#old point loma
pharology101 · 2 years
LOTD: Point Loma (1)
~sorry for delay - meant for November 18th, 2022~
(from: http://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/ca2.htm)
Point Loma (1) (Old Point Loma)
1855. Inactive since 1891 (lit decoratively; the light source is offset from the center of the lens so the light is of no navigational value). Charted as a landmark. 46 ft (14 m) round cylindrical brick tower with lantern and gallery rising from the roof of 1-1/2 story sandstone keeper's house. Tower and house painted white, lantern black, lantern dome red. The 3rd order Fresnel lens from the Miles Rocks Light, San Francisco, is mounted in the tower. Lighthouse painted white, lantern black. Lighthouse Digest has Gene Wild's July 2005 article on the history of the lighthouse, Anderson has a great page, Zhou Zhaoliang has a photo, Wikimedia has many photos, Huelse has a historic postcard view, and Google has a closeup street view and a satellite view. This lighthouse had a focal plane of 462 ft (141 m), but this proved to be too high: the light was often obscured by low clouds or fog. The lighthouse was ordered demolished in 1913; it was saved by the decision to make the area a national monument. In June 2003 the lighthouse was closed for six months while the station was restored to its 1880s appearance. The assistant keeper's house was reconstructed to serve as a visitor center and museum; the 3rd order Fresnel lens from the 1891 lighthouse and the 4th order Fresnel lens from the Ballast Point lighthouse are on display. There was another restoration in 2018-19; the lantern dome was repainted its original color of red. Located at the end of CA 209 on Point Loma, at the western end of San Diego. Site open, lighthouse and tower open daily except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Owner: U.S. National Park Service. Site manager: Cabrillo National Monument. . ARLHS USA-627.
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(photo found here; ©Loco Steve)
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Today, August 7th, is National Lighthouse Day in the US! The event was established during the bicentennial of when the US government created the US Lighthouse Establishment in 1789.
To kick off a week of lighthouses, we're starting with a book by the National Park Service and the Cabrillo Historical Association about the Old Point Loma Lighthouse (1978), located in San Diego, California. Included here are two pages about how the lighthouse was lit. Image transcripts below the cut.
For more information, check out these links:
National Lighthouse Day history from the US Lighthouse Society
The Lighthouses of Point Loma by the National Park Service
The Old Point Loma Lighthouse in our catalog
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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Fresnel (fra-nel) lighthouse lenses came in seven different "orders," or sizes; first, second, third, three and a-half, fourth, fifth, and sixth. The first order were the largest, and the sixth the smallest. Generally, the larger the lens the greater its range. The larger lenses could be seen from further away than the smaller ones. Also, if a lens was high above sea level, it could be seen from further away than if it was at the water's edge. The ranges given in the illustration are median distances for a lens with a 1,000 watt bulb.
Lenses and Illuminants
Until the 1850's, nearly every lighthouse in the United States used a number of Argand lamps and parabolic reflectors for illumination. These lamps were placed "side by side around the circumference of a circle," and the number of lamps used depended upon the arc of the horizon it was desired to illuminate. For years a bulls-eye magnifying lens was used on each lamp, but these lenses were practically useless, and in 1840 they were removed, leaving the reflectors.
This system, which had become known as the American system, had but one virtue—the lamps were inexpen-sive. But their faults were legion: They were complicated, they used a vast amount of oil, they required constant attention, and, most important of all, they produced relatively little light.
In 1822 Augustin Fresnel, a French physicist, developed a lens apparatus which was to revolutionize lighthouse illumination. A Fresnel lens is like a glass barrel whose outer surface is made up of prisms and bulls-eyes. In a revolving or flashing light, the bulls-eyes are surrounded by curved, concentric prisms, concentrating the light of a central lamp into several individual beams, radiating like the spokes of a wheel. In the fixed, or steady light, the bulls-eyes become a continuous "lens belt," with the prisms [next page] parallel to it, producing an uninterrupted, horizontal sheet of light. Fresnel lenses were classified into seven orders. The order was determined by focal distance—that is, the distance from the illuminant to the lenses.
The United States was slow to adopt the Fresnel lenses, and for years a controversy raged in this country over the merits of the old and new systems. Finally, in 1841, the United States purchased its first Fresnel lens and installed it at Navesink Light, New Jersey, to test the new system. The Fifth Auditor conducted the experiment with all deliberate speed (the accent being on deliberate); 10 years later there were only three light stations in the country which had Fresnel lenses. On March 3, 1851, Congress expressed confidence in the new system by approving an appropriation bill which included permission for the Secretary of the Treasury to place the Fresnel lens system in new lighthouses, in lighthouses not having lenses, and in lighthouses requiring new ones.
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In the fall of 1855 craftsmen installed a third order, fixed light lens in the lighthouse lantern. Made in Paris, it stood over five feet high and three feet wide. In the center, a lamp with three circular wicks, one inside the other, produced a flame of 168 candlepower. The finely ground and highly polished prisms, and the bulls-eye that encircled the lens, captured the light from this flame, focused and magnified it to about 19,000 candlepower, and sent it out in a horizontal sheet of light. According to the 1862 edition of the "Directory for the Pacific Coast of the United States," the lens of the Point Loma light which is 462 feet above sea level "illuminates the entire horizon, and in clear weather should be visible—From a mast height of 20 feet above the sea, at a distance of 28 miles."
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dailylighthouse · 11 months
Old Point Loma Lighthouse
San Diego, California, United States
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Source: United States Coast Guard | Wikimedia Commons
Constructed: 1855
Decommissioned: 1891
Have a favorite lighthouse? Curious about lighthouses in general? Send an ask!
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horizon-verizon · 29 days
The amount of fanfics I have seen where Jon hatches dragons, takes over Daenerys’ storyline/one-ups her storyline, and becomes the PtwP is insanely high. Daenerys as a man would have been Aegon the Conqueror come again (even though she IS Aegon the Conqueror come again already). People would treat her like Aragorn rather than Anakin Skywalker or Paul Atreides. Her actions would not have been questioned as heavily. Her fate wouldn’t be deemed as one of madness or death.
A lot of fans hate that Daenerys is the one that brought dragons back in the world, and the only hope for survival in Westeros. If Daenerys doesn’t go to Westeros, everyone dies! There’s no hope to defeat the Others without her, but people still think that she isn’t the Prince that was Promised. And please the Song of Ice and Fire is about a war between Ice and Fire, not someone who comes from Ice and Fire (Jon being the son of a Stark and a Targaryen is not a union of Ice and Fire), it’s a war between the side of death (Ice, the Others) and the side of life (Fire, Daenerys and her dragons).
All true. And I think people purposefully "misunderstand" what the Prince that was Promised & Azor Ahai's roles are in ASoIaF's world's legends so they can deny they both refer to the same person AND that Dany is ultimately neither. That bc the term "ptwp" is used more often by Westeorsi and the term "Azor Ahai" is used more often by Essosi people, that these are two completely different entities. That because the Azor Ahai has a specific mythic story to it (Nissa-Nissa being the sacrifice for AA's sword, the gods in the Yi-Tish [but not exclusively] and how they/humans/Amethyst Empress-Bloodstone Emporer brought about the first Long Night), that the Prince is completely unrelated to Azor Ahai...even though the Valyrian word meaning "prince"--which is where the word that is part of the term in the first place--is a gender-neutral and can refer to a woman.
Other than the word, it is rather because comparatively the "PTWP" has less information or place of origin than the lore for AA that it actually always stemmed from the myth of AA AND is actually just another name for AA. We know Essos and many of its present societies are far older than any Westerosi civilization and we know that both the FM and the Andals came from Essos in their separate migrations and at least the Andals have lived at one point under Valyrian exapnsion and rule. When humans migrate, they bring with them the most relevant or inspiring stories for their cultural and mental survival, not to mention that the stories of AA have existed for millennia in most of Essos, from the Narrow Sea to the where we could touch Sothoryos. Many Essosi cities are inheritors of Old Valyria's rule or have developed their own socieiites much from the remnants of Valyrian rule. Through old Valyria's wide colonization and empire, places with great distances b/t them would have had stories and other things translated through Valyrian or carried through Valyrian devices and for hundreds of years. Much of Westeros' commerce and other sorts of exchanges--we hear several times in AWoIaF of maesters learning some tidbits about some Essosi, scientific, legends of Westrsoi travelers like Lomas Longstrider, etc. Even just the knowledge of how people continue to travel b/t Essos and Westeros provides another way as to how the AA prophecy reached Westeros and just as in real life people develop different names for either the same thing. Melisandre, who travels to Westeros from her mission given to her or iparted to her by the Red Priests uses "PTWP" and AA interchangeably, and says AA more often bc it is the most familiar and the older of the two.
Thereby, that the PTWP prophecy came from Essos and is thus just the most recent iteration for AA is proven and very obvious but people are in extreme denial, ignorant, and/or just purposefully sexist. For god sake's, we have THREE separate sources linking the PTWP to AA: Melisandre, Maester Aemon, and Archmaester Marwyn, with the same refrain of "bleeding star", under which Dany is told to us has already hatched her 3 eggs. PTWP is often pictured as having some sort of sword...a principal part of the AA prophecy contain a story about a "sword", and both often have "light" and fire symbolism to connote driving away the "cold" and "dark" of an all consuming, destructive evil. The "last hero" that supposedly drove away the Others with DRAGONGLASS/obsidian (again, a material often shown to be from Valyrian origins and very connected to Valyrian steel swords).
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But even with all this reference to an actual sword, we know a singular sword is not gonna do much against a force such like the Others and even a whole army isn't enough (dead bodies coming back and all): magic and fire that come in the form of dragons--who are fire embodied as well as just magical creatures--to utterly obliterate and "purify" the threat is necessary. The fire x "light" creates swords but is a weapon in of itself, not just an "ingredient", as the Others are a mass elemental problem that needs and elemental solution--fire spreads, swords cannot, when we want to get literal.
It's ironic bc in the metaphorical language and paradigms of fantasy and other sorts of fiction narratives in the West, eomen are constantly relegated as "material" to be used by men and either they or whatever makes them strong or notable is shaped for another thing so the man/boy can use the new creation to defeat evil...and in ASoIaF, Dany is creator, material, director. In our own formula, she really manifests more as a "goddess". which is why people are so eager to relegate her back to being "material" for Jon.
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cairoscene · 5 months
song meme
tagged by @megafaunatic hehe
shuffle your on repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
we just disagree by dave mason, and here's where i explain that my 62 y/o father has started sending the family gc a song From His Youth every week to my endless delight and i make the whole house stop and listen. this one was one of the first he sent so now i cherish it
vienna by billy joel, a song for everyone's own personal favorite Tired Character
ocotillo by loma, the only song i know of that makes a fog horn slap so hard
me and julio down by the schoolyard by paul simon, a song from my childhood and to this day im not sure if my parents know it's about gay sex and at this point i'm too afraid to ask
the boxer by simon & garfunkel aka the sexier version of paul simon but nothing goes harder than "every glove that laid him down or cut him / til he cried out / in his anger and his shame / I AM LEAVING I AM LEAVING / but the fighter still remains" 🤌🤌🤌
california dreamin' by the mamas and the papas. probably bc of my dad i have been very old-man-yells-at-cloud about how Music Used To Be Good and listening to a lot of oldies for my soul
new ceremony by dry the river on their best album SHALLOW BED which i cannot for sure say is what it's about but for me it is about not being able to communicate your feelings in any other way than by bible allegories
butchered tongue by hozier which is i think a close second to my favorite from unreal unearth but this song just opens a crack inside me every time i hear it and emotion leaks and leaks and leaks
terrible love by the national and idk why this is on here except maybe i listened to it so many times in college while staring at the ceiling that it time traveled onto my on repeat playlist
glider by japanese breakfast, a video game song that is so so important to me and was important even before i got to play the game. something about the chimes just scratches my brain
tagging @vinelark @feyburner @tigerjpg @englishsub @uhuraisgay @eggmacguffin @witchiestwitch @yuebings @houtaroo and anyone else who wants to do it!!!!
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SP Action @ Loma Linda by Kevin Cavanaugh Via Flickr: Action on the SP at Loma Linda, California on January 9, 1972. There are two eastbounds and one westbound present. SD39 5319 is leading the first of the two eastbounds to leave. SD35 6914 will lead the second eastbound off the Ice Deck towards Redlands and points east. In the meantime, the westbound will proceed over the Santa Ana River and through Old Colton to the yard at West Colton.
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tedwardremus · 1 month
Mel's Favorite Lighthouses
To say goodbye to TheLightHousesTale url here is some of my favorite lighthouses
(follow @lighthousetale for more lighthouse content in the future)
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Old Point Loma Lighthouse - Obviously, I have to represent my hometown on this list. While in operation, the lighthouse had the highest elevation of any lighthouse in the United States. It was too foggy in that location though so they built another lighthouse in 1891 at lower elevation.
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Fastnet Lighthouse - The tallest lighthouse in Ireland. I am fond of lighthouses on jagged rocks that look impossible to get to. The best of lighthouse vibes.
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Blacksod Lighthouse - Another Irish lighthouse (Ireland has great lighthouses). Weather observations in June 1944 by the Blacksod lighthousekeepers caused the Normandy landings to be postponed because even though Ireland was neutral during the war it provided the British with weather reports. We love lighthouses that helped us beat the Nazis.
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Thomas Point Shoal Light - The most recognized lighthouse in Maryland. It's shaped like a hexagon which is cool.
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Sidi Ifni Lighthouse- I don't need to say much about this beauty. It is gorgeous.
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Point Lookout Lighthouse - 8,000 Confederates died there during the American Civil War. Love a haunted lighthouse.
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St. Simons Lighthouse - Another haunted lighthouse. After an argument the lighthouse assistant shot and killed the lighthouse keeper.
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Tourlitis Lighthouse - This just looks like a magical lighthouse from a fairytale. A Disney princess lives there.
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Tower of Hercules - lighthouse built by Romans. Myth has it that Hercules buried the head of Geryon underneath the land that lighthouse now stands on.
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catilinas · 2 years
Can you recommend any non-fiction books about roman history for someone looking to get a little bit deeper into it?
yeah! do also check my book rec tag because ive probably answered something similar to this at Some point. also bear in mind this is specific to the roman republic (and tbh mostly the late republic) because i just do not care. like rome kept happening but who Give a shit. look at it. it's got emperors. anyway
a companion to the roman republic ed. nathan rosenstein and robert morstein-marx and the cambridge companion to the roman republic ed. harriet i. flower are both absolutely massive and full of v good introductions to a variety of topics! get basic understanding of a thing! nice!
some specific Books I Like on individual topics: the rise of rome: from the iron age to the punic wars by kathryn lomas covers the earliest roman Anything up to the third century And grounds that history in the context of what was going on in the rest of italy at the time. roman republics by harriet i. flower is about different ways of periodising the history of the republic(s?) and in doing so gives a good overview of major changes to the political system. party politics in the age of caesar by lily ross taylor is Quite Old but imo still holds up as an introduction at least.
you could also consider Picking A Guy and reading a biography. love it when a life is put into the context of wider history while also existing as a more coherent narrative on which to pin that history. some that are fun are sulla: the last republican by arthur keaveney, the patrician tribune by w. jeffrey tatum about clodius pulcher (the introduction is also suchhhhhh a good summary of 'party' politics and why that's not a great way to think about it!), clodia metelli: the tribune's sister by marilyn b. skinner about clodius' sister who was maybe also lesbia from catullus' poetry, cato the younger: life and death at the end of the republic by fred k. drogula, fulvia: playing for power at the end of the roman republic by celia e. schultz (i have been meaning to read this one lol), and brutus: the noble conspirator by kathryn tempest.
my anti-recommendation is rubicon by tom holland No i have not read it Yes i think it sucks. L + i have been shown excerpts of the bad prose + the republic had fallen apart way before caesar crossed the rubicon + the author has a whole bunch of bad takes + read attis (1996) instead
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heavenlybackside · 6 months
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Staircase in the old Point Loma Light House, San Diego California
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noloveforned · 1 year
friday night finds me hosting no love for ned on wlur from 8pm until midnight, as usual. please swing by if you're around or stream last week's show on mixcloud when you get a few minutes!
no love for ned on wlur – october 6th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label pavement // carrot rope // terror twilight // matador soccer mommy // here // karaoke night cassette // loma vista standard fare // philadelphia // huw stephens session on july 1st, 2010 10" // precious andrew savage // my my my dear // several songs about fire // rough trade closet straights // apologise // closet straights // cobra snake necktie pop filter // heaven sent // cono // bobo integral patio // the sun // collection // fire talk kissing party // no advice // graceless // (self-released) blues lawyer // have nots // sight gags on the radio 7" ep // dark entries this is pop // 666 // white monkey // lollipop gentilesky // city of boredom // ways of seeing // hozac collate // erika's trip // generative systems // domestic departure oxbow and peter brötzmann // a gentleman’s gentleman // an eternal reminder of not today- live at moers // sleeping giant glossolalia emily robb // first grow a gold plant // if i am misery then give me affection // petty bunco califone // villagers // villagers // jealous butcher records modern nature // tapestry // no fixed point in space // bella union bobby jackson // desiree song // spiritual jazz volume fourteen- private compilation // jazzman daniel villarreal featuring jeff parker and anna butterss // bring it // lados b // international anthem donald byrd // black byrd // black byrd // blue note quin kirchner, daniel van duerm and matthew lux // pink void // kvl volume 2 // astral spirits tito puente // africa habla // el rey bravo // tico mckinley dixon // run, run, run // beloved! paradise! jazz!? // city slang noname // namesake // sundial // (self-released) l'orange and blu // cafe lover // old soul (outtake) // old soul wiki and tony seltzer // numb // 14k figaro // wikset enterprise pivot gang // aang // aang digital single // (self-released) taken by trees // she loves the way they love her // another year ep // rough trade world atlas // darling, it’s always something // slow love // (self-released) the hannah barberas // you're so?! // fantastic tales of the sea // subjangle / spinout nuggets still submarine // photos i never took // warmer shades of you ep // (self-released) hero no hero // just to be with you // pacific standard time // (self-released) hazy sour cherry // little run // tour de tokyo // damnably wolf girl // good for nothing // mama's boy cassette // soft power
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thedaily-beer · 2 years
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Modern Times Complicated Patterns Double IPA (Picked up at the brewery in Point Loma). A 4 of 4. A really nice traditional West Coast IPA profile on this -- primarily pine and citrus with some tropical fruit poking its head out too. Quite aggressively bitter finish and a reasonably balanced body that feels quite old-school.
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pulpman2 · 2 years
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The Redhead
It was a barely perceptible creak at first. Mary Lomas, Private Eye, could not sleep and did not take her shifting old apartment that seriously. Her eyes flickered open. God, she needed to sleep, she told herself: she was on the stand at 10 am tomorrow and her testimony would send Louie Parsons down for five to ten and she needed to be at her best. But the next sound was no expanding floorboard, it was a footfall, heavy and full of purpose. Mary sprang into action. Her hand grasped the handle of the gun secreted between her pillows and she rolled, her filmy black night dress clinging to her as she moved, an instant before the knife wielded by her attacker, plunged into the mattress where two seconds before she had lain.
The man struggled to pull the knife free. The mattress burst into a shower of feathers as he wrenched the weapon out of the material and he lunged with a murderous snarl towards his victim. “So long, sweet cheeks!” he sneered only to stop, blinking in surprise as the overhead suddenly light clicked on. The assailant whirled, rubbing his eyes, to come face to face with Mary, standing at the other side of the bedroom, one hand nonchalantly on the light switch, the other holding her gun pointing directly at the chest of the bemused knife man. “Next time you want to get to third base, sweetie, at least ask me out first!” the female detective smiled with a coquettish wink.
* Twenty minutes later…*
“They said I’d know it was you because you was a redhead,” the would be assassin said morosely as Mary tied his hands behind his back with her dressing room cord. “Well, they got that right, pal,” laughed the woman, throwing back her tousled auburn locks, “though how you knew that in the dark beats me!” Her prisoner shrugged as Mary pushed him face down on the bed in order to tie his ankles too. She became thoughtful as she bound his legs. “You wanna turn state, baby?” she asked the miserable looking thug. “I could take you along to court tomorrow and submit you as Exhibit A!”
My interpretation of the story behind the cover to X Marks the Redhead by Russell Gray in Crack Detective Stories (March 1944). Art by Milton Luros
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rjdavies · 2 years
Spooky and the Supernatural Series: Haunted Castles
Supernatural, Spooky, Creature and Places Series we continue with ….
Today’s Topic: Haunted Castles
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The Craigdarroch Castle, this picture may look familiar if you are an X-Men fans! Home of the mutants. It is actually a Canadian Castle in Victoria British Columbia, and it’s considered haunted. To me that’s like bonus points!
Completed being built in 1908, 114 years old, the original family Dunsmuir are said to haunt this place, with incidents, a ghostly woman pulling blankets off people sleeping, pots clanging and a white figure drifting through the halls. 
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Casa Loma, in Toronto Ontario, was built in 1911-1914, Sir henry Pellatt spent $3.5 million dollars to build it and then filled it with priceless artwork. Casa Loma, even though there are not documented deaths at the castle, it is definitely haunted, guests and staff have reported voices, footsteps, doors that open on their own, several people have witness apparitions. It is haunted by a mysterious lady in white who has been seen in the basement, it is believed that she is the spirit of a maid who worked there in the early 1900s. Guests have seen Sir Henry Pellatt and Lady Mary Pellatt, and there is a ghost that haunts the tunnel.
It has been in movies: Beauty and the Beast, Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, X-Men and Scott Pilgrim vs the World. 
Other Notable Haunted Castles:
Moosham Castle, Austria (built in the 12th century) - During the Witch Trials between 1675 - 1690, hosted many executions, imprisonments and torturing of hundreds of men and women, staff report banging, footsteps, seeing white mists, and feeling someone breathing on them.
Houska Castle, Czech Republic (built in the 13th century) - This castle was built over a large hole in the ground that is thought to be bottomless. Building over it was a way to seal up the gateway and keep demonic creatures from entering our world. Before sealing it off, nearby prisoners were granted pardons if they agreed to be lowered into the hole by a rope and report back what they saw. When the first prisoner was lowered, he started screaming after a few seconds, when he was brought back up, he had appeared to have aged 30 years.
Burg Eltz, Germany (built in the 12th century)- Countess Agnes haunts the castle, her breastplate and battle axe remain in her bedroom, she is said to have died defending her castle from an undesirable suitor.
Bhangarh Fort, India (built in 1613) - Considered one of the most haunted places in India, hidden deep in the state of Rajasthan at the foot of the Aravali Mountain range.
Himeji Castle, Japan (built in the 14th century) - There is a ghost that haunts the castle at night, counts dishes and shrieks before returning to the well.
Larnach Castle, New Zealand (built between 1871-1887) - Kate Larnach haunts the ballroom, taps on your shoulder, whispers in your ears, the building has been visited by paranormal investigators and featured on Ghost Hunters International.
Bran Castle, Romania (built in 14th century) - Home of Vlad the Impaler, inspiration for Bram Stoker - Vlad III Dracula
Edinburgh Castle, Scotland (built in 1103) There are visitors from colonial prisoners from the American Revolution War, and French prisoners from the Seven Years War, and a ghost dog that wanders the grounds.
Castle of Good Hope, South Africa (built in the 17th century) - haunted by prisoners who drowned in the dungeon, a large black dog, a bell that rings by itself, and lights that switch on and off by themselves.
A short story of mine with a ghost, “Stop Knocking”. This short story and others that you can download and read for free at my website.
Keep watch for every creek and bump you hear at night; you never know what or who might be watching you!
R. J. Davies
A Riveting Jacked-In Dreamy Mind-Bender  
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Visit my website at https://rjdavies.ca/ and sign up for my mailing list!
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Explore the Beauty and History of Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, CA
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Perched on the edge of the Point Loma Peninsula, Cabrillo National Monument offers visitors a captivating mix of history, breathtaking scenery, and stunning ocean vistas. This historic landmark in San Diego, CA, commemorates the arrival of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, the first European to land on the West Coast in 1542. Today, the monument invites explorers, nature enthusiasts, and history buffs to delve into the area's rich past and natural beauty through a variety of experiences.
Journey Through San Diego's Historical Roots
Cabrillo National Monument celebrates the early exploration of the West Coast, with a towering statue dedicated to Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo’s historic voyage. Visitors can immerse themselves in the fascinating exhibits at the on-site museum, which detail the significant impact of Cabrillo’s expedition and the interactions with native populations. The monument is also home to the Old Point Loma Lighthouse, a preserved relic of San Diego’s maritime heritage. Climbing to the top offers sweeping panoramic views and a glimpse into the region’s storied past.
Coastal Trails with Breathtaking Ocean Views
The monument's coastal trails offer some of the most remarkable views in San Diego, CA. These scenic pathways wind through the rugged bluffs, revealing stunning panoramas of the Pacific Ocean, downtown San Diego, and even Mexico on a clear day. Whether you're up for a leisurely stroll or a more challenging hike, the trails cater to all skill levels. Along the way, interpretive signs provide insights into the local plant life and ecosystems, enhancing your connection to the natural surroundings.
Discover the Vibrant Tidepools
A visit to Cabrillo National Monument wouldn’t be complete without exploring the vibrant tidepools that dot the rocky coastline. During low tide, these tidepools reveal a hidden world of marine life, from colorful starfish to playful crabs and delicate sea anemones. It’s a favorite spot for families and adventurers looking to get up close with the wonders of the sea, offering an exciting and educational glimpse into the coastal ecosystem.
Whale Watching and Wildlife Encounters
Between December and March, Cabrillo National Monument transforms into one of the top spots in San Diego, CA, for whale watching. Perched high above the Pacific, the monument offers a prime viewing location to witness the majestic gray whale migration. The surrounding cliffs are also a haven for birdwatchers, with seabirds and raptors frequently seen soaring above. Cabrillo National Monument provides a rare opportunity to experience Southern California’s wildlife from a stunning vantage point.
Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, CA, is a unique destination that merges history, nature, and ocean exploration. From its captivating historical sites and scenic coastal trails to its thriving tidepools and wildlife, this iconic location promises a memorable experience for all who visit.
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finishinglinepress · 3 months
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FLP BOOK OF THE DAY: The Lost Parables of Jesus by Carl Winderl
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-lost-parables-of-jesus-by-carl-winderl/
Christened in the Polish National Trinity Catholic Church and baptized in the Church of the Nazarene, Carl Winderl is the beneficiary of his grandmothers alternately ferrying him one Sunday to a #Catholic mass and the next to a #Protestant worship service. The Lost Parables of Jesus is a reflection of those combined influences over the years. He earned a Ph. D. in Creative Writing from New York University and an M.A. in American Literature & Creative Writing from the University of Chicago. Formerly, he was a Professor of Writing in the LIT/JRNLSM/WRIT/LANG Dept., at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. Taking early retirement from PLNU in January, 2018, he embarked on a series of 2-year mission assignments in Zagreb, Croatia; Kyiv, Ukraine; and Przemysl & now Krakow, Poland, where he serves in a similar assignment. #poetry #religion
PRAISE FOR The Lost Parables of Jesus by Carl Winderl
Carl Windrel has established himself as America’s preeminent Marian poet. His latest work, The Lost Parables of Jesus, is a rich collection of new and insightful poems, all of which are narrated by Mary. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, find a comfortable chair, and take your time to read and “listen” to these poems.
–John C. Bowling
With their hard-won insights and inspired wordplay, these poems don’t shy back from the broken world (which one imagines their author has seen much of in recent years with his mission work in war zones). The world is present here in all of its (at times) grim “is-ness” but the pith of the two-thousand-year-old message endures, and this book, even in its dark reimaginings, is still devoted to making a joyful noise.
–David Daniel
Carl Winderl continues his imaginative exploration of the Mother of Jesus poetic ruminations on her Son’s Life, ministry, and redemptive death. This is a rich poetic pilgrimage that prompts the reader to likewise ponder, gaze, behold, and ponder.
–Donald A. Yerxa
In the finest tradition of St. Benedict’s “Lectio Divina,” Carl Winderl powerfully enters into Mary’s own reflections on the Life and message of her beloved Son. The Lost Parables of Jesus is a poignant, touching, searing encounter with the Crucified Christ, with Love Incarnate.
–Dr. Kenr R. Hill
In “The Lost Parables of Jesus,” Carl Winderl offers an imaginative expansion of Jesus’ teaching by storytelling during His last days, an expansion that includes the sharp perspective of His loving Mother.
–James Phelan
Don’t just read this book. Absorb it. Let it seep into your heart like a healing oil. Notice the insights, the images, the what-ifs, the wordplay, the joy of Mary’s account, as translated by Carl Winderl. See the Life of Jesus in a new way. Discover the parables that surround you. And magnify the Lord. Thank you, Carl, for this balm.
–Dean Nelson
One of my favorite poets has done more of the work that we have come to expect — writing lines that dig deeply into the history and story and power of the Holy Writ to shape our faith.
–Robert Benson
Through Carl Winderl’s The Lost Parables of Jesus, readers can delight in the mind-play necessary to understand the message of the Gospels in the way Jesus himself conveyed it—through parables.
–Mary Ann B. Miller
Weaving words into visions, Winderl sweeps his readers along the path taken by Jesus and His disciples. Mary’s insight grants passion and Life into the Gospels in an enriching manner that will allow the readers to step into each stop along the way.
–Zachary Winderl
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