#omg and this little like 5 year old and his mom are singing now 🥺❤️ this is too cute!!!
wickedhawtwexler · 5 months
having a slay time at karaoke tonight
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chdarling · 3 years
For the Director’s Cut ask! “Then he slipped off his boots and his bathrobe and handed them to his dad. It was necessary, as anything he took with him into the cellar would be destroyed by the wolf, but Remus did not like standing there naked, so he turned quickly and descended the narrow stairs into the cellar, toes curling upon the cold, wet stone.” (your characters are so living and breathing and beautiful and sad and omg I love 🥺)
Along with this passage, I saw the ask you just answered about Lyall doing his best to help Remus with his post-transformation healings but not being a great Healer, and I wanted to ask: does Remus always have his dad help with his recovery after full moons? or does his mom help deliver/retrieve him from the cellar as well? Or did his mom used to help when Remus was little and his dad helps now? TLDR, I’m curious about the system the Lupins devised to help their baby boy with his time of the month
P.S. I love you and thank yoouuuu 🥰
ksajgklsdgjlsak I love this ask thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I have SO MANY Lupin family head canons, and we will definitely get more insight into Remus’s childhood and relationship with his parents as the series progresses.
Here is some background Lupin lore that answers your question and isn’t too spoilery:
(warning: feelings ahoy)
In the first few moons following the bite, his parents just locked Remus in his bedroom during the full moon. He was small enough that they could get away with it, although he did a lot of damage to the place. As he grew, it quickly became apparent that they needed a different system. Lyall was the one who eventually found the old farmhouse with the bomb shelter cellar that would become Remus’s monthly prison.
Hope didn’t like it. It took a lot of arguing to convince her to lock her son away in the cellar once a month. Lyall kept insisting that as a Muggle, she simply didn’t understand what werewolves were capable of; Hope countered that she didn’t care.
After one close call too many, she finally relented. However, she was determined to make it as homey as possible, so she painted the walls blue and spent a wonderful afternoon decorating them with her six year old son. The peeling paint of these walls in Chapter 5 of TLE2 is one of my favorite images because it’s sort of apocalyptic. It feels to me like something you’d find in a hospital scene from a zombie video game. And in a sense, Hope faced a tiny apocalypse every month.
When he was little, Remus’s mother used to sit down in the cellar with him in the hour leading up to the full moon, telling happy stories and singing songs. She insisted on staying until the very last moment, when Lyall would literally have to drag her away. Those weren’t good nights. More than once, Hope stayed outside the cellar the whole night long, listening to her baby scream and howl, helpless to do anything but cry. It made Lyall sick to see what the stress was doing to both his wife and his son, but there was nothing he could do.
Both Lyall and Hope would go to collect Remus the next morning — Hope for comfort, Lyall for Healing. He got better at it as the years went on, he had to, but Healing was never Lyall’s strength and he relied heavily on expensive potions and ointments bought from various apothecaries (alternating frequently, so no one would catch on). Not to mention a few experimental cures, which didn’t work and often had unpleasant side effects.
Eventually, as Remus got older and more aware of what was happening, he asked his mother not to come with him to the cellar anymore. He pretended like he was too grown up for his mother's comfort, but in truth he just couldn’t bear to see her cry the next morning. He didn’t want to keep hurting her.
Hope protested, but Remus held firm and Lyall backed him up. And so it became the routine that Lyall would walk Remus to the cellar every full moon and lock the doors, and Lyall would collect him the next morning and fix him up as best he could, and Hope would make his favorite breakfast and read him stories and play him songs on the guitar and do what she did best, which never, ever seemed to be enough: She loved him.
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