#older!varian x cass
danikamariewrites · 3 months
You know the whole 7 minutes in heaven thing that’s in a lot of older movies? I have been wanting to read about Az and Reader in that scenario at a little party with the inner circle. Could you write a little something with that?
7 More Minutes
Azriel x reader
Notes: I would not be able to look this man in the eyes if we were shoved into a closet together. It would be far too awkward
Warnings: not entirely proof read
Out of everyone gathered tonight Amren was the last person you thought would suggest playing such juvenile games. Her words. Exactly.
She’s just such a different person when Varian is around. And when he brings her favorite bottle of wine.
The game of the night was 7 minutes in heaven. Of course, all mated couples went in together. Even Elain went in with Lucien, coming out very flustered but happy. Besides Rhys and Feyre, only you and Azriel were left to couple up. Cassian was insistent that you two go next.
“No Cass, we don’t need to.” Your voice small as you shoot Azriel a reassuring look. You didn’t want to force the poor male to do anything. You also don’t think you could handle being that close to Azriel. Between your huge crush on him and your awkwardness you would probably die a minute in.
“But I insist.” Cassian said, only slightly tipsy. “Come, come, come,” he grabs your hand, pulling you off the floor towards the coat closet. “Cass, don’t.” Azriel said sternly. Cassian completely ignored his brother, pulling him along as well.
You couldn’t help but let Az’s stern tone get to you. It left a stinging sensation in your chest, reinforcing your thoughts that Azriel didn’t return your feelings.
Looking back at the group you found Nesta’s steel gaze, begging her for help with your eyes. All she did was shake her head no with a smirk on her face. Cauldron, she was in on this. Looking around you saw similar smirks on Feyre, Rhys, Amren, and even Lucien’s face.
You didn’t eve have time to react. Cassian was already shoving you in the small space before you could say anything. “Have fun kids!” He shouted before slamming the door. Locking it from the outside for good measure. Did coat closets even have locks?
Azriel turned the fae light on, his wings looked cramped in the small space. You grimaced for him. “Are you ok?” Az asked softly. “Yeah, it’s just Cass being Cass.” You laugh lightly. Looking up at him you saw his lips pulled in a tight smile.
“We don’t have to do anything. I know you didn’t want to be in here with me, I get it.” His voice sounded strained while trying to make light of the situation. “Of course I want to be with you.” Realizing what you just said your face immediately reddened.
Azriel looked down at you, shock setting in on his own face.
Fuck it, you thought to yourself, might as well get it out now.
Taking a deep breath, you center yourself. If your friends were looking at you like that Az has to feel the same way, right?
“Azriel I really like you. Not as just my friend. And I really do want to kiss you.” You reached for his hands, giving the scared flesh a loving squeeze.
Azriel was at a loss for words. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest, attempting to break free to smother you in all his love. You had rendered him completely speechless.
But words wouldn’t do anything. Wouldn’t convey the want and love he felt for you. That he was too scared to admit to for a long time now.
He slips his hands from yours. Your face falling at the action. Azriel’s heart broke at the look you tried to recover from. Never again would he make you look that sad. Not for a second. He held your face in his hands, tilting your face to look at him.
Azriel’s lips parted slightly, trying to say how he felt but the words caught in his throat. Shaking his head slightly he moved in, pressing his lips to yours.
You were shocked at first. Not knowing how to react. As your lips moved against his your eyes fluttered shut. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. You got lost in each other. The feel of his hands caressing you softly, his plump lips moving against yours. It was truly heaven.
It felt like hours had passed. Azriel was so intoxicating you didn’t even realize your back was pressed against the wall. His hands now resting on your hips, holding you flush to him. It felt right, fitting together like the last two pieces of a puzzle.
Without warning, Cassian whipped the door open, letting out a loud whoop. “Finally! Guys they’re kissing!” Azriel pulled away from you. You let out a small sound of protest, pulling him closer, wanting him back. Az pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. A promise that he’d come back after dealing with Cassian.
Sending his brother a death glare, Azriel’s shadows shot out, slamming the door. They enveloped you in darkness and melted away moments later to reveal your room. Smiling up at Azriel you pull his face down to yours again. He rested his forehead against yours, whispering, “Where were we?”
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agentoffangirling · 3 months
how do you feel about cass x older varian?
The fact that Cassarian shippers have to age Varian up to make it legal is just evidence people shouldn't be shipping it in the first place
Like. Even if it was legal, which it isn't, Cass very clearly does not like Varian in a romantic context and hardly tolerates him as a friend, either. She's also canon lesbian, which is another no
Cassarian <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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tsukiusagi180 · 6 months
varian x reader
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Your POV
Today is a special day, you see Varian and I have been friends since the day Rapunzel Cassandra and I went to him for Raps hair. After that a friendship is linked, it seems to me a lot of alchemy even if I didn't understand anything about it I try to listen to him despite everything, and after months of friendship I wanted to ask him to go out with me:
Raps: Come on (Y/n) you can do it! He will surely say yes to you
Eugene: or maybe not but it’s not super serious
Raps/cass/Lance: Eugene!!
Eugene: bha what?
(Y/n): but no, you see, even Eugene doesn't believe it!
I sat at the foot of the bed of raps putting myself in fetal position, I felt their looks showing their pity but I didn't pay attention to it until a hand was placed on my shoulder, it was Eugene:
Eugene: (Y/n) Varian and in love with you for sure, whether he knows it or not he certainly does
Lance: I can already see you in a boat looking at the lanterns
Cass: And you could go horse riding!
Raps: but for that (N/N) he makes you go see him okay?
(Y/n): yes! I'm going there, wish me luck! I
stood up confidently and they applauded me then I went to look for Varian, as expected he was nowhere in corona nor in old corona, he was in his laboratory when I returned I ran into his father and we it's exchanged brief politeness then I went to see my crush.
(Y/n): hi Varian!!
Varian: Ho hey (N/n) are you okay? What brings you here? You're good, I need your help
(Y/n): are you okay? I'm not allowed to go see my friend? And yes I can help you tell me everything
Varian: yes thank you um you see Cassandra? I'm in love with her but I don't know how to tell her
My heart is broken at this precise moment, ok he was in love with a girl who was 8 years older, ok they will never be together but he doesn't love me...
(Y/n): Var, she's an adult, she doesn't love you like that
Varian: just help me please
(Y/n): I...
I pretended to watch the time so I could make up an excuse
I ran away and started crying, I took refuge in my room at the palace because yes I lived there. I didn't want to see Varian for a few days, then one day we were confronted:
Varian: (Y/n) what's going on?
(Y/n): I don't want to talk about it
Varian: You want me to use a truth serum!?
Varian: but... we are friends?
(Y/n): and you like cass I know!
Varian: I'm sorry I don't love you but love isn't always reciprocated
(Y/n): I know...
I said this while crying because I knew we would never date
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casperth3ghost · 2 months
How do you feel about older Varian X Cassandra?
I personally dislike it, even though varian would be "of age" id still precieve it as js regular varian & regular cass(canon age) and thats basically proshipping which i do not and will never stand for, ill respect you if you ship cass & varian but i dislike it, no matter what changes are made to accomadate for the romantic relationship. Also cass is a certified lesbian, when i see her all i see is a woman whos probably on T and is a very STRONG and PROUD women lover. I also already ship varigo so?? if u ship it i wont hate on you, but its weird imo. Also ive already made 1 too many jokes with my gf abt how ppl make cassie "Drake of the 16th century" so you can take that as you will lmao. but in summary; i dislike it, its not my cup of tea and never has been since i got into tts😭
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n1ghtlites · 3 months
How do you feel about older Varian x Cassandra?
Guys don’t attack me but i think Varian x Cass is vry weird 😭😭
I could get by varian having a crush on Cassandra (I do too bro) like he’s a teenager he’s gonna admire and be stupid crushy w someone
but a full on relationship is a HARD PASS! just from me tho 🤗
Also that AGE GAP PPL!! Obviously, varian is a silly teenager. He acts like he’s in middle school so my solid guess is he’s 14 or smth. And considering Cassandra is older than rapunzel in the flashbacks and Rapunzel is already 18 in the series, that seems to be quite literally a felony.
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paintbrushnebula · 3 months
how doubt feel about cass x older varian?
I mean, I don't think it's weird/creepy as long as the people who ship it don't intend for Cass to be attracted to Varian until after he's a full fledged adult.
But regardless of age, I personally don't ship Cassarian for a few reasons.
It's funny, earlier today I was literally just telling my sister how I genuinely can't imagine Varian being attracted to Cassandra as he is in Season 3. Or...anyone for that matter? Because he's just so...to himself? Like he has this "eww. people" energy, like he loves his friends and family, and then he's so attached to his passions that he feels more comfortable being to himself without being banded to someone.
Same goes for Cass, like, she's got her own calling that she's attached to, and she wouldn't want to be roped down to the responsibilities of a relationship. And honestly the thing that I dont understand the most about Cassarian is that I genuinely dont get what Cass is getting out of it emotionally, if that makes sense? Like, what is it exactly about Varian that she's attracted to? I mean maybe the idea is that Varian's into the tough-yet-cuddly-on-the-inside, sword-swinging, "wet cat"-looking, swashbuckler type, then yeah totally like same. Does Cass like sweet n sassy bois who're chronically indoors and listen to The Magnus Archives all day? I mean sure ok you do you Cassie
Apart from all that, I mean I just think their dynamic would be way more interesting as a platonic, cave-dwelling duo. Cass and Varian are two individuals with callings--exotic, adventurous, sometimes dangerous callings--that they're practically married to, and they have many things in common and many things opposite. It's fun and wholesome that way
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jellitchi · 7 months
how do you feel about cass x older Varian
absolutely not.
i dont like it and it makes me uncomfortable.
if a ship only works when one of em is aged up/older, i think theres a problem. if you ship them please get off my page btw👍
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theinternetarchivist · 3 months
How do you feel about older Varian X Cassandra?
Tbh, still not a fan. Like she knew him since he was a kid and it just… a bit ick there
Not to mention I’ve always headcanoned Cass as a lesbian so like
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sarahmurisi · 6 months
how do u feeel about cass x older varian?
Hmm ig I'm pretty indifferent to it? I love varigo too much haha and I personally see Cass as a lesbian. I don't see anything wrong with Cass and Varian as long as they're both adults tho. Don't like how some people make it out as some super gross thing either bc if they're both mature enough I don't see the issue? Varian's not a baby forever people 😭
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bluecatwitch · 3 months
How do you feel about older Varian x Cassandra?
Well first: I DO NOT ship Varian with anyone because I ship him only with my oc because I believe Semsie x Vary is the best because hello? It's my ship and! for personal reasons that I think I don't wanna share here. At least not now... And also I'm making an oc to be Cass' gf so 😅
Now Cassarian is just impossible, first Cassandra is a canon lesdian.
Second I believe that making a character older just to ship them with someone is just an excuse.
Now the mean reasons Cassarian (I believe) is impossible:
First the whole ship is based on Varian's crush on Cassandra. But this "crush" isn't love. As we all know, he HAD a crush on her because she saved him, so it is rather gratitude. Also Varian said that he wanted to impress her, but that doesn't mean anything, since he wanted to impress his village anyway. Also as ya all can see, Varian doesn't show any love or crush on Cassandra in any other episodes, only in "Great Explanation" (idk if I wrote the episode name correctly lol but I guess you know wcith episode I mean). So he doesn't care "romantically" for her anymore. So yes.
Now they doesn't fit as characters for a couple. They have none chemistry. Just think of it: if Varian didn't had a crush on her, is ship would not even exist, and if it did I wouldn't be popular.
Again this is my option :3
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cupofalchemicalsoup · 5 months
thoughts on cass x older varian?
I don't like it. I'll leave it at that, since I have strong opinions about it.
Hope that makes sense
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reyol · 5 months
how do you feel about cass x older varian?
i do not ship them i can only think of them as buddies
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keeeywiii · 1 year
how do you feel about Cass x older Varian? honest question
I know he has a little crush on her in the show but it's a no for me personally. However, I think everyone has the right to ship what they want unless it's problematic. So I appreciate it when people age Varian up when they want to ship him with Cass. If not, then I don't approve at all. But I just can't see Cass as being anything other than lesbian and in love with Rapunzel, so for me it's a definite no. I do think that Varian and Cass would make a really fun duo tho. They'd probably be chaotic friends imo. But again, everyone has their ships and I'm not gonna tell people what they can or can't ship. I mean some people wouldn't agree with me shipping cassunzel either so yeah. You do you :)
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whiskyarts · 1 year
what’s your opinion on Cassandra x older Varian?
I suuuuuper see Cass as a lesbian, so other than shipping her in a qpr with Eugene, I really only ship her with girls. I think Varian's little crush on her in the show is cute tho!
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chibi-lucca · 9 months
Cassandra X Older!Varian
Ive shipped them before, but ive kinda fallen out of that ship for various reason. I only like it if varian and cass have been separated for years to the point they'd be strangers with a history.
Though with years between, the growth each character goes through, they would be so different from the show that they wouldn't feel the same anymore; they'd be more OC-like than canon.
To each their own tho.
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majailcalleros · 6 years
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