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30 years since Bloody May in Moscow, May 1, 1993.
This is our true story of the struggle, the struggle of the Soviet people against the counter-revolution -- for their homeland, for Soviet power, for socialism.
The song "May 93" was written about those battles by Alexander Kharchikov. The first few verses of this song:
Once again the batons of OMON are above us
Crushing Russians on Russian soil,
And we welcome the first of May
Not in the colors, but in the blood on the forehead.
Red flags are our weapons,
Under which we went to battle.
And stood for the homeland in a friendly manner,
And in the hearts they carried with them!
The Soviet people did not surrender their country without a fight. It was Bloody May, it was Black October.
To remember those events, about the heroes of the battles in Moscow, means to continue the cause of the Revolution, means to carry the Red Flag high.
Via Nadezhda Sablina
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kevlarii · 1 year
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researchlinks · 1 year
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fern-the-snail · 8 months
They are father and daughter, your honor
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actually so fucking proud of the base shading and stuff I did drawing niffty, so I'm putting a close up of just her here
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I wanted to show alastors shadow as not actually obeying the laws of light and physics so i did intentionally put it in the light rather than where shadows actually are in the piece
originally i was going to put a fond look on the shadows face to reflect that al cares for niffty like his kid but couldnt get it right so i abandoned that idea
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adalheidis · 1 year
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The Magician - Warren Omon
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iwantofall · 4 months
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some omon ra stuff
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gregor-samsung · 7 months
“ Mitek mi stava osservando con attenzione. Incrociando il mio sguardo, mi fece l'occhiolino e con voce un po' impastata domandò: «Che dici, ci andiamo sulla Luna?». Io feci segno di sì e, mentre abbassavo la testa per annuire, gli occhi mi rimasero incollati su un trafiletto che s'intitolava NOTIZIE DALL'ORBITA. La parte inferiore del testo era strappata e quello che rimaneva della colonna erano solo le parole: «Ventotto giorni...» scritte in grassetto. Ma bastava anche quello. Capii tutto al volo e chiusi gli occhi. Sì, era proprio così: quelle tane in cui passavamo tutta la vita in effetti erano buie e sporche e forse noi stessi eravamo l'esatto corrispettivo di quelle tane. Ma nel cielo blu sopra le nostre teste, in mezzo alle stelle rade e fioche, esistevano dei piccoli punti speciali, brillanti, artificiali, che scivolavano lenti fra le costellazioni e che erano stati creati qui, in terra sovietica, in mezzo al vomito, alle bottiglie vuote e al fumo puzzolente di tabacco, che erano fatti d'acciaio, di semiconduttori e di energia elettrica e che in quel momento volavano nel cosmo. E ognuno di noi, perfino quell'ubriacone cianotico che poco prima avevamo visto per strada, accovacciato come un rospo in mezzo a un cumulo di neve, perfino il fratello di Mitek, e certo anche Mitek e io, ognuno di noi aveva lassù, nel blu freddo e pulito, la sua piccola ambasciata. Corsi fuori, in cortile, e piangendo a dirotto me ne restai a fissare il limpido cielo invernale e il globo giallo-azzurro della Luna, incredibilmente vicino. “
Viktor Pelevin, Omon Ra, traduzione dal russo di Katia Renna e Tatiana Olear, Mondadori (Collana Strade blu), 1999. [Libro elettronico]
[Edizione originale russa: Омон Ра, casa editrice Издательство Текст, Mosca, 1992]
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karlstad · 10 months
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wonder why limp.h did a letter r instead of the correctamundo spelling with the p on this freight car. or i'm i out cycling again?
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i love how russian/soviet military clothing sizes go down to 154cm in height and 60 in waist. so waifish
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catiuapavel · 11 months
I'm wrapping up my murder streak with the three CODA exclusive characters who thus only have one unique quote as they die:
Iuria Wolph
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Warren Omon
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Lanselot Hamilton
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someguynamededdie · 1 year
I just feel like this is what Crowley would look like if he went to America
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leantailean · 2 years
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“Omon Ra” 
Illustration for the novel “Omon Ra” by Victor Pelevin
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pinkobjectmilkshake · 2 months
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now I understand the 'Pansexual Daisuke' agenda
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soillodge · 2 months
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The Power of Role Models and Overcoming Obstacles: Insights from "Omon’s Couch"
🚀 Unlock the Secrets to Success from Industry Leaders!🚀 Discover the inspiring journeys of Chioma Goodhair and Mary Akpobome on the latest episodes of "Omon’s Couch." From building successful businesses to climbing the corporate ladder...
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iwantofall · 5 months
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