#on a less gushing note god fucking help me i have to look at coding again. <--editing fir a8t page
cornflowercanine · 2 years
i'm gonna fucking implode the universe i love my qpp so much and will do anything for her
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jiminrings · 3 years
petition for stem koo to do all the things for oc he originally said no one does (make her lunchboxes, makes her cheerful...) bc i think that’s a beautiful redemption arc
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook's day one of his redemption agenda doesn't go that well in the end
"namjoon!!! my man. got any updates for me?"
seokjin strolls coolly on the way to his office, hair slicked back and his dress shirt definitely missing more than a few buttons
what's head admin gonna do??? dress-code him???
fire him???? PLS HE'D BE BETTER OFF!!!!
jin makes student affairs his bitch,,, not the other way around
"for the last time, i am nOt your secretary!!" namjoon stresses as he ceases his typing just to glare at him
he's the university registrar and everyone needs to go through him and at this point he's like a historical landmark from how he's made impact in less than two years
and he and seokjin graduated from the same batch!!!! they're the uncanny always pair for the subjects they shared together
it was definitely weird but functional lol cause one is uptight yet hardworking and the other's relaxed yet smart
sue them for working in the same place they swore they'd never go back to after graduation </3
"if you say-"
"some kid's been waiting for you even before i opened the office. made him sit inside but i just told him that he'd be expelled if he even tries to touch your coffee machine."
namjoon says even before jin could finish the sentence, clearly holding that in until the last minute
jin's obviously a lil annoyed because he's starting work as early as now but the way that joon laid all that out on him is a highlight for him
"thanks. knew you're a secretary for me first and a registrar second."
"no. i'm a national citizen before-"
alright alright he's not listening anymore
this bETTER be important because jin has to hold out his morning routine for whoever this kid is
"what can i possibly do for you today?" he rubs his eyes in preparation, intentionally dragging his steps because just looking at how near he is to his work computer gives him vertigo
"mr. kim!!!"
there is no way
there is no fATHOMABLE way that this has got to be happening to seokjin right now
"..... jungkook. what a pleasure."
he sits on his chair, voice gritted and monotone and he could just feel his eye twitching, his clenched fist under his deck now flipping off the kid in secret
it's a last-minute realization that he grasps that jungkook doesn't know you're his friend and it presents some really unique vantage points
like the time that seokjin recounted about a ridiculous student's filing for theft of his lunchboxes and he turned out to be your crush
or when he used his student affairs capabilities and pulled up resources left and right when jungkook broke your heart then seriously contemplated about messing up his academic record
or that time when he delivered a high and sleepy you to bed and then heard the entire conversation (if you could even call it that) between yoongi and this fucking nerd
"i need your help, mr. kim. you're the closest one to me i could ask!!" jungkook pleads desperately, the big doe eyes not really inducing an effect on him whatsoever lmao
"mhmm. i may not be the person for the job. counseling is right next door."
jin hums without even attempting to get jungkook to elaborate because for all he knows, his services aren't exactly open for people who hurt his friends >:(
(a guy once bumped shoulders with yoongi twice on the same day with aTTITUDE!!! and seokjin just dismissed the dude's concerns when a prof of his, who's a buddy of jin's, suddenly gave him an F)
seokjin IS student affairs
“no, no. you’re the only one who can help me!! you see, i-i just feel this brotherly connection with you and-“
“we talked once.”
god what did you used to see in this kid??
a crybaby aND an easily-attached personality to him? god it’s like jungkook’s just asking jin to pick on him
jungkook doesn’t seem to pick up how jin’s making it obvious he really doesn’t want to be of help if it has something to do with him
he likes interrupting and jin’s just the perfect match to interrupt him even earlier so now they just sound like one of those dubsmash snippets
“MR. KIM!!! how do you make lunchboxes? i don't know how.”
jeez where are his manners :O aren’t nerds like him supposed to worship the ground that admins walk on,,,
but what did pique his attention is the content of what jungkook just said
.... lunchboxes?
jin doesn’t want to give the kid benefit of the doubt because the last time he did that, you got hurt!!!!
if he has to hear hyeji’s name one more time, he’d really waste no time in stripping jungkook’s name from the honor roll
“remember that time i thought someone was stealing my lunchboxes?” he quizzes jin like it’s his job, clueless how he’s poking the bear even more with where he decides to go with this, “yeah. turns out no one was.”
was that not made clear the first time around!!!!!! he knows for a fact that a uni student would trade a classmate for a pack of gum but nO ONE would go for stealing a lunchbox
no one wakes up one day and decides that they’d steal a lunchbox. literally none
“but then this random girl claimed that it was hers a-and well i-...”
kook pauses to gauge jin’s reaction, clearly seeing now the one brow that’s raised at him
oh so if jungkook just asked him how to make a lunchbox, and he called h-word random,,,, then that would mean-
“i may have hurt the original giver of my lunchboxes at the process.”
.... that means he’s asking how to make a lunchbox for you
well that was a pleasant surprise
seokjin snorts briefly at that, dryly chuckling with his eyes widening to stress out his “non-threat” that’s pretty mUCH a threat
“wow. i might just give you a sanction for that.”
does he think jungkook’s a good person? lol he has to think about that for a month
was he wrong for hurting you that way? ultimately yes
but did he think at some point that jungkook’s completely heartless and wouldn’t try to redeem himself to his senior? no, not completely
but is he still on your team, regardless if the kid begs for mercy and you forgive him? yea a hundred percent :D yoongi and seokjin could never be brought out from your circle
"and you're doing this why?"
this is a no-brainer question for jungkook but the question still spooks him, feeling the chills at his neck that responding to seokjin is like a sTEPPING STONE when it comes to you
lmao if only he knew
"i uh, i just really wanna make this right. i messed up completely and it's pretty much unforgivable, but i atleast wanna try and give my best even if she doesn't forgive me, y'know?"
"mhmm. right, right."
he's still mad but he appreciates that jeon's doing the bare minimum of redeeming himself
speaking of, the poor kid looks like he's pissing himself because he may have just embarrassed himself with how long the silence stretches out
maybe,,, just maybe jin's gonna try and be a bridge this time
but like as soon as jungkook lacks for a fourth of a second, seokjin would BURN that bridge faster than a blink
"well first of all, you buy a lunchbox."
jungkook grabs a literal pocket notebook and jin pretends he didn't see that because WHO the hell does that!!!!
"of course... okay, proceed!! i'm taking notes," jungkook nods in understanding, jotting down the very important advice of not ordering from online because you can't smell the material through a screen
p.s. smelling containers before you buy them is a VITAL thing to do!! it already tells you about the quality at the first sniff
"are you buying one?"
"buying one for every day of the week. i'm thinking if i should get extras too-
"good idea. i recommend buying eight."
alright seokjin's mentioning some very specific colors and schemes and jungkook's not complaining!!!
"what meals should i make? i don't even know what she likes!! and even if i knew what, how would i make it?"
why is his heart racing
yoongi may have taught you how to do your taxes but jin taught you how to cook food that's more than four steps!!!
he taught you how to not flinch at all when you're frying and that's the equivalent of raising you to be the woman that you are now <3
look at him and yoongi being your best friends!! teaching you about taxes and being unnerved at cooking oil and busting out a smoke ring or two <3
in fact, the lunches you've cooked for jungkook are all inspired and derived by seokjin!!!
the fact that jungkook's plan isn't bad and the way everything pieces together with his insight,,,, goosebumps luv
"....hypothetically? what i think she'd like?"
jungkook eagerly nods with stars in his eyes, fingers gripping onto his pen for dear life as he tries to channel all his listening techniques into this lecture
"get a bigger notepad."
"look at you!!" yoongi gushes the moment he sees you, waiting at you from the front door
you're going back to your classes again :D
you don't look as worse as you did four days ago!! you're not as sluggish and as animated too
"please don't," you snort as yoongi doesn't seem to stop looking at you like you've saved the world, giving no fight when he insists on carrying your backpack to your first class of the day
the past four days,, yeah they were undoubtedly rough
you slept as much as you could and for the moments you weren't dejected enough to be awake, you spent it surrounding yourself with seokjin and yoongi as much as possible
that's the beauty of hanging out them!!! you're not required to have a single thought lmao
except for the time when yoongi wondered aloud how eels even live and die (or if they even do???) in the first place and that sent everyone in a spiral and you didn't think of jungkook for a single seconds
you're not intimidated to go back to regular programming or with the fact that it's nOT unlikely you'd see a glimpse of jungkook in the hall and such
but that does mean that even if you're the bigger person, you're still gonna avoid him for as long as you could
speaking of!!!! you're looking for the person now that you're eager to find
there he is :D you'd recognize that fluffy mop of permed hair anywhere
tae jumps over chairs in excitement to finally see you again after being so worried for you, engulfing you in a hug immediately
alright you see why yoongi thinks he's a golden retriever
you're clearly not a touchy-feely person but you'd let this one pass,, tae helped you (even indirectly) throughout your downtime anyways
"thank you so much for the cookies. i tried taking smaller bites just because i didn't wanna have them disappear that easy," you confess sheepishly, knowing how you had to pull the i just got my heart broken like two days ago multiple times so the two menaces would stop stealing from your stash
jungkook's excited!!!! seokjin may have given him a tip that "he felt it in his gut" that you were gonna go to class today
he came a little late because he wanted to perfect the very loaded lunchbox that's in his backpack right now
oh weird
you're not in your usual chair
bUT jungkook sees a glimpse of your hair and he's certain that you're there and his heart may be beating out of his ribcage
a baby peach lunchbox with a sticker (of what seokjin said he thought you'd like) on the middle of the lid :D
pork katsudon with furikake rice aND coffee jelly pudding on the side!!! it was definitely pressure-racking to strictly adhere to jin's recipe but god does it look worth it
jungkook's only did miniature taste tests on it and he had to stop himself from devouring the lunch that he's made specifically for you
the lunchbox itself is tied neatly with a silk wrap, adding his touch of sewing your name visibly on it aND there's a scribble taped to the lid too
god jungkook really can't wait to make it up to you
sheesh that was one of THEE longest lectures you've ever felt you had
it was actually the same amount of time it's always been but maybe you've been out of practice from just staying at your dorm for days
tae's great company but he could be a little bit chatty!!! you just nod when you feel his voice go up and he apparently gets excited by that easily
.... he apparently also has a small bladder and he told you that within the whole hour of class
"hold on. i gotta pee before next period. go without me!!!' taehyung hurriedly slings his backpack to his arm, looking ridiculous in a rush
tae's sometimes unintentionally funny because you don't even share next period anyways
you're on your way to the exit when a shiny scarf catches the corner of your eye, having to squint at it because wow does it look pretty
is that-
is that your nAME???
you pick it up before you could even rationalize it, realizing then what it was wrapping when you feel the warmth on your hands
"sorry i forgot my headband!!!"
taehyung stumbles back into the room, catching his breath to run back to his seat and fetch the headband he took from his hair to play with awhile ago
he looks shocked to see what's on your hands, flicking his gaze between you and the item but he doesn't think much of it
wOW that's a really shiny scarf!!!
"hmm yeah? what's up?"
he's about to jog back to the comfort room because he hasn't really relieved himself yet, not bearing to leave his headband in the room when anyone could snatch it up
you raise your lunchbox, a thankful gaze on your eyes that looks so close to crying which is why tae's mORE than lost now
"thanks for the lunch."
jungkook could only helplessly watch.
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deniigi · 4 years
here this is mostly Sam/Ned from Matt’s POV. (this piece assumes Matt didn’t know about the negotiations until later)
Title: soda bottles
Summary: Matt finds out about Sam’s involvement with Ned and then with Peter’s polycule. He tries to talk to Sam about it, but fails. On like, every front.
The apprentice told him to stay out of his room and his life and his business and he should have known better by now, truly.
Matt knew that voice. And he also knew that what Sam, Samuel, Sammy-my-darling was doing right now at this present moment was giggling.
Unacceptable. There would be no joy in this house.
Matt removed himself from the door and declared war in silence.
 The dogs were instrumental in luring Samuel out to open space. And by luring, Matt meant knocking on his bedroom door with leashes in hand and asking Sam if he wanted a walk.
In no time Matt had zero leashes and zero dogs and, while he was at it, zero apprentices.
In fact, he had been abandoned.
In his own house.
How did this keep happening?
 Foggy told Matt to let Sam have his little crush on Ned. Ned was a good boy. Foggy had maintained this for years. He skirted around the fact that he’d grabbed Ned’s shoulders when he was 17 and had told him to stare him in the eyes and to never fall in love with his best friend.
Matt pointed this out to him and got a pillow to the face, then a huff and an uncalled-for reminder that he was a fucking idiot and no one loved him.
This was Foggy’s love language though, so Matt didn’t take it to heart. Instead, he abandoned him for the only person in the world who truly understood him.
  Jenn had to spend fifteen minutes cooing over the fact that Matt had acquired an apprentice and then she had to spend another ten being an asshole about it and then she spent a solid 5 making dad jokes at him when he tried to talk and so he waited until she was done with her cackling and personal jabs.
She told him that it was cute that Peter’s bestie was gushing over Matt’s apprentice.
She told him that he should be happy for them.
And Matt was. Happy for them, that is.
He was thrilled.
Sam’s track record with long-term partners, as far as Matt could tell, was a solid nil for nil. The boy refused to be attached to anyone, which Matt totally got.
But it was like standing by, watching your own young moronic self making a series of unfortunate decisions that were not only whole unnecessary, but also had solutions within easy reach, like headstones in a damn cemetery.
Sam had a string of guys and girls that he’d picked up at clubs and bars and fuckin’ hipster literature readings downtown who were literally, actually falling over themselves to be with him. And he texted them and laughed about them and joked with Leilani and Achara about them, and then never spoke of them ever again.
Matt got it, okay?
He’d been that guy.
Maybe a little more on the jock side of things and maybe a little less, say, refined than Sammy—but he still got it. A slightly longer relationship was good for Sam. And Ned was a good egg—no, a great egg.
But he just couldn’t shake this feeling, Jenn.
He didn’t even know what it was, but it made him paranoid and want Sam to go back to the self-destructive nonsense, because at least Matt knew what that felt like. He could push back against that after dumping the kid out of the ring in training.
“Matty,” Jenn said affectionately, “You’re trying to protect Sam, Ned, and Peter. But you don’t have to do that. They’re all grown. Let them make their decisions.”
How dare she.
Matt knew they were grown. Sam was nearly 25. Peter was almost 27—oh god, Peter was almost 27. FUCK. Jesus. Lord. Someone—Christ.
Sammy was a baby.
He couldn’t be playing with these big kids, he’d have his heart broken.
What if Ned got bored of him, Jenn??
Matt couldn’t beat the shit out of Ned. Ned was a good boy. And Peter would lose his damn gourd and that was how Matt would end up under two tons of concrete and rebar with an angry spider perched on top, stomping and spitting.
“Matt,” Jenn said soothingly. “Peter learned how to be polyamorous from you, dear heart.”
Oh shit.
Oh right.
Oh no.
“I’ve gotta go,” Matt said. “Lovely talking to you, next time you’re in town, come around for a foursome or a twosome or a three if Kirsten’s down—okay BYE.”
Jenn laughed at him when he hung up.
Matt clutched at his chest.
 He’d inadvertently taught Peter what polyamory looked like by flinging himself down on many disgusting surfaces and moaning and writhing in agony and despair about Foggy being monogamous and everyone in the world being unspeakably brilliant and strong and no-doubt gorgeous.
Fuckin’ Kirsten.
Fuckin’ Wade.
Fuckin’ Karen.
And Heather and Marci and ONE TIME ONLY Frank.
Disgusting. Matt needed Lysol to scrub that moment of weakness from his brain.
The point was that he’d been a chump, and baby Peter had observed these various moaning sessions and had apparently, at some point, started taking notes.
Peter. Why?
Stop loving your friends. Stop copying me. Get your own breakdown material.
Okay, okay. Rally, Murdock. It’s fine.
This is simply a conversation to have with Sammy about how to negotiate such--hng. Actually maybe this was a Kirsten conversation.
 He went to visit Kirsten.
He got a little distracted because Kirsten was Kirsten and she required thorough smelling and like, minimum two kisses and she deserved to have at his bare chest if she wanted it—who was he to deny her—THE POINT.
The point. Was.
That he told Kirsten about things and she told him not to talk about work when she was taking her shirt off, and he told her to leave it on for just like, five minutes longer and that came out wrong and she was insulted and Matt had to backtrack for half an hour.
But he got there in the end, alright?
Kirsten said she didn’t know that Sam was polyamorous.
Matt said that he didn’t know if he was, but he sure as shit was flirting with Ned like, constantly.
Kirsten said that that explained why Sam kept telling her that he couldn’t come to dinner with them because he already had a date. Kirsten then went rigid and said, “Wait, you mean Ned-Ned?”
Yes, Matt did.
Correct reaction.
“Is that—do you think that’s –hm.”
Correct reaction maintained and appreciated. Matt no longer felt like a monumental ass.
“That might be a little, uh, cuttin’ it close there,” Kirsten said. “Does Peter know?”
Presumably. Ned couldn’t lie for shit.
“Maybe we should ask Peter what the negotiations there are. He’s pretty on top of that stuff.”
Shockingly, that was true.
Good plan.
“If Sammy’s gonna get involved with them, then he should at least know what he’s getting into,” Kirsten said.
Yes, but also—why is this feeling happening, Kirsten, beloved life partner number 2?
“Oh, that? That’s called ‘you’re a territorial dick,’” Kirsten said. “Get over yourself.”
“But he’s 24,” Matt said. “A child.”
“He’ll be twenty-five in a few months, Matthew,” Kirsten said. “That’s bad-decision-making prime-time. This is inevitable. My concern is that he’s not going into a relationship with Ned, thinking that he’s the primary partner there.”
Okay, fair.
“Are we done with this conversation now?”
“Thank god. I hate your dad impulses. Cleanse yourself of them and get on the bed.”
Would do.
 Kirsten made Matt call Peter and be awkward for the both of them which, Matt would like it stated for the record, was extremely unfair and manipulative of her.
Peter told him that Sam was fine.
Peter told him that he and Sam had maybe fooled around a little bit without Matt and Foggy and Kirsten’s knowledge which was. Hm.
Troublemakers. Stop laughing, Franklin. This is nothing like the time we inducted Kirsten into our life and lied about it to everyone we knew for 3 years.
Peter thought not. Peter thought that Sam had told Matt about this whole thing. He then got a little huffy and said that Ned was the one who had swept Sam off his feet while Peter had been standing right there, man. As Spiderman. Primed for feet-sweeping.
That was satisfying.
Peter took the next ten minutes to complain about how Sam didn’t want to talk to him as much as he wanted to talk to Ned and how Ned was always begging off dinners with Peter and MJ to go have dinner with Sam and how Peter and MJ had to make do with Johnny in his absence.
Matt would never understand why Peter pretended that he and Johnny Storm were nothing more than fuck buddies, but okay, sure. If that’s what helps you sleep at night, little lion man.
Peter went on to say that the worst part of Sam and Ned’s mutual obsession was how fucking cute it was.
Disgusting, Peter maintained.
There were matching bracelets and drawn out decisions about matching sneakers. And there was nattering on until past midnight about Transformers lore and there was non-stop texting and complaints about various tools and coding languages and all this shit that Peter’s own flavor of nerd had diverged from about six years ago.
Kirsten made a little squeak that told Matt that she was highly entertained by Peter’s ‘complaints.’
It sounded more to Matt like Peter and MJ were hunkered down behind the couch, narrating all Ned’s behavior to Johnny (the totally uninvolved fuckbuddy) in whispers.  
Foggy curled up on the edge of their own couch to muffle his wheezy giggles.
The youth were exhausting. How had no one just shot Matt straight through the heart at 27?
“I will speak to Sam about emotional repression,” he promised Peter only to receive a “NO WAIT” from both him and, from the sound of it, MJ and (only fuckbuddy) Johnny a little ways away.
Peter hurriedly explained that Sammy was really shy and skittish about being around their polycule and had just connected with Ned as the least threatening member and it had taken ages, so please don’t say anything and destroy all of the rest of their hard work.
This hit a strange note.
Foggy and Kirsten weren’t snickering anymore either.
Like, if anything, Sammy was shameless. Always lying in people’s laps and snatching their open hands to swing back and forth.
Sure, he was teasing. But shy? Shy?
Sam was sick.
“No,” Peter said. “Double D, he’s not sick.”
Very sick. Terminally ill.
“DD. He’s not sick.”
Bullshit. Matt was taking him to the doctor. Too bad, Sam. You couldn’t avoid it forever.
“Matt. He’s just. Emotionally. Repressed. You should recognize it because its your whole way of being.”
Wow, hadn’t this conversation been going on for a while now? Time to go.
“MATT. Leave him alone,” Peter said. “I’m looking after him, okay? Chill.”
Chill. Yes. Okay, fine. Matt would chill.
For now. Goodbye, Peter.
 Matt hadn’t chilled about anything in his life and he didn’t intend to start now. So instead he confronted the apprentice.
The apprentice leaned very hard against his door and told Matt that he would rather die than speak of such things, so Matt told him to bare his neck.
Sammy was convinced. But only just.
He made himself frighteningly small and grumpy on his bed and allowed Matt to sit only on the last four inches of it. Matt kind of wanted to take the opportunity to teach him how to hiss.
But alas. That was a skill for another time.
“I talked to Peter,” he said.
Sam mumbled.
“He says you’re shy. Are you feeling okay?”
Sam mumbled in a more prolonged, growly kind of way. He was muffled by something. Probably jeans. Or sweats. Hard to tell.
“Why are you being shy? We both know you’re not shy. Ned’s a nice boy,” Matt told him. “You can trust him.”
Sam jerked his body in some way strongly enough to make the bed shake.
Matt sighed.
“Sam,” he said.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Sam said.
“Listen, kid,” Matt said. “You’re gonna do what you want. You’re grown, those are your decisions to make. But if you’re ever uncomfortable or you want to spend time with one person in particular, you’ve gotta communicate that to the others. I know that’s not like, smoothly done or whatever. But it’s what you’ve gotta do in these kinds of relationships.”
Sam made an unhappy sound.
“I don’t want a relationship,” he said quietly.
Same, pal.
They’re a lot of work.
“They’re worth it,” Matt promised him. “And it’s okay to be a little in love, you know. I’m in love every day. It’s not shameful. You don’t have to hide it.”
Sam huffed.
“People’ll stare,” he finally said. “If we ever went out. People would stare.”
“That’s what you think,” Matt said. “But then you go and do it and it turns out that no one actually cares. People are very self-centered, Sam. You spend all this time worrying about how others perceive you and, at the end of the day, 90% of people literally don’t care. You don’t have to talk to Ned in your room all the time.”
Sam did something with his body that concentrated it even further into a dense mass.
“I like him,” he admitted. “He’s nice.”
Matt hummed.
“He’s a peaceful person,” he said.
“He talks so I don’t have to,” Sam said.
Matt felt across the bed and eventually found Sam’s cheek to pinch.
“So shy for such a loudmouth,” he teased.
Sam bit his hand. Matt snickered.
“It’s okay, when I met Fogs I was shy, too,” he said.
Sam grumbled.
“It’s true,” Matt said. “Could not fathom having another human around who I didn’t have to put on an act for.”
He waited.
Sam didn’t even seem to realize that his heart was slowing down.
“I don’t like talking all the time,” he said after a long few beats.
Matt ruffled his hair.
“Ned knows a lot about Star Wars,” he said.
“And computers,” Sam added.
“And code,” Matt said.
Sam’s foot shook a little. Matt schooled his face. Sam crunched into a tighter ball.
Matt got up.
“Long distance is rough,” he said. “Maybe you guys can watch a movie together.”
Sam made a disgruntled sound. Matt left him to be miserable.
 “You’ve sure turned your opinion around.”
Yes, Husband. Matt had indeed. But that was because Sam was clearly and obviously suffering as a result of this crush, which was precisely where Matt needed him to be.
Misery was familiar. Resentment was nearly as good as spite in terms of skill development.
Dopey-ness was asking for trouble.
“Matt, you cannot be serious.”
Oh, but he could.
“Matthew, what did you tell that boy?”
Nothing he didn’t need to know.
Foggy abandoned him at the table. Matt sipped his coffee. It tasted oh-so-sweet.
 Things did not change until Matt got a text from Peter that said simply ‘when the fuck is Sam’s birthday?’
In February. Why was he asking?
Peter said ‘damn. Okay, thanks.’
Peter then said that he’d seemed a little sad lately and Ned was freaking out about it and fixating, so they were collectively looking for an excuse to cheer Sam up a little.
Oh, Matt realized. No, that wasn’t sad.
The night nurse had given Sammy the good drugs after last week. He was high as a kite, bless him. Kept running into walls and shit. Matt had dragged him up out of the dog beds twice now.
He informed Peter of the damaged elbow and got nothing but keyboard smashes in return.
This was followed by Sam stumbling out of his room and half up the stairs to make pitiful sounds when he couldn’t make them stay still long enough to climb the rest of them. Foggy shook his head and told Matt to go “strap that kid to the bed, for god’s sake. He’s gonna tear more stitches. And go text for him before he drops his phone again.”
Sammy was coming along great.
He held his phone out to Matt when Matt came down to stand over him on the stairs.
“They’re yellin’,” he slurred.
Yeah, Matt figured.
“Bed,” he said.
“It’s too hot,” Sam said.
No, pathetic ball of humanity. That was the fever, bud.
“Open the window,” Matt said.
“I have a window?”
“Up you go,” Matt said.
“DON’T TOUCH ME. Nooooo. Teach, noooooo.”
 MM: Peter stop texting him. he can’t read his texts rn. Zero tolerance for opioids.
PP: for WHAT
MM: he’s fine. lightly stabbed. Fractured elbow.
MM: yes?
MJ: tell him to get better for us
NL: ;__; please?
MM: he will be fine. He’s supposed to be sleeping this off.  
MJ: can you keep us updated?
MM: why
PP: he’s our partner?
MM: ?
MM: I thought he was Ned’s main
MJ: dude
NL: my b my b sry sry
NL: does he talk about me DD?
MM: no
NL: cool cool cool that’s fine
PP: ned
NL: it’s casual that’s cool
MJ: oh my god
NL: it doesn’t mean anything. That makes sense.
MM: peter what is happening?
PP: ned has decided that no texting means that sam hates him and no longer wants to be part of our relationship
PP: remember how you told me I have rejection issues?
MM: Ned he’s fine. He’s not mad. He’s high.
NL: [pikawat.png]
MJ: *coughs*
NL: oh shit my bad. I mean.
NL: what do you mean?
MM: I mean he likes you. He just hates talking about weaknesses. Ergo he hates talking about you.
MJ: ah, yes. I see now. The superhero logic. The forest has reappeared before me.
MM: what does this mean?
PP: it’s a face. Like a super interested cat
NL: shut up
NL: so he likes me back?
MJ: no
PP: no
MM: I presume so? I don’t know kid. I just said he doesn’t talk about it.
NL: DD I will pay you in computer repairs to find out for me
MM: to find out if Sam likes you??
NL: yes
MM: what part of his obsession is confusing you
PP: harsh
NL: all of it.
NL: okay so here’s the thing. We got like, matchy matchy stuff, right? Cause that’s what couples do. But he never wears his?? And like, we’ve been playing these games online, like, trying to beat each other, but he just stops playing halfway through? And if we’re watching a movie, it’s fine for the first half, but then he gets quiet and I just end up nattering away about nothing for like an hour and I can’t read the silence DD. I can’t read it. And Peter’s a liar
PP: okay no it is WELL established that I can’t lie what are you even talking about
NL: and he keeps going on about how sam’s shy, but he’s NOT shy. And we were fine until this week, but like, obviously, he’s high and not reading his messages and stuff, but idk am I making this into a big deal? From your end?
MM: What was that face, Peter?
MJ: ASDFAeirwieawewdflajwe
NL: SHUT UP. DD, please. Help me. Should I apologize? Is he bored of me? Does he want more time with Peter?
PP: what
PP: no pal I’m just a piece of ass in this situ
MJ: as you should be
PP: awwww
MM: ned Sammy’s fine?
NL:  omg ‘sammy’ that’s really cute do you think he’d mind if I called him that? You know. If he ever speaks to me again?
PP: DD just tell him everything is fine so we can all go to sleep without being woken up every 20 min for a crisis.
MM: I literally don’t know. He doesn’t talk about any of you.
NL: can you sneaky-ninja ask him?
  Matt could not with these children. Sam’s heartbeat was evening out. He was nearly back to sleep. Matt’s back couldn’t take hauling him up off the stairs in another half an hour, so he was going to stay right where he was, that was for damn sure.
“Samuel, you are dating three different flavors of spazz,” he told him.
Sam wriggled over and snuffled into his duvet.
Matt decided that that was an affirmative.
  MM: he says you’re all dramatic and to leave him alone to sleep.
NL: ;__;
PP: ned that is not rejection
NL: ok
MJ: this is embarrassing
NL: I’m just gonna crawl under the floorboards and waste away👍
PP: for fuck’s sake this is me-levels of drama
NL: DD can you tell him that if he’s ever down to just watch shit as friends that’s okay too?
MJ: NED. Matt’s literally out of this loop. And Sam’s probably unconscious.
MM: can confirm is now unconscious. I am exiting your drama.
PP: Dude remember when I said I was gonna drown myself in the sea? You are reaching those levels
  Oh, aw.
  NL: And it’s okay if he doesn’t feel the same way, that’s okay, I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t like uncomfortable. I can text him less and let him do his work things and we don’t have to organize shit on the weekends. It’s totally fine
  These fuckin’ kids.
Matt grabbed Sam before he cracked his head against the wall and felt around for something to put between his forehead and it.
He fumbled out his phone in the meantime.
“Samuel,” he said into it, “When you wake up, come upstairs before taking the next pill.”
 Sam was in pain and grumpy as shit and his mood did not improve as he read through Matt’s messages.
“Two days and everyone loses their goddamn minds,” he said.
Pretty much.
“Ned loves you,” Matt teased.
“Ned needs one of those happy pills,” Sam deadpanned.
Hm. How about no?
Sam groaned and carefully melded himself to the table.
“Why don’t you wear the matchy-matchy stuff?” Matt asked, setting a bag of icy water on Sam’s shoulders. He made a soft sound of relief.
“I don’t want to get ‘em dirty,” Sam hummed.
“Maybe if you wore them out a little bit, Ned would like that,” Matt offered.
Sam mulled this over.
“Nah,” he said. “I’ll just tell him I wear it to sleep.”
Matt was so proud.
He missed Foggy coming in halfway through that discussion.
He did not miss the lecture Foggy laid on both of them about lying to loved ones.
 Matt decided that Sam was far, far more emotionally repressed than he’d given the kid credit for. He was tickled pink.
Kirsten and Foggy were not. They called this ‘concerning behavior’ that needed ‘to be monitored in case of hidden injuries and self-harm.’
And like, man, it was as if they’d hard experience with this shit or something.
Matt decided to bypass their waffling and cornered Sam by trapping him in his duvet and demanding to know if he was hiding any injuries or self-harm.
Sam told him to get out of his room. His heartbeat did not react to the accusations, but rather to Matt’s ‘giant, heavy, albatross body’ assaulting him in his safe place.
Matt decided that this was proof that the emotional repression was, as he had always argued, doing exactly what it needed to: making Sam three times more functional as a human being.
Foggy took from that explanation that Matt was lying to him again.
Which, like, obviously.
But did Foggy need to know any of that?
Fuck no.
Only happy times with Matt Murdock here.
Smiling was somehow the wrong answer.
Smiling resulted in yelling. And then lots of loud heartbeats. And then something that looked a little like a fight, probably, to people with working eyes. But Matt knew that it wasn’t that.
It was just Foggy being hurt that Matt couldn’t tell him that Foggy’s homesickness was digging holes in his own resolve and mental wellbeing.
Sam popped up when Foggy went to go lay down to calm down and asked if everything was okay.
Matt told him it was.
Sam’s heart was not convinced. It started beating faster somehow.
Matt fully anticipated the texts that arrived later that night.
 PP: yo DD, you guys okay?
MM: why
PP: ‘cause Sam’s freaking out saying that you and Foggy were shouting again?
MM: ah
MM: no we’re okay. No biggie
PP: I smell bullshit
MM: carry on smelling then
PP: Matt do you ever think about how you’re like, an example to us all of how not to live?
MM: beg your pardon?
PP: I just mean like, you do shit and we all learn from your shit. Like, every day.
MM: ?
PP: Sam like dumped a pile of lies he’d been telling Ned in his lap and started crying for like half an hour and apologized for another 40 minutes and then hung up and won’t answer his phone.
MM: what was that face again? The cat one?
PP: lol
 The apprentice was perhaps absorbing too much too fast. He flat out denied having had any emotional crisis.
His heart was dead even when he said it. He was getting too good at out-maneuvering that trick.
“Peter seems to think that you had one the other night,” Matt mused.
“Peter needs to mind his own business,” Sam sniffed.
“You like Peter,” Matt pointed out.
“He’s fine,” Sam said.
“Fine or fine?”
“That’s nasty, Teach. Don’t be gross. That’s like your little brother.”
Oh, sure it was.
“If Peter is sussing out your lies, you’re not doing a good enough job,” Matt said. “What you need, kiddo, is an aura and a starting point.”
Sam paused in making a horrible grating noise with some tool in his hand.
“A starting point?” he asked.
Why yes, apprentice.
As in, if you start off with your walls up and don’t let them buckle so easily, so many of these problems can be avoided.
“Isn’t that, like, the opposite of what Foggy said to do?” Sam asked suspiciously.
Well, technically. The husband might be correct for normal humans, but they weren’t normal humans. And as much as Matt loved him and thought he was brilliant, Foggy would never truly grasp that Matt needed those lies.
He needed the repression. The bottling. The anger.
He needed all that shit to be shaken up in him and then capped by the helmet every night.
Doing that kept Matt safe. It kept others safe.
It wasn’t fun and it wasn’t pretty and yeah, Matt was pretty fucked up because of it.
But Stick hadn’t been wrong about everything.
Not even he could be wrong about everything.
“It’s called balance,” Matt said. “Think about it like this. You’re a teacher. You’re about to walk into a new class. You need to establish a respectful relationship between yourself and these kids. How do you do it? Do you start off nice? Or do you start off strict?”
Sam said nothing.
“I start off strict,” Matt said. “Because it’s infinitely easier to become nicer and to keep respect than it is to start off nice and get meaner.”  
Sam processed this.
“This sounds like an anti-Foggy sentiment,” he said.
No. It wasn’t anti-Foggy. Nothing was anti-Foggy.
“It’s nuance,” Matt said. “Intrapersonal relationships? Minimal repression. Interpersonal relationships, maximum repression. Don’t give them something to use against you”
Sam’s teeth clicked together as he worked his jaw.
“Talk to Ned and Peter,” he said. “Walls up to everyone else.”
Everyone else. Yes.
“I can do that.”
Yeah, Matt knew. Sam did it to pretty much anyone he didn’t immediately take a liking to at the firm.
“I can do that,” Sam repeated.
Woah. Wait. Hold on there, slugger. Nuance, remember?
“I’m just gonna hate the entire world,” Sam said. “Thanks, Teach. That’s a big help.”
 PP: Matt
MM: Peter
PP: you know that Sam fucks with you daily right?
MM: …I forget sometimes
PP: lol you guys are funny
  That little shit. Fine.
Do whatever. See if Matt cared.
Goddamn kids and their goddamn love affairs.
Whatever. Fuck ‘em.
Let them learn the bullshit on their own time. Matt had better things to do.
Matt and Foggy and Kirsten have their own polycule goin on with folks entering and leaving it as need be. And sometimes you just have to make Sam/Ned content because it is unerringly adorable.
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javieribq46598-blog · 7 years
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Some parody and humor for your enjoyment. I had fun writing this many years ago but thought it was lost forever. Turns out it had been ragged on by some folks parodying MST3K, and that version was still around. I've cleaned it up just a tiny bit, and here it is again after resting in obscurity for decades. They're Pinky and The Brain Yes Pinky and The Brain One is a genius, the other's insane They're laboratory mice Their genes have been spliced They're dinky They're Pinky and The Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain BRAIN! Before each night is done Their plan will be unfurled By the dawning of the sun They'll take over the world They're Pinky and The Brain Yes Pinky and The Brain Their twilight campaign Is easy to explain To prove their mousy worth They'll overthrow the Earth They're dinky They're Pinky and The Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain Brain….NARF! ACME LABS: Project Journal PROJECT: XI839Q - Code Name "X-Scent" TECHNICIAN: R.James, employee number 342593 Results of mouse female pheromone formula XFM62 are inconclusive. When released into the maze, experiemental subject PNK3 (nickname "Pinky") immediately tried to find the source of the pheromone but could not seem to grasp the concept of dead-end corridors. Subject eventually became too aroused to negotiate maze and fell to masturbating furiously. Subject continued to self-stimulate until removed from maze. Subject BRA9 (nickname "Brain") quickly found source of pheromone , but ignored stimulus and attempted to dismantle maze timing device. Subject had three transistors and an IC chip in paws when removed from maze by researcher. NOTE: Both subjects were formerly used in cognitive enhancement studies. Could earlier modifications be influencing behavior? "Baw haw NARF! haw haw…" sobbed Pinky "I miss her already." "Miss who?" Asked the Brain. "I miss the lady mouse they had in the maze. She smelt like a real corker! We wuz getting along really well NARF! but I couldn't find her." He sniffed, and brushed away a large tear. The Brain smacked him on the back of his head, Thwack! "There was no lady mouse, you nincompoop!" His voice rose in frustration. "They just sprayed some chemicals to make you think she was there." "I don't think so, Brain," contradicted Pinky. "We had relations, if you know what I mean- NARF!" Brain sighed. "No you didn't, Pinky. The only mouse you had relations with was Rosy Palmer. Now help me lift this bobby pin into the new lock they're using to keep us in the cage." The Acme Lab researchers, blind to the tremendous intelligence of their experimental subject, had put a simple key lock on the cage. A few twists of the hair clip and PING! the lock sprang open. "Come on, Pinky! We have lots of work to do before the night is over." "I'll say, Brain. The floors in this lab are positively disgusting, and the shelves look like they haven't been dusted for years." They walked along the back of a lab table, threading their way among test tubes and retorts. "All too true, Pinky. But I wasn't referring to mere janitorial work. We must complete my latest mind control device so that we can-" His eyes grew large and malevolent, "Take Over The World." Brain stopped and looked around. Pinky was nowhere in sight, but he heard a loud grunting noise coming from the lab table below him. He looked down to see Pinky staring adoringly at a flask marked "XMF62." "She's here! She's here!" cried the tall pinkish rodent, masturbating furiously. "Who's here, you pin-headed mutant?" "Rosy Palmer, the girl I met in the maze," replied Pinky. His eyes were glazed, and a thin strand of drool dripped from his slack mouth. A thin mouse penis jutted from his abdomen, red and engorged. "Brain, I would like you to meet my fiance' Rosy Palmer. Rosy, this is my best friend in the whole world, The Brain." The Brains ears flattened malevolently to the sides of his hypercephalic skull. "That's a test tube, you idiot! There is no girl there. It's just chemicals, chemicals- do you understand?" "Oh goody, I love chemicals. NARF!" The brain looked at his less-than-gifted friend with one eyebrow arched. Just then, an idea sprang unbidden into his head, like an inspiration sent directly from the gods. "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" he asked. "I think so, Brain. David Hasselhof MUST have made a pact with the Devil. There's no other explanation for his success." Brain sighed. "While I must agree with you, Pinky, that's not what I meant at all. This pheromone has enormous potential." A plan shaped itself in his genetically-enhanced mind. "If we could develop a human equivalent to this compound, we could spray it world-wide. The humans would be so preoccupied with sex that they would never notice us Taking Over The World. Now quit humping that bottle and come along. We have work to do!" Pinky climbed down off the tall flask of XMF62 and followed the Brain. Turning, he waved. "Good bye, Rosy! I'll be back to see you soon. NARF!" His love-lorn sigh echoed in the tragic night. "You know, it's very bad manners to interrupt a bloke when he's having relations with his fiancee," he chastised the Brain as they made their way back to the cage. "Humping a glass bottle is hardly relations with one's betrothed," replied the Brain. "Now pay attention Pinky. This is my plan for using an XMF62 human analogue to Take Over The World." He revealed a detailed chart showing him mixing chemicals, then Pinky and the Brain flying over the world's largest cities in a bomber-like aircraft spraying all the inhabitants below, with humans copulating furiously as the Brain assumed the crown of Supreme Emperor of Earth. "What do you think?" "Well, I think aliens would have a very hard time having anal sex with a penguin," replied Pinky. "No, you idiot! What do you think about the plan to Take Over The World!" screamed the Brain, thwacking Pinky over the head with a long pointer. "NARF! I think it's a very nice plan, Brain. Really truly I do," gushed Pinky. "Good," said the Brain. "Now let's get to work. Hand me that flask and go turn on the Bunsen burner." All through the night, they toiled. Great flashes of light punctuated the musical bubbling of test tubes. Again and again, Pinky was sent back and forth to the supply lockers to get various chemicals and formulations. As the moon set, an evil green glow illuminated the Brain from below. A tall beaker of percolating vitreous fluid shone with its own malevolent radiance. "This is it, Pinky!" he cried, holding the beaker aloft with a pair of tongs. "The molecules contained in this beaker will cause humans to become so sexually aroused they'll make love to a pitbull. Governments will crumble. Riots will break out. The world will be on the brink of war! Then, when things REALLY get bad, I'll step in and fix them. They'll have no choice but to appoint me Supreme Ruler of Earth. By this time tomorrow evening, I will Rule The World!" "Egad, Brain! Brilliant. Naaaarf! Hee hee hee." The Brain looked around. "We still have to test the formula. I know! we'll spray it on the first researcher to come in today. Come along Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you." ACME LABS: Project Journal PROJECT: XI839Q - Code Name "X-Scent" TECHNICIAN: R.James, employee number 342593 Don't know what came over me today. Lisa Fingletter smelled mature shemales movies so good. I couldn't help myself. I kept looking at her tits and thinking how good it would be to bury my face in them and not come up for air for a month. Before I knew it, I was ripping off her lab coat and licking those tasty little nipples. "Stop, Robbie!" she cried, but there was no stopping me. I think my cock was harder than it has ever been. I munched away at her nipples and breasts like there was no tomorrow. Pretty soon, she was breathing heavy. Classic arousal response to simulation of high nerve-ending density areas. I pulled up the short skirt she was wearing and tore off her flimsy little lace panties. I was surprised to see that Lisa, the most conservative female in our group was wearing such sexy underwear! Screaming with primal lust, I lapped at her pussy. I tongued and nibbled her clitoris until she was screaming for release. Then I took my steel-hard battering ram and thrust it deep into her tight little pussy. I came immediately, but my cock stayed stiff. This is contrary to normal human sexual response. In most males aged 27-35, the penis usually experiences a period of deflation after orgasm lasting from 15 to 35 minutes. Not this time, though. I fucked her for hours without going soft. I must have cum a dozen times, maybe as many as twenty. I lost count. I only stopped when I passed out. NOTE: Check XMF62 for possible contamination. Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that Bridgette O'Donnell from gene testing over there by the X-Ray Gamma Spectrometer? If you have any thoughts about wherever and how to use videos of mature sex, you can get in touch with us at the web site. Damn, she would look so hot milf without those safety goggles… The Brain looked down at the dozing lab technicians, still locked together in copulation. "Hah hah! It worked Pinky, it worked!" He chortled. "Now quickly, to the airfield. We only have four hours to spray the entire world." They hefted two large containers of the pheromone formula onto a hand-truck and made a fast getaway. As they hurried to the airbase, the Brain sprayed a mister filled with the concoction at everyone who stood in their way. The results were predictable. One business man seriously injured himself trying desperately to copulate with a department store window's mannequin. "It must have been cold where they modeled that dummy, Brain," giggled Pinky. "Her nipples are quite pointy. NARF!" At last, they reached their goal. The USAF Security Police at the base gate decided go visit their wives after a hearty sniff of the pheromone, and the two lab mice made their way unimpeded to the B-2 hanger. "Now Pinky, when we reach 45,000 feet release the compound," called the Brain from the First Officer's seat. "Allowing for the effects of the El-Nino and the low pressure area off the coast of California, the jet-stream shift should spread the augmented human attraction pheromone across the entire world within 48 hours. Then The World Will Be MINE!" He taxied the huge bomber onto the runway and took off into the night air. At the controls of the massive aircraft, Pinky stared at the altimeter. He hitched up the collar of his leather bomber jacket and muttered to himself. "Only three thousand feet to go." Turning to the rear of the aircraft, he called "Pinky! Pinky, get ready to release the containers!" There was no reply. "Pinky! Where are you?" "Over here, Brain!" shouted Pinky. He was staring adorably at a tall flask- the XFM62 which he had smuggled aboard along with its human analogue. "You'll like my friend the Brain, Rosy," he addressed the glassware. "He's really very nice, and we're going to rule the world tomorrow, or next Thursday at the latest." "How many times do I have to tell you, that's not a girl!" raged the Brain. He put the bomber on autopilot and stomped back to where Pinky was humping his disgustingly engorged member against the flask's slick glass sides. "A little privacy, please! NARF!" cried Pinky, attempting to hide his beloved's imaginary genetalia from sight. The Brain, overwhelmed by disgust for his friend's idiocy, aimed a smashing blow to the midriff with a handy wrench. He missed, smashing the mousy sex pheromone and drenching both himself and Pinky, splattering the strongly scented fluid all over the interior of the bomber. What ensued could best be described as cartoon chaos. Two frenzied mice furiously humped away at anything and everything that looked like a female mouse. And in their state EVERYTHING looked like a female mouse. Pinky grunted out tiny spurting orgasms on all the computer mice, sobbing hysterically his grief over betraying his fiancee Rosy Palmer. The Brain, normally immune to the call of the flesh, made up for a lifetime of abstinence by proving himself to be the consummate mouse-cocksman. Nothing bigger than a thimble and smaller than a loaf of bread escaped ravishment. In short order, the interior of the huge strategic bomber was all a-sparkle with a thin glaze of mousy semen. "Beep! Beep! Beep!" sounded the low-fuel alarm. The bomber had been in a tight holding pattern for the last four hours, exhausting it's store of jet fuel while the two mice sodomized everything in sight. The Brain, collapsed on a flight planning chart, heard the alarm and sat straight up."Pinky! We've got to eject. The plane is about to crash!" "Oh, goody. I love ejecting!" cried Pinky, gleefully. "This is just like that other time we tried to take over the world and had to eject. How come we always have to eject, Brain?" "Never mind, Pinky. Just put on the parachute. I'm sure you know how to do it by now." "NARF!" The two horny mice floated softly to land on the top of the Acme Labs research facility. Epilogue: ACME LABS: Project Journal PROJECT: XI839Q - Code Name "X-Scent" TECHNICIAN: R.James, employee number 342593 Results of mouse female pheromone formula XFM62 remain inconclusive. Researchers have been unable to explain the bizarre effects experienced yesterday, nor has anyone been able to account for the missing flask or ingredient elements. Some staff members have been questioned about pilferage, but none have been charged. Some residual effects have been noted, particularly in experimental subjects PNK3 and BRA9. Subjects appear to be in constant state of arousal and are taking turns copulating with their water bottle, food dish, exercise wheel, and any small item placed in their cage. Other mice respond similarly in the presence of PNK3 and BRA9, who we have been forced to separate from the other subjects in order to protect them from been forcibly sodomized. NOTE: Recommend study be discontinued until more stringent research protocols can be initiated. "Not now, deary," Pinky addressed the water bottle breathlessly. "I'm too exhausted." "I think the effects of the pheromone are wearing off," wheezed the Brain. "That exercise wheel looks mighty fine, but I just can't get it up right now." "Aw, and we was just getting along nicely, weren't we darlin'? NARF!" "Shut up and try to get some sleep, you idiot! We've got a lot of work to do tomorrow night." "Why, Brain? What are we going to do tomorrow night?" "The same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try To Take Over The World-" They're Pinky, They're Pinky And the Brain Brain Brain Brain…. catagorical
0 notes
jiminrings · 4 years
could you maybe do something where it’s yoongi in rich boy!jimin’s au and he meets his y/n or a peak into how their relationship would work ? i love you 🥺💚
contact: you
Tumblr media
pairing: yoongi x y/n
glimpse: the water’s cold but yoongi makes it warmer; or that piece in which model!yoongi meets his y/n!!
wordcount: 4k
notes: i love you too!!! :D
also, this yoongi comes from insufferable, that rich boy!jimin au!! in this fic we’re all just gonna pretend that yoongi’s PA goes by another name and not y/n :)) yoongi’s y/n is not jimin’s y/n!! pls don’t be confused that’s all hehe // gif isn’t mine!!
there’s a fine line in between compliments and insults
hENCE backhanded compliments
but in a way it’s still a compliment, right???
would it still be a backhanded compliment if you give it to yourself though,,,,, that’s the question
you just can’t seem to know whether graduating a year early than intended from film school is a cOMPLIMENT OR AN INSULT
is it an achievement or is it a curse??
ok initially, you were proud from graduating a year early because that meant one less year dedicating yoursef to studies, right???
big wrong :D
that meant you choosing the most cramped schedule with more units than you think is humanely possible
you just cAN’T help wanting to go on with life faster and easier!!! you went with this track anyway so you could become closer to the diRECTOR you’ve always wanted to be
it’s a pretty simple analogy
and u don’t get why people who took the same course as you did, didn’t think as the same way as you do
because like for example
there’s two options to go to your destination
hmmm let’s say it’s to go to the park!!! a rEALLY famous and beautiful park and if you aren’t early enough, then there’d be no place for you to lay a blanket out and properly enjoy it
the first route is a nicely-paved, nicely-leveled and cemented road, but it’s gonna take about twenty minutes because there’s traffic
the second route is a much shorter trip that would take only ten minutes, but the road may be a lil rocky and not all postlamps are lit and there mAY be a crossing chicken or not
of course you’d go for the second route :D
and now you know why much more people wanted to go with the first route aHA
no disrespect to your alma mater or something but that shit sUCKED
sURE they had decent dorms and it was your decision to take the more hectic schedule that meant much less time for you to do basically anything that’s outside of your film degree
it was having instant noodles atleast four out of the seven days in a week and sometimes even skipping that processed goodie because it always felt like you’d have to be hustling
hustling is a very icky word in ur humble opinion but you like saying that now ironically in your quarter-life crisis
it was the “why would i wait to cook this for ten minutes wHEN i could be doing something else more productive iNSTEAD of eating aka delecting food that helps give what i need to atleast enact my motor functions???” thinking
which is unhealthy ok
beyond unhealthy lmao that’s what you’re sure of
and then you graduated film school!!!
the opportunities you were promised of when you were still studying?? aha zero :D
the idea that once you graduate film school and you iMMEDIATELY have the job of whatever you majored such as directing or screenwriting and etc.,,,,, that is a whole load of bull-
it’s a hierarchy
you’ve graduated with LATIN HONORS and u persevered for three years with your major in directing and u wore a really nice dress for your ceremony :))))
and now you’re fetching coffee and making twenty calls in a half hour and running around to set things up :)))))
an intern :)))))
the only ones who immediately become what they’ve studied for has sOME sort of tie and pull to the industry
you may have made a thesis film that’s ranked the highest in the history of all thesis films in your university :)) and you may have had submitted it to film competitions and got approved and got some plaques :)))
but no that doesn’t mean a sINGLE bit once you’re out in the real world
you’re just taking whatever you get
i mean you dID want to work your way up in the film industry
like as in the movie industry??? the one you went to film school for?????
but what you are doing now :)) is working as an intern for this huge company that handles tv commercials and adverts and shoots :))
aHA not exactly the film industry but atleast it’s still within the media industry, right??
pls say right
the agenda for today is this watch shoot!!
there’s a tv commercial to be produced out of it and there would also be multiple shoots for the models who’d be here
you dressed up extra good today :D
it wouldn’t matter but atleast it’s the thought that counts somehow
your company’s official lanyard kinda sucks and you can’t change the lace for it nO matter what but it’s no pressure!! your outfit’s gonna make up for it
there’s not exactly a dress code for interns,, it just goes for the terms as long as:
a) it’s still work-appropriate
b) this is a simultaneously unspoken yet obvious rule bUt you just need some boundaries,,,, you can’t stroll up into the set looking like the executive producer or the director who looks a lil bit fancy
c) you shouldn’t attract attention so much because you’re an intern :)) even if that iS the sole purpose of the intern because otherwise how would you land a more secure and higher-ranking job???? are they thinking or-
it’s a black shirt!!!
but it’s a nice black shirt with embroidery in the front!!!
it’s just n i c e embroidered in the front and uH right on the middle of your chest area that’s clothed obviously but that’s cool
simple, casual, effortless, tINY bit fun
you also aren’t an intern with black pants
but no this is a nICER pair of pants
they’re like slacks!! like fitted slacks but not too fitted and not too formal
you wanted to wear it in tan but that’s not exactly optimized for your job because you are literally always in the go
it’s always just ease of movement in your clothes
and if you could dash in them in getting coffee or whatever the fuck the production team wants or look for duct tape and print lacking scripts like a madman, then you’re good to go :D
you caved in buying those nurse shoes that are raved about because you’re on your feet almost 24/7 and slip-on vans would not always save ur life
ur always wearing ankle support socks too because you’d rather look like an athlete misplaced in a commercial shoot rather than crying at home with how sore your body and most eSPECIALLY your legs are
that can’t stop you either
so now,,, you’re wearing cute socks on top of the support
it’s barely noticeable but it’s the effort you put in ok
and to be extra presentable, you traded your digital watch for the day with your watch that looks a little bit more classy with the silver!!!
it’s an analog watch with a really nice and shiny silver watch strap and although normally ur mind takes tWO seconds to buffer and read it as opposed to instantly knowing the exact time with a digital one, it’s worth it :D
it better be
you can get atleast one glance from park jimin and your life would be forever fulfilled
you signed a non-disclosure agreement once it was presented because after all
park jimin!!!
kim taehyung!!!
jung hoseok!!!
that’s the only three you knew so far
because they said that you’d know the other ones who are participating for the shoot once it actually happens
and that could mean two things
either you don’t know them at all oR they’d be really really famous and this ensures that you wouldn’t breach the nda you signed
hmmmm jimin’s kinda cute you’re not gonna lie :))
you can’t laze around in the job though because your walkie-talkie’s already bearing your name again and you’re being summoned now
this may be a blessing in disguise tho
you’re one of the interns who get called and noticed frequently and although that means mORE WORK, that also means you’re more trusted and more likely to secure the job you’re aspiring for!!!
“Y/N. There’s some extra copies of the shoot schedule by one of the makeup tables. Bring it over to me in the brief room.”
“of course!!! :D”
that’s one of your favorite producers specifically calling for you in the radio
he also talks very formally
you’ve always been a little bit close to mr. hyun bin because you were a bit of the teacher’s pet back in uni!!! he served as a professor while also being a producer and HE’S the reason you got accepted immediately as an intern here anyway!!
they’re always in the blue folders and that’s what you’re looking for very eagerly right now
because uHHHH there seems to be about a hundred makeup tables right now and mr. hyun didn’t exactly specify where
ok now where could that be
okay no it’s not on the table
lmao you find them sitting by a chair in front of the makeup table and you need to get it before someone sITS and dents the folder because mr. hyun gets a bit cranky when the folder isn’t smooth
“But the folder’s job is to keep the documents inside it smooth. If the folder’s damaged, then that also means that the contents inside it, is also damaged to a degree.”
no he said that
he literally said that once
if you could read thoughts in the air then mr. hyun probably speaks in proper punctuation AND capitalization
you found the schedule
and you also found this guy dressed in a really nice suit who looks very breathtaking
.... and is frustrated?
NOW HE LOOKS VERY FAMILIAR!!! you just can’t remember the name right now
he must be a talent because no one else is wearing the same suit that he is and his visuals are just beyond gorgeous so that must be it
he’s hunched on his makeup chair alone???
and there’s something on his hand and he keeps dipping his finger to his cupped hand and keeps squinting to the mirror in front of him and
“do you need help, sir?”
yoongi almost jumps out from his chair because oh my god are you-
oh huh.,., you’re not his personal assistant
you see
contact lens would be the absolute BANE of yoongi’s whole existence
he just can’t put it in
he’s said that sO many times to people who find him frustrating over it and whenever they make a “that’s what she said” joke it just makes him want to poke his eyeballs
“no, no. uh it’s okay!! i just can’t aGH shit i just need to learn how to put these cursed contacts in.”
oh he’s cute
like real cute
wait wHAT
he’s a bit perplexed because why are you asking for his name
and uh quick question wHY don’t you know his name
not to brag but yoongi,,,, he knows to himself that he’s a world-renowned model!!! he’s done countless shoots!!! he’s appeared in so many things!!!!! why don’t you-
ok he’s being a little bit boastful in his head now
“min yoongi.”
he just states his name and he doesn’t get how would that help with his problem right now
you’ve asked because you’re searching for his name by the schedule and you’re just absent-mindedly muttering his name as you search for it
“min yoongi min yoongi min yOU OH!!! oh!!!! min yoongi!!!!!”
lmao alright that’s it
you remember him immediately and it clicks with you that oh my god this is min yoongi!!!!
that’s the reaction he was initially looking for but it’s okay he’s just gonna be humble about it
“okay well first of all, it says here that you’re about to be called in nine minutes from now so hOW about i just give you a hand, hmm??”
that is not exactly a request
because even before yoongi could like half-heartedly agree (he wants to do it so badly but he can’t) and thank you, you’re already pulling his palm towards yours
“the solution’s drying out,,, how long have you been trying to get it in?”
he hears you ask him in a teasing voice and he kinda frowns at that because well NOW he’s too embarrassed to answer :((
you’re wordlessly grabbing the solution that’s on his desk before you squirt some on your curved palm and plucking out the lens that used to be on his palm
“you have to clean it first.”
“mhmm....,., yes.,.,.., i know that.”
a little bit
jUST a little bit
“you clean it first in these motions, see?? don’t rub it clockwise or anything like that”
ooh so that’s how it goes
he doesn’t want to be rude but he thinks that you’re not the director of this shoot
and there’s nothing bad about that!!!! he just wouldn’t know how to feel if the director were to see him frustrated over contact lens and they’d be the one to do it for him
“pick it up like a bowl!! make sure that the ends of it turn iNWARDS, okay?? inwards!!! if the ends poke out then it would literally hurt so much and maybe you’d be blind”
so that’s where he went wrong for like five times,,,,,
“never put it in dry, okay? otherwise it would hurt too.”
that’s it yoongi’s taking this girl’s words down
he doesn’t know wHO you are but he appreciates you
“now tilt your head down a little bit for me :))”
yoongi bows his head and it kinda makes you snort because he was serious with that one
“nO NO just a little bit, mr. min.”
you have your thumb on his chin just to get it to the right position
he will d-word right now oh my god is he a dummy
how could you pOSSIBLY put the contacts on him if his head was hung that low
in any angle though, he looks so nice
he has long eyelashes too and they’re pointing downwards so that may add on to his problem
“now look up”
whew oh god you need to avert your eyes a little bit because you’re just realizing now that this is mIN YOONGI you’re dealing with right now
“or at me!! yeah that would work too :))”
yoongi’s just killing it with his social cues huh :)))))))))
you’re placing delicately the lens by his sclera and yoongi kinda panics and is at the same excited because this is dEFINITELY HAPPENING
“ok calm dOWN and now move your eye until the contact clings and keep moving it still even if you’ve got it already for like eight seconds!!!”
he did it
well technically yOU DID IT
“oh my god that is the qUICKEST thing ever omg now the other eye!! do the other eye!!! :D”
he’s so giddy over you putting on his contact lens and he doesn’t even know you and you just feel so familiar to him!!
yoongi trusts you with his contact lens and that’s enough trust you’d ever need
“aaaaand we’re done!! :D”
“thank you!! what’s your n-“
alright that is mr. hyun asking for a follow-up in the walkie-talkie by asking where’s the schedules and that means you immediately have to dash to the briefing room :))
yoongi didn’t even catch your name :((
you didn’t even get to say goodbye to him :((
you didn’t get to see yoongi for the rest of the shoot because after you’ve delivered the papers, you were then summoned to take care of the catering company that’s gonna do it’s second rounds and to facilitate whatever they needed to do :((((
it’s a bummer though
you dIDN’T even get to see the actual shoot get done because you were too busy verifying the payments if those fish fingers are really priced like that in the receipt you were given :((
you’re probably never gonna see him again
there’s another shoot you’ve been called for again the next week and this time, it was for a luxury brand that’s releasing it’s summer line and the settings for it were a beach AND a swimming pool
they couldn’t have just become satisfied with a beach and had to add on a fancy pool filled with chlorine and then more chlorine for the sets
“Y/N, do you know how to swim?”
mr. hyun asks you so casually as your only task as of now is to stand beside him as he lists things and you check it off in your clipboard
“hmm. i do know how to swim, mr. hyun, but not professionally, y’know?? they don’t exactly teach dives in film school”
he laughs at that and you smile at that because good for you :))
“Good. Because we’re gonna need someone to keep these floaties still, and the lifeguard’s out, and here’s a rashguard.”
what in the actual fUCK
you see
although this is for a summer line and a summer shoot
and you came into work today not thinking that you’re gonna be in a frEEZING pool wearing a rashguard underneath your shirt to keep these floaties still!!!!
you love your job you love your job you love your job!!!!!
maybe if you say it enough, it’s gonna come true!!!!!
hold up
the both of you are genuinely surprised to see each other ok
at this point, you should automatically assume that yoongi would always be the undisclosed model in your shoots
you’re looking up at him and he’s looking down on you because CLEARLY he is not in the freezing pool as you are
“i’d let you put in my contacts right now, but it doesn’t exactly make a good addition to chlorine :]”
the water’s freezing but yoongi just makes it warmer :))
mr. hyun’s saying the directions to you as to where in the pool you should place yoongi and the floatie’s slippery and you dON’T want to risk getting the clothes wet because it’s not intended.,..,. even if this is a summer shoot
he has a tough crowd (you) and you’re just kinda deadpanning because you now feel you aRE a little bit embarrassed even if this is your job and u shouldn’t be
“i’m kidding!! jus kidding :D”
humor doesn’t exactly click when you’re about waist-deep and aBOUT to be shoulder-deep into freezing cold water
and now since you look a fool, you’re just gonna deal with the slippery floatie and yoongi notices so he’s the one who takes your hand instead as he nudges you to move
:] i was just joking pls don’t hate me :]
you stop the moment mr. hyun says sTOP that’s perfect and before you could awkwardly waddle yourself away from the camera’s view-
“is your face just good and the sunscreen you used is matte, or do you just not have any sunscreen on??”
yoongi asks with much concern as if it’s the most important thing in the world and he doesn’t have a shoot to do
“i don’t have-...”
“no? oh come on, contact girl!! come here for a second!!!”
you look to mr. hyun because Sir is it really and he’s just screaming back with his eyes going gO COME TO MIN YOONGI
you’re confused and before you know it, yoongi’s reaching for you and digging into his pocket and-
“sunscreen stick!! the sun’s always there even if it’s freezing, y’know?”
this time, it’s yoongi tilting your chin up and very delicately swipes the stick on your face and even taps it in
“all done!! let’s start the shoot!!”
he claps up and everybody gets into position and you have to waddle back to your spot awkwardly with your cheeks heating up
you don’t know if it’s yoongi’s power move to swipe his own sunscreen sticks on people but it fEELS LIKE IT IS
he’s very well-aware of what he’s done and he now has every intention to ask you what’s your name after this
although tHAT doesn’t happen again because now mr. hyun’s telling you to come up and get all dried down because after this, he’s gonna need you to ask the front desk if you could access more of their amenities for the sudden changes in the shoot :(((
yoongi almost doesn’t want to leave the set because you’re out again :((( and he still hasn’t had the chance to ask you your name
uGH it’s just so unfair :(((
you feel the same way and you just wanna see him!!! even if he’s only gonna tease you for most of the time and you’re gonna be a blushing mess throughout!!!
you’re cranky ok
you’re more cranky than how mr. hyun gets with dented folders
you’ve had two back-to-back shoots this week and you’ve only had ONE hour of sleep for the whole time
not to mention that you thought you’d also see yoongi in atleast one of those projects :(( but it was a no-go either
your job is just sO demanding
it starts earlier and ends later than how the printed schedules say and is much more different than the talent’s
speaking of talents, these artists are just pure out LATE and not only are they setting a bad impression on the director!!!!
but they are also the reason for the bane of your existence!!!you call their drivers non-stop to ask for the whereabouts and to adjust the catering’s schedule and the amends that you need to make for people
they make your job harder and your hours longer and your fatigue greater
you actually feel like you’re gonna pASS OUT
mr. hyun’s the one who’s assigning you to these projects and as MUCH as you’re thankful because that means better pay and more exposure and more experience,,, he’s really not seeing the fatigue he’s putting you thru right now
you forgot your ankle support,,,, you have nOT eaten three meals today,,,, you haven’t drank water for hours,,,,, you fEEL like you’re gonna pass out
and someone’s just called you over again to deliver these hair pins to this specific trailer asap and oh god your ankles are just gonna fall off at this point
ok quick knock and you enter and-
“hmm?? oh, it’s okay!! we don’t need it anymore. someone else already brought in new ones :))”
“cONTACT GIRL!!!!!!”
if you took a moment to read the name that’s by the front of the trailer, you’d know that this is yoongi’s trailer and the makeup artists just went straight to his,, instead of him coming to them because he just can’t be damned to stand and walk over there :D
the makeup artist you were talking to moved out of the way so the both of you could see each other and sO yoongi could also stop stretching his neck out to the max
they’re finishing up anyway
his contact lens case was held by this makeup artist and she was about to put em in and yoongi snatched back the case :))
“here!!! put them on me!!!”
okay that’s a bit awkward for the other girl yikes.,.,. she’s just uh gonna exit the trailer with the other makeup artists now
you only greet back now as you get the case for him and yoongi frowns at that
why aren’t you cheery???? he’s used to you being more enthusiastic than him so wHY is he the one carrying the conversation (that hasn’t been even started) that’s already dwindling out
you’re getting really really sluggish and this sudden heavy wave of sleepiness is really hitting you
you dO look kinda hazy
“are you okay??”
yoongi’s holding you by the sides of your arms and your eyes are blinking so slowly as you try to nod but that just won’t cut it for him
“well i think yOU need to rest”
he’s standing up and is about to put you onto his sofa so you could like perhaps nap a minute or two since he knows fatigue when he sees it
but by the looks of it, he can’t even make you lie down because you’re already sitting down
sitting down
on his lap
this is really.,.,...nice
yoongi’s a bit shocked and there aren’t any sentences forming in his head besides “what’s your name, contact girl???” as if that is the mOST pressing issue right now
“ᶦ’ᵐ ʸ/ⁿ” is what you could only practically mumble because this pillow is really soft and warm and heavenly and u want nothing more at the moment than to be buried in it
yoongi has never felt this soft
there’s you accidentally falling asleep on him
literally ON him
and his hands are still hovering but he decides to relocate them on your back, rubbing small circles and even patting softly
your hair smells really good too
he must’ve been to engrossed in it as you burst awake some minutes later and you almost bump his jaw on your way up
“oh my gOD did i just pass out on your lap???”
well you’re still sat on his lap and you’re scrambling away while you’re still groggy and he has to reach for you before you could topple over
“no problem!! it’s cool i sWEAR!!!”
he quickly explains what’s happened and how he’s close with hyun bin and how he literally conversed for like two seconds and your producer immediately agreed
yoongi just said “hEY mr. hyun!!! y/n works for you, right?? i’m SO sorry if this isn’t in my position to ask but y’know she did just kinda pass out and i was wondering if she could just lay down in my trailer for awhile??”
within two minutes mr. hyun apparently went to the trailer and delivered your backpack and he keeps in mind to apologize to you later on and hmmmmm is there anything going on between you and yoongi???
“are there any pillows?”
underneath the cushion the both of you are sitting at, there is a shit tON of pillows he just keeps there
there’s memory foam!! cotton!! feather!! a hybird of those two!!!
yoongi decides to answer and he delivers it with the straightest answer possible
“... no.”
he quickly clears his throat as he looks to his lap and taps on it so you could lie down on him!!
you think you like yoongi :)))
yoongi is positive that he likes you :)))
you stand up for a moment and he panics because nO where are you going??? but it was just for you to retrieve your phone and grab your earphones!!
you kind of have an irrational fear of buying airpods and that shit just falling every two seconds and then you could nEVER find it
and so here you are :)) offering yoongi an earphone as you lay your head on his lap
there’s just something so familiar with the melody
the lyrics
the vOICE
so familiar to the point that yoongi’s heart practically drops because oh god
“this suga guy.,, i like him.”
yoongi doesn’t know whether he should feel jealous because you like this suga guy
but he doesn’t know shit because he IS that suga guy!!!
and so his mind’s fuzzy and all-conflicted as you babble on, about to be lulled to sleep again
“once i get to make a film, like an actual full-length film and jUST not a thesis film,,,, i’m hiring him,,,, i don’t care if he consumes like 80% of my budget for that film iM HIRING HIM!!!”
yoongi’s about to practically combust right now
he’s grinning from ear-to-ear, looking down on you who he’s grown fond of so much so fast and is lying down on his lap, his thumb pressing down on your cheek softly as he tilts his head
“do you wanna know a secret?”
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