#olicity x william
that’s our kind of love
A little belated birthday gift for @happilyswanjones! Happy birthday!! Also congratulations on getting me to write my first Arrow fic, it needed to happen anyways :)
William Clayton had grown up with a pretty good idea of what love was.
Love was his mom being there to tuck him into bed every night and waking him up with pancakes every morning.
Love was the way they would have movie nights every Friday, watching Star Wars and superhero movies over and over again.
Love was when he would see his mom for the first time after a school camp and would go leaping into her arms for the biggest hug ever.
But one man changed that, took all the love William had ever known away from him. Just like that.
For a long time, a dark time, after that, William forgot what love looked like. What it felt like. Only one person, the one he was supposed to love, was left.
But he didn’t love Oliver Queen.
He was the reason the bad man killed his mom, he just knew it. He couldn’t bare to love him, even tolerate him. In his eyes, that crime was unforgivable.
William thought nothing could redeem his father. How could it? He had no idea what love was. If he did, he would have saved his mom, superhero or not.
But then a woman came over to help him with math homework, and in that instant, he knew he’d been wrong. Oliver Queen did understand love.
Because the way he looked that Felicity Smoak…that was something different, like nothing he’d ever seen before.
That was love. Right in front of his eyes.
So, when she started staying over, when his dad proposed, when they got married and were ready to live happily ever after, William changed, too. He thought maybe, maybe, he could love them too.
Oliver Queen had a fickle relationship with love.
His parents had always had it, to some degree. Once he would have said it was the truest love he’d ever seen. Until he’d learnt about Malcom, all those years later.
He’d had it, once, early on, with Laurel. But it wasn’t enough. Maybe it was to rebel against his parents’ example, maybe it was just him. But then came Sara, and all the others.
He loved Speedy, though. That was certain.
When his father sacrificed himself, shot himself in the temple in order to endure Oliver’s survival, he knew in that moment, that sort of love was something he’d never understand.
Then came the island, cold and dark, not a place any self-respecting person would look for love.
(Oliver Queen was many things, but self-respecting was not at the top of the list.)
He loved Shado for a time, until she was killed. They were always taken away, that was the catch. Even years later, his mother was gone, his father was gone, Sara was gone. Before long, he’d seen Laurel and Thea gone.
But since getting off the island, there’d been one person, always and constantly standing by his side. The I.T girl with the red pen, who saw through his lies without a second thought, but did what he asked anyway. She trusted him, with no real reason to. And before long, he started trusting her too.
They were partners, allies, a team. Respect and trust started being a staple in their relationship, and as time went on, so did love.
Her loved her. He knew with all his heart that his life would only get better with her in it. She was the light, the bright spot of happiness in his otherwise dark life. It took them some time, too much time, really, but it was worth it. Every goddamn minute.
He didn’t expect to be a father so soon. He’d let himself dream about it before, first with Laurel, then with Sara, even during those few months of peace with Felicity.
But then came that one visit to Central City, and the boy with the Flash action figure.
He’d known it as soon as he’d seen the boy, when he saw Samantha for the first time in years. He was his.
It was only through tragic circumstances that William became part of this life, but Oliver was thankful nonetheless. He loved the boy, even if the boy didn’t love him back.
When Chase kidnapped William, held a gun to his head, Oliver started to understand that love he saw in his father’s eyes, all those years ago in the exact same spot. The love that meant sacrifice, the fact that he would have done anything, anything, to save him.
But they still weren’t a family. Not until he saw his son and Felicity doing homework, baking cookies (which she’d claimed was the same thing), playing video games; seeing them together, the happiness that was finally in his life, that was what love was, almost as if it was a palpable thing.
Maybe he’d lost people he loved, but he had so many still here.
Love was a thing of fiction in Felicity Smoke’s early life. All she had was her mom, who granted, loved her enough, and a deadbeat dad who ran off and left them when she was young.
Love didn’t exist.
When she met Cooper in college, she though, maybe. Maybe somehow, in her messed up, empty life, there was room for something as least resembling love. They understood each other when no one else did, as if they spoke their own special language. They planned to save the world together, changing the city, one hack at a time.
She’d cursed herself for being so stupid.
He left, just like her dad, and for years afterwards, she tried to blend in. No one really saw her, a quiet I.T girl in a big company. She was just a face.
Until one face picked her out and handed her a bullet-ridden laptop.
She knew who Oliver Queen was, everyone did. News spread, not only of his dance with death, but also of his reputation.
She’d had to admit, that didn’t match up with the man she was seeing in front of her.
She trusted him, much to her horror. She’d never fully trusted anyone in a long time. But then he trusted her with what was perhaps the biggest secret of their lives.
And she let it take over her life. Let him take over. Felicity knew what was coming, could feel it happening.
She was falling in love with the Green Arrow. Oliver Queen. Whoever.
The one thing she’d sworn never to let herself do, and she was diving in head first. It killed her for a while, seeing him oblivious, with Laurel or Sara. But even he couldn’t remain blind forever.
A few times, she tricked herself into believing he felt the same. But then, after a while, a long while, something funny happened.
He told her he did.
It wasn’t a smooth ride, assassins and magical villains getting in the way at every turn. But somehow, somehow, they’d survived it.
Felicity may not have believed in love, but the multiverse was making it damn near impossible to maintain that disbelief.
Finding out Oliver had a son was a big hit. She was mad, for a long time.
But then she met the kid, met his mother, saw how Oliver cared, and everything made sense. When Samantha died, she was selfish. Started imagining a life with not only Oliver, but William too: pancakes for breakfast, movie nights, the works.
She set herself for disappointment, but it didn’t come.
Before she could blink, she was launched into this world of field trips and lunches, homework and video games. It made it harder, being a parent, to comprehend how her father could have up and left, no matter what threat was looming over him.
She’d told Oliver once that he’d opened up her heart in a way she didn’t know was possible. That couldn’t have been more accurate.
“Dad, you need to get better at this, you’re not even competition anymore,” William complained, throwing his controller beside him on the couch, “I’ll have to wait for Felicity to get back.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t spend my teenagers years glued to a PlayStation!” Oliver defended, following his son’s lead at tossing the controller away.
They heard Felicity’s voice even before the door opened, “Yes, what did you do in your teenage years, my love?”
Smirking as his wife turned the corner and entered the room, he felt his body lighten just a little bit.
“Yeah, dad. What’d you do for fun, shoot arrows around the house?” William shot back, sitting up a little straighter.
“See, Oliver. Inquiring minds want to know.” Felicity teased, perching on the side of the couch near William. The ease they had around each other, anyone could have thought they’d been around each other for years.
Felicity raised a brow at him, clearly interested to hear his response. They both knew for certain that his habits as a teenager were not suitable for young ears.
“I listened to my mom and dad and did whatever they told me,” he replied, tossing a pillow towards his son. Both Felicity and William snorted.
“What, you don’t believe me?” he asked, mock hurt in his voice.
“Nope,” William said quickly, voice flat.
“Not a chance,” Felicity added, the two of them preparing for a high five at the sight of Oliver’s face. Rising from his spot on the couch, he moved slowly towards the two of them, eyes shifting from one to the other before they landed on his wife.
Without warning, he reached one hand under her knees and the other around her shoulders, hoisting her up and carrying her around the living room between explosions of laughter and giggles. After many kicks (and probably bruises), Oliver dropped her back onto the couch, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips.
“Urgh, you guys are gross,” William complained, covering his eyes with the pillow his dad had so affectionately tossed at him minutes earlier.
“Oh, you hear that, Oliver? We’re gross.”
“Good,” Oliver replied, leaning down for more. Upon hearing more groans from his teenage son, he straightened and made his way to the kitchen, returning, much to the delight of Felicity and William, both of whom had a sweet tooth, with the cookies he’d picked up from the store on his way home.
They had already picked up the video game where Oliver had left off.
He smiled, watching the two of them from behind, desperate to capture that moment forever.
Later that night, after William had passes out on the couch and Oliver and Felicity moved him into bed, the tiniest little sound escaped from his lips.
“I love you, guys.”
Oliver smiled down at his son. He leant down to press a kiss to his forehead, then moved to wrap an arm around Felicity’s waist, doing the same.
“We love you, too.”
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jayjayheretoslay · 3 years
Supergirl Endgame
Somthing that has I have been thinking about since season six was anounced as to be the last season of Supergirl is who will be (if anyone) Kara’s endgame love interest (amoung other things.) Currenty, I am mostly on team Kara-Ends-The-Show-SIngle but if she had to end it with somone I would go with Lena Luther. But that is not what I wanted to focus on. Ignoring any of the possible endgames for Supergirl there is one major difference she will have compared to any other Arrowverse show (within the core 4 plus Superman and Lois.) She hasn’t had time to be in a relationship with them. Let’s break it down (Spoilers for the endgames and mild plot details for the Arrowvers):
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In the Flash, Barry Allen has had Iris West on the show since season one so he has been able to interact with his endgame for the entire show. Furthermore they had them get together for the long term mid-way through the show allowing for future children plots and further devolpment of the relationship.
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In Arrow, similar The Flash, Felicity has been on the show since season one, so her chemistry and relationship with Oliver had alot of time to devolpe and with them also getting together for the long term midway. They got to get married and also have a story with their kids which would inturn allow the relationship to breathe and the viewers to see it. 
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In Superman and Lois, while they are in a unique situation becuase they are already married and have children in the begining also have it where the endgame (I would asume CW would not break them up) relationship has been on the table since season one. This has allowed them, with the added time they had whilst on Supergirl, to be able to not only establish their relationship like the previous examples from the arrowverse, but allow their story to jump off of it becuase of it being such a assured thing. 
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In Legends of Tomorrow, whilst it differs from the previous relationships with Ava not having been introduced until season three their relationship became a long term thing within the season. Thus allowing for their relationship to mature beyond the pining ans honymoon phase. Additionally, they will hopefully be maried with the proposal that has happened in season six allowing for even more devolpment similar to the couples listed previously. 
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Which brings us to Supergirl. She has not had an endgame love interest established really. While any charcters set up in season one might be off the table becuase of the studio change even charcters from season two haven’t been kept up. After her breakup with Mon-El in season two she didn’t date anyone until season five with William. While it could be argued that they could get a similar treatment as Ava and Sara did it is not really likily with the amount of time the two charcters have been seperated with even William not being involved at all with the phantom zone plot of season six-a which while it might get more foucs will still have the relationship feel empty becuase of how much the couple has not interacted that a single season could not fix. Even if the writers change it up and bring back season two Mon-El or Season three Kenny (after retconing his death) the relationship will feel empty due to the long amount of time that the charcters have been seperated from Kara (not to even get into the fact Mon-El is currently married with Irma and the whole Kenny thing.) With Lena, who has also been on the show since season two, while she has always been interacting with Kara through all this time (in varying degrees) due to how they wouldn’t get together until the latter part of the the last season they will also suffer from not having time to show what that relationship means and how it will acutally look. 
I am just annoyed at how all of the other Arrowverse shows has ended or will end with the main charcters having devolped endgames but Supergirl will most likely be thrown together with somone last minute and have at most half a season for the viewers to see it grow. 
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dixongrimesgirl · 2 years
New Team Member
I'm Y/N. A new member of Team Arrow. I live with Oliver, Felicity and William as I have nowhere else to stay. I open the door to the apartment and see Felicity and William playing video games. "Dammit." I here William say knowing that Felicity must have beat him. "Where were you?" she asks me. "I was at the bunker with Oliver." I reply. "Where is he by the way?" she asks. "He said he was just going to stay a little longer and then come home." I reply. I go to William and my room and sit down the edge of my bed. I hear the door open and see William standing there. "Felicity is making dinner." he says. "I better go help her then." I say. "You're not any better." he replies. "I'm not." I say sounding fake offended. "Well then maybe you should go help her if I'm no better at it than her." I say with a smile and he leaves the room. My phone rings and I see that it's Oliver. "What up?" I ask picking up the phone. "I need you here as fast as possible. They're at a building on 26th street." he says. "Okay I'm on my way." I reply before hanging up. I tell Felicity and William before heading out and to the bunker. We arrive at the building and can here gunshots being fired. My go inside and John and I take the left, Dinah and Rene take the right and Oliver takes the center. Felicity is on coms and tells John and I that we have 3 men coming towards us. We quickly take them down and continue moving. We all fight are way to the room where Diaz is but by the time we get there he is no longer in the room. We search the entire building but can't find him. He must of left when we first entered. Oliver and I return home eat dinner with Felicity and William. All I can think about that night is how lucky I am to have found these amazing people.
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Happy Halloween From The Smoak-Queens! 🎃
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queenofthechateau · 5 years
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oliverslicity · 4 years
adventures of babysitting a werewolf
Felicity has been babysitting William Queen since he was 5 when he got lost in QC and found Felicity’s cubicle, making her and Oliver best friends. Her boys have always been a bit strange… for example, Oliver only asks her to watch William three nights a month, always has a private conversation with William before he leaves even after 6 years that she’s been watching him, William is always his most hyper and then eerily calm after the three days and Oliver never tells her where he goes even though they tell each other everything, but as William enters puberty, and her and Oliver start to make new and intimate strides in their relationship things start to get just a bit stranger.
From the @olicitytropes Halloween prompt “I’m not afraid of you
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I got ask to write a promot with William, Oliver, Felicity and Mia so if anyone has any family prompts please send them my way as of right now I'm co.ing up blank on what to write for this.
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Day 27:  & - Oliver and Felicity
[Link to the challenge is here.]
[The otp+ have multiple activities planned. Maybe too many.] [Warning: very small and quick mention of premature birth]
“Nice game, buddy,” Oliver says wrapping an arm around the sweaty twelve-year-old’s shoulders. 
“I missed all the shots that I tried to take,” Lucas says, his eyes furrowing in that way that forcefully reminds Oliver of Felicity. 
“Maybe so, but you still had a lot of good plays.” 
“I suppose you’re right.” 
Oliver glances at his watch and swears quietly in Russian. “We’re a little behind. We need to meet Mom, Tommy, and Ada at the science fair.” 
“Mom says you should stop swearing in other languages around us.” 
Oliver sighs, but ruffles his son’s hair. “Don’t be a smart aleck.” 
This particular Saturday had somehow had events for all four of their kids, all around the same time. Felicity had agreed to take Ada and Tommy to their science fair, while Oliver went with Lucas to his hockey game and Will took Mia to her tournament. It wasn’t ideal, and Lucas’s game had gone into overtime, which was why they were currently running late. Oliver tosses the hockey duffle into the trunk of the SUV, while Lucas drops his stick in. 
The drive is quiet, except for the radio playing some pro hockey game. Oliver’s not exactly sure which teams are playing, but through the rear view mirror, he can see how thoroughly enthralled in the game Lucas is. It’s heart-warming, how into the game his son is. It’s a stark reminder of how far Lucas (and by default, Tommy) have come. Then again, everything reminds him of how far the twins have come since their premature birth. 
The science fair is in full swing when Oliver and Lucas enter the large gym. He spots Ada first, his youngest daughter standing proudly next to her project. He’s still not exactly sure what the project is. Then again, it had been the same way when Will had been in school. 
“You’re late!” Ada exclaims. “Mom’s a little mad.” 
“Lucas’s game ran late, and I’ll deal with Mom,” Oliver says. 
“It was double overtime, Ada!” Lucas says. 
“Where is Mom, anyways?” Oliver asks, interrupting before his two children can start bickering. 
“She’s with Tommy, at his project. In that corner,” Ada says, pointing to a far corner. 
“Okay, thanks, kiddo. Have Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy or anyone else stopped by?” 
“Yeah. Uncle John and Aunt Lyla’ll be by later.” 
“Good luck, sweetheart. I’m rooting for you!” 
“Thanks, Dad.” Ada hugs him tightly and Oliver smiles, as his sixteen-year-old rarely hugs him outside of their home. He drops a quick kiss to the top of her head. He frowns and blinks. Lucas has disappeared. 
He finds his son with Tommy and Felicity. Despite their identical appearances and similar taste in clothing, the boys aren’t that difficult to tell apart. It probably helps that Tommy is currently wearing a polo and jeans, while Lucas is wearing his hockey jersey and jeans. 
“You’re late,” Felicity says after kissing him and getting a few fake gags from the twins. 
“Lucas’s game went into overtime,” he explains. 
“Hockey’s stupid,” Tommy mutters. 
“Your computer stuff is stupid,” Lucas snaps. 
“Alright, guys, neither of your things are stupid. You’re allowed to disagree on things and not like the same things,” Felicity says and it’s a rather tired argument as people seem to expect the boys to like the same things or to be polar opposites just because they’re identical twins. 
“When’s Mia doing her thing in the tournament again?” Oliver asks. 
“In like thirty minutes. Did you want to go or should I?” 
“Mom! You promised to stay!” Tommy exclaims, and a small smile grows across Oliver’s face. Tommy, and Ada had always gravitated more towards Felicity, while Mia and Lucas gravitated more towards him. 
“You’ll tape it right?” Felicity asks. 
“Of course,” Oliver says.
About six hours later
Oliver flops onto the bed next to Felicity. He’s exhausted. Mia and Ada are both still up in the living room watching a movie, but Oliver’s no longer the same man who had spent most of his thirties as a late night vigilante. He’s 51, and the years are starting to catch up to him. 
“I feel like I haven’t seen you all day,” Felicity comments. 
“Yeah. Let’s hope this never happens again,” Oliver agrees. 
Felicity sighs and presses her lips to his cheek. He smiles. They’re both in pajamas and Oliver wraps himself around his wife. They snuggle into the bed and it’s not long before the former vigilantes are sleeping soundly. 
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allthingsarrow · 5 years
We can all love the last scene of the series and still believe that Oliver, Felicity, Mia and William deserved better ❤️
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dapanem · 4 years
5 Significant Times Felicity Said That Oliver Loves Mia and The One Time Mia Said The Same Thing Back
"Can you do me a favor? Tell Mia that I love her everyday."
"I promise."
The day after Oliver left them at the cabin, Felicity couldn't do anything but cry and mourn. She had undoubtedly planned to just stay in bed and cry. her plans were only foiled when another cry was heard from another room. It was the first cry Mia ever made after Oliver left them. Felicity stood up to get the crying baby and to give comfort to her.
Once Felicity entered the room, she cried once more at seeing the child that is part Oliver and her reminding her of one of their talks about their unborn child.
"She'll definitely take after you."
"God I hope not." Oliver had prayed.
Felicity picked up the crying child, giving her wet kisses. as if the baby noticed the absence of her father, she cried even more.
"I know baby, I know. Daddy isn't here. Don't worry, Daddy will come back! He loves you so much Mia that once daddy's mission is over, he'll go straight to your room and give you the kisses he missed." Felicity whispered as she bounce her. Her word were meant to comfort the child but even she knows it was wishful thinking. The moment Oliver was gone, she knew he will never comeback.
"Mama is here and everything will be okay."
Felicity kept her promise to Oliver. Everyday when she feeds or comfort the fussy baby, she tells her that she is loved by her father. Not a day passed where Mia didn't hear the words "Daddy loves you" from her mother. When Mia started walking, Felicity was proud. she engulfed the babbling baby with a tight hug and a few tears.
"Oh! Daddy would be so proud of you Mia-Bear!" Felicity said as she bounced the child on her lap. "He'll be so proud of you!"
Mia laughed and babbled incoherently at her mother as if understanding her. The toddler had continued to show resemblance to her father that it almost break Felicity further. The pain of never meeting your father or growing up with one is something she is familiar with after all. Felicity hugged the toddler once more, silently crying.
"Daddy loves you, Mia. Wherever he is, He loves you."
As Felicity watched Nyssa train Mia, She felt another strong wave of anguish. Her child is training to be a fighter like her Father because Felicity knows that she won't always be there to protect her child from any danger.
"Again." Nyssa firmly told the young blonde. Mia grumbled as she stood up again and did as she was told. Due to her tiredness, she made a wrong turn and had dislocated her ankle. She elicited a sharp cry as she fell prompting Nyssa to stop and check her as her mother approached with worry seen in her eyes.
Mia is holding back her tears as Nyssa looked at her injury. She didn't want Nyssa to think she's weak and can't do what she's told. She didn't understand what the adults around her were saying because of how much pain she's feeling, she felt her Aunt carry her while she hears her mothers hushed whispers of worry and comfort.
"You'll be okay, Mia-Bear. Aunt Nyssa and Mama is here." Felicity whispered to her child.
Once they reached Mia's room, Nyssa gently placed her on the bed and began to treat her. Felicity sat beside her and held her in a warm hug as she comforted the child. She felt her tears already beginning to fall, so she hugged her mother and buried her face to her mothers chest as Nyssa held her foot. Once Nyssa relocated her foot, her tears fell and she sobbed on her mothers chest. She felt her mother tighten her embrace and heard her whispers comforting words.
"Shh, Mia-Bear. It's okay. It's okay. You did so good, hun. Mama is proud of how brave you are. I'm sure daddy would be to. You know, He loves you so much that he's out there fighting to be with you again."
It started when she heard the doors of their house be slammed, followed by Archer's "Mia Smoak has entered the Premises", then the small sobs of her teenage daughter at their living room. Felicity instantly felt worried and scared. Scared that somebody had found them and had injured her baby. when she found that her child is leaning over the couch silently crying, she felt even more scared and worried.
"Mia-Bear, What's wrong?" Felicity slowly approached the smaller blonde before kneeling beside her and placing a comforting hand on her back. Mia only shrugged her mother's hand before wiping her tears. Felicity saw a hint of anger at her child's eyes that confused her.
"What's wrong Honey?" Felicity asked with a little bit of firmness.
"Why did Dad leave us Mom?" were not the question she expected from her child. Felicity had told her child countless times about the reason why Oliver isn't there.
"He's protecting us, Honey. He's out there to protect us. What brought this up?" Felicity gently told her. she's now even more worried than before.
"I heard the older ladies outside talking. That dad left us because of me." were another set of words Felicity didn't expect to hear from her baby. She felt anger rising from her her. From the audacity of those older women. The fact that her baby has to hear that. That Oliver isn't her to prove those women wrong. Once her baby finally looked at her, she felt a familiar wave of expression. She knows that look. It was the same one she felt when her father left her all those years ago. Felicity engulfed her baby into a tight hug and let Mia cry to her chest.
"Mia, Your daddy loves you. He didn't leave us because he doesn't want you. He left because it was the only way to ensure you'll be safe. That you'll have a bright future. God, your father loves you so much that you were the last person who saw him before he left. He didn't want to leave you at all, Mia. Your daddy loves you so much that it's what's driving him to fight all these years. To go back to you."
It's been three weeks since she ran away from home. All she felt was betrayal and anger. She's angry at her mother, for lying to her all those years. For keeping her older brother a secret. To her father, for leaving them in that cabin. She felt so betrayed by her mother, that all the texts she receives from her is immediately deleted or ignored.
She felt only a little bit of remorse of leaving her mother alone at the same one where her father probably left them. She loved her mother with all her heart of course, but the betrayal and anger she felt is much stronger than that. All her life she was in hiding because of her mother's fear of being in danger, but in reality her mother continues to invite the danger in. At that she kicked the nearest thing she could find as hard as she can. She's too far gone to go back to her mother now. She's going to find her brother and figure things out along the way.
She's envious at her brother who experienced things she wasn't able to experience. Her brother who probably met her dad and bonded with him is somewhere out there having a normal social life, not tucked away in safety in some old hidden cabin. He probably experienced being normal, something Mia hoped to be. Another beep came from her phone and this time she finally looked.
"Mia, Your Father and I, We love you so much. Always remember that."
Felicity watched her children around each other. How much they each resembled Oliver brought a different kind of emotion in her. 20 years since Oliver left her in that cabin and she never believed in herself that the day her two children will meet and banter like this would come. She can still feel the pain that she felt on that day. The fact that Oliver never got the chance to see his two strong children like this was too much for her to handle that the strong wave of sadness overwhelmed her that she wasn't able to stop the tears that fell. Oliver deserved to see this at least. It was unfair how he never got the chance to bond with Mia or spend some more time with William.
"Mom? Are you okay?" Mia said when she noticed her mother crying.
"Hm? uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, Honey. Just had a thought." Felicity sniffed and wiped her tears before giving out a breathy laugh. She felt silly all of a sudden. These are her kids, and they are finally reunited with each other.
Mia and William looked at each other as if silently talking with their gaze. To think that these two recently just met seems absurd if you see the way the two of them are acting. They already act as if they grew up with each other. Felicity can only hope that they'll continue to bond more after everything. Mia was the one that broke the siblings gaze with one another, as if she lost their silent battle.
"Mom, You know, Dad loves you right?" Mia said and the look that came with the sentence surprised Felicity. Mia's look reminded her of when Oliver looked at her when he told her to go be with her mom.
"And that wherever he is, he's probably waiting still waiting for you too." William added. The way these two are already ganging up on her makes her laugh. They are acting so much like siblings as if they were never separated at all.
"We'll be okay here, Mom. Go see Dad." Mia said and hugged her mother. William joined them and Felicity held them tighter.
"I love you both so much, don't ever doubt that."
Dont hate omg this is the first Fanfic I wrote of the Queen Family and I just had to share it. I just had a ton of feelings towards the unfairness that was done to the Smoak-Clayton-Queen family that Im still ceying over it.
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olicitygifs · 6 years
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Oliver/Felicity + always
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gitta-12 · 5 years
Really Mia? Really? You wished to know your dad and when you had the chance to spend time with him you just hurt him Reeeeally?
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littlegirlinvisible · 6 years
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The second I looked at her...everything changed. My whole universe changed.
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virelove · 5 years
Smoak/Queen Family - The reason
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Happy Thanksgiving 🍂
“I love a Thanksgiving.” “I've never had more to be thankful for.”
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queenofthechateau · 4 years
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Re -edit of the Queen Siblings
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