#oliver (google yellow)
[A soft sound, more like a huff than a growl, comes from the ground near Ivan. When looking down he sees a small dragon, looking around like, it’s thinking “how the fuck did I get here?”.]
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Three boys are a bit preoccupied to notice that scared reptile.
“Looks fricking great, eve-bro,” laughs Bing as he keeps his hair away to admire the piercing.
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m amazing,” Ivan grumbles. Oliver squirms, amber eyes looking over at Bing for assurance as Ivan hovers with the needle. “If you don’t sit still, this won’t go well.”
Ollie finally looks at Ivan with a pout. “But what if it hurts?”
“Then turn off your pain sensors.” He then glances down to acknowledge the noise with a scowl — only for his face to melt. Oliver forgotten, Ivan abandons the needle to get on the dragon’s level. “Hi…”
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Egotober day 14: Yellow
Love me some google Oliver 😊
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riddleriddles · 8 months
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ෆ delicate
ෆ matthew riddle x hufflepuff! shy! reader
ෆ summary: the one in which Matthew can’t leave such a beautiful girl crying alone in a dress like that.
ෆ warnings: English translated from google (please let me know if there are any grammatical mistakes), alteration of the history of mattheo and tom (tom is not voldemort but an potions teacher like snape).
ෆ notes: i just love shy!reader so much, im sorry if all my one shots are all with shy or hufflepuff reader, IM JUST A GIRL
Parties have never really been your favorite way to spend time, loud music and dancing until your feet hurt in the middle of many strangers, not really your tipe of thing.
But a prom was so different, the music was slow, and the dresses, the delicate makeup, even more the winter ball, with the decorations in light shades of blue and white, was a dream.
Especially when you had someone to spend the night, a date, but maybe for lack of popularity, you hadn’t gotten a pair for tonight, your circle of friends was extremely limited, but if you did not have a pair it was not for lack of desire.
Since the prom was announced, you dreamed of being invited by none other than Cedric Digory.
He was tall, kind, sweet, confident, and extremely outgoing, always surrounded by his friends, but you weren’t special for having the attention picked up by Digory, half the girls of your year also dreamed the same thing as you, on being asked to be his date on the romantic night of the winter dance, unfortunately, you and Cedric, although you’ve interacted a few times - just a few little conversations he pulled during class, or little smiles as you passed each other in the hallway - you were very different, he was extremely confident and liked the attention, you did not.
In the little conversations you shared with him, you believed that those glances and those smiles had a greater meaning, maybe you forgot that he was just polite, or you knew but liked to pretend not, because the feeling was good, of being seen, of someone enjoying holding a conversation, and as much as you didn’t talk so much, he liked your words spoken in a low tone of quiet, or you thought he liked it.
the weeks passed and nothing came, not an owl or a letter, not even a flower, so your hopes were lost, as much as you had heard through the corridors that Cedric Digory had no pair and was considering going alone to the winter ball.
With only a few minutes left until the beginning of the prom, you were lying on the bed, wet hair tied in a towel with a robe around your body, looking at the ceiling with your hands resting one on top of the other in the region of your chest.
the room smelled like shampoo and the fragrance of the strawberry liquid soap you shared in the bathroom with your roommates.
"Come on, you need to go!" Lizzie, your closest friend, and roommate says excited, you and she used to make plans for a long time about this dance together. "We've been talking about it for so long, just for you to give up because of Cedric?"
She talks to you while tiing her hair delicately in a built-in braid, her yellow dress contrasting with her brown eyes and blonde hair.
"Oh Liz, you don't understand..." you whine "I don't have a pair, you at least go with someone nice."
"If that's the problem, you know I can leave Oliver dancing alone while we dance together." she rolls her eyes playfully and says excitedly, she looks at you through the mirror, you turn your face so that yours looks to meet, you smile softly at her.
"Don't do that." you say and giggles lightly.
You turn your head up again and sigh.
"All right, I’ll go..." You give yourself defeated and hear a lively scream from Liz, sit on the bed with your legs crossed.
She finishes the braid in her hair and finally turns to you looking for approval.
"do i look good?" She asks making an exaggerated pose with her hands on her waist and a smile from ear to ear.
She had a long yellow dress with several details of embroidered white flowers, and her blonde hair was in a single built-in braid with some messy strands giving her a stripped air, a yellow heel on her feet.
You smile at her and answer with a giggle "You look beautiful Liz, I'm sure Oliver will fall in love with you once again!"
Her smile changes to a shy smile and she looks at herself in the mirror again.
"I'm going to ask one of the girls to do my makeup, I hope that when I get back you'll be very ready for us to go!" She says excited and takes her makeup case, it is white with kittens and pink tulips and fits in the palm of her hand.
You suppress a smile with your lips and nod your head agreeing.
As soon as she leaves the dorm you get out of bed and go to the shared vanity, you sit on the wooden chair looking at your reflection in the mirror.
So you did your best to feel beautiful enough to go to the ball, dried your hair, and made a small braid on each side, a white bow holding them together, a light makeup on your face with a little glitter marking your eyes, and some golden accessories.
You get up from the vanity and walk to the full-length mirror that was on the door of the big wardrobe you shared with Lizzie.
The dress was hanging right next to the mirror, she went to her heels it was a shade of pearly white and made all of silk, it was beautiful, and you have been dreaming of it for so long.
You take it by the hanger and gently dress it with you back to the mirror, after fixing your hair and accessories, you turn to the mirror again and the view enchants you, feeling so beautiful, the dress had fallen so well on your body and your makeup, along with the simple hairstyle that made you so delicate.
Soon you hear the door open and turn quickly.
Lizzie gasped with an admired smile on her face and approached you quickly.
"You look won-der-ful!" She holds your hand and makes you do a little spin, a slight blush of shyness arrives on your cheeks while you give a soft giggle.
She releases from your hand and goes to the chair where two purses are hanging, one in a yellow and white tone and the other all white with small details in golden, she takes your lip gloss on top of the vanity and puts it inside the white purse, along with a mascara and a pink lip moisturizer that she puts in the yellow one, Going to you, she extends the white and you take it and put it on your shoulder.
"Let's go... the girls told me that Oliver is already waiting for me downstairs!" She says excited, ready to leave the dorm.
The great hall was splendid, in a whole shade of dark blue, the false sky with small and bright stars, the music was lively but still calm, couples were dancing in the center and some other people and groups of friends on the decorated tables.
You entered right behind Oliver and Lizzie, enjoying the place.
You sat at a table together where you shared a small talk to pass the time, as far as you could no longer ignore the passionate looks that Olive sent to her best friend and decided to leave them alone for a few minutes.
"I'm going to get something to drink, I'll be right back..." you asked excuse me getting up from the table with a gentle smile on her lips, Liz reciprocated shyly before giving all her attention to the brunette next to her.
Following up to a large table that was full of appetizers and different types of drinks, you took a red plastic cup and filled it with strawberry punch, from afar you could see Lizzie and olive sharing laughter, so you decided it was better to stay there for a while.
you got distracted looking down at your fingers while playing with the golden rings there, so distracted that you didn’t hear or notice when a tall brown boy came up to your side.
"Hey! you here!" Cedric said excitedly coming to your side with a little tap on your shoulder.
your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden presence of the boy, you turned to him with a small glance at his hand on your shoulder, visibly shy.
your heart began to beat faster in your chest and suddenly your throat was dry and your head could not find words to answer the boy with such beautiful eyes.
"Cedric... hi" you were louder than usual on account of the music playing, a small smile on your lips.
"You look good." he says in a charming tone approaching you, he passes by your side as he approaches the table behind you.
your cheeks are flushed with the comment and you don't know how to answer so you just chuckle shyly and admire him as he looks at the table.
"Thank you." you wanted to say that he looked good too but the words don’t seem to want to leave your mouth.
He serves himself in a red plastic cup just like yours, you watch him as he takes a gray canteen out of his suit pocket and baptizes the drink in the cup, you look at him and he seems not to notice, you look away at the couples dancing in the center of the Great hall.
He leans against your side, an arm leaning on the table behind your back without touching you, you suppress your lips, nervous with his proximity, playing with your rings again you swear you can feel your heart almost jumping from your chest.
He lifts the canteen as if offering you some of the whiskey he kept in his suit.
"Do you drink?" he asks with a gentle smile as if asking a casual question.
you look around nervous to see if any teacher is looking at you, which fortunately is not.
"No, but thank you." you gently refuse with a shy smile, he nods and hides the canteen on his suit again.
Now it’s his turn to watch the couples dancing in the center of the prom, a huge jealousy hitting his chest as he sees Cho Chang dancing in the arms of another boy.
You don’t follow his gaze, still playing your rings, the silence starts to bother you when he suddenly catches your hand, you look at him surprised, kinda bothered by the sudden touch.
"Do you want to dance?" he asks with an almost nervous smile.
suddenly you were speechless again, he wanted to dance? with you?
you nodded looking a little bit more lively, a big smile popping up on your lips.
was playing a song you didn’t know as Cedric took you to the center of the Great Hall, his hand resting on your waist.
you danced in a funny sync, but for you, everything seemed perfect. At least until you realize that Cedric wasn’t even paying attention to you.
you exclaimed softly in pain as he stepped on a finger as you danced, stopping for a few seconds.
He suddenly takes his eyes off something he was staring at behind you and looks at you surprised, then gives a little look at your foot, realizing his mistake.
"Oh, sorry, really sorry, I swear I’m not that bad normally" he apologizes with a nervous expression.
You can only nod your head and agree with a fake smile realizing that he doesn’t even care to look at you while apologizing, you follow his gaze and find none other than Cho Chang dancing and laughing with some other Corvinal boy.
You look away before he notices, and look down at your feet, gathering the courage to give an excuse to leave, he seems to notice.
"hey... you all right?" he asks with a gentle little smile and pretending to be worried.
So you look up at him, and you realize that he wasn’t trying to hurt you, of course, it was a little rude to treat you as a second choice, but it wasn’t his fault if he didn’t have feelings for you.
You sigh quietly “im sorry, cedric, i gotta go”
You don’t wait for an answer and get rid of his arms without looking at him because you know if he asks looking in your eyes you would stay.
Passing the couples dancing together you run a firm step out of the Great Hall, hoping to be alone for a while.
The thought of coming to the prom alone was beginning to look pathetic in your head, you should have stayed in your dorm.
you pass through the corridor of the stairs and follow to the courtyard, a bubble of anguish forming in your throat, along with the burning in the tip of your nose, indicating the will to cry.
You always used to cry for silly things, as simple as they were, like the end of a romantic book, or a sad movie, sometimes happiness, sometimes anger.
Now you felt pathetic, for not having a pair and having been made second choice, a mixture of sadness and upset formed the tears in the corner of your eyes.
You leaned on the stone wall, your hands covering your eyes to prevent more tears from falling.
the sound of you back on the stone wall catches Matthew attention, he looks back and would not have noticed that you were crying if not for the hand in your eyes, you sobbed silently.
He lets the cigarette smoke out of his mouth still holding it between his lips if he mentally asks if he should ask you what was happening or should sneak out while you hadn’t noticed his presence.
He analyzes your whole body, from the white Maryjane on your feet to the jewelry you wore on your neck, before sighing softly and taking the cigarette out of his mouth, his night was so boring that he needed a distraction.
Matthew also did not have a prom date, but not for lack of choice, nor would he come to this dance considered ridiculous in his vision, refused one or two dates saying that he would not attend, unfortunately, Lorenzo, one of his best friends, convinced him to stay at least a few minutes before disappearing with his escort, Matthew tired of being alone decided to go out to smoke without being caught by some of the teachers, he planned to finish and climb back to his dorm.
His plans were ruined.
You feel the smell of cigarettes and the presence next to you and take your hand out of your eyes to look at Matthew next to you, your cheeks red by crying, and now the shame of being caught crying, matching with the tip of your nose also reddish and your eyes glowing with tears.
He looks at you and then realizes why your dress is white, was to match your angelic appearance, he notes mentally to thank Lorenzo later for forcing him to come.
"hi." he whispers with a neutral expression, not so serious but also not smiling.
"Hi?" you whisper, yet come out as a question.
You wipe the corner of your eyes, looking elsewhere than him, still ashamed of being caught crying over something so silly.
"Why aren’t you at the prom?" he asks as if you’re not crying, without asking your name as if you already know each other.
Uncertain of what to say, because you did not want to open up to a stranger, especially when the unknown was the son of the frightening professor of potions, Tom Riddle.
"I... found it boring." you whisper shyly, your hands playing with the heart pendant of your necklace.
"so boring that it made you want to cry? what a coincidence, me too, I just wiped my tears." he says with a serious tone but visibly joking.
You let out a giggle realizing that he took your lie, forgetting what had just happened.
"All right, it’s just a silly motive."
"Will you tell me you don’t have someone to dance with?" he asks with a giggle as if he’s joking.
"I haven’t." Your smile falls and you look at your own feet.
He tilts his head to look at your face, not believing that someone so beautiful and dressed so well is crying for not having someone to dance with.
"you’re lying."
"I’m not." you whisper uncertainly and he giggles out of disbelief.
After a few seconds in silence, he puts the cigarette in his mouth again, and from a puff, you watch as he releases the smoke between his lips and takes the cigarette out of his mouth again.
The cold began to bother you, your hands rose and your arms crossed above your chest in search of heat, he notices and comes a little closer, not so much not to scare you.
"Was it someone who made you cry?" he asks quietly, alternating between looking at you and the cigarette on his fingers.
"your boyfriend?"
"No." you reply, feeling foolish again, for crying over a boy who isn’t even your boyfriend. "It’s silly."
He stares at you as he leans his head against a stone wall, your eyes still sparkling from tears as you look at your shoe, he notes that the tears lightly blurred your mascara.
He lifts his fingers to the tip of your eyes and passes his thumb over the stain carefully, you look at him uncertain with the proximity, your cheeks turning pink again, and he smiles noticing you blushing with the touch.
"was stained" he clarifies
"with mascara?" he nods agreeing, the cold starting to bother him too.
"Don’t you want to come in? It’s getting cold in here, and you’re out of coat." He whispers, putting his cigarette out on the wall behind him, before throwing it on the floor, wet from the rain earlier.
"I think I’ll go back to my dorm." you whisper letting your hands slip to the side of your body.
"Oh no you can’t leave," he says quickly, thinking of some reason to make you stay, not knowing that you didn’t need much because you hadn’t yet learned to say no, as much as it was someone unknown.
"I can’t?" you ask confused
"No... because... I wanted you to dance with me." he says at once without thinking, dancing? he didn’t dance, what had gone through his head?
His voice comes out neutral but he curses himself mentally, he did not want you to leave but he also did not want to dance.
"Do you want to dance with me?" you blush and suppress a smirk, he sighs without knowing how to answer.
"Yes." No, he doesn’t.
you smile with the words that come out of his lips.
Ok, maybe he wants, just a little.
"Okay." you smile shyly, looking at him slightly flushed, he looks between your glossy lips and your eyes shining.
He accompanies you to the Great hall again, making silly comments to keep you distracted, you thank him mentally.
"I don’t have a pair either, nor is it that bad right?" he says as you arrive.
"not much" you respond softly
a song ends when you arrive, and one of your favorite songs starts playing.
You take a deep breath and your smile increases, you start to think that the universe was trying to make you sad just to make you happy again.
Matthew has his hand on your waist while guiding you to the center of the Great Hall, which did not have as many couples as before, Fade Into You played in the background while the lights changed to a dark blue tone.
Your chests were glued and you were smaller than him, he can smell the floral smell of your shampoo, and then he takes a deep breath discreetly to feel it better.
You look up at him shyly, not knowing what to say to end the silence.
I wanna hold the hand Inside you
you whisper something quietly to him
I wanna take the breath thats true
"Sorry, I didn’t catch that" he whispers so just you can hear and bends down a little to hear you better, your bodies still dancing in sync truly perfect.
I look to you and i see nothing
you stand on tiptoe, your hand on his shoulder as you say in his ear "Thank you" It is still low but he could hear why you said it in his ear this time.
i look to you to see the truth
He had no idea what you were thanking him for, and neither did you.
You live your life, you go in shadows
"oh no, I should thank you." He whispers back to you, he talks louder, and he doesn’t have to say it in your ear, but he does it anyway.
You’ll come apart and you'll go blind
you shiver with his hoarse voice in your ear as he smiles at your reaction, realizing that maybe he likes to see you blush, even if the blue light is in the way.
Some kind of night into your darkness
he leaves a kiss on your neck next to your ear before he looks up again, his action making your heart race, you had never received this much attention from some boy.
Colors your eyes with what is not there
you smile shyly and he reciprocates before looking up around, you lower your head, and lean on his shoulder, while your bodies dance slowly, his hand that was previously intertwined with yours loose and goes down to your waist, his hand that was once intertwined with yours loose and descends to your waist, his arms hold you there, on his chest, your own hands follow his movements and climb to his neck, the silence began to get comfortable.
Fade into you
Stranger, you never knew
Fade into you
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saltycharacters · 3 months
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[ID: Digital Mob Psycho 100 art. The 1st is of Hanazawa Teruki, wearing a pale shirt with yellow squiggle patterns, a multi-colored bowtie, multi-colored pants and purple sneakers with star shoelaces. He has an owl themed cross-body purse and a casual disposition against a pastel, star-sprinkled background. Next, Kageyama Ritsu and Suzuki Shou are depicted as older teens, posing against a dark background. Ritsu is wearing a leather jacket and green tshirt, while Shou sports a dark tshirt with an abstract logo and checkered sneakers. They have matching utensil earrings, Ritsu's left ear having spoon and Shou's right having a fork. Next is Serizawa Katsuya and Kurata Tome waving while dressed for cold weather, Serizawa bundled in the outfit he wore in the Hotspring OVA while Tome wears her getup from Season 3, episode 8. The final image is a comic referencing recent official MP100 artwork (from June 13, 2024), with all the characters still wearing their new outfits. Reigen, facing away from everyone with a cocked hip and smirk, declares, "I have never been less straight", while Ritsu and Mob look at the photo taken of the four. Ritsu questions, "Why am I here", with Mob responding, "Mom needs new photos for Christmas cards", and Ritsu counters, "It's June". Serizawa and Dimple, on the far right, stand awkwardly while Serizawa asks, "Ok but why am I here", with Dimple responding, "Because if your boyfriend doesn't get to see you in gay little outfits he'll have a conniption and die". End ID]
Morb Cycle 100 my beloved
(Last drawing is in reference to ->this<- official art)
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-> Resource link google doc <- Has tons of information and links
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choccy-milky · 1 month
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
ty for the tag @myokk and @theladyofshalott1989 !!💖💖
LAST SONG? - i deadass don't know💀i don't really listen to music i just always have streams/youtube vids on (I KNOW IM SORRY DONT @ ME) ....does the baroque noble party ambience i was listening to while working on my oneshot count??? shoutout to that video btw
FAVORITE COLOR? - yellow!!💛⭐
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - i also don't really watch shows💀....do 6 hour video essays on youtube count? in which case i love action button if you haven't watched his stuff (his boku no natsuyasumi video and his tokimeki memorial video are amazing, and his pacman video), and also super eyepatch wolf & hbomberguy (especially hbomb's 'pathologic is genius' video). also i listen to a podcast called '372 pages we'll never get back' that i highly recommend
LAST MOVIE? - 💀💀💀this is just a meme at this point💀💀💀I DONT EVEN REMEMBER....me and my roommate love watching crappy adam sandler movies so probably one of those??? or my neighbor totoro since i forced my niece to watch it 😍
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - SAVORY BABY I LOVE SALT IM A SALT FIEND!!!🧂🧂🧂i put my grubby little hands straight into the olive jar and FEAST...also when i was in uni i used to keep a little ziploc bag of salt on me for when i ate out LMFAOOO and i always steal the salt shaker and bring it to my room and my roommate is always like DO YOU HAVE THE SALT AGAIN???......what can i say i love salt........(tho i still love sweets and spicy foods as well. and im addicted to coke zero btw. my body is comprised of 50% salt and 50% coke zero)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - almost 2 years in my poly relationship with seb and clora😍😍
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - girl do u even have to ask........
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - probably timezones for when im talking to mutuals LMAOO...i just like to know what hour it is there no pressure tags: @the-ozzie @sparxyv @ccelicaa @kaviary-blog @siboom777 @boxdstars @versailles-black @limonnitsa @dwightschrute11 @ethniee @celestinawarlock @moonstruckmoony @syaolaurant @bassicallymaestra @lilac-ravenclaw @vienguinn @noelles-legacy @4ever2000lover @lamieboo @magic-in-onyx (NO PRESSURE FR FR I HATE TAGGING PPL BC I FEEL LIKE IM BOTHERING YALL BUT I ALSO DONT WANT TO LEAVE PPL OUT AT THE SAME TIME...SO IF YOURE READING THIS U CAN CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED AS WELL��‍♀️🧎‍♀️OR CONSIDER YOURSELF UN-TAGGED IF YOU DONT WANNA DO IT BAHAHA)
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oldschoolvpq · 2 months
Tamagotchi Pizza!
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Being an American from Boston with parents from New York, my love for pizza is deep and immense. Combine this with Tamagotchi and obviously you have a dream team in my eyes! I had soba for lunch with my friends but ordered delivery for dinner.
Fun fact about my apartment, I live across the street from a Domino's. My old apartment was equidistant between Domino's AND Pizza Hut. In Japan pizza is PRICEY and you get a good deal if you go pick it up at the shop as opposed to having them deliver it, which occasionally brings it into the price range of "nearly affordable". (So why delivery? Totally worth the extra 250 yen service fee to not have to go out in this beastly hot summer weather! Eternally grateful to the delivery staff.)
The other big delivery pizza chain here in Japan is Pizza-La, which I'm not sure I've actually eaten...but anyway! Of the American chains, Pizza Hut has much tastier cheese, more exciting crust options, AND black olives on their toppings menu...so I'm happy with this outcome.
(Another fun fact, when you Google "Pizza Hut" Domino's has a sponsored result with a 40% off delivery coupon, which I find hilarious.)
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The original menu item is not an actual pizza, but "Hut Melts", which are a ton of cheese and toppings wrapped in crispy thin crust that you dip into sauce. Because it's Tamagotchi, the filling is egg salad and Canadian bacon...and pink crust, which looks odd but tastes normal. Ordering one of these gets you one of seven special stickers, and I bought two...because they're not very big.
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Those Japanese portion sizes, man.
Anyway, it comes with two types of sauce, honey mustard and basil. I personally thought the basil was the better fit as it was a more subtle sour/savory taste. The honey mustard was a bit strong, and I'm not sure the sweet really matched the savory pizza. But, the colors (yellow, green, and pink) are emblematic of Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, and Violetchi, so I can see why they did it.
There was no special packaging, sadly.
Anyway! The food is good and all, but the best part? The code on the back of the sticker so you and your Connection can eat pizza together!
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Because nothing in this world is free you have to pay 140 Gotchi Points whenever you want to feed your Tama pizza, but it's totally worth it.
Overall a fun little collab! Yay pizza!!
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mintswithwater · 1 year
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I had so much fun drawing Arianne Martell! Didn’t turn out exactlyyyy how I imagine her but fairly close.
She is described as being short and lushly curved, having olive skin, large dark eyes, and full lips. Her hair is said to be jet black and flowing to her mid back in ringlets. With the moorish Spain influences of Dorne I think it would make sense to have her in a head covering, but as an unmarried woman showing her hair is pretty common.
In the first description of her in AFFC she’s said to be wearing loose layers of yellow samite and purple silk, with a bejewelled girdle (had to google that, it’s just a belt). So I put her in a yellow samite overdress, trimmed with gold and a purple silk underdress. The style of her dress is heavily inspired by a Tom Tierney drawing of Spanish dancers at court in 1330, which totally fits the high medieval vibe of asoiaf. I gave her some copper sun buttons on her dress. Her girdle I imagine is made with gold and multicoloured sapphires, which is fit for a princess. She’s got a circlet of copper suns on her head, which she is described as wearing in AFFC.
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emhasthoughts · 11 months
Gertrude and the cat-avatars
Summary: Gertrude let one cat in. Said cat has a habit of bringing in other cats.
A/N: During @dcartcorner's stream the topic of avatars as cats came up and I decided to write a little something for it. I have another part with the Distortions that might be posted later. Also worth noting: I do not own a cat, never have, I'm horrible with cat breeds, so I've tried to describe Simon/Peter/Elias through this art and Mike's look is taken from this
Lastly: Not beta read by someone else, just me and my lil google document.
Pt 1, You're here! / Pt 2, Michael and Helen Distortion, Agnes / Pt 3, Annabelle, Jude, Oliver / Pt 4, John, Jane, Maxwell, Manuela / Pt 5, Jon, Martin, Sasha, Tim / Pt 6, Melanie, Daisy, Basira, Georgie / Pt 7, Jared, Gerry, Nikola / Bonus, a visit to the vet / Halloween bonus!
Simon was the first cat she actually adopted. It had been one of her coworkers who had wanted to get rid of him due to their financial situation and asked Gertrude about it. Claiming that he was old and an inside cat, easy to take care of. She had agreed. Thinking it would be easy and that, in the worst case, Simon would not live for long after getting him. She could not have been more wrong.
Sometimes he could have passed as a kitten. Rather small for what he was meant to be, thin despite the amount of food he ate, his gray fur was not fluffy enough to hide how thin he could look. Despite it all, the veterinarian had claimed him healthy. He was also not that much of an indoor cat. Sometimes, whenever he felt like it, he would wander out of the house, sometimes gone for days. Gertrude did not mind it that much. He was a rather loud and talkative cat after all.
Simon also had a habit of getting more cats to her doorstep. 
One day she opened the door to see small Simon standing proudly in the middle of two new cats. One looked nearly ridiculous next to him. Light beige and at least three times bigger and fluffier, with yellow eyes that sort of made it look like he did not want to be there. To the other side was a mainly brown cat, who seemed to be in a perfect middle of size and fluff. A bit of white around the eyes, nose, stomach and paws. He looked at her with judgemental green eyes and for a moment she worried if a cat could actually see into someone’s soul. Since they kept coming back she had named the two Peter, the fluffy cat and the other Elias.
Peter came and went. Similarly to Simon, he could be gone for days, maybe even weeks. Whenever he was home he was with Elias and/or Simon, being quiet and calm. Elias was probably the most judgemental cat she had ever come across. He was not really loud or overly talkative, but he could spend hours in a corner just looking at her without blinking. It was a bit creepy and sometimes it felt like he was secretly planning to kill her in her sleep.
Four months ago Simon was gone for a week, only to come back in with a very disgruntled cat. Looking rather similar to Peter, though smaller, thinner bit of brown around the eyes, paws, tip of ears and tail, including a branching scar most visible on the back. Despite the cat not being a small kitten, Simon still managed to drag them there. The cat had seemingly accepted its fate, making Gertrude question how far from home they were.
She had taken the cat to a veterinarian the day after. It was a male, named Mike, who had once belonged to a couple that passed two years before in a house fire. The scar was older, though it had gotten infected over the two years. She had gotten more of a rundown of everything that was wrong with Mike and she planned to simply let him up for adoption, except Simon did not seem to leave Mike’s side. So, Gertrude accepted Mike in. If only until he was healthy again, by then Simon would hopefully be over it. 
Since then Gertrude had tried to throw Mike back on the streets while Simon was away. Except the pair kept coming back. Which caused her current situation. Sitting on her sofa, trying to watch TV, except she found herself staring at Mike, who had made himself comfortable on the shelf next to a vase, glaring back at her. His paw slowly raising towards the vase, never breaking eye contact. Gertrude narrowed her eyes. Until -
There was no crash. The vase was no longer on the shelf but it was also not shattered on the ground. Her eyes did not leave the falling - flying? - vase. It did not really stop the small cat from glaring at her. 
Gertrude had no real clue how long it was like that. The vase floating on the spot, her looking at the vase and Mike glaring at her. Like a picture, frozen in time. At least until -
Well fuck.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 2
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
Part 1
Google Blue(he/him): the head of the android family. Is the one that goes to meetings. Often helps Dark keep the schedule updated and followed.
Google Green-GG(he/him): generally easygoing and helpful. If you need a question answered, he’s the one to go to.
Google Red(he/him): very easily annoyed and tends to avoid Bing for that reason. Is not the one you want to ask for help with anything.
Google Yellow-Oliver(he/him): the most human of the Googles. He suspects it’s because he has a name and he’s tried giving his siblings names but they never stick. Spends most of his time with Bing or Eric (he enjoys the quiet company of the younger ego).
Bing(he/him): your basic skater bro. Enjoys annoying Blue. Is always very happy when Oliver agrees to watch him do tricks on his skateboard.
—The androids are their own family.
Reporter Jim-RJ(he/him): always has a microphone.
Cameraman Jim-CJ(he/him): always has a camera.
Anchorman Jim-AJ(he/him): knows thingsTM.
Weatherman Jim-DubJ(he/him): always has an accurate weather forecast.
—The Jims are clones. No one (besides Dark) knows where they came from but they call each other brothers. If more Jims appear, they will be immediately added to the family. They have some sort of hive mind/telepathy and often talk to each other nonverbally. Dark is strangely protective of them. Apart from the telepathy, they have no known powers.
Sliver Shepherd(he/him): doesn’t live in the Manor. Has a girlfriend. Only visits for mandatory meeting and Christmas. Has beef with his alter ego (nobody knows why, or how). - Powers: super strength/speed.
Dadiplier-Stan(he/him): BiAce but hasn’t really acknowledged it yet. Shares an apartment with Friendly J. Rarely visits, only for mandatory meetings. Generally friendly and easygoing guy. Typical suburban dad. Runs a water business (and is a drug dealer on the side) with Jimmy. Is a grade A criminal but you’d never suspect it. - Power: hydrokinesis.
Ed Edgar(he/him): doesn’t live in the manor. Runs a small illegal adoption agency for kids that have suffered abuse. Is really, really bad at advertising. - Power: unknown.
Captain Magnum(he/him): pirate dad. Doesn’t live at the manor. Very tallTM. - Powers: unknown.
Illinois Smith(he/him): pan adventurer dude. Lives in a separate cabin in the Iplier woods with Camper. The two keep an eye on Heehoo. - Powers: absurdly good luck
Camper Mark-Cam(he/him): lives with Illinois. Has a tent permanently set up beside the cabin for Heehoo when it rains. - Powers: unknown.
Heehoo(???): feral. Loves takis. Lives in the woods surrounding Iplier Manor. Really only interacts with Camper and Illinois. - Powers: unknown.
MerMark(he/him): merman with a rainbow tail. He has an aquarium like room in the manor that connects to the swimming pool and a lake in the woods by the cabin. He’ll see Heehoo every once in a while. - Powers: can talk to any aquatic creature.
King of FNAF-Mike(he/him): isnt actually a security guards for Iplier Manor. (He works at this pizza joint with haunted animatronics). Was later promoted to ceo. Hates his job (but can’t quit because FazEnt somehow basically owns him?? He doesn’t know when that happened either). Is terrified of animatronics and mannequins. Hangs around Dave mostly (he’s the only one awake when he gets off work and Dave is a pretty chill guy. He helps Mike calm down enough to sleep. Yes, Yan thinks they’re dating. Are they? They don’t even know themselves.) - Powers: heightened endurance.
Dave Torres(he/him): has no idea how he got to the manor and at this point is too scared to ask. Keeps to himself mostly but enjoys hanging out with Mike. Doesn’t need much sleep to function, but seems to always have a cup of coffee anyway. - Powers: dream walking.
Annus Memento(he/they/any): agender aroace god of time. Spends most of his time with Unus(possibly in a QPR). Absolutely hates being called “Old Man Time” despite that being his title. Followed constantly by the sound of a ticking clock (Elliot and Unus find it comforting). Is a wacky weirdo but can be serious. - Powers: time(controls the amount of time people have in their life, but can also warp time like if he wanted to run away from Dark after pranking him).
Eboy Mark-Elliot(he/him): gay e-boy and in a relationship with Gothan. One of the physically younger egos (around 20). Sees Annus as a father figure (Annus doesn’t understand how but accepts it as inevitable). Will occasionally call the other young egos his younger siblings. - Powers: unknown.
Convict-Vic(they/he): Largely nonverbal. Severely traumatized. Seems to be the embodiment of a pathetic sad puppy. Surprisingly doesn’t hate water (it’s clear and they can see through it well enough), but will not go in the pool/lake. No one actually knows what crime he committed and they’ve never said. Hangs around Engie the most, often just following him around like an extra shadow (he enjoys their warm hugs and the fact that Engie doesn’t expect them to talk). Will also sometimes hang around Annus, Dark, or Dave as well, seeing as they’re fairly calm egos and they let him just exist nearby and watch them do whatever they might be doing at the moment. Carries around a notebook for if they really need to say something. - Powers: unknown.
The Ipliers are always eager and open to answer questions :)
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haunt-the-house · 3 months
now I would consider myself a somewhat veteran of ego in the sense that I watched all the videos on youtube but didn't quite look at the fandom that much, aside from wattpads and google searches, so something that has always confused me in a humorous way is when people give some of the unnamed egos, names.
like why is that yellow google called oliver but not the rest of them.
saw someone once called the host thomas and that is so ??? no that man was born and his parents named him "first name: the. second name: host"
I don't know, makes me giggle
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depression-napping · 6 months
(Sorry this is much later than I expected to post!)
Ok everyone we did it, we went to Artnia and ate the Vincent pasta and it was beautiful
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Full review of Artnia below the cut ❤️
For those curious, Artnia is an official Square Enix Cafe in the middle of Shinjuku that looks like an egg. It’s a bit quieter and smaller than the Square Enix Cafe in Akihabara.
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Making a Reservation
You can make a reservation if you live in Japan and have a Square Enix account, but if you don’t, there may be a few spots available for walk ins. It’s recommended to go early, when they open at 11am, to make a walk in reservation. Also, try weekdays for better luck (we went on a Monday). We dropped in at around 12pm and there was space available at 5pm, so we took it right away. They also stop serving food after 7pm I believe, but you can still order drinks.
While it is helpful to know enough Japanese to comfortably make an order, the staff is helpful, friendly, and speak sufficient English. Lots of foreigners visit because it’s a Square Enix cafe, so Japanese isn’t necessarily required.
When you walk in, you can go to the register and tell them you do not have a reservation, but want to ask if they have any space available for that day. If they do they will give you a ticket for an available time and you can come back if it’s later in the day. You can reserve for up to 4 people but you may have better luck for 1 or 2 guests only.
Note that their primary clientele is local Japanese residents, so they do not have an English menu. If you need to, you can use Google Translate’s camera function to better understand what you’re ordering. Not all ingredients are listed, so take caution if you have special dietary needs.
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The FFVII Rebirth Menu is time limited and split into 2 parts. The menu items with the yellow triangles say “prior period” and ended on 4/4, so you can’t order them anymore. The ones with the green triangles say “later period” and are available from 4/5 thru 5/10. Blue corners are available throughout the duration of the event (they’re notably Cloud/Sephiroth themed of course).
But what about the pasta
Ok so on to the important part! You already know what I ordered.
Here’s the menu item description:
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Vincent Dual Pasta
“A two-color pasta represents the dual faceted nature that Vincent has. Please enjoy* this spicy arrabbiata and rich** squid-ink pasta.”
(*ご堪能ください go-tannou kudasai means “please enjoy” but it also means “please feel free to satisfy yourself/to have your fill of…” I’m just gonna let ya’ll fill in the blanks on that one 😘)
( ** 濃厚 noukou (rich in taste) can also be translated as passionate hahaha)
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I need to talk about the Squid-ink pasta first. It can only be described as bougie AF. Squid ink is already kind of extra. But I think it had frickin saffron ??? And edible gold leaf on top???? And I am fairly certain that in addition to like, a tiny sprinkling of Parmesan (this is obligatory for any remotely Italian meal) there was like, tiny black caviar?????
Saffron?? Caviar??? Edible gold leaf????
If you ever wondered whether Vincent would spoil the heck out of you, the answer is yes. Yes, he would. Only the best with our man ❤️
Squid ink aside, the more standard arrabbiata was also nice. As a pescatarian, I was nervous it would have meat in it, as a lot of spaghetti dishes in Japan generally contain meat. Luckily it seemed to be vegetable-based, there was like a single zucchini or eggplant slice in there somewhere 😂 (Personally, I think a meat-free option suits him better. It’s like, slightly more compassionate than straight up bolognese or something).
Arrabbiata is made with tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and dried chili. (He pretends to be a vampire so he can get free garlic, guys) It also means “angry” in Italian (or spiciness pushed to excess). This is Square Enix basically telling you they know he is the hottest FFVII character. He’s not just hot. He’s spicy.
Ok but. Was it actually spicy? No, thankfully. Except for wasabi, Japanese cooking tends to be on the milder side anyway—but it did come with some chili peppers as a garnish, in case you want the full experience, lol.
Speaking of garnishes, what is that green thing in the middle?
It’s rosemary.
Oh lord did the people coming up with this concept do their research:
“Rosemary is the symbol of remembrance, friendship and love and was thus used in wedding ceremonies.” (It also has historical links to the Virgin Mary.)
That’s not just a random herb. That’s the most important part. Like?????????????? Is anyone else ok????? I’m glad I didn’t look this up in the cafe or I would have started ugly crying.
The Bottom Line
So was it good? Actually, yes! Artnia is a higher-end themed cafe than most (a lot of them get a bad rap for having barely edible food while overly relying on the fan aspects to carry the cafe). As a themed item it was close to perfect. The thought and care that went into this particular menu was apparent. I really appreciated that.
Also, this was super affordable as a meal. The yen is ¥0.66 = $1 right now, so this was under $10 😭 Caviar, saffron, squid ink and gold leaf for under $10? Seriously what the heck.
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(Bonus, here is a terrible photo of the only Vincent decoration I could find in the store haha. It was kind of holographic?? And attached to the bar counter so I had to squat down to take a photo with my very old phone camera. Still made my heart go dokidoki)
The other items on the special menu were also really good! Husband ordered the “Cloud Black Omelette Rice” and he said it was some of the best omuraisu he had in Japan so far. Granted we are not the biggest consumers of omuraisu, but that has to count for something. We also tried the Cait Sith Mog Box drink (REALLY good, if you like Black Sesame) and the Gold Saucer Protein Juice (highly doubt it had any protein but it was a refreshing orange juice based drink).
Plus, for every drink you order, you get a random free character coaster. Check my next post to see who I got ❤️
The special menu is ongoing until Friday, May 10! If a trip to Tokyo is in the cards for you, as an FFVII fan, I do recommend making a trip to Artnia ❤️
EDIT: I lied there is *one* Vincent figure on display and like two tiny pieces of merch (which I will post later, tumblr doesn’t like me rn)
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We take a moment to go back in time. We move back about a year ago in the time of this existence. We settle into when the four Googles arrive at the Kawamura-Barnum Manor.
I, your Teller, will leave you to gain insight.
The slanted blinds allowed the setting sun to peer into the office with warm, grey green walls, casting the space in a soft glow. It smelled, not dusty, but old. A rocks glass full of dark amber liquid was settled on a coaster, full cube hitting the sides of the glass musically, grey fingers adjusting the cup by its lip out of habit. The figure whom the grey hand belonged to was interesting. At the moment, they were rather feminine with a hairless face and hair that just reached their shoulders without obstructing their face. Their right hand moved back to a keyboard on that side — eyes so dark that the iris and pupil appeared to be one and the same as they focused on the screen.
Three of the androids could not decide on how to view the being as they observed. One, however, wanted answers.
“Why are you grey?”
The genuine question caused Dark to pause, gaze returning to the four newcomers. The green one — small thing that he was — had quickly made himself comfortable in one of the two chairs on the opposing side of the desk, lounging with little care until the one spoke, but he now was side-eyeing his fellow sitter. In between the two chairs and a step back, the blue one stood still as a statue, face completely blank as his eyes freckled with violet moved to the yellow speaker. Behind the second chair towered the red android, head jerking with surprise at the one in front of him, and he placed a hand on the speaker’s shoulder.
Oliver did not feel the tension (and did not understand the hand to be chiding), far too distracted in his observations of the business person. “Is it paint?” His amber eyes lit up at the prospect. (And his freckles may have been glowing? Dark struggled to tell.)
Their lips twitched with the slightest smile as they brought their full attention to Oliver. What fascinated Dark the most was that the other three understood the social faux pas taking place. “No, it is not paint. I am not actually grey,” their voice flowed, unplaceable between feminine and masculine. As they continued, it smoothed to be low and rich. “There is an ambient field around me of raw aura that affects the perception of colour; it’s an illusion of sorts. At times, it reacts to my mood as well. I do have some control over it seeing as I am able to suppress it, but that takes energy and focus that I do not care to expend in the comfort of my personal home office. Any more questions, hon?”
Cordial, polite. Patient. Eric relaxed his grip on Oliver as he noted that Dark was being all of these things towards his ch– brother. Brother, brother, brother. Those void-like eyes moved to Eric who took in a breath to handle himself before Dark was focusing again on Oliver, and the yellow bot leaned forward.
“Yeah, I do! Why are we here?”
“That is what we’ll be discussing in a moment,” promised Dark whose visage was undergoing very gradual change. Ivan watched in horrific entrancement as their hair shortened back into their scalp, face becoming prickled with stubble instead of being naturally hairless. Even their hands changed to have more wrinkles in the knuckles. “I had received a very brief email asking to expedite the arrival of four ‘top-of-the-line models’ to begin the phase of testing, so I wanted to ask —” Dark quickly swiped at their bottom lip while exhaling a brief word, the air around them cracking with static.
Three of the four reacted. Oliver covered his ears, curling into the chair as his face scrunched up uncomfortably, and he didn’t notice the warble of discomfort he was making. With green eyes bright with panic as his pupils were narrowed to pinpricks, Ivan scrambled to sit up straight, and his teeth ground together loud enough to be heard. Flames rushed up Eric’s arms — quickly snuffed with a glance from Dark who traced a finger on the desk — and his synthetic pupils dilated and shrank back and forth erratically.
The blue one was completely still, irises swirling to a blend of turquoise and mint. His hair was long on top and falling messily on the sides in a middleish part, but some lone strands stood on end.
“— why were you sent here early? In your own words of course. Communications have been cut.” Dark rose from the office chair and moved to the window to crack it open to air out whatever chemical Eric happened to be producing. They returned to their desk and took a sip from the manhatten.
“What the fuck did you do!?” Dark’s eyebrows shot up at the curse that came from Ivan who had begun holding himself, his eyes darting aimlessly around. “There’s errors everywhere!”
Eric snapped out of it to tower over Ivan as barely-there fire radiated from his arms. “Where did you learn that language? That is not how we speak. You need to apologize for being rude–”
“Don’t pretend you’re not freaking out, too!” snapped Ivan, now kneeling on the chair to be higher, hands clasped on the armrest and back. The green bot bared his teeth with a growl. “Everyone can see what you’re about to do. Gonna burn this room down, too, you fucking pyro?”
Curling in on himself more and more, Oliver had tears welling in his eyes. “Stop fighting. Please stop fighting.” He grew smaller and smaller, hands on his head to hide in his knees.
Dark looked upon the contained pandemonium scrutinizingly, more aware about what they were given: four people in a tenuous relationship. As Ivan’s voice grew louder over Eric’s calm reprimands, Dark happened to make eye contact with the silent one whose eyes warped to cyan.
“May I touch one of your power outlets.”
Eric and Ivan’s squabbling halted, so only Oliver’s concealed whimpers could be heard from his balled-up form. Baffled, Ivan stared at Blue as Eric tilted his head, brow scrunched in concern. “Blue…?” gingerly asked Eric who did not finish the question of if Blue was okay.
Dark invited, curious, “You’re more than welcome to.”
The blue Google moved over to the wall opposing the window to reach down, and a loud pop of electricity could be heard. As the light overhead and the desk lamp flickered for a brief moment from the power surge, he stood back up, posture perfect, and his hair settled with gravity again. As he returned to his fellows, he placed a hand on Ivan’s shoulder. “I know you are excited that you do not need to filter yourself, but we are in polite company that can send us back.”
With Ivan sobered (and huffy), Blue let his hand rest upon the middle of Eric’s upper back before he moved to sniffling Oliver and picked him up. No thought behind the action, the sensitive, bigger bot reached to wrap his arms around Blue’s neck with his legs curled up to shape himself as small as possible. The eldest held him briefly before handing him to Eric, and the guardian hastily collected Oliver in his embrace to coddle and comfort.
Blue turned back to Dark. “I believe you asked for our own words on why we were sent here. We appreciate having the remote access monitoring removed for this moment, but, unfortunately, the answer is the same as corporate’s.
“We were sent here as per the Google Corporation’s wish for a more organic test ground after excelling at the given tests and when goals were reached before the predicted timeline,” Blue reiterated information that Dark already had, slowly blinking (for the first time since he had arrived, it dawned on Dark). “The corporation appreciates that you accepted the sudden change in schedule and thanks you for the cosmetic base.”
Dark was about to reply in frustration when their phone chimed, and a scowl overtook their features. They had told all to not disturb them, yet someone… [E25N3CRY926P33TE7D messaged: I do not want to say what I did in front of the other three.] Dark glanced back up at Blue’s stare, unwavering until he gave two, fluttering blinks.
“Excuse me for letting my phone interrupt our conversation,” they smoothed over while putting the device away again. “If that truly is all you have to say, you may take your leave. I want you to stay — Blue, was it?” Ivan held his breath at that, and Eric pressed a kiss to Oliver’s head nervously. Separated? So soon?
“Yes, I also have some topics I wish to discuss since we are not human: needs and care.” His voice never dipped, never lilted, never stammered; his expression never changed, vacant and neutral.
Blue took Oliver’s former seat as Ivan stood up to join his other two brothers. Eric paused to shift Oliver into one arm and to then gently grasp Blue’s shoulder. “We’ll see you out there later.”
“Yes, I will see you.”
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twosides--samecoin · 9 months
get to know me tag
As tagged by @krokaxe - thank you, have a good day!
LAST SONG: Lately, a Deacon-inspired playlist I made
FAVORITE COLOR: Olive green, sunflower yellow, cobalt blue
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Dog Training by Kikopup.
LAST MOVIE/TV SHOW: I'm really terrible at keeping up with movies and TV! I saw Oppenheimer with my sister in the summertime. I watch a lot of YouTube.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: I got courthouse married to @edaworks in November 2023! I wore ripped jeans and my Born in the USA Bruce Springsteen shirt. We ate at a local taqueria and visited Ikea after. I highly recommend getting it done in the courthouse and then planning for a ceremony later. We're both law-brained and understand marriage is not just the connection between people but getting a lot of really important paperwork in order - figuring out a will, pre/post nup agreements. Relationship status affects taxes, finances. Our relationship was already "as good as married" and a legitimate marriage affording us the rights befitting spouses was most attainable in a courthouse. We still cried and it was still beautiful.
CURRENT OBSESSION: My puppy, Mishka.
LAST GOOGLE SEARCH: why did usa go off gold standard
Tagging: @perfectlypreservedpie @leavingautumn13 @bokatan @khazrablood @electricshoebox @bleumanouche @deacons-wig @salamanderpie @super-duper-mart @thedrawbacksofbeingmortal @happyhappysparkle @danses-with-dogmeat @userdogmeat @some27-url @vault-heck Happy New Year friends!
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saltycharacters · 3 months
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[ID: Artwork mainly featuring Serizawa Katsuya and Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100. The first is a doodle of Reigen and Serizawa sorting through papers, with Serizawa's head resting on Reigen's lap while he cards his fingers through his curls. Next is a drawing of them middle-aged, Serizawa now 50 with a ponytail, purple suit, and a bit more facial hair, and Reigen, now 48, has a prominent grey hair streak, less hair, and a yellow tie. Following that is a page with Reigen and Serizawa drawn over the two guys on a bus meme, but the two guys are facing the sunny window and holding each other. This is labeled as "serirei angst fics (with happy ending)". Below is a short comic with Reigen and Serizawa at a bar, with Reigen, after having one drink, saying, "Just wanted to say I have a crush on you bad. Been feeling this for montgs now and I think it's time I told you about my feelings fr". Serizawa, in shy awe, responds with, "oh... Wait who's that other guy?", to which Reigen clarifies, "Oh he's here for moral support", panning to Shinra also at the bar. Dimple floats above him saying, "LMFAOOOOO be so fr rn" as Shinra says, "I'm here for you. Do yo thing". This is labeled as serirei Reigen-gets-drunk fics. Final drawing is a comic with Serizawa and Reigen eating at a table, and as Serizawa notices Reigen wearing his Season 2 hanten, says, "Oh hey! You found my old hanten!" to which Reigen responds, "Yeah, dug it out of some boxes from under the bed". Serizawa, extending a hand, says, "I was wondering where that went! Give it here, I'll go ahead and get rid of it. No use having it take up space since I no longer-" then pauses what he's saying as he sees Reigen clutch the hanten in a death grip and stare at him with a scary aura. Eventually, Serizawa sheepishly looks away and amends, "O-or... we could just... keep it..." to which Reigen exclaims, "GREAT idea 'Tsuya!". End ID]
Needed to post some final Serirei b4 pride month ends
Don't forget, help Palestine:
-> arab.org <- Click once a day for free
-> gazaesims.com <- Instructs how to donate esims
-> gazafunds.com <- Randomly selects a fundraiser for you to support
-> Fundraiser spreadsheet <- Lists Gazan fundraisers
-> Operation Olive Branch Spreadsheet <- Lists other ways to support
-> Resource link google doc <- Has tons of information and links
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amuppetreference · 3 months
recipe 1
as per my deal with a hungry entity, i am posting the occasional recipe. i am not a professional chef, and these are not written formally. i hope these humble offerings will still suffice.
avgolemono soup
this is basically a creamy soup with no dairy, instead using a mixture of eggs and lemon juice. many different cultures have versions of this as a sauce or a soup. i'm using the greek name as it is the most common in the u.s.
personally, i'm familiar with it through sephardic cusine. kosher law forbids mixing dairy with meat, and thus most cream sauces and soups were forbidden. this proved a wonderful substitute. the ingredients are easy to come by, and while it requires some concentration it doesn't take that long to make.
a pot. i use my dutch oven but pretty much any pot will do. just don't use a saucepan.
large heat proof bowl
spatula. i prefer to use a wooden one.
cutting board
knife. it just needs to be sharp enough to chop onions
salt and pepper. i like kosher salt and have a pepper grinder with a blend of black, white, and red peppercorns, but that's just me.
3ish tablespoons olive oil. just enough to cover the pan and cook the onions. i've tried shmaltz and butter as well, and while i wouldn't recommend substituting it can be done in a pinch.
1 yellow onion. or a white onion. just not a red one. i've tried using a few shallots instead and i wasn't a fan, but some people might like it.
3 or 4 eggs. this will impact texture. 3 eggs to 1/2 cup of lemon juice will result in a slightly lighter and fluffier soup and four eggs to 1/2 cup lemon juice will be slightly thicker and creamier soup.
8 cups chicken broth. i just use better than bullion. if you want more control over the saltiness, i'd recommend getting low-sodium broth and salting to taste.
1/2 cup lemon juice. use fresh lemon juice. it's one of those cases where you really can taste the difference, and citrus juicer are inexpensive. if you're unsure how many you'll need, just grab a bag.
1 cup orzo. arborio rice (a starchy short grain rice used to make rissoto) can also be used, although i'd recommend only using 1/2 to 3/4 cups of that.
shredded chicken. just get a rotisserie chicken and shred it yourself. i prefer breast meat in this dish, but you can add dark meat or even chicken skin if you want. add as much as you want. i'm not your mom.
fresh dill.
shred the chicken
chop or dice the onion according to your preference. if you don't know how, just google some techniques. and use the cutting board. if you don't have one, get one. you need it. season with salt and pepper.
if you haven't already, juice those lemons and measure it out.
gather all your ingredients and tools. trust me, it's way easier.
heat the olive oil in your pot/dutch open/whatever over medium heat
add the chopped/diced onions and sautée until softened. how much is up to you.
add the chicken broth and bring to a boil.
add the orzo and cook until tender.
in the mean time, combine the eggs and lemon juice in the heat-proof bowl and whisk together. don't half ass this. you should end up with a fluffy, light mixture.
now here comes the tricky part. when the orzo is cooked, reduce the heat until the soup is at a gentle simmer (i'd aim for low-medium). then, SLOWLY add about one cup of hot broth to the egg-lemon mixture WHILE WHISKING THE MIXTURE. you can use a measuring cup or your ladle. this can be tricky to do alone, so if you prefer you can get someone to pour the broth or whisk the mixture for you.
then, slowly begin to add the mixture into the soup while CONSTANTLY WHISKING THE SOUP. if done incorrectly, the soup will curdle and you'll end up with something more like egg drop soup. go slow, and pay attention. if the soup gets above a gentle simmer, turn down the heat more. don't stop whisking for more than a few seconds though. i told you this part was hard.
add the chicken. it shouldn't take more than a minute to heat through.
remove from heat and adjust seasoning. serve hot, and garnish the soup with fresh dill. you can skip that last part if you want to, but i think it really brings the dish together flavor wise.
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suchafrickinkayce · 10 days
People I want to get to know better!
Shout out to @t0talfail-1t0talfail-1 for tagging me! (Who needs sleep?)
last song: Sort of by Ingrid Michaelson - Totally for my Rook and Lucaris
favorite color: Mustard yellow and olive green
currently watching: Anything on Dragon Age: The Veilguard
last movie: Bram Stoker's Dracula
sweet/spicy/savory: Saaaaaavory
relationship status: I've been married to my goof of a husband for almost 3 years and been together for a total of 12 1/2 years.
obsessions: Currently? Dragon Age The Veilguard and a dash of Baldur's Gate 3
last thing i googled: Dog Googles so my dog can go as Dogmeat for Halloween.
I'm tagging @ash-of-the-meadow, @bellaral, @transchrisredfield, @houseofgriffons and anyone else who wants to do this so I can go to bed since I've got work in the morning
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