#next i’m singing knowing me knowing you!!!
misctf · 2 days
Singing a New Tune
Written for Occam's 2000 Follower Writing Challenge
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“Babe, I love you.”
Jared smiled down at Julie, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He had to imagine his girlfriend dreamed of this moment. A romantic kiss at a Tiffany Stabina concert as the star finished out her set with one of Julie’s favorite songs. A slow romantic song- one that Jared knew all too well from frequent replays in the car.  
“Anything for you babe.” He replied, holding her closely in his muscular arms, “I love you too.”
This certainly wasn’t his kind of music. And he didn’t understand the cult-like devotion to Tiffany. But seeing Julie this happy? Worth it. Still, he imagined the other straight dudes here were thinking similarly. In fact, he and the guy next to him shared several looks throughout the night. A silent comradery acknowledging they’d rather be elsewhere. And if they had been elsewhere, Jared would’ve asked the guy for his arm day routine.
“Alright babe, we ought to head out before...”
“To all my fans, I love you!” Tiffany called out, their cheers drowning Jared’s words, “You’ve all been with me from the beginning, and I am so grateful.” She placed a hand over her heart, “But you all know I’ve been criticized.” The fans all booed, “And they’ve come after you too.”
“A bit dramatic.” Jared chuckled, earning a glare from Julie.
“You wouldn’t get it.” She replied, “They go after he for everything.” The jock nodded, not wanting to risk ruining their perfect night, “But when she sings, it’s like she’s speaking directly to you. People just don’t get it.” Jared nodded. There were some things just not worth it.
“I wasn’t going to do this, but I have a new song for you all this evening!” The crowd erupted in screams and applause. Jared groaned, “They say I’m pandering? Then I’ll pander.” She continued, and the crowd got louder.
Jared knew there would be no way of getting Julie to leave now. And he silently dreaded the hours they’d be stuck in traffic. But as the song started and Tiffany’s words echoed through the stadium, his thoughts slowed.
“They say I only cater to a few.”
Jared felt lightheaded, the sound of the crowd growing distant.
“The gays and the girls, oh boo hoo.”
“Julie?” He whispered, but she didn’t respond, “Julie, please...” He felt sick. The world was spinning, everything becoming black, “Fuck, fuck, fuck...” He whispered. He couldn’t move. Was he dying? Was this it?
“But I won’t back down, I won’t apologize.” Jared looked up and saw her. Tiffany Stabina. Standing in front of him, “For making them feel alive.” She strutted towards the helpless jock.
“What...? How is this...?”
“I see you dancing in the dark, feeling completely torn apart.” She sang.
Jared yelped as he felt a cool breeze caress him. And to his horror, he realized he was nude. Butt naked in front of Tiffany Stabina no less. She grinned and approached him, circling his nude figure and wrapping her arms around him.
“Embrace your uniqueness, don’t hide.”
Jared gasped as she placed pressure on his shoulders. He felt the floor getting closer as he lost inch after inch of height. He now stood at eye level with the 5’6” popstar.
“Wait? What did you do to me?” He yelped.
“Now let my music take you for a ride.”
She ran a hand along his muscular arms. Her very touch sent a wave of pleasure straight to his dick, and he blushed as all 10 inches stood at attention. Tiffany smirked, but continued rubbing his biceps and triceps. Her sensual touch was intoxicated, and Jared watched helplessly as his proud muscles started to diminish. His biceps atrophied, followed quickly by his triceps. His slender arms giving off the appearance they hadn’t seen a gym in years. He tried to cry out, but Tiffany placed a finger to his lips, effectively silencing him. He could only watch as her hands roamed his impressive pecs. He had always been proud of his pecs, and he loved when Julie rested her head on his chest. But now, he could only watch as they flattened away.
“Wait...” He was able to force out. But Tiffany was relentless, and her hands roamed down his abs.
He shed a few tears as his abs vanished, leaving him with a flat, slender tummy. There was no way this could be happening. It had to be some type of acid trip or something. Jared kept trying to reassure himself, even as she moved to his legs and quickly destroyed his muscular thighs and calves, leaving his legs slender and dainty. His feet followed, and quickly diminished from size 13s to 9.5s in mere seconds.
“My music is my contagion, unapologetic. Now we’re gonna collide.” Tiffany continued, this time wrapping her hands around his cock, “My fans are my tribe, I won’t divide.”
Jared felt like the wind was knocked out of him from both the pain and pleasure from her touch. And he watched as she shrunk his proud member. The young jock always knew he was well endowed. And he knew how to use it too. But as he watched his dick shrink from its proud ten inches to a mere 3 inches hard, he felt his confidence diminish.
“We’ll rise together, side by side.”
Her hands made their way to his flat ass. He tried to crane his neck to see what she was about to do. But he didn’t need to see. He could immediately feel his ass expand in her hands, filling them with firm, yet jiggly fat and muscle. He let out a moan as she caressed his basketball-sized ass cheeks, and he nearly came when she gave one a firm slap.
“Pl-please stop...” He begged as she placed a hand over his neck, “You can't do thith...” His voice cracked and he winced, “What’th happening to my voithe? Why do I thound like thith?” He begged, his voice cracking, “No, thith doethn't thound right.” His voice settled a few octaves higher, his masculine tone now lost forever.
“So bring on the hate, let the critics rage. We’ll keep on dancing, it’s time to turn the page.”
As she continued to caress his now slender body, and grind against him, he felt off. His dick  softened, as her physicality became less appealing to him. Her bouncing boobs and thick lips didn’t seem to do it for him. Even her touch was losing its pleasure. And he realized in terror what was occurring.
“No, not thith!” He begged, “Come on, come, think of thomething.” He remembered the BJ Julie gave him last night, and even the lesbian porn he watched a few days ago. But his measly member stayed soft, “No... pleathe...”
He felt Tiffany’s hand on his head. His pleading eyes met hers, and he knew he’d find no mercy. His hair restyled itself, and he felt a piercing pain in his left earlobe, which suddenly adourned a diamond stud. But her touch was doing far more than making a few style alterations. In his mind, his memories were shifting. Showering after football practice? Changing in the locker room after a lifting session with his bros? Watching football with his family?
“Oh god...” He moaned, as his small dick hardened and his ass throbbed with need.
He didn’t play football. He got fucked by the quarterback in the shower after a game. He wasn’t lifting at the gym. He was doing cardio and sucking off the gym bros between their sets. He didn’t watch sports like football. He just sat and scrolled on his phone, reading up on the latest Tiffany Stabina gossip and scrolling his socials. And as his new reality cemented itself, Jared’s eyes lost their intelligent spark and became half-lidded, his brain filling with celebrity gossip and how to please guys.
“This contagion’s here to stay, and we’ll celebrate it every day.”
She kissed him on the cheek. And with that, Jared was back. The cheers of the crowd filling his ears, as Tiffany thanked her fans and left the stage. Jared smiled.
“Oh my god! That wath tho amathing!” He cheered, “Tiffany! I love you!” He yelled, “It wath like Tiffany thpoke to me.”
“You felt that way too?” Jared turned and came face to face with a man of similar build. Albeit with slightly bigger arms, “Tiffany, like, totally thpeakth for uth.” He grinned as Jared felt up his arms.
“Wait!” A voice called out behind him, “Did you see the guy I came here with?” Julie asked, looking around desperately, “I swear, he was right here. I...”
“Thorry thithter, I hope you find him!” Jared replied, turning his attention back to the guy.
“Tho weird, thome poor girl athked me about her boyfriend too.” The man replied, “Probably got drunk and left to watch football.”
“OMG tho lame.” Jared laughed. The two smiled at one another, “Tho, like...”
“Wanna go back to my place? I have her latetht album.” The man winked, and Jared shuddered as his ass throbbed with need.
“That thounds delightful.” Jared replied, pulling the man in closer, his smile widening as the man squeezed his ass, “Oh! But like firtht I totally need a thelfie! I want everyone to know I thupport Tiffany and Tiffany thupports me!” He cheered, capturing their kiss on camera and posting it to his socials.
Later that night, Jared and his lover explored one another’s new bodies. Jared gasping at the size of his lover’s cock, moaning as he felt a firm hand squeeze his ass. His moans would continue to fill the room that night. With each thrust of his new lover’s dick, Jared was in heaven. Unaware of his former life or the horror it would bring his former self to see him like this. Just another horny slut- another gay twink dedicated to Tiffany Stabina.
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mingispelvis · 3 days
And Mingi Makes Three
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Genre: SMUT boyfriend!Yunho, sidepiece!Mingi, enemies to lovers, cheating, yunho x reader x mingi
Length: 8.1k
Rating: Mature/R
Summary: Your bored with your boyfriend, but when your sworn enemy shows a side of him you've never seen before, you do something you never thought you'd do.
NSFW warnings under cut 18+ don't try me
Warnings: CHEATING!!!, stripping in public, drinking, caught cheating, fight (one scene), angst for a tiny bit but happy ending :), threesome, anal, unprotected sex (DON’T YOU DARE)
Everyone thinks they have the worst boss in the world. You’re different. You know you have the worst boss in the world. No matter how many alternatives you suggest, emails you send dripping with professional passive aggressiveness, or coffees you’ve “accidentally” ordered two of, your boss refuses to make you project lead. He, instead, chooses his half-wit, frat boy, only-graduated-because-his-daddy-paid-for-a-building-ass son as project lead, and forces you to work under him.
When you got the acceptance email to Song and Associates, you were thrilled. You’d accepted the job offer immediately, barely reading through the email to gather the specifics. Running to your final college class ever before graduation to tell your best friend the good news.
“Bestie…guess what I got this morning!” Your grin strained your cheeks as you slid into your tenured spot next to Jongho. 
“Some dick? Finally?” Jongho smirked as he continued scrolling through Instagram. 
You lightly slapped his shoulder and responded, “No! An acceptance to Song and Associates!” You bounced in your chair waiting for Jongho to begin singing your praises. Instead, he cocked his head and raised his eyebrow.
“And you accepted it?”
“Yeah?” you responded, dragging out the word in your confusion.
“Despite how much you hate Mingi?” Jongho tilted his head in the direction of the door. As if on cue, Mingi appeared and immediately greeted his crew. Loudly. 
Mingi Song had been the bane of your existence for the entire four years you’d been at university. He spilled beer on your dress freshman year at your first frat party. And when you cussed him out for it, he just shrugged, turned, and continued partying. He’d flooded the laundry room which you, unfortunately, shared a dorm wall with, and caused your stuff to be soaked. When you joined Chi Gamma (XG) to finally gain a wonderful sisterhood, he pledged the sibling frat, Alpha Tau Zeta (ATZ), and you had to see him at every event. He even declared the same major as you, meaning he was dumbing down every class you took with his incessant tardiness and refusal to contribute anything useful to any group project. You hated Mingi.
“What the fuck does Song and Associates have to do with Mingi?” you sneered up your nose at Jongho after giving bombastic side eye to Mingi and his friends.
“What does Mingi SONG have to do with SONG and associates? You can’t be that dense, y/n.” Jongho had put down his phone at this point, a tell-tale sign that he wasn’t fucking around. Your heart jumped into your throat, your stomach dropped, and your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. You’d never made the connection before. You couldn’t fathom a fuck-up like Mingi being in any way connected to the top business in the area.
“The business is huge. I’m sure I won’t even run into him.” You waved a hand as you turned to face the front of the class, attempting to wave away your concerns as well.
You ran into Mingi. You ran into Mingi on the very first day of work. You ran into him when you were constantly forced to work under him, but do his work because he was too incompetent. You ran into him when you walked from the parking lot inside, from inside to the parking lot, and at every event. You hated Mingi.
You loved Yunho. You really did. You’d been together since he saw Mingi spill beer on you at a frat party and offered to help clean you up. He was sweet and kind and loving but damn was he boring. Four years of the same, vanilla lifestyle every single day. The same date at the coffee house on Saturday mornings, the same birthday and anniversary dinner at Halazia’s restaurant, the same type of jewelry…you loved Yunho, but your life was stale. You’d been so sick of the “same old, same old” that you’d been subconsciously pushing him away, which was easy to do since he’d moved a few towns over after last year’s graduation. Thusly, the comment Jongho made about your dry spell when you’d given him the good news about your new job. 
Like clockwork, your phone began to buzz. You’d just gotten home from another day at your dream-job-turned-nightmare. You rubbed your temples as you saw “Yuyu 🐶” bright at the top of your screen, with a picture of the two of you adorning your background. You did not want to talk to him right now. But if you didn’t, he’d keep calling and get worried, so you answered.
“Hey Yunho.” you said, exasperation sneaking through despite your attempt to conceal it.
“Hey Bunny! How was your day?” Yunho’s voice sounded a little far away, he must have you on bluetooth in his car as he drives home.
“It was fine.” You answered curtly as you slung your work bag on the ground and plopped down on your couch.
“Yeah? What happened? I’m all ears.” You could hear the upset in Yunho’s voice, but you didn’t care. 
“The same thing that happened yesterday. I got to work, I got reamed by my boss for not making enough progress on the project, I didn’t get any progress done on the project because of that idiot Mingi,” you enunciated Mingi’s name with as much venom as possible, “and then I came home and wanted to nap but I got a call so I answered it.” The last part slipped out a little more harsh than you meant to, but you couldn’t take it back.
“Oh…well then I’ll leave you to nap.” Yunho didn’t hide the upset anymore.
“Yuyu wait, I’m sorry-”
“No it’s ok. I’ll let you sleep. I love you. Bye.” You heard the tale-tell three beeps meaning Yunho had ended the call.
Fuck. Could today get any worse? Before you could fully stand up to go shuffle to your bed and doom scroll until your stomach growled, your phone buzzed again.
Mingi S.: Project needs to be done by Friday. Mandatory team retreat Friday night at KQs Bar. (5:25pm) 
“Fuck you, Mingi.” You said out loud as you threw your phone and headed to the kitchen for a bottle of wine. You poured yourself a dangerously full glass, then headed back to the couch to mindlessly scroll through whatever social media app you felt like. As you let the minutes tick by, a familiar itch in the back of your mind formed. You needed love. Usually you’d cuddle up with Yunho while the two of you talked about your day, him playing in your hair and lightly stroking your arm. For the last year, you’d gotten nothing, and you were fed up. You were also mad at Yunho (for no good reason, you know, but still). You decided to go to your drawer and get your little flower shaped friend, so you could relieve yourself from thoughts of Yunho or loneliness. You went back to the couch and got to work. You opened an incognito window, logged into your secret twitter account, and hit your bookmarks. Your rose buzzed to life as you scrolled through faceless muscular men and let your imagination run wild.
You neared your release, eyes fluttering, and as your orgasm hit you, you moaned out your boyfriend’s name.
“Oh Mingi, yes!”
You stopped immediately, still breathing hard and working through the pleasure, but your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. That was not your boyfriend’s name. Mingi? Did I just say Mingi? You thought, horrified. No. No, I definitely said Yunho. You tried to convince yourself, as you grabbed your glass of wine and downed the rest of it in one drink.
Mingi loved to micromanage. Especially you, since he knew it got on your nerves. He loved watching your jaw tighten and your lips purse as he stood at the entrance to your cubicle and watched over your work. 
“You sure that was done right?” Mingi cocked an eyebrow and took the lollipop out of his mouth, using it to point over your shoulder to your computer.
“You sure your GPA was over a 1.0?” You whispered under your breath.
“What was that?” Mingi leaned down, hands in his pockets, close enough that you could smell the cherry flavor on his breath, and he dared you to repeat what you said. You bit your tongue, seething, and responded more professionally.
“I said…I’m sure it’s right, because I used the template from the last project we completed.” You never broke eye contact with him as you said it. Mingi leaned back at your response, popping the lollipop back in his mouth. He had one leg in front of the other as he leaned back on your cubicle wall, looking you up and down as if trying to find something else to scrutinize. You sighed, rolled your eyes, and began to turn your chair back towards your computer, but Mingi made a noise that stopped you.
“Mmmmmhmm.” Mingi rumbled lowly. A groan signifying yeah, that’s right, turn back around. That groan rattled around in your head, shot past your heart, and went straight to your pussy. You don’t know why. You dared to be bold, though, and slowly turned your chair back to face Mingi. You did the same thing he did to you; slowly starting at his shoes and working your way up, ensuring to make him feel as objectified as possible. His khaki slacks perfectly crisp, outlining his muscular thighs. The cross of his legs accentuated a bulge so deliciously large you had to use every ounce of will you had to look away from it. His belt adorned with two B’s (Balenciaga, how pretentious) wrapped tightly around his slim waist. White oxford shirt tucked neatly, he sadly wore an undershirt, but you knew he was ripped. His shoulders were wide, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His forearms were tanned and toned from days of college beach volleyball and a strict diet of sun and gym. Jawline sharp and dangerous. His lips, though. God his lips. Pink, plush, and his tongue peeked out occasionally as he tasted his candy. By the time you made it up to his sparkling brown eyes, you knew you were in trouble. You’d never looked at him for longer than a sneer and a snide comment, so you really didn’t realize how goddamn attractive he was. 
“Like what you see, y/n?” Mingi smirked in unbridled arrogance.
“I’ve never been more disgusted in my life.” You tried to convince yourself, and him, and swiveled quickly back to your computer.
“Too bad,” Mingi retorted on his way out of your space, “maybe I could finally help your pathetic, stuck-up ass get some since your boyfriend can’t seem to please you.”
“Yunho pleases me more than enough, for your information.” You responded before you could stop yourself from playing into his little game.
“Really?” Mingi half turned to look over his shoulder. “From 150 miles* away? (*240km) He’s much happier there than with you. And the girls in that town are, sheesh.” Mingi blows air out hard and raises his eyebrows to emphasize how fine those girls are. “If I was him and I had to choose between some baddie and this,” he points his almost-finished lollipop at your body, “well, no wonder he’s getting some on the side.” Mingi leaves with a flourish, and succeeds at making you seethe. You know Yunho would never cheat on you. Hell, Yunho practically believes you hung the stars in the sky. But you also know he and Mingi were acquaintances at some point after Yunho pledged ATZ his sophomore year. If the ATZ group chat was spilling tea about your man, Mingi really could have the upper-hand. Fuck, you thought. You needed to stay focused. The project was due in four days.
The project was due in three days. Mingi talked loudly with a coworker right outside your cubicle. He told you you needed to have a “working lunch” today. He didn’t hold the elevator even though he saw you coming.
The project was due in two days. Mingi said your short sleeves weren’t “office appropriate” and brought you a musty, ugly Christmas sweater from the lost and found to wear. He invited two female coworkers to a party loud enough for you to hear. He didn’t hold the elevator even though he saw you coming.
The project was due in one day. Mingi called you into his father’s office to discuss your progress. He said he was “unsure if you could handle this type of pressure”, and watched you try to keep your composure and not snap at him, since his father was your super boss. He took the last chocolate donut after overhearing you tell your cubicle neighbor you really wanted one. He didn’t have to ignore you at the elevator, because he “suggested” you stay late to prepare for the project to be presented.
Friday came and you were almost about to burst. Your feelings toward Mingi were pure, unadulterated hatred. You wanted to smack him. You wanted him to smack you. You wanted to punch him in his face. You wanted to sit on his face. You wanted him to get fucked. You wanted, more than anything, for him to fuck the life out of you.
Yuyu 🐶: Good luck today (7:48am)
Me: Thanks Yuyu
       I’ve been stressed. Sorry for being absent.
Yuyu 🐶: I know (7:50am)
You stood at the elevator and waited as you texted Yunho. You hoped that could soothe him over.
Me: Mandatory work thing tonight. Won’t be able to have our Friday night call. 
Yuyu 🐶: 👍🏻(7:51am)
“Ooh a thumbs up. He really doesn’t give a fuck about you anymore, does he?” A voice came from over your shoulder, and you instinctively jumped. Mingi was a silent walker, apparently, and even more nosy than you thought.
“I’m not in the mood, Mingi.” What was taking this elevator so damn long???
“You’re never in the mood. That’s why your man left.” Mingi smiled wide as the elevator dinged open. You walked in, pushed the floor number, and stared straight ahead. The ride up was silent as Mingi looked at his phone, blowing air out of his nose in a faux laugh occasionally. As the doors opened again, Mingi looked at you and said “Hope that’s not what you’re wearing to our mandatory outing tonight.”
You ignored him and headed to your cubicle.
Mr. Song drilled your team hard during the presentation. By the time it was over, you just wanted to sleep for a week. Unfortunately, it was time to go listen to Mingi yell about how rich and smart and talented he was over loud music to some poor, unsuspecting woman. You really did not want to go out, but you had to. I’ll stay until 7 and then I’ll dip out respectfully.
You did not dip out respectfully at 7. You were so annoyed that you downed three shots as soon as you got to the bar. Three more once Mingi walked in. Three more once Mingi started not-so-subtly hitting on a coworker. You ordered water and a long island iced tea. You’d begun ignoring the glass of water and chugging the long island when someone suggested darts. The bar was incredibly loud and lively, and you were staggering, but something in you made you want to show off. 
“Oh hell no, she’s so drunk! We’re all about to get hit with darts.” Mingi crunched his empty beer, tossed it in the trash, and headed to where you and two other coworkers stood. “You’re way too drunk to play.” He towered over you and raised an eyebrow.
“You’re just afraid to get beaten, Song.” You punctuated his surname with a finger poked into his chest. You spun on your heels and grabbed the red darts and handed them to Mingi, keeping the blue for yourself. “Why don’t we make this interesting? Strip darts.” The world had fallen away and it was just you and Mingi in your field of vision. You were determined to embarrass him.
“Oh fuck yeah. Can’t wait for everyone to see what’s underneath those hideous baggy clothes you always wear.” Mingi started high-fiving the men around him. Any professional boss would have immediately shut down the idea, but Mingi was an idiot. 
Mingi was also completely oblivious to the fact that darts was your hyperfixation for about 3 years before college, and contrary to science, you got exponentially better the drunker you were. You were about to hustle this fool out of his clothes and his dignity.
“Eight rounds, 3 throws. After each round, winner chooses an item of clothing for the loser to remove.” Mingi announced to the small crowd that had formed.
Round 1 began. You started with a simple stagger and a fake miss. Mingi was “kind” enough to let you throw again.
Mingi: 14(2), 7, 7 = 42
You: X, 7, 16, 14(2) = 51
You jumped up and down as you scored a point on the outer ring, doubling the 14 points. 
“Y/N won that round!” a female voice from the crowd yelled.
“Let’s see what’s under the polo shirt, Song.” You used your sing-songiest voice to convey how excited you were. 
Mingi quickly pulled his shirt over his head and revealed a white tank top, to groans from female voices.
Round 2 you feigned ignorance. Missing two of your three attempts. Mingi took 3 quick shots of vodka just to try and make things more fair.
Mingi: 4(3), X, 20 = 32
You: X, X, 16  = 16
“Your turn, sweet thing. Let’s see that bra.” Mingi stared at you with dark eyes as you slowly unbuttoned your shirt and shrugged it off. Your bra was a lacy red. You were almost too drunk to do the math, but you knew you had to drag this out a little if you wanted Mingi to bare it all.
“How about we play until one of us is out of clothes, instead of eight rounds?” You cocked your head as you held your shirt by your middle finger and thumb, then dropped it sensually to the floor.
“Fine by me.” Mingi didn’t take his eyes off you as he downed another shot.
It was crucial for you to lose round 3. If there was one thing Mingi loved, it was getting you flustered. And you knew he’d choose your pants next so he could see if you’d worn a matching pair of underwear. He’d drag out the possibility of you having to show something really revealing as a prize to himself. 
Mingi: bullseye (50), 14(2), 16= 94
You: X, X, X = 0
“Ah..the floor’s kinda gross. I’ll let you keep your shoes on for now. Let’s see if the panties match the bra.” Mingi feigned care for the well being of your feet and your sanity. You slowly unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down to reveal a lacy red thong with a bow on the front. Your eyes narrowed as you watched Mingi’s prominent Adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard. Now was the time to strike.
Round 4 was brutal. You asked to go first. You poked out your ass and bit your lip as you concentrated. 
You: bullseye (50), 20(3), 20(3) = 170
Mingi: 19, 20, 5 = 44
“Undershirt please.” You leaned against a sticky, leather couch with your arms crossed, announcing your request before the final dart steadied on the board. Female voices whooped and hollered, but you didn’t even turn to look at Mingi.
You began round 5, throwing your darts with ease.
You: 20(3), 20(3), 20(3) = 180
Mingi: bullseye (50), 1, 7 = 58
“Shoes.” You couldn’t hold in your smirk. Even though you were swaying, you were so sure you had this situation completely under control. Mingi looked scared. 
“Hold on…did you fucking hustle me?” Mingi kicked off his shoes and stared at you with those same dark eyes. You pushed past him to start the next round. You really decided to mess with Mingi’s head. You held all three darts, winked at Mingi, and threw all three dead center of the dart board for 150 points. The crowd roared, and Mingi’s eyebrows raised. He was impressed, and started to unbuckle his pants.
“Hold on cowboy, you haven’t even thrown your darts yet. Or are you just that excited for me to see you naked?” You teased.
You: 150
Mingi: 100
Mingi removed his pants. His boxer briefs were dark black with BALENCIAGA across the band. Ugh. The final round was yours to control, but your body wasn’t. The drinks had finally gotten to you. You reached for your darts, but missed, and fell over Mingi’s shoes. Your ribs slammed against a table, your knee pummeled the ground, and everything went dark.
“Y/N. Y/N. You gotta get up and drink something.” a familiar voice shook you awake. You opened your eyes and tried to take note of your surroundings. Your body hurt. Your lamp in the corner of your room was on. Your head was pounding. Who the fuck called my name? You sat up slowly, squinting to get adjusted to the dim light, and saw Mingi holding out a glass of water to you. 
“What…” you started, but that water was looking too good. You grabbed it and chugged it all as Mingi began to speak.
“You fell and blacked out. You were holding your side and you fell as you tried to get up again and…I don’t know I just think we got carried away. I called an uber and Maya gave me your address. I didn’t know she was in XG also. That’s cool.” Mingi was rambling as you finished off your glass of water.
You finally looked around and realized you were in your bed, bra and panties still on, but a t-shirt had been put on you.
“Why the fuck are you here.” You sneered at Mingi. You were still confused, but you knew one thing- Mingi sucks, so be mean to Mingi.
“You could have died, dude. I was scared.” Mingi’s eyebrows were raised and scrunched. His eyes were round and clear. He was sincere. He was actually scared.
“Yeah. Can’t lose a company asset huh. You’d be responsible.” You flopped back down on your pillow, nursing your sore ribs.
“No.” Mingi scooted up on the bed so he was sitting beside you. “I just didn’t want you to go home alone being so fucked up.” His voice was soft. This is different.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You crossed your arms over your eyes- even the dim lamp blasted your retinas in your hungover state.
“It’s only fun to tease you if you’re…I guess…if you’re well enough to tease me back?” Mingi scratched the back of his head and started to look around your room. “Well, it’s, like, 3am, so I’m gonna go back to the couch.” Mingi started to stand, but you held out your arm to stop him.
“Just sleep here. You’re drunk too. You deserve a bed.” You didn’t look at him, but when your hand touched his warm skin, enough adrenaline to partially sober you up shot through your body.
Mingi laid back down, and scooted further from you. You took note of this before knocking back out.
You dreamt about Yunho. About him holding you, kissing you, loving you. Unfortunately for Mingi, you were an unconscious cuddler, and your light whimpers and moans did not help quell the growing bulge in his pants. Mingi had always thought you were cute, but when Yunho accidentally let slip how much you hated him, he made it his mission to be as insufferable as possible. But deep down, Mingi was a normal guy- kind even. And if his frat brother’s girl needed help, especially an XG sister, he would be there. Tonight was different. Tonight he didn’t just see you as his frat brother’s weirdo, goody-two-shoes girlfriend. Tonight he saw a sexy little thing, wearing a matching panty and bra set, with a banging body, who could handle her liquor, and hustled him. Mingi liked his girls a little bratty. He tried to scoot further from you, but in your sleep, you held him tighter. You wrapped one leg over his, and moaned deeply. Mingi’s bulge grew.
The sunlight crept through the slits in your curtains and woke you slowly. The memories of last night, on the other hand, slammed into your mind at once as you realized it was not Yunho you were clinging on to for dear life. The fall, Mingi hovering over you, voices and faces blurring past, Mingi quickly putting his shirt on you, Mingi carrying you to the uber…Mingi laying you in your bed. Mingi. 
You watched as his chest rose and fell, his face soft in the light blue glow of early morning. You’re not sure if it was the wet dream, the lack of affection you’d received over the last year, or how Mingi switched from a jester to a knight in shining armor, but you needed him. You needed him now. Pushing yourself off of him lightly, you sat up. You tried to stop yourself. You really, truly did. But your feelings were overwhelming, your head and heart were swirling, and dammit if your body wasn’t sore from that fall. You leaned down and kissed Mingi lightly. His lips were soft and the breath from his nose tickled your cheek. You kissed him again and again. Little pecks on his lips, then his cheeks. You moved down to his neck, and kissed him harder. He smelled like expensive cologne and vodka. You moaned loudly, directly in his ear, and Mingi stirred. You didn’t care, and kept kissing him.
“Y…Y/N? Are you ok? What-” Mingi tried to roll over to look at you, but you stopped him with a kiss directly on his mouth.
“I hate you, and I want you.” You breathed into his mouth as you attempted to kiss him again. Mingi pushed you away. “You’re still so drunk, Y/N. Stop. I’m Mingi, not Yunho.” You straddled Mingi and told him firmly, “I know who you are, and I know what I want. And I can feel that you want it too.” Mingi was slowly becoming hard beneath you, and you began to grind deeply on him. 
“Hey, hey, hey…” Mingi’s head was swirling. He tried to sit up without fully bucking you off of him. “Y/N, please-” Mingi began to slowly turn himself so he could get you off of him, but a booming voice interrupted him.
You whipped your head around to see Yunho standing in your bedroom doorway. 
“Yuyu! Wh- Yu…what are you..how?” You scrambled off of Mingi and stood to approach Yunho. He was angry. In four years, you’d never seen Yunho angry. His eyes were wide, his fists balled, his jaw clenched. 
Mingi got up and started to explain the happenings of the previous night.
“We had a mandatory work outing and she was super dr-” WHACK. Yunho punched Mingi as hard as he could across the jaw. Mingi stumbled and hit the wall, but recovered pretty fast. He didn’t bother looking at you as he slid past Yunho, grabbed his things, and left. 
Yunho hadn’t turned to look at you either, but he was breathing so hard you could see his shoulders shaking.
“Yuyu, it’s not what it looks like.” your voice was barely above a whisper, and you reached a shaky hand out to touch Yunho’s back. When Yunho turned, tears were streaming down his face. 
“I knew it. I knew you were fucking him. I trusted you. I loved you.” Yunho was backing away from you as you tried to explain what was going on. Fuck, your head was hurting. 
“Yuyu I’m not! I love you! I got hurt last night, he helped…it was me, I…” nothing you said was working. Yunho pushed past you and ran out of the bedroom. He threw the bouquet of roses he’d laid on your counter in the trash, quickly slid on his shoes, and left your home with a final slam of your front door. Stunned, you slowly made your way back to your bed. You were so confused you couldn’t even cry. 
Why did Yunho think I was fucking Mingi? Why’d he come to my house so early in the morning? Did Mingi stay here because he knew Yunho was coming? Well..no..he didn’t even try to make a move on me…Did..did I go too far with Mingi? Should I have gone after Yunho? Fuck, my ribs hurt.
You flopped back in your bed, and before the tears welling up in your eyes had the chance to fall, you fell asleep.
Yunho knew his relationship with you was rocky, he knew your job was hard, and he knew working with Mingi worked your nerves. What he didn’t know was whether or not he could trust you and Mingi together. Mingi had a way with women- they fell into his hands so easily despite him doing nothing but being kind to them. No matter how much he put them off, everyone eventually came to love Mingi. And he was a natural flirt. Yunho trusted you, and he knew Mingi would never specifically choose you as a conquest, but he did know that he was far away, and you were upset. 
I’ll surprise her. She loves surprises, and she’ll love a nice breakfast in bed after a night out. Yunho thought after you shot down the Friday night call. He was nervous, though, that you’d be just as cold to him in person as you’d been over the phone. But he pushed that thought down and prepared to come see you. He never could have prepared for what he saw when he walked through your bedroom door.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Yunho thought he had thought that, but the speed at which you jumped off of Mingi made him realize he had screamed with every ounce of oxygen in his lungs. He saw red, his heart pounded in his chest. Mingi started speaking and Yunho’s body moved faster than his brain could think. WHACK. He didn’t mean to punch Mingi. He really didn’t. He was just so hurt, angry, confused, scared…how could this happen? He knew the ATZ group chat had been dogging him about not making more effort with you- about letting Mingi stay nearby. But Mingi swore…he promised he never wanted anything to do with you. Yunho had to leave. He felt the hot tears spilling over his face and he didn’t want you to see him like this. He didn’t want to see you either. He pushed past you and left as quickly as he could. 
Mingi was sitting on the curb of the parking lot, rubbing his jaw and wincing. Yunho tried to sneak past him, but Mingi called out to him.
“Yo. Yunho. You gotta listen, man. Nothing happened.” Mingi was never one to shy away from confrontation. Yunho stopped, but didn’t turn, so Mingi continued.
“We all got so messed up at the bar. Y/N fell and banged herself up pretty bad and you’re my brother and she’s my XG sister so of course I helped her.” Mingi paused to give Yunho a chance to respond, but continued when the silence lasted a little too long.
“She misses you. I stayed in the bed because…I was afraid she’d hit her head and like, I think you’re not supposed to let them sleep or something? I don’t know man. But she was saying your name all night. She misses you-”
“Then why was she STRADDLING YOU!?” Yunho spun on his heels and stormed towards Mingi, accusatory finger poking straight into his nose. “If she misses me so much, why the fuck was she grinding on you.” Yunho spoke through gritted teeth, breath unsteady with anger.
“Because I was there and she was lonely!” Mingi held his hands up in defense, shrugging and stepping backwards.
“Yeah. You were there. You’re always there. Standing at her cubicle, commenting on her body. Yeah. She tells me that. What the fuck, man? You trying to fuck her or something?” Yunho was disgusted and spat his accusations at Mingi.
“Dude no! I was just messing with her because-”
“Because you wanted to fuck her. Well congrats. You can do whatever the fuck you want with her now. I’m fucking done.” Yunho shoved Mingi, turned on his heel, and got back in his car. He drove off without even setting his GPS on a destination. He just needed to get out of there.
Standing alone in the parking lot, Mingi was pissed. So I look after your girl when you’re not here, make sure she doesn’t fucking die, and I get punched? Fuck you, Jeong. 
Mingi stormed back into your apartment complex, back into your apartment, and banged open your bedroom door. You jolted awake. 
“You sober?” You recognized Mingi’s voice, and sat up quickly? “Yes, hungover, but yes…why?” You questioned as Mingi started shrugging off his clothes. He answered you by crawling on top of you and kissing you deeply. You leaned into the kiss and began wrestling his tongue for dominance. Just as quickly as you began, though, you shoved him off of you.
“Mingi no. We can’t.” Tears began welling back up in your eyes.
Mingi shut his eyes tight, and let out a shaky sigh. “I know. Yunho and I got into another fight outside. Just words this time, though.”
“I really fucked up. I’m sorry, Mingi. You didn’t deserve to get hit because of me.” The hot tears spilled silently down your cheeks as you looked deeply into Mingi’s eyes. You really loved Yunho and you really liked Mingi. What the fuck were you going to do? A light bulb went off in your head and you scrambled to find your phone. Mingi had placed it on the charger next to your bed the night before, luckily, and you quickly went to your favorites to call Yunho.
Please pick up. Please please please, you thought as the sound of the ringer vibrated through your body.
The phone clicked as if Yunho had answered, but he didn’t say anything. 
“Yuyu?” you started.
After a long silence, “what, Y/N?” Yunho answered sharp and cold.
“I’m sorry. Please. Come back. Please let me talk to you in person.”
“I’m way ahead of you. It’s too late for talking.” Yunho was speaking through gritted teeth.
“What? What do you mean?” You tried to get clarification, but Yunho had already hung up. You turned to look at Mingi and, before you could speak, you heard your front door open again. Fear rocketed through your spine and you held your breath. For the second time today, Yunho would walk into your bedroom and see Mingi in your bed. Luckily, during the phone call he had re-donned his clothes and gone to sit in a chair on the other side of your room.
When Yunho walked in, he was different. His eyes were dark, his jaw was clenched, and his voice was low. He surveyed the room in complete silence, knowing he had the upper hand. Both you and Mingi were frozen in fear. 
“Get up.” He commanded Mingi. Mingi stood without hesitation, but with a confused look on his face. Yunho took his place in the chair, crossing one leg over the other, and steepling his fingers-tips together, fingers splayed out- nodding slightly in contemplation.
“This is what you want? Huh? Then you can have it, Bunny.” he said without looking at either of you.
Mingi looked at you, then at him. You spoke first, “I don’t underst-”
“You want to get fucked? Like the dirty slut you are? Then go ahead. I’m not gonna stop you.” Yunho interrupted you, this time, staring directly into your eyes.
“Strip for Mingi.” Yunho commanded. You could tell he was serious. You were confused, scared, and damn did your head hurt, but from that punch this morning you knew Yunho wasn’t going to repeat himself. You were tingling, pussy throbbing, you couldn’t understand why this sudden change in Yunho was affecting you this way.
You took off Mingi’s shirt you were wearing, revealing the lacy red number you’d worn to the bar. Yunho produced a low rumble before enunciating, “Fucking slut. Wore that for Mingi, huh? Well, how does she look?” He turned to Mingi for an answer.
Mingi’s eyes were wide and his mouth was hung slightly open. He was very confused, but he knew to answer his older frat brother. “She…she’s pretty.” He stammered.
Yunho tutted in disappointment. “How the fuck does she look, Mingi.” Yunho was very mad. Both you and Mingi knew the atmosphere had fully shifted, and that if you wanted to get out unscathed, you two had better do what Yunho asked.
Mingi turned to you and played into Yunho’s demands. “She looks like a sexy little slut in that red.” Mingi bit his lip, afraid he might have misread what Yunho wanted.
“That’s right. So keep stripping, Bunny.” Yunho didn’t take his eyes off you.
You removed the red bra, placing it slowly on your side table, and then scrunched up to pull your panties down. A string of your wetness was attached to your panties as they slid past your ankles. 
“Mingi. I’m only going to say this once. Make her scream.” Yunho had spread his legs in preparation for what was about to occur. He was going to enjoy his show.
Mingi, with a green light and blue balls, dove head first into your pussy. He pushed your legs up and headed straight for your clit, sucking hard on the bundle of nerves. 
“Oh.. wait, Yunho I..” you started to contest, but ended with a deep moan.
“Shut up, slut, and let Mingi give you what you wanted so badly.” Yunho demanded loudly. 
Mingi placed the flat of his tongue directly on your clit and wrapped his mouth around it to create a continuous suction. Then he went to work. Mingi sucked and worked his tongue over your clit in a way you’d never felt before. You moaned loudly as both hands flew to grip Mingi’s locks. “Oh my- Oh- Mingi don’t stop just like that- OH!” A string of words left your lips at light speed, barely coherent as your brain was occupied with the growing pressure in your lower belly threatening to burst at any moment. 
“Two fingers, Mingi. That’s how she likes it.” You heard Yunho’s voice, along with the sound of his belt being undone.
Mingi moaned in acknowledgement, and then pressed two fingers tentatively to your soaking hole. 
“Ugh, fuck. “Don’t wait for this slut to give you permission; just do it.” Yunho enunciated his annoyance as he quickly walked up to the two of you, launched himself on the bed, and shoved Mingi’s fingers inside of you. He worked Mingi’s wrist for a bit, still glaring at you with an unreadable intensity.
Despite your best efforts to not give Yunho another reason to be angry at you, you couldn’t help but grab Mingi’s head with both hands to give yourself the leverage to rock your hips in time with his fingers. “God Yunho, Mingi, I'm gonna cum. Please can I cum?” you pleaded breathlessly. 
“That’s right, Bunny. Good girls ask.” Yunho praised you while removing his shirt. Mingi unlocked his lips from your clit just for a moment to look to Yunho for his next moves. Yunho grabbed a handful of Mingi’s hair and yanked him up to eye level, removing Mingi’s fingers from you in the process. Mingi’s eyebrows scrunched in anticipation, both he and Yunho were breathing heavily, an unspoken conversation happening between the two of them as their eyes locked. Mingi licked his lips and leaned in, right as Yunho shoved him down.
“Fucking nasty slut.” He shook his head at Mingi, then turned to you, “No you can’t cum.”
Yunho was fully hard at this point and a small wet circle was beginning to form at the front of his boxer briefs. “Come suck us off, Bunny.”
You did as you were told, slowly pushing yourself up to your knees. Mingi quickly recovered from being shunned, pulled off his clothes, and began pumping his dick to get himself to full mast.
You approached Yunho and opened your mouth, but before you could prepare yourself, Yunho grabbed the back of your head and shoved his fully hard dick directly into the back of your throat. You gagged heavily, but Yunho did not pull out. 
“Suck.” he demanded, both hands gripping tightly to your scalp. You tried to control yourself and breathe through your nose, but you ended up choking. Yunho tutted again with disappointment and shoved you, hard, off of his dick. 
“Do Mingi first. You’re rusty.” Yunho looked down at you over his nose as he sat back on his heels. You crawled over to Mingi, he was standing at attention ready to receive. You wrapped your lips around the tip of his leaking cock and Mingi inhaled sharply through his teeth. You hollowed your cheeks and sucked all the way to his base as slowly as you could. Mingi threw his head back and moaned a deep, raspy moan. 
“Fuck her face.” You heard Yunho demand as he moved behind you to lean against the headboard of the bed. Mingi did as he was told, but looked down at you first as a quick warning before snapping his hips into your face. You choked and gagged and slobbered all over Mingi’s dick as he used you mercilessly. Mingi was throbbing inside your mouth, but didn’t want to finish, so he pulled out. Panting, Mingi looked at Yunho, whose eyebrows were still scrunched together- jaw still clenched in anger. 
“Turn around. Mingi, finish her off. And don’t you dare cum, slut.” It wasn’t clear who that last warning was for, as Yunho’s eyes flitted between the both of you, but you both did as you were told. Mingi lined himself up with your entrance as you crawled closer to Yunho’s cock, taking it up in your mouth again. You smiled to yourself as you felt Yunho relax a little, and you looked up to see his eyes closed. You were doing a good job. Right as you made it to Yunho’s base, Mingi slammed inside you, forcing Yunho’s cock deeper than it had ever been. You gagged again, making Yunho twitch in your mouth. 
Behind you Mingi began a steady pace, gripping your hips for stability. “Heh,” Mingi lightly laughed, “I always wanted to do an eiffel tower.” 
“I’m not holding hands with you, dude.” Yunho didn’t open his eyes.
You heard Mingi mutter behind you, “I wasn’t gonna ask you to.”
The two boys used you like you were their own toy, moaning and caressing you softly as you took them inside you. You could feel that familiar burning in your core, but remembered Yunho’s stern warning, so you focused on slobbering all over Yunho and pleasing him as quickly as possible. 
“Ohhhh yeah.” Yunho moaned and bucked into your mouth. You could feel him trying to hold back and he, eventually, pulled out of you. 
“Mingi, get under her.” Yunho commanded as he hopped off the bed to go rummage through your side table drawer. Mingi took the time to carefully turn you over, as well as quell his own impending orgasm. You carefully straddled Mingi. He was glistening in a light sheen of sweat and, before you could stop yourself, you leaned down to kiss him. Mingi returned the kiss and, as you wrapped your hands around his neck, he lined himself up with your entrance. A little higher up, you felt a cold goop land on your asshole. Yunho wasn’t too happy about the kiss, and reminded you who you belonged to as he pushed his index finger inside of you. Your hole clenched around him immediately, Mingi moaned into your mouth as he felt you throb. He broke the kiss to warn the room of how close he already was. 
“You cum inside her and I fucking kill you.” Yunho’s voice was nonchalant, but his warning was stern. He pushed a second finger inside your ass and began scissoring. You moaned deeply, and leaned down to place your head in the crook of Mingi’s neck. 
“You want me to pull out? I’ll cum on your dick!” Mingi peered up over your ass, touted high in the air, to look at Yunho. Yunho’s response was to line himself up with your asshole, and slowly push in. The feeling of being so full of two thick cocks had you dripping and throbbing. Yunho spread your cheeks apart with his hands to try and assist himself in getting deeper. Each movement made you throb, which, in turn, made Mingi twitch. When Yunho finally got his abdomen flush with your ass, Mingi began to move. He slowly fucked up into you and hilted himself into your core. You were so full you began to tear up. 
“Yuyu. I can’t. Please let me cum.” You whined, voice trembling.
“Aww, Bunny..” Yunho leaned down to kiss the back of your neck. “Fuck no, you can’t cum.”
Yunho began to fuck you, hard. 
“Sluts who fuck their boyfriend’s best friend don’t get to cum.” He explained through gritted teeth, accentuating important words with a deep thrust inside you. Mingi picked up the pace as well and you saw stars. 
“Yuyu I can’t stop it. It feels so good.” You slurred, still tucked neatly into the crook of Mingi’s neck. “I’m gonna cum Yuyu..I’m gonna..”
“Go ahead, Bunny.” Yunho’s voice had softened. He could already feel your walls trembling and couldn’t continue his “mean dom” persona any more after seeing the tears in your eyes. Your vision went black as you came with a scream. A babbling, incoherent mess of words spilled over your lips, tears spilled over your eyelids, and your cum spilled out of you as your orgasm rocked you from head to toe. Yunho followed shortly after. His thrusts were erratic and you could hear him breathing harder and faster. He spilled inside of you with a deep groan, and took a moment to catch his breath. He pulled out of you slowly, but the second he was out, Mingi flipped you. 
“Fuck I almost didn’t make it!” He pulled out of you, pumped himself twice, then came loudly. Ropes of white adorned your stomach and breasts as Mingi milked himself dry. 
The three of you were catching your breath as Yunho began aftercare on you: a warm, wet washcloth to clean you with. He also instructed Mingi to grab three bottles of water from your kitchen. 
“Yuyu-” you started, but he interrupted.
“I’m sorry, Bunny. I should have listened to you and trusted you. I know you weren’t sleeping with Mingi. I was just..I felt like I was a bad boyfriend to you.”
“No, Yuyu! You’re a perfect boyfriend! We just had a rough patch. And I definitely wasn’t helping by being so passive aggressive.” You responded, cuddling up closer to Yunho.
Mingi returned with the water, but stopped when he saw the two of you.
“It’s ok. Get on the other side.” Yunho beckoned Mingi. You looked up at Yunho, quizzical look on your face.
“Our relationship has been stale. I don’t want it to be stale anymore.” Yunho responded as he caressed your head. You felt the bed dip behind you as Mingi scooted closer, putting his hand on your thigh. 
“So what…am I you guys’ boyfriend now?” Mingi asked slyly.
“No!” You and Yunho shouted in unison.
“You’re our….” Yunho looked up towards the ceiling, thinking for the proper term.
“Our bedroom boy toy.” Yunho settled on a term and laughed heartily as he watched Mingi’s jaw drop.
“Now wait a minute!” Mingi began, but Yunho cut him off. The two began to playfully argue, but you didn’t mind. You loved the warmth of being protected by these two men, and you loved the fact that they were yours to keep. Maybe Mingi wasn’t so bad after all. 
Tag List: @meowniee
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f0point5 · 3 days
literally anything with Max, Emilia, and Daniel please I’m begging after yesterday 🙏🙏🙏
No because this almost turned into a Singapore crack fic lol. But I saved it.
And yes I did listen to the song so that I could check this whole thing could happen within it’s time limit. But also this could so easily have been Tenerife sea but I Daniel-ed it up lol.
Anyway I hope you enjoy it!
✨Set in April 2024✨
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I’ll drink what you think, and I’m high
It’s getting dark later now. It’s 7pm and the sun in only now setting over the mountainside, turning the clear sky all manner of gold and peach and baby blue. It’s the first good weather of the month, which is what gave you the idea of sitting out on the rooftop patio. Daniel just happened to call Max as you were mixing a Bellini, which is how he’d got roped into what turned into what you’d dubbed a “Wine and Whine” evening.
So there Max sits, listening to Daniel talk about grape yields while you fiddle with the stereo. Max interjects at the right moments, but mostly he’s watching you bent over in a tight Missoni dress, trying to connect your phone Bluetooth to the speakers.
That’s how good the dress looks, Max thinks to himself. I even remember the name of the shop.
“So I’m like mate, I don’t know shit about grapes, that’s what I pay you for,” Daniel explains now. “And he’s looking at me like I’ve fucked his grandma in front of him. But I’m right. I drive cars for a living and I don’t even like grapes, that’s his job,”
“Yeah, but what if-“
Max is cut off by the sound of your squeal. He looks across the patio to see you bathed in golden light, sporting a bright grin.
“Danny, it’s your song,” you declare, teetering toward the boys on your wedge heels.
“She’s so pissed,” Daniel says through a chuckle.
“I heard that,” you shoot back, holding a hand out to him. “Now, dance with me,”
The gentle strumming of a guitar gives way to an American accent with a somber tone.
Daniel rolls his eyes but gets to his feet, taking your hand and pulling you along the concrete to the middle of the patio.
The music is not Max’s taste, not something he understands, but it’s…warm.
That’s how he feels watching Daniel pull you close, starting to sway you in small circles around the patio. He thinks about how both you and he needed Daniel before you needed each other, how Daniel had been your friend when Max was too scared to be, and he’d been Max’s friend even when it must have been like salt in a wound.
Daniel looks down and says something to you that Max can’t hear. Whatever it is, it is has you rolling your eyes in the way you do when you’re trying not to tear up. He watches you nod in what seems like agreement before shrugging your shoulders.
In the next breath, Max hears your voice singing along above the music.
“We all know, you tiptoed,” you sing, “up to six foot, in grill the grid,”
This pulls a deep, throaty laugh and a “fuck you” from Daniel, his head thrown back so much that he pulls you forward with him.
You’re singing at each other now, bodies shaking through laughter. The sound of a harmonica pierces Max’s ears as Daniel twirls you under his arm, your eyes catching the light of the setting sun as you turn.
Fuck. You are so beautiful.
“Max, come take over,” Daniel calls, beckoning him with one hand. “I need another drink,”
Max gets up and goes over to your swaying form just as Daniel lets you go. He pats Max on the back as he passes, turning to look at you both before he slips through the patio door, out of sight due to the reflection in the glass.
Your glassy eyes and the heat of your skin make Max think you’re probably looking at two of him right now, but he doesn’t mind, as long as you’re looking at him. He takes hold of you, fighting a smile at the way you sink into him in a way you wouldn’t with Daniel. Your hand slides around his neck and his instinctively goes to rest on the curve of your hip, bringing you so close he can smell your perfume and Sauvignon blanc.
In the background, the music picks up, the southern drawl a little more lively even though the words are still morose.
“I don’t get why you guys like this song,” Max says, guiding you out and then under one of his arms so that your back his against his chest. “It’s about a funeral,”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s about a family,” you tell him, craning your neck to look at him over your shoulder.
Max nods, letting go of one your hands to spin you out and then back towards him. He catches you smiling at the effortless way he moves you around. He may not particularly like dancing but he’s been given three gifts in life. One is coordination. The second is control.
“It’s about the little things that stick with you about the people you love. The things about them that made you who you are,”
And the third is you.
He still doesn’t hear the song the way you do. He doesn’t see the world the way you do. But he knows he wants to listen to you explain the world to him for however long he’s in it.
“It’s about a funeral,” he says plainly, which only makes you shake your head.
“I love you, Max Verstappen.” Your words are as plain as his.
He wants to say it back. He even opens his mouth to try. But sometimes, like now, Max hates that word because it seems so wholly inadequate. He’s never been good with words anyway.
Instead, he kisses you, a kiss that tips you backwards, has you leaning into the hand on your back that holds you up. He can feel you smiling against his lips as he straightens.
When he pulls away, you follow him, placing one more peck on his lips before leaning forward to rest your chin on his shoulder as you continue to dance. Max notices then that the golden hues have left the sky, the colour now the same as the Japanese Cherry blossoms. He breathes in the scent of roses on your skin as he pulls you closer.
“What was he saying to you?” He asks quietly, his cheek moving against yours as he speaks.
“Who?” Your reply is lazy, almost a purr against his neck.
“Daniel. What did he say while you were dancing?”
Max doesn’t know how he can tell you smile at that, but he knows.
“Oh. Nothing,” you say. The music slows, and a woman’s voice joins the man’s against a single guitar. “He thinks we’re yuppies,”
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Leave Me to the Beasts and Bears
Halsin x Female Reader
Summary: Halsin overhears you singing about your struggles as a woman in the world. Comfort ensues
Word Count: 1,271
Warnings: Paris Paloma song, mentions of rape, assault, SA, graphic flashbacks, this fic is very graphic and intense read at your discretion!!! (I love you don't trigger yourself unless you know it's okay) This is a hurt/comfort because I need it
A/N: This song has been looping in my mind for days, and it really highlights womanhood. Also this is my personal experiences all roped together if you don't like it keep scrolling.
BG3 Masterlist
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You had been staying with the Grove for quite a while, and no one seemed to mind. You brought light and life to the druids with your music, and you had become a welcome addition to the lovely place. You had found a quiet overlook next to the inner sanctum and often found yourself drawn there for the peace it brought you.
Your fingers danced idly across your lute strings, humming softly to yourself and the surrounding life.
Halsin heard your melodic voice and found himself drawn to you. Tucked just behind you out of sight. Not that it mattered as your eyes fluttered closed.
Cremate me… Deliver me to safety. So that when it’s spent maybe it will be my own.
Scatter ashes… Leave no marker where you plant it. So the hordes will be disbanded as they search on a treasure map for my headstone.
The druid’s brow furrowed as he heard the softness of your voice carrying solemn words. Little did he know what exactly was on your mind.
Leave me to the beasts and bears. I’d rather that the feast was theirs. They can’t reserve neighboring plots, or request to be buried on top.
Leave me for a day or two, to make sure that I turn blue. For the first time since I drew breath, I’m undesirable again…
Your throat felt tight. You saw them in your mind’s eye. You felt their hands on your skin, calluses scraping against you, nails digging into your arms. Your knees hit the ground with such force they cracked, and you cried out in pain. No one came. Heavy and hard hands ripped your blouse, exposing your chest for predatory eyes.
I’ll tattoo it, just so they think it’s ruined. And if they think it’s ruined, it’s easier to save. But please hurry, if you really love me, and dispose of me unceremoniously in the waves.
You heard the water lapping at the shore as your chest tightened with that familiar panic. Every time you dreamt about it or someone touched you close enough you were brought back to it again and again for days on end. No matter how far you ran, their eyes would always follow you. Their skin was tainting yours no matter where you went. Chest to chest unwilling, but appeasing.
You remembered their fingers carding through your hair, tugging it roughly from your scalp. You remembered how they put it to their lips and breathed in your scent. 
Leave me to the trees and air, I’d rather that the feast was theirs. They can’t reserve neighboring plots, or buy cuttings of my priceless locks.
Leave me for two days or three, ‘til my fingertips turn green. For the first time since I drew breath, I’m undesirable again.
Those rough hands gripped your jaw, forcing your mouth open as silent tears flew down your cheeks. Even if you screamed, no one would hear you. If they did, no one would save you. You were alone. Just the way they preferred.
The other hand traveled to their belt buckle. You heard the metal clanging in your ears as though cymbals were clashing next to your head. It was past the point of warning bells and alarms, you were in it and you wouldn’t get away before… before…
And they will come in such dismay, that they never did discover where I lay. And I will burn, my flesh and form. Screaming the words, “it will never be yours!”
I’ll take the flame over desecration, promise you’ll make all these arrangements. Don’t you dare think it’s overkill!
I wouldn’t wish the watching on anybody, so if for that reason only, swear to me you will!
Halsin watched you stand, and he heard the tears clogging your throat. He watched you scream these words out to the sea, and he felt his own throat close up. Memories of the Underdark and the drow couple started to surface in his mind. Maybe it was the words or the emotions, but what he thought of fondly started to seem less than. He heard you sniffle, and suddenly he felt those restraints on his wrists and ankles again. He felt them touching him, and his mind wanted to trick him into enjoying it. It wanted to appease his captors and draw pleasure where he could, but this… 
He was watching you break, and for the first time it was like looking in the mirror. For the first time he could see someone else breaking and recognize himself in them. 
And you choked up, feeling suffocated by the memory. You’ll never forget what it felt like. What it tasted like. The weight, the heat, the flavor, the intrusion was forever branded on your mind, body, and soul. It would always be there.
Leave me to the beasts and bears. I’d rather that the feast was theirs. They can’t reserve neighboring plots, or request to be buried on top. 
Leave me for a day or two, to make sure that I turn blue. For the first time since I drew breath, I’m undesirable again.
It was barely a melody at this point. More a choked whisper as you fell to your knees, lute laying still on the ground.
You felt the phantom soreness of every event, every time your body was used for someone else's desires. You heard every word of pleasure and longing that had ever passed to your ears. You felt their hands as they groped and poked and prodded even when you said no. Thousands upon thousands of strangers touching you. Friends touching you. Family touching you, and you couldn’t make them stop. 
But it’s fine because they love you. No! No more. This is not alright, I’m not alright. I’m not alright, I’m not, but no one understands, and no one will even listen, and I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!
Strong arms wrap around you, trying to hold you together, but you’re falling apart freely with no air resistance, and the only thing stopping you is the embrace of warmth and strength and the smell of the earth. You didn’t realize you were screaming. You only thought you were crying, but you didn’t realize how much. 
Not until Halsin collapsed next to you and pulled you into his embrace. 
“I know,” he said softly. “I know.”
You felt his salty tears against your neck as you turned into him, arms wrapping around his neck. Your hands clawed at him desperately, trying to breathe in his safety and comfort all the while he tried to take yours. Kindred spirits, twin flames, two souls having walked the same path, and all you could do was hold onto each other for the ride and pray that you would make it to the other side.
“I’m sorry,” You tell him, burying your face in his shoulder.
His arms encompass you completely, holding you together. His large hands cover your back almost entirely, as though he’s attempting to shield you from your past with his large frame. You allow yourself this brief respite. After everything you’ve endured, you haven’t recovered, and you aren’t sure that you ever will.
It’s of small comfort to you that someone of Halsin’s size and stature knows the pain you’ve endured and has experienced it for himself. But you don’t know those circumstances. Perhaps he is only so large and muscular to protect what he couldn’t in the past. Perhaps he hopes to protect you in the same way.
Either way you are glad he is here.
“You are safe here,” He told you. “They can’t hurt you anymore.”
A/N: Are you guys okay after that? I'm not. Whew.
Have a good night <3
Tag List: @leiotyp
As always let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Requests are open!
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thevoidtrainstation · 7 hours
An Alert
info: this takes place during the VDC, and it's first person.
Also, please tell me if I didn't tag this properly.
Warnings: angst, with a pinch of comfort
word count: 700
Watching them perform from backstage was simultaneously enjoyable yet lonely. Looking between my friends and the crowd singing a lullaby (double check that) so well known it transcends countries, cultures, and languages, no matter how reminiscent or similar it is to songs I know, I just don’t know it. How can a song transcend planets, realities, and dimensions; it can’t. I’m the only one who doesn’t know it, not including the dire beast known as Grim, the only one who’s as clueless about this world as I am, even though he’s from it. Truly, moments such as these make me realize how much of an alien I am.  I’m the sole magicless student in a magic school. I was just about to start college because I graduated early from high school, and now here I am a high school freshman again, in a completely different reality, dimension. This whole thing has been a double-edged sword: being transported to a magical reality is any fantasy reader’s dream come true, but all the unknowns about what’s happening at home and the moments of realization about the massive cultural divides between me and everyone else is unpleasant, to say the least. However, seeing the joy on their faces right now, especially after everything that happened today, makes me treasure these moments and my new friends. My new friends are doing so much to make me feel a part of this place, showing me the “most important” movies, TV shows, and music to catch up on pop culture. Though I feel hollow at times due to the differences between this world and my own, they always manage to fill in that hole a bit. As I focus my mind back on their performance, my breath catches and my body freezes. The unmistakable sound of an emergency alert rings from MY PHONE. My phone, the one that I had on me when I arrived here, the very one that nothing worked on, but what was already downloaded onto it.  With shaking hands I pull out my phone, with much trepidation. Why was it working now? Was it able to connect back to my world, or is it connecting to something here? What’s the alert? If I wasn’t already sitting, I would’ve fallen onto the floor.  “Emergency Alert: incoming atomic bomb, please go to nearest shelter….” In this world of magic, nuclear power and warfare don’t exist: I checked. Trembling, and with deep breaths, I manage to unlock my phone, my eyes darting between the red dots on my messenger, the voicemail, and the news app, all of which hadn’t had that little red dot since I came here.  I go to my family group chat and text “Im safe and healthy calling mom.” As the phone rings, I  bolt to one of the backrooms in the stadium, locking the door behind me. The next couple of minutes blur together as I Facetime my mom, who’s with the rest of my family, explaining what happened to me and asking what's happening there. Raspy broken voices and tears aren’t acknowledged as we catch up and exchange “I love you’s”. The call disconnects, I call again, and again no answer. I call my other family, but the calls aren’t going through. I call my friends, but the calls aren’t going through still. I try every messenger app on my phone.  Nothing. There’s nothing. No connection, no way to reach them, no way to reach anyone.   It was how it was when I got here. The only thing that remains on my phone is what was already downloaded onto it.  I let out a soul-shivering wail. I drop my phone and curl up onto the couch clenching my knees to my chest and burying in my head as I sob.  The nuclear apocalypse happened, and I missed it… The doorknob jiggles.  The door temples as it’s banged on, and rammed against. The nuclear apocalypse happened, There’s no home to go back to... The door flies off its hinges.  I continue to mourn the death of my planet, my home, my life, my family as I feel arms wrap around me.
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joocomics · 2 days
down absolutely horrendous for jungsu tonight like i can't decide wether i want him to sing me softly to sleep or pound me to sleep likeeee and oh to cockwarm jungsu i'm- ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️😔😔😔😔 sweet beautiful warm boy please
you’re sending me this at the most inappropriate phase in my life when i’m losing my damn mind over him 😓 i don’t even know what to say without panicking
jungsu giving you the most intense mind numbing orgasm and then keeping you in his embrace and humming you a song till you fall asleep? sounds so heavenly. the switch from his tight grip and heavy sharp thrusts to his sweet soft voice and gentle fingertips that will run through your hair because he knows how much it comforts you 😭 one minute he’s slamming into you and the next he is touching you like you’re made from glass… and all of this as he is buried deep inside you
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rel124c41 · 3 days
I know he’s only going to be a temporary character, much like Rollo, but in my heart, he’s a transfer student who is assigned to Ramshackle so we can dance among the graves there and I can giggle and kiss him all I want.
Also if I was in TWST and was walking around and saw him, I’d be so smitten IMMEDIATELY!!!!! Like Vil would immediately hate this guy just because of how fast I’d fall for him and how gorgeous he is and I’d start campaigns on how stunning and sweet he is.
cementary dates!!!!! cementary dates!!!! ( ★^O^★ )
bringing him to dine by the two graves in front of ramshackle, watching grim and zero play with one another. the night ambience of a full moon and ebony darkness,,, him lying his head in your lap as you read edgar allen poe,,, threading fingers through his hair but watching out for the crown piece which is sharp like barb wire,,
perhaps him taking the book from you and reading it himself, all while standing on the crescent stone wall, very melodramatic and rich as he reads ‘the conqueror worm’ aloud,,, aaah i need to know who will voice him (ノ∀`♥) i hope the VA has a lovely singing voice it’s only natural
even if he’s not a transfer student …. indulge in this little fantasy,, so u know how jack skellington can take off his head in the film, imagine that with this TWST character. a whole lollipop chainsaw dynamic!!! he’s just so anxious and intrigued to see what this new world has to offer him!!! he’s never been outside of halloween town and this all so very exciting!! won’t you let him just attend a few classes with you!! pls,,, i’m imagining keeping his head in a school bag as his headless body wanders around ramshackle,,
he also has great yandere potential outside of silly fluff scenarios too!! jack skellington is very much gung ho when he gets an idea,, not listening to sally,, dragging the whole town into his scheme through charm and whismy,, his star-eyed gojo ass clone suddenly seeing you in TWST and becoming obsessed with you!!! it’s only natural that halloween town has a queen right next to their pumpkin king, soon you’ll have the whole town just begging you to stay with them!!
AAAAA Vil would be so annoyed with me!! i would be as bad as Rook, waxing poetry nonstop about this nameless pumpkin king!!! he seems like the sweetest and silliest guy!! 🖤🖤
i literally have so many thoughts about him and WE DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!!!! 💀
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My thoughts on the Wisdom Saga
Honestly most of the stuff I have to say about him deals with the next two songs instead of this one…
Okay, but the more I listen to Antonius the more his voice is just ✨✨✨? Like Calypso’s voice being gorgeous was on SIGHT (on… hear? Heard? Audio?), but Antonius keeps getting better the more I listen to him. Don’t get me wrong he’s a bad dude, but his voice acting? Beautiful
I love the setup in this song, you don’t even notice because it’s so catchy
ARGUS CRUSHED MY HEART IN THE ANIMATIC (like I knew he would) poor dog boi… if Jorge doesn’t have Odysseus say hello to him in a song I will be heartbroken.
Little Wolf
This song… the appearance of Athena in this song brought my prospective ranking of it from likely low to battling it out with Love in Paradise for top spot (I’m STILL not sure which one I like more).
When Athena first appeared in the livestream I (mentally) SCREAMED- MY FAV IS BACK SHE’S BACK AND I LOVE HER (very platonically)
I love the little interlude with her and Telemachus- speaking of which-
I’ve seen some people mention how Telemachus seems much younger than 20/21. Something about the portrayal of Telemachus as this naïve inexperienced child? I’m not sure. But I have my own thoughts to share on this, because as someone who’s close to that young adult age, I think it’s actually pretty accurate for Telemachus’s character. He’s lived in the palace all his life, he’s longing to adventure in the world beyond, but he doesn’t know how to fight… I mean, I don’t specifically relate to Telemachus but I can see aspects of this in my own life. I’ve taken my first baby steps into the big adult world, and it’s intimidating and scary, and I don’t know how anything works, but I’m trying anyways. Point being, I don’t understand how people think that Telemachus has to be younger just because he doesn’t have certain life experiences or knowledge yet. I think it’s a very good portrayal of a young adult being unsure of his coming into the world but excited for it anyways.
Anyways back to ATHENA MY GIRL
I love that we get an in-musical explanation of Quick Thought!! I think it’s really important for a musical to be self-contained with its important lore/information and Jorge does such a great job with that.
Athena’s entire speech about the suitors and bullies and inspiring Telemachus and reframing his “Little Wolf” title CHUCKED THIS SONG SO HIGH IN MY BOOK I need to find a character of mine to associate this part to
The little “ooohhhh, maybe I pushed him a bit to hard” is hilarious
Interesting thing we’re doing with transitions into the next songs with this saga. I do agree with some of the people who said it sounds kind of off in this song; I think it might’ve flowed better if it introduced the next one, but honestly, I’m entirely willing to ignore that because this song is *so* good
We’ll be Fine
I have one glaring complaint about this song…. WHY ISNT IT LONGER?!?! I NEED MORE OF THIS
I can honestly see this becoming a comfort song for me, it holds such great messages to remember
“Cause I got in a fight, and I didn’t die!” The bar is on the FLOOR with Telemachus
The voice actors are rocking their respective high notes! Jorge pushed them and they owned it!!
Speaking of those good encouraging messages- I absolutely adore Telemachus’s chorus. Every time I listen to it, my brain auto-fills the lyrics ahead, and I hear, “maybe it’s all gonna be okay,” but then Telemachus actually sings the verse and it’s “maybe it’s all gonna turn out great!” And that’s just… such a good thing to think about. Yeah, it’s gonna be okay in the end, but what if it was better than okay? What if it turned out to be absolutely amazing?? That’s… such a positive way to view things and I need it more in my life. Of course it could get toxic but for me, it’s a great reminder of how good things can become
Love in Paradise
I read a post that mentioned how the happiest song in the Thunder Saga is called Suffering, and the saddest song in the Wisdom Saga is called Love in Paradise, and I hate how accurate that is T^T
THE TIME DIVE MONTAGE WAS SO GOOOD- such a fun mini mash-up of the rest of the songs! I wish I had more to say about it because I want to keep gushing over it but I’m just gonna end up repeating myself saying it’s so good
The little replay of the “Captain?” “I have to see her” ;-;
WANGUI’S VOCALS— I CAN’T— THEY’RE SO GORGEOUS *unintelligible squealing*
“She’s my wife”
Her voice is so pretty help I don’t approve of her actions but her VOICE HER VOICE
Can I also just say the animatic/visuals for this section were also gorgeous, such a great compliment to the audio
The way it goes from all sweet and bouncy to “oh ****” and right back to sweet was so good
“Last I checked goddesses can’t die!!” *cue the Wisdom Saga stream crash of 2024*
The cliff scene… oh my goodness it’s so *good* it’s all so *good* Jorge how are you so good at writing
He pays such close attention to characters and motifs and lines too- you can hear how Calypso triggers Odysseus’s flashback.
NOT TO MENTION- when Odysseus yells his line “All I hear are SCREAMS”, it’s in response to Calypso’s line “I’ll stay inside your heart”- which is Odysseus’s mom’s lyric from the underworld!! I literally just noticed the connection between the line and his reaction and I haven’t seen anyone else mention it before so-
And Athena’s little “he needs my help”- aaaaaa we all feel the pain
God Games
Oh *boy howdy* this one is a doozy
The intro is great, I adore Zeus’s voice- this cast is just FULL of talented voice actors man
“… Hera!…. Or me” …. A-wha-huh? I’m sorry didn’t you used to be “and”???
I was intrigued what Apollo’s grievance would be based on the whole “who’s cows” debacle- the sirens kinda threw me off guard xD
His voice is ✨✨✨ though, I love listening to him
JORGE’S DAD HEPHAESTUS!!!!! Aghhh his voice was so good for the part! And I loved the commentary on trust too
Aphrodite’s and Ares’s parts are still amazing even after all this time- I LOVE the details of Ares’s musical motif! He has the same melody as Athena, but played on this raw-sounding violin/cello? And he *also* has quick thought- but it still all feels different from Athena’s too! Because they’re both gods of war but with different domains and attributes AAAA so good!
And Athena’s lyrics in response- I love the re-do and the little extra quirks in it, like the extra growl on “ARES!!!” And the little riff(?) on “his son’s my FRIIIIEND”
Hera’s part was amazing. 100/10. Her voice was a lot… smoother than I was expecting honestly. It took a bit of getting used to but now I love it. And I am HERE for the dance battle
“Never once has he cheated on his wife”
“Release him.”
10/10 ✨✨✨
I was… really excited for an Athena/Zeus debate in this song when listening to all the snippets. I couldn’t wait to see how Athena would try and persuade Zeus, what arguments he would use specifically, how it would all go down… instead I got uh-
“I played your game and won! Release him.”
Oh so, no Zeus round? Ohh this is why it got changed to “or” isn’t it-
“You DARE to defy me?”
“To make me feel shame?”
What’s happeni-
“No one beats me, NO ONE WINS MY GAME!!”
Oh boy howdy-
Athena in the flashback scene- holding baby Telemachus- the music- my HEART
And the end instrumental is so triumphant aaaaaa
“Let him gooooo! Please-“ JORGE WHEN I GET YOU JORGE—
Uh, so
My thoughts on God Games right after it came out were
At first I was so absolutely frazzled from the livestream I could barely put thoughts together outside of incoherent screaming
But then I read a few tumblr posts about how some others were disappointed in how God Games ended and Zeus’s character- and I found myself agreeing :/
I do have a propensity for latching onto different opinions because I think they’re the “expected” one for me to have- and I totally think a bit of that was going on here- so I took some time off of tumblr/limiting my scrolling (which needed to be stopped anyways-) to really sort out how I felt on this
And I think I feel a bit stilted by God Games from its ending. The ending was… underwhelming? Which sounds INSANE considering the end of the stream but it’s underwhelming less because of actual shock factor and more because of what specifically happens versus my expectations.
Zeus just kind of… blasts Athena in the face??? Without provocation?? Athena DID win his game, she passed the terms he set out, she did all of that… and he shocks her anyways. It just. Doesn’t really sit right with me.
But I love Epic, and want to enjoy every song I come across, and I REALLY didn’t want this view of the ending of God Games to taint the rest of the song or the rest of the musical. So in my next big post, I’m going to do a mini “rewrite”/reworking of God Games that I’ve been toying around with in my mind for a little while now!!
I’ll explain more about why and what and the details in that post but for now, just know that it’s been a helpful exercise in enjoying God Games as it is too, and I’ll get to posting that the next time school isn’t absolutely crushing me with long homework assignments
Anyways, those are my kinda-in-depth thoughts about the Wisdom Saga!! I’ve been so excited to write this out and I’m happy to be posting it finally
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wickedhawtwexler · 5 months
having a slay time at karaoke tonight
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shima-draws · 10 months
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It’s literally like 500 episodes away but people keep WARNING me about it and I’m Scared
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kickbutts-singsongs · 3 months
Okay but why did they never have any holiday themed POI episodes?
More specifically, how come they never had a Halloween episode and played “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell in the background?
#THEY MISSED AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY THATS ALL#BUT ALSO CHRISTMAS#SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN TO TOWN PLAYING AND FINCH AND REESE GIVE EACH OTHER A SIDE EYE WITH ‘HE SEES YOU WHEN YOURE SLEEPING HE KNOWS WHEN—‘#LIKE CMON#also I wanted a team machine secret santa gift exchange in the midst of all the Samaritan craziness#like Reese gets Shaw - Shaw gets Root - Root gets Finch - Finch gets Reese#I’d picture Reese gifting Shaw the keys to his old motorcycle#(cuz he’s a cop now and doesn’t use it)#and it’s in a small box so at first Shaw’s like ‘this better not be a necklace’ and he’s like ‘just open it’#and they’re all aloof and it’s funny but also touching#then I picture Shaw just gifting herself to Root like#*slaps a bow on her head* ‘for the next twenty four hours we can do whatever you want’#and idk they have a girls day (you know getting their nails done - shopping for shoes - going to the gun range - making out - etc)#Root gifts Finch a rare painting or smth sentimental to him like that#but she tries to do it without like stealing anything (to ease his conscience)#(she’s mostly successful)#‘relax Harry I bought this. with money.’ ‘your money?’ ‘…’ ‘it was your money right??’#and idk what Finch gets Reese but I imagine it’s both sentimental and practical so he can use it often#and they have another ‘thanks for giving me a purpose’ moment and it’s gay as hell and we’re all happy#and they all pitch in and buy Fusco some funny ties or smth#and Bear gets lots of toys and treats cuz he’s the best boi#wow uh#you know what I’m not deleting all that imma just keep it in but just to recap this was about Halloween and a funny song they could’ve used#person of interest#poi#john reese#harold finch#sameen shaw#root#🎶song sings🎶
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hplonesomeart · 9 days
Going to post this small snippet spoiler for another SMG4 animatic I’m cooking up for viewing pleasure (and also simply because these characters are slowly seeping into my subconscious. As we speak Mr. Puzzles is directing my actions so that I can push his name into stardom with “gloriously animated content” HE’S KEEPING ME HOSTAGE HELP /J)
I love musicals and Mr. Puzzles strikes me as a theater nerd so I figured Hairspray (song being Welcome to the 60’s) was a good fit, plus wouldn’t it be fun to see Meggy try and help him along to start a redemption arch? Like how could they not carry a bit of sentimentality over the time spent together? I feel like her resilient passive aggressive energy pairs well with how he can be stubborn sometimes too…she can give him the push (or more like a well-intentioned shove) he needs to get his act together and give it another try! Because a part of me feels like he would want to regress into unhealthy past habits after facing so many defeats at the hands of SMG4 crew; shut himself in solitude and stare at a screen. So think the animatic would start with that scene and then lead into the musical number :D
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titsthedamnseason · 7 months
since i haven’t pissed off enough people today i’ll say something else. i’m actually not a fan of surprise song mashups and i’m glad this wasn’t a thing when it was my show
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milo-is-rambling · 5 months
I can’t even imagine living without anxiety. Like. How. What?
#I mean if I woke up tomorrow with a normal amount of anxiety it would be a shocking difference to my daily life. and I am medicated!!! like.#what? am I missing something here?#my mom tells me that meds can only do so much and that they’re really just meant to make it so you can get out of bed every day#but now I’m wondering like is that true or is that my mom is on the wrong dose herself and something could be done to help us both#gahhhhh idk I just feel helpless bc I’m scared of making big changes and the big changes have to make are scary and large and I need a#bulleted list made of things I can do (and break down into very small steps) to actually progress in a positive way in my life instead of#being SO afraid and SO stagnant. it’s been six months since (ptsd diagnosis causing thing) and I don’t feel like I’ve made any progress even#with a therapist. I’m working towards a more intensive program but I feel like it’s almost making me feel more alienated bc I’d have to like#go be surrounded by other mentally ill people and medical people which brings dad dying trauma and like I know I’m running from it bc I’m#afraid to face the changes I need to make and the feelings that are going to come up but fuck man can’t I get some fucking meds that make#this easier to deal with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grief and ptsd and long term isolation and anxiety and chronic pain like fuck it’s#so exhausting!!!! I feel like I’m fucking fighting thru life and then from the outside it’s like I’m doing nothing cause I stay in my room#and get stoned and play animal crossing and watch tv and cry and over eat and sometimes I drive around in circles so I can scream sing until#my throat burns and I get a headache and everything finally quiets down in my head for a second. I know I look like I’m doing nothing and#that’s because I am doing nothing but waiting for the next time a mental health professional will talk to me for an hour like it’s so sad#anyways. you ever take a big dab and then start crying and type all of this like it’s an epiphany even tho it’s things you already know.#honestly crying in front of the air conditioner is so slay slight breeze over my face cooling the tears the white noise calming me down
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rosicheeks · 5 months
#I recorded a lil clip of me singing the last classical song I learned back in high school#surprised I still know it so well#I’m not posting it cause DAMN I’m rusty as fuck#but I think it’ll be cool to have a before audio for when I start working on my voice again#lol wish I had a BEFORE audio from before high school and all my lessons#OOOOOFDA BESTIE NAH#I thought I was so fucking good and then I get to my performing arts high school#with a bunch of talented people and I realized I in fact sounded like a screeching walrus#but then I worked and studied through high school and I think I gotta pretty good#even went to a few competitions which was super weird but fun#aw I miss those days so much#so I’m going to try and get back into it#gonna be hard since I’m not like surrounded by it all the time#but I’m gonna start brushing up on my music theory and maybe even fuck around and compose a little bit#I used to learn songs in all of these different languages#I miss it so much#and I’ve decided I’m going to start creating the person I want to be and stop wishing I was that person#anywayyyyyyyyy#idk where I was gonna go with that#if anyone is *genuinely* interested in hearing my classical audio send me a message#but I’m not gonna post it cause bro let me tell you it’s rustyyyyyyyy#I got my high notes down but everything else? (and even leading up to the high notes) nah not there#supposedly I might be able to see the aurora borealis in my area tonight but I’m not holding my breath#I live next to too many damn lights and people ☹️😤😤#if anyone gets to see the lights tell me all about them! and if you have pictures please please PLEASE send me them!!!!!#shut up rosie
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marsbars1714 · 6 months
I just realized that I’ve learned how to count to ten in German without learning the alphabet
How have I managed to learn a language out of order?? Why did I jump from greetings and introductions and ordering food/asking for directions to NUMBERS instead of the ALPHABET
The alphabet that the entire language is based off of
The alphabet that I haven’t put effort into learning
I can introduce myself and count to ten but I can’t recite you the alphabet
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