#omega desantis
curioscurio · 1 year
Your DeSantis psyop is still gaining ground: https://www.tumblr.com/dailyquests/719478667004248064/collect-heat-suppressants-for-ron-desantis?source=share
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theoneandonlyelonmusk · 7 months
People who don’t get the omega desantis meme let me badly explain.
1. Omegaverse is about shifting sexism to the male characters that would never have to live thru those type of micro aggressions otherwise but turn it up a notch. Like if the world is lv.1 sexist then make it lv.99 but toward omega
2. Then the author cope via one (or more)of the Big Felling inducing chemicals: Big Horny, Big Sad or Big Funny (my fav and kinda the only omegaverse I read tbh)
(Bad things from reality) amplified to x1000 - (good brain chemical from one of the Big Feeling) = catharisme and feeling better about the shitty world around you cause it could be worse. You could be leaking lube out of ur ass every month or so
3. Then we have a Real Person with bigoted views that could impact the real world and idk bring lv. 1 to lv.3 and that would be bad. This is stressful. So you could cope by:
4. Making a Joke or a meme about Ron desantis on heat suppressant (<-Big Funny is being used here. This is called political satire. A genes of comedy)
Is it sexual harassment to joke about a real person fictional needs for a fictional period pad or them taking fictional birth control? I think it’s up to your interpretation.
Personally I think that if female politicians can cope with people making fun of their own Real estrous cycle while male politicians do nothings about it or step in the joke then a little omegan man from Florida should learn to cope idk. Bring equal opportunity sexist jokes into politics. Joke about forcing pro life male politicians to carry male pregnancy if they like it so much etc etc
Political satire doesn’t have to be tasteful. It just have to be takes so wild you won’t be accused of public defamation
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everlastingrandom · 1 year
with the right planning and coordination, we could make omegaverse an official section on ron desantis’ Wikipedia page
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gayasfridge · 1 year
Wanna preface this by saying I'm not anti-omega. I have a bunch of omega friends, my sister is an omega, my husband is an omega. I think omegas deserve to be treated as equals and with respect. But with Ron DeSantis running for president... I don't know. I feel like America isn't ready for an omega president yet. I mean, having a president be that hormonal once a month? (And before you say anything, I know about heat suppressants, but what if they miss a dose of their heat suppressants?) I just feel like there needs to be more checks and balances in place before we have an omega president.
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fleuresdumonde · 1 year
If someone’s hiding their status it might be for good reason! I don’t care if it’s a politician or a celebrity. Outing someone as omega might put them in danger and I don’t condone it!!
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cum-villain · 1 year
this is the funniest shit ive ever done
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nsomniacsdream · 1 year
The DeSantis campaigns silence on the "Omega Issue" is deafening. What is he hiding? What else is he covering up?
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clownsplosion · 1 year
sorry for the desantis omegaverse posting it will happen again
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everyday i remember why im a byler who uses twitter but refuses to step into bylertwt
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johnfkennedaddy · 9 months
Hey, if you’re on tumblr to steal jokes for tik toks can you at least do us a real solid and spread the rob de santis omega-verse thing to the general public? K thx byee
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curioscurio · 1 year
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
Joyless buzzkill dropping in with a hot take here but i fucking hate the ron desantis is an omega meme. At what point while photoshopping a politician producing anal lubrication do you recognize calling real people submissive and breedable in the hopes that it impacts their google search rankings is sexual harassment?
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senatortedcruz · 1 year
Listen I know how important it would be for omega representation if Ron DeSantis became president but listen when I tell you he’s a bad bad dude. Look at what’s happening to LGBT rights in Florida, the abortion ban, his terrible Covid policies, his crackdowns on free speech and education. Omegas deserve to have representation in the form of someone fighting for all marginalized groups, not just themselves.
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lesbianralzarek · 1 year
it used to be that if you wanted to say something and potentially even have someone hear you, you had to talk to a real person. social media is cool in that none of my followers have a choice
that ron desantis omegaverse shit had me googling and i stumbled across a guide to a/b/o and it was fantastic. the author delivered an extremely general "this next part may disturb or offend you" trigger warning, which, uh, not very helpful. and then the comedy of scrolling down and seeing it was about birth control. unparalleled. they went on to say "and if it doesnt work, the omega may resort to other measures. i will not go into detail as this issue is not something i wish to elaborate on"
what catholic is writing a/b/o guides?
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cum-villain · 1 year
Ron Desantis is a name many of us are familiar with, sadly. This beta male is known for his hateful policies, and generally disgraceful demeanor. However, I will prove the following fact to you all: He is not, in fact, a beta.
He is an omega taking heat suppressants.
1. Why He Hides It
Before we begin, let us ask ourselves the following: if my hypothesis is correct, why would he hide his dynamic? There are multiple reasons. The first of which: The inconvenience of heats.
Ron Desantis hopes to be a successful politician. As such, going into states of lust and slicking every month would interfere with the amount of time he can spend on his career. Additionally, it may very well open himself up for scandals. Taking heat suppressants thus frees up his schedule, and helps him keep his reputation, though I must emphasize to the omegas reading this that I do not hold any anti-omega beliefs. However, the political world today is not kind to omegas, which brings me to the second reason.
Politicians, as with many authority figures, are expected to be strong, sturdy, guarding alphas, not caring, nurturing omegas. Of course, not every alpha or omega fits the stereotype, but the stereotypes are pervasive. There's a reason that Donald Trump, an alpha, is more popular among conservatives then Ron Desantis, a ''beta''. It already is a slight blow to be seen as a beta, being known as an omega would be even more harmful to him. However I don't care about his career and in fact want him gone so I'm making this post.
2. His Omega Traits
My first proof is his personality. While it is not true that every person of a certain dynamic will have the same personality, certain traits are scientifically proven to correlate with one's dynamic. For example, not every alpha is quick to punch, or willing to fight to the death for a mate's honor, alphas in general to tend to be more possessive, more stubborn. These are not bad traits, but can be used to pinpoint a person's true dynamic.
For example: Omegas tend to be more passive. This article by the New York Times described Ron Desantis's political strategy as such:
One route for a candidate like DeSantis... is to win the nomination without crossing Trump... However, that strategy is passive.
3. Symptoms of Heat Suppressants
Heat suppressants have recognizable symptoms, if one knows where to look. Here's the ones he shows
First off, heat suppressants rarely remove all traces of being in heat. They often dont mask the scent on their own, for example, requiring scent suppressants and/or false scents. Scent suppressants are easily noticeable, as they are a lack of a scent. While betas do not have the strong scents of alphas or omegas, they do have some scent, which scent suppressants remove. Ron Desantis likely uses them as well as false scents, but the false scents must also be there.
I'm sure we all remember when Trump was on one of his usual bullying tirades, the last one directed at Desantis, where he mentioned his secnts being strange. False scents are in fact noticeable by those with a keen nose, and Trump's businessman background leads me to believe he would have that experience.
Secondly, while emotional states are not nearly as wild when off of heat suppressants, ones emotions instead are mildly high-strung for the entirety of ones cycle to offset the hormonal buildup. Look at that man and tell me hes experiencing a beta male's calm.
4. Final Proof
(This helpful chart was provided by @curioscurio)
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5. Why Does It Matter?
Ron Desantis's extremely bigoted platform is based on a lie he tells his supporters. While in most cases I would not nearly be this aggrieved by an omega pretending to be a beta (as anti-omega sentiments do exist), Desantis doesn't lie simply to balance the scales, but to inflict harm upon others. If we get the word out to his supports, then its extremely likely they won't like the truth, and Desantis will fall from the tower of hatred he built when it's torn to shreds by his wicked flock. So please, reblog this, and one day we may be free of Desantis.
(ty for reading this satire lol)
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xekstrin · 1 year
I don't know why you thought it necessary to make me see Ron DeSantis omega posts, but you have to know you made me break down at work
If I had to see it so does everyone else
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