#on another note. do not touch me i am thinking about cannibalism being a metaphor for love again
cute-brainz · 11 months
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The Prince Solaire
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petersvibes · 7 years
what a feeling - peter parker
description: wintery nights with queens’ very own, peter parker
song: what a feeling - one direction
pairing: peter parker x fem!reader
warnings: maybe swears, but mostly fluff town w/ a hint (a hint) of that cuffing season goodness pls don’t kill me LMFAO 
author’s note: ok but i genuinely love one direction so much… don’t @ me unless your name is harry edward styles
Harsh winds beat against the broken panel of the Parker’s bedroom window, the winter night echoing its woes around you. Layers of snow have long past exceeded merely blanketing the streets, rather it’s confining all of the city to buildings as it accumulates on the sidewalks and doors. The extreme weather conditions are not completely unusual to see in New York. Peter has many memories of watching the world coat in white with wonder in his eyes, but at sixteen years old, it’s not the snow itself that fills him with excitement. Rather it’s the predicament he finds himself in when the blizzard leaves the two of you trapped in his apartment.
For upwards of twenty hours, you’re alone in his apartment, and it’s within the first four that you develop extreme cabin fever. You had already subjected Peter to reruns of Grey’s Anatomy, but the guilt of watching him become bored out of his mind prompted you to shut your laptop and find other means of entertainment. From that arose the construction of a blanket fort, complete with reconfigured Christmas lights and just about every item resembling a blanket in the vicinity. Watching you dance to selections from your winter playlist as you drape sheets across Peter’s room was, undoubtably, Peter’s favorite part of the night.  He becomes so entranced in your essence, your being, rather, that the song fades to the background and he’s staring at you, completely awestruck that someone as wonderful as you would even think about being with someone like him. The way you move while fulfilling the childlike task is so effortlessly beautiful that he doesn’t even realize that he has long since dropped his pile of pillows from the wonderment. 
“Peter,” You call his name with a singing tone that matches the song playing. He’s out of his lovestruck daze as soon as he feels the chill of your palms on his cheeks, your thumbs stroking the skin gently. “You okay?" 
Instead of answering, he chooses instead to look straight into your eyes, smiling as he tugs you close. He wraps his arms around your lower back, and in your half hugging, half standing motion, the two of you are swaying to the beat of the slow music. Somewhere along the way, you interlace your hands on the back of his neck and rest your head to his shoulder. If this exchange occurred only a few months ago, you would’ve been able to hear his heart drumming wildly in his chest. In your initial stages of togetherness, the mere thought of you was enough to send Peter breaking down into nervous sweats. Although he had wanted nothing more than to be around you every second of the day, he endured a phase in which he was so scared of sending you running away that he avoided moments like this at all costs. For you, those first few weeks were heartbreaking to say the least, enough to make you think he didn’t truly like you at all. 
Of course, the exact opposite proved to you to be true after an afternoon in which you aired your suspicions to him. The feeling of your sickeningly pure affections going unreciprocated just about broke your heart and with tears in your eyes, you presented him with an ultimatum. "If you don’t want to be with me or if you don’t like me just say so now because I’m falling for you and you’re avoiding me and it’s breakin’ my heart here.” You had blurted it out with a choked up voice. The sound of it, along with the sight of your glassy eyes was more than enough to send electricity through him. In that moment, he became so painfully aware of his affections for you, that his rapidly beating heart no longer thwarted him from kissing you for the first time.
For a while after his first kiss with you, Peter’s nervousness persisted, but that one kiss had you invested so deeply in the thought of him that you didn’t mind. He can’t pinpoint the exact moment in which he had become so comfortable around you that all you induce is pure serenity, but he doesn’t object to it. Instead, he welcomes moments like this with open arms, literally and metaphorically. Holding you, whether it’s when you’re cuddling in bed or holding hands as you walk or swaying to languid music just as you are right now, is the best way Peter can think of spending any day, regardless of the conditions. 
With your words muffled by his sweatshirt, you start to speak. “You know,” You trail your finger across his shoulder, watching as the blue fabric rustles under your touch. “It doesn’t look like it’ll be letting up any time soon. I’ll probably have to stay the night.” You feel his chest start to move as he starts to laugh.
He leans over, just far enough he can place his lips on the side of your forehead, kissing your temple. “I don’t think I mind. Do you?”
You shake your head, moving your pointer finger from it’s place on his shoulder to his face. You pull away, only slightly, so that you can just barely see the dim light bounce off the high points of his flushed cheeks. “A sleepover with my favorite guy? Never.” He grins at your compliment, pressing a soft, chaste kiss to your supple lips. When he pulls away, he traces over them with his thumb, watching you lovingly as you melt into his touch. From the sheer delight of it all, you make a noise in effort to alleviate your lightheadedness and let him go, leaving him breathless as you resume the construction of your cove. 
Hours later, Peter’s limbs are tangled in yours as you lie on his now plush floor. In the corner of the space, empty mismatched mugs that once held a delicious brew of hot chocolate rest next to a stack of cards. You’ve done just about all the two of you can think of, from playing board games to baking to going through his memory box. Both of your day clothes have long since been discarded, replaced instead with layers of Peter’s comfiest attire. When he watches you curling into the worn fabric, he becomes well aware that he probably won’t get the item back, but he doesn’t mind, for if it makes you happy, it makes him elated. 
“It's like we’re the last two people left on earth.” He comments. He leans his forehead against yours and tucks a bit of stray hair behind your ear, his touch light and tender. “We’re survivors of the blizzard apocalypse." 
You scoff, glaring at him playfully. "There is no way you and I would survive any type of apocalypse. We’d get so caught up in kissing each other that we’d get caught by a group of cannibals or something." 
"Hey!” He whines, furrowing his brow. “If worse comes to worst, I would protect you. I’m Spider-Man." 
"Pete, you know I love you, but there is no possible way that swinging around in a bright red and blue suit would help us in any way during the apocalypse.” You giggle at the thought of Peter fending off zombies with his webs. (This late at night, it’s a much funnier notion than it would be otherwise.) “But you would make a lovely companion in times of crisis.” You reassure him, pecking the wrinkled spot between his eyebrows. 
“Thank you.” Peter says, his joking voice sickeningly sweet in spite of your teasing. “You ought to be nicer to me ya know. I am offering you safe haven after all.
You push yourself upwards and nudge your boyfriend’s shoulder so that he’s resting on his back and watching you adjust your body so that you’re straddling his hips. "I am always nice to you.” You murmur, leaning down and kissing the corner of his thin lips. “But I can be nicer…” You pepper his jaw with the imprint of your lips, Peter letting out a breathy sigh. “If you want me to be.” Genuinely, your presence on his neck is more than welcome, but in the moment, he desires the taste of traces of hot chocolate on your lips. He closes his eyes and buries his fingers in your hair, moaning in delight. 
“You are so fucking nice you’re-” He pauses as you gently revitalize one of the fading marks on his collar bone, courtesy of yours truly. “You’re perfect, (Y/N).” For a second, you stop your movements and peer up at him through the thickness of your lashes, a smirk on your face.
“No,” You murmur, gazing down at him endearingly. “You’re the perfect one, my love.” Your sincerity sends the already active butterflies in his stomach haywire as they flutter around excitedly. As you make your way around the most sensitive spots of his neck, he lies back and imagines what it would be like, years from now if you stuck around. How he could have you, just like this, where the rest of the world drowns away and it’s just you, him, and the love you have for one another. He decides that that, would be more perfect than either one of you could imagine. 
“I wish I had some mistletoe or something.” He says, tugging his lower lip under his teeth. “Then I could kiss you any time I want." 
Pulling your head back up, your grin comes to match the brightness of his. “You don’t need mistletoe to make me want to kiss you Peter." 
He releases his lip from its place under his teeth and he takes your head back in his hands, pushing the loose hair way yet again.“You sure?” He asks. 
Rolling your eyes, you lean down slowly, capturing his lips in the most passionate kiss you can muster. "Positive.” You affirm, your words jumbled in the softness of his breath. The taste of minty chocolate overwhelms your senses and Peter’s heat surrounds you, and somehow, his unique ability to leave you at his mercy gives him the upper hand. Somehow, he ends up hovering over you and kissing you until you’re dizzy and dumbfounded. “You can kiss me any time you want." 
Peter’s thankful for the storm, for more reasons than just the fact that they keep you confined together for hours on end. Sure, there is nothing he loves more than being with you in any capacity, and weather allows him to do that. However, he’s thankful for the storm because with relentless snow, came just as relentless winds, and in their howling, they drown out the almost equally as loud noises he elicits from you that night. 
taglist: @4ydan
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A Return to the Abyssal Plains
Week 9, Day 64
So, I’m back in the abyss for more abuse/treatment (more on that in a moment), but, in keeping with the grand re-launch (re-sinking?) of this project, as I go into the year-long chemo regimen - which promises to be miserable, but it definitely beats the alternatives - I thought it might help keep me focused (at least for this post) to affirm the grand goal of this little project (to any long-time readers, don’t worry, this will still serve as a black-box recording of my ongoing descent). To recap; I just finished the initial stage of post-surgical treatment for brain cancer/malignant tumors, with the added bonus of participating in an experimental chemo trial (specifically, I’m being tested for safety and side-effects)(I’m hoping that one of the side-effects is to give me superpowers, so I refer to it as the Captain America serum), with a drug designed to prevent tumor recurrence (that’s what it’s being tested for, anyway). So, yesterday was the start of the first chemo cycle - out of 12 (each cycle is 28 days, so I’m now on the Chinese calendar), and it seemed as good a time as any to double down on the madness.
For all new readers, I tend to use the overarching metaphor of being in the abyssal plains - which is what a cancer diagnosis feels like, it’s like being banished to some horrifying, dark reality; particularly as you realize that your life is now governed by factors over which you have virtually no control.. And, in cancer, sometimes the best move you can make is simply to exist (to live) until some better treatment or opportunity comes along that you can seize upon. There will be a lot of squid metaphors.
However, if I may mix metaphors (a side-effect of the chemo is that you tend to lose focus and get forgetful, so I’ll meander quite a bit)(good news; based on my experience, that’s a temporary side-effect), at the moment, there is a sensation that I’m in “Mad Max: The Sit-com.” Sure, from your perspective, I’m in a horrible, shitty situation (and I am, make no mistake; I won’t deny that for a second), but, at the same time, you people don’t know how great it feels to race across the desert at 200 miles per hour, and you’ll never know how great lady fingers are. Yes, that was a bad cannibalism joke (NOTE TO SELF: include more cannibalism references, especially as it pertains to squid biology). There will be more cannibalism jokes. And bad language (if ever there was a time to creatively use the word “fuck,” it’s after you hear the words “Stave IV”)  If those things offend you, I apologize, but life down here is not for the faint of heart.
Speaking of cannibalism, swearing, and the faint of heart, I was chided a few months ago by my step-mother for relying on shock value in my writing. Which is a little odd, since she pointed out that the original fairy tales told to children were the stuff of nightmares, and they were told to children not to inspire them or entertain, but to prepare them. I see myself in the same light; I’m just your glow-in-the-dark tour guide to the depths, and I’ll do my best to impart all the stuff I wish I’d known at the beginning. Or, given there’s a solid chance I’ll die in the near-future, I’ll leave a record behind of what not to do. Perspective and context are everything in the depths. And, when I talk about you being a future cancer patient, that’s not me being emo or dark, that’s just a basic, unfortunate truth. Even though I’m far from expert, I do have a little bit of a formal background in molecular biology and physiology; and, if you live long enough, you will accumulate enough cellular damage in one cell for it go rogue (and then you have cancer). That’s dark and depressing, but it’s an unfortunate truth about how our biology is set up. If we were intelligently designed by a grand creator, we weren’t designed very well.
And if my numbering system seems macabre, well, that’s all perspective. Part of that is to help me keep track of my numerous appointments, infusions, and chemo treatments. The other part is somewhat darker; median life expectancy for glioblastoma stage IV patients is 14 months . Obviously, my new life goal is to go for the record in terms of survival, but at the moment, the number to beat is 426 days (the ultimate goal 1825 days; if you go that long without a recurrence, you’re considered “cured”)(not exactly, but if you make it that long, the odds of a recurrence are about the same as brain cancer occurrence in the general population). This is my way of keeping score against the disease.
I woke up this morning, which, in retrospect was a tactical mistake. The biggest, most-noticeable side-effect of the Captain America serum is severe fatigue and muscle pain (for me, anyway), and the nastiest, Keith Richards-level hangovers imaginable. (which, I suppose, is my comeuppance for experimenting with dangerous, unproven substances instead something tamer and safer, like heroin). My mom is freaking out about this, and I’m not much happier, but desperate times do call for desperate measures (and, hey, it’s been very successful over the past few months). But, good news for you guys (or bad, depending on how you look at it), since my new schtick - when I’m feeling miserable - is to sit at the keyboard and let the blood flow into it, you’ll start seeing increased writing output as I feel worse. I’m almost hopeful that I’ll get a terminal diagnosis (I will, eventually; we all will, eventually) just to see what my twisted mind would write (again, I’m a very, very strange person).
Which brings me to the point of this post; when you get cancer, you’re going to be asked/required to undergo a lot of unpleasant, painful, horrible procedures and medicines. Yes, you will have to inject toxic, dangerous substances into your body. You might be flash-fried (see the archives for my entries while I was in radiation treatment if you’re curious about that). Strangers will cut out pieces of you. My advice, based on the last 8 weeks is, just do it. Pop every pill you’re prescribed, get strapped down and nuked, ask the chemo nurses if you can get a margarita while you’re in the chemo chair. I’m not going to lie; it’s going to be miserable, but you do it, because it beats the alternatives. Speaking of the kind of misery you can expect, there’s a very old-school cancer treatment axiom that states that anything that makes the patient stronger, makes the cancer stronger, too (this is reductive, but biologically accurate). Modern cancer treatment has a much lighter-touch than the things you see in the Lifetime TV movies on the subject, but there are still a lot of patients in the waiting room that look like Holocaust survivors. Again, I’d advise you to wade in and join them; conventional cancer treatments are like democracy, empirical science, or capitalism - the only thing to recommend them is that they’re slightly better than the other systems we’ve tried over the centuries (and even then, there’s no guarantees, which is a very, very scary feeling). Don’t get squirrelly and start overexerting what little agency you have left by playing around with your pills or testing the limits of the doctor’s orders/recommendations. I’ve heard of patients who try skipping their zofran, which puzzled me - when you’re in chemo, this is the drug that prevents nausea and puking, and there are very few side effects. Which is not to say that you should mindlessly accept everything as it happens; bring up concerns, issues, and problems with your medical team, but I’d say that once you receive your marching orders, embrace them. Again, as of yesterday, there were no detectable growths or tumors or metastasis, which is great, but I was also a model patient for the last eight weeks. But that’s just me; I have a long ways to go, yet; and there’s still a frighteningly high chance this could all go to hell tomorrow. There’s a distinct chance of that one, since I have to go see Radiation Oncologist tomorrow afternoon to confirm my brains haven’t melted (again, you think I’m joking, look up “necrosis” - it’s a major risk/side-effect of radiation treatment).
ANYWAY… WEIGHT: 213 lb (as of yesterday, anyway) CONCENTRATION: Not bad, I’m still making calls and wading through paperwork, but I’m definitely not at 100%. APPETITE: Not great. I’m eating and I’m hungry now, but starting off the day with a double-dose of Temodar and Warlock juice (which was yesterday, but the side-effects drag on for about 48 hours after the injection) definitely put a dent in my appetite (thank Great Kraken for Zofran). ACTIVITY LEVEL: Bad. I’m exhausted (fatigue is another chemo side-effect I’m well-acquainted with) and just being upright is not fun. SLEEP QUALITY: Excellent. I slept nine hours straight, which is probably why I woke up feeling like Alice Cooper’s liver (another tip for cancer patients, when you’re on chemo, hydrate like a marathon runner; which means getting up once or twice in the night for a glass of water). COORDINATION/DEXTERITY: A bit off, although, as Mom pointed out, hemiparesis is a side-effect of Temodar (it’s a side-effect of the surgery and radiation, too, so there’s plenty of suspects). MEMORY: Not too bad, although I haven’t had any tasks that required extensive memory use today. PHYSICAL: I started the day off miserably - physically speaking - and have slowly improved over the course of the day. I’m still trying to cut back on my Tylenol and caffeine usage (at the recommendation of my medical team), but you’d better believe it’s taking a lot of willpower not to relapse (it helps that the Tylenol and coffee are over there, in the kitchen, and right now I’m too tired to walk that far). SIDE EFFECTS: Fatigue, muscle pain, and hang-over/flu symptoms, but those are par for the course at this point. Good news, if this plays out like the other injections, I can look forward to some really freaky and intense dreams in the next day or two.  
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genyatta · 7 years
Huge Genyatta Fic List
Thanks to Tumblr user @blackmage2317 , a long list of Genyatta fanfics has been organized. Hundreds of fanfics for you guys to chose from! I want to give a big thanks to blackmage2317 and their dedication for finding and putting together all these fics. I feel it’ll be a big help for people searching for fics to read.
****Incomplete Fics (As of compilation)
At the End of the Day by Anemoso (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Pretend Relationship AU where Genji’s still human.
Miraculous by choriarty (Rated G; No Warnings)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
Senses by enigmatic_fossil (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
One person’s take on Zenyatta and Genji meeting and subsequently traveling together.
Mind, Body, and Soul by Grovey (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Genji and Zenyatta at the Shambali Monastery as Genji comes to terms with his own self (and feelings for Zenyatta, who’s dealing with his own issues).
Summer by Trashbab (Nopholom) (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
Hero by phalenne (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Sentai AU
Deleted Scenes by Hubris_and_Crafts (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Side stories from wyntera’s Popcorn Redemption, starting with (and so far only having) Genyatta getting together with the movie Hero of My Storm. Also Shambali Shenanigans.
Ain’t No Sunshine on the Psychic Plane, Darlin’ by notzenyatta (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Zenyatta is kidnapped, Genji rescued him under mysterious cicrumstances and nothing is right.
The Dragon Becomes Me by thel9stwea699 (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Weredragon Genji is ousted from his clan and wanders the world, and accidentally stumbles across Zenyatta.
Summer Love – Genyatta Summer Week 2017 by snickering_lemon
(Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Judgement by vibidi (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
I can see why I don’t see a lot of talk about this one, but I promise it’s worth the time! Genyatta is a little bit of a side note in this one. It follows Zenyatta through the Recall and trying to deal with his own issues as well as coming into a team where not everyone likes the fact that he’s there. Also, honorable mention of the alternate title: Maybe the Iris Was the Friends We Made Along the Way.
Moments of Hana by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Focusing on Hana “D.Va” Song, Genyatta is definitely in the foreground and features in at least two of the (currently) five chapters. It’s adorable and also great in terms of team relations.
Those Who Need It by tea_and_outer_space (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Modern, human AU where everyone has some form of chronic illness, pain, or mental condition, but they all find friends in a free group therapy. Genyatta’s not really a focus of the fic, more so the parts about Genji.
The Tale of the Lost Dragon by the artisticfox (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Directly related to another AU I haven’t read (yet), it can serve as a stand-alone. Mythical AU.
I Would Move Mountains by twitchtipthegnawer (Rated M; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Hybrid AU where Zenyatta is human and Genji is a hybrid. They set off from Amsterdam to Nepal, but the peaceful journey isn’t always so peaceful.
Dragon’s Guide by Ayleid (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
You’ve heard a lot about this one already! Slow burn, modern day, college professor AU. Definitely a good read but super lengthy – don’t start this one at 2 am. Or 11 pm. (Trust me.) There’s actually a side fic where Genji, Hana, and Lucio all make academic vines which I recommend as well, though Genyatta isn’t even really mentioned in that one. It’s the second link.
Mountain Air by calaverita (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Angst fest Genji who becomes slightly less angsty and is more smitten with Zenyatta.
Make My Spirit Still by Poee (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
AU in which the brothers are friendly with each other but are stagnating in skills. Therefore, they are sent to learn among the Shambali. Human AU where “Hanzo doesn’t get access to the sharp object cabinet just in case”. (I don’t think it’s going to be continued, however, so fair warning.)
I Know the Doubts that Plague You by CinamonPizza (Not Rated; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Personal warning for cannibalism explicitly stated and non-graphically described. Sangzang Zenyatta/Oni Genji AU slow burn.
True Self, Without Form by Byacolate (Rated E; No Warnings Apply)
True self is without form.
****Complete Fics (as of the compilation):
Paw Beans by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta and Genji go into a cat café. Adorableness ensues.
Pulling My Black Waters by SimonBlackchill (Rated G; No Archive Warnings)
Genji helping Zenyatta with Mondatta’s death.
Fellow Feeling by hyrulehobbit (Rated G; Chose not to use warnings.)
Networking fic where Genji and Zenyatta have a mind-blowing experience. Personal warning for possibly graphic depictions of violence.
Opening Night by choriarty (Rated G; No Archive Warnings)
Modern College Theatre AU.
Rememberance by hyacinthis (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings)
Genji helps Zenyatta as best he can.
Genyatta Prompts by LegendaryBard (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Short and sweet, ten one-word prompts that all deal with Genyatta.
Nobody’s Perfect by deerna (Rated G, No Warnings Apply)
Pre-ship that is technically a part of Genyatta Week Summer 2017. Genji and Zenyatta end up watching Some Like it Bot.
a whisper that’s just loud enough to make out by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Human AU. (I can’t tell if it’s supposed to be part of Genyatta Week Summer 2017 or not.)
in good memory by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
While it’s been a year since the Overwatch Recall, it’s also been a year since Mondatta was assassinated, and Zenyatta and Genji go to have a memorial for him. It’s a bittersweet piece.
somebody said you disappeared in a crowd viscrael (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
A brief talk about Genji and Zenyatta’s first “meeting”.
Beautiful by SlishFlash121 (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Short, cute piece about touch.
Winter in Nepal by theorchidhorror (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Love confession – prompt “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
Melting Hearts, Melting Circuts by RojoManzana (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
It gets cold in Nepal. Genji ensures Zenyatta doesn’t freeze over.
earth and sun by Fluoradine (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genji is leaving, but he wants to give Zenyatta something before he goes to remember him by. Problem: it can’t be just anything.
To Do Things Right by Agent_Fluff (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Shimada Genji doesn’t do a lot of things. The writer lives up to their name.
People Watching by choriarty (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Oni/Kitsune AU.
Genji’s Diary by nicoisbest (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
A twist on the cliché you’re expecting. It’s solid fluff.
Memory of Happiness by Scientia_Fantasia (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji helps Zenyatta deal with Mondatta’s death.
Embrace Tranquility by Scientia_Fantasia (Rated G; No Archive Apply)
Fluffy piece about Genji being touch starved. Oh, also love confessions.
Glitches (as a metaphor for genji’s emotional state and as a general pseudo-medical term for omnic illness by notzenyatta (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings/No Warnings Apply)
I kid you not that’s the full, actual name of this fic. They’ll be another one by them in the list. But I promise it’s actually a really good read with pre-relationship worried Genji and cool as a cucumber but sweet as cotton candy Zenyatta. Sick fic.
The Little Things by Fis (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Literally just fluff.
Push and Pull by Masu_Trout (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Even in Numbani, Genji doesn’t feel like he belongs. Zenyatta tries to make him feel better.
Mercy by notzenyatta (Rated G; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Zenyatta and Mercy have a disagreement and Genji tries to comfort his robot boyfriend.
Transcendence by FandomAmbassador (Rated G; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genyatta marriage proposal and subsequent wedding. Also Hanzo is a good bro.
chuck-a-hunk-o’-wood-and-slice-it-in-half-mid-air-with-your-katana by notzenyatta (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I wasn’t kidding. Anyway, Genji is touch starved and deals with affection poorly. Zenyatta calls him out on it eventually.
Slow Motion by dressrosa (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Fluffy, gay robots during a rain shower.
Waltz of the Flowers  by FandomAmbassador (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
They dance. So fluffy.
Chocolate by 4RU (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji makes chocolate for Valentine’s Day.
Snow Day Antartica by Dorianssecretlibrary (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Has McHanzo and ZarMei (what’s their ship name?) as well. Classic snow day activites shared between couples after an impromptu vacation.
new year; new love by jyoou (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Nostaliga and new beginnings. Isn’t that what the New Year is all about?
Resolutions by novalillies (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Happy New Year, you gay robots.
Jokes by biTurret (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta tries to help Genji cheer up with Mondatta’s encouragement due to the cyborg’s issues with adapting to the monastery.
Morning Ritual by AlphaKantSpell (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Slice of life of two beings waking up.
Christmas Letters by Nievia (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
In which Genji is #relatable and struggles with finding the right words to write. Oh and love confessions, those to.
Zenyatta Mondatta by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
AU where the omnic crisis never happened, leaving omnics as servants to humans still. Genji meets Zenyatta, who defies all of his expectations.
Paths Converging by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta decides to leave the monastery, and Genji realizes that he can either go with him or stay. Love confessions.
Snow Day by FryinHawaiian (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
For Genyatta Week 2016, first snow day. Pre-ship.
Doubt by greygerbil (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji doubts his place. Zenyatta helps him and Genji asks to be his student. Pre-ship.
Thankful by MamaPenguin (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
What are you grateful for? Follows the whole Overwatch Team during Thanksgiving.
Blue Slipper by HamandChiise (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Cinderella AU in which Zenyatta is not a damsel in distress and Genji is smitten.
Hide ‘n Seek by LovePills (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Cute, innocent one shot about Genji and Zenyatta playing hide and seek. Cause why not?
Always Comfort by Exorciststuck (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji helps Zenyatta deal with Mondatta’s death.
Kiss the Cook by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji didn’t know Zenyatta could eat, much less cook.
Alongside by bexacaust (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Domestic fluff.
Mercy Deserves Better by ObsidianCoffe (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Mercy’s not paid enough to deal with a crushing cyborg and semi-oblivious monk. Not Gency.
Kintsugi by Fledgling (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta is a sweetheart and Genji’s in love with him. Established Genyatta.
Sore in the Morning by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Morning kisses and fluff.
Monster by overlordy (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is haunted by a child’s remark. Zenyatta tries to banish the thought. Love confessions ensue.
Digital Love overlordy (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Fluffy love confessions.
Broth by artvinsky (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji cooks for the team that has become a family to him. Background Genyatta.
Petals by tinybeasts (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Bastion tries to make friends with the other robos.
A Step at a Time by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta has a crush on Genji and Lucio is the best bro. Love confessions – and also mischievous Zenyatta.
Dandelion Pine by Byacolate (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Hanzo and Zenyatta both worry when Genji is sent on a mission without them.
Little Surprises by Exorciststuck (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji tries to surprise Zenyatta He succeeds when he least expects it.
Impromptu Nap by stripesyturtle (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji sleeps and Zenyatta helps him do so peacefully.
Peace by Musical_McCree (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
In which Zenyatta is #relatable and doesn’t want to wake up. Genji tries to smooth the transition.
Wearing the Pants in the Relationship by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
A silly, fluffy thing where Genji steals Zenyatta’s pants and the latter just wants to go to the meeting. Established Genyatta.
Is This Easy Mode? By iencourageviolence (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I’m just going to say “arcade date” and leave it at that. Established Genyatta.
Park Bench by pyropinkfish (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Human Genji meets Zenyatta in a park. Well, more like finally introduces himself to the omnic he always sees walking through it.
Ticklish Bird by Rhymepod195 (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Talon Genji and Sunyatta Zenyatta fluffy drabble. Implied Genyatta.
ryuu no ikari by weegie8 (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
McHanzo and Genyatta. The Shimada bro’s significant others are captured and have induced their wrath. Badass Shimada bros.
metamorphic frying pan of love by agmundr (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Zenyatta is a dog walking fashion disaster. Genji, for reasons beyond his own comprehension, is smitten. (Human AU.)
Warmth in Winter by Brachydios (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Fluffy morning with the robos. Established relationship.
the clouds breathe for you by agmundr (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Human Kid AU where Zenyatta and Genji bond over being different.
Stars by goldengoddess (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
Genji and Zenyatta take a break from a party and confess their love.
Deepest Sympathies by Beldam (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Reverse AU; Genji helps Zenyatta after the death of one of his brothers.
Summer Start by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week Summer 2017
Oh the Time That Has Passed by MedicDuFrense (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for PutridVodka’s Hidden AU, combines canon with AU.
Rhythmic by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Pre-ship dancing.
The Path is Never Straight by sturmfreii (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Deals with Genji having a heavy dissociation episode and Zenyatta trying to help him. Lots of fluff at the end.
A Purple Glow in the Dark by BenevolentErrancy (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Shit goes sideways as Genji and Zenyatta make their way to Gibraltar after the Recall. Bittersweet. Has a fight scene in it but not a graphic one.
Folding Papers by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Starts out pre-relationship and ends with established Genyatta. Genji wants to give Zenyatta a gift since he’s been under the monk’s tutelage for a year now.
Lend Me a Hand by Sp00kWorm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Author might be Spookworm; it’s hard for me to tell. Anyway, fluffy as cotton candy marriage proposal.
like sunlight dripping by SmugShimada (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Nomad Genji and Sunyatta Zenyatta. Fluffy drabble.
a little world created by love by crystalldragon (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Non-binary Zenyatta and Genji take a vacation and discuss the possibility of children.
Along the path Happiness Follows by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Friends to lovers. Honestly the summary is best. It’s a slightly longer read, but worth it.
being more (than what i’ve been) by mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
College Librarian AU.
I Think, Therefore by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Bastion has some questions about love.
Touch by Lacertae (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is both touch starved and reluctant to initiate contact.
The Greatest Life and Stickiest Leaves by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
I have to make honorable mention of one of my favorite tags: “Shimada Genji’s Affection Erection”. Anyway, fantasy/mythical creature AU with unresolved romantic tension and pining Genji.
Cardamom and Pepper Kick by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Technically part of a series, but the first part is incomplete McHanzo and is unnecessary to read to enjoy this one. Anyway, supernatural AU featuring fluffy, domestic witches and oracles.
The Mistletoe Started It by Mo-Mouse (abyssmalDeath) (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
In which Genji and Zenyatta kiss under mistletoe and proceed from there.
A Letter to an Old Friend by greygerbil (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji struggles for words here, too. Luckily, Zenyatta knows how to help him.
A Call to Arms by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
The Shambali are attacked, and Genji and Zenyatta are of the few able to help. Doesn’t mean Genji’s not worried about it though. (Part of Genyatta Week 2016.)
Tannenbaum by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Written for Genyatta Week 2016. Just holiday fluff.
Follows Me Everyday by goonyte (Rated T; No Archive Warnings Apply)
Genyatta Week 2016
Preternatural by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
AU where Genji is a dragon and Zenyatta seeks to help those who need it.
Hesitation by greygerbil (Rated T; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Genji is reminded of how precious his and Zenyatta’s time together is and comes to the conclusion that he has a question to ask.
Trust by Unchained_Silver (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji eventually shows his trust to Zenyatta – by showing his face. Zenyatta has a crush.
Universal Motion by Balenae (Rated T; Chose not to Use Warnings)
Mondatta and Zenyatta have a discussion. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth.
Take a Load Off by alohiel (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
The Overwatch team has a Thanksgiving feast. Featuring sweaters and Bohemian Rhapsody.
parlez-vous francais? ;) by slxightofhand (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings/None Apply)
Literally just kissing.
A New Man by Sp00kworm (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Again, might be SpOOkworm (it’s hard for me to tell). Anyway, one shot about Zenyatta helping Genji in the very beginning. More about Zenyatta than Genyatta.
Needy Sparrow by Flamenoodle (Rated G; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji feels the need to share his affection.
New experiences by Iyrs (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
In which Zenyatta wonders what it would be like to feel, and Genji shows him that he can.
Sugar Crystal Sisyphus by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Human AU where Genji works in an ice cream parlor and is a little in love with one of their regulars.
curse.exe by Byacolate, mywordsflyup (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Frog Prince AU. Has a podfic by Arioch that’s about 55 minutes long. Podfic is the second link.
Hug by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Recovery is not a straight line. Zenyatta helps Genji.
Touch Starved by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji is touch starved, but is afraid to initiate it. Zenyatta has no such boundaries.
Similar Pains by Corvidae_Corvus (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
First meeting between Genji and Zenyatta. Zenyatta heals Genji, but physical wounds are fleeting compared to those on souls.
Floating by chelseyelric (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Genji got an upgrade and is now able to levitate like Zenyatta. Well, he would be if he stopped overthinking it. Zenyatta helps him with the happy thoughts part of the Peter Pan saying.
A Chapel of Unreason by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Cuddles. Literally just cuddles. Established Genyatta.
The Saltiest Sea Knows its Own Way to Me by Byacolate (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Just gentle fluff.
Softly by ObsidianCoffe (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Kissing. That’s it.
Sketches and Kisses by xXCrossArrowXx (Rated T; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Genji decides to sketch Zenyatta one day.
empty nester by goabani (Not Rated; Major Character Death Warning)
It has a happy ending, I promise!
Catching Stars by choriarty (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Starcaller AU. (For those like me who have no idea what that is, it’s Space-y/Fantasy AU.) Love confessions and first meetings.
In Plain Sight by cellostiel (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Zenyatta talks to himself in Nepali. Genji wants to know what he’s saying.
Suteishi by BashfulInfidel (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
The road to recovery is never easy; especially not with the wide canyon between the brothers now. Genji tries, Hanzo tries, and Zenyatta tries because it’s important to Genji.
Cuddle Time by superfast_pinetree (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Drabble about sleeping in the same bed.
Flower Crown by Flamenoodle (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
In which Genji teaches Zenyatta how to make flower crowns.
A Perfect Night to Dance by Ladytronus (Not Rated; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Pining central as Genji and Zenyatta dance.
i remember touch by choriarty (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Soulmate AU where the first words your soulmate says to you appear as a tattoo. Follows Genji.
Convalescence by tenuous_pteradatyl (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
From first meeting to travelling to joining Overwatch after the Recall, this follows Genji and Zenyatta and their growing relationship as shit goes sideways with the Shimada Clan. Also some nice brotherly relationship with Hanzo and Genji.
Ode to the Lettuce Leaf by Byacolate (Rated M; No Warnings Apply)
Rapunzel/Witchcraft AU where Zenyatta is in a tower and Genji finds said tower.
You Must Forgive Yourself by megsblackfire (Rated M; Major Character Death)
This is part two of a series but it’s not necessary to read the first one. Hanzo drowns and Genji blames himself. Hanzo doesn’t blame Genji, but how’s he supposed to tell him that when he’s a bearded dragon? Pre-ship Genyatta.
Oni and Okashi by choriarty
(Rated T before being rated E for Chapter 13; the chapter’s skippable. No Warnings Apply.)
Oni Genji meets Witch Zenyatta when the latter summons him completely by accident. You’ve actually probably heard a lot about this one as well; there’s a lot of brilliant fanart for it!
The Lotus of the Iris Café by Cawaiiey (Rated E for chapter 2; No Warnings Apply)
First chapter is fluffy as all hell and ranges from first meeting to first date to first kiss in a human, college AU. Second chapter is all smut.
Something About Us by KNACC
Delves into the relationship of Genji and Zenyatta – sort of slice of life, in-between moments. Follows Genji. Main fic is incomplete and rated “E” for Chapter 10, the other two are complete and are rated “T”.
Kamen Hero Dragon by KNACC
Slow to update but oh, so worth it. Sentai AU; second installment is Genyatta Week 2017.
Pit Viper by Byacolate
Sanzang Zenyatta/Oni Genji; the best way I can describe this is “whimsical”. All the same, they’re both fairly short but sweet. There’s even a podfic of them both by Arioch (second link).
the curving path by chuchisushi
Described as a “five plus one that got a little out of hand”, the main story is a super long read but holy mother of things great and small, it’s one of my personal favorites. Also has a podfic by Arioch (I have it downloaded; it’s about 1 hour and 45 minutes long). Again, podfic is the second link. The second installment is just smut, while the third focuses mainly on Tracer interacting with Genji and talking about him.
Equilibrium by NeverwinterThistle
Hurt/comfort series with more comfort than hurt. Both pieces are on the longer side and slightly introspective.
Color Palette by Balenae
The first piece is rated E but has more than just smut (even if it is present in almost every chapter). It’s not completely necessary to read to understand the series: it’s an AU where Genji is still human and meets the Shambali when they come to Hanamura. Second installment has “a glimpse of canon” and the third one is pure smut. Still, a good read.
Collection of small Genyatta drabbles by bluegemini
Exactly what it says on the tin, neither piece is over 500 words. Super cute and super fluffy.
Moments by Balenae
The first installment is rated E for chapters 9 and 10, both of which are pure smut. Warning for major character injury and non-graphic descriptions of violence and pain. Second installment is a prequel about Genji and Zenyatta’s first meeting.
****For Shits and Giggles:
The rules of the Watchpoint by DpsMercy (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Overwatch DnD Nights by NevaRYadL (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
****Side Ship Genyatta
Gravity Plays Favorites by headraline (Rated T; No Archive Warnings)
Modern day aerialist AU; McHanzo is the main ship but Genji and Zenyatta are together and are part of the main cast. Their relationship is definitely in the foreground, though as mentioned it’s not the focus.
Oil and Ink (Series) by Demon_Apostle
McHanzo is, once again, the main ship, but Genyatta is mentioned in quite a few of them and the 12th installment has them as the main characters.
Worth the Trouble (Series) by headraline
Following the trend of McHanzo being the primary ship, but Genji is one of the main characters and is in a relationship with Zenyatta. Also a good read for brotherly relations between Hanzo and Genji. They rescue a kid and end up having to care for her as shit goes sideways.
As a heads up: Genji does make a joke about incest but it’s only a joke. I don’t really think it’s that big a deal but better to be safe.
The New Tattoo by Unholy_Author (Rated M; Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Another McHanzo as the main focus. It’s an AU where a tattoo appears for whoever you love. It goes beyond romantic love, too, which is my favorite part. Genyatta is in the foreground of this fic even though it’s not the main focus. Just one chapter short of being done, too!
Reconstruction by Balenae (Rated M; Chose Not to Use Warnings)
Following Hanzo, the Genyatta is mentioned but so far unfulfilled. Still a good read!
Non-Lethal Solace by casusalhomesatanism (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
It can comes across as McGenji at first and then switches to McHanzo. The Genyatta is more implied than anything, but it’s still a good read. Resident Shimada whisperer Jesse McCree.
A Force For Galactic Good (Series) by LiterallythePresident
Mass Effect AU. Genyatta is heavily implied in the fourth installment and can be read as a standalone. All of them are short and sweet and despite having never played Mass Effect, I enjoyed reading them.
Death’s Best Man (Series) by deliciously_devient
Focuses on McCree and has past McGenji in it, though it shifts to Genyatta after the Recall (though the latter is only implied). A supernatural AU, and no, not the TV show. Since it focuses on McCree, the main ship is McHanzo and the most recent installment does have smut in it.
not your fault by Anna_Blossom (Not Rated; No Warnings Apply)
Personal warning of mentions of suicidal tendencies and injury, as well as a scene where someone is killed in self-defense (none of these are graphically depicted). More about Mercy and Hanzo coming to terms with one another, but Genyatta is present. Genji and Mercy are good friends. Also there’s a puppy.
The Mariachi AU No One Asked For (Series) by arcxphxbia
McHanzo is the main ship of the series but Genyatta is mentioned in almost all of the installments and is in the foreground in the third one. College Mariachi AU (where McCree is the only one in the Mariarchi.)
First Time by kdwalbring (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
I never realized how much McHanzo overlaps in the Genyatta tag, but here we are. Anyway, main focus is McHanzo with Genyatta in the foreground. Also adopting children. And trans Hanzo.
Lost in Translation by BenevolentErrancy (Rated T; No Warnings Apply)
Again, McHanzo is main ship. Mostly follows Genji as Hanzo is insufferable and only flirts with McCree in Japanese. Problem: McCree doesn’t understand Japanese. Zenyatta is a gift. Genyatta is present but again, not the focus.
Claws and Crumbs and Red Bean Buns (Series) by Byacolate and mywordsflyup
(Rated E; No Warnings Apply)
Both pieces are rated E, though the Genyatta one only has smut in the last part of the second chapter. It’s not strictly necessary to read them in order, but the reason this is here is because the first (and main installment) is McHanzo focused, though Genyatta is in the foreground.
Don’t Take My Sunshine Away (Series) by Krasimer
Jumps between various members of Overwatch; it’s technically an AU since a lot of this was written before the canon came out. Mainly focusing on Reaper76, but other relationships include WidowTracer, McHanzo, Rein/Ana, PharMercy, RoadRat, and Genyatta. Also implied Sombra/Symmetra (sort of).
this grave ain’t big enough for the two of us by sajere1 (Rated G; No Warnings Apply)
AU where every Overwatch member that was presumed dead goes “Surprise! Not dead!” during McCree and Hanzo’s wedding. Genyatta is background. A nice, humorous piece.
******Genyatta Weeks : 
Casualhomesatanism Genyatta Week 2017
Angededesespoir Genyatta Week (2016)
Sacramental_Wine Genyatta Week Summer 2017
Evanescentwoodnymph Genyatta Week (2017)
Mo-Mouse (abyssmalDeath) Genyatta Week 2k17
LittleMissSweetgrass Genyatta Week 2016
Angededesespoir Genyatta Week (2016)
SuklaaSiili Genyatta Week 2016
YoousUffish Genyatta Week 2016
TymBunn Genyatta Week 2016
4RU Genyatta Week 2016
Overlordy Genyatta Week 2016
Crystalldragon Genyatta Week 2017
*****Short List of Authors and Fics + Almost Shameless Self Insert
Short List of authors of interest:
Byacolate: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Byacolate/pseuds/Byacolate
Mywordsflyup: http://archiveofourown.org/users/mywordsflyup/pseuds/mywordsflyup
Balenae: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Balenae/pseuds/Balenae
KNACC: http://archiveofourown.org/users/KNACC/pseuds/KNACC
ObsidianCoffe: http://archiveofourown.org/users/ObsidianCoffe/pseuds/ObsidianCoffe
Short List of Rec’s:
Dragon’s Guide by Ayleid
we slip back and to, beloved by chuchisushi
Something About Us by KNACC
**** Blackmage’s fics :
Genyatta Week 2016: http://archiveofourown.org/series/600379
Genywatta Week 2017: http://archiveofourown.org/series/756789
My main focus right now: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9151075/chapters/20790313
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