#queen family
throwntothevoid · 2 years
Roy: If you killed someone you would tell me right?
Lian: I'm not sure...
Roy: Not sure? Who would you tell?
Lian: It's a hard toss up between my assassin mother and my crime lord uncle. You don't really make the cut in comparison
Roy mumbles: I could get rid of a body
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jooeeydee · 7 months
So this is kind of random but I watched some vids about Moira Queen last night and I just really love the fact that she calls Oliver her beautiful boy. Don't ask me why but I found it very sweet and touching from the beginning and it just became more significant given the scars adorning Oliver's body and the fact that he probably does not have a healthy body image because of that.
Could be totally wrong but I just find it very special and it shows us how Moira sees him. What he means to her.
Maybe that's just me but I felt the need to share this with someone so here it is.
Also we did not get enough Moira on the show and I just loved the Queen family. The scenes with her and her children were some of the best on the show.
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joeey-dee · 10 months
Okay, so unpopular opinion but Oliver didn't really have a right to be angry at Moira after he found out Thea was Malcolm's daughter, or maybe he did but he had no right to judge her without even giving her a chance to explain.
One he knows better than anyone that people make mistakes. He has cheated on his past girlfriend several times, having a full blown affair with her sister, so getting mad at his mother for having been involved with a friend of his father's is a bit hyporitical. Just saying.
I get that he was hurt and very emotional, Felicity's awful timing in dropping that bomb didn't help and his first reaction being like this makes kind of sense given the entire situation he found himself in, but after the first shock and some of the initial feelings had passed, it would've made more sense for him to confront her and get the entire story, which he would've understood.
And two that knowledge changed nothing for him when it came to his feelings about Thea. So it didn't really matter and since he was also angry at Moira because she made a liar out of him because Thea could never know once again shows that he agrees with Moira's choice to not tell Thea. So they are on the same page and the actual person who turned him into a liar is Felicity. Moira wasn't the one who told him that secret and burdened him with that knowledge, Felicity was. Moira would've taken it to her grave.
Also, honestly, Felicity is more to blame than Moira. And I know a lot of people will disagree with me here but there was no reason why Oliver or Thea needed to know that Thea wasn't Robert's biological daughter. He had loved her as if she were his own. And after knowing who Malcolm was and what he had done it would've been a kindness on Felicity's side to not share that information, especially because she went against Oliver's wishes and behind his back to dig into his family's past. That is not okay.
Plus Thea being Malcolm's daughter had no effect on their lives until the moment Thea learnt about it. Had Felicity stayed out of the Queen family's business, they wouldn't have lost everything, the relationship between Moira and her children wouldn't have been fractured before her death and Thea wouldn't have gone with Malcolm and lost her trust in Oliver and been manipulated to kill Sara.
The fact that Oliver was not angry at Felicity also made little sense to me. Like Moira said, he'd hate Moira but he'd hate Felicity too, he should've at the very least been angry at her for going against him and purposely go to try and dig up dirt on his mother. I would've been. If someone who claimed to be my friend wouldn't listen if I told them to not go hack my family I'd be mad. It's my family and none of their business. But that's just my opinion.
Plus people are entitled to their secrets and Moira had good reasons to keep that one. It was the only way to keep Thea out of Malcolm's grasp. Her action was made out of love and in order to protect her daughter.
Moira made some shady decisions but I get this one, especially since Robert had been aware of it and chosen to love and raise Thea as his own. Not telling Thea was a kindness at that point in time and since both Moira and Robert had known how dangerous Malcolm is for years I think keeping the truth from Thea had been the right choice. Learning the truth messed her up so much which is proof that the choice to keep it from her had been the right one on Moira's part.
This is just something that's been bugging me for a while but I couldn't really articulate why until now, lol.
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kellinrk800 · 4 months
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
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magbeth · 2 years
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like to charge reblog to cast
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didthekingdieyet · 2 years
september 8, 2022
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odinsblog · 2 years
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King Charles and his … consort (abridged version)
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throwntothevoid · 2 years
Roy and Lian making up after a fight.
Roy: I'm sorry for how I acted. There is no one in the world I trust more than I trust you. And I am going to try to be more respectful. Just promise me one thing?
Lian: ...
Roy: Be patient with me. I've never had a teenage daughter before.
Lian (smiling): Deal
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animusrox · 23 days
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[90's Sitcoms]
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zoe-oneesama · 6 months
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No one finds it weird that the Fashion Designer didn’t go to his own runway..?
Episode 50 Part 7 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49
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And you'll deserve it.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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k4pp4-8 · 5 months
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I am fascinated by how, in the Bridgerton Extanded Universe, everyone is in a period drama EXCEPT the Bridgerton family, who is in a romantic comedy.
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riichxgirlz · 2 years
A story in two parts 😂😂😂
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 years
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