#omega wouldn’t even be trying to raise silver he’s just constantly trying to get silver to do more shit he finds cool lmao
pacifistcowboy · 11 months
Omega seeing baby Silver: Ew no.
Omega after Silver’s psychokinesis destroys something big: [vibrating in annihilation excitement] We keep him.
omg shadow and omega would have vastly different ways of trying to raise silver lmao! shadow probably tries to teach him patience, focus, precision, honing his abilities, while omega is just constantly actively encouraging silver to blow up anything and everything with his psychokinesis
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oatmilk-vampire · 9 months
Once Bitten, Twice Shy || Steddie (A/B/O)
Omega!Steve Harrington x Alpha!Eddie Munson
Summary: It's been a year since Steve and Eddie last saw one another. It's been a year since Steve broke Eddie's heart. Now they have to pretend like everything was fine at Christmas with all of their friends.
Based off of the best Christmas song EVER Last Christmas by Wham! Mostly because I've always been stuck on that one particular line I used for my title.
Word count: 4.4k of whump and happy ending.
TW: infertility
A/n: More subtle a/b/o dynamics, can almost be read as a slightly different human au.
Christmas was never special for Steve.
Not in the way it was for the rest of America’s children. One might think Steve had a fantastic holiday with how rich the Harringtons were. That he was spoiled rotten. Maybe he was. He wouldn’t deny having grown up with a literal silver spoon in his mouth, but his Christmases were filled with white lights and fancy dinner parties. Sure he got toys occasionally but not the kind he wanted. Toys his parents insisted would shape him up into a big, strong, proper alpha rather than the play kitchens and baby dolls he so wished for. He also wasn’t allowed to believe in Santa, he was well aware “Santa” was really just the kids’ own parents. He had no reason to be on the nice list because it didn’t exist. He’d get his presents no matter what. Plus why be good if he didn’t get what he actually wanted?
He also got preppy, snobbish clothes that he only just recently started getting away from and breaking into his own style.
His first real Christmas was when he dated Nancy, and each subsequent year only seemed to get better even after they broke up.
Until last Christmas.
After Steve’s parents disowned him for presenting as an omega, he feared his life was over. All his life he was raised to be an alpha, but no matter the rigorous conditioning he underwent you can’t control who you are. He was born this way. He couldn’t change who he was. He hated himself for a while there, thinking he really was as worthless as his parents had led him to believe but that all changed when he got to know Eddie.
Whereas Steve still acted as a fierce protector to the kids (even if it bordered on maternal), he didn’t ever have to be the de facto leader with Eddie. Eddie took it on naturally. Maybe that has to do with him being an alpha.
Unlike all the knothead alphas Steve associated himself with before he presented, Eddie was nothing like them. He was a gentle giant. He took his role as alpha very seriously, yes, but he would never dominate. He would never try to take advantage of any omega, especially Steve.
When everyone thought Steve was going to be an alpha, they all wanted a piece of him. Then when he was outed as an omega by none other than Tommy and Carol, all the alphas wanted a piece of him. They wanted to control the once king of Hawkins High. To mate him. To claim him.
It made Steve sick to think about what would have happened had Eddie not stepped in and effectively repelled all other alphas with his own cinnamon and pine scent that he constantly left all over Steve even if they were just together as friends.
Until they weren’t. After they both finally graduated high school Eddie asked to court Steve, and Steve wholeheartedly agreed. He knew he trusted Eddie with his life. He knew he could trust him with his heart. He loved him.
What a strong word. It could mean everything, or nothing all the same depending on who uttered it.
Steve always meant it, and he’s pretty sure Eddie did too… Steve’s not sure when Eddie might have stopped, but he’s pretty sure it probably happened some time last Christmas.
They had been through three separate, unprotected, synced heats and ruts.
After the claiming bite is exchanged heats and cycles sync, after that the success rate of getting an omega pregnant during their heat is nearly unavoidable even with protections and birth control present. If it was unprotected then the omega was sure to fall pregnant.
At least that’s what the brochures taught Steve when he presented. That’s what the brochures taught Steve when he returned to the reproductive specialist. That’s what society taught him.
They all taught him he was, as he always feared, broken.
Because no matter how often Steve and Eddie mated, on their heats and ruts or off, Steve could not get pregnant.
It was virtually unheard of for an omega to face infertility. Infertility only really ran in betas, and even then it only ever affected one in six.
There’s no reason why Steve wasn’t able to give Eddie pups.
The doctors couldn’t even give him a reason or treatment plan to fix his unexplained infertility. He just had to cope with it.
Eddie tried to comfort Steve through it but Steve knew how hard it was on Eddie too. Steve knew Eddie deserved to have a big family of his own one day, little pups running around with messes of dark curls upon their heads.
Steve had hoped he’d be a part of that fantasy. He hoped his six little nuggets would have his eyes and Eddie’s hair, a combination of Steve’s athletic abilities and Eddie’s musical talent.
His dream turned into a never-ending nightmare in the blink of an eye.
As much as Eddie said all he needed was Steve, Steve knew better. He’s seen how Eddie was with Dustin and the rest of the Party. Eddie needed a big family, he deserved to be the good father he never got to have.
Which is why Steve did the unimaginable last Christmas.
It was Steve and Eddie’s first Christmas since learning they couldn’t mate, and Eddie was trying to make it memorable and good for them, a break from all the anguish they had been dealing with for the past few months.
Steve on the other hand gave Eddie the greatest gift of all: Freedom.
Eddie cried, begged, bargained, but Steve wouldn’t have any of it.
If Eddie was any other alpha, Steve knows he wouldn’t have been able to get away with walking out on them after they’d already each exchanged claiming bites. He might even end up dead for messing with an alpha like that, and the sheriffs wouldn’t even bat an eye. Except for maybe Hopper, but still.
But Eddie wasn’t any other alpha. Instead he let Steve go, knowing he wouldn’t force him to stay.
Eddie moved out, his decision, Steve was already leaving him. He wouldn’t make him physically leave their– his home too. Eddie returned to live with Uncle Wayne, the only one who learned of their separation.
They agreed to keep this secret, there was no reason to upset everyone or make them feel like they had to take sides. An alpha and omega separating after exchanging claiming marks was almost as unheard of as omega infertility anyway. They took turns going to events or games or parties, in some sick fashion it’s almost like they had joint custody or something.
When their heats and ruts approached they agreed to spend it with one another since they were still synced and it’s always safer to have a mate than not. Plus it was considerably more disastrous for them to be mated and not spend it with one another. They worked out a system, Eddie would let himself in the night before it was due to start for them and in the morning when it hit they’d sniff each other out and do what biology instructed them to. They could hardly remember the visits anyway. After it was over Eddie would slip back away undetected until the next time.
This Christmas would be the first time they see each other. This Christmas would be the first time they speak face to face. This Christmas would be the first time they had to pretend to be a couple in front of everyone.
Steve hadn’t used suppressants in a very long time but he did today. Eddie’s scent would forever be mingled with his, but that wouldn’t stop everyone from being able to sniff out the soured notes he’d take on due to his discomfort. Only the betas wouldn’t be able to smell his scent, but the young alphas and omegas they cared so much for were loud mouths and would be sure to ask what his problem is.
He wondered if Eddie would do the same.
He guesses he’ll find out soon enough.
He pulls into the Munson trailer driveway, leaving his car running so it’d be warm for Eddie as he approached the door.
Almost immediately after knocking on it it opened. He expects to see Eddie, but instead it’s Uncle Wayne.
Steve instantly feels embarrassed but he doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s because he broke his nephew’s heart and forced him to move back in with his uncle at the age of twenty-four.
“Steve, Merry Christmas!” He's just as happy to see him as he was the last time Steve saw him back when he and Eddie were still a happy couple and he hadn’t ruined everything.
“Merry Christmas, Un– Uh, um.” He clears his throat. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Munson.”
The older man shakes his head.
“Please, still call me Wayne. You’re family kid, even if you two are taking a break.”
It’s more than just a break. Steve thinks but nods and puts on a small smile.
“Thank you, Wayne.”
“Please, come in. He should be just a moment longer. You know how he is with his hair.” He rolls his eyes goodnaturedly and Steve can’t help but laugh, Wayne’s friendliness doing wonders at ebbing away at his nerves.
“Well, I’m the same way so I can’t really speak on that.” He touches his perfectly done hair. It’s not as big as he used to wear it, but he still used Faberge Organics and Farrah Fawcett spray.
“You boys, I swear.” He redirects his attention to the kitchen they just entered. “Would you like some eggnog?”
“Oh, is it spiked? I’m driving tonight so I better not…”
“Nonsense. I have both options for you. I’ll get you the regular kind.” He waved off his protests and brought down a glass and retrieved the carton from the fridge.
“Oh, thank you! I appreciate it.” For me? Surely he didn’t mean he actually got both options for me specifically…
“Of course. It’s the least I can do since you’re apparently going to be waiting here ‘til the new year.” He says a little louder so his nephew could hear.
“I’m coming! Jeez. Give a guy a break.” Eddie skids to a stop right in front of Steve and he has to rush to drink his eggnog so his mouth doesn’t do anything stupid like gape or drool or confess his darkest secrets like how he’s still very much in lo-
“Hi.” Eddie addresses him, “Merry Christmas, Stevie. You look handsome as ever.”
Steve suddenly wishes he had taken Wayne up on his original alcoholic ‘nog offer.
“Hi. Thanks, you too. Merry Christmas.” Steve says and definitely does not stutter, nope, not at all.
Eddie was wearing all black, his clothes looked new. Nothing he’d ever seen before and it didn’t even show the faded look black clothes get after just a few washes. Eddie dressed up for this.
He tries to ignore the thought but it comes anyway.
Eddie dressed up for me.
It hasn’t ever really happened before, but Steve feels underdressed in his classic Christmas sweater and Levi’s.
Steve breaths in and realizes he can’t smell Eddie’s scent either.
They stand in silence, lost in each other’s eyes until Uncle Wayne reminds them they had a party to attend to.
“Oh, right. Yeah, of course. We’re just… Running fashionably late.” Steve supplies as he suddenly remembers he left his engine running. “Oh shit. Yeah, we gotta go otherwise I may be out of gas or the battery will be dead or something.”
Eddie cocks his head to the side, “You having car troubles or something? You know I can fix them for you.”
Of course Steve knew Eddie could fix his car, but he wouldn’t have gone to him even if he was having car troubles.
“No, I just left it running so it’d be warm for you.”
Wayne laughs at his confession before pushing them both closer to the door.
“Well you better get a move on then.”
“See you later, Wayne.”
“Yeah see you la—” Steve stops himself, biting his lip before deciding to continue his sentence. He likely would see Wayne later, he did have to drop Eddie back off later anyway.
He clears his throat. “See you later. Merry Christmas.”
Wayne acts like he’s somehow read Steve’s mind, if the look on his face is any indication. “Merry Christmas, son. Real nice seeing you.”
Steve blinked rapidly to control his urge to cry. “You too.”
Steve practically rushes out to his car before he’s slamming his door shut and buckling up as he waits for Eddie to meander over like they had all the time in the world.
“You ran outta there like your ass was on fire.” his ex states as he slides into Steve’s passenger side.
“Just want to make sure we get there.”
“You do?”
“Well, yeah.” He puts his car in reverse before pulling out onto the road. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you seemed to deliberately try to sabotage your car.”
“I did not. As I said, I was trying to be nice and keep it warm for you. Excuse me for trying not to be a dick, I see that role’s already taken by you.”
Eddie hummed but shook his head, “You’re seriously not bothered about tonight?”
“What about it?” It’s stupid for Steve to ask. Of course he knows what Eddie’s onto.
He’s been dreading it since Halloween.
“About us pretending like everything is okay between us. You don’t think they’ll know? Or at least ask questions?”
“What kind of questions?” Steve really needs to stop doing this to himself. Maybe he’s a masochist.
Eddie shoots him a look like he’s really trying to understand Steve, like he’s trying to look into his soul.
“About why we still don’t have any pups.”
Steve flinches as if Eddie had just hit him rather than state the obvious.
“I don’t know.”
“They’re going to ask.” Eddie insists.
“I know.”
“So what do we say?”
“I don’t know! Jesus, it feels like we’re going in circles here.” His hands tighten on the steering wheel as Eddie sighs.
“They’re not young and dumb anymore. Sure they’re still a little stupid, but they’ll know it’s out of the norm.”
Steve has to stop himself from quirking a smile at that. They were still a little stupid.
“We tell them research shows not every mated couple has pups right away. That there’s a benefit to waiting.” As if they had a choice.
“Will they believe that?”
“You said it yourself, they’re still a little stupid.”
Eddie laughs despite himself, easing the knot coiling in Steve’s stomach.
“What if they insist something’s wrong? They took Sex Ed, you know.”
“Then we tell them our sex life is none of their business. Then I’ll ask them if they want to know how big your–”
“Okay! Okay, you win.” He laughs again, much harder this time. “As much as I enjoy a little flattery, let’s maybe not traumatize them more than they already are.”
“Hey, you asked.”
They drive in silence for the rest of the ride, only looking to one another as they pull up to the bustling house alive with lights and decorations.
Steve hadn’t even put any up this year, and thinking back on it the Munson trailer was pretty lacking too – except for a wreath on the door.
Eddie must be feeling bit more festive that Steve because he quickly pulls on a black santa hat from seemingly nowhere.
Steve worries his lip, too lost in thought to notice Eddie unbuckling and exiting.
Was he going to leave him here?
Steve doesn’t stress for too long, though, because he soon realizes Eddie is only moving around the front to open Steve’s door for him.
“Oh, thank you.” Steve accepts the hand to help him out.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
Steve freezes at the term of endearment.
“Eddie,” he warns but Eddie only shakes his head.
“We’ll need to use them once we’re inside, right? I figured it’d be okay while we were outside too.”
Oh. Oh.
Of course it’s okay. Eddie was just playing along with Steve’s plan, after all, he’s the one who left him last Christmas. He’s the one who insisted they pretend like everything was okay.
“Right. Sorry. Just… Sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” Steve almost jerks at how earnest Eddie sounds. Not that Eddie hasn’t been serious before, but he just wasn’t expecting this. Not here.
“It’s fine.” Steve mumbles, mentioning how they should head in is just on the tip of his tongue.
“It’s not. I’m sorry. I know last year was rough on us, but I thought we were handling it good. I’m sorry you felt the need to leave but I completely understand. You shouldn’t be with an alpha who can’t even give you pups. I’m sorry I couldn’t be that for you, Stevie. I’m so sorry.”
Steve’s jaw drops. Eddie blinks away tears.
Before Steve can respond, before he can explain to Eddie that he’s got it all wrong, they’re interrupted by the front door opening.
“We’ve been watching you two flirt for five minutes, get inside and save it for the mistletoe!” Nancy shakes her head, curls bouncing all around, as the rest of their friends watch on from behind her or in the windows.
“We were just heading in!” Eddie calls back, big grin plastered on his face but only Steve saw how it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Come on, sweetheart.” he grabs Steve’s hand and pulls him along.
Steve is so fucked.
Luckily, dinner was ready for them when they got there. They’re friends all waiting on them to eat.
Robin eyes the fake couple, “What no surprise?”
“Um,” Steve looks to Eddie for help. “I thought we all agreed no presents?”
Nancy nods her head, “We did. But we thought there’d be a new member of the family by now. You could have at least brought a pie.”
“Oh. Um.”
Eddie scoffs, pulling Steve’s hand with him where he hadn’t let go yet to get away from the ambush.
“Hey, what we do in our spare time is our business not yours. Unless you want to know the details of our last time, Steve had–”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t need details. Gross.” Robin scrunches her face up and quickly flees the room.
“Fair enough, come on, let’s eat. I hope you at least brought both of your appetites.” Nancy pats Steve and Eddie both on the back as she guides them to sit.
“Dinner, everyone!”
Steve and Eddie manage to get through their respective plates and even an array of desserts with mostly impersonal questions before Steve is excusing himself as he pushes his chair away from the table.
But to Steve’s misfortune Eddie excuses himself and follows behind him before they’re both being stopped by Robin.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
Steve shifts uncomfortably as he takes in the nine pairs of eager eyes and grins looking up at him. “Um, to the den? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Dustin points to the little poisonous plant dangling precariously above their heads.
“Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.”
Everyone chimes in, except Nancy who seems to realize something no one else has.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
Steve really wishes Eddie hadn’t chosen to rise from his seat at the same time as him.
They make eye contact before Steve gives him a small nod, giving him the okay.
Eddie leans in capturing Steve’s chapped lips with his own for one chaste kiss.
“Oh, come on! My grandma kisses with more tongue than that.” Mike heckles them and the rest of the teens giggle along.
That doesn’t last long, though, because then Eddie is giving them a death glare making them all shut up.
Steve’s just about to escape when Eddie grabs his arm just light enough to get his attention. If Steve wanted to pull away he could.
“Can I talk to you outside?”
Steve sighs. He knew this was coming. “Yeah.”
“Oooh.” Max starts before they’re all giggling again but Eddie slams the door shut behind them, cutting off the laughter.
Muted colors wash over their faces, casting them in much more festive lights than Steve feels appropriate for this upcoming conversation.
“I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I try to give you space, but I still see you ‘round, you know? The grocery store, when you go for your runs, the mall. I see you. You never see me.”
Steve usually feels like someone’s watching him, but he’s never picked up on Eddie’s scent. He must have worn suppressants. He hid from him.
“Happy Christmas”
“Happy Christmas?”
“Yeah, I always kinda liked it better than merry. And it’s what it is, you know? Christmas. Happy Christmas.”
“Happy Christmas. I’m sorry it’s not happier.”
“I’m sorry too. I know we said no presents...”
“I just had to get it for you, I couldn’t bear the thought that you didn’t have something to open. I know your parents are shit and the kids already weren’t doing anything. It’s just me. I had to.”
“Wait, you got me something?” Steve vaguely remembers receiving a package in the mail a week ago that he left buried under the junk mail and bills.
“Yeah, I did. You didn’t get it? I wrapped it up and sent it with–” he sighs, pulling off the black santa hat and running a hand through his hair. “With a note saying ‘I love you.’”
“I meant it, y’know? I love you. I meant it when I wrote it, I meant it when we made this whole thing official years ago. I mean it now.”
“What’d you get me?”
Eddie huffs a laugh more at himself than Steve, his face turning a deeper shade of red and Steve knew it wasn’t from the cold.
“A View-Master. But it has pictures of us from over the years. I know, it’s dumb. I just thought you’d see it and remember us.”
“That sound like it was incredibly hard to give me.”
“Oh, it was a bitch. But after I figured out how to get the tiny little pictures in the reel it was smooth sailing from there. The only thing I had to worry about was if you’d throw it out.”
Eddie misinterprets Steve’s silence and continues putting his foot in his mouth.
“Every time you kissed me I was convinced I must be dreaming. That I’d wake up some day and the version of you that loved me would have never existed. Eventually I started believing it but now I know what a fool I’ve been, but if you kissed me now, I know you’d fool me again.”
Steve couldn’t believe the words coming from Eddie’s mouth. He must be dreaming.
But he knows he’d not, because his dreams only ever showed them cuddled in bed in love. Or them with pups of their own. Or Eddie hating him, resenting him because they never separated.
This wasn’t a dream. This was Steve’s own personal nightmare.
He’d have to admit everything. He’d have to confront all of his feelings.
He’d have to deal with Eddie’s feelings, whether they be more heartbreak or the anger Steve’s been anticipating but never received.
“I was always supposed to be an alpha, or at least that’s what I was conditioned to be.” He starts, “When I presented as an omega, my life was shattered. Everything I was told I’d be was suddenly not possible anymore. But then you came into my life and everything made sense. I couldn’t imagine that other life anymore. All I knew was you and you were enough for me. All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
He wipes his palms on his jeans, realizing he forgot to grab his mitts. “Then when we… When I… When we realized… I was broken, you know? I am broken. First I’m not an alpha, but now I can’t even be a good omega? I left because you deserved better. I didn’t leave because I resented or blamed you! Eddie, I love you!” Steve’s mouth clamps shut as soon as the words leave it. There it is. Out in the open. The thing Steve had been trying to deny, the thing Eddie secretly still knew.
“You love me.” It wasn’t a question but Eddie still said it in disbelief.
“I love you.” Steve confirms, “Which is why I left you. I had to set you free.”
“If you love someone, you let them go. So that’s what I did.”
“I think you’re forgetting the very important part where if they come back to you then it’s meant to be. Stevie, I came back to you. So many times. I was practically nipping at your heels begging you to pay attention to me.”
“I forgot that part.”
Eddie’s brushing a curl of hair from Steve’s head, already planning his next words carefully.
“And I’d like to say, maybe if you’d let me, that you’ve come back to me too?”
Steve stepped closer, allowing Eddie to finally, finally wrap his arms around him. “It’s like I never left.”
“Good, because I choose you. Any day. Every day. For the rest of my life. No one could ever replace you, Stevie. I understand the life you want to give me, and trust me I wish i could give you that life too, but you’re who I want. The grass isn’t greener on the otherside. I know what I have here, in my arms, and I’m never letting you go.”
“I love you, Eddie. Thank you for loving me.”
“I love you too, Steve. You don’t have to thank me.” He kisses him with much more passion than he allowed himself just moments ago under the mistletoe.
When they break apart Eddie speaks again, “You can, however, thank me for the show I’m about to put on for those little peeping toms.”
He gestures at the window where heads duck on instinct.
Steve laughs, and Eddie thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s heard in a year, and it’s the best present he could ever receive.
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 years
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Hello, hello, hello, how low?
With the lights out, it's less dangerous. Here we are now, entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
A black sky decorated with shining silver gems
Tech watched the sky as he sat in the pilot's seat. The Maruador was quiet, there was a buzz and soft snores. Tech sat there, eyes dull as he stared. He took off a glove, pressing his hand to the cold window. That was one thing he liked, how cold space was. The very thing that allowed them life was cold, it was so mercilessly cold. It almost made him smile.
The burning sensation that comes when his hand was too cold amused him the most. He kept his hand pressed, almost pulling his hand back in pure rage of the pain, but this is how he fought his anger. If he was ever going to be happy, there first, must be pain. Tech kept his hand there, as it soon went numb, he pulled off his other glove using his mouth, then pressed it too, to the cold window. He looked up in desperation at the stars, as if he was expecting those planets, those shimmering, silver planets to give him the answer to fix his blackened heart.
His face fell to a scowl as his frustration grew, the anger deep inside him growing with each passing second. He grit his teeth, 'Anything, anything' He pleaded, but there was nothing. "Dank farrik-" He hissed as he yanked his hands back, which were shaking slightly, stinging from the cold. He fell back into the chair, disgruntled and angry. He tapped his foot as he stared, he shot up, but he didn't press his hands to the glass again, no, instead, he turned around, his face stringing to one of surprise, "Omega."
Omega jerked her head up, she hadn't known he heard her. "Hi, Tech," She whispered, waving to him shyly. She looked at him, and the way Tech's face was, it was as if she had taken him by complete surprise. "I can't sleep, so I figured I could go over- Wait, what are you doing?" Omega scanned him, he was usually as cool as a dead star. But right now, he was tense, he was terribly tense.
He was at a complete loss for words, Omega could see it as the gears in his head turned rapidly, how fast he pulled himself together. He hid his hands behind his back, for it wasn't just the shaking he was hiding, "You should go back to sleep, Omega, a child needs their rest." He spoke, calm and collected once again.
"So do you, why do you always excuse me because I'm a child? I'm capable of being my own person, Tech." She almost snapped. It had been a rough day, Tech didn't fault her for raising her voice, nor for being on edge.
"Yes," He muttered, Omega watched as his face fell, one she had yet to see before. There was a notable frown, and if Omega didn't know any better, she'd say he was glaring, scowling too. But Tech wasn't like that, he was never angry. He turned away, back facing her.
Omega made a face as she herself grew slightly annoyed. She went to go sit by him, but she couldn't help but to notice his hands, they were shaking. "Are you okay?"
"What?" Tech's head shot to turn and look at her. She noticed how, as he fixed his posture, he hid his hands. "Yes, I'm fine, Omega, I needed a moment to think, I apologize." He said as he motioned for her to take a seat. As did he. "I apologize for being dismissive of you, truly, it is a habit imposed on me from my youth, one I have yet to break." He explained, it was also one he was unaware of until now, "I will work on such"
When Omega said what she had, she made Tech think, "What do you mean? Imposed on you when you were a cadet?" Omega asked, looking over to him. Tech looked at her, his expressions were throwing Omega for a loop, because now, his face, looked as if he was in pain.
He looked away, biting his cheek, at a true loss for words. It confused Omega, but that was easy to infer. For there was much she didn't know about Tech, "I was excused a lot too, when I was a child," He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he stared back up at the sky, "I was not allowed to fix myself, and that infuriated me, I was constantly dismissed for the Kaminoans were convinced a child they created in a lab could not possibly know more than them."
Omega felt her heart grow heavy as she tried to process all that Tech had said, he had given a simple answer yes, but something in his voice said that his answer was not so textbook. "Why were you trying to fix yourself? What needed fixing?"
Tech glanced over, smiling softly, it was an exhausted one, as if the answer was obvious, "I shouldn't need goggles, Omega, I don't wear them because I think they make me look smarter," He joked. Omega cracked a smile. "I tried to do something about them once, but Crosshair didn't let me do it." He recalled, partially zoning out from the moment. "I had been with him in the medbay, I snuck us into an operation room for an experimental surgery of my design," He swivled so he was facing Omega, "Crosshair, he was scared, so he smashed the machine. Said if I had goggles I didn't need to do that to myself."
"Do what?" Omega had also swiviled her chair to face Tech, now fully invested in what he had to say. "What were you going to do?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.
"Oh," He tried to smile, "Well, I must backtrack." He said, as he remembered his true intentions that night. He wished Omega hadn't asked, but she had. "The Kaminoans were in agreement with Crosshair, if I had fixed my sight problem on my own, with my goggles, they needn't worry. But I wasn't satisfied, for they're inconvenient for a soldier." Not that I consider myself one in the true sense, "So I created a plan to get them to take action. I was going to blind myself, I would need cybernetics, permanently correcting my problem."
"I'm glad Crosshair figured out what you were really planning." Omega whispered.
"Me too," Tech lied. Not that Omega could tell. Even if he had told the truth, she wouldn't have understood. Crosshair didn't, Crosshair couldn't. 'Your eyesight is perfect! Crosshair you ruined everything! I hate you!' Tech remembered bitterly, he was staring into space. Omega watched him, Tech becoming lost in his own mind.
She wondered what he thought about, the way he said, 'me too,' Omega had learned not to depend on Tech's words to determine his mood, rather his facial expressions and tone. Which is why she knew, there was something he wasn't saying. There always was, but this time, she knew, whatever he wasn't saying, brought him pain and only pain.
"You can sleep here, with me." Tech said suddenly, as if he knew what was on her mind and didn't want her thinking of such. "Or, if you are not able to sleep, we will tell Hunter you did anyway." Tech added, putting his gloves back on. That was for another night.
"Okay," Omega smiled, "Thank you." She had been hoping for Tech to say that. She had imagine the entire scenario in her head. She had imagined Tech talking about the ship or missions, but what he did talk about, she wanted to listen to a great deal more. She'd gotten exactly what she hoped for.
"You're welcome." He nodded, looking back up towards the stars. Omega swiviled to look up at them too. But as she stared, she thought only about Tech's face and the way he said 'me too.'
He wasn't looking at her, he struggled with eye contact, yes, but he usually looked in the person's general direction. She had also seen something in his eyes, perhaps he was just tired, but what she knew about Tech she knew like the back of her hand. There was a certain way he went about things, thinking back to it, 'me too,' Omega glanced over, studying Tech's face and then it hit her, "You were lying," She blurted, Tech's face didn't react but he knew exactly what she was talking about. A grim smile found its way to his face, impressed by her insightfulness, he spoke,
"I was."
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
(If you've seen Black Widow, a cover of 'Smells like Teen Spirit' by Malia J. Plays and it is absolutely worth a listen if you haven't already become obsessed with it).
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pbandcas · 4 years
Where the Love Light Gleams
So I took a small break from my Endverse Advent Calendar series to write some Christmas fluff! this is for @diminuel (for inspiring me on Twitter and also for being an absolute omega!Cas supporting treasure)
tags: omega verse, omega!Castiel, Alpha!Dean, mpreg, Jack and Claire are Dean and Castiel's kids, family fluff, proposals, and inappropriate humor, pregnant Castiel, Pregnant Eileen
pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Eileen
characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Wincheste, Eileen Leahy, Jack Kline, Claire Novak
Read on AO3
Where the Love Light Gleams
Christmas, Dean decided, wasn’t actually so bad anymore. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that they weren’t constantly moving around and could settle in one place for the holiday. Or if it was because they weren’t constantly fighting for their lives anymore or trying to stop another apocalypse. Or if it was because the bright smell of cloves and honey and sunlight after a storm permeated the air around him. The smell of content, happy omega, the smell of his content, happy omega. Cas was once again rearranging the small pile of gifts under their tree. The rainbow lights reflected soft smears of color in his dark hair. The blues and yellows bringing out his eyes, the reds and greens stained his cheeks and nose. Dean couldn’t help the happy rumble in his chest at the sight. They had only been officially mated for a few months. Cas had just started his pre-heat mood swings and finally demanded Dean either bite him and claim his ass or he’ll go find an alpha who would. Who was Dean to turn down such a romantic request. Now they proudly wore each other's bite and Dean— well Dean had plans.
See being mated, they didn’t have to technically get married. They were already together, till death do them part and all the jazz because as Cas had mentioned many times before, Angels mated for life. Even little Graceless, earthbound Omegas, but Dean wasn’t an Angel. Though he did believe in mating for life, he just— had other customs he wanted as well. Which was why, hidden away in the branches of their Christmas tree was a little black box with a little silver ring inside. “I think if you move them around anymore, the paper will rip and you’ll ruin Christmas.” He said with a slowly widening smile. Cas blinked over his shoulder at him owlishly before he frowned down at the gift in his hands. With a tilt of his head Cas set the thin box down on the very top and sat back on his heels. “I am… nervous.” Cas admitted softly, sadness and anxiety saturated his scent causing Dean to frown. Before he could say anything else though Cas shook his head and pushed himself to stand. With one hand on his hip and the other on his chin, he murmured softly, “I want everything to be perfect.” Rolling his eyes Dean walked up behind him and circled his arms around his mates waist. Propping his chin on Castiel’s shoulder he pressed a soft kiss to his mating bite before peppering more kisses up the side of his neck and up to his temple. “Everything will be, Angel. You worry too much.” Content Omega was back and the Alpha in Dean preened at being the cause of it. “Now come on. Help me finish up cooking before Sam and Eileen get here.” “You are under the assumption they will arrive before Jack and Claire.” Cas shot back with raised brows, an amused smile playing across his lips. “At least your brother and his wife will help cook… your children will not.” True, Jack was always more than happy to help, however, they’d all agreed long ago that he was never allowed in the kitchen. And Claire, well, Claire just didn’t like to help. Dean barked out a laugh at that and he nudged Cas’s cheek with his nose affectionately. “They’re your kids too, honeycake.” He paused for a minute before his grin widened. “She’s not even related to me, but Claire is pretty much a spitting image of me at her age. I love it.” Cas rolled his eyes and wiggled out of Dean’s grasp. “Of course you would. Alphas. I swear.” ————— They managed to get the last pies in the oven as they heard the bunker door open. Instantly loud arguing was heard and Dean shot Cas an amused smirk. “There is no way anyone could go to every house in a single night to deliver presents. Magic reindeer or not.” Claire growled with an eye roll as she sauntered into the kitchen. Jack followed hot on her heels and a wide smile on his face. “But it’s magic, C. Anything can be done with magic.” He turned his happy grin to Dean and Cas where they’d moved from the ovens to come give them hugs. “Isn’t that right, father?” He let Cas wrap him in a tight hug as he waited for Dean to speak. The hunter snorted, gave his o wn hug, then stepped back to ruffle Claire’s hair. The younger alpha groaned and shooed his hand away.
“Well duh.” Dean said in exaggeration, rolling his eyes for extra effect. “How else would there be presents here for you otherwise?” Jack’s face lit up at that and he all but scrambled from the room leaving behind a trail of cinnamon and rain.
“Oh! Are there?” He called excitedly as the door swung shut.
Claire snorted but sent a grin Dean’s way before turning to Castiel. Her face visibly softened as she smiled. “How’ve you been, dad?” Cas let the pleased expression take over as he opened his arms in invitation. To no one's surprise, she took it instantly and wrapped her arms around the omega. Whether she’d admit it or not, both Dean and Cas knew she adored Castiel.
“Busy.” Cas laughed as he pressed a small kiss to her temple before letting her go. “It has been like wrestling a hurricane to keep this one from actively hunting.” He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at Dean. At Claire’s snort Dean rolled his eyes. “He wouldn’t know what a vacation was if it bit him on the ass.” They both laughed as Dean sputtered in indignation.
“It was a mating leave, Cas. Not a vacation, and after the holidays we’ll be right back at it.” He pointed a warning finger at them both, Cas raised an eyebrow and Claire snickered behind on hand. “Now. I’m going to go make sure the other one hasn’t opened anything yet.” With that he swept from the room, grumbling about ‘cheeky omegas’ and ‘nosy brat alphas.’
The second the door shut Claire whirled on him. “Did you tell him yet?” She demanded practically vibrating in excitement. Cas shushed her with one hand as he peered at the door, making sure her voice hadn’t carried.
“Not yet.”
“Ugh, Daaad.” She whined and crossed her arms over her chest, “What are you waiting on? For him to smell it first?”
Truth be told that had been Castiel’s biggest fear thus far. That Dean would smell it before he had a chance to tell him. He’d managed smothering the change so far but he knew it was just a matter of time. “I’ll be telling him tonight.” He said with a soft smile and happiness rolled off him in waves. “When we do presents.”
“Cas! Claire! Sammy and Eileen are here!”
They shared one last look before Claire clapped a hand on his shoulder and nodded. “I know I’ve said it before, but I’m so happy for you, dad.”
The second the two stepped into the main room Cas was swept up into a hug, his feet barely brushing the floor. Sam’s bright apple smell enveloped him in a content bubble and he couldn’t help the smile from blooming on his face. “Hello, Sam. I trust all has been well?” The tall alpha rumbled out his agreement as he spun them in a half circle. Cas could pick up the second Sam’s nose twitched and his scent grew curious as he scented the air around Cas. “Don’t say anything.” He whispered quickly, eyes glancing up at Dean who’d just released Eileen with a wide grin.
“Come on now man, that one’s mine.” Dean teased as he came over and pulled Sam into a bear hug. Sam rolled his eyes but pat him on the back anyway after letting Cas slip away to greet Eileen.
“So, how’s mated life treating you?” Sam’s shit eating grin grew when Dean’s ears flushed bright red and he mumbled ‘shut up’ under his breath. He was smiling fondly after his omega though. It was all so disgustingly domestic and Sam almost didn’t believe it was actually Dean. “That good then?”
The smell of satisfied alpha washed over them both as Dean turned his gaze back on his brother. “It’s been amazing, Sammy. Like. Seriously,” His eyes jumped to where Cas and Eileen were now excitedly talking to Jack. The young beta was showing them something on his phone and they couldn’t hear what exactly they were talking about but it was clearly entertaining. From the other side of the room Claire was poking around with a CD player, her tongue poking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. “I’m happy, man.”
There was a triumphant sound as Claire managed to get the music to turn on and instantly ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ started filtering through the room. Beside him Sam smiled, “That’s good, Dean. That’s really good.” He patted him on the back once and then, “You deserve this. You deserve each other.”
“Enough about me.” Dean said in embarrassment, “How are you and Eileen doing? It’s been a while since we’ve gotten together.” He looked over the dark haired woman where she now sat beside Castiel in front of the tree, her hands resting lightly over her protruding stomach. “She’s looking quite… large.”
Sam scoffed with a smile. “She’s pregnant, Dean, you know that, of course she’s large.” The expression turned fond and the apple scent around them sweetened. “Things are going really well. Just hit six months and the little bugger is super active.” The almost longing look on Dean’s face made Sam’s heartache. His brother had always been the more pup oriented of the two. Always talking about wanting to settle down and raise a family. “Have you and Cas talked about… you know… having pups?”
Dean didn’t say anything for a long moment and then, “Sometimes.” His voice was distant as he watched the two omegas laugh quietly as Claire plopped down beside Cas, her feet instantly coming up to rest on his lap. “Though it’s usually when he’s in heat and begging me to--”
“Oh ew, Dean! No, don’t even. I don’t need to know that.” Dean gave him a wolfish grin and waggled his eyebrows but the effect was lost when his scent dampened. “Mating habits aside,” He groaned, face twisting in disgust, “Have you talked about it while both of you are lucid?” Dean only shrugged and Sam pursed his lips, one eyebrow raised, “Why not, Dean?”
“Because I don’t know if he’d actually want a pup with me.” He shot back, the air burning around him, causing Sam’s nose to wrinkle. The next second the strong soothing smell of honey overtook them. Both blinked dazedly as Castiel popped up to wrap himself around Dean, his face pinched in a frown as he scented at his mate.
Looking up Dean, Cas pressed a hand against his mating bite. “You are distressed. Why are you distressed?” Turning to the younger Winchester he frowned, “What did you do?” Sam put his hands up and shook his head with a laugh.
“Nothing, Cas. We were just having a conversation.”
“Well, time for conversation is done. It’s time for food.” With that he turned on his heel and stalked away toward the table currently being set with food by Jack and Claire. Dean shot his brother a long suffering look that was only mildly put off by soft pine. They’d talk about it again later. He knew that, but for now he followed his omega toward the rest of their family.
“Oh my God.” Claire burst out with a laugh as she pulled out a pair of soft looking pajama pants from the box Jack had handed her. They were bright yellow and covered in little cheeseburgers and she grinned at Jack, “These a fuckin beautiful.”
From the couch Cas ‘tutted’, “Language.” Claire rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Cas before turning back to Jack and giving him a hug. The cheeseburger pants grasped tightly in her hands as she rubbed the back of his head affectionately.
“Thanks, J.”
Jack seemed to preen under the praise as he said brightly, “They match Dean’s hotdog pants!”
Dean nodded approvingly as he eyeballed the bright pants, “That they do.” He turned slightly toward Cas and nudged his side, “You and Jack need a pair now. I’m thinking fries for the kid,” Jack’s face lit up as Dean tossed him a box he had at his side. Not breaking eye contact with his mate he smiled, “Great minds think alike, ya?” Dropping his voice lower he muttered, “Soda’s for you, my little juice box.” Cheeks instantly burning Cas looked away from him, wide eyed and mouth gone dry.
As Jack pulled out the red pants covered in fries, Claire handed Castiel an almost identical box. Cas frowned, his face still burning at Dean’s comment, at the box in his hands then glanced between the two, “You planned this.” Dean shrugged, smirk firmly in place as Cas opened the box and pulled out dark blue pants covered in soda cups, the straws each a rainbow of colors. “Did you pick them out?” He asked Claire tentatively, alarm raising as the two alphas looked at each other with matching smirks.
The look was all he needed to know before he was wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole. Sam and Eileen cackled on the love seat and Castiel shot them a glare. “You are all terrible people.” Sam shrugged one shoulder as he wheezed through his laughter, Eileen patting his back while stifling her own giggles.
Beside him Dean let out a soothing rumble and nuzzled against his cheek. “Oh come on, honeycake, it’s all in good fun.” Cas huffed, but let himself be soothed at the same time. The rest of the presents were handed out. New matching knit sweaters for Sam and Eileen from Jack and Claire. A new rifle for Claire, much to Castiel’s displeasure. A new laptop for Jack. A card from Cas to Eileen that neither alpha knew what it said but there were tears and hugs and happy smiles.
Then Dean was raising to his feet and grabbing something hidden away in the uppermost branches of their tree. He cleared his throat and all eyes around the room snapped up to him. First on the box in his hand, then to his content smile and crinkled eyes and the rainbow lights haloing his blonde hair. Jack’s head tilted in confusion as Claire choked on her cocoa, eyes widening.
Happy honey and cloves flooded the room instantly as Dean took another two steps forward before falling to one knee in front of where Castiel was still perched on the couch. “I know you know what this is and what’s going on… so do I still have to say it?” Cas nodded quickly, voice catching in his throat.
“Dean! Of course you do!”
“Shut your face before I take your shit back.” Dean wagged a threatening finger at Claire who snickered back. Turning back to his mate he huffed, but he smiled again anyway, “I love you, Cas. You know I do, and I’m happy to be your mate. Always.” Castiel bit his bottom lip as his eyes sparkled with flecks of brilliant gold amongst ocean blue. “But I’d be even happier if you’d be my husband.”
In lieu of answering Cas merely launched himself off the couch and tackled Dean to the ground. Both of them laughing as their mouths clashed together, none too gently and their family cheered around them. “So that a yes?” Dean murmured against Castiel’s lips after a moment of kissing him soundly.
Cas pulled back enough to give a small, soft lick to the mating bite on Dean’s neck before he nodded. “Yes. Of course yes.”
The night was just starting to wind down when Claire gave Cas a pointed look in the kitchen as they were refilling their mugs that Dean didn’t miss. From his spot in the chair he raised an eyebrow at the silent standoff. Finally it seemed that Cas won when Claire threw her hands in the air, grabbed her, Jack and Eileen’s mugs and stormed out to rejoin the others.
Dean watched Cas shake his head in exasperation before he picked up Dean and Sam’s mugs. He passed Sam his on the way past, the younger Winchester took it with a soft thank you. Pausing briefly by the tree Castiel picked up a small thin box that everyone had noticed, but hadn’t mentioned. Stopping beside Dean’s chair he held out the cup in one hand and the box in the other. Dean furrowed his brows when Castiel’s scent turned apprehensive and he quickly turned away to go back to the kitchen.
As Cas picked up his cocoa and took a large sip, eyes nervously on Dean’s face, waiting for his reaction before quickly flitting away. There was a slight rustle as he slipped the wrapping paper off, then cardboard coming apart, then… silence. One beat. Two. Then the wobbly sound of photo paper moving against itself.
Taking a deep breath, Cas held his mug tightly between his hands and wandered back over to stand behind Dean’s chair. He hadn’t dared to look at his alpha’s face yet but he watched mesmerized as his fingers trailed over the black and white photo almost reverently. “This-- Cas?” Licking his lips, Cas leaned over the back of the chair to wrap his arms around Dean’s shoulders.
He was still staring at the sonogram when he whispered, “Cas... is this…” He broke off, hand starting to shake slightly. Cas let his scent soften enough that faint vanilla could come through the fresh rain and honey. He pressed a gentle kiss against his alpha’s temple and when he smiled he knew Dean could feel it too.
“That’s your pup, Dean.” The cocoa was dangerously close to tipping but neither of them noticed as the scent of joyous alpha saturated the air. “Merry Christmas.”
Curled around his omega later that night the enormity of it sunk in all at once. With a feather light touch Dean pressed his hand against the Angel’s lower abdomen. The softly content answering purr told him Castiel was still awake, though he was completely pliant in Dean’s arms.
Stroking his fingers over the still flat plane of Castiel’s stomach Dean pressed his face into the hair at the nape of his neck. “That’s our pup.” Dean breathed in amazement, heart threatening to rip from his chest with how hard it was beating. “That’s our pup.”
Christmas, Dean decided, wasn’t actually so bad anymore. He has officially decided it was because of the bright smell of cloves and honey and vanilla wrapped in sunlight after a storm.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Sculpted Raven
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Summary: It had been just you and your brother for the longest time and that’s how you liked it. Politics and lies had drove you away from your home five years ago and that has since left a bitter taste in your mouth. While exploring the latest town you’d settled in, you met Chanyeol. He was everything you didn’t want: goofy, happy-go-lucky… a wolf. Mate pull or not, you were going to try everything you could avoid him while keeping the secret from your brother. But how long would you be able to fight? Will Chanyeol be able to pull you back into the world you swore you would never enter again?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I Final
You were lost. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t even function properly. Lon thought your current state might be because you were worried about your mother and you didn’t bother to correct him. Walking around the house like a zombie, you couldn’t find it in yourself to laugh at his jokes or put more than minimal effort into dinner. Everything around you just seemed less important.
Was this how Chanyeol felt after you rejected him?
You felt like you were falling apart. You felt like the world had just stopped spinning and now nothing was moving forward. How long you stayed on your bed just staring at the wall day after day, you had no idea. Maybe this was your world now. This constantly empty hole would never be filled and you would just simply… exist.
Before you left to come back home on that day you’d found out everything, your mother had pulled you aside while Lon and Markus talked one last time.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do?” she’d asked.
You’d shrugged. “I guess I don’t really have a choice. I don’t exactly want to be the reason he dies.”
“That shouldn’t be your only reason,” she’d scolded. “You should get to know him. Maybe you’ll find that you quite like having a mate. Maybe you’ll end up liking him. It’s nice to have someone on your side. Someone to protect you.”
You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at your mother. “I don’t need anyone to protect me. I’m fine taking care of myself.”
“It’s not always about ‘needing’, sweetheart.” She caressed your cheek with her too-thin fingers. “Sometimes, things just are. And maybe you’ll find out that you like the feeling of them.”
“I already said that I was going accept him. Let’s not push it past that, okay?”
Neither of you had expected this outcome. The pull was supposed to be so strong for the wolf, nearly impossible to ignore. You still felt it so there was no way it could be broken. That was impossible anyway. Mate bonds were for life. You fully understood that now.
Another sigh left your lips as you rested the side of your head against the wall, curled up on your bed with your knees pulled up against your chest. You just wanted to be normal again. You wanted to stop feeling like this. But you didn’t know how.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You perk up at the sound that was coming from your window. When it was silent once again for a minute you went back to your pity party of one. It was probably just a squirrel anyway.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Frustrated, you stood up and went over to your window, pushing the curtains aside and pulling the blinds up. Outside on the ground was Chanyeol, playing with small rocks in his hand. You could hardly believe your eyes. Was he really here?
As quickly was your fingers could, you unlocked the window and shoved it open.
“About time you answered.” A smile, although small, was back on his lips as he looked up at you.
“What are you doing here?” Your words came out breathy. Whatever hopelessness had been with you before was now completely gone.
“We need to talk,” he said. “But since your brother told me to stay away from you.”
“He’s at the garage with Kris.” Thank goodness for that, too.
As it was a Saturday, Lon was usually home. The trip to your mother’s had been canceled when she called and said that she wasn’t feeling well enough for visitors. That worried you even more but Markus sd she was just tired and would be in bed a majority of the day. You’d have to try again next weekend.
So, instead, Lon called Kris and took his truck to the garage to see why it was making a strange clicking noise. He hadn’t even bothered asking if you wanted to come along. If he had, you might have said yes, just to get out of the house, even though your undead state would have been pretty much the same. Thank goodness that didn’t happen.
“Am I allowed to come up?” Chanyeol asked.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go unlock the door.”
Chanyeol smirked as he tossed the pebbles aside. “Actually, I’ll take a different route. Stand back.”
“What are you-”
Taking a few steps back, Chanyeol gave it a running start before climbing the side of your building, gripping the windowpane and flipping into your bedroom. The wolf look immensely proud of himself. Considering you were on the second floor, that was quite impressive.
“Couldn’t just go the normal way, could you?” Although you meant the words come out scolding, somehow your tone was more playful.
Chanyeol looked down bashfully before clearing his throat and bringing up his gaze to you once more.
“I’ve been thinking….” he groaned, roughing up his own hair in frustration. The tiniest bit of black roots was visible within his silver hair. “I know that… right now, you just don’t want to be the reason that I die, but… I thought that… maybe… we could actually try… to get to know each other. If… you want to, that is….”
His nervousness matched yours to a tee.
“I’d like that,” you whispered. At the sight of his sunlight-infused smile, your nervousness bubbled away to some more. Something close to excitement. “I’d really like to get to know you, Chanyeol.”
Chanyeol's body twitched towards you like he was moving to do something, but held himself back. Standing with him so close, you felt an ache in your muscles. Something about how shy he was being now, so vulnerable was making you want to comfort him. You weren’t really the comforting type. But you found yourself giving into anyway.
At a pace slower than a snail, you raised your shaking hands, biting your bottom lip, and slid your arms around Chanyeol’s neck, pulling him close to you. There was no hesitation on Chanyeol’s side as he wrapped his own arms around your waist, locking you into the hug. A vibrating rumble echoed in his chest that made you laugh.
“Sorry,” Chanyeol chuckled softly. “It just came out.”
“That’s alright.” A whine replaced the rumble when you pulled away. You giggled, raising your hand to pat his cheek. “You can't hug me forever, you know.”
He jutted out his bottom lip. “Wouldn’t hurt to try.”
As a compromise, you held out your hand for him to take. “Come on.”
Chanyeol slid his fingers between yours, interlocking them as you tugged him over to your bed. Scooting all the way, the two of you leaned against the wall, sitting leg to leg and shoulder to shoulder, leaving no space between you. The electricity that flowed through the contact was driving you insane. In a good way.
“Can I ask you a question?” Chanyeol rubbed your knuckles with his thumb.
You nodded. “Of course.”
A harsh line formed between his eyebrows, he was frowning so hard.
“Why-” he stopped, shaking his head.
“Why what?” you whispered.
He sighed. “Why did you hate me so much when we first met? Was it because I was a wolf? Did I come on too strong?”
“I never hated you, Chanyeol.” The fact that you’d made him think so severely in the direction made you hate yourself. “I just….” You sighed. “Growing up, I was around wolves all the time. How could I hate them when they were my normal? But when I was a teenager, my father was accused of stealing from the pack. He was found guilty and shunned. He ended up being outnumbered and killed by another pack for traveling into their territory as an omega. I thought he was innocent for so long and that made me hate wolves in general. I couldn’t trust any of them. Any of you. I thought politics and laws of the pack were evil and biased. I’d vowed to never be a part of a pack ever again. So, when I met you and felt the pull, I fought against it. It was never you specifically, Chanyeol, but I did judge you before you even spoke one word to me. And for that, I’m sorry. No, actually, I’m sorry for this whole mess.”
You couldn’t quite read his expression. It seemed thoughtful, like he was mulling over your sad excuse.
“What changed?” he finally asked after a few minutes of silence.
“He wasn’t innocent,” you replied, biting back tears. “He really was stealing from the pack. It was to help our own family, but he couldn’t bring himself to actually ask for help. They all would have done it without hesitation, but he was too proud. I can’t say that I completely trust wolves again, but… it’s getting there. I’m getting there.”
“I’m glad.” Chanyeol looked down at you, smiling just a little bit. “I want you to be able to trust me.”
“I do,” you admitted.
Chanyeol looked surprised, but it was true. Looking into his eyes, you trusted him completely. It wasn’t a feeling that you could explain, not fully. Whether it was the mate bond or just the way that Chanyeol looked at you, you weren’t sure. But you knew, sitting there with his hand in yours, that he was the person you could always depend on and always trust, even with your life.
“What about you?” you asked suddenly, shifting so you were facing him a little more. “What’s your life story?”
The grin he’d been sporting started to slip. “It’s not very exciting.”
You pursed your lips. “I thought we were getting to know each other.”
Sighing, Chanyeol nodded. “You’re right. You shared with me, so it’s only fair that I do the same.”
With a feeling that you were about to hear his own sad story, you placed your other hand over his.
“I lived a pretty nice life for a while,” Chanyeol started. “Just me and my parents. But…” he inhaled deeply, “they were killed by hunters while on vacation when I was fourteen.”
“Hunters?” you gasped. “I didn’t think they existed anymore.”
“There’s one group left. One group that kills without mercy.” Chanyeol’s grip on your hand was tightening to a concerning strength. “They didn’t even give my parents a chance. They’d never harmed anyone and yet they were killed, hunted like wild animals. They-”
His grip on your fingers had become too much and you’d cried out in pain. Realizing what he was doing, Chanyeol quickly let go of your hand.
“(y/n), I’m so sorry!” He started to reach for you again, but stopped. “I’m sorry.”
You knew it wasn’t his fault. Memories that hurt that much… you forget about the world around you, blocking out your vision and hearing as they consumed you. If you were to count the amount of times you’d experienced that, you would need both of your hands and maybe even Chanyeol’s.
Reaching out to him, you ran your fingers through his hair to let him know that it was okay. “I’m sorry that happened. It’s not fair. They had to be good people, to raise someone like you.”
Tears were rising up in Chanyeol’s eyes. Without warning, he lifted his arms and pulled you in close to his chest, squishing your face into his shirt.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I just feel better like this.”
You couldn’t help the small laugh that tickled your throat. “It’s okay. Whenever you need a hug, you can have one.”
“That’s a dangerous offer,” he mumbled as he buried his face in your hair. “I might want them all the time.”
“I’ll let you know when it gets too much,” you promised.
Chanyeol made his own promise to you. “I won’t let anything like that happen to you. Ever. I’ll protect you. Always.”
Your mother’s words echoed in your head and you found yourself not hating the idea of it after all. Maybe it was partially due to the fact that Chanyeol had you securely in his embrace and how it felt so right, so safe. Shifting your head so you were looking up at Chanyeol, the strange urge to kiss him until he was smiling again came over you.
Sighing, you sat up. It was too soon for that, but maybe someday.
For the next several hours, the two of you continued to get to know each other, talking about your favorite foods to favorite movies to the things you disliked. He preferred superhero movies to romantic ones (your secret guilty pleasure) and the guitar was his favorite instrument to play. The boy was practically a walking one-man band.
“Can I hear you play sometime?” you asked shyly.
Dusty pink blush painted Chanyeol’s cheek as he nodded. “I know just the song, too.”
“Really?” You honestly shouldn’t have been that surprised that he already associated you with a particular song. From the brief encounter at the music store combined with your talk now, Chanyeol and music just seemed synonymous to you now. His eyes lit up talking about it and you figured it was only out of politeness that he wasn’t dominating the conversation with it.
He nodded. “I’ll let you hear it sometime soon.”
“I can’t wait.”
Sometime during Chanyeol’s story about the time he and two of the other wolves in his pack  named Jongdae and Baekhyun tried to pull a prank on their brother Kyungsoo, you started to drift off. Perhaps it was the the soothing sound of Chanyeol’s deep voice, but just as he was telling you about the prank backfiring and Kyungsoo coming after them with a can in a sock, you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder.
Chanyeol didn’t bother to finish his story when he heard a very soft snore beside him. Your head was resting against his arm and your hand was slack in his. He took in the moment, letting the ecstasy of finally touching his mate, being with his mate, and talking to his mate ride out in the moment. When you’d pulled in him for that first hug, he thought his heart would explode. Could you feel it thumping against his chest?
As he stared at your peaceful face, Chanyeol couldn’t help but contemplate what you had told him about your past. His kind hadn’t been the most charitable to you, even if all they did was obey the laws of the pack.
With your defensive wall and sensitive nature, you reminded him a bit of a raven. Beautiful, if often misunderstood birds. They were quick to defend themselves and people often preferred they go away because they weren’t as loving on the surface like other more cherished birds.
But ravens were smart birds. They knew how to survive. They learned from experiences and rarely forgot those who crossed them. However, if you treated them kindly, cautiously, letting them make the first moves, they often made loyal companions.
That’s who you were. His beautiful, mysterious raven. You’d been hurt in the past, but he was sure with time, you’d come to find that the cracks of past hurts could be sculpted into something magnificent.
The sound of the front door unlocking and swinging open simultaneously pulled Chanyeol out of his thoughts and you from your sleep.
You blinked a few times until the situation became clear.
“Shit!” you hissed, jumping off the bed. You ran to your stereo, turning on the music at a loud, possible complaint-level, volume. “You have to go.”
Nodding, Chanyeol ran to your still open window. He knew he was dead if your brother caught him in your bedroom. Before he stuck one foot out the window, he turned back to you. “When can I see you again?”
Your eyes flickered to the door.
“(y/n)?” your brother called.
“Tomorrow,” you answered quietly, elated Chanyeol’s mood instantly. He didn’t want to leave you, but if the next time was only a short night away, he could do it. “I’ll meet you downtown by the clock tower around seven.”
“Okay.” Chanyeol wanted to whine about having to wait all day, but he’d suffer through it. Climbing through the window, he turned around and clung to the windowsill. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Taking a huge risk, Chanyeol kissed your cheek before dropping to the ground and running off towards the woods.
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