#omg Han and Leia are back!
nicoveil · 2 months
Y’all I just watched the first 5 Star Wars movies today for the first time. I felt like I was losing my mind half the time
I have no connection to star wars other than a random show I watched when I was 10, I know NOTHING about these movies.
My irl Star Wars fan friend is very happy I’m watching these movies and he’s crazy about it.
So far, I wouldn’t say I’m a fan but I definitely get it now. I’m watching the rest of the movies tmw :33
My fav movie is Return of the Jedi.
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spock-smokes-weed · 2 years
Thinking about Luke rebuilding the Jedi order like. He finds this old, I’m talking high republic old, temple on a force strong planet in the outer rim, and he’s like “it’s perfect :D”. But since it’s so old the place needs a lot of TLC, think like super over grown with plant life and half falling apart. And it’s super strong in the force so the place is like unsettling.
Luke and Leia are like already rolling up their sleeves to get the place functional, while Han is being the biggest diva about it. He’s like “this place is fucking creepy and I don’t want to get my new vest dirty”
Han had fully resigned himself to the lap of luxury now that he’s the wife to a princess, so imagine how annoyed he was when he was dragged into Luke’s “DIY Jedi fixer upper” project
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stealingpotatoes · 26 days
You know how Anakain won the pod race back in episode 1 when he was a kid?
You think Han would have heard stories of this anakain Skywalker kid winning the race while he's out bounty hunting in the outer rim? Maybe inspired the guy to try and fly faster and better.
Can you imagine how han would react in any AU to finding out Leia's dad won that race as a 9 year old????
omg that would make his dynamic with Luke 100x funnier
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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pinyeti · 4 months
Is it just me or have they just not explained the Death Star properly?
I cant take Darthy seriously anymore, he’s just a bag of organs 
Whats quirrel doing here
Isnt this that old caterpillar from Alice n wonfderlad
WOW LUKE REALLY SUITED UP FOR HIS MESSAGE- DID HE JUST SELL???? GOLDENFACE AN R2-oh right Hans in the carbon - way to go to the dark side Luke, triangular droid trade YOU ARE YOUR FATHERS SON LUKE 
So much of Star Wars is just running into the problem with a glowstick and hoping it dies
Wow hansolo has been imprisoned, thrown into garbage, tortured, thrown into carbon, imprisoned AGAIN all cuz he has can’t shut my mouth disease
What even is their relationship with Luke btw, are they his adopted fWOAH WOAH WOAH WHEN DID LUKE TURN INTO A MAN??? Last I saw he was a child who couldn’t get a plane out of a lake AND THEY LEFT THE LAST MOVIE WITH ALL OF THTEM BEING TOGETHER wow the text in the beginning is more important than I thought 
No seriously why is Luke dressed like a pastor whats going on
Ok yoda we get it you’re 900 no ones talking about your wrinkles anyway with pastor Luke in the room, projecting much?
Is yoda suidicdal???
 Whos the other Skywalker?? lukes not even a Skywalker isnt his name Luke vader where’s skywalkers real son OH darthy’s deadname is skywalker
Nice the gang is back together, waiting for chewbakka to be revealed as darthy’s next offspring
I cant believe these are the idiots the emperors trying to kill
"yes I could sense you were my brother when my tongue was down your throat"
Oh yes Luke hands himself over- haha darthy sensitive over dead name 
Luke youre so stupid- but since jedis cant die is he gonna go to wherever yoda and obi wan is 
Lando is growing on me, also squid guy
This movie is gonna end with emperor and Luke dead isnt it
Is the emperor a jedi too how else does he have power or something something Sith
Id make a horrible jedi- im made of hatred
Hansolo my pathetic little idiot
You’re telling me this big of an empire cant take down 6 idiots lead by a happy go lucky guy, never heard of this before
Hahahah a hand for a HAND- wait what…. Why does he have a robo hand too whats going on 
Luke stop acting like you didnt hear about jedis 5 secs ago
Aw does darthy have a heart among his organs
Oh damn hes not as ugly as I thought he’d be
Kinda cute even - bro how did he even get this weak why’s he dying rn 
He has such kind eyes
Is the empire this easy to penetrate? No but they did it with the power of lOVE and FRIENDSHIP 
Love lando 
Yes Luke its so sad your daddy that blew up an entire planet in ONE second without a single thought died IM NOT FORGIVING HIM THIS EASY
No way thats it??? They took down the empire just like that???? What??
Damn no one in this world can dance
ok fine anakin is cute
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twinsunstars · 10 days
rebuild the galaxy thoughts + SPOILERS (this stuff went to really heal me)
almost lost my voice screaming at darth jar jar (and all of the episodes)
okay but sig mentioning grand admiral thrawn like we know that's a rebels and ahsoka reference but sig knows what thrawn did after he came back to the galaxy in ahsoka.....
now that i know that lego rey and dr. scalder share the same voice actress i can't unhear it most of the time
someone on twitter said yesi looks like a techphee daughter and im crying
THE SALT AND PEPPER LMAOOOOO i haven't laughed so hard in so long until this
maul is so pure im losing it I LOVE IT
okay but what happened to jango fett in this universe that our clones don't exist
i was screaming over tatooine having water, i almost thought it was scarif instead
white vader and master palpatine have never done anything wrong
i almost thought mon mothma was genderbent anakin until someone pointed it out
why did yoda look like he had sith eyes once he first appeared
the ties that showed up to help during the last bits of the fight look like a mix of the original TIE fighters and the prototypes they had during the bad batch
pls make a s2 i need to see what these darth girlies are up to
god that was so fun im still laughing
i wish we got some tbb references tho
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starbeltconstellation · 2 months
omg hiiiiii! i’ve been loving your fic since forever, and melanie is one of my favorite characters. i’ve always been curious about where you got the inspiration for her. every time i re-read the fic, i find something new that makes me fall in love with her even more.
i really appreciate how you don’t make her a mary sue, which is something i’ve sadly come across a lot in this fandom. her flaws feel very human, and she behaves in a way that most of us would. yet, you write her in a way that she doesn’t seem like just another fragile character. she has depth and strength that make her stand out. 💕💕💕
Hello! 😊💕❤️👋
Ahhhh, thank you so very much for the ask, dear anon! 😭❤️❤️❤️🥹 It’s soooo sweet. I always have wished more readers would hop on over to leave their thoughts. Maybe it would give me a little bit more of that sweet dopamine motivation. 😩😂 Lol.
As always when I hear this, I’m SOOOO happy that you love Melanie so much. 😭💕😁 It literally means the WORLD to me that so many people relate to a character I’ve written. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and then I think: “huh, maybe my writing isn’t half bad. 😌” 😂
It’s sooo cool to know you reread my fic often! 😭💕💕❤️❤️💕❤️ I’d love to read a comment whenever you do, just so I can go “agshsvhwbshvs!!! 😭” as a thank you for your kindness to read my little old work. Haha.
I’ll put the rest of my answer under a read more:
I’m so happy Mel doesn’t come across as a Mary Sue! ❤️ That was one of my worst fears, so it was REALLY important to me to try and flesh her out and give her an arc separate from Anakin. And the biggest part of that is The Shopkeeper, because it means Melanie has her OWN antagonist to deal with, just as Palpatine is Anakin’s antagonist. This was important because—just as I didn’t want Anakin to take away from MELANIE’S character arc—I in turn also didn’t want Melanie to take away from ANAKIN’S character arc. He IS still The Chosen One, after all.
That fact is really important, as Mel kind of brings up if you’ve read my latest chapter. 👀 Because it’s SO important to acknowledge how important Anakin is to the narrative and in the fate of the galaxy—specifically BECAUSE that gives him agency in his choices. Yes, there are factors such as his horrible past as a slave which fucks up his mind, but still: at the end of the day, Anakin wasn’t mind controlled. HE made those choices, and the galaxy all suffered for years because of it—because he was too selfish to change. Until Luke came along, that is. And while it’s a bittersweet feeling to say you can always change your mind, I WILL be exploring some in this fic how Anakin’s choice at the end of ROTJ is basically… selfless/selfish all at once. 😭🫣😬 (the Anakin stans gonna get me for this one. Lol. 😂).
Basically, his choice to save Luke is selfless, because he saves Luke knowing that he’ll die doing it, and won’t be around to spend time with his son. He has no clue Obi-Wan is gonna hop in last minute and speed run teaching Anakin how to become a Force ghost in the final seconds before eternal nothingness. And yet—at the same TIME—the action is selfish, specifically BECAUSE Anakin would ONLY do this for Luke. His SON. His BLOOD. But would he do it for anyone else? Like—idk—Han Solo? 😭🤷‍♀️ HELL no.
And honestly… I fr don’t know if he’d do it for Leia either. 😬🥶🫣 Low key, I truly think half the reason Luke got through to Anakin was through his sheer blind faith/loyalty in him that his father would turn it around at the last moment (and hey! He WAS right. 🤷‍♀️). But LEIA wasn’t sunshine incarnate like Luke. Leia HATED Anakin as Darth Vader. Anakin also TORTURED Leia canonically and also held her back while Tarkin blew up her planet and basically shrugged his shoulders like—“what can ya do, ya know? 🤷‍♀️🤪🤪”, so I’m FAIRLY certain Leia wouldn’t be begging Anakin to change/have such blind faith in him like Luke did. So—switch it around where Leia is the one being killed with lightning—and SHE doesn’t call out for her father. Because SHE truly doesn’t BELIEVE he can change like Luke could.
Can you TRULY see Anakin still making the same choice he did with Luke in ROTJ? 😬 Because, honestly? I can’t. 🥶🤷‍♀️
But anyway! 😂 This is becoming a little bit of a meta post, so I’ll try to move things back to your original ask.
But yes, it was SO important to me that Melanie had a realistic response to being in the SW universe, because with all the fics I’ve read—NONE of the OC’s actually react in a realistic manner. 😭🤦‍♀️ And so it was important for me to show her disbelief at first, INCLUDING her fear of Anakin. Because yessss, yessss, I know Anakin is fandoms little serial killer blorbo 🙄 (and I respect that! He’s mine too. 😏💓), but Anakin also isn’t REAL to the fans, and can be written any way they want. But for MELANIE, Anakin is now a flesh and blood person who can make his own decisions now… and considering his decisions end up being VERY bad… I do think her terror of him makes sense. 😭🤷‍♀️😂❤️
And it was REALLY important to me that Mel wasn’t just connected to the SW universe through Anakin. SO many OC’s are written without an arc because the whole fic is just about the romance, but when you do that—the OC becomes flat! Ya know? 🤷‍♀️😭 So it was important to me Mel gained other friends in the SW universe, like Ahsoka and the clones and even Yoda and Todo. All of this relates with Mel’s choice with The Shopkeeper 👀 (that I won’t spoil for any new readers who come across this post), because it means that Melanie has grown to care about the people in the SW universe, including what happens to them in the end. 💔😖
And I’m so glad you see the depth and strength to her! 😭❤️💕💕💕 That means a lot. It was certainly a struggle at first, because I obviously wanted her to start out weak and grow stronger and more confident as time passes on—but at the same time—I wanted to show that she has a backbone and a strong moral foundation; ie; she’s can’t turn her back on people she KNOWS she has the power to help (an interesting comparison to Anakin, isn’t it? 👀👀).
As for my inspiration for Melanie? Well, I think I’ve mentioned this before to some of my online friends, but when I first started the process of outlining this story, I just had the thought of—“If I landed in the SW universe, and met Anakin (AKA: Darth fucking Vader 🥶), how would I REALISTICALLY react?”
And ta da! 😁✨💕❤️ There you have it. That’s how Melanie Bains was born. Hehe.
I feel like that’s why so many people love her and relate to her—I first based a lot of Melanie’s reactions on myself and how I thought I’d act in the SW universe—but it honestly makes a lot of sense that everyone else relates to her so much, because Melanie IS basically a stand in for every fan in the SW universe (at least, the general audience fans 😂). When she curses in her head or grumbles at the clones’s antics or cannot shoot a blaster shot in a straight line (at least at first) to save her LIFE—the audience laughs and thinks, “Pfffft, that’s SO me. 😌✨😂”
And I think that’s what makes Melanie’s character so appealing. 😊❤️💕 And I’m VERY excited to show you all her journey on becoming tougher as time in the Clone Wars continues on. 😁❤️
Thank you so very much for the ask, dear anon! 🥺❤️ It truly makes my day. Hehe. 😊❤️✨💕
To any new readers that stumble across this and are curious enough to check out my fic:
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moonlight-sonata99 · 2 years
The Matchmakers
The Bad Batch x Reader
In which the batch tries to set you two up but you two are secretly dating~
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All of you were walking in a city getting food,so your looking at stalls.
I imagine you two wanna hold hands but just side eye each other
It's just one of those days where your just so in love with someone
"Don't wander off omega..!" you call after her as she runs to a stall holds souvenir's and colorful goodies
"What is that?!" Wrecker says following omega echo and tech following after them as you and hunter gaze at them,
"So much for wandering off..." Hunter trails off walking next to you,
"Yea..well!on the bright side,you're stuck with me now"you say slowly walking ahead of him and he smiles softly chuckling as well. "You would like that wouldn't you?" he questions rushing up to you as you smile and look at him "Mhm!and..especially because there gone." you state bluntly as you nod your head towards the stall omega and boys where only to see no one there. Hunter's eyes widened and surveyed the other stalls "Hey hey...She's with the boys,she's okay." you reassure, softly taking his hand and holding them in your own. Hunters shoulder lower as he looks at you and and lets out a breathe
"Alright...where were we?"
"hm...ah that you're stuck with me" you reply, bringing yourself closer to him. As he lets out a airy chuckle and shakes his head.
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Honestly y'all BARELY got together
And these guys just got the hint that you two "Like" each other
Its cute, Mainly omegas idea when she when to the fresher one night and she saw the two of you hip to hip Just talking
well that what it sounded like anyways,
How this girl didn't figure out then is so surprising-
"Hunter wa-" You callout exiting cids office as omega drags him out of the bar and he goes out of sight
"Alright..." you sigh looking around the bar seeing echo on the counter with a smile you walk over,
"Why hello there stranger," you say sitting down in the stool next to his as he turns around
"Oh [name]" he gives you a gentle smile and looks behind you
"wheres hunter and omega?"
"you didn't notice?They rushed out of here" you chuckled looking the surface of the counter, "I had to ask him about this new run were going on but i guess it can wait." You say as you lay down your head on the counter and look at echo, who looked worried.
"Hey what's wrong?" you ask, placing a hand on his arm.as he glances at you and back at his mechanical hand.
"Im....I guess i didn't wake up well today." he states still looking down,as your eyebrows furrow in worry
"Is it the dreams again?" you ask softly laying your hand on his back as he nods, and you let out a soft oh letting silence fill the air
"Hey, wrecker and tech are off doing the errands today so,lets take it easy hmm?" you say wrapping your arm around his and placing your head on his shoulder closing your eyes as he lays his head on yours softly the both of you enjoying the comforting silence.
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You two have been dating for a long while now!
But I see tech as someone who doesn't really reveal or make it obvious that you two are together,together.
Butttt that doesn't stop you two from being adorable
Or you flirting with him any time your alone with him XD
There was this one time when you and tech were fixing a panel in the ship,helping him turned Into heavy flirting,on your end of course.
Imagine that scene where leia and han finally have their first kiss
It sorta ended up like that
But tech is fidgeting out of nervousness
Omg I'm getting carried away-
Anyways- omega barges in and the two of literally separate so quickly XD
After this ordeal Cue omega telling echo "I think...i think they like each other!"
"She scared the living life out me" you sigh out with a hand placed on your chest as you head back in the marauder tech following close behind. Lifting up his goggles, he begins
"Yes,however next time we take on a romantic endeavor it will be when we are alone." Tech states looking at you as you rub your neck sheepishly and then look around the marauder.
"Speaking of alone.."you trail off you eyes grazing the ship and look back at tech, eyes sparkling with hope
"But i-"
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Wrecker would be SOOo obvious
I mean really obvious,
Man's already followed you like a puppy and finally getting together he just had heart eyes whenever you entered a room
Honestly,I'm pretty sure the boys and omega know you two were together already
"Wait-where was this thing again wrecker??" you huff out as wrecker drags you out of the ship and he looks at you and then returns his gaze to his destination,
"Me and omega found this place earlier! i wanna show it to ya" he exclaims grinning as he keeps dragging you,
"Okay okay... stop dragging me though" you say laughing as he lets go
"Oh!sorry" he laughs, scratching his head while walking ahead.
"Hmm.....tell you what why don't we run there?winner buys the next box of mantell mix" he says grinning widely as you look at him with widened eyes
"Well that wouldn't be very fair would it?your the one who knows where this place is" you say placing your hands on your hips as you look at him smiling your smile falters as you look around
"Wait wasn't the gang supposed to come?" you ask looking around
"Meh,they'll be alright" wrecker shrugs as you look at the marauder.
"But,i thought we needed.." you trail off as you heard the footsteps near you get further. and you turn around quickly to see wrecker already running before you.
"Wha- Oh no you dont im am not paying for another box of mantell mix!!" You shout as you run after him
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No one
And i mean no one,Would have a clue that you two were already seeing each other
At first you two just seemed like you really hated the hell out of each other
Eventually the hostility stopped
The gang was so happy they didn't hear as much bickering anymore
They honestly just thought you two made amends
The back and forth that did happen was...flirty?
At least to Hunter to accidentally overheard you two engaging in small talk
Honestly tho they don't even need to leave the both of you alone,you two will leave before anyone notices XDD
"You don't think they'll get mad..? you say as you follow crosshair across the barren landscape.
"They'll be fine,Now..how about that rematch you promised me?" he turns back to you as you look at him placing hand on your hip and you grin,
"tch tch,i thought we were over this crosshair.." You sigh dramatically as you two continue to keep walking and finally arrive at the destination. Crosshair letting out a airy laugh
"Not quite...i want a rematch." he states stopping ahead of you and grabbing his blaster from his back.
"And..here i thought we were headed out for something romantic" you say looking at the handmade targets ahead of you and you look back at crosshair. As you cross your arms and your smile grows bigger
"I suppose i can teach you a little bit of tricks this time around." You laugh as you pull out your blaster, and crosshair looks at you intrigued
"I was thinking,i would be the one teaching you" he says with his eyes closed as he fiddles with the toothpick between his lips.
"you've got it all wrong my friend..there's a reason i scored more than you last time" you say shaking your pointer finger as crosshair lets out a small "Hm" as he positions himself with his blaster and glancing back at you
"Well,let see about that then." with smug in his voice he begin to concentrate with his yes on the target
"Oh just you see..." you mumble readying yourself for target practice.
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any Luke x reader thoughts to share?
Luke always gets up and makes breakfast to surprise reader
Luke and reader give each other massage each other whenever they are sore
Reader gives Luke blue milk as a special with sweets
Reader and Luke rub each other's noses whenever they can't kiss each other
Whenever Luke and Reader are Intimate they always hold each other tightly and gently
Reader will cut Luke's hair if it gets too long and shaggy cracking jokes with R2 while cutting it
Reader will wear Luke's clothes to sleep,when he's on missions,and just around the house always making him smile sweetly
Luke and reader shower together majority of the time liking how domestic and lovingly intimate it is as much as making love to each other
Reader met Luke after the events of empire strikes back and got married inbetween the events of the Mandolrian
Reader immediately agrees to help care for grogu when they hears Luke talk about him and sees the green child learning how to jump
Reader becomes good friends with Han and Leia helping take care and looking after Ben whenever they go missions or senator meetings
Reader and Luke talk about having children knowing the other will be an amazing parent but deciding to wait for the right time
Reader will let Luke lay in their lap after patching him up running their hands through his hair until he falls asleep
Luke will let the reader just hold him whenever they're anxious or nervous
When reader is sick Luke is right there ready at their command always making wonderful soup and always ready to give cuddles never leaving their side
When Luke is sick reader is prepared with meds,homemade soup,hot and cold water bottles,kisses and cuddles on stand by only going out of the room when he was dead asleep depending on how sick he was
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stillsolo · 7 months
ROLEPLAY HISTORY post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back.
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han s. — star wars ( canon/eu )
anakin s. / vader — star wars ( canon/eu )
luke s. — star wars ( canon/eu )
obi-wan k. — star wars ( canon/eu | discord only )
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it takes… a lot for me to pick up a primary muse lol
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PAST CANON MUSES ( primary )
john shepard — mass effect ( ot canon )
kaidan alenko — mass effect ( ot canon )
kurosaki ichigo — bleach ( canon )
grimmjow jaegerjaquez — bleach ( canon )
PAST CANON MUSES ( secondary / casual )
dr. henry walton / "indy" — indiana jones ( ot canon )
elka solo — star wars ( fc | canon/eu )
astri solo — star wars ( fc | canon/eu )
chewbacca — star wars ( canon/eu )
leia organa — star wars ( canon/eu )
lando calrissian — star wars ( canon/eu )
padmé amidala — star wars ( canon/eu )
assaj ventress — star wars ( canon/eu )
wedge antilles — star wars ( canon/eu )
biggs darklighter — star wars ( canon/eu )
ARC/CT-8080 / liner — star wars ( oc | canon/eu )
urahara kisuke — bleach ( ss canon )
kuchiki rukia — bleach ( ss canon )
david anderson — mass effect ( ot canon )
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primary muses never leave me! e.g: han harassing me for like 10 fuckin' yrs
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TAGGED BY: @valorums omg thank you for thinking of me!! TAGGING: @techniiciian @sgterso @desiccation @jedibattlemaster @strcngered @fcalty @debelltio @vibraea @red-flight @reawakcn @cnlyluck & anyone else who wants to do this! pls link me if you've already done it 👀
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
Funny OT AU fic idea I just had:
Rex figures out that Luke and Leia are Anakin’s children very quickly after the first Death Star is blown to bits.
He uses the following details to support his determination:
Luke’s last name is Skywalker. He has Anakin’s lightsaber. He can wield the Force. (Luke is the easy one to figure out.)
R2-D2 is particularly protective of both Luke and Leia.
Only one other person ever achieved the combination of stubborn forthrightness, boldness, and (almost reckless) unconventional leadership that Leia possesses.
It takes about ten seconds into one mission planning session with Leia for Rex to flash back to 501st shenanigans and crazy Jedi General schemes.
Absolutely no dead Jedi can come back as a Force Ghost fast enough to stop Rex from immediately adopting Luke and Leia and telling them all about the stupid shit that Anakin got away with during the Clone Wars.
And then Ahsoka finds them. She verifies Rex’s claims and then proceeds to go, “OMG, I’m your Aunt Snips. Neither the Jedi Council nor Master SkyGuy can’t stop me from looking after you now! We’re going to get into so much trouble together.”
Vader’s reveal to Luke on Bespin becomes even more hilarious. Vader expected many reactions — except the one he got. Luke has heard all of the tea and knows all the embarrassing stuff that Anakin did in front of the 501st and Ahsoka. Vader was not prepared to get ribbed as hard as he did as Luke buys time for a rescue from Leia and Rex.
And Han gets trolled hard as soon as Rex figures out that he’s into Leia. (Someone has to make Han’s life hard when he’s trying to pursue Leia romantically. Bail and Anakin aren’t there to do it, so Rex and Ahsoka have to team-up.)
Also, it makes Luke and Leia finding out they’re twins extra funny. It isn’t some big reveal by Obi-Wan as a part of explaining destiny and a greater purpose. Nah, it was a clone with a finely-tuned “Skywalker is about to do something crazy, reckless, bold, and possibly stupid” sense who told them.
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noweakergirl · 9 months
WHAT THEY DID TO REY AND BEN OMG 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ANAKIN AND PADME'S STORY HAD ALREADY BEEN ENOUGH FOR ME AND NOW THIS??!??!!?????!?????! Also the scene where she is like 'I'm all the Jedi'
And omggg I can't think properly, bestieeee do you get it? You do right????😭😭😭😭 how excited I'm right now from the moviee??? I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN!!! OMG
When i heard Anakin's voice🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
I was hoping til the very end they'd show Anakin's force ghost, like even a glimpse of his face would be enough, but they didn't so I had to be satisfied with his voice. The audacity to exclude THE Skywalker in the movie called 'The rise of Skywalker'. Still haven't recovered. 🥴
Oh god I know, they love tragedy, don't they 😫 I mean even Leia and Han didn't get their own happy ending I guess. I was so happy to see him getting back to his senses and everything seemed nice for a few minutes, enemies became lovers, Kylo was Ben again, he seemed sweet blah blah, and then BAM he died. DISNEY????! (,,>﹏<,,)
It's a definition of 'we got what we wanted but at what cost?' Actually, I was devastated to the point that after the movie was over I went to the nearby toystore and got myself a Kylo figure, the one I told you about.
What's your next watch plan? If you get to see Rogue One pls don't google anything beforehand because you'll want to be surprised, trust me hehe 👀
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astromechs · 6 months
sw fmk for the ask games 😈
anakin, obi-wan, padme
leia, han, luke
jyn, cassian, bodhi
chirrut, baze, k2so
lyra, galen, krennic
ahsoka, ezra, sabine
vel, cinta, kleya
mon mothma, luthen, eedy
bix, brasso, meshi
omg what great combinations, let's see:
fuck anakin, marry padme, kill obi-wan (sorry obi-wan i love you)
fuck leia, marry luke, kill han (han i'm so sorry i LOVE YOU)
fuck cassian, marry jyn, i'M NOT KILLING BODHI i'm making him tea and watching a movie with him and playing board games with him and having a very nice evening
fuck baze, marry chirrut, kill k2 but only because he's inorganic so he can come back
fuck galen, marry lyra, kill krennic
fuck ahsoka, marry sabine, kill ezra
fuck kleya, marry cinta, kill vel (sorry vel i love you)
fuck luthen, marry mon mothma, kill eedy
fuck brasso, marry bix, kill melshi (sorry buddy)
weekend free for all (feel free to send me any of these!)
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apricusapollo · 10 months
fuck you youve made me ship dinluke a ship of a fandom im not even in. now im forced to watch what, 10 movies????? ill blame you for my lost hours of sleep (who am i kidding i alr sleep less than 5/6 h) dinlukes cute tho
follower of your marauders content, who has finally snapped
okok but you GOTTA start with the original trilogy (a new hope, the empire strikes back, return of the jedi), then the prequels trilogy (the phantom menace, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith) and then the sequels trilogy which I love and people are just dramatic when they say it's bad (the force awakens, the last jedi, the rise of skywalker)!! SOO!! overall 9 movies
but then of course we have shows: the clone wars, rebels, the bad batch, the mandalorian, ahsoka, kenobi, the book of boba fett
OH AND don't forget solo, andor, rogue one!!!
(also don't be intimidated because I've only seen the movies, the clone wars (I'm on s6) and the mandalorian out of this list for now.)
and obviously we have my all time favourite couples *cleans throat* din x luke, han x leia, anakin x padme, obi-wan x satine, obi-wan x cody and some others every here and there but these five are The Main ones.
hope this didn't convince you Not to watch it anymore because UGH IT'S SOOOO GOOD I'm crawling on the walls
ANYWAYS. the point is. welcome to star wars hellhole and if you thought marauders fandom was painful, I have some news for you<3333
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songbookff · 5 months
Hello! The prompt "Not what I came for." for Amilyn/Leia/Han, please?
Omg yesssss.
Sometimes you just need to take care of your wife...
Leia burst through the door of her apartments, intent on changing her clothes and getting back to her office. She had already removed the hood and cape of her formal dress as she moved towards the bedroom, and more importantly her closet.
In her haste, she nearly missed Han and Amilyn having tea at the kitchen table. Han, who was supposed to be on a run with Chewbacca...and Amylin, who was supposed to be in her office.
She backtracked, tossing the cape on the back of a chair and began undoing the numerous buttons on the ornate cuffs of her sleeves. She glared at her husband and long time friend, rather rudely asserting, "Shouldn't you two be working?"
"Chewy has a cold." Han took a sip of his tea, as if this explained everything.
Amilyn, with her hair in various shades of the sunset this week, shrugged and added, "I came across Han at the shuttlebay. I thought he could use a cup of tea."
Leia's eyes flickered between them, aghast. They were absolutely insane. Why was a Senator wandering about the shuttlebay? And since when did Han just 'have a cup of tea'?
"You're in a hurry," observed Han.
Leia narrowed her eyes at him. "I have to get changed. Some people had jobs to do...the galaxy doesn't run itself."
"I think you'll find your schedule is clear for the afternoon." Amilyn batted her eyes innocently.
"What have you two done?" groaned Leia. For decades, she had been cleaning up after one of them or the other. Of course, it was fair to say they too had contributed in cleaning up her messes as well.
"Not what we've done..." replied Amilyn sweetly, a bright smile on her lips.
"But what we plan on doing," finished Han in almost a growl. His eyes were taking every inch of her in, the buttons on her sleeve only halfway undone.
Leia felt a flush rise in her neck. "That is not what I came here for."
"You did come to get out of that dress," said Amilyn cheerfully, setting her cup down and bouncing to her feet. Han was slower to rise, a familiar look in his eyes that never failed to make Leia want to feel his hands on her body.
"I need to get back to work," she insisted turning back to the bedroom, but wasn't able to get away as Han approached, wrapping his arms around her from behind and burying his face into her neck.
She started to protest but Amilyn caught her wrist, delicate fingers undoing the buttons where Leia had left off. Softly, the other woman cooed, "You've been working too much. The galaxy can do without you for an afternoon."
Defeated, Leia leaned back into Han's embrace. His lips pressed into the skin on her neck and his hand was working to get her sleeve off her shoulder. Amilyn was starting on the other sleeve now. After all the buttons were undone, she pressed a kiss to the inside of Leia's wrist.
"What ever would I do without the two of you?" She gasped as Han whirled her around to face him, allowing Amilyn to access the laces of her dress.
Leia soon felt the dress loosen and Han slowly slid it over her shoulders, chest, and hips until it pooled elegantly at her feet. Amilyn was quick to close the distance between them, letting her warm body press against Leia's back. Han kissed her lips and she felt Amilyn expertly letting down her hair.
As she lost herself to her lovers, she had the fleeting thought that this may not have been what she came for...but she was sure glad she stayed.
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virtie333 · 6 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by @agent-troi and @randomfoggytiger. Thank you! I needed this diversion today!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (sequel and original trilogy), The X-Files, Triple Frontier (still have a Moon Knight WIP, too!)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Flight 814
Eyes in the Night
Let's Get This Show on the Road
My Best Friend's Weddings
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes I only have the energy for an emoji or two, but I always respond.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I always have happy endings... unless they are a cliffhanger because I was already planning another fic in the series. My craziest cliffhanger was definitely Let's Face the Music and Dance.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? LOL Uhm, probably my happiest ending was Kinetic, because it was the actual ending of The Rise of Skywalker, only elaborated upon (Poe Dameron was on the Millennium Falcon at the end of that movie, dammit!)
Do you get hate on fics?
No hate, thank God. I did get a few people complaining I had tagged Rey/Ben Solo in My Best Friend's Weddings, but I informed them that half of the fics that end up in the Rey/Poe tag are Reylo, so they have nothing to complain about. I was warned that by doing that I would get Reylo hate, and I did not, so that made me happy.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I usually include it in my long fics and the occasional smutty short, but I don't write PWP. My smut is pretty vanilla (one reader called it 'classy,' which made my day), but I do have a little bit of a praise kink myself, so that comes out sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I was fairly well know back in my X-File days, and I think someone would have let me know if they saw my stuff without my name on it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I know I had a few of my X-Files fics translated years ago, and one of my Damerey, Just In Time, thanks to @marieziffer!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I was part of a crazy multi-writer X-File fic way back in the day. We wrote the thing on the fly, taking turns for every chapter. It was on the Delphi Forums X-File site. I have no clue what happened to it, but I know we never finished it!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am going to have to say Damerey, because I've been obsessed with it for over four years now. However, I will always love MSR and Han/Leia, and may yet write for both again someday.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope to God I can finish them all! My Moon Knight is waiting patiently for me to finish this crazy Sequel rewrite, and my angsty Damerey is also always on my mind.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told my dialog is very realistic, and I've been told my smut is good, too. LOL
What are your writing weaknesses?
I find when I re-read my stuff that I favor certain phrases and use them a little too often. I also have a hard time writing action, but again, I've been told I do it well, so the struggle is worth it, I guess.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like it, as long as it's minimal. I don't want to have to always look up what things mean and I don't want my readers to, either.
First fandom you wrote for?
Depends. I was writing Star Wars back in Junior High/High School, but nothing anybody ever read. I also wrote for Jack and Jennifer from Days of Our Lives back than. My first 'published' fanfiction was for The X-Files.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
OMG. This is tough. I really love a lot of my stuff ('write what you want to read' is my motto!). I think I'm going to have to go with El Halcón.
Thank you, muchly! No pressure tags for @romanarose, @ivystoryweaver, @melodygatesauthor, @reallyrallyauthor, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @walkawaytall, @phoenix-rising-starbird-one, @diplomaticprincess, @missdictatorme, and whoever else wants to do it (not sure who all has AO3, but you can always skip that part if not!)
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jerzwriter · 1 year
List of Your Ten Childhood Ships
Thanks @thefirstcourtesan for tagging me. I'm so showing my age here, lol I'm going to count "childhood" right up through the end of high school for these purposes. God, I'm straining my brain. lol What's sad is, outside of Jodie Dallas on Soap, I cannot even recall a queer character, much less pairing, from my childhood. How sad is that? So this list is def hetero as it comes.
This is in no order - not really...
Princess Leia and Han Solo - Star Wars: OK, this was THE couple of my childhood. I was OBSESSED and still am. There was NO better movie than The Empire Strikes Back. The "I love you." "I know." sequence. Goddamn, I've always had a type; it goes back to childhood. I'm ashamed (not really).
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Lando Calrissian & Princess Leia - Star Wars: OK - this is bringing back memories - and this is fucking crazy - I did write fanfic as a kid, and it was a Han/Leia/Lando triangle (as good as a 5th grader can write...). God, I'd kill to have that notebook now, and OMG, what a predictor for DTI. 😂😂😂 Even as a tween, I knew that would have been some juicy triangle that never came to be. lol
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Sandy & Danny - Grease: Some asides. I was WAY too young to be watching this when it was out (my Mom was insane). Most of it went over my head, and in retrospect, I am so anti-most messages in Grease - but that doesn't mean I don't still love it. I do. And OMG How I loved Sandy & Danny and danced around my living room pretending I was them. lol
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Jessie & Angie - All My Children: I was a soap junkie, so I have a lot of soap ships - but this is one of my all-time favorites. A modern-day Romeo & Juliet, and the soap world's first true black super-couple. Angie's well-to-do family forbade a relationship with her obvious soulmate, Jesse. They eventually got together, but in true soap fashion, that didn't last. A death that wasn't really a death, among other things, impeded. But how I remember watching those summers and rushing home from school to check the VCR and pray it recorded. lol OLD SCHOOL!
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Kevin & Winnie - The Wonder Years: This was the sweetest show and first love story. The ending was so poignant and probably led to my penchant for beautiful but heart-wrenching endings. I need to rewatch this sometime.
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Maddie & David - Moonlighting: This one makes me sad, thinking of Bruce Willis's current condition. 😢 These two drove each other crazy, but the sexual tension radiated from the TV screen. They were the ultimate "will they???" couple, and even when they did, they still never really got it together, but that didn't mean I stopped rooting for them. Sadly, this show is just about completely not available on streaming/reruns due to musical copyright issues.
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Nina Cortland & Cliff Warner - All My Children: Told you. I was a soap addict, and AMC will forever be my favorite show. I don't remember how old I was, but I remember that their wedding took place THE DAY that we went back to school, and my prepubescent little girlfriends and I LOST OUR SHIT. This wasn't the days of reruns, this wasn't the days of DVR, this wasn't even the days of Soap Central (y'all don't even know what that is). These were the days of "You missed it, bitch - so sad." And I was...I was...
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Maria & Georg - The Sound of Music: OK - I loved musicals from a very young age, and I am forever obsessed with The Sound of Music. I had a mad crush on Georg as a young girl, proof that assholes with a heart underneath it all have ALWAYS been my thing. lol
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Dwayne & Whitley - A Different World: It was not a pairing I liked the idea of - initially. Whitley was such a spoiled, obnoxious, rich princess at the start, and Dwayne didn't seem like he'd ever have a chance, but as time moved on, they made it work, and I tuned in each week, dying for them to finally get together.
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John & Claire: The Breakfast Club - What can I say - I have a type? lol This was the iconic couple of my teen years, and if had been writing fanfic at that time, I would have had a treasure trove for them.
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Tagging @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @genevievemd @angelasscribbles @icecoffee90 @cariantha @doriopenheart @peonierose @potionsprefect @coffeeheartaddict2 @lilyoffandoms @storyofmychoices @annoyingmillenialnewbie @utterlyinevitable and anyone who wishes to jump in and play!
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