#omamorens q&a
omamorens · 29 days
The funniest thing to me is that Adaine canonically speaks Draconic (from that graveyard episode of freshman year), so imagine Oisin and Adaine bickering in draconic or even using draconic to be secretly snarky and nobody else understands what those two are talking about
hey alexa play “you taught me a secret language, i can't speak with anyone else”
BUT OH MY GOD THIS FACT? i completely forgot that Adaine canonically speaks Draconic so have a few of my thoughts / hcs about them on this:
the first time Adaine replies to him in Draconic, Oisin is completely taken aback.
He was already amazed of her before but having Adaine continue to amaze him???
Boy has hearts for eyes literally even if she was bickering with him just moments ago
Oisin replies back in fluid Draconic
Adaine does the same thing
Everyone around them is confused
TBK: “Are they flirting or cursing each other?”
No one knows
Eventually, their bantering turns to Oisin correcting her pronunciation of certain words and Adaine is furious at him for it.
She knows she pronounced it right and Oisin’s just being an ass
“No, its faessi. Sharp and guttural ‘ssi’.”
“Oh, shut up. You know what I meant.”
Oisin also lowkey being a little Too into it whenever Adaine speaks Draconic
He’s down bad and hopeless.
i love this so much. these two are just in my head bickering all day i need to make them kiss eventually or else i will die
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omamorens · 7 days
a while back you said something akin to “inkblade college au.. (head full of thoughts)” !! would you be so kind as to open your head and share them? i am begging you on my knees…. spare inkbkade college au.. pls…
dear anon you dont have any idea of the floodgates im about to open but!!! im imagining two main routes for this college au. bear with me with this long answer!!
the ‘met-again at college’ au:
In this version of the events, the Rat Grinders probably broke off to do their own individual thing after finishing junior year and their redemption quests.
Oisin would probably distance himself away from Elmville but still pursue wizarding school elsewhere. Probably at the Bastion City University.
This time, he does it correctly with no cheating.
Though if he was being honestly, still having access to the full benefits from the school of conjuration was probably an unfair advantage.
So he always pushed himself to do harder, to excel beyond expectations. He’s a chronic over-worker and just wants to do things right for once.
Oisin never gets into another adventuring party again and instead studies to be some type of wizard scientist, developing new spells and technology probably.
Adaine, by this time, is already a world-renowned adventurer and top divination wizard of their age, in her own right.
She’s already established somewhat of a mark to history at the young age of 24? 25? probably younger, honestly.
Oisin hears about her from time to time— they do occupy the same wizarding circles and its kind of hard to avoid mention of the Elven Oracle.
But she was a famous figure now, literally beyond reach from a lowly college student like himself.
Imagine his surprise when he sees her walk into his class one day, but not as a student, no.
Adaine was a guest speaker and was about to discuss to them the very interesting topic of the Cosmology of Extraplanar Realms and Studies of Divinities
Oisin blanked out most of it.
Too starstruck from seeing Adaine again and oh… his chest was hurting again, phantom-pains from the shatterstar that never really left his mind.
Or is it?
Before he knew it, the session has ended. He thinks it ended too soon but the topic was actually discussed for two hours.
But his professor has an announcement to make? He stayed back to hear it out.
“Miss Abernant will be conducting research in the university for some time, and she has graciously granted the Wizard Department the opportunity for a student to take up an internship role for the duration of her team’s stay. Interested students may submit a form to me and the decision will be passed to Miss Abernant’s team after careful deliberation. That is all, thank you.”
Oisin has spaced out again, reeling from the thought that their paths would probably cross even more now that she’ll be at BCU indefinitely.
“Mr. Hakinvar? Oisin Hakinvar?” his professor called for him, and he addresses her, snapping out of his thoughts.
“Ms. Abernant, this is the top student of the Wizarding course, Oisin Hakinvar. I would speak highly into considering him for the role…”
Oisin has drowned out the noise again, because Adaine was staring at him, a twinge of familiarity setting in on her features. And of annoyance.
“Oh, I know of him.” she says tersely, “Top student, you say? No unfair advantages to speak of?”
Oisin’s brow twitched at that, answering the question himself, “None at all. I’ll make sure to send in my form for the internship role.”
Because he was prideful more than anything, and the subtle mocking comment made at him was baseless.
Adaine doesn’t know him, not the way that he is right now. Not after he’s pushed himself over and over to prove that he is worthy to be here.
“Very well! I’m sure Miss Abernant will be pleased to review your form.”
“Trust me, I am very good on both paper and practical application.”
Adaine shouldn’t even care for him at all, but she was curious. After Oisin and his adventuring party disappeared off Elmville, she always wondered what they were up to. Maybe more evil plots? Maybe they died somewhere off Spyre? Who knows.
Now she does, and the kindling of curiosity was highly-flammable, the worst of all motivators she could have.
And yet.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” she says to him, like a challenge. Oisin was set on meeting her to it.
This AU is definitely tagged as “Enemies-to-Lovers”, constant bickering and challenging looks, academic rivalry too because thats always nice. Maybe a bit of mystery because I do love the allure of putting them in a dark academia setting.
the ‘they got close during senior year and went to college together’ au:
This one is definitely sweeter and idyllic.
If you’ve ever heard of Sabrina Carpenter’s new song “Please, please, please” this is the general theme; its what Adaine would feel like.
Because in this AU, Adaine finally gives Oisin the chance to date her during college.
They’re always together anyway; with both being wizards pursuing academe, their schools of study interact in much more ways than anticipated.
Lots of cute dates in between classes too!!
Going to the newest cafe to try out their menu.
Amusement park dates!! Museum dates!!!
Bastion City is filled with things to do.
And even when they don’t, just studying together was already a date.
Oisin would always have some part of his body in contact with her.
Maybe his tail wrapped around her calf under the table, his free hand on her knee when they read together side by side, or just letting her lean on to him if she gets too tired to sit upright.
Adaine, on the other hand, was a little more paranoid of their relationship.
Was she just lying in wait for Oisin to fuck up? Hopefully not, but the chances are never zero. And she hates thinking of that, because at some level, she does trust and love Oisin, wholeheartedly.
But the past has always been haunting her in some way or another.
And it’s hard to relax when danger has been everything you knew your whole life.
But Oisin was soft with her, caring and understanding, frankly a little possessive and obsessive, but it was just the healthy amount that makes her want to drag him to bed every night and assure him that she is all his.
And Oisin proves to her that he is all hers.
Just imagine. Domestic Inkblade. never thought i would live to see the day that both words are in the same sentence.
Lots of late night cuddles, of assurances, of future plans togethers.
Unending conversations of “i love you” said in the most unconventional ways.
AND OF COURSE this is college. you cant expect me to think of college au without having Adaine live up to her “Party Wizard” title!!!
Adaine definitely lets loose at parties. She has her friends with her, a loving boyfriend, and her life has never been better.
But god she has the worst alcohol tolerance known to mankind.
Oisin is definitely watching over her, excusing himself from drinking too much just incase Adaine goes wild again.
And oh she does.
Thank god Oisin is there to [i will not elaborate what happens here, but god is it in my head; just guess].
And then she wakes up with a raging headache and Oisin is more than happy to care for her (making her hangover food, massaging her sore spots).
Like I said, domestic. Fluff and comfort and so much healing. LIKE SOOO MUCH. this is the answer to the “we could’ve had it all” tag because in this AU, they have it all.
Good for them… good for them!!
Will I write this? Not anytime soon but God would I kill to read it. Someone… anyone… save me inkblade college au save me…
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omamorens · 18 days
If you, a divinity amongst mortals, did inkblade headcanons with Oisin and Aelwyn becoming weirdly good friends, and bonding over how they want to be better people for Adaine - it would be extremely delightful, is all <3
AELWYN MY BELOVED of course lovely anon!! this was cooking for so long in my asks i apologize for that
you know what Adaine’s worst nightmares are made of?
its her scheming sneaky older sister being weirdly good friends with the newly reformed and redeemed dragonborn that may or may not have a crush on her.
Adaine isn’t one to assume his affections though (she found out from Aelwyn).
But Aelwyn is definitely not their wingman, mind you
Everything she does is for her entertainment
And seeing her little sister be very skittish around the hot dragonborn trying his best to make amends with Adaine, then you better bet Aelwyn is watching it while eating popcorn
On the other hand, Aelwyn’s tips on how to apologize to Adaine isn’t working so well for Oisin
Adaine avoids him every chance she gets and at some point he even asked Aelwyn to set up a trap or something just to have Adaine hear him out
“That’s not how you apologize, dragonboy.”
“Okay, since you’re so great at it, how did you apologize?”
Aelwyn thinks the real!Oisin is too catty for his own good sometimes
But oddly enough, Oisin knows a lot of stuff about other people (is he just that observant? does he have his own network of spies like Aelwyn does? who knows)
And they bond over shit-talking about other people (they have to be a little bit evil. it comes with the territory im afraid)
Oisin is the type to rant logically too. what i mean is, when he rants, he pulls up a whole ass whiteboard and explains every reasoning as to why this thing infuriates him.
Ivy was his usual audience for his rants, but eventually Aelwyn becomes a regular too.
its actually such a healthy coping mechanism that Aelwyn takes up the same habit too.
but her audience is Adaine and Boggy, and theyre both very supportive of her rants (better she rants than enact physical violence or blackmail because she’s irritated)
Aelwyn and Oisin definitely bond over magic too. Wizards and their little tower of trinkets (but for Aelwyn, its just her apartment and the dozens of cat she has)
Oisin feeds the cats for her sometimes, in exchange for knowing about Adaine’s favorite things (so he can apologize to her with them)
Does it work? Definitely not. Adaine’s forgiveness cannot be bought with material riches
But she does notice how Oisin seems to handle himself better than before (healing looks good on him, though she wouldn’t admit that out loud)
she also gets the nagging suspicion that having Aelwyn and Oisin meet is certainly good for their individual psychological health, but terrible for the rest of Solace (again, being a little bit evil comes with the territory)
i love me some evil (handshake) evil best friendship. sure theyre trying their best to be better people but not much fun being the goody-two-shoes all the time
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omamorens · 29 days
I'm sorry, I'm in inkblade purgatory. Please just a head canon, just a theory, pleaseeee
hey op i’m with you all the way. here’s some inkblade hcs that i plan to write soon
Being a conjuration wizard, Oisin is very good at handling summoned creatures. Like a dog-whisperer but for conjured beings.
And that includes our favorite circular frog Boggy.
Boggy loves Oisin but Adaine does not.
Which is weird because Boggy is Adaine’s familiar and should have somewhat of a telephatic bond with her.
Oisin is confused by this.
Adaine is embarrassed every time Boggy tries to give Oisin a wet kiss.
Public banter as a form of flirting. Thats it thats the HC
ALSO A FRIEND OF MINE GAVE ME THIS IDEA RECENTLY but Oisin’s fins(??) fan out when he’s embarrassed/surprised/kissing Adaine. HAHA
Redeemed!Oisin and Adaine in a college AU would be so…. (head full of thoughts i cannot express them)
Oisin being such a loser on priv for Adaine
Ivy is the only other person in his priv and this girl is a witness to all 3 years of Oisin pining over Adaine. Its actually so embarrassing (lovingly)
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head rn but i’m in the process of writing a really juicy chapter for my fic (shameless plug, sorry) with these hcs. im so excited !!!
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omamorens · 8 days
Ivy Embra with Inkblade, anyone?
the original ask here requested for ivy and inkblade hcs and my brain has finally delivered !
After the events of Junior Year, redeemed!Oisin has definitely gotten closer with Adaine
“close” is actually a vague term because their senior year rivalry has taken them to in-class arguments, trying to one up each other to see who’s the better wizard (and graduate top of the class).
even to after-school study sessions where they develop spells (and constantly bicker about how to gesture this somatic component / what material to use / how to word the spell properly)
its a whole thing in itself and at this point both their parties have elected to drown them out whenever they see these two together
so bickering isn’t all that new of a sight… what’s new is that they have also elected to start fucking Sparring
just simulating fights with each other. no rules no holding back pure raw power out on the field until one of them surrenders (no dying was a strict rule)
its a great way for Adaine to vent her frustrations on him
and its great to build Oisin’s practical ability for fighting
it was after one of their sparring session that Adaine had told Oisin how she wanted to try a new weapon
“What weapon?” Oisin asks.
“A gun.” Adaine says passively.
Oisin, internally, is terrified.
“Oh.” he says instead.
Adaine laments about how no one in her team even has the proficiency to teach her how to do that. Riz, sure, but the rogue already has a lot on his plate and Adaine did not want to bother him just to teach her how to shoot and use a gun
Oisin knows someone who does though. And she’s not at all busy with anything.
Well, maybe not proficient with a gun, but Ivy Embra was an amazing shot.
She is an Arcane Archer and that has to stand for something.
And though the mechanics of a bow and a gun are vastly different, Ivy takes up the offer of training Adiane to shoot.
Ivy, surprisingly, is a patient instructor. Very hands on and practical.
“Control your breathing, Oracle. It’s about the intent.”
And Adaine was a natural for shooting, once she got the hang of it. She had a lot of Intent to channel after all.
Ivy on the other hand, is impressed to have a new toy to play with (a gun). She likes the sleekness of the gun, how easy it was to keep on her at all times.
She still prefers the bow though.
Oisin is half glad that they’re getting along
Yet also equal parts terrified that They’re Learning How To Use a Gun ? Together ?
Oisin sees a world where this whole ordeal backfires on him
And the two elven girls constantly remind him of it (teasingly for Ivy but with Adaine? you never really know).
This idea literally came to me in the clutches of writing and maybe I will write this HC to reality one day. Maybe not. Who knows but I think it’s lovely that they both bond over terrifying the blue scaled dragonborn a whole foot taller than them.
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omamorens · 26 days
Do you have any HCs with Ivy and Ink Blade?
OH BOY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. ivy is a very interesting character to me (fhjy spoilers: and im glad she survived). tho people might not really like her that much, i think shes neat and could have a lot of nuances if her character could be explored enough
ivy (pre and post shatter-star) is a regina george mean girl but with pop-punk rock aesthetics.
she’s a girls girl and much like her canon, she loves fashion.
loves fashion in a sense that she loves it for Herself and not because she wants to impress anyone.
she does not give a shit about what anyone thinks of her actually, and that generally comes off as “mean”.
ivy only sees her attitude as a filter for those too weak to be acquainted with her.
though she has a hard exterior, she does have a soft spot for those who could actually stick by her.
riding off on that “loves fashion” part, i think ivy is particularly good at finding good deals and the best bargains. she doesn’t go for the most expensive stuff because that’s just wasteful.
she’s the type of friend you want to go to the flea market with because this girl drives a hard bargain.
riding off of that, ivy always takes oisin out to shop because there’s not a lot of dragonborn-proof clothes for him so when they do find stuff, its too expensive to be worth it unless ivy is the one bargaining for him.
oisin is always grateful of her for it.
in her shatter-star state, ivy’s “mean” attitude got nastier and more cruel
ivy has a hard time asking for forgiveness (oisin will tell you that she almost never says the word “i’m sorry” genuinely), but she does it in her own way.
sometimes when she passes by mazey in the halls, ivy genuinely compliments the bard on her badidas.
“nice shoes. they’re the 90’ exclusive line, right? those were the best quality shoes they released. such a shame their next series went downhill from there.”
mazey, apprehensive of ivy at first but open to having this conversation with her, “no, yeah, you’re absolutely right. these are the only pairs i can both dance and fight in. its been a year but theyre still going strong.”
and the girls continue talking about finding the best deals and the most practical clothing they could have as adventurers. fabian is not very happy about this.
mazey of course is not required to forgive ivy for things she said and done, and ivy is not at all actively seeking for verbal forgiveness anyway
but they can be courteous to each other and bond over similar interests
lucy, being a frost genasi, absolutely knows how to knit. she knits her own clothes sometimes because not much clothing items in stores have her size.
when ivy found out about this during freshman year, ivy asked lucy to teach her and they absolutely bonded over knitting.
at some point both the girls have knitted some stuff for all the members of their party.
everyone still keeps their knitted gifts, even if they’re frayed or have grown too small for them to use.
surely i will have more to write on her character but for now these are what i have on the top of my head. ivy embra they dont get you like i do (ivy hcs with inkblade i will continue in another post because this one got too long)
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omamorens · 28 days
She Calls Me back - Noah Kahan as an inkblade song, thoughts?
Does it bite at your edges? / Do you lie awake restless? / Why am I so obsessive? / Hangin' onto every sentence
Nothing screamed more Oisin Hakinvar but these lines right here.
Lost for a long time / Two parallel lines /Everything's alright when / She calls me back, she calls me back
And the entire chorus? Definitely Oisin. But this part gets in my head like an earworm. They are foils of each other, two parallel lines, but Oisin has lost himself to the shatter-star and having Adaine as his saving grace? I might die.
Thank you for this wonderful song rec anon!!!
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omamorens · 18 days
divination wizard adaine & conjuration wizard oisin… oracle & storm summoner… the eye of the storm…. is this something?
definitely. :)
mostly headcanons here but something about the indiscriminate destruction of a storm, and the calm at its center being called “the eye” draws parallel to how oisin has always been a level-headed individual, even during his shatter-star state.
(do you ever wonder where his head space is at? do you think he imagines the divination wizard often, just to stay grounded, to stay in that calm even with so much anger inside him?)
and yet, all around him, the storm still rages on. unyielding and vicious. it threatens to ruin. it wants for blood.
(but there is a safety— in the midst of it. in his thoughts where she rests. he comes back to the thought of her as often as it takes.)
so how would it be even possible for him to disregard his childish infatuation with her when even in his most corrupted state, his vulnerability is wherever she is?
either way. i absolutely adore this characterization of them. i will never tire of writing about it so have these drabbles.
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(excerpts from: shipwreck / unpublished works / private musings )
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omamorens · 5 days
Good evening, in light of Inkblade I have just rediscovered this poem by Pablo Neruda, and I feel you are the person most capable to act on this information. I leave it in your hands.
"Every day you play with the light of the universe. Subtle visitor, you arrive in the flower and the water, You are more than this white head that I hold tightly as a bunch of flowers, every day, between my hands.
You are like nobody since I love you. Let me spread you out among yellow garlands. Who writes your name in letters of smoke among the stars of the south? Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed.
Suddenly the wind howls and bangs at my shut window. The sky is a net crammed with shadowy fish. Here all the winds let go sooner or later, all of them. The rain takes off her clothes.
The birds go by, fleeing. The wind.  The wind. I alone can contend against the power of men. The storm whirls dark leaves and turns loose all the boats that were moored last night to the sky.
You are here.  Oh, you do not run away. You will answer me to the last cry. Curl round me as though you were frightened. Even so, a strange shadow once ran through your eyes.
Now, now too, little one, you bring me honeysuckle, and even your breasts smell of it. While the sad wind goes slaughtering butterflies I love you, and my happiness bites the plum of your mouth.
How you must have suffered getting accustomed to me, my savage, solitary soul, my name that sends them all running. So many times we have seen the morning star burn, kissing our eyes, and over our heads the grey light unwinds in turning fans.
My words rained over you, stroking you. A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body. Until I even believe that you own the universe. I will bring you happy flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees."
I can only hope we understand one another.
Goodnight and godspeed,
Waxing Crescent Anon
waxing crescent anon, i thank You for sharing this lovely piece of art with me.
this is the first time i’ve read this poem and i have been reading it ever since your ask showed up in my inbox. it has not left my mind since and i think i owe it to you to share my thoughts on it, if you’d indulge me.
first and foremost, the voice of utter admiration, of curiosity for this subtle visitor. but then, “you are like nobody since i love you”. they learned to love, admiration giving way to utter devotion and nothing really intrigues me more than that dynamic.
but then, oh, then. a sudden shift in tone. it becomes unnerving, it is haunted. it describes storms and shadows, a stark contrast to the lovely images painted prior. despite it, their lover remains the object of their affection; they do not run away, clinging to them. is it dangerous? the lover knows it is, for there are glimpses of shadows through their eyes.
and yet the lover stays, and they are aware of their own misgivings with “how you must have suffered getting accustomed to me,”. it is not perfect, it is not idyllic in any sense. the acknowledgment of it is a step.
and it returns to devotion once more, “i go as far as to think that you own the universe,” still helplessly enamored by their lover. they survived the storm, survived all that came with it, the good and the bad.
“i want to do with you what spring does to cherry trees.”
and nothing is more poetic than the silence in the aftermath of the storm, of a new day, and beginnings brought about by spring. together, they must mean to bloom. still entangled together after everything that came past.
even if this piece was not about inkblade, my thoughts inevitably gravitate to them. the imagery of lovely devotion to destructive storms; of the tension and of worship. oh inkblade has literally taken over my brain. they are worms feasting in my head and i blame you for feeding them, anon!!! im joking of course. it is truly lovely and i will take this inspiration in writing. thank you waxing crescent anon!
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omamorens · 13 days
Ways to kill a dragon is incredible, especially the ending of the last chapter. The way I gasped when she kissed him. The whole thing is next level truly
ways to kill a dragon spoilers ?!
BUT AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥹 this anon message means everything to me!!! and yes!! our girl finally getting her kisses in (as disturbing as the setting may have been)!!!
i have so many ideas left to write for that fic and im trying my best to do them justice. it really means a lot that readers enjoy these musings of mine as well. thank you!
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omamorens · 28 days
you are a god amongst men
and yet i am a servant to my muses
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