#on Quillan Augustus
Quillian Augustus and Lewis Lefavbe are together romantically
(If Quill is still here.)
(And not now because Lewis is 5 years old, you degenerates.)
A certian Kitty Livingstone is/was looking for a partner.
(Implications of whoring around on that one.)
Alexander Hamilton Laurens maybe has a romantic interest in Nathaniel Kraus and/or Icarus Ambrose.
(However I do not trust a single one of you on that since apparently being a platonic friend here is illegal.)
(Then again I am not here to give opinions, just state which I have heard so I shall move on now.)
Philip Hamilton is having "flings" with women, like Odette Clementine and Phoebe and will likely end up a child of wedlock.
If he has not already got one and is too embarrassed to tell!
There is also a thief anonymous apparently running rampant and has stolen from Timothy Pickering's tavern while he were in hospital? Best of luck to the criminal underground, the law inforcment team and Lucas Austin Acker since he is notoriously a past criminal which may be involved!
Said Timothy Pickering is an interesting figure, he has gotten shot by a supposed claim to the Russian throne, Peter III, during his first few days here. During his delusion from medical drugs and illnes he has repeatedly mentioned someone named Cecily. Some are under the impression that Cecily is his sister, some say a lover, however no one truly knows. He also keeps something in his pocket which he guards closely, only person who knows what it is seems to be Philip Hamilton Laurens. Just a strange man overall.
Speaking of criminal activity, a suspicious looking tall dressed in all black goth was spotted around, and a detective S. trying to catch them for whatever reason. If you see this "tall goth with a flirtatious manner" I suggest reporting him to detective S.. Or not if you wish to stir trouble.
And of ofcourse, the famous argument between Alexander Hamilton Laurens and John Laurens Hamilton, now married but rumoured to be getting the divorce papers ready. All of luck to their children, let the games begin!
And a question I have received five or so times now;
Thoughts on Lady Quiton and Miss gossiper?
No thoughts dear reader, for I do not think about them!
Today was a light read, however we shall return to our more interesting pieces of gossip sometimes soon I hope!
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated
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vintage-miseries · 2 years
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A quick report of the new family reunion;
Philip Schyler, the father of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton and father in law to Alexander Hamilton Laurens, has returned, as well as his wife, Catherine Schuyler, and their son, Philip Jeremiah Schuyler.
And so, the current number of Schuylers has been effectively trippled since Eliza left us!
So far, Alexander has been getting on wonderfully with his in-laws, as well as John Laurens Hamilton who has this time not insulted, threatened or challenged to duel no one from the Schuyler family.
An another member who has unofficially joined the family lately has been Micha Poole. By John he is considered a brother (as so said by John's husband), and by kids an uncle (as Philip has already once called him uncle). A most notable geese-and-bugs-phobe, he has so far been getting along wonderfully with everyone!
Elias Kellehers father has also supposedly returned, however we all know the reputation that man who barely can hold the title of 'father' has. I hope the best for Elias.
John and Alexander have returned from their trip to Nevis, which should be getting discussed in the next article, and upon their return Lewis was quickly caught sneaking back in and grounded. Perhaps he was visiting his 'friend' Quill?
Not much to report on the rumour front- other then a possible Philip illegitimate and the trip to Nevis and it's theories why it came about- however, both of these are olden news.
More people joined as well such as Sybil and Montgomery, but at this point girl. I can't.
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated
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Firstly I shall give you a topic that seems to be commented on the most: lovers.
One of the most recent couples to have apparently paired up have been Quillian and Lewis! An unlikely couple to be sure, as sweet as Lewis is, he is utterly and completely bitchless. His birds and the bees talk went down traumatically, and Quill does not appear to be any better. Let us hope they get their wits about and finally figure out what a romance is.
The most beloved couple of this place known as Philip and Elias are together once again, however while Elias was away he did not seem too happy knowing Philip was receiving other company in his bed chambers... I hope the best for them in their endeavors of having an open relationship, their children at least need parents who do not fight constantly. However, how fond Philip is of brothels and charming others, I would not blame Elias to leave him. Elias is the sweetest of them all, he could do much better then our gambling cheat, if he so wishes. Not to mention there have been whispers around the town about an another possible lover of Elias'...
While we are on the subject of jealousy, we may point to the fact that Alexander and Kitty are still seeing eachother, albeit in private for conversation. Who knows what that conversation might hold? I hope nothing that could be used to accuse Alexander of cheating on an another one of his spouses for the second time.
Other, less notable relationships, would include Phoebe and Cori, the famous company of Philip and the biggest bookworm in the town. According to what I have heard, they have grown closer as of recently. An another person of interest would be Martha Laurens, who has recently been looking for someone, however she has never confirmed who that someone was. Perhaps she too has found herself a soldier in the front lines of lovers and relationships. Holly has received an anonymous love letter... Could it be an another suitor vying for her affections alongside Lord Bryce Griffiths? I certainly hope that the Lord will keep a lookout just in case.
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated.
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Of the woods behind the Hamilton-Laurens property;
All seems to happen in that deep cave made of trees.
Everyone knows it was the site where John famously killed a deer, and where one John Gray perished to the hands of some bear of wolf- it makes you question if such a place is suitable for raising children?
Between the forest where unregulated hunting occurs and the pond where any child could so easily drown- I should think not!
One of the more recent happenings in the forest must be the meeting between Lewis's friend and Philip, called Quillian.
Quillan Augustus, a most ridiculous name, he is quite shy in temper and most reserved in his actions. By all accounts he is the same text and different font as Lewis, which would explain their friendship and possible romance- just the topic I have already discussed in our previous paper.
Quillian and Philips relationship has taken a rocky start, the gambling cheats fierce protectiveness of his brothers innocence, even through said brother is 17 and old enough to learn about the world of adults, did not learn well of the possibility of a romantic relationship between Quillian and Lewis, especially since Philip learned that Lewis and Quill cuddled together in the same bed. Such scandal! How dare they have a close bond! And god forgive- premarital eye contact!
There have also been reports of a bumbling blind man walking between the trees, perhaps an another orphan with daddy issues to join the roster? Someone should go out there and see what this man wants.
However, I would not recommend taking in an another child to the house, looking at the financial situation it is already questionable how the ginormous family manages to stay afloat on but a few measly wages... one can only suspect illegal activities. Perhaps a topic for an another time?
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated
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