#olivia's backend deal
twopoppies · 2 years
Gina! If you or your followers want to understand around how much DWD needs to make to start earning profit, you ould check Matt Damon's Hot Ones episode starting at the 14 minute mark. He explains it a for a bit. DWD also has a backend deal so according to calculations WB hasnt make any money of it yet and it is likely to not make much until it his streaming. Considering WB is broke and only counted on DWD and Black Adam as saviours, it is sade to say it is not looking good
Ah, thank you. That’s super helpful. So, if we’re talking about DWD, $35M to make plus $35M (on average) to market and distribute equals $70M. Half of which goes to the theaters, so, in order to make a profit, it would need to earn $140M before Olivia begins to see her backend deal kick in.
Given that it’s earned around $32M so far… and dropping, I think it’s fair to say it’s not doing well.
In reference to this
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awesomefringey · 2 years
This is Olivia’s biggest role ever. I had no idea who she was before 2020, and neither did any of my family or friends. She just wasnt famous in the UK. Now she’s on the covers of trashy magazines in supermarkets so it’s all going to plan for her and Im not surprised that shes loving it.
I knew Olivia before, I was even excited when I heard she’d be directing the movie Harry was casted for. I was certain she’d be making jokes about people thinking she’d date Harry Styles. I thought she knows the business inside out. I thought she’s very confident in her abilities and what she’s accomplished thus far.
What I did not expect is that she needed Harry so much more than as a backfill for Shia LaBeouf. She needed someone to bring butts in the seats of cinemas. She needed someone to sparkle up her image. She needed someone to make her look desirable again. She needed someone with access to haute couture. She needed access to a grand fanbase to fulfill backend deals.
So now she’s become the embodiment of a Hollywood satire.
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
Yes I have seen the photos,
Am I shocked? No. I laughed
Why? It’s dwd release day!!!!!
Those photos were more than likely taken last night. So why not release them last night then like in NYC? They get more attention on movie day.
And isn’t it crazy that the paps just happened to be there at the exact moment that happened? Absolutely fucking not! It’s staged, it’s planned, it’s paid for. And who else gets paid? HARRY!!!!
The way Harry acted in VIFF and not going to SSIFF was real; this however is man getting paid so he can get his backend deal
We were always going to get a shitshow like this to boost the numbers! And as many of you have said to me Harry holds the face of a person he is kissing. Is he holding Olivia’s? No. The kiss looks so uncomfortable
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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limmastyles · 2 years
Something of hinders hairy and will hinder him in the future if he continues like this is his family and friends involvement in his career. I always said that signing with Jeff wasn’t a good idea because they were really good friends before hairy signed with him and you can see how the lines could get bored between best friends and employer and employee. I think just forgets that hairy doesn’t work for him and it’s the other way around. His family his sister his mother his cousins are way too involved in his career. You have Harry Lambert, Jeff, Molly, Tom, Tommy who are all involved in his career and his business and it’s not the smartest thing in the world. He re-create really intimate personal friendships with people that he works with andI think sometimes doesn’t really know how to separate the two but also the lines get blurred. His family and his friends are so invested in his personal life because of the fact that it’s also business. Olivia our business, it’s a stand and they have involve themselves so heavily but it’s not something that’s going to help hurry at all and it’s not something that’s going to help him in the future either. We all know that Harry and his team put money in for don’t worry darling which is why the publicity stunt is even happening in the first place but you can tell that they are all promoting this film and wanted to do well because they are so involved in Harry’s “relationship” with Olivia and it’s something that’s making the money at the end of the day. But you can also tell that it’s publicity because of the fact that they have not promoted my policeman at all. Emma Corrin who is another client of Harry Lambert but has been friends with Harry since 2019 it’s also in my policeman and they have done no promotion for that movie at all. I don’t think they thought that people would it be able to catch on but it is painfully obvious that Harry and his team put some money into don’t worry darling and are using the publicity stunt to ensure that they do get their money back plus more from the backend deal. But with my policeman they don’t really seem to care because it’s not a movie that’s making anyone any money. I wish Harry and his team were a lot smarter because then people would actually believe their tactics. Don’t worry darling critically like we have been predicting for the last year and a half has bombed, it will do well opening weekend but it will not do well past that. Remember that I feel needs to make three times its budget so that means that they will have to make 60-100 million dollars and I don’t think it will make more than 40. Harries fanbase will help this movie do well but I think they’re overestimating how much Harries fanbase cares. A lot of the people who think this relationship is a stunt have already boycotted the film, I know a lot of Larries won’t see this film and remember that this film is triggering in many different ways and glorifies abuse, domestic violence, and assault so that’s another group of people that aren’t gonna want to see this movie. So we will see but this movie again it’s not gonna do well in the box office and the contract for the stunt only last so long and Olivia already is suffering. And if you don’t believe it remember that the only person he was doing active price for this movie is Olivia. Harry isn’t doing any interviews like we said he wasn’t, Florence isn’t like we said that she wasn’t, Chris has backed out and Gemma chan and doing shit. This film is in trouble and the only person to blame for all of this is Olivia Wilde
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
The anon who said Olivia is regretting ever meeting Harry is so right.
Think how different the last couple of years would look for Olivia without Harry.
If Shia had stayed in the role? He’s an infinitely better actor than Harry, and with Olivia actually focused on making her film instead of sleeping with the star DWD could have been a good film. Critically and commercially so she’d have made millions off her backend deal.
If she’d stayed with Jason: he was riding the high if his Ted Lasso success, she’d have been on all the red carpets looking like they were a successful power couple. Her reputation would be intact.
She’d look stunning beside Jason, and probably not worried so much about being skinny and getting fillers to look younger.
Her kids would have their happy lives and poor Gordon the golden lab would still have a home!
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daydreamrry · 2 years
DESERVED!!!! Our girl is succeeding in big films while Olivia and her jobless ass can rot in the dumpsters by her gym with her lame ass movie
DESERVEDDDD dwd was truly just charity work for her my girl is thriving and making bank meanwhile #she couldn’t even make enough for that backend deal.
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
I can't say I thoroughly care about DWD, but can you explain why it has to make 3x the budget for Olivia to get her backend deal or whatever people are saying. I'm curious since I always see marvel subs talk about how this and this movie is a flop against the budget even though I saw it made double the 200 mil budget already.
The thumb rule is generally a movie needs to make 2.5 its budget before people can say it made a profit.
The first people to get paid is the studio, expect that all the money from the opening weekend will go to the studio first. Next to be paid are the theaters or rather, they take a cut from the movie tickets so let's say DWD made 30m, that whole chunk will not go to the studio since a cut of that belongs to the theaters. Next is whoever is supplying the marketing, usually when a studio gives a film a budget, this does not take into consideration marketing. It's why producers look for sponsors and why you sometimes get viral marketing. Studios don't entirely shoulder the cost of marketing. Next they have to take into consideration if they went over the budget and the other expenses to be paid. Lots of films have to rent out other editing studios for example. There's a reason why a studio as huge as WB is having financial trouble. The movie business isn't actually as profitable as it looks. There's a reason why Get Out is considered more profitable than most MCU films.
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I think people are hyping up DWD numbers. Like the budget was originally listed as 20-35 mil. I’m guessing it was closer to 35mil. Who knows what the marketing budget was cuz I feel like they paid for ads everywhere (esp since none of the actors wanted to promote)
I saw reports that second week sales really dropped off. I think they banked too much on harry fans. I also think if Florence did promo it would be doing well right now. I think a lot of people in the GP don’t care at all about seeing the movie and only like the drama. I’ve read that opening weekend numbers are important cuz typically they make up 75% of the total box office numbers. Because of all the fans seeing it and TikTok being so big, I’ve already seen spoilers like 3 times a day, so I don’t think many people will bother going to see it in theater and will just wait for it to stream. Also- from what I can tell most harry Stan’s have seen it and the theaters weren’t sold out so it’s not like people are clamoring to get tickets outside of opening week. Time will tell I guess, I’m personally ready to move on from this nonsense.
My friend group is filled with people who are harry fans and movie fans, we’ve been talking about the drama. No one has expressed any interest at all I’m going to the theater. We’re making a movie date this month but it’s for the movie Bros.
First of all, thank you for seeing Bros!! I really hope it has a successful theater run so bigger film studios can take LGBTQ+ films seriously and invest more! I can’t wait to watch it myself. My own friend group is planning on a movie date for that one and My Policeman. 🥹
And yeah, agree on all points. Especially the marketing! Can you believe how much went into that?? I told someone earlier I haven’t been able to open ANY of my social media apps all week without being slapped with that poster and a link to buy tickets. Oh, and the streaming! It’s going to be hitting HBO after the 45day theatrical window is up so people won’t have to wait long. On that note, you know it’s kind of funny. Elvis (also WB) did so well in theaters that the theatrical run was extended. A streaming date wasn’t unannounced initially, probably because WB saw some promise with early reviews, so it didn’t go to streaming until the 70th date. We have a hard streaming date for DWD. That tells me WB knew it probably wouldn’t perform well. They and Olivia really relied on Harry’s fanbase to embrace this project (and her, blegh) to make it a runaway success. Well, they fucked around and found out. Olivia may get her backend deal but her reputation as a Director is shot.
Fingers crossed we can all (Harry included) move on soon.
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stylesunchained · 2 years
I’m so curious to know the ins and outs of that backend deal, like what is Olivia supposed to get, what is Harry getting (bc let’s face it there’s no denying he’s a part of that deal)
She was supposed to get $20 million if they doubled the budget. Harry idk but that’s what she was supposed to get.
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
I heard it was still to promote DWD - since it's going to streaming but also since allegedly new scenes will be available? I know there's been at least one new scene available for streaming
Oh so basically they just want to continue pissing people off and push them away from the film. Sounds like they don't even want their backend deal.
I don't even know what the end game is at this point. I think it's because they're in too deep so might as well keep going basically. I also think Olivia is having some sort of mental break
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butterflyrry · 2 years
One thing I don’t understand, they won’t get money anymore, the movie is been out for a month, the biggest weeks were the first two, I don’t see why pap walks and shit like that would help right now, they’re both overexposed and people are very tired of Olivia, if they didn’t get that beckend deal by now I highly doubt they will get it in the next weeks, why would they continue with this circus in LA? It’s stupid, I understand waiting for a break up because it might be look to obvious but at least they should stop with their pap shit, let her go to the concerts ok but there’s no need to do pap walks or walking around the city like they usually do
I hope they do not stunt in LA but wouldn’t say it won’t happen.
The movie is still in theaters which means there is still money to be made. As of now, it hasn’t premiered in Japan yet. There could be other places as well. It is scheduled to start streaming on HBO Max in three weeks. I don’t know know how and if streams affect the backend deal but I am certain she still wants people to watch it. So anything she can do to drum up attention for herself and the movie, she will do.
As of this moment, we do not know where Harry will be this week or what he will be doing since he has no shows. We have no idea what his level of participation will be if any stunting occurs. But if something does happen, it is either because they’re still trying to push the movie or because they don’t want to be too obvious to end it while the movie is still out.
We will see.
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twopoppies · 2 years
Adding to the conversation about DWD making profit, the studio gets much lesser cut from international markets because they make distribution deals as well. So domestic numbers are more important in determining whether they will make profit, but it seems, in the USA, that they didn’t even come close to amount they spent, so I’m guessing O can kiss that backend deal goodbye and WB just wasted their money 😌
Oh, very good point! I totally forgot about the distribution deals. So, yes. That cuts into the profit even further. Olivia won’t be making a dime any time soon. And WB definitely put their eggs in the wrong basket.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
She KNOWS she ain’t getting money from that backend deal THATS why she going overboard now with pap walks and stunting!! She knows she lost! That association to him, mentioning his name in her from her team set up articles and shit is the only way for her to get attention! She’s riding on that wave because she knows after the movie is gone to streaming it’s over for her money wise and that’s also why she’s doing all those product placements (aka Coca Cola etc) because she’s fucked moneywise!! Once Harry and his team cut her off for good she will be scrambling to even survive on her own in Hollywood if Jason doesn’t financially supports her! She knows this and that’s the only reason she wants custody! Because that means Jason has to pay alimony/maintenance support for the kids she desperately needs to keep up with her lifestyle she lives rn!! Without that money support from Jason for the kids she will struggle massively!
I really don't know what Olivia's after. Money, fame, beauty, attention... Either way, she seems very self-serving in everything she does. She also seems to have much more budget to fly to wherever Harry is, to follow him around than any of his former beards.
What I see is that people find it curious that she would fly out to Chicago when it's her daughter's birthday tomorrow. She came with hand luggage only though, so maybe she's already gone back to LA at this point.
Also some painted her visit as an escape from the second Weinstein trial which begins today in LA as well. But even though it's a "physical escape" I don't see how that would help her not get connected to him.
But man, it's kinda scary how little Harry's team cares about his reputation at this point to use Harry like a mop to clean up after Olivia this way...
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
🌌 Because of anonymity, hopefully these videos provide you all with the idea of how the reactions of things behind the scenes for some of us has been. If any other insiders are still here, feel free to add in how your groups and associates reactions have been. Although it’s been disappointing, it’s best to laugh at this circus because really it’s been all for nothing.
Respected executives and studios response to Olivia (even Harry’s): https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1564828433288413185
Olivia’s reaction after Harry signed on and agreed to stunt: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1564828332197384193
Literally the majority of people’s reaction to stunt content:
Olivia’s video to Shia in a nutshell: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1555781929085067265
The walk of shame for the lonely birthday: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1567876274760081409
People’s reactions to Holivia’s dramatics in lead up to the DWD premiere: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1567933166585008128
People reactions to Olivia and Co attendance to excessive shows:
Literally Harry whenever Olivia instructs and suggests new content ideas: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1571621164375543809
Warner Bros to Holivia when they began to realize that DWD projections sales weren’t promising: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1575258137300434947
Olivia when she would randomly pop up without notice: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1575646113352163329
When the cast and crew saw Olivia backtrack on every rule she yelled at them to oblige by: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1562544887547179008
Jeff pretty much once Olivia’s demands increased. Really this is just Jeff at this point: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1554890639409545216
Not sure if it’s felt here but this is how a lot of us feels whenever Olivia goes on one of her rants with her thesaurus: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1553036101123719174
Holivia reality of their precious ROI (backend deal): https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1547799832894418946
Most likely how Olivia approached directing those specific parts of DWD: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/154374786349420134
Certain people performative attitudes: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1542675963296862208
Harry after being told of the reactions after the last Holivia stunt: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1528991325160448000
Olivia behind the scenes whenever the truth was exposed. No, seriously. She’s undoubtedly left dented walls and doors after leaving a venue.
Chris’ thoughts to Harry’s “it’s a movie” monologue: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1519561098428661760
Olivia’s attitude towards motherhood: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1519554732758556673
Some fans now when they see bananas: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1512299267578343425
Olivia to people regarding Florence’s rejection of her female pleasure angle in Harper Bazaar: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/151229837529049907
Harry’s team and his bank notifications once those tabloids payments processed: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1506380751037685761
Olivia during the unexpected coverage of Shia’s video: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1495637282426167296
When both lies have gotten exposed: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1493066482741391364
Harry L after styling Olivia as retirement home furniture for her photo shoot: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1500350884152229889
Yet to happen but eventually this will be Olivia’s reaction to everyone (Harry included despite his attempts to placate and please her) who’s she felt is responsible for her career suffering: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1499624891095699458
People who hold Harry rightfully accountable for his independent participation in the charade: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1498923634504650752
Ali, Kiki, Gemma, responses to Olivia’s latest attempts to excuse their removal from the final cut: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1498484561830940679
How Holivia’s truly was interacting on set whenever Harry would come out of hiding leave his trailer to film and be pictured by paps and fans.
DWD’s editing team post production when Olivia kept texting them “I can’t show up today. You guys handle everything ” only to go stunt.
Camille, Taylor and Kendall’s theorized reactions when Olivia mimicked them and moments from their time: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1487309161721384961
Pretty much Harry’s attitude towards DWD: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1240137974492401664
Pretty much every conservative and Jordan Peterson fan right now: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1474361341985046528
How some of us do think some harries who refuse to hold Harry accountable believe their actions will result: https://mobile.twitter.com/DeviantReaction/status/1548986911574097920
Reactions of Coachella, yachgate, etc.
Gf Harries mentality. Seriously, this is disturbing behavior.
Y’all know this was Olivia’s voicemail sent to the Harry Co group chat after they first ignored her messages after Shia’s video and she thought she lost her connection to relevancy: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1442568181801963521
Olivia’s friend group mentality: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1439469998779650050
CinemaCon https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1422767421652406274
The cast behavior towards Venice in a nutshell: https://mobile.twitter.com/allreactionvids/status/1422271417249316866
How DWD’s opening should went:
Otis to Olivia once her plans backfired on her.
Otis and Daisy everytime mom is on SM, meeting up with Mr. H, calling the press, having her friends take her pictures, going to shows, etc.
The day when Olivia opens up her comment sections and ALL groups of people whom she’s mocked and attacked will be:
Some thoughts once they realized Olivia problematic behavior.
Harry’s first interview post Holivia as his team tries to reinvent his brand. If he goes the Justin Bieber route and starts being papped leaving specific churches, y’all know that’s nothing but pure branding.
Olivia’s friend group mentality had me on the floor 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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limmastyles · 2 years
So what I think happened is Kiki and Ariel saw the film not long before it was supposed to come out and decided that they didn’t wanna do price for this movie. And I think that’s why Gemma Chan distance herself from the movie and didn’t wanna be a part of the promotion for it. She did Venice she went to the Premier and that was it. Kiki Lane is the most important character in that movie. Nothing moves in this film if it wasn’t for her character. Olivia Wilde portrayal of a black woman being the voice of reason but also the sacrificial lamb and for her deaths need to be as violent and unnecessary as it was shows the type of person that Olivia is. Her playing into the model minority met for Asians but also the old rights Fetishization and sexualization of Asian women was not a stereotype that Olivia should have been playing into. This is the result of colour blind casting. Remember that Dakota Johnson was supposed to be playing Margaret before Kiki Lane got the role. What I think happened was you need to fill a certain quota for diversity for your film to be eligible to get an Oscar nomination. With as Ali, Ariel, Gemma, and Kiki it gave her the diversity quota that she had to fill for her film to get any type of Óscar buzz at all. When it was time to edit the film she gave herself a lot more screen time then was warranted. Her character was not interesting enough for her to have that much screen time and she had the same amount of screen time as the male lead in Harry. I think that she wanted more room for herself and wanted the film to look as white as possible which is why she cut a good portion of Gemma’s scenes because why in the world did she decide to kill her husband? Also cut a lot of Kiki Lane to make more room for herself. I think that Kiki didn’t wanna be a part of the movie anymore her team probably got wind that she was cut out of a lot of it and decided that it wasn’t something that she wanted to be a part of and I think Gemma wasn’t really aware of what was happening until Venice film festival. Because they all went in with their walls up against Olivia and after seeing the film you kind of see Gemma start to disassociate. Olivia’s reputation is already not very good and has a bit of a stain on it because of the fact that this movie was such a failure but also the media attention surrounding it and her and her being unprofessional. But also the fact that most of the people of colour were cut from the movie to make scenes for her and that big ass fucking forhead for head of hers isn’t good for her either. Having the reputation that she does now is not very good but adding racist true that does not help her at all. I do believe that this movie isn’t going to get any type of award buzz. No matter how great Florence performance was in this movie it’s just not good enough to get any type of award nomination and this movie is already not gonna drop by a lot during the second weekend at the box office so that’s another thing that they have to look forward to. We all knew that this movie was going to break even but we all knew it wasn’t going to do well either in the box office. And for the people wondering why Harry is still involved with Olivia it’s been my impression over the last couple of months that Henry put some of his own money behind this movie. Olivia was given a $20 million budget and went over it By 15 million. Where did she get that money from? Because it wasn’t from the studio. I believe that Harry and the Azoffs put some of his own money behind it as well as Olivia because she didn’t have $15 million to put behind it and they are getting a cut that backend deal And the stunt was to ensure that people continue to talk about this movie and it stayed in the public guy. This movie is still in theatres which is why she still with him and once the movie is out of theatres and the contract is up they will be over. I give it before Christmas.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
If you or your followers want to understand around how much DWD needs to make to start earning profit, you ould check Matt Damon's Hot Ones episode starting at the 14 minute mark. He explains it a for a bit. DWD also has a backend deal so according to calculations WB hasnt make any money of it yet and it is likely to not make much until it his streaming. Considering WB is broke and only counted on DWD and Black Adam as saviours, it is safe to say it is not looking good
So, if we’re talking about DWD, $35M to make plus $35M (on average) to market and distribute equals $70M. Half of which goes to the theaters, so, in order to make a profit, it would need to earn $140M before Olivia begins to see her backend deal kick in. Given that it’s earned around $32M so far… and dropping, I think it’s fair to say it’s not doing well.
This is no mine. If yll are interested. Also credit to the og anon
Already posted the link to Matt Damon talking about this below:
Also, the worldwide gross profit is at $54 million, so it's still below the net profit mark according to Matt's explanation. Warner Bros. spent a lot on P&A for this movie. The ads were everywhere.
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