#om nom stories
toonabby · 5 months
Happy double birthdays to Madeline Dorroh (27) and Barrett Leddy (32)!
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bonythesquirrel · 9 months
It's been awhile hasn't it?
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chocolatebageltje · 1 year
Wtf is the Cut The Rope Fandom still active in 2023? It's giving Pacman 2013
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gaillol-13 · 2 years
Jus some om nom screenshots i think about (ft: starrah (the blu nommie), handsome nom, bog, and nibble. Yes, those are their canon names.).
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leskamefedron · 2 months
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Om Nom
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xblue-novax · 1 year
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I tried to base it on @strawbubbysugar ‘s bethroned au design, and I absolutely love it. 💕💕
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hkthatgffan · 8 months
Alex Hirsch eating Michael Rianda...just another day at the office!
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skyblueartt · 3 months
I feel like everybody’s gotta go through a Fnaf phase at some point. Sometimes it just hits when you’re a 22 year old in 2024 lmao
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mytardisisparked · 4 days
Dang, I really love stories.
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"You wanna know a fun fact about these woods?" [REDACTED] asked Brian as they started unpacking their supplies at their camp site.
"I would love to hear anything you tell," Brian responded lovingly, gazing at her like she was the light of his life. She smiled back at him.
"These are the woods I faked my death for the first time in. It actually wasn't very far from where we are now, only a few kilometres that way," she pointed off to her left while she worked on setting up their tent.
"Really? That is fascinating. It is wonderful to be able to learn more about your past, my love." He came over and kissed her cheek as he helped her with the tent poles.
"I'm sorry I can't share more, I just... I would hate for you to get caught up in something bad, especially because of me," [REDACTED] said softly, looking down. Brian raised his hand to her chin, lifting her head slightly to meet his eyes.
"Do not apologize for that, I will cherish every moment and memory you are able to share with me." [REDACTED] smiled at him, before leaning up to kiss him softly.
"Hey, ya wanna go haunt my ex-friends??"
art by mushroom | story by stick
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kuwdora · 2 years
Ooo, super curious about the real bros of crookback bog fic!
Okay, The Real Bros of Crookback Bog is the second story in my Velen Cannibals AU and it is pretty ridiculous. This story takes place before Nilfgaard’s first invasion and my interpretation of the Velen cannibals: basically they are a Weezer song. They just want to be left alone so they can hang out with their bros and eat whoever they want and sleep in all day. It’s 90% original characters and more about my love for all of the strange/weird/funny elements I took from Witcher 3 and Velen in particular. I don't know why I got so hung up on these ideas but I have like 15k scattered across three stories for this AU so I was really gung-ho about it for awhile. This story is 80% shenanigans. I have a POV character named Remy who ran off and ended up with the cannibals (there is a whole sequence that is ‘eat cute’ intro and his future boyfriend snares him in an actual trap).
Some scene things from The Real Bros of Crookback Bog:
Remy discovers the cannibals play Capture the Chef in which they do semi-violent raids on each other in order to kidnap the best cooks and bring them to their own camp for the season.
At one point Remy’s camp finds some loot in the forest and brings it back to camp, only to discover that there’s a ghost haunting a piece of jewelry or other item. They befriend the ghost and keep them around as an early warning system for drowners, bandits, and witchers.
Remy also discovers one of the cooks has trained the local crows to find/retrieve goodies and snoop on enemy camps.
There is a red-eyed scruffy hare who is an emissary or watcher for The Crones who is named Ištikimas and tends to appear at strange times.
One of Remy’s new cannibal friends gets a tattoo from a bog witch, only to discover the bog witch has enchanted a revenant in the tattoo. So they wake up in the middle of the night thinking this guy is talking in his sleep except it’s the old spirit in his tattoo who ends up being a really amazing shit-talker. When that cannibal bro gets kidnapped, they let go because the tattoo is too creepy for the abductors.
And then there’s a little scene like this where one of the cannibals got turned into a fox. Because strange shit happens in Velen all the time, okay: Rated Mature. ~400w.
So far the truce to their war was holding steady. Liver Burlap was playing the fiddle, some sort of jaunty tune that Remy found himself enjoying himself despite the concern he had when they put their weapons away. Serril was to Remy’s left, tucked against a giant rutsack containing the loot from the merchant’s cart. Pav was to his right, nursing the bottle of rye. The weather was warm and no one was piss-drunk and throwing punches yet. With any luck, they’d be able to get through the night without spilling any intestines. Remy elbowed Pav to hand over the booze but Serril grabbed it before Remy had a chance to drink. He finished wrestling the bottle from Serril who flicked his cheek and grinned. Remy’s skin felt hot, his gut churning pleasantly before pressing the bottle to his lips. He was looking around the fire, falling into the rhythm Anton was slapping on his knee with the beat of Liver Burlap’s fiddle but Anton stopped suddenly.
The older man held his arm up high and called out into the darkness, “Elias! That you? Where the fuck’ve you been?”
He looked where Anton was calling, seeing nothing but the grassy silhouettes beyond the campfire. Remy took another sip and startled when a fox hopped on top of the barrel behind Piotr. The chorus of “Elias!” echoed around the fire and the woodland animal trilled at them, bird-like and eerie as fox were under the guise of night.
Remy had to blink through the haze of drink and took another look at the animal. It’s snout was short like any fox, firelight showing off a bushy tail, red with a white tip and tucked against it’s body. It was no larger than any fox Remy had seen frolicking through the meadow or darting through the swamps. Except there seemed to be a pair of human balls and a sad, very small human cock between it’s hind legs.
“Long time no see,” Piotr said, dumping some of his spirits into a mug and placing it on the barrel next to the animal.
“That fox has a cock,” Remy blurted out and there was a heavy moment of silence that followed, the wide eyes of Anton and Liver Burlap boring holes into him. Piotr murmured something to the fox and Remy swallowed, looking over at Serril, wondering if there was some faux pas he just committed when they were supposed to be making friends with this crew. Serril gave him an encouraging wink amidst the silence.
“No wenches or vixens for Elias,” Piotr said, breaking the silence and Liver Burlap played several sad notes on his fiddle and Anton roared with laughter. WIP Game List
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blizzardz · 2 years
Hello motherfucker >:) 3, 7, 11, 12 and 19 for Redd/Archie!
I'm doing Archie bc I have done ENOUGH of Redd for these things lol
3. What inspired you to make your OC?
I'm gonna be so totally honest I just felt that. I was missing themes of mystery in my stories and that was weird bc I am in love with mystery. And obvs I first approached Archie's character as "ooohhhh OOOOHHHHHH no one remembers ooohhhhhhhhh weirdcore traumacore bbrrrrr!!!" Which was my cringiest era ever. But now he has a personality and mystery as intended lolz
7. Do they have a motivation for wanting any of the timepieces? How would they find one? What would they do with it?
Depends on when his story and AHiT's overlap. If timepieces happened after his death but before Otto's birth, he'd definitely use them to yknow. Not die. If ghosts can even touch timepieces. But if timepieces happened currently with Otto being 13, Archie's motive would have to maybe be preventing the bunches of stuff that happened to Otto. But it's a very small motive, because he's happy the way things are, even if he's a ghost. He has his bestie Otto yknow. And preventing what happened is really Otto's choice yknow.
11. What are some of your OCs favorite things? (For example, favorite food, drink, type of music, color, things they collect, ect. anything that they are fond of)
Hmmm ok. He has big interests in water and space, though in some timeline water is a weird topic for him. He likes to go exploring by himself and he's always trying to find little hidden hangout spots for himself. He likes collecting rocks, plushies, various little knickknacks. He likes blues, purples, and greens, and his favorite foods are mostly low-maintenance kid foods, like mac n cheese and whatever the bird equivalent of chicken nuggets are.
12. Do they have a very distinctive manner of speech or other way of communicating? (like telepathy, sign language, making small noises, ect.) Do you have an idea of what they might sound like? (For example: an accent, certain common phrases they're likely to say, vocal tics, quirks or habits, ect? Voice claims even!)
OH OK. As a ghost I think he can occasionally have his voice only be heard in someone's head, but he never has any reason to do that, bc the one person he talks to can see n hear him just fine. Archie probably knows some bits of sign language- bc yknow, Otto is mute and frequently uses it. And I might just be projecting here but he occasionally makes little noises when doing anything bc he cannot handle performing any action in complete silence. As for voice claims uhh. It's weird bc obviously he'd be at least a little scottish as a Forbush, but for now let's just say he sounds like Darwin from TAWOG.
19. If your OC was on the Arctic Cruise, what would they likely be found doing? What would they say to Hat Kid/Bow Kid upon interacting with them?
I'm just gonna assume this is in the instance that he's. Alive. He'd definitely be on there just bc Conductor brought him along, so he'd be found by the pool area, just a little astray from where Cond is drinking. I'd imagine bc he's some Little Guy he has different lines depending on when he's interacted with- but he most definitely has a line about the pool and swimming. If there was a task with him for Ship Shape it's probably in the same essence of the grandkids- make sure he stays where he can't get in trouble or in danger, bc he's very hyperactive and he Will Not stay in one place.
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bonythesquirrel · 1 year
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quaissants · 6 months
i was listening to my playlist and then a txt song started playing and then i started laughing bc 😭 it reminds me of that time you shipped me with yeonjun AND exposed me CALLED ME HOMIE HOPPER IN PUBLIC HDLSJ
you've got lovemail!⠀⠀—⠀⠀ listen……… you were collateral damage 😔 /j i could have made it cute and be like “oh because they both give elder vibes” but i was feeling violent at the time i answered that ask and yeonjun was clinging onto you so he wouldn’t sink by himself
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lesbianpegbar · 1 year
for a second i was like hm i wonder why so many people i know have such fond memories of blue exorcist as if the little gay people in my phone wouldn't become attached to a story about a bastard son of satan having to prove he's not a monster to everyone around him like hmmmm wonder why we'd cling to that at age 13
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Very, very fresh bison calf.
Months and months ago I promised y'all photos of the bison birth I was lucky enough to observe at the Cleveland Zoo last spring. As requested, they'll be under a cut, because unlike this lovely photo from the zoo announcement post, my photos are... goopy.
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His name is Tighee, a name which the zoo said is "the name of a Shoshone chief."
We walked up just as things started to get going, and the story is below the cut...
This is Blue, a female bison who arrived at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in fall of 2022 already pregnant. When we got to the habitat, there were a ton of people gathered around, and it wasn't quite clear what was going on.
Then we noticed her full udder and the extra pair of feet.
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She was dead-center in the (pretty large) habitat, which was nice - though there was a crowd, she had some good distance from everyone for most of it. The calf came pretty quickly, all things considered (something especially helpful when you're holding a heavy camera up on full manual zoom without a tripod). Because she was at a distance, my friend and I spent a bunch of time showing people near us photos on my camera screen so they could get a good view.
I was honestly really surprised at the number of people who asked why the zoo staff weren't in there with her, helping her give birth. So we explained to folk that zoo staff don't normally go in with bison on a normal day because they're so big and dangerous, and that during a birth (a time of potential stress for the whole herd, the rest of whom were off to the side of that habitat) it would be especially risky to do so. But you could see people in the zoo's uniform colors clustered around the fence, keeping a close eye on her.
And then there was a calf! For folk who haven't seen what a whole amniotic sac looks like, I'm including the next couple photos.
This one is still mid-birth, as you can see. The hooves come out first, with the calf's head laying parallel to them.
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Blue immediately moves to break the amniotic sac and clear the calf's airways of mucus. Om nom nom.
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We have open eyes and an awake baby! The amniotic sac is full of fluid that helps protect the baby while it's in the uterus, which means once it's broken, the baby is goopy. One of mom's first jobs is to lick all of it away to dry the calf off.
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A first attempt at using legs!
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Nope, being born was too hard and legs don't work yet. Time to rest and recover from the effort of thinking about standing up.
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The first inquisitive member of the herd, another young female, comes to check out the newest addition.
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More attempts at legs! Getting better but still not coordinated enough yet.
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They're starting to help the baby stand up. In a non-captive setting it would be important for him to be able to walk pretty quickly after being born, and he has to stand up to be able to nurse!
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Everyone comes to check him out, now.
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We have legs! They work! He hadn't quite figured out where to nurse from yet, though.
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And that's your bison birth for the day!
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