#vincent somerset
gaygryffindorgal · 10 months
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fankids appreciation, day six; football team
okay i lied, i did have time to make this! feast your eyes on little primlings❤
vincent somerset, alexandra somerset, lenore somerset, jocelyn somerset, morwenna somerset, and gia somerset
custody with @endlessly-cursed
event by @endlessly-cursed
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endlessly-cursed · 11 months
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One, The Younger Years, Chapter Six: One Last Name
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A/N: After a long block, I finally came around and finished this!! This chapter is as hilarious as it is angsty and cute. Enjoy!! 
Summary: Primrose’s mother summons her on a weekend to Winbourne, and when she finds out the reasin why, she cannot just accept it. But she can get rid of it with womanly wits. 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly, Malcolm & Estelle Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
OCs mentioned: William Devlin (more mentioned than featured tbh) Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ) (briefly) 
Warnings: Angst, mentions of inbreeding and being part of the nobility
Word Count: 3.0k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @catohphm​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ @magicallymalted​ 
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Easter had fallen upon the castle, and many spoke of how excited they were for seeing their families for two weeks before coming back for their exams. Primrose had been among them when she rose, but the moment her mother sent her the awaited letter, everything changed.
To my dearest daughter,
Easter is almost upon us, and having you back home is a joy that no words in any language could my heart express.
This Easter is special, for these holidays we have an important guest: your dear cousin, George Barton, who just turned ten and five and has been looking forward meeting you. He is the son of my beloved aunt and godmother, and a gentleman whose reputation is beyond reproach.
I have sent you a dress in which I want you to dress in during your journey back home. I expect you to be on your best behaviour, for impressing this man is capital for us. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone your friends coming over for another time. This is family business.
I also advise that we hush about Hogwarts. During his stance here, you are studying in Switzerland and just came back.
Your most loving and affectionate,
Primrose moaned as a complain of having to impress a toot. Henry noticed and looked at her, questioning what had happened. Not hungry anymore, they headed towards the gardens. Malcolm noticed them and waved them.
“Come join us, Prim!” Estelle cried.
They obliged and Primrose barely touched her toast. Estelle raised an eyebrow “You seem preoccupied.”
“Yeah,” Henry followed “what is it?”
“Your secret’s safe with us.” Malcolm assured.
Primrose sighed and handed them the letter. Malcolm read it aloud and Henry squeezed her hand. “That sounds suspicious. Why so keen on impressing a cousin?”
“Estelle,” Malcolm warned his sister.
“I’m with Estelle,” Henry concluded “your mother’s matchmaking campaign isn’t over.”
Primrose’s eyes widened and felt a lump on her throat “But… he is my cousin!” She cried, horrified by the idea.
“You wouldn’t be the first one to marry her cousin.”
“I’m afraid that’s true. For what I’ve seen in History of Magic, it is a common practise still.”
“Not only in history, but here. The Gaunts have inbreeding practises still. And they’re not the only ones.” Estelle added.
Primrose cringed at the idea and fanned herself, trying not to throw up out of disgust. Estelle and Henry quickly fanned her as well as Malcolm waved his wand and his cup of water was now cold enough. Primrose gulped it all rather unladylike and sighed “Thank you, Mal.”
“No problem. Cold water is good for cooling off disgust. You were starting to turn green.”
Henry and Estelle giggled and Primrose covered her face in her hands, moaning again in despair “Maybe I can say that I am bedridden because of Flying class?”
They all laughed as Primrose whined, knowing that this dinner had no escape.
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Saturday had come, and Vincent Gray was on his way to pick up his daughter. If he wasn’t thrilled at all, he didn’t show it. Instead, he kissed his daughter’s forehead and smiled at her “Look on the positive side: if you get bored, you can fake food poisoning and retreat earlier.”
Primrose looked at her father curiously “And how does one do it?”
Vincent smirked “Get into the carriage and I’ll happily teach you.”
William was there to bid her goodbye, and he had to kiss her hand “I hope you have a pleasant holiday and that we can see each other soon,” he said, as it had been requested by the viscounts and rehearsed.
Primrose, with an equally rehearsed smile, inclined her head towards him in thank you and turned to get into the carriage with his help.
“Take care of yourself, William, and remember my advice.”
He only nodded before drifting off to his dorm. He’d be picked by the viscountess later.
As the carriage passed the magical barriers, Primrose, with her blue navy riding habit, looked at her father “I believe that you were about to tell me how I could fake food poisoning. I hope it does not require actual poison.”
Vincent smiled knowingly “Leave that to your dear father.”
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As they arrived, Primrose had been asleep after a thorough class on food poisoning and was clueless of the receiving she was about to get. Vincent had an eagle’s eyes and soon woke up his daughter and applied the water spell to wash off the sleep off her face and straightened out her dress.
The door opened and all of her servants curtsied to her in line as her mother, the Dowager Duchess Olympia and a tall, blonde boy around her age stood there, arrogance in his eyes. Beatrice soon put an apron on the muddy floor as Vincent helped his daughter off the carriage and Beatrice cried out “Lady Primrose Sabrina Gray, Heiress of Winbourne!”
The boy in question didn’t wait for her to come to him and kissed her hand. He was around fifteen or seventeen and had a sneer on his face “My lady. Your generosity knows no bounds, though I expected you to be taller.”
Primrose, having been in her friend Siobhan’s influence, had to bite off a sarcastic comeback and simply smiled as she curtsied “My lord. You honour me with your presence.”
“Indeed.” Vincent said, a sarcastic tone on his face “We are much obliged to host you here.”
“Of course you are.” He smirked.
Primrose was not a violent woman, but a slap for his arrogance would’ve been gratifying. She simply greeted her mother and great-aunt. The old Olympia squeezed her cheek and smiled “What a handsome young girl you are! You shall be the bane of many men’s existences.”
“You honour me, Your Grace.”
“Oh, dearest, call me aunt!”
She nodded as they went to take tea and Primrose went to change her riding habit to a baby blue dress and her hair in semi-collected hairdo and applied eau de cologne with the smell of primroses. She went down the stairs and Beatrice mouthed good luck before she entered the room. There, Olympia smiled “My grandson George is just a jewel of a boy, is he not?”
“Indeed. A man of respectable wealth, looks, lands and reputation.”
“How do you like your tea, dear cousin?”
Primrose almost spilled out her cup of water “Pardon?”
Olympia cried “Hasn’t your mother told you? I was the sister of your late grandfather, and godmother of your mother! Oh, Vicky, you and your secrets…”
Primrose’s heartbeat dropped as she looked at her mother in despair. Her mother smiled “Surprise, dear!”
She stood up to leave and lock herself in a room, but the moment her feet touched the ground, she fainted. She could only hear her mother crying out for a doctor before she gave into the darkness.
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Three hours later, she woke up, and Vincent covered her in kisses, trying to supress tears falling from his eyes. Beatrice started fanning her and Primrose thanked her before throwing a pillow to her father.
“Primrose! To what do I owe this behaviour?!” He cried, equally surprised and hurt by the hatred in his daughter’s eyes.
“Did you know?! That we are cousins?!”
“I’m afraid so, dearest.”
“And you’re alright with it?! Does Viscount Carlisle know that you’re trying to throw him under the train?!” She demanded, in a higher voice than it was proper.
“He does not, and neither did I till I came to fetch you at Hogwarts. Beatrice told me—,”
She turned around violently towards her lady’s maid and cried out “You knew?!”
Beatrice turned red in shame and bit her lip, nodding “Your mother’s maid told me via letter and I…”
“You what?! Kept quiet without telling me?!”
“Get out! All of you!” She screamed, her cheeks burning hot, her heart going fast and breathing hard, trembling with rage. They all obliged and left, and Primrose hid her face in a pillow as she cried and screamed into it. She yelled many times that she would not go to the dinner, and stayed that way during all Friday night.
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On Saturday morning, Primrose had woken up from the third time, and the day was about to begin. Putting on some petticoats and boots, she used the vines from her window to sneak out and ran towards the stables and soon picked her beloved horse, Ledger, and soon set off to the forest, riding for a long time. The wind in her hair, in the early morning, where the birds had woken with her and not even the milkman was to be heard with his cries, Primrose soon stopped her horse when she saw that she had reached the limits of her estate.
Spotting a tree with many fresh apples, she saddled her horse and climbed the tree, picking several apples. She bit into the red one and sighed, trying to get off her image the nightmares of waking up in a wedding dress and, when she went downstairs to fetch her mother, found herself in a church where everyone looked at her as George laughed at her. The third time she had that nightmare and woke up panting and barely breathing, she took off then.
Having eaten something, she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the early morning’s breeze and the chirping of the birds, the sound of being the first person to wake up in the morning.
She almost forgot about George and her mother’s attempts to replace poor William with her first cousin. Almost. When a baritone voice woke her from her inner peace “Excuse me, miss?”
She opened her eyes to find a man, about twenty, squinting his eyes as he asked “May I know why are you in my dominion? Are you lost? Where are your parents?”
She started stammering as she got down from the tree, some apples falling off her nightgown. She had never felt to bare and vulnerable. She started to clean off the crust and stepping back from the gentleman “I was—I was just leaving.”
“It’s alright, just tell me your name.”
“G-good day, sir!��� She cried before mounting Ledger again and storming off the fields. She rode and rode as fast as she could, praying that she would not be followed. Suddenly, another neigh called her attention and she stopped in short, finding her own father in a full riding habit and with a worried expression. Primrose now felt truly doomed.
“Primrose Sabrina Gray!” He cried “Where on earth have you been! You left in the morning, no note, escaping from the window like a bandit, undressed and without an escort!” He had never raised his voice at her until now. Primrose’s eyes glassed, trying to collect herself “What if a bandit found you? He would’ve kidnapped you! He would’ve killed you, or—or… Godric, just why! What if I didn’t find you?! How could you be so—so reckless and stupid?!”
He finally his daughter’s silent weeping as she dismounted her horse, trembling of pure sadness and guilt, the hem of her nightgown full of detritus from trees and the horse grunting, feeling her owner’s pain. Vincent finally mellowed at such sight and dismounted his loyal horse as he dropped to his knees, hugging his daughter. She was quick to squeeze him in the hug and she muttered “I am sorry, Papa. I—I couldn’t sleep—and I had—I had nightmares and—and then—I rode off and—and and—,”
He covered the crown of her head in kisses “It’s alright, darling girl. You’re here, in my arms and safe, that’s all that matters.” He kissed her again and wiped her tears “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you—,”
“You were not. I deserved it.”
“Hey, hey! Look at me.” He cupped her small face into his hands “Never once think that you deserve to be disrespected or disregarded in any form by a man. Much less me. You’re a lady, and what’s more, you’re a human being, worthy of respect. Never tell me that you deserve to be yelled at or any sort of disrespect again. Alright? Now, come here, I’ll sneak you into the house and give you a bath before your mother realizes you’re not sleeping.”
“Will you ever forgive me?” She asked in a raspy voice.
He kissed her nose “I already had. The moment I saw you safe, I forgave you. And you? Do you forgive the poor sod of your father?
She hugged him tightly, and he allowed himself to be in his little girl’s arms for a while before going back to the estate.
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After such a morning, Primrose dressed in beautiful violet tulle and brushed her hair, glad to have put all that behind. Of all the options she had been given, marrying someday William wasn’t as bad as her own cousin or a stuffy duke who’d be older than her. She was going to reject him in such a kind way, he couldn’t possibly be mad.
As lunch approached, the knock on her door let her know that the battle had begun, and she’d win it at any cost. She had learned from her aunt Alina that in the high society’s game, when you were a woman in power, it was either winning or winning. An example of it was the queen herself. She had won by being visible, quiet, patient and wise. And she would be no less. In these less bloodthirsty times, the cunning and intelligence was of great importance when it came to power, no matter how small it was.
Going down, she bowed to the respective guests and family members and sat down, wanting to look as innocent as ever, though, despite her tender age, she did catch up on some things quickly.
“Tell me, my little peony, do you enjoy poetry?” Dowager Duchess Olympia asked.
“Oh, very much! At my school, dearest Willie reads me some of it.”
George cleared his throat “Who?”
She looked at him with a clueless and innocent semblance “Why, my betrothed! Such a lovely boy, he is!”
Primrose didn’t care whether he was jealous or just pissed off that someone beat him at the game. He could choke on that feeling, whatever it was.
Vincent, catching up on what his daughter was doing, smiled “Oh, yes, little Will! Our little blossom just adores her future husband. William this, William that, he is just the perfect match for me, she says!”
Victoria’s eyes twitched with a fake smile “Ah, yes, a girl’s infatuation. Priceless feeling.”
“What infatuation, Mama? I already love him! You two picked the best man for me, honestly.”
Victoria hissed in her ear “Stop that now!”
She just smiled innocently at her guests. Olympia was uncomfortable, for she considered that a promise was a promise “And how long have you been promised to him?”
“Oh, a few months—,”
“Since she was but eight years old. She adored him already when they met, and he is very much charmed with her!” Vincent smiled proudly.
“That is rather a long time,” George observed. How Primrose wished she could photograph that moment.
“He is the love of my life, I can tell!” She smiled. Best to serve the cake now “How I wish to be Mrs. Devlin and give him dark-haired babies!”
Her father had to drink wine to hide his laughter “It shall pass, my girl.”
George was fuming, having got the hint that were he to propose, she’d say no, and Olympia was convinced that she loved that boy. Beatrice had to go to a servant’s hall to laugh in muffles.
It seemed like the Barton’s visit would be over in a few hours.
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When saying goodbye to their visitors, she whispered to George when he wished her well “We may share one last name and family, but that will never be enough for me to ever become your wife.” She smirked and said in high voice “Thank you for your visit. You shall be missed!”
Some servants snickered and her father bit his lip. Victoria was displeased.
When they left, she said “To my office, Primrose. Now.”
With her head high, she followed her mother and sat with ladylike manner. She turned around “Since when do you have affections for that boy, hm?”
“He is a good boy and he treats me well.”
She scoffed “I am trying to rid you off a loveless engagement and you just hijack it!”
“And trapping me in another will make me happy by marrying my cousin?” She asked.
Victoria massaged her temple “I am buying you time. Engagements can be broken!”
“I am quite satisfied with my own.”
“That,” Victoria cried “is a farce! Everybody whispers how the Carlisle’s have tricked us into his little bastard marrying into the family!”
“Let them whisper. I’d rather be engaged to a good man than my blood cousin who happens to be a git.”
“Primrose,” Victoria warned.
“You talk of love, of how I will love the husband you choose for me. What about me? Can you not trust my decision? Or my criteria, just because I am young? Have you ever thought whether I want to begin my adult life married and carrying numerous children? No! You don’t, and never have. You just want me to follow your path, don’t you?”
Victoria raised her hand, but stopped in short when Primrose ducked in advance. A sepulchral silence haunted the room before Primrose left, not wanting to be in the same room as the woman who had wanted to slap her.
Hours later, she asked her father to take her back to Hogwarts. He agreed upon hearing why. And when she arrived in the dorm, she laid in her bed, trying not to cry before her classmates until it was very late. It’d be one of the few times Primrose ever stayed late.
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the-hydrangea-witch · 2 months
im having a lore crisis
so the narrator of all of tales from under the bay is Phthisis V the God of Decay AKA Hope AKA Sylvia Graves. shes first introduced in a short story where her mother, Gloria Graves, basically sacrifices her to Phthisis III (the previous god of decay before her) which pisses It off blah blah blah
ANYWAYS who tf is Sylvia's father though,,,
i have TWO IDEAS
Vincent Victoria. The man is already an established manwhore and the timeline of events does allow him to have a kid (((and flee the scene))) before meeting Andie which leads to Celia, the main character, being born. this means the main character and the narrator are half-sisters which i think is neat :^) and also if Celia ever found out itd be crazy because imagine not only finding out that your mother killed your dad before you were born but that he had another child before you who is a literal god
Phthisis III, through some sort of immaculate conception, basically planned Its own eventual death but first had to make sure there would be someone to take Its place. Since Gloria lives in Dusty Grove Road, where supernatural shit happens constantly to the point where no one ever dares to question it, this wouldnt cause any plot holes really. It also implies through the rage Phthisis III had at Gloria throwing Sylvia into the furnace that It needed her to reach adulthood before ascending the Lead Throne as the new god of decay, probably so she could experience life to better understand the nature of death and decay. This explains why as Phthisis V/Hope, She's almost careless with her duties, preventing everything from decaying after the death of The Internet and eventually destroying most of the world through the Great Wind
tbh im almost leaning more towards Vincent Victoria being her father just because it makes Celia's whole thing about not being special in the grand scheme of the death of the multiverse even more,,, idk how to word it. like, yeah shes able to traverse the multiverse, shes effectively immortal (to an extent), and is related to a god of death and decay but is still less than a speck in history on earth, let alone the universe, let alone the multiverse.
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CFWC F/AotW - Dec 17-23,2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🌟= Holidays 2023
Adrian Raines x F!MC 🎨🌟 by @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Jax Matuso x F!MC 🎨🌟by @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Cheers!🎨| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Kissing the Devil🎨🏳️‍🌈| Astrid Thorne x F!MC - @cassie-thorne
Trystan Thorne Fanart 🎨 by @/febriana_syam (IG) (C: @farizrz)
Turpentine ✒️🌟| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @moominofthevalley
But I must admit…I can’t wait…to see your mother… 🎨| Vincent Foredale, F!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Clara Slaying Richards 🎨 Ⓜ️| Duke Richards, Briar Daly, F!MC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (C: @lilyoffandoms)
Beckett Harrington x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @artbyalz
A Very Merry Christmas ✒️🌟| Chris Powell x MC - @eadanga
Banner Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Dan Pierce, Noah Marshall, etc. - @aallotarenunelma
It’ll have to wait til I’m off the clock 🎨| Joaquin Morales x MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
A Cup of Comfort (Series) ✒️| TRR MC, Friends - @silvermillenniumqueenneptune Chapter 1
Christmas in New York ✒️🌟| Liam Rys x MC - @eadanga
Side by Side (Series) ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @ownworldresident Chapter 3: Legitimate | Chapter 4: Resolve
The Best Mistake He Never Had (Series) ✒️| Drake Walker x MC - @camillemontespan Part 3
Turning the Page (Serires) ✒️| Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 8: Home is Where the Heart Is
John Somerset x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @cpt-indigo
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antares0606 · 2 years
Fandom artists/writers and Doubt
“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” – Sylvia Plath
“If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn't matter a damn how you write.” - W. Somerset Maugham
“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh
In less than a year on AO3, I have nearly 30 pages (depending on which device is counting) of stories "marked for later", and 399 works bookmarked. Yes, some have been read and I didn't delete, some will never, ever be deleted. During even less time on tumblr, I have posted 2,689 works by others.
If you ever doubt your abilities, doubt that you are appreciated, doubt that you have touched countless people without ever knowing, I suggest you copy those quotes, put them somewhere that you can see them every day, and try to stop doubting yourself, and how much you are appreciated...especially by those of us who missed out on that gene.
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Some of the books in MJ's library
Taj Jackson shared that his famous uncle loved the book The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. He says Jackson loved this book and owned several copies of it.
According to biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli, in the early 80s, Jackson gave copies of the book The Autobiography of P.T. Barnum to both his lawyer and manager and told them, "Make this your Bible. I want my life to be the greatest show on earth."
The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
Animal Language by Michael Bright
Complete Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The 48 Laws of Power
Seagull by Jonathan Livingston
Poetry by Rabindranath Tagore
Robert Burns poems
White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia by Menachem Begin
Hagakure: The Book of The Samurai by T. Yamamoto
Books by Sri Aurobindo
Books by Kalki Krishnamurthy
The Greatest Salesman in the World by OG Mandino
Malcolm X by Malcolm Haley
The Red Balloon by Albert Lamorisse
The Complete Works of O. Henry
The Verger by Somerset Maugham
The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
The Children's Hour by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Tyger by William Blake
Sufi Poetry
The Bridge of Sighs by Thomas Hood
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
Thoughts of Love: A Collection of Poems on Love by Susan Polis Schutz
Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
They Cage the Animals at Night by Jennings Michael Burch
The Gift of Acabar by Og Mandino
Leaders of Men by Henry Woldmar Ruoff
Reflections in Black by Deborah Willis
Black in America by Eli Reed
Black Heroes of The 20th Century by Jessie Carney Smith
The Negro Caravan by Sterling A. Brown
Before the Mayflower by Lerone Bennet Jr.
How to Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad
Your Creative Power by Alex Osborn
My Autobiography by Charlie Chaplin
Elvis Day By Day by Peter Guralnick
James Dean: An American Icon by David Loehr
Goldwyn: A Biography by A. Scott Berg
Duse: A Biography by William Weaver
Steps In Time by Fred Astaire
Bruce Lee: The Celebrated Life of the Golden Dragon by John Little
Songs My Mother Taught Me by Marlon Brando
Elia Kazan: A Life by Elia Kazan
The Rolling Stones: A Life on the Road
Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg
Lincoln's Devotional by Carl Sandburg
Lennon in America: 1971-1980, Based in Part on the Lost Lennon Diaries, by Geoffrey Giuliano
Glass Onion: The Beatles In Their Own Words by Geoffrey Giuliano
The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics by Alan Aldridge
The Lost Lennon Interviews by Geoffrey Giuliano
Things We Said Today: Conversations with the Beatles by Geoffrey Giuliano
Books about Hitler - talking to Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, he said, "Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was."
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undergroundsites838 · 2 years
West dating castle hill nsw
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The Bare Naked Book. 2021. 36p. Annick Press, $17.95 (9781773214726). Ages 3-5. Non-fiction Picture Book. A classic body book with updated text and illustrations from the 1986 original to reflect current, inclusive, and empowering understandings of gender, sex, and bodies.
Rainbow Book List - American Library Association.
Jun 17, 2022 · However, researchers haven’t directly studied these potential benefits of sleeping nude. If sleeping naked helps you receive the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night, then it’s worth trying. Research suggests that sleeping naked may potentially positively impact reproductive health, connection with a partner, and self-esteem.
Braless TV host gives viewers an eyeful as she wears racy sheer dress.
Tribune Topless Photos Of Teens Shared On Instagram, But Police Say It Isn`t A Crime February 10, 2015, 10:10 AM Several images of someone`s daughter, sister and classmate are all over Instagram in. Shannon Hathaway, 33, is all smiles despite allegations she slept with a 17-year-old student. (photo credit: Bedford Police Department) The teenager ended the relationship after his mother caught. The percentage of teens in the U.S. who have had sex has ticked down since the 1980s, a new report finds. The latest estimates — which are based on data gathered from 2011 to 2015 — are that.
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Naked restaurant opens its doors London's first naked restaurant opened with a waiting list of 46,000. Clothing is optional and technology is strictly forbidden.
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3 / 17. Rihanna - Never afraid to get into a little trouble, Rihanna's revealing photos actually got her kicked off the 'Gram. The singer's profile was deleted after she shared a photo of her. The data represent all teens in the U.S. and were derived from interviews with 4,134 male and female teens 15-19 years of age over the period 2011 through 2015. The report documented the following findings: Among teen females aged 15-19, 42% had ever had sex, and among teen males, the percent was 44%. HALLE Berry made a lasting impression on her Instagram followers post-Oscars - by teasing them with a skinny dip in her pool. The star had presented an award at the 89th Academy Awards, and.
The Most 'Naked' Celebrity Dresses of All Time: The Sheerest, Sexiest.
The penis grows the most during puberty. Some boys start puberty around 9 and others don't start until they are 15. Usually by the end of puberty, a guy's penis has reached its expected size. Puberty usually ends about 4 years after it starts, so this is usually around age 13-19. In addition to size, guys also wonder about how their penis looks.
Naked woman, 28, drives golf cart into Florida standoff scene with.
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Teen Ink, a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums. Students must be age 13-19 to participate, register and/or submit work. Girltool. Naked teen girls pussy gif: xvideocorporate. Fuck me skirt teens: girlmodels. Hot naked selfies teens. Asian teen naked photos. Fat naked hairy amature teens. 1,178 Japanese school girl se. Video posted on the World Star Hip Hop website is causing a stir. A woman is seen taking her clothes off in the middle of the day at the Johnny Rockets in the 700 block of Ocean Drive. After a.
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Nude swimming wasn't limited to Chicago schools, and I bet swim class veterans of a certain age are nodding their heads across the country. Here in Minnesota, Mike Rosenzweig (ph) said in the 60s,. Losing virginity of naked teenie wet cunt and fingering 4 min. 4 min Ewa Awe - 10.3M Views - 1440p. Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock 8 min. 8 min Exploited Teens - 617k Views - 1080p. Mom And Dad Teach Daughter Aspen Ora 8 min. 8 min Teens Love Anal - 21.2M Views - 360p. Black school teenie fucking white dude in School. Jun 07, 2021 · For more info and inspo when it comes to raising tweens and teens,... saw my teenage son naked. Emm50inx. 28/03/2016 at 9:39 am. 12 Last reply: Cathy K(3) - 21 days ago.
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silvestromedia · 3 months
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Bl. William Hart, 1583 A.D. Martyr of England. Born in Wells, in Somerset, he studied at Oxford and then at Douai, Reims, France, and Rome. After receiving ordination in 1581, he went back to England and included among his associations Blessed Margaret Clitherow. William ministered to Catholic prisoners in York Prison, having several adventures in staying free. He was betrayed to English authorities by an apostate from Clitherow's estate. He was hanged, drawn, and quartered at York and beatified in 1886.
St. Leocrita. Roman Catholic Virgin Martyr. She lived in Cordoba, Spain, with her Muslim Moorish parents until her conversion. St. Eulogius sheltered her. They were both scourged and beheaded. Mar. 15
St. Aristobulus, 1st century. Martyred disciple of Christ, one of the seventy-two sent out into the world by the early Church. He is possibly mentioned by St. Paul and is identified with Zebedee, the father of Sts. James and John. Aristobulus preached in Britain, although no documentation supports this or his martyrdom in the British Isles.
St. Louise de Marillac, Roman Catholic Nun she met St. Vincent de Paul, who became her spiritual adviser. She devoted the rest of her life to working with him. She helped direct his Ladies of Charity in their work of caring for the sick, the poor, and the neglected. Feastday March 15
ST. ZACHARY, POPE, Encourged the missionary work of Saint Boniface, and appointed Saint Abel as archbishop of Rheims, France. When Venetian slavers bought slaves at Rome to sell to Saracens in Africa, Zachary bought them all so that Christians should not become the property of heathens. Mar.15
ST. CLEMENT M. HOFBAUER, was born in Moravia (the Czech Republic) on December 26, 1751. He worked for a time as a baker, but feeling called to a different life, he studied whenever he could. After time in a Norbertine monastery and as a hermit, Clement went on pilgrimage to Rome, where he joined the Redemptorists. Mar. 15
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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fankid edits; the somerset siblings ( @endlessly-cursed​ )
vincent, alexandra, lenore, jocelyn, morwenna, and gia
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endlessly-cursed · 10 months
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fankids appreciation week: family dynamics - the somerset family (920-present)
featuring: odalric the red, denegifu of scotland, juliana of york, akelda the tragic, cuthfelda of ireland, hilda the smith, agatha of kent ( @that-scouse-wizard ) vincent somerset, alexandra somerset, lenore somerset, jocelyn somerset, morwenna somerset, gia somerset ( @gaygryffindorgal ) lawrence somerset, philip somerset, elizabeth somerset, gia somerset ii, ruby somerset ; diana somerset & beatrice somerset ( @camillejeaneshphm ) felicity, constance & meredith somerset
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the-hydrangea-witch · 3 months
just some characters that i like that i dont talk about much or ever :^)
Lady Porsel Mane-Quinn, Patron Saint of Sweet Songs & Glass: the "wife" of St. Roseday Mane-Quinn. the lower half of her body is a carousel, which suggests total immobility. idk maybe she teleports. her head is also a carousel of masks with different emotions atop a long neck. her entire body seems to be made of porcelain
Arius Morrigan, the Bard of Charon: some fuckass bard who lost a game with a grim reaper and now hes cursed to have his music only enjoyed by spirits of the damned. AND he lost an eye. i love him hes so dumb
Dame Teasel Fester: the kingdom he used to live in was totally destroyed by a plague and during it, he tried to find a cure, and used the souls of every patient he failed to become a lich, feeding them to a doll belonging to his first patient. the crossdressing isnt really relevant to his story
Óneira Amanita, The Dream Wizard: so im not actually sure if this guy is real or just like. a manifestation of teasel's guilt, but either way imagine the tiniest wizard pranking people in their dreams. yeah
Yvenna: idk what this girls deal is but shes just an instigator for the fantasy story idk. for some reason seems to really dislike claire. shes such an unimportant character yet im fascinated by her,, like whats wrong with her
Bonnibelle: just a tall ass ragdoll with an unchanging button expression. idk what her deal is, she just kinda... lurks. im sure shes friendly, lord knows i wouldnt be if i had the same receding hairline she does lmao
Adelaide Perfect: I TALK ABOUT HER A LOT. NOT NEARLY ENOUGH THOUGH. WHATS WRONG WITH HER I JUST WANNA KNOW?? shes literally only alive for like the first chapter of tales from under the bay and then Dies and only barely haunts the narrative. i mean like gladys, david, and celia are constantly mentally dealing with the fact they Killed her but theres so much other fucked up shit going on they can barely process it.
Vincent Victoria: celia's father from tales from under the bay. murdered by her mother, andie somerset. deserved (he was a fake blond). hes also somehow another character named October? after he died?? but not. but theyre the same,, but theyre not. also October barely is in the story but originally he was the main character when the working title was October Is Gonna Kill God. hes also the Hat Man? or something? which is like this universe-ending entity trying to merge all multiverses together by destroying the ones in the outer layers and melting the rest together
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wweallresultspage · 1 year
Ring of Honor Results - April 6, 2023
1. Mark Briscoe, Penta El Zero Miedo, & Rey Fenix def. Anthony Henry, JD Drake, & Shane Taylor in 8:45
2. Katsuyori Shibata def. Christopher Daniels in 10:09 to retain the ROH Pure Championship
3. Brian Cage def. Ortiz in 8:13
4. Jay Lethal def. Darius Martin in 5:32
5. Dralístico & Rush def. Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean in 3:42
6. Daniel Garcia def. Tracy Williams in 6:18
7. Willow Nightingale def. Notorious Mimi in 2:01
8. Dutch & Vincent def. Stephen Azure & Steve Somerset in 1:57
9. Konosuke Takeshita def. Tony Nese in 10:25
10. Athena def. Miyu Yamashita in 13:24 to retain the ROH Women's World Championship
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“CHILD OF EIGHT IS KIDNAPPED NEAR HIS HOME,” Ottawa Journal. July 29, 1932. Page 3. ---- Joseph Esposito Enticed Into Motor at Bay and Lisgar Streets. ---- SAY MACHINE WAS FROM CONNECTICUT ---- Radio, R.C.M.P. and Bo der Officials Enlisted in Wide Hunt. ---- Enticed into a car bearing a Connecticut license. Joseph Esposito, eight-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Esposito, 85 Beacon avenue. New Haven, Conn., and at present visiting in Ottawa with his mother. was kidnapped at Bay and Lisgar streets at 7.15 o'clock last night, and all efforts of police had failed to locate him or his abductors up to an I early hour this morning. No reason is known for the act. 
When the unfamiliar cry of "kidnapping" echoed through the offices of the city police and detective departments last night, and was coupled with information that United States citizens were concerned, the authorities brought every agency into play in an effort to find a speedy solution to the crime. 
Have No Clues. Their work was made difficult by total absence of clues to the identity of two men who were seen to drive away with him from Lisgar and Bay streets, only a short distance from the house at 618 Cooper street, at which he had been staying.
Radio broadcasts were made. giving all known information about the kidnappers' car, and a description of the missing boy. Royal Canadian Mounted Police were informed of the case in order that their various posts might be on the look-out for the car, and immigration authorities here, at the request of police, spread the alarm to border points to keep a close watch in case an effort was being made to take the young New Haven boy across the international border. 
The victim of the kidnapping was described as of slender build, with brown hair and eyes, and dark complexion. He was wearing tan-colored linen shorts, purple shirt, and brown shoes and stockings. 
Dr. Esposito, the boy's father. is reported to be at present in Honolulu. His wife, formerly Miss Violet Bunnell of Ottawa, came here with two of her children, Joseph and a small girl, to stay with her mother, Mrs. Beryl Bunnell, at 618 Cooper street. They have been here nearly a month. I and the missing boy had already made many friends in Ottawa. 
Dr. and Mrs. Esposito have one other child, a son, Vincent. He was left in New Haven, Conn., although it was understood by his mother when she last saw him that he would at- tend a Y.M.C.A. camp near his native city this Summer. 
Mrs. Esposito was at point of collapse a short time after the affair. when her son was missed, and enquiry revealed he had been carried off in a United States automobile. She was unable to assist police with information which might aid them to locate the child. Her sisters here, however, told the story of the affair last night, after an alarm had been spread over a wide area. 
Sent to Store. Little Joseph Esposito had been sent by the family to the general store of Moses Segel, 296 Bay street, where the Bunnell family is well-known. The store is located at Bay and Lisgar streets. He arrived at the store and asked for two pounds of sugar. While the package was being made up for him, he went out of the store, spoke to a foreign-looking young man on the sidewalk, and in a few minutes entered a waiting automobile and was whisked away down Nepean street. 
The child left behind him, on the sidewalk in front of Mr. Segel's store, the tricycle on which he had peddled over from his relatives' home on Cooper street. 
The kidnapping happened at 7.15 o'clock. and the child was missed in a short time when he failed to return. to 618 Cooper street with the sugar. Police, notified of the affair, made a rapid survey of the district and learned from Stanley Fields, a little boy living at 571 Somerset street west, what had happened to the child. 
Mrs. Moses Segel, who had served the child last evening. told The Journal shortly afterwards that he had vanished in the few minutes it took her to go into the rear of her store. and fill a bag with the sugar he ordered for his aunt. 
Stanley Fields, who saw what happened to the child, declared to The Journal and police that the automobile which carried him away bore a foreign license plate. This was later proven to be a blue number disc of Connecticut registry. 
The boy said that the automobile had stopped across the road from the Segel store while the Esposito child was inside. A young man, who had been sitting beside the driver, crossed the road and spoke to Joseph Esposito. They stood on the sidewalk together. then they both began to laugh, and the child ran towards the car with the young man after him. They both entered the car, and the driver turned in the direction of Nepean street. The automobile was soon out of sight. 
Seemed to Know Him. Stanley Fields believed the youth who spoke to the boy was about 20 years old, and it seemed that the child knew him. The Ottawa boy was unable to assist the police materially with a description of the kidnappers' car or the men themselves. The car was described as a brown-colored coupe. 
When notified of the affair, police at once set to work to trace the missing child. Detectives John Ritchie, Ubald Sauve and Albert Ouimet were at once assigned to the case. and they caused the missing boy's description to be broadcast and other agencies to be notified.
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Alf Vincent - George Lambert in London, 1912
George Washington Thomas Lambert ARA (1873 – 1930) was an Australian painter, illustrator, and cartoonist. He is remembered as a portrait painting and as a war artist during the First World War. Lambert was born in St Petersburg and raised in Württemberg, Germany and then Somerset, England. At the age of 14 (1887), he migrated to Sydney, Australia with his grandparents. The young Lambert worked as a jackeroo on rural station properties and developed an appreciation for horses and rural scenes. In 1894, he first started exhibiting his paintings and in the next year he started to contributing cartoons to the Bulletin. Between 1896 and 1900, Lambert studied at the Julian Ashton Art School in Sydney. He spent a year in Paris (1901) before moving to London where he exhibited at the Royal Academy. Lambert was appointed an official Australian war artist in 1917 during the First World War. He visited in Gallipoli and Palestine. Lambert then returned to Australia. Much of his work was focused on portraiture and, in in 1927, he won the Archibald.
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moochilatv · 2 years
Se viene MUTEK.AR en septiembre
Llega la cuarta edición de MUTEK.AR muy especial, haciendo foco en brindar mayor visibilidad al enorme talento local que, apremiado por las circunstancias adversas de los últimos años, ha sentido gravemente la falta de escenarios y oportunidades.
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Con la Dirección de Gonzalo Solimano @gsolimano y la Curaduría General de Marianella Baladán @manchusbaladan , una selección de artistas nacionales, en diálogo con artistas internacionales, dirán presente del 7 al 10 de septiembre, en el Centro Cultural Artlab @artlabpro , el Planetario @planetarioba y Palacio Alsina @palacioalsina.buenosaires mostrando lo mejor de la música electrónica, el arte sonoro y la creatividad digital, con Live Sets Audiovisuales, obras de arte NFT, realidad virtual e instalaciones inmersivas.
Asimismo, gracias al apoyo de Fundación Williams, MUTEK.AR tiene el honor de recibir a Alain Mongeau, creador y actual director de @mutekmontreal , quien junto a profesionales y agentes activos de la cultura acompañarán en todas actividades del festival y ofrecerán una charla abierta acerca de la gestión cultural en la creatividad digital.
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Ana Heilpern (AR) - Anormal (AR) - Asdrubal Gómez (VE) - Aylu (AR) - Berenice Llorens (AR) - Camila Albarracin (AR) - Carola Zelaschi (AR) -  Carol Santana (BR) - Cecilia Simone (AR) - CLON (UK) - Delforus (AR) - Efren Mur (ES/DEU) - Erin Gee (CA) - Federico Durand (AR) - Federico Lamas (AR) -  Félix Sainz (AR) - Flabbergast (CA) - Forello (AR) - Frances Adair McKenzie (CA) - Franzizca (AR) - Fronte Violeta (BR) - Gabriel Latorre (AR) - GCRLL (AR) - GLOR1A (UK) - Gonzalo Messi (AR) - Guillermo Ueno (AR) - Jennitza (COL) - Joaquina Salgado (AR) - Jonas Kopp (AR) - Jorge Haro (AR/ES) - Juan Le Parc (FR) - Juliana Mujica (AR) - Keila Sankofa (BR) - Kermesse (AR) - Kren Orgánico (AR) - L41N_9 (AR) - Laura González (AR) - Laureano Solís (AR) - Lux Valladolid (AR) - Magdalena Molinari (AR) - Maotik (FR) - Mariela Bond (AR) - Martín Remiro (AR) - Microfeel (AR/ES) - Nait Saves (AR) - Nelly-eve Rajotte (CA) - NITTA (ES/DE) - Novilunio (AR) - OKTE x reginaceii x MAJA (AR) - Outro (AR) - Patti Schmidt (CA) - Paula Rebellato (BR) - PRIFMA (CU/AR) - Qoa (AR) - Qualia (AR) - Santiago Bartolomé (AR) - Sebastián Miño (AR) - Sebastián Verea (AR) - Sonya Stefan (CA) - Symi (AR) - Tolch (AR) - Venom (CA) - Verónica Balduzzi (AR) - Vincent Lemieux (CA) - Vlisa Music (AR) - VXN (AR)
Luego de una convocatoria abierta de adhesión multitudinaria, dos obras participantes serán seleccionadas para ser parte de la grilla y anunciadas el 22 de agosto por todos los canales de difusión del Festival.
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En el Centro Cultural Artlab: actividades de Amplify D.A.I. + exposición de arte NFT
El 7 y 8 de septiembre, en el espacio del Centro Cultural Artlab celebraremos el fortalecimiento de Amplify D.A.I., el programa de desarrollo profesional para personas que se identifican como mujeres y disidencias, que trabajan con las artes electrónicas. Dos días enteros de programación, que incluirá talleres, workshops y charlas, performances en vivo e instalaciones inmersivas. Asimismo, presentaremos proyectos artísticos audiovisuales creados por artistas de Argentina, Canadá, UK y Brasil en el marco de la segunda edición del programa Artlab Residencias Artísticas x Amplify D.A.I. Cerrando la jornada, la emblemática curadora de MUTEK Montréal, Patti Schmidt, presentará su DJ Set, en colaboración con el dúo audiovisual PRIFMA (AR/CU).
Lanzado en 2018, AMPLIFY Digital Arts Initiative (Amplify D.A.I.) es una iniciativa conjunta del British Council en asociación con MUTEK Montréal, MUTEK.AR, Somerset House Studios, Artlab, Fundación Williams y Oi Futuro. El programa cuenta con el apoyo del Canada Council for the Arts.
El 9 de septiembre, Artlab desarrollará actividades durante toda la jornada. La mañana estará destinada a distintas charlas, a cargo de referentes locales e internacionales, con tópicos tan interesantes para la escena de las artes electrónicas como la web.3, las Daos y la gestión cultural en la creatividad digital. En el horario nocturno, continuaremos con una serie de con Live sets AV que tendrán entre otros protagonistas al dúo canadiense Flabbergast.
Estas actividades se completan con una exposición de la colección de arte NFT de Artlab, que será lanzada en el marco del Festival, con obras minteadas y disponibles a través de la plataforma argentina BAG. Esta exposición contará con trabajos de GCRLL, VXN, Federico Lamas, Laureano Solís, Joaquina Salgado, Qualia, Efrén Mur y Jonas Kopp.
Planetario y Palacio Alsina
El 8 de septiembre, de 20 a 21 hs, el Planetario servirá de contenedor espacial para dos obras fulldome. En primer lugar, Joaquina Salgado y Qoa, dos artistas argentinas del programa Amplify D.A.I., estarán presentando la obra de formato AV Hydrontes. A continuación, tendrá lugar Dynamics of Hiperespaces, una live performance AV del referente de sonido techno y ambient argentino Jonas Kopp junto al español con residencia en Berlín Efren Mur.
La última jornada, contará con una maratónica programación en Palacio Alsina con imponentes presentaciones que tendrán entre ellos al proyecto artístico argentino Forello, al reconocido artista multidisciplinario francés Maotik, y a NITTA, la artista española residente del club Tresor de Berlín.
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bookloversofbath · 3 years
Through Countryside and Coalfield: The GWR's Bristol and North Somerset Railway. :: Mike Vincent
Through Countryside and Coalfield: The GWR’s Bristol and North Somerset Railway. :: Mike Vincent
Through Countryside and Coalfield: The GWR’s Bristol and North Somerset Railway. :: Mike Vincent soon to be presented for sale on the exceptional BookLovers of Bath web site! Sparkford: Oxford Publishing Co., 1989, Hardback in dust wrapper. Includes: Track plans; Black & white photographs; Facsimiles; Maps; Frontispiece; Title page vignette; 2-column text; From the cover: The former cross-country…
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