#thatcherjoe request
Sharing the Loneliness || All
all masterposts found here
pairing - buttercreams x reader word count - 1,037 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where the buttercreams help you through
All through your life, you questioned why you learned certain things in school. Why was math important? Or geography? Or any of the other classes you took in high school? Sure, you could quote the pythagorean theorem and you could name most countries and their capitals, but you never learned the important things. You never learned how to talk a friend out of a panic attack or how to do your taxes, and you certainly never learned how to cope after losing your mom.
You felt so empty all the time. How were you expected to go on after one of the most important people in your life left you and would never come back? You never wanted to leave your bed. You were so tired and so lonely. Your mom was one of your best friends, and now she was just gone.
Your friends texted you everyday to check on you. You texted them back short responses, just to let them know you were alive. They wanted to help you, but they didn’t know how. You wouldn’t answer the phone calls they sent you, you never went out when they invited you, and you were having a hard time opening up to any of them.
Finally, a few weeks had passed and you heard a knock at your door. You paused the movie you were watching on Netflix and got up from the couch to answer it. On the other side of the door were the buttercreams. Joe was holding a few pizzas, Jack some bottles of beer, Byron a bag full of ice cream, and Caspar a stack of movies. “What are you doing here?” you asked, standing aside to let them in.
“You’ve been alone for so long,” Oli said gently, giving you a small hug, “we thought you could use some friends.”
You smiled softly and whispered your thanks to him and the others. You all gathered by your couch and stuffed your faces with pizza. You didn’t put on a movie at first. You just wanted to talk to them and let them make you laugh. It had been so long since you laughed. After a lull in the conversation, Caspar spoke. “How are you doing?” he asked gently. The smile that was on your face fell a bit and you shrugged.
“All things considered, I guess I’m doing okay,” you said. “It’s hard. It’s hard because when I’m going through the mourning process I keep wanting to talk to someone, but the person I would talk to is the person I lost. I miss her so much. Everyday I wake up and I reach for the phone to see if she texted me and obviously there’s never anything there. It feels like it happened so fast, like one day she was here and now she’s not.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Conor said gently, giving your arm a squeeze.
“It’s shitty because bad things are always going to happen,” Mikey said. “There’s no other way to spin it. The only thing that you can control is how you handle it. And that’s what we’re here for. We’re here to help you handle it, whatever that means.”
“I’ve been secluding myself,” you said quietly. “I’ve been pulling back and distancing myself from everyone, and then I complain that I’m lonely. I guess it’s because when I say I’m lonely, I’m thinking of her.”
“You know,” Byron said, “loneliness is a good thing to share with somebody.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him. He was the one sitting beside you so you laid your head on his shoulder just as you felt a tear roll down your cheek. “You know, when King Lear dies at the end of act five, do you know what Shakespeare writes?” None of the boys said anything. “He writes he dies. That’s it. He doesn’t write some big metaphor or some grand final words. He just writes he dies. And every time I read it, I know it’s only natural for me to feel this way. And it’s not because the words are so beautiful and profound, but it’s because of the life I read about prior to the words. And that’s what I keep thinking about. She died. She’s gone. And yeah, that makes me sad, but what’s really making me feel this way is remembering the life I saw before that.”
You hadn’t even realized you were crying until Jack handed you a box of tissues. You took it with a quiet thank you and blew your nose a bit. “I know what she would want me to do,” you continued, clearing your throat a bit. “She wouldn’t want me to sit around like this. It’s not like she would want me to be happy that she was gone, but she would want me to turn the page, you know? When Shakespeare wrote the death of King Lear, he didn’t expect everyone to stop reading. He expected us to turn the page and continue on. I guess that’s what she would want me to do too.”
“I’m sure she’s so proud of you right now,” Joe said gently. “And we are too. With all this shit you’re going through, you’re still so strong.”
“I sure don’t feel strong,” you mumbled honestly, running your fingers through your hair.
“And that’s okay,” Josh said. “No one expects you to feel strong and perfect right now. But just the fact that you’re still going proves to the rest of us that you’ve got the strength to keep going. And we’ll be here beside you through it all.”
“Thanks guys,” you whispered, wiping your nose with the back of your sleeve.
With a stronger beat in your heart, you cracked open a pint of ice cream and urged the boys to pick a movie to watch. As they argued over what to put on, you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of peace surround you. You knew your mom was somewhere watching you, and she always did love your friends. If you closed your eyes, you could see her smile and hear her voice whisper, I love you.
And so, you turned the page and penned a new chapter.
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My Old Writing: Masterlist
I have moved my blog! Previously, I have been @thebutterinmycream, but since tumblr had something against my choice of gifs, I decided to move.
Please note that English is not my first language, and that I have written this ages ago, so if it sucks, please don’t blame me.
Here you can find (almost) all of my old writing in case you want to reread it:
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“That’s not supportive best friend attitude”
“I need a place to stay”
“Is that my shirt?”
“It’s the nightmare again, right?”
“Need share”
“You come to my room at 4 am to cuddle?”
“Do you ever shut the f*ck up?”        [Part Two]
“I’ll always have your back”
“Falling for her”
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queenzoella · 6 years
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mikrokosmo · 7 years
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#idk who i would wanna be more in this situation
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littlepuddingsugg · 6 years
Alright guys, 
So I’ve decided that I'm not going to post imagines on this blog anymore. I haven’t been keeping up with this fandom and I can’t really find the time or the motivation to sit down and write. 
So instead of just deleting what was left of the requests, I’ve asked some writers if they'd want to take a few of these off my hands. 
@bouttogolinkurbitch and @buttercream-fanfic have taken a few so you can head other their blogs to check out their writings!
I still have about 4 requests left so feel free to message me if you’re interested in taking a few of these (I won’t reply until late tonight just an FYI). They’ll be yours to post on your own blog, I can give you a little shoutout if you’d like so people who sent in requests in know where there at now. 
This blog will still be around, I’ll still have my masterlist up and I’ll occasionally come on here and reblog some things I just won't be writing anymore. 
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chocolatemillkk · 7 years
Darkest before the Dawn (JS+Buttercream)
Request: one without a y/n or character or anything, literally just the buttercreams- with super depressed joe??? like he’s withdrawing and insecure n anxious and shit and they’re all getting more and more worried and have meetings without joe to discuss how to help, and joe finds them one day? and he’s a mess and v skinny n tired n crying and they all comfort him but he hates accepting help as we all know...happy ending
It was a little different to write w/o a main reader because I wanted to try to get the boys' perspectives so i hope it's not completely terrible?¿ 😟 Thanks for the fresh idea though! :)
Caspar had been glancing at his friend all evening, wondering how exactly to order his words for his message to get through. He found that oftentimes, his words were misinterpreted, he was too brash or too blunt, and he definitely did not want to be too brash or too blunt with Joe. Especially now.
Joe was always a skinny guy but the boys hadn't seen Joe in this state before. Joe was lacking his usual enthusiasm, not returning the boys' banter, and looking tired all the time. His bags were grey, his prided hair was flat and dull, and his body was reminiscent of an malnourished boy. It didn't make for a very pretty picture.
"Maybe it's a phase," Jack offers after Joe leaves early to go home. Jack bites his lip, however, betraying his true worry.
"Mate, even if it is we still have to do something about it." Conor looks at his brother like he's an idiot.
"He's withdrawing from us and we have to show up at his house to get him to come out!" Caspar points out. "He seems very tense and anxious I'm worried guys."
"But he hasn't said anything," Jack says. "Shouldn't we respect his space?"
"Fuck his space!" Caspar shouts. Too bluntly, too brash.
"If we give him space he's never going to ask for help. We know Joe enough to know that." Josh sighs. "We need like an intervention."
"He'll feel under attack," Jack points out.
"How about I try talking to him first. Then one of you can have a go too," Caspar suggests and the boys agree.
So Caspar shows up to Joe's on a random Thursday evening with a case of beer and a few video games from his own collection.
"Caspar I'm not feeling too well," Joe tries to lie his way out of it but since Caspar was already there, he enters uninvited.
"Soo," Caspar says after a couple rounds of the game. He notices Joe picking at his thumb, fidgeting and uneasy. "Joe I'm concerned about your recent behaviour."
"I'm fine," Joe says immediately. "Nothing's wrong mate."
"You don't look like you're well," Caspar ignores Joe. "Do you want to talk about it? Are you stressed about something?"
"Aren't we always stressed about something?" Joe tries to change the subject with a laugh but Caspar is unrelenting.
"Buddy, I don't want to force you to answer but I'm here okay?"
Joe goes quiet and fiddles with his game joystick. Caspar watches his best friend swallow hard. "Thanks, should we go for another round?"
So that's what the two do.
Jack goes next, he calls Joe eight times the next day but he doesn't pick up once. He texts him too until he responds.
Joe: Feeling unwell. Maybe another time.
Joe was withdrawing from everyone else and that wasn't good.
Jack: Just come out with the gang. We haven't seen you in a while
Joe: You lot will have more fun without me anyway so just go on
Jack: What are you on about we miss you when you keep staying home
Joe: I'm busy.
Jack knew he pushes too hard. Damn.
Josh's tactic was to call Joe and Uber and have him delivered right to his doorstep. Joe showed up at his flat with messy hair, looking upset. But he doesn't say anything. He finds a spot on the couch and sinks further and further in as the night goes on, nursing a single beer and zoning out to the boys around him. The boys exchange many worried glances.
"Hey Joe wanna hear my new single?" Conor flops down beside him, invading his space and forcing Joe out of his fog.
"What?" Joe asks.
So in the most awful voice Conor can muster he begins to sing, "I've got a friend Joe and he's feeling pretty low and I dunno..." Conor peeks at Joe but he doesn't crack a smile.
"Reckon that needs some work," Joe sighs and picks himself up. He walks off to the bathroom.
"What the hell was that?" Jack glares at his brother.
"What? That usually makes him laugh."
"Well he's obviously not in the laughing mood," Jack rolls his eyes.
"Why's he in this mood?" Mikey asks.
"If we knew we would be doing something about it wouldn't we?" Jack snaps.
"We just need to force it out of him now," Caspar thinks.
"Did you see how skinny he's gotten?" Mikey asks.
"We should sit him down." Caspar reitterates.
The room goes silent as the boys ponder the task at hand. Joe walks into the heavy silence and looks around confused.
"Joe you need our help," Caspar tries a new angle.
"What?" Mikey shakes his head.
"That sounded really appealing Caspar," Josh rolls his eyes.
"I don't get it," Joe stays in place.
"Mate you look terrible," Conor tries but once again everything they say comes out wrong.
"Thanks for reminding me," Joe says drily. "Maybe I'll call it a night."
"Wait," all the boys try to get him to stay but there are too many voices at once.
"Joe we know you're feeling down and anxious but you have to talk to us!" Caspar tugs Joe's arm.
"You can't be so bloody stubborn all the time!" Jack shouts out.
"I can't talk about it right now," Joe moves to leave.
"You can't or won't?" Caspar shows concern for his best friend. But Joe turns his face away, he was tired and he was going back home. They wouldn't understand anyway.
Joe slipped under covers when he went home. The night sky turns to dawn which turns to day which sets into the afternoon, dusk, and back to the night sky. Joe only gets up once through the changes. Another cycle goes by and another. And none of the boys reach out to Joe. They snap him when they hang out, an indirect invitation to come along. But they leave him be.
Joe lays under his covers, he was stressed and depressed again. The last time he was like this it took his old roomate Caspar to pull him out but even Caspar couldn't help now.
Joe thought a lot. He overthought a lot too. About his work and his friends and what he meant to them. He thought about how disappointed his viewers must be that he'd missed last week's upload or how he always managed to disappoint his friends. No body understood him anyway.
On the Thursday, it was time for Joe to step out of the house. All his food was gone and he was running out of toilet paper. One foot after the other, he drags himself to a Tesco. That's where he bumps into a few of his viewers.
"Oh my gosh it's Joe," one of them tells her friend as they approach him. Joe wished so hard the invisibility cloak existed so he could wrap himself in it. Instead, he paints on a pleasant expression and greets them.
"You missed your last upload!" The other says. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Joe lies through his teeth. "I'm sorry about that I'll be back this week!"
Joe takes a selfie with them and forgets the toilet paper and the groceries. He rushes out of the Tesco and stands in the middle of the sidewalk, trying to ground himself.
An Uber, he needed to call an Uber.
But it takes twice as long to actually get his phone out and by the time he's pinpointed where he needs to go and gotten the Uber the tears are already spilling onto his cheeks. His driver simply hands him a tissue and drives him to the complex he requested.
The boys are gathered playing video games when Joe knocks on the door. Conor is the one to get it and when he sees a pitiful Joe sniffling outside the door he pulls him in and guides him to the living room.
"Joe," Josh pauses the video and everyone watches Joe sit on the sofa.
"I can't keep doing this guys. I'm just so tired all the time and I can't keep up and you lot...I keep letting you down and I'm letting myself down too and I know you want to help but it's so hard to accept it I-I'm not well you were right but I don't know what to do."
"Aw mate," Jack is the first to lean over and wrap Joe in a hug. So of course, Conor leans against his brother and joins. Mikey comes around and wraps his arms around the whole group. Josh gets up from his seat and with his force they all stumble and land in a heap on top of Joe, still hugging him.
Caspar walks out of the bathroom to see the pile up of his friends on top of a smiling Joe-a rare sight in the last few weeks.
"Joe!" He shouts and flops down on top of everyone.
A chorus of groans ring out as the boys are squished and Joe shouts out in pain from the crushing weight on his body. But it's also as if the pressure of all the love around him finally grounds him-it finally shifts his perspective after weeks of darkness. And even though there was a long long way to go, Joe finally saw it. There, right on the horizon of his dark days was a faint light; small but warm and welcoming.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Ship 15.
Hi! My name is Cali and I know your doing ship requests and I would like one. I'm 5'3, I have brown hair and brown eyes, although I do tend to dye the tips of my hair different colors. I enjoy playing tennis, history, music, cooking, going to concerts and Netflix. I have a really loud laugh, and I'm super outgoing almost to the point where I annoy people sometimes; I'm extremly sarcastic. I also really love my dog a lot. I hope that's enough!
(cont.) Okay I just realized, I'm and idiot and forgot to mention where I was from (buttercream ship for Cali) I'm from a small town in New York, near Canada. Sorry for forgetting!
》 Buttercream ship requests can be made here - 1/10
Pouring rain
“Wait! Hold the ele-lift!” You asked as you ran to the lift, determined to not wait for the next ride on it since you were soaking wet.
Elevator? Does anyone in this town call it ‘elevator’? It is ‘lift’ here... Right, ‘lift’. Britsh people aren’t just peculiar? Oh, fuck it, Cali, whatever.
“Oh, wow.” The other person on the metal box exclaimed, seeing your state after your action movie scene with the doors closing.
“Thank you.” You said out of breath.
“You are welcome.” The strange said and you looked up to see who he was, your jaw dropped. “Nice weather today, huh?” He joked.
You cleared your throat a little, trying to keep things cool. Relax, you just found out that Joe Sugg lives in your building, so what? He is a human being, he needs to have somewhere to live. “Yeah, l feel like it isn’t fair what they say about England having a bad weather. What do people mean by that? It is great! And, with my luck, I only have nice, sunny afternoons, you know?”
Joe laughed and agreed with you. “Yeah, of course.”
Then the silence fell and you two started to look around as strangers do on a lift, maybe you should start talking about something, about how you were in London and you came from the US... But when you opened your mouth, Joe noticed there was only one butter pressed on the lift panel. “Oh, what is your floor?”
“21.” You answered and watched him press the button. “Thank you.”
“Sorry about the weather, by the way.” He said and you looked at him. “To be fair, I hate the weather around here as well.”
“Why are you apologizing when it is not your fault?” You found that odd.
“Hum... I don’t know.” Joe gave a weak laugh. “Maybe it is because you are foreign and I feel like I should say sorry in the name of my country? I don’t know really. Sorry, I just don’t know what to say in lifts.”
You laughed out loud, something that Joe joined you just because he couldn’t resist. Loud laughs were contagious.
“Fine, I will take your apologies.” You told him. “I know that I’m complaining and stuff, but it isn’t like where I live I have much nicer weather, I’m from the North part of US, so it can get cold when it wants to!”
“That’s cool.”Joe commented and, as you saw on the little monitor, you were almost on your floor.
You heard a dog’s bark when the doors of the elevator opened.
“And this is my dog saying hello and trying to make my neighbours sue me” you sighed, taking your keys to open your front door.
“Relax, I can’t hear it.” Joe said and you looked at him, he smiled and pointed to the other button that was pressed. You didn’t notice at first but it was the ‘22′ that was pressed.
“Oh, nice to meet you neighbour!” You exclaimed excitedly, forgetting you seemed like you jumped on a pool with your clothes on and just went straight to your home.
“Hope to see you around more often!” You told him.
“I hope as well.” Joe smirked and the elevator doors closed.
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calmasf · 7 years
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Imagine going on a movie date with Joe Sugg.
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buttercreamlove · 7 years
I’m going to start writing Joeck imagines so if you want to send something in you can
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dodie Series || Joe
all masterposts found here
pairing - Joe x reader [ft Zoe Sugg] word count - 879 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one based off of Would You Be So Kind?
You were spending the night at Zoe and Alfie’s. You met the pair back in 2013 along with a lot of other British YouTubers who were big at the time. Now, even though the main “YouTube Crew” somewhat disbanded, you and Zoe remained as close as ever. Not to mention the outrageous crush you had on her brother brought you two closer as well. Zoe was who you went to with boy problems, even when the boy problems revolved around Joe.
It was late 2015 when you fell for the younger Sugg, and early 2016 when you decided to put yourself out there and tell him. The feelings, however, weren’t reciprocated. Luckily you and Joe remained friends, but you were left always wanting more. Always wondering if more would ever happen.
On the night of your sleepover, you and Zoe were hanging out in the sun room, looking up at the stars through the glass ceiling above you. Alfie had gone out for the night, so you and Zoe were able to chat about anything without him overhearing. Not that you didn’t trust Alfie, but some things were just for Zoe’s ears. You were lounging out, your head resting on the arm of couch. Zoe was sitting on the other end, Nala in her lap and her phone in her hand. “Alfie’s on his way back,” she said suddenly.
“Cool,” you responded, staring still up at the sky absentmindedly.
“He’s bringing Joe.”
You sat up and looked at Zoe. “Really?” you asked. “Why?”
“I don’t know,” she said sarcastically, “because they’re friends?”
“Shut up,” you laughed. With a sigh, you added, “Has he said anything about me?”
“You know we don’t talk about that kind of stuff,” Zoe said gently.
“I know,” you mumbled. “I was just wondering.”
“I still think you should just talk to him again,” Zoe said. She had been trying to get you to restate your feelings for her brother for a while now, but you were too nervous to get shot down- again.
“Yeah?” you scoffed. “And say what? I have a strange question. How are your lungs? Are they in pain?”
“Cuz mine are aching,” you groaned. “And I think I know why. It’s because of him. It’s like whenever I think about him I can’t breathe. To be honest, I kind of like it though.”
“You’re so weird,” Zoe laughed.
“And after I’ve asked him about his lungs,” you continued, laughing as well, “I’ll say Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?” You jumped up onto the couch, putting your hand on your heart dramatically. “I know you know that I like you but that’s not enough! So, if you would, please fall in love with me!”
Zoe laughed and you jumped off the couch, doing a spin in the middle of the room. “Then I’ll say, Let’s write a story,” you said, “so you can be in my book. You’ve got to join me on my page!”
“Okay, okay,” Zoe said, “and what if he says he needs time?”
“He needs time?” you scoffed. “I’d say let’s swap chests today! That might help you decide.”
You laughed again and fell back onto the couch. “And then,” you sighed, “once I’ve said all that, I’ll give him one final plea. I’ll just look at him and say, Can you do me one favor? Can your heart rate rise a little? Just a little, you know? Just enough so he can kind of get how I feel. Is that too much to ask?”
“You’re so in love with him,” Zoe laughed.
“I know,” you said, covering your face with your hands. “It’s pathetic, right? He must think I’m insane.”
“Not pathetic,” Zoe said. “I think it’s sweet. And like I said, I think you should just talk to him again. Maybe don’t say all of that, but say something. Just to see what he’s thinking.” You gave Zoe a wary look.
“Do you have any idea what he’s thinking?”
“I’m thinking that I waited way too long to tell you that my lungs are in pain too.”
You looked up at Joe so quickly that you nearly fell off the couch. Zoe covered her mouth to hide a giggle and you sent her a glare. “C’mon Zo,” Alfie said. ��I don’t think we need to overhear this.” Zoe nodded with a smile and left you alone to chat with Joe. As soon as they were gone, Joe sat beside you and gave you a shy smile.
“How long have you felt this way?” you asked him. “When I last told you, you told me you weren’t interested.”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t interested,” Joe said. “I said I wasn’t ready.”
“And now?” you almost whispered. Joe smiled and laid a hand on your cheek.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”
So, Joe pressed his lips against yours, letting his hands rest gently on your cheeks. You smiled behind the kiss and kissed him back, laying your hands on top of his. When you pulled away, Joe took your hand in his and placed it on his chest. You could feel his steady heartbeat. He smiled.
“You made my heart rate rise a little.”
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Tom is sick of fans talking about what they don’t know
Request: Hi! I’m interested to see on what you’ll make of this idea! His fans keep calling YN a gold digger so he decides to put a hidden camera to tell her that he’s no longer acting to prove to his “fans” they’re wrong about her. YN is super support and says she’ll do her best to support them both if he wants to take a break from working in general, to “regroup.” He uploads it with a caption to stop calling YN ugly and false things. Or something like that! 🙈
A/n: Sooooo not gonna lie, I did get a little confused about this? But I’ll try my best.
Also, I want to try to make this an AU type deal? Like Tom as a YouTube guy? Like ThatcherJoe style? Idk hope it doesn’t come out stupid😂😂
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My Girlfriend Does My ASOS Shop
Tom uploaded the video and read the comments as they came in. Although many of them were funny or cute, some of them really upset him.
“Did Y/n really say she bought something just because she wanted it for herself? Sounds fake to me”
“She’s such a gold digger, and she can’t even hide it”
“You haven’t dumped her greedy ass yet? Damn”
“Look at that Cartier bracelet on her wrist. BET she begged Tom for it”
“If you ever want a girlfriend that sees you for more than your money, hit me up”
Tom felt anger start to rise. You made a comment about how you bought a pair of sunglasses “for Tom” because you really liked them and wanted them for yourself. Why was that so bad?
He hated seeing so many people accuse you of being a gold digger. If only they saw how you would argue with him over who pays for dinner. Or when you told him he should take the Cartier bracelet back because it was so expensive and you felt bad that he spent that much on a gift for you. Or when you literally fought him because he swapped your card for his when you went shopping one time.
You definitely weren’t with him for his money, and he wanted to prove that to his viewers.
Tom came up with a plan to set up a “prank” video that would show who you really are. He wanted to set up a bunch of cameras around the house and pretend the house was broken into. He text you that he wanted to go to dinner after you got off work- while the two of you were eating, Tuwaine was going to come in and hide all of your expensive stuff and trash the house a little.
While you were sat eating and talking to Tom, you watched as he pulled his phone out.
“Who’s that?” You asked curiously.
“Tuwaine. He’s just reminding me about some plans we have tomorrow,” he told you, placing his phone back in his pocket. The real message?
“All clear” letting him know that Tuwaine had done his part and was parked a bit down the road.
You finished eating dinner and headed back home. Tom beat you by a millisecond, stepping out of the cars at the same time. You walked over to the door, where Tom unlocked it and opened it to see your living room looked horrible.
Paintings and pictures were lying on the floor, your rug was thrown across the room, chairs were overturned- you were shocked.
“What the fuck?” Tom said angrily. You began silently walking around the house.
“Where’s Tessa?” You asked quietly, finally finding your voice. You watched Tom walk upstairs, you checking the rest of the downstairs area before following him where you immediately walked into your bedroom.
“Babe, your jewelry. All of it- it’s gone,” Tom said as he picked up your jewelry box, showing you the empty innards.
“I don’t give a shit, I want to know where Tessa is,” you told him, continuing to look for the dog. You noticed the guest bathroom door was closed and immediately moved to open it. You saw Tessa lying on the ground in front of the shower. “Tessa,” you sighed in relief. She shot up and moved to greet you, you bending down to hug her.
You walked back into the bedroom where you found Tom in the closet, seeing what was taken and what wasn’t. You sat on the bed as you watched him, Tessa laying down next to you.
“Anything that was valuable is gone. All of your jewlry, my watches, the TVs,” Tom began to tell you, his hands going behind his head. “Who the fuck does this kind of shit?”
“Tom, it’s fine,” you said, trying to stay calm.
“It’s not fine, y/n! We were fucking robbed,” he yelled.
“Robbed of nothing important,” you told him. “Tom, those things can be replaced. Tessa is okay, we’re both okay, and I care about that way more than some necklace. Just call the cops, make a report, and let’s move on.”
“How am I suppose to be mad when you’re so optimistic?” He asked moving to where you sat. He grabbed your hands, pulling you to your feet and hugged you. “You’re right- both of my girls are safe, but I’m about to be killed because this was just a prank,” he admitted.
“What the fuck,” you exclaimed, pushing him away from you as he pointed out the hidden cameras. “Why would you do this?”
“I wanted to know how you’d react- I honestly wasn’t expecting you to be this calm. And I love how concerned you were about Tessa,” he said, pulling you into a hug again.
“I was so scared. Someone coming into my house and taking stuff is one thing, but don’t touch my fucking dog,” you began to spill. “How did you even do this? Where is everything?”
“I gave Tuwaine a key. He came in and trashed everything and put all the stuff in his car while we were eating. He’s just down the road,” Tom explained to you as he called his friend telling him to come back. It wasn’t long before you saw the man walking through your bedroom door.
You immediately moved to smack him jokingly before he laughed and hugged you.
“You aren’t suppose to let him do crap like this to me,” you pouted.
“I’m sorry, it was such a good idea. I had too!”
You rolled your eyes, keeping a smile from surfacing. You had to admit it was a pretty good prank. At the end of the day, you were just happy that everyone, including Tessa, was safe and sound.
Tom uploaded the video to his channel a week later.
Our House Was Robbed Prank
Tom looked at the comments this time, seeing what they would say about you.
“Where all y’all y/n haters? Nothing to say now that there’s proof she cares more about the dog than her jewelry and money?”
“Get you a girl that looks for your dogs safety before checking her jewelry box”
“Y/n snapped”
“Y/n is the last person you’d ever see gold digging. She’s so genuine, y’all just jealous she getting that dick and y’all aren’t”
Tom smiled seeing the positive comments about you. All the haters calling you a gold digger practically vanished after the video was uploaded, and he had never been more happy with himself about a video than he was now.
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if using/saving please either like this post or credit teenwolfsugg on twitter
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mikrokosmo · 7 years
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i love supportive boyfriends
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littlepuddingsugg · 7 years
Birthday Surprises
You smiled as you read through all the ‘happy birthday’ wishes people have sent you on Twitter, favoriting as many as you can while responding to a few as well. You continued to scroll through your twitter, sitting up in bed when you can across a string of tweets from your boyfriend.
Joe had been in LA for a few weeks and he was tweeting about finally coming home. When he booked his flight out to LA to surprise Caspar, he didn’t really have a plan on when he would be returning, and you really didn’t care. Joe had been working hard this whole year and he deserved a break. The only thing you told him he had to do was be back from your birthday which is it looked like he listened.
You threw your phone to the side as you got up and got ready for the day. You didn’t have much planned for the day as you and your friends decided to go out this weekend to celebrate, but you thought you should get ready and wait for Joe to text you that he had landed so you could go pick him up.
After you had your shower, you pulled on one of Joe’s jumpers and your favorite pair of jeans before grabbing your phone back off the bed and heading downstairs. You were in the middle of replying to a few more birthday tweets when the sound of a balloon popping almost made you drop your phone on the hard marble flooring of Joe’s flat.
“Sorry love!” Joe’s voice came from the kitchen.
“Joe?” You asked venturing over to where his voice had come from, “What are you doing here?”
“You said to be back from your birthday didn’ you?” Joe asked as he looked down at his watch as if to question if today really was your birthday.
“I thought you wouldn’t have gotten back until later tonight.” You said walking into his arms before pulling away to look at the balloons that had floated the the ceiling, “What is with you a balloons?” You laughed.
“I dunno really, but I like them...well the ones that don’t pop and scare the shit out my me. Also love, if I came home later tonight, your birthday would almost be over. I changed my flight to early this morning which was about midday back in LA so we’ll see how I get one with jetlag later.” He smiled.
“Thanks babe.”
“That’s alright, now...are you hungry?” Joe asked as he rummages around of kitchen and begins cooking breakfast.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Joe said pushing himself up from the couch where the two of you had spent the whole morning and most of the afternoon.
You watched Joe jog over to his suitcase he hadn’t bothered to take upstairs and dig through it until he pulled out a box that was wrapped in gift wrap.
“Happy birthday love.” He said handing you the box before placing a kiss on your cheek as he sat back down next to you.
You took the box from him and carefully unwrapped it, “No you didn’t.” You said, looking over at Joe with wide eyes. Joe’s cheeks turned a slight rosy color as he watched as you continued to unwrap the gift.
“I can’t believe you!” You said as you held the new iPhone X in your hands.
“You think I’d buy Caspar a new phone and not my girlfriend?” He laughed.
“You didn’t have to do this Joe.”
“I wanted to love, don’t worry about it.” He said pulling you into a hug, “Well go on...” He nudged your elbow, signally you to open the box which is exactly what you did. 
The next hour and a half was spent setting up your new phone and letting Joe show you all the cool new things that you can do.  
“Alright love, we need to go.” Joe said taking your phone out of your hands so you would stop and listen to him. 
“Go where?” You said, reaching out of your phone causing Joe to laugh. 
“Maybe I should’ve given you this later...you really haven’t heard anything I’ve been saying.” He laughed again as he got back up from off the couch, “Were going to you’re birthday dinner.”
“Right now? Joe I’m not even ready.” You said, a slight panic the you didn’t have time to get ready was evident in your voice. 
“Love its fine...it’s not what you think.” Joe said pulling on his shoes, urging you to do the same. 
You let out a loud breath before getting off the couch, slipping on some shoes and following him out the door. 
“Joe what are we doing?” You asked after you had been sat in the car for 45 mins, “We’ve just been driving around in circles.” 
“I told you love, we’re going to dinner...” Joe said looking over at you when he stopped at the same traffic light that you guys have stopped at three times now. 
You rolled your eyes just as Joe received a text message. You watched him read it quickly before shoving it back into his pocket, “Alright love, lets eat.” 
You looked at him in confusion as he stepped on the gas pedal and made the turn that you take you back to his flat. Joe turned into the parking garage the two of you had left 50 mins earlier, parking in the same spot he always parked in. 
Joe got out of the car, running over to your side quickly and opened the door for you before extending a hand for you to take as he helped you out of the car. 
“You’re a weird one Sugg. Why did we just drive around for an hour just to end up back at home?” You asked but were ignored as Joe flashed you a smile and a wink before making the journey back up to his flat.
“After you.” He said unlocking his front door, letting you back into your guy’s flat first. 
You gave Joe another weird look before playing along and walking into the flat. On your way in, you looked down at the floor with a puzzled look as your gaze followed the trail of rose pedals that led from the entryway all the way through the lounge and out the to terrace. 
“What is this?” You asked, but you didn't wait for a response from Joe before you started following the trail, stopping at the closed glass doors that led you outside.  “Happy birthday love.” Joe said pulling open the door, revealing even more rose pedals and a terrace that had been transformed into a five star restaurant. 
You moved to take a seat on the couch in front of the place setting that had a ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ card resting on top of the plate. You opened the card and smiled as you read;
Happy Birthday Y/N! Hope you and Joe don’t have too much fun tonight. See you tomorrow night for a proper party! X X X Josh, Jack, Oli, Mikey, Byron and Grant. 
“I’m sure Caspar and Conor also wish you a happy birthday.” Joe said stepping out onto the terrace with pizza boxes in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. 
“This is a little much for pizza dontcha think?” You laughed as Joe took a seat. 
“Yeah...they even went and picked up the pizza. Not really sure what they were thinking.” 
“They did a great job though. Now I know why we drove around in circles for an hour.” 
“Sorry love, but I needed to get you out of the house for a bit.” Joe said pouring you and him a glass of wine, “Happy birthday Y/N.” He said raising his glass to meet yours before you both took a sip. 
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chocolatemillkk · 7 years
Request: Maybe one where the reader is not from England but lives there because of her Youtube channel that recently became really big and she met Joe through Oli and falls for Joe but thinks she can’t keep up with other girls couse she is younger and maybe (if you write about that) thicker around the hips and stuff? But Joe likes her too and proves to her over time that he only wants her
I don’t know if this is the direction you wanted but I kind of got carried away with the fic lol 😔 but I hope you enjoy it! 💙
“And that’s the doorbell,” I tell my livestream. “So don’t forgot to get to Twitter and hashtag ask Y/N & Oli! Love you all!” I wave at the camera and turn it off, almost tripping on my way to get the door before Oli banged it down.
“My knuckles were starting to bruise,” Oli jokes as soon as I open the door.
“Sorry about that,” I lean in to hug my best friend. “Just finishing up the livestream.”
“I see some of the questions for our video are getting pretty out of hand.”
“Drink?” I ask Oli as I set up the camera again on the coffee table. “This is the first ask video we’ve done together so I think it’s a little like a volcano errupting for our fans.”
Oli helps himself to a pop and plops down on the couch as I make sure the lighting was alright. “Ready?”
I start the video and we start with our usual banter before we answer “How did you two meet?”
Oli looks to me so I explain how I started travelling across North America after high school in LA and used my channel to vlog it all. That’s when I began to get noticed on Youtube and when I made my way to Europe, London was the first place in a while that felt like home and at the same time, I was introduced to my current agent who was also Oli’s agent. We met up for drinks one night…
“I haven’t been able to get rid of her since,” Oli jokes.
“Who came to who with this video idea?” I ask. I look to the camera and point to Oli but he pushes me away.
“I’m just trying to help the younger gen of Youtube navigate-.”
“I’m younger than you by barely two years!” I say. This was a sore spot for me-I was 20 but a lot of the youtubers I was friends with were older than me and even if it was by two years, they sometimes made it feel like ages. I chalked it up to the fact that when I met them all, I was 19 but I was always made to feel 12 around them.
“I’m kidding!” Oli pulls me in to him and I let it go, laughing with him.
We wrap up a while later and start talking about our lives. “Hey, you’re coming to my book launch party Friday right?” Oli asks.
“Wouldn’t miss it!” I was so proud of Oli and looking forward to celebrating him.
“So,” Oli starts and I could tell he was about to say something I wasn’t going to like. “Joe’s gonna be at the party too.” I sigh, I knew Oli too well.
“That’s nice,” I say nonchalantly.
“Stop shitting me,” Oli says. “You know you like him Y/N I don’t know why you keep denying it.”
“Even if I did what am I supposed to do about it Oli?”
“You always avoid him, never hang out with all the boys, making up excuses!”
“I’m too embarassed! And he probably thinks I’m like, 12! He’s 26 Oli! And he’s got tons of girls his age falling over to get with him. I’m not gonna-”
“You’ve liked him since before you even decided to live here permanently,” Oli says more gently.
“Oh my god and do you remember what happened the first time I met him?!”
Oli groans, “I swear he doesn’t even care about that!”
I shake my head no, the memory reliving itself. It was my first summer in London and I had decided to tag along with new friends to go clubbing. But I was new to the city and terrible with directions. Long story short, I got way too drunk, lost my way from the group and ended up sat on the doorstep of a random house. I called Oli, the only person I knew well enough then and blabbered on about being lost and vomitting into somebody’s rosebush. I didn’t know Oli was hanging out with Joe that night and Joe was the one with the car. My worst nightmare ensued:
I was picked up by both Joe and Oli after enabling Find my iPhone. I had mascara streaks and my makeup was smudged off and I looked like I escaped an asylum. I remember Joe being the sweetest, asking if I wanted to go back to his place but I insisted they drop me home. I interacted with Joe a few times but it was always awkward until he confronted me-Oli probably told him about it. He was really sweet and insisted he didn’t see me as a child and that he was actually watching my channel before I even landed in London. But I was still tended to avoid him because I was in love with him.
“Honestly Oli, I appreciate you trying to set me up but please piss off.”
Oli doesn’t look happy but he backs off.
Friday comes soon enough and I take extra care in doing my makeup. Even though I told myself I wasn’t, knowing Joe was there made me want to look really good. Especially after watching all 5 of his new videos and getting drunk last night. Oli’s party was starting at 7 and it was already a quarter after. I yank on my jacket as my phone rings-A number I don’t recognise.
“Y/N,” the other voice says. “When are you coming down?”
“Who is this?” I ask, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it.
“Very funny, my legs are starting to cramp I’m parked in your garage.”
“No honestly who is this?”
The voice pauses. “Joe? Didn’t Oli tell you I was picking you up?”
“Oh shit,” I check my phone and see the text lost in a sea of notifications. I promise to be down and hang up. Why the hell did Oli always meddle like this.
“I’m so sorry about that,” I apologise to Joe as I get in his car.
“I’m more offended that you didn’t have my number saved,” Joe says.
“Oh god,” I try to think of something to say but it’s hard to because the whole situation I hadn’t anticipated.
“Makes sense though because you don’t like me.”
“What? Of course I do!” I choke out. “We’ve just never really hung out!”
“And who’s fault is that?” Joe raises an eyebrow.
“Not mine!” I defend myself. “I think I’m a little too young for your crowd anyway.”
“Y/N,” Joe says gently. “Why do you always come back to this point. I would love seeing your face more whether you were 20 or 30.” Joe’s face turns slightly pink as he smiles at me. “You look lovely as always by the way,”
“Oh-thanks…you look really nice too.” I gesture to his classic black jeans and a pink silk button up. “And thanks I guess, I guess you’ll see me a lot more then.”
Joe rests his hand on my knee and squeezes. “I would like that.”
A comfortable silence hums throughout the car as we drive, no one reaches for the radio and I watch as the first drops of rain trail down my window. The red traffic light illuminates the droplets as they trail down the window and I trace one with my finger.
I look up at the light and notice from the corner of my eye that Joe was watching me, I blush and turn to look just as the light turns yellow and Joe looks away. His cheeky grin lets me know I had caught him staring. Gods, I was so helplessly in love with Joe and I hated how helplessly inadequate I felt for him. But somehow he managed to make me feel so special every time I saw him and he smiled for me.
I break away from Joe as we get to the party, needing some space to sort out my feelings. I track down Oli and after scolding him I give him a congratulations hug before I grab a drink-a cider of course. I watch Joe joke about with his friends and from my seat on the barstool, I glimpse as gorgeous girls joke and flirt with him. And of course, he laughs right back with them, his hands reaching out to them every so often. I turn away, Joe acted like that with every girl…I don’t know why I thought I was anyone different. I hop off the stool and head to the window that overlooks the wharf-the venue here was beautiful.
“Thought I would sneak you one since you would probably get carded,” Joe sneaks up next to me out of nowhere and hands me a champagne flute. I laugh, painfully aware of my age the age gap already.
“Thank you,” I toss back the drink as someone else joins us.
“Oi, who’s serving illegal drinks here,” Oli’s other friend-Jack Maynard grins at the both of us. I sigh, “What drink?” I clinks his glass with my empty one.
“Let the lady enjoy her drink,” Joe wraps his arm around me, his fingers burning into the exposed skin of my dress. “She acts more your age than you do.”
“Joe, you let us tape you to your closet door the other day,” Jack says seriously and I giggle, having seen the video.
“Oi don’t laugh at him,” Joe whispers loudly enough for us to hear. He pulls me in closer to him and I feel my heart flutter.
“What are we whispering about here?” Conor joins the group and so does Oli. I flash him a look because I wasn’t so sure what to do in the situation where the unrequited love of your life is holding you like a lover.
“Did you want a drink?” Oli asks instead. He grabs my glasses and heads to the bar anyway.
“We’ll keep you liquored if you keep quiet,” Conor laughs.
“You guys are no good for me,” I joke. The space where Joe was is suddenly empty so I turn and see him talking to another Youtuber I recognise.
“You look so handsome tonight Joe,” she compliments.
“Oh no you’re the one stealing the show,” Joe compliments back. She laughs and I turn away, looking to the other boys.
“So when does the good music come on?” I ask.
“Should I get the microphone?” Conor asks and we all laugh but Jack rolls his eyes. Oli comes back with a drink and I sip it. “Oli if you’re in charge of this music please put on something we can all dance to.”
“I’m not,” Oli scratches his head. “But I can see what I can do.”
“So Y/N Oli and you are really good friends but you know, is there anything more? Do you like him or something?” Jack asks as Oli leaves.
“No!” I recoil. That was so weird to think about. “Why are you even asking?”
“Yeah Jack, what’s your interest?” I didn’t realise Joe had rejoined the conversation and my face flames with embarassment.
Jack only gives me a cheeky wink and turns to leave. I look at Conor and he simply shrugs his shoulders, trailing behind his brother. I don’t want to look at Joe but I do and his face is stony.
“What’s up?” I ask.
“Nothing…maybe Jack’s wondering about your availability…” his mouth is a hard line as he watches Jack leave.
I play it off by nudging his shoulder, “Jack’s too pretty for my liking.”
Joe’s face slowly melts into a grin, “So what is to your liking?”
I scramble for an answer as the music turns off and on into upbeat dance music. ���Dance?” I ask Joe.
The lights dim further as Joe joins me on the dance floor. The drinks from earlier loosen me up and I feel myself slightly tipsy as I sing along to some of the songs. The bodies around me dance to the bass and when I look to see if Joe was beside me, he still is but his expression is one I’d never seen before. His baby blues are dark and he watches me with fierce intensity. I sway towards him and grab his hands.
“What’s up?” I mouth. Joe moves closer to me and his cloudy face breaks up into a small smile.
“You’re so beautiful,” Joe whispers in my ear and this time I actually feel the blood rush to my head as I try not to stumble over. I place Joe’s hands on my waist and place my arms on his shoulders.
“I know you always tell me you’re too young for me and I know you think I want to be with someone my age but Y/N,” Joe’s voice pauses near my ear and his hands travel down my sides. I pull away, realising how fast things were moving. I push out from the crowd and my world spins as I rush to the corridor.
“Y/N!” Joe calls from behind. I lean my back against the cold tiles and watch him approach me again. In the fluorescent lighting I can see the sweat on his brow but his eyes still smolder.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to come on to you that hard.”
“It’s not that,” I try to explain.
“So what is it?” He asks, placing a hand on my hips and another on my side. I push him away. That’s what it was-it’s not that I had an issue with my body but having his hands on the parts of me I always poked at in the mornings made me self-conscious. What if he didn’t like what he saw? What if he’s had better?
“Do you not want this?” Joe licks his lips nervously.
“More than anything,” I say before I can stop myself. “But I-Joe I don’t understand why you like me. I almost threw up in your car the first time we met and I’m a full 6 years younger than you. And you’ve got a million other girls who are more mature that would love to be with you.”
“You think I’m looking for a mature older girl?” Joe runs his fingers through his hair aggressively and holds my hands. “I bloody want you Y/N and I’m tired of you second guessing that. Just drop your defences okay? I want you.”
My breath catches and I push myself off the wall. “Wanna head back to my place?” I ask.
Joe leaves a slow kiss along my jawline and then tugs me towards the elevators. The drive home is a flurry of red-light kisses and trying to keep our hands off of each other so we can get there in one piece. When we finally reach the bedroom I blush when Joe’s eyes scan my body and then bite his lip.
“Y/N,” he sighs. “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?”
“I-I dunno,” I stammer. Joe looks at me, puzzled. “I’m not really like those other girls online.” I wrap my arms around myself self-consciously but Joe removes them and replaces them with his.
“Those are edited and filtered and you are real and beautiful and I would never take my hands off of you if given the choice.” He chuckles and buries his head in my neck, showing me his words’ worth.
“Joe I really like you,” I mumble.
Joe responds by cradling my face in his hands and enveloping my mouth with his. I want more so I bite down on his lip and it’s like it breaks the spell as we grab at each other hungrily and fall into bed.
Soon, we’re tangled limbs, stolen kisses, and lingering touches as we discover each other for the first time under the dim evening lighting and my soft white sheets. Maybe I had a chance with Joe Sugg after all.
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Ship 07.
I'd love it if you could ship me! I have long blonde hair and brown eyes, I'm an art student who loves drawing and photography. I'm quite outgoing and always up for a good time with my mates plus a bit of mischief of course. Also when I'm creating art I love having my music playing loudly in my studio. I hope that's enough info, thank you :) xx
》 Buttercream ship requests are close for now
Casual walks
“Stay still, gorgeous.” You asked, Joe rolled his eyes. “Don’t grimace.”
“C’mon, Y/N. This is the fifth time you stop me to take pictures.” He complained. “This should be just a chilled walk around the neighborhood kind of thing.”
“Well,” you took the photo. “it wasn’t me who chose to have a photographer as a girlfriend, was I?”
“No, it wasn’t you.” Joe admitted, putting his hand on your waist as you two started walking again. “You actually chose to have a goofball as boyfriend, so the joke is on you.”
“A really handsome goofball, if I may.” You added, making Joe laugh.
“Good to know that you’re with me only for my appearance.”
“Of course, honey. As soon as you start to look old, I’m done here.” You winked.
“You won’t have anyone to sing lullabies to you.”
“Joe, baby, I’m dating a youtuber. I learned how to record some stuff, you know? I will just use that fancy microphone you have at home and play the audio after we break up.”
“I just shot on my own foot by teaching you the technical stuff, didn’t I?”
“You’re the looks, not the brains, of this little thing we have going on.”
“This little thing?” He questioned giving you a side look.
“Of course. What do you expect this to be?”
“A huge thing, Y/N.”
“I don’t think so, Joseph.” You shrugged.
“Oh, you don’t?” He smirked.
“No, I don’t.”
“Let’s see about that!” He started tickling you.
“Joe! We are in the middle of the street!” You complained.
“I don’t care! You just broke my heart, Y/N!”
“Joe!” You laughed. “I’m loosing my breath!”
He stopped the tickles, fixing his hair with his hands.
“The good thing about us not being together anymore is that now I don’t have to stand you trying to be deaf while doing your work.”
“Oh, shut up, you love my songs.” You gave hands to him and started to go back home.
“Yes, I do.”
“So can we get back together?” You requested.
Joe gave a soft laugh, his blue eyes shinning. “Yes, we can.”
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