#olympia somerset
endlessly-cursed · 11 months
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One, The Younger Years, Chapter Six: One Last Name
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A/N: After a long block, I finally came around and finished this!! This chapter is as hilarious as it is angsty and cute. Enjoy!! 
Summary: Primrose’s mother summons her on a weekend to Winbourne, and when she finds out the reasin why, she cannot just accept it. But she can get rid of it with womanly wits. 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly, Malcolm & Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
OCs mentioned: William Devlin (more mentioned than featured tbh) Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ) (briefly) 
Warnings: Angst, mentions of inbreeding and being part of the nobility
Word Count: 3.0k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @catohphm​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ @magicallymalted​ 
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Easter had fallen upon the castle, and many spoke of how excited they were for seeing their families for two weeks before coming back for their exams. Primrose had been among them when she rose, but the moment her mother sent her the awaited letter, everything changed.
To my dearest daughter,
Easter is almost upon us, and having you back home is a joy that no words in any language could my heart express.
This Easter is special, for these holidays we have an important guest: your dear cousin, George Barton, who just turned ten and five and has been looking forward meeting you. He is the son of my beloved aunt and godmother, and a gentleman whose reputation is beyond reproach.
I have sent you a dress in which I want you to dress in during your journey back home. I expect you to be on your best behaviour, for impressing this man is capital for us. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone your friends coming over for another time. This is family business.
I also advise that we hush about Hogwarts. During his stance here, you are studying in Switzerland and just came back.
Your most loving and affectionate,
Primrose moaned as a complain of having to impress a toot. Henry noticed and looked at her, questioning what had happened. Not hungry anymore, they headed towards the gardens. Malcolm noticed them and waved them.
“Come join us, Prim!” Estelle cried.
They obliged and Primrose barely touched her toast. Estelle raised an eyebrow “You seem preoccupied.”
“Yeah,” Henry followed “what is it?”
“Your secret’s safe with us.” Malcolm assured.
Primrose sighed and handed them the letter. Malcolm read it aloud and Henry squeezed her hand. “That sounds suspicious. Why so keen on impressing a cousin?”
“Estelle,” Malcolm warned his sister.
“I’m with Estelle,” Henry concluded “your mother’s matchmaking campaign isn’t over.”
Primrose’s eyes widened and felt a lump on her throat “But… he is my cousin!” She cried, horrified by the idea.
“You wouldn’t be the first one to marry her cousin.”
“I’m afraid that’s true. For what I’ve seen in History of Magic, it is a common practise still.”
“Not only in history, but here. The Gaunts have inbreeding practises still. And they’re not the only ones.” Estelle added.
Primrose cringed at the idea and fanned herself, trying not to throw up out of disgust. Estelle and Henry quickly fanned her as well as Malcolm waved his wand and his cup of water was now cold enough. Primrose gulped it all rather unladylike and sighed “Thank you, Mal.”
“No problem. Cold water is good for cooling off disgust. You were starting to turn green.”
Henry and Estelle giggled and Primrose covered her face in her hands, moaning again in despair “Maybe I can say that I am bedridden because of Flying class?”
They all laughed as Primrose whined, knowing that this dinner had no escape.
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Saturday had come, and Vincent Gray was on his way to pick up his daughter. If he wasn’t thrilled at all, he didn’t show it. Instead, he kissed his daughter’s forehead and smiled at her “Look on the positive side: if you get bored, you can fake food poisoning and retreat earlier.”
Primrose looked at her father curiously “And how does one do it?”
Vincent smirked “Get into the carriage and I’ll happily teach you.”
William was there to bid her goodbye, and he had to kiss her hand “I hope you have a pleasant holiday and that we can see each other soon,” he said, as it had been requested by the viscounts and rehearsed.
Primrose, with an equally rehearsed smile, inclined her head towards him in thank you and turned to get into the carriage with his help.
“Take care of yourself, William, and remember my advice.”
He only nodded before drifting off to his dorm. He’d be picked by the viscountess later.
As the carriage passed the magical barriers, Primrose, with her blue navy riding habit, looked at her father “I believe that you were about to tell me how I could fake food poisoning. I hope it does not require actual poison.”
Vincent smiled knowingly “Leave that to your dear father.”
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As they arrived, Primrose had been asleep after a thorough class on food poisoning and was clueless of the receiving she was about to get. Vincent had an eagle’s eyes and soon woke up his daughter and applied the water spell to wash off the sleep off her face and straightened out her dress.
The door opened and all of her servants curtsied to her in line as her mother, the Dowager Duchess Olympia and a tall, blonde boy around her age stood there, arrogance in his eyes. Beatrice soon put an apron on the muddy floor as Vincent helped his daughter off the carriage and Beatrice cried out “Lady Primrose Sabrina Gray, Heiress of Winbourne!”
The boy in question didn’t wait for her to come to him and kissed her hand. He was around fifteen or seventeen and had a sneer on his face “My lady. Your generosity knows no bounds, though I expected you to be taller.”
Primrose, having been in her friend Siobhan’s influence, had to bite off a sarcastic comeback and simply smiled as she curtsied “My lord. You honour me with your presence.”
“Indeed.” Vincent said, a sarcastic tone on his face “We are much obliged to host you here.”
“Of course you are.” He smirked.
Primrose was not a violent woman, but a slap for his arrogance would’ve been gratifying. She simply greeted her mother and great-aunt. The old Olympia squeezed her cheek and smiled “What a handsome young girl you are! You shall be the bane of many men’s existences.”
“You honour me, Your Grace.”
“Oh, dearest, call me aunt!”
She nodded as they went to take tea and Primrose went to change her riding habit to a baby blue dress and her hair in semi-collected hairdo and applied eau de cologne with the smell of primroses. She went down the stairs and Beatrice mouthed good luck before she entered the room. There, Olympia smiled “My grandson George is just a jewel of a boy, is he not?”
“Indeed. A man of respectable wealth, looks, lands and reputation.”
“How do you like your tea, dear cousin?”
Primrose almost spilled out her cup of water “Pardon?”
Olympia cried “Hasn’t your mother told you? I was the sister of your late grandfather, and godmother of your mother! Oh, Vicky, you and your secrets…”
Primrose’s heartbeat dropped as she looked at her mother in despair. Her mother smiled “Surprise, dear!”
She stood up to leave and lock herself in a room, but the moment her feet touched the ground, she fainted. She could only hear her mother crying out for a doctor before she gave into the darkness.
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Three hours later, she woke up, and Vincent covered her in kisses, trying to supress tears falling from his eyes. Beatrice started fanning her and Primrose thanked her before throwing a pillow to her father.
“Primrose! To what do I owe this behaviour?!” He cried, equally surprised and hurt by the hatred in his daughter’s eyes.
“Did you know?! That we are cousins?!”
“I’m afraid so, dearest.”
“And you’re alright with it?! Does Viscount Carlisle know that you’re trying to throw him under the train?!” She demanded, in a higher voice than it was proper.
“He does not, and neither did I till I came to fetch you at Hogwarts. Beatrice told me—,”
She turned around violently towards her lady’s maid and cried out “You knew?!”
Beatrice turned red in shame and bit her lip, nodding “Your mother’s maid told me via letter and I…”
“You what?! Kept quiet without telling me?!”
“Get out! All of you!” She screamed, her cheeks burning hot, her heart going fast and breathing hard, trembling with rage. They all obliged and left, and Primrose hid her face in a pillow as she cried and screamed into it. She yelled many times that she would not go to the dinner, and stayed that way during all Friday night.
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On Saturday morning, Primrose had woken up from the third time, and the day was about to begin. Putting on some petticoats and boots, she used the vines from her window to sneak out and ran towards the stables and soon picked her beloved horse, Ledger, and soon set off to the forest, riding for a long time. The wind in her hair, in the early morning, where the birds had woken with her and not even the milkman was to be heard with his cries, Primrose soon stopped her horse when she saw that she had reached the limits of her estate.
Spotting a tree with many fresh apples, she saddled her horse and climbed the tree, picking several apples. She bit into the red one and sighed, trying to get off her image the nightmares of waking up in a wedding dress and, when she went downstairs to fetch her mother, found herself in a church where everyone looked at her as George laughed at her. The third time she had that nightmare and woke up panting and barely breathing, she took off then.
Having eaten something, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the early morning’s breeze and the chirping of the birds, the sound of being the first person to wake up in the morning.
She almost forgot about George and her mother’s attempts to replace poor William with her first cousin. Almost. When a baritone voice woke her from her inner peace “Excuse me, miss?”
She opened her eyes to find a man, about twenty, squinting his eyes as he asked “May I know why are you in my dominion? Are you lost? Where are your parents?”
She started stammering as she got down from the tree, some apples falling off her nightgown. She had never felt to bare and vulnerable. She started to clean off the crust and stepping back from the gentleman “I was—I was just leaving.”
“It’s alright, just tell me your name.”
“G-good day, sir!” She cried before mounting Ledger again and storming off the fields. She rode and rode as fast as she could, praying that she would not be followed. Suddenly, another neigh called her attention and she stopped in short, finding her own father in a full riding habit and with a worried expression. Primrose now felt truly doomed.
“Primrose Sabrina Gray!” He cried “Where on earth have you been! You left in the morning, no note, escaping from the window like a bandit, undressed and without an escort!” He had never raised his voice at her until now. Primrose’s eyes glassed, trying to collect herself “What if a bandit found you? He would’ve kidnapped you! He would’ve killed you, or—or… Godric, just why! What if I didn’t find you?! How could you be so—so reckless and stupid?!”
He finally his daughter’s silent weeping as she dismounted her horse, trembling of pure sadness and guilt, the hem of her nightgown full of detritus from trees and the horse grunting, feeling her owner’s pain. Vincent finally mellowed at such sight and dismounted his loyal horse as he dropped to his knees, hugging his daughter. She was quick to squeeze him in the hug and she muttered “I am sorry, Papa. I—I couldn’t sleep—and I had—I had nightmares and—and then—I rode off and—and and—,”
He covered the crown of her head in kisses “It’s alright, darling girl. You’re here, in my arms and safe, that’s all that matters.” He kissed her again and wiped her tears “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you—,”
“You were not. I deserved it.”
“Hey, hey! Look at me.” He cupped her small face into his hands “Never once think that you deserve to be disrespected or disregarded in any form by a man. Much less me. You’re a lady, and what’s more, you’re a human being, worthy of respect. Never tell me that you deserve to be yelled at or any sort of disrespect again. Alright? Now, come here, I’ll sneak you into the house and give you a bath before your mother realizes you’re not sleeping.”
“Will you ever forgive me?” She asked in a raspy voice.
He kissed her nose “I already had. The moment I saw you safe, I forgave you. And you? Do you forgive the poor sod of your father?
She hugged him tightly, and he allowed himself to be in his little girl’s arms for a while before going back to the estate.
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After such a morning, Primrose dressed in beautiful violet tulle and brushed her hair, glad to have put all that behind. Of all the options she had been given, marrying someday William wasn’t as bad as her own cousin or a stuffy duke who’d be older than her. She was going to reject him in such a kind way, he couldn’t possibly be mad.
As lunch approached, the knock on her door let her know that the battle had begun, and she’d win it at any cost. She had learned from her aunt Alina that in the high society’s game, when you were a woman in power, it was either winning or winning. An example of it was the queen herself. She had won by being visible, quiet, patient and wise. And she would be no less. In these less bloodthirsty times, the cunning and intelligence was of great importance when it came to power, no matter how small it was.
Going down, she bowed to the respective guests and family members and sat down, wanting to look as innocent as ever, though, despite her tender age, she did catch up on some things quickly.
“Tell me, my little peony, do you enjoy poetry?” Dowager Duchess Olympia asked.
“Oh, very much! At my school, dearest Willie reads me some of it.”
George cleared his throat “Who?”
She looked at him with a clueless and innocent semblance “Why, my betrothed! Such a lovely boy, he is!”
Primrose didn’t care whether he was jealous or just pissed off that someone beat him at the game. He could choke on that feeling, whatever it was.
Vincent, catching up on what his daughter was doing, smiled “Oh, yes, little Will! Our little blossom just adores her future husband. William this, William that, he is just the perfect match for me, she says!”
Victoria’s eyes twitched with a fake smile “Ah, yes, a girl’s infatuation. Priceless feeling.”
“What infatuation, Mama? I already love him! You two picked the best man for me, honestly.”
Victoria hissed in her ear “Stop that now!”
She just smiled innocently at her guests. Olympia was uncomfortable, for she considered that a promise was a promise “And how long have you been promised to him?”
“Oh, a few months—,”
“Since she was but eight years old. She adored him already when they met, and he is very much charmed with her!” Vincent smiled proudly.
“That is rather a long time,” George observed. How Primrose wished she could photograph that moment.
“He is the love of my life, I can tell!” She smiled. Best to serve the cake now “How I wish to be Mrs. Devlin and give him dark-haired babies!”
Her father had to drink wine to hide his laughter “It shall pass, my girl.”
George was fuming, having got the hint that were he to propose, she’d say no, and Olympia was convinced that she loved that boy. Beatrice had to go to a servant’s hall to laugh in muffles.
It seemed like the Barton’s visit would be over in a few hours.
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When saying goodbye to their visitors, she whispered to George when he wished her well “We may share one last name and family, but that will never be enough for me to ever become your wife.” She smirked and said in high voice “Thank you for your visit. You shall be missed!”
Some servants snickered and her father bit his lip. Victoria was displeased.
When they left, she said “To my office, Primrose. Now.”
With her head high, she followed her mother and sat with ladylike manner. She turned around “Since when do you have affections for that boy, hm?”
“He is a good boy and he treats me well.”
She scoffed “I am trying to rid you off a loveless engagement and you just hijack it!”
“And trapping me in another will make me happy by marrying my cousin?” She asked.
Victoria massaged her temple “I am buying you time. Engagements can be broken!”
“I am quite satisfied with my own.”
“That,” Victoria cried “is a farce! Everybody whispers how the Carlisle’s have tricked us into his little bastard marrying into the family!”
“Let them whisper. I’d rather be engaged to a good man than my blood cousin who happens to be a git.”
“Primrose,” Victoria warned.
“You talk of love, of how I will love the husband you choose for me. What about me? Can you not trust my decision? Or my criteria, just because I am young? Have you ever thought whether I want to begin my adult life married and carrying numerous children? No! You don’t, and never have. You just want me to follow your path, don’t you?”
Victoria raised her hand, but stopped in short when Primrose ducked in advance. A sepulchral silence haunted the room before Primrose left, not wanting to be in the same room as the woman who had wanted to slap her.
Hours later, she asked her father to take her back to Hogwarts. He agreed upon hearing why. And when she arrived in the dorm, she laid in her bed, trying not to cry before her classmates until it was very late. It’d be one of the few times Primrose ever stayed late.
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gaygryffindorgal · 1 year
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family lines; the alderlies (so far...)
tobias menzies and rebecca ferguson as duke thomas of alderly and princess louise of hesse and by rhine
harrison osterfield and gijs blom as prince henry of alderly and elian goldcrest
teresa palmer and jj feild as duchess cora and duke henry of alderly
patrick gibson, sophie nélisse, and astrid s as edward, grace, and kerina of alderly
alexia giordano and patrick gibson as duchess jocelyn and duke edward of alderly
(time jump across a few generations)
elizabeth mitchell and dominic west as duchess isabella alderly and prince stefanos of greece and denmark
nicholas galitzine and hannah van der westhuysen as prince quentin ‘quincey’ and princess olympia of alderly
 nicholas galitzine and nathan bouts as quincey alderly and dawn harvelle
elian and dawn belong to @potionboy3​
cora, grace, and kerina belong to @camillejeaneshphm​​
jocelyn belongs to @endlessly-cursed​
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thedineandwine · 2 years
Foodie Adventures Beckon in Makati!
The Old Swiss Inn Restaurant at Somerset Olympia Makati is a great place to kick-start your day with a complimentary breakfast; the themed décor really adds to the charm, while there are plenty more culinary discoveries to be found within easy reach of this serviced residence in Makati as well.
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mitjalovse · 2 years
One of the things I didn't get a chance to mention in my discussions about the musicians' entrees for the 10's that were in all shapes and sizes as we have seen was the comeback principle. Every decade manages to bring back a couple of players back together, so the 10's couldn't have been any different. Thus, Olympia found Bryan Ferry working with David Gilmour again on the former 10's introduction. While they did keep in touch since Boys And Girls, Olympia locates them on the LP that holds a place as the ideal of a Bryan Ferry's records thanks to the disc being a collection of what works with him and putting all that through some steroids. We could actually call the disc Ferry's Supernatural, though this might be my cheekiness.
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potionboy3 · 1 year
a fake video trailer for the hpma christmas prince au written by @gaygryffindorgal
In the video: Dawn Harvelle as Amber  Quincey Alderly as Prince Richard @gaygryffindorgal Olympia Alderly as Princess Emily Isabella of Alderly as Queen Helena Evander Alderly as Count Simon Pandora Lovelace as Melissa @gcldensnitch Diana Somerset as Lady Sophia @endlessly-cursed Kerry Crouch as Ambers boss
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.11
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Azores Day
Blow Bubbles For Your Cat Day
Bob Marley Day (Jamaica)
Day of the Military Police of the National Armed Forces (Indonesia)
Feynman Day
Human Rights Day (Vietnam)
International Strange Music Festival
Joan of Arc Day (Orleans, France)
Lokadagur (Iceland)
The Long and Winding Road Day
Mata Tirtha Aunsi (Mother’s Day; Nepal)
Miskolc Day (Hungary)
Mixed Race Irish Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Deer Association Giving Day
National Foam Rolling Day
National Girls Learning Code Day
National Hairy Nosed Wombat Day (Australia)
National Wear Red Pants Dy
National Technology Day (India)
Richard Feynman Day
Sex Difference in Health Awareness Day
Somerset Day (UK)
Tubeless Tire Day
Twilight Zone Day
Victoria Sponge Day
Witching Day (Isle of Man)
World Ego Awareness Day
World Keffiyeh Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Ball Day
Eat What You Want Day
Eat Without Guilt Day
Hostess Cupcake Day
National Mocha Torte Day
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Imvrassia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Minnesota Statehood Day (#32; 1858)
Feast Days
Anthimus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gangulphus of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gengulf; Christian; Saint)
Ice Saints (Europe)
Majolus of Cluny (a.k.a. Maieul; Christian; Saint)
Mamertus, the first of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Ma Zu (Goddess of the Sea’s Birthday; Buddhism, Taoism)
Nimnim (Muppetism)
Nisga'a Day (Nisga'a Nation/British Columbia)
Paulus Aemilius (Positivist; Saint)
Radunitsa (Ancestors’ Veneration Day; Belarus, Russian Christians, Thomas Sunday Slavs)
Salvador Dali Day (Artology; Church of the SubGenius; Pastafarian; Saint)
Syn’s Blot (Pagan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Prime Number Day: 131 [32 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ahab the Arab, by Ray Stevens (Novelty Song; 1962)
Cats (UK Musical Play; 1981)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2013)
Dark Shadows (Film; 2012)
Firestarter (Film; 1984)
Fox-Terror (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Higher Ground, recorded by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1973)
A Knight’s Tale (Film; 2001)
MacArthur Park, by Richard Harris (Song; 1968)
The Natural (Film; 1984)
Penny Dreadful (TV Series; 2014)
Road Trip (Film; 2000)
Sniffles Takes a Trip (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Tales of Brave Ulysses, recorded by Cream (Song; 1967)
Turn Coat, by Jim Butcher (Novel; 2009)
Water Babies (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Woodstock (Soundtrack Album; 1970)
Woolen Under Where (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Gangolf, Joachim, Mamertus (Austria)
Kiril, Kirila, Metodi (Bulgaria)
Franjo, Mamerto (Croatia)
Svatava (Czech Republic)
Mamertus (Denmark)
Leevo, Liivar, Liivo (Estonia)
Osmo (Finland)
Estelle, Mayeul (France)
Joachim, Mamertus (Germany)
Argyris, Armodios, Dioskouridis, Methodios, Olympia (Greece)
Ferenc (Hungary)
Achille, Fabio, Fiorenzo, Marziale, Stella (Italy)
Karmena, Manfreds, Milda (Latvia)
Mamertas, Miglė, Pilypas, Skirgaudas (Lithuania)
Magda, Malvin (Norway)
Adalbert, Benedykt, Filip, Franciszek, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lew, Lutogniew, Mamert, Mira, Żegota (Poland)
Chiril, Metodie, Mochie (România)
Blažena (Slovakia)
Fabio, Francisco (Spain)
Märit, Märta (Sweden)
Asa, Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irving, Irwing, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marvin, Merle, Merlin, Mervin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 131 of 2024; 234 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 22 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 20 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 10 Bīja; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 April 2023
Moon: 59%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Caesar (5th Month) [Paulus Aemilius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 53 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 22 of 30)
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corebionics · 6 months
Golf enthusiasts around the world are constantly seeking out the best and most prestigious golf courses to test their skills and immerse themselves in the sport's rich history. The United States boasts a remarkable array of world-class golf courses, each with its unique design, challenging layout, and breathtaking scenery. In this article, we present a comprehensive list of the top 100 golf courses in the United States, capturing the essence of the country's golfing landscape and offering a bucket list of must-play courses for avid golfers. Please note that the order of the courses in this list is subjective and may vary depending on personal preferences and opinions. Augusta National Golf Club - Augusta, Georgia Pebble Beach Golf Links - Pebble Beach, California Cypress Point Club - Pebble Beach, California Pine Valley Golf Club - Pine Valley, New Jersey Shinnecock Hills Golf Club - Southampton, New York Oakmont Country Club - Oakmont, Pennsylvania Merion Golf Club (East Course) - Ardmore, Pennsylvania Winged Foot Golf Club (West Course) - Mamaroneck, New York National Golf Links of America - Southampton, New York Seminole Golf Club - Juno Beach, Florida Bethpage Black - Farmingdale, New York Whistling Straits (Straits Course) - Sheboygan, Wisconsin Muirfield Village Golf Club - Dublin, Ohio Oak Hill Country Club (East Course) - Rochester, New York Kiawah Island Golf Resort (Ocean Course) - Kiawah Island, South Carolina Baltusrol Golf Club (Lower Course) - Springfield, New Jersey Pinehurst Resort & Country Club (No. 2) - Pinehurst, North Carolina Riviera Country Club - Pacific Palisades, California Winged Foot Golf Club (East Course) - Mamaroneck, New York San Francisco Golf Club - San Francisco, California The Olympic Club (Lake Course) - San Francisco, California Chicago Golf Club - Wheaton, Illinois Oak Hill Country Club (West Course) - Rochester, New York Fishers Island Club - Fishers Island, New York The Country Club - Brookline, Massachusetts Medinah Country Club (No. 3) - Medinah, Illinois Bandon Dunes Golf Resort (Pacific Dunes) - Bandon, Oregon Los Angeles Country Club (North Course) - Los Angeles, California Oak Tree National Golf Club - Edmond, Oklahoma Southern Hills Country Club - Tulsa, Oklahoma Quaker Ridge Golf Club - Scarsdale, New York Kiawah Island Golf Resort (Cassique) - Kiawah Island, South Carolina The Ocean Course at Hokuala - Lihue, Hawaii The Ocean Course at Kiawah Island - Kiawah Island, South Carolina Crystal Downs Country Club - Frankfort, Michigan The Club at Pelican Hill (Ocean North) - Newport Coast, California Trump National Golf Club (Los Angeles) - Rancho Palos Verdes, California Friar's Head Golf Club - Baiting Hollow, New York Erin Hills Golf Course - Erin, Wisconsin Whistling Straits (Irish Course) - Sheboygan, Wisconsin Somerset Hills Country Club - Bernardsville, New Jersey Oakland Hills Country Club (South Course) - Bloomfield Hills, Michigan The Greenbrier (Old White TPC) - White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia Kiawah Island Golf Resort (Osprey Point) - Kiawah Island, South Carolina Prairie Dunes Country Club - Hutchinson, Kansas The Golf Club - New Albany, Ohio The Club at Nine Bridges - Jeju Island, South Korea Monterey Peninsula Country Club (Shore Course) - Pebble Beach, California The Boulders (South Course) - Carefree, Arizona Sand Hills Golf Club - Mullen, Nebraska The Estancia Club - Scottsdale, Arizona Wade Hampton Golf Club - Cashiers, North Carolina The Quarry at La Quinta - La Quinta, California Olympia Fields Country Club (North Course) - Olympia Fields, Illinois The Sanctuary Golf Club - Sanibel Island, Florida Camargo Club - Indian Hill, Ohio The Club at Shoal Creek - Shoal Creek, Alabama The Honors Course - Ooltewah, Tennessee Sebonack Golf Club - Southampton, New York The Preserve Golf Club - Carmel, California The Country Club of Virginia (James River Course) - Richmond, Virginia
Victoria National Golf Club - Newburgh, Indiana The Bridges at Rancho Santa Fe - Rancho Santa Fe, California Mayacama Golf Club - Santa Rosa, California The Golf Club at Black Rock - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Calusa Pines Golf Club - Naples, Florida The Sagamore Club - Noblesville, Indiana Peachtree Golf Club - Atlanta, Georgia Wade Hampton Golf Club - Cashiers, North Carolina The Cliffs at Keowee Falls - Salem, South Carolina Hazeltine National Golf Club - Chaska, Minnesota Victoria Golf Club - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Whispering Pines Golf Club - Trinity, Texas Butler National Golf Club - Oak Brook, Illinois Castle Pines Golf Club - Castle Rock, Colorado The Valley Club - Hailey, Idaho Aronimink Golf Club - Newtown Square, Pennsylvania Whisper Rock Golf Club (Lower Course) - Scottsdale, Arizona Carlton Woods (Fazio Course) - The Woodlands, Texas Bel-Air Country Club - Los Angeles, California The Alotian Club - Roland, Arkansas The Reserve Vineyards & Golf Club (North Course) - Aloha, Oregon Crooked Stick Golf Club - Carmel, Indiana The Dunes Golf & Beach Club - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Pine Tree Golf Club - Boynton Beach, Florida Kinloch Golf Club - Manakin-Sabot, Virginia Congressional Country Club (Blue Course) - Bethesda, Maryland The Golf Club of Tennessee - Kingston Springs, Tennessee Rock Creek Cattle Company - Deer Lodge, Montana Old Macdonald at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort - Bandon, Oregon Trump International Golf Club - West Palm Beach, Florida The Cliffs at Mountain Park - Travelers Rest, South Carolina Essex County Club - Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts The Bridge - Bridgehampton, New York Valhalla Golf Club - Louisville, Kentucky The Federal Club - Glen Allen, Virginia Sedgefield Country Club (Ross Course) - Greensboro, North Carolina Meadowbrook Country Club - Northville, Michigan The Resort at Pelican Hill (South Course) - Newport Coast, California Muirfield Village Golf Club - Dublin, Ohio Conclusion: The United States is home to an impressive collection of golf courses that capture the essence of the sport's rich heritage and provide players with unforgettable experiences. From iconic venues to hidden gems, this list of the top 100 golf courses in the United States offers a comprehensive guide for golf enthusiasts seeking to embark on an unforgettable golfing journey. Whether you're looking to challenge yourself on renowned championship layouts or revel in the natural beauty of lesser-known gems, these courses embody the best of American golf and promise to leave a lasting impression on players of all skill levels.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 5.11
Aso ote Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Azores Day
Blow Bubbles For Your Cat Day
Bob Marley Day (Jamaica)
Day of the Military Police of the National Armed Forces (Indonesia)
Feynman Day
Human Rights Day (Vietnam)
International Strange Music Festival
Joan of Arc Day (Orleans, France)
Lokadagur (Iceland)
The Long and Winding Road Day
Mata Tirtha Aunsi (Mother’s Day; Nepal)
Miskolc Day (Hungary)
Mixed Race Irish Day
Moose Hide Campaign Day (Canada)
National Deer Association Giving Day
National Foam Rolling Day
National Girls Learning Code Day
National Hairy Nosed Wombat Day (Australia)
National Wear Red Pants Dy
National Technology Day (India)
Richard Feynman Day
Sex Difference in Health Awareness Day
Somerset Day (UK)
Tubeless Tire Day
Twilight Zone Day
Victoria Sponge Day
Witching Day (Isle of Man)
World Ego Awareness Day
World Keffiyeh Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Ball Day
Eat What You Want Day
Eat Without Guilt Day
Hostess Cupcake Day
National Mocha Torte Day
2nd Thursday in May
Dress in Purple Day (Texas) [2nd Thursday]
Keller Williams RED Day [2nd Thursday]
Lanimer Day (fka Landimere’s Day; Lanarkshire & Aberdeen, UK) [1st Thursday after 6th]
One Day Without Shoes [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Imvrassia (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Minnesota Statehood Day (#32; 1858)
Feast Days
Anthimus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Gangulphus of Burgundy (a.k.a. Gengulf; Christian; Saint)
Ice Saints (Europe)
Majolus of Cluny (a.k.a. Maieul; Christian; Saint)
Mamertus, the first of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Ma Zu (Goddess of the Sea’s Birthday; Buddhism, Taoism)
Nimnim (Muppetism)
Nisga'a Day (Nisga'a Nation/British Columbia)
Paulus Aemilius (Positivist; Saint)
Radunitsa (Ancestors’ Veneration Day; Belarus, Russian Christians, Thomas Sunday Slavs)
Salvador Dali Day (Artology; Church of the SubGenius; Pastafarian; Saint)
Syn’s Blot (Pagan)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lemuria (Day 2 of 3; Ancient Rome) [Unlucky to Marry.]
Prime Number Day: 131 [32 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Ahab the Arab, by Ray Stevens (Novelty Song; 1962)
Cats (UK Musical Play; 1981)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Book; 2013)
Dark Shadows (Film; 2012)
Firestarter (Film; 1984)
Fox-Terror (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
Higher Ground, recorded by Stevie Wonder (Song; 1973)
A Knight’s Tale (Film; 2001)
MacArthur Park, by Richard Harris (Song; 1968)
The Natural (Film; 1984)
Penny Dreadful (TV Series; 2014)
Road Trip (Film; 2000)
Sniffles Takes a Trip (WB MM Cartoon; 1940)
Tales of Brave Ulysses, recorded by Cream (Song; 1967)
Turn Coat, by Jim Butcher (Novel; 2009)
Water Babies (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Woodstock (Soundtrack Album; 1970)
Woolen Under Where (WB MM Cartoon; 1963)
Today’s Name Days
Gangolf, Joachim, Mamertus (Austria)
Kiril, Kirila, Metodi (Bulgaria)
Franjo, Mamerto (Croatia)
Svatava (Czech Republic)
Mamertus (Denmark)
Leevo, Liivar, Liivo (Estonia)
Osmo (Finland)
Estelle, Mayeul (France)
Joachim, Mamertus (Germany)
Argyris, Armodios, Dioskouridis, Methodios, Olympia (Greece)
Ferenc (Hungary)
Achille, Fabio, Fiorenzo, Marziale, Stella (Italy)
Karmena, Manfreds, Milda (Latvia)
Mamertas, Miglė, Pilypas, Skirgaudas (Lithuania)
Magda, Malvin (Norway)
Adalbert, Benedykt, Filip, Franciszek, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lew, Lutogniew, Mamert, Mira, Żegota (Poland)
Chiril, Metodie, Mochie (România)
Blažena (Slovakia)
Fabio, Francisco (Spain)
Märit, Märta (Sweden)
Asa, Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irving, Irwing, Marlo, Marlon, Marlow, Marvin, Merle, Merlin, Mervin (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 131 of 2024; 234 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 19 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Bing-Chen), Day 22 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 20 Iyar 5783
Islamic: 20 Shawwal 1444
J Cal: 10 Bīja; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 28 April 2023
Moon: 59%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Caesar (5th Month) [Paulus Aemilius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 53 of 90)
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 22 of 30)
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annvassadress · 5 years
MAKATI, Philippines, 1 May 2019—The Ascott Limited’s Somerset Olympia Makati celebrated its first Puppy Hour last April 30, 2019.
The participants had a chance to tour around the facilities of the serviced-residence together with their dogs as Somerset Olympia Makati is the first pet-friendly property of The Ascott Limited in the Philippines.
In line with the international celebration of pet month, Somerset Olympia Makati celebrated the value of pet ownership that brought together dog owners, bloggers, and a non-profit organization in raising awareness for a good cause.
Ms. Susan Salcedo, The Ascott Limited Philippines’ City Manager said, “Because there are only a few pet-friendly properties in the hospitality industry in our country, Somerset Olympia Makati offers a home for your pets Moreover, we are not just your mere serviced-residence because our service is perfect for those travelers or families who would not want to leave their pets in the corners of their homes” Salcedo added.
The said event also discussed the current state of the lives of military working dogs (MWD) and contract working dogs (CWD) in the Philippines through the invited guest speakers and founders of Hound Haven Philippines, Maxin Arcebal, CEO and Chelsea Pecson, COO.
The success of Puppy Hour was made possible by its partners namely Fur Magic, Sleeky, St. Roche, Nutram, Bow House, Pet Express, Vitality, and Whole Pet Kitchen.
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mia-soufi2018 · 3 years
A royal family reunion! Princess Diana's godson Prince Philippos of Greece joins his brother, new wife Nina and niece Princess Olympia at Somerset House days after his SECOND wedding celebration
By Stephanie Linning For Mailonline - June 4th 2021, 11:02:56 am
Philippos, a hedge fund analyst, and Nina, posed with glamorous Olympia outside Somerset House in London, where Nikolaos' work is being shown as part of the London Design Biennale.
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lou-hayter · 3 years
Lou Hayter is a London-based musician, DJ and musical director. She has been a recognisable face on the London music scene since the mid-noughties, when she rose to prominence as part of the Mercury-nominated electro-pop band, New Young Pony Club. Since then, she has maintained a presence at the always-evolving intersection between music and fashion, building a reputation as a DJ as comfortable at peak-time in the basement of XOYO as at the launches of some of the world’s most desirable brands (Chanel, Miu Miu, Chloe and Paul Smith all have Hayter on their books). Since departing NYPC at the beginning of the decade, Hayter’s musical endeavours have rarely slowed down. As well as a three year stint as Musical Director for the British Fashion Awards, she has formed band partnerships with JB Dunckel of the seminal French band Air as Tomorrow's World, and Nick Phillips as The New Sins, while continuing her all-vinyl residency at London’s Chiltern Firehouse. Having signed to Skint / BMG records last year in anticipation of her debut solo LP in 2021, Hayter has been dripping singles like honey across the past few years, earning radio play on 6 Music and Radio 1 and 2 alike. A third single, ‘Private Sunshine’, has just emerged mid-winter, following ‘My Baby Just Cares For Me’ and ‘Cherry On Top’, blissful earworms of glorious off-kilter pop music, timeless but forward-thinking at once. "The style world's favourite DJ" - EVENING STANDARD "A multi-talented musician, model and DJ extraordinaire" - DAZED DIGITAL “She may be a reluctant (Jane) Birkin, but in Tomorrow’s World, Lou Hayter burns bright” - WONDERLAND Recent DJ Highlights Chanel No 5 Red London launch, UK Premier of Pedro Alomodovar's "Pain and Glory" at Somerset House, Netflix party for 'Roma' at the 2019 BAFTA awards, Noel Gallagher's 50th birthday party, Damian Hirst "Treasure of the Wreck of the Unbelievable" opening in Venice, Kylie Minogue's 50th at Chiltern Firehouse. Christian Louboutin's Loubi Express at Claridges, London. Client List Fashion - Alexander McQueen, Adidas, Alexa Chung for AG Jeans, Belstaff, Bella Freud, The British Fashion Awards, Chanel, Chloe, Charlotte Olympia, Chopard, Christian Louboutin, Cos, Hussein Chalayan, H&M, Diesel, DKNY, The Elle Style Awards, Erdem, Frame Denim, Halston Ultrasuede premier, Hugo Boss, Issa, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, J Crew, J Lindeberg, Jaeger, Ji Won Chi, Georg Jensen, Kiehl's, H&M, Kurt Geiger, Kenzo, Levi's, LK Bennett, Louis Vuitton, Luxxotica, Mario Testino, Maxmara, Miu Miu, Michael Kors, Mulberry, Net-A-Porter, Nicholas Kirkwood, Paul & Joe, Paul Smith, Ray Ban, Selfridges, Tod's, Topshop, Tory Burch, Whistles, William Vintage, YSL Beauty Art and Lifestyle - Annabel's, Bafta Awards, The BBC, Blonstein Productions, Baileys Chocolat Lux, The Belvedere Hotel, Cannes Film Festival, The Chiltern Firehouse, Damien Hirst, Dazed and Confused, The Design Museum, Dover Street Arts Club, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Fran Cutler Associates, Facebook, Gagosian Gallery, Glastonbury festival, The Guardian Guide, Grey Goose, GHD, Hotel Sanders, Inception film premier, Lancome, Lanza Baucina, Liberty, Lou Lou's, Marina Abramovich, Minotti, Marie Claire, My Beautiful City, The National Gallery, Netflix, The Ned, The Official Olympics Party, Pedro Almodovar, Pernod, Rankin, Start Boutique, The Saatchi Gallery, The Serpentine Summer Ball, Sisley, The V&A, Vinyl Factory, Wallpaper* Magazine, The White Cube, Zaha Hadid Clubs Fabric, Xoyo, Turnmills, Razmattaz, The Nest, Kokos, Dalston Superstore, The End Contact: [email protected]
0 notes
endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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somerset brides pt.two
henriette of wessex, m.frederick of kent, c.988 @that-scouse-wizard
helene greengrass, m.william somerset, 1857
olympia somerset, m.edward barton, 1859
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gaygryffindorgal · 5 months
A Christmas Prince; The Royal Wedding
Chapter 7: Something Old, Something New
Summary: The fate of Alderly hangs in the balance as Dawn, Quincey, Evander, and the others race to uncover the conspiracy behind The New Alderly Initiative.
A/N: Here it is; The final chapter of the second installment! I'm proud to have finished this, though I have to admit that it didn't turn out quite as I would have wanted it. I had to leave a lot of stuff out and I didn't have time to really dig into the potential this AU has. Regardless, I'm very fond of this universe and I'm excited for next Christmas's story already.
Thank you to everyone who's been reading this year! I appreciate your reactions, comments, and tags more than I could ever express.
And as always, a massive thank you goes to my partner in crime Annie (@potionboy3), without whom this story would never have seen the light of day. Thank you❤️
Words: 3.8k
Dawn and Evan Harvelle, Rosa Yaxley, Evander Alderly, Maxim Raeburn, and Jimmy Crouch by @potionboy3
Quincey, Olympia, and Isabella Alderly, Tess Brandon
Rocky Weasley by @magicallymalted
Pandora Lovelace and Nymeria Lee by @gcldensnitch
Jupiter Durand by @cursed-herbalist
Diana Somerset by @endlessly-cursed
Nova Hartley
Nate Mackade by @unfortunate-arrow
John Arthur by @potionboy3
Lainey Bell by @gcldensnitch
Gaia Alden by @cursed-herbalist
Beatrice Somerset by @camillejeaneshphm
Beginning | Previous Chapter
Want to read the first fic in the series, A Christmas Prince? Click here!
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Chapter 7: Something Old, Something New
Dawn and Quincey rode back to the palace with haste. When they got to the room where Dawn had left Tess and Evander, everyone turned to look at them and Dawn felt a chill go down his spine at the expressions on their faces.
“What is it?” Dawn asked.
“We cracked the database,” said Evander. “And I’m afraid you’re not going to like what we found.”
“Tell me,” said Quincey.
Olympia walked up to them. She looked like she might have been crying, or maybe it was just the lack of sleep. She took Quincey’s hand.
“You’re scaring me now,” he told her.
“It’s mother. She’s been siphoning the country’s money for… I don’t know what purpose.”
Quincey blinked. He looked from Olympia to Evander, who nodded. Then he turned his gaze back to his sister.
“That can’t be,” he said. “What reason would she have to steal from herself?”
“Come see for yourself,” said Evander. Quincey walked over and Evander showed him the laptop. Dawn followed him and saw it on the screen, clear as day. Isabella Alderly was the CEO of Glockenspiel Consortium.
“Quince…,” said Dawn. This was not a turn of events he had been anticipating, no matter how much he might have disliked Isabella. He’d been half convinced the real culprit was Miss Pince, but despite all their animosity, Pince did love the crown more than anything, or so it seemed.
 “I must speak with her,” Quincey said.
“We’re coming with you,” said Dawn.
“We should accompany you,” said Evander, almost at the same time. “And you should know, this information wasn’t obtained entirely… legally.”
“So, it won’t hold at court?” asked Quincey.
“I’m afraid not.”
“Then I’ll have to deal with this my way.”
When Dawn and the others located the queen, she was with most of the senior staff, Miss Yaxley, and Dawn’s dad.
“Dawn?” asked Evan. “Thank goodness you’re alright, I was worried.” Evan came to hug him but Dawn said: “Not now, dad, something’s happened.”
“What?” asked Evan.
“I’ll explain everything, I promise.”
“Good, you’re all here,” said Evander. “We might need an audience for this.”
“Is everything alright?” asked Isabella.
“No, no it isn’t,” said Quincey.
“If this is about the wedding,” started Isabella. “A little modernization won’t be a threat to the monarchy, as long as the memory of your dear father is respected.”
“We’ll get to that,” said Dawn. Isabella blinked at him in surprise, as if only now realizing he was even present. “There is a threat to the monarchy, but it’s not modernization.”
“What ever are you talking about?” asked Pince. Dawn didn’t take his eyes off Isabella.
“I’m sorry mother,” said Quincey. “But the jig, as they say, is up.”
“What?” asked Isabella, still feigning innocence.
“The New Alderly initiative has been failing,” started Quincey. “Because you've been siphoning off the money.”
Isabella looked aghast. “That's absurd.”
“People lost their jobs because of you,” said Dawn.
“And you lied to our faces,” added Olympia.
Everyone’s eyes now turned to the queen. Isabella didn’t look shaken, only annoyed. “How dare you imply such thing?” she asked. “My own children, no less.”
“We know, mother,” said Quincey. “All of us. We know.”
“I will not stand for this,” said Isabella. “This is slander.”
“As king, I hereby relieve you of your active role as a member of the royal family. You may keep your titles, a modest allowance, and your house in the county, and we’ll keep this under wraps. The monarchy’s fate is unsteady as it is. But that’s all you’ll get. Ever again,” said Quincey grimly.
“You can’t do this,” said Isabella. “You have no proof.”
“Then why do I hear the dulcet tones of a glockenspiel?” asked Evander. “As in Glockenspiel Consortium.”
Isabella glared at her nephew and Evander looked pleased with himself. Dawn, wanting to bring him down a peg, kicked his shin and said: “It’s not that clever.”
“Mr. Flitwick,” said Quincey. “Why don’t you escort the queen to her rooms, and make sure she stays there.”
“Yes, sir,” said Flitwick.
“Quentin, please, listen to me,” said Isabella and took a step closer to her son. “They’re trying to manipulate you against me. They’re deliberately driving a wedge between us, I–,”
“The only one manipulating me here has been you,” Quincey snapped. “And I may not be able to prove anything, but I know what you’ve done. I know it was you and you’ve been pretending to help me all this time, leading me down wrong paths to keep me off your tracks.”
Isabella just stared at Quincey, speechless, for the first time.
“You know this is actually treason, right?” asked Olympia.
The queen seemed to finally realize that there was nothing she could do. “All I’ve ever done is try to protect this family. This country.”
“By stealing from it?” asked Dawn.
“By making my son realize that bringing in dangerous variables is not good for the family,” she didn’t look at Dawn as she said it, but the implication was clear enough.
“I think I’ve heard enough,” said Quincey. “Take her away.”
Flitwick, along with two other members of the security team, escorted the queen away. Everyone was left in stunned silence and Dawn took Quincey’s hand discreetly.
When they had gone, Quincey took a deep breath, and said: “I’m so sorry. I should have seen this.”
“She did a damn good job keeping you in the dark,” said Evander. “And keeping Dawn and I out.”
Dawn looked at Evander. “Me?”
“You already had plenty of reason to dislike her so she wouldn’t have been able to fool you so easily,” Evander explained.
“And you went to business school,” finished Dawn. “I get it.”
“Still,” said Quincey. “We must try to get the money back. Maybe arrange some sort of Christmas bonuses to everyone who lost their jobs.”
“Can that be done?”
“I’ll put some people on it,” said Quincey.
“Put me on it,” said Evander.
Quincey looked at him for a moment and then said: “Not before you’ve had at least ten hours of sleep.”
Evander looked rather surprised. “Oh, alright, then.”
“And Miss Yaxley,” said Quincey. Rosa perked up, looking anxious at being addressed under the circumstances.
“Yes, Your Majesty?”
“Do you think you’d still have time to make some changes to the wedding plans?” Quincey asked.
“What kind of changes?”
Quincey looked at Dawn, who shrugged. “Well, I’d prefer it if it was just a lot… less.”
“I think I might be able to manage that,” said Rosa. “I assume this also includes your outfit, Mr. Harvelle?”
“Oh yes, yes it does.”
Rosa looked almost relieved. Miss Pince’s face was unreadable, but she remained silent.
“Alright, I’ll see what can be done.”
“Thank you,” said Quincey. “Now everyone should get back to the preparations. We don’t have all that much time.”
As the staff dispersed, Dawn went to his dad. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“What matters is that you’re alright,” said Evan. “Are you alright?”
“I think I will be,” Dawn said.
“Loyal Alderlians, I'm happy to announce that I am able to tear up the script that I was given for tonight's speech, one which glossed over the hardships that I know a lot of you have been facing. I can instead announce, thanks to the Mr. Dawn Harvelle and my cousin, Count Evander, that severe corruption is responsible for our recent hardships. It has been discovered and eliminated. The funds have been recovered, and every one of you will be paid the wages you are owed, along with a Christmas bonus for every hard-working person in Alderly,” Quincey spoke into the mic.
The speech was held in the courtyard, in front of the tree Dawn and Quincey had chosen. It was shown on live television so everyone in Alderly could tune in. A lot hinged on the speech. They’d concluded that Isabella’s corruption could not be revealed to the world. Dawn didn’t exactly agree but he could see why it might be the final spark to ignite the powder keg that was Alderly. Isabella was to attend the Christmas festivities and the wedding as normal and after that she was to depart, either for her country estate or for Monaco, Quincey had said he didn’t much care which, as long as he didn’t have to lay eyes on her. Maybe after Christmas there could be opportunity to examine how this kind of corruption had been allowed to happen in the first place but for now, he prepared himself for what Quincey had to say next.
“On behalf of the entire royal family… Queen Isabella, Princess Olympia, Count Evander, Prince-Consort-to-be Dawn, and the newly minted Count Evan Harvelle, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Let's celebrate with the lighting of the royal Christmas tree!”
“Three, two, one!”
The tree was lit with white and gold, just as Pince had planned but it made Dawn very happy that the tree currently displayed on many screens across the country was the one he had chosen. The cameras shut down and Quincey walked to them from the spotlight.
“How did that go?” he asked.
“Not too bad,” said Evander.
Quincey gave him a look. “Evander,” he started. “I believe I owe you a great deal.”
“No, not at all,” said Evander but then added: “But, now that I've proven my mettle, and there being an open seat on your Advisory Council…”
Quincey laughed and said: “Don't push your luck.”
“Fair enough.”
“But I think I’m ready to bury the hatchet,” said Quincey and extended a hand to Evander. He shook it and nodded. Next to Dawn, Olympia eyed them, warily.
“You did us all a great service,” she said. “And I’m grateful. However, if you try any shit–,”
“Dawn already gave me this speech, dear cousin,” said Evander. “Consider me warned.”
The next morning the guest began to arrive, first among them Jimmy, Maxim, Jupiter, and Nymeria. Dawn, Rocky, and Pandora met them happily outside the palace doors. Dawn, glad to see all his friends, hugged them all in turn.
“Woah, there,” said Jimmy when it was his turn. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Mate, you would not believe the shit that’s been going on here these last few days,” said Rocky.
“I expect you three are going to tell us,” said Maxim.
“You had better,” added Nymeria.
“We better get inside,” said Dawn. “And get some glühwein.”
“Hell yes to that,” said Pandora.
Back inside, in what Dawn had begun to think of in his mind as the living room, but which really was one of multiple sitting rooms, Dawn, Rocky and Pandora explained in detail everything that had happened in Alderly, from the strikes and the missing funds to their investigations to finding out Isabella had been behind it all. To say they were surprised would be an exaggeration.
“Dawn, your life is like some kind of soap opera,” said Jupiter, sipping her glühwein.
“You’re telling me,” said Dawn. “Oh, and did I mention; I didn’t even get a proper bachelor party.”
“We have to remedy this, immediately,” Maxim declared.
“Boy’s night out?” asked Rocky.
“Boy’s night out,” agreed Maxim.
“What are we supposed to do?” asked Nymeria.
“Oh, I think I can help with that…,” said Pandora.
There was a knock on the door, and Quincey stepped in. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” he asked.
“Oh, not at all,” said Jupiter. “Dawn was just planning to ditch us to go party with the lads.”
Quincey laughed. “Well, that’s just rude.”
“Hey, I didn’t get a proper stag night because the country was falling apart.”
“Hmm,” begun Quincey. “Neither did I.”
“You’re welcome to tag along with us,” said Pandora.
“Really?” asked Quincey.
“It would be an honour,” said Pandora with mock-deference. Quincey smiled.
“Alright, since you so cordially invited me. Can I bring a few guests?”
“For sure,” said Nymeria. “Wait, it’s not your mum, is it?”
“Oh no,” said Quincey. “Just Lainey and Olympia.”
“Then it’s settled.”
“Wait,” said Dawn. “There’s something I forgot.”
He dug out his phone from his pocket as everyone’s eyes turned to him. “An important ceremony, of sorts…”
“What?” asked Jimmy.
“I hereby propose King Quentin of Aldelry to be added to the bristol squad group chat,” Dawn started. “Those in favour?”
His friends repeated: hear, hear, and raised their hands. Quincey shook his head, amused.
Dawn added him to the chat. “Oh, I’ve just realized we can’t be the bristol squad anymore…”
“Why’s that?” asked Maxim.
“Well, Quincey and I live in Alderly now…”
“Dawn,” said Pandora. “I love you, but you’re an idiot. Most of us haven’t lived in Bristol in a while, or like, ever.”
Dawn blinked at her. “Well, yeah, but now it’s different.”
“How is it different?” asked Jupiter but Dawn was too busy coming up with an incredible idea.
“I’ve got it!” he announced. “From this day henceforth, we shall be known as alderlies assemble!”
He typed in the new name as his friends laughed.
“Mate,” said Rocky. “I didn’t know we were all marrying Quincey.”
“I think my cabinet may draw the line at polygamy…” Quincey pondered.
“Boo,” said Dawn. “It’s a great name.”
“It is,” said Pandora. “I like it.”
The next few days were a blur. Christmas Eve spent with his family and Quincey’s, all his friends present and actually getting to plan the wedding with Rosa and Quincey. The ceremony obviously still had to have the elegance of a royal wedding, but they toned it down substantially with Quincey’s full support.
“I don’t think a grand ceremony is what the country wants to see right now,” said Quincey while they were planning the seating arrangement.
“Not unless your goal is to get us both guillotined,” said Dawn.
“I think I’d prefer to keep my head, where it is.”
“I prefer it there as well,” said Dawn. They hadn’t really talked about the past week since the cabin and a lot of Dawn’s anger had subsided since then, but he still felt hurt, he couldn’t help it. “But you could do with a little modernization initiative yourself.”
“I know I acted foolishly,” said Quincey. “You’d think I’d have learned my lesson since last year, but I suddenly got so scared. I’m going against hundreds of years of tradition just by being openly myself and mother managed to convince me that I must balance it out by being otherwise as conventional as I can. By following every rule and doing everything by the book.”
“You could have talked to me about it.”
“I felt like a coward.”
“I don’t think you’re a coward,” said Dawn.
“I let you down.”
“Well,” said Dawn. “I guess it is daunting to be the first of anything. Especially being the first openly gay king of your country, marrying his boyfriend.”
“You could say that.”
“But I want us to be there for each other and it doesn’t work if you keep things from me,” Dawn said.
“Nor if you keep things from me,” Quincey countered.
“I don’t want to.”
“I don’t either.”
Dawn sighed. “Good. Communication is the key.”
“Speaking of,” Quincey said. “Tess told me about the necklace. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what it was when Pince told you to take it off. I’d love it if you wore it for the wedding.”
Dawn smiled. “Alright.”
Quincey gave him a small smile in return. “If we work together, we can do this.”
“Alright, best give it a shot, then.”
In the end, Rosa had put together beautiful decorations for the ceremony and reception. Wild Alderlian winter flowers along with fairy lights, candles, and red and green. To Dawn, it felt a little bit like walking through a fairy forest Christmas party. If fairies celebrated Christmas. His outfit had been changed from the traditional costume to a more toned-down suit that was definitely not anything to write home about, but it was sleek and stylish. Quincey was dressed in a similar fashion and the entire ceremony was kept as low key as royal protocol allowed. Not that it wasn’t beautiful, still. The grand throne room had been converted into a wedding venue, complete with an aisle decorated with flowers. After the actual ceremony, the guests gathered into the slightly smaller but no less impressive ball room for food, drinks, and dancing. All things considered, it was a small wedding, though the thought did make Dawn chuckle. A year ago, this would have been one of the biggest weddings he could imagine.
After cutting cake and the first dance, Dawn searched for his friends. He spotted Nymeria and Maxim on the dance floor, as well as Olympia who was dancing with Gaia Alden. Dawn grinned to himself like some sort of crazy person. He didn’t spot Jimmy or Jupiter but finally he saw Rocky by the drinks, talking to a familiar face.
“So, you’re also from Bristol?” asked Rosa.
“I live there, yeah,” Rocky said and leaned against the table in a cool and aloof manner.
“Hi guys,” said Dawn, interrupting. Both turned to look at him.
“Congratulations, your highness,” said Rosa with something that could have been a genuine smile.
“Thank you,” said Dawn. “Really. Thank you, for all this. I don’t know how you pulled it off but it’s all so beautiful.”
“It was definitely a challenge,” said Rosa and took a sip of her champagne.
“It’s impressive,” said Rocky and Rosa might have blushed or maybe she’d just had more glasses of champagne, that was anybody’s guess. Dawn took a glass himself. “He’s right. I can’t say I ever much thought about what my wedding would look like, but this is probably better than anything I would’ve come up with.”
“Thanks,” said Rosa. Dawn nodded to them as he spotted Quincey coming his way. He excused himself and walked up to him.
“Husband,” said Dawn.
Quincey laughed. “Husband,” he echoed.
“Is everything to your liking?” Dawn asked.
“Yes,” said Quincey. “It’s perfect.”
“Well, not perfect,” said Evander who had suddenly materialized from the crowd. “But it’s not all too bad.”
“Hello, Evander,” said Quincey.
“I thought you should know,” Evander continued. “Your mother’s trying to weasel her way into the good graces of some foreign dignitaries. I made Flitwick keep an eye on her.”
“Good call,” said Quincey.
“Quincey, Dawn!” came a voice from behind Dawn, and as Dawn turned, Diana Somerset, Quincey’s distant cousin slash Isabella’s dream daughter-in-law walked to them.
“Hey!” exclaimed Quincey and hugged her. “I’m glad you could make it.”
“It was a beautiful ceremony,” she said and only then seemed to acknowledge the existence of Evander. “Hello,” she said, rather coldly.
“Diana,” said Evander. “It’s good to see you.”
Dawn eyed them both and Quincey seemed ready to start putting out fires.
Evander cleared his throat and said: “Actually, I wanted to talk to you.”
“You did?”
He nodded. “I wanted to apologize. For last year. I should never have done what I did, and I shouldn’t have tried to rope you into it.”
Diana looked at him a little warily. She looked to Quincey, probably to see his reaction, and then back to Evander. “It was pretty slimy,” she said. “But I hear you helped the country a great deal in recent days.”
“Well, I might have contributed,” said Evander. “A little.”
“Truce?” suggested Diana and offered her hand. Evander shook it and said: “Truce.”
Dawn and Quincey talked to many guests throughout the evening. Dawn’s old friend from school, John Arthur, had brought his new boyfriend as a date, which surprised Dawn almost more than anything else that had happened that day. Quincey was glad to meet more of Dawn's friends, and Dawn got to meet some of Quincey's. Aside from Lainey, they also chatted a while with Nate Mackade, Quincey's old dormmate from boarding school. He was attending with his girlfriend Nova. Dawn danced with Pandora, Tess and his dad, while Quincey danced with Olympia and Diana, as well as Diana’s twin sister Beatrice. Eventually Dawn's feet hurt so much he had to go find a seat. Tess sat next to him.
“Hi, your highness,” she said with a little laugh.
“Oh, come on.”
“What?” she asked innocently.
“I think they ought to make you a countess, or something, for all the work you’ve done for this country,” said Dawn.
“I didn’t even do anything.”
“You made a lot of coffee,” said Dawn. “For Evander.”
“He isn’t all that bad,” Tess said, and she was about to continue her explanation as to why on Earth she would think that, when she was interrupted.
“Who isn’t that bad?” asked Evander.
“Oh,” said Tess. “Hi, you.”
Dawn studied Evander’s expression which betrayed nothing.
“What is it? Did the queen turn into a lizard monster and is now eating the guests?” asked Dawn.
Evander rolled his eyes at him and then looked back to Tess, pretending like Dawn wasn't even there.
“Would you like to dance?” he asked her.
To Dawn’s surprise, a bright smile appeared on Tess’s face.
“Yeah,” she said. “I could dance.”
Dawn watched in some sort of shock, as Evander offered his hand and Tess took it, and he was still looking at them as they made their way to the dance floor.
“What the fuck…” he muttered to himself.
Half an hour later Dawn found Quincey in the courtyard. From his smile, he deduced he’d been expecting Dawn to show up.
“Hi,” Quincey said as Dawn walked closer.
“Hey,” replied Dawn.
“Are you having fun?”
Dawn nodded. “Although, I should tell you that Evander asked Tess to dance.”
“He did?”
“Yes, and she seemed happy about it.”
“Well, I’ll be…”
“He better not be plotting or scheming,” Dawn grumbled.
Quincey laughed, merrily.
“This is not a laughing matter, Quentin.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry…” said Quincey and raised both his hands in the air. “I’ll be sure to not grant my permission as a monarch for him to wed if it comes to that.”
Dawn stared at him. “It won’t come to that.”
He could not handle Evander as an uncle. That would be too much for anyone to handle.
“Did you see your friends?” asked Quincey, changing the subject.
“Yes, they all seem to be having fun.”
“Glad to hear it,” said Quincey.
Dawn looked at Quincey for a moment. Everything had happened so fast that he struggled to wrap his mind around the fact that they’d actually made it here, to this day. Overcome by some kind of sappy romance novel spirit, he grabbed Quincey’s face in both his hands and kissed him. Quincey smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Dawn.
When they pulled apart, he said: “Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever. I don't think we'll ever be able to top this one.”
Dawn laughed.
“Well, you never know,” he said. “Maybe next year the country won’t be in a crisis.”
“Well yes,” said Quincey. “Next year might be better.”
“I'm willing to try if you are,” said Dawn.
“Yes,” said Quincey and kissed him again.
He was fairly certain that whatever next year had in store, it couldn't possibly hold a candle to the last two. He certainly hoped it would be peaceful and uneventful.
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tag list: @lifeofkaze, @gcldensnitch, @endlessly-cursed, @cursed-herbalist, @magicallymalted
(ask if you want to be included or removed)
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hqolympia · 4 years
chicago’s very own 𝐎𝐋𝐘𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐕𝐄 has been spotted on madison avenue driving a chevrolet corvette z06 , welcome ! your resemblance to 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒑𝒂𝒍𝒗𝒊𝒏 is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 , but being 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒆 might help you . i think being a 𝒈𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊 explains that .  3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 ,  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐳𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 & 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 . 
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hi ,  peachy !  my  name’s  char  &  that  smile  of  yours  is  making  my  heart  melt !  🥺 allow  me  to  introduce  u  to  my  fren  over  here !
full name :  olympia  giselle  hargrove
nickname :  oly ,  pia  (tho, the latter one is reserved for her grandmother)
date of birth :  may  22nd , 1997  (23) 
birth place :  chicago , il
sexual orientation : pansexual
occupation :  competitive diver
labels :  the  crimson  /  the  icarian
one :  picture a little girl with bright blue eyes, pigtails bouncing with every step she takes as a grin makes its way upon her face . she seems happy ---- and in the moment she truly is, despite the fact that the people she needs the most, her parents, are a few thousand miles away and aren’t here to see olympia say her first words or take her first step. she is too young to understand --- honestly, too young to even think about the reasons why they left her.
two :  she is a little bit older now, a full-on eleven years old --- taller, thinner and, most importantly, rowdier. she has quite a few friends, although they all seem to be having picnics with their barbie dolls and sleepovers dedicated to watching princess movies whereas olympia wants to run around and jump all over the place. the girls just don’t seem to match her energy, the boys aren’t exactly welcoming towards her, having this stupid, “ew, but you’re a girl!” mindset. she just wants to find something for herself, something that will keep her interested for longer than three hours ---- that something turned out to be diving.
three :  it’s a few years later, and now she’s standing at the 10m platform. it’s her last dive, and she needs to get it exactly right to win the gold medal. olympia would honestly be lying if she said her legs weren’t shaking because of how nervous she was --- but there’s a camera right in front of her face, therefore she has to keep it together. she turns around, takes one last breath, and then she’s up in the air. fifteen seconds later she’s fully submerged into water ----- and fifteen minutes later she has tears coming out of her eyes. she did it. she’s the world champion now.
four : it’s exactly a year later, and a lot has changed. olympia finds herself in the sunny city of rio de janeiro where she’s come to compete in her first olympic games --- which is exactly what she’s always been meant to do, judging by the name her parents gave her. except this time she’s nervous for an entirely different reason --- she’s now a successful athlete, this season’s leader and the one to watch out for. she’s the reigning world champion, for god’s sake, so she has to prove every single person out there she didn’t win on an accident. a lot of things seem to be going wrong; from oly flubbing her first dive to her coach coming up to her before her final one to say that her parents have showed up at the arena. eventually she finds herself in the same exact position as she did back in Russia ---- her palms are sweating, her legs are shaking, but there’s no turning back. the only way is down, so she has to dive one way or another. a jump, two somersaults, a twist ----- she’s back in the pool, and as she immediately drowns in the roar coming from the audience, tears start coming out of her eyes. she did it again. she’s lived up to her name.
five :  ever since she got back home, her life has completely changed. interview after interview, a campaign after a photoshoot, an event after the other ---- all of that mixed in with her training routine has it ups and downs. her schedule keeps her busy yet there’s something missing. she’s looking everywhere in the hopes of finding that missing piece, and at some point she feels like she’s found it in the face of a stranger who ends up in her bed that night. it brings her a sense of serenity, that lasts a few weeks ---- but olympia knows it’s all too good to be true, and it’s proven to be that way as she stumbles upon a certain page on a random night. it doesn’t seem real at first, but when she spots a tattoo on the girl’s ribcage, a realization hits her ---- she’s plastered all over porn sites, and that particular video featuring her has generated a few million views in a span of two months. she doesn’t remember the night at first due to her drunken state, but she recognizes her bedroom, particularly a personalized louis vuitton gym bag sitting in the corner. details like that help her piece the night together, and from that point on there’s nothing but fear of it all coming out and ruining her career.
basically ! this intro is all over the place so here are some bullet points to get u up to speed !
oly was born in chicago but grew up and spent most of her time in toronto with her grandmother, since her parents were setting up their business overseas. they were coming by to visit her maybe once or twice a year, so she isn’t as close with them.
she is a competitive diver (a quite decorated one bc .... why wouldn’t she be 🥺🥺🥺)  representing canada bc of her upbringing despite the fact that she now lives in new york (she moved here in 2017, after the rio olympics)
astrology wise, she is a gemini sun cancer rising .... so sorry to all of u for this
her placements mean that she is quite creative, capricious and may appear manic sometimes --- but really she is just downright STUPID bc she is always trying to get her ass into trouble. like, you can’t even imagine how many times her coach had to drag her out of the mess she got herself into ... 
she is very much about having sympathy for others and helping them and whatnot, but unbeknownst to her, these tendencies can be explained by the “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” mindset. she has to keep her act straight, so getting onto someone’s bad side isn’t in the cards for her --- god knows what kind of shit she may end up in now that she’s a part of ... this world of glamour and fame, u kno?
olympia also really loves to talk, preach, argue --- just do whatever to be heard
in her free time (the time when she doesn’t feel like wreaking havoc tbh) she usually cooks deserts (vegan banana pudding? blackberry sorbet? key lime cheesecake? u want it, u got it!), reads books (painted veil by somerset is her ultimate FAV) and ... drives around town whilst listening to some cheesy music 🥺 
other than that her usual routine consists of training, clubbing and messing shit up due to the chaotic stupid personality !
i promise this intro won’t be that long ... after this ! 🤠🤠🤠these are just the few ideas i can get off the top of my head so ... there’s always room for brainstorming ! :-)
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐃 / close friends --- everybody needs some sort of a support system in their life, and oly is no exception to this rule. she’s never really had a big family, therefore she’s always surrounded herself with people in the hopes of filling the empty space in her heart. and honestly, if it wasn’t for these people, she would’ve quit diving right after winning the olympics, moved to the suburbs of toronto and just lived a quiet life --- but the pride for her friends just gives her enough motivation to move further and become better.
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 / best friend --- we all have that someone who’s impossibly close to us; who we cannot imagine our lives without. the bond is so crucial to them both parties that it feels as if there’s never been a moment without each other. the general public and tabloids, though, feel as if there’s more going on and will not stop nagging them about the details.
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 / friends drifted apart / exes --- as weird as it is, oly is very much a yolo person. in addition to that, she has a ton of love and devotion for every single person she’s ever had in her life no matter what happened between them or what caused them to drift apart. though, her ever-changing nature is known to drive people away which, tbh, happens to be a blessing and a curse -- it helps oly sort of “filter” through her circle of friends, but then again, if someone enters her life, they leave and undeniable impact on it. therefore, she misses whoever left her life more than they could ever imagine.
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 / rival (?) --- olympia isn’t perfect in any way, shape or form. she knows that, but most importantly, the public knows that and will not stop critiquing every little thing that she does. this person, though, is the exact opposite - the public LOVES them to the point where even olympia’s parents would probably say things like “ugh, i wish you could be more like that!”. this makes the relationship between the two quite ... strained. because as much as olympia may love them as a person, there’s always this lingering sense of jealousy that just enables her petty side.
𝐢𝐯. 𝐎𝐎𝐂
ok so ! if you’ve reached this part of my intro ... i cannot thank u enough bc this ?? this is long as HECK but i wanted to actually try and describe the kind of muse i envision in my head. i love u all a latte & if u feel like plotting w/ my dumb kid, leave a like on this post or feel free to mssg me on discord under futurenostalgias#1692 🤠sidenote tho: i’ll probably get to the mssgs in a few hours seeing as i have a few assignments to complete and i’m sorta braindead ... love u , cannot wait to write w/ u ! xoxo ur friendly neighborhood trash char  
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finer-things-blogs · 3 years
The Ideal Holiday Home
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A striking landmark on Makati Avenue, Somerset Olympia Makati makes a convenient base in the city; these serviced residences in Makati offer easy access to office buildings, shopping, dining and sightseeing hotspots and more.
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somersetwaxstore · 3 years
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Olympia & La vie est belle 😍 A couple of best sellers for sure. 💖 Olympia.... sensual modern Oriental fragrance opening with sparkling green mandarin, sweet orange, lush pear and aquatic notes leading to a complex heart of water jasmine, mimosa, hot ginger lily and water lily resting on an intense base of salted vanilla, sandalwood, amber, dry fruits and velvet woods. La vie est belle... Our luxurious La Vie Est Belle Fragrance Oil is very popular and this much loved fragrance is very similar to the well known lady’s perfume. Our perfumers have recreated this classic scent, packing it full of a rich blend of scents of Concrete of Iris Pallida, Jasmine Sambac, Orange Blossom and Patchouli Essence. They all combine and complement each other to recreate that much loved La Vie Est Belle Fragrance. It just makes scents are in no way affiliated with the designer fragrance company. 👏 www.somersetwax.store 👍 #waxmelts #candles #tubs #waxmeltsofinstagram #giftideas #snapbars #smallbusiness #soywax #wax #fragrance #scents #oils #mrshinch #instagram #giftbox #sale #etsysale #somerset https://www.instagram.com/p/CON-cFOL5G9/?igshid=7m173my1fu2x
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