#oliwhitetv request
First Steps || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - dad!Oli x reader word count - 927 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where your daughter walks
Your 10 month old daughter, Marie, had been showing all the early signs of walking. She would stand up, stumble a bit, then sit back down, she crawled constantly, and she was always on the move. You were waiting for the day she would finally take her first real steps.
One day, you were sitting on the ground with your back leaned up against the couch. Marie was in your lap, playing with some of the toys that were laid out in front of her. Doc McStuffins was playing on the TV and you were singing along to the theme song when you heard your front door open. “Is Dada home?” you said to Marie who was now fidgeting on your lap at the sound of your husband, Oli, walking in.
“Where are my princesses?” Oli asked, the sound of his keys hitting the counter and his shoes being kicked across the room filling the room. Marie surprised you by standing up.
“Oli,” you said slowly.
“Yes babe?” he said, walking into the room. He immediately froze when he saw Marie standing upright. “Do you think she’s going to-”
“Get the camera,” you said quickly. Oli reached in his bag and got out his vlogging camera, turning it on to face himself.
“I think Marie is about to take her first steps!” he said excitedly to the camera. He quickly sat down and turned the camera on your daughter. “Come here Marie!” he said with an animated smile. “Come give Daddy a hug!” A wide smile spread across Marie’s face as Oli opened his arms out to her. Three steps. She’d only need to take three steps to go from Mommy’s lap to Daddy’s arms. You could see the determination in her face. Yes, she would do it.
Her chubby legs took one step forward, causing you to almost gasp. “Good job!” Oli encouraged. “Come on, keep going!” In the blink of an eye, she took two more steps and fell into Oli’s open arms. “Yay!” he cheered loudly. He handed you the camera as he threw a giggling Marie in the air before catching her swiftly in his hands. You continued to film the two of them as Oli pressed multiple kisses to her head. “Let’s put the camera down and see if she’ll walk again.”
You did so, setting the camera up so it could still film the three of you, then opened your arms up to Marie. “Marie, come back to Mommy,” you cooed, smiling brightly at her. Her eyes lit up again as she stood up, that same determined look on her face, and waddled over to you. You captured her in a hug and gave her cheers of encouragement.
“That look,” Oli laughed, “when she’s determined to walk. She gets that from you.”
You laughed and rubbed your nose with Marie’s. “Are you Mommy’s little girl?” you asked her. Marie just laughed.
“Aww, look at my two favorite girls,” Oli said, holding the camera and filming you both. Marie held out her arms to Oli and began kicking to get away from you. “You wanna walk back to Daddy?”
“Dada!” she replied. You laughed and put her back on the ground so she could walk over and fall into Oli’s arms once more. The three of you continued doing this for the rest of the night until Marie collapsed in Oli’s arms and fell asleep. Oli laughed at her gently, placed a kiss to the top of her head, and stood up to bring her to bed. You followed, checking the clock in her bedroom for the time.
“Is it really 8:00 already?” you said surprised.
“What, is that your bedtime too?” Oli teased as he laid Marie in her crib. You laughed lightly as the two of you walked out of her room. “Want to watch a film?” he asked.
“Sure,” you said. “I want popcorn.”
You went into the kitchen to make popcorn and came back a few minutes later. You were confused as to why Oli hadn’t already picked a film, but when you saw him smiling down at his vlogging camera you understood. “Can you believe it?” he said as he felt the couch dip down beside him. “She’s walking.”
“She’s growing up already,” you said.
“Don’t say that,” Oli said immediately, shaking his head with a light laugh. “She barely talks.”
“Dada is a word!” you teased back.
“You know what I mean,” Oli laughed. Once again, he played the clip of Marie walking for the first time. “I’m so bloody proud,” he said. “(Y/N), we made her.”
You laughed, “I remember.” Oli smirked and put the camera down, opening his arms and pulling you closer to him. He took the popcorn from your hands and placed a kiss to your lips.
“I seem to forget how that night went,” he said, his lips brushing against yours. “Can you remind me?”
“I just made popcorn,” you pouted. Oli laughed and pressed his lips to yours again, pulling you onto his lap.
The two of you pulled apart and let out collective sighs when you heard Marie crying in the other room. “How long has it been? Ten minutes?” you asked, resting your forehead on his.
“It’s gotta be a new record,” he laughed. “Hey, maybe she just wants to walk again.” You rolled your eyes and stood up.
“I’ll calm her down,” you said. “Have a film picked when I get back!”
“She ruined the mood!” Oli laughed.
“That’s okay,” you said. “I wanted the popcorn anyway.”
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Ship 10.
OMEGERSH plz ship me! 😂👌🏻 I'm 5'3, redhead + blue eyes. Reading irl and online is my passion 🌚 I try to be outgoing and funny. Hm, I just realized idk myself that well 😂🙌🏻 OK I CAN MAK THIS WORK. My friends are my everything, I must warm up to someone first to trust them. I'm a wallflower, shy, usually keeping to myself unless I make a small joke. Summer is an all time favorite season and the color black has been my boo. I play a little piano and I write. PHEW. 😂😅 Is that good?
》 Buttercream ship requests are close for now
Kissed by the Sun
Oli was lost in that huge house. He had no idea of how the Maynard brothers could even know someone with an amount of money enough for buying that stupid house. No, not house... It could easily be described as a freakin’ mansion. For God’s sake, how people could say they lived in such place? He felt like a kid again.
He was sure he had already passed by that corridor, but all the sudden, over the distant electronic beat that was playing by the pool, he could hear a sweet melody of a piano playing, something he found pretty odd. What the hell?
So he followed the sound (he wouldn’t find his way back from the bathroom anyway) and, when he saw who was inside the room, he was even more surprised.
You were in your little black dress, sit in front of a beautiful black grand piano, under a tall window, that showed the sunset. It seemed to be a living room, with sofas onward a fireplace.
You two met earlier that day when you were having a conversation with your friends and he found you cute, noticing your little jokes, even if you seemed to be quite shy. He wished he could make a move, get to know you, however, the chat group slowly was torn apart and, when he realized it, it was too late and you were gone.
You weren’t really playing the piano, you seemed to be only having fun with the black and white keys, it sounded great still. Even you being in your own world, you noticed someone starring you by the door. You blushed and stopped.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Oli asked.
“That’s fine.” You smiled, he walked towards you.
“May I?” He pointed to the space next to you in the bench.
“Yeah, of course.”
The silence fell upon you and him, but not for long.
“Not enjoying the party?” Oli politely questioned.
“Got too crowded for me.” You revealed. “You?”
“Oh, I got lost.”
You laughed. “I know what you mean. I was having a walk to be away for a little, then I got lost and found this little thing here.”
“Well, this is a marvelous little thing.” He agreed and, even though he was looking at the piano, in his words, you could feel he wasn’t talking exactly about the instrument. You knew it might be something in your head, but you hoped it wasn’t.
It wasn’t indeed.
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Sometimes I Forget || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - Oli x reader word count - 953 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where you make Oli worry
You didn’t realize how heavily you relied on Oli. After all, you never lived alone. You went from living with your parents to living in a University dorm with a roommate to living with Oli. All you knew was being with someone else. Oli was always the one to remind you to live a healthy life. You often got stressed about work so you wouldn’t eat unless Oli reminded you to, and you stayed up way too late working on projects if Oli didn’t make you turn off your computer by midnight. Naturally, when he was off doing book tours and YouTube conferences for two months straight, you fell apart a little bit.
The stress of your work and the pressure and unfamiliarity of living alone was taking its tole on you. You pulled multiple all-nighters and when you didn’t, you hardly ever fell asleep before 2:00. You hadn’t eaten a proper meal since Oli left and mostly consumed coffee, crackers, and more coffee. You didn’t want to admit it, because admitting it would mean admitting that you needed Oli far more than you should.
You knew the other buttercream boys were worried about you. They came over occasionally and asked you when you last ate, and you always lied. Whenever they asked if you wanted to go out, you lied again and said you were too busy. Truthfully, you just wanted to focus on your work, because any time you weren’t working, you were counting down the minutes until Oli came home. Going out with his friends would only further remind you that he wasn’t there. They worried, but you assured them that you were fine.
After two months, Oli finally came back home. As soon as you heard the front door open, you ran over to him and threw yourself in his arms. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “Good to see you too, love,” Oli laughed, placing a kiss to the top of your head. “How’ve you been?”
“I missed you,” you mumbled into his neck.
“I missed you too,” he said, rubbing your back gently. “I’m gonna put you down now, okay?” You laughed and jumped off of him, immediately going to wrap your arms around him again. “Didn’t think you’d miss me that much!” Oli teased.
“I hate when you’re gone,” you said, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Well, I hate being gone,” he said. With that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You smiled and kissed him back. “The boys said you didn’t go out much,” he said casually when you both pulled away.
You shrugged, “I don’t like going out without you.”
“You’ve been taking care of yourself, yeah?” he asked.
You nodded, but didn’t add much else. Not wanting any further interrogation, you told Oli you were going to take a shower. He nodded and went to bring his stuff back in the bedroom. Your shower was quick and when you got out, you wrapped your towel around your body and went into your bedroom to change. Oli watched as you dropped your towel and slipped on some underwear. “(Y/N)?” Oli said gently. You turned to him as you pulled one of his t shirts over your head.
“Come here, babe,” he said, opening his arms up to you. He was sitting on the bed in his sweats and a t shirt, urging you to come beside him. You did so, crawling into bed and cuddling up next to him. Before you could really get comfortable, Oli lifted your shirt up a bit and looked at your tummy. His fingers grazed along your rib cage, and that was when you knew you were screwed. “What did you eat when I was gone?” he asked, his fingers still tracing your bones. You shrugged. “How much sleep did you get?” Again, you stayed silent. “(Y/N) your bones are almost sticking out,” Oli said gently. “And your eyes- hell you look exhausted.”
“I just forget to eat sometimes,” you said quietly, wanted desperately for the conversation to end.
“How often did you forget?”
“I drank lots of coffee.”
“Don’t yell at me!” you said back. “I’m sorry. I just, you know I get stressed and i forget to eat and I don’t always go to bed on time. I can’t help it.”
“I so worry about you,” Oli said, pulling you closer to him. “What if I’m gone for longer than a couple months? I don’t want you getting poorly because I’m not here.”
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “I’m not doing it on purpose.”
“I know,” Oli sighed. “I just don’t know what to do. You really scare me sometimes.”
“I know,” you said. “I’ve just always relied on people and I don’t know how to function when someone’s not here to help me. I’m not proud of it and I know I need to work on it, but I’m just so used to you being here to remind me to eat and to coax me into bed. I can’t always do that on my own.”
“I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder,” he said softly, brushing his fingers through your hair. “I can’t worry about you every time I leave the house.”
“I know,” you said for the hundredth time. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he said, placing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m just glad you’re okay. Tomorrow we can go out for breakfast, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, looking up at him. “I’m so glad I have you.”
Oli smiled back, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Oli Masterlist
Tumblr media
Soulmate AU
Dating Oli Would Include
This Much
Can’t Wait*
I See the Moon [dad!Oli]
Secrets and Smoothies
Sometimes I Forget
First Steps [dad!Oli]
Tinsel and Lights (12 Days of Imagines)
Pas De Deux (dodie series)
English Rose (Sheeran series)
Surprising Friends (Christmas series)
Scary Movie (Halloween series)
Bad Reputation (Mendes series)
Homesick (college series)
Oli Gets Married
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Secrets and Smoothies || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - Oli x Sugg!reader [ft Joe] word count - 764 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where Joe and Oli both know you’re sick
You felt a connection between you and Oli the day you met him. You weren’t necessarily friends with all the buttercream boys, but Joe was your brother so you saw them all occasionally. The first day you met Oli, you were hanging around Joe’s flat. You and Joe were quite close so you often popped by for a quick visit before or after classes at Uni. That day, you were eating lunch with him before your next class.
That was when Oli showed up. The pair were planning to film a few videos and then head out to dinner once they were done. You thought you would be out the door before Oli arrived, but you weren’t. He walked through the door and introduced himself with a hug. He seemed very sweet, and something about him just had you smitten.
You exchanged numbers casually and before you knew it, you were dating. Being with Oli was great. He was just about the greatest person you had ever met and it still blew you away that you were able to call him yours. The only problem was, Joe didn’t know. You weren’t sure how he would react. He never strictly told you you couldn’t date any of his friends, but something just felt weird about it, like some unspoken rule hung in the air that a girl should never date one of her brother’s friends. Obviously you’d have to tell Joe someday, but you were content not knowing when that day was.
It was a Saturday afternoon and Oli was at your flat. You had a horribly sore throat and a bit of a stuffy nose, so you weren’t in the mood to do anything but cuddle in bed and watch films all day. You forbid Oli to come over until you knew for sure that you weren’t contagious. Once the doctor gave you the okay, you called him over immediately. Oli walked in to your flat with a smoothie from your favorite smoothie shop which you eagerly held out your hands to accept. “How’re you feeling?” he asked, sitting beside you and brushing your hair away from your forehead. “You’re boiling.”
“I know,” you whispered, your voice scratchy. “I’ve got a fever but I’m freezing. And you know when you feel so ill that you just want to cry? That’s how I feel, but crying hurts.”
“Babe,” Oli said sympathetically.
“It’s okay,” you said. “Please, just come cuddle?”
Oli laughed and laid in bed beside you, pulling your whole body into his. You resumed the film you were watching as you snuggled up against Oli. His thumb was rubbing circles on your hip absentmindedly, his eyes fixated on Zootopia playing on the TV. You wrapped one leg and one arm over Oli and laid your head in the crook of his neck. Oli chuckled. “Comfortable?” he asked.
“You’re so warm,” you mumbled into his skin. Oli turned his head and placed a kiss to your forehead. That was the last thing you felt before you drifted off to sleep.
The sound you woke up to was a familiar voice shouting, “Oi! Wake up you two!” You forced your eyes open and blinked a few times to adjust to the light. When you did, you saw your brother standing in the doorway. Oli had also fallen asleep but was awake now, sitting up quickly, causing you to fall slightly onto the bed.
“How long have you been standing there?” Oli asked, his face a bit red.
“I reckon a bit longer than you’d like,” Joe almost laughed. “So, how long’s this been going on for?” You looked at Oli hesitantly, but Oli was focused on Joe.
“Five months?” you said weakly.
“You don’t seem upset,” Oli stated, his eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m not,” Joe shrugged. “Better you than Jack or Conor or something. I actually trust you, can’t believe you didn’t tell me though.” He had a smile on his face like he was trying not to laugh at you and Oli. “Anyway,” Joe said, “When Zoe found out you were sick she told me to come by with a smoothie, but I see you already have one. Lucky me, then.” He took a sip of the smoothie through the straw and turned to walk out the door. “Please keep the PDA to a minimum!” he called behind him.
Once you heard your flat door close, you and Oli looked at each other. He had a smile on his face and you were giggling a bit. “That went well,” you said. Oli laughed.
“Yeah, thank god.”
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I See the Moon || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - dad!Oli x reader word count - 789 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one with your fussy baby
It had been a long time since you had a good night’s sleep. With your baby girl Angela only 6 months old, she was still really fussy. She woke up almost every hour for no reason. She wasn’t hungry, she didn’t need a diaper change, she just sat there screaming. You took her to the doctor to see if she was ill, but everything came back negative. You were grateful that she was healthy, but you wondered why she was such a fussy baby.
Around 1:00, you were awoken by the screaming. You sighed, feeling tears well up in your tired eyes. The stress this was causing you night after night was becoming unbearable. You sat up, ready to go calm your child, but your husband, Oli, stirred in his sleep. “Stay here,” he said, his voice tired. “I’ll take care of her.” You didn’t even attempt to protest. You mumbled a tired thank you to him and laid your head back on the pillow. 
Oli was the greatest husband to you and father to Angela. While you were pregnant, he was always asking how he could help you and once the baby was born, he hardly ever left your side. He was determined to be the best father Angela could ever ask for.
What felt like an absurd amount of time had passed, and Oli was still not back in bed. It was hard to fall back asleep without his arms around you. But, you noticed the screaming had stopped. Curiosity won out and you pulled yourself out of bed to see what was taking Oli so long.
When you got to Angela’s room, you stood in the doorway watching how Oli had calmed her down. He was sitting in her rocking chair holding her in his arms. You could tell his eyes were fighting to stay open, but he was trying nonetheless. What made you smile though was Oli’s soothing voice. He never prided himself in being a talented singer, but that never stopped him from humming a tune quietly if it would make Angela smile; and it often did. Tonight as he rocked back in forth in the chair, he sang her a quiet lullaby under his breath.
“I see the moon, the moon sees me / the moon sees somebody that I don’t see / so God bless the moon, and God bless me / and God bless the somebody that I don’t see / If I get to heaven, before you do / I’ll make a hole, and pull you through / and I’ll write your name on every star / and that way the world won’t seem so far”
Angela was no longer screaming, but breathing softly, sound asleep. Oli stood up slowly and laid his daughter down in her crib, placing a kiss to her forehead and turning to face you. He gave a startled jump, not initially noticing you in the doorway. You just smiled and wrapped your arms around him once he was in front of you. The two of you walked back into the bedroom, only daring to speak once you were laying back in bed.
You turned on your side so you could face Oli. He was doing the same to you. You reached out and stroked his cheek with your thumb. “You’re amazing,” you said to him. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’ll never have to worry about that,” Oli said with a smile. “You know I’m never leaving my two favorite girls.”
Your whole family slept soundly through the night. The thing that woke you up was sunlight pouring into the room. You turned to reach out for Oli, but the bed was empty. Confused, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. Where had he gone? You hopped out of bed and padded across the floor, immediately heading into Angela’s room. Just as you thought, Oli was in her room, holding Angela in his arms, bouncing her lightly on his hip. “Good morning, little one,” he said to her, brushing her light bit of hair away from her forehead. She reached out and held his finger in her fist. You cleared your throat and Oli looked up at you. “Looks like mommy’s awake now too,” Oli said with a smile. Angela looked up and smiled, holding her arms out to you. You smiled and took Angela from Oli’s arms. Oli gave you a light kiss on the cheek and followed you into the kitchen to start some breakfast for your day.
As Angela smiled her smile that reflected her father’s, your heart felt warm. As fussy as she may be, you couldn’t imagine living your life without her and Oli by your side.
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Can’t Wait || Oli
all masterposts found here
pairing - Oli x reader word count - 1,151 warnings - dry humping, oral (f receiving), male/female sex A/N -
summary - The one with the weekend at his parent’s
You loved spending times at Oli’s family’s house. There was, however, one down side. You couldn’t help it, you had needs. Sometimes, those needs were stronger than other times. Some weekends while you were at Oli’s, you didn’t mind not being able to sleep with him. For some reason, you were finding one particular weekend exceptionally hard. Small things that Oli did made your mind wander to places it shouldn’t wander when you were with Oli’s family. You could tell Oli was feeling the same way.
That weekend, you and Oli decided to go out for dinner. You chose to wear a black dress with a sweetheart neckline and a rib cut out. It was an outfit Oli had never seen you wear, but you hoped it might provoke some thoughts out of him.
Just as you hoped, Oli’s jaw dropped when he saw what you were wearing. You smirked and walked with him out to his car. “You look stunning,” Oli said, placing a kiss to your lips as soon as you were both in the car.
“Thank you,” you said. “I just got this dress. It’s very comfortable, especially since I don’t wear a bra with it.” You saw Oli’s hands tighten around the steering wheel. You looked at you out of the corner of his eye and groaned when he saw the way you were mischievously looking at him.
“I hate being home sometimes,” he mumbled under his breath. You giggled and sat smugly in your seat.
Dinner seemed to go by agonizingly slow. You and Oli were sitting across from each other in a booth, Oli’s hand constantly holding yours. It seemed like your boyfriend couldn’t stay focused during any conversation. He was constantly fidgeting in his seat and his eyes were often looking a little south from yours. You were getting the exact reaction you had wanted. You only hoped that Oli was thinking of the same solution to relieving your needs as you were.
Your date ended as quickly as you expected it to. Oli paid the bill and quickly ushered the two of you back to the car. He was driving quickly and in the opposite direction of his home. You felt your heart beating faster with excitement. After a few minutes of driving, you got to an empty park. Oli parked the car and shut it off, immediately placing a kiss to your lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tried to pull him closer to you, but it was difficult as the center counsel was awkwardly between the two of you. “Back,” Oli muttered against your lips. You nodded and crawled into the backseat, Oli quickly following. “Do you know how hard it’s been to keep my hands to myself lately?” he said to you, his lips moving harshly against yours. “And then you came out in that dress and I knew I wouldn’t be able to contain myself.”
“That was the goal,” you said with a small smirk.
You pulled away from Oli long enough to pull his shirt over his head. You kissed along his neck, sucking on a spot that you knew made him weak. He groaned and ran his fingers from the nape of your neck to the zipper of your dress. You broke your kiss so that the dress could properly slide off your body. You were now in only your panties, Oli still in his jeans. He quickly undid them and pulled them from his legs. You could already see his hard on pressed against his boxers. You crawled on top of him and rubbed yourself against him. “(Y/N),” Oli moaned out. You continued to grind against him, feeling yourself growing more wet the more Oli moaned. Your chest was level with Oli’s face, so he soon attached his lips to your nipple. It was your turn to let out a moan.
Oli quickly pushed you so you were laying on your back. “I feel like I’ve been waiting so long,” he groaned against your lips. “Laying in bed not being able to touch you. It’s been torture.”
“Torture for me too,” you mumbled, pressing Oli’s face to yours again. Oli smiled against your lips but quickly broke the kiss. He was now placing your lips down your skin, stopping once again at your chest. He only stayed there for long enough to suck your nipples until they were hard. You were breathing heavily as Oli brought his lips down to the waistband of your panties. He pulled them off your body and, with no warning, attached his lips to your core. You moaned loudly and tangled your fingers in Oli’s hair, pressing his face close to you. He licked your slit a few times before plunging his tongue into you. You were a squirming mess until Oli pressed his hands on your hips to hold you down. “Oli,” you gasped out. “I’m so close, Oli.”
Just as you felt yourself about to reach your high, Oli pulled away from you. You whimpered at the sudden lack of contact. Quickly, however, Oli was pulling his boxers down so that his length was exposed to you. He stroked himself a few times before thrusting into you. You let out a loud moan and pulled Oli’s lips down to yours, your nails raking through his hair and down to the nape of his neck. His thrusts were quick and full of lust, proving that neither of you had the patience for slow sex. “Oli,” you moaned, pulling your lips away from his. “I-”
“Me too, babe,” he groaned back. You didn’t even realize that your eyes were closed until Oli said, “Look at me, baby. I want to see it in your eyes how good I make you feel.” You opened your eyes and looked up at Oli who was smirking down at you. He placed a slow kiss to your lips then pulled away. Your legs wrapped around Oli’s waist as he thrust harder and harder into you. Finally, you felt yourself clench around him, causing your head to roll back and your mouth to call out Oli’s name loudly. As you were riding out your high, you felt Oli climax as well.
You both took a moment to catch your breath. Oli pulled out of you and you sat up, running your fingers through your knotty hair. You reached for your underwear and dress and went to slip them back on, Oli doing the same with his clothes. Before you could crawl back up to the front seat, Oli grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours again. You smiled back and placed your hands gently on top of his. “You’re amazing,” he mumbled as he pulled away.
You giggled, “I know.” Oli just rolled his eyes with a smile and smacked your bum before getting into the driver’s seat and heading home.
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Sharing the Loneliness || All
all masterposts found here
pairing - buttercreams x reader word count - 1,037 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where the buttercreams help you through
All through your life, you questioned why you learned certain things in school. Why was math important? Or geography? Or any of the other classes you took in high school? Sure, you could quote the pythagorean theorem and you could name most countries and their capitals, but you never learned the important things. You never learned how to talk a friend out of a panic attack or how to do your taxes, and you certainly never learned how to cope after losing your mom.
You felt so empty all the time. How were you expected to go on after one of the most important people in your life left you and would never come back? You never wanted to leave your bed. You were so tired and so lonely. Your mom was one of your best friends, and now she was just gone.
Your friends texted you everyday to check on you. You texted them back short responses, just to let them know you were alive. They wanted to help you, but they didn’t know how. You wouldn’t answer the phone calls they sent you, you never went out when they invited you, and you were having a hard time opening up to any of them.
Finally, a few weeks had passed and you heard a knock at your door. You paused the movie you were watching on Netflix and got up from the couch to answer it. On the other side of the door were the buttercreams. Joe was holding a few pizzas, Jack some bottles of beer, Byron a bag full of ice cream, and Caspar a stack of movies. “What are you doing here?” you asked, standing aside to let them in.
“You’ve been alone for so long,” Oli said gently, giving you a small hug, “we thought you could use some friends.”
You smiled softly and whispered your thanks to him and the others. You all gathered by your couch and stuffed your faces with pizza. You didn’t put on a movie at first. You just wanted to talk to them and let them make you laugh. It had been so long since you laughed. After a lull in the conversation, Caspar spoke. “How are you doing?” he asked gently. The smile that was on your face fell a bit and you shrugged.
“All things considered, I guess I’m doing okay,” you said. “It’s hard. It’s hard because when I’m going through the mourning process I keep wanting to talk to someone, but the person I would talk to is the person I lost. I miss her so much. Everyday I wake up and I reach for the phone to see if she texted me and obviously there’s never anything there. It feels like it happened so fast, like one day she was here and now she’s not.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Conor said gently, giving your arm a squeeze.
“It’s shitty because bad things are always going to happen,” Mikey said. “There’s no other way to spin it. The only thing that you can control is how you handle it. And that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to help you handle it, whatever that means.”
“I’ve been secluding myself,” you said quietly. “I’ve been pulling back and distancing myself from everyone, and then I complain that I’m lonely. I guess it’s because when I say I’m lonely, I’m thinking of her.”
“You know,” Byron said, “loneliness is a good thing to share with somebody.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him. He was the one sitting beside you so you laid your head on his shoulder just as you felt a tear roll down your cheek. “You know, when King Lear dies at the end of act five, do you know what Shakespeare writes?” None of the boys said anything. “He writes he dies. That’s it. He doesn’t write some big metaphor or some grand final words. He just writes he dies. And every time I read it, I know it’s only natural for me to feel this way. And it’s not because the words are so beautiful and profound, but it’s because of the life I read about prior to the words. And that’s what I keep thinking about. She died. She’s gone. And yeah, that makes me sad, but what’s really making me feel this way is remembering the life I saw before that.”
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Jack handed you a box of tissues. You took it with a quiet thank you and blew your nose a bit. “I know what she would want me to do,” you continued, clearing your throat a bit. “She wouldn’t want me to sit around like this. It’s not like she would want me to be happy that she was gone, but she would want me to turn the page, you know? When Shakespeare wrote the death of King Lear, he didn’t expect everyone to stop reading. He expected us to turn the page and continue on. I guess that’s what she would want me to do too.”
“I’m sure she’s so proud of you right now,” Joe said gently. “And we are too. With all this shit you’re going through, you’re still so strong.”
“I sure don’t feel strong,” you mumbled honestly, running your fingers through your hair.
“And that’s okay,” Josh said. “No one expects you to feel strong and perfect right now. But just the fact that you’re still going proves to the rest of us that you’ve got the strength to keep going. And we’ll be here beside you through it all.”
“Thanks guys,” you whispered, wiping your nose with the back of your sleeve.
With a stronger beat in your heart, you cracked open a pint of ice cream and urged the boys to pick a movie to watch. As they argued over what to put on, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of peace surround you. You knew your mom was somewhere watching you, and she always did love your friends. If you closed your eyes, you could see her smile and hear her voice whisper, I love you.
And so, you turned the page and penned a new chapter.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Ship 03.
Hi!! I would LOVE a ship with a Buttercream please :) No one really does ships for the buttercreams, so I’m glad to have found a blog that does! I’m 5'4", I have dark hair, dark eyes and I’m fairly tan 😅. I also wear glasses 🤓 that are kinda on the hipster side (but I do need them cause I have VERY bad eyesight). Ummm… I love writing and listening to music, and when I hang out with my friends they classify me as “the cool aunt.” I think that’s all I got… 😅. Thanks!
》 Buttercream ship requests are open
Big sis
“Jaaames!” You complained.
“What did he do now?” Oli asked, entering the bathroom where you were.
You dried your face with a towel before answering your boyfriend. “I was washing my face and putted my glasses in the sink, but when I finished...”
“Your glasses were gone.” Oli completed your sentence, seeing you trying to see something by squeezing your eyes. Oli rolled his eyes and went after his little brother. “James, come here!”
Oli invited you for travel to a little city by the Italian coast with him and his family. You were staying with the Whites on a rented cozy house and were having the time of your life. You could write and listen to music by the beach or just play some games with (luckily) your future family.
James was giggling, holding something behind his back.
“Are you even trying to hide these glasses?” Oli asked. “C’mon, give it to me. Y/N needs it.”
“Oh, Oli!” James complained.
“Give it to me, James!”
“No!” He exclaimed and started running through the house.
Oli wasn’t in the mood for playing, “James come back!” but you were, so you started chasing the boy around.
“We are on vacation, Oli!” You said laughing while running. “Come help me catch this funny boy who thinks he can prank me and get away with it!”
So you all started running chasing each other until you all get too tired for anything.
“Here it is, Y/N.” James said, while giving back your glasses.
“Oh, thank you, James! I mean, I was chasing blurry figures hoping I wouldn’t fall until now, but, yeah, thanks!” You laughed. Actually, you hit some furniture while you were playing, but you didn’t want to cause James any trouble by saying it out loud, you knew he wasn’t being a bad kid. “You guys want a glass of water?” You asked as you were heading the kitchen.
“Please!” James asked.
“No, I’m fine.” Oli on the other hand said.
“Alright!!” You smiled for them before disappearing into the other room.
“Buddy, you can’t take Y/N’s glasses like that, she really needs it.”
“You need to apologize for her, not for me. I know she never would say something like this, but it was kinda bad you leave her without it.” Oli grimaced. “I don’t think she would ever be mad at you, in reality.”
“Well, she could be.”
Oli looked at his little brother confused. “What do you mean with that?” He laughed.
“I mean, I like Y/N. It’s not like I would like her less just because she would teach me a lesson.”
Oli smiled, James often seemed just a funny kid at first, saying the most random things, but then he transformed them into serious wise stuff. “I’m glad you like her, buddy.”
“If you break up with her, it will be your fault we will have a White less. Also, I will beat you up.”
“You will beat me?” Oli laughed hard, preparing himself for the little wrist fight they two were going to have now. “Let’s see if you can!”
“Alright, what are you guys whispering...” you rolled your eyes for the scene you found while coming back to the kitchen “about.”, your boys were rolling on the floor, wrestling.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
C'mon guys! I want to try to do some ship requests! I love requesting them, so I thought it might be cool do it and I will be making a little imagine-scene for each one! 》I will be shipping you with the Buttercream boys only ❤
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