#on call 36小時
namansharma0950 · 3 months
酸素価格の動向: 包括的な価格データベース、ニュース、予測
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さまざまな市場における酸素の価格は、生産コスト、技術の進歩、サプライ チェーンの物流、産業需要、規制の枠組み、世界経済の状況など、さまざまな要因の複雑な相互作用によって決まります。これらの要因を理解することは、医療、産業、研究目的で酸素を利用する関係者にとって非常に重要です。
生産コストは酸素の価格設定において重要な役割を果たします。酸素は主に、極低温蒸留と圧力スイング吸着 (PSA) の 2 つの方法で生産されます。極低温蒸留では、空気を非常に低い温度に冷却して成分を分離しますが、エネルギーを大量に消費し、インフラストラクチャと機器に多額の資本投資が必要です。極低温プロセスの主な入力である電気のコストは、全体的な生産コストに大きな影響を与えます。一方、PSA はエネルギーをあまり消費せず、小規模生産に柔軟に対応しますが、それでも特定の機器とメンテナンスが必要です。エネルギー価格、技術効率、原材料コストの変動は、コスト構造に直接影響し、結果として酸素の価格に影響します。
酸素の生産と流通における技術の進歩も価格に影響します。たとえば、極低温技術の革新により、空気分離装置 (ASU) の効率が向上し、エネルギー消費と運用コストが削減されます。同様に、PSA 技術の改善により、酸素の収量と純度が向上し、プロセスのコスト効率が向上します。より効率的な液体酸素タンクや高圧シリンダーの開発など、保管および輸送方法の進歩により、物流コストを削減できます。これらの技術の改善により、生産者は生産コストを削減し、市場でより競争力のある価格設定が可能になります。
保管、輸送、配送を含む酸素サプライ チェーンの物流は、酸素の価格設定において重要な役割を果たします。酸素は多くの場合、極低温液体として保管され、低温を維持するために特殊な容器で輸送されます。これに必要なインフラストラクチャ (極低温貯蔵タンクや断熱輸送容器など) により、全体的なコストが増加します。さらに、酸素は、特に大規模な製造施設では、パイプラインを介して産業消費者にガスの形で配送されることがよくあります。これらのパイプライン ネットワークへの投資とメンテナンスもコストに影響します。生産施設とエンド ユーザー間の距離や効率的な輸送ルートの可用性などの地理的要因も、物流コストに影響します。機器の故障や輸送の遅れなど、サプライチェーンに何らかの混乱が生じると、酸素の入手可能性と価格に影響する可能性があります。
酸素のライブ価格を追跡: https://www.analystjapan.com/Pricing-data/bulk-oxygen-36
Call +1 (332) 258- 6602 1-2-3 Manpukuji, Asao-ku, Kawasaki 215-0004 Japan
Website: https://www.analystjapan.com
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rooooooooong-h · 3 months
只妄想跟你去避世 风再急可捉紧你手
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flowercoffeebb · 4 months
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New BEANS from our partner roaster HEADLANDS COFFEE @headlandscoffee .
新しくブラジルのYellow bourbon - Natural(Anaerobic)がラインナップしました✋
◼︎ BRAZIL Fazenda Santa Monica - Natural(Anaerobic)
FLAVOR NOTE: Pomelo, Mango, Almond, Sugar cane
VARIETY: Yellow bourbon
PROCESS: Natural(Anaerobic)
REGION: Minas Gerais, Ibiraci
PRODUCER: Jean Vilhena Faleiros
ALTITUDE: 1240 m
 Jean Vilhena Faleirosは100年以上にわたってコーヒー栽培に従事する家族の3代目です。所有・管理するFazenda Santa Monicaは ブラジルの中でも特別な地域にあり、スペシャルティコーヒーの生産に適した微気候を有しています。
 Jeanは環境負荷の小さい農薬のみを使用し、化学殺虫剤や除草剤はいっさい使用していません(労力を惜しまず手作業で管理しています)。また彼は 収穫後のプロセスにも情熱を注いでおり、発酵工程に温度制御可能なドラムを使用するなど 積極的に挑戦しています。延べ10000㎡ものアフリカンベッドを有しており ブラジルの中でも近代的なミルのひとつです。
 本ロットでは、収穫後 洗浄・選定されたコーヒーを袋に入れて36時間休ませ(無酸素下で発酵させ)ています。密閉して酸素を排除した環境が より深い発酵を促し、コーヒーに複雑なレイヤーとアルコールのような風味をもたらします。品種由来のシトラスな印象は柔らかくなり クリーンながら奥行きのある丸いコーヒーになっています、是非お試しください!
☕️ Single Origin Coffee Line-up
[Single O]
 C) RESERVOIR - Daily blend
 N) COSTA RICA Finca San Calletano - Red honey ←残りわずか
 N) COSTA RICA Finca Calle Liles - Natural ←Last 2 shots
[Headlands Coffee]
 C) DEADLY DECAF - Mexico Mountain Water process
 T) COLOMBIA Finca Castellon - Geisha Washed
 T) BRAZIL Fazenda Santa Monica - Natural(Anaerobic)
 T) BOLIVIA Finca San Bartolomé - Coco Natural
 T) The Specialty ...Terroir
 C) Conceptual ...Sorting, Technology transfer
 N) New Wave ...Innovative approach
 S)) Special ...Winning lot, Top specialty
 Weekday 10:00 - 18:00
 Weekend/ Holiday 9:00 - 17:00
 店舗休: 5月: このあと休みなし、6月: 5, 11, 18, 19, 26日
 ※ 小さなお店ですので 団体利用には向きません(3名以上でのご来店の場合 状況に応じてテイクアウト対応とさせていただきます)
 ※ 安全面を考慮し 警戒レベル3以上の悪天候が見込まれる場合には予報に沿って営業スケジュールを調整します(なるべく早く店��張り紙、SNS、Googleにて情報発信します)
神奈川県茅ヶ崎市東海岸北1-7-23 雄三通り
 🚃 JR茅ヶ崎駅 歩8分
 🚲 駐輪可 3台まで [バイクだと頑張って2台まで]
 🚗 駐停車不可(近隣駐車場をご利用ください、参考: 三井リパーク ¥200-/h)
 🦠 周囲に配慮あるご利用をお願いいたします
#thanxalways #nembeans #headlandscoffee #brazil #minasgerais #fazendasantamonica #natural #anaerobic
#specialtycoffee #singleorigin #coffee #singleo #brutcoffee #恋史郎コーヒー #hario #takahiro #mahlkonig #lamarzocco #pesado #kinto #sttoke #flowercoffeebb #everydaybeautiful #shonan #chigasaki #yuzostreet
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tagitables · 4 months
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harvardwang · 1 year
溫裕紅,香港女演員及節目主持,畢業於香港演藝學院,曾是無綫電視旗下藝人。她擅長演出的角色為少婦,其代表作為1997年的無綫電視劇《刑事偵緝檔案III》飾演「盧冰冰」一角。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1968 年 11 月 13 日,英屬香港
逝世: 2023 年 5 月 19 日,香港
刑事偵緝檔案III 飾 盧冰冰/靚冰 (張大勇下屬)
廉政追緝令 飾 梅綺雯
鑑證實錄 飾 于美倩/洪天飛 (「變性殺人案」)
創世紀 飾 Winnie
刑事偵緝檔案IV 飾 Amy
妙手仁心II 飾 姚太
勇探實錄 飾 會談專家
法網伊人 飾 孫嘉美(第10、11集)
流金歲月 飾 戴月華
西關大少 飾 黃醫生(伍玉卿之婦產科醫生)(第17-18集)
老婆大人 飾 高天之女友
翻新大少 飾 沈碧玉
妙手仁心III 飾 陳心寧
Yummy Yummy 飾 周文希亡母
心花放 飾 楊慕儀
鳳凰四重奏 飾 司儀
師奶兵團 飾 周姑娘
通天幹探 飾 方少麗(魏詩嘉之母)
秀才愛上兵 飾 翠表姐
同事三分親 飾 羅太(第291集)
最美麗的第七天 飾 凌加恩母
法證先鋒II 飾 Alex母
尖子攻略 飾 單母
溏心風暴之家好月圓 飾 女法官(客串)
珠光寶氣 飾 Daisy
老婆大人II 飾 吳方丹心(「吳方丹心幼稚園」校董)
畢打自己人 飾 余蕾(第79、148、250、294集)
蔡鍔與小鳳仙 飾 劉嫂
談情說案 飾 景博之表嬸
情越雙白線 飾 劉太
囧探查過界 飾 經理人
仁心解碼 飾 恩母
隔離七日情 飾 彭太
依家有喜 飾 香表姐
女拳 飾 花母 (第8集)
點解阿Sir係阿Sir 飾 Miss Lo (第3集)
真相 飾 珊母 (第4集)
缺宅男女 飾 官太 (第5, 10集)
On Call 36小時 飾 馬英嵐 (第11集)
拳王 (第1集)
心戰 飾 高貴女士 (第18集)
愛·回家 (第一輯) 飾 錢太 (第48集)
護花危情 飾 女司機 (第20集)
巴不得媽媽... 飾 ��玉芬
幸福摩天輪 飾 江笑菊
愛·回家 (第一輯) 飾 Annie(第206、264集)
心路GPS 飾 劉翠雲之親戚(第20集)
仁心解碼II 飾 鵬妻
情越海岸線 飾 九嫂
好心作怪 飾 無名氏(第7集)
衝上雲霄II 飾 司儀
On Call 36小時II 飾 馬英嵐
新抱喜相逢 飾 娟
點金勝手 飾 財經主播
忠奸人 飾 王美莉
使徒行者 飾 蒲楊淑雲
大藥坊 飾 菊母
四個女仔三個BAR 飾 溫官
潮拜武當 飾 外籍女子
愛·回家 (第二輯) 飾 司徒太
潮流教主 飾 Tinnie經理人
愛·回家之八時入席 飾 寶明姐
幕後玩家 飾 青群姐(第8集)
巾幗梟雄之諜血長天 飾 孕婦(第1集)
愛·回家之開心速遞 飾 龍吳家柔
全職沒女 飾 醫生
超時空男臣 飾 天朝高層
溏心風暴3 飾 法官
逆緣 飾 女星
三個女人一個「因」 飾 梁小娟
BB來了 飾 周嵐
跳躍生命線 飾 娟
福爾摩師奶 飾 女犯人
白色強人 飾 羅醫生
金宵大廈 飾 家長
牛下女高音 飾 姑姐
堅離地愛堅離地 飾 師傅
黃金有罪 飾 唐發集團董事
機場特警 飾 闊太
降魔的2.0 飾 萱紅
那些我愛過的人 飾 邱海燕
過街英雄 飾 賈真真
踩過界II 飾 經理人
大步走 飾 歡姐
愛美麗狂想曲 飾 珠寶店職員
伙記辦大事 飾 法官
逆天奇案 飾 法官
刑偵日記 飾 Grace
七公主 飾 羅家敏
食腦喪B 飾 王麗美
1994年:《流氓社工》飾 Betty
2012年:《2012我愛HK喜上加囍》飾 師奶
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scorbleeo · 5 years
On Call 36小時 (The Hippocratic Crush) | Drama Review
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The drama revolves around a group of housemen joining in as doctors in training in Yan Oi Hospital and their trainers. Throughout the drama, many events unfurl challenging the housemen and their mentors: romance, tragedy, family events and past memories and much more happen throughout the drama.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hippocratic_Crush
One of My Favourite Hong Kong Dramas to Exist in My Lifetime!
If that bolded title was not obvious enough, I really do adore this drama series. I can watch this a thousand times and still not get sick of it. In fact, I have watched this quite a few times to count now. To be fair, I always loved watching shows to do with doctors or medicine, so this really isn’t a surprise to me, or anyone who knows me.
You might be surprised just how much one can learn from this show. Sure, if your first language is not the dialect Cantonese, it might be hard to understand unless you watch it with subtitles. But, nobody can deny how informative this drama is. Every time I tune into The Hippocratic Crush, I lowkey regret never having an interest in this line of work. That, is how much one can learn from the show.
Don’t believe me? Check out this drama yourself, you are in for a ride. You get drama, action, romance and comedy. What else do you need from a show which apart from the previously mentioned, is also teaching their viewers a bunch of things?
Ratings: ★★★★★
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So I’ve just watched 6 episodes back to back to finish the goddamn series and now I’m annoyed because there’s a second season but I don’t have enough hours in the day 😡
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lampmusic · 5 years
60's Magic of 60 Songs
僕が大好きな60年代の音楽のプレイリスト「 60's Magic of 60 Songs 」をSpotifyで公開しました。
“60's Magic of 60 Songs” on Spotify
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01.Les Masques 「Dis Nous Quel Est Le Chemin」1969 フランスで制作されたブラジル音楽。アルバム自体は基本的にはジャズサンバにフランス語を乗せた形です。 ピアノとヴィブラフォン、マリンバで作り出すオリエンタルな雰囲気が不思議な曲。 バンド・サウンドにこういうちょっと変わった楽器入れるだけで雰囲気が全然変わるんだなぁと思いました。 Djavanの「Nereci」という曲と共通する雰囲気を感じる曲。
02.Nirvana 「I Never Had A Love Like This Before」 1967 イギリスの二人組のニルヴァーナ。 イントロのピアノのコードからただならぬ感じ。このコード進行は自作曲の「ムード・ロマンティカ」で使わせてもらいました。 アレックス・スパイロパウロスの優しい歌声と絶妙な旋律。そして曲に深みと広がりを持たせるアレンジ。 美しさとオリジナリティを同時に感じる最高の1曲ですね。
03.Armando Trovaioli「Francoise」1967 これまたイントロから怪しい曲。普通じゃない。 こういう雰囲気の音楽を作りたいなぁと、心の中でずっと思ってます。言うなれば、常に心の目標として浮かぶ1曲です。 アルマンド・トロヴァヨーリはイタリア映画音楽作曲家で、『Don Giovanni in Sicilia』という映画に収録されているそうです。 たしか僕はこれはコンピCDで知りました。
04.Eternity's Children「Mrs. Bluebird」1968 イントロで一瞬オルガンのピッチが歪むのが良いです。 オルガンの刻み+ベース+ドラムの3連のリズムとコンプ感が気持ちいい曲。最近はこういうリズムの曲ってめっきり聴かなくなりました。 音の歪みに時間的な距離を感じます。 昔の素晴らしい音楽を聴くと、大事な玉手箱を空けたような気持ちになります。
05.Bruce & Terry「Don't Run Away」1966 歌や演奏にかかったディレイ(エコー)がちょっとサイケデリックな響きでそこがまず良い。 そして曲がとても美しい。 これは後にビーチ・ボーイズに加わるブルース・ジョンストンの曲です。 聴いた時、山下達郎「Only with you」を思い出しました。
06.The Association「Happiness Is」1967 アソシエイション自体は大学の頃から何枚か聴いてきましたが、このアルバムは割と近年聴きました。そこで改めてこのバンド好きだなと。 この曲が特に好きで、コーラスと転調が良いです。聴いているとコーラスの方を一緒に歌っちゃいます。 コーラスグループの演奏って、聴くと中域の和音系の楽器、鍵盤やギターがそんなに大きく入ってませんよね。コーラスを邪魔しないように音符も短めだったり。なるほど。
07.The Critters「Mr. Dieingly Sad」1966 クリッターズも存在やジャケットは知っていたんですが、ずっと聴かずに来て、Spotifyにあったので聴いてみたら、この曲が今の自分にしっくり来ました。曲に合った優しい歌声が気に入りました。 昔はこういう全音下降進行の曲って大好きだったんですが、最近また自分の中できてます。このプレイリストにはこの曲と同系統のコード進行の曲が何度か出てきます。
08.The Tradewinds「New York's A Lonely Town」1967 ビーチ・ボーイズ調というかホットロッド調というか、とにかくポップで、歌のファルセットが気持ち良く、大好きな曲です。 2分強で終わっちゃうのも良いですね。 67年にしては少し前のサウンドに感じるなと思ったら、65年にシングルでリリースされたようです。
09.The Bob Crewe Generation Orchestra 「Barbarella」1968 映画のサントラの曲で、この曲の魅力は何といっても歌とコーラスの表現。 息を続けたまま音程を行き来する箇所がとても多く、そこが大好きです。 一緒に歌ってて真似しちゃいます。 ブレイクするところに溜め息を入れて音程を下げるアレンジ、最高です。 僕もやりたい。 と絶賛しつつ、昔一緒に住んでた脇田がこれのCDを買ってきて聴いた時はなぜかそこまでピンと来なかったのを覚えています。
10.Quincy Jones「Who Needs Forever」1966 出だしの「Who Needs Forever~」のメロディでもう名曲感が漂ってきます。 「あ、この曲絶対普通じゃない」ってなりますね。 クインシー・ジョーンズが音楽を担当した映画のサントラで、歌はアストラッド・ジルベルト。 なので、主題歌はボッサ調です。
11.The Impressions「The Girl I Find」1969 これのCDは持ってるんですが、そんなに聴いてなくて、Spotifyで改めて聴いたらすごく気に入っちゃいました。 完全にカーティス・メイフィールドの世界観です。 曲調もアレンジもこの翌年リリースのカーティス・メイフィールドの1stソロアルバムに繋がる曲ですね。 カーティスってオーボエ好きだなぁ。僕もオーボエの音大好き。
12.Jan & Dean「When Sunny Gets Blue」1966 この曲はジャズスタンダードのカバーです。 メロトロン(というサンプリングマシンの元祖となる鍵盤楽器)を多用して作り出されたこの雰囲気が最高。 ドラムが入ってないせいなのか、ここまでメロトロンが前面に押し出されたサウンドって珍しい気がする。
13.The Four Seasons 「Wall Street Village Day」1968 フォー・シーズンズのこのアルバムはどの曲も大好きなので、選ぶのが難しかった。 最終的に「Look Up Look Over」とかなり迷いましたが、僕の場合すぐしっとりした曲に流れちゃう傾向があるので、今回はこちらにしました。 バスドラが入るタイミングがブラジル北東部の音楽でよくあるリズムパターンに似ていて好み。ノリノリで聴く1曲です。
14.The Lovin' Spoonful「Didn't Want To Have To Do It」1966 この曲の気怠く切ない雰囲気、最高です。 ロジャー・ニコルスのヴァージョンで知り、そっちもすごく好きなんですが、このオリジナルヴァージョンの方がもっと好きです。 永井作の「心の窓辺に赤い花を飾って」はこの曲からも影響受けているのかなとか思いました。
15.The New Wave「Autrefois (J'ai Aimé Une Femme)」1967 Spotifyで初めて聴いた作品です。 曲はミシェル・ルグランの「Watch What Happens」のカバーです。 ボサノヴァのよくある進行の曲で、たしか日本語でも似た曲があるよなと思ったら、浅丘ルリ子の「シャム猫を抱いて」でした。
16.The Byrds「Get To You」1968 バーズというと、ビートルズのような曲調からフォークロック、カントリー、サイケ、ラガロック等色んな曲をやっているイメージがありますが、 こうい���3拍子というのか6拍子というのか、なんだかんだ僕はどこにもあてはまらない(バーズの全ての要素が混ざったともいえる)この曲が一番好きですね。 初めて聴いた時からずっと好きな曲です。
17.Donovan「Ferris Wheel」1966 曲が始まって、アコギ、ベース、パーカッション、シタール、歌と入って来て、ただ「最高~」となる曲です。 ひたすら音楽に身を委ねていたくなる、そんな1曲。 ドノヴァンは高校の頃にたまたまテレビで観た映画に使われていた「Season of the Witch」が気に入り、ベスト盤を買ったのが聴き始めたきっかけでした。この『Sunshine Superman』というアルバムはドノヴァン初心者にオススメのアルバムです。
18.Tenorio Jr.「Nebulosa」1964 ポップでキャッチ―なピアノトリオのインストナンバー。 ジャズサンバでこういう音階を使った曲って珍しく、それが見事にはまってます。 これを聴いた当時、良い意味で「この曲だけ他のジャズサンバとなんか違うじゃん」と思ったのをよく覚えています。
19.The City「Snow Queen」1968 キャロル・キングがソロアルバムを出す前にダニー・コーチマー等と組んだバンド。 特にこの曲なんかはキャロル・キングのソロ作と並べて聴ける感じです。 演奏が乗っていって、最後終わるころにはだいぶテンポアップしてるのが良い。 永井の「或る夜」(公式未リリース曲です)はこの曲を意識したのかな。
20.Chad & Jeremy「Painted Dayglow Smile」1968 イギリスのフォークデュオ、チャド&ジェレミーのサイケ時代の作品。 特に後半のトトロが出てきそうなポップな展開が大好き。 曲も不思議だけど、ジャケットも不思議。
21.Tony Hatch「Call Me」1966 この曲を初めて聴いた大学生の時、「なんてお洒落な曲なんだ」と思ったと同時に、 作曲者のトニー・ハッチ・オーケストラのCDを貸してくれた山本勇樹くんのことも「なんてお洒落な人なんだ」と思ったことを覚えています。 この都会的な軽やかな雰囲気が郊外出身の田舎者の僕には衝撃的な1曲でした。
22.The Monkees「Porpoise Song」1968 モンキーズのサイケ期の代表曲。映画用に作られた曲だと思います。 モンキーズはそんなに熱心に聴いてきたわけではないんですが、この曲のマジカルミステリツアーのビートルズのようなポップでサイケな雰囲気が大好きです。 これキャロル・キングの作曲なんですね。ずっと知らずに聴いてました。
23.Antonio Carlos Jobim「Surfboard」1967 ジョビンのインスト。 拍子がどうなっているのかよく分かりません。演奏するの大変そう。 65年には既に発表されていた曲ながらボサノヴァの枠から大きく逸脱する冒険心溢れる曲で、ジョビン自身も気に入ってる曲なのか何度か再録リリースしています。
24.Harpers Bizarre「Me, Japanese Boy」1968 この曲のアメリカ人から見た(言ってみれば正しくない)日本観に憧れて、インスピレーションを得て、『ランプ幻想』というアルバムを作りました。 ウィンドチャイムとか金属系の打楽器とウッドブロックが効いています。 歌詞がシンプルで英語に慣れていない僕なんかでもグッときます。この曲、素敵すぎませんか? ちなみに、これはバート・バカラックの曲のカバーになります。
25.Archie Bell & The Drells「Tighten Up (Part 1)」1968 ファーストアルバムの1曲目から掴みはOKですね。 こういうシンプルな曲、やってみたいな。 様々な掛け声やラフな手拍子が入っているのが良いです。 この時代から70年代前半あたりのスウィートなソウルが大好きです。
26.Simon & Garfunkel「So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright」1969 ボサノヴァが世界的な音楽になってから、ブラジル以外の色んなところでボサノヴァ調の音楽が作られましたが、個人的には、サイモン&ガーファンクルのこの曲がボサノヴァの良いところを上手く消化し吐き出しているという意味でナンバー1かなと感じています。 このデュオは他にも「America」「Sound of Silence」「Mrs. Robinson」「Scarborough Fair」等、同等に素晴らしい曲がたくさんありますが、それらはベスト盤に絶対入るような有名曲でして、プレイリストとして1曲選ぶとこれかなと。 僕たちがMaganacyというバーでライブをやっていた2001年頃にこの曲を演奏しました。
27.Piero Piccioni「Amanda's Train」1969 ピッチオーニはイタリアの映画音楽作曲家です。好き過ぎて1曲選ぶのが大変でした。 「Mr. Dante Fontana」という個人的に傑作キラーチューンだと思っている曲があるのですが、好きなヴァージョンがSpotifyになかったので、この曲を選びました。 この「Amanda's Train」を聴いてもらうと分かる通り、この人のメロディーって滅茶苦茶切ないんですよ。 ピッチオーニには本当に影響を受けまくってます。
28.The Millennium「5 A.M.」1968 ミレニウムは「The Island」や「There is nothing more to say」等、他にも良い曲があるのですが、この曲にしました。 今聴くとスネアのチューニングが高過ぎるのが耳に痛く少々残念ですが、それ以外はすごく良いです。
29.The Zombies「Tell Her No」1965 イントロのウーリッツァーのフレーズから最高です。 歌の入りのメジャーセブンスコードが気持ち良い曲。 コリン・ブランストンの声はいつ聴いても良いですね。
30.Walter Wanderley「Soulful Strut」1969 ワルター・ワンダレイはブラジルのオルガン奏者です。 こちらも先ほどの「Call Me」同様、明るくご機嫌なインストナンバーです。 こういう曲は生活に彩を与えてくれて、ただ流しているだけで良い感じ。1人で聴いていてもあがりますね。
31.Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames「Moody's Mood For Love」1964 この曲はジャズスタンダードのカバーで、僕はこのジョージィ・フェイムのヴァージョンが大好きです。 歌詞見ながら歌いまくってました。そのせいで今でも結構歌詞を覚えてる。 パッションを感じる歌いまわしがたまりません。 タイトル通りすごくムーディーな曲ですが、録音の古さもムードを高めています。 若い時分にこんな素敵なものに触れたらおかしくなっちゃいますよね。
32.Jorge Ben「Que Pena」1969 キレのある演奏にディレイの効いた歌が乗るという不思議なサウンド。 歌にこういうディレイを使っていた頃のジョルジ・ベン好きだなぁ。 最後歌のディレイが増幅するところのサイケ感がたまりません。
33.Ennio Morricone「Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto... Girotondo」1969 この曲はイントロが始まった瞬間からやばいのがわかる系の曲ですね。 エッシャーのひたすら階段を降りていく錯視の絵のような不思議な曲。 サイケ過ぎる。 これは当時脇田に聴かせてもらったなぁ。 ジョビン作の「三月の水」も少し近い感じがします。
34.The Rolling Stones「She's A Rainbow」1967 イントロのエレピはウーリッツァーにコンプを強くかけたってことで良いのかな。 すごく有名なイントロだけど、以前何の楽器かネットで調べたら特に詳しく出てこなかった気がする。 永井曰く、普通のアコースティック・ピアノだそうです。 ピアノであんな変わった音作れるのかぁ。 演奏しているのはニッキー・ホプキンスだと思います。 この曲の「ウッララー、ウラッラッララー」っていう生意気な声の?コーラスがすごく好きです。ちょっと菅井協太くんっぽい声。
35.Claudine Longet「Who Needs You」1968 昔Lampでカバーした曲。 イントロのスキャットでは一瞬香保里さんと永井?と思ったり思わなかったりするかもしれません。 男声のトミー・リピューマの声がキラキラしてて素敵です。
36.The Velvet Underground「Sunday Morning」1967 あー、60年代って最高だなぁと思わせてくれる1曲。今でも好きなアルバムですが、これを一番聴いたのは大学1年の時。 ヴェルヴェット・アンダーグラウンドがなんでこんなに良いかというと、色々あるけど、やっぱり一番はルー・リードの声と歌い方が良過ぎるから。 最近だとマック・デマルコが同じ系統の歌だと思う。
37.Marcos Valle「The Face I Love」1968 こちらも昔Lampでカバーしてました。 マルコス・ヴァーリとアナマリアのピッチがしっかりしていて、ハモリも気持ちいいです。 「Call Me」と同じ系統のコード進行ですね。素敵です。 マルコス・ヴァーリの代表曲というと「サマーサンバ」ですが、僕はこっちかなぁ。
38.Harry Nilsson「Everybody's Talkin'」1968 『真夜中のカーボーイ』という映画に使われた曲です。といっても僕は映画は観てませんが。 「この時代のアメリカ、最高!」と思っちゃう曲です。といっても僕はアメリカに足を踏み入れたことはありませんが。 先ほどのドノヴァンの「Ferris Wheel」と一緒で、とにかくこのザ・60年代という雰囲気に身を委ねていたくなる系の曲です。とにかく雰囲気が好き。 アコギはもちろん、その雰囲気作りに一役買ってるのがこのドラムなのかも。と思い、ミックスで控え目なドラムに注目して聴いている今日この頃です。
39.Gal E Caetano Veloso「Onde Eu Nasci Passa Um Rio」1967 ブラジルのカエターノ・ヴェローゾとガル・コスタによる気怠いボサノヴァ作品で、アルバム自体が神懸っているのですが、特にこの曲が好きです。 ドリ・カイミの音と音をぶつけてくるアレンジもはまっています。 この曲のリズムパターンが所謂ブラジル北東部由来のもので、この二人の出身のバイーアの音楽の伝統的なリズムです。
40.Stevie Wonder「My Cherie Amour」1969 親父が持っていたレコード『Hotter Than July』がスティービー・ワンダー初体験だったのですが、 その他の有名曲はベスト盤レコードで初めて聴きました。 そこに収められていたこの曲や「If you really love me」なんかがすごく好きでしたね。 スティーヴィー・ワンダーも、やっぱり何が良いってこの歌声なんですよね。歌とか声って本当に大事な要素です。
41.Astrud Gilberto「Photograph」1965 ジョビンってこういうシンプルなメロディ(2つの音の往来)で景色を豊かに聴かせるのが得意で、 僕も作曲面ですごく影響を受けました。 ジョビン曲を歌ったアストラッド・ジルベルトのトラックって沢山ありますが、その中でどれか一つと言われたら僕はこれかなぁ。
42.France Gall「La Cloche」1964 フランス・ギャルは60年代以降も活躍したようですが、個人的にはこの時代を象徴するようなシンガーです。 僕の場合聴くのはほとんど1stだけです。 この曲とか、聴いた全ての人を捉えて離さないような強い魅力があると思います。 この微妙なズレの気持ち良さ。なんなんでしょう。
43.The Kinks「All Of My Friends Were There」1968 キンクスってすごく独特で味のあるバンドです。 最近はそんなに聴いていないんですが、久々に『アーサー~』とか聴いたら以前より良い感じに聴こえたり。 レイ・デイヴィスってすごく物を作る才能のある人だと感じますね。 僕が一番好きな作品はこの曲が入ってる『The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society』です。 そこに収録されている「People Take Pictures of Each Other」という曲もすごく好きです。
44.Spanky & Our Gang「Hong Kong Blues」1969 イントロのオリエンタルな雰囲気はカリンバという指で弾く小さな楽器です。 その後に続くのはタイのラナートという楽器かな?こういう微妙な音程の楽器良い。 調べると1940年代に作られた曲で様々なカバーがあるようです。 僕はこのスパンキー&アワ・ギャングのヴァージョンでこの曲を初めて知りました。 ちなみに同アルバムに収録されているボサ調の「Without Rhyme or Reason」も大好きです。
45.Pink Floyd‎「See Emily Play」1967 ピンク・フロイドの作品で僕が興味を持って聴くのはシド・バレットが在籍した時期のものだけです。 最初のシングル2枚と1stアルバムですね。これらは本当にどれも良くて、自分にしっくりきます。 シド・バレットの作る曲って、この感性はどこから来たんだろうって思うくらい独特なメロディーで、しかも歌声もすごく良いんですよね。
46.Nick De Caro And Orchestra「Caroline, No」1969 この感じが好きな人には、ニック・デカロの『Italian Graffiti』(74年)の「Wailing Wall」もオススメです。 そちらはトッド・ラングレンのカバーで、この「Caroline, No」はビーチ・ボーイズのブライアン・ウィルソンの曲のカバーです。 僕はこのニック・デカロのヴァージョンを聴くまで、『ペット・サウンズ』内での「Caroline, No」の位置付けってそこまで高くなかったのですが、これを聴いてその良さに大いに気付けました。ニック・デカロの優しい声が最高です。
47.The Hollies「Bus Stop」1966 60年代のヒット曲の一つで、うちの両親が好きで、僕が小さい頃から家でよくかかってました。 意識的に音楽を聴くようになってから、自分でも買って聴くようになった曲の一つです。 こういう曲の存在があったから、ビートルズと同時代の音楽を他にももっと知りたいと思えるようになったのでした。
48.Francis Lai「Un Homme Et Une Femme」1966 これは誰もが耳にしたことがある旋律だと思います。 映画『男と女』の主題歌です。 このダバダバダのぶっきらぼう且つピッチが定まらない歌が最高です。 この頃ヨーロッパでは沢山のボサ調の曲が���られたそうです。
49.The Five Stairsteps「Ooh, Baby, Baby」1967 The Miraclesのスモーキー・ロビンソンの曲で、こちらはカバーです。 同じシカゴのカーティス・メイフィールドがプロデュースしたもので、サウンドも良い感じ。 70年代のメロウなソウルに繋がっていく名曲だと思います。
50.The Groop「The Jet Song」1969 これはSpotifyで初めて聴きました。 転調がとても面白い曲。 転調後、最後の解決の仕方をジェット機が上昇していく音のように聞かせるアイディアが素敵です。
51.The Cyrkle「The Visit (She Was Here)」1967 地味なボサ調の曲ながら、気怠さが心地良い、魅力的な曲だと思います。 歌詞の「She Was Here」でハモるところが良いですね。 このサークルは、1970年に「The Minx」という映画の音楽を作りましたが、その表題曲のヴォーカルヴァージョンもやはりボサ調で、そちらは更に好きです。
52.Peter And Gordon「A World Without Love」1964 先ほどのホリーズ「Bus Stop」と同じく、僕が小さい頃から家でよくかかっていた曲で、 高校に上がり、ギターを少し弾けるようになると、耳コピして弾いたりしていました。 すごくビートルズっぽい曲ですよね。そうなんです。これはポール・マッカトニーが彼らに作った曲なんです。 ウィキペディアに、ポールがこの曲を作ったのは提供の6年前と書いてありましたが、なぜビートルズはこれを自分たちでやらなかったのかと思いました。
53.Roger Nichols & The Small Circle Of Friends「Don't Take Your Time」1968 大学に入りソフトロックの名盤として山本くんに最初に借りたCDだったかな。 とにかくこの1曲目が印象的でした。 その後、未だにこんなビートの曲に出会ってない気がします。 ストリングスアレンジやピアノの演奏なんかも滅茶苦茶攻めてますよね。 これまで何度も聴いてきたのに未だにどういう曲か分からないという。。でも音楽ってそれで良い気がする。
54.Laurindo Almeida「The Girl From Ipanema」1964 ジョビンの数あるボサノヴァ作品の中でも、一番有名な「イパネマの娘」。 このカバーは、口笛とローリンド・アルメイダのギターが軽やかで良い雰囲気です。 この曲がすごいのは、Bメロにあたる部分(ブリッジ部)の普通じゃない転調の仕方だと思います。 2番の頭で調をどう戻すかという問題の部分も、とてもスムースに繋がっているように聞こえます。
55.Peter, Paul And Mary「Lemon Tree」1962 両親がピーター・ポール&マリーの音楽が好きで、僕もいつの間にか好きになってました。 小学生の頃に、気に入っていた「Gone The Rainbow(虹と共に消えた恋)」を聞き取りでカタカナに起こして一緒に歌ってました。CDを1秒単位で巻き戻してストップして聞き取りました。すごい執念。 そんなわけで、僕が人生で初めて自発的にCDをかけたアーティストです。 62年とのことですが、ミックスも改善されており、今聴くとリズム等ちょっとモダンな感じがしました。
56.Spiral Starecase「Broken Hearted Man」1969 中性的で伸びやかなボーカルが気持ち良いグループです。 大学の頃によく聴いていて、それ以降はずっと聴いていなかったのですが、Spotifyで久々に聴いたらやはり良かったです。 たまにはこういう元気で力強い音楽も良いなと思います。
57.Luiz Henrique「Alicinha」1967 これはボサノヴァのアルバムとしてはそこまで名盤扱いされていませんけど、個人的にはとても好きな1枚で今でもよく聴いています。 いつもアルバムで聴いているので、あんまり曲単位で考えたことなかったのですが、プレイリストを作るにあたりこの曲を選んでみました。 アコーディオンとスキャットをシヴーカが同時録音していて、それがとても効いています。
58.The Dave Clark Five「Because」1964 60年代のヒット曲の一つ。 これの音源は家には無くて、親父が時々ギターを弾きながら歌っているのを聴いて、良いなと思っていた曲です。 ドラゴンボールの初代エンディングテーマ「ロマンティックあげるよ」を思い起こします。
59.Ennio Morricone - Bruno Nicolai「Metti, Una Sera A Cena」1969 歌のラインがアルペジオのようで、初めて聴いた時、そこが衝撃的でした。 なるべく1アーティスト1曲にしようと思ってプレイリストを作ったのですが、モリコーネは甲乙付け難く結局2曲選んじゃいました(アストラッド・ジルベルトも歌唱は計2曲ですね)。
60.The Free Design「Make The Madness Stop」1967 フリー・デザインを初めて聴いた当時そこまでピンと来なくて、それ以降熱心に聴いてこなかったのですが、久々に耳を傾けてみたら、この曲にグッときちゃいました。 途中に出てきたモリコーネの「Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto... Girotondo」のような、僕、こういう下降系のコード進行に弱いんだと思います。
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lord-netsu-blog · 7 years
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One of my favourite actresses and Chinese Drama!
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 years
How are the characters called? (Vol 1 to 6)
(UPDATED! This new version covers till Vol 6 of the manga. New characters were added (Chiyoko, Ejiri Matasuke, Hidoro no Okami, Hidoro Shinpei, Hidoro Tamotsu, Ienaga Kano, Kamezō, Kantarō, Kiroranke, Komiya, Kusuda Umakichi, Mishima, Nishin Daijin, Yamamoto, Yodogawa Terunaka) and previous characters were expanded. Please, enjoy this new version as well!).
So, since I’m making a re-reading I thought to take advantage of it to check how the characters call themselves and each other as this goes often lost in the translations but can turn relevant later on.
By the way, in order to do this:.
- characters will be listed by their own name (regardless of it being used in the volume).
- in case of characters whose name is still unknown, I’ll use the Japanese labelling given to them for the Golden Kamuy contest.
- if a character appears in the volume but has no speaking role I’ll only list his name and update it with new info when I’ll do the following volumes (yes, even if I know the new info already… I’m trying to keep this ordered).
- the way characters addressed to themselves will be listed and so will the various form of ‘you’ they use to talk with other people.
- for soldiers their ranking, if known, will be listed.
- in case of nicknames they’ll be listed as well.
- next to each way of calling themselves/the others will be listed the number of the chapter when this happened for the first time.
- at the bottom you can find some useful explanation on the various way to say ‘I’, ‘you’ and the suffixes character use.
So let’s go on and see how the characters called each other in Vol 1-6 (which covers chap 1-59).
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Asirpa (アシㇼパ)/Kochōbe Asuko (小蝶辺 明日子) - Previous name: Ekasiotonpuy (エカシオトンプイ).
Asirpa: She uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし/私 “I”) to talk about herself (Chap 2). She defines herself an ‘Atarashī jidai no Ainu no onna’ (���しい時代のアイヌの女 “Ainu woman for a new era”) (Chap 12). After being reunited to Sugimoto after he’d been captured she comments he had treated her like a ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) and had refused to trust her as his ‘Aibō’ (相棒 “Partner”) (Chap 20).
Asirpa & others: She uses ‘Watashi-tachi’ (わたしたち “We”) to talk about herself and Shiraishi and Sugimoto (Chap 28).
Gotō: Well, they don’t really get to talk so she refers to him simply as ‘Sono otoko’ (その男 “This man”) (Chap 1).
Henmi Kazuo: She calls him ‘Shūjin’ (囚人 “Prisoner”) (Chap 38).
Huci: She calls her ‘Huci’ (フチ Ainu word for “Grandmother”, which the Japanese translation translates as Obāchan’, おばあちゃん) (Chap 11).
Kiroranke: She calls him ‘Kiroranke Nispa’ (キロランケニㇱパ Ainu word for “Mister Kiroranke”) (Chap 47) and defines him as ‘Chichi no mukashi no yūjin’ (父の昔の友人 “Her father’s old friend”) (Chap 47).
Makanakkuru: She calls him ‘Acapo’ (アチャポ Ainu word for “Uncle” , which the Japanese translation translates as ‘Ojisan’ 叔父さん) (Chap 38).
Nihei Tetsuzō: When talking about him, Asirpa calls him ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’, saying she heard his name before (Chap 26). Saying they’ll catch him so they’ll protect Retar she calls him ‘Shūjin’ (囚人 “Prisoner”) (Chap 26). Watching Nihei aiming at something, she calls him ‘Ano Otoko’ (あの男 “That man”) (Chap 27) and when she can’t believe how tenacious he is, she calls him ‘Sono Otoko’ (その男 “This man”) (Chap 28).
Osoma: She calls her ‘Osoma’ (Chap 12).
Retar: She calls him ‘Retar’ (Chap 2). She also calls him ‘Horkew Kamuy’ (ホㇿケウカムイ Ainu word for “Wolf god”) (Chap 11) or ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) (Chap 14).
Ryū: When saying she won’t let him behind, she calls him ‘Ainu Inu’ (アイヌ犬 “Ainu dog”) (Chap 29). When he’ll show up while they’re hunting she calls him ‘Ryū’ and when he smells the scent of a bear and would like to follow it she calls him ‘Īko’ (いい子 “Good boy”) (Chap 36).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: In the beginning she keeps mispronouncing his nickname, calling him ‘Dappun-ō’ (脱糞王 “Defecation king”) (Chap 17) though she also uses ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) to call him (chap 15). When he tries to escape from her and fail though, she uses his true nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 17). When claiming she has not much worth to him she calls him ‘Ano Otoko’ (あの男 “That man”) (Chap 28). She finally calls him ‘Shiraishi’ when he tosses the rifle on the ground (Chap 28). Telling him he has to stay because he’ll be of use to her she calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 32). Finding him drunk and asleep she calls him ‘Yakudatazu no Shiraishi’ (役立たずの白石 “Useless Shiraishi”) (Chap 34) and ‘Kitanai otoko’ (汚い男 “Filthy man”) (Chap 34). After he gives Asirpa info about Henmi she claims she believed he was ‘Nonda kure teru tada no buta’(飲んだくれてるただのブタ “A drunken pig”) but now she had revalued him (Chap 38). When Shiraishi will say he’ll help them to meet Nopperabō she switches from calling him ‘Dappun-ō’ (脱糞王 “Defecation king”) to ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 49).
Sugimoto Saichi: In the beginning she uses just ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 1) and she’ll also refers to him as ‘Sisam’ (シサㇺ Ainu word for “not-Ainu Japanese person”) (Chap 2). Then she’ll starts to call him ‘Sugimoto’ also (Chap 2), though occasionally she’ll still call him a ‘Sisam’. She’ll call him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) when she’ll ask him what that nick means (Chap 5) though. She calls him ‘Baka’ (バカ”Stupid”) when he forgets his knife and bayonet (Chap 13). When asked by Kirokante why she’s with him she answers he’s her ‘相棒’ (Aibō “Partner”) (Chap 48)
Tanigaki Genjirō: When thinking Tanigaki might be still searching her she calls him ‘Ano Heishi’ (あの兵士 “That soldier”). When she says she doesn’t know if he’ll survive she calls him ‘Sono Otoko’ (その男 “This man”) (Chap 28). Entrusting her grandmother to him she calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 50).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: The first time she sees him she calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 52). After he tells her which sort of man she has to pick she calls him ‘Sensei’ (先生 “Teacher”) (Chap 52). Escaping from the hotel she calls him ‘Chinpo Sensei’ (チンポ先生 “Professor penis”) (Chap 54).
Wilk: She calls him ‘Aca’ (アチャ Ainu word for “Father” , which the Japanese translation translates as ‘Otōsan’ お父さん) (Chap 14). When she can’t believe he’s the person in jail she refers to the person in jail as ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺらぼ “Faceless male”) (Chap 48). When she wonders if he could be her father she calls him ‘Watashi no chichioya’ (私の父親 “My father”) (Chap 49).
Others: Talking about how she had to roast meat for Shiraishi and Sugimoto she calls them ‘Omae-ra mitaina tokai no moyashi-kko’ (お前らみたいな都会のもやしっ子 “You, little city boys”) (Chap 25).
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Chiyoko (千代子) .
Hidoro Shinpei: She calls him ‘Shinpei-chan’ (新平ちゃん “Dear Shinpei”) (Chap 59).
Nagakura Shinpachi: She calls him ‘Ojīchan’ (お爺ちゃん “Old man”) (Chap 57).
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Dunn, Eddie (エディダン “Eddie Dunn”).
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Ejiri Matasuke (江尻 又助).
Ejiri Matasuke: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 56).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Chinpira’ (チンピラ “Thug”) (Chap 56) (Chap 56).
Others: He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Osamurai-san’ (お侍さん “Mister Samurai”) (Chap 56) (Chap 56)
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Gifutarō (妓夫太郎 “Pimp”).
Gifutarō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 15).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Ainu no gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) first, ‘Ainu no onna’ (アイヌの女 “Ainu woman”) short after and, when Asirpa hits him, ‘Kono kuso gaki’ (このクソガキ “this goddamn brat”) (Chap 3).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: Seeing him he calls him ‘Danna’ (ダンナ “Mister”) (Chap 33).
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: He calls him ‘Otoko’ (男 “Man”) (Chap 3).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 3) but later he switches to ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 15).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: Learning he’s the one who hurt a prostitute he calls him ‘Ano yarō’ (あの野郎 “That guy”) (Chap 33).
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Gotō (後藤).
Gotō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 1).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him first with his full name ‘Sugimoto Saichi-san’ (杉元佐一さん) then just ‘Sugimoto-san’ (杉元さん) or ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”). He also mentions how people during war used to call him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) but doesn’t use this nick (Chap 1).
Wilk: He calls him just ‘Otoko’ (男 “Man”) (Chap 1).
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Hanazawa Kōjirō (花沢幸 次郎) - Rank: ‘Chūjō’ (中将 “Lieutenant General”).
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Henmi Kazuo (辺見和雄).
Henmi Kazuo: He uses ‘Boku’ (僕 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 38) but claims he gives off the scent of a a ‘Hitogoroshi’ (人殺し “Murderer”) (Chap 39).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Ainu no musume-san’ (アイヌの娘さん “Miss Ainu girl”) (Chap 39).
Henmi Kazuo no Ototo: He calls him ‘Ototo’ (弟 “Younger brother”) (Chap 39).
Nishin Daijin: He calls him ‘Oyakata’ (親方 “Master”) (Chap 39).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: He will refer to him as ‘Shiraishi Yoshitake-san’ (白石由竹さん) (Chap 39).
Sugimoto Saichi: At first he will refer to him as ‘Kono Heitai’ (この兵隊 “This soldier”) and as Shiraishi’s ‘Nakama’ (仲間 “Comrade”) (Chap 39). After Sugimoto gives him a cover he’ll say of him ‘Yasashina… kono hito’ (やさしな… このひと “So gentle… this guy”) (Chap 39). However he will comment Sugimoto gives of the same scent he has, the one of a ‘Hitogoroshi’ (人殺し “Murderer”) (Chap 39). He then in this thoughts will calls him ‘Ano hito’ (あのひと “That guy”) and ‘kono hito’ (この人 “this guy”) (Chap 39). When asking him which hammer he would like to use he starts to call him ‘Sugimoto-san’ (杉元さん) (Chap 40). When the soldiers will ask if that man was Sugimoto though, he’ll call him just ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 40). When about to fight him he asked him if he was called ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”), then to refer to him used ‘Anata’ (あなた “You”) (Chap 41). When Sugimoto suggest they could gleam together he’ll call him ‘Suteki na hito’ (素敵なひと “Wondeful person”) (Chap 41).
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Hidoro no Okami (日泥の女将 “Hidoro’s proprietress”).
Chiyoko: She calls her ‘Onna’ (女 “Woman”) (Chap 57). Later she’ll call her ‘Chiyoko’ (Chap 59).
Hidoro Shinpei: She calls him ‘Musuko’ (息子 “son”) (Chap 56) and defines him a ‘Funuke’ (腑抜け “Coward”) (Chap 56). Talking to him she calls him ‘Shinpei’ (Chap 56) and ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 59).
Hidoro Tamotsu: She calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 59).
Kusuda Umakichi: She calls him ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 57).
Nagakura Sinpachi: She calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 57).
Yamamoto: She calls him ‘Yamamoto-san’ (山本さん “Mister Yamamoto”) and asks him since when he became ‘Umakichi no Kobun’ (馬吉の子分 “Umakichi’s underling”) (Chap 57).
Others: She calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Osamurai-san-gata’ (お侍さん方 “Mister Samurai (Plural)”) (Chap 56) and then ‘Otsure’ (お連れ “Companions/guests”) (Chap 56). She calls Hidoro Shinpei and Hidoro Tamotsu ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 57)
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Hidoro Shinpei (日泥 新平).
Hidoro Shinpei: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 56) but defines himself a ‘Okubyōmono’ (臆病者 “Coward”) (Chap 57).
Chiyoko: Talking about her with Hijikata and Nagakura he calls her ‘Mekake’ (妾 “Mistress”) (Chap 56) but with her he uses ‘Chiyoko’ (Chap 56).
Ejiri Matasuke: He calls him ‘Ejiri shochō’ (江尻署長 “Chief Ejiri”) (Chap 57).
Hidoro no Okami: He calls her ‘Okkā’ (おっ母 “Mother”) (Chap 56).
Hidoro Tamotsu: He calls him ‘Oyaji’ (オヤジ/親父 “Dad”) (Chap 55). When they argue he calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 59)
Kusuda Umakichi: He calls him ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 57) and says he was Hidoro’s ‘Oyaji no migiude’ (オヤジの右腕 “My father’s right hand man”) (Chap 57).
Yamamoto: He calls him ‘Yamamoto’ (Chap 59).
Others: He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Boke rōjin’ (ボケ老人 “Stupid old men”) (Chap 55), ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ“Old men”) (Chap 55) and ‘Toshiyori’ (年寄り “Old people”) (Chap 55). When he asks for their help he calls them ‘Osamurai-san’ (お侍さん “Mister Samurai”) (Chap 56).
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Hidoro Tamotsu (日泥 保).
Chiyoko: He calls her ‘Chiyoko’ (Chap 57).
Hidoro Shinpei: He calls him ‘Kono yarō’ (この野郎 “Bastard”) (Chap 59), ‘Temē’ (テメエ “You”) (Chap 59).
Others: He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 55).
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Hijikata Toshizō (土方 歳三) - Nicknamed ‘Oni no Fukuchō’ (鬼の副長 “Demonic vice-commander”), ‘Bakumatsu no Baragaki’ (幕末のバラ餓鬼 “Lingering ghoul of the Bakumatsu”), ‘Baragaki’ (バラガキ “Brat with a thorny personality”) and called ‘Danna’ (旦那 “Boss”) by his underlings.
Hijikata Toshizō: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 21). He also refers to himself as an ‘Ikinokori’ (生き残り “Survivor”) (Chap 55).
Asirpa: He defines her a ‘Menkoi ko’ (めんこい子 “Handsome little lady”) (Chap 43). He then calls her ‘Asirpa-chan’ (アシリパちゃん) (Chap 44). Asking about her to Kirokanke he calls her ‘Kochōbe Asuko’ (Chap 48).
Kusuda Umakichi: He calls him ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 56).
Hidoro no Okami: He calls her Shinpei’s ‘Okkā’ (おっ母 “Mother”) (Chap 56). When she doesn’t hand the skin he comments she is ‘ Hito no jō o mochiawasete inai’ (人の情を持ち合わせていない “A person who doesn’t posses human feelings”) (Chap 59).
Hidoro Shinpei: He calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 55).
Hidoro Tamotsu: He calls him ‘Hidoro’ (Chap 55).
Nagakura Shinpachi: He calls him ‘Nagakura’ (Chap 20). He also refers to him as an ‘Ikinokori’ (生き残り “Survivor”) (Chap 55).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Ano otoko’ (あの男 “That man”) (Chap 56). He defines him as ‘ Yagura ni iru yatsu ichiban yakkai’ (やぐらにいる奴一番厄介 “The man on the watchtower is the main problem”) (Chap 58)
Shibukawa Zenjirō: Talking about him to Ushiyama he calls him ‘Shibukawa Zenjirō’ and says he is the ‘Tōzoku-dan no tōshu’ (盗賊団の頭首 “Leader of a band of thieves”) but then he switches on calling him just ‘Shibukawa’ when he tells Ushiyama he shouldn’t kill him (Chap 21). Meeting him though he’ll always call him ‘Shibukawa Zenjirō’ (Chap 21).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: Meeting him he calls him ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 37).
Sugimoto Saichi: When speculating Shiraishi might have someone helping him he’ll call him ‘Nakama’ (仲間 “Comrade”) (Chap 37). Hearing his name and nickname he’ll repeat ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) and will ask Shiraishi if he’s his ‘Aibō’ (相棒 “Partner”) (Chap 39). He then will start to refer to him as ‘Sugimoto’. (Chap 39)
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Seeing him for the first time he calls him ‘Tsurumi toka iu gunjin’ (鶴見とかいう軍人 “Tsurumi the soldier”) (Chap 34).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: When he first sees him he calls him ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”), although he immediately switches to just ‘Ushiyama’ (Chap 12).
Wilk: Talking with Nagakura about him, he calls him ‘Aitsu’ (あいつ “That guy”) (Chap 30). Later he refers to him as ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺらぼ “Faceless male”) (Chap 48).
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Huci (フチ Ainu word for “Grandmother”)
Asirpa: She calls her ‘Asirpa’ (アシㇼパ) (Chap 11).
Sugimoto Saichi: She calls him ‘Sugimoto Nispa’ (スギモトニㇱパ Ainu word for “Mister Sugimoto”) (Chap 12).
Tanigaki Genjirō: She calls him ‘Tanigaki Nispa’ (タニガキニㇱパ Ainu word for “Mister Tanigaki”) (Chap 44).
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Ienaga Kano (家永 カノ)/Chikanobu (親宣) .
Ienaga Kano: She uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし/私 “I”) to talk about herself (Chap 50) and she introduces herself as the ‘Okami no Ienaga’ (女将の家永 “Ienaga, the proprietress”).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: Talking about him she calls him ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 51). When he tosses against her the second explosive she calls him ‘Tako bōzu’ (タコ坊主 “Bald head”) (Chap 54).
Sugimoto Saichi: While telling him about Ushiyama she calls him ‘Okyakusama’ (お客様 “Customer”) (Chap 53).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: Meeting him she calls him ‘Okyakusama’ (お客様 “Customer”) (Chap 50) although, when she thinks at him, she calls him ‘Ushiyama’ (Chap 51). As she’s escaping she calls him ‘ Zenshin chinpo yarō’ (全身チンポ野郎 “Walking dick bastard”) (Chap 53). Telling Sugimoto he’s a convict she calls him ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”) (Chap 53). When she asks him when he was perfect she calls him ‘Anata’ (あなた “You”) (Chap 54).
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Kamezō (亀蔵).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him a ‘Jīsan’ (爺さん “Old man”) (Chap 58).
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Kantarō (夏太郎).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘ Yagura no otoko’ (やぐらの男 “The watchtower man”) (Chap 58).
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Kiroranke (キロランケ)/ Yulbars (Юлбарс/ユルバルス).
Kiroranke: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 48) and refers to himself as ‘Ore wa dainana shidan’ (俺は第七師団 “Member of the 7th division”) (Chap 23), claiming he is a ‘E-hei’ (エ兵 “Combat engineer”)
Kiroranke & others: He uses ‘Ore-tachi’ (俺たち “We”) to talk about himself and Wilk (Chap 49).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Asirpa’ (アシㇼパ) (Chap 47) and ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 48).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him a ‘Toshioita wajin’ (年老いた和人 “Old Japanese man”) (Chap 48).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: When hearing it he’ll repeat Shiraishi’s nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”), asking what it means (Chap 49). He then starts to call him ‘Shiraishi’ (シライシ) (Chap 51). Complaining he blew up all his explosive he calls him ‘Shiraishi no yarō’ (シライシの野郎 “Damn Shiraishi”) (Chap 55).
Sugimoto Saichi: When hearing his name he calls him ‘Sugimoto’ and then ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 48). He then defines him ‘Sensō no eiyū’ (戦争の英雄 “War hero”) (Chap 48). When saying no bodies were found he calls him ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 55).
Tanigaki Genjirō: When he sees him he calls him first ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) then ‘Asirpa no Oji’ (アシㇼパの叔父 “Asirpa’s younger uncle”).
Tsurumi Tokushiro: Hearing about him he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 48).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: The first time he sees him he calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 52). After he tells Asirpa which sort of man she has to pick he calls him ‘Sensei’ (先生 “Teacher”) (Chap 52).
Wilk: Talking about him he calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) (Chap 48) and says he’s ‘Asirpa no chichioya’ (アシㇼパの父親 “Asirpa’s father”) (Chap 48). Looking at Shiraishi’s tattoo he claims the only person who could do it is ‘Ano hito’ (あの人 “That person”) (Chap 49).
Others: Talking about how he is okay with Shiraishi and Sugimoto getting their share of gold he calls them ‘Omae-tachi’ (お前たち “You (Plural)”) (Chap 49).
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Komiya (小宮) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
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Kusuda Umakichi (久寿田 馬吉).
Kusuda Umakichi: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 58).
Chiyoko: He calls her Hidoro’s ‘Miomo no mekake’ (身重の妾 “Pregnant mistress”) (Chap 55) or ‘Hidoro no mekake’ (日泥の妾 “Hidoro’s mistress”) (Chap 55).
Ejiri Matasuke: He calls him ‘Ejiri shochō’ (江尻署長 “Chief Ejiri”) (Chap 58).
Hidoro Tamotsu: He calls him ‘Hidoro’ (Chap 55) and ‘Nishin-ba no Hidoro’ (ニシン場の日泥 “Hidoro of the herring fishery”) (Chap 55).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Sensei’ (先生 “Master”) (Chap 56).
Others: He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Danna-gata’ (旦那方 “Sirs”) (Chap 55).
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Makanakkuru (マカナックル).
Makanakkuru: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私”I”) to talk about himself (Chap 13).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Asirpa’ (アシㇼパ) (Chap 13) and says she is ‘Watashi no ane no musume’ (私の姉の娘 “His elder sister’s daughter”) (Chap 13).
Henmi Kazuo: He calls him a ‘Ryōshi’ (漁師 “Fisherman”) (Chap 38).
Soldiers of the 7th: Talking with Tanigaki he calls them ‘Omae-tachi’ (おまえたち “You” (plural)) (Chap 30).
Retar: He calls him ‘Retar’ (Chap 14) and defines him a ‘Horkew Kamuy’ (ホㇿケウカムイ Ainu word for “Wolf god”) (Chap 14).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: He calls him ‘Shiraishi’ when he says he’ll head after him (Chap 39).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Sugimoto-san’ (杉元さん) (Chap 14). Later he switches to just ‘Sugimoto’ when calling him (Chap 38).
Wilk: He calls him ‘Asirpa no tō’ (アシㇼパの父 “Asirpa’s father”) (Chap 13).
Others: Talking to Asirpa’s group he calls them ‘Omae-tachi’ (お前たち “You” (plural)) (Chap 38).
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Mishima (三島) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”)
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Nikaidō’ (Chap 46).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形 百之助上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 46).
Tamai: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tamai Gochō’ (玉井伍長 “Corporal Tamai”) (Chap 46)
Tanigaki Genjirō: He calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 46) and ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 46).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: He calls him ‘Tsurumi Chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 46) and then just ‘Chūi’ (中尉 “First Lieutenant”) (Chap 46).
Others: He calls Tamai’s group ‘Tamai Gochō-tachi’ (玉井伍長たち “Corporal Tamai and co”) (Chap 46)
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Nagakura Shinpachi (永倉 新八) – Nicknamed ‘Gamushin’ (ガムシン “Reckless Shin(pachi)”).
Nagakura Shinpachi: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 20). When he’s about to face Kusuda Umakichi’s men he refers to himself as ‘Kono Nagakura Shinpachi’ (この永倉 新八 “This Nagakura Shinpachi”) (Chap 58).
Nagakura Shinpachi & others: He uses ‘Watashi-tachi’ (私たち “We”) to talk about himself and Hijikata’s group (Chap 39).
Chiyoko: He calls her Hidoro’s ‘Mekake (妾 “Mistress”) (Chap 56).
Ejiri Matasuke: He says he is ‘Keisatsu no bun shochō’ (警察の分署長 “Local police chief”) (Chap 56).
Hidoro no Okami: He defines her ‘Hidoro-ka no hontō no oyabun’ (日泥家の本当の親分 “Hidoro family’s real boss”) (chap 56) and, talking with Shinpei he calls her his ‘Okkā’ (おっ母 “Mother”) (Chap 56). Seeing she hid the tattooed skin she calls her ‘Ano Okami’ (あの女将 “That proprietress”) (Chap 59)
Hidoro Shinpei: He calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 56).
Hidoro Tamotsu: He calls him ‘Hidoro’ (Chap 55).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him ‘Hijikata-san’ (土方さん) (Chap 20) and ‘Anata’ (あなた “You”) (Chap 21).
Kusuda Umakichi: He calls him ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 56).
Sugimoto Saichi: When talking about him with Shiraishi he’ll define him Shiraishi’s ‘Yōjinbō’ (用心棒 “Bodyguard”) (Chap 39).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: Hearing him screaming he wants a woman he calls him ‘Kedamono’ (ケダモノ “Beast”) (Chap 33). Later, when Ushiyama will call him and Hijikata old guys he’ll call him ‘Kozō’ (小僧 “Youngster/Errand boy”) (Chap 33).
Others: He calls Kusuda Umakichi and his men ‘Kisama-ra’ (貴様ら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 58).
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Nihei Tetsuzō (二瓶 鉄造) - Nicknamed ‘Kumauchi’ (熊撃ち “Bear shooter”) and ‘Tōmin-chū no higuma mo unasareru akumu no kumauchi’ (冬眠中の羆も魘される悪夢の熊撃ち “The hunter who gives hibernating bears nightmares”).
Nihei Tetsuzō: He uses ‘Ore’ (オレ and 俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 22 & 26). When he talks about his cuisine he uses ‘Nihei’ (ニヘイ) (Chap 23). When he has to fight Retar he defines himself a ‘Kemono’ (獣 “Beast”) (Chap 29) and ‘Ore ippiki’ (俺一匹 “This one animal”) (Chap 29).
Asirpa: Asking Tanigaki if he’s talking about her he calls her ‘Ainu no Shōjo’ (アイヌの少女 “Ainu girl”) (Chap 25). Saying Tanigaki to take her away he calls her ‘Sono ko’ (その子 “This child”) (Chap 28). While talking with her he calls her ‘Ojō-chan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Miss”) (Chap 28)
Dunn, Eddie: Talking about who caused the wolves extinction he calls him an ‘America-jin’ (アメリカ人 “American”) (Chap 24).
Matagi: He refers to them as ‘Matagi’ (Chap 22). Talking about the Matagi he calls them ‘Monooto tatezu ni kōdō suru seiei butai’ (物音立てずに行動する精鋭部隊 “Elite troops acting without sound”) (Chap 23) and ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 23).
Retar: He first calls him ‘Saishū no ōkami’ (最終の狼 “Last wolf”) (Chap 23), then just ‘Ōkami’ (狼 “Wolf”) (Chap 24). When he has to fight Retar he defines him a ‘Kemono’ (獣 “Beast”) (Chap 29).
Ryū: He first calls him ‘Kono inukkoro’ (この犬っころ “This little dog”) (Chap 22), then just ‘Ryū’ (Chap 22). When explaining Ryū is trained not to feel fear when facing a bear he calls him ‘Ainu Inu’ (アイヌ犬 “Ainu dog”) (Chap 24). When they’re spending the night waiting for Retar to show up he calls him ‘Daken’ (駄犬 “Mongrel”) and ‘Yutanpo’ (湯たんぽ “Hot water bottle”) (Chap 26).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: Seeing him he calls him ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 27). When he and Sugimoto escape he calls him by his nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 28).
Tanigaki Genjirō: He first calls him just ‘Matagi’ (マタギ “Matagi”) (Chap 22) then ‘Matagi no heitai-san’ (マタギの兵隊さん “Mister Matagi Soldier”) (Chap 22). He then calls him ‘Matagi no Tanigaki’ (マタギの谷垣 “Matagi Tanigaki”) (Chap 22). He then calls him ‘Omae-san’ (お前さん “You”) (Chap 23). As they’re eating though he calls him just ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 23). Later he claims he’s a ‘Monoshizukana yakko’ (物静かな奴 “Very quiet guy”) (Chap 23). After knowing why Tanigaki was there, Nihei switches to call him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 23). When asking him if he had forgotten how to hunt after being in the war he calls him ‘Matagi no Tanigaki-chan’ (マタギの谷垣ちゃん “Little Matagi Tanigaki”) (Chap 24). When asking him if he’s a Matagi or a soldier he calls him ‘Matagi no Tanigaki ka Heitai-san no Tanigaki ka’ (マタギの谷垣か兵隊さんの谷垣か “Tanigaki the Matagi or mister Tanigaki the soldier?”) (Chap 26)
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Nikaidō Kōhei (二階堂 浩平) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 45) and asks Ogata if he’s supposed to become ‘Esa’ (エサ “Bait”) (Chap 45).
Komiya: He calls him ‘Komiya’ (Chap 46).
Huci: He calls her ‘Bāchan’ (バアチャン “Grandmother”) (Chap 42)
Nikaido Yōhei: He calls him ‘Yōhei’ (Chap 17).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: When attacked by the bear he calls him ‘Kuso Ogata’ (クソ尾形 “Damned Ogata”) (Chap 45) then just ‘Ogata’ (Chap 45)
Tamai: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tamai Gochō’ (玉井伍長 “Corporal Tamai”) (Chap 43)
Tanigaki Genjirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Ano yarō’ (あの野郎 “That bastard”) (Chap 45) and then just ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 45)
Tsurumi Tokushirō: When talking about him he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 45). Talking with him he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi-dono’ (鶴見中尉殿 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi, sir”) (Chap 46)
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 15) and then after Tsurumi has interrogated him ‘Kushi dango yarō’ (串団子野郎 “Dango boy”) (Chap 17). After losing his ears he calls him ‘Sugimoto Saichi’ (Chap 46).
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Nikaidō Yōhei (二階堂 洋平) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”).
Nikaidō Yōhei: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 17).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Kōhei’ (Chap 17).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Temē’ (てめえ “You”) when he asks him what he’s babbling about (Chap 17).
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Nishin Daijin (Nishin goten to Shujin) (ニシン大尽 (ニシン御殿の主人) “Herring Great Magnate (Master of the herring palace)”).
Nishin Daijin: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 40).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: He calls him ‘Tsurumi-san’ (鶴見さん) (Chap 40).
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Noma (野間) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”).
Noma: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 10).
Sugimoto Saichi: Understanding who he is, first he calls him ‘Dai ichi shidan no Sugimoto’ (第一師団の杉元 “Sugimoto of the first division”) then ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 9). Ordering him to get down on his stomach he calls him ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 10).
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Ogata Hyakunosuke (尾形 百之助) - Rank: ‘Jōtōhei’ (上等兵 “Superior Private”) – Nicknamed ‘Kokō yamaneko’ (孤高山猫 “Solitary Wildcat”).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 43). Asking Hijikata if he can work for him he says he’s ‘Ude no tatsu yōjinbō’ (腕の立つ用心棒 “Skilled bodyguard”) (Chap 59).
Asirpa: Talking about her he calls her ‘Ainu no kodomo’ (アイヌの子供 “Ainu child”) (Chap 43).
Chiyoko: He calls her ‘Mekake no ie’ (妾の家 “Mistress of the house”) (Chap 57).
Ejiri Matasuke: He calls him ‘Shochō’ (署長 “Chief”) (Chap 56) and nicknames him ‘Ketsu ago’ (ケツ顎 “asscrack chin”) (Chap 56). He also calls him ‘Ketsu Shochō’ (ケツ署長 “Ass Chief”) (Chap 57).
Hidoro no Okami: He calls her ‘Hidoro Okami’ (日泥女将 “Hidoro’s proprietress”) (Chap 58).
Hidoro Shinpei: He calls him ‘Temē’ (テメエ “You”) (Chap 59) and says ‘Temē mitaina ikuji no nai yatsu ga ichiban mukatsuku nda’ (テメエみたいな意気地の無い奴が一番むかつくんだ “A guy without character like you is the most annoying”) (Chap 59).
Hijikata Toshizō: Discovering his cartridge he calls him ‘Ano jīsan’ (あの爺さん“That old man”)(Chap 57). Saying he has recognized him he calls him ‘ Hijikata Toshizō-san’ (土方歳三さん “Mister Hijikata Toshizō”)(Chap 59).
Kusuda Umakichi: He calls him ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 56).
Mishima: He calls him ‘Mishima’ (Chap 46).
Nagakura Shinpachi: He calls him ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) (Chap 57).
Noma: Talking about him he calls him ‘Noma’ (Chap 43).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Nikaidō’ (Chap 43).
Ogata Hyakunosuke no soba (尾形 百之助の祖母 “Ogata Hyakunosuke’s grandmother”): Talking about her with Nikaidō he calls her ‘Bāchan’ (バアチャン “Grandmother”) (Chap 43)
Okada: Talking about him he calls him ‘Okada’ (Chap 43).
Sugimoto Saichi: In the beginning he uses ‘Kisama’ (きさま “You”) to call him, then, understanding who he is, first he calls him ‘Dai ichi shidan no Sugimoto’ (第一師団の杉元 “Sugimoto of the first division”) then ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 5).
Tamai: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tamai Gochō’ (玉井伍長 “Corporal Tamai”) (Chap 43).
Tanigaki Genjirō: When first meeting him he calls him Tanigaki Genjirō Ittōhei’ (谷垣 源次郎一等兵 “Private First Class Tanigaki Genjirō”) (Chap 42).When commenting it was Tanigaki the one the villagers spoke about he first called him ‘Tanigaki’ then ‘Omae’ (おまえ/お前 “You”) (Chap 43). He defines him a ‘Majimena otoko’ (真面目な男 “Earnest guy”) (Chap 43). He defines him as a ‘Matagi’ (マタギ “Matagi”) (Chap 45).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Talking with Tanigaki he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 43). Escaping from him he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi-dono’ (鶴見中尉殿 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi, sir”) (Chap 46).
Other: Talking about Tamai’s group he calls them ‘Tamai Gochō-tachi’ (玉井伍長たち “Corporal Tamai and the others”) (Chap 43). He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 59).
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Okada (岡田) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”).
Sugimoto Saichi: After Noma told him who he is, he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 9).
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Osoma (オソマ).
Osoma: She uses ‘Atashi’ (あたし “I”) to talk about herself (Chap 12).
Asirpa: She calls her ‘Asirpa’ (アシㇼパ) (Chap 44).
Nikaidō Kōhei: She calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 43).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: She calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 43).
Ryū: She calls him ‘Ryū’ (Chap 44).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: She calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 30).
Sugimoto Saichi: She first calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) then ‘Henna mimi’ (変な耳 “Strange ears”) (Chap 12).
Tanigaki Genjirō: She calls him ‘Sinna kisar’ (シンナキザㇻ Ainu word for “Strange ears”) (Chap 43). She calls him ‘Tanigaki Nispa’ (タニガキニㇱパ Ainu word for “Mister Tanigaki”) (Chap 44).
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Retar (レタㇻ)
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Ryū (リュウ)
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Shibukawa Zenjirō (渋川 善次郎).
Shibukawa Zenjirō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 21).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 21).
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Shiraishi Yoshitake (白石 由竹) - Nicknamed ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 6) although he also refers to himself by his nickname ‘Datsugoku-ō’ (脱獄王 “Escape king”) (Chap 7). Seeing Asirpa asleep he understands she wanted him to stay so he’ll be her ‘Yutanpo’ (湯たんぽ “Hot water bottle”) (Chap 32). He introduces himself to Ienaga as ‘Shiraishi Yoshitake’ (シライシ ヨシタケ) (Chap 51).
Shiraishi Yoshitake & others: He uses ‘Ore-tachi’ (俺たち “We”) to talk about himself Asirpa and Sugimoto (Chap 30).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Sono Ainu’ (そのアイヌ “This Ainu”) when he asks Sugimoto if she’s his ‘Kaiinu’ (飼いイヌ “Pet dog/Pet Ainu”, through it’s actually a wordplay that takes advantage of how the last part of the word aINU is ‘Inu’, which written with this kanji 犬 means “dog”). Meeting her again he calls her ‘Ainu no Gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) (Chap 17) to switch to just ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) when he thinks Sugimoto double crossed her (Chap 17). Explaining to Sugimoto why he came to save him he calls her ‘Okkanai Ainu no musumekko’ (おっかないアイヌの娘っ子 “Scary Ainu girl”) (Chap 18). He calls her ‘Asirpa-chan’ (アシリパちゃん) (Chap 20). When saying they shouldn’t use her as hostage he calls her ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) (Chap 28).
Gifutarō: While escaping from Shiraishi he calls him ‘Dekabutsu’ (デカブツ “Big lump”) and then ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 33).
Gotō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Gotō no Ossan’ (後藤のおっさん “Old man Gotō”) (Chap 31).
Hijikata Toshizō: He defines him as ‘Shūjin-tachi no Oyadama’ (囚人たちの親玉 “leader of the prisoners”) (Chap 7) and explains they thought he was just a ‘Jī-san’ (ジイさん “Old man”), a ‘Seiji-han’ (政治犯 “Political prisoner”), ‘Mohan-shū’ (模範囚 “Model prisoner”) but then discovered he was a ‘Kyū bakufu-gun no samurai’ (旧幕府軍の侍 “Samurai of the former shogunate army”), the ‘Shinsenkumi Oni no Fukuchō Hijikata Toshizō’ (新撰組鬼の副長土方 歳三 “Demonic vice-commander of the Shinsengumi Hijikata Toshizō”) (Chap 7). Meeting him he calls him ‘Hijikata Toshizō’ (Chap 37). Meeting him in a worker lodge he calls him ‘Jijī’’ (このジジイ “This old man”) (Chap 43)
Henmi Kazuo: Talking about him with Sugimoto and Asirpa he calls him ‘Henmi’ (Chap 37). Recalling their past together he’ll call him ‘Henmi Kazuo’ (Chap 38). As the orca starts tossing him around he resumes calling him just ‘Henmi’ (Chap 41).
Huci: After hearing the legend of the gold from her he calls her ‘Bā-chan’ (ばちゃん “Grandmother”) (Chap 30).
Ienaga Kano: Asking her name he calls her ‘Ienaga-san’ (家永さん “Miss Ienaga”) (Chap 51) and claiming he’s falling for her he calls her ‘Ienaga Kano-san’ (家永カノさん “Miss Ienaga Kano”) (Chap 51). When trying to enter in the room he believes she was in, he calls Ienaga ‘Kano-san’ (カノさん “Miss Kano”) (Chap 51). When she injects something in him he calls her just ‘Ienaga’ (Chap 52). When thinking at her as Chicanobu he calls him a ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) (Chap 53). Escaping from her he calls her ‘Hentai isha’ (変態医者 “Perverted doctor”) (Chap 53).
Kiroranke: Asking Sugimoto if it’ll be safe to take him with them he calls him ‘Ano otoko’ (あの男 “That man”) (Chap 49). Telling him they’ve to leave the hotel he calls him ‘Kiroranke’ (Chap 53).
Nihei Tetsuzō: Talking about him he says he is a ‘Ude no tatsu ryōshi’ (腕の立つ猟師 “Ridiculously skilled hunter”) and is nicknamed by pelt trader as ‘Tōmin-chū no higuma mo unasareru akumu no kumauchi Nihei Tetsuzō’ (冬眠中の羆も魘される悪夢の熊撃ち二瓶鉄造 “The hunter who gives hibernating bears nightmares, Nihei Tetsuzō”) (Chap 25). Saying it��s him he calls him ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’ (Chap 27). Comparing him to Ushiyama he calls him ‘Nihei’ (Chap 31).
Retar: When he’s awakened by him he calls him ‘Yōkai’ (妖怪 “Ghost/Monster”) (Chap 17). He then calls him ‘Retar’ (Chap 34).
Ryū: When the two of them fight he calls him ‘Kono wan-bun’ (このワン分 “This small dog”). He calls him ‘Ryū’ (Chap 36). When Ryū escapes leaving him alone with Ushiyama he calls him ‘Kuso Inu’ (クソ犬 “Damned dog”) (Chap 37).
Sugimoto Saichi: At first he calls him ‘Omae-chan’ (お前ちゃん “You”) (chap 6) to switch to just ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) when they risk dying of hypothermia (Chap 7). After they talk, when he says bye to him he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 7). Discovering Sugimoto is still alive despite having been captured by the 7th he calls him ‘Shibutoi yarō’ (しぶとい野朗 “Stubborn guy”) and ‘Sugimoto no yarō’ (杉元の野朗 “That Sugimoto guy”) (Chap 18). Afterward he’ll usually go for ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 18) though he’ll slip back to ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) when talking about him to Hijikata (Chap 37). When Hijitaka will question him further he’ll say Sugimoto is more his ‘Kobun’ (子分 “Henchman”) than an ‘Aibō’ (相棒 “Partner”) (Chap 39). After Sugimoto killed Henmi he comments ‘Koitsu ga ichiban okkane e’ (こいつが一番おっかねえ “This guy is the most dangerous of all”) (Chap 42)
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: Seeing his skin he calls him a ‘Zako’ (雑魚 “Small fish”) (Chap 31).
Tanigaki Genjirō: He calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 36).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Seeing him wear the tattooed skin he calls him ‘Hentai Chūi’ (変態中尉 “Perverted First Lieutenant”) (Chap 19). Talking about him with Tanigaki he also calls him ‘Tsurumitte yatsu’. (鶴見って奴 “That Tsurumi guy”) (Chap 31). Suggesting to report him he calls him ‘Tsurumi Chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 50).
Tsuyama: Talking about him he calls him ‘33-Ri koroshita Tsuyama’ (33人殺した津山 “Tsuyama who killed 33 people”) (Chap 31) then just ‘Tsuyama’ (Chap 31).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: Talking about him he calls him ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”) (Chap 31). Escaping from him he calls him simply ‘Ushiyama’ (Chap 33). As he wonders how he can stops him he calls him ‘Ano abare ushi’ (あの暴れ牛 “That raging bull”) (Chap 33). Asking to the whores if they’ve seen him he called him ‘Irezumi no otoko’ (入れ墨の男 “Tattoed man”) (Chap 34). Asking him what he’s doing at the Sapporo hotel he calls him ‘Anta’ (アンタ “You”) (Chap 54). Hearing Asirpa calling him as such he also echoes her words and calls him ‘Chinpo Sensei’ (チンポ先生 “Professor penis”) (Chap 54).
Wilk: He calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as he didn’t have a face (Chap 7).
Others: Talking about Asirpa and Sugimoto he calls them ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 18). Later when he’ll see a tense atmosphere between Sugimoto and Asirpa he’ll always call them ‘Omae-ra’ (オマエら “You (Plural)”) but it’ll be written in a different way (Chap 20) and he’ll claim he won’t intrude in their ‘Fūfugenka’ (夫婦喧嘩 “Matrimonial quarrel”), basically comparing them to a ‘Fūfu’ (夫婦 “Married couple”) (Chap 20). Talking about Sugimoto and Kiroranke he calls them ‘Sensō kaeri’ (戦争帰り “War returners/veterans”) (Chap 49)
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Sugimoto Saichi (杉元 佐一) - Nicknamed ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 1). Sometimes, when in danger, he also refers to himself by his nickname ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 2). When talking with Makanakkuru he defines himself as ‘Wajin’ (和人 “Japanese”) (Chap 13). Talking with Henmi he comments if he has to he won’t hesitate to become an ‘Oni’ (鬼 “Demon”) (Chap 39)
Sugimoto & others: Talking with Asirpa he refers to himself and Shiraishi as ‘Ore-tachi’ (俺たち “We”) (Chap 27). Talking about himself and Kiroranke he says they’re ‘Nichirosensō kaeri’ (日露戦争帰り “Russo-Japanese war returners/veterans”) (Chap 49).
Asirpa: When he first sees her he just refers to her as an ‘Ainu’ (アイヌ). Then, to talk with her, in the beginning he uses only ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) to call her (chap 1) but later he will also start to use ‘Asirpa-san’ (アシリパさん) (Chap 2). When referring to her in front of Tamai’s group he calls her ‘Ainu no gaki’ (アイヌのガキ “Ainu brat”) (Chap 9). When she calls him stupid he calls her ‘hidoi’ (ヒドーイ “Mean”) (Chap 13). Saying Tanigaki can’t use her as a human shield he calls her ‘Sono ko’ (その子 “This child”) (Chap 28) and says he can’t use her as a ‘Tate’ (盾 “Shield”) (Chap 28). When saying Asirpa wants to save Tanigaki he calls her ‘Ore no aibō’ (俺の相棒 “His partner”) (Chap 30). When Henmi asks him why he’s with her he calls her ‘kono ko’ (この子 “This child”) (Chap 39).
Gifutarō: When meeting him a second time Sugimoto calls him ‘Dekabutsu’ (デカブツ “Huge guy”) (Chap 15).
Gotō: In the beginning he uses ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) to call him (chap 1). When he discovers he was one of the prisoners he calls him ‘Kono Oyaji’ (このオヤジ “Old bastard”) (Chap 1). In front of Asirpa he’ll call him ‘Kono Hito’ (この人 “This man”) (Chap 2). Talking about the skins they have he refers to him as ‘Sake de jinsei kurutta ossan’ (酒で人生狂ったオッサン “Old man who ruined his life with booze”) (Chap 47)
Henmi Kazuo: Talking about him Sugimoto calls him ‘Henmi’ (Chap 38). Later he thinks at him as a ‘Gokuakunin’ (極悪人 “Scoundrel”) (Chap 38). When promising him he’ll think at him he calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 41). When the orca takes him he says they’ve to get ‘Henmi Kazuo’ back (Chap 41). As he comments he saw him gleaming in the end he calls him ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) (Chap 41). Talking about the skins they have he refers to him as ‘Nishin-ba ni ita renzoku satsujinki no ossan’ (ニシン場にいた連続殺人鬼のオッサン “The old serial killer at the herring fishery”) (Chap 47)
Hijikata Toshizō: Asking info about him he calls him ‘Oyadama’ (親玉 “leader”) (Chap 7). Seeing him in the worker lodge he calls him ‘Hen'na jī-san’ (変なジイさん “Weird old man”) (Chap 44). Talking about him he calls him first ‘Hijikata’ then ‘Hijikata Toshizō’ (Chap 47)
Huci: Meeting her he calls her ‘Obā-san’ (お婆さん “Grandmother”) (Chap11) but then he later switches to ‘Obā-chan’ (お婆ちゃん “Grandmother”) (Chap 13).
Ienaga Kano: When she tries to lick Asirpa’s eyeballs he calls her ‘Temee’ (てめえ “You”) (Chap 53) and then ‘Yōkai medama name’ (妖怪目玉舐め“Eyeball licking monster”) (Chap 53). When he’s told she is Chicanobu he calls him a ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) (Chap 53). When she escapes he calls her ‘Okami’ (女将 “Proprietress”) (Chap 53). Saying she was on the second floor with Ushiyama he calls her ‘Ienaga’ (Chap 55).
Kiroranke: Meeting him he asks him if he is ‘Tsurumi chūi no teshita’ (鶴見中尉の手下 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi’s minion”) (Chap 48). Later he calls him ‘Anta’ (アンた “You”) (Chap 48). Later on he’ll calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) but this time is written in Hiragana (Chap 49). When telling Shiraishi he’s hiding something, he calls him ‘Kiroranke’ (Chap 49).
Nihei Tetsuzō: When explaining Shiraishi has to tag along so they can recognize him he calls him ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’ (Chap 26). Talking about the skins they have he refers to him as ‘ Saigo no ōkami o otte ita ryōshi no ossan’ (最後の狼を追っていた猟師のオッサン “The old hunter who was chasing the last wolf”) (Chap 47)
Nikaidō Yōhei: When he says he’ll mark him he calls him ‘Omae’ ( おまえ “You”) (Chap 17). Attacking him before killing him he calls him ‘Hanuke yarō’ (歯抜け野朗 “Missing tooth guy”) (Chap 18).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: When Ogata removes his coat Sugimoto calls him simply a ‘Heishi’ (兵士 “Soldier”).
Osoma: When he asks her for her name he calls her ‘Ojō-chan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Miss”) (Chap 12). Later, when talking with her father, he calls her ‘Osoma-chan’ (オソマちゃん).
Retar: First seeing him Sugimoto calls him a ‘Yaken’ (野犬 “Wild dog”) as that’s what he thought Retar was (Chap 2) and also referred to him as a ‘Dekai Shiroi Inu’ (デカイ白い犬 “Huge white dog”) (Chap 2). When seeing him with Asirpa after his confrontation with Tamai group he calls him ‘Shiroi Ookami’ (白いオオカミ “White Wolf”) and then just ‘Ookami’ (オオカミ “Wolf”) (Chap 11). When seeing Retar running after the deer he missed he calls him just ‘Retar’ (Chap 24) .
Ryū: He calls him ‘Ryū’ and ‘Orikō-san’ (おりこうさん “Mister well-behaved one”) (Chap 36).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: When they capture him with the squirrel trap he labels him ‘Nibikime’ (二匹目 “the second small animal”) they captured (Chap 6). He then calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 6). When Shiraishi is trying to escape he calls him ‘Kono yarō’ (この野郎 “You bastard”) (Chap 6). When Shiraishi tries rub a huge piece of wood to make a fire he calls him ‘Aho’ (アホ “Idiot”) (Chap 7). Then, when searching for the cartridges in the river calls him ‘Temē’ (テメー “You”) (Chap 7). After they talk though, he starts to call him ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 7). When he sees him slipping in his cell through the bars he calls him ‘Yōkai’ (妖怪 “Ghost/Monster”) (Chap 18). When scolding him for not bringing up Nihei was searching for a white wolf sooner Sugimoto calls him ‘Temē’ (てめー “You”) (Chap 26). When Shiraishi can’t find the way Tanigaki went he calls him ‘Aho’ (アホ “Idiot”) (Chap 28). Talking about the skins they have he refers to him as ‘ Datsugoku shite wa tsukamaru dojina ossan’ (脱獄しては捕まるドジなオッサン “The clumsy old guy who escapes from prison only to get caught again”) (Chap 47). When he calls in the water he calls him ‘Kono baka’ (このバカ “this idiot”) (Chap 47) and ‘Yakudatazu’ (役立たず“Useless”) (Chap 47) and once he was fished back he called him ‘Ningyo’ (人魚 “Mermaid”) (Chap 47). Saying he might have gone to Susukino he calls him ‘ Ano ero bōzu’ (あのエロ坊主 “That pervert bald head”) (Chap 55).
Soldiers of the 7th: While talking with the Nikaidō twins he calls the other soldiers their ‘Onakama’ (仲間 “Buddies”) (Chap 18), while when talking with them he calls them ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら and おまえら “You (plural)”) (Chap 18).
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: When they capture him with the squirrel trap he claims he is the ‘Itsupikime’ (一匹目 “the first small animal”) they captured (Chap 3). Talking about the skins they have he refers to him as ‘Dainanashidan ni o uchinuka reta ossan’ (第七師団にを撃ち抜かれたオッサン “The old man shot by the seventh division”) (Chap 47)
Tanigaki Genjirō: When he sees him lying on the ground Sugimoto calls him simply a ‘Heishi’ (兵士 “Soldier”) (Chap 11). Seeing him holding Asirpa as obstage he calls him ‘Kisama’ (きさま “You”) (Chap 28). When asking her if she’s really bringing him to her village he keeps on calling him ‘Koitsu’ (こいつ “This guy”) (Chap 29) When Tanigaki tells them to let him die he calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 30).
Toraji: He calls him ‘Toraji’ (Chap 1). Talking about Toraji with Asirpa he calls him first ‘Osananajimi’ (幼なじみ “childhood friend”) then switches to ‘Senyū’ (戦友 “comrade in arms/war buddy”) (Chap 1). Asking him if he really left his wife alone to see him he calls him ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 35).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Talking with the Nikaidō brothers he calls him ‘Omae-ra no Taishō’ (お前らの大将 “Your commander”) (Chap 16). When thinking he should have pretended to join him he calls him ‘Ano Tsurumi toka iu chūi’ (あの鶴見とかいう中尉 “That lieutenant Tsurumi or whatever”) (Chap 17). When talking with Tanigaki he calls him ‘Tsurumi chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 30).
Umeko: Talking about her with Toraji he uses ‘Umeko’. Calling her he uses ‘Ume-chan’ (梅ちゃん) (Chap 1). When talking with Ogata about why he’s searching the gold he calls her ‘Horeta Onna’ (惚れた女 “the woman he fell in love with”) (Chap 5). He however calls her ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) when he tells her to marry Toraji (chap 6). Talking with Toraji about her he calls her ‘Hanayome’ (花嫁 “Bride”) (Chap 35).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: The first time he sees him he calls him ‘Anta’ (アンた “You”) (Chap 52) and when he tries to cause him to lose balance he mentally calls him ‘kono ossan’ (このオッサン “This old man”) (Chap 52). After he tells Asirpa which sort of man she has to pick he calls him ‘Sensei’ (先生 “Teacher”) (Chap 52). While they fight he calls him ‘Kono yarō’ (コノ野郎 “This bastard”) (Chap 54). Wondering if he died in the explosion he calls him ‘Ushiyama’ (Chap 54).
Wilk: He calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as this was how Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin told him he was called (Chap 6). Learning he might be Asirpa’s father he calls him ‘Asirpa-san no chichioya’ (アシリパさんの父親 “Asirpa’s father”) (Chap 48)
Others: He calls Tamai, Noma and Okada ‘Anta-ra’ (��んたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 9) and then just ‘Henshi-tachi’ (��士たち”Soldiers”) (Chap 17). He calls Nikaidō Kōhei and Yōhei ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら and おまえら “You (plural)”) (Chap 16) and, referring to them after their fight, he calls them ‘Ano futago’ (あの双子 “Those twins”) (Chap 18). He calls Tsurumi and his men ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 16).
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Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin (杉元達を尾行していた囚人 “Prisoner who was tailing Sugimoto’s group”) better known by the fandom as Prisoner number 1 (囚人番号一 Shūjin Bangō Ichi).
Sugimoto-tachi o Bikō Shite Ita Shūjin: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 4). When he compares himself to the other prisoners he defines himself as a ‘Koakutō’ (小悪党 “Small villain”) (Chap 4).
Hijikata Toshizō: He calls him a ‘Kaibutsu’ (怪物 “Monster”) (Chap 4).
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Nī-chan’ (にーちゃん “Older brother/young man”) (Chap 4).
Wilk: He claims everyone called him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) as he didn’t have a face (Chap 4).
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Tamai (玉井) - Rank: ‘Gochō’ (伍長 “Corporal”).
Asirpa: Talking about her he calls her ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) (Chap 9).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: Talking about him he calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 8).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Kisama’ (きさま “You”) to call him and then ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 9). When warning his men to keep distance he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 10).
Tanigaki Genjirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tanigaki’ (Chap 9). Talking with him he uses ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 44)
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tsurumi Chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 44).
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Tanigaki Genjirō (谷垣 源次郎) - Rank: ‘Ittōhei’ (一等兵 “Private First Class”).
Tanigaki Genjirō: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 9). He also defines himself as a ‘Tōhoku Matagi’ (東北マタギ “Matagi of Tohoku”) (Chap 9). When he tells Asirpa to leave him die he defines himself a ‘Ryōshi’ (猟師 “Hunter”) (Chap 30).
Tanigaki Genjirō & others: Talking about himself and Nihei he uses ‘Ore-tachi’ (俺たち “We”) (Chap 25). Talking about himself and the Matagi he uses ‘Ore-tachi’ (俺たち “We”) (Chap 25). Talking about himself and the soldiers of the 7th he uses ‘Ore-tachi’ (おれたち “We”) (Chap 30).
Asirpa: Talking about her he calls her ‘Kodomo’ (子供 “Child”) (Chap 9) and, seeing she tried concealing her steps he called her ‘Kashikoi Ko’ (賢い子 “Clever child”) (Chap 9). While talking with her he calls her ‘Ojō-chan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Miss”) (Chap 9). Talking about her bond with Retar he calls her ‘Shōjo’ (少女 “Girl”) (Chap 25). Holding her as hostage he calls her ‘Kono musume’ (この娘 “This girl”) (Chap 28).
Hanazawa Kōjirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Hanazawa Kōjirō Chūjō’ (花沢幸次郎中将 “Lieutenant General Hanazawa”) and says he was the ‘Kono sakusen no sanbō-chō’ (この作戦の参謀長 “Chief of staff for that operation”) and the ‘Moto dainanashidan-chō’ (元第七師団長 “7th division former chief”) (Chap 31).
Huci: After hearing the legend of the gold from her he calls her ‘Bā-san’ (ばさん “Grandmother”) (Chap 30). When Shiraishi visits him he calls her ‘Obā-chan’ (おばあちゃん “Grandmother”) (Chap 36).
Mishima: He calls him ‘Mishima’ (Chap 46) and ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 46).
Nihei Tetsuzō: He refers to him as a ‘Yūmeina kumauchi’ (有名な熊撃ち “Famous bear shooter”) (Chap 22) whose name was ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’ (Chap 22) and also uses ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) to call him. (Chap 22). Talking about his rifle he calls him ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’ (Chap 44) and then just ‘Nihei’ (Chap 44).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Nikaidō’ (Chap 43)
Ogata Hyakunosuke: Asking him to spare Huci and Osoma he calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei-dono’ (尾形 百之助上等兵殿 “Superior Private Ogata, sir”) (Chap 43). Tanigaki defines him ‘Shageki no tatsujin’ (射撃の達人 “Master Marksman”) (Chap 43). Later he refers to Ogata as just ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形 百之助上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 44).
Osoma: He calls her ‘Osoma’ (Chap 43)
Retar: He calls him a ‘Ezo Ōkami’ (エゾオオカミ “Hokkaido Wolf”) which is what Retar is (Chap 11) and then just ‘Ōkami’ (オオカミ “Wolf”) (Chap 11). He also calls him a ‘Shiroi ōkami’ (白いオオカミ “White Wolf”) (Chap 22). Talking about his bond with Asirpa he calls him ‘Ōkami’ (狼 “Wolf”) (Chap 25). Later, when talking about Retar’s behaviour he suggests he could be an ‘Okuri Ōkami’ (送り狼 “Following wolf”) (Chap 26)
Ryū: He calls him ‘Ryū’ (Chap 36) and defines him a ‘Sudeni shitsuke mo kunren mo sa reta atamanoī ryōken’ (すでにしつけも訓練もされた頭のいい猟犬 “An already well trained smart hound”) (Chap 36). Explaining Shiraishi how he should establish dominance over him he refers to him simply as the ‘Inu’ (犬 “Dog”) (Chap 36).
Tamai: Thinking about him he calls him ‘Tamai Gochō’ (玉井伍長 “Corporal Tamai”) (Chap 43)
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Talking about him he calls him ‘Ore-tachi o hikiite iru chūi’ (俺たちを率いている中尉 “The lieutenant who is leading us”) and ‘Jōhō shōkō’ (情報将校 “Information officer”) (Chap 30), then he refers to him as ‘Tsurumi Chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) (Chap 30).
Tsuyama: Talking about him he calls him ‘Tsuyama’ (Chap 31).
Yodogawa Terunaka: Talking about him he calls him ‘Rentai-chō no Yodogawa chūsa’ (聯隊長の淀川中佐 “Regemental Commander Lieutenant Colonel Yodogawa”) (Chap 50).
Others: Telling Shiraishi Yoshitake & Sugimoto Saichi to drop their weapons he calls them ‘Omae-ra’ (お前ら “You (Plural)”) (Chap 28). Talking about Sugimoto Saichi and his group he calls them ‘Sugimoto-tachi’ (杉元たち“Sugimoto and the others”) (Chap 42). Talking about Ogata and those who betrayed the 7th he uses ‘Yatsu-ra’ (奴ら “Those guys”) (Chap 44) and then ‘Teki’ (敵 “Enemy”).
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Thomas (トーマス).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Talking with him he calls him ‘Tsurumi-san’ (鶴見サン) (Chap 31).
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Toraji (寅次).
Toraji: He uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself.
Sugimoto Saichi: He calls him ‘Saichi’ (Chap 1) or ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”). Talking about their relation he calls him ‘Osananajimi’ (幼なじみ “childhood friend”) (Chap 1). Talking about Umeko he says he was the one ‘Umeko no naka ni’ (梅子の中に “Inside Umeko”) (Chap 35).
Toraji’s mother: Talking about her he calls her ‘Kā-chan’ (母ちゃん “Mother”) (Chap 35).
Umeko: Talking about her with Sugimoto he calls her ‘Umeko’ (Chap 1). He also refers to her as his ‘Nyōbō’ (女房 “Wife”) (Chap 1). Talking with her he calls her ‘Umeko’ and ‘Omae’ (おまえ “You”) (Chap 35).
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Tsukishima Hajime (月島 基) - Rank: ‘Gunsō’ (軍曹 “Sergeant”).
Mishima: He calls him ‘Mishima’ (Chap 46).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘Nikaidō’ (Chap 46).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Ogata’ (Chap 46).
Thomas: Talking with him he calls him ‘Thomas-san’ (トーマスさん) (Chap 31).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: Reporting the situation he calls him ‘Tsurumi Chūi’ (鶴見中尉 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi”) although short after he uses ‘Tsurumi Chūi-dono’ (鶴見中尉殿 “First Lieutenant Tsurumi, sir”) (Chap 34).
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Tsurumi Tokushirō (鶴見 篤四郎) - Rank: ‘Chūi’ (中尉 “First Lieutenant”).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 16) however when he says he’ll bite Sugimoto’s candle he uses ‘Ore’ (俺 “I”) to talk about himself (Chap 16). Talking with Sugimoto he’ll also defines himself ‘Omae no Shinigami’ (お前の死神 “Your God of Death/Your reaper”) (Chap 16).
Hanazawa Kōjirō: He calls him ‘ Dai-nana Shidan no Shidan-chō’ (第七師団の師団長 “Division chief of the 7th division”) and ‘Hanazawa chūjō’ (花沢中将 “Lieutenant General Hanazawa”).
Hijikata Toshizō: Seeing him outside the bank he calls him ‘Hijikata Toshizō’ (Chap 34), then he defines him ‘Bakumatsu no bōrei’ (幕末の亡霊 “The departed spirit of the Bakumatsu”) (Chap 34) then corrects himself and says he is a ‘Kono yo ni urami o nokoshita akuryō-me’ (この世に怨みを残した悪霊め “Evil spirit stuck in this world due to a grudge”).
Nikaidō Kōhei: He calls him ‘ Nikaidō’ (Chap 46), then ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (chap 46), Uragirimono (裏切り者 “Traitor”) and then ‘Kisama’ (貴様 “You”) (Chap 46).
Nikaidō Yōhei: Studying his corpse he calls him ‘Kisama’ (貴様 “You”) (Chap 19).
Ogata Hyakunosuke: Talking about him, first he refers to him as his ‘Buka’ (部下 “Subordinate”), then he calls him ‘Ogata Jōtōhei’ (尾形上等兵 “Superior Private Ogata”) (Chap 16). Pondering about him he calls him ‘Ogata Hyakunosuke’ (Chap 58) and talking about his family just ‘Hyakunosuke’ (Chap 58)
Ogata Hyakunosuke no haha (尾形 百之助の母 “Ogata Hyakunosuke’s mother”): Talking about her with Nikaidō he says she was Hanazawa’s ‘Mekake’ (妾 “Mistress”) (Chap 58).
Soldiers of the 7th: Talking to them he calls them ‘Omae-tachi’ (おまえたち “You” (plural)) (Chap 31).
Sugimoto Saichi: He uses ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) to call him (chap 16), then he’ll use ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) when he’ll try to confirm his identity (Chap 16). When he orders to keep the twins away from him he calls him simply ‘Sugimoto’ (Chap 18).
Tanigaki Genjirō: he calls him both ‘Tanigaki’ and ‘Matagi’ (マタギ “Matagi”) (Chap 13).
Wada: he calls him ‘Wada Taii-dono’ (和田大尉殿 “Captain Wada, sir”) (Chap 13).
Wilk: Talking about him he calls him ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”) (Chap 30).
Others: When saying to keep Nikaidō Kōhei and Yōhei far from Sugimoto he calls them ‘Ano kyōdai’ (あの兄弟 “Those brothers”) (Chap 18). Talking about Asirpa, Shiraishi Yoshitake and Sugimoto Saichi he calls them ‘Sugimoto Ichimi’ (杉元一味 “Sugimoto group”) (Chap 19).
Tsuyama (津山).
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Umeko (梅子).
Umeko: When talking about herself with her child she calls herself ‘Okā-chan’ (お母ちゃん “Mother”) (Chap 15), while talking with Sugimoto she uses ‘Watashi’ (わたし) (Chap 15). Talking about how she’ll escape from Sugimoto she uses ‘Watashi’ (私 “I”) (Chap 35).
Toraji: Talking with him about Sugimoto he calls him ‘Toraji-san’ (寅次さん) (Chap 35) but then switches to ‘Tora-chan’ (トラちゃん) (Chap 35).
Sugimoto Saichi: Calling him she uses ‘Saichi-chan’ (佐一ちゃん) (Chap 1). When she can’t recognize him she uses ‘Anata’ (あなた “You”) (Chap 15). Talking with Toraji about him he calls him ‘Saichi-san’ (佐一さん) (Chap 35).
Umeko’s mother: She calls her ‘Okā-san’ (お母さん “Mother”) (Chap 35).
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Ushiyama Tatsuma (牛山 辰馬) - Nicknamed ‘Fuhai no Ushiyama’ (不敗の牛山 “Ushiyama the Undefeated”).
Ushiyama Tatsuma: He uses ‘Ore’ (オレ “I”) to refer to himself (Chap 37).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Ojōchan’ (お嬢ちゃん “Lady”) (Chap 37).
Henmi Kazuo: Talking about him with Nagakura he calls him ‘Henmi Kazuo’ and ‘Yatsu’ (ヤツ “That guy”) (Chap 37).
Hijikata Toshizō: When he sees him he calls him ‘Hijikata no Jijī’ (土方のジジイ”Old man Hijikata”) but then switches to ‘Jī-san’ (爺さん “Grandfather/old man”) (Chap 12). He later settles on calling him ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) (Chap 21). When he sees him killing though he acknowledges he’s the true face of the Shinsegumi ‘Oni no Fukuchō’ (鬼の副長 “Demonic vice-commander”) (Chap 21) He calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) when he asks him if he plans to make a new Shinsengumi (Chap 21). Talking about Murahashi and Hijikata he calls him first ‘Hijikata Toshizō’ (Chap 52) then ‘Hijikata no yarō’ (土方の野郎“that bastard Hijikata”) (Chap 52).
Ienaga Kano: Seeing her he says she is a ‘Ii onna’ (いい女 “Fine woman”) (Chap 50) then starts calling her ‘Okami’ (女将 “Proprietress”) (Chap 51). When thinking at her as Chicanobu he calls him a ‘Jijī’ (ジジイ “Old man”) (Chap 51). Telling her to say what she knows to SHiraishi he calls her ‘Ienaga’ (Chap 55).
Nagakura Shinpachi: When he first hears his name, first he repeats it, then he calls him ‘Kono Jijī’ (このジジイ “That old man”) (Chap 20) then wonders if he is the ‘Shinsengumi saikyō kenshi’ (新選組最強剣士 “Shinsengumi strongest swordman”) or more specifically ‘Nagakura Shinpachi’ (Chap 20). Talking with Hijikata about the info he received, he calls him ‘Nagakura’ (Chap 21). As Nagakura threaten to cut him in a half he calls him ‘Shinsengumi de ichiban to utawa reta kengō no sako ka’ (新選組で一番と謳われた剣豪の迫カ “The swordman whose martial arts were described as being the best in the Shinsengumi”) (Chap 33).
Nihei Tetsuzō: Talking about Henmi he calls him ‘Nihei Tetsuzō’ (Chap 37).
Shiraishi Yoshitake: Seeing him in front of the brothel he calls him ‘Shiraishi Yoshitake’ (Chap 33) though moments afterward he calls him simply ‘Shiraishi’ (Chap 33). When Shiraishi stabs his forehead with a nail he calls him ‘Shiraishi-kun’ (シライシくん) (Chap 37). Ushiyama defines him someone who looks like a ‘Ahotsura’ (アホ面 “Stupid face”) but who’s actually a ‘Yudan dekinai yōkai’.
(油断できない妖怪 “Apparition/Monster with whom you can’t be careless”) (Chap 37). Telling him they’ll let him live if he’ll let them copy his tattoo he calls him ‘Omē’ (オメー “You”) (Chap 37). Asking how he got a copy of Henmi’s tattoo he’ll use ‘Omae’ (お前 “You”) (Chap 55) and call him a ‘Dojikko’ (ドジっ子 “Clumsy person”) (Chap 55) to switch to ‘Temē’ (てめえ “You”) when he tells him he’s better not try to trick them (Chap 55).
Sugimoto Saichi: Realizing who he is he calls him ‘Fujimi no Sugimoto’ (不死身の杉元 “Sugimoto the Immortal”) (Chap 54).
Others: When he realize Hijikata Toshizō and Nagakura Shinpachi are both ex-Shinsengumi members he calls them ‘Shinsengu no oibore-domo’ (新選組の老いぼれ共 “You Shinsengumi ex-members”) and then ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You (plural)”) (Chap 20). Saying he’ll head off for a bit he calls them ‘Oibore-tachi’ (老いぼれたち “Old guys”) (Chap 33).
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Wada (和田) - Rank: ‘Taii’ (大尉 “Captain”).
Wada: He uses ‘Watashi’ (私”I”) to talk about himself (Chap 13).
Tsurumi Tokushirō: He calls him ‘Tsurumi’ and also ‘Kisama’ (貴様 “You”) (Chap 13).
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Wilk (ウイルク/Вилк) - Nicknamed ‘Nopperabō’ (のっぺら坊 “Faceless male”).
Asirpa: He calls her ‘Asirpa’ (アシㇼパ) (Chap 21). Talking about her with the convicts he calls her ‘Kochōbe Asuko’ (Chap 48).
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Yamamoto (山本).
Chiyoko: Talking about her with Hijikata and Nagakura he calls her ‘Hidoro no Mekake’ (日泥の妾 “Hidoro’s Mistress”) (Chap 56).
Ejiri Matasuke: He says he is ‘Keisatsu Shochō’ (警察署長 “Police chief”) (Chap 55) and calls him just ‘ Shochō’ (署長 “Chief”) (Chap 55).
Hidoro Tamotsu: He say he is ‘Chīsana nishin-ba no Hidoro’ (小さなニシン場の日泥 “Hidoro from the small herring fishery”) and defines him as the ‘Oyakata’ (親方 “Boss”) of the ‘Toba’ (賭場 “Gambling place”) (Chap 55)
Hijikata Toshizō: He asks him if he’s a ‘Yōjinbō’ (用心棒 “Bodyguard”) (Chap 55)
Kusuda Umakichi: He calls him ‘Kusuda Umakichi’ (Chap 55) and says he was Hidoro’s ‘Ichiban no kobun’ (一番の子分 “Right hand man”) (Chap 55). Later he calls him just ‘Umakichi’ (Chap 55).
Nagakura Shinpachi: He asks him if he’s a ‘Yōjinbō’ (用心棒 “Bodyguard”) (Chap 55)
Ogata Hyakunosuke: He calls him ‘Anta’ (あんた “You”) (Chap 55).
Others: He calls Hijikata and Nagakura ‘Anta-ra’ (あんたら “You” (Plural)) (Chap 55).
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Yodogawa Terunaka (淀川 輝前) – Rank: ‘Chūsa’ (中佐 “Lieutenant Colonel”).
Nuances in the words used to say ‘I’
Atashi (あたし or アタシ): The “I” which is an informal effeminate form of watashi. It has a kind of “cute” nuance to it. Because kanji are generally seen as masculine, this word has no kanji form. It is written in either hiragana or katakana.
Boku (僕): The “I” which gives a masculine impression. Perceived as humble, but can also carry an undertone of “feeling young” when used by males of older age. Also used when casually giving deference; “servant” uses the same kanji (僕 shimobe). Can also be used as a second-person pronoun toward male children (English equivalent - “kid” or “squirt”); it is typically used by males, especially those in their youth.
Ore (俺 orおれ): The masculine way to say “I”. This is the word tough guys use, and as such it’s almost never used with a polite verb form. It’s worth to note though that it was also the way soldiers would say “I”, though since Sugimoto and Toraji used it prior to join the army I guess it doesn’t matter.
Watashi (私 or わたし): The standard, gender-free way to say “I”.
Nuances in the words used to say ‘you’
Anata (貴方 or あなた): The most common, average, regular-looking, no-nuance second person pronoun of the language. Basically you’d use anata is when you don’t know someone’s name.
Anta (あんた or アンタ): The “you” which is a shortened version of anata, highly informal and generally rude or admonishing in nature.
Kisama (貴様 or きさま): The “you” who’s currently rude, usually used between enemies and by Japanese males when angry. In old Japan it was actually a term of respect though and, later, it was commonly used among soldiers to talk to each other.
Omae (お前 or おまえ): The “you” used in very informal situations or toward people of lower status. This word feels very “blunt” and can easily come off as rude.
Temē (手前 or テメー or てめえ): The “you” rude and confrontational. Literal meaning “the one in front of my hand”. It’s a reduction of temae and it’s ruder. Used when the speaker is very angry. Originally used for a humble first person. The Kanji are seldom used with this meaning, as unrelated to its use as a pronoun, 手前 can also mean “before”, “this side”, “one’s standpoint” or “one’s appearance”.
Plural suffixes
-domo (ども): It used as a first-person plural it’s humble (Examples: watashi-domo) while if uses as second or third person plural implies the speaker is of higher status than those referred to and can sound derogatory. Basically it can make people’s position low, and can even be used to insult people. Usually written using kana alone. (Examples: Omae-domo, Shinsengu no oibore-domo).
-gata (方 or がた): Roughly it means “Et alia”. It’s used to turn a word into a plural but it’s also more honorific and respectful than -tachi. Basically it can make people’s position high, so it will sound weird if you use it instead than ‘-tachi’ with those who belong to your community. (Examples: Osamurai-san-gata, Danna-gata).
-ra (等 or ら): Roughly it means “Et cetera”. It’s used to turn a word into a plural but it’s rather casual and therefore slightly more rude than -tachi so it should usually only be used with family or the first person unless you have a specific reason for it or you might sound deprecating. (Examples: Anta-ra, Omae-ra).
-tachi (達 or たち): Roughly it means “And the others”. It’s used to turn a word into a plural (Examples: Anta-tachi, Omae-tachi, Henshi-tachi).
Honorific suffixes
-Chan (ちゃん): A diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. Also used to speak about children or among childhood friends.
-Dono (どの or 殿): Roughly means “lord” or “master”. It does not equate noble status; rather it is a term akin to “milord”, and lies below -sama in level of respect. It was also used in place of “sir” in the army.
-Kun (くん or 君): Generally used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status.
-San (さん): The most commonplace honorific and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Although the closest translations would be “Mr.”, “Miss”, “Ms.”, or “Mrs.”, -san is almost universally added to a person’s name and can be used in formal and informal contexts for both genders.
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lolentnews · 5 years
《白色強人》下周一首播 重溫無綫經典醫生角色
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程志美《妙手仁心》(吳啟華飾) 一件白袍配副金絲眼鏡嘅專業醫生樣,就係吳啟華喺劇集《妙手仁心》系列演程至美(Paul)醫生嘅造型。由吳啟華飾演嘅Paul係一名腦外科醫生,俾人感覺做事認真,又有責任感嘅人,加上佢仲對女朋友感情專一,形象極之討好。其實啟華以前好多劇集角色多數都係反派,佢參與《妙手仁心》後一洗過往形象,成為師奶殺手。
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唐姿禮《妙手仁心》(蔡少芬飾) 蔡少芬(Ada)喺《妙手仁心》飾演嘅急症室醫生唐姿禮,唔少網民都話佢係無綫劇集嘅女醫生形象最好嘅一個,顏值仲要超高。喺劇中佢係程至美嘅女朋友,不過患有動静脈血管畸型,需要做手術,昏迷好甦醒。不過可惜喺《妙手仁心II》被濃煙嗆傷而死亡。Ada成功憑擺脫以往扮演舞女及撈女等角色形象,而且更令佢係無綫奠定花旦地位。
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黎國柱《妙手仁心》(林保怡飾) 林保怡喺劇中飾演急症室高級主診醫生黎國柱(Henry),深受女護士歡迎,喺劇中同陳慧珊飾演嘅大律師Annie係情侶關係,可惜最後分手。劇中充滿自信、做事專業、處事低調不誇張,不過就對好多事從來都不愛解釋。保怡更因為劇集《妙手仁心》反應唔錯,成為唔少觀眾心目中「最帥嘅醫生」。
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萬安生《妙手仁心 II》(邵美琪) 邵美琪飾演婦產科醫生萬安生(Anson),喺劇集入面成功營造一個女強人感覺,而且好有正義,好肯幫朋友,劇中更同曹永廉係一對情侶後成為夫婦。劇中嘅邵美琪係女強人,而現實中好多人都知道佢同鄭伊健有過一段7年情,最巧合嘅係佢竟然同現任「伊健嫂」蒙嘉慧有五次一齊同場合作,分別係《妙手仁心III》、《通天幹探》、《廉政行動2004》及《廉政行動2009》。二人相當大方,而且唔係敵人仲要係朋友。
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葉淘《妙手仁心 III》(吳美珩飾) 一直充滿仙氣,深受好多觀眾愛戴嘅吳美衍,係1996年國際華裔小姐競選亞軍,參選後加入TVB。本身佢有種古典氣質,喺《妙手仁心 III》飾演骨科高級醫生葉淘Sarah,一穿上雪白嘅醫生袍,即刻令人好想尖叫,而且俾人感覺仲好專業。劇中佢更與Henry拍拖,雖然仍然喜歡對方,不過最後因為了解而分手。
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高立仁《仁心解碼》(方中信飾) 方中信喺劇中飾演精神科醫生高立仁,形象好深入民心。劇中同蔣志光及黃浩然更係「沙煲兄弟」。佢俾狂徒用介刀介親,迫逼拎拐杖嘅形象深入民心,而且佢每次親自查難雜證都會寫好多資料寫白板上。劇中更與患有家族遺傳精神分裂症嘅重案組探員莫敏兒(徐子珊)拍拖,其後更結為夫婦,不過可惜最後都係陰陽相隔。
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范子妤《On Call 36小時》(楊怡飾) 楊怡喺劇中飾演一位好出色嘅醫生范子妤「魚仔」,更因為一次放工時發現有途人昏迷,經過檢查原來病人係心包出血,佢更決定為病人做心包穿刺後病人康復,後期正式成為心胸肺外科。不過「魚仔」後期患上脊髓內腫瘤,更要丈夫「一件頭」(馬國明飾)親自為佢開刀做手術。劇中楊怡演得出色,而拍劇集時更同羅仲謙撻上,二人更於2016年成為真正夫婦。
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張一健《On Call 36小時》(馬國明飾) 第一輯中飾演一個實習醫生「一件頭」嘅馬國明,劇中同楊怡有一段情後成為夫婦,而���2輯佢更成為精神科醫生。有觀眾好細心睇得出馬國明由第一輯係一位實習醫生,去到第二輯成為正式醫生嘅演技進步。有集講到一件頭嘅太太魚仔(楊怡飾)患脊髓內腫瘤,佢更為太太親自開刀。呢一幕都令唔少觀眾對馬國明加分,覺得佢既靚仔、演技又出眾。
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王甫芬《天涯俠醫》(張家輝飾) 張家輝係劇中一名性格幽默又開朗嘅婦產科醫生王甫芬,人稱草龍醫生。會天生樂於助人、醫術精湛,自細就被爸爸嚴師出高徒。劇中有同梁詠琪及郭羨妮(Sonia)有感情戲。喺劇中佢為咗完成夏曉彤(梁詠琪飾)嘅遺願,於是加入生命動力成為無國界醫生。當中以汽車電壓做心臟電擊器,及用草藥當麻醉劑嘅一幕,令電視機旁嘅觀眾嘆為觀止。
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齊百恒《天涯俠醫》(林峯飾) 心內科醫生齊百恆(林峯飾)天資既聰明,出身於有錢家庭,不過最後父母因為性格不合導致分開。喺生命動力中認識婦產科醫生王甫芬。兩人更因為種種事情,更認識到生命嘅意義。已經離巢嘅林峯喺今年3月返「娘家」無綫,今年年中就會為《使徒行者3》進行拍攝,相信好快就可以喺電視機睇到佢嘅新作啦!
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yahoogossips · 5 years
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圖片來源:《On Call 36小時》截圖
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lonely-night · 6 years
sorry for spamming your dash with milippa I’m having a breakdown about this ship 
and I’m listening this cantonese song I love so much when I was a teen, it’s the theme song of a hk drama series called  “The Hippocratic Crush” (On Call 36小時) here’s the english translation of the lyrics 
或者 於某集我可抬頭欣賞到你 Perhaps, in a certain episode I can lift my head and admire you 或者 一轉念便要失去你 Perhaps, upon second thought I’ll lose you 或者 轉折漸太多 遺忘怎擁抱你 Perhaps, the twists and turns gradually become too much and I forget how to embrace you 或者 擁緊偏已斷氣 Perhaps, as soon as we embrace tightly, the breathing has already stopped
新一章怎可是你我分開 How can the new chapter be about our separation? 可否改寫得像你我當初還相愛 Can it be re-written like the beginning, when you and I were still in love? 只可惜上集難逆轉 Unfortunately, it’s too difficult to reverse the previous episode 傷感的下集仍然未播 我會修改 The next episode filled with sorrow has not aired yet, I will amend it 如果 當晚沒有分神來緊張佈置 If that night we hadn’t gotten distracted with nervously putting our feelings in order 如果 不必誤會再猜疑 If we did not misunderstand then suspect each other 如果 將對白說得平和 不加諷刺 If we had spoken our dialogue more placidly, without adding sarcasm 如果 真的可有下次 If there really could be a ‘next time’
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tagitables · 1 year
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youfallinmyarms · 7 years
[26/03/18]Suits USA Fanfic Rec List 20 (30fics)
The post is in Chinese.
the fics recommended are all English fics.
Rec list 1
Rec list 2
Rec list 3 (7 fics)
Rec list 4 (12 fics)
Rec list 5 (16 fics)
Rec list 6 (15 fics)
Rec list 7 (20 fics/series)
Rec list 8 (8 fics)
Rec list 9 (8 fics)
Rec list 10 (9 fics)
Rec list 11 (12 fics)
Rec list 12 (15 fics)
Rec list 13 (14 fics)
Rec list 14 (13 fics)
Rec list 15 (17 fics)
Rec list 16 (13 fics)
Rec list 17 (22 fics)
Rec list 18 (22 fics)
Rec list 19 (36 fics)
其實早早整理好了,只是之前嫌數量不足,上週想著好歹在回歸前更一發吧,不然真的三年又三年了……然後我倒啦_(:з」∠)_ 努力爬上來招招手,I'm still here breathing!
Tokens of Gratitude
Mike can't sleep without a pacifier. Problem is, Harvey's dragging him to Boston and he forgets to pack it.
Hurt/Comfort, road trip與���夜heart to heart,還有手把手教游水呢。
 One Hour
Mike’s a hooker. Harvey’s a creeper.
 Terms and Conditions
HM PWP. First time, Barebacking.
 Slaughter and May
Modern Royalty AU, British Prince!Harvey&Actor!Mike.
 MORE Suits Tumblr Comment Fics
machtaholic (cinderella81)
這是作者的段子合集,不過我只推International Spies這一段,我認為是八個段子裡最有意思的。
以前推過這個作者的其他文,她是Harvey&Mike父子關係的擁躉,算是寫出一整個系列的AU——相同點是不管在哪一個世界,Harvey與Mike都有這種(真實或類似的)父子關係。這是其中一篇的番外。Adorable little Mike, of course. He makes daddy smile.
 Manhattan Holiday
machtaholic (cinderella81)
《羅馬假日》+Soulmates AU,挺可愛的設定,隨便看看吧。
就是理髮匠的描寫讓我以為隔壁Teen Wolf的大酸狼客串了,讓你們品品:
「The man was tall and broad with almost a perpetual frown and … very judgy eyebrows.」
不過後面他突然就給Mike一個shovel talk,話太多了我確認這不是sourwolf了(x)
Never Say Never系列第一篇。
Hurt/Comfort. Protective!Mike.
Family Tree
 To Please The Client
Harvey needs to unwind after a long day at the office. Cue rentboy!Mike. Does he have what Harvey needs?
One word: Smut.
 Something Stupid Like Fate
Soulmate AU. Different First Meeting.
 A Discerning Eye
jonius_belonius (Joni_Beloni)
Different First Meeting, Successful!Mike AU. Scottie/Harvey提及。作者特地打了個「kinda of a secret relationship?」的tag,問號是一個重點,如另一個tag「Misunderstandings」,這是一個由很多誤會組成的故事:
除了Harvey(認為他們是Friends with benefits),幾乎所有人都覺得大學生Mike是他藏起來的男朋友。
 My Guy
「AU post 6x09. Gallo doesn’t just listen when Mike talks about the camera, he attacks. After getting the call Harvey, only caring about seeing Mike as he couldn’t handle him not being okay goes to Rachel, before speeding to Danbury, to tell her what happened, but as he arrives he is greeted by a sight that he didn’t expect, one that is eerily familiar, and that fills him with rage.」
在PSL等式裡減去Rachel以後,加上了Jeff Malone。他在修正Mike的學術身份上有著非常重要的作用。
 Love Me Tender
A fluffy getting-together fic.
 Hilts' Bar
Mike Ross, former pre-law major and current owner-operator of Hilts’ Bar, meet Harvey Specter, corporate lawyer on a forced sabbatical and slightly needy cabin occupant.
 The Good, The Bad and the Dirty
The night before he has to hire an associate, Harvey takes to his favourite BDSM club to celebrate his promotion. There's no way for him to know how much his one night stand is eventually going to mean to him.
Different First Meeting.
The Unraveling of The Harvey Specter
Another Sick!Mike fic.
 Searching to find myself (all I find is you)
Mike has been gone for three months - and four days, because of course Harvey has been counting - when he shows up on Harvey's couch.
是作者在湯上接的「你還好嗎?」的梗。Future fic. 都在簡介裡了。
 5 times Harvey learnt about Mike's hobbies
Gen,打了marvey tag。5+1,挺可愛的短文,多才多藝小助理和密密縫的老媽子Harvey(不是)
Mike Ross, a witch who has long turned his back on his magical roots, goes to a Summer Solstice festival where he meets a mysterious stranger...
Magic AU. 不算常見體系,但在文裡有通過人物情節作出相應解釋,不難理解。
結尾Mike saves the day的方式讓我想起了Merlin Season 1 Finale ^^
有奇妙的配對→ Travis Tanner/Trevor Evans
 a truth so loud
這位太太的文裡算得上前排水準的一篇Marriage of Convenience fic, 戲假情真的假結婚AU.
 Straight to the Thunder
jonius_belonius (Joni_Beloni)
Mike works for Travis Tanner. Harvey is the adversary. Sparks fly. Events transpire.
↑Literally like that.
Although Harvey Specter is a real dickhead, Mike Ross doesn’t stand a chance at all.
 Problem Solver
Mob!AU, 某種意義上和Pilot一樣的「面試」。
 no consolation (nothing stays the same)
更慘的是這篇背景還是Canon S5前提,Harvey心力交瘁還要去應付Rachel小公主的玻璃心,不過這篇文裡對於Donna和Rachel的描寫,倒是……蠻對頭的。
 Come On Back to Paradise
Mike leaves New York to chase paradise– a full-time job helping disadvantaged clients in California, with his wife Rachel at his side.
These are 5 conversations Mike and Harvey have over the phone, and 1 they hold entirely in person.
 Never Go Back
Season 5 Fix-it.
可以看出作者對英國教育制度不太了解,但人家從第一個課程開始就是編的所以也算是邏輯自洽(咦)作者手法稚嫩、真情實感地為Mike編造了一個無敵的開掛過往,半AU地交叉了一下BBC Sherlock ,給小夏送了個便當之餘還給小麥造了個十七歲牛津大狀單槍匹馬告到莫娘甩褲的神壇(捶地)我真的忍不住一路哈哈哈, 特別到了後面回到事務所和Jessica的談話真是尬出天際,讓我有種作者似乎不曉得怎麼正常對話的錯覺,marvey調情寫得非常努力卻彷如作文課被先生點名起立朗讀課本——
 show me where my armor ends
I’ll see you in the drift.
Pacific Rim AU.
It Is You, Babe
Harvey has slept with Mike last night and now he's being an idiot.
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leaveharmony · 7 years
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So, in the issue of もえプロ about Shinsuke which Rachel, who as you know is the actual best, found for me in Japan, there’s a section for 100 questions & answers with the man himself.  As I was gonna be translating it anyway (as best I can with limited skill), I thought I may as well post the results.  The format will be Q // translation of Q followed by A // translation of A, with my notes in brackets with two asterisks  (**).  This will crop up when I have something to add or I’m a little shaky on the meaning or if the meaning tooootally escapes me...  As w/ the questionnaires in “Be,” any tips on bits I’m clearly stuck on from native speakers or ppl with more advanced study under their belts than I have would be appreciated lol.
1. プロレスラーなろうと思ったのはいつ? // When did you decide to become a pro wrestler? 中学生  //  (as a) Middle school student
2. 一日の練習量は? //  How much do you practice daily?
その日によります。//  It depends on the day.
3. 柔軟方法は? //   (I think this is asking him how he stays flexible?)
戻すときに息を吐く。 //   (I’m not sure what he says here but it’s something about breathing / exhaling, like ‘it comes back to me when I exhale’)
4. 試合前にするジンクスはある? // (** I think, are there ‘jinxes’ you do before a match? as in like...does he put the whammy on an opponent beforehand lol)
あるけど、 教えません。 //  There are, but I won't tell.
5. 今まででいちばん苦しかった試合は? // So far, what was the most painful match?
覚えてないです。 // I don't remember.
6. 人生で初めて買ったプロレスに関するものは? // What was the first pro-wresting (related) thing you bought in your life?
プロレスの本。。。小説だったと思います。 //  A pro-wrestling book...a novel/short story, I think.
7. プロレスにやっていてよかったと思う瞬間はどんなとき? //  (** nother guess, but, I think they're asking about moments when he think it's good he's doing pro wrestling?)
違う世界を見られたとき。 // (** Times when he sees a 'different world'?)
8. ファンからの声援は聞こえる? // Can you hear the cheers from the fans?
聞こうとすれば聞こえます。// (**auto-translator spits this out as ‘If I hear it I hear it’ but I dunno how accurate that is...it sounds a bit indifferent lol)
9. 寮生時代の得意料理は? // (** I'm pretty sure they're asking him here what his specialty was when he was in charge of making the food at the dojo/dorm during his early days - young lions do the cooking and cleaning, etc.)
ちゃんこ // Chanko (**chanko is a very protein-heavy stew made in large quantities, traditional in sumo stables and, as it happens, pro wrestling dojos lol)
10. ファンにもらってうれしかったものは?// What are you happy to receive from your fans?
何でもありがたいです。// I'm grateful for anything/everything.  (**I would be remiss if I didn’t include this link tbh.  Any excuse.  lol.)
11. 巡業の移動中、 バスの中でしていることは? // When traveling on provincial tours, what do you do on the bus?
雑誌や本を読んだり、 タブレットいじってます。  あんまり寝てないです。 // I read magazines, mess around with (my) tablet.  I don't sleep much.
12. 巡業に必ず持っていくものは? // What do you always bring on tours?
お財布、 ケータイ、 試合道具 // Wallet, mobile (phone), ‘match tools’ (his gear/etc).
13. 幼い頃に憧れていた選手は? //  As a young child, what player (wrestler) did you admire/were you attracted by?  
プロレスに憧れてました。// I admired/was attracted by pro wrestling. (** as in, all of it and not necessarily any one person)
14. コスチュームやポーズはどうやって生まれる? // How do you come up with costumes and poses? (** technically they're literally asking how his costumes & poses are ‘born’)
自然とです。 //  Naturally/spontaneously.
15. 今いちばん闘いたい選手は? // Who do you want to fight most now?
ダニエル・ブライアン // Daniel Bryan (** this magazine was published in 2015, so, prior to his official retirement)
16. 試合をしてみたかった伝説の選手は? // What legendary (wrestler) did you want to (fight)?
アンドレ・ザ・ジャイアント // André the Giant
17. ライバルは誰ですか? // Who's your rival?
人と比べないから。。。わかりません。 // Because I don't compare myself (to others)....I don't know.  (** you're a rotten liar and Tana is RIGHT THERE, sensei!)
18. CHAOSで好きな選手は? // Who in CHAOS do you like? (**this is a fast and loose translation but that's what they mean lol)
みんな好きよ。// I like everyone.
19. CHAOSメンバーと飲むことはある? // Do you go drinking with any CHAOS members?
ありますよ。 いちばん多いのはYOSHI-HASHIです。// Yes I do.  Most frequently, YOSHI-HASHI.
20. CHAOSメンバーを家族になとえると? // (** they're asking if CHAOS were a traditional family who would fill what role)
お父さんは邪道さん、 お母さんが外道さん、 長男は矢野さん、 オレは腹違い // Jado is mother, Gedo is father, Yano is the eldest son, I'm a son from a different mother (**autotranslate spat out “I'm a mistake” and it took me a while to stop laughing about it)
21. YOSHI-HASHI選手の体が最近引き締まったような気がしますが、 どう思いますか? // I feel like YOSHI-HASHI's body has recently become more toned, what do you think?
目の錯覚です。 // It's an optical illusion.
22. これまででいちばん痛かった技は? // What technique (move) hurt the most?
若手の頃に受けたスコット・ノートンのチョップ // When I was young I was chopped by Scoot Norton.
23. 棚橋弘至選手との対戦でいちばん印象的なのはどの試合? // Which was the most impressive match with Hiroshi Tanahashi?
ハイフライフローをグーパンチで迎撃した。。。。両国国技館でやった試合です。 (** his answer is basically ‘the one where I punched him out of the air when he was doing a High-Fly Flow...the match was at Ryogoku Kokugikan.’  He obviously doesn't remember which match it was and amazingly, neither do I, offhand)
24. どうしてそんなにアーティステイックに、 カッコ良く楽しそうに、 プロレスをしているの? //  Why are you so artistic, cool and happy when you're doing pro wrestling?
たった一度の人生だから! Because we only have one life!  (**YOLO to you too, sensei)
25. プロレスラーとしての職業病はありますか? // Are there occupational diseases for pro wrestlers?
刺激を求めすぎる。 //  To seek out/want too much stimulation/excitement.
26. 海外に行くと新日本プロレスの選手でいちばん人気だそうですが、 それを受けてどう思いますか? //  When NJPW wrestlers go overseas, you seem to be the most popular, how do you feel about receiving (that kind of adulation)?
良かったって感じ。 // It's a good feeling.
27. リング上でいちばん恥ずかしかった経験は? // (**they're asking about the most embarrassing experience he's had in the ring but I'm not sure if they're specifically asking if it was his most embarrassing, or just something he witnessed)
矢野通の投げた木槌が自分の頭に当たったとき。// The time Yano threw a wooden hammer and it (**either hit Shinsuke in the head, or hit Yano in the head...I'm not sure!  自分の頭 could be ‘my own head’ or ‘his own head.’  Either way I'm not surprised it involved Yano and a little proud that it didn't involve Tacos...)
28. 黒いタイツと赤いタイツのどっちを穿くかどうやって決めますか?  // How do you decide between wearing the black tights or the red?
順番です。// There's an order.
29. 使わなくなったコスチュームはどうしてる?// What about the costumes you don't wear anymore?
全部保管してあります。  人にあげたりはしません。 // I keep them all.  I won't give them to anyone else.
30. コスチュームのこだわりは? // (** ok they're...asking about his costumes but it could be like...his fixation or pickiness or criticism? about them)
パターンとか切り返しでデザイン性を出すようにしています。// (**Yeah I'm not sure about this at all. '切り返し' is a sumo move called a twisting backward knee trip so he might be talking about freedom of movement but other than something about pattern and design I have no idea)
31. 若手時代にいちばん恐かった先輩は? // When you were a young lion, who was the scariest senpai?
寮長の矢野通 // Dorm leader Yano Toru
32. プロレスの師匠は? // (who is the) master of pro wrestling?
いろんな方 // Various people
33. 新しい技の開発予定はありますか? // Do you have plans to develop new techniques (moves)?
急に生まれます。 // They are suddenly/unexpectedly born.
34. いちばん期待している後輩は? // Which kouhai (jr. at work, just...someone coming up behind him, younger) do you expect the most from?
オカダかな。// I guess Okada.
35. 自分の試合は見ますか? // Do you watch your own matches?
見るときもあれば見ないときまります。 // (**this boils down to sometimes, I think....the specifics escape me)
36. 最近、 いちばん美しいと感じたものは? // Recently, what's the most beautiful thing?
海 // the sea
37. お気に入りのアパレルブランドは? // Favourite clothing brand?
いろいろ // Various.
38. お気に入りの飲食店は?// Favourite restaurant?
コーヒーの美味しいところ。 // Place(s) with delicious coffee.
39. 何フェチ? // (** this again...lol....at absolute face value they're asking what his fetish is but it could also be passion/enthusiasm, which seems more likely)
いろいろ // Various
40. 好きなアーティストは? // Favourite artist(s)?
絞れません。 // I can't narrow it (down).
41. 肉体的・精神的 にくじけそうになったときの回復方法は何ですか? // How do you recover when you feel physically and spiritually/emotionally drained?
忘れること // (I) forget about things
42. レスラーの皆さんは食事量が半端ないイメージですが、 中邑さんの食事量はどのくらいですか? // All wrestlers have an image of eating an impressive amount, how much do you eat?
普通です。// A normal amount
43. 夜寝る前に必ずすることは? // What do you always do before you go to sleep at night?
歯磨き // Brush my teeth
44. どんなクルマに乗っていますか? (**this seems to be asking what kind of car he prefers to like...ride in...rather than drive?)
窮屈なクルマは好きじゃないです。 I don't like narrow/tight cars.
45. プロ野球はどこのファン?  (**....this is asking...to what extent he's a baseball fan?  I think?  Which he wasn't at all as a child, he hated baseball but his dad was fanatical about it)
野村克也さんが監督されてたときはちょっと気になってましたが、 あんまり見ません。(** to the best of my ability, he's saying he had a bit of feeling for it when Katsuya Nomura was a coach but doesn't watch much otherwise)
46. 今、 プライベートで行きたい国は? // Now, what country would you like to go to privately (**as in, not for work)
北欧、 アラスカ、 南米、 南極 // Northern Europe, Alaska, South America, Antarctica
47. お気に入りの国は?// Your favourite country?
モロッコかな。// Morocco (**kana, I think, would mean ‘I wonder,’  or ‘I guess,’ so he's not sure but I guess that was the first thing that came to mind)
48. 京都弁はいつ使いますか?// When do you use Kyoto dialect? (** I didn't know there was such a thing!)
使いません。  実家では丹後弁です。// I don't use it.  My parent's house is in Tango province (**I guess whatever dialect that is its range doesn't extend that far?)
49. サーフィンを始めたきっかけは? // When/how did you start surfing?
ブラジル人柔術家がコパカバーナでやってるのを見て。 // (** he says something about a person who does Brazilian Jujitsu in Copacabana...he's really led an interesting life, huh?  lol)
50. 初恋はいつ? // When was your first love?
幼稚園 // Kindergarten
51. 好きな女性のタイプは? // What type of women do you like?
いろいろですね。// Various types...
52. 苦手な女性のは? // What (type of) women do you not like?
完璧主義者 // Perfectionists.
53. 女性がする好きな仕草は? (** This came up in 'Be' as well...it seems to be like, ‘what're your favourite way for a woman to act/behave/gesture’)
女性らしければ。。。。何でも。 (**this is even more confusing but he could be saying  ‘If it's feminine...anything’ or just ‘if it's a woman, anything,’ I'm just not sure)
54. 今いちばんハマっていることは? //  What are you most caught up by/addicted to right now?
サーフィン // Surfing
55. カラオケで必ず歌う曲は? //  What song do you always sing at karaoke?
尾崎豊の「ダンスホール」 // “Dance Hall” by Yutaka Ozaki
56. お姉さんからは何と呼ばれていますか? // What do your (older) sister(s) call you?
真ちゃん // Shin-chan
57. スマホカバーは? // Is there a cover on your smartphone?
落としても大丈夫なやつ // It's safe to drop it
58. 好きなお酒は? // Favourite alcohol?
赤ワイン // Red wine
59. ファッションのこだわりは? // Are you obsessed with fashion?
自分の中の流行優先です。 // (** I think he's saying he has his own fashion preferences)
60. 美術部時代の代表作は? // What was the most important work/masterpiece of your art club days?
アクリルで描いた三十三間堂の絵。  たぶんモノはないと思います。 // Acrylic paintings of Sanjusangen-do (**a Buddhist temple in Kyoto).  Perhaps there isn't (one definitive work), I think.
61. 酔っ払うとどうなりますか? // What happens when you get drunk?
寝ます。// I fall asleep.
62. 試合のない日の服装は?// What do you wear on a day without a match?
Tシャツ、 短パン、 草履 // T-shirt, shorts, sandals. (**this is crocs erasure, sensei)
63. 叶えたい夢は? // What's your dream?
南の島で暮らしたい。 // I want to live on a southern island.
64. ほかのスポーツでやってみたいものは? // What other sports would you like to do?
スケボー。  前にやってたんですけど、 ちゃんと教わってみたいです。 // Skateboarding.  I've done it before but, I'd like to learn a bit more properly.
65. 着信音は? // (what's your) Ringtone?
設定は変えてません。 // I haven't changed the default setting.
66. 苦手な人タイプは? // What type of people are do you dislike? (**what type aren't good)
すぐに怒る人 // People who're quick to anger / lose their temper quickly.
67. 苦手なものは?// (** I think, based on his answer, they're asking him what he doesn't like eating...though it's literally more like “What stuff is bad?”
カエル、 うなぎ、 干し椎茸を戻したヤツはちょっと。。。。生椎茸はOKです。// Frog(s), eel(s), (**...something about a guy who returned dry shiitake mushrooms???  But he says that raw shiitake mushrooms are ok...)
68. 最近増えてきたプロレス女子についてどう思う? (**I'm not certain...this is either asking him about how he feels/what he thinks about the increase in joshi puroresu - women's wrestling...as in about more promotions/wrestlers?  or like, about more women liking wrestling?  I always thought that joshi puroresu was written in reverse order but maybe it's not set in stone and that is what they mean)
いいと思います。  人生を謳歌してるじゃないですか。 //  I think it's good.  They're enjoying their lives, aren't they?  (**assuming he's referring to the women being...hypothetically referred to lol)
69. 視力は? //  (how's) your eyesight?
両目とも2。0くらい //  It's about 2.0 in both eyes (**I think this essentially means 20/20)
70. 握力は? // (what's your) grip strength?
計ったことありません。 //  I've never measured it.
71. 肺活量? //  Lung capacity? (**(I think)
計ったことありません。  数値に興味がないので。// I've never measured it.  I'm not interested in numbers/numerical values.
72. ヒゲ何mmですか?  // How long/what length is your beard?
73. サーフボードはどのくらい持っていますか?  // How many surfboards do you have?
5本  // 5
74. 得意料理は? // What's your cuisine specialty (** special dish?  One he's best at making presumably, now vs. his days in charge of the chanko)
アヒージョとか // Things like dried fish in garlic oil
75. 好きなスナックのポイントは? // (** this....seems to be them asking him something about what snacks he likes...snack points??? but his answer is confusing in this context)
インテリアが昭和なこと // (** because it's like “The interior of the showa period” which is like an historical era both in Japanese history and also a sort of slang they use to refer to a certain period of NJPW history, which, hoo boy did it take me a while to work that out in his book.  Though plugging it into a google image search does bring up some kinda like...packaged fried shrimp or something so maybe it's a brand?)
76. 京都の峰山に行ったらここに行くべきというオススメの場所はどこですか? // Where would you recommend (people) go when in the Mineyama area of Kyoto? (** where Shinsuke grew up)
日本海 // Sea of Japan
77. 体形維持のために気をつけていることは? // How do you maintain your figure?
夜いっぱい食べたら朝少ししか食べない。 // If I eat a lot at night I only eat a little the next morning.
78. メガネは持ってますか? // Do you have glasses?
失くしたまま作ってません。 // (** he says something about losing them...but I'm not sure what.  失 is an alternate for 無 in 無くす, to lose / get rid of.  作る has a lot of meanings and none of them make this any clearer.  He does have glasses, I've only seen him wear them once in a while though)
79. 海に入るのはどれくらいですか? // (** they're asking him when he goes into the sea how long he stays)
2時間くらい //  Around 2 hours
80. 今、 プロレス以外にやってみたい格闘技は? // Now, other than pro wrestling, what martial arts do you want to do?
テコンドー // Taekwondo
81. バスケ部時代のポジションは // When you were on the basketball team your position was?
ポイントガードとセンター //  Point guard and center.
82. バスケ部経験者として「SLAM DUNK」でいちばん好きなキャラクターは? // As someone experienced (in being on a basketball team), who's your favourite character in SLAM DUNK? (** it's a manga lol)
三井寿 // (**I have like...no experience with either basketball or SLAM DUNK but I think he names ‘Hisashi Mitsui’)
83. クルマの運転得意ですか? // Are you a good driver?
過信はしてません。  好きです。 //  I don't overestimate my ability.  I like it.
84. 初めて買ったクルマは何ですか? // What's the first car you bought?
ポルシェ911カレラ // (**I don't wanna question him here but...unless he only bought his first car fairly late in life I really really doubt that his first car was a like, $100,000+ Porsche 911 Carrera lol.  But hell, maybe he did!  Maybe it was.  What the hell do I know?)
85. どうしてそんなに速くサインが書けるのですか? // How do you write an autograph so fast?自分のリズムで書いてるから。 // Because I'm writing to my own rhythm. (**he used to, obviously, sign his name in kanji rather than that swirly cursive thing he does now.  It looked like this:
Tumblr media
...and it never occurred to me that writing names that way would take a while but now it’s pointed out, Tana takes quite a while writing out his in that one documentary....but I digress)
86. コーヒーはどうやって飲みますか? // How do you drink your coffee? ストレート。  朝イチはミルク入れるかな。 // Straight.  If it's first thing in the morning I put milk in, I guess.
87. 好きなスイーツはありますか? // Do you have a favourite sweet (candy, dessert)? ピーナッツバター //  Peanut butter
88. コレクションしているものはありますか? // Do you have collections? 冷蔵庫につけるマグネット // Magnets for the fridge (**....cat butts?!)
89. 香水はつけますか? // Do you wear perfume? (**cologne, they presumably mean, aftershave maybe) 今はつけません。// I don't wear it.
90. サイン会や握手会などのイベントでドキッとしたことは? // What startled you during a meet and greet? 親戚の知り合いが来たとき。 // When my relatives & acquaintances come.
91. おふくろの味は? // What's the food like mom used to make / the taste of home cooking? へしこ // Pickled fish in rice-bran paste (heshiko)
92. 最大の失くしものは? // (**this is phrased kinda weird like "What thing is your biggest loss" but maybe it means what he loses most frequently, or a lot of?) 現金(笑)// Cash (lol)
93. Tシャツは何サイズ? // What's your t-shirt size? LかXL // Large or extra large
94. 女性は年上と年下ではどちらが好み? // Do you like older women or younger women? どっちも  //  Both/either 
95. 描いた絵はどこに保管していますか? // Where do you store the paintings you've painted? 自宅の物置 // The storage room in my house
96. 洋服はどこで買いますか? // Where do you buy your clothes? ツアー中に地方で。 // In places during tours.
97. 朝パンですか?  ごはんですか? // (** they're asking about his breakfasts...lol.  Like if he has bread in the morning for some reason, or cooked rice) ごはんが多いかな。// Lots of rice, I guess.
98. 何歳まで現役を続けたいですか? // How long do you want to keep actively working? わからない。 // I don't know.
99. 30歳を過ぎて変わった部分ありますか?  (** something about...if things have changed since he was 30?  If his role has changed?) これと言ってない。// (** 'I can't say this'?)
100. 好きな言葉は何ですか? // What's your favourite word? 「自由」というものを表現に落とし込むようにはしてます。 // (** he says 'Freedom' but then goes on to add something about...trying to...express the concept or...apply it to expression or...some damn thing, I don't know.)
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