#i was supposed to meet this guy here but he is running extremely late. rip to him he’s missing out
wickedhawtwexler · 2 months
having a slay time at karaoke tonight
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snitches-at-dawn · 2 years
“bet.” || d.m.
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you wanna get lunch on friday?
your eyes flitted to the notification lighting up your screen and your stomach jerked. you matched with some guy on tinder a couple days ago and he was decently funny- nothing too memorable. lived a couple buildings away from you in your apartment complex. you were new to the city and low-key just downloaded tinder to get over your ex-situationship. you picked up your phone and clicked onto the app.
sounds good. meet you at the entrance gate at say 1300?
a few seconds after you typed out your response, you got one back.
you clicked onto his profile again to assess him. draco malfoy. student- at the same university you were at actually. 22 years old. thought pineapple belonged on pizza. 
he looked alright. 
you considered ghosting him but thought back to the advice one of your hometown friends had given you, “what’s gonna happen if i go on a date with someone i don’t want to necessarily invest time in? have a boring dinner? get a funny story out of it? be surprised by someone who might be more interesting that i thought they were? maybe find the person i’m supposed to be with? like, the worst that’ll happen is that i’ll waste a couple hours,” you could almost see her shrugging her shoulders, “i’m okay with that.”
whatever. you’d see how you felt about this on friday. you had another couple days. you shifted your attention and phone screen to tiktok where you scrolled mindlessly. 
the next few days passed in a blur of readjusting your furniture to find an orientation you liked, job interviews and new people who were just as forgettable as the old ones.
your phone screen lit up at noon.
reminder- lunch with tinder guy!!
you punched out the last job application and ran through the most basic makeup you could with just as unimaginative an outfit of jeans and a tshirt with converse. one last look and you slung your bag across your shoulder, picked up your keys and raced to the entrance gate.
“hi,” you heard behind you.
he was way taller than you expected. that was annoying. you were extremely short. you didn’t like very tall guys.
“hello hello! nice to finally meet you!” you said.
the walk to the pre-decided restaurant was spent getting to know basics about each other. each other’s majors, home cities, languages spoken, etc etc. the things that personalised a stranger. 
lunch was pleasant as could be with someone you met 20 minutes ago with an odd situation of ‘yes we met on tinder, but do i want to screw them?’
conversations mainly revolved around a class you had in common the previous term which you didn’t know about and playlists which were almost exactly the same. 
the next couple hours flew by as you spoke and brushed arms on the walk around the park after lunch and ice cream. eventually you ended up back at your apartment complex, dreading the impending awkward farewell. 
“i had loads of fun today,” draco said, smiling.
“i did too,” you found yourself smiling as well.
“we should do this again sometime.”
“we should.”
he bid you a goodbye with a shy kiss on the cheek, and as you walked into your apartment you texted your best friend to give him a run down of the date, but got a text from him before you could do so-
how about i teach you to skate in the parkade day after?
you remembered? how sweet of you. i’ll be there.
the next morning came with an invitation to go clubbing with a couple of your college friends and anticipation for the night through your day. you danced around with tequila and makeup brushes in hand till you were summoned downstairs by your friend picking you up.
“hi, sorry i know i’m a bit late- draco. hi, what’re you doing here?” you stopped in your tracks as you approached the car and saw him doing the same.
“i guess i’m going clubbing with you,” he shrugged and smiled.
“y/n, draco!” max your friend exclaimed, “have you met before?”
“we’ve met briefly,” you responded quickly.
“nice okay well you both know everyone else here- now let’s get going!” he yelled as blaise ripped down the highway.
the line up to the club was expertly passed by astoria and blaise who knew everyone in the city and managed to sweet talk those they didn’t, so before you knew it, you were in the club, yelling over the music for shots to the bartender. struggling to balance the drinks, you turned around to draco offering his help. 
gratefully you handed him a couple drinks and heard over the beat of the music, “so we meet again.”
“so we meet again.”
“i didn’t know you know max,” he said.
“yeah we were in college together. how d’you know him?”
“we work together.”
“oh no way, i have to know what he’s like at work,” you replied dramatically.
“well then i’ll have to buy you a drink, won’t i?”
the drink became two then four until you were on the dance floor, faces dangerously close to each other when the bartenders switched on all the blaring over head lights to kick everyone out.
“guess we have to get out of here,” you breathed to him, anticipation of the impending kiss flooding out of you.
he sighed against your forehead, “i guess we do. let’s find everyone else.”
a quick hunt for your party and a phone call later, max told you that everyone had left an hour earlier and didn’t dare disturb you and draco on the dance floor(and gave you a subtle reminder to wrap it before you tap it).
draco looked at you questioningly.
“everyone left an hour-ish ago. they said we looked like we were having too much fun to disturb,” you explained.
he nodded, “should we walk home? it’s good weather.”
“it’s a 5 km walk home, and i’m pretty shit faced right now,” you deadpanned, “sounds like a plan.”
he smiled and interlinked your fingers with his as you made your way back.
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
A Rip in the Multiverse
A/N: This takes place late in this series of one-shots. AFTER the wedding which I have yet to write.
Okay. So this is in my Stark!ReaderVerse! Feedback, as awlays, extremely appreciated and desired. ​
TAG LIST NOTES:  I have no idea how to efficiently make a tag lists and am lazy as shit, so I would recommend post notifications just bc i’m, well,…tired lazy person
Pairings/Characters: Shang-Chi x Stark!Reader, mentions: Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Katy Chen, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: violence, fighting ,swears, angsty??
Summary:  It started out as a casual day, and Stephen Strange and Peter Parker went and ruined everything.
WC: 3,170
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This was not supposed to happen like this. It was supposed to be a casual day in the city. You were back in New York for a quick work trip. You were settling some business for Stark Industries, picked up your new suit, just in case of a fight, and, more importantly, you were hanging out in the city with Katy and Shangqi.  Every single time  you guys came to New York, you never went to just have fun in the city, so now you were going to.
You had just finished a late meeting. It was dark out now, and you were on your way to meet Shangqi and Katy for dinner, which you were late to, of course. They had already left a video message on how they had to start without you because they were starving, and they showed how they ordered drinks and appetizers for the table while begging for you to show up. It put a smile on your face, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you thought about what waited for you at the restaurant.
While you were sitting in traffic, you leaned against the window and sang along to your music. Nothing else mattered unless it was the car in front of you moving, and right now, nothing was moving. Groaning, you banged your head on the steering wheel before sitting up and sighing. Everything came to a standstill, and upon peering through your windshield, you realized that traffic was not moving for miles ahead of you, and there were strange colors in the sky. In fact, it almost looked like the sky was being ripped apart.
“Oh, shit,” you muttered and dug around your glove compartment. Grabbing an earpiece, you put it in your right ear. “Wednesday? What’s going on.”
“I’ve detected anomalies in the fabric of space and time,” she explained.
You nodded, “Is this a Doctor Strange thing?”
“Boss, it seems like this is going to be an everyone problem. I’m detecting lifeforms entering through the ripples in the sky. I can’t get in contact with Doctor Strange.”
“Shit,” you swore under you breath. “Fuck it. You know what? I’ll say it. Avengers Assemble.”
There was a pause, “Does that mean you’d like me to contact everyone?”
“Yes, Wednesday, get every single person here! Contact Wong, see if he can make portals. Do anything and everything we can. Geez, Steve says Assemble and you go on autopilot but when I do it you hesitate? The nerve.”
“Boss, you’ve overused the term and have said it just to get ice cream. I had to ask.”
“Rude,” you muttered. “Contact Shangqi and Katy — shit, they must know what’s happening. Tell them I’m on the way.”
You shed your jacket and tossed it in the backseat. After rolling up the sleeve of your blouse, you looked down at the watch you had clearly stolen from your father and worked on tirelessly to fit your needs. You tapped the face of the watch three times and sat still as a suit of nanotechnology enveloped you. It wasn’t an Iron Man suit, not by a long-shot, but it was your old suit with a bit of a design upgrade.
Exiting the car, you shut the door, locked it behind you, then took a deep breath.  As you were about to leap into action, you nodded to yourself and ran into the nearest corner store and grabbed a protein bar. You went to pay, realized you had no cash on you in this suit, had to run back to your car to get cash, run back into the store, pay, inhale the bar, and then leap towards the chaos.
Finally someone was able to relay some information to you. Karen was able to send a message from Peter to Wednesday who was able to tell you a brief version of what was going on. In short, Stephen Strange and Peter Parker had fucked up.
You met up with Shangqi and Katy by landing with a mighty thud behind them. Shangqi had his rings, and Katy was equipped with a bow and arrow set she had looted from a nearby sporting goods store. You looked to the two of them and exhaled deeply.
“Wow, you look fucking hot,” Katy blurted out. “You should honestly go back to being a full-time Avenger because. God, wow, what a look.”
“I agree. Please, please wear that more often,” Shangqi nodded as he stared hard at you.
“Thanks, guys,” you laughed. “Well, welcome to the shit show,” you exhaled slowly and looked around quickly. “Katy, you’re not going to be good here.”
“Hey! I’m plenty capable and — “
“I’d never mean it that way,” you said quickly as you looked around. “You need a vantage point. You’ve only got a set amount of arrows, too. Okay. Here,” you opened your palm and gave them each an earpiece. “It’s already set to the channel we need, it’s 3, always 3. Katy, I want you up in that building, that window, right there,” you pointed. “Can you do that?”
Katy nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I can do that.”
“Good. We’re going to get you there. When we do, you’ll stay there. Give us aerial support. Clint’s in town taking care of some shit so he’ll be here too. I’m sending him to you.”
Katy nodded quickly, “Tell him to bring extra arrows.”
“Oh, he never remembers that. Okay. Shangqi, ready?”
He nodded, “Let’s go.”
You and Shangqi fought to get Katy to her designated location. He was using his rings far more than usual, just because these were giant aliens with armor and guns he’d never seen before in his life. You were using your powers to blast holes into their bodies, disintegrate their weapons, or knock them back. Katy was shooting off her arrows as well, and each time an enemy fell, she scooped up her arrow and tucked it into her, also stolen, quiver.
You reached the building. Katy held onto your shoulders as you launched into the air. You both went tumbling through the glass window of the building. Dusting yourselves off, you looked each other over to make sure the other was okay. When she was all set up, you leapt back out the window and landed next to Shangqi who was looking ahead of you.
The world was splitting. The multiverse was exploding all around you. Chitauri aliens you had defeated in 2012 were suddenly energy through ripples in the fabric of time, along with various other monsters and other people you’ve never seen before or you’d already defeated.
You looked to your left and saw Shangqi using the back of his hand to wipe the blood dripping down his brow. He looked to you after seeing the horde ahead of the both of you.
“Ready?” He asked you as the rings glowed on his arms.
You nodded quickly, “We don’t separate. We move forward, but we’re not letting them get past this point.”
He nodded back just as quickly, “And I’ve got a Snickers bar somewhere in my pocket if you need your energy back.”
You snorted at him, “Gee, thank you.”
“What? I can’t have you fainting on me at a time like this.”
Rolling your eyes, they began to glow a beautiful, bright golden color as you raised your hands ahead of you.  “I appreciate the honesty.”
The two of you charged. Shangqi launched himself into the air while you sent your hands forward, your powers knocking down dozens upon dozens of aliens, if they didn’t turn to dust or drop dead from your powers. When Shangqi landed, he used the rings as whips extending from both of his arms to knock them back. The two of you were creating a pathway to connect with the rest of your team as they entered the fray, all while trying to get this under control.
Exhausted, you slumped against a lamp pole as Shangqi skidded to a stop next to you. He took a deep breath and reached out to hold your hand, muttering that you two were almost there. Just as he said it, four massive Chitauri dripped from the sky and landed in front of you, guns ready to blast you both to smithereens. Both of you held your hands out, prepared to stop whatever came at you, but nothing ever did.
You heard a familiar whir that made your heart stop. You gasped when you heard the noise, and when you saw a red and gold suit drop in front of you, you thought you were dead. Arms reached out to cover the both of you, and rockets launched from the back of the suit. When they were dead, you all stood up, and you stared at this Iron Man suit wondering who had the nerve to steal something that belonged to your father.
Whoever was in the suit was staring at you. They barely looked at Shangqi when asking if they were all right, but when looking to you, this person froze and stared at you for a moment.
You heard the mask open up and you stared into the face of your father. His eyes were red and overflowing with tears as he stared at you in shock.
“You’re alive,” he croaked.
You couldn’t believe it. Your dad was standing in front of you. Tony Stark, flesh and blood in his suit like so many times before. His breathing was heavy as he stared at you, and you felt like your legs were turning into jelly. It was hard to stand, but thankfully you were already leaning on the pole. You felt like you could faint at any moment. You were frozen in place as Tony’s hand reached towards you, the thumb of his suit running down your cheek.
“You’re alive,” he laughed in disbelief. “You’re alive. You’re alive! You’re alive!”
All you saw was a blur before you felt yourself be lifted in the air. You glanced back and noticed his suit was totally open and he was no longer in it. Glancing down, you realized Tony had lifted you in the air and was hugging you.
“My darling little girl,” Tony muttered into your hair as he hugged you. He sucked in a deep breath as his hand cradled the back of your head, “God, I missed you.”
You were speechless. Your dad was holding you again, something you had craved for so long and never thought you’d experience ever again. A cry escaped you as you finally lifted your arms to return the hug, a gesture that made Tony silently cry into your neck. But as you were hugging him, something was running through your mind on repeat.
You’re alive.
“What, what do you mean I’m alive?” you asked quietly.
Tony pulled away from you, unsure of what to say. He avoided your question and looked to Shangqi. He suddenly straightened up, his body on high alert as he studied him. “What are you doing with Kid Mandarin, here?”
“My husband?” You asked, sniffling and wiping your tears, “We’re kind of killing aliens.”
“Husband?” Tony was in disbelief. “What happened to Steve?”
“Oh, here we go,” Shangqi muttered under his breath.
“Long story — Why did you call him Kid Mandarin?”
Tony stared at you like you were insane, “He’s the leader of the Ten Rings. You know this, right?”
“Not here he isn’t…” you trailed off. 
“Honey,” Shangqi said quietly, “You did say it was the multiverse. I mean, he’s….well, he’s not your Tony. Do you get what I’m saying?”
You did. You did. You knew it. But you didn’t want to believe it. You just nodded your head, stood tall and looked at your father.
“There’s a lot going on right now, but we can’t focus on us, as much as I want to. Get in your suit. We’re trying to get to the statue of liberty.”
Tony couldn’t help but smile at how you were taking charge, “Okay, cupcake. I clocked Legolas and Kid Mandarin’s sidekick, Mini Nectarine a few blocks back.”
“Jesus, that’s not even funny that’s lazy fruit naming.”
“Anyway, I can give them a lift. We’ll do a loop around, meet everyone there.”
“Okay,” you nodded. “Be careful, please.”
“You too,” he nodded and stepped back into his suit. Before taking off, he locked eyes with Shangqi, “No funny business, Tangerine.”
Shangqi pursed his lips as your father took off, “So that happened.”
“I genuinely cannot even begin to address that right now,” you said.
“Yeah, I figured.”
“I need that Snickers bar right now, please.”
Shangqi nodded and handed you the candy bar. He stood beside you as you ripped it out of the wrapping and ate it in three bites. When you were ready, he nodded, and the two of you took off once again to your destination.
On your way there you came across a mammoth of a monster. It was double the size of the Hulk and looked intimidating beyond belief, but you, you were impatient and wanted nothing more than to get to the bottom of this.
Glaring at this creature, you raised your hand and did a move you had only done to Steve once before, but it was so much harder to do this time around. Your outstretched hand clenched into a fist and you patiently stood there, glaring at this creature as you made its heart stop beating and watched the light fade from its eyes. He collapsed in a heap on the ground, blood seeping from all of his orifices while Shangqi stared at you. He frowned seeing a hint of blood drip from your nose.
“You can’t do anymore right now,” He said quickly. “That was too much for you. Calm down.”
“We gotta get to the statute,” you said quickly. “At least it looks like they’ve stopped coming in. Come on, we have to do this.”
“Fine, but we’re stealing a boat —“
“I can do it,” you said quickly.
You two reached the dock and looked in the distance at the statute. You looked to Shangqi who nodded to you and held on to your shoulder and forearm. Crouching down, you launched yourself into the air. Three times your feet barely skimmed the water before you launched off again. On your final landing, you just barely made it to the edge of the park. You collapsed on the ground with your nose bleeding, and Shangqi quickly crouched down to you.
“So stubborn. I told you we had to steal a boat,” he sighed as he helped you to sit up.
You shrugged, “I’m impatient.”
“Oh, trust me. I’m aware,” he muttered and looked around. “Okay. Easy, babe. I’ve got you.”
You both finally reached the welcome wagon. Bucky, Steve, and Sam were staring at a man on fire who suddenly was no longer on fire and looked alarmingly just like Steve. Peter was flanked by not one, but two other Spider-Man’s and what looked to be a girl in a spider suit that was white and pink and black with turquoise. You were so confused. There was a man built like an orange stack of rocks, a beautiful blonde woman, and another brunette man with streaks of grey on his temples. 
Then there was the Black woman with stunning white hair, a man in a wheelchair, another with claws coming out of his hands, and what looked like a giant blue beast.
Then you saw her. Natasha Romanoff stood among everyone, and you knew immediately this wasn’t your Natasha. Her hair was short like you remembered, but it was back to being red. Her armor was unlike anything you’d seen her wear before. It looked apocalyptic. She looked tired. There was a sadness to her eyes that you’d never seen before.
Everything was so, so quiet, until you heard the whir of your father’s suit. Then suddenly, a gasp.
“Natasha?” Clint breathed when he stepped away from Tony and saw her.
Natasha turned her head. She looked to Clint and smiled softly, “Hey, stranger.”
It was rare to see Clint emotional. He was always so stoic. But that man collapsed to his knees right where he stood, sobs prompting his body to shake as he fell to the ground. Natasha holstered her weapons and quickly made her way over to Clint. He shook his head in disbelief, repeating over and over again that she wasn’t real. 
Natasha rested her hand on his shoulder which prompted him to look up at her. When she touched his cheek, he reached out to touch hers. His thumb caressed her cheek, her lips, then he pulled away as he sobbed and Natasha wrapped her arms around him to hold him tightly to her.
Katy made her way over to the two of you. You were now leaning against Shangqi, who hugged Katy tightly and muttered that he was glad she was okay. Your attention was elsewhere, and Katy understood why. She said nothing as she watched you.
You were staring at your father. Tony looked around at this group of people, most of which felt like they were seeing yet another ghost. Tony’s head stopped as he spotted Steve. Quickly rushing over, he pulled Steve in for a hug that surprised everyone around.
“It’s good to see you, Cap,” Tony said. “I’ve missed my friend.”
Steve stuttered as he returned the hug, “I—yeah, Tony. It’s good to see you too.”
Tony pulled away and kept a hand on his shoulder, “Now, where’s my little girl?”
Steve glanced at Bucky and Sam who reached bowed their heads and took one step away from that shit show. Steve pointed across the way to you. Tony turned around and started to walk towards you. He left his suit behind as he stood in front of you, hands on your shoulders as he gave you a long, thoughtful look.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” Tony said softly. “I should’ve told you this before, and I never got the chance.  You, Y/N, you are my first greatest creation.”
And just like that, you shook the park that the Statue of Liberty was on so violently that the torch fell clean off of her. Tony pursed his lips and studied you. Since you had seen him, you were sad. Your eyes were full of tears, and you stared at him like you’d never seen him before.
After a moment, it clicked for him. He took a deep breath and nodded to himself, “I’m the one that died here, aren’t I?”
Tears fell as you nodded quickly, unable to form any words at the moment. 
“That’s how it should’ve been,” He nodded and pulled you in for a tight hug.
That phrase from earlier, you’re alive, kept replaying in your head. Sniffling, you clutched onto him tightly as your eyes darted back and forth as you processed this.
“Wait,” you said. “I—I’m the one that died?”
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Heya! Thank you for answering my request! Now, can I get yandere big bro. Not an incest obviously l. teru, kou and tsukasa and hanako with little sis/bro gn s/o?
Now the thing is s/o usually got a mistreat at school due to people jealous of them (kou,teru) on tsukasa & hanako case (a yokai seems to wanting tsukasa & hanako beloved dead)
However s/o seems to not mind it at all. Btw, s/o is student at the school. And seems to be reincarnated after they die, and seems to believed hanako & tsukasa after they said they were s/o ghost brother and s/o reincarnated.
Now what would be the scenario when they find s/o is sitting on the floor. Wet around their hair and their clothes seems to be been damaged. When they Ask what happen s/o said.
"oh, big brother, I'm sorry...i'm really is...today is your birthday...but..." S/o keep cry and then said this while sobbing so hard "today, there's a girl who want me to introduce her to you. But I want to give you the gift and reject her, the girl obviously didn't take it well and...she make her group do this" "i-i...keep...trying to saving money to buy you this caused i want it to be secret...but-i..guess..there's nothing to give to you" while showing a blue (blue sky) (blue light) kou.
Tsukasa & Hanako Case
"big brother...since this is your both birthday I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there's a girl who hate me. I didn't even knew why?" And then s/o just said while sobbing "I..know big brother hanako love donut, and and I'm sure big brother tsukasa loves it too...so I baked a homemade donut, but that girl destroy it...she...she said my cook is the worst and people who eat it will puked and not even a ghost want it" "also she steal the necklace that I buy for you two since she say I did not deserved that"
Green (hanako) red (tsukasa)
Headcannon and oneshot again please!
The Minamoto brothers and the Yugi twins with a bullied younger sibling❣︎
Warings: Hinting to murder?, bullying, abuse, slight cursing
A/n: Hey! Of course of course, I try to answer requests to the best of my ability!
I did this with the siblings combined so hope you don’t mind shshjsh
Heehee hope you enjoy, my love~
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Teru was your older brother and he made that known to the school
You loved the fact that you were known as Teru’s younger sibling
You loved your brother
But you knew you would be used for it
People would fake being your friend just to get close to Teru
Then once they got rejected, they always blamed you
You didn’t mind, you still wanted to be Teru’s younger sibling
Teru slowly picked up on this
He knew something was up so he told Kou
Those two tried to keep a close eye on you
But while they were there, it look like you had lots of friends
But when they left the bullying begun again
But sooner or later, the other girls true colors will start to show
Teru and Kou are protective brothers
The girls in your class should have known to not get on your brothers bad side
“Teru-nii! Looks like you got a lot of presents!” Kou called out, running to his older brother who was standing at the entrance of the school. Teru chuckled and looked back at his backpack which was full with presents from fangirls.
“Well, I guess I do...” Teru patted his younger brother on the head, making him smile brightly. “Where’s Y/n? Aren’t they supposed to be with you after cleaning the bathroom?”
“They are…” Kou's expression turned into a slightly worried one “but they said they had to go early. They told me something about wanting to get something prepared to give to you for your birthday…”
Teru sighed, he was worried. He already had suspicions that you were getting mistreated in your class but he didn’t know for sure so he never confronted you about it. He has confronted Kou about this and he had the same suspictions as well.
“Well let's go get them!” Teru clapped his hands and made his way towards the building.
“Do you think it's…” Kou didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Let's hope not.” Teru’s carefree expression lowered at the thought. “Do you know where they went?”
Kou thought for a moment.
“No, but I know they aren’t in the old school building…”
Teru and Kou walked around the school for a while, looking for you in no avail. Kou pointed out little droplets of water that slowly got bigger reaching to the school's lockers. The boys froze when they heard sounds of sobbing. They turned the corner to see you facing your lockers drenched in water. You leaned onto your locker, closing it.
“Y/n..!” Kou called out, making you turn to him. “What happened?!”
“Who the hell did this to you…?” Teru asked, examining your ripped close and abused appearance. You looked at him and only cried more.
“I’m sorry big brother Teru…”
“Y/n, you don't need to be sorry, this isn’t your fault..!” Teru hugged you “What happened..?”
“I-its your birthday today… but there was this girl who wanted me to introduce you to her... but I said no, she didn’t take it too well and did this…” You sobbed into his shoulder. Teru’s grip on you tightened thinking about how this only happened while he was outside with Kou.
“I-I saved my money… to buy you a nice sky blue necklace… and I even got big brother Kou light blue one as well… b-but she destroyed it and I don’t have anything to g-give you…”
“Y/n that’s so sweet! We are extremely thankful!” Kou tried to lighten the mood a bit, giving you a gracious smile. You could see tears pricking the corner of his eyes. Teru was still angry that his suspicions were true, he was praying they weren’t.
“Who did this?” Teru sternly asked.
“I-it’s fine Teru…” You kneeled to the ground picking up pieces from the necklace she destroyed “She already left… there is nothing I can do now…”
“Y/n… please…” Kou kneeled down next to you and put his hand on yours.
“Guys, what would make me feel better is if we got home… can we please go home?” Your voice was begging. You just wanted to be in a warm blanket watching T.V. with your siblings.
That's all you wanted right now.
“Okay… I’m sorry Y/n, let's go home okay!” Teru gave you his jacket which you happily accepted.
“Even though I couldn’t get the gift, it meant the world to me!”
You sighed walking to your classroom. It was early and you were tired. You were happy your brothers didn’t ask you about it for the rest of the night, you didn’t want them to worry. You thought you would get a load from the girls who did this to you yesterday but you were shocked when she bowed in front of you instead.
“Y/n! I am so sorry! Please forgive me for what I did to you yesterday! It was very rude of me and I am very sorry!” She was shaking.
“Oh, uh, it’s alright..! No need to bow, I forgive you…” You put your hands in front of your chest, genuinely confused. Once she stood straight up you saw a big red mark on her cheek. She had tears in her eyes but ran to her desk before you could get a better look at her. You looked to Tsuchigomori who only nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
‘What happened this morning…?’
“Teru? You still look down?” Kou faced his brother as they both walked to class.
“Sorry Kou… just a little upset by the person who did this to Y/n…” Teru apologetically smiled.
“Well you slapped her, that taught her a lesson!” Kou encouraged.
“Trust me Kou,” Teru’s smile turned into a frown
“If a teacher wasn’t there, I would have kicked her ass.”
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Amane found it unforunate you were caught in the crossfire of him and his brothers conflic causing you too kill yourself as well
Tsukasa thought it was great that his younger sibling was now dead too
Gosh Tsukasa-
But what they didn’t expect was for you to get resurrected
You were able to see supernaturals yourself and you couldn’t age from the day you died but you weren’t a ghost like your brothers
Tsuchigamori helped you establish a somewhat normal school life
It was all good for the most part, you were back in school, Hanako was the leader of the 7 mysteries, and Tsukasa was just crazy happy
The fact you are getting mistreated is mostly Tsukasa’s fault
Like he can make a lot of enemies so when the fish yokai (that he killed) saw how close you and Tsukasa were, of course they wanted to kill you
It was also a perk that you were Hanako’s sibling since they wanted to get back at him as well for stealing their princess Yashiro away from them
You were weak and had a human body, you were perfect
Amane had no idea about this, Tsukasa didn’t know you were being abused but he did know he pissed off those fish AND HE PISSED EM OFF GOOD-
You figured you would be a target for yokai since your older brothers are powerful
Of course, you didn’t mind this
You knew this would happen so it’s alright!
But the thing was, it wasn’t so alright with your older brothers
Hanako watched the cherry blossoms fall from the tree that he sat under. It was November 25, his birthday, and you said you wanted to have a talk with the two boys. Normally you would talk to them separately because you knew how Amane felt towards his twin brother, but today you wanted to talk to them together. Hanako cancelled his normal cleaning duty and waited where you said to meet up.
“Amane!!” He heard a scream from behind him but before he could turn around he felt someone hug him, wrapping their legs around his waist.
“Oh, Tsukasa…” Hanako said softly, personally finding this kind of awkward.
“Where’s Y/n?? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them!” Tsukasa removed his head from Amane’s neck looking around for you.
“Oh, they aren’t here yet, and I remember them saying they saw you two days ago…”
“So long ago!” Tsukasa whined and Amane sighed at his childish behavior. It went silent but thankfully Tsukasa quickly broke it.
“Didn’t Y/n say to meet them here 15 minutes ago??”
“Yeah they did…” Amane started to get worried.
“They're late!” Tsukasa pouted.
“You’re late as well Tsukasa… And we should go look for them.”
“I’ll lead the way! I know where their last class is!” He stood up and started marching, Hanako closely behind him.
They walked around the school for a while, watching students run across the halls to their clubs, laughing and gossiping with one another. Tsukasa continued to march, not losing the bounce in his step. They came closer to the sound of someone crying, sobs getting louder as they approached a classroom. The twins looked at each other before Tsukasa opened the door.
You jumped slightly, removing your head from between your legs to look at who came in. You only began to cry more realizing it was your two brothers.
“Y/n…?” Tsukasa slightly whispered to himself, staying at the door's entrance.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Amane ran to you, fearing you were hurt in any way. He put his arm on your wet shoulder, looking around to see if there were any visible bloody wounds. He looked at your uniform which was damaged and had a few cuts in it. Your hair was also wet like if someone poured water on you. Tsukasa slowly made his way over to you, examining you up and down. You couldn’t make out the expression on his face but you knew anger was there.
“I-I’m sorry…” You said a little above a whisper.
“You’re sorry for what..?” Amane asked, moving the wet hair out of your face to get a better look at your soaked, tear-stained face.
“Big brothers...since this is both your birthdays... I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there are these fish yokai who don’t like me..!” You picked up a couple red and green gems from the floor. Hanako’s eyes widened.
“I... know big brother Amane liked donuts and I assume big brother Tsukasa likes them as well… but they took the donuts I made you saying my cooking was t-the worst and you wouldn’t want it..!” You continued “And they took the necklace I bought for you guys saying I don’t deserve it…”
“Were they talking fish..?” Tsukasa's voice was cold, eyes wide with rage. You only nodded your head.
“Amane, will you stay with y/n? I have something I need to do.” Tsukasa turned to Amane. Hanako already knew what he was going to do.
He was going to go after the mermaid and her fish. There was nothing he could say to stop him.
“O-okay… do what you have to do…” Amane nodded and Tsukasa left the room.
“W-wait… where is he going..?” You started to get up but Amane sat you back down.
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n… older brother Tsukasa is going to take care of this okay?” Amane hugged you.
“But I don’t mind the fish… it’s fine-”
“No. It’s not.” Amane’s aura grew darker before his loving brotherly smile appeared again.
“And hopefully by tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with those disgusting fish!”
“Y/n! Amane!” Tsukasa called out as he walked down the halls. When he approached the door he opened it revealing you and Amane laughing. You were somewhat dry and you stopped crying.
“Tsukasa!” You got up and gave him a hug.
“What happened to those fish…?” Worryness in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it Y/n! You don’t need to worry about them anymore!” He childishly smiled, bringing ease to you.
“Amane approached you two, smiling. He looked to see Tsukasa’s hand that was behind his back covered in blood. Hanako's smile dropped and he went silent. He quickly regained his composure and turned to you.
“Yeah, Y/n you don’t need to worry about those fish. Your big brothers will kill any other supernatural that dares hurt you!”
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vampiredecay · 3 years
Hey dear, i have a weird request but could you do a Lost boys X reader or Marko x reader Where all the boys (Marko Dwayne David paul Micheal all of them or just marko Dwayne David paul) see the reader re put bandages on his scar but the scars would be like carls in the walking dead and they see the scar ( i wonder how they would react to it?)
thank you so much for the request, sorry it took me a hot second to post! its longer than my other stories on here so far, so i hope that makes up for it. i also hope that you like what i did with it!! its angsty in the beginning but it gets fluffier <3
Scar Tissue
rating: teen
word count: 2,908
tags/warnings: swearing, mentions of being in pain, mentions of scars, mentions of being in the hospital, harassment, fluff, the boys being sweet, the lost boys x male!reader, male pronouns used, poly!lost boys
You could have never predicted how your life had gone so sideways. Not in a million years- before the accident, you were pretty much an average joe. Decent family, decent friends, decent existence. Nothing was ever really exciting, but you were okay with that. Life didn’t need to be crazy or unpredictable to be fulfilling.
But, you supposed, the price of being a living being on this Earth was that life could never truly be predictable at all. It couldn’t be, with the events that followed you losing your eye, and pretty much all normalcy you grew to live with.
It was extremely painful at first, physically and emotionally. You had lost a vital part of your body, and you could never get it back. It was disorienting, and uncomfortable, like an itch you could never scratch. The skin around your eye was incredibly sensitive, the lightest movement or touch sending shockwaves of burning pain through your nerves. Tears were always on the brink of spilling over anytime you or a doctor had to replace medicine and bandages to keep the wound clean.
In the end, the pain wasn’t the worst part about it. No, you could deal with the pain. The people in your life, however, suddenly changing and disappearing was way, way worse.
Friends slowly stop coming to visit you at the hospital, calls go unanswered, gazes averted. Your parents supported you, of course. They still loved you, and you knew nothing could change that. But sometimes even they got this look in their eyes, something a little too close to pity.
It was an incredibly lonely first couple of months.
But the loneliness and the heartache slowly healed, along with your eye. The scarring lightened and stopped bleeding, and your skin no longer felt as if it was on fire every time you turned your head. You still had to keep it under wraps, to keep out infection, and to keep other people from seeing how bad it was. You knew that people seeing the bandages would cause looks and questions, but it was better than people actually seeing the wound, which would surely cause reactions that you didn’t have the patience to deal with.
As you were healing, you were also relearning how to do things in your daily life. Your sight and depth perception drastically changed, so things like walking and doing simple tasks had to be practiced all over again. You had to take things slow, which you hated, you couldn’t leave the house very often until you got used to walking without bumping into things.
The first place you wanted to go once you were able to was the boardwalk. It was one of your favorite places in the world, so loud and full of life and happiness. It was absolutely what you needed after all of the hardship you had to deal with lately.
So one night, when it got late and your parents turned in for the night, you went out and caught a bus to the nearest stop to the boardwalk. From there you walked until you saw the bright lights and heard loud screaming and chatter and laughter. You smiled as you took in the sight of the people and the games and the rides, it felt like you were breathing for the first time in months.
The first thing you did was buy a big thing of cotton candy and a soda, roaming the boardwalk and consuming sugary goodness. As you walked, you noticed that some people were giving you looks, but you ignored them, focused on just having a good time and living your best life.
Walking around for long periods of time still gave you a bit of trouble, you were starting to get a little dizzy, so after a bit you sat down on a bench to give your brain time to catch up with the rest of your body. This was nice too, you got to relax and just watch people for a bit. There were all sorts of people out tonight, families and tourists and couples, teenagers and surf nazis and locals, all in one spot, the heart of Santa Carla, enjoying the wonders it had to offer.
There was a group of guys that caught your eye, though. You didn’t mean to stare at them; in fact, you knew not to, you’ve seen them around the boardwalk in the past, and heard the rumors surrounding them. But, in your defense, it has been a while since you’ve been there, and you forgot how magnetic they can be.
They were milling near their motorbikes, smoking and talking and lightly harassing anyone that happened to walk by. Three blondes and two brunettes- had there always been five of them? You could have sworn there was only four- all dressed in black and leather, looking dangerous and infuriatingly hot. You would have noticed more, but by accident you make eye contact with one of the guys and you rip your attention away from them.
Shit, god damnit, you’ve been spotted now. There’s only one thing to do, and it’s to walk quickly away and hope you don’t run into them later.
You get up too quickly though, and you stumble straight into a man walking with who you assume to be his girlfriend.
“Hey! Watch it-” He starts to say, pissed off that someone ran into him, but then he takes a good look at you and lets out a laugh. “Oh, I guess you really can’t, huh?”
The girlfriend lets out a giggle, smirking behind a hand over her lips. You mumble out an apology and try to go around them, but the man blocks your path. “What was that? C’mon man I can’t hear you, you mute too or something?”
You look up at him and scoff, anger building inside you. Who the hell did this asshole think he was? Without thinking, you say “Yeah, real funny and original. Bet lines like that really score you in bed.”
There’s some laughter around you, making you realize that a crowd has been drawn. The man’s face turned bright red, his mouth curved downward into a frown and he got up in your space. “Oh, so you’re a tough guy now, huh?” He pushed you in the chest, making you stumble back. You get dizzy and almost fall, but you don’t hit the ground. Instead, your back hits someone's chest. You freeze, then slowly turn your head, to see a guy with spiky platinum blond hair staring at the man who pushed you. The four other guys with him were also there, glaring at the crowd of people just watching.
You turned to look back at the man who pushed you, all the color was drained from his face. His girlfriend was clutching his arm, trying to pull the man away but his feet were glued in place. The blond behind you smirked.
“There a problem here?”
The silence that swept over was deafening and unnatural, it was like all of the boardwalk was holding its breath waiting for an answer. The man swallowed, eyes gliding over the gang behind you, not focusing on one spot. “N-No, man. No problem.”
You let out a breath as you watch the man and his girlfriend back up, and the crowd starts to disperse. The man behind you gives a shark-like grin and chuckles deep. “Wonderful.” He says, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you away. You can hear your heart thundering in your chest as you walk away with them, listening as they laugh and push each other.
“N-No m-man, n-no p-problem!” One of the blonds says in a mocking wavering tone, “What a fuckin pussy!” The gang starts laughing again, it feels like the ground underneath your feet is rumbling from the force of it. After a little more walking, they stop in front of a different bench and gesture for you to sit down.
“Take a load off, little man!” You snorted as you sat down, grinning despite the slight lightheadedness. Two of the blonds sat next to you, one with a wild mane of hair and a smile to match swinging an arm behind you. You look at all of them, nodding your head a little bit. “Thank you,” You said softly, “You didn’t have to do that.”
The spiky blond shrugged his shoulders and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N” You said, and he nodded. “I’m David. This is Dwayne, Michael,” He gestured to the two brunettes, one with curly hair and sunglasses hanging off his shirt, the other with longer straight hair and not wearing a shirt at all. “And that’s Paul and Marko.” The two blonds next to you do little waves, the one that wasn’t right next to you has curly hair and a jacket so cluttered with patches it must be heavy.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Y/N!” Paul says, nudging his knee against yours, making you smile more. “It’s good to meet you guys, too.”
After the introductions were out of the way, David offered for you to hang out with them, but you declined, saying you needed to get home. At that David offered a ride instead. You hesitated, but accepted in the end. Riding behind him on his bike was terrifying and exhilarating, you clutched his middle tightly the whole way home, but the blond didn’t seem to mind.
“You should come to the boardwalk more often,” David said as you got off his bike, now at your house. He smiled at you like he was letting you in on a secret, “We’re there all night.”
From that point on, you couldn’t ignore the boy's siren call. The next couple days you would take the bus over, wander until you found them, and then do stupid shit with them all night. A lot of it consisted of them terrorizing people who even looked at them funny, but you didn’t find it scary anymore. You found it powerful. It was the best you’ve felt in a long time.
It wasn’t long, though, until the questions started. You supposed you should have seen it coming, but hanging out with them honestly made you forget.
“So Y/N,” Paul said one night, it was just you and him and Marko. You were leaning against the railing in front of the carousel, waiting for the others to get back from getting food. When you looked over at Paul, he asked “What’s up with the eye?”
Marko punched Paul's shoulder, giving him a look, and Paul threw his hands up dramatically. “What? I don’t mean anything by it, I’m just curious.”
You sighed a little bit, mulling over what to say. You weren’t mad that he asked, you just hated talking about it. “There’s nothing much to say.” You said after a couple seconds of silence. “I was in an accident. Got fucked up. End of story.” Paul and Marko both nodded, taking the hint not to ask anymore. The taller blond wrapped an arm around your shoulders and rested his chin on top of your head. A silent apology. You smiled a little and leaned into him, letting him know it was okay.
After that, David, Dwayne and Michael arrived back with food, and once everyone settled down at a nearby table to eat, David proposed that they go back to their place after eating. You were nervous to accept, but they were cool guys so far, so you didn’t see the harm in it.
Before you could voice your opinion, however, a sudden cold, wet substance suddenly splashed all over your face. You yelped and got up, trying to shake off whatever the fuck it was, when you heard laughter getting distant. Suddenly, the boys were all getting up and shouting, someone was holding onto your shoulders, and when you wiped at your eye you could see it was Dwayne. He looked absolutely livid.
“What the fuck just happened?” You asked, looking down at yourself, disgusted to find that your clothes were soaked now too. The brunette gripped your shoulders a little tighter, not enough to hurt but the pressure was there, “Some people have a death wish.”
You would have asked him to elaborate, but then something dawned on you. “Oh shit!” You exclaim, hand going up to your bandaged eye. “Fuck, I have to get home, I have to change this, fuck!” Dwayne's eyes widened a little, and he nodded, calling attention to the other boys, who were all talking angrily to each other. They all looked over, and when they heard that you needed to change your bandage, they all hurried over. “Our place is closer. Michael, take Y/N to get the supplies he needs. We’ll meet back up at the hotel.” David all but commanded, and everyone seemed to be in agreement. The rest of the boys took off on their bikes while Michael steered you in the direction of a small convenience store on the edge of the boardwalk.
“You okay?” Michael asked, worry written all over his face. You nodded at him, though in reality you were feeling gross, sticky and anxious as hell. You thought it was so nice of them to help you out, really, but you knew this meant that they would probably end up seeing your eye. Seeing your scars. The thought alone was enough to make you slightly nauseous. The brunette could tell that something more was going on with you, so he gently took your hand as you approached the shop. You looked at him, and he smiled at you, squeezing your hand gently. You gave a light smile back and looked away.
After buying the necessary wrap, tape and some bottles of water, you both get on Michaels bike and ride off to their place. You were just thinking about it now, David had said the word “hotel”. Did they stay at an actual hotel?
It didn’t take you long to figure out. When you arrived at the hotel, that was really more of a cave, you were in absolute awe of the place. It was massive and beautiful, you couldn’t believe these guys actually lived here. You had so many questions, but now that you were here, they would have to come after.
Michael led you over to a slightly dusty couch and you sat down, holding the items in your hands nervously. Everyone was sitting around you, you had a very attentive audience that you didn’t really want.
“Is there, uh, a private place I could do this?” You asked, and your heart sank when they shook their heads. “Most of the rooms collapsed when the earthquake hit. There’s not much left, and the parts that remain are too dangerous to go into.” Marko explained, and you sighed. You supposed there was no getting around it.
“Okay, well. Just, don’t say anything, okay?” You got out the bandage wrap from its packaging and took a deep breath. Slowly, you unwrapped the dirty bandage from around your face, revealing your eye to the boys.
All of their facial expressions changed, some more surprised than others. David looked the least shocked, eyes of steel trained on your face, just looking. Dwayne and Michael looked a little more concerned, Michael especially, but otherwise they tried to keep their expressions neutral. Paul and Marko looked intrigued, if anything. Like they wanted to ask questions but were reigning themselves in.
Overall, they kept quiet, and they didn’t shy away from your appearance, so you counted your blessings as you cleaned and dressed your eye as quickly as possible. When you were all finished, Marko and Paul launched themselves at you, sitting next to you with wide smiles on their faces.
“Dude! You’re so badass!” Paul shouted, and Marko was quick to agree. “You should get an eyepatch or something. Crank up the badass factor.”
You laughed at their antics, blushing a bit at their words. You could tell that they really thought you were actually cool. It warmed your chest and you smiled as they went on about eyepatch ideas.
Eventually, David dragged the two away, saying it's getting late and they should probably take you home now. You nodded in agreement, letting out a yawn. You didn’t realize just how tired you were.
Dwayne was the one who ended up taking you home, the ride was a lot gentler and smoother than it usually was, which you were grateful for. When you arrived at your house, and you got off his bike, Dwayne pulled on your arm before you could leave. You looked at him, confused, but then he got off his bike, and he stood in front of you, and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. You froze, heart pounding. Dwayne pulled away and let go, giving you a small smile. “Have a good night, Y/N.”
You swallowed hard as he got back on his bike. “Yeah- you too.” You stumbled out, making him chuckle. He then rode back off into the night, and you were left stunned on your front lawn.
You didn’t know what would happen now, you had absolutely no clue when it came to the gang of bikers. But you found yourself at peace with it.
Life could never be predictable anymore. And you were more than okay with that.
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A long bitch of an interview with Euronymous, from Orcustus zine in early ‘92.
What is Orcustus? Orcustus was an early 90’s black metal ‘zine run by none other than Bård “Faust*” Eithun— murderous pretty-boy, and o.g Euronymous simp. I think he might have also played drums in a band called Emperor... but I’m not sure! Its full name is actually “Orcustus— The Shadow of The Golden Fire”, and no, I’m not making this up.
This particular issue here opens up with a quote from a short story called ‘The Doom That Came To Thomas Parkes*’.
Assuming the reader hasn’t read the story, Faust explains that the quote is in reference to what happened to the titular ‘Thomas Parkes’ when he tried to raise spirits. Faust then admits that he’s unsure of his own ability to ‘raise spirits’, but says he hopes that he’ll raise some fists in agreement that there’s something wrong with the underground scene. Ironically (you’ll see why this is ironic very soon), he doesn’t like that certain bands, namely Entombed, are selling so many copies of their LPs.
After a brief diatribe on just that, he goes on to explain that he was in a rush to get this mag out because of problems with the printer. Then, he tells anyone who doesn’t like the fact that this ‘zine only features black metal that they can fuck off, with three exclamation points.
Finally, we get to the end of the opening page, where Faust pulls what can only be called an early form of the Twitter exposed thread. It reads as follows, with absolutely no changes to the text:
“I would suggest you to not do any business with that sucker Evil Ludo from France. He have riped me and several others off, by not return what we ordered. I suppose he’s a medical sensation, as I didn’t know it was physical or psychical possible to live without a brain”
Why am I telling you all of this, when this is only meant to be a transcript of an interview with Euronymous, you may be asking? Because I find it funny, that’s why.
Anyhow, the Euronymous here acts and feels very differently from the Euronymous of the last interview I posted. However, I hope you’ll still enjoy it, and I hope you’re able to appreciate the tiny glimpses of humanity talking to a close friend allowed him, even though they both behave like complete asses. Even though it’s hard to sympathize with him at points.
Like last time, any (sparse) commentary will be between (parenthesis) and in bold. Without further ado, let’s get into it.
F: Well, how in hell shall one be able to come up with an intro worthy enough for this band? The words I wanna describe Mayhem’s music with, is not yet created, and it won’t be created either, because no one has really experienced the real darkness and pure brutality with lays behind Mayhem’s hellish sound, but I suppose you all are familiar with this band anyway. Well, in the first place, I hadn’t really thought to enclose this band in this issue, because if we look away from rereleases of old demos (“Pure Fucking Armageddon”) and live tapes, it’s a pretty long time since their last release (in ‘87 that was). I thought I rather should interview them when they released their forthcoming album “Dee Mysteriis Dom Sathanas”, but due to the circumstances, I realised the time was right for an interview now. I won’t bother you with any history shit, but I could tell a bit about what has happened last year. You all know that their vocalist Dead comited suicude in April ‘91, that was a bigg loss for the underground, and I suppose I don’t need to say that this mag is dedicated to the memory of that infernal man. Anyway, Dead was replaced by Cultòcùlus (back then called Occultus), but due to different problems within the band, he left the band in January ‘92, but let’s not say more about that, as Euronymous didn’t want me to say anything about it at all (but Euronymous, you must admit that it has sounded pretty artificial if I hadn’t mentioned it at all). So now, the band consists of Hellhammer (drums) and Euronymous (guitar (and probably bass too)). I know the singer of Tormentor (rip) from Hungary (Esihar Attila) is interested in singing on the album, and also even moving to Norway, so it seems like Mayhem got some sort of predilection to foreign vocalists, but this Hungarian guy happend to be a good one as well, so never mind that. But I don’t think this is official, so don’t tell anyone you read it here, ok? Well then, it’s an honour for me to dedicate the next following pages to one of today’s most legendary and infamous bands......... THE TRUE MAYHEM!!!!!!!
F: First of all Euronymous, I know you and Dead live/lived totally for the old black metal attitude. Is your hate now total to young and trendy bands after Dead’s suicide?
Euro: YES, we have declared WAR. Dead died because the trend people have destroyed everything from the old black metal/death metal scene, today “death” metal is something normal, accepted and FUNNY (argh) and we HATE it. It used to be spikes, nites, chains, leather and black clothes, and this was the only thing Dead lived for as he hated this world and everything which lives on it. If we had the economic possibility to do it, we should meet up at concerts and beat up ALL trend people ALL the time untill they would be too scared to go to concerts at all, now we need to suck their money instead. It’s impossible to stop the trend no matter how much we want, we have to do the best out of it and sell lots of trend shit to them. (I don’t need to tell you that that’s totally not why Dead killed himself, right?)
F: In the spring of ‘91 you started up a shop in Oslo which sells all sorts of music within metal. Is there anything you can tell us about the shop (ideas? plans?)?
Euro: Well, the original idea was to make a specialist shop for metal in general, but that’s a long time ago. Normal metal isn’t very popular anymore, all the children are listening to “death” metal now, I’d rather be selling Judas Priest than Napalm Death, but at least now we can be specialized within “death” metal and make a shop where all the trend people know that they will find all the trend music, this will help us earning money so that we can order more EVIL records to the evil people. But no matter how shitty music we have to sell, we’ll make a BLACK METAL look on the shop, we’ve had a couple of “actions” in churches lately, and the shop is going to look like a black church in the future. We’ve also thought about having total darkness inside, so that would would have to carry torches to be able to see the records.
F: Well, how is the situation all in all in the Mayhem camp right now?
Euro: Difficult as usual, but we’re closer than ever to record the Mayhem lp. Almost all the material is completed, then I and Hellhammer will record the whole thing with 3 guitars, 2 basses and so on. It will be very massive. Who’s to sing on the lp is not yet decided, we’ll wait and see what happens. We have several people who can do the job very well.
F: As Metalion of Slayer mag* said: “it seems like you at certain times lives on the edge of starvation”. Have you ever been on the thought to just give up the whole band and become a normal 9 to 5 person, or is this a completely stupid question to ask?
Euro: It has been very hard at times, but I am not a normal person anyway so it would just not be possible to do that. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why things are as they are (this answer will be long) (that’s okay for me/Ed). The reason why we don’t have any money, is because of hardcore. We have for too long been following the “underground” rules, which say that you must hate money, you must not think you are anything, you must be open-minded, you might have a lot of attitudes and so on. Extremely stupid. But the situation has been that if you don’t follow these rules which are made by hardcore pigs, you are not accepted as a death metal or black metal band! Then you MUST be signed by some big label to be able to make some money, and we’ve never wanted to do that. Then you would anyway be labelled as “commercial” by the HC pigs. This has caused that after 8 years, we are still as broke as ever, while the HC pigs themselves are controlling all labels, and they sign only the bands which fit into their own idiotic world, that means “death” metal bands with society lyrics and jogging suits, and this is what the people see when they grow up. They don’t see any EVIL bands with spikes, as we did. Well, I’m tired about being broke, just to be “underground”. I’m tired of not having money to eat for just because tons of people will call you a “rip-off” if you don’t write 20 letters each day. It’s time to say fuck off to the whole system, which is built to strangle the evil bands in the birth. We must start taking inspirations from the ancient ones, from Venom and their likes. They did their thing BIG, and they never had to think about any idiotic underground rules. They did it big and so must we, but it must never become a trend, it must become a CULT. This is why we have started on a brand new policy with the band and the record label. It’s about time that someone makes a label for black metal and other grim music, and STRIKE BACK. There is NO reason why DSP shouldn’t be as big as Peaceville or Nuclear Blast, if we can just get the business on its feet again and get good distribution. That’s the only way to compete with the HC labels. It’s about time we start taking control over our own scene. We must spread the EVIL bands and pervert people’s souls.
F: What about the Norwegian scene then? Don’t you think that something is terribly wrong when it have gone so far that we have a christian “death metal” band here (Crush Evil)? Advices on how we should kill them?
Euro: First of all— the Norwegian scene is the BEST. There are a lot of GREAT bands (yet with no album out) and of course some shitty trend bands, but nothing as in Sweden. There you have 2-3 good bands out of 100, while here we have a few shit bands who hardly have made even a demo, while all the great bands will make records in the near future. Such as Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, Thorns (I’m flattered/ED*), Arcturus, Enslaved and newer bands like Malfeitor and others which I have not yet heard. BUT— when it comes to bands like Crush Evil, we must take serious action. It’s bad enough to have a couple of society bands, but a CHRISTIAN band is too much. But don’t worry, we have plans. They will not continue for a very long time.
F: And now over to something more humouristic....yes.... snuff movies. Who had been the perfect actor for a snuff movie, and why the hell aren’t they legalized? Don’t you think that every video-store should have its own section with snuff-movies?
Euro: Actually I think it’s great that movies like that are forbidden. If they were legal and easily accessible, all the small trend children would be watching them, and then it would not be something extreme anymore (I’m not sure if I agree with you here Euronymous. Snuff movies are usually too raw and brutal for the people with their “peace and life” infected minds. Remember the HC rules/ED) (shut the fuck up, Faust*) It’s just the same what happened to death metal— it became something everyone could buy in every store, something normal and accessible for everyone. All the mystic and evil atmosphere is GONE. I do not think snuff-movies are funny, I think they are DARK. I’ve seen people laugh at them, but that’s probably because they will not be mentally able to take the PAIN and EVIL on over themselves. That is the best way to watch such a movie, to try to FEEL the actual pain of the victims. It becomes much more gruesome then, and that’s great. One must be alone in the darkness and suffer with the victims, if you watch it with other people, they will often talk, laugh and so on, and then you get more distanced from it, it’s not supposed to be funny (death to fun), it’s much better when it’s depressive.
F: Through the years you have been talking about releasing bands like Samael, Rotting Christ, Master’s Hammer, Tormentor, Matricide, Imperator, Massacre etc. on Deathlike Silence Prod., but now some of these bands have released lp’s on labels which only have money in their eyes and know that black metal sells. Doesn’t that frustrate you, and don’t you feel it like the time is running out for you?
Euro: It’s a bit frustrating, but it is also a result of trying to be “underground” which is a suicide policy. Anyway, the main thing is that these evil records get released at all, and not who’s releasing them. We will probably release a record with Tormentor, they’re split up, but they still want to make their Anno Domini demo on vinyl, and we’ll try to fix it within the summer. The time is not running out, because there are a lot of really evil bands around. — most of the Norwegian bands which other labels haven’t heard about. Burzum is ten times better than all the bands on Earache together, and so are Thorns and Arcturus. So there is no problem, really. As for bands like Rotting Christ and Master’s Hammer, we might do something in the future instead. I’ve never been talking with Samael about any deal, but I wish I had as their album is FUCKING GREAT.
F: Almost all bands in the underground today says that they think they got their own style and originality, but the fact is that 95% of the bands sounds totally the same. What is an original death metal band today?
Euro: There exists no death metal bands today. There are only a handful of (mostly great) bands (in case someone hadn’t got it right— black metal has nothing to do with the music itself, both Blasphemy and Mercyful Fate are black metal. It’s the LYRICS, and they must be SATANIC. If not, it is NOT black metal) and what we choose to call LIFE METAL bands. Take a band like Therion. Their music is quite ok, it’s actually one of the best Swedish bands (even though that doesn’t say much) but their lyrics STINK. They are about society and pollution, what the fuck has that got to do with DEATH? If a band cultivates and worships death, then it’s death metal, no matter what KIND of metal it is. If a band cultivates and worships Satan, it’s black metal. And by saying “cultivates death”, I don’t think about thinking it’s funny, or being into gore, I’m thinking about being able to KILL just because they HATE LIFE. it’s people who enjoy to see wars because a lot of people get killed. How many bands think that way? Not many. I can’t think of one.
F: You’re maybe not the most active band when it comes to gigs, but at least you’ve managed to tour Germany and Turkey. What can you tell us from the tour, and is there any new gigs planed?
Euro: That tour was a big mess, we’ll NEVER take the train again! We lost quite some money, but still it was great to get to East-Germany and Turkey. The memories of the tour consist mostly of the starvation and idiotic custom officers, but still I wouldn’t like to have missed the opportunity. We don’t have any concrete plans, we’ll see happens in the future. We don’t like to play for a lot of trendies in jogging suits, so we prefer to leave it be.
F: What do you think of the fact that death metal has been on MTV?
Euro: It sucks. But it isn’t death metal anyway, so....
F: I know that you will soon release the debut album of Abruptum on DSP, so, what can you tell us about it?
Euro: It’s EVIL. It’s PURE EVIL, they were torturing each other in studio DURING the recording and you can HEAR on the music how they SUFFER. It will be the most demented record EVER, and it’s NOT for normal people. This is music which NEVER can become trendy, because normal people won’t be able to understand it. And that’s great. The price for the album it’ll be the same as for the BURZUM lp, which should be somewhere else in this ‘zine*. It’s called “Obscuriratem Advoco Amplèctere Me”, and stay away from it if you don’t like pure DARKNESS.
F: Don’t you think that people in the underground should respect others ideas and views more? I mean, it’s not accepted to spread unpopular thoughts. It seems like there is some sort of guardians of morality and most people keep in mind not to say or do anything which is not accepted by the public.
Euro: I don’t think people should respect each other. I don’t want to see trend people respecting me, I want them to HATE and FEAR. If people don’t accept our ideas as their own, they can fuck off because then they belong to a musical scene which has NOTHING to do with ours. They could just as well be Madonna fans. There is an ABYSS between us and the rest. Remember— one of the HC rules is that you must be open-minded (except for themselves), so we must be careful and avoid being open-minded ourselves. The HC pigs have correctly made themselves guardians of morality, but we must kick them in the face and become guardians of anti-morality.
F: You say you want your riffs to have a dark mood and really sound evil, but what if you came up with a riff which just sounded good, but not evil. Would you use it then?
Euro: Well, if a riff sounds good to me, it mostly means that it sounds evil too. At least when I make the music myself. Haven’t really thought about this about this before.
F: Do you think you’ve been playing this sort of music today if it weren’t for those old bands like Mercyful Fate, Venom and Hellhammer?
Euro: It’s impossible to say. Venom and the other ancient ones have been fundamental influences on Mayhem, and also the direct reason of the band’s existence. We like to think that if they hadn’t started up this, we would have, but who knows? Doesn’t really matter anyway, we hail ancient Venom as the CREATORS.
F: Ok, no more questions at the moment. End the interview in what way you want......
Euro: Perhaps it should be mentioned that well re-release the MAYHEM mini-lp “Deathcrush” VERY soon. We also have t-shirts available now. People should write for prices on things. Be EVIL, not open-minded.
Ok, I suppose some of you already know that Euronymous started up a shop in Oslo in the spring of ‘91. The shop is called “HELVETE” (which is Norwegian and means “HELL”) and are specialized within underground stuff and death metal in general (though he also have some other styles of music there). As he said in the MAYHEM interview, the shop really have a black metal look, so if you ever visit Oslo, I really recommend you to visit “HELVETE” as well. I think it’s good that people take the initiative to start up with such things, because if everyone were just passive, we would all get ruined by poser-shops like Hot Records where they take 140 NKR for the Earache albums (which you in “HELVETE” can get a CD for the same price). Euronymous also sells though mail, so write and ask for a list or something: HELVETE, Schweigaardsgt. 56, 0656 Oslo. NORWAY.”
That’s all! :)
And now for the things I put in asterisks, in order of their appearances.
*If for some reason you actually don’t know who Faust is, he was the drummer on the Emperor LP and “In The Nightside Eclipse” but you might also know him from other great hits such as “threatening to kill Mortiis from prison whilst simultaneously attempting to plead murder of the secondth degree”, “I’m glad the people Euronymous ripped off won’t get their money back because he’s dead hA hA!”, “I got fourteen years for murder because I’m a socially inept virgin— oops” and “bad... bad lyrics who’s quality somehow don’t improve with the passing of time”. All jokes are done in good humour— if it seems like I dislike him, it’s not that at all. I just find him easy to make fun of.
Here is another short bio, this one less sarcastic: he was born in Trondheim, lived around Kvikne, and Lillehammer, worked at Helvete, was a close friend of Euro’s, and has his sun in Taurus.
He also beefed with Glen Benton for dissing the Party City cape (Note: of course I’m being extremely reductive) he and Euronymous seemed to share. Here are a few pictures of Faust:
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Here is the infamous Party City cape:
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*This was surprisingly hard to find. I think he read it in a mag or something. Here’s a link to where you can find it: https://issuu.com/davidgamble/docs/paranormal37/3 page 64-65.
*Slayer mag was another zine, this one by a bloke named Metalion, who was Euro’s best friend.
*Faust (who felt the strange need to make a distinction between himself, the editor, and himself, the interviewer) also played in Thorns (well, Stigma Diabolicum), under the hilarious moniker: Fetophagia✨
*He’s being a fucking idiot, what was I supposed to say? It should be noted that Faust actually went down for the snuff films too.....
*In case you’re interested, for whatever reason, the prices for the Burzum LP were as follows:
Norge— 130 NKR
Norden— 100 K
Finland— 60 FN
Island— 1000 IK
Europe— 15$
Outside Europe,
Overseas— 15 $
Air— 22$
East Europe— 10$
By ‘norden’ he presumably meant ‘northern Norway’, and “Island” is the Norwegian word for Iceland. Notice the way he doesn’t include Sweden! (Edit: Originally I thought he didn’t include Finland because there was a black metal war with them as well, but it seems as though that feud came a bit later or had already passed)
That’s all, for real this time!
Legal disclaimer: I am absolutely, in no way shape or form, claiming that the stupid cape you see them wearing is literally from Party City. From my limited research, I’ve gathered that the Party City chain hasn’t yet opened its doors in the beautiful and glorious country we know as Norway— Norge. However, I am saying that the cheap, dinky piece of cloth covering their backs and shoulders are of the same kind of shitty quality you’d expect from a Party City Count Dracula costume and that maybe Glen had a point about how stupid Euronymous (and Faust) must’ve looked.......
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
Peter Parker x Reader
Requested|| (ANON) If this is not too much trouble, could I request something with the reader always trying to run from relationships because all the men in her life hurt her, and then she meets Peter and she's trying so hard not to fall for him, so he starts thinking that there's something wrong with him, until she tells him that she doesn't wanna get hurt again and he's all like 🥺 I'd never hurt you and it's all fluff?
Warnings|| major angst, slight smut but nothing crazy (minors dni)
Author’s Notes|| this kinda sucks but oh well someone will like it lmao
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You sat at the bar wallowing in sadness as if the world’s problems revolve around you. You felt stupid and selfish but you could brush the feeling. You downed yet another drink waving the waiter for another who smiled sympathetically before handing you another glass. 
“Hey,” a familiar pulled you from your sulking. 
“How’d you find me?” you said quietly. 
“Got lucky I guess,” that was a lie; he swung throughout all of downtown New York for the past hour looking for you. 
“I suppose you here cause…” you trailed off.
“What happened?” he sat down next to you.
You were hanging with Peter in his room playing video games. You two had a beer just talking as friends do. 
Friends don’t usually sit this close to each other. 
“You ok?” 
 “Yeah, just feeling a little tired,” you responded.
“You want to stay here tonight?”
“I- I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I insist. It’s pretty late and a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out so late.”
“What?” he asked.
“Don’t call me that,” you mumbled.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncom-”
“Maybe I should go,” don’t let him in; he’s just gonna break your heart like the rest of them.
“Y/n,” he stood up with you.
“Why are you running?”
“What?” you defended.
“You’re running away from me. This isn’t the first time you've done this," he explained walking up to you. You instinctively backed away almost insulting Peter. The look in his face was as if you broke his heart. You felt overwhelmed and you needed to get out. 
You pulled open the door abruptly hearing your name being shouted. You hurried down the stairs to the busy streets of New York instantly hailing a cab. He asked where to and you gave him a bill telling him however far it would take you. 
Peter ran back upstairs freaking out. He pulled his phone out and tried calling you first, he honestly didn’t know what had happened. Peter’s had an infatuation with you since the day you walked through the door in his class.
You two quickly became friends and although Peter wanted something more you always declined his advances and Peter respected that. That didn’t stop him from sharing his fair share of flirty comments that you had always seemed to laugh at. But this time he knew he fucked up calling you pretty but he doesn’t exactly know why it scared you so much. 
He suited up quickly and flew out the window searching every bar, club, cafe, library that you could possibly be in. His heartbeat quickened every passing minute that he couldn’t find you until after over an hour of searching and panicking and no response to his phone calls he finally found you. He quickly changes before heading inside as naturally as he could possibly act to not make you even more uncomfortable. 
“I don’t know,” you responded to him.
“Is it me? Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something out of line?”
“No, it’s not you, Peter,” you said, slightly raising your voice but not enough to draw attention.
“Can you at least explain to me what’s making you upset because I hate seeing you like this,” Peter said softly.
“I was just having a bad day,” you lied.
“The other day too? I know there’s something bothering you and I want to help you; I really care about you.”
“You can’t help me,” you said frustratingly.
“Why?” he urged.
“Because it’s about you!”
“Gah! Peter, just- ugh!” you rubbed your face stressfully. You don’t want but the way you treated him and how you’ve done this too many times to be considered ‘a bad day’, you owe him an explanation; no matter how hard it’ll be to admit.
“Y/n,” he whispered, reaching out to touch you, making you flinch.
“Are you scared of me?” he asked fearfully.
"No! It’s not that,” you teared up.
“Peter, I’m falling in love with you and it terrifies me,” you whispered, stray tears falling gracefully down your cheeks. 
“What?” Peter was indeed surprised. Of course he dreamed about what it would be like if you loved him back but because of the way you avoided him and avoided even the topic of relationships altogether, this was the last thing he was expecting you to say.
“All my life, I thought there was something wrong with me. I was so confused how people can just break someone’s heart so easily. And yet, I still fell in love, over and over again just to get hurt in the end. It went on too long, and I let it. I told myself love is dead. Then I met you. You ruined my plans of dying sad and alone. I tried so hard to not fall but I can’t help it. The second I see you, I get these butterflies in my belly, and it feels like my skin crawls but like not in a bad way, you know? And I’m scared; it scares me,” you cried. 
“Y/n,” Peter whispered, bringing his hand up to your back, rubbing softly.
“I’m so sorry that you had to go through all that and I know that my words and promises won’t do much. I just want you to at least hear me. You are the beautiful woman I’ve laid my eyes on, just being around you is enough to make me feel happier. Everyday I wake up thinking about you and-nand I go to sleep with you on my mind. All I do think about you; your smile, your eyes, your lips, your- your body,” he mumbled the last part shyly. 
“Y/n, I- I want to be the one that loves you; so much that you wouldn’t even think about heartbreak, you’d forget what it feels altogether."
His words hit you hard. You wanted that; you were so tired of running away but you don’t know if you can handle one more heartbreak; especially from Peter, the guy you fell so hopelessly in love with. Is it worth the risk? 
“I just want to feel loved, truly and genuinely loved,” you cried. 
Peter moved your hair from your face and wiped the tears with his thumb. One look into his dreamy brown eyes and you fell. Hard.
Peter pressed you against the back of his bedroom door. His lips were soft and velvety against yours. Your hands were intertwined and your stomach couldn’t help the eruption of butterflies. You’ve never particularly felt this emotive before for someone especially so intimately. His lips kissed the shell of your ear so softly you barely felt it.
“My pretty girl,” he whispered before pulling you to the bed.
You sat down lifting your arms for Peter who slowly pulled your hoodie over your head. He kneeled in front of you and pressed kisses down your torso making you wiggle and giggle. His hands cupped your breasts softly, squeezing playfully as his teeth nipped at your skin along your belly. 
He brought his hands to your bottoms and you lifted your hips to let him take it off. Once he did, he stood up quickly removing his one clothes and you sat up reaching out to touch his extremely toned torso. He grabbed a condom from the drawer beside the bed and hummed softly at your hands that roamed his body lovingly. 
He rolled the condom over his throbbing cock, crawling over you with a devilish smirk. He dipped his head in the crook of your neck kiss softly making you softly moan and sigh in pleasure. Your belly burned with desire aching for his cock. You wrapped your legs around his hips hissing when he pushed himself past your slick folds. 
“You’re a bit bigger than I anticipated,” you choked out. 
“You need a minute?” he cupped your face. 
You weakly nodded holding onto Peter tightly. Once you felt better and the pressure slowly dissipated, Peter brought his hips back and pushed again in you slowly. Your moans bounced off the walls as Peter thrusts sped up. 
“You feel so good, baby,” you pressed his forehead against yours. 
“Fucking hell,” Peter breathed out. 
His thrusts became sloppily and your skin slapped against each other loudly. You moans got louder and higher and Peter’s lower and rougher. Soon enough you couldn’t hold it any longer; your body contracting and tightening under him desperate to cum.
“Go ahead, baby girl. Let go,” he looked into your eyes. 
You let your orgasm rip through you, letting your back arch into Peter and your toes curl. Peter’s mother opened but no sound came through as he reached his own high. His arms gave out after he climaxed and collapsed atop of you. Your body slightly trembled as you calmed yourself. 
“Please, please don’t break my heart,” you cried.
“I promise. I could never hurt you,” he kissed you passionately. He could taste your salty tears that stained your lips and tugged on his heart. He held you closely as you fell asleep never once letting go. And for once you felt loved. 
Truly, and genuinely loved. 
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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bunny-bts · 3 years
Never Want To Hurt You Pt 1
Author: Hi~ (◕ᴗ◕✿). Flashback parts are in bold and this might have more than one part or just be a very long one shot
Pairings: Eventual Taeyhung x reader
Summary: You have always been in Taeyhung's life, in fact you were created just for him, literally. He had a chance with you years ago but now it is too late to take back his rejection when two of his best friends fall for you. You aren't the little girl he knew anymore, he finally notices you are a woman and he wants to rip thier throats out
Warnings: Jimin and Jungkook beef, manly jungkook, curse words, cranky jealous Tae, flirty jimin, sexy clothes, self confidence, the boys growling and glaring, maybe some angst, drama~, suspense~ (some of these are for future chapters)
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"Any plans for your birthday?" Namjoon throws his arm around Taeyhung's neck. "Yes actually, my yeodongsaeng is visiting. I haven't seen her in a few years. We only texted"
"That's nice man, I'm sure your little sister is excited to see you too. It will be nice to see her again," Namjoon smiles, revealing his dimples.
"No, my other little sister. We aren't really related, you guys haven't met her"
"What? You're kidding right bro? We have to! So, is she coming here?"
"Yes, and she is staying for a while"
"That's nice, how long?"
"To be determined"
"Oh alright, well, when is she supposed to arrive?"
"Soon, she made it to Seoul last night. She is a fan, excited to meet you all"
"That's awesome, we should treat you two out to dinner. I'll get the guys," RM pats his shoulder and goes to round up the other five then comes back with them.
"She's your yeodongsaeng but you aren't really related?" Jimin asks curiously as they all sit around on the couch to wait. Tae nods, "yes, she was a gift to me for my second birthday. Any of you try anything with my girl and I will make your lives miserable." He continues fidgeting with his collar and tie in the mirror.
"oh, he is protective of his princess!" Jin declares with a loud obnoxious laugh and Hobi joins in, slapping thier knees.
Tae's nose flares and he sighs, "yes. Very. Do not try anything with my princess. Got it?" He turns and says through gritted teeth. Jin stares wide eyed and Hobi raises his hands in surrender. "His princess," he teases and nudges Seokjin.
"Hold up, you got a human being for your second birthday?" Yoogni interrupts. "Yes, I told her mother and father that I wanted a friend and they said they would get me one"
"Okay, that's actually really sweet. But, you said she was FOR your second birthday?"
"That's when she happened to be born, it's our birthday. Any more questions?"
"How come we haven't met her yet?" Jungkook asks. "Because you are perverts."
The guys all look to each other and shrug thier shoulders, giving each other the 'he ain't wrong face', except Jin. He looks offended.
"Is she Korean?" "Yes and no, she lived with her aunt on the farm next to dad's much of the time but she is American."
"Did you ever go out?" Jimin asks casually, not meaning anything by it.
"What?" Taeyhung quickly whips his head around and asks wide eyed.
"You called her your princess, did you ever date her?"
"......No.....," He turns back to the mirror and keeps fidgeting.
"He was hesitant," Namjoon smirks as he points it out, "so, you want to?" "Disgusting....," Taeyhung responds as there is a knock on the door which Namjoon opens. "Hi," the leader smiles.
You immediately blush, "H-Hi, I-I'm Y/N, I'm here to see Taeyhung?"
"We know, please come in," Namjoon gives you his dimple revealing smile, escorting you inside with a hand on the small of your back. "Guys, this is Y/N," Jin waves at you along with Hoseok and you return the gesture, "H-Hello," you smile. "I got tired of waiting and went to get us some mil-," Jungkook walks out of the kitchen, sipping a bottle of milk himself and handing one to Jimin sitting by the kitchen door. He stops short, staring at you and freezing with wide eyes, milk dribbling down his chin and the bottle he was passing Jimin falling to the ground because Jimin looked up from his phone to grab it and it slipped when he saw you and lost focus. "Oh than-"
"Did I....?" You are so confused by thier reaction to seeing you. "Jungkook, you've got something uh," you point to his chin and he runs to clean himself up. Jimin makes his way to you.
"Hi~," he stands and walks over smoothly, wiggling his brows which makes you giggle and blush at the same time. "Tell Tae we will see him there, she's riding with me," Jimin takes your hand and pulls you out. "Jimin wait I don't think-," Jimin was out before Namjoon could finish protesting.
"She's here?" Taeyhung walks out to them just after. "Yeah, Jimin pulled her out and said she was riding with him," Hoseok tells him. "She's not disgusting?" Jungshook says softly. "No? She is sweet?" Taeyhung says confused before they all leave. "Can we just go before Jimin well y'know?" Tae asks annoyed and they all follow him out. "Ride with me Kook," he slips in the car. "Okay," Jungkook slides in the car with him and they drive off.
"She is so pretty," Jungkook says, smiling to himself. Taeyhung raises a brow at him and shrugs, "I guess for a little girl she's cute" "LITTLE GIRL!?" "What?" "That was NOT a little girl!" "What are you talking about? Yes, she is" "How long has it been since you've seen her?" Taeyhung shrugs, "in person, four years?" He answers as they all pull in at the restaurant and walk inside.
"Over here!" Jimin calls out to them. He was being extremely charming and you had to admit you liked it. He had gotten you a slice of cake that you've never tried before and was sweet talking. It was really cute, so was he but they all were. You wave to the others who make thier way over. Jimin and Jungkook sit on your sides, arms behind you. You are unaware of them glaring as snarling at each other to back off and focused on Tae who froze when he saw you.
"Excuse me," you stand to run over and hug his neck. He is still frozen. Physically his body can't move, he is afraid to touch your back to return the hug. His heart is pounding, and his stomach felt strange. You weren't a little girl anymore. You were a fully grown woman. As you hugged him your full chest was pressed to his, his eyes shoot to glance down. Yeah, you filled out. He gulps as he notices you smell different. Were you wearing perfume? His little girl, this couldn't be. What was happening? His eyes close and he finally snaps out of the trance enough to hug you back, a arm around your lower back pulling you in closer. He subtly buries his nose in your neck, god, that scent was so sweet and intoxicating. You pull away then.
"I missed you so much Oppa~," you giggle. "D-Don't call me that-I missed you too," he smiles. "But....okay?"
"Y/N, sit beside me~," Jungkook pleads. You laugh at his grabby hands and sit down with the guys.
The dinner goes by very well, you feel you really hit off with the guys and Jungkook and Jimin especially. It was obvious they were flirting and you were happy to do the same. They even asked you out on a movie date which you happily accepted.
Taeyhung stands up. "Excuse us," he harshly yanks you up and pulls you outside by your wrist. "Ow! Tae! What the hell is your problem!?" "Stop it," he demands with flaring nostril. "STOP WHAT!?" "Stop flirting with them." "NO. You had your chance with me Kim Taeyhung so back off. I'm a woman now and I can make my own decisions," you yank your hand away and stomp back inside.
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youarejesting · 3 years
Lost Boys
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[Full Masterlist]
Rating: All Pairing: BTSxReader Genre: Supernatural, thriller, psychological, angst, cute nature boys, symbolism, trigger warnings: abandonment, mature, fantasy, supernatural, and character death. Words: 2.2k
Summary: Bangtan Forest was said to be evil, stealing children and anyone who got lost. Some say it was attacking the humans. You don’t think much of scary campfire stories, that is until the rocks and trees come alive.
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Aisles of high tech camping gear had you in awe. You even thought about a new sleeping bag but, it just seemed like a waste. There was nothing wrong with the sleeping bag you already had and to buy a new one to use once a year was not worth the money. 
Grabbing the mosquito repellent you headed to the counter. Your friends were carrying emergency lights and flares standing in line behind you ready to make their purchases. “Good morning, just these?” The young girl smiled, she was deep in her role of customer service, which you totally respected.
“Uh... yeah and um, one of these please” You placed the emergency whistle onto the counter, it was plastic and only cost fifty cents.
“Of course, is that on the card today?” She continued talking and you smiled nodding holding up the card, stepping to the other side to pay. Taking your things, there wasn’t much left for you in the shop. That is until you heard something interesting. 
“There was another landslide by Bangtan Forest, it can’t seem to let anyone get close,” An old man said to another, “Luckily no one was hurt or went missing this time.”
The drive was beautiful and the radio played nothing but summer hits, you were singing along with the others, they were your closest of friends. Lillia was a sweet young lady, she loved nature and had a particularly soft spot for mushrooms. She brought her camera and expected to take some cool shots over the course of the weekend.
You were looking forward to going wild, not like partying wild. No, more like, sitting in the dirt, lighting fires, and splashing around in a river. That was your paradise, your escape. Having almost screamed into the phone when the suggestion of camping was brought up. If it got you out of your house and out of your life for a moment, you would take it.
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The camping grounds were pretty, you passed a sign on your way in that had a lot of warning pictures but you didn’t have time to read them all. The only one you saw was to put out your fires entirely before you leave, which honestly felt like common knowledge, and if you didn’t know that you shouldn’t go camping alone. Forest fires were not a joke.
Finding a place to pitch a tent was hard, a lot of the really shady spots were taken but there was a really beautiful spot by the river. According to Jester, your know-it-all friend, the river spread through the whole of the forest intricately like a spider web. “Because of the river the vegetation inside is thick, people say as you walk the vines grow around you and if you stop, you will be buried under the vegetation.”
“I heard that bad person used to leave their kids behind, and the forest took them in and that if ever you are lost or left behind the forest takes you,” Lillia said lowering her sweet voice trying to be serious. “There was a story, of a class field trip of kids were pulled off the trail and they were never seen again. They say the forest is evil.”
“I heard it protects the kids because they are left alone.” Jester contradicted and Lillia nodded pointing at the other. Nodding in agreement as she ate a slice of orange.
“I heard that too,” She smiled “I like that idea, that the forest just is a home taking care of the children left behind.”
As if ominously on cue the three of you had heard giggling coming from across the river. But it was drowned out by laughing and cheering from up the river, another group was splashing around and soon you all joined. 
The two groups became friends and it was fun, but it started to rain, nothing extreme just a light drizzle. You had dinner early and hoped into your tents. You were alone in yours as there was supposed to be another person on the trip but they couldn’t make it due to a family event.
It didn’t take long until you were fast asleep to the sound of the rain. You don’t know how long you were asleep for when you woke up suddenly a sting in your chest, shaking that aside you heard crying. 
Getting a little scared you poked your head outside the tent and saw a child running from one of the tents in the park to the water. He was calling for his mother and moving for the forest begging his mother to come back and you wondered if the mum had been taken or went to the toilet. Either way, this child was running straight into the forest.
Lost or left behind the forest takes you, you thought back on those words, The forest is evil. 
Every other thought left your head and your primary objective was to save the child, you began running, your body felt like you were moving through cement. That’s how thick the plant life was, you had a stitch in your side after a mere five minutes of sprinting but you kept pushing until suddenly the child hopped across the rocks and curled up and he was gone, in his place was a Pinecone.
You hopped across the rocks careful not to get your feet wet, you had slipped on your sneakers and you didn’t want to walk back to camp with them wet. Speaking of camp, you were lost and the child you were following had disappeared and left in his place a pinecone.
Stepping up to the small pinecone, you pocket it and it wiggled around in the dirt letting out a chorus of childish laughter. Shaking with giggles in the corner of your eyes was a small pile of leaves, you were looking around breathing heavily and freaking out. 
As you were frozen in place in shock and trying to catch a glimpse of someone playing a trick you felt something entwine around your legs. You shrieked jumping and ripping your feet free from the vines that started to grow around your shoes.
“Alright, boy’s you had your fun, go play with the other kids your age,” A voice said, you were relieved finally someone had revealed themselves it was just an elaborate plank until a decent sized boulder began to move, it was like camouflage, and from the curled up position a human stood up and straightened out. “Can’t a rock get some sleep around here?”
“Come on, Yoongi you are no fun?” a voice said from your left, you looked trying to find where the voice was coming from and you smiled seeing the moss open its eyes and step away from the tree making you shriek. 
They were people camouflaged perfectly to appear like trees and rocks. They were strange-looking and you weren’t sure if this was some weird dream or if it was real. The more you looked the stranger they appeared. Some of their features were replaced with other things.
“I am starting to solidify more and more” the rock man who may be the one the other referred to as Yoongi muttered and a Berry Bush wiggled itself free from the ground and he walked over helping the rock man stretch.
“A log pulled itself up off the ground and stretched with the creak of old wooden furniture and gave a low groan. This distracted you from the movement behind you. 
“We have been getting bored on our own, but it is nice to have a friend visit,” A voice said, and when you turned you saw a man covered in mushrooms, his head was topped by a big mushroom that made him look like he was wearing a bucket hat. You almost laughed at the insanity.
“Ahhh, it is so nice to be free” A sapling wiggled until its roots or in this case feet were free. 
“Where is Jin?” The logman asked and they all looked around. The pile of leaves and the pinecone wiggled around until children appeared gesturing to a nearby meadow.
“Thank you Hyuning, Yeonjun” The mushroom guy smiled and they began hopping over the river using the rocks, The sapling grinned waving you to follow.
“If you stay too long the vines will start wrapping around you again, I am Jungkook” He smiled, along the way they all introduced themselves and you had to admit this was the oddest and trippiest meeting you ever had.
“There he is,” Taehyung called and Seokjin who they had told you about on the way had appeared lifting himself off the grounds his body covered in sweet flowers. “What were you doing out here?”
“I was trying to get some sleep but someone was snoring” He stretched ignoring the snickering from Jungkook who said he was probably up late with the kids playing games. “Who is this?”
“Oh, this is…” Namjoon said and froze, “I am sorry, we didn’t get your name?”
“Oh my name is Y/n” you smiled and they nodded 
“We are helping Y/n get out of the forest,” Jimin said puffing his chest out his leaves rustling. It was so odd to see these people dressed like they were in some school play, like tree number one and rock number three. 
“It’s no rush, just as long as I get out at some point,” You said trying to ease their worried expressions.
No, you don’t get it if you are still here when the sunrises, you will be stuck in the forest forever.” Yoongi said, “We are all here for a reason, Namjoon has been in the forest the longest, he used to be a tree before he fell.”
“Well, maybe we should hurry,” You said looking at the vines trying to wrap around your feet once more. “I have to keep moving these vines really are aggressive when it comes to wanting to keep me here.”
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Along the way the boys began talking, each telling their story. Namjoon said he was from 1761 and he was left there by his mother who could no longer feed him after his father died. “I was nineteen and very sick so I didn’t last very long. But, it wasn’t long until I met Jin he was twenty-one and got lost in the forest.”
“I was collecting flowers for my fiancee I was supposed to be getting married shortly and well, I never even got to meet hurt.” Seokjin smiled, continuing on the storytelling from Namjoon and explaining his experience “I was kind of wishing I would get lost, I was so young and didn’t want to get married to a stranger.”
“I think it was 1892 and I was about twenty as well, I had run away from home, I remember stealing food from town and whilst escaping ran into the forest and I never came back out.” He shrugged, keeping his story concise as he helped you step over a fallen tree, “life as a rock is peaceful.”
“I was part of a traveling circus and well it wasn’t a good living, the people were awful and beat you if you spoke, one of the performers had a grudge for me so I hid in the forest and when I tripped the vines grew over me quickly” Hoseok made hand gestures at you making you giggle and move away from him, you bumped into Jimin who caught you before you fell. “That was maybe 1901 and I was about nineteen”
“I can’t remember much, I remember being really drowsy in a car and being told to wait while my father got some juice, I was about eighteen and he didn’t come back. The forest called me inside.” Jimin frowned slightly.
“I was hiking and I lost my way following a pretty butterfly,” Taehyung pouted, “I didn’t mean to get lost and I wish I had paid attention, I just wanted to take a picture.”
‘For me, it was not too long ago, a class excursion, we were following the trail and a bully dropped my hat in the river I chased after it and before I knew it I didn’t know where they had gone. I was seventeen.” Jungkook said with a smile that looked somewhat forced. “But it’s not all bad. I have made some really great friends.”
“And who else would play with the little ones. So many children got left in the forest much younger than us.” Seokjin explained sadly.
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You saw the forest thinning out and flashes of red and blue flickered through the trees, you stepped out to the edge to see police and ambulances and more, there was a landslide. It was at your campsite, you froze looking around spotting your friends sitting in the back of the ambulance. 
The vines were wrapping around your feet but you ripped them free, “it was nice meeting you thank you” You said, and placing the whistle between your lip you blew hard.
“We found her!” a voice shouted, you gave up on cautiously hopping rocks and went running across the river. When your foot touched the water you fell your shoes had disappeared as had your legs and from your waist down you were nothing but water. You looked up trying to drag yourself out to see your friends when you saw them carry your body out of the mud on a gurney.
You could never leave the forest but as the river flowed throughout you could visit all the residence inside.
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frankiefellinlove · 3 years
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From The Source to Soulfire via Springsteen and Sam & Dave
Recorded, transcribed, edited, written, produced, mixed and mastered by MIKE SAUNDERS
SIDE TWO (1975-1983)
Track 6: Miami Steve, The Asbury Jukes, Tenth Avenue and Hammersmith
In early 1975, Steven returned to New Jersey from Florida, inappropriately dressed for the winter weather. “I came back with the flowered shirts and the Sam Snead hat and continued wearing them in the snow.” For the next seven years, he was known as Miami Steve. He joined Southside in the Blackberry Booze Band and within weeks they’d altered and expanded its line-up (adding keyboard player Kevin Kavanaugh from Middletown and bass player Alan Berger from The Dovells’ backing band), transformed its musical direction, changed its name to Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes (referencing their mutual hero Little Walter’s band and first single release) and established a successful three-nights-a-week, five-sets-a-night residency at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park.
“Just before that, me, Southside, Bruce and Garry went to see Sam & Dave. A life-changing moment. So me and Southside basically decided we were gonna be the white Sam & Dave, with rock guitar. So the horns came in and although we didn’t know it, we would change the entire concept of what a bar band sounded like and the respect a bar band would get by making it creative, soul meets rock. ‘Bar band’ was an insult. ‘You’re a bar band,’ which means you can’t make it in the real music world. After the Jukes, they started using ‘bar band’ in reviews and they meant it as a compliment, with Graham Parker and Elvis Costello and Mink DeVille. We changed the way people thought about these things.”
The Miami Horns were a vital component of the new band. Steven composed the horn arrangements, but although he’s always possessed a natural ability to imagine horn parts, he doesn’t read or write music (“never have”) and has always required a little help from his friends to transcribe them. “I have people write ‘em down, to this day. I like that actually. You have to do a lotta things yourself so any excuse I find to collaborate I do it. I find other people will bring something to the party usually. That’s why [I’ve] used Eddie Manion for I don’t know how many years. He knows how I like to voice things. Once I think of something and create the parts, I get bored if I have to voice every part, exactly right. If I hear a voicing I don’t like, I will change it, but I get bored by the mechanics of everything.”
While the Jukes were building their reputation and growing their audience, Bruce invited Steven to hang out at the Born To Run sessions in New York, where he was working on “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out.” David Sanborn and The Brecker Brothers had been hired to play the horn parts, but Steven created a spontaneous new arrangement. He’s told this anecdote countless times, but I ask him to repeat it because it provides perfect examples of his innate musical talents in action (“I can hear the parts, who knows why?”), the nature of his friendship with Bruce (“I still am the only human being not afraid of him”), and his no-bullshit attitude (“I didn’t know anything about diplomacy”).
“So he says, ‘Whaddya think?’ I said, ‘It sucks, that’s what I think!’ I didn’t know how uptight everybody was. I didn’t give a fuck either. The managers and producers were all afraid of him already. He asked me a question, I’m gonna be honest. I’m trying to help my friend here, not make points with some fucking record company guy. Moment of silence. ‘He just said it sucks, which means we all suck.’ Bruce [says] ‘Alright then, go in and fucking fix it.’ So I did. I went in and sang the [new] parts. I didn’t know they were the most famous [session] guys in New York. It wasn’t insulting them, the chart was ridiculous. That was my thing, just from the Jukes being around maybe six months.”
“I wasn’t really feeling the pressure that Bruce was at the time. I didn’t realise his life depended on this album. His first two records hadn’t done very well. They wanted to drop him. I don’t know how aware I was of any of that. He invited me into the session and I’m laying on the floor. All I can think is, we’ve been hoping to get into recording our whole lives, I’m listening to this and it sounds fucking terrible. Not just the horn charts, everything. It was the worst period of recording in history. Virtually every record from the 50s and 60s sounded great, virtually every record from the early 70s sounded terrible. Because engineers took over, started close miking, padding the walls. Separation, separation, separation, all the things that make rock ‘n’ roll suck. The idea was, you isolate everything and make it sound exciting in the mix. Which they managed to do, miraculously, with the Born To Run album. Because it was pieced together in a bizarre way. Bruce made that record 100% out of willpower, he willed that into existence!”
Soon after making his instinctive artistic contribution (and singing backing vocals on “Thunder Road”), Steven was invited to join the E Street Band. It was a chance to complete the circle, play with his old friend again and settle any unfinished business from three summers earlier, when he’d been sent packing at the Greetings sessions. He made his live debut on the opening night of the Born To Run tour, which ran until New Year’s Eve. His input and influence over the next decade, onstage and off, would prove invaluable. (Bruce even began playing The Dovells’ “You Can’t Sit Down” as an occasional encore). In the fall, the tour took everyone to Europe for the first time, where the culture shock was off the charts. “There was no hamburgers, no peanut butter. The only place you could get a hamburger in the whole of Europe was the newly-opened first Hard Rock Café. There was a line around the block even then.”
Culinary deficiencies aside, Bruce also had to endure the overblown hype surrounding his first UK gigs at London’s Hammersmith Odeon, where Columbia had displayed the legend “Finally London Is Ready For Bruce Springsteen” on every available surface prior to his arrival. “[It was] completely obnoxious,” says Steven. “[Bruce] spent half the time ripping down posters. It was an embarrassing time for him, between that and Time and Newsweek. He didn’t like that stuff. You wanna be in charge of your life, that’s why we get into rock ‘n’ roll. Suddenly it was slipping out of his control. We made the mistake of playing a place with seats. It just made the show that much harder. But by the end, we got ‘em outta the seats. We went to Amsterdam, Stockholm, and back to London. The second one was a bit easier.” The experience had a prolonged effect on Bruce. “He was uptight in those days and would remain so through Darkness into The River, until he asked me to produce the record and we found a way to have some fun.”
Track 7: Epic Records, Steve Popovich and The Stone Pony
Back on the shore, Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes continued the Stone Pony residency throughout 1975, gradually consolidating their line-up. For the next three years, between Springsteen commitments, Steven worked as their producer, arranger, manager, part-time guitarist and principal songwriter. In early 1976, after circulating a demo tape, they signed a recording deal with Epic, with assistance from Steve Popovich, the label’s Vice-President of A&R. “I Don’t Want To Go Home,” the song that Steven had kept in his back pocket since his days on the oldies circuit, became the title track of their debut album and their first single. Ben E King’s loss was Southside’s gain.
“I produced [the song] in a way which was appropriate for the Jukes. They didn’t have a big background vocal thing going on,” explains Steven. “I was very conscious of being able to try and do most of it live, although I put strings on it, on my very first production! There was no synthesiser in those days that could play strings. That’s why I re-cut it [on Soulfire] the original way I pictured it, with the singer and background vocals answering. That idea of writing for someone else is extremely important, critical and essential. It changes the way you write completely, from when you think of writing for yourself, which is extraordinarily complicated and confusing. It’s not easy, but easier, to write for someone else. There’s their identity in your mind at least. I’m writing them a song. That’s a wonderful exercise for songwriters.” I Don’t Want To Go Home was released in the summer of 1976 (“I’ve never received one penny of royalties, but whatever!”). The Jukes later began their first national tour and made their European debut in 1977.
Recommended by Bruce, Steve Popovich was one of a kind. “The last of the real music guys in the business. The only other person I can compare him to would be Lance Freed on the publishing side, who’s unique. He’s actually into music and songwriting and the things you’re supposed to be into when you have a job description like that. And Frank Barsalona, the only agent who really did his job and would set the standard for everybody to follow. Those three guys, really quite historic. [It was] Popovich’s idea to launch the record with a broadcast from the Stone Pony. Never been done before. Popovich loved the local scene idea and he largely made it happen. It never would have been recognised nationally, I don’t think, if it hadn’t been for Popovich, who had the vision to say it’s cool if you’re not from New York. Rather than being embarrassed if you’re not from New York, LA or Nashville, it’s actually cool.”
Track 8: Production Credits and Political Awakening
Steven developed his talents as a producer and songwriter with the Jukes in the late 70s, following I Don’t Want To Go Home with This Time It’s For Real and Hearts Of Stone. Successive releases featured greater quantities of his original material, which included “I Played The Fool,” “This Time Baby’s Gone For Good,” “Take It Inside” and “Some Things Just Don’t Change,” apparently written for another of his heroes, David Ruffin of The Temptations. During this period, he also produced the “Say Goodbye To Hollywood” single for Ronnie Spector and the E Street Band and provided production assistance on Darkness On The Edge Of Town. His relationship with the Jukes ended when they left Epic for Mercury in 1979 and he went on to co-produce The River and two comeback albums for Gary US Bonds, Dedication and On The Line. It was an impressive fast-track apprenticeship. Steven had no production experience when he began. He acquired the skills and learned from his mistakes in the studio. “That’s why all three Jukes albums are different,” he says. “By the time we did The River, I knew what I wanted to do. I got it all down by then. That’s how I tend to do things. I can picture what I want. Jump in, do it, let’s see what happens.”
Steven also kept his promise to himself to bring his musical heroes out of obscurity, initially as guests on the first two Jukes albums. “I did what I could, but I wanted to do so much more,” he admits. “First time I get in a studio, got Lee Dorsey out from under a car, where he’s a mechanic. Got Ronnie Spector out of retirement. Second album, we reunited The Coasters, Drifters and Five Satins. Me and Bruce worked with Gary Bonds. We got Ben E King and Chuck Jackson on that record. Those artists had a talent level noticeably above everybody that followed. I wish I’d been insistent on doing more of them. In those [early] days, you actually had to have talent to make records. You had to be able to sing a song, beginning to end, perfectly in tune, perfectly the right melody, and if you fuck up one word, you gotta do the whole thing again. Couldn’t do enough for those people, they were so much fun to produce.”
In addition to his studio accomplishments, Steven played more than 300 shows with Bruce and the E Street Band between 1976 and 1981, primarily on the Darkness On The Edge Of Town and River tours. The majority took place in North America, but the River tour included a European leg that took the band away from home and out of their comfort zone for nine weeks. Much longer than their previous visit in 1975, it was their first significant experience of foreign countries, languages, cultures and political perspectives. They received rave reviews wherever they played, but Steven gradually became aware that not all Europeans viewed the United States in a favourable light.
One particular encounter was pivotal in dramatically reshaping Steven’s worldview. “A kid asked me, ‘Why are you putting missiles in my country?’ I said, ‘I’m not, I’m a guitar player.’ I realised, for the first time in my life, at the age of 30 I’m embarrassed to say, that I’m an American. What the fuck does that mean? I managed to grow up in the middle of civil rights, the Vietnam War, demonstrations about every fucking thing and had no interest in any of it. Amazing when you think about it. Redefining tunnel vision. Suddenly, the tunnel is gone. We’re now successful. Who would have ever figured that would happen, right? Now it’s like, uh-oh, what did I miss, the last 20 years?”
Track 9: Men Without Women, Motown and Mixing In Mono
This revelation accelerated Steven’s growing political awareness, one of two important developments in 1981 that would change the course of his life forever. The second came when he returned from Europe and was approached by EMI America about making a solo album. Having spent six years producing and writing for others, he welcomed the opportunity to have his own creative outlet, which soon expanded into a separate career. In the fall, he enlisted musicians from the E Street Band and the Asbury Jukes to record most of the material for his debut album, Men Without Women, using his established rock-meets-soul sonic blueprint. Including “Lyin’ In A Bed Of Fire,” “Princess Of Little Italy,” “Angel Eyes” and “Until The Good Is Gone,” it remains an undisputed career highlight for Van Zandt devotees, but Steven feels that an outside producer might have helped him make a more commercial record.
“Conventional wisdom is you never should produce yourself and I have to say that’s correct. The only exception I can think of in the history of the business was Prince, who was an extraordinary genius, but other than him, I don’t know anybody who successfully produces themselves.” Describing himself as “extremely schizophrenic, I’m twelve different people, never mind two,” Steven explains how his inner producer failed to control the whims of his inner artist. “Without knowing it, the artist takes over. I was into this extreme naturalism, no logical reason why. I did the whole album live in one day. Came back the second day, did it again, beginning to end. Couple overdubs, that was it. There’s one guitar. The horns aren’t doubled. Nothing’s doubled. Bruce did all the harmony on that record but we couldn’t use his name. We [did] a similar thing with Born In The USA, where we just recorded live in the studio.”
“I made Bob Clearmountain mix ‘Forever’ in mono, to try and achieve the perfect Motown record. It’s never gonna be exact and it shouldn’t be exact, why should it be, but I wanted to capture a Smokey Robinson Motown record. The only way I could do that in my mind was to make it completely mono. He was so good in those days. I mean Bob’s still the best, but in those days he was beyond the best. He was something else when it came down to that Neve board that wasn’t automated, and he’s feelin’ those faders. I made him do something he’d never done before, which requires a whole different way of thinking. You’re now thinking depth-wise and vertically, not horizontally.”
“That’s where my head was at. Can I achieve the emotional communication that my heroes had provided me? My heroes being Motown in general, 10 acts there. Or my heroes at Chess, another 10 acts. Sam Phillips did ‘Rocket 88’ for Ike Turner (Jackie Brenston) and ‘How Many More Years’ for Howlin’ Wolf, three years before Elvis Presley. Unbelievable genius. [I’m] trying to achieve that level of quality in my own world, in my own little bubble, which has these ridiculously high standards. I’m absorbing the 50s and 60s and then trying to integrate them in my head and reproduce them in my own way, not the least bit interested in what’s going on in the 70s or 80s certainly, because it was shit to me, comparatively. An interesting moment here and there. Punk was certainly interesting. But mostly it’s all coming from what I call the renaissance period, ‘51 to ‘71, where it all was created. And that’s true to this day. That’s all I was interested in and that was enough for 10 lifetimes. I didn’t need another bit of input after 1972.”
Track 10: Little Steven, Little Richard and Bob Dylan
In 1982, after recording with Bruce and Gary US Bonds, Steven completed his album, formed the Disciples of Soul (which included Dino Danelli from The Rascals on drums, Jean Beauvoir on bass and Eddie Manion, Mark Pender, Stan Harrison and La Bamba on horns) and played a debut concert at New York’s Peppermint Lounge. Released in October, a month after Nebraska, Men Without Women preceded his first national tour and was credited to his new professional name of Little Steven, which would be used for all future solo activities. “I just wanted separation [from] being the sideman,” he explains. “Each of my personalities required a different name, in order to keep it straight in people’s heads and my own head.” The name referenced his early heroes Little Walter, Little Anthony and Little Richard. In his role as an ordained minister, the latter officiated at Steven’s wedding to Maureen Santoro in New York on New Year’s Eve. Percy Sledge sang “When A Man Loves A Woman” as they walked down the aisle and the reception included performances from Gary US Bonds, Little Milton, The Chambers Brothers and the wedding band from The Godfather. “Little Anthony was doing a cruise at the time or he would have been there.”
“All I can think is, we’ve been hoping to get into recording our whole lives, I’m listening to this and it sounds fucking terrible. Not just the horn charts, everything. It was the worst period of recording in history. Virtually every record from the 50s and 60s sounded great, virtually every record from the early 70s sounded terrible. Because engineers took over, started close miking, padding the walls. Separation, separation, separation, all the things that make rock ‘n’ roll suck. The idea was, you isolate everything and make it sound exciting in the mix. Which they managed to do, miraculously, with the Born To Run album. Because it was pieced together in a bizarre way. Bruce made that record 100% out of willpower, he willed that into existence!”
Steven toured internationally in 1983, then dropped the horns, adopted a more contemporary rock sound and made his second album, Voice Of America. It was an explicitly political record that featured “Solidarity,” “I Am A Patriot,” “Out Of The Darkness,” “Los Desaparecidos” and “Undefeated.” Triggered by his River tour experiences in Europe, this radical transformation was completed with a long period of self-education. “I read every book about post World War Two [US] foreign policy. [It was] shocking how often we were on the wrong side. All of these bad things were happening behind the scenes and nobody was talking about them. No political consciousness whatsoever in the country. I decided I have an obligation to say something about this stuff that we’re all paying for with our taxes.”
“Being conscious of the fact that everybody needs their own identity, I figured who the hell needs another love song from a fucking sideman? I’ll be the political guy. Nobody else is doing it. There were people demonstrating of course. Jackson Browne, John Hall, Bonnie Raitt, Graham Nash, those guys. The Grateful Dead were doing a benefit every week, but rarely did it end up in the work. In general, people weren’t putting much politics into the lyrics of their songs.” For artists with commercial aspirations, he concedes, that’s a smart move. “Jefferson Airplane being an exception with ‘Volunteers.’ Big exception, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, with Neil Young’s ‘Ohio.’”
Steven contends that Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” introduced the idea of political consciousness in rock ‘n’ roll. “His first electric song. It’s not given enough credit. The first sentence from Bob Dylan’s electric period, ‘Johnny’s in the basement mixing up the medicine, I’m on the pavement thinking about the government.’ What? You’re doing what? You’re thinking about the government? Excuse me? Who does that? Whoever did that before, in a song, no less? There in that one sentence, Bob Dylan communicated what his entire career was gonna be about, which was having fun with language, with inference, symbolism, metaphor and nonsense lyrics that rhymed. ‘Johnny’s in the basement mixing up the medicine,’ what does that mean? It means whatever you want it to mean, right? Then ‘I’m on the pavement thinking about the government.’ Holy shit! You mean we’re supposed to figure out the government? That, to me, is the most important sentence in all the history of rock ‘n’ roll, right there.”
All photos below by Mike Saunders
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btsfaris · 4 years
bugboy (m)
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pairing: mark lee!spiderman x reader.
words: 7.4k
genre: smut, humor, fluff, action. hella angst.
a/n: thank u to the reader who recommended me to join both of my favorite worlds together and create this masterpiece :’) <3
You always wondered why life teased you this way? Why God made Mark Lee, the cutest and smartest boy in Queens exist in your lifetime, yet make him so unavailable to you. It was simply just plain, unfair torture to you.
You’ve known about Mark since high school, others might think of him as nerdy and even a bit weird whenever he runs out of a room abruptly — but you always excused it as a need to go to the bathroom or a family emergency, just like he always said. Despite that fact, he was practically flawless. Always top of his class and sweet to everyone, even to Flash, who never returned the kind gestures. 
Truthfully, you have never spoken to your high school crush because that’s exactly what he is, a crush and nothing more. Of course, there have been times where you’ve bumped into each other at social events or in the hallways, but your anxiety always got to you and you’d practically run away whenever he said a simple hello or smiled at you.
It didn’t help he was extremely gorgeous either, soft wavy brown hair and big doe eyes that could make any girl drop to their knees — literally. He was taller than most guys and his style wasn’t as basic, just casually trendy. Mark wasn’t exactly popular but he was well-known for his internship at Stark industries that he got freshman year.
Basically you never had a chance with him in high school even if you dreamed about it, because Mark was the school’s it-guy and you were just, nobody. Just a random classmate he had and that was all. Not to mention he was always pining after Liz Allan, then once she moved, it was MJ. So no chance there.
Now that you’re in college, you had hoped that your stupid crush would go away and you’d meet a nice guy who would sweep you off your feet. But as luck will have it, when you’re moving into your dorm you see Mark on campus with a couple of his close friends, all helping him move stuff into a dorm as well. Great.
So that’s where you are now, into your second year of college with your high school crush; who has now become your college crush and will quite possibly be the death of you. You can only hope that he doesn’t go to the same graduate school as you. You’ve managed to go this far without him noticing you though, because it would probably be too embarrassing for you if he remembered you as the weird girl who would run out on him. You’ve gone this far.
Until tonight of course.
You’re at a party, not one you wanted to go willingly but your roommate forced you from your warm cocoon of a bed and season 6 grey’s anatomy on netflix, with the words “you never leave the room and I need a sober friend to make sure I don’t have my nudes leaked,” so here you are.
Leaning against a wall in an empty corner, watching as your fellow students drink their kidneys to shit and dance practically in their underwear. Some are either in the bathroom getting coked up, or getting cocked down. The music is blasting loudly in your ears and you hum along to the beat of a whiny pop song that’s popular this week. Your roommate had ditched you a long time ago to go “dance with a guy” but you know that it’s code for ‘I’m getting dick tonight.’
You’re on your second cup of some mixed fruity punch that is spiked with 3 different hard liquors but you don’t really care since you didn’t pay for it. Serving yourself another cup, you turn around and scan the large room. Everyone in the dance floor is packed so closely together like a can of sardines. Your eyes land on a familiar adoring face that makes you smile, he’s wearing a red flannel and a random band tee with black ripped jeans.
He’s talking to some of his friends but a random girl is on his side, practically crawling for his attention. You laugh at the scene and it’s almost like he recognizes it, because when his eyes look around, they land on you. You don’t look away as usual, and he stares at you for a moment before he smiles. An actual, soft smile that makes you want to hug him and kiss his face.
Instead you turn around as fast you can, walking to the front door. You’re halfway down the driveway when you hear someone calling you.
“Hey!” You turn around and see Mark jogging softly to you, the same smile on his face, “you went to the same high school as me right?”
Oh my god, what the hell are you supposed to say.
“Y-Yeah,” you manage to blurt out and his smile actually widens. Holy shit.
“Cool, thought I recognized you,” he says, his brown eyes sparkling under the moonlight, “so you go to Empire State Uni too?”
You nod, trying to keep your composure.
“Funny, wonder why I haven’t run into you before..” you blink at him.
“Yeah.. um, I should, probably go get my friend–it’s getting late,” you stammer and avoid eye contact, trying to move around him.
“Hey wait,” he stops in front of you again, hands raised in defense, “did I do something to you in high school? I’m sorry if I did, I tried to be nice to everyone.”
You shake your head immediately, “no you didn’t, it’s just you’re Mark Lee–”
“And you’re y/n, the girl who always runs away from me,” He gives you a soft grin that makes you weak in the knees.
“You know my name?” you ask him, confused.
“Yes of course, everyone knew who you were,” he chuckles, “you tutored a lot of people, not to mention head of the homecoming committee.”
“Oh yeah that, haha,” you let out a weak giggle, completely embarrassed.
“I think it’s cool that you helped out so much, I wish I were that nice,” Mark compliments you.
“But you’re Mark Lee, you’re nice to everyone, even to that know-it-all Flash. If anyone is admirable, it’s you,” you say without a single thought.
His eyes widen slightly and you blush immediately in shame at your outburst.
“You think I’m admirable?–”
“I gotta go! My friend needs me!” you charge past him successfully this time and run into the house without another look, “bye Mark!”
“A little birdy told me you were talking to Mark Lee at the party, spill the tea!” Your roommate Jisoo squeals, jumping on your bed. You bounce lightly, taking out your headphones and scrunch your nose at her, “I’m working on my History essay right now.”
“Whatever- Tell me all about your sexversation with Mark!”
“What? How do you know I talked to-“
“Doesn’t matter! Spill!”
“Nothing happened, he remembered me from high school, that’s it. There was no sex involved.”
“So you didn’t run out on him like you always did before? You had an actual conversation with him like a normal human being right?”
“Yes, sort of, kinda?” You push your reading glasses up your nose bridge, “he knew my name.”
“Oh my god!” She squeals three pitches higher than usual, making you groan, “he’s in love with you, he remembered you from high school!”
“No he isn’t, he mentioned that I tutored before so I probably helped one of his old pals, not a big deal,” you mutter, eyes focusing back on the laptop.
“Y/n, honey, how mad would you be if I smacked the sense back into you?”
“Don’t you dare Jisoo, I will hide all of your nice panties when you have a dick appointment,” you warn, and she sighs in frustration.
“Fine! But when you guys fall in love, don’t say I didn’t tell you so!” She singsongs, moving back to her bed to finally leave you at peace.
She’s completely crazy.. right?
Midterms were getting closer and closer as the days went on. It has been a while since your little encounter with Mark at the party and your roommate had finally stopped bugging you about it. Your life was going back to normal, despite you constantly revisiting that moment in time where you actually held a conversation with the love of your life. Still, you had bigger things to focus on and a degree to get, not some fantasy-land boyfriend.
You’re at the library, having been studying your brains out for the past 3 hours and it’s honestly all turned to mush at this point. Too many things to stuff into your head all at once and you sigh, rubbing your eyes in frustration. All you need is a nice cup of coffee to regain your senses and energy back, but you also don’t want to lose your spot either. Resting your head in your arms, you close your eyes for a moment, composing yourself to go back to another 3 hours of cramming.
You feel a soft tap on your arm, and raise your head, looking at a smiling Mark once again. He’s sporting grey sweats and a Midtown High hoodie. “I brought you a cup,” he says shyly, placing a cup of coffee in front of you, “you looked like you needed it.” You look at the cup and back at him awkwardly.
“You probably don’t want to talk to me.. so I’ll go study somewhere else,” his smile slips away slightly, and he turns around to walk away.
“Mark, wait,” you call out, and he stops in his tracks.
“You can sit with me, I don’t mind,” you manage to say and he turns to you with raised brows.
“You sure? I-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he lightly blushes and you almost visibly swoon at his cuteness.
“Please,” you smile softly, “I could use your company.”
Mark blinks at your words before his face breaks into the cute, goofy grin that you’ve only seen when he’s with his friends.
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After that day, Mark has become your friend, though could you even call him that? I mean, he always hangs out around you now, brings you coffee when you need it and helps you study with that big brain of his. You admire him really, how he manages to get straight A’s, go to classes everyday and work at his internship is beyond you. You can barely keep up with your 8am classes, let alone work and study full time. He’s as amazing as he was in high school and it does little to help your heart from yearning for him as something more.
Despite the big step of becoming close to Mark, you still don’t have a chance, especially now that you’re technically friend zoned right? Even then, Mark is still Mark, still handsome as ever and completely out of your league. If he wasn’t popular in high school, he certainly is now. All the girls in the university have their eye on him, including Gwen Stacy, quite possibly the most beautiful girl on campus. She is a chem major, just like Mark and as equally well known as him.
They were perfect for each other actually, even if you dread the thought of it. You know you should probably stop talking to Mark if you want to move on like you had planned, but he is such a sweet person that you couldn’t possibly just ignore him like that. With his big puppy eyes looking at you, soft lips that you could kiss for like, ever-
“Earth to y/n!” One of your group partners for your finance project taps your notebook with their pencil, snapping you from your thoughts.
“Huh? Sorry!” You cough, refocusing on the project. “Anyways like I was saying, we should set up a chart, for the company budget cuts-“
Before she can continue, the floor beneath you trembles and the walls shake in the library. Everyone looks around confused before another loud rumble is heard, following screams. Your eyes widen as everyone runs out to find out what all the commotion is. As you make it outside, you halt in your step when you look up. You’re not sure what it is at first, until mechanical tentacles start to swing around, gripping on to surfaces.
“Where is he?!” The man at the top of the machine yells, “I know spiderman is on this campus! Where are you?!”
Everyone begins to run away as he walks closer but you stay put in shock, “Fine! I’ll make one of you tell me where he is!” You look as he zones in across from you, right on Jisoo who is equally as scared and doesn’t move from where she is. He raises one of his arms to grab her but you push her out of the way, “Jisoo run!”
You feel something wrap around your waist, lifting you up roughly into the air. Letting out the loudest scream you’ve ever done, you try to get out of his grip as he lifts you in front of him.
“Saving your friend huh? God I hate heroes,” the man sneers, “now where’s spiderman?!”
“Put me down!” you scream, flailing aimlessly.
“Tell me or I’ll peel the flesh of your body,” he hisses, bringing two more tentacles closer to your face. You scream louder and squeeze your eyes shut at the sight of the knives.
“Your choice. Spiderman you better come out! Before your little classmate becomes fresh meat,” he grins maniacally.
“Hey loser! I’m over here!” Someone shouts from behind him, dressed in red and blue. Spiderman swings around him, wrapping the legs with webs and tightening it, causing Dr. Otto’s machine to lose balance. You both fall and you brace for impact, but it never comes and you’re caught by Spiderman as he swings you both to the other side of the campus.
“Hey, you okay?” He asks, as he sets you down and you look at him in shock.
“You-You’re, s-spiderman-“
“Yeah, but don’t worry, I’m just your friendly neighborhood spiderman,” he says, before looking behind him, “I gotta go, but please be safe! Don't want pretty girls like you in danger!”
Before you can say another word, he swings away to fight the villain.
You’re in love with him.
No not Mark, I mean, yes you love Mark, but now you’re in love with Spiderman too. Currently in your dorm watching the news and seeing your newfound crush beat that mechanical octopus’ ass. After he rescued you, he broke off most of his arms, before finally tying him up and sending him off to the police. Swooning as he is freeze framed on the tv, you grin like a little schoolgirl. You’ve never had a thing for superheroes, maybe Thor if any, but to have one actually save you? You could get married to him right then and there.
Loud knocking is heard at your door and you turn off the tv, walking towards it. You’re greeted with a sweaty looking Mark, staring at you in concern, “Are you okay? I heard that monster thing got you?!”
“I’m fine, I got saved,” you smile at the memory of your new found love.
“By who?” Mark raises his eyebrows slightly.
“Spiderman,” you giggle lightly, but it causes you to wince in pain.
“Are you okay?! Let’s sit down,” he helps you move to your bed, “What happened?”
“That stupid octopussy tried to hurt Jisoo so I pushed her away and he snatched me instead,” you hold your stomach, too busy swooning over Spiderman to realize you were in actual pain.
“You saved Jisoo..? Wow,” you look at him confused as he stares at you in awe before he stands up, grabbing an ice pack from the mini-fridge you have, “I mean, is she okay?”
“Yeah, went home today though, needed to be with her family.”
“Understandable,” he nods, giving you the ice pack along with some water, “so Spiderman huh?” he says coolly, drinking some water himself.
“Yeah.. he’s pretty cool,” you say dreamily, “I.. I think I’m in love with him.”
Mark chokes on his water and starts coughing uncontrollably. “Mark oh my god, breathe,” you pat his back and he shakes his head, trying gain his breath.
“I’m okay, I’m just-“ he says in a strained voice, before finally composing himself, “you love him?”
“Well he saved my life, there’s just something really, sexy about that,” you say, grinning.
Mark stares at you with wide eyes and mouth dropped which makes you laugh and you wince again. “Careful,” he warns, trying to keep composure, “y-you really love him?”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m probably never going to see him ever again,” you sigh, swinging your feet on your bed, “but if he ever asked me to have one night, just one hot, sweaty, and wet night together.. I’d let him do me all night.”
Mark stands up abruptly, placing his cup on your nightstand before walking to the door, “Alright! Well I gotta go do, uh, homework, I’m glad you’re okay-“ he looks at the floor with a blush on his cheeks and opens the door—face smacking against the doorframe, before finally walking out, “sorry b-bye!”
The university shuts down classes for a month to give students time to alleviate any trauma, but mainly to fix the campus back up. And in the last two weeks, you’ve been thinking about your spider boo, as Jisoo calls him, who doesn’t knock on your window at night like you had hoped. Instead you spend your nights with Mark in your dorm, watching 80’s movies back to back on your laptop. Tonight is just the same as the rest.
“God I wish I went to high school in the 80s,” you sigh, munching on some popcorn.
“Why?” Mark laughs, “high school would’ve sucked.”
“Well it did suck for some of us, ‘Mr. Everyone likes me,’” you scrunch your nose at him, “it wasn’t that fun for me.”
“Not everyone liked me, you didn’t like me,” he chuckles, throwing a piece of popcorn at you.
“Of course I did, I had such a huge crush on you-“ the words fall out of your mouth before you can realize and once it’s out, Mark isn’t laughing anymore.
“What?” He whispers.
“N-Nothing,” you attempt to save your dignity and the friendship you’ve built with him.
“You liked me?” He sits up, staring directly at you now. Your eyes stay on the screen, wishing your bed could swallow you whole at that very moment.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Mark asks, clearly frustrated.
“Because it didn’t matter,” you mutter and he scoffs, standing up at your words.
“Of course it matters! Y/n, why didn’t you tell me!” He says loudly, and you look at him in shock.
“No it didn’t, you’re Mark Lee, you were every girl’s teenage dream! Everyone liked you because you were so cool and smart! You didn’t even know I existed,” You finally let out, “besides you were always dating someone — how was I supposed to tell you?”
“By talking to me? God y/n, you act like I was going to be disgusted by you or something!” He says loudly, trying not to yell.
“Because I thought you were! Mark don’t you get it? You’re this great, handsome guy that is way out of my league, you’re too good for me, always have been, always will! I’m a nobody, okay? You’re supposed to be with someone like Gwen.. not me,” you yell, and surprisingly Mark’s eyes soften. You always expected him to yell and tell you to never talk to him ever, that he is actually disgusted by you and never wants to see you again.. but he doesn’t.
“Y/N,” he sighs before taking a deep breath, “I love you, okay?”
“Mark don’t lie-“
“I’m being serious! You think I never noticed you in high school? Y/n, you were all I could think about then, I wanted to talk to you so badly and ask you out but whenever I had the chance, you’d scatter like I was a disease! I figured you didn’t like me so I dated other people to get over you,” he confesses, pulling at his hair in frustration, “then I saw you here again and I realized that I can’t get over you, because I love you.”
“You’re lying.. you don’t mean it, you’re just being nice,” you stammer, shaking your head as tears flood your eyes, “how can you love me? you’re Mark Lee-“
“You keep saying that, but this Mark Lee loves you.. so just let me love you,” he says, grabbing your cheek to wipe away your flowing tears.
“Why? Why do you love me? I’m not like the girls you’ve dated,” you whisper, and he gives you a smile.
“I only dated them to get over you,” he pulls you to the edge of the bed to keep you close, “I dated them, but I only love you.”
“Mark?” “Yeah?”
“Please kiss me,” you finally say, staring at his bright eyes up close for the first time ever.
He smiles and leans down, capturing your lips in a longing kiss. The kiss is everything you hoped it would be and more. His lips are as soft as his hands that hold your hips perfectly, his mouth moves smoothly against your own and he’s just as amazing as you always knew he’d be.
You make the bold move of moving backwards on your bed so he can climb over you in the midst of the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lays snug on top of you.
His mouth moves skillfully on your own and you run your hands through his hair in delight. Unconsciously, you wrap your legs around his waist, bringing his groin close to your heat. The kiss turns needier and his hands run from your hip to your thigh, gripping it. Licking his bottom lip with your tongue, he opens his mouth and welcomes it with his. Your mouths move faster, as you both are clearly turned on and the atmosphere is getting hotter.
Lifting your hips up, you grind against his hard-on, eliciting a shocked moan from Mark. You repeat the motion before he catches on, moving his hips into yours as well. His hard-on flicking deliciously against your centre. Breaking away from his mouth, you moan softly when he hits your clit exactly. He keeps doing it, kissing down your neck.
You’re so close but you know it isn’t enough to get you there, so you push him off softly onto the bed. “I’m sorry, did I do something?-“
“Shh, Mark, I just wanna suck you off,” you whisper, unbuckling his belt. His eyes blink wide repeatedly, and he nods, helping you pull down his pants. His dick is straining painfully against his dark briefs and you palm him softly, before pulling them down his legs.
“And you have a pretty dick too? Mark Lee you’re not fair,” you hum, leaning down to lick his tip. He’s long, not necessarily thick but big enough to have your panties soak further at the sight. A nice red tip and shaved, not a single hair on his pelvis.
Swirling your tongue around his tip, you look up at his reaction as your mouth envelopes around his length. You move softly at first, enjoying every moan that comes from his lips. “F-Fuck, I can’t believe this is actually happening,” he stutters, throwing his head back.
You giggle and start to bob your head faster, gaining a rhythm that has him twitching underneath you. “Oh my god, I’m so fucking close already,” he groans, his hands gripping your hair in his fingers, “oh god, I’m gonna cum if you keep-“
This only makes you go harder, dropping your mouth as far as you can go and swallowing at his tip. “Holy shit, fuck fuck fuck, I can’t hold it-I’m gonna cum-“ you feel it hit the back of your throat, streams of warmth flooding your mouth. Mark stutters, hips twitching before he calms down, releasing his grip in your hair.
You wipe at your mouth with a small smile and he looks at you in disbelief, “you literally made me come in two minutes.”
“Think you can do the same for me?” You say coyly and he grins, pushing you on the bed this time. He pulls your soft cotton shorts down your legs to show off your bare womanhood, and he groans at the sight. “So this whole time you’ve been wearing no panties beside me?”
He doesn’t wait for you to say something before he leans down and licks a stripe up for center, making your shutter. Holding your legs apart, he eats you out softly, carefully and taking his time. You softly mewl at the feeling, grabbing his hair. “I need your fingers, please,” you beg, feeling your high so close.
He licks one of his long fingers before rubbing it on your clit, dragging it down and pushing it in slowly. He mouths at you again while simultaneously fingering you, making your legs tremble in pleasure.
“Oh Mark,” you moan, “yes right there.”
“You’re so hot like this,” he mumbles into your clit, “I’ve wanted you here, like this, for such a long time.”
He wastes no time moving his finger quicker, mouthing at your pussy like a starved man and your toes curl, as you near your high.
“I’m gonna-“ you gasp, holding on to his hair when he pushes another finger in, fucking you hard with them. “Shit, shit, fuck-“ Your back arches off your bed and your legs grip around his head as you come, body finally relaxing after a few moments.
When you finally look at Mark, he’s staring at you in awe, mouth glistening with your arousal and chest huffing to catch his breath. It’s a beautiful sight to see and you give anything to see him just like this forever. Pulling him in for a kiss, you taste yourself on his tongue but you don’t mind it, enjoying his lips on yours instead.
He pulls away after a few moments and sighs happily, “I can die a happy man now,” he grins, pulling you beside him to cuddle and you giggle, but that only lasts a moment before you begin to wonder what will happen now. Does this mean you’re a couple? Was this just a bit of fun for him?
“Hey,” he tilts your chin up, “what’s with the frown pretty girl?”
“I’m just thinking.. what does this mean?” You find the courage to say, “are we a thing now?”
“Y/n.. you've always been my girl, just took awhile for you to finally realize,” he kisses your forehead. The action brings warmth to your heart and you lay your head on his chest, finally closing your eyes and letting them rest for the night.
The next morning, the sunlight from outside shines through your room and hits you directly in the face, waking you up after a few moments. You move away and blink repeatedly, adjusting your eyes to the light before looking beside you, with an empty spot. Sitting up, you look around the room and there is no trace of Mark anywhere, not a note not his clothes, absolutely nothing.
Quickly checking your phone, you’re only met with social media notifications and no messages or calls from Mark as usual. It takes a moment for you to realize what this means before it finally settles in, and tears flood your eyes in anger.
“Fuck you Mark Lee!” You yell out, throwing your phone across the room, “stupid, stupid, stupid!”
You collapse back into bed and cry your heart out. Of course he didn’t mean what he said, of course he doesn’t want you. What did you expect? He’s Mark Lee! Guys like him don’t fall for girls like you. You were so stupid to believe him, that he could actually love someone like you. All he wanted was to get his dick wet and that’s it.
You were so stupid.
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The days following you’re either in your room crying all night or attending your morning classes. He hasn’t contacted you yet, not even a stupid ‘sorry’ text to make himself feel better. As if he even feels bad.
At least Jisoo is finally back, and when she finds that Mark has broken your heart, she is on a rampage to kill him. “How could he do this to you?! That little shit!” Were her exact words before she consoled you and cancelled her dick appointment that night to have a girl’s night with you.
You try your best to avoid Mark on campus, always surveilling the area before walking somewhere because you can’t deal with seeing him just yet. Though it seems like he’s doing the same, because you never catch him walking around and it’s as if he’s gone off the face of the earth. Good, as he should.
Sadly enough, classes are back in session and now you have chapters to catch up on that you’ve missed since the incident. So you’re in the library once again, trying to get ready for finals like everyone else in the room. Normally you’d study with Mark and he’d give you tips or make studying fun with his lame jokes.
“Did you hear what happened to Spiderman?” Another student beside you whispers to his friend.
“Yeah I heard, my mom says the neighborhood has gotten dangerous since he disappeared,” the other student tells them, “too bad, wonder what happened?”
“I heard the Avengers got sent on a mission and some got stuck behind, there's a video on YouTube,” the guy tsks, “hope he’s not dead.”
The other person mumbles in agreement and you stop listening to their conversation at that point. Poor Spiderman, the only real good man in New York, now gone. Just your luck huh? Both of your love life’s basically non existing now. Placing your headphones back in, you play some music to focus back on your work.
That night, you’re waiting for Jisoo to get back from the convenience store with your snacks to watch some cheesy chick flick that she has been begging you to watch. The movie is all set up on your computer and you’re in your comfy pjs with fuzzy socks to keep your feet warm. Scrolling through your phone while you wait, there is a quick knock on your door, signaling that Jisoo’s back. “Did you get the-“ you open the door and stop mid sentence when you’re greeted by Mark Lee instead of your roommate. He looks tired, eyes rimmed with dark circles and the same clothes he was wearing the night he used you. His hair is shaggier like he hasn’t cut it and there’s a shadow on his upper lip.
“What are you doing here?” You hiss and he looks hurt, but not surprised.
“Y/n, please listen to me, I know you’re mad but I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just that-“
“Oh really? You didn’t mean to hurt me? Didn’t mean to get yourself off and then pretend like it never happened?”
“No that’s not what it was-“ “Then what? You were just feeling horny and thought you could use me? That you could come here weeks later and I’d forgive you?”
“Y/n, please, let me explain. I love you, I really do-“
You cut him off once again, “Don’t. Don’t you ever say that to me again. You’re a piece of shit Mark, I really cared about you and I thought you were nice. But now I finally realize who you are, you’re too cool for me, you could never like me the same way. I get who you are now, because you’re Mark Lee,” you say all in one breath, before slamming the door on his fake ‘broken’ looking face.
As soon as the door shuts, you fall to ground and let out the hurt tears immediately. You can still hear him outside your door, begging you to open up and let him explain but you don’t care if he hears you cry, because you don’t give a shit anymore. For years you’ve loved the kid and he’s nothing like you imagined. You should’ve just listened to yourself from the beginning and just stayed away. Oh, how you wish you had listened, because now your high school crush has become your college heartbreak.
It takes him a while to leave and for you to collect yourself and Jisoo finally walks in with the bag of goodies in her hand, that she drops, once she sees you as a mopping mess on the floor. You cry all night again and the cringey movie is forgotten all about.
The next day, you don’t leave your room at all, missing all of your morning classes because you're too depressed to get out of bed. Your nose is stuffy and eyes are puffy so you figured you’d save the world from looking at you, a sad mess. You try to distract yourself with some tv, but even that reminds of you Mark. So you opt for the news, and thankfully it’s reported that the remaining lost Avengers are back and safe. It’s the only thing that brings a smile on your face that day, because at least one of your lost loves hasn’t disappointed you.
It doesn’t keep you happy for long though, as the hours go by and you’re still all alone in bed. You attempt to do some homework on your laptop that night and copy notes of today’s class from one of your classmates via screenshot.
You’re in the middle of a paragraph when you hear light tapping on your window and freeze. The tapping continues and you’re confused, because you’re on the top floor. So who the hell is out there?
Sitting up, you pull the curtain back to see a familiar red and blue mask looking at you. Gasping, you open the window for him. “Can I come in?” Spiderman asks, holding himself on a web with ease. You nod slowly and scoot aside to give him room. He climbs in and looks around your dorm.
“Cute room,” he says and turns back to you but you’re still gaping at him.
“How do you- How did you find me?” you stutter and he chuckles lightly.
“I have my ways, just came by to check on the cute girl I rescued a while ago,” he flirts, causing you to blush. Holy shit! Spiderman is in your room! Flirting with you!
“Are you okay? I heard you were trapped?” You ask him, trying to keep your cool.
“Yeah but I'm okay, got out of there alive so,” he laughs awkwardly, and suddenly you get a sense of familiarity from him, “whatcha doing?”
“Notes, missed class today,” you say, and he tsks.
“How come?” He turns his mask covered head to the side in question.
“Didn’t feel well, stress, some problems I’m having,” you say sadly, but give him a fake smile to cover it, “no biggie.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Spiderman, are you telling me you snuck into my room at 12am to talk about my life problems?” You joke, giving him a real smile this time.
“Hey, problems are problems, even if they're not life or death, I’m still here for everyone.”
“It’s nothing, I’m just stupid sometimes,” you shake your head, “I thought this boy liked me but guess I wasn’t good enough. I should’ve known, my fault.”
“How do you know he doesn’t like you? Did he say he didn’t?”
“Well no but he hurt me, he ignored me for a long time and pretended like I didn’t exist,” you retort and he nods.
“Did you let him explain why? Maybe he had a good reason.” He defends, and you give him a slight frown.
“Who’s side are you on?” You tilt your head, “I hope you’re on mine, I mean he broke my heart. I cried for days over him, he lied to me and told me that he loves me but ignores me? What’s there to explain?”
Spiderman looks down at his lap for a moment before standing up and pacing around the room.
“Y/n,” he says, finally turning to you, “he is sorry, he wants to tell you what happened, but if you would just let him explain. He didn’t want to leave you that night, he wasn’t going to until there was an emergency.”
“Huh? How do you know he left?” You ask him, puzzled, “did Mark put you up to this?”
“No gosh, Y/n,” he groans before shaking his head, “I am Mark.”
“What? That doesn’t make sense? How can you be Mark? You’re Spiderman!”
He doesn’t answer but takes a deep breath, before lifting his mask and revealing his identity. Truth be told, Mark is behind it with a nervous look on his face and your eyes widen.
“Mark! Oh my god,” you blink repeatedly, “you’re actually him?”
“I am, I was going to tell you after that night but then,” he winces at the memory, “I had to leave, I was supposed to come back before you even woke up but some of us were stranded in another galaxy.”
“So you didn’t leave on purpose? You were gonna come back?”
He nods, “I’m really sorry y/n, if I had known I’d be gone for so long I would’ve told you.”
The room is quiet for a few moments and Mark is standing there unsure if you believe him and if you’re going to kick him out again.
“Mark,” you whisper, instantly running towards him to hug him. He sighs in relief, holding you tightly. His body starts to shake like he’s scared that if he lets you go, you’ll leave.
“I’m sorry Mark,” you mumble into his suit with wet tears, “I should’ve let you explain.”
“It’s okay,” he rubs your back, “we’re okay now, I’m never leaving you again.”
You hold each other for a long time, swaying a bit as you wipe your tears. He lifts your chin and kisses you softly on the mouth, then your nose and cheeks.
“So you saved me that day?” You ask and he nods shyly. “So you were my hero? That’s pretty hot.”
“It was nothing really,” he blushes, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Remember what I told you that night?”
“What?” He asks as you stare at him coyly before realizing what you meant, “oh, oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” you kiss his cheek, then his lips softly, before going down his strong jaw and neck. Suckling on the supple skin, you give him a love bite, proudly claiming him as yours. He moans at the feeling, before bringing your mouth to his again. Your arms wrap around his neck and his roam down your body until they reach your legs. He lifts them, wrapping them around his waist with ease like you weigh as much as a feather and takes you towards your bed.
You lay back and his kisses go down your neck. His hands cup one of your breasts through your shirt, and he feels the peaks as you’re not wearing a bra.
Mark breaks away from your mouth for a moment to lift your shirt over your head, before sucking on one of your nipples. He holds the other in his hand, moving in circular motions. You hum in delight and he smiles, kissing down your tummy. You know what his next move is but you stop his hands from reaching your waistband. “Wait Mark,” you mumble, bringing him back up to meet your lips, “I can’t wait anymore, I really want you inside of me.”
“O-Oh, yeah, sure,” his eyes widened and Mark stands up, tapping on his chest to release his suit, falling to his knees. He trips on the material as he tries to get out of it, causing a laugh to come from you. “Sorry, sorry!”
Finally when he’s all composed, he towers over you, “hi,” he says shyly and you giggle.
“God I love you,” you smile and he says it back, kissing you once more.
Your bottoms come off along with his and he hisses when your wet lips come in contact with the tip of dick. “Do you have, uh, a condom?”
You shake your head, “no but I’m clean, and on birth control.”
“Oh thank god,” he whispers and slides his tip between your lower lips, collecting your arousal for lubrication. Finally, he pushes in and pulls out halfway to get you used to his size. “Please Mark,” you raise your hips and his dick pushes all the way in.
“Oh my, fuck,” Mark groans, dropping his head onto your shoulder as he bottoms out, “you’re so tight.” He starts a pace, moving faster with every thrust until he has you a mess underneath him.
“Yes just like that,” you moan, watching where your bodies meet. You feel so full, better than you ever have before and he fits inside of you perfectly, hitting all the spots that have you seeing stars.
His movements never falter and you’d like to thank his superhero strength for it. “I’m gonna come,” you whimper, holding onto his forearms.
And as if he couldn’t move any faster, he does and it makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Come for me baby,” he tells you, his voice deeper than usual. It’s all it takes for you to get to your high, scratching down his back as your body shakes.
He slows his thrusts so you can catch your breath. You take whatever strength you have left to push Mark on to the bed, straddling his waist. Putting him back in, you move your hips up and down slowly, watching his reaction. His bottom lip is caught between his teeth, sweat cascading down his body and his soft hair is sticking in different places. He looks so sexy and it only encourages you further to ride him harder.
“You have no idea how long–oh fuck,” he groans when you swivel your hips, “how long I’ve dreamt of you riding me like this.”
You continue to move up and down, back and forth until he’s gripping your hips harshly, so sure enough there will be marks in the morning. Mark is a complete mess at your touch, muttering praises and groans into the air. You’re so close again already but you want to make him feel good, so you tighten yourself around him.
“F-Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he gasps, throwing his head back, “keep riding me just like that.” You lift your hips higher and move harder on his cock until he’s crying out your name with a curse.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, filling you with streams of his warm arousal.
Mark shutters under you until he’s completely soft and you lift off of him. His come runs down your thigh and he quickly grabs a tissue from your nightstand to clean you up. Wiping himself down, he tosses it in your trash bin before giving you a shy smile. You both climb into your bed and under the sheets to enjoy a bit of cuddling and pillow talk.
Hours go by before you know it, and you snuggle into his neck tiredly. “Mm, ‘missed you,” Mark mumbles, keeping you close to him.
“I missed you too,” you smile, “missed spiderman too.”
“Yeah? You still in love with him?” he looks at you and jokes.
“Mm, not really,” you shake your head and Mark furrows his brows, “I’m in love with you, the nerdy and goofy version of you.”
“Doesn’t sound very cool,” he scrunches his nose.
“Yeah, well, who do you prefer? Spiderman, the one who has to fight crime all day? Or Mark Lee, the one I get to ride everyday now?” You kiss his neck and he shivers at your words.
“Mark Lee sounds pretty cool now I think about it,” he mumbles.
“Really now? Well then you better come here, bugboy,” you whisper, bringing him in for another kiss.
His phone buzzes loudly, breaking the kiss and he reaches over. Reading the text, Mark gives you a look of worry but you shake your head.
“Go get ‘em Spiderman,” you smile proudly and he kisses you sweetly. Getting his suit back on, he slips his mask over his face, “I’ll be back this time, I promise!”
“Good, I love you Mark.”
“I love you too,” he tells you lovingly, before opening your window and jumping out smoothly.
Who would’ve thought your high school crush would be your college boyfriend? And a hot fricking superhero!
a/n: thank u god for mark lee and spiderman
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theawkwardterrier · 4 years
Fake It, Make It
A tropey Steggy Secret Santa gift for the excellent @sagesiren​/@theeleganteuropeanwoman! Wishing you as good an end to 2020 as you can get, and an amazing 2021!!  ✨✨✨
Summary: When Steve tells his mother that he is now dating a woman named Peggy Carter, his mother immediately wants to meet her. Which Steve would, of course, be perfectly happy to arrange, except that he is not in fact dating Peggy Carter (as much as he might want to be).
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Steve’s mother has been a nurse for thirty-three years. She’s familiar with the medical system and its limitations, and she’s a straight shooter even when it comes to her own mortality.
So when her doctor sends her for more tests after her annual physical, she mentions it to Steve during their weekly phone call.
“Dr. Nakhwa is worried,” she admits. “It’s bloodwork and scans now, but it might become something very quickly.”
“What can I do?” Steve asks, immediate and stricken. He had been trying to work on dinner as they talked, and his pot of water roils and hisses without answer.
“I’ll let you know if there’s anything,” she assures him practically, then sighs, quick and heartfelt and without drama. “But if it is something, I’ll just be so sorry for all the things in your life I’ll miss out on. Your first gallery show—”
“Ma,” Steve protests. No one knows his art better than she does - she signed him up for all the free afterschool art classes and every summer camp they could afford, and there are still paintings of his stored in her apartment a decade after he moved out - but he got his practicality from her, started training in carpentry on the recommendation of George Barnes back when he was a teenager and knew that there wouldn’t be money for college. He’s been able to do more custom woodworking lately and word has been getting around about his skill, but he’s accepted that he won’t be making his living off of the fine arts.
Undeterred, his mother says, “Oh, hush, even hobbyists can have dreams. But if you don’t like that, I’d be happy to see you in a relationship instead. It would ease my heart to know that you’ve found someone who can be beside you.”
And because easing his mother’s heart has always been at the top of his priority list, Steve finds himself blurting, “I’ve actually been dating someone. Now. I’m dating someone now.”
“Oh?” she says keenly. “Well, I hope to meet them someday soon.”
Steve coughs. “I’m sure you will.” He hopes that he’s somehow magically become a better liar in the past thirty seconds than he was for the first thirty years of his life.
Seemingly forgetting her earlier seriousness entirely, his mother adds, “What can you tell me about them? Can I have a name at least?”
“Peggy Carter,” Steve says without pause.
Later, he will ask himself why he didn’t just lie. It’s too soon, I don’t want to jinx anything. We made a bet and I’m not allowed to say her name out loud for a week. She’s a spy and I can only tell you her alias. He will berate himself for not just diving for some sort of distracting conversational offramp: the still-boiling pot, the cat yowling down in the alley, “that’s not important now, what else did your doctor say?” But he will never wonder why this was the name which came out of his mouth. He never has to search for it. She’s always on his mind these days.
“Peggy Carter,” his mother repeats. “Well, I’ll be happy to meet her. I’m off two Saturdays from now, if the two of you would like to drop by for a visit.”
His mother is the only blood family he has, that he’s ever even known. He’ll do anything for her. Even, apparently, say yes to this.
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His mother’s follow-up scans come back clear. She tells him that in one breath, and tells him in the next that she’s so looking forward to meeting Peggy this upcoming Saturday.
“I don’t want to put this off until the next time I have a health scare,” she says. “And I could tell she’s important to you just by the way you said her name.”
So in his relief at her news, and to his later horror, instead of saying that he and Peggy have broken up, instead of saying that she has an emergency, instead of saying that she’s gone back to England indefinitely and they’ll just have to do it some other time, he says, “We’re looking forward to it to.”
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When Steve confesses his predicament, Bucky laughs so hard that he slips off of his stool at Finnegan’s and almost knocks himself out on the bar.
“Could you at least help while you’re doing that?” Steve asks, torn between impatience and desperation, but his best friend just collapses into laughter again.
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His mother already knows most of his friends. He supposes he could hire someone, but that seems like it might be taking it a step too far. And anyway, he’s overwhelmingly thankful that his mother is still healthy; it seems ungrateful, a temptation of fate, to give more weight and trickery to the lie.
Which means that there’s really only one thing left to do.
It doesn’t mean he’s relishing the prospect under the circumstances.
(Though he wouldn’t exactly be opposed to it under others.)
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He asks Peggy Carter out for what’s probably the strangest date of her life and certainly the strangest of his on Monday, just as they’re finishing their lunch break. The rest of the crew, coolers over their shoulders, is already heading back over to the job site - Morita knocking his knuckles against that hideous brown hard hat of Dugan’s, Jacques explaining something as Gabe leans in - but Steve always does a quick sweep for trash just to make sure they’ve left the area clear. Peggy is heading in the other direction to track down Phillips. The boss is still legendarily prickly, but he doesn’t trust any architect but her these days.
“Peggy,” Steve forces himself to call before she’s disappeared. He wishes that this were just another one of those times that he had called her back for those innocuous, desperate five extra minutes of chatting. “I need to—Would you—Can I ask you a question? A favor, I guess?”
She tilts her head in invitation and he spills the story as quickly as he can, the rip-off-the-bandaid method.
“—and if you aren’t busy on Saturday, I was wondering if you could come over to say hi to her. It wouldn’t have to be for long, but it would make her really happy and I would—I’d really appreciate it. I can’t tell you how much.”
He stuffs his twisting hands into his pockets as he finishes, and pushes back his shoulders, hoping that he’ll still have a bit of dignity even once she’s rejected him. He doesn’t think she’ll be mean about it - he knows who Peggy is, the type of person to hand back hammers to the apprentices who’ve dropped them with a wordless wink, the type who lets someone else pick the takeout place if they’re having a bad day even when it’s her turn - but still, she’s Peggy Carter, and he’s Steve Rogers, the random guy who she knows from job sites and now the time he’d lied to his mother about dating her and then asked her to help him keep up the ruse.
“That certainly is a predicament,” she says instead of any of the gentle letdowns he was imagining. “But I must ask: why did you pick me?” It’s chilly today but bright, and the noon sun glints off her hair. He catches a smile, there and gone again, at the corners of her mouth.
“I said the first name that came into my head,” he tells her honestly, and then, just as honestly, “And I knew that my mother would like you, if you ever happened to meet each other.”
“Hmm,” says Peggy, smile all the way gone now, as if he’s disappointed her somehow. Her eyes are still soft, though. “Well, I suppose it’s quite lucky I am free on Saturday, then.”
“Lucky,” Steve echoes, and tries to figure out whether it’s true.
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“You absolutely will not go out in this weather,” his mother admonishes, her arms set in a way that Steve is extremely familiar with.
“I’m certain that the subway—” Peggy starts.
“Of course the subway will be running,” Sarah says with the confidence of a born New Yorker. “Late and jam-packed, announcing that they’re going express any damn time, and there’s no reason for you to be on it.”
Peggy looks over to Steve as if he might step in, but even as he gives her a wide-eyed, helpless shrug, his mother is already leaving the living room and heading down the hall, calling, “I’ll get fresh sheets for you two, Steve, but please find Peggy something to wear.” (Sarah Rogers is surprisingly strong, but she’s also rail thin and an extremely charitable five foot two, and Peggy is...not. Something Steve has absolutely no complaints about, to be frank.)
They’ve told his mother that they’ve been seeing each other for nearly six months - Steve mostly left that part of the storytelling up to Peggy, who managed to spin something that had enough details to seem plausible but wasn’t so elaborate that Steve had felt bad about misleading his mother with a fairy tale. But even if their relationship was real, there’s no reason to assume that they would have spent the night with each other, that they would be comfortable sharing a bedroom.
“I’ll sleep out here,” Steve says immediately and with vehemence.
Peggy casts her eye over the couch, more of a loveseat really; the living room is too small for much else. “Will you be removing your head or your feet to fit, then?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
Voice low to avoid his mother’s uncanny hearing, he says, “This whole day has already been more than you agreed to. I don’t want to force you into a situation that would make you uncomfortable.”
“I would say the same as it regards you,” she responds. “And if I was uncomfortable with the situation, I believe I would be the first to know. Now, I think I was promised something to sleep in?”
The collection of clothes he keeps at his mother’s is small, but he manages to dig up a large T-shirt and a pair of flannel pants for Peggy and the same for himself. She smiles at him, leaving to change, and he takes the opportunity to do the same before turning to put the sheets his mother had found on the beds, faced head-on with the reminder of the close quarters of his bedroom.
There isn’t much to see: his bed, the tiny closet, a dresser. He used to do his homework at the kitchen table because there wasn’t room for a desk. His bed frame had been a gift representing several birthdays and a Christmas as well, back in elementary school. Every other weekend, he would slide the trundle bed out, gleeful to finally have a chance to have sleepovers with Bucky somewhere other than in sleeping bags on the living room rug. The pull-out had used up all the extra floor space and he’d had to crawl off the end of the bed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but when he and Buck were telling each other scary stories quietly enough that his mother wouldn’t hear or reading comics under the covers, taking turns holding the shared flashlight, what had it mattered?
It definitely seems to matter now.
He stares at the two beds, tucked compactly side by side, and realizes that soon he and Peggy are going to be lying in them. Even if he pushes them as far apart as possible, it would be barely two inches before the dresser got in the way. No matter what, their hands could touch across that gap. If she’s a mobile sleeper, they could end up practically curled around one another…
He scrubs a hand vigorously over his face, mussing his hair and probably leaving him red-cheeked, but gathering himself. He makes both beds with care, returning to the linen closet to add top sheets, comforters, and light blankets too; he has no idea how Peggy likes to sleep.
The thought leaves him wide-eyed once again, but it’s too late to force his thoughts elsewhere. Peggy knocks just then, and he tells her to come in, hoping that his voice sounds normal as he does.
“I should have gotten you a toothbrush,” he says immediately upon seeing her, ready to scramble over and take care of it, but she waves a hand.
“Your mother gave me one. She also added my clothing to a basket of laundry she was taking downstairs so I would have ‘something fresh to wear in the morning.’ She wouldn’t hear any protests.”
As if she couldn’t have already figured it out from everything else today, Steve says, “She’s like that.”
“Yes,” Peggy says, thankfully amused. “I assumed.” She turns to the beds and asks, “Now, which would you like?”
Which one he’d like? He can’t think of anything that could matter less. He lists for her the pros and cons of each bed with the care usually reserved for life-changing decisions. She follows along seriously, though he recognizes the touch of humor around her mouth.
Ten minutes later, he is lying on the trundle, and she has her back to him as she examines the spines of the books on the small shelf mounted beside his bed.
She has washed her makeup off and her hair is in a single, simple braid. He’s heard the guys on the crew refer to certain women as “unbelievably beautiful.” Peggy isn’t that. She looks exactly as pretty right now as he had imagined she would, exactly as pretty as she does in her jeans and sensible blouse and Day-Glo vest on the construction site, or the time he had seen her dressed up in a gown for some awards gala, or when he had picked her up that morning and saw her wearing that red sweater with a black pencil skirt and felt lucky just to be walking next to her.
Still, he does find looking at her just now a bit hard. Difficult, he amends quickly, shoving the word hard away. She’s somewhat difficult to look at like this, unraveled and lovely.
“How fantastically minded you were,” she comments, smiling over her shoulder before flipping over to face him. “Is this still the sort of thing you like to read?”
“I usually end up with a bit of everything,” he admits. “But yeah, there’s some great sci-fi and fantasy being written these days.”
“It can be nice,” she says, “visiting other worlds.”
“It can be,” he agrees, not telling her that that’s what today has felt like: however awkwardly, unconventionally attained, it’s been like a brief, wonderful visit to another world.
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They were only meant to stay for brunch.
“Don’t cook anything,” he had begged his mother. She was always covering shifts for other people, running errands for neighbors when she wasn’t working, on her feet all day regardless. Having a day off where she hadn’t already scheduled sixteen things was something of a miracle, and he was going to force her to take advantage of it. “I’ll cook.”
Voice somewhat insultingly skeptical down the phone, she’d said, “So, do you already know that this woman has a cast-iron stomach, or are you looking to poison a guest in my home, Steven Rogers?”
In the end, they’d agreed that he would take care of picking up fresh bagels from their favorite place. Of course, when Steve and Peggy arrived, his mother had already set out lox, cut fruit and vegetables, hard boiled eggs, and about six different types of cream cheese.
“You promised not to make anything,” Steve said irritably, giving his mother a hug.
“I promised not to cook,” she corrected. “Boiling a few eggs isn’t cooking. Even you can do that, after all.” And Peggy laughed from beside Steve and stepped forward to introduce herself.
Steve had promised Peggy that they wouldn’t stay longer than a couple of hours, and so at exactly 1:30 he glanced noticeably at his watch and asked if she needed to go to “that other thing you had scheduled.”
“Thankfully not,” she smiled, finishing her piece of crumb cake (his mother swore she just happened to have it left over). “I postponed it, and I’m certainly happy that I did.”
And despite the situation, Steve was happy too - happy that she’d come, happy that she stayed. She and his mother traded stories about their respective jobs, lamenting that even though they were of different generations and worked in completely different fields, one with women as the majority and one with them in the minority, they had so many of the same experiences: dealing with stressed or snappish or condescending people, having their knowledge and authority questioned, and managing to get enormous, important work done skillfully anyway.
“I still love it,” Peggy had said as they moved from the kitchen table to the living room. (Steve barely thought about taking the seat beside Peggy, and then started overthinking why he hadn’t considered more.) “Despite everything, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.”
“Of course you wouldn’t,” said Sarah, voice already fond, as if she’s known Peggy more than a few hours. “I wouldn’t either.”
They’d talked about how Steve had taken shop class in high school - a few knickknacks he’d made were even still scattered around the apartment for his mother to show off; when she’d passed one over to him, even though he recognized its amateurishness, he felt a tenderness fill him, as if he was holding the hand of a younger version of himself. When he passed it to Peggy, he felt the gentleness of her hand on it too.
Later, he would realize that it was a bit suspicious for him to talk about how he’d gone from an A- in Shop to a carpentry apprenticeship to starting to work with Phillips’s general contracting company: surely if they had truly been dating, they would have talked about it all at some point before. But in the moment all he saw was the flicker in her eye as she told him that, oh, she certainly remembered his first day working with the crew.
It wasn’t that they didn’t notice the weather turning - the first flakes fell as the light began dimming low and gray toward evening - it was only that they were a bit busy making hot drinks and setting up the Trivial Pursuit board. This was probably how Steve would have been spending his afternoon regardless, but he watched Peggy carefully for signs that she was eager for an escape and simply too polite to say so. He even leaned over when his mother excused herself briefly and asked whether she was sure she still wanted to stay, to which she had responded, “I’ll almost certainly have my sports and leisure wedge after my next turn. Why in the world would I leave?”
When Steve went downstairs to retrieve the Thai takeout they had ordered, he did see that it was getting pretty messy outside. The wind had a bite to it, too, so he gave his order of miso soup to the man who’d delivered the food alongside the tip, and decided to see if there was an extra pair of boots around for Peggy to use later.
But after they’d finished with their dinner and watching The Sound of Music, which had been just starting as they’d flipped through TV channels, his mother had turned to the nine o’clock news, saw how hard the snow was coming down, and refused to be persuaded that a change in footwear would be enough. Truthfully, Steve would probably have stayed without question if he had been by himself, but the fact is that he came with Peggy. Peggy, who had stayed long past the anticipated two hours. Peggy, who he was not actually dating. Peggy, who he was now meant to sleep beside.
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“I’m sorry for the early night,” he apologizes again as they lie together in the darkness with the radiator hissing slightly. Not realizing how things would turn out today, he had scheduled a 9 A.M. consult with a couple who were looking to have some built-in bookshelves added and he has be up early enough to bring Peggy home and get back to his apartment to change before heading into Manhattan.
“It’s no trouble,” she assures him again. “There’s nothing at all the matter with getting a good night’s rest.”
“And I’m sorry again about everything. About how today turned out, and for getting you into it into the first place.”
“Oh Steve,” she sighs. “Will you shut up about that, please?” and even though her tone lacks sharpness, the words are enough for him to flip over toward her in surprise. “I truly enjoyed myself today. And I would have come even if you had simply asked me without any sort of exceptional circumstances.”
“What do you—?”
“I liked meeting your mother. She’s nothing at all like mine, which perhaps is why I appreciate her so much. I liked sitting around and talking, playing games and eating good food and singing along with Julie Andrews, and I liked spending time with you.” Her voice dips even softer. “I liked it all, and I would have come anyway, if you had only asked.”
With the cloud cover and the snow still coming down, the window lets in little light. He can’t make out her expression, can’t see if she’s just saying things out of tiredness, or reminiscing about a pleasant afternoon, or if she might just be hinting at something which would justify the elevated beating of his heart.
He nearly thanks her for being a good friend, but somehow, the way that she’s turned onto her side to face him as well, an invitation, makes him breathe in and say, “But you’re Peggy Carter. I don’t know why you would have bothered.”
“Is that what you think of me?” she asks. He’s never heard her voice with that twisting edge to it and it takes a moment for him to recognize it: hurt. “That I’m some high and mighty miss, and I would never deign to even look at the likes of you?”
“No!” he says, not frantic, hard and simple and factual, trying to make her see. “It’s just that you’re Peggy Carter,” he repeats. “There are probably a dozen awards on your shelves. I’ve seen you skewer guys with a half dozen words for propositioning you, then get right back to work. Phillips doesn’t like anyone except his dog, but he turns down projects if you aren’t going to be working on them. You wanted to design buildings and you made that happen for yourself. You’ve worked on dozens of projects and they’re all different but I’ve wanted to stay in each one, even the offices.” His voice doesn’t drop as he continues, even as he half hopes that his words will be lost in the pillow beneath his head. “You’re creative and determined and gorgeous and fascinating and funny. Just talking to you should be any thinking person’s favorite thing. And I’m only a guy.”
She inhales deeply through her nose, as if she is trying to keep her temper somehow, but when she speaks, her voice is calm. “When there are novices on a job, you’re the one who helps them through their nerves and shows them the right way to do things. Other women have told me that they like to work on the same site as you because they know you would never make them uncomfortable and you’ve fought anyone who tried. After an evening out, you give your share of the tip and then stay behind and add a bit extra. You do it every time, Steve. I’ve watched you.”
“Anyone could—”
“The first day I met you,” she interrupts, “you introduced yourself to Mr. Jarvis. Most people don’t, you know. They’re too busy noticing Howard to even pay attention. The day after, you brought soup for Ana because you had heard she was ill. I don’t know anyone else who would have done that, bring soup for someone who he’d never met, the wife of the electrician’s admin he’d only known for a day.” Even with the hiss and clank of the heating, he thinks he can make out every dimension of the breath she takes in before she adds, low and direct, “You’re loyal and sharp and kind, you make wonderful art and adore your mother, and you’re so upstandingly moral I half expect you to ride into work one day on a white steed. Had you not kept moving away every time I tried to get near, I would have asked you out long ago. And if you had asked me all the way back then, before I knew anything else, I would have said yes too, just because of the soup.”
It’s been three years since he started working with Phillips, three years of watching from across construction zones as she cut stubborn men down to size with a sharp word (or her fist if necessary), of lingering at lunch for the chance to see her smile or hear her opinion on current affairs or some article that they had both read. All that time of thinking that she would never possibly consider him more than a friend, and she already had.
“Can I—” he starts, his hand moving tentatively into the tiny space between their beds. She catches his fingers with hers and lifts them to her mouth, placing a delicate kiss on the backs of his knuckles. His breath comes sharply into his lungs.
He has, a time or two thousand, pictured some imaginary world where she might kiss him one day. This isn’t at all how he envisioned it in any of those dreams - they were never in side-by-side twin beds at his mother’s house, for one thing.
Nothing in him cares.
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When she says goodbye to him the next morning, his mother gives him an innocent smile and a reminder to drop by a Duane Reade for chapstick and...anything else they might need. He almost tells her that they were only kissing, but doesn’t think it will help. Besides, he was trying to avoid embarrassing details by stripping the beds before she woke up so she wouldn’t notice that the sheets had only been truly mussed on one.
(He wouldn’t have been expecting that sleeping in a narrow bed with Peggy half sprawled on top of him would be wonderful, but he’ll be the first to admit that he isn’t right about everything.)
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Exactly fifty-one weeks later, his mother asks him how he and Peggy are celebrating their anniversary. He’s halfway through telling her before he realizes that she’s not supposed to know that it’s their anniversary at all, that she’s still meant to think they’ve been together a year and a half already.
“As if you’ve been able to lie to me once in your life, Steven Rogers,” she says with a laugh. “You said her name and I knew that you weren’t telling me the whole truth the same moment I knew that she meant something to you anyway. Now tell me about the ring.”
“How did you—?”
He has the feeling she’s waving a dismissive hand on her end of the phone. “Nothing in the world easier than reading you, sweetheart.” Her tone turns a bit thoughtful. “Peggy, on the other hand, she’s a bit harder. But even that first time you brought her here, I could tell. When the time comes for you to ask, she’ll say yes.”
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She’s right.
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sinkix · 4 years
♡ Haikyuu!!│Boys as your Roommate HC’s Pt.2│Ft. Kuroo, Bokuto, Kenma & Kageyama ♡
Since the last one did well I decided to do another 2am shit-post consisting of my bby HQ bois as your roommate so I’m v sorry if it’s messy and seems like rambling but honestly what did u expect. <( ̄︶ ̄)> The more I write these the more I just want to summon satan and make them come to life man I love them sm.
You can find Pt. 1 here
E N J O Y ~ <3
◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒ ◃:✮.❃⭒
So. Damn. Annoying
But in like, the best way possible??
Constantly teases and irritates you while cooking or when it’s your turn to do the chores.
“(Y/N)-kuuun I think you missed a spot”
Proceeds to show swabbed finger with the tiniest speck of dust on it with the biggest shit eating grin he can muster
You have constant competitions who can clean more thoroughly and rip into each other as a result.
I mean there’s worse things to compete over I suppose??
He likes to make it a habit of waking you up by throwing his HUGE ASS BODY ON TO THE BED IF YOU OVERSLEEP.
Wraps his arm around you and gives amazing cuddles tho so its worth it
Borderline suffocating you though just so you get up.
Also, don’t wake Kuroo when he’s had only a few hours rest
just, don’t. If you value your safety.
Last time you tried to haul him out of bed in this state he threw a pillow at you and BITCH WENT TO GRAB THE ALARM CLOCK NEXT but u dashed out the room before he could lob it. 
Speaking of which, pillow fights. 
so many.
 Y’all are always throwing random stuff at each other just to startle one another
You both make a conscious effort NOT to aim for the head though so I guess its ok???
The aroma of coffee always greets you in the morning and it’s become hella comforting since you’ve just come to associate that smell with him.
His bed head is 1000x more extreme in the morning which you tease him relentlessly for and def has bags under his eyes but it looks cute.
sleep deprivation but make it chic.
He is much more of a night owl i’m making it canon idc - however usually has to sleep early due to club activities starting first thing in the morning.
He wakes up especially early because he knows he not only has to haul himself up at an ungodly hour but Kenma as well since he NEVER gets up on time otherwise.
Kenma lives a few blocks down from you guys and you often kick it as a three.
Sometimes he stays over just to save the extra effort of Kuroo going to his place.
It’s always v chill with the three of you as you get on really well and just play mario kart till 2am.
which again, big mistake. They end up nearly being late to practise so it’s kinda counter productive lmao
worth it though.
Kuroo is a salty loser js and will definitely wave his arms in front of you or shove his ass in your face to block the screen so he can overtake you.
Sometimes forces you to go on early morning runs with him but it’s actually really nice since you watch the sunrise together while sitting for a water break in an empty field
Almost poetic if it wasn’t for the constant teasing and bickering like an old married couple.
Kenma is VERY thankful you have become his new victim for those morning run routines.
Actually pretty quiet in the morning?? Like the lil owl is just waking up so he usually just mumbles a good-morning and rubs his eyes its so damn cute
Usually pretty good about getting up on time but some days he needs a kick up the backside to get him out of bed.
He fully made you drag him out of the covers once before he was even willing to entertain the idea of getting up.
those 30 seconds felt like a 30 minute workout since he is so HEAVY.
I feel sorry for the neighbours on that day tbh
“Bokuto-san wake up.” 
“It’s (Y/N) you dumbass G E T U P”
You aren’t safe for long though because ONCE HE’S AWAKE HOMEBOY IS RARING TO GO.
Frequently makes y’all pancakes for breakfast with a frilly pink ‘best chef’ apron on and it’s fucking hysterical. 
actually has several aprons and one of them has a stock image of abs printed onto the front.
Pancakes is the only thing Bokuto is competent at so don’t expect anything else without the kitchen combusting
His pancakes are SO damn good tho like bitch who taught you to flip like dat.
Does a lil shimmy with his body and throws it back each time he flips so it basically aggregates as a performance too since hes so extra
One time the pancake landed on the floor and he was in emo mode for a whole day LMAOOO
boy was spiking while mourning the fallen soldier.
Akaashi was so confused as to why he walked into practise in such a solemn mood.
had to stifle his laughter once you told him the reason.
For some reason you have this tradition to play board games on a Friday night
Obvs you have to let him win and be a cocky ass bc otherwise he will be sad until the next morning.
sis will be in a slump while brushing his teeth over losing a game of monopoly.
Doesn’t expect you to come to practise with him but is always grinning like a dork the whole way there when you accompany him.
His game is always A1 on those days so Akaashi is eternally grateful.
Often tries to make you go to the gym with him SINCE Y’ALL BEST BELIEVE BOKUTO BABY AIN’T SKIPPIN LEG DAY.
Actually a really good workout partner though, he’s so hype and encouraging.
Grocery shopping is a nightmare, y’all come back with 3x as much as what was on the list while Bokuto just looks really sheepish and guilty like a dog who shredded up the sofa.
Your conversations are very minimal at first until he adjusts to living with you.
Hella private with his living space and his bedroom
You always suspected he’s got some like weird alien cult meeting from Fiji going on in there with how shady he acts sometimes.
After a while though he’s pretty chill and doesn’t mind TOO much when you invade his personal space or go through his stuff.
I’d still be careful though an angry Kags is not a pleasant one.
He’s a minimalist, so if you ever get decorating done it’s usually you that takes the reigns since as long as it’s got a roof, a stove, a bathroom and a bed he could literally not give a fuck.
Unexpectedly easy to please over the smallest things, make a meal for him after a long day of practise and it’ll be hard for him to contain an appreciative smile.
Do NOT pull him up on it though bc he will get defensive 
just embrace it bro you won’t see it often.
V good at getting up on time and hella quiet in the morning when going about his routine, it’s easy to forget he’s in the house a times so at least he’s considerate.
Honestly doesn’t care whether you come to practise or not it makes no difference to him. Though the closer you both get he will sometimes wait for the moment you walk through the door and mentally slap himself for doing so.
Sometimes plays music in his room but it’s always really quiet and hard to decipher unless you press your ear up against the door.
The boi plays some BOPS though which is really surprising???
Usually takes charge of stuff like grocery shopping, cleaning etc. 
Control freak™️ here to assist your household services. 
He’s pretty dense though with these matters and needs some guidance at times lmao
Will not get the item on your list unless you CLEARLY SPECIFY AND INCLUDE THE WHOLE DAMN TITLE OF THE ITEM
You’re surprised he doesn’t request you illustrate the fucking bar code.
In the end you sometimes end up caving and just either going with him or going in his place.
Once he warms up to you y’all like cracking little jokes at each other and pulling one another’s leg.
if you get up even the slightest bit late he’ll just throw a lil “good afternoon” with a smirk on his face.
Sometimes he will come and chill with you on the couch to binge watch shows and it’s just a really relaxed atmosphere.
has really good taste in movies and series??
Honestly just a hella respectful roommate as long as you respect him and his privacy in return.
You once stuck his knee-pads in the washing machine on a high temp and they came out ready to fit a 6 year old.
You still suspect he holds a grudge to this day.
He also tried to give them to Hinata and never have you seen him more genuinely offended lmao.
The pair of you always end up oversleeping and it’s a genuine problem ur the definition of a disaster duo.
If it wasn’t for Kuroo strolling into your sleeping quarters most mornings you guys would sleep till the suns ready to set again.
Bless up Kuroo.
Constant video game marathons and y’all always compete to top each others time
It’s basically just the speed-run side of YouTube but under one roof.
Cannot and will not cook he is too LAZY for that.
Only thing he will do is stick an apple pie in the oven.
He’s courteous though he leaves you like,,, a 1/8th slice
You mostly get take-out or you’re the one that ends up cooking.
Veeryyyyy quiet, only noise in the household is the occasional snicker or lil conversation.
he has such a soothing voice hnnnnnnnnnggggg
The only time it’s remotely loud is when you play video games but even then the volume is quite low.
You usually end up crashing in his room from playing games till the crack of dawn and Kuroo frequently scolds the two of you.
you don’t listen though lmao.
For some reason you both end up in a hugging position when you wake up and neither of you have addressed it.
Except for the sus side eye look Kuroo gives the pair of you when he finds you like this.
He knows if he mentions it you’ll both infiltrate his apartment and choke him out with a console cable lololol.
You order most of your groceries online bc Kenma’s social anxiety will skyrocket and not allow him to be in a store full of more than 10 people, poor bby.
It works out for you too since why tf go there when you can have it delivered to your door.
You often binge watch anime together and he has GREAT taste mind you.
You made him watch a romance anime once and he secretly enjoyed it.
Since then he will very awkwardly request to watch them occasionally and you can’t help but smile.
The only time you clean is when you have to, like bins brimming with trash before you decide to take them out.
You accidentally broke his fav controller once and he didn’t talk to you for a week LMAO.
Still handed you one to play split-screen though so you knew he wasn’t entirely resentful.
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Song Bird
Day 9: Cage with Keigo Takami
Other kinks/warnings: None, I think. Pretty straight forward
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I cannot explain to you why I have decided to put more emotional baggage inside of a kinktober fic??? Idk. This one is a LOT sweeter than my Enji fic and I wouldn’t even call it angst. I just don’t know how to write Hawks without putting some of that inner turmoil in him. But for the most part, this fic is a sweeter kink one.
I just wanna flirt with Keigo, you guys. He’s my pretty bird T~T
Disclaimer: 18+ only to read. All characters are aged 20+
“Pretty sure it’s the bird that’s supposed to be in the cage, Keigo,” you folded your arms above your head, resting them against the golden metal of the bars that lined the cage. Where Keigo had gotten a human sized bird cage was beyond her, but it was pretty. It reminded you of one of those antique canary cages, just a whole lot bigger. It felt sturdy too as you leaned your weight against the bars, letting your gaze meet an amused Keigo who stood on the other side, twirling the ring of a sparkly key on his finger. 
“Aw, come on now, I’ve been caged my whole life. May as well let me know how it feels to be on the other side of things for once.” A snarky grin was painted onto his lips as you made a show of rolling your eyes, pushing off the bars in front of you and instead leaning on the ones behind you. It was only a step or two back. It wasn’t completely restrictive by any means but you certainly didn’t have a ton of wiggle room in here. But the opening between the bars, although not wide enough to allow you to squeeze through, were spread enough apart that you didn’t feel too claustrophobic.  "You look so pretty when I know you can’t fly away from me.“
A little extreme, but you were fairly sure he was joking. Keigo had a weird sense of humor once in awhile. He usually came off as sarcastic and casual, but sometimes he’d slip a comment or two in that would just feel… odd. But you were used to it at this point and you knew that a few awkward lines or dark moments didn’t make him a bad person. And so you took the time to give him a sweet smile, reassuring him gently. “As if I would ever want to,” you mused gently and you noted the little extra bit tug upwards on the corners of his lips. “But for real, birdie. Why’d you put me in here?”
When you had gotten home today, Keigo had excitedly pulled you into your room, showing off his latest splurge. You had been a little thrown off at first but your curiosity got the best of you and you had went in closer, inspecting the door, he made a show of pretending to accidentally bump you in there. You knew it wasn’t an accident with the little “whoops” that had melted off his lips, but as he shut and locked the door behind him, it was clear he meant to get you in here. You were just trying to figure out why. 
The dark chuckle he sent you in response gave you reason to believe that whatever reason it was, it was something untoward of him. You were down. That low rumble of laughter had a way of melting your core the second you caught the vibrations. 
“Spice things up a little? I don’t know. Sounded fun.” He shoved the key to the door in his pocket, hiding it from view before red wings contorted behind him as he slipped them out of his jacket before tossing his coat away, letting you take the time to admire the lean form of his arms. He wasn’t nearly as built as someone like Allmight or Endeavor but you liked the more toned-out look of Hawks anyway. Wasn’t built like a wall maybe, but he wasn’t lacking muscle by any means either. “I figured you’d look cute all trapped for me. And I was right. Makes me wanna play with you.”
He was right about something else too. It did sound kind of fun. In any case, it couldn’t hurt to try it out. But you were a bit too sassy to just give your birdie what he wanted. And, besides, he strived off getting control of a situation on his own. “Better be careful how many games you try and play or I might come out of here seeking revenge. I could just try to come and eat you up,” you hummed, flirtation lacing your voice. You didn’t miss the way marigold eyes darkened at you and he practically licked his lips.
“Don’t tempt me. Now I’m almost wondering if I should have been in the cage instead.”
“It’s not too late to trade out, pretty bird.”
“I said almost.”
He was up against the bars and you before you realized it, his arm shot out through the bar and he grabbed you by the neck, tugging you up to the front of the cage and giving a small squeeze around you.. He wasn’t actually squeezing hard enough to do much more than slow your breathing a little, but the action was enough to leave you staggering with the suddenness of it. His other hand was gripped tight around the bar to keep his face from smashing up against the cage as his eyes drifted to the claw he had on your pretty throat. “You’re cute when you think you’re in charge, but I feel like making it clear who’s calling the shots today.” A tighter grip for just a second before he loosened up almost completely now just using the hold to gingerly keep you in place. You could try and move away but both of you already knew who was faster. Your heart was moving faster now but a flood of heat had already started to blister through you and you met his gaze with a huff.
“When I think I’m in charge?”
“Yeah. It’s only because I let you be,” he retorted simply, and the way he shrugged his shoulders at you almost pissed you off, but as his hand slipped away from your neck and moved slowly down your body, tracing over the contours of your body with feather touches, your emotions were preoccupied. “But still, there’s something different about you being trapped here for me. Nowhere to run.” His voice dropped to a near whisper, his hands dragging up underneath your shirt, letting his hand feel the warmth of your skin as they crawled. “I could do some really bad things to you.”
It wasn’t his usual demeanor and you were torn between being heated and being concerned as he cupped your breasts over your bra, kneading your chest in drawn out motions. In the time you had been dating him, you had figured out that Keigo’s carefree demeanor wasn’t something that was actually all that carefree. There was a lot more anxiety that swam deep under the surface and he was starting to show it to you more and more. You never pushed - you weren’t going to force his feelings out of him - but you couldn’t help but be curious about the baggage he seemed to be holding onto. And the odd lull in his voice right now made you wonder if he was showing you some of that now. 
Weird time to reflect, and an even weirder time to try and help as you were being fondled but still. “You could. But you won’t,” you clarified softly as you dragged your shirt up, only to put your hand on top of his, helping him massage your chest, locking your fingers on top of his even as your back arched. 
His brows raised just a fraction, you almost missed it. But the way his voice came out with a laugh next, you felt yourself ease a bit. “You sound confident. Be careful, I’m a bad, bad guy ya know?” Another squeeze, this time pushing pressure upwards, before letting go and applying the same attention to the other side. 
“No, you’re not. Not to me,” you were ready with your response, as clearly as before. Whatever heavy emotions he carried, you wanted to soothe them in the ways you could. And he seemed to enjoy that response as his wings fluffed out behind him. 
That odd air about him was gone now,  and he flashed you a smile so predatory that your thighs clenched even as he tugged his hand away, retreating it back to his side.
“Oh, no. I’m a bad guy especially to you.”
You’d didn’t mind this kind of bad at all.
“Take your clothes off for me,” he was cooing now as he folded his arms over his chest and simply waited. You resisted the urge that came to listen. You wanted this man to wreck you, sure. But attitude came first when he was feeling cocky.
“And if I don’t-”
Before you could even finish your words, a single feather darted in between the bars and you squeaked as it nimbly sliced the fabric of your shirt and just barely missed you. “I suppose I can give you some motivation.”
“Hey, I liked this shirt!” You whined even as suddenly you found yourself obliging, the threat of his feathers ripping off your clothes making you tingle. Maybe that’d be an idea for another day when you weren’t particularly fond of your outfit - or locked in a cage.
“Told you I was a bad guy. Now strip. All the way, my cute little captive.” He continued on with a sweet hum, his eyes burning into you as you discarded your wardrobe, letting it pile up on the floor of the cage. He had your body practically memorized and yet he took it in every time like it was the first time he ever got to see you. “Absolutely gorgeous." 
When you kicked your panties off of your heels, that’s when you glanced back to Keigo to see him circling his finger, indicating you to turn around with a silent gesture. You weren’t sure how he would motivate you to move if you didn’t listen this time but you didn’t find out. Instead, your body spun to face the other direction for him and he whistled a little tune at the sight of your backside. "Now you’re listening? Cute. Keep it up and I just might reward you for it.” His hand was shot through the cage again and he reached around to grab the front of your thigh and dragged your entire body back so you were backed up against the bars. “Move to your side a little. There you go, right there,” molten heat welled in his voice as he guided you to stand with your center right between two of the bars, giving him a nice view of your ass - “spread your legs” - and your dripping cunt. 
He went quiet for a moment, but a rustle behind you and the sound of clinking metal filled the silence. The sound of a belt, the sound of rustling fabric, then he was behind you, with something hard slipping between your legs and gently smacking against the most needy part of your body. “If you don’t wanna fall, bend over and grab the bars in front of you. Better keep that ass pushed back over here though,” he declared as he slid his length back and forth against you, playfully dipping against your hole before sliding back forward. You bit your lip, but in the next moment, you dipped at the waist, getting a grip onto the metal as you pushed the rest of your weight back into your heels, letting the bars make indents against your backside and you gave a whine as his cock sunk into you from between the bars. “I’m about to turn my pretty girl into a song bird.”
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
ahhh I love your work!! Can you please do 6 and 14 with female reader and Poe? :) I’m a big fat sucker for a juicy friends to lovers.
A Night on Courscant
Plot: Poe and Y/n are stranded on Coruscant searching for a hotel room. But when do things ever go according to plan?
Warnings: extreme steam 🔥
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Why does every Poe imagine I write turn so thirsty? 😂 I’m not upset about it. I also managed to get every trope possible in this one including the famed ‘there was one bed.’
(And thank you so much, anon, for the kind words!)
6: “You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.”
14: “Don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way.”
It was supposed to be a one day diplomatic mission to Coruscant. We were supposed to be back at base by nightfall until our ship’s compressor had decided against that decision. I’d contacted Leia to let her know the situation and she said she’d send a ship first thing in the morning. Until then, Poe and I were walking through the heart of the metropolitan planet in search of a hotel for the night.
“If I remember right,” Poe pointed towards a cluster of smaller buildings, “One of those has rooms for pretty cheap. Between the two of us, we should be able to swing it.”

“Good,” I replied, “I’m ready to put an end to this day.”
“Aw, c’mon, sweetheart,” Poe pulled me into his side, “There’s a lot worse people to be stuck with for the night.”

I laughed, trying to ignore the hammering of my heart at being pressed against him. Falling in love during war was dangerous, but falling in love with your best friend during war was just plain unfair.
“Look at it this way,” Poe said, “We had to sit through a criminally boring meeting, lost our ship and are stranded on a planet we hardly know. It can only get better from here.”

Like clockwork, just as Poe had finished his sentence, it began to rain. Upon the first drops hitting, he bit down frustratedly on his lip and nodded.
“You’re right,” I said over the growing noise, “This is better.”

Poe sighed and reached for my hand, “Come on.”
We dashed through the city, weaving between people on the crowded sidewalks, as the light drizzle picked up and turned to a torrential downpour. Luckily, the hotel Poe knew about was close by and it didn’t take long to make our way over. However, with the strength of the storm, we were soaked to the bone by the time we got there.
Poe had compiled both our credits and we stood at the check-in desk, awaiting our room key. In my exhaustion, I hadn’t realized I was staring at my friend. The rain had soaked through the cream colored shirt he was wearing, making the outlines of his chest extremely visible. He’d pushed his wet curls off his face but one of them stubbornly stayed in place against his forehead, perfectly out of place. There was a reason that Poe was the poster boy of the Resistance, someone that beautiful deserved to have their face all over the galaxy.
Once the worker returned with our room key, Poe and I were quick to make our way up to our floor. The sooner we went to sleep, the sooner we’d get to go home. When Poe unlocked the room and switched on the lights, we were met with the surprise that there was only one bed.
“I could’ve sworn I asked the guy for a room with two beds,” Poe said.
“I was there, you did,” I sighed, my thoughts running rampant at our situation.
Poe rubbed at his neck, a nervous habit of his, “I guess we could make it work?”

“Yeah, of course,” I replied quickly, “I mean we’re…we’re friends.”

I must have been tired because I thought I heard Poe hesitate before saying, “Yeah, friends.”

He locked the door and we fully entered the room, I was trying to figure out how to navigate the night without it being too awkward. It was too late and I was too tired for a shower and it wasn’t like I had other clothes to change into. Not to mention I’d caught a chill during the storm and was freezing, all I wanted to do was get into bed.
“Um,” I began, “We’re going to need to, uh, get out of these clothes.”

Poe nodded, “I can turn around and you can get in bed, that way I won’t see anything.”

“O-okay,” I said, Poe promptly turned around and awkwardly cleared his throat. I peeled my long sleeved shirt off, followed by my boots and pants. I was left only in my undergarments, more cold than I’d been with my layers still on. I hurriedly climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over me. 

“You’re safe,” I said, Poe slowly turned around and smiled at the sight of just my head peeking out from the blankets.
Without warning, he shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and reached behind him to pull his shirt over his head. I should’ve turned around instantly, but the shock of seeing his toned chest on display had caused my brain to short-circuit. After a few seconds, I caught myself and nervously turned on my side, mumbling an apology. I felt like a complete idiot. Poe moved under the sheets and I could feel the heat that practically radiated off of him warm the bed,
“Can I ask you something?” he quietly asked, I still hadn’t turned to face him.
“Sure,” I squeaked.
“If you were to describe you and I, what words would you use?”

I squinted in confusion, almost wishing that we would have gone to bed silently. Every word I wished I could use flooded my mind, but none of them had any place in our reality.
“Well,” I started, attempting to sound nonchalant “We’re friends.”

Poe hummed, “You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.”
My eyes widened in horror before I turned over to face a very smug looking Poe.
“W-what are you talking about?” I asked.

Poe gave me a knowing stare, “Do you honestly think I haven’t noticed how you look at me? I know because,” he took a deep breath, “It’s the same way I look at you.”

I must have looked ridiculous, my jaw slack and my eyes slitted as I tried to comprehend what Poe was admitting to. Was he saying…he felt the same?

“I-I-Poe, I don’t know what-I mean-“ I cut my babbling off with my hand running over my face.
“Y/n, you heard what I said, don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way,” Poe said with a nervous laugh.

I turned my head to look at him, his deep brown eyes looked so determined and yet so vulnerable at the same time. It was taking a lot for him to admit his feelings to me, even if he seemed confident about it. If he could do it, then I could too…
“Yes, Poe,” I whispered before adjusting the volume of my voice, “I have feelings for you. But that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t do anything about them.”

“What?” he said, “I thought I just-“

“Yes, you did,” I interrupted, “And I’ve dreamed about hearing you saying something like that for so long but, Poe, we’re in the middle of a war. It’s a terrible idea for to get involved with someone when there’s a chance you’ll lose them the next day.”

Poe’s eyebrows scrunched together sadly as he listened to me, I was fighting back a few tears myself. It broke my heart to say, but it was true. The one thing that had always stopped me from telling Poe how I felt was the paralyzing fear of getting to love him and then having him ripped away from me.
“I disagree,” he objected, scooting his body closer to me, “Yeah, we live more dangerous lives than most people but that doesn’t mean we should have to give up stuff like…this.”

With very little space left between us, Poe gently took my hand and pressed it to his bare chest, just over his heart. I could feel its steady beat, though clearly a little faster than usual with the moment we were wrapped up in.
“I know it’s scary, the thought of losing you has woken me up in the middle of the night too many times. But I can’t keep going on like this. I want to know what it’s like to hold you, to kiss you, I want to know what it’s like to love you. Whether we win or lose this war,” Poe’s voice cracked with emotion, “I want to be by your side.”
If he hadn’t made it easy on me before, he was making it nearly impossible now. With every word he said, my heart swelled and my mind went blank as it searched for a rebuttal.

“Please give us a shot, Y/n,” Poe whispered as he studied my face, trying to find his answer.
Words failed me as I felt the pounding of his heart in my palm, the metaphor of it not lost on me. Poe had laid everything out for me to either take or destroy. It was my call. And I knew with my new knowledge, I couldn’t spend another day living in the misery of loving him and not doing anything about it.
I slid my hand off his chest, grasping his hand and placing it on my hip. His fingers tensed at first at the feeling of my skin, his eyes locking with mine searching for hesitation. When he found none, he relaxed and squeezed my waist gently. I shifted closer into him till our chests were pressed together, I shivered at the contact as I shakily moved my hands to grip his shoulders. Poe maneuvered his arm under me to wrap around my waist, enveloping me in him. We were standing on the edge, about to fall into something wonderful.
“I-I think I can give you more than a shot,” I whispered, watching the way his eyes lit up at my words.
Poe slowly dragged a finger along my figure till he reached my chin, tilting my chin up so our lips met. Finally. Months of desire and longing exploded in a single kiss, the euphoria of the moment ran through my veins. Our lips danced together in perfect harmony, moving together slowly and passionately. Poe’s tongue slid between my lips, begging for permission to deepen the kiss, and I happily parted for him with a whimper. As he entered, he rolled onto his back and pulled me with him so I was straddling him. He sat up and pulled me tighter to him while also snaking a hand up to my back. I rocked against Poe as my hands slid into his wet hair, eliciting a groan from him at the combination of sensations. The hand against my spine moved to the back of my head, pushing me as close as he could possibly have me and intensifying our kiss. This was surely the definition of bliss; a soaking wet Poe Dameron moaning beneath me and kissing me like it was our last night alive.
The next morning, redressed in our now dry clothes, we met Rey and Finn on a landing platform. The sight of the Falcon was a welcome one as Poe and I did our best to appear as if nothing had changed between us. Once we boarded, Rey came up and us both hugs, followed directly by a gasp.
“What?” I asked, worried she’d sensed something was wrong or-
“Finn!” she called out before racing off to wherever he was, “You owe me twenty credits!”

“Were they betting on us?” I said with a horrified chuckle.
“Does it matter?” he smiled, “I’m the real winner, I finally get to be with you.”
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wovenstarlight · 3 years
YWBK update: chapter 25 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 25 here, or start from the beginning here
okay, on to notes and commentary! first time i’m doing these, let’s hope this works out. commentary under the cut to save people’s dashes
Hamin laughs. “Given how bad you are at not being suspicious, that’s understandable.” “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Hamin screws up his whole face in a squint. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little bad.”
this part was really funny to me when i wrote it because i was like “hmm reasons for DHM to understand why HHJ wouldn’t work in the guild” and then i was like Wait. Their Whole First Meeting, Dude. DHM was lowkey convinced for the longest time that HHJ was like, on the run from the KR version of the mafia, and got plastic surgery to look like his little brothers, and is possibly in some sort of witness protection program??? or something??? how else does he not have cops on his ass this man is so suspicious all the time
“I don’t think… They said the dungeons were, like, different worlds? Did they find people there?”
mafia theory second place. dungeon theory first place
“Like, humans? Um. No, no humans.” “So then you can’t be from there. Okay.”
dungeon theory shot down. mafia theory back in the running
“Hey,” he says cautiously. “I’m— I’m gonna go get us some water, okay? Why don’t you… take a minute.” “Okay.” “The bathroom is over there, if you need it.” “Okay. Thank you.”
after four years working alongside a guy you start to notice when he’s feeling a little out of it and needs a bit of a break... but as JHW mentions later you also learn to be a little subtle about giving him one
jung heewon What’s with your typing? It reads like Jihye’s [HYJ]’s fine. Very energetic Too energetic? He’s going to burn out. How do I make him calm down
Epic Burnout Man makes a reappearance! when translating sclass one of the things that makes me want to shake HYJ most is his habit of constantly adding things to his to-do list while he already has 1 billion things on his plate. and all the time he’s whining about “UGH there’s SO MUCH WORK to do” No One Asked You To Do It
Anyway. the point is. HYJ isn’t about to be beat by HHJ at Developing Issues 😔
jung heewon I haven’t spoken to him directly about this because if he’s anything like you he’ll take it as an insult You wtf whts tht supposed 2 mean quit typing jung heewon Better not say shit, mr “No, I can’t take days off and cater to my interests or go out with friends or on a date, I’m too busy taking care of the kids and making sure their needs are met, no I don’t care that there are thousands of people out there balancing personal enjoyment and romance and work AND kids at the same time, are you suggesting I be a BAD GUARDIAN to MY KIDS?”
see above re: not being too direct with pointing out when HHJ’s having Issues because he doesn’t react well
You wht but our eyes r fine jung heewon Even if having glasses doesn’t run in the family, you should still get him checked, just in case
top 10 funny time travel moments: referring to you and your past self as “us” (our = my eyes are fine), but other people think you mean “our family” (our eyes are fine = no family history of long/shortsightedness)
Also. Sooyoung-ie says hi [Attachment: 20XX1213_144516.jpg] 
ok no lie this was one of the parts that pissed me off the most, even though it’s Literally One Line, because. i love chat exchanges. i really do. when done right they’re a lot of fun to read. But Do You Know How Long It Took Me To Figure Out A Calendar For The Events In This Fic. now everything’s TIMED i have to count HOW MANY DAYS IT’S BEEN since XY event so i can CORRECTLY NUMBER the FILE ATTACHMENTS!!! this sucks!!! it took me fucking forever to pin down a timeline just so i could write this chapter plus the few before and after it!!!!
anyway i gave up when i reached year. i just put 20XX. fuck it. we are running on fairy tail time now. (actually i think that’s XXnumber number? XX76? or was it X796. something like that. Who cares i stopped watching fairy tail forever ago)
Fuck it! Hamin will understand!! “If you Awaken you should come work with me,” Han Hyunjae says all in a rush. 
“HAMIN WILL UNDERSTAND” => he literally was cool with me giving zero context for half a dozen absolute balls to the wall nonsense bullshit things i’ve done before. he’ll be fine with this too. dog_in_burning_house_this_is_fine.png
“You already know about the guilds, those are going to be for dungeon Hunters, but I was thinking of forming something like an independent group of contractors. Awakened people with skills that aren’t useful for combat, but that might… that will be generally useful. It’d be you and me, and maybe one other guy I met recently. Probably more in the future.”
given that HHJ has no idea currently that peace exists (i’m so sorry baby i’ll find a way to shoehorn you in soon i miss you so much) he’s got no intentions to start a kiseungsu business yet! he mostly wants to live quietly while just acting as a manager for other Awakening-related services, like YMW’s forge and DHM’s tracking service, along with the information exchange/lowkey spy ring that he’s planning on setting up with JHW and the bar. since HYH is fine associating with him in this timeline, HHJ’s thinking he can get a foot in the door that way, then eventually spread out into dealings with most major guild leaders
RIP to this plan. you were well-made but you will not last long.
“Please, I can’t tell you how I know that, I really can’t, it’d put me and my brothers in danger if it got out. But—” “No need.” Hamin looks slightly alarmed, and Han Hyunjae feels himself settle at the obvious concern in his eyes.
“I spoke to the Task Force Head and she said that there’s been discussion about hosting a meeting for the nearby high-rankers, where they’ll announce the guild proposal and see who else is interested in trying it out.”
“they’ll announce” i’m sorry king 💔 you deserved a nap
(OH ALSO FUN FACT choi eunyoung is a canon character, not an OC of mine! she appears in uhhh i think late 140s? 150s? something like that)
“I think there’s… probably only one other S-rank who’s Awakened right now?”
Hamin beams. “No, they’re doing great! Spookie’s taken really well to the new housing situation, but I think Spots might miss the store…”
shoutout to @daemonic-dawn​ for letting me borrow a pet name, love u king. i had a much longer ramble about pet names here but i finished typing and realized it was all entirely off topic so i removed it for convenience
Hyunjae makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat. “Don’t— I mean.” He huffs, visibly taking a deep breath, and Yoojin frowns reflexively. [...] “Is everything alright?” Yoojin kind of wants to be annoyed at his tone on principle, but he forces his shoulders to relax, matching Hyunjae’s posture. Though he can’t stop himself from being a little short when he answers.
things the brothers have learned in four years living together: getting confrontational often leads to arguments that just fizzle out anyway, so it’s way fucking easier to consciously tone down their combativeness in advance when talking to each other about things they have problems with, instead of screaming their heads off and then having to calm yoohyun down afterwards to boot
“I guess. Whatever.” Yoojin slumps. “Can I…” “Hm?” Hyunjae blinks at Yoojin as he gestures to the spot on the bed beside him, then jolts. “Oh! Yeah, sure, c’mere.” He opens his arms, and Yoojin goes over and flumps on the bed, head in Hyunjae’s lap. Almost immediately, Hyunjae starts stroking fingers through his hair, and Yoojin relaxes into the touch, listening as Hyunjae continues speaking.
cuddles 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i don’t have any other commentary here just. cuddles. extremely and overwhelmingly comforting for a man who spent the better part of 8 years(?) with no major positive relationships, and a kid who spent 12 years of early life basically abandoned by his parents. you had best bet they gave up on not hugging each other 1 year into this whole mess
Yoojin hums in acknowledgement. It’s not like he’d ever let himself get hurt; he has too many responsibilities to his family and friends. If he wants to be good enough to keep up, he can’t afford to fuck up like that. But… hyung will worry if he keeps working so hard. He can slow down a little for him. 
Problems disorder man when will you stop. the way he sees “getting hurt” as an inconvenience and an obstacle to his duties rather than a danger to himself. the way he doesn’t really care if he himself gets hurt, but if it’ll worry his family, then it’s a no-no. it’s just. wow. i know i wrote this but i hate him
“Not really. I talk to Myeongwoo about it sometimes.” “Ah, right, Myeongwoo.”
haha gays
“Don’t be weird about him,” Yoojin warns[...]. “I won’t, promise.”
if the “i won’t” line had a dialogue tag it’d be “Han Hyunjae lied”
“Is Eunwoo still in his relationship?” “Mhm, happy as ever. Apparently they’re trying long-distance, now that Eunwoo’s gone off to university abroad.”
three guesses for who eunwoo’s dating and you won’t need the first two
Hyunjae raises his hands like he’s going to deny the accusations levelled against him, so Yoojin seizes him by the collar and shakes him until he cries for mercy
oh my o/rv ass struggled so bad with not writing “shakes him like a man betrayed” here. it killed me not to. but in the end i prevailed (against, uh, myself. don’t think about it too hard.)
“Jeez, okay, he’s an F-rank!” “Eh?! Then why—” “He’s also got an SS-rank potential skill,” Hyunjae admits[...].
play-by-play of this scene because god if i draw any scene in this fic it would be this one just for the sheer hysterical nature of HYJ’s reaction:
HYUNJAE: he’s also got an SS-rank skill,
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