobbles:
Elven Archer 
Sinister Strike
Worgen Infiltrator
Bloodsail Raider
Snake Trap
Blink Fox
Fan of Knives
Hired Gun
SI:7 Agent
Gobbles Additions: The first treasure I looted was Crystal Gem. A tried and true treasure from Kobolds, the gem allows you to start the game with an extra mana crystal. For the first bucket, I selected Jade in the rough, which included 2 Jade Shuriken and a Sonya Shadowdancer.  The Shurikens were nice to deal some damage and net bodies. Sonya was a pickup that synergized nicely with the ETB ability of Elven Archer, Bloodsail Raider, Blink Fox and SI: 7 Agent.
Niira the Trickster
Niira had a 1 mana hero power that gave all creatures +1/+1. If you can flood the board you can use this to your advantage as it hits your creatures as well.
Niira Additions:  I took the Copycat bucket here which netted me Ethereal Peddler, Undercity Huckster and Swashburglar. The peddler works well with the huckster and swashburglar but also does wonders with your hero power, making any spells you scavenged from your opponent cheaper too. Sonya was happy to see all three of these cool cats too.
Grubb the Swampdrinker
This tall glass of swamp water gave me some serious flashbacks to Fling from MTG. His hero power was 1 mana: Destroy a friendly minion and deal its Attack to the enemy hero. If you can off his minions, his power doesn’t have any text and he can only go face. You don’t have to worry about him killing your creatures with his ability which is a plus.
Grubb Additions:  As I was mapping out my plan for this deck, Grubb provided a sense of direction, with the option of Cartographer. She was an over statted minion for her cost and netted more card advantage. This was yet another tool to abuse with Sonya. For my extra cards I snatched up the Specialist package, which included: 2 Bloodmage Thalnos and an Eviscerate. The bloodmages upped the damage of my Sinister Strike, Fan of Knives and newly acquired Eviscerate, as well as any other random damage class spells the opponent provided.
This Chupa could pop his ability for one mana, granting a friendly minion lifesteal. No minions = no sustain, so kill them as they come.
Chupacabran Additions: The professional bucket seemed like the way to go this time. It contained Assassinate, Patient Assassin and Snipe. All three of these acted as kill spells, with the Assassinate and Snipe having the ability to be rebought with the hero power.
Garrow, the Rancorous
There is only one thing that`s certain, Death and Taxes. Which just so happens to be Garrow`s ability. It’s 1 mana and deals damage to your opponent for each minion they control. He poured out damage very quickly but a more spell based strategy can do very well against him.
Garrow Additions: Upon his death I collected my toll which was another Jade in the rough package. This one had Thistle Tea, Aya Blackpaw and Jade Shuriken. The more jade producers the merrier and a refillable cup of Thistle Tea never hurt anyone either (actually that does sound like it would hurt). I grabbed some Caltrops as my treasure to weaken all the creatures on the other side of the board.
This tough customer`s hero power was One with the Trees, which for 2 mana reduced the cost of minions in your hand by 1. He had a lot of beef in that hand, so being hyper aggressive or having ways to bounce his minions would be very useful.
Cragtorr Additions:  Specialist came back with two Backstab and a Fan of Knives. These were all great with Blood Mage Thalanos and let you machine gun the board with Tess.
Vitus the Exiled
For a guy who was exiled he sure loved company. Vitus had a passive hero power: Your minions have +1/+1. Luckily Thalanos upped the power of my damage spells to mitigate this and crystal gem got me rolling quicker than him.
Vitus Additions:  Apparently when Vitus got exiled he got to take some treasure with him. I picked up a Frenzied Trapper from him, which is a 5 mana 5/5 that puts 5 random hunter secrets into play as an ETB. This can be filthy with Sonya, making the opponent have to wade through an army of secrets to get to you. The last trio of cards I obtained was from the Old Bones preset. It came with 2 Sylvanas Windrunner and a Journey Below. Sylvanas didn’t have a ton of synergy with the deck but is just one of the best creatures in Hearthstone. Journey Below was a nice cheap class card to rebuy over and over.
Captain Shivers
Shiver keelhauled me once before and I was out for revenge. His hero power costs 0 and it was: draw a weapon from your deck. He surprised me with his Kingsbane Rogue deck initially but I was ready for him this time. He was getting me low and had me pretty worried that history was going to repeat itself. The tides turned my way when I used Journey Below to discover a Kingsbane and began to copy all the buffs he was using on his copy. In the end I won the clash of blades and breathed a sigh of relief.
Here is the winning deck list:
2 Backstab
Crystal Gem
Elven Archer
Journey Below
Sinister Strike
Worgen Infiltrator
2 Bloodmage Thalnos
Bloodsail Raider
3 Jade Shuriken
Patient Assassin
Snake Trap
Undercity Huckster
Blink Fox
2 Fan of Knives
Hired Gun
SI:7 Agent
Sonya Shadowdancer
Ethereal Peddler
Frenzied Trapper
Aya Blackpaw
2 Sylvanas Windrunner
Thistle Tea
 Hopefully this deck list helps you in your picks and gives you an idea of what synergies are available to Tess. Happy Hunting!
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Vitus makes his appearance! . He was adopted into a Highlander family of hunters. Only a dad and his daughter, the girl left after a few years - kicked out after their dad discovered she was studying black magic. Their dad would go looking for her a year after, leaving Vitus to look over her old books and the house. He was alone for two months before he left in search of them. He's only recently found his sister, after ten years of being on his own. . #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy #ffxivscreenshot #mmorpg #stormblood #jenovaserver #miqote #keeper #videogames #character
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