#omgcp reading club
is it finals season, yes
do i have things due, yes
do i need to write an essay and two finals, yes
am i going to reread check please, also yes
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ficplease · 2 years
We’re having a Q&A and discussion with rocky shore’s author @parvuls in our discord, in half an hour! Come and join us!
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bookwyrm-art-stuff · 23 days
Ok so I just got Celestial Monsters by Aiden Thomas (sequel to the Sunbearer Trials) And I NEED to comment on this stuff.
HEAVY spoiler warning below the cut (The book will not be the same if you read these beforehand)
-Xio is the "Nightbearer" my gods the parallels
-I almost forgot Aurelio likes to cook he's so cute I love him
-Good on Xio for coming out! Horrible timing but I'm proud of them
-THEYKISSEDTHEYKISSEDTHEYKISSEDYESYESFUCKYES That scene was so cuteeeeeee!!!! I'm not sure it beats the wing scene but it's a near thing (mandatory why do all of their moments need to get interrupted note)
-*Intense heavy sobs*
-EEEEEE Aurelio in baking school I love him it's perfect now excuse me while I go imagine him as a househusband which he will be
(Btw is anyone else getting omgcp vibes? Between the baking and the relationship dynamic, like-)
@aidenschmaiden why do you make me suffer so. (Is this want you want? Do you want to see my pain? Well here you go you torturer of readers. You and uncle rick should make an I hate my fans club. /j obviously I love all your books sm)
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tempestaurora · 4 years
hi please let it be known when you've read the newest update, because i REALLY do not want to spoil this for you. it's great.
I'm SOBBING. the SECOND I saw jack at centre ice I knew what was gonna happen and I AM SO B B I N G
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lobsterdex · 5 years
my boyfriend works at the amazon bookstore and they sell check please there which in itself is exciting and he read year one at work but long story short i told him the whole thing is free online and now he’s reading it and i’m excited 
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ganseys-hoe · 3 years
ok so i was going through the entirety of omgcp tumblr, as one does, and i came across this post, which mentions a teen goalie in connecticut who wrote a letter to bitty
and being the check please hoe that i am, i immediately thought FANFIC
apologies if someone has done this already (also this is my first fic, so be nice!)
Hi, Eric!
My name is Jackson. I’m from Westport, Connecticut. I just turned 17, on April 6th.
I play at our local club. We’re kinda shit, but I love it. I’m a goalie. I love the excitement, when someone is skating toward me and there's a moment after they shoot, when everyone holds their breath. Like I said, we’re pretty bad, so I don’t do much saving, but it’s still fun.
You guys are great, though. Frozen four is fucking sick.
My sister told me to write you this. Not like she’s forcing me, but she suggested it. I didn’t really know who you were until like a year ago. When you kissed that dude on center ice. Pretty ballsy.
She’s the one who showed me. It was a gif on twitter. I like hockey, don’t get me wrong, but I was playing Madden when the cup final was happening. The Islanders are my team, ok? I’m not watching any Falconers bullshit (no offense).
Anyway, I was destroying my best friend Noah in Madden when Lindsay busted into my room, and stuck her phone in my face. And there you were, sucking face with Jack Zimmermann on national television.
And the weirdest part was, I hadn’t even told her yet. I hadn’t really admitted it to myself. I guess she just knew, even before I did.
Read more on Ao3
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the-lincyclopedia · 4 years
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* adapted from @librajiminn on twitter
A fun game to celebrate 2020 ending! The rules are simple: recommend your favorite OMGCP fics so everyone can enjoy them, while trying to fill in enough slots to get a bingo!
This is going to get long, so I’ll put it under a cut. Also, I’m too orderly to try to shoehorn my favorite fics into these particular prompts, so I’m just going to go right to left, top to bottom, taking the prompts literally, until it’s bedtime. 
1. first fic you bookmarked: “Here Comes the Sun” by @doggernaut, 19k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
For the past month, the man with the baby and the sad blue eyes has been stopping in for a cup of coffee an hour before closing. He always sits in an overstuffed chair in the corner and drinks his coffee while his baby sleeps next to him in the stroller. Sometimes he pulls a book out from the diaper bag he carries with him; other times he just stares straight ahead as if in a daze. He never asks for a refill, always respectfully gathers his things and leaves ten minutes before the shop officially closes. Eric desperately wants to ask him what his story is. 
My notes: I read Check Please over the course of two days in June of 2019. On the second day, right after catching up, I looked at @peppermintfeminist‘s AO3 bookmarks and found a fic by @doggernaut. Then I read just about everything @doggernaut had ever posted. It was glorious. This fic in particular is so cute. 
2. most recent fic you bookmarked: “Flight Check” by @edgarallanrose, 15k, E, no warnings (though there is a creepy/handsy guy at a club to watch out for), primarily Zimbits with most of the other popular pairings in the background
Flight attendant Eric “Bitty” Bittle has been working his way up at Samwell Airlines for the past four years, and his new promotion has provided him the opportunity to work with a brand-new crew. Unfortunately for Bitty, that crew includes an incredibly handsome but equally grumpy pilot, Captain Jack Zimmermann, who seems to want nothing to do with Bitty. Even worse, Jack refuses to eat any of Bitty's baked goods. Will Bitty be able to win the captain over? Or is there another reason Jack has been avoiding Bitty?
My notes: There are a lot of great things about this fic--Jack’s character arc, Lardo’s dialogue, that scene in Seattle--but the reason I bookmarked it is the scene where Bitty’s basically slut-shaming himself and Jack gently but firmly tells Bitty not to do that and that it was the creep’s fault. 
3. a fic that made you cry actual tears: “a little bit more” by @ivecarvedawoodenheart, 14k, T, no warnings, Holsom
“I just wanted,” he says, “a perfect day. With you. Because it’s our last day together and our last day being here as undergrads and we’re kissing the ice tonight, and the weather’s supposed to be beautiful, and you’re moving tomorrow and Holtzy I just — I don’t want to be missing you already.” Holster wipes his eyes before he even realizes he’s crying. Behind him, Ransom sighs. “One more day where everything’s the same,” he says, feeling around blindly for Rans’ fingers. He feels Rans nod as he laces their fingers together. “Yeah. Yeah, Rans. I’d like that a lot.” __________________________
Holsom after graduation and throughout the subsequent six months after Holster signs to an expansion team in Oregon, and realizes his feelings for Ransom too late. Holster's POV :) kinda angsty, but there's a happy ending :)
Inspired by shitty-check-please-aus: "Holster moves to Oregon while Ransom stays on the east coast. The time difference makes it difficult to talk and one day they wake up and realize they aren’t best bros anymore."
My notes: I almost never cry at fics. I searched “tears” in my fandom email account and only a handful of my fic comments came up, but Syd is a literal master of Holsom angst, always. 
4. longest fic you’ve read: “Like Real People Do” by @xiaq, 153k, M, No Warnings, Kent Parson x OC
Parson gestures with his spoon toward Hawke. “So am I allowed to ask about the service dog or is that not PC?”
“My medical history is more of a 3rd date conversation," Eli says.
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because. No one sticks around afterward and I like to live in glorious denial for a short period beforehand.”
It comes out more self-deprecating than he intended.
Parson looks…thoughtful. “Well, does this count as one or two?
“This. Ice cream. I mean, technically it’s a second location, but still the same night. So is this one date or two?”
“One,” Eli says firmly. “If it’s happening within the same three-hour period.”
“You’re the expert,” Parson says, which, he’s really, really, not, but ok.
“So still two dates to go then?” Parson continues.
“We’ve got a roadie coming up but then we’re home for almost two weeks. When does your semester start?”
“You want to do this again?” Eli asks.
Parson stops idly twirling his spoon.
“You don’t?”
He does, Eli realizes. He really does. Because apparently he actually likes Kent fucking Parson.
My notes: Okay, this fic has my whole entire heart. I’ve read it multiple times in its entirety, and it’s almost twice as long as the full-length novel I’m querying. Eli is one of my favorite OCs I’ve ever seen in a fic (probably tied with Damian Navarro and Ari Paxton, both brainchildren of @fozmeadows). Anyway, this is probably going to be the next thing @themeaningoflifeischeese and I read out loud to each other. 
5. a fic you almost didn’t read: “when all else fails (i’ll still be right here)” by @whoacanada, 6k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (and I don’t remember if I think there’s stuff to warn for, sorry), Zimbits
The National Hockey League is resurrecting the Quebec City Nordiques, and the expansion draft hits the Falconers much harder than expected.
My notes: Given that this was for @omgcpheartbreakfest, I was worried this would be all angst--all hurt and no comfort. Which made me sad, because I love @whoacanada‘s writing but I wasn’t up for reading unresolved angst. But @doggernaut reblogged the fic, so I asked if the ending was sad, and it’s NOT! There is quite a bit of angst but the ending isn’t sad. 
6. a fic that convinced you on a ship you didn’t ship before: “it drops with the gravity of rain” by @geniusorinsanity, 16k, T, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (attempted sexual assault by an OC), Nurseydex
It happens like this:
“I don’t--this is a bad idea,” Dex says, his lips still tingling, his hands shaking on Nursey’s hips where he’s shoved him away. “This is a really bad idea, Nurse. I can’t--We can’t do this.”
And there’s hurt in Nursey’s eyes and his bottom lip is swollen from Dex’s teeth, but he says, “Okay.” And then, “It’s chill, Dex. Just friends, then.”
It happens like this:
“Actually,” Nursey says, talking more to his granola than to them, “I kind of have a date.”
It happens like this:
When Nursey calls, Dex almost doesn’t pick up the phone.
My notes: So I was really confused and a little disturbed when I first found out people shipped Nursey and Dex. Like, Dex just wasn’t someone I trusted. But then I was moving out of the house I’d been living in, and I needed stuff to listen to as I packed and cleaned, and @khashanakalashtar‘s podfics came in clutch. I gave this one a try even though I didn’t like Dex, and @geniusorinsanity blew. My. Mind.
7. a fic from an unusual POV: “Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy” by @porcupine-girl, 8k, G, no warnings, Zimbits
Jesse Snowden knows all the best restaurants and gourmet food shops in Providence, so when Jack Zimmermann starts bringing in incredible baked goods, he's eager to find out where the new bakery is. When he meets the man behind the pies, he decides that there's no way Jack could really appreciate this guy's talent the way he does, even if they are friends. He starts hiring Jack's chef on the side, in the hopes that maybe once Bitty's done with college he'll come work for Jesse.
Good thing there is absolutely no way whatsoever that Jesse could possibly be misinterpreting this situation.
My notes: Oh my gosh this is so funny. The secondhand embarrassment factor is huge, but like, the hilarity. 
8. a comfort fic: “Don’t Need to Compromise” by @khashanakalashtar, 11k, E, no warnings, PB&J
“Hey,” said Kent, unknowingly setting off a chain of events that would change his entire life, “you said that like you know from experience. Have you done this before?”
Jack and Bitty have not done polyamory before, but they do know Ransom and Holster’s polycule, which contains March.
And March?
March is trans.
My notes: I’m in love with @khashanakalashtar‘s entire Directionverse series (and honestly a lot of their other writing), but “Don’t Need to Compromise,” which is the second fic in the series, just makes my heart swell especially much. The gender feels are so good, and all the characters are so good to each other, and when I listen to this on walks I have to actively try not to arm-flap. 
9. a fic you wish could be a movie: “Ice Crew Please!” by @petals42, 61k, T, no warnings, Zimbits
Jack Zimmermann was drafted first by the Providence Falconers when he was eighteen years old. He is good at hockey. Very good. His team won the Cup his second year and now, in his third year, they are looking good. Jack should be on top of the world. And some days, he manages to convince himself he is.
He’s not, of course.
Enter the Ice Crew.
AKA: The Ice Crew AU
My notes: This fic has its tender moments, but what I love most about it is the sheer goofiness. Ransom and Holster and Shitty are HILARIOUS in this one. I’d love to see their shenanigans in movie form. 
10. a WIP you read as it was updated: “Something Borrowed” by @fozmeadows, 48k, M, no warnings, Kent x OC
All things considered, Ari did his best to prepare himself for the advent of Kent Parson, Potentially Difficult Housemate and New Star Liney. The problem was that his best was an idiot.
My notes: So technically I didn’t start reading this until the first 19 chapters were posted. But there was still plenty of anticipation for the final few chapters. And like, @fozmeadows (as mentioned above) makes EXCELLENT OCs. And I love how their fics consistently convey that having bad things happen to you does not mark the end of your story. 
Okay, it’s bedtime, so have 10 excellent fics. I got bingo twice, because I went straight across on the top two rows.
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usssamwell · 7 years
let's be real here Ford is going to try and do theatre/stage management stuff at least twice whilst being the hockey manager because stage managers take on too much and will run themselves into the ground, swear to never do it again and agree to do it again within ten minutes. the poor girl is going to live off caffeine pills, cold coffee and meals that can be consumed on the go. she'll probably start learning a new skill in the middle as well because why the heck not?
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porcupine-girl · 5 years
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Remember, I am offering beta reading in any of these fandoms (OMGCP, SPN, Harry Potter) as well as American-picking or academia-picking (for your grad school or university AU!) in these plus Baby-Sitters Club (I can’t Brit-pick HP, though) in this year’s FTH!
I’m also offering to create custom printable planner pages themed for any fandom you want! If it’s a fandom I’ve already made pages for, you can get those via my Fan Crafts Stall along with stickers representing many different fandoms!
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leahlisabeth · 5 years
Get to know me
Rules - Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @edgarallanrose (sort of)
Top 3 Ships: Andreil from AFTG is the one I write most. Zimbits from OMGCP is probably 2nd. And although I don't really read or write fic for this pairing, John Crichton/Aeryn Sun are always first in my heart.
Lipstick or Chapstick: definitely Chapstick. Lipstick dries my lips out so much and I'm not about that makeup life.
Last Song: More Than This by Peter Gabriel
Last Movie: Smoke Signals. It's a really neat movie with First Nations actors and creators. It's funny and also really touching.
Reading: I'm currently reading a couple of things. Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo, Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi, and then I'm reading Little Princes by Conor Grennan for my book club.
Tagging: @fallingin-like @writingpuddle @cloutea @sporadichearttcollector @nikothespoonklepto @adverbialstarlight @apprenticedmagician and anyone else who wants to do it.
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ficplease · 2 years
Tomorrow, Fic, Please! will be choosing a new fic to read for the month of October!
Join the fun on our Discord!
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doggernaut · 5 years
How about 2, 7, and 17 for the fanfic asks?
What ambitious fool thought she’d be able to work all day on Wednesday, run a 5K and prepare three side dishes on Thanksgiving, and still get to these fanfic asks? Oh yes, that was me.
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
I need to catch up on a lot of the OMGCP Big Bang fics. I read a few but I was so busy putting the finishing touches on my own + life in general that I haven’t gotten to do as much reading as I would like.
Otherwise, my TBR stack keeps growing but next on my immediate list are Call Down the Hawk and The Immortalists (the latter of which is for my book club), plus the two most recent issues of New York Magazine.
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
Last night I read Surface by @drink-up-dreamers, an OMGCP Big Bang fic that’s a character study of Alicia Zimmermann in the aftermath of Jack’s overdose. It’s beautifully written and look, I have teenage sons, parts of it hit very close to home.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
My current WIP basically boils down to this AU: What if Bitty had an ex-husband who moved on, and that ex-husband’s new partner took every opportunity to paint a perfect picture of his relationship and home life (with the kids he now technically “shares” with Bitty as props) to make passive aggressive digs at Bitty? What if Jack had also gone through a terrible breakup? What if they somehow find each other and figure out how to be friends, and then a family, with all the complications of exes and kids?
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rhythmelia · 6 years
Fan report: Ngozi at the OMGCP talk and book signing at Books, Inc. in Campbell, CA!
I went to a really fun fan event on 9/20/2018 that was part of Ngozi’s book tour for #Hockey with a couple friends, and I have some notes from the Q&A that I wanted to share. ^_^
Here’s the website link for the event, for the interested: https://www.booksinc.net/event/nymbc-presents-ngozi-ukazu-books-inc-campbell
Bullet points!
Wasn’t a ginormous crowd, but fairly sizable (maybe ~50 people?? I’m bad at estimating)
Lots of folks came early, so there was a lot of chatting, hockey gossip, commiserating about commutes, introductions, etc. I go to so few fan events that it was exciting to be in brickspace with other fans :D :D :D
Ngozi was hosted by Not Your Mother’s Book Club, and the event was a three-parter: the moderator had a number of questions prepared for Ngozi, which went on for about 25 minutes, and then opened it up for audience questions for another 20 minutes or so, and then finally the book signing.
Ngozi! Is! So! Beautiful! *___* And so friendly, she seems like she would be so rad and fun to be friends with.
More notes on the Q&A under the read more!
Notes from the Q&A (I just wrote down what was interesting to me, so I didn’t get everything….
Question about whether the OMGCP characters are based on real people
There is a real Chris Chow, and Ngozi just went to his wedding. She told a story about how he was the captain of the intramural hockey team she was on, and how they made it all the way to the finals and lost the last game (ouch!). And she decided to immortalize him as a goalie.
Bitty’s character and personality is based on several of Ngozi’s grad school suitemates who were Southern and loved baking
Question about professional sports and the research Ngozi did on hockey for her screenplay on hockey and then turning it for the purpose of creating OMGCP
Ngozi did this hilarious thing where she dropped her voice super deep to imitate super masc hockey bros, and then went into a discussion of toxic masculinity and how, when she was developing Bitty, it was like wondering what it would be like to drop a character like that into the “really bro, really masculine” environment of high-level athletics.
A really neat discussion on queerness and allyship! For example, there’s plenty of queer folks in the WNBA, and the NBA has demonstrated allyship in a number of ways (cross-promoting, other things? I need to look it up) for women and queer women/folks who play in the WNBA. But the NHL, with all its stuff with pride tape and We Can Play, is all just lip service because they don’t demonstrate any allyship with the WNHL and all the queer folks who play in the WNHL.
Squeeing about Julie Chu and Caroline Ouellette and their baby
Squeeing about Harrison Browne
Ngozi said she has experienced the full character arc of being a hockey fan, lol. There was an attempted and quickly dropped metaphor of staring at a new fandom across the bar and being all star-struck by it, lololol. And then she talked about how she loved learning new things about hockey like slang, plays, facts, etc. And then she was disillusioned by a lot of crap that went down.
Kind of derailment, but hilarious. While talking about loving to learn new facts, revealed that she was into a book series about ships and adventure where the author put in a LOT of detail about ships and sailing and she loved learning those facts. Cue me and one of my friends perking up ears and wondering if Ngozi was talking about the Aubrey-Maturin series, lol. Ngozi ended up talking about it for a couple minutes :P
Ngozi shared a fact: currently only 23 black men in the ENTIRE NHL. O.o
A quote worth remembering: Do the people that I root for on the ice, would they root for me?
Question about most interesting thing she learned during her hockey research: when she shook hands with the collegiate hockey player she met, the first thing she noticed were the calluses on his hands from holding the stick. She felt like it signified how hockey players really intensely put their whole bodies on the line for their sport.
Question about Ngozi’s favorite pie! 
Pecan pie (I don’t remember how she pronounced it, I have no horse in the race on the proper way to say pecan)
Shoofly pie! Ngozi had it when she was in Pennsylvania. I was all lolwhut, and then an audience member said that shoofly pie is basically molasses and is the goo that is in pecan pie, and Ngozi responded that oh, of course that’s why she liked it so much. @ageorwizardry was with me and mentioned that she should try it, since the pecan part of pecan pie was the part she liked the least compared to the goo, lolololol
A series of questions in the theme of Kiss Marry Kill
One set included Sidney Crosby and I forget who else, I think the captain of the Sharks? Ngozi’s first answer right out the gate was kill Sidney Crosby (lolololol) and then she revised her answer to Marry Sidney Crosby. Why? To get all his secrets! Like what’s his secret skin care routine to have such nice skin, and Ngozi joked about it being a long con. We were all shrieking with laughter XD
Audience questions from here on out!
What is Shitty’s first name! (we all went “oooooooooohhhhhhhh”) Ngozi said that we will learn it by the end of the comics. Promises, promises :P
What was Ngozi’s favorite parts of the comic to make/write? She really liked writing the Parse trilogy, she did it while listening to “that one Lady Gaga song about being skinny and a bitch on repeat” lolololololol (I have no idea what song that might be, reblog or reply if you know and I can edit the post haha). She also liked getting to draw some cool doors for that arc.
 How do you come up with new characters? The audience member who asked was adorable about it, they were all like, even with newly introduced characters, they loved them immediately.
Ngozi mentioned that she learned from other writer friends that “specificity is important.”
That makes sense to me. It’s when characters have a strong sense of specific place/time/culture/personality/etc. that they are most relatable to me, not when they’re trying to be some kind of “everyman” who is meant to be generically appealing.
Hilarious question about how all her characters have different eyebrows. XDDD To which Ngozi briefly scanned through the copy of #Hockey in front of her and pointed out all the characters that shared eyebrow styles. XD And she mentioned how she was still working on differentiating her character designs, and tried to figure out some exaggerated features to do so.
Follow up comment: so the characters with similar eyebrows (like Lardo and Shitty) will get together? XDDDD
One of my other friends who came with me asked about whether an illustrated recipe book would come out.
Ngozi laughed and said that while a pie zine may be in the works, she felt it would be disingenuous for her to put out any kind of cooking book when she’s just an okay cook. But who knows?
Fun fact about Tater: he’s in love with Vanessa Channel 7, who appears in a strip that has Bad Bob in it
Question about how you keep your interest in a long-running, ongoing project when new, shiny things come up
Ngozi’s first reaction: “Is this a callout post?” XDDDDD the audience died laughing
She mentioned being on a panel, and talking about how a lot of creators don’t think when they start that they’re going to be working on a project for a long long time, and one panelist was all, actually yeah I went in thinking that lol. And there’s apparently a long-running comic called Serialized that’s been going for 20 years???!!!
Question about how/why Ngozi created and managed not only the content of the comics, but also the blog and extras and twitter, and also how did she manage to pare it down for publication
Re: publication, the publisher helped by saying, okay, you only have room for 300 tweets. :P
Ngozi really likes all the ancillary parts to her storytelling, that’s part of her process and what she enjoys doing. She wrote her thesis on transmedia storytelling (and I shouted out that I would love to read that. For real the topic sounds cool!)
She started Bitty’s twitter account on a whim. Basically, “drawing takes too long and I want to tell this joke right now!” lolololololol
Question about which BTS (Kpop) group member is her bias
Apparently Rap Monster! Ngozi then went into an explanation of how she’s Army and the names for fans of different groups
During the line-up for book signing:
One (1) instance of two fans thinking they recognize each other from a previous event or con, asking questions to confirm, and yelling in triumph and hugging when they do confirm. It was adorable
A fan brought some AMAZEBALLS jerseys that she had customized from blanks, including a CCM Canadiens jersey that she appliqued numbers and letters to to make it a Bad Bob Zimmermann jersey. She also had a black blank jersey that she added Parson’s name and number to, though she was still working on the Ace on the front. She also mentioned she was working on a Falconer’s jersey, but that would take like 3 different jerseys to deal with the colors and the angled stripes since no other teams currently have a design like that??? I’m super impressed at her dedication and skills, wow. *___*
Ngozi confirmed my friend’s guess that when she was talking about a book series about ships, she was talking about the Aubrey-Maturin series. They got into this cute convo about it and took turns telling me about some instance in the story where one character was in a bear suit for.... weeks or something. (!!!.... I have no idea. But my friend’s been trying to get me to read this series for a while. We’ll see.)
When it was my turn, I got a photo (it me!) and Ngozi drew Nursey in my copy of #Hockey, since I told her he was one of my favorite characters. I also asked, for podfic reasons (since I searched through Tumblr and couldn’t find any definitive accent info for Lardo), whether Lardo was from Boston and what her accent was like. Ngozi said, in a Lardo voice, that “she doesn’t really have a Boston accent, but talks low with vocal fry, and think Raven from Teen Titans.”
My friends and I talked about starting up a fannish brunch or meetup or something like that for the South Bay, to chill and squee in brickspace. I would love to meet more fans, since I’m so bad at making friends online. Interest?
Photos! (It me)
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Overall thoughts? Super casual and super fun, I liked that it wasn’t too too crowded, the energy of the audience was great, the Q&A was full of laughter and it really felt like a conversation with friends. Loved it! Thanks to @booksinc  for hosting (the rep mentioned running a tumblr and I sure hope this is the right one!) such a lovely event. ^_^
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Old glee spoof liveblogs
Yuè [glee spoof 4] so yeah i decided to watch all of simgm's glee stuff (glee spoof, glee minisodes, gleedo) and i am at spoof 4
Yuè Oh this one has no captions Yuè MICHAEL IS HERE!!!! Yuè "THE FUCKING AUDITORIUM FINN" Yuè I've been singing the Obsession with Finn song at the top of.mylungs today cause what a jam Yuè IT IS MY BOY BLAAAAAAAAINE Yuè there were a lot of guest stars Yuè GO EMMA Yuè TATER TOTS Yuè "Nice mugshot Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 5] time for rachel's nose job
Yuè ah.. no captions Yuè "but we'll pretend that never happened cause we're good at doing that with storylines" Yuè YOOO WILLIAM IS HERE FOR SAM Yuè AND ALSO SCOTT (I think that was the name of the actor before Kyle) AS PUCK Yuè glee did Wannabe in an episode but it wasn't the same because Brother's riffs weren't in there Yuè "is that all you ever do?" TRUTH Yuè I love it when Hemo smiles in the background Yuè thanks Emma for slamming Will and his "teaching" Yuè "what in the fuckity fuck fuck was that shit??" Yuè nickname one: lemon drop Yuè I love this part Yuè "where did that piano come from?" Yuè SORRY SIMGM BUT CHECK PLEASE JUST GOT UPDATED I NEED T READ IT Yuè okay okay I am going to continue cause it hasn't blown up yet so I can't blog about omgcp yet Yuè I don't like Santana faking the sexual harassment claim tho Yuè ZOOMBA Yuè thanks simgm for pointing out the double standards between male and female characters Yuè "a sad attempt of giving me a storyline" Yuè damm Sister did great job on the performances Yuè "Nice choir Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 6] WHERE'S MA CROWN? Yuè "isn't that what you did" "yeah but.. I'm Finn" Yuè "THAT'S WHY YOU BETTER ROLL" Yuè "I can't believe we're stupid enough to believe that" Yuè "wow... misjudged that one" Yuè thanks simgm for pointing out so many plot holes Yuè "you can't fight the power of Brittana" Yuè I FORGOT ABOUT JESSE FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS Yuè I can't believe Michael did Jesse and Kurt's voice Yuè *voices Yuè YES YES YES THE BLAINE SONG IS STILL MY JAM WHY ISN'T IT ON THEIR SPOTIFY? ?? Yuè "yeah if you're gonna fight at least hit each other" Yuè THIS S.MY FAVORITE PART OF ALL OF GLEE SPOOFS GO FOR IT KURT Yuè nickname two: sugary plumb pie Yuè THIS ENTIRE EPISODE IS WONDERFUL Yuè "ONE MORE TIME" Yuè "Nice poem Mercedes"
Yuè [glee spoof 7] This is over 30 minutes long that's what I call dedication
Yuè " half of the stuff that happens to us makes no damn sense" Yuè I still can't believe Boss built the entire New York set herself Yuè "I HAVE BIG PLANS" fuuuuck I should wear my I have big plans t-shirt Yuè well Quinn.. Cats is back on Broadway now aka Rachel was just 6 years early Yuè "it's no time for logic Kurt" Yuè SAVE THE HORSES Yuè "I regret nothing" I love the glee spoof Artie Yuè I just love the entire glee spoof Yuè "I HAVE BIG PLANS" Yuè I am just in constant amazement of the New York set Yuè I'm now wearing the Big Plans t-shirt just around the time Quinn goes crazy about her big plans Yuè Oh god after six years I finally get the "Bootay" thing Yuè "well this could've been a lo-" Yuè "shut the fuck up Finn" Yuè I remember Boss saying Michael worked really hard on the song Yuè Boss sounds so much like Lea it's unreal maybe Boss should be on Elsie Fest this year Yuè why doesn't the Sims 4 have spiral staircases yet? Yuè "you know you're probably gonna change your mind by the end of the episode, right?" Yuè "PLANS! Big ones!" Yuè "Okay first of all: breath mints. You needs on" Yuè Brittany is the only sane one here Yuè quite frankly. . Sunshine beating Rachel up is more believable than Rachel's sudden change of heart Yuè "I'm Finn" Yuè "that might change by the end of the episode though" true true true Yuè SMACK THAT Yuè I like this song more than Pretending but honestly I just really don't like Pretending Yuè there's so many great music in this episode Yuè I actually used to have Simgm music on my phone including this song Yuè the part with Santana and Rachel is my favourite Yuè nickname 3: pancakes Yuè nickname 4: gingerbread dough sprinkled lightly toasted graham cracker bunny" Yuè "who got tad more songs than me" "WHAT?" Yuè aaaah my Brittana shipping heart Yuè "NOW MARCH MOTHERFUCKER" Yuè "oh and. ... Tater tots" Yuè woah Brianna voiced both Terri and Sunshine?
Yuè [glee spoof 8] (Jim Cantiello voice) SEASON 3. The season where we appreciate Tina.
Yuè JUDGING YOU WRITERS Yuè "I don't have any (smile)" Yuè "We appreciate you!" Yuè "cinnamon toast" "Finn!" Yuè nickname 5: Pop Tart Yuè honestly Blaine should've just fucked stayed at Dalton Yuè what happened to Dianna's dog? Yuè "... than Kurt dropped Mercedes" oH SHIT Yuè THIS IS THE START OF UNICORN Yuè nickname 6: Candy Cane Yuè GOD BLESS THE BLAINE SONG AND BOSS'S BROTHER'S VOICE Yuè "I didn't do it" Yuè ah the angry student is back Yuè Oh wait is this where Jordan started voicing Sue? Yuè "Because they don't know what else to do with my character" Yuè good thing that glee spoof continues the hair jokes Yuè "We appreciate you!" Yuè this song was also on my phone Yuè I think I had Breakout, Tonight, Blaine song, Faith, Gotta Be Love With You and another one on my phone Yuè OH THE CELL BLOCK TANGO Yuè watching this really makes me want to play the Sims 2 again but... I have a storyline on the Sims 4 aka a fifth generation family Yuè QUINN FALLING GETS ME EVERY TIME Yuè name of Beth 1: Carol Yuè "holy crap I can't believe I'm actually saying meaningful lines" Yuè nadiacreek actually made a ranking of parents in glee and she put Shelby on it twice Yuè good for Beth and bad for Rachel Yuè "IHBBP. I have big baby plans!" Yuè "Damn, you Brittana"
Yuè [glee spoof 9] and we appreciate Tina Yuè Oh I love this song Yuè "Asian" "Asian F" "stereotype" "stop doing glee club" "no" "I'm glad we talked this out" Yuè BRITT IN A MONKEY SUIT Yuè name of Beth 2 and 3: Susan, Mary Yuè name of Beth 4: Jessica Yuè THEY SAY THAT LIFE IS TATER TOT AR R Y OU FOR REAL?? Yuè RORY UM IRISH Yuè I love the cast list Yuè and I also love Mercedes's riffs Yuè was Nathan actually Irish? I don't think do cause he was in one of those chats Yuè "I was told you are too" True Yuè "We apprecia-" "Shut the fuck up" Yuè "COURAGE" Yuè I actually wanted the courage t-shirt before I got the I have big plans one Yuè Oh man I miss the old crack days of jokes of Finn telling Blainers to sit down Yuè AND THERE IS BRIANNA AS SUGAR MOTTA Yuè "what the f-" Yuè "H-" "stop you're embarrassing yourself" Yuè I LOVE THAT FINN SMILE Yuè "Told you"
Yuè [glee spoof 10] that time a parody handled Santana's coming out story better than the actual show
Yuè I love the warning Yuè "I've been working in keeping my eyebrows still" Yuè "I think I'll go wax my lasagna" is one of my favourite lines ever Yuè OH B OY SEBASTIAN Yuè nickname 7???: snuggle toes Yuè a background sim is wearing a fez I love it Yuè FUCKING HELL THE VEGAN THING Yuè "Tina what the fuck" "Bitch" Yuè Y'ALL IT IS TIME FOR THE CELL BLOCK TANGO THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE Yuè also who the hell did these sometimes inaccurate captions? Yuè kudos to Boss for all these dialogues Yuè "Found out he couldn't handle BIG PLANS" Yuè damm I'm still in awe bc f the Cell Block Tango Yuè "we're here to save Rachel's virginity" Yuè nickname 8: Watermelon Lips Yuè KLAINE DID WATERMELON BEFORE IT WAS COOL Yuè I've drawn so many Stop the violence things Yuè Lauren is creepin Yuè GO SIMGM GO SIMGM GO SIMGM YES YES YES THANKS FOR THIS SCENE Yuè I love the big camera and also them saying the storyline is stupid Yuè also we needed more of Brittany supporting Santana during this come on fuck off glee Yuè I HAD TOTALLY FORGOTTEN ABUT TIS SONG Yuè Quinn is just smiling while Santana is beating the living shit out of Finn Yuè "Can't say I didn't warn you" Yuè FINN SINGING WHILE DRUNK AND NAKED IS MY FAVE Hannah sebbbbb Yuè Hannah: did you watch simgm ????????
Yuè [glee spoof 11] time for simgm to do it right
Yuè it is true tho bc Santana suddenly got suspended for violence and I'm like... FIGGINS HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT THESE KIDS DO ON A DAILY BASIS? Yuè Man the actual episode was such bullshit Yuè "then we're all in the wrong club" Yuè Brittany saying the truth Yuè the entire Quick storyline is so weird Yuè "CHEESEBURGER" Yuè tbh this song is as boring as the song they actually sung on glee so congrats simgm Yuè I'll never get why Santana was so offended by Klaine singing Perfect to her in support bc they know how hard it is in a straight world Yuè whereas the straight dude who outed her sang a boring ass unnecessary song and Santana was crying because she was so ///moved/// Yuè "unions and ass????" Yuè nickname 9: Dolphin Nose? Yuè "I'M KURT BITCH" Yuè Brittana should've sung in the actual glee sigh glee this was such a disappointment Yuè BRITTANA DANCING THE SMUSSLE Yuè honestly suspending Rachel was the best that could have happened because it gave us a killer Rachel free setlist Yuè "Do you people know math???" Yuè "Not completely. I have big plans" "there she goes again" Yuè ZISES Yuè "and clap like a seal" Yuè "It's random and out of character" Yuè glee and its writers suck at romance Yuè "QUINN HEEL" Yuè THIS IS THE SONG THAT WAS ALSO ON MY PHONE Yuè "I can still remember when I was 18. and here I am at 17, a woman"
Yuè [glee spoof 12] there weren't any songs in it
Yuè NVM I WAS WATCHING EPISODE 13 THERE ARE SONGS IN EP 12 Yuè "oh you know me and my big plans" Yuè "we hold hands, ran into Kurt and Blaine, and I moved two weeks later" Yuè unfortunately the old channel doesn't have captions Yuè "allow me to show you my excitement. ..... " I actually use that quote in real life Yuè why can't Shue do anything by himself Yuè "it always freaks me out when he decides to actually teach" Yuè I love these moments Yuè "my cat will eat you alive" Yuè I just remember how uncomfortable it was to watch Finchel suck face on glee like they didn't even look like loving kisses it was full open mouth on open mouth and making out Yuè "you would know all about announcing things wouldn't you" Yuè I also liked this song Yuè "no I only do that in cars" Yuè nickname 10: chocolate turle Yuè *turtle Yuè to quote Darren Criss: "it's cool I'm back" Yuè after taking a break to help dad wth dinner I'm gonna end this episode Yuè Oh the slushie Yuè "do my eyebrows look okay?" Yuè "that building was already on fire when I got there" Yuè "what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom" Yuè "aren't we supposed to be rehearsing" "DO WE EVEN KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?" Yuè GAY PIRATE Yuè "oh wow we actually accomplished something" I love Quinn s snark in these spoofs Yuè so much snark Yuè "oh sh-" Yuè WAIT JORDAN ALSO VOICED GRANT?
Yuè [glee spoof 13] Finn doesn't know how to wash his balls
Yuè really.. Will and Emma suck at their jobs Yuè BLACK SUE Yuè "by the way I'm having a baby" Yuè Mercedes was actually the only one in canon that handled differently when she cheated Yuè "where do I sign to get you fired?" Yuè there were no songs in this ep... Yuè Oh yeah Boss voiced Sugar cause Brianna was ill Yuè poor Puck Yuè ZISES Yuè "sure let's go with that" Yuè "okay who the fuck is this guy?" Quinn once again spilling the truth Yuè "FINN YOU SON OF A-" Yuè "my girlfriend my girlfriend politics and Latino Brittany is my girlfriend equal rights if I wanna kiss my girlfriend I can rainbow flag" Yuè nickname 11: crayola monkey Yuè wait isn't this Scott's last episode?
Yuè [glee spoof 14] what a nice episode title
Yuè "I'm sorry we don't speak bitch" Yuè "and you make a two dollar hoe look classy" Yuè Sam is wearing simgm merch Yuè "I don't here Finchel when Finchel speaks" same Yuè respect for simgm to not make fun of the suicide storyline Yuè I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE TEY PUT A STARKID REFERENCE IN HETR Yuè "MY CAT IS PART OF THE CIA" Yuè in which the girls are fucking sensible Yuè I love the glee version of No Scrub but man what a jam is this Yuè "you suck at motivational speeches" Yuè "do you feel the 'I don't give a fuck' I'm throwing in your direction" Yuè I ASKED FOR DEVELOPMENT AND THEY GAVE ME A WHEELCHAIR Yuè "I have-" "give it a rest Quinn" Yuè "he didn't call me a nickname today" "OH SHIT SON" Yuè "since five seconds ago" Yuè THESE PARTS BETWEEN SIBLING OH GOD Yuè damn Quinn is being inspirational Yuè duck bless this song Yuè AH BRITT Yuè "If there was a chair to kick right now I would" Yuè well well well simgm Yuè nice song
Yuè [glee spoof 15] at this point Boss and Co were so done they put 4 episodes in one spoof
Yuè True about Damian and the glee project thing Yuè waot there are no captions Yuè Mr Schue is such a dick Yuè ah... Quinn's face Yuè for real tho in 4 eps Santana changed her opinion on college too many times Yuè "this got disturbing really fast" Yuè UNIQUE Yuè "knock knock" "who's there?" "go away" Yuè THE WAY RACHEL'S FACE JUST FELL Yuè ZISES IS IN THE CHOIR ROOM Yuè the Quoe boner thing was so gross Yuè I also use "and I wanna go to college" in real life to basically say WTF Yuè fuck Chandler Yuè Oh jesus Yuè btw welcome Kyle to the cast Yuè "I can do that now. I see you're dressed as Lea Michele today" Yuè SANTANA VISION Yuè "dinosaurs" "shut the fuck up Mike"
Yuè [glee spoof 16] this is the end
Yuè throwback to the first ep Yuè Rachel is a selfish as Yuè *ass Yuè and Tina is right Yuè THE BODY SWAP Yuè nickname 12 kinda: winky fairy Yuè ahhh I'm getting all emotional Yuè TATER TOOOOOOOOOOOOTS Yuè another throwback because they're all wearing the outfits they wore in the first spoof Yuè "good luck with that" Yuè EVEN ZISES WAS HERE Yuè the unicorn magic!! Yuè "my big plans are-" (title song) Yuè ... and it's over AGAIN
Yuè [glee spoof minisodes and others]
Yuè mini 1Glee Spoof Minisode 1 | Kurt's Problem with Blaine Yuè this is the video that led me to Simgm because of Michael's awesome voice work Yuè nickname 1: cutiepiedumplingsugartwinkledove Yuè I love that nickname Yuè nickname 2: kurtsie wurtsie Yuè mini 2Glee Spoof Minisode 2 | Santana Exposes All Yuè TATER TOTS YEAAAAAH Yuè "Penises and Winecoolers: a dangerous combination" Yuè "you've been a bad girl Santana" oh lord Yuè mini 3Glee Spoof Minisode 3 | Fondue for Two Yuè wait Yuè this isn't minisode 3 Yuè this is the other Fondue for Two mini Yuè okay in other words minisode 3 has disappeared so let's just move to Yuè mini 4Glee Spoof Minisode 4 |The Glee Cast Discover the Gl... Yuè this s where it gets real Yuè "SAVE THE HORSES" Yuè this is the first time the actual sim "actors" were in a video Yuè "am I really that tall?" "YES!" Yuè mini 5Glee Spoof Minisode 5 | Quinn's Summer Before Senior... Yuè I actually ripped the audio off of this one and put it on my phone so that I could listen t it Yuè "you have too many messages fr me to count" Yuè "BLAINE HOW MANY TMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO SING DURING-" Yuè quinn's face when Finn tries to order a pizza Yuè "..." "that must've been Tina leaving a message" Yuè mini 6Glee Spoof Minisode 6 | The Glee Club Gets Tested Yuè "you know I'm gonna flunk" Yuè Oh Santana Yuè "cow ass no. 5?" Yuè "you're all fucking crazy" "we didn't need a test to tell us that" Yuè mini 7 for realGlee Spoof Minisode 7 | Fondue for Two Part 2 Yuè "do you enjoy being a lesbian?" Yuè nickname 3: puffy-bear Yuè again.. oh Santana Yuè "you do like tossing things" "yeah like..." "my girlfriend out of the closet" Yuè mini 8Glee Spoof Minisode 8 | Brainstorming with the Creat... Yuè RIB is at it again Yuè "is Obama available?" if only Yuè Ian does no shit Yuè hey it's a Zises Yuè I love the Sim cast Yuè "what the fuck did I just read" after the IKAG script is gold Yuè mini 9Glee Spoof Minisode 9 | The Glee Cast Auditions Yuè Sim cast is back wohoo Yuè "my name is-" "you've got the part" Yuè "no way that's HELLA cool!" Yuè mini 10Glee Spoof Minisode 10 | To Catch a Pedo Will Yuè you know that's also HELLA cool? Yuè more of Brianna as sugar Yuè "Because my boyfriend is super awesome" Yuè Sue knocking Schue down always gets me Yuè mini 11Glee Spoof Minisode 11 | Favorite Moments Yuè TIME FOR SENTIMENT Yuè I agree with Michael. "Where's ma crown?" is my favourite part as well Yuè the Christmas crap festGlee Spoof Christmas Special | Holly Jolly Crap Fest Yuè honestly I haven't seen this one in ages Yuè "this Irish dude" Yuè "????????????????" Yuè this was very weird tbh Yuè they never released that song Yuè comic conGlee Cast Comic Con Spoof Yuè I thought it was very cool that actual viewers could send in audio questions Yuè fucking mcgustin Yuè never forget mcgustin Yuè save horses and coffee 2k17 Yuè Oh shit Lea's laugh Yuè LEA Yuè go for it Darren Yuè sneak peek Behind the Scenes of Glee Spoofs Yuè this is like one minute long but it points out so many glee flaws it's hilarious Yuè "I asked for development and they gave me a wheelchair" Yuè btw I am watching all the little glee spoofs and other bts stuff but I'm not gonna live blog them
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wrathofthestag · 7 years
OMGCP LoveFest: Top 5 Fics Rec
For @omgcplovefest , Day 2. As part of the @omgcplovefest celebration, here are my Top Five Fic Recs.  Now keep in mind that there are SO MANY that I adore.  We’re lucky to have such fantastic writers in this fandom and it was hard to narrow it down to five(ish).  These are five(ish) fics that I go back and read again and again. xo
A Tale of Love and How it Finds You by Nightswatch/@zimmermaenner - Bitty sees Jack Zimmermann almost every morning, but he’s never said a single word to him. Honestly, Jack Zimmermann probably doesn’t even know that he exists.
Ill Equipped by @lastknownwriter - Jack's first mistake was getting drunk in a salsa club with Kent Parson. Or, the accidental Vegas married AU no one asked for.
Quand On Est Tous Les Deux by @angryspace-ravenclaw - When he wakes up in a strange country, surrounded by a language he doesn't speak, and no memory of the last several years, Eric Bittle isn't sure how he's ever going to get back to Georgia. But at the hands of the village baker, Eric finds hope in the most dreary time of his life.
The Backpacker’s Guide to the Aftermath of Gap Year Hookups by @heyfightme - or, how to find yourself (and a minor obsession) at the end of six months in europe.
The Things You Said  by @thewesternredcedar​ -  Sometimes, when things get really hard and it's late at night and he can't sleep, Jack thinks his life might be better without hockey, that maybe if he gave it all up and became a firefighter or a gardener or a chef, if he left the ice forever, maybe then he wouldn’t need to have that bottle of pills in his bag anymore. But every time he’s back on the ice, he remembers. This is the only place where his life actually makes any sense. Or, the story of three times Jack Zimmermann meets Eric Bittle.
Until Your Father’s at the Table by @alphacrone -  Ten years after Samwell, Eric Bittle runs into Jack Zimmermann in a sports bar in Boston and rediscovers the most important relationship of his life.
Being in Motion by @marswithghosts -  Watching a college boy jerk off online for money is not what Jack Zimmermann ever saw himself doing. Getting to know that boy is something he expected even less.
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magicallarynx · 7 years
I just read the new omgcp update and I'm cryin in the club
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